#E. Myers
odk-2 · 1 year
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Werly Fairburn - Telephone Baby (1957) E. Myers from: "Telephone Baby" / "No Blues Tomorrow" (Single) "Werly Fairburn: Everybody's Rockin" (1993 Bear Family Records Compilation) "Rock-A-Billy Dynamite" (2013 Box Set | CD23)
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Werly Fairburn: Vocals / Guitar Joe Martin: Bass Eddie Landers: Drums
Unknown: Piano
Recorded: @ The Cosimo Recording Studio in New Orleans, Louisiana USA August, 1957
Released: on September 9, 1957
Savoy Records
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"Telephone baby, with your feet up on the wall" Photograph by Gordon Parks, 1951
Gordon Parks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Parks
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Sleepy wenclair
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 8 months
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Happy Jason Junko Day!
Ft. Jason Ichimatsu and a special guest!
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ch0colate-cake · 1 day
getting into the sentient ai fandom and noticing a parallel in the slasher fandom: fans put a mix interacting together and its kinda funny ngl (on both accounts)
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oh look they're at the same park
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say-same-level · 2 days
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Horror House Reacts... to Zoo Animals!
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.I've been watching Robert Irwin and Dave Salmoni take wild animals onto the Jimmy Shows and scare the Jimmy's and various other guest stars sOooooo... I had to make this XD
Plot: We are gonna hand each horror Villains a dangerous animal and see how they handle it. Warnings: Swearing. No actual mention of meerkats despite the gif.
Audrey II: A European Brown Hare.
Audrey II, staring at this hare stood up on its hind legs giving them the Eye: ... that is one ugly bunny rabbit. Y/N: AUDREY TWO!!- Audrey II: wh- AM I WRONG?-
Audrey II has no fear, they're a plant from outer space. He also doesn't particularly care for animals though, since its pretty globally accepted that animals are allowed to eat plants when they're peckish... and understandably, they are not having that. Not in this green house XD Nu uh, no siree, nope nope nope, the hare is gonna get eaten first if he even looks at Audrey II wrong.
Billy Loomis: An Emperor Scorpion.
Y/N: Close your eyes and put out your hands. Billy: ... *sigh* *does as he's told as to not be called a coward* Y/N: *Places the scorpion in Billy's cupped hands* Open them! ^^ This is Phil, he's very chill. Please don't drop him. Billy: ... heheh, can I keep this?? Y/N: ?? What??? No, you cant keep Phil- Billy: I wanna leave him in Stu's bed. Y/N: DEFINITELY not-
Billy, is... *sigh*, a teenage boy.
Bubba Sawyer: A Red Kangaroo.
Bubba: *Very cautious, looking at this jacked foreign creature. He's never seen anything like this, he lives in buttfuck nowhere Texas with no tv.* Y/N: Here, Bubba. *hands Bubba a bouquet of gum leaves* Offer her these. Bubba: *Unsure, but approaches the weird pocketed creature and offers out the branches... Quickly calms down when the kangaroo starts simply munching on the leaves* Y/N: See? ^^ Bubba: *Already petting the kangaroo. Wants to take her home and keep her safe and pet her and give her leaves forever.*
Bubba does not love casually 😅😅😅 Once he's warmed up to someone, that person is his family and he wants to keep them safe. My suggestion?? Sneak the kangaroo back to the zoo in the dead of night while Bubba's asleep. (or call Drayton. He certainly don't want no goddamn kangaroo in his house)
Carrie White: A Boa Constrictor.
Carrie: Um, is this safe?? *Eyeing the snake's head closely as you place her gently over her shoulders* ... Y/N: Oh yeah, don't worry, this one's a sweetheart ^^ Carrie: Okay... *snake raises her head and looks around very peacefully, just surveying the room* Oh, she's sweet!... Y/N: She seems very comfortable with you! Carrie: ! Really??
Carrie was apprehensive at first, but when she realises that the boa is not feeling threatened (or hungry), she relaxes and spends quite a while with the snake in her arms! ^^ She's disappointed when she has to say goodbye ):
Chucky Lee Ray: An Eastern Canadian Moose.
Chucky: *staring up at this giant fucking creature, clearly ready to run at any second if the thing makes an unpleasant move* ... You have gotta be fucken kidding me. Y/N: Nope. This is Jessica-Mae! She's from Canada, and she's really nice. I think she'll let you sit on her back, if you wan- Chucky: No I don't wanna sit on Jessica-Mae's back actually Y/N, Jessica-Mae is a fucken monster- Y/N: c h u c k y
Chucky has a... healthy cautiousness when it comes to wild animals XD He does like tarantulas, though.
Freddy Krueger: A West African Lion.
Y/N: Okay so for this one, um, I'm uh... yeah I'm gonna step out. Freddy: ... wait. Wait wait wait. Why are you- *You close the door one side of the room and as soon as the lock clicks into place, the lion prowls in on the other side* Freddy: Oh. Freddy, hands out like 'i mean no harm': ... nice kitty Freddy: ... um. I saw the lion king. It was... a great piece of cinema; your people should be proud. Freddy: ... please don't eat me, you giant son of a bitch.
Freddy was SO EXCITED to meet an animal, but now he's got some concerns about those teeth and his privates.
Jason Voorhees: A Ussuri Grizzly Bear.
Bear: ... *Staring down Jason* Jason: ... *Staring down Bear* Bear and Jason: *Staring each other down* Y/N: ... *Wondering if you should do something* Jason: *Suddenly walks over and gives the bear neck scritches*
... this is a giant toothy puppy to Jason XD Jason loves wildlife, they were his friends growing up in the woods! ^^ And he knows how to keep them calm, so he's very good with them. He hangs out with the bear until its time to go outside, then Jason follows him outside and hangs with him out there ^^
Jennifer Check: A White Rhinoceros.
Jennifer, as soon as Grizelda the rhino steps in: -oh jesus fucking christ. Jennifer: You're fat. Y/N: Oy! Jennifer: What??? She's meant to be, right?? 🙄 G o d... look who's animal-cist. Jennifer: ... can I feed the fat bitch?
The fact that this is an animal does not change a thing about the way Jennifer talks to her XD She is so fascinated, though, and wants to feed Grizelda, pet Grizelda, ask many many questions about Grizelda... she loves her.
Jerry Dandridge: A Perentie Monitor Lizard (Goanna).
Y/N, helping goanna onto Jerry's lap: Now, be careful with Sandy, he can be kinda easily startled and then his claws will cut into your skin, and- Jerry: *Getting along great with the Sandy, Sandy is in the best mood you have ever seen him in; purring.* Y/N: ... Y/N: ... wtf, how?! Sandy's usually so grumpy!- Jerry: Oh I guess we just have a connection~
Jerry and reptiles get along great, they're cold blooded and he... is always cold. He has no blood. He's a vampire XD Try giving him a puppy, though, and watch that puppy leap away from him and growl like a possessed thing (Jerry gets so frowny about it XD).
Michael Myers: A Bengal Tiger.
Michael: *Stock still, actually considering running for the first time in 50 decades* Tiger: ... *yawns* *prowls over to Michael and lays on top of his feet, promptly falling asleep* Y/N: ... um. Well, I think she likes you?? Michael: *Does not move an inch for 3 hours while the tiger naps, staring at it*
Michael, just like cats... is a bitch. They basically adopt him into their family as their big dumb weirdo child (Yes, even the big terrifying ones) and there is not a thing grumpy old Myers can do about it XD
Pamela Voorhees: A Silver Fox.
Pam: *Loves the fox. Sitting in her chair and leaning down to give it treats. Cooing at her.* Y/N: You're so good with her! ^^ Pam: ~Stay away from my son, dear, and I wont have to sick her on you~ Y/N: ... D: What?
Pamela and a sharp toothed creature is a dangerous combination. Stay away from her son.
Patrick Bateman: An African Savanna Elephant.
Patrick: *A too-big smile glued to his face as he strokes the dirty wrinkly elephant* This is... this is fun... Y/N: I knew you'd like her! ^^ Anna is so sweet, and gentle, and quiet, so- Patrick: -You cant tell when I'm fucken lying through my t e e t h!?
Patrick doesn't like any animals, they're wild and filthy and break irreplaceable things he spent hard-earned money on to be unique, but he will force a pleasant face because that is what he does
Pennywise: A Mountain Zebra.
*i was tempted to do a turtle but... seemed too obvious XD Still unsure i made the right call*
Penny: Heheheheh, whats black, white and- Y/N: Don't do it. I swear. Dont do it. Penny: Okay okay okay, I'll be serious. Hey, why do zebras have stripes? Y/N: Oh, well they developed stripes because- Penny: Because they didn't want to be Spotted!
Penny c a n n o t s t o p m a k i n g z e b r a j o k e s. Otherwise, he's pretty good with the zebra. No problems ^^
Stu Macher: A Somali Ostrich.
Stu: Heheh... Y/N, these things don't bite, do they?? Y/N: Oh they totally do. *Hands Stu the leash* Anything with a mouth bites. Stu, levelling his gaze with the giant flightless bird: ... I will bite you back.
Stu is a little chicken, but he's also really curious!! XDD So sure, he'll hang onto the leash and feed the monster bird!! But he will absolutely crouch down and cover his head if the ostrich starts fluttering his wings. And don't you dare leave him XD
Tiffany Valentine: Baby Nile Crocodiles.
Tiff: Chucky!! We have new children now!! Chucky: THE FUCK WE DO- Y/N: N- no... you cant keep them actually... Tiff, ignoring you and Chucky: The kids are gonna love these ^^ Come on, sweethearts, into the sack, single file now- hey, Trudy, no biting your brother-
Tiffany is in love XD And you know how one-track-minded she can be when she's in love XD
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weight-attack-order · 29 days
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 8 months
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Happy Jason Ichimatsu Day!
Ft. Jason Junko and a special guest
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brokenbackmountain · 4 months
(old) bollywood actresses (1)
why am i making this post...... no reason apart from being incredibly queer abt women (not romantic not sexual but a secret third thing (fan)). join me etc.
ruby myers (stage name sulochana)
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born in poona (now pune) in 1907 in british india, ruby myers was a silent film actress of bhagdadi jewish ancestry. she was approached by mohan bhavnani from kohinoor films, and though she was initially hesitant (acting was a very.... suspicious? dubious? profession for women at the time) she agreed with little knowledge of how to act. she ended up becoming a huge star under bhavnani, and then moved on to imperial film company, and became the highest paid actress in india at the time (5k/mo inr salary).
after sound got introduced, she took a break for a year (to learn hindustani which she wasn't fluent in) and came back with madhuri (1932)--- this is a remale of madhuri (1928) but w sound--- and became a star again. other remakes of her silent movies were bombay ki billi (1936) (remake of wildcat of bombay 1927), and anarkali (1935), a remake of anarkali (1928). unfortunately i don't think even one of these films survived.
she was also in a popular pairing with actor d billimoria from 1933-39. she faded into obscurity after their split.
she was also in another anarkali (1953), where she played salim's mother, and had a small role as a nun in dostana (1980).
she died in mumbai in 1983.
florence ezekiel (nadira)
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born in 1932 in bhagdad, and living in nagpada (south bombay) after her parents moved for business reasons, nadira was a famous bollywood actress who usually played westernised roles (or anglo-indian ones). she is mostly well known for her role as julie's mother margaret in julie (1975) and maya in shree 420 (1956). the latter typecasted her in seductress roles. she has worked with several actors like sridevi (in julie), nargis (in shree 420), srk (josh (2000)).
fun fact! a filmmaker (idk who he was) once called her up for a role to which she replied along the lines of "not now i'm drunk and naked." he never called her again.
less fun fact! she was an alcoholic and had an alcohol-related liver disorder. she died in 2006 in a hospital in tardeo.
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erm-ii-ne · 2 years
Horror Guy Beanie Babies
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Group E, Round 2, Poll 8:
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Propaganda under the cut
GASLIGHT: she literally lies to the cops about who committed a crime. when she was working with the cops to find the murderer. of a really important guy. and they believed her GATEKEEP: idk if this counts as gatekeeping but she tells vincent that no matter how hard he tries, he can't change the direction of his life?? GIRLBOSS: fucking kills vincent and draco on the legal department route.
Shadow Weaver
She traumatizes children for fun, tortures and gaslights people,.and she's the second in command for a fascist military
Abusive mother and a powerful witch who is also so so so so hot I need her to step on me soooo fucking bad. Last words she says to the child she abused her entire life is "You're welcome" and then she dies. I want her carnally.
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ambersrequel · 1 month
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whenever i remember that these pictures exist i genuinely go a little insane,,,,like you kinda have gotta be watching 5cream with your eyes closed sound muted and the screen completely off to think that amber was not dogwalking this man
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theartoffrozen · 1 year
Alternate Frozen end credits
Storyboards by James Lopez
Music was added by me
Song 1 is “Reindeer(s) Remix” by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert, Lopez performed by Robert Lopez
Song 2 is from Disney Infinity composed by Chuck E. Myers
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