#FMA/HP wand concept
shiny-huntress · 1 year
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So in @asthmaticbee FMA/HP crossover fic, The Truth Will Out (and you will pay your dues), Ed’s wand is one made of Ebony wood with carvings that remind him of the/his gate. Always a sucker for designing wands for characters from other franchises wands, I took up that challenge.
Btw, Ed has by far the most annoying gate to try and convert into wand carving. Like look at these three side by side and tell me Al’s would not be the easiest to turn into a wand
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Anyways, I chose the Madagascar Ebony for the species of wood due to it having a reddish tint to it. I also found a picture that made the color picking really easy and all the colors (not the yellow) for the raised and lower sections are picked from that picture and tweaked with darkening color effects and opacity sliders. 
I wanted the carvings to echo the many staggered circles of Robert Fludd’s interpretation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, as do the raised feathers that are tinted a deeper red at the base of the wand, though I couldn’t include all ten of them. At the top, we get the crown, tinted yellow to stand out from the darker carvings around it and flames coming out from the top. The feathers also have little circles on them that I think are even more raised and are polished to the point of looking like stones are inlaid into the wand. I mean the wand is made by Truth, I can theoretically make it as extra complex as I want.
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