#Dark Deity
layraket · 1 month
Dark Deity
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Finally done! this has been sitting on my drafts for who knows how long, wanted to post this a long time ago but I'm glad that i finished it in time
Some time ago I said I had a design for Dark Deity in works, it's not too different and doesn't have so many changes, but I wanted for it to catch that feeling of danger
This is a gift for @breannasfluff and her series Eldritch Adventures! She's a fantastic writer and this series has been one of my favorites, I know she worked hard on it so i wanted to give something that compensates that! I might be able to read the last chapter until night, but before that I want to say that I'm so proud of her for getting this far, she deserves so much love!
Process and Close up under the cut
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octo-l95 · 2 years
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Dragon animations (battle and overworld, respectively) I did for the indie game Dark Deity
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breannasfluff · 3 months
Eldritch Fight
“Do you hear that?” Wild freezes, ears flicking as he tries to pinpoint what changed.
The rest of the group stops as well. They are still a fair distance from the monster reports they got. Yet there are more dangers on the road than just monsters.
Twilight joins him, ears tilting to listen for what he notices. There’s silence in the woods. “I don’t hear anything,” he finally whispers.
Wild doesn’t either. Despite this, there’s something that’s put him on guard. A shift in the air; the rustle of a leaf that shouldn’t move. An eddy in the air from something too large not to mean harm.
There’s nothing. The path winds through the woods, hugged tight by bushes in most places. There’s little chance of something crashing through without them noticing.
Warriors waits another minute, then waves them on. Wild stays on the alert as he filters out the noises of the Chain. Yet they continue unimpeded.
The path winds and twists as the woods change. The bushes fall away, replaced by scraggly trees in small clumps. They grow at an angle, likely due to the wind that now whistles through the area. It’s steady from the same direction, setting the branches swaying.
Shhh, shhh, says the wind, as if the forest is a fretful child to soothe. At first, the Chain tensed as the scenery changed, still on edge. But there’s only the never-ending wind. After a while, it fades into steady background noise.
It’s Sky who notices a bare second before Wild. He grunts, face twisting. The champion is turning to look at him when he feels it, too. Something rancid, yet burning bright. Just the faintest brush at the edge of his senses. Destruction and fire and pain. Villages slaughtered to see the color they bleed. Rot, taking away healthy limbs.
Dark Deity.
Read the rest here!
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succulentsiren · 10 months
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moeblob · 8 months
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So trying to restart DD so I can remember what was even going on (I wasn't far enough to be too concerned since it was my Switch version not PC where I was farther)
And while Garrick has a bond chain with Cia, he doesn't have one with Elias. WHICH, Garrick tells Lincoln SPECIFICALLY "well if I can't ask you stuff guess I'll ask Elias or Cia" when told not to ask him any useless questions. And so. The reason Garrick doesn't actually have supports is because Elias would kill him.
The end.
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elizatungusnakur · 1 year
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Alrighty. Here’s your chance to GET INVOLVED in the next Gremlin Gods episode. Prompting in 3…2…1… 💥
~*~*~ DEADLINE: Sunday 2nd July ~*~*~
PROMPT: How does your ‘dark’ deity manifest in the light half of the year for you? If at all? If not, why? Do they take on different attributes and aspects in relation to your local season? If yes, what do they symbolize then?
Gremlin Gods wants to (quite literally) hear your voice. And with your permission, place it in our next episode. Submit audio snippets (or text to be read out loud by the host, Eliza) of your poetry, song, short stories, rituals, prayers or any kind of creative composition to [email protected].
If you prefer to express how your deity manifests via sharing your own art, or your favourite visual artist’s or musician’s work with us instead… we’d love to hear about those too! Just remember to credit the artists appropriately within your submission, and we’ll make sure to do that in the episode too. Get curious, get creative! 🔥
Your audio / text submissions should ideally be no more than 3-5 minutes long. Within your file, you don’t have to introduce yourself or your name, however you are welcome to do so. Or if you prefer Gremlin Gods pre-announce you radio-style, please provide a moniker that can be read out instead.
Mp3, WAV or similar files will be accepted. Even voice notes recorded on your phone, as long as done so in a quiet room, are most welcome.
REMEMBER: Your contributions may be aimed towards any and all deities, paths and pantheons - not limited to Norse lore or culture.
Any questions, please feel free to reach out! And… holy heck, thank you in advance, you wonderful humans!! 💥
[Composite image of flaming bonfire by Unsplash contributor Joshua Newton; Edited together with original photography by Gremlin Gods]
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teefa85 · 11 months
So I just picked up Dark Deity as part of the Steam Summer Sale.  It had been recommended to me due to my library with anime-esq JRPGs in it.  Reminds me a lot of older Fire Emblems.  Though there are a few differences so it’s not just someone Copy ‘n Pasting Blazing Blade with their own story and characters.
A) Weapons don’t break.  They also have an upgrade system instead of buying new ones and some characters have different things they can do.
B) Their version of Supports, Bonds, don’t give stats and are more there for character building. For example, Maren mothering the other members of the four academy friends or Elias trying to be a minder for his hotheaded friend, Cia.
C) Instead of a Weapon Triangle, weapons have different advantages and disadvantages against different armors.  For example, Chain Mail.  The bonuses versus it range from +40% for Piercing attacks and -10% for Fire and Slashing attacks.  Though I had to dig this out since they don’t tutorialize...but as someone who grew up in an era before Tutorials were in-your-face and you had to read the manual or even just experiment and figure out what the hell is going on, having to find an optional in-game image is child’s play!
D)  The healers can attack!  I’ve tried feeding Maren some kills to keep her from falling behind...especially now since they gave me another healer that’s a few levels higher than everyone and I can make him heal!
E)  You get two Class Changes at 10 and 30 and it looks like you get to choose the path you go in.  Not sure how it’ll exactly work since only one character is close and he’s the overleveled healer that I’ve relegated to healbitch and is only getting 1 EXP since people are so much lower leveled than him!  But I’ll play a bit more over the next week or so and check it out!
EDIT:  Oh, and instead of permadeath, a defeated character loses stats.  Too bad for the devs I’ve been CONDITIONED by Fire Emblem to always reset in order to avoid penalties of actually losing characters (I’ve only played Casual a few times, mostly just to have access to Awakening’s in-battle saves for S Support grinding for Robin, with me treating it as a Classic run and resetting if people died...and once was a gimmick run where my avatar was based off Rutee from Tales of Destiny and I ran her as a Trickster with the “power to revive people.”)
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lovesiicksuccubi · 2 years
Yooo could u do one of those tip lost thingies for dark deities? /Nf
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Dark Deities Tips + Things
Listen to night music
Light some dark coloured candles
Wear dark colors
Have some fairylights in your living space
Try finding a hobby or job connected to your domain
Have your friends call you by your godly name
Made a shine for yourself
Look after things that are apart of your domain (plants, animals, weapons, etc)
Paint your nails
Have some golds, slivers, greys and black
Make friends with other deities and start a pantheon
Decorate your living space in dark academia/cottagecore
Collect your symbols
Learn chaos magic
Wear dark jewellery
Research more about your domains
Watch movies that remind you of your domains
Here you go!! This can work for any and all deities -Mod🍫
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bunnycosmos · 1 year
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snowyteal · 6 months
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If someone calls out on my bias of purple/lavender characters and or clerics, I'm-
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the-worst-fe-player · 2 years
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Stared play dark deity as it’s free rn and it’s really good ngl
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octo-l95 · 2 years
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Oh, uh, you guys really liked that dragon I did for Dark Deity! I also did the Dragon Knight, too! As you might be able to guess haha (I don't have the versions with the character palettes, those were actually done pretty last minute. I drew them all with the generic player colors when working on them.)
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breannasfluff · 3 months
Eldritch Kid
One moment they are alone in the clearing and the next, something pops into being on a stump. Wild yelps and whips around, senses on alert. There’s something Other here. Something Claimed with dark magic.
Twilight gives the creature a name before Wild has decided what to do. “Skull Kid?”
“You know him?” Hyrule asks.
“Well—there’s a Skull Kid in my Lost Woods. I dunno if it’s the same one. He likes playin’ games and tricks but he’s not evil. Mischievous, I suppose.”
Skull Kid laughs and swings his feet against the stump, letting them bounce off and up again. He doesn’t seem scared of the group of heroes. Despite the glowing eyes and beak mouth, he is…well, a part of the forest.
Wild unwinds a little more and reaches out to him. There’s that Claim again; rancid and oil-slick as it slides across his senses. He can’t help but grimace. The motion or his aura catches the spirit’s attention. His feet stop bouncing.
“Would you like to play a game?” He tilts his head, alert and excited as he looks at Wild. His voice is young and high; he’s nothing but a child. Of course, the fairy was only a vehicle for dark magic to attach to. Yet somehow…even despite the Claim, this spirit doesn’t put Wild on edge.
Before he answers, he glances at Warriors, who nods back. “We could use a short break. Rest our legs and plan what to do next.”
It’s not true; they’ve only been walking half an hour. But it’s a concession.
Wild turns back to Skull Kid and grins, showing off all his teeth. “What do you have in mind?”
Read the rest here!
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firebornamari · 11 months
Started playing Dark Deity because of jelloapocalypse and my Irving un-shadow the hedgehog'd himself. So I have regular Irving and its so funny watching everyone go "omg u look different Irving" ...when... he doesn't.
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moeblob · 1 year
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I'm sorry Irving, but yeah. I forgot about Dark Deity for way too long. :c Please forgive me as I put the game off even more...
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elizatungusnakur · 1 year
Gremlin Gods is ready.
Tonight, on this Solstice Eve, we light a candle. And begin anew. 🕯️
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