#Did you draw all those patterns then overlay them?
mossquillgames · 2 years
Caesar III 01 - Brundisium
This is a tutorial map, though not the first. The first is very quick and too basic to bother recording or talking about in terms of gameplay. So I’m starting here and as it’s a tutorial, I will be writing a lot about what’s going on in the game and features of how Caesar III works so if you’re familiar with it you can probably skip this and in any case not all posts will be this focused on game functions.
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since this is a tutorial map it functions a wee bit differently than future maps and these starting objectives are not the full map objectives. But I do start out by building a small settlement and working on getting food in a granary.
You’ll notice I sometimes turn the game speed down when I build, this is because sometimes it matters if you take too long getting new things up and running. You can’t build on pause in Ceasar, so I turn the speed down to sort of slow time.
I am still working out how I want to handle building cities in Caesar, the way I did it as a teen never worked all that well, haha.
Anyway I start out by building some roads and houses. One aspect of Caesar III is that each occupational building--anything that takes workers--will send out a guy to walk around and if he walks past houses before he gets to his maximum steps from his employment building then that building will be functional. This means that where you place things and how you draw your roads have to  accommodate this and is why I have the roads in what may seem weird patterns.
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Additionally, putting houses right next to say a farm or many other buildings causes problems with desirability which is a metric the game uses to decide if people, especially higher class people, want to live in a house. Since you often have ratings requirements that need fancier and fancier houses, it’s best not to build houses too close to industrial or agricultural buildings--but they have to be close enough that they get employment.
So that’s what’s going on with how I’m laying out this little city and why it doesn’t have say a grid layout or whatever.
For the beginning of this map, the only option I have for water access is wells. This won’t last long in this map and I’ll probably never use wells again after this map because they simply don’t work well as they are icky (undesirable).
The first level of housing is ‘small tent’ as pictured above. Small tents lack access to any water, or have water but the area is too icky and they refuse to evolve into large tents until you pretty things up for them. Every plot designated for housing starts as a small tent when the first person moves in. Once they get water (and things are nice enough) they evolve into large tents.
one of the first things you’ll see me build on any map along with houses are Prefectures (has a lil red flag) and Engineering Posts (has a lil blue flag). Prefects are combination firemen and policeman so you need them immediately to keep things from catching fire. Engineers keep things from collapsing. The buildings send out walkers to patrol the area.
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those flames are what happen if you don’t build Prefectures fast enough or place them so they don’t get everywhere....
Once there’s people, prefects, engineers, farms, and granaries you need markets. Markets will distribute food and ultimately other goods.They send out market women to both go get goods from granaries and warehouses, as well as to walk the area around the market distributing wares.
Once the people have food, housing evolves again. And that’s kind of the name of the game for housing--the more access they have to goods and services, the fancier they get. In general, the fancier they get the more people they hold, at least to a point.The more people your housing holds, the more you can expand goods and services.
Rome means iconic aqueducts!
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this is the water overlay. There’s various overlays available that I’ll use occasionally to check things. In the video this makes a bit more sense hopefully as I hover over what the different things up there mean, but this shows me where on the map has access to pipes from reservoirs and where has access to water from fountains.Fountains need to be built on a square with pipe access and each fountain serves a number of squares with clean water.
I have to note that while I don’t fault the game for using the iconic arches for aqueducts, that most aqueducts were underground and the arches were only used when they had to be as it’s not very easy or efficient to build giant stone arches to pipe allllllll your water.
other overlays will show other things such as fire risk, access to entertainment, or other useful information.
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I am currently playing with god effects off as that’s easier and I’m starting on the easiest of easy but one of the first services Roman citizens want once they have food and water is access to temples. The game has five available gods, Ceres, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, and Venus. With god effects on, if you don’t appease the gods they may punish you, and if you please them they may reward you but balancing them takes practice. I generally play as though they’re on in terms of keeping the number of temples even (nothing pisses off a god so much as if you have more temples to another god!). You also can hold festivals to the gods which please them as well as your people.
The senate building is a quick way to check your unemployment and ratings, as well as opening up the possibility of taxation.
This map does have the possibility of trade, though on this play through I win before I actually get into that, but trade and taxes are key to balancing your fiances. I often probably start taxing later than I should but I try to stay on top of trade. In Caesar, you are given a starting budget and if you use it up “Caesar” will grant you a second budget but after that he gets mad and you go into debt. You have a debt limit and if you stay in debt too long you lose...
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Managing employment is as tricky as managing finances, you need enough workers to keep expanding what you’re doing but Romans get pretty upset if they have high unemployment and it leads to crime and potentially riots. For this map one of the weird issues that happens since it’s a tutorial is that it halts immigration in between goals so in this video I get hung up for a bit on the pottery goal because I wanted to make a larger pottery industry than I had workers for. Usually this problem wouldn’t happen quite like this because I had housing space for more people and on subsequent maps that means they’ll keep coming. Here though, I needed to get pottery in a warehouse before it would let more people arrive. This can sometimes become a glitch on this map actually but in this case I just had to downsize my ambitions and wait a little.
In addition to religious access, there’s ultimately entertainment, education, and health. Each of those services as multiple types and the more the city grows and the further allow in the game the more of them will be needed. I have actor colonies and theaters on this map but eventually there will be coliseums and hippodromes...
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
hi ! citlali's writer from a while ago, feeling a little panick-y
you don't have to acknowledge this ask at all , if it makes you uncomfy , i just wanted to run the design of one of her sons by you? /nf
his name is virgil and his father is a white vampire. i drew him a while ago and he posted today. so my dilemma;
a mutual said he was too light. (they/them just for the sake of telling you ig. we've only ever spoken once. i don't know anything about them, only that they post about intersectional feminism. they're black i think.)
anyways, it felt stand off-ish, but maybe i'm projecting (ND). i was taking into account Vampire Pattern Paleness and put a stupid overlay on top for pizzazz, but i'm not sure if that was a good thing or not . :/
i guess what i want to know is how you would have envisioned him ? i figured since you are indigenous+latine, it would be best to ask you? but i understand if this is a bit much. an indigenous-mexican, aren't the same as an indigenous+latine. i hope your weekend goes well, either way. thank you.
Right, so I'll address a few things here, all somewhat briefly just bcuz I'm a lil tired today. Those things are: how to draw mixed-race characters, a aside on vampires, and finally, how to handle getting feedback on a character of color. Sorry if this is a bit rambly also, as mentioned I am tired so my thoughts are kinda spaghetti.
1. How do you draw mixed-race characters
This is a specialty of mine! So many of my characters are mixed. Mixed race kids can look sometimes more like one parent or the other, hell, my biological sister looks like she's 100% European with the pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and small features. Whereas I on the other hand, do Not look European at all. Our skin tones are very different, especially in the summer. She has to worry about makeup foundations not having a light enough color for her she's so light.
So, theoretically, if you have a mixed race character with a white parent, could they look light-skinned or very white? Yeah. But that's not really the go to, because while humans are created by random combinations of parent genes, characters are created deliberately. And deliberately choosing to make mixed-race characters all light-skinned or white in appearance has colorist and racist implications.
The safest route to go is to give the character traits from both parents. They don't have to be a perfect mix, but they should have physical traits from both parents. Their skin tone should be somewhere in between both parents skin tone.
Example, since I'm working on a piece thats a portrait of one of my OC familys that's mixed (black and indigenous).
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The 3 kids (the kids are the ones on the left side) have skin tones that are somewhere between their parents. It's harder to tell in this image, but the kids (especially the two kids standing) have features that are a mix between their mother and father.
2. Vampires
So, with the basics in mind, how does vampirism come into this? Well, while I would imagine in your case, the father is pale in a traditional vampire sense. I would posit, though, that the unnaturally pale pallor is not a genetic thing, but a side effect of death and vampirism. So if virgil isn't a vampire, I wouldn't think he would inherit some Very Pale Skin. Even if Virgil is a vampire, I would more think it would simply give him a more vampiric look rather than pale skin. The melanin doesn't disappear when you die/become a vampire, if someone with brown skin was a vampire they wouldn't turn white, but would turn an ashier brown. Let's use Betania and Malcolm from above as examples
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I overemphasized the desaturation here a lil bit just for the visual, but for each transformation all I did was lower the saturation of the skin tone. Which gives an ashy, sickly pallor without lightening the skin. Or here's an old drawing of a vampire OC of mine lmao
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Putting that all together, instead of giving a child a skint one between a pure white and a brown, pick a skin tone between a light skin tone and a brown. Which is to say, pick a skin tone that a mixed-race human might have, then you can adjust the saturation for vampirism.
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Which now brings us to our final point.
How to handle criticism of characters of color
I feel I would be remiss if I didn't address this. While it's understandable to get nervous about criticism or advice, it is also important to realize it's not an attack. If someone mentions that a character's skin tone seems too light, the best way forward is to listen. It could be resolved with a simple "oh, I didn't realize. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I'll fix that" or "Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I'm still working on this design, how could I improve it?" or just "Thanks for the input, I'll work on that" something of that nature. People often negatively react to being told a character's skin is too light, to the point where often even I avoid bringing up the subject with an artist out of fear they might react negatively or make a scene.
Your language in talking about your mutual seems to subconsciously paint them as an aggressor or agitator or being a Mean Black Person. Even if that wasn't the intention, which I doubt it was, it doesn't come across great, especially when you're bringing that to an indigenous blogger's inbox. It would probably be best to handle this privately with your mutual rather than talk about them in a stranger's inbox. I don't mean any of this as an attack, but I just want to bring it to your attention so this can be a learning experience.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
In one of your asks you said you think that 3’s disintegration pattern should be 6 rather than 9. I have two theories, what if one does integrate they pick up some of the negative characteristics of the type such as 6 to 9 who become kinda aloof or most 3’a who show the characteristics of 6 might just be 6 who are in disintegration? I mean 6 are usually stressed and anxious and might create a facade they are put together and workaholic.
This actually brings up the idea of whether integration and disintegration are really based on stress response? I mean what differentiates between a type 3 who is healthy and one has disintegrated? And vice versa
There is a marked difference once you really study the types.
3 cores are highly visible in terms of their self-promotion and external confidence that they are qualified for a job, whereas a 6 second-guesses and self-sabotages themselves by assuming they won't get it and/or they won't try because they will "lose." A 3 seeks to impress you and make sure you are noticing them, whereas a 6 draws attention to themselves through anxiously asking for advice. But when the 3 isn't performing, there's more second-guessing among those with a strong line to 6.
Whereas a 6's line to 3... well, look at me. I am a 6, what do I show you? Brutal honesty about my failures and flaws, but also a certain amount of humble-pride-bragging in my achievements. I admit all the crap I have done as a 6, since I see zero point in trying to hide it or make myself look better than I am. But whenever anyone challenges me in a serious way, I get a little haughty and try to show them up by pointing at my achievements -- which is me temporarily shifting into 3 mode.
I can actually tell you what being a 6 and moving into 3 is like, from the inside -- at least for me. It's "image-focus in the service of fear." It's a fear reaction (6), not an image reaction (pure 3). It's a 6 fear-based "I need to impress them to get them to back off and show me some respect" reaction, a bristling of being made to feel inadequate.
I'll give you an embarrassing example of the kind of retort I have given under pressure -- someone once said they only read my contributions to the publication I edit, rather than everything else, because the rest of the content seemed subpar/shallow. They thought they were giving me a compliment for being an intellectual, when in reality -- I edit that magazine, which means I choose the "subpar" content they are talking about in the first place, so it was actually an insult not only toward me but also toward the content I accept. I can't remember exactly what my testy retort was, but it amounted to me being sorry that I couldn't write ALL the content in order to keep them entertained. Which is super cringe, since it's basically arrogance (not everyone we print is up to MY standard; I am indeed the best writer in this thing) -- but it was a total "6 moving to 3" moment. Where there's this overlay of anxiety and self doubt, covering up a deeper fierce conviction that I really AM better at _____ than everyone else. And that is an incredible motivating drive in me.
I may be too self-doubting to want to promote myself, but I work as hard as hell to make whatever I do the absolute best it can be -- one person once told me that I go after my hobbies as if I'm being paid big bucks to get them right. She said I write novels as if I am being graded on presentation. I feel my line to 3 strongly whenever it comes to 'showing' what I can do -- it has to be The Best. I have to write a better book than you did. I have to come up with a more creative idea than you had. I have to stand out in some way. I won't try anything I don't think I will be good at. If I fail, I will pretend I don't care while seething. But it's all under the 'cover' of 6-ness. Being scared to self-promote. Being scared to draw too much attention to how good I am at something, in case it makes enemies. Wanting all the attention from people that I can get, but at the same time, being scared of it, because too much attention also means criticism.
Like, for me, anything I take seriously, I have to be The Best At. I work super hard at it. Most people read books for fun; I read them and study their structure, the grammar, how the author describes things -- I am very, very serious about my craft. (You can see why I thought I had a 3 fix in my tritype for a long time -- because my line to 3 IS strong.) You really just... have to figure out your core, and dig deep into it, and then start noticing what you are doing, noticing your lines to integration and disintegration, and how they play into your actions ALL THE TIME. Daily. Not just under stress, not just when you are feeling confident, but "how is this number showing up my core number? How is it influencing it a certain direction today?"
In a way, I think this is why I hate tritype -- it is a needless distraction, because I could be thinking instead "how is 6-2-9 playing off itself in me today?" (and I have wasted time doing that) than really digging into myself and seeing how 3 and 9 are an active part of my 6. I find this far more enlightening about my true ego, because it speaks to my core mechanisms. I think your lines have a HUGE influence, ALL the time, and you don't necessarily need to 'integrate' or 'disintegrate' to use them. But they are always being controlled by your core number, like two servants attending to a king's demands.
Just as a humorous aside -- I study history a lot, particularly Tudor history, and it cracked me up when I ran across an explicit usage of Henry VII falling from 6w5 into 3. He was incredibly fearful, anxious, distrustful, and paranoid (but also highly intelligent and an excellent example of how smart an ISTJ can be -- he took a bankrupt state and made it one of the richest kingdoms in Christendom -- so much so that all the other monarchs came begging to him for $100,000 pound loans, which he could afford to grant them) -- but whenever anyone threatened his kingdom, or a usurper invaded, he would... go buy a brand new wardrobe and outfit himself as a king to ride out and challenge / defeat them / lead an army, like a little peacock strutting his stuff. And yet, that 3-ness was all in the service of 6. "I feel threatened, so I am going to SHOW YOU and EVERYONE how POWERFUL AND IMPORTANT I AM."
I love it. It's so great. Such a true example of 'moving to 3.'
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spiralhigh · 3 years
ranking the sdr2 cast by how much their formal wear hits
this is just my opinion, but my opinions are great and i know what i’m talking about! this will be long so it’s under a cut
s tier is reserved for only the best of them all, the cream of the crop, the fit that i would gladly lay down my life for. s tier is the crown jewel. s tier is what everyone else should strive to be... but only one can take the prize.
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the undisputed champion. this look is everything to me. EVERYTHING. the red-trim cape with the fur. the contrast of the airy, gathered blouse with those skin-tight shiny (leather? vinyl??) pants. the pumps. the belt that screams disco style. the necklace accentuating the tasteful titty window. the red white and gold color scheme  are you FUCKING WITH ME miss owari this look could bring ARMIES to their KNEES in an INSTANT. whoever drew this deserves full creative control of the danganronpa franchise and i’m not kidding
a tier is for the fits that frankly own bones. they’re not as jaw-dropping and legendary as owari, but they’re still razor as hell and deserve to be met with riotous applause.
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kazuichi, i didn’t know you had it in you, but this FUCKS. the character of the pins on the lapels, the sneakers, and the mispinned tie. the absolute CLASS of the suspenders, watch, and tiny round glasses. the handsome slick in the hair now that the greasy beanie is gone. the tasteful highwater. he looks like the host of the larry king show if the larry king show was exclusively about ska bands and he has never looked better
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tell me this isn’t the cutest shit. the colors here are EXQUISITE. the bright notes from the blue on top, the way the soft pink is a perfect middle ground of the pink + white flowers on her sleeves, the subtle way the green in her bow matches the green in her collar, the white petals breaking up the sky blue that might otherwise look out of place? remarkable. stunning.
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the ELEGANCE is EVERYTHING here. the monochrome is offset by just a splash of red that ties everything together with her eyes and the flower in her hair, the checkerboard pattern is visually interesting but not distracting, and her hair in that loose ponytail with the little white ribbon? ugh. ADORABLE! but most of all, look at those BOOTS. those CUTE LITTLE HEELS on those SICK LACE-UP BOOTS..... QUEEN shit!!!
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rounding out our a tier is chiaki in this adorable little dress just LOOK at her!!! she looks like a little rose, a perfect flouncy skirt with a glittery mesh overlay, a fun and fresh over-the-shoulder collar, a fucking big old bow tied in the back?? i can literally feel the way this dress would feel in my hands. it’s simple and perfect and frankly a GORGEOUS color on her this is flawless
b tier is a perfectly respectable place to be. these fits lack the lustre and flavor of the a tier entries, but they’re still dressed to impress and they still look fine as hell.
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say what you will about teruteru (and i do) but this suit is ADORABLE and it fits in with his theme + talent better than any other mfer on this list. the tasteful white/brown/red palette gives it a flashy chocolate cookie look, which is amplified in the fun pattern on the jacket. the chef’s hat switching out for a little top hat and the way the cumberbund looks a lil bit like a chocolate bar is also VERY cute
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now on its own, the suit is just alright. a vibrant pinstripe blue three-piece with the classic red tie wouldn’t land the impostor in b tier on its own... but that FUR COAT, LUXURIOUSLY DRAPED OVER THE SHOULDERS does WONDERS to pull this look together. not only is it worn with “yeah, it’s real mink, no, you can’t touch it” confidence, but it also ties the otherwise arbitrary white loafers into the structure of the look. it’s subtle and class as hell.
c tier is full of looks that are... fine, but ultimately either are boring, lack cohesion, or have a confusing design choice or two that make it hard to get all that amped about. c tier is a passing grade, but nothing more.
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there’s a lot that’s good about this outfit, but there’s also a lot that doesn’t really work. let’s start with the good: the slutty loose bowtie and collar, the tight-fitting vest that ends before the hipbones so you can see the belt, the cute little ponytail? (chefs kiss) exquisite, all of it. but the suit itself is boring as sing, and who the hell decided to put the t-shirt symbol on the sleeves??? was it to add visual flavor to an otherwise bland suit? this does NOT have the black/white/red elegance that peko had.
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the silver and gold mob-boss look, complete with matching shoes vest and fedora, are a nice nod to fuyuhiko’s talent! the plaid is teetering on the edge between fun and garish to me, but the fact that it’s consistent and the only pattern means it isn’t too offensive. quick question though: why are his pant legs rolled up like that?? this isn’t a cute “cuffed at the ankle” look, dude looks like he had to wade across a pond to get to the venue. what gives
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out of everyone here, gundam’s suit might be the most boring of all. the scarf is just his normal scarf. the red tie and trim don’t do anything to tie the look together. the only mild point of interest is the asymmetrical vest, and i can’t even tell if that’s intentional. simply put, this “““fancy”““ outfit isn’t even in the same ZIP CODE as the level of ostentatious chuuni that gundam serves us every single day in his casual wear. maybe even worse than being ugly... it’s disappointing.
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now, look. is this dress buckwild and ugly as hell? yes. but you know what else it is? it is IBUKI MIODA’S DRESS. there might not be a single cohesive thing about this dress aside from its color scheme. the huge poofy ruffles of the skirt and arm things with the spiked bow and corset are baffling. the artist somehow managed to draw the awkward, clumping shape of the skirt to make it look exactly like an emergency cosplay sewn four hours before a convention. frankly, i can’t justify ranking it as a c! but i’m doing it anyway, because the sheer level of craftsmanship demands it, and in this house we respect diy queens that are totally off the shits.
d tier is for outfits that aren’t offensive, exactly... but like, they sure don’t look good! d tier is not a respectable place to be. those in d tier won’t be laughed out of the ceremony in shame, but they should really run their outfit by someone else first next time.
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now don’t get me wrong: i have nothing but respect for the titties-out look. keeping the shirt unbuttoned all the way down to where the lapels of the jacket end? that’s sexy as hell. however, this flawless idea has a confusing execution. why emerald green and orange? what’s with the... long-sleeved printed (hawaiian?) shirt? why the red pocket square? and the jacket itself, while fitted perfectly along the chest and midsection, has a weird, unflattering scallop shape flaring out at the bottom. i want to like this fit, but there are just too many bad choices.
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oh, hajime... literally nothing about this ensemble is it. the creamy manila suit might have had potential if there were literally any color variation in the vest (or potentially shoes) to give it a little more shape, or even if you just went with a white shirt underneath it! i could get behind a light, off-monochrome look! but that leprechaun-green shirt is downright perplexing to me. it looks like a mistake! did you get dressed in the dark? did you spill something on your other shirt? this is a mess.
f tier is inexcusable. f tier should never have happened. how does it get this bad. who did this? who’s responsible for this?
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y’know, the colors are pretty! i dig the white and teal! but... girl... what the fuck is this construction. the ruffles are all over the place. the bodice looks like it has less fabric than space it needs to cover. the bottom half of the skirt looks like it was sewn on as an afterthought because the top half was too short for dress code. what’s with the weird choker collar detached from everything else. why is the hairband a slightly different shade of green. so many decisions were made here and none of them are flattering
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yknow, i like the idea behind this. i can see what you were going for! the dress on its own might have worked, even! but everything else about it is just... so ugly. what the fuck is happening with those shoes??? the sheer black tights aren’t the sexy OL look you think they are. the collar of the dress looks like it’s... braided for some reason??? those earrings are so huge for no payoff, statement jewelry with nothing to say, and worst of all... that headband. GIRL. that headband and that belt...... there’s nothing here. also i love orange but it’s not her color.
and finally... the worst.
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what the fuck. what the fuck is this. this is straight up cheap rubber fetish gear. why is the HAT rubber? that skirt ruffle makes this look like fucking polly pocket clothes. why the fuck is she wearing that. the clothes are so bad that it makes her hair look like rubber too. was she dared to wear this? is this some cruel punishment? i don’t even know what to say. this is the worst possible outfit. there is not even one redeeming quality about it.
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 8 - The Penderghast Amorelia Day Gala
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Several weeks later, Fiora and her friends enjoy a night of dancing, food, and fun.
Previous Scene: Never Bet Against Fiora
Masterlist: Link
Several weeks later, the Amorelia Day Gala has arrived. Penderghast’s Grand Ballroom, located on Rhuka Hall’s top floor, has been fully decorated for the event. The entire room is bathed in a soft blue light, changing and shifting in ways reminiscent of sunlight being filtered through water. Toward the ceiling, multicolored floating umbrellas hang suspended by some kind of Air Stoichi. Beautiful fountains erupt in impossible patterns, shaped by Water Stoichi into figures and patterns that rise and fall in time with the music. A table against the far wall hosts countless dishes of all kinds of food, complete with several multi-layered cakes at the center. A few Penderghast students, along with several professors, are already present as several more trickle in, all dressed for the occasion. Then:
FIORA: Holy... wow! This place is amazing!
SHREYA (smiling): Not half as amazing as moi. Or, for that matter, my lovely date.
Fiora blushes heavily as she and Shreya make their way into the room. Shreya wears a beautiful beige dress with matching circlet, both of which are decorated with a Light-Att technique that makes them sparkle every time she moves. Fiora’s dress, in contrast, is a muted golden color with flowing translucent sleeves. As they enter, Fiora beams at her date.
FIORA: Shreya... this is amazing! Thank you!!
SHREYA: Perhaps I ought to be thanking you for saying “yes.”
FIORA (blushes): Yeah... I’m a bit slow sometimes--
She is interrupted by Shreya pulling her into a quick kiss. They break apart quickly when Shreya spots Zeph, Griffin, and Peter approaching.
SHREYA: Oh! Hi, everyone! So glad you could make it!
ZEPH (laughing): Don’t worry about us. We’re not interrupting anything!
Shreya and Fiora blush furiously.
GRIFFIN: Glad you both could make it! Did either of you see Beckett, by the way?
ZEPH: ...Or Atlas?
Fiora shrugs.
FIORA: They might be going together. I don’t know, Atlas was kinda hesitant about--
BECKETT: Ah, there you are!
Beckett approaches the group, along with an unfamiliar, bland-looking woman they do not recognize. Beckett is dressed in a crisp suit with golden tie, his hair impeccably combed straight back. The woman beside him wears a sparkling navy-blue dress, and Fiora at first doesn’t recognize her. Then, she seems to realize something, and peers closer at Beckett’s companion.
FIORA: ...Atlas?!
ZEPH: Wait, Atlas? Where?
SHREYA: Fiora, what are you--
The woman at Beckett’s side smirks, then waves a hand in front of her face and makes a few quick gestures. The unfamiliar features fall away, replaced with Atlas’s distinctive silver hair and facial features identical to Fiora’s. Zeph lets out a soft gasp.
ATLAS: ...I assume that damn thing works, then?
BECKETT: But of course! None can recognize you now, save those you’ve granted permission to.
ATLAS: Good. ‘Cause I’m leaving this place immediately if there’s any chance of--
ZEPH (laughs): Come on, Atlas! Can’t you just enjoy yourself for five minutes? I promise, nothing crazy’s gonna attack the Gala while we’re here. Okay?
Atlas scowls. Then she relents, smiling slightly at Beckett.
ATLAS: ...Fine. Can’t hurt to be here with someone like him, after all. He’s almost as good with combat stoichi as I am!
BECKETT: I--excuse you, what do you mean, almost?!
ATLAS: Oh, please. As if you even understood half the things I’ve had to...
As Atlas and Beckett continue arguing, the others exchange a look of exasperation.
FIORA: There they go again...
PETER: Uh, Griff, what’s with the disguise? I don’t think most people wear Cloakguises to go to Penderghast dances...
FIORA (shrugs): She’s my twin sister. Long story short, she’s... not supposed to be here.
ZEPH: Also, Beckett’s had a huge crush on her since even before we knew she existed--
PETER (laughs): Sure he didn’t. Anyway, fair enough. I ain’t about to rat her out to Goeffe if you aren’t.
He glances over at the back of the room, where Dean Goeffe stands, a severe look on her face as she engages Dr. Englund in deep conversation.
SHREYA: Well? Shall we, then?
Shreya tugs Fiora out toward the center of the room, the other Pend Pals following close behind. As they approach the dance floor, Zeph dashes ahead of the others.
ZEPH: Watch this! I’ve been waiting for weeks to show you all this move!
Zeph launches into a full body wave, complete with shoulder shimmy. The others watch, enraptured... most of them, anyway.
BECKETT (huffs): I give that a two out of ten.
ZEPH: Oh, c’mon. That’s at least a seven, isn’t it?
BECKETT: Then show me a “seven.”
Zeph pouts as Shreya pulls Fiora onto the dance floor.
SHREYA: Alright, allow moi to show you a thing or two!
Shreya launches into a complicated dance sequence, complete with handstands, cartwheels, and other flashy moves. After a moment, she grabs Fiora’s hands and draws her in to the dance.
FIORA: Shreya, I don’t--Whoa!
After a few beats of dancing, Shreya grabs Fiora’s arms, holding them outward so that her hands are facing up. Perplexed, Fiora keeps her hands there... only for Shreya to step back, then leap into her hands, using them as a foothold to backflip through the air!
ZEPH: Holy Source!
GRIFFIN: Whooooo!
PETER: Yeah!
ATLAS (shrugs): Not bad.
Shreya lands and strikes a pose beside a still-slightly-bewildered Fiora. The others all applaud.
GRIFFIN: That was amazing! Shreya, where’d you learn that?
Shreya giggles as they step off of the dance floor.
SHREYA: I learned that one at a club in Pennseil!
Everyone besides Fiora gapes at her, impressed. Fiora simply looks confused.
FIORA: Okay, is this one of those Attuned things I just don’t understand, or...?
ATLAS (whispering): Pennseil is the Attuned reflection of... “Paris,” I think it’s called.
Fiora gasps in recognition.
FIORA: Oh! Wow, Shreya, that’s super awesome!
SHREYA: ...Well, Beckett?
BECKETT: Hmph. Well, I suppose that might be worthy of a ten out of ten, if for no other reason than by comparison with the single other entry in this impromptu competition.
ZEPH: Hey!
Atlas bursts out laughing. Shreya smiles and wraps an arm around Fiora.
SHREYA: Well. As if I would ever lose such a contest with you by my side, non?
FIORA: Of course not. That was seriously amazing, Shreya.
PETER: Hang on, I think I just spotted some cake. Can’t miss out on that!
GRIFFIN: Looks delicious! Let’s go!
The two of them dash over to the dessert table, with Fiora and the others following close behind. The group eagerly approaches the huge, multi-colored cakes dominating the center of the dessert display.
FIORA: Wow. Okay, that looks amazing.
She moves forward to take a slice, but Shreya grabs her arm and pulls her back.
FIORA (frowning): Hey!
SHREYA: Don’t worry, darling, you’ll get your chance. I just want to be certain you know what you’re getting into, first.
FIORA: Why? It’s just cake-- (sighs) It’s... not just cake, is it?
SHREYA (laughs): Of course not! The esteemed Chef Liyan Fang would never make something as ordinary as a simple cake, without even a single stoicheal infusion, can you imagine?
FIORA: So this thing has some kind of... effect? If I eat it, it’ll do something?
SHREYA: Just watch.
Peter grabs a slice from the blue tier of the cake, near the center. He takes a bite.
GRIFFIN (laughs): Wait for it...
A few seconds later, Peter lets out a series of musical belches that play perfectly in tune with the music playing overhead! Fiora gasps in surprise, then giggles, as the others all laugh.
FIORA: Ooh! I wanna try!
GRIFFIN: There’s gonna be more than one effect. It all depends on which color tier you take the slice from, plus which part of the cake. Choose wisely!
FIORA: Wait, so, is there a sign or something that says which part does what?
PETER (laughs): Where’s the fun in that? You’ve gotta take a wild guess, be surprised!
FIORA (hesitantly): Oh... I don’t--
She swallows, and her expression changes as she confidently approaches the table. She nods once.
FIORA: You know what? Why not. Here I go!
She takes a slice from the corner of the cake’s yellow tier and cautiously takes a bite. The others look at her expectantly.
ATLAS: ...Well?
FIORA: I don’t feel any-- Whoa!
Fiora stumbles back in shock, and the camera shifts to her perspective. She (and the camera) look around at each of the others, and we see shining auras surrounding each of them. Shreya’s aura is a flickering reddish-orange; Griffin’s, a shifting earth tone; Beckett’s is stiff and silvery; Peter’s is wispy and fleeting; Zeph’s is bluish-green; and Atlas’s resembles Zeph’s, but much stronger, with an overlay of crackling yellow lines rushing throughout.
SHREYA: Fiora? Are you okay?
FIORA: Yeah, I... I think I’m seeing your stoichi! It’s surrounding everyone, like a glow, or...
BECKETT: Ah! Your vision must have been enhanced so as to better make out our stoicheal auras!
SHREYA: You actually can see them normally, if you try hard enough. Though here, surrounded by so many Attuned, it’s hard to notice... they’re fairly faint most of the time.
FIORA: Whoa. This is trippy. I--
Fiora’s (and the camera’s) vision pans to the left, toward Dean Goeffe and Dr. Englund... and we hear Fiora gasp. Dr. Englund’s aura is a stronger version of Griffin’s, but Dean Goeffe’s is a swirling mass of darkness, engulfing her to the point that we are barely able to see the dean herself through the thick aura.
FIORA (quietly): Dean Goeffe... her aura, it’s...
Atlas glances over at the dean. She frowns.
ATLAS (quietly): I don’t see anything. What is it?
FIORA: It’s black. And... it looks angry. It’s so thick, I can barely see her. What is that?
GRIFFIN (curiously): I don’t see anything. She looks like a normal Metal-Att to me.
FIORA: No, I--
The aura effect fades away.
FIORA: Darn. It’s gone! Hang on, give me some more of that cake!
The camera returns to a normal perspective as Fiora reaches forward, grabbing another piece of the cake. This time, she takes from the side of the yellow tier instead of the corner. After taking a big bite... She suddenly starts levitating in the air, wisps of Air Stoichi circling around her feet!
FIORA: Whoa! Okay, I did not expect that.
Everyone laughs.
SHREYA: The location of the slice matters too, remember? Wow, I absolutely must try one now.
As Shreya and the others all start taking their own slices of cake, all of whom end up with a wide variety of stoicheal effects, Fiora frowns, looking back at where the dean and Dr. Englund had been. Dr. Englund is now standing near the wall, gazing out at the crowd... and the dean is nowhere to be seen.
FIORA (to herself): That... something’s wrong...
After a brief moment, Atlas comes up to Fiora. Her hands and wrists are covered with shimmering red scales that are slowly fading away.
FIORA: What’s with the scales?
ATLAS: Damn cake.
FIORA (laughs): Should’ve known! Anyway, what’s up?
ATLAS (shrugs): Dunno. I just wanted to say... thanks. For keeping me around all that time, even though you barely knew me...
FIORA: Aw, Atlas, you don’t have to--
Atlas holds up a hand, and Fiora stops talking.
ATLAS: Seriously. You could’ve kicked me out at any time, or reported me to someone. Couldn’t blame you, with how suspicious I was being of your friends. But you put up with me. Not only that, when things were going south at the birthday party... you really stepped up. And now... well, I’m glad I’m here. With your friends.
FIORA (knowingly): By ‘friends,’ d’you mean... ‘Beckett,’ specifically?
ATLAS: Now you’re pushing it.
FIORA: Sorry.
ATLAS: But seriously. Thanks. I’m starting to see why everyone made such a big deal about this party. It’s... fun.
FIORA (smiles): If anyone deserves to have fun, it’s you, Atlas. I can’t imagine there were many parties in the Between.
ATLAS (laughs): If Raife’s evil cultists were having any parties, I sure as hell wasn’t invited. ‘Sides, at least here, I know I’ve got people to watch my back.
FIORA: Really?
ATLAS: There’s nobody I’d rather have at my side in a pinch than my sister. And... just between you and me, I don’t entirely mind that Beckett guy. He’s... competent.
FIORA (knowingly): “Competent.” Right. He’s definitely... that.
ATLAS (awkwardly): Right. Whatever, enough with all that sentimental crap. Catch you later.
Atlas disappears into the crowd. Fiora looks around, bewildered, until Shreya appears and pulls her into a twirl.
FIORA: Whoa! Hey there, Shreya.
SHREYA: Fiora! Just the good-looking and absolutely breathtaking Light-Att I wanted to see. Come dance with me!
Fiora smiles at her date.
FIORA: I thought you’d never ask! I’d love to.
Shreya leads Fiora out onto the dance floor as the music shifts to a slow waltz. They start to dance perfectly in time with one another, moving slowly around the dance floor.
SHREYA: This is lovely. Why don’t we dance together more often?
FIORA: Dunno. Guess we’ve been too busy with school... and fighting off random shadow monsters... and discovering my secret twin... y’know, usual stuff.
SHREYA (laughs): Ah, yes. Things are never dull with you around, are they? I am so glad we ended up roommates. It was clearly meant to be.
Fiora smiles warmly at Shreya.
FIORA: We were clearly meant to be, I’d say.
SHREYA: Oh, I agree. Everything is simply so... beautiful. Don’t you think?
FIORA: Yeah. Beautiful...
Fiora leans in and kisses Shreya.
SHREYA: Well! That’s certainly something the Fiora of a few months ago never would have done!
FIORA: Why, are you complaining?
SHREYA: Perish the thought!
They resume their dance as the music shifts into something more upbeat. After a few moments, Atlas and Beckett join them, followed closely by Griffin and Peter. They all dance together for a brief moment, until finally the song ends, to be replaced with another. The six of them all head toward the edge of the dance floor, where Zeph is waiting, eating from a heaping plate of some type of glowing Attuned snack.
SHREYA: This had best be important. I really was enjoying myself!
Atlas gives her a meaningful nod, then jerks her head in the direction of the ballroom’s entrance. Shreya and the others follow her gesture to see...
FIORA (astonished): Dr. Swan?!
SHREYA: She’s back? But... I don’t... that cannot--
BECKETT (frowning): Rather suspicious, isn’t it? That she should vanish for so long... only to reappear now? And without even speaking to Fiora or Shreya?
ATLAS: Took the words right out of my mouth. Something’s wrong.
FIORA: Let me talk to her. Maybe she knows something.
Fiora starts walking toward Dr. Swan, when suddenly, the booming voice of Dean Goeffe, amplified by telepathy, echoes through everyone’s minds.
As the students around them start panicking, Fiora and her friends look around with suspicion.
ATLAS: Okay. I can’t be the only one who finds this suspicious, right?
GRIFFIN: Right. Something’s wrong...
The Pend Pals watch as Dr. Swan and Dr. Englund both immediately head toward the ballroom’s entrance, disappearing through its double doors. Fiora looks around at her friends, then at Atlas.
FIORA: Something’s not right. We need to follow them.
ATLAS: Agreed.
Amidst the throng of confused and terrified students, seven students make their way toward the exit, following the professors toward the Mirror Storage room...
Notes: And so the climax begins... let's hope our heroes are strong enough to handle whatever comes next for them!
Timeline: The Amorelia Day Gala takes place on March 17th, 2018.
Next: Into the Between
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
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edlinklover · 3 years
Hey how did you make your backgrounds and sprites in your game? I'm trying to learn and I wanna know what the best way to start is cause I wanna make my own stuff to put in the game
I only have the rpg MV do I need the other add ons?
    oh my god I accidentally refreshed the page and lost my entire progress of my answer to this so bear with me (IT WAS REALLY LONG TOO)
    I just draw everything in Paint Tool Sai, though you could get away with ms paint! You don’t even have to draw in pixel art if you don’t want to as long as they fit the right dimensions. But if you want to know specific dimensions and stuff and how to like. actually draw them correctly so they work, I can try to help with that but uhm,, bear with me because I Do Not know how parallax mapping works and I am an amateur.
    Disclaimer: I have RPG Maker VX Ace AND MV (no add ons or anything, I don’t think you NEED add-ons unless you can’t draw yourself) but MV is a very recent addition to me. I’ll still try my best (If any RPG maker people are reading this and are like HEY NO THERE ARE EASIER WAYS I’m sorry. i do not know those easier ways)
    So sprites? Pretty easy! For RPG Maker MV, I use this 576 x 384 px grid to organize them!
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    RPG Maker splits sprite sets in a certain way, and if you mess with the dimensions, it might not work correctly anymore, so I generally stick to this size (There IS a way to get bigger sprites, but I do not understand them)
    As you can see, each sprite is about one square big. I referenced default RPG Maker MV’s sprites by comparing them to my handy grid and being like, oh! They are one square big! I should also make my sprites one square big each! In general, I recommend taking a look into RPG Maker MV’s files, overlaying the grids over the tilesets and characters, and trying to study how they’re split up. I also recommend making a base sprite!
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    I didn’t bother making the in between animations of the actual movement, but if you’re having trouble figuring them out, just study the base sprites of rpg maker mv and you’ll figure out how walking works!
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    For faces, I use these for RPG Maker MV! Each individual box is 144 x 144 px (the canvas’ total size is 576x288 px)! I make a 144x144 px canvas, draw my faces, and then copy and paste them into each box until there’s a full set of 8! I don’t recommend messing with the sizes, and I don’t think you can get bigger sizes unless you ditch the face icon feature altogether.
    My tileset process is way more convoluted because I don’t understand MV yet so I reference RPG Maker MV’s default assets a lot. For example, say I want to make an original floor set, but I’m not sure what dimensions I’ll need to make sure RPG Maker MV will read it and implement it into the program properly. I look into RPG Maker MV’s files and choose a floor tileset to reference. In this case, I open up inside_A5.png and put my grids over it to break it down.
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I look at this, and say hm! Each floor pattern is about one square big! My floor pattern should also be one square big.
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    (Don’t ask me why I started from the bottom) If you put my grid overlay on top of these patterns I made, you will see that indeed, each floor pattern takes up one box!
    As for planning maps, I have the most convoluted method so I apologize in advance. I will try to explain it.
    So first off, each square in RPG Maker MV is 48x48 px. Cool. But your default size in RPG Maker MV is 17x13 for some reason? Well, multiply each number by 48. All of a sudden, you find out your map is actually 816 x 624 px! Whoa! Let’s say you’d prefer a bigger map, like 20x15. Multiply both by 48 and you’ll get the right canvas size. Anyway, we’re sticking with 17x13/816 x 624 because I recommend against huge maps and 17x13 can be cozy.
    To properly plan my map, I need to open up a canvas in my art program that’s 816 x 624 px.
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    Bam. I also put my grid down, making sure there are no half squares because we’re trying to mimic how RPG Maker MV’s grid works. If there are still half squares but you’re sure you placed the grid right, check your math!
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    I start planning out my map! I recommend making sure your floors and walls don’t take up any half-squares, but your furniture can be literally whatever. As you can see, my grave takes up one and a half squares. Anyway, say we’re done. Now we transfer them onto tilesets.
    We focused on floors already, so I’ll just explain transferring objects. To transfer them onto a tileset, each item’s gotta take up the exact same number of squares it takes up in the planned map. If you don’t, you won’t be able to replicate your map plans into RPG Maker MV as perfectly as you’d like. For example, the rug in my planned map could take up just 2 squares if I shifted it to the left or right, but then it wouldn’t be centered at the entrance like a normal rug would.
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    (SF_Inside_B.png) I kept the overlays and stuff so you can hopefully better understand my process. I moved the rug (just because), but I made sure it still took up 3 spaces like a man on the train who sleeps across the seats. Don’t put anything else in those half squares either, it’s all belongs to the rug. When you’re ready to place the objects in the program, you should be able to replicate your map no problem.
    I’m so sorry if this didn’t help, I really don’t know what I’m doing and it’s a miracle I made two games by myself hsdghd There’s tons of resources out there! If something I said was almost helpful but you’d like me to elaborate more, please let me know too!
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cassabi · 3 years
Also, with regards to the image I just posted:
I know it was long, so I didn't want to clutter it too much with these details, and I certainly won't share all of them, but!
One thing I wanted to point out was this overlay I used for the background (enhanced for readability):
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I'm no batok expert, but I'm decently familiar with the basic symbols and this pattern, specifically, was an interlocking of a symbol for sun and a symbol for moon. When my brother was an only child, my mother naturally sang him lullabies, and the staple she'd always sing was "You Are My Sunshine," like many mothers do. It's something we reference to this day.
... The thing is, when I came along, I was very adamant that I had something different, because my dear brother was already her sunshine, and we couldn't both be her sunshine because sunshine was a singular noun, obviously, so I had to be something different. Which is how I came to be known as "Moonshine" for a period in my life, where she sang the same song to me but.. changed just the one word!
And it's kind of hilarious, and also has had meaning kind of forcefully stacked upon it throughout my life. I'm the kind of person who does, in fact, pretentiously look upon my own experiences through the lens of symbolism as if I were some classic novel protagonist being analyzed by... me, who is reading a classic novel. Which would never happen, because I take terribly long to do anything and it would make for probably a very boring, stream-of-consciousness style book about intrusive thoughts, but regardless, this is something I do. And I think, without delving too much into it and writing paragraphs upon paragraphs upon paragraphs, my brother and I did turn out to give each other that kind of balance... as the prophecy foretold! One might say!
The second detail is that I'm wearing wedges; now, it's not like wedges don't exist at all in traditional Filipiniana (which is what the dress is, actually, and it is kind of an amalgamation of all my favorite bits of the different clothing pieces that you might find in traditional wear), but I have a fucked up body and I wouldn't be able to wear any of those! I almost drew them in anyway, just for the aesthetic, but it seemed kind of funny to give myself shoes that would inflict 1200 psychic damage on me in a drawing that was supposed to be a self-indulgent reflection of my own identity, so I gave myself some sexy, stylish wedges, just as the podiatrist prescribed when I told her that sneakers made my legs curl and explode with shooting pain. 😎
That's all! There's nothing terribly Filipino going on that sparked this; it has just been heavy on my heart for a long, long while-- heavier than ever since the beginning of the COVID pandemic and how it affected my family both Stateside and in the Philippines-- and I had just enough of a confidence boost tonight to finally assert what I'd been wanting to for so long now.
... But, as there is a large Chinese population in the Philippines and we often end up celebrating as a result, happy late Mid-Autumn festival! I hope everyone had lots of mooncake and lovely memories.
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thekidultlife · 4 years
Word prompt request pls? Minghao and hands?
(A/N: I uh...if you guys have been following my blog and Leanne's, we've been watching an anime called A Certain Scientific Accelerator and have been going crazy over it for a past few days. I always loved that series and took the time to read the novels, so this was directly inspired from it....i know you guys wanted some fluff but im in a mood for horror these days 😂 -Hyeri)
"Just a little bit more."
In this deep dark underbelly of a certain city of science, lies a dim luminance amidst the abyss. Light reflected from the human-sized cylinder filled with an unknown liquid, illuminating the large room with a freakishly green glow.
"Just a bit more...with these hands..."
A young man whispered to himself little encouragements as he continued to dance his fingers on the keyboard. His monitor was showing various stats as cables big and small wrapped around him and the cylinder in a snake-like hold.
Despite the speed of his hands, the young man was holding back sobs, puncturing his voices of encouragement like a pierce through the heart.
"I'll...I'll grant your wish..."
In this deep dark underbelly of a certain city of science, a different kind of flower had bloomed.
Years before everything had happened, life was much easier and uncomplicated.
He was Xu Minghao back then, a talented neuroscientist who came to the city lured by generous research grants and advanced technology. There wasn't any downsides as he began his research on dementia and neurological diseases. It was the greatest time of his life surrounded by people who thought like him and appreciated what he was seeking. It was paradise.
Yet when Minghao thought it couldn't get any better, you came along.
"This is test subject 00 - 1a."
You were introduced to him the day, the first of his human volunteers.
"Call me Y/N though! Being called a test subject is pretty awful," you told him as soon as the other head scientist walked away.
Minghao smiled, he had feared you'd be as stoic as the name given to you, yet it seemed those fears were unfounded.
"Then nice to meet you too, Y/N. I'm Minghao," he replied and you grinned, flashing your bright full smile.
"I'll be in your care, doc!"
Y/N was someone who was easy to work with, as Minghao had noted in his logbook. You were nice, cooperative and friendly, and little did he realize how he was slowly growing attached to you.
"Looks like your vitals are fine, Y/N," he told you one day after a regular checkup after a round of tests. "I'm wondering though, why did you become a test subject for this kind of research?"
To his question, you had only grinned. The dull teal green gown on you flowing like the wind as you moved, making him look elsewhere.
"Now, now, doc~ Are you curious?" You asked with a teasing look, "Haven't you found out anything in your research?"
Minghao glanced at you with a frown. "You seem pretty normal, apart from your sudden bouts of unconsciousness."
Smiling, you replied with a twinkle in your eyes. "Looks like you aren't from around here, are you doc?"
It didn't take him long to warm up to you and your bubbly personality. It was the only warmth he could feel down in the desolate and freezing labs, the only one who could make him feel less like a bastard for experimenting with humans and more of a doctor trying to help someone.
"You like to paint, doc?" You asked, munching on a sandwich as you watched him type on a computer.
"From time to time. Why'd you ask?" He replied as he looked up to you.
"Your desktop wallpaper. I felt like you drew that."
"Oh?" Minghao raised his brows, piqued by your comment. "You're quite intuitive, aren't you?"
"I have level 1 telepathy. It's more than enough to sense a few things," you told him with a slight giggle.
"That's amazing. I didn't realize the extent of your abilities," Minghao remarked, to which you only waved your hand in dismissal.
"Not as amazing as others out there," you continued, as your tone went to a downcast turn. "I'm a level one and I can't see a day without suddenly collapsing. Here in this city, people like me are called liabilities."
That was the first time he had heard you open up to him. Minghao gazed at you with heaviness in his heart as you made a bitter and cynical smile.
"I wanted to be useful, just for once in my life. Even if that means I have to be a test subject, at least I can help other people with conditions like me, right doc?"
Despite the smile on your face, Minghao felt the pain and the hurt you had endured all your life. He hated it. He hated how much life had robbed you of the light; a light which you were now ironically seeking at a place where it never shines through.
"It's ok, Y/N," Minghao told you as he wrapped ypu in a tight hug. "I'll help you with your dream. I'll make sure that this research wouldn't be in vain."
With that promise, Minghao began to work extensively. He wanted to remove that painful look on your face as you smiled at him, waving as if it was normal to sit inside a large machine trying to manipulate your brain. It was a sacrifice you were willing to make, and he was determined to achieve your goal.
It was for you. All for you.
Minghao wasn't stupid. He knew you were dying. The bouts of fainting and collapsing was getting more and more frequent. Each passing day, you had grown weaker and he was becoming more and more desparate.
"Her condition is worsening, Dr. Xu. What do we do? She's the most successful of all test subjects."
There was no need for asking.
"Let's move to phase two."
He hadn't thought of it at first, but he had already sunk himself knee deep into the mud without even knowing. He had never realized how twisted this city was and how he had submerged himself in its dark, dark abyss voluntarily.
The first time he saw it was during a failed test.
A huge forced slammed around the thick concrete walls of the room, creating a slight tremor. The glass separating the scientists from the test site suddenly cracked, reflecting the horror on Minghao's face as he saw you pick up a stray iron bar and walked towards a weakened attendant with an uncomprehensible expression on our face that was akin to wicked delight.
"Die. Die. Die. Die! Die!!!"
You screamed, hammering the attendant with the iron bar hard enough to draw blood.
"N-no...stop it! Y/N stop!"
Minghao was the first one to scream as he raced down the testing room, bursting the door open and stopping you before you could commit murder.
He had never recovered from what he saw that day, yet he didn't have the strength to stay away from you.
"...what happened that time, Y/N?" Minghao asked, interviewing you.
You gazed at him, eyes tinged with panic.
"I...I don't know. I'm sorry..."
Minghao could feel the anxiety in your voice, the guilt of killing with your own hands. He didn't want this.
"Y/N, let's just stop this..."
"No!" You shouted, which then turned into soft sobs. "No...no....not now, please, doc. I don't want to be like this anymore...I don't want to be sick anymore."
"Please...would you grant me my wish?"
And he did.
And it came with a terrible price.
"No, h-help! Help me please!"
Screams were heard inside the testing room, blood was splattered on the wall. Yet Minghao had become tolerant of it. It was ok. It was for you.
"Who would've thought overlaying a Level 5 esper's thought patterns would make her more stable, though a bit violent. This is good data, Minghao. Congratulations."
He could hear the grant sponsor greet him yet his face remained stoic. He glanced at the folder beside him, not noticing that the research had changed names over the course of several years.
"This marks the first step to the project. Thank you for your work, Doctor."
He was congratulating Minghao as if it was the end. No, it isn't the end. Not yet.
In the deep dark underbelly of a certain city of science, Minghao walked towards the testing room. He could hear water dripping in irregular beats, his steps echoing across the lab.
It was once clean and bright, but now it was in disarray. Abandoned and empty after an incident years before. Minghao had moved on to other projects as well yet he still came back.
"Hi, doc," you greeted him with a bright smile, hands bloody and uniform stained red.
"Hi, Y/N," he replied, his eyes were now heavy and exhausted. Xu Minghao had changed over the years. "How's school?"
Grinning, you pushed the body of a female classmate out of the way so you can reach him.
"It was great! I made some friends, but they didn't really like me..." you pouted, seemingly innocent. "So I made them like me!"
Minghao made a small smile. This was fine. At least you were happy.
In the deep dark underbelly of a certain city of science, a murky darkness filled with despair existed.
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rosemaidenvixen · 4 years
A Secret’s Worth
Chapter 9: Darci
Darci shifted the bag onto her hip, leaving her hand free to knock on the door.
“It’s open,” Claire’s voice called from inside.
She quickly opened the door so she could better grip the bag, and headed into the house. Everyone else was already there, Jim and Mary were messing around in the kitchen while Toby fiddled with a pile of cards. Claire waved her over from her seat on the couch.
“I brought the guac, you have the chips?”
Darci held up the tote bag “Right here,”
Claire patted the spot next to her “We’re almost ready, Toby just needs to finish shuffling,”
Toby flashed them a thumbs up without taking his eyes away from the cards flying through his fingers.
“So as soon as our chefs finish we’ll be ready to start,” she gestured towards the kitchen.
“It would go a lot faster if someone ,” Jim’s voice wafted out of the kitchen “Would hurry up with the fancy apple juice,”
“Hey, I don’t tell you how to make those little meat pies, you don’t tell me how to do my mocktails,”
“They’re called pasties and more effort goes into them than you’ll ever know,”
“I’m sorry, do you want to play our new years cards against humanity tournament without mocktails? Because if you keep it up that’s what’s going to happen,”
Claire made a face and Darci had to stifle a giggle. She didn’t quite succeed and it came out as a snort.
Fortunately the bickering didn’t last and soon Jim and Mary came into the living room with their respective refreshments.
“We’re good to camp out here all day,” Jim said while carefully setting down his tray “But remember to try and be quiet, Mom just got off a graveyard shift and she’s trying to sleep,”
Darci nodded at this, normally they prefered to hang out at Claire’s house where they had a lot more space and didn’t have to worry about disturbing anyone, but since her parents were having a bunch of people over to work on the new nursery they’d been forced to come up with alternate plans.
Toby grabbed the plastic bucket and plunked it down on top of the coffee table “Like we agreed guys, everyone ante up,”
Darci reached into her bag and pulled out the package of sparklers, briefly rereading the label before setting them in the bucket. Around her everyone else produced some kind of firework and put it in the offered bin.
Those were the terms they’d agreed on, everyone chipped in some of their leftover fireworks from last night, and the winner got the pot.
Now that the stakes were set, Toby started dealing out to each of them from the pile of white cards “Just to make sure everyone remembers, no throwing in the towel, we go until we drop. The winner’s the last one standing or the one with the most black cards by five o'clock, whichever comes first,” he flashed them a feral grin “Let the games begin,”
Claire returned his predatory look “You’d better bring your A-game TP, because I’m going home with those bottle rockets,”
The two of them stared each other down, Darci glanced over to Jim and Mary. The three of them rolled their eyes simultaneously.
It wasn’t like it really mattered who won, whoever it was would just end up shooting them all off at the end of the year bonfire with everyone else.
Jim apparently decided he’d had enough of Toby and Claire’s standoff and gently nudged his friend in the shoulder to grab his attention “Ok you dealt so I’ll draw the first black one,”
All eyes were on him as he picked up a black card from the top of the deck, flipped it over, and started reading it out loud “Arby’s, we have….”
The sound of shuffling filled the room as they all started rifling through their cards. Darci scanned through her hand before one in particular grabbed her attention. This one, this one was perfect. She couldn’t control the grin that spread across her face as she set her white card down with the others.
Her card did in fact win the Darci first round, and she won many rounds after that. Though not all of them. Steadily growing piles of black cards grew besides each of them; a visual reminder of each victory. Some rounds were over quickly with a winner being declared in seconds, others took a while, the judge having to choose between multiple very good choices or all bad choices. Some rounds were extended simply because they were all laughing too hard to function.
Their game passed in a blur of giggles, laughs, tears, and groans. So by the time Darci got around to checking her phone, she saw that it was already almost 2pm.
Toby lifted a card from the top of the black deck “Ok, the class field trip was completely ruined by... uh Darci, why are you raising your hand?”
“Hey, uh, not that I’m not having a blast,” she slowly lowered her hand “But all those mocktails are catching up to me,”
His eyes widened by just a fraction “Ah,”
They all looked around at the empty glasses and plates surrounding them. Jim was the first to set his cards facedown on the floor “How about we take a quick five minute break?”
“Sounds good,”
“Fine by me,”
They all set down their cards and started getting to their feet
Darci glanced down the hall “Hey Jim, where’s the bathroom?”
“Down the hall past the kitchen, first door on the right, the other door’s just the basement,”
Mary started gathering empty glasses “I’ll go ahead and make more mocktails,”
Claire raised her arms above her head and stretched, no doubt working out the kinks in her back from staying seated so long “I think I’ll use the facilities too,”
“Make that three,” Jim added.
Uh oh, sounded like a line was forming.
Wasting no more time, Darci scurried off to the bathroom as discreetly as she could. She had to go bad and did not want to get stuck behind Claire and Jim. A few minutes later she walked out feeling very relieved, but was surprised to see no one waiting by the door.
Where were Jim and Claire? They’d said they had to go to, so why weren’t-- ah, the upstairs bathroom. That must be it.
Looking over to her right revealed that Toby, busy stacking haphazard piles of cards, was the only one in the living room. Sounds of pouring liquids and clinking glasses came from the kitchen, which meant Mary was still in there making drinks. It looked like Toby had the cards under control, so Darci opted to go into the kitchen to see if Mary needed help.
She poked her head through the entryway “You want an assist with those mocktails?”
Mary glanced over to her while still pouring two cans into the large pitcher “I’m just about done, but if you could put the empties in recycle that would be great,”
“Will do,”
Dacri started collecting empty cans and bottles from off the counters. But it was only when her arms were full that she realized she couldn’t see a recycling bin anywhere.
“You know where the bin is?”
“Just put them in the paper bag hanging off the back door,” Mary replied without looking up from stirring the pitcher “They have some other kind of plan,”
Walking over to the back door, Darci found the bag Mary was talking about with no issue, except for one slight problem. She stared at the narrow opening of the paper bag and then back down at the brimming pile of cans in her arms.
This was going to be a challenge.
Unwilling to admit defeat by setting the cans down on the counter and putting them in one at a time, Darci leaned over and held the pile of cans over the bag. Slowly, she loosened her arms and adjusted her grip so that only a few cans fell into the bag at a time.
She was down to five cans and already congratulating herself for pulling this off when the cans shifted unexpectedly, causing four to fall in the bag while one slipped free and started rolling away. Swearing under her breath, Darci chased after the runaway. The can had a headstart on her and rolled straight towards the cracked basement door.
Don’t go through the door, don’t go through the door, don’t go through the door.
The can slipped perfectly through the crack and she could hear it start bouncing down the steps.
Well darn.
Darci hesitated at the basement door for a second. Jim hadn’t specifically said that the basement was off limits, but it always felt weird going into new spaces at other people’s houses, especially without explicit permission. It always felt like she was sneaking around.
Berating herself, Daric opened the door and headed down the creaky wooden steps towards where the can had landed at the bottom. Why was she making such a big deal about this, it wasn’t like she was looking at anything private, it was just the basement, not someone’s bedroom or home office. Besides, leaving garbage just laying around someone else’s house was a lot worse than accidentally snooping.
Having reached the bottom of the steps, Darci bent over and wrapped her fingers around the wayward can; but before she could even stand back up, the already dim basement suddenly became much darker.
She let out a squeak and whirled her head in the direction of the door above her. It was shut, but only partially, the narrow line of light was proof of that. Probably just swung shut by itself because of the way the house settled. Darci let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. What was with her today? She really needed to quit being so jumpy.
Adrenaline fading, Darci turned and walked back up the steps towards the door. But three steps from the top she paused, squinting to try and peer through the gloom.
It looked like there was some kind of weird...pattern on the door. Or was there? It was mostly clustered in one area and didn’t look like any kind of decorative pattern she’d seen before. From this distance in the dark she couldn’t really tell.
But there was something on the door, that much she was sure of.
Curious now, Darci came to the topmost step and leaned in close, cracking the door wider to let in more light.
What she’d first thought was an engraved pattern on the door was actually scratches. Dozens upon dozens of overlaying scratches clustered just below the middle of the door. Darci’s eyes flitted across the numerous grooves. These marks didn’t look like a one off thing either. They were so deeply layered on top of each other, something must have scratched this door over and over again for a long time. In fact they looked almost like--
Her heart stopped.
Darci raised a hand up, desperately hoping to be proven wrong as she lined her fingers up with a group of the scratches. To her horror they aligned perfectly.
She realized her fingers were trembling.
“Mary!” she hissed, not wanting to shout but needing someone else to see this “Mary come check this out!”
“What is it?”
“Just get over here!”
Mary’s footsteps came towards the basement as Darci pushed the door open and stepped out into the hall, putting the scratches on full display.
Mary came around the corner, frowning, no doubt unhappy about being called over so hastily. Not even bothering to try and pacify her, Darci worlessly pointed towards the scratches. It took Mary a few seconds to notice what Darci was pointing at, but the instant she did her jaw dropped and her eyes got huge “What the hell is all that?”
Darci lined up her fingers to the scratches to demonstrate “I think these are claw marks,” she whispered “Someone was locked in the basement,”
“Holy shit….” Mary said with hushed incredulity, pulling out her phone and snapping a few pics of the scored wood.
Darci moved from examining the door itself to the knob. She was stunned to see it didn’t have a lock in it, meaning that it should have been impossible for anyone to be locked down there. And the knob matched all the others in the house so it wasn’t likely that a lockable knob had been replaced with a lockless knob.
So why had someone been clawing at a door that shouldn’t have been stopping them in the first place?
Her brain chased itself in circles, trying to come up with a solution to the paradox in front of her. Winding Darci into a tighter and tighter spring of anxiety and confusion, and ultimately getting nowhere.
Maybe a different perspective was what she needed to solve this puzzle.
Stepping fully back up into the hall, Darci shut the door all the way. Glancing at the walls surrounding the door for anything odd. It took her a little while but eventually she noticed something.
Something that would have otherwise appeared more or less normal, if not for what was on the basement door.
An exercise band was hanging on a hook attached to the wall just over a foot away from the door, the hook was exactly level with the doorknob.
Not even realizing what she was doing, Darci lifted the free end of the band, reached over, and looped it over the knob. It fit, but just barely, tension in the band keeping the door firmly shut. Lock or no lock that would keep someone in the basement.
Mary was almost manically snapping more pictures now, shaking hands barely able to hold her phone up “Holy shit holy shit holy shit!” she hissed.
Darci forced herself to reach out and slip the band off the door, needing to see the scratches again, even though their image was already burned into her retinas. To force her brain to accept the fact that what Darci was looking at was real.
Looking at the layers of claw marks again something else clicked.
Something that made Darci start to feel physically ill.
How low they were on the door. How tightly clustered the marks were.
Whoever had been locked in the basement had been tiny .
“Oh my god,” Mary whispered “It was Jim...”
It took Darci a few seconds to actually process what Mary had said “What are you talking about?”
“The weird curfew, the way he freaked out when he was late, what do you think!”
Darci immediately wanted to say something denying that, but all she could do was stand there with her jaw hanging open.
This house looked fairly new, twenty, thirty years old tops. And Jim said he’d lived here since he was born, that still left a ten year gap when someone else lived here and could have left the marks….
No. The marks didn’t look brand new, but they didn’t look thirty years old either. If she had to guess Darci would say they were made about ten years ago. Right about the time Jim would have been in elementary school.
And the hook with the band, those were definitely a recent thing.
A wave of cold dizziness washed over her. Her head was light and her knees went weak. Darci still couldn’t believe this was real, she didn’t want to believe this was real. She was barely aware of Mary looking frantically back and forth between her phone and the door. These things were only supposed to happen to far off strangers on the news and in magazines. Not here right in front of her face, not to someone she went to school with every day.
How had they not noticed-- how had she not noticed? All the weird rules, the crazy hours, why had it taken this long to put it together? And according to Toby this had been going for years, years for crying out loud! How could Jim have lived through years of...this...
Darci was so out of it she barely noticed the sound of footsteps from behind the bathroom door.
Heavy adult footsteps.
Adrenaline surged, snapping Darci out of her state of shock. Lightning fast, she shoved the basement door shut with her left hand and grabbed Mary’s arm with the right. Ignoring her friend’s squawk of protest and yanking her away from the basement. Just before the bathroom door swung open and out came--
“Hi girls, you having fun with your card game?”
“Oh yeah for sure,” Mary said chipperly.
Darci was beyond grateful that Mary could still act casual after what they’d seen. It was all she could do to force a smile on her face and nod, desperately hoping she didn’t look as nervous as she felt.
“Well don’t mind me, I just came down here because there was a line upstairs,” Dr. Lake flashed them a smile before turning and heading towards the staircase “Now it’s back to bed for me,”
Without warning Mary shoved two mocktail glasses into Darci’s hands, picking up the other three herself “We’ll just grab our drinks and get back to our game,”
Dr. Lake spared them a quick nod as she went up the stairs “Sounds good, and help yourselves to anything you need,”
“Will do,” Mary replied, herding Darci towards the living room.
It was all she could do to put one foot in front of the other.
Standing in front of them in pajamas and slippers, Jim’s mom seemed so nice, so normal , how could she be the type of person who would…
Darci took one final glance at the door as they walked by, catching a brief glimpse of the scratches, confirming that she hadn’t just hallucinated it.
“Don’t worry, I still have the pictures,” Mary whispered, barely audible, into her ear.
Oh. That’s right. Darci was so busy being shell shocked she’d forgotten all about that.
Stepping back into the living room she saw that everyone else was already there and waiting.
“Hey guys,” Toby piped up “You ready to get started”
“Totally,” Mary said while passing out mocktails, if Darci didn’t know better she would have believed the enthusiasm in Mary’s voice was genuine.
All eyes were on her, expectantly waiting for a reply.
“Yeah...you’d better believe it...”
The rest of the afternoon passed in a haze. Mindlessly putting down cards when she was called to, not even bothering to read what was on them.
Mainly she was focused on trying not to stare at Jim. To turn to him and ask why. Why hadn’t Jim said anything, why hadn’t he asked any of them for help? They’d sat next to each other every day at lunch for six months and he’d never let on that any of this was happening. Did he think no one would believe him, or was he scared of what his mom would do if he told? She would have thought that they trusted each other enough by now, so why...
The coppery tang of blood filled her mouth as her teeth cut into her tongue with the force Darci was biting it. If she started now there would be no stopping the flood. Right now Darci just had to get through this afternoon and talk about what she’d seen with Mary later. That meant she needed to stay calm, keep her head on. Not giving in to the urge to scream ‘What the hell?!’ at Jim every time she saw him out of the corner of her eye. And it didn’t help that she had to fight the urge to jump every time she heard Dr. Lake moving upstairs. Not. At. All.
Their game seemed to drag on so long that Darci thought it would never end, but eventually it did, not soon enough and far too early at the same time. She joined the other’s in cleaning up, moving like she was in a fog. Robotically picking up stray cards and putting away dirty dishes. And soon, far too soon, Jim was shutting the door behind them.
What would happen to him now that the door was shut and they were gone?
Toby jogged over to his own house, gazing forlornly at the plastic pail in Claire’s arms as he waved goodbye. Dacri jerkily raised her hand and moved it from side to side in an effort to mirror the gesture. Something that Mary pulled off much better and Claire didn’t even have to fake.
Lucky her.
Claire was the last one to turn away, still beaming and waving at Toby even as they rounded the turn and he vanished from sight..
“I don’t know about you guys, but we need to do that again, before next year,” she paused, no doubt waiting for them to chime in in agreement, but Darci couldn’t speak past the massive knot in her throat. And Mary looked grim and gaunt, no longer maintaining the mask she’d had for the last few hours.
When her friends didn’t reply Claire turned and faced them “Is everything ok? You’ve been pretty quiet all afternoon Darc,”
Mary stopped in her tracks, laying a hand on Claire’s shoulder to halt her as well. Darci stopped right along with them. She glanced towards Darci, the two of them sharing a knowing look.
Claire’s gaze flickered back and forth between them. Mouth crumpling into a frown when she recognized that they were in on a secret she didn’t share “Guys, what’s going on?”
“Claire…” Mary spoke up softly, she looked over at Darci for approval. Darci nodded back at her. Claire deserved to know the truth, but if Darci tried to explain she would just end up crying.
Looking grim, Mary pulled her phone out “Claire, you need to see this…”
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dakotacrisis · 4 years
Deal’s End (8)
I'll always love you and make you happy If you will only say the same But if you leave me and love another You'll regret it all some day
-You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis
(Read on AO3)
Marinette didn’t see Felix again before she went to bed. Her confusing thoughts from earlier only grew with his absence. Before when the thought of him leaving had felt bittersweet the idea that she wouldn’t be able to talk to him again hurt deep in her chest now. She liked Felix. She liked being around him and having fun with him. She liked talking with him and walking home with him.
Perhaps this was a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Wanting your demonic roommate to stay with you because you now see them as a friend. She doubted that anyone else could relate to her though. And she couldn’t talk to anyone about this since no one knew of Felix’s true nature. She was stuck alone in a dark room with her racing thoughts and heavy heart.
Maybe...maybe he could visit after he left. She hadn’t heard Felix mention that he was confined to Hell unless he was summoned. Maybe he would be able to pop up once in a while to say hi. They could grab lunch...play a game of Mecha Strike.
“UGH!” She buried her face in her pillow. Why was she getting so worked up about this now? Yeah she kinda saw Felix as her friend but there was no use worrying about life after he was gone when he was still very much in her life.
But for how much longer though? Once she was Adrien’s girlfriend Felix would be gone.
She forced the thoughts out of her head. This was not the night to worry about this. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.
The next day was a lazy day spent inside. The weather had taken a bad turn and a torrential downpour soaked the city. Marinette spent it in her room catching up on work and reorganizing. Pretty much anything to keep her mind busy and off of the looming worries for the future. Felix had reappeared in the morning though he was far quieter than usual. He mainly kept off to the side scribbling stuff down in his notebook. Randomly he would tear a page out and burn the paper instantaneously in his hand before starting again.
Marinette had asked what he was doing to which he gave a vague answer of ‘stuff.’ She tried to peek over his shoulder but he hid the page from view. “Nosy girl.”
“Why won’t you let me see what you’re doing?” Marinette asked.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Will you show me if I get you eclairs?” she smiled as the bribe hit its mark.
He looked up at her, his eyes widened at the promise of chocolatey foods. “How many eclairs?”
“As many as it takes for you to show me what’s on that paper.”
“I want ten eclairs and one of those red velvet cupcakes from the bakery.”
“Okay.” Marinette started heading downstairs. “It better not be something stupid!”
She grabbed the snacks from the bakery and went back up for the trade. She held out the box to Felix who reluctantly swapped it with his notebook. On the page was the start of a rough sketch hunched over a table. “You draw?” Marinette smiled as she took in the new information. “I didn’t know that about you.”
“It helps pass the time.” He shrugged as he downed another eclair.
She looked closer at the figure trying to figure out what he was going for from the rough outline. Then she saw the pigtails to the back of the hunched figure’s head. The box on top of the table...it was a sewing machine. Felix had been drawing her work.
She wanted desperately to ask why but figured it was for the best she not let on she knew it was her he was drawing and handed the notebook back. “It’s very good.”
“I’ve barely started.”
“Yeah but I can tell.” She plucked the half eaten eclair out of his hand. “That being said try not to get crumbs all over my chaise.”
“That was mine!” He made a pathetic grab for the bite of eclair she held.
“Not anymore.” She popped it into her mouth. “That was a nice break but I need to get back to work.” She sat down at her machine and picked up where she had left off. She wanted to talk to him about what happened last night but thought it better for another day. Or maybe she was too scared of what answer he would give to ask.
The rest of the day passed by without incident and with it their weekend off came to a close. Monday was upon them and so was Felix’s vigor to throw Marinette head first into situations with Adrien. She had gotten better at handling the sudden interactions. Maybe spending more time together had finally neutralized her utter terror of being alone with him cause now she could talk to him almost normally. Heck, she was even cracking jokes!
“So did you want to hang out after school?” Marinette asked Adrien.
“I’d like to but I got a photoshoot today.” Adrien sighed, “Maybe next time.”
“Oh okay.” Marinette smiled despite her disappointment. She went to Felix with a small shake of her head. “He said he has a photoshoot and can’t hang out. His dad must have penned it in last minute because I had no idea.”
“That sucks.” Felix paced the back of the classroom. “But you look really good today and you have confidence in talking to him. I don’t want to waste either of those.”
“But he’s going to be working and there’s no way his dad is going to let him out of it. Let’s just go home and try again tomorrow.” Marinette stared down at her toes. “This is kinda fortuitous cause I wanted to talk to you about the other night--”
“Wait! I got it!” Felix grabbed her and pulled her out into the hall. Everyone was filtering out of the school building including Adrien. “Do you know where the photoshoot is?”
“Uh, the weather is nice and summer is on the way so they’re probably doing a summer shoot in the park. Why?”
“Cause we can still work with this. Follow me!” Felix dashed out of the school with Marinette shortly behind. Sure enough they got to the park and the shoot was being set up.
“Okay, we’re here.” Marinette panted as she caught her breath. “What now? You’re just going to walk onto the set?”
“That was the plan.” Felix started walking towards the workers. Adrien’s security guard stopped them from getting closer to the set.
“Excuse me sir,” Felix said, “Could you move aside? We’re here for the photoshoot.”
The bodyguard remained in place. “You see, I am one of the models working today so I kinda need in.”
The bodyguard nodded and moved out of the way. Felix pulled Marinette through. “Felix, you’re not a model.” She whispered.
“Harsh, I think I’m pretty good looking.”
“That’s not what I meant. You are literally not a model employed by Gabriel Agreste. How long do you expect that excuse to work?”
“As long as possible. Demon powers, remember?”
“Right!” Marinette had almost forgotten. “So we’re okay?”
“We are golden.” They celebrated their little infiltration before Adrien noticed they were there.
“Hey guys,” He greeted them, “What are you two doing here?”
“I got called in last minute to fill in for a sick model.” Felix lied smoothly.
“Oh, I had no idea you were a model too.” Adrien breamed instantly taken in by the lie.
“Minor. It helps pay the bills.” Felix shrugged. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Marinette. Seeing as how she loves fashion so much.”
“Not at all.” Adrien waved to her, “Guess we get to hang out after all.”
“You two have fun I need to find wardrobe.” Felix wandered off. Wait, was he actually going to do the shoot?
“Did you know Felix was a model?” Adrien asked Marinette.
“I didn’t have a clue until he dragged me over here.” She said. She looked over Adrien’s outfit. White tee shirt with blue pants and tan shoes. “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is part of the ready made summer collection you’re dad’s putting out this summer?”
“That it is. What do you think?”
“I would kill to be able to work with grade A material like this all the time.” Marinette sighed as she felt the cottony texture of his sleeve. “I just blew all my money buying organza for a dress I’m making.”
“Oh really? Were you commissioned or is it just for yourself?”
“For myself. It’s a sheer overlay that is supposed to sorta party wear with a low-key formal vibe.”
“How far have you gotten?”
“Pretty far actually. I started pinning it together on my dress form not too long ago. I’m using strips of silver ribbon to sew onto the hem and make a little criss cross pattern across the bust. The most nerve wracking part was that I decided to make it a high-low silhouette and I knew I only had one shot to cut it correctly so I am so relieved it’s turned out okay.”
“I hope to see it one day.”
“Hello, I am back,” Felix joined the once more. “Now, I know I look amazing but neither of you swoon in my presence.”
“Oh yeah, you look so good.” Marinette rolled her eyes before she finally actually looked at him. The sarcastic remark turning bitter as she realized that he did in fact look pretty darn good in the outfit they had put him in. It wasn’t anything special, a blue button up shirt with white pants and brown shoes. What struck Marinette was that the whole time she’d known Felix all she had ever seen him wear was primarily reds and blacks. This was the first time she had seen him in something so light.
“Something on your mind, love?” Felix smirked at her when he caught her staring.
“Shut it.” she tweaked his nose. “But I will say you do look...what’s the word I’m looking for?”
“Devilishly handsome?” Felix suggested.
“I was gonna say, angelic.” Marinette smirked right back at him.
“Oh really?” Felix gaped at her with an open smile, “Alright, if that’s how you want to play this.”
“Is this an inside joke I’m not understanding?” Adrien asked clearly confused as to why Marinette’s compliment had been met with such good natured disdain.
“Yeah.” Marinette laughed. “I won’t bother trying to explain. It’s a long story and you’d really have to be there to understand it.”
One of the assistants ran past the three teenagers and pulled the photographer away. That was weird. A minute later the photographer came back with a pained expression. “Something wrong, Giuseppe?” Adrien asked.
“The female model for the shoot is sick and can’t make it. We will have to reschedule the entire shoot if we cannot find another model to take her place.” The photographer rubbed his temples.
“I have a suggestion,” Felix spoke up. He cast a wicked sideways glance towards Marinette. Oh he had better not! “Our friend Marinette here isn’t half bad looking. Could she fill in?”
“Felix!” She warned, “I’m not a model. I couldn’t possibly--”
“Oh please, mademoiselle,” The photographer begged. “It is a small shoot after all. Could you fill in just this once?”
“I don’t--”
“You should do it.” Adrien encouraged. “I think you’d make a great model.”
“Well…” She looked back at the manic photographer and sighed. “Okay.”
“Perfecto! Ladies!” He shouted for the stylists. “Get this girl through make up and wardrobe now!”
Marinette was carted off and put into a small tent area to change. She sat in a chair as the stylists quickly but masterfully did her hair and make up before kicking her out onto the set. Unlike the boys were sporting white and blue, Marinette was dressed in a soft yellow sundress that floated around her gently in the breeze.
“There she is!” The photographer pushed her out to where the two boys were already staged. “Now, the look for this shoot is that you two boys are the sky and clouds and our pretty girl here is the bright sun between you. Dewy smiles, relaxed positions, I want you three to move around naturally so we can get some natural shots.”
The boys seemed to understand immediately what they were supposed to do but Marinette stood in the middle stiff as a board. Why had she let them talk her into this? It was probably Felix influencing them with his powers to let them agree to this.
“Darling,” The photographer locked eyes with her, “Can you please move around and give us a smile, hm?”
“Oh right,” She put on a smile and tried to copy what the boys were doing but she just felt ridiculous. The boys noticed her struggling and suddenly she was being spun around really fast by Felix.
“Whoa!” She almost stumbled but was caught by Adrien. “Sorry!”
“It’s okay. Loosen up,” Adrien gave her a slower spin, “This is supposed to be fun.”
“Fun.” Marinette took a deep breath, “I can do that.”
After that things went smoother. It didn’t feel so much like posing but messing around with two friends. At one point both of the boys picked her up so she was sitting in the air with arms around either of them. The photographer really liked that shot.
“Alright,” The photographer set the camera down, “Signore Adrien, you are done for the day.”
“This was a lot of fun.” Adrien turned to Marinette and Felix. “These shoots can be pretty boring but having you guys here was so much better. Hopefully I’ll get to work with you again sometime.”
“It was fun after I got used to it.” Marinette said, “But I gotta say I think I prefer making clothes instead of modeling them.”
“Darling, Signore,” The photographer waved to the teenagers, “If you two could come back to set. I wanted to get some shots of just the two of you.”
“Who? Us?” Marinette pointed to her and Felix.
“Yes, it is time for Signore Adrien to head home but you two have such good chemistry. That is if you do not have anywhere to be.” The photographer said.
Good chemistry…
“I don’t have anywhere else to be.” Felix looped an arm around Marinette, “And I know you don’t. How about it?”
“Uh sure.” Marinette said bye to Adrien before joining Felix back on the set.
“The model lie work a little too well?” Marinette asked under her breath so only Felix could hear.
“I can’t help it that we look good.” Felix responded. “Also, you’re now going to grace magazines and media dressed like a ray of sunshine and sandwiched between two extremely attractive fellas. Do you have any idea how envious people are gonna be of you?”
“I don’t want people to envy me. I just wanted to have a fun time with my friends.” Marinette sighed. “But a little exposure in any way can help down the line.”
“Friends?” Felix paused his posing for a second to stare at her.
“Yeah.” Marinette grabbed his hand and stretched to twirl him. “We are friends...aren’t we?”
Felix smiled once more and picked Marinette up and spun her around. A surprised laugh leapt out of her throat as she spun the air in his arms. “Felix!”
“And to think you wanted to get rid of me!” He laughed too. “No take backs either, love.”
“Put me down!” Marinette playfully swatted him on top of his head. He set her back on her feet as she tried to slow the spinning of her head. “You are so dramatic.”
“Well I’m sorry. You don’t get a whole lot of friends where I’m from.” He held Marinette straight so she didn’t sway. “I got a little excited.”
“Obviously.” She ruffled his hair. “Which means you’ll need to come visit after you leave.”
“Leave?” Felix looked confused for a moment before the understanding parted the clouds in his mind. “Oh yes, of course.”
“You will be able to come back and visit, won’t you?” Marinette pressed. Felix gave her a sad look.
“I think we have it!” The photographer stepped forth waving his camera excitedly. “Your pictures were perfection, darlings! The expressions so sincere! The poses and body language between you so natural! These will grace magazines and billboards all across Paris!”
“Oh great,” Felix nodded. “Does that mean we are free to go now?”
“Yes,” The photographer stepped aside to let them go get changed. “And if either of you want to make a career out of modelling I know a wonderful agency that would take the both of you in a heartbeat.”
“Thank you, sir.” Marinette stayed to look at a couple of the photos he had taken before going to change.
She was in the middle of pulling her pants back on when Felix popped his head in. “Hey are you--” he noticed her stooped over with her pants around her ankles and snorted. “Are those dumplings on your underwear?”
“GET OUT!” Marinette hiked her pants up and chased him out of the dressing room forgetting her shoes and bag behind her. She chased Felix around the park in her bare feet. “You are so dead!”
“This isn’t very friendly behaviour!” he shrieked as he ran from her.
“Neither is what’s gonna happen when I catch you!” Marinette let out a hysterical laugh as they played their game. Questions she had and answers she feared still sat in her mind but she let them alone for now. She didn’t know how much longer she was gonna have this with Felix and she wanted to make it last while it did.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9)
@sannsibarr @miss-mysterys-blog @maribug-adrienoir @mermaidreject @corabeth11 @goblinwhoships @symwinter  @yourgeekysister
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maybeimwierd · 4 years
Mastermind!Danganronpa edits 2 explained!
This is the explanation for design choices in my 2nd batch of mastermind edits you can find right over here so I hope you all enjoy
7. Kokichi Ouma
Fun fact I actually started on this edit in the middle of Father’s Day which is kokichis birthday and I finished it early morning the next day, also I did the sketch in a car because I was coming home from a family members house right after I started it. Of course I like red buttons hehe so I have them to him, his outfit is mostly white so I changed his sleeves to be black and I made his pants to be red with those weird straps black. I love that I gave him face paint but it’s kinda hard to see the white part, I was going to color half his face black instead of white but I realized it could be taken as racist which I am not (ok when I say it like that I sound like I’m in denial but I swear I’m not) but of course red monokuma eye around the characters left eye hehe
8. Tenko Chabashira
Hers was actually the first edit that I actually redrew the whole sprite rather than putting stuff over it so you can tell my skill gets better after this one! I actually had originally thought up the headband first and I wanted to make the base red so I made the monokuma eye be pink which honestly is cuter and I made her hair ties be pink to match! I made her weird green hair thingys be black and white because monokuma also they are fun to color then I made her choker black. I decided to replace her cropped uniform shirt with a sports bra which is something women usually wear when they workout at the gym also hehe hoohoo it’s red with a nice black and white trim! I think adding a third layer to her skirt makes it looks puffier and cuter so I’m glad I did that hehe!
9. Kazuichi Soda
There is actually a cancelled draft of Kazuichi! The way I do these edits is by asking my buds over on Crackganronpa (a Dr discord server) who they want to see as a mastermind next, the owner requested Kazuichi but I didn’t want to do the method I did with Tenko because I felt it took way too long so I tried to do my color over method but it was too complicated due to his hair and I had spent around 2 hours just trying to color his hair white so I cancelled him and told them “I’m willing to continue on Kazuichi but if I do then I’m starting over” and they really wanted to see him so I redrew his sprite also so now you all have this Kazuichi! I liked the idea of him dying his hair again if he was a mastermind (because he canonically dyes his hair pink) and I liked coloring his hat black because it matched the white. I decided to color his jumpsuit red and give it pink accents but I colored his shirt last minute and if I was thinking I would have made it black, I had fun replacing the logo on his jumpsuit and making those buttons! I have 2 fun facts about that hammer he has there, it’s actually a large recolored version of the hammer I gave to Mastermind!Angie, the second fun fact is that I actually was listening to Sonias voice lines while doing the hammer. Adding onto that last fun fact when doing the lines for the face I was listening to Ibuki’s voice lines and was listening to Celeste’s voice lines while coloring the suit.
10. Chihiro Fujisaki
This one is truly where I have peaked in design (well for now, don’t know when I’ll strike genius again) so I’m very proud of this Chihiro and my Angie! I’ll start with saying that CHIHIRO IS NOT A TRANS GIRL THAT IS A FACT THEY LITTERALLY WERE BULLIED INTO BEING A GIRL so I gave him some super cool pants and it was fun drawing that belt! I took away his overcoat so you can see his dress shirt and I replaced the coat with a super cool cape!!!! It was fun to come up how the cape is layered the left side going over the right side with a part on top. This was a idea I loved so much and wanted to put on a edit (right under using that cape idea) which is the big Ol fairy flower hat! His design was lowkey based off fantasy things! I felt the design needed one more thing so I lightly airbrushed his face to give him a sickly and sort of pale look. This was also the edit that I started adding the fabric overlay on
11. Korekiyo Shinguji
Now this one! This is a doozy! Lots of little details here and there but first things first, if Korekiyo was a mastermind he would definitely have trinkets here and there from the dead students (also in these mastermind universes the person who is the mastermind in the game they are from dies instead of them) so feel free to guess what thing belongs to who! I believe Korekiyo would want to dress liek the original mastermind and it was fun to give him big pigtails like her, he is wearing a ripped sleeve from one of the dead students (won’t specify but it was hard to get it from under where it was from) and the tie is from another student instead like the one the original dr1 mastermind wore and the little buttons are from other students, the gloved hand is ripped as a little detail and I think that Korekiyo could definitely rocks a skirt! This is truly my husband heehee
12. Yasuhiro Hagakure
This edit came into my home and pissed on my clothes then shit in my sink I am not proud of this one at all just like Kaito (if the 18th mastermind sucks I think that makes it a pattern) so here’s why. I was going to do this like the others but I didn’t want to spend hours tracing the lines for his hair so I just added some bear ears and a monokuma eye over his left one. I changed the yellow from his shirt and pants string to be a nice red and I made the inside of his jacket use the pattern I originally made for Kaito! Yay recycling. Fun fact I was listening to a He///va B//s BLM charity stream (I censored I don’t want fans of the series to come across this in the tag due to how tumblr works and they might get spoiled) also the sprite I used actually was sweaty faced so I removed it to make him look smug. I also removed his stubble because if he was betraying his friends he definitely would wanna look nice for it. The pattern used for Kaito and Yasuhiro is downloadable in the previous explanation post for use!
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jboh-art · 4 years
I wonder how you design the touhous' clothing/if you have a decent source of references. I'm trying to draw them in authentic Japanese/Chinese clothing, but I can barely find any useful and/or accurate sources on the internet. And since I'm Europian I only have a limited knowledge in these kinds of things, that's why I'm asking. Stay amazing, I love your art!
thank you so much!! i’m always glad to hear that ppl are enjoying what i post :)
i have a bit of a lengthy response so i’ll try to put it mostly under a cut; if it doesn’t work i’m very sorry mobile people
honestly i just redesign them based on what i think looks good...... i also try to make it somewhat similar (in general) to the original outfits that touhous are drawn with (such as drawing kaguya with an aoqun instead of the standard crossed-lapel robes that initially come to mind when thinking of hanfu, because they share a white collar, sleeves that are kinda wide but not exactly billowy, a top that only goes down to around the hips, and a very, very long skirt)
however i do sometimes make an exception depending on the character (for example, even though seiga has a vest, i generally don’t draw her with any additional top layers because i specifically draw more of a chest-high ruqun since i feel that her original design is very tang-dynasty-inspired)
i also just really like to use patterns on clothing just to make it look extra elaborate (plus you get that nice implied embroidered feel).... lately, most of the ones i use are hand-drawn by me, but sometimes if i’m super lazy i’ll overlay traditional japanese katagami, of which you can find high-quality scans at certain museum websites (make sure you check if you can use them, of course!)
as for sources... i actually don’t really use references all too often because i know the most general/basic styles of hanfu by heart, but i always like to look at hanfu blogs on tumblr for inspiration, like @/hanfugallery or @/ziseviolet. i also generally watch a LOT of old and new wuxia/xianxia/chinese period dramas and i have been since i was really young; it’s really easy to absorb the clothing detail from those. for example plenty of wuxia actually have wheelchairs that are designed to look like they’d kiiiiinda fit in the setting, so i remembered those when drawing my latest keikina thing. basically my recommendation is to start following and checking up on media that have a lot to do with costuming etc. so you’ll eventually just start to absorb detail passively! 
also: KNOW WHAT BASIC THINGS ARE CALLED. don’t be afraid to copy/paste the kanji/hanzi terms into non-western sites because, like you mentioned, there’s not tooooo many english-centered (or whatever) places to get really cool info on traditional east asian clothing. i recommend browsing shopping sites too because of the multiple pictures that sellers will take of outfits in order to properly showcase their products, so you can see how a lot of different pieces are sewn and put together from different angles
@/nannaia also did a bunch of REALLY widespread illustrations regarding how chinese and vietnamese traditional clothing evolved over time so i recommend checking those out.
... also, as you can see i kinda just only covered sino-styled clothing and that’s because i know next to nothing about traditional japanese outfits and nor do i really care to... i think plenty of other people draw that kind of touhou fanart so i usually don’t touch it LOL.
that being said depending on the role they play or their current/past societal status it should still be relatively easy to look up sources as long as you KNOW what you want to learn (such as japanese buddhist monk robes for byakuren, or styles that were popular during the asuka period for miko’s crew)
in general tho, it’s really just is the Power of Evocation. a lot of designs you can get away with by not being completely accurate, just as long as you evoke the Feel of east asian traditional clothing. a perfect example is ZUN with eirin/seiga/junko/sekibanki/yachie; you’ll find that NONE of them are wearing any actual hanfu yet their designs SCREAM sino-inspired.
however, just make sure you know what you’re flanderizing before actually flanderizing it is what i’m saying LOL. like be aware of which cultures fold their robes a certain way and when, be aware of color usage and how it can mean different things in east asian cultures as well as the general trend of utilizing different shades on certain outfit pieces, know when and where to use visible frog buttons vs. bows/ribbons, and for god’s sake don’t sexualize qipao or áo dài etc. unless you’re actually like from those cultures (me @ myself even tho i’m sino because i’m already pushing it with sexy seiga)
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eatmypan · 4 years
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I’m trying to be familiarized with Photoshop and well, I wanted to try this way of painting (a bit far from my comfort zone). It’s kinda like (semi) realistic...ish? I don’t know, but I’m trying to learn more about anatomy 
I played with the curve tool in photoshop, I have never used that tool before since Paint tool sai doesn’t have it... ahh~ I wish Sai will mix with Photoshop and create the ultimate program, I just love the blending in Sai, no any program has been so easy to me in that aspect, but Photoshop has so many interesting tools!
Anyway, I decided to begin with male’s back. I don’t know how to draw any male body, I literally can’t so that’s why I wanted to push me even father from my comfort zone picking a male body. Although I cheated a little bit picking the easiest body part to paint, the back hehe I’ll do female’s back next. Then another part of the male, same to part but with the woman and so on. Face will be the last one because I know it will be the hardest part and I don’t wanna start crying from the beggining :’)
I also wanted to use this post to tell a bit about the post I make in december 2019 saying “I’ll draw the oldest drawing I can find from mine to see how much I have improve in this decade (although I started in digital around 2015 and I don’t have traditional drawings=ehem i suck at them)”
Well, yes, I know, I never keep a promise when it comes to my drawings, but this time is different! I actually did pick the oldest drawing I could find (actually the second or third oldest due the other ones didn’t inspire me) and then, surprisingly, I drew it! like, yeah! I did it, I even surprised myself....BUT: I couldn’t do the face, I tried diferents days, but I still couldn’t. It kept reminding me to a girl I know and that I don’t truly like so it was a bit awkard?? The face wasn’t that bad but the image of her keep going to my mind
So I guess I’ll just show you what I did
The only thing that has changed all this 5 years, is that now I procrastinate a lot and spent more time than the usual doing sketches
Here is the 27‎th august ‎2015
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Damn, cringy. I remember I did it for a friend that reached 10k in tumblr
And here is my attemp from 21st december 2019 (still cringy but not that much):
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Another problem I faced that was harder than the face, was the colors. Like, look at the original drawing and that purple that almost kills your eyes. I couldn’t use it! and purple is not a color I have used that much in the actual piece, I only used at the end of eveything to make my drawing a bit more even (I overlay the light and dark purple with low oppacity it’s not showed in any of these pics). Appart from that, I don’t really use it, specially that neon blue-purple color
So I didn’t know what to do, if I changed drastically the colors, it wouldn’t be the same drawing, so I guess I wanted to be some colors like this ones.. I tried a lot of combinations tho (yes, I know, I’m really bad at picking colors even when I dress myself that’s why I love to have a lot of black clothes, any color goes well with black)
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I wanted to change eveything a little bit but still being the same drawing (that’s why I was pissed off by the colors). I wanted a more dinamic pose, actually, I wanted to draw a pose I have never drawn, from the back! I don’t know, I was ready to experiment. I also changed the dress, better shape, more movement and the back detail instead of that horrorific tablecloth pattern
Either way, I won’t continue it, I’m happy with no seeing those colors again
It has been 5 rough years trying to learn alone all I know now, and it will be 5 and 10 and more rough years of learning even more!
I wanted so bad to do a 10 years difference challenge, but at that time I was only 10 years old and I only drew what schools told me to drew! I only began to start drawing (like, really drawing, wanting to draw) in 2014/2015. My father gave me a graphic tablet a friend of him gifted him in 1996 (wacom model ET-0405A-U). In january 2017 (I think..) my parents gave me the gift of my new tablet  (left one is the new (2017) tablet, the right one is the old tablet (2015 that it’s actually from 94-96′s)
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my deskopt is a mess, I tried not to show it that much lol
Many people I know names their tablets, but I have never done that?? I think I’ll call the left one Armin, I watched in three days shingeki no kyojin and I fell in love with the character
lol this is a mess of a post but this is what happens when I don’t say anything for days in this blog
Look the bright side, if I keep up with the practicing, I will be able to draw my precious child chat noir more often!!
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i didn’t die
also spoilers. like. major spoilers. im serious.
dont click that read more unless you’re totally okay with spoilers cause i talk about some endgame stuff too <3
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alright LOOK
each planet (Eden-6, Promethea, Pandora) they’re all circled and when their lines cross it leads to SOMETHING
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and looking at the grid that’s obviously what looks to be a wormhole
so we’ve also got the lines
“elpis - not what it seems. is elpis a lens? or a conduit. or both?”
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this is DEFINITELY on pandora (you see elpis up there) so it’s possible something is going to hit elpis and it’s going to beam to this vault-thing and open up a gateway to the Eridian Rift??? OR
we open this Vault and it beams something up to elpis and elpis helps open up part of the Eridian rift
i’d guess we’d need all 3 (?) active to open it?? Eden-6, Pandora, and Promethea
so something SEEMS to be getting beamed either from elpis to pandora or from pandora to elpis
but im going to get elpis to pandora given the way it’s being thrown out? like it hits elpis straight on and then defracts over pandora like a prism
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im guessing it’s such a broad spread bc it’s trying to hit the vault-temple-thing we see above (still... not quite convinced those are vaults like we’ve been seeing them in the past games (with lots of big loot inside). again something like teleporters makes way more sense to me)
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they also bring this up, that athenas and promethea have a draw to one another, which makes sense since part of the promethean vault key is on Athenas
“Although Athenas is not in the Promethean System, there is a strong pull detectable through use of [eridian resonator (customized) which I have discovered here (seen in purple)]” i have no idea if any of the bracketed stuff is right“
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more importantly it looks like one piece of Promethea’s asteroid belt is ‘highlighted’ which i imagine is that giant space laser
which ngl surprises me because
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this doesn’t really look eridian to me at all. like, okay, the laser part IS purple but... the actual tech doesn’t look Eridian at all. it looks VERY human. maybe maliwan/atlas discovered it and changed it somehow? that’s pretty much the only reason i can give. like they made it so it would only hit a certain area (concentrated) instead of the entire planet (like we see Elpis doing)
also if we look at Eden-6
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eden-6 seems to be 1 of 6 (or more) planets surrounding the gas giant (?) named Eden (which is such a cool fucking detail). or maybe that’s just a solar system named eden. either way. AWESOME.
my question is:
is Eden going to act similarly to Elpis? to the Asteroid Belt of Promethea?? because if that’s the case OH MAN MORE GIANT SPACE LASERS. maybe this is why ships keep on crashing to Eden-6. We know the planet is basically a ship graveyard, maybe there’s some Eridian interference that’s causing this to happen???
Also, when they say “Vaults lead to other Vaults” do y’all think this is tied into in any way the “Vault of Vaults” or whatever “It” is???
because THE VAULT OF VAULTS??? APPARENTLY WE WERE NAUGHTY AS FUCK FOR OPENING IT (the overseer says so when you accept the quest for the proving grounds)
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(also we now can guess this takes place after Athenas..?)
‘Vault... Key?’ i mean... think about it. we know the symbol for Vault is the circle with the arch. but this is different. this is diamond with, yes, with a vault shape in it. but... there’s obviously more to it than just the vault symbol
plus tannis is using it on pedestals dedicated to Vault Keys so i mean. you know.
and if this IS the symbol for Vault Key than oh man oh me oh my
that would mean opening up the ‘mini vaults’ on Pandora/Promethea/Eden-6 would lead to that big Eridian rift opening, whatever it is
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which could explain this line: “the Vaults lead to other Vaults” “Smart, Leda!”
looks like Typhon met someone who writes in blue. who’s name is Leda.
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calling it now typhon totally banged a Siren named Leda and had 2 twin kids (it runs in the family) the twins take after their parents: one red, one blue. possibly inherit the Cloth Map and learn about the purpose of the Vaults through it. i got nothing on the cage thing but tbh i wouldn’t be surprised if Typhon or Leda ended up going crazy at some point and/or having kids inside of a Vault for some ungodly reason. spewing random shit about ‘bandits this, bandits that’ to keep them from leaving. maybe they knew their adventures were going to (eventually) lead to the destruction of the universe so they wanted to keep their kids safe without having to admit they’ve doomed everyone outside this has no proof at all, im just spitballing lol i mean look at these love-sick FOOLS lmao
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look they both left messages (that i can’t read) with hearts at the end of them
“Genius! [gibberish i can’t make out] <3″ “you know it! <3″
we don’t know what the Vaults really are for, huh Tyreen?? NOW WE DO. NOW. WE DO.
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“by overlaying various found glyphs patterns emerge which are then...” ASDFGSHJ i CANT READ THIS “What is the machine?” “We’ll figure it out together!” MACHINE????????
i NEED it
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“Mapping in progress: the key-glyph [something] is an Eridian cypher hiding coordinates to some kind of cyber (????) structure” this perhaps???
also the proving grounds. let’s talk about those. we know they’re eridian, we know there’s 6 of them, we know there’s 1 at least on both Athenas and Eden-6.
we know those Eridian Ruins/Cyphers lead to the proving grounds. we know this much. so is it definitely confirmed the proving grounds hold a higher place in the story than they’re saying? i mean let me pull up my other draft talking about these in-depth and copy paste because there’s only 36 minutes until the NEXT endgame content stream
“Later in the campaign, you may be worthy of taking part in the Proving Grounds: themed gauntlets watched over by a Guardian known as the Overseer who wishes to test your mettle on behalf of the mysterious ‘Masters’.”
so it sounds like at least one is going to take place during the main campaign of the game.
as for uhh who the Masters are... I don’t know. I imagine they’re Eridian in some way/shape/form. to be honest, considering the Overseer is a Guardian (confirmed), I imagine these ‘Masters’ are just literally Eridians. some sort of council, perhaps. i mean “the masters will determine who is at fault” for “naughty humans opened the vault of vaults”. so i imagine they’re like a council.
Let’s start listing stuff we know about the Proving Grounds:
1. you get them by translating (we apparently get a translator later on in the story) Eridian texts (ciphers) left behind, which tell us where (?) these proving grounds are. why we’re not just using tannis... i dunno. something better not have happened to Tannis, gearbox
We’ve seen these texts in the Eden-6 gameplay, so it looks like maybe we won’t need the eridian doritos stabby thing to break any crystals. damn youuu
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“Ohhh good. Nonsense.”
i make jokes with my friend that soon i’ll be able to read Eridian given how much i stare at these tablets. it’s only a matter of time...
2. there’s apparently 6 of them, and at least 1 on each planet. We’ve seen the Athenas (Survival) and Eden-6 (Instinct) versions, which does make me wonder if there’s any tie between 6 of these trials and the 6 Sirens...
Also, given there’s supposedly 6 trials and only 5 planets (as the community has gotten devs to tell us), it makes me wonder a) if there’s actually 6 planets or b) why there’s only 1 planet with 2 per planet. i guess if that’s the eridian homeworld then it’d make sense if they have 2.
(Also Varnell did originally say 7 trials at first, but he gets a pass because he was live on stage and i would’ve made that mistake too knowing my dumb brain lol)
3. Apparently during the narrative of the game, at some point, we will unlock at least 1 trial.
“[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game. a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
so... YEAH. big news, gamers.
does this take place at the end of the game? its possible. its likely considering this is considered endgame content. it might not. it could be both, like sort of a repeatable thing. im not really certain. 
What I am certain about tho, is that this takes place after a huge story event.
So, maybe the BL3 story ends on a cliffhanger. Tbh i would upset if that happened, but THAT SAID, if the game does end on such a huge cliffhanger that this is AWFUL and the end of the universe is coming, I don’t think we’d be getting 4 story DLCs that completely ignore this problem.
The devs had said the entire story will be contained within bl3 (no splitting it up between dlcs), and it seems the games like to keep the timeline intact in the real world, so if imminent death is on its way, we can’t exactly wait 5 years irl and in-universe for borderlands 4.
So, if this is a cliffhanger ending, I don’t think whatever happens is... that big of a deal. Sort of the level of finding the Vault Map at the end of BL2. It’s big news! but it’s not going to end the universe. The story marches on. We figure out the new goalposts of this universe and keep doing stuff outside it.
Now that we know that, let’s take note of what the Overseer says at the start and end of this mission:
“Vault Hunter... I thought you might show up sooner or later. So naughty your species, so curious. The Vault of Vaults has been opened and it has been released. Prove your worth and I will reveal why the Masters made me wait for you”.
“Naughty humans opened the Vault of Vaults, but the Masters will determine who is at fault. Until next time, Warrior.”
so that’s some pretty fucking loaded dialogue, isn’t it?
im vvvvvvvvvv curious about who this ‘it’ character is... something the Eridians didn’t want out- well, that’s bad, because we (or the twins, or maliwan, or both I guess) just let it free. and the fact the Overseer won’t even reference the thing by name... that’s probably bad. If this is an actual entity, then that is mostly why I believe this particular Proving Ground takes place during the main story.
that said, ‘it’ could literally be anything. Knowledge, hope, whatever. the potion you brew to become a Siren. you know. anything. She called whatever was released ‘it’ and it doesn’t seem like we’re in a RUSH or anything. Just hanging out doing proving grounds. and apparently this is because we’ve been naughty humans. not evil, just naughty. like she’s giving us (or the cult) a slap on the wrist.
The Overseer doesn’t seem too affected by us opening the Vault of Vaults herself. The Masters apparently are trying to determine ‘who’s at fault here’, like it isn’t exactly clear. was it the humans for opening it? was it the eridians for making them openable?
it would be interesting if this isn’t even talking about something that happens in game, but instead like... she’s referencing Typhon and Leda. the Vault of Vaults had been opened (by Typhon and Leda) and IT has been released... whatever it is... maybe the reason Typhon and Leda locked their kids in a vault? ... i mean if we’re going by the eridium/slag causes psychos, then maybe that? we definitely find eridium on planets other than pandora...
also speaking of stuff taking place during the game, lets remember what was discussed in that interview: “[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game... a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
worthy of what, exactly?
I’m still of the belief that it’s for the title of Vault Guardian (and, yes, by proxy, i want to say Siren, but y’all won’t take me too seriously if i keep advocating for this crack theory lol... implying you took me seriously in the first place 🤡) because of the Guardian Rank
the fact we’re killing Fallen Guardians means, technically, a position HAS opened up... plus I don’t think the Watcher would have come in contact with Lilith if she didn’t think the Eridians needed us
that said, if this isn’t for just becoming Vault Guardians, then... idk. If this is strictly endgame stuff, i don’t even know what we’re trying to prove our worth for.
I guess worthy of not being thrown into alien prison is probably a good one. magic space prison is probably hard to get out of. like, ‘200 years an opening’ hard to get out of. and ur roommate is the destroyer 😨
i mean... maybe worthy of entering the Eridian Rift? i mean... it’s possible this rift leads to the eridian homeworld... there would have to be one HELL of huge Vault Monster to keep people from getting through :o
anyway, we’ve got 20 minutes until the new endgame content, i’ll be sure to add onto here if we learn anything new and/or i think of anything else. im vibrating over this shit, it’s awesome. i LOVE this map. might have to pick one up on ebay or smth.
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xexilia · 4 years
I notice when you do your comics, it applies a certain level of toner. I ended up deciding on the route of using paint brush india ink, and charcoal for toner instead. Does this aesthetic difference change the marketability of graphic novel, compared to just using toner? In the context of the prologue in this web comic, it is used to denote a fog atmosphere. In the upcoming chapter, I might use it for graveyard fog.
I think first I need to establish that what you mean by “toner” is “shading”?
I do use tones, but tonER is the stuff used in and by physical printers. Print tones refer to the dots, lines, etc. that are present in the majority of my work and that Roy Lichtenstein emulated in his paintings. Tones are dots because that’s how printers print; Thousands of dots. The closer together, the more solid the shade or color is. I’m not trying to correct you on terms, but knowing this difference will help you later because I promise, if you buy toner online and expect to get tones, you’ll be disappointed by what arrives in the mail!
So, I think you’re falling into a common trap webcomic artists make in the beginning, which is focusing on the wrong parts of the project. You asked me if this changes marketability; But you didn’t tell me:
What medium do you want to publish in? Do you want to ONLY have your comics online, or do you want to print them?
Who is your target audience and age group?
Do you want to sell or profit off your webcomic?
The first question is important because far too often, webcomic artists design for the web/screens first, foremost, and only; Later, they decide to print a book, and this is when all hell breaks loose. Lots of media (Charcole, watercolors, etc.—media is the art term for materials) can look both better OR WORSE on a screen—this is where technology comes into play, like the scanner you have, the DPI (dots per inch) its able to scan things in at, and the size of scannable area. A lot of my favorite media and mediums (I like pencil on paper), are really delicate drawings—and like a lot of artists who favor these materials, scanners just never seem to do them justice. Lots of fine artists I talk to admit that they feel their work looks best in person, and no matter how high the quality scanner, small, delicate details get lost. Part of it can be a cheap scanner, the wrong DPI setting, but the other part can be the wrong medium (That’s the term for things like canvas or paper), or the wrong SIZE medium.
Size matters; Both in terms of the scanner surface area AND the size of your medium. A lot of people (And I did this myself for a lot of the first book), work on standard size paper—8.5 by 11 inches; But professional artists, print or not, are always better off to work at a LARGER size than the end result will be. When I printed my book, I didn’t come out too terribly for the size I worked in, because manga book page sizes are smaller than their American counter parts. I also knew I planned to print from the first page onward, so everything was designed for print first and web second—this is much easier and less time consuming to do than the reverse, because a lot of print errors can occur that don’t appear on screens—and literally can’t—and can take hours, days, weeks or more to fix, depending on how bad and common the issue is and how many of your pages have this problem. A big one is called moire, which DOES NOT show up on screens; This happens when an artist applies on tone directly over another. Because most of us work digitally these days, it’s even easier for artists to start doing this and not realize the consequence until you print a book. . .and discover all places where tones overlap create this weird square pattern within them—which is called moire. This is why it’s critical to use separate tones for different shades and such, because unlike solid color printing, you cannot overlay tones like you would layers in Photoshop or other such programs. Ignore this at your peril!
My first suggestion before you go to far is; Of you want to ever, EVER print this, print out a copy of a page at home. Even if you’re happy with it, consider how you may be printing or mass producing these things; If you’re going to make them via a copier at Kinko’s, take a page down to a copier at Kinko’s and see what quality you get. If you don’t like it at full size to the ratio you worked in (In other words, printing on the same size paper you created it on), you can get some improvement by using smaller pages—but going UP in page size will cause quality to drop. I now work on paper—digital or not—that’s always 11 by 17 inches AT LEAST. For anything I make, I try to work in a size 3 to 4 times larger than the end result will be.
When I first began, I made my comics with a copier at Kinko’s, and discovered while my ink wash method looked good, it looked better with color printing; Color printing is ALWAYS more expensive, hence why when digital comic creation tools (Like Clip Studio) got invented, I was an instant convert! It saved a lot of time and money (Tones and such are all expensive), the environment (No trees died for my drawings), effort (Tones are REALLY tricky to work with by hand), and it’s no wonder that manga artists now are nearly ALL working digitally.
Also, for the disabled (Like me), digital allows us to work from beds, at home, etc. instead of in front of a desk, all hunched over. I don’t accidentally smudge ink, my cat doesn’t drink my ink (Yes, it’s a thing cats do!), and if I mess up, the power of Undo/Redo/Copy/Paste/Transform CANNOT be understated. I’ve mentioned it before, but I believe in working smarter, NOT harder. This is why I draw out a lot of backgrounds (Which you can’t see on the free copies online, but you can if you buy a physical copy or the Amazon eBook), separately, and I can just drag and drop them around as I need. That way, I can focus on drawing the characters and not on drawing a giant cathedral for every damn appearance it makes or scene change I do.
As for marketability; A lot of this depends on your target audience and age group. Even so, people tend to grow to like something even if it may be atypical of the general stuff they like. I’m generally not a fan of shoujo-ai—but many of my favorite anime and manga ARE in this genre! Turns out, if the story is good, I don’t care about the sexuality of the characters!
A lot of people expect or want color comics these days though, which is odd to me, since the manga produced in Japan is in black and white (Color printing is expensive—even for a major publishing company!) People still read it, and those who expect an artist to make a free webcomic with color pages and update several times a week or month aren’t aware of the time, effort, or consequences. Generally; No, they will NOT buy a book they’ve read for free online (As much as people love to say to support us creators, they rarely actually do), and they damn sure won’t pay for the extra cost of color printing. If you want to see the difference, check out Ka-Blam comic printers and do a price comparison between printing pages in color versus black and white.
Yes, there are people who do a Kickstarter and such and get these funds up front; They are exceptions, not the rules. Consider them—and most artists who make comics or art they make of their own choosing (Not commissions, but only originals), the same as you might someone who plays a sport and decides that they are GOING to play professionally for some orginazation or team—which is, they are counting on being in this LESS THAN 1% of their field. Yes, some people pull it off; The vast majority don’t—and skill isn’t the biggest factor in the end. Just like an athlete with all the promise in the world can have their career ended before it’s begun by an injury that never heals right, art itself is a career path with MANY hidden pitfalls and problems—and health is a major one. Too many of us don’t eat right, don’t exercise our bodies and minds, and so on; It adds up. I personally really recommend a diet with a caloric/carb intake ratio that works within your activity levels; In other words, if you’re determined not to work out (Which—don’t make this mistake), you can’t eat as much as you’d like—not only will you gain weight, but it impacts your health health, your blood sugar—it can be a recipe for an early, but preventable, grave or a LOT of suffering that could be avoided. I try to jog at least two miles a day, meditate daily, and really put my health as the main focus in my life—even before my art. I can’t draw anything or write more stories if I’m dead, after all, and I can’t produce my best work if I’m not in the best condition I can manage. With an autoimmune disease, there’s only so much I can do or control and I’m often still very sick and in a lot of pain; But I still do all I can to run or walk two miles—at least, and even if it takes me an hour or more—and to keep my heart rate at 120 beats per min. when I do. There’s a lot of days where this is about the ONLY thing I can manage and where my pain is so bad I cry and cry—because right now I don’t have a lot of means of relief; This doesn’t happen to everyone, but it means that health—no matter what you do in life—can make or break you at times. Audiences aren’t always understanding of these circumstances and yes, ones career can dry up as a result. Just because someone manages to play for the sports team of their dreams doesn’t mean their health can’t or won’t turn on them, or a serious injury will end their career; We do not live in a world where people will continue to support you because of a series of or singular unfortunate event.
This brings me to the last point, which is if you plan to sell or profit off your work; We all want to, but often making sales can come at the cost of producing something that we, as the creators, really love or are passionate about. I decided from the jump that, while profiting was nice, I’d much rather make the title I wanted to make rather than the one that sells the most copies; If I were concerned with it, trust me, Eternity Concepts would be a wildly different story, with different art, etc. I’d have written a formulaic story that was entirely predictable and changed so many aspects, you’d never recognize it; Manga fans tend to be teens, so I’d have made the cast all teenagers! It’d be set in school! Someone might magically transform to fight evil or some such thing.
I didn’t want that; If you do, there’s no shame in that, but audiences will keep buying and reading what we keep producing, and if we’re too afraid to take a risk on a chance that our story won’t make a dime—because making a dime is the most important part for you—then we can’t be surprised when it’s what people keep buying—because we aren’t even attempting to sell anything else.
Publishing houses (With novels and such) can be really guilty of pushing for changes based on market research; The thing is, the research is often based off past sales of what’s already in the market. Plenty of novels that became classics and best sellers got rejected for years and years until a publishing company was willing to take a chance and discovered that people can, will, and do enjoy new and different things. They might also do market focus group testing—but these are small sample sizes of average people—and your audience may NOT be average people.
All creative pursuits involve risks, at the end of the day; You just have to decide what rewards you want or are willing to sacrifice if you take them.
As for aesthetics, there’s no accounting for taste and I’ve seen plenty of paintings I hated sell for insane amounts of money, plenty of art styles I hated become popular titles, etc.
I will say this; When I, PERSONALLY, see a comic with tones or color, usually that’s digitally produced (It cuts out the need for a scanner!), it looks to me like it’s professionally made—by someone who is on their way or already at such a level.
While a lot of newer artists try to make do with other materials, again, the world is not a kind place and making do is just that—making do. Yes, there are a million and one reasons why one can’t get their hands on better or more professional materials—but sadly, people don’t want to hear excuses, and many successful artists got their tools by working jobs they hated, saving up, living in their cars—making major sacrifices to get to where they are now. There’s no easy road or shortcuts to the end; Yes, I do, sadly, think the mixed media approach you’re trying won’t be favorable towards your marketability—but I could always be wrong (Look at how many MS Paint comics made it big!) There’s a first time for everything.
Comics, though, is also about production speed, and traditional materials can come at the cost of working quicker. I’m a big fan of suggesting people save and wait and invest (And it IS an investment) in serious materials and tools if they wish to be seen and taken as seriously; This means making sacrifices and at the end of the day, plenty of people still won’t like what you make, no matter what tools you have or plot you employ. The person who NEEDS to like it most? . . .Is only you.
You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and the faster you accept that, the happier you’ll be with what you make.
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FIC: The Devil Left Him
Rating: G Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: Crowley & Jesus, Aziraphale/Crowley Tags: Friendship, Established Relationship Word Count: 2,800 Summary: Crowley showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. The Bible recorded some version of this event, but left off the walk down the mountain afterward. Hard to find the right wording for, "And then the son of God befriended a demon. Don't try this at home." Also on AO3. Notes: I was really struck by the timing for Crowley's name change, and this was what came of it. The hilarity of me, a recovered Christian, writing about a friendship between Jesus and a demon has kept me amused all day.
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. (Matt. 4:1-11) 
In general, the different versions of the Bible—even the printings with deliberate errors—agreed: after the devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus shooed him away with clear hand gestures and admonishments that could not be misinterpreted, and the devil slithered off as angels landed on feather-light feet.
In reality, though, Crawley had already expended a lot of energy on what he'd suspected from the start to be a fruitless task. He wasn't about to slither anywhere. It took a lot of work to take a human with him when he willed himself from one place to an entirely different place, even when that human was the son of God. His bones were blessed heavy.
Maybe something of that showed on his human-but-not-quite-human face, because Jesus said, "You look weary, my friend," as if today's activities had all been an elaborate song-and-dance where they'd both played only a part, rather than themselves.
"It's not as easy as it looks," Crawley said. He seated himself on a nearby convenient rock. "I don't usually drag humans round with me."
Jesus seated himself on the ground. For unknown reasons, this made Crawley's insides squirm in discomfort.
"We should rest a while," Jesus said, "before we walk down the mountain."
"You might want to get a move on, actually," Crawley said, squinting down at him. Forty days of fasting was nothing for a demon, but it reduced a human to something horrifying, a skeletal nightmare with the skin just barely hanging on. Better not to even try to describe the hair. "Find something to eat on the way down."
"I will wait," he replied, peaceably.
So Crawley sat in resentful silence while he got his breath back, so to speak. Jesus closed his eyes and turned his face into the chill mountain wind and, for all Crawley knew, prayed. An old envy burned in his gut, an ulcer still barely sealed over. 
"I'm not going to walk down the mountain, you know," he said. In another place—no easier way to describe it than that—his wings did not ache so badly anymore.
"No?" Jesus asked, his eyes still closed. Starving and dirty and stinking, but the hint of a smile curled his mouth. "Do you not require thanks, then, for what you've shown to me? No interest in reciprocity?"
"I don't see how a walk down the mountain is reciprocity," Crawley said, more wary than sneering.
"You have seen the grander view," Jesus said. "Let me show you the smaller one."
Crawley laughed, because it was laughable. He had already seen every view, after all. He had seen the touch of both Her love and Her cruelty in a thousand, a million, big and small ways. He had seen children drown, magnificent creatures lost forever to a flood. He had more than seen his fill. As he'd displayed the kingdoms of the world, he'd looked away.
"If nothing else," Jesus said, undeterred by the vaguely hissing noise of Crawley's laugh, "it will allow you to gather your strength." 
He looked up, meeting Crawley's eyes. There was something terrible and knowing there, something depthless, that did not belong on a human face. It was a vision of agony, of endurance, of suffering. It was more than a person should rightly contain. Crawley could not look away.
"You will need it," Jesus said softly. It was not a warning or a threat; his voice, his sharp-boned face, was filled with compassion.
The breeze tipped from cool to cold, and Crawley stifled the question rising in his throat, though he wondered: What? What will I need it for? Do you know, or are you as vague and inaccessible as Her?
But when Jesus stood, Crawley followed him down the mountain, moving at the pace of the weaker human. They made meals of stringy rabbits caught in clever snares that Jesus fashioned, whatever fruits and roots they could forage from near-barren trees, handfuls of water from streams that ran too low. Crawley didn't need any of it; he left the too-bitter berries to Jesus and had only a bite of one of the rabbits. They were barely real, anyway. What sustenance existed this far up on the mountain had to be encouraged to show itself.
After one night sprawled in the too-thin grasses by the faint roadside, still practicing sleep, Crawley had the strength to leave. Jesus's feet cracked and bled, and he moved at the shuffle of a much older man, but he would make it down the mountain. Surely She wouldn't let Her son die in obscurity after being abducted by a demon. That couldn't be in the ineffable plan.
But in case it was, Crawley stayed. Occasionally he scoffed at the small wonders that Jesus offered up for his inspection—this flower blooming well past its season, that bird singing long past sunset, the pattern of those clouds descending low to the mountain—but mostly, he kept quiet, and kept his eyes open.
When they parted ways in the village at the bottom of the mountain, Jesus said, "You are welcome at my home, should you ever find yourself there."
Crawley gave him a disbelieving look, a raised eyebrow. Jesus smiled as he departed.
There was not much to do in Capernaum. Crawley had heard something—just a murmur—that sounded a bit like Aziraphale, and wouldn't it be fun to ruffle up those feathers again, but there were a lot of fantastical things happening now. The world folded on itself to accommodate the son of God. Could've been any old miracle. Jesus could've done it himself.
And Jesus was around and about, no mistake about that—there, by the low fountain in this tiny square, where some barefoot children occasionally splashed. He was surrounded by no less than four others, usually; Crawley had yet to see him alone again after that trek down the mountain.
But today, unlike the other days, his eyes—those terrible eyes—passed over the square and sought the shadows, and landed unerringly on Crawley.
He mastered the instinct to shrink from view and vanish. He gave a cheery little wave from within a flowing dark sleeve, a smirk paired with it, as if to say, Yes, the Temptation goes on forever; choose what I offered and all can be well.
Not likely.
But Jesus smiled his strange small smile, asked his companions to wait, and made his way over to Crawley. 
"It's good you're here," he said, with no irony at all. "We're going to repair a roof. Will you help?"
Strange man, this Jesus. Maybe the lower-downs had it wrong, and there had been some kind of mixup. Compassion and kindness was all well and good, but surely this kind of olive branch was not meant for demons. It never had been before.
"I hear that carpentry is more your area," Crawley said.
"It is simple enough to learn," Jesus replied, "for a creature as old as you." 
He beckoned, and Crawley, infinitely curious, followed.
They spent the afternoon in the hot sun, balanced by turns on the beam that would support the roof, laying in place a lattice of straw mats that were then smoothed with clay. Jesus's friends passed up materials, and Crawley mostly ferried them between points, watching. Jesus explained how to overlay the mats, where to apply the clay, how the beam at this point and this one supported the weight, and Crawley listened. He asked Crawley to smooth down one section of mat and clay and congratulated him on a job well done.
It felt like having his hands clasped around a nebula, drawing out a necklace of stardust, while She stood at his back and offered direction and encouragement. The sun shone like God had not vanished from the world—or at least, like God had not vanished from Crawley's.
But that same sun was setting by the time the roof was done, and all gathered on it for a simple meal, including the family who lived there. Some looked askance at Crawley, glances lingering on his eyes before darting away, but said nothing. It had rarely been a problem before, but he sensed a change coming. A world narrowing in some ways, widening in others. It would all come back around eventually.
Jesus came to the edge of the roof to offer him bread, which he took out of politeness more than a desire to eat the stuff. "What is your name?" Jesus asked, as if picking up a conversation they'd already been having.
Crawley opened his mouth to answer and closed it again. It seemed the depth of disgrace to give the son of God the name that had been foisted on him after his wings burned; it seemed a humiliation too great to endure. Salt rubbed in a great many wounds.
"Which would you prefer?" he said, the words biting. "The name She gave me? Or the name I answer to when my new master calls?"
Jesus chewed on the bread, swallowed, chased it with a gulp of thick wine. "Which do you prefer?" He didn't rise an inch to Crawley's tone. Crawley was beginning to think that patience was actually Hellish. It was annoying enough to be.
"Neither," Crawley said, and though it was knee-jerk, he found it to be true upon closer inspection. The old name—and he did remember, remembered like holy water had left a sizzling burn in its shape on his mutilated grace—didn't fit, now. Maybe never had.
And really. Crawley. No imagination at all, the first thing that had come to mind for a wretched snake.
"Perhaps you should fashion a new one."
"No suggestions?" Crawley said, vaguely heckling. "No offers to help me begin anew? To save my immortal soul?"
"Do you have a soul?" Jesus countered, with a trace of humor.
Crawley gave a very small, very quiet snicker of laughter. It surprised even him.
"The world is changing," Jesus said, gazing out at where the sun had vanished below the horizon.
"The world doesn't change," Crawley said, just for the sake of argument.
Jesus looked at him sidelong. "You'll have opportunity enough to begin anew. You should choose for yourself."
Crawley snorted, but Jesus only stood, no hard feelings, to return to the other humans. Crawley tried a bite of the bread and left the rest at the edge of the roof when he leapt back down to the ground.
"You know, my dear, I didn't know that you had any experience with carpentry."
Crowley, mouth full of screws, sizing up the shelf that had collapsed beneath another of Aziraphale's improbable stacks of books, shrugged. With an effort devoted to making sure he didn't accidentally swallow any of the bits of metal in his mouth, he said, "I helped Jesus fix a roof once."
"I'm sorry?" Aziraphale said, as if he thought he'd misheard.
"I didn't have any other plans," Crowley said, more defensively than he meant to. "And he asked."
Roofs and bookshelves were entirely different things. He shouldn't have even mentioned it; he could have pointed to any other example of a stupid human thing he'd picked up over the centuries. He could've lied.
But he and Aziraphale were trying this new thing where they were actually honest with each other, since they had the freedom to be, and his instinct was to not fuck that up. Even when he risked exposing as rotten a wound as this.
"He never asked me to help fix a roof," Aziraphale muttered.
"You weren't really up close and personal with the humans back then, were you? Did he even know who you were?" Crowley brushed away some of the sawdust created by drilling one of the screws in.
"I doubt it," Aziraphale said, and sighed the way he did when he was settling into the chair at his desk; Crowley didn't have to look around, or extend his senses, to know exactly how he looked, mug of cocoa cupped between his hands and balanced lightly on his stomach. "There were so many angels coming and going around him, I doubt that I stood out."
"You always stand out, angel."
He left it open to interpretation whether that was a good or bad thing (answer: both), but still he could feel the way Aziraphale smiled in reaction; the force of it warmed the entire back of him. Set a little more at ease by this, he returned to his work.
When the drill had gone silent permanently, and Crowley was fastening some clever little rubber stoppers over the ends to support the shelf—really, carpentry had come a long way in two thousand years, Jesus would have been impressed—Aziraphale said, "What was he like?"
Crowley considered, sliding the shelf back into place. The places where the wood had given out under the old screws was completely concealed, and the shelf was sturdy again; he started restacking the books.
"Ineffable," Crowley said, half-taunting, and Aziraphale gave a protesting little laugh at that. "No, he was...strange. Patient. I walked down the mountain with him because he asked. I helped with the roof because he asked. That was the sort of person he was. He didn't hold a grudge about the whole Tempting thing, like he thought I was just playing a part. Never had the stomach to tell him it wasn't that simple."
"Crowley," Aziraphale said, so quietly and so pained that Crowley had to steady the stack of books against the shelf for a heartbeat before continuing.
"Oh, right," he said, trying to sound indifferent, "the name change. I never mentioned it. His idea. Never got a chance to tell him what I'd settled on."
Aziraphale mulled that over quietly; Crowley fussed with the books, attempting to decipher what order they were meant to be in.
"I thought he might have been important to you," Aziraphale said. "But I never would have guessed…"
"Why would you? I never could figure it out, myself. Why he was so...nice...to a demon. Not like Upstairs at all." Crowley voiced the next almost tentatively, nearly afraid to hear Aziraphale's opinion. Not afraid enough, though. "Thought there might've been something wrong with him."
"No," Aziraphale said sadly. "There was nothing wrong with him. And they didn't learn anything at all."
"Well." This conversation was getting too maudlin for him; he stepped back from the bookshelf to admire his handiwork. "I learned something."
Aziraphale got up to look at the shelf, too; his hand slipped into Crowley's, and Crowley returned the pressure, held on tight. "You've always been more open-minded than the rest of us," Aziraphale said; the fondness in his face was too bright to look at head-on, so Crowley admired it from the side. 
"That's a low bar."
"I know," Aziraphale said, and then, more seriously, "thank you. For telling me. Now, can I treat you to dinner, as thanks for holding my bookshop together?"
"If you would just expand a bit, you'd have enough room for all the books, and this wouldn't happen," Crowley said, falling comfortably back into familiar, toothless bickering.
But over dinner, he told Aziraphale everything, everything he could remember about those brief moments two thousand years ago. Aziraphale was, as always, the perfect audience, scandalized and delighted at all the right places, and Crowley, as always, nearly liked him better scandalized than delighted.
They overindulged, as was traditional, and by the last drink, they were toasting Jesus. Crowley hoped he knew.
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