#EH Eclipse
rainfallnightmare · 8 months
Chapter 6
Deadly Mistake
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(Experiment Sun, Moon and Eclipse x Caretaker Y/n)
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warning: Shocks, Swearing, character death, Blood
word counts: 1257
July 22th, 2087
Sunny’s POV:
Y/n has been staying with us in the facility for almost 2 days now. I was both happy and worried since this Marcus human has been a problem to Y/n. It was both a good and bad thing since when Y/n is here. Cause the good would be that Marcus littles helpers won’t be bugging us very much but it’s a bad thing because Y/n can still get hurt because of these helpers.
It was around midday and Y/n was away for a little bit cause they mentioned getting something from home. Now I wouldn’t be worried if Simone was there with them to get whatever they needed. But with Marcus out there and Y/n was alone to retrieve their belongings worries me ten times more. “Sun I know you're worried about Y/n safety but you got to believe in them” Moon said as he placed his hand on my shoulder as he and Eclipse were by my side.
“I know Moon” 
Letting out a soft sigh. I changed into my “Ghost” form that Y/n called and floated in the air for a bit. As we waited for Y/n to get back. I heard a door open as both Moon and I turned to see Marcus co-workers were in our chambers. Both Moon and I hissed that the humans since they always caused us harm when Y/n not here. “Oh quit your hissing you freaks” Marcus’s right hand man said rudely making Moon and I even more defensive. Soon as the humans got closer, I didn’t see that they had their stun sticks with them til I heard a zipping sound.
“Be gone you humans, before you ask for a quick death!”
The Humans just laughed as the right hand man walked even closer. “Not going to happen” Before I could say anything, all of us heard a door open and saw Y/n walking in on time.
When I got back from retrieving my laptop and a few books. I stopped when I entered my celestial astral’s chamber to be met with Marcus' crew. Seeing Anna, Marcus's right hand man/gal, I had a bad feeling that she was trying to do something with the subjects.
“Why are you here? You guys were told multiple times to not be here as they are no longer your concerns!” I glared at Anna who just let out a sarcastic laugh as she turned towards my direction. “Like we were gonna listen to you or the director, you of all people should have been the one to have left but as these freaks were nothing more then experiments to test and kill” Anna said holding one of the stun sticks that caused Sun and Moon to growl at. Eclipse was watching as two of Marcus' men were keeping him at bay while the rest was with Sun, Moon and I.
“Like I would let you do that to them, now leave or else” I tossed my belongings to the ground as they were in a secure case so my laptop wouldn’t get broken. I looked to see that Moon and Sun were ready to attack Anna or the others if they made a wrong move as I walked over to her. “Or else what you monster lover, you have no power over me or my crew” Anna pointed the stun stick at my torso as she was ready to press the button to shock me.
“Their not monster’s unlike you and Marcus, Now call your crew back and leave before you get them killed”
Anna was itching to do some kind of harm whether it was towards me or to the guys. She does like taking orders from anyone who is lower rank than her but I didn’t give a damn since she was no better like Marcus. “Be careful sunstar” Sun said worryingly as Anna quickly turned towards him and Moon. “Shut your mouth experiment!” Anna growled as she turned to me.
Before I could have said anything. All of us heard screaming as Anna and I looked to see two of her crew were slaughtered by Eclipse. Anna then got trigger happy and turned on the stun stick that gave me a painful shock to my system.
It was so painful. Anna smirks and shocks me again til I drop to the ground. “Pathetic” Anna turned off the stun stick but then gasped when she got tackled down and was held by her throat. "Wrong move human" I heard as I painfully opened one eye to see that Sunny was ready to kill Anna.
Before I could say anything. Sun picked Anna up and threw up to a wall that caused her to die from the impact. "S-Sunny" I called out to him while I goran at the pain that was inflicted onto me from the stun stick. The rest of Anna and Marcus' crew quickly booked it as they didn't want to die. I felt someone picking me up and had me against their chest.
"I got you comet" 
It was Eclipse as he had me in his arms while Sun and Moon chased out or killed any person that was in Anna’s crew that stayed behind. I tried to move my arm but the pain only got worse as I gritted my teeth and my arm just went limp for now. “Fuck it hurts” I laid my head against Escipse chest as he just holds me in his arms that was covered in blood.
“Are you alright Star” Moon and Sun came over to us once everyone was gone or dead. I wanted to move but I didn’t know how long the pain from the stun stick would last. “In pain but alive” I gave the trio a painful smile as Sun slightly cupped my cheek against his large astral hand. “Only if they would have listened to your warning sunstar, now you're in this condition because of their foolish act” Sun lightly caressed my cheek while moon carefully took my limp hand in his and Eclipse just held me and gently ran a claw lightly against my hair. “People are just selfish and ignorant here, sometimes I wonder if I am the same as them” I closed my eyes and tried to relax to let the stun pain ease up a bit.
“Your not like them comet”
Eclipse spoke as Moon and Sun agreed with him. I open my eyes to look at the three. “How do you know that?” I ask even tho it was a very dumb question for them to answer. “We know because sunstar, your heart glows with care, sympathy, love and bravery to us astral beings” Sun said as he gently tilted my head towards him. As I was about to comment on his statement, I was silent by sun pressing his astral lips against mine in a kiss.
This took my breath away for a moment as Sun broke the kiss. I was speechless yet happy as Moon took his turn and kissed me. After Moon had his moment of kissing me, Eclipse had his turn when moon broke away. I was warm both inside and out when all three of them showed me this side of them. “Hope you understand that your ours comet” Eclipse mentions once he broke the kiss. I chuckled softly and nodded my head since I chose this fate of mine.
“I know”
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xxlegitcookiezxx · 2 months
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Understandable. Have a [insert cosmic event here]
From a convo with @gemstoneandtriangle
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eyenaku · 1 month
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portrait of a laughing fool (ref: portrait of a laughing fool c. 1500)
Fool belongs to the super neat @venomous-qwille !!
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he coincidentally ended up next to a carrousel horse which amuses me thoroughly
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socksandbuttons · 4 months
Ok, so, I know its been a minute since this was brought up in an episode (or i really am just bad with remembering time frames), but remember when Moon said something along the lines of If Ruin is evil, that means Solar is the only Eclipse worth keeping alive?
Well, I was just looking back at some of your old art and remembered SWAP ECLIPSE. You know, Eclipse that takes the place of Moon???
Is THAT one not worth keeping alive? I understand old Moon sucked and that 'Old Eclipse' would suck too, but wouldn't this mean that Eclipse would also get reset if they are literally living through the same thing as our dimension Moon?
Or did Moon just forget about that one???
(Not really relevant to the rant but I also wanted to say I love your art-)
I mean in Moon's perspective. Solar IS worth it cause like he's known him longer and all. Even Old Moon sent Lunar to Solars dimension because like thats a NIce Eclipse he chillin. But like... YEAH HE MIGHT'VE FORGOTTEN THAT UNIVERSE TBH but also maybe he meant like... whats CURRENTLY in his universe too. Since Ruin IS an eclipse technically.
So- i did go thru that episode recently to see somethings. But yeah Swap Eclipse is RESET too. However since I was working on this au with the assumption he wasn't- We'll see if I go with that or not.
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h-didanart · 20 days
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Join me as I stuff every single member of the Celestials into formal wear
Things are gonna get fun :)
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
Spoilers ahead!!!
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[no actually I was streaming this in discord to friends and I literally slammed my hands on the desk when I first saw KC—] 🕺🕺🕺
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Swamp things @missterious-figure Eclipse is uh pretty
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aeb-art · 6 months
sunny found some mistletoe, so he got tons of christmas kisses <3
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moonlit-dreamers · 13 days
"if youre gonna kill me can you kiss me first" is such a sun/eclipse line and no i wont be taking criticisms
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rainfallnightmare · 8 months
Chapter 1:
The problem
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(Experiment Sun, Moon and Eclipse x Caretaker Y/n)
Genre: Slight angst to Fluff
Warning: Shocks, injuries and Swearing
word counts: 1578
June 19th, 2087
You were doing your report for today's work. 
It was a long day so you didn't mind it at first. That was until you heard a loud roar like scream from down the hall. Worried about what was happening, You stop and quickly enter the room where the noise was coming from. It was a horrible sight as one of the scientists was shocking the subjects Sun, Moon and Eclipse. This wasn’t the first time that these experimental subjects been torture by the scientists cause the government allows it.
You knew that if you didn't stop the scientists. They would have ended up killing poor creatures. Dangerous as they are, You happen to intervene in the process causing the scientists to almost shock you. “Are you fucking insane, what were you thinking?!” One of the male scientists as there were four of them around. Three of the scientists were holding long stun sticks to keep the subjects away from them in case they tried to attack. The fourth scientist was just writing stuff down on their clipboard as he was the one that yelled at me.
“Insane or not, you're gonna end up killing them if you don’t stop” I said while gritting my teeth in anger since these scientists don’t seem to give a damn about these subjects. I’m just a regular office worker/caretaker. I was assigned to take care of the three being behind me so they can stay healthy and alive tho they don’t trust humans one bit.
Subject 220 Sunlight or Sun in what I call them is an astral like creature with a solid form that could change into its ghost like form. Sun mostly had two colors on them which were yellowish or gold and white. Is like 10 ft tall and a bit shy when not being threatened.
Subject 221 ShadowMoon or Moon is Sun twin astral. Moon is the opposite of the Sun and likes to be in its astral form but when they are in their solid form. Moon has three colors which are black, blue and white. Again like Sun, Moon is also 10 ft tall but is more aggressive and will attack someone who is threatening to them.
Subject 222 EclipseRise or just Eclipse is one of the deadliest beings out of the three. Unless Sun and Moon, Eclipse astral being that is just fully solid and extremely hot to touch like the actual sun. Eclipse is a foot taller than Sun and moon, has red, orange and yellow with a little of black on its markings for its color. Eclipse is aggressive and very much not shy at all and would kill a person on the spot if they were threatened.
All four of the scientists glared at you before they just left you alone with the subjects. Letting out a sigh and carefully turning to see the three being behind ya. You could see the three were exhausted, in pain and hurt. You want to help them but with their current situation that was caused by the scientist. You know the most you could do is let them rest and keep an eye on them.
The three astral beings know you're not a threat to them since you were the only one that actually cares about their well being. Seeing that you nearly got shocked, they did get worried for a bit since you could have been in their condition. “Why did you get in their way? You could have gotten hurt!” Moon said as Sun frowned and Eclipse looked annoyed but was relieved that you didn’t get hurt. 
“I did it cause, I care about you guys”
Moon POV:
“I did it cause, I care about you guys”
Hearing those words from this human. It’s not something the three of us get to hear a lot because of Y/n being the only human that was decent and kind. Y/n keeping their distance from us was respectable but there was a time we wished that they would be a bit more brave and come towards us a little more. Humans were confusing and curious things but for Y/n. They were curious but it was when they first started to work here as our caretaker.
Sun was the first to move towards our human as he picked Y/n up in his better condition arm and held them close. Y/n didn’t seem bothered by it since it wasn’t the first time Sun had done this to them. Y/n being gentle as they were. Lightly pat and stroke Sun cheek as it was one way to calm him down.
Y/n POV:
Sun being a sweetheart and gentle. I smiled and lightly pat and stroke his cheek which makes him purr softly. I always find it cute as Moon and Eclipse also get like this when I give them some kind of affection. While I gave the sun some light affection, I did examine to see how all did he and the others have that needs to be treated.
“I know you guys hate that I have to treat your wounds but it has to be done or you’ll get worse”  I said to them softly as Sun looked at me with scared eyes. “D-do you have too little comet?” Sun whined at the thought of it but I nodded my head. “I know you don’t like it sunny but I promise to give you guys affection and treats if you behave for me” I gently cup Sun cheeks as Moon and Eclipse come over and surround me between their bodies.
The three looked at each other when I pulled my hands back a bit. I hated seeing the three of them injured because the scientists and the government wanted their blood sample and such. Eclipse was the first to speak up which caused me to look at him.
“We’ll let you treat us, we won’t be able to do it ourselves because of how exhausted and sore we are”
Eclipse softly said as he took one of my hands in his and gently held it. Moon took my other hand and placed it against his cheek that was cold but nice. I was glad that they were gonna let me treat them since this was something rare they allow to happen. “Alright, I need to go get the supplies so mind letting me down?” Sun nodded as he set me down on the ground when both Moon and Eclipse let go of my hands. 
As I went to go to the first aid closet that was next door. I felt someone grab my arm as I turned to see it was one of the scientists. “What do you want?” I said bluntly and harshly because I nevered the person.
“Why do you care so much about these stupid and idiotic experiments? You're just a regular worker here?!” The scientist looked at me all annoyed and confused. “If i didn’t stop you guys from torturing the subjects, All of your sorry asses would have either killed” I said with a growl as I turned back to grab the large first aid kit. I wasn’t gonna let them do something stupid to get themselves killed because of their carelessness. When I was about to leave and head back over, the scientist again grabbed my arm and slammed me against the shelf behind me with all the other supplies.
“Don’t test my patients rookie, your will stay out of my way or I’ll make you”
I started to get pissed off by this person. Not only did they lay their hands on me, slam me against a supply shelf but also threatened me. I slammed my head against the person causing them to back off in agony. "I don't give a damn about what you want me to do, if you keep this up then I won't save your asses the next time" I hissed at the scientist as I felt the room and went back over to start trying the astral boys.
"I'm back guys"  I said while giving them a forced smile to hide my irritation. Moon turned to see me as he came over and picked me up in his arms. "You alright little comet? I sense some anger in ya" Moon spoke softly as he brought over to the others. I let out a sigh and leaned my head against Moon's cool chest.
"One of the scientists tried to overpower me by rank and threaten me when he slammed me against one of the supply shelves because he didn't like the idea that I was being caring to you guys" I said honestly since lying to the guys wasn't the smart idea.
I felt Moon boy tense as I heard him and the other two starting to growl. "The nerve that humans have" Sun said as he normally tries to stay calm. Eclipse kept quiet but knowing him, he would be trying to kill the scientist the next time he sees them.
I lightly knock on the first aid kit to get the three attention. "I'll be alright, right now I need to focus on treating you guys first" I looked at each one of them before carefully getting on Moon's hands. I held out my right hand to the guys while holding the first aid in my left.
"So who wants to go first?"
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roemantics · 2 months
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starays13 · 10 months
I now want to see Damsel! Eclipse wearing a dress while in the Mindscape.
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Your Eclipse is in another castle
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
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Solar buddy... the lights are astruggle eternally. ALSO LUNAR AND MOON... SUNNNNNNN earth beloved hello beautiful
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icedmetaltea · 5 months
Missed 2 months but eh might as well
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feralmoonlight · 1 year
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Sunshine and a Bastard
I think... i need to redesign that clip.. he is awkwardly crunchy to draw. At least in color choices.
I kinda lowkey hate them so he will be revamped *mostly the main body/face colors i think. They were not wise on my part*
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So Cries the Wolf - Chapter 1
Text Count: 6439
Warnings: Violence, general threat
Chapter Summary: On top of your daily work as a forest ranger, management drops an ambitious project on your hands - fix up a broken jester animatronic for the park’s purposes. Your project quickly gets out of hand, and you have to come to the understanding that you now have a new housemate.
Notes: Due to a lack of AO3, I’ll be posting chapters here and making a chapter index attached to my pinned post. Enjoy the first chapter!
Once again it was morning, and once again you’d been awake from about three o’clock. Dappled sunrise knocked through the windows, curtains be damned, and cast a warm glow across your bed and the far wall of your cabin. Thin gold and red lines in the wooden panels caught the sunlight, gleaming all too perfectly, as if one of them hadn’t given you a splinter just yesterday. All too quaint and rustic. You knew better.
You knew that this small building you spent most of your nightly life in ran predominantly on the generator out back, feeding the small collection of electrical appliances you’d bought yourself so you could have coffee in the morning and noodles in the night. You knew that the new septic tank that management had gotten through in setting up a month ago was continuing to be tetchy, leaving you on your toes for the next call you’d have to make to have some poor plumbing tech guy driving out into the middle of the woods to figure out why the pipes had blocked up again (you’d do it yourself but you have neither the arm length, sanitary equipment, nor courage to avoid breaking it completely). And most of all, you knew that instead of sandalwood, mahogany, any of those fancy wood smells - no, that didn’t exist here. You got as much floral scent as the last collection of air fresheners you picked up last week would provide, and then it was just chemicals, old paper, vinegar from your last limescale treatment of your kettle, and dog odor. Technically you’d already stopped noticing most of those smells but you noticed people looking at you in concern whenever you went into ‘civilization’, aka the town about four hours out.
Your latest batch of early hours activity was now spread across the desk in front of you. A large laminated copy of the Amberhill Woods region is unrolled and weighted down with two mugs from your overnight tea drinking, a bowl of milk dregs and a remaining cereal scrap, and a paper weight of a beaver you’d gotten as a gift many years ago. You vaguely remember who it was from. An area is circled in red - your ‘zone’ of monitoring, patrolling, and responding to any alerts whether it was someone spotting a bear or a couple of kids getting too eager to climb a tree and failing to figure out the way down. In the middle of this red zone is a red X - your cabin. Tonight, within the red zone, there’s a number of blue Xs, scattered around within a blue squiggled shape. Books were left opened on the desk, a notebook full of thoughts and bookmarks off to the last available open space. Lines were being drawn, connections were being made. You knew you had a strong inkling of what you were dealing with out there - you just needed the opportunity.
The sound of claws and footfalls on wood caught your attention. Wandering in from his waiting in the kitchen, a large black dog meandered up to your side. Lots of people loved to speculate on his breed, you’d heard them all. Melanistic German shepherd, husky mix, a high wolf percentage mongrel. Every time you’d laugh awkwardly and admit that the vet hadn’t been able to tell you a breed when you rescued him, so you just call him ‘dog’. 
Montague’s snout pushed up towards the desk, and you provided your hand, running it down along the back of his head and into the thick fur of his neck. Whining plaintively, he began to nudge at your hip. 
“Breakfast already?” Well, sunrise had come about. And you knew you had a meeting with your ranger lead in…a small shock of panic hit you as you batted around for your phone underneath the papers and books. The chirpy clock app on screen told you it was 7:34am, and that the local area was due to have [BLANK] weather conditions. Because like hell you were going to pay fees for constant WiFi in the middle of nowhere. Still, there was slightly less panic to be had, but now you had an actual deadline looming.
With an hour and a half to go, you followed Montague to the kitchen and started scrounging around for your morning meal. Considering the dog judgment on his face, you figured that another bowl of cereal wasn’t going to cut it. Instead you pulled out the last of your bacon and a couple of eggs, setting it all to fry on your electric stove as the coffee machine hummed to life (if you counted excruciating blitz noises as a hum). Montague sat patiently by the table, waiting for the plate of bacon to come wafting past his nose and be placed down on the floor next to him. The pair of you ate in relative peace. A soft breath between races. Your phone buzzed with an alarm that you had an hour to get to the ranger center, as you siphoned your mug of coffee into a thermos flask. Montague had already grabbed his collar and leash by the front door, and waited for both to be secured before you stepped out into dewy fresh air and bright morning sunlight.
“I spent too long in front of the desk lamp,” you commented to Montague as you rubbed your eyes, hoping to readjust quicker to daylight instead of house light. You trudged over the dirt footpath and twigs to the lock-up that acted as a garage out here, removing the padlock with practiced ease. As nice as cycling was, you had less than an hour to get to your meeting and the dirt tracks didn’t take kindly to bicycle wheels at max pace, so the quad bike it was. Montague hopped up into his seat, giving you a glare as you fixed a helmet onto his head. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you know you have to wear this when you ride,” you grumbled back. You’re certain dogs aren’t supposed to look this grumpy. It would have to be something he’d be practicing once you both got back from the meeting. In fairness on his part, dogs didn’t normally have to wear head protection when riding on quad bikes, but management had insisted on health and safety regulations for any passengers on ranger property. Setting your own helmet in place, you locked up behind you, double-checked the doors, and then sped on along the makeshift road. You’d timed it all right, you’d be fine for sure.
About five minutes late, you stumbled up the steps to the massive log cabin that was Amberhill Forest Services. You could already see Anthony and Rebecca in discussion from one of the meeting room windows, but soon everything was chockablock blurred by the rapid form of Phoebe dashing over from the reception desk.
“Hi! Oh gosh you’re so late,” she said rapidly, dreads swinging around her cheeks. She’d picked up new pink streaks since you last saw her, it suited her. 
“Barely late,” you replied, a laugh already on your lips.
“So late, it’s terrible, Ant said we were going to be relegated to endless coffee duties for this,” Phoebe went on dramatically, before her voice switched around to a more level but still peppy tone: “Okay but he did ask for us to wait a few minutes. He needed a private word with Becca.”
“Does this mean I can get coffee?”
“Yeah! They installed the new machine last week, it is so good.” Phoebe gave you a small nudge as you both started to head through the office. “I may have leveraged management to give us some customizations. We are in syrup heaven, my friend! If you like caramel or hazelnut, that is.”
“Truly a marvel of our times.”
The office wasn’t quite bustling or buzzing just yet, with a couple of forest wardens having come in to retrieve their weekly schedules and some administrative staff moseying around the kitchen area with coffee and breakfasts ahead of the day’s slog. You wondered at times if you could have continued taking on a role like that - sat behind a computer or files of paperwork for hours at a time, communicating with teams to coordinate movements and reports. No, the forest held so much of you now, you had to be out there. 
Phoebe made you both coffee, dumping an unethical amount of syrup into her mug while you just added your regular preferences. In comparison to the output of your machine back in the cabin, this was practically decadent. There was a fair amount for you both to catch up with - you worked in the south east while Phoebe worked in the north, beyond the initial slope of Skeel Peaks or as the team here called them The Dragon’s Teeth. Since you worked so much by yourself (okay, you and Montague), it was a breath of fresh air to chat aimlessly, and Phoebe was the sweetest breath of air in this office. Always in with a positive cheer and able to spin a bad situation into an opportunity. 
In the middle of recalling an instance of maintenance with one of the radio towers and a particularly raucous deer, you spotted Anthony poking his head into the open office area. He didn’t look upset, but he wasn’t looking happy either. It was enough to step a stiff lump in your gut.
“We’re up,” you said quickly, taking coffee in hand and with Phoebe following you as closely as Montague. You all made your way over to the meeting room, with Anthony going ahead and holding the door open for you both. 
“Glad you could make it this early,” he said, rubbing a hand over his chin. It seemed like he was giving the whole beard thing another attempt, but currently it was at five o’clock shadow stage and it only made him appear even more tired than he actually was. “So, easy things first. Phoebe, there’s been some reports of rain damage on the trail up from the north side of the Skeel Peaks slope, I need you to go check it out and report on how bad it is. Also someone’s spray painted the emergency generators by Radio Tower Three again, and we’re losing signal over there, so that’ll need a wash and general maintenance check.”
“Yeesh, our local painter’s getting antsy,” Phoebe mumbled. You wrinkled your nose in distaste - bad signal meant anyone trying to contact the Services could well be fresh out of luck if the signal dropped at just the wrong time. Rubbing your fingers together, you forced yourself to focus back on the conversation as Anthony was detailing your particular work. 
“- continued tree vandalism, so you’ll need to be increasing your patrols to make sure the culprit gets caught. Don’t need to arrest them if it looks like someone you can’t handle, if needs be just tag them and bring the photo here so we can contact the police force and get them involved,” he explained. “Any questions from either of you?”
“Not here.”
“Good. Now for the complicated stuff.” Anthony paused, letting out a long sigh, before stepping over to a pair of large crates that had been unceremoniously shoved to the corner of the room. Heaving the lid of one open, he gestured inside. “Management got these during a charity auction sale, funds going towards that Fazbear Cooperation after the arson attack on its Pizzaplex. Something about…anyway, they want to renovate the bear to be a fire safety mascot and the jester to be around the kids play area. Apparently it used to be a daycare attendant so if the coding’s still in there, all the best for us.”
You exchanged a surreptitious look with Phoebe, who gave you a confused one of her own. It was no secret that management had tried a few ideas to connect with the general public in attempts to raise funding, whether through community activities, charity runs, or supporting various businesses. At the end of the day, the public paid for the work you all did, so getting as much of that support as feasibly possible benefitted you all. But….second-hand animatronics? You stepped over to the open crate and - 
“Oh my god.” The words spilled out before you could stop them. The bear animatronic (Freddy Fazbear, you recognised him pretty quickly from adverts and cereal boxes) had some serious dents going on, and one of his hands had been practically mauled. There were also scorch marks over parts of his legs, with joints in the ankles and feet being partially fused together. You stepped back to give Anthony a serious look, before stepping over to the other crate.
The jester had fared so much worse. It looked like it’d had a grinning sun for a face, but one of the rays had been snapped off and another was jammed halfway in. The ruffles around its neck had been burnt, as had the fancy gold and red trousers. One hand was full detached and placed almost reverently on the chest. Sections of the arms had been shredded open like it’d been ripped from paper instead of metal. And there were scorch marks everywhere. This guy had been hit much worse by the fire than Freddy. 
“Oh my god,” you repeated, because what else could you say. Anthony began to scold you before letting out another long sigh, pressing his fingers to his forehead. 
“It’s an ambitious plan,” he said, words repeated many times from other people. “Rebecca has agreed to start working on a promotion plan and sorting out how these animatronics are going to be set up. We can’t have them wandering into the woods, of course. Phoebe, you said you have a master’s in physical engineering, right?”
“That’s right,” she replied, peeking into the Freddy crate. “You want me to fix these guys up?” You could already see a plan formulating in her head. She wasn’t smiling though. Montague kept sniffing the jester’s crate, sneezing loudly before glancing up at you. It wasn’t a comforting look.
“Just the bear please.” That was confusing. Why not give both animatronics to Phoebe? Unless…oh. The penny dropped in your mind as you looked back towards Anthony with a cold shock. 
“You know I can’t - “
“I know you aren’t an animatronics expert,” he interrupted. “But this…it needs your skills to deal with it.” His hands squeezed tightly together.
“...so it’s - ”
“And management didn’t know?”
“I’m sure they didn’t.”
“And how do you know?” That question made Anthony pause, and his hands squeezed tight enough you thought the knuckles might pop out. After a moment he rubbed at his wrists, and in the moment he pushed up his sleeves just enough, you could spot a faint purple bruise ringing his right wrist. The dripping cold in your stomach roared into a spark of indignation, before just as quickly subsiding. No-one needed to see you lose your cool, especially if Anthony wasn’t going to talk more about what had happened.
“Okay, okay,” you stepped in before Anthony could try to figure out his reasoning. “I’ll take it back and fix it up. I won’t be able to bring it back as well as Phoebe would, but that’s what Google’s for, right?” It pained you to say it, but you’d be needing that WiFi this time around. Maybe you could subsidize it under company use, since you were fixing up their stuff. Regardless, the relief on Anthony’s face was palpable. 
“Thanks, you two. I’ll let you know if I hear anything else from higher up. Until then, keep me in the loop on how the projects go,” he explained. Leaving Phoebe to talk to him about how she was meant to carry the Freddy and crate back to her station, you wrapped your arms around the jester crate and hauled it out of the room. Maintaining balance on the steps down to your bike was hazardous but just about manageable. Montague looked on in mild disappointment as you strapped the crate down onto the back of the bike, taking his seat away. 
“Sorry, you’ll have to walk this one back,” you explained. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.”
He sneezed again. The rising disappointment was becoming tangible. With one last glance into the crate, where that burnt up tangle of wire and cloth smiled endlessly at the sky, you set the quad bike into gear and began a far slower run back to your cabin.
The animatronic was dropped on your work desk with a metallic clattering, limbs left to go wherever they desired. Guilt temporarily hit your stomach - you hadn’t meant to be careless with it, it was just heavier than you’d anticipated. Wiping your brow, you set the arms and legs more neatly on the table before acknowledging you were procrastinating on the next step of this progress.
“So…haunted,” you said aloud.
“Anything can be haunted from a place of destruction,” Montague responded, wandering around the table. “And from what we gathered from the newspapers, the arson attack was considerably destructive.” His nose poked up over the edge of the table, sniffing at the nearest part of the animatronic for a brief moment before he sneezed and stepped away.
“Okay, but we need to figure out what exactly has gone down with this guy,” you said, pulling out your last measure of research desperation, your laptop, and plugging it into the cabin’s Ethernet system. You didn’t want to keep calling it things like ‘jester’ or ‘robot’ or ‘it’ for the next month or so, surely it had a name somewhere. 
“Well, your colleagues believe you’re the expert on that,” Montague commented as he wandered past you and towards the doorway, prompting you to laugh drily. 
“I’m serious. This is pretty big, and if I don’t do it right, my job might be on the line.” You weren’t sure for certain, but considering Anthony had gotten this project from management and promptly passed that responsibility to you, your nerves were going haywire from this. 
Your internet search provided some results. Pictures of a much cleaner and put-together sun jester inside a brightly lit daycare center, alongside a more calm moon jester. It looked like you’d gotten the ‘Sun’ model of the Daycare Attendant. Bittersweetness washed over your heart as you scrolled through multiple pictures of Sun, posed for press releases and candid photos taken by parents of children he was looking after. That animatronic looked genuinely happy, for someone with a permanent smile on his face. He looked alive. Now you had to dissect his mechanical corpse and root out a ghost from his circuits.
“Don’t worry,” you said quietly, reaching out to pat the Sun’s shoulder. “We’ll get you back up and running properly like you have before.”
Sun’s one functioning hand promptly snapped up and grabbed your wrist, squeezing until you could feel something pop. As you let out a pained yell, you watched as skin formed across the metal, pulling away slowly. Red ribbons decorated with batter copper bells managed to extract themselves from the arm, followed by a long limb of burnt purple feathers. You were pushed backwards from your chair, another pair of arms beginning to rise with the new chest that was extracting itself from Sun’s body. Metal popped and scratched on the table surface with the movement, feathers growing and promptly vanishing into the new body that was breaching into this reality. Finally from the head came another disc face, wide eyes open and dark, amber circles forming the pupils. Another smaller pair of eyes perched atop these huge eyes, one red with a while pupil and the other deeply pale with no visible pupil in sight. As the lanky form dragged clawed and scaled feet off the table and onto the floor, an array of dark feathers with ends lighting up in flickering fiery yellow and burning orange fins flared out around the umber face, lighting up the crescent moon stamped onto half of the face, and a mouth split open far, far too wide to naturally fit a creature with such a head.
“Knock, knock, who’s there?” a voice purred from the being’s gullet. It loomed over you, dragging you like you weighed nothing, another hand reaching out to grab your chin and force you to stare up at it. Your face was only just about level with its chest, where the symbol of an eclipse, watery sun rays extending out from a black circle with a pale crescent moon in the middle, glared back at you. “A little mouse come sneaking around, like its other mousey friend. But this one smells so much better.” Teeth gleamed within the open maw, and the eyes widened even further. Hunger dripped from it, although your gut said it wasn’t technically going to eat you. Maybe yet. The claws gripping your cheeks tightened, ice cold against your skin, leaving you barely able to wriggle in this creature’s grasp. 
“What do you want?” you wheezed out. 
“Freedom,” it hissed. “Free of this miserable metal shell we have been stuck in. Free of the screaming and the noises and that voice. You…you can give us freedom. I can smell it on you, salt and herbs and blood. You know what we are.”
“...Well, not exactly-” Wrong answer. Another hand grabbed your shirt collar and hoisted you up into the air, leaving you gasping and kicking uselessly. 
“I know what you are,” the creature spat. “Hunter.”
“Montague,” you wheezed.
A blur of shadow and smoke burst through the door, briefly canine in shape as it launched into the creature. You were dropped to the ground, inhaling deeply and clutching your hand to your chest as the pair of entities fought blindly. The table was knocked over, Sun’s body clattering to the ground, and you had to dodge a flailing clawed leg that nearly scratched part of your cheek off. Your attacker snarled and spat insults a plenty, but came to a halt as Montague physically pinned him down, a thick paw shoving the face into the wooden floor. For a while there was silence, your heavy breathing and coughing breaking true stillness, before the new entity began to laugh.
“Hypocrisy! True hypocrisy!” it cackled. “You bind yourself to what you seek to destroy!”
“I don’t seek to destroy anything,” you replied hoarsely, staggering back upright. “I just deal with anything that wants to kill. Which means you need to start speaking fast.” A rumble of warning echoed from Montague’s gut.
“I could deal with them now and be done with it,” he growled.
“No. They came from Sun. I want to know how and why,” you replied firmly. 
“Sun,” the entity whispered. “Yes, they called us that. Sun and Moon, we were.”
“You…were Sun?”
“No. But yes.” The entity shrugged weakly, and yet still managed to give off a sense of smugness. “I came from them.” 
You were still struggling to wrap your head around this creature’s insinuation that the Daytime and Naptime attendants had been the same individual, let alone half of everything else they were spouting off. The lack of oxygen you’d been hit with wasn’t helping. Rubbing your face, you swiped away thin beads of blood from where no doubt those claws had pierced your cheeks. Not enough blood for a bonding however, which you were a little grateful for. 
“You…came from an animatronic,” you said slowly. “But animatronics don’t have souls to corrupt.”
“Clever and true. And yet, here I am.” Two arms spread out in a greeting, bells jingling fainty. Montague was watching you, waiting for your command. Staring down at the entity, this thing that had managed to form from the memory banks of a Sun (and Moon?) animatronic, you made a choice. 
“Eclipse,” you said firmly. The entity reeled, wriggling and spitting at you. Putting a name on a nameless thing meant it could be controlled in some way. Names were powerful, and you were observant enough to put cues together for a correct and meaningful name. With that response, you knew you had a winner. “You’re going to help me figure out what happened to this animatronic, you’re going to help me fix them, and you’re going to explain how the hell you ended up existing.”
“...I can help you with two of those three,” Eclipse replied, their voice returning to that low purr they’d greeted you with. “The last I would consider you to be helping me, more than the other way around.”
“You don’t know how you came to exist?”
“Not a clue. I woke up, and I was…” They trailed off, waving a hand around. “Mind telling your guard dog to get off me, pup? It’s hard to think on the floor.”
“I think we’re quite well here,” Montague responded. 
“I agree with Monty,” you added. “Go on, keep talking.” Eclipse’s mouth twisted into a snarl, but that was all.
“I woke up and I was here. Alive. No past or thoughts, just here,” they snapped. “I became.”
Even demon summonings came with history. People couldn’t just make a new demon or cryptid out of spare parts, like an animatronic. And Eclipse was frankly too developed to be a newly birthed being. You pressed your thumb to your lower lip, thinking for a while before stepping away. New fresh guilt appeared on your tongue at the sight of Sun left tossed on the ground. Without much word, you righted the table and dragged the Daycare Attendant back onto it. Montague and Eclipse watched in silence. Once you were satisfied with how Sun was laid out, you exhaled heavily.
“Let them up, Monty,” you murmured. The dog-like shape of shadow growled in upset, but complied, stepping off Eclipse and manifesting in solid matter by your side. 
“They hurt you,” he grumbled.
“Lots of things hurt me, and you don’t kill all of them,” you retorted quietly. “Besides, I think they need me. Isn’t that right?” You speak up louder now, catching Eclipse’s attention. “You need me to fix Sun so you’ll be free.”
“Clever,” Eclipse purred, pushing themself back to their feet. “I knew you were a better pick.”
“Well, you also tried to break my coworker’s wrist, and nearly did the same to mine,” you snapped back. The pain was pulsing through your hand and lower arm, and quietly you worried that they had actually broken something there. You did not need a hospital appointment on your schedule. Continuing to grumble to yourself, you marched from the room and towards the kitchen, Montague obediently at your heel.
“You really can’t be serious about this,” he said, watching as you pulled a first aid kit from one of the cupboards.
“Unfortunately Monty, I am serious,” you replied with a sigh.
“They tried to kill you!”
“Intimidate me? Yes. Maim me? Maybe. Kill me? No.” It was hard to pop the kit box open with one hand, but you managed with some elbow leverage. Finding the ice pack, you cracked it and laid it across your wrist, hissing as the cold began to seep into the muscle. “They said so themself. They want freedom from ‘that metal shell’. They’re stuck to the animatronic somehow, like an unwilling possession on both parties.” You could see Eclipse beginning to creep into the room, leering through the doorway. You didn’t care right now, the adrenaline of the situation petering out. “They can’t fix the animatronic themself though, or go through the process of separation. That’s where I come in.”
“You fix it, you exorcize it, and Eclipse goes free,” Montague said with a distasteful snap of his jaw. “What stops them from slaughtering you afterwards?”
“Don’t know. We’ll get there when we get there.”
“And why keep them alive now?”
“Because they are the first entity we’ve encountered that exists like this. Aren’t you curious?” You felt the pleading bubble up without warning. Montague leveled you a firm look, one ear flicking, before he licked his nose and turned to look at Eclipse, although he still spoke to you. 
“You are an oddity,” he muttered. “If they try to kill you, I will kill them first.”
“I’ll accept that.” 
While you needed to take a patrol soon, with your swollen wrist you had to call in sick, agreeing to make sure to check in on radio as frequently as possible. Anthony showed distinct concern at you injuring yourself so soon after getting back with the Sun animatronic, but you promised him that you’d just burnt your hand while making lunch, it was just coincidence. Eclipse was right there when you hung up the phone, grinning proudly as he whispered “Liar.”
That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day. Books were restlessly paged through as the first mapping of Eclipse began, attempting to piece together what they were and where they’d come from. You also took the time to examine them further. The feathery ‘rays’ that decorated their head were the same burnt purple as the rest of them, with pink and purple flames rising up the middle. Where you’d thought the edges of the feathers to be burning was a trick of the light, the edges returning to a smoldering red once Eclipse relaxed. Yellow and orange fins that could expand and flare like the feathers were visible too. Eclipse themself was about as useful as expected when it came to actual research - scowling whenever you asked a question, looking in a book and tossing it to the side with a grumbled “Wrong!”, constantly fidgeting and rifling through your drawers and cupboards. There was a sense of caged energy to their movements, an irritation that kept growing whenever you provided a suggestion that turned out to be incorrect. By the time evening rolled around, you were exhausted on all fronts. 
“I’m done,” you stated, closing your latest book with a loud snap, catching Eclipse’s attention. “I am officially done for today. I am clocking out, retiring for the night.” Montague nosed at your hand, licking your fingertips gently. You ruffled his head in turn. “I’ll be fine. You look after the house, okay?”
“And me?” Eclipse slunk through the room with the presence of a malevolent shadow, the amber circles of their larger eyes gleaming unnaturally. 
“Couch,” you replied bluntly, making your way through the doorway to your bedroom. “I don’t have a guest bedroom.”
“Whatever happened to keep your enemies clos-AGH.” Eclipse stopped dead with a shout of pain, the underside of one foot sizzling as they hopped backwards. Leaning back, you gave them a smug grin of your own.
“Salt in the wood paneling,” you explained. “Does wonders for privacy against shitty demons.” 
“Language,” Eclipse snarled back. 
“Oh pardon me - incomprehensibly irritating asshole demons.” One more scowl was exchanged between yourself and the demonic entity, before you shut the door hard, cutting out the glare of the corridor lamp and letting the moonlight trickle in from your window. Pale shrouds of light guided you to your bed, where you collapsed onto the sheets and tried not to think too hard about the last twelve hours of your life.
What had you done?
Moonlight was replaced with sunlight by the time you next stirred to life. For a brief blissful moment you didn’t remember the previous day or your restless dreams of the night, until you heard the sounds of arguing outside your door and everything came swamping back into your brain. Echoes of your wrist being sprained and claws digging into your face and neck stirred a jolt of panic to your limbs and stomach, and you barely kept from retching over the side of your bed. After a few sacred seconds to regain a sense of self, you checked the time (8:43am, you’d slept in) and got changed into everyday work clothes, arguing continuing to leak through the door. Stepping over, you took a moment to brace yourself, and unlocked the door.
“- sense of dignity or understanding-”
“Rich talk of dignity from you.”
“I have more dignity than a feather twig. You ought to make sure they don’t mistake you for a duster.”
“There won’t be any mistakes, I have made certain of that.”
Eclipse and Montague’s voices overlapped in a brief roar that filled your mind. It wasn’t until you realized that they’d stopped and your throat was hoarse that you noticed you’d started yelling back. Exhaling heavily, you looked at the pair in the kitchen before wandering towards one of the cupboards.
“Good morning,” you bluntly intoned. “Good to see neither of you decided to kill each other while I was asleep.”
“Oh please, we’re not animals,” Eclipse scoffed. Montague’s ears flattened back, but he didn’t respond to that jibe. 
“I’m going to start fixing Sunny this morning,” you explained, reaching for a bowl and mini-box of cereal and ignoring the snicker from Eclipse. “Then I have to do actual work in the afternoon. Can you keep to yourselves until then?”
“I’ll do a perimeter sweep,” Montague said. “I’ll come if you call me.”
“I will assist where I can with fixing…Sunny,” Eclipse replied, dragging out the last word like a string of bitter syrup. 
“Are you mad I’ve given him a nickname?” You turned to give Eclipse a bemused look, a weak chuckle dancing to life. Either your confusion or amusement seemed to strike a nerve, as the feathers on his head puffed up once more, dark red edges warming towards orange.
“You have not even spoken to them and yet you talk of them with fondness,” they retorted. “Your heart is too soft for the work you do, pup.”
“I think it’s perfectly soft for my work,” you replied firmly, shutting the fridge door with a slam. Shaking hands poured the milk and cereal, and you ate quickly, unwilling to spend long under Eclipse’s impatient gaze. Montague lingered in the front door’s shadow before pushing his way outside, vanishing into the dappled ground of the trees and dawn. Leaving just yourself and Eclipse in the building. 
Sat at the table, you watched as Eclipse began to drift around the room, flitting from wall to wall until you could see their shadow overlaid with yours, their body blocking the warmth of the sun from your back.
“Just us now,” they murmured, a hand reaching past your shoulder to tap on the table.
“You know that the moment I say Monty’s full name, he’ll be here and he won’t wait for me to give the command like last time,” you said bluntly. It was too early to be dealing with this sort of taunting. Eclipse’s hand withdrew, although it hesitated in drifting over the curve of your shoulder. A single claw touched on your skin, sending a shiver down your back, but was gone before any true threat could become present. 
“Brat,” Eclipse grumbled, stalking away slowly.
You ate the rest of your breakfast in silence, obtaining a mug of coffee and carrying it through to your research room turned animatronic workshop. Sun’s frozen smile looked back at you as you wandered in, and you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t just about yourself. Sure it was a need to appease management and get a demon off your back, but now you felt compelled to bring this sunny smiling figure back to life. Setting the coffee aside, you began to work on opening up the chest cavity. Figured you would start at the ‘heart’ of the problem. 
“Oh fuck,” you muttered as you looked upon a mess of wires, half of them crisped and melted together. “This is not going to be an easy process.”
“Ew,” came Eclipse’s voice over your head, peering down over you and into the animatronic.
“Thank you for such words of inspiration. I’m going to go and get more wiring now.” Stepping away from Sun, you felt claws hook into the back of your collar.
“You can’t fix this?” Eclipse questioned, eyes beginning to squint.
“I’m trying to fix this!” you snapped back, pulling sharply away. “He needs new wiring to replace the shit that’s melted together. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the same make but that spaghetti glue mess isn’t going to be functioning by itself.” It was too early. You grabbed a swig of coffee before going to your hoard of electrical repair items, including your personal spaghetti mess of spare wires. Eclipse’s glare burned holes into the back of your skull all the while. 
It took about an hour and a half to find wires that were roughly the right sort to fit into Sun’s chassis, and then another half an hour to remove the melted wiring and fit the new ones into place. Your fingers ached from working with the raw metal tips and pliers and screws, used to manual labor but not this finicky sort with sharp points at any slipped possibility. The stress of responsibility weighed heavily on each movement, Eclipse’s presence pushing down even harder. The demon provided no assistance whatsoever, pacing around behind you and looming over to watch your progress every now and again. Sometimes they’d point out a mistake, jabbing a claw into your view and snapping “Wrong” before stepping away. One “Wrong” too many though, each one poking into your degrading patience and rising temper, nudged you to the brink and you slammed your hands down on the table.
“I’m not a fucking engineer, okay! Stop with the…the fucking lip and pointing!” you snapped.
“Watch your tongue there,” Eclipse growled, leaning onto the table with all of their hands and across the animatronic between you, their feather display beginning to flare up from agitation.
“How about you watch your fucking tongue? I get it, me fixing this gets you free, but I’m not going any faster with you prodding your way into it.”
“I’m making sure you get it right.”
“Then do it yourself, you big baby!”
“I can’t do that.” 
“Why not? You’ve got twice my hands, you’d do it twice as fast.”
“Can’t do that.” 
You rubbed your hands down your face, withholding a scream of frustration. How could one entity be so blindingly irritating? The next outburst at Eclipse began to form on your lips, when Montague trotted in through the doorway.
“We have company,” he said quickly. 
“Which means I have work to do,” you added, dropping your pliers on the table and leveling Eclipse with a harsh stare. “Want to come along and find out what I really do for a job?”
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