#Danny didn’t tell his family he was the king though
minty364 · 6 months
DPXDC Prompt #116
Danny’s family accepts him after he revealed his identity. So much in fact that they took him on a trip to Gotham along with Jazz. There they learn the family secret, Maddie is niece to Batman and she grew up on the streets of Gotham fighting alongside him under the moniker ‘Sparrow’ to match her cousin Robin. Now they want Bruce to train Danny in the family business.
After a week of training and Bruce returns to the watchtower where a very nervous and terrified looking Constantine asks where the hell he was to get a protection mark from the Ghost King. Bruce isn’t looking forward to the talk he’s about to have with his extended family staying in the manor because he had absolutely no clue what Constantine was talking about.
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Danny Phantom is immortal. His best friends, not quite
Danny absolutely loves the people closest to him. His mom and dad, his sister, Sam, Tucker, Val, even Wes.
His accident permanently stunted him as a preteen. He can’t age or move past the awkward begining of puberty. His best friends age, grow up, live…
Danny stays the same. Well, he slowly takes on more responsibility in the realms as the ghost king. He trains with Pandora, he fights any ghost that wants to battle, he grows more powerful.
The biggest change in Danny happens when his parents die.
Of course they did. It’s been years, they both grew rather old, and passed away peacefully in their sleep. Danny prevented any major ghost attacks on the earth, so things were very relaxed for his mom and dad. They switched their focus from hunting and fighting ghosts to studying them.
Danny waited for their ghosts to form in the zone. Surely they had been around enough ectoplasm?
Well, no. They didn’t end up forming as ghosts. It didn’t work well for Danny’s plans. He had a whole wing of the castle for them!
Clockwork comforts Danny, tells him that Danny will see his parents again, just not in the way he expected.
Time continued to move on. Jazz became a therapist, with a specialty in occult based cases. Sam worked in phantasmobotany, some weird ghost plant science. Tucker worked in tech, and even created a few cool video games. Val jumped jobs all the time- fashion design, bodyguard, technology- she kept changing and growing. Wes went into investigative journalism.
His friends grew up, became successful, became happy. They never forgot about Danny. They still spent time together every week.
His friends were still mortal, though. Eventually, they each passed on. None of them ended up as ghosts. Clockwork continued to promise that he’d see them again.
Danny mourned the loss of a world that moved on without him. His time in Amity ended with a flicker. He left his home dimension for good, returning to the Ghost Zone for years.
He wasn’t alone. Vlad and Dani halfas too. Even if it was Vlad, Danny was still happy to have a familiar face. And Dani was always a pleasure.
Danny’s fellow half ghosts helped him through his loss. Despite Clockwork telling Danny he’d see his family again, Danny couldn’t help but worry about the worst case scenario.
Eventually, clockwork announced that the time was right. He explained why exactly his friends and family hadn’t become ghosts. Where they had been this whole time.
They had been reincarnated
Danny’s closest friends and family members were all alive, in different bodies, in a different dimension. Their souls were the same.
Clockwork explains that spending enough time with the right people will let their memories return slowly.
So now Danny just has to find people who act like his best friends and family, spend two weeks with them, and hope he found one of his family members.
Danny wasn’t excited for the quest. But seeing his family again? That was worth it.
Danny arrives in the DC universe, ready to reunite with his loved ones.
If he can figure out who they are.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
The Savior, The Reaper, and The Champion
Today was a bad brain day. That was the first thing Danny had realized as he laid beside Tim and let the other man rest his head on Danny’s bicep. On the other side of the human, Conner laid down, wrapping his strong arm around the man’s waist and burying his face in between Tim’s shoulder blades. 
No one ever tells you that being a supervillain is so fucking hard. That there would be days where you struggled to even get out of bed. When they had each chosen this life, they knew it would be hard. That there would be days where they questioned if what they were doing really was for the greater good of the world–even if the Justice League didn’t see it that way. 
That was the biggest thing, Danny had mused. They weren’t really villains, not to anyone except for the Justice League and the eyes of the government. Most of the citizens in this world loved the duo.
“It’s okay, we’re here,” Danny whispered as Tim let out a sob. He ran his fingers through his hair as he and Conner held their little super genius close. Today was one of the harder days. It was the anniversary of the day Bruce Wayne had officially disowned Tim Drake. It was a bittersweet day considering how it had ended between them. On one hand, Tim had felt liberated, no longer under the thumb of Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective and Control Freak. But on the other hand, he had lost the only real father figure he had ever had. 
The day Tim had gone on his own, he had lost practically everyone. Danny wanted to hate Bruce for it, but it had also been the reason he had met Tim in the first place. It had been just five years ago now, the day that Tim had first summoned Danny. 
He pressed a kiss to Tim’s head as another sob wracked through his lithe frame and Conner’s arms tighten just a bit around Tim as the man buried his face in Danny’s chest. 
“We’re here, we love you,” Conner whispered in Tim’s ear, voice hushed, calming. 
They had met just a few days after Tim had gotten into a screaming match with Bruce–a fight that Conner and Danny still didn’t have all the details for. He had gone off on his own, determined to destroy the League of Assassins once and for all and to have Ra’s Al Ghul die by his hand. He had summoned the Ghost King to find out about the secrets of the Lazarus Waters. Upon learning about them and Ra’s, though, Danny had decided to help get rid of them for good. No one was meant to live forever, not the way Ra’s was doing it at least. It was easy to say that once Danny learned of how the assassin cult was using the corrupted ectoplasm, he was more than ready to help take them down.
Between the two of them, they had completely destroyed the League and Ra’s. Upon learning about it, Tim’s family had been horrified. Apparently they had been holding out hope that he wouldn’t go through with his plans, that he wouldn’t fall so far and fast from the pedestal he had once stood on as Red Robin. They had cut him off, decided that Tim had crossed a line and they were unwilling to forgive him for it. Surprisingly, the only one who had stayed in touch was Jason. 
“Family pariahs have to stick together,” he had said. It also hadn’t helped that Danny had managed to heal the pit rage inside of him and supplement it with a healthy ghost core. 
The others, though, had declared Tim a rogue for his actions. Dick had even gone as far as saying that Tim had hit supervillain status and was on the same level as Lex Luthor. Danny didn’t see it that way. In his opinion, all they had done was get rid of an organization that would never truly stop killing, no matter how many times Batman and co. fought them. 
“I just want to forget about it,” Tim whispered, his fingers bunched in Danny’s shirt. 
After they had destroyed the league, the couple had fallen in love, they had finally found someone who was at the same level. They were the perfect puzzle pieces for one another. And once Danny had felt close enough to Tim, he had told him his trauma, shared with him the pain he had never told another living soul. 
And Tim? Well he went out that very night and placed a few explosives in just the right spots. And they had done their jobs. The GIW and the Fentons would never harm Danny again. He had the vivisection scars to remind him of the pain that they had caused but he would never see them again. It was then that the young ghost king had decided that he would follow Tim to the ends of the earth, do whatever Tim wanted from him. 
He may have been the Ghost King but Tim was his monarch and he was prepared to worship him any time and any place, prepared to do whatever bidding he desired. And it was then that Savior and Reaper had made their names known far and wide. 
Tim had declared himself the savior, promising to destroy those that the Justice League were too cowardly to fight, and he had declared Danny his loyal right hand man, his knight to command, his reaper. 
The people saw them as heroes, finally doing what others wouldn’t. Everyone else saw them as supervllains. TIm liked to call themselves the necessary evils. Conner liked to say that they were just doing what the heroes were too cowardly to do. They were willing to darken their own souls if it meant saving others. 
They had run into Conner shortly after Reaper and Savior had killed the Joker and sent his soul to the Nightmare Realm where he would suffer for all of eternity. He had known Tim from his heroes days and knew that if anyone would help him, it would be Tim. Soon Savior, Reaper and their newest member,Champion, had made their move and Lex Luthor had become their newest target. For a man who had done so much damage, it had been laughable at how easy it was to kill him once and for all. Danny had made sure to give him a special place in the Nightmare Realms for the pain he had caused Conner.
The team had made a name for themselves, they hadn’t come up with a name but Danny had heard the whispers of stories and myths, of how others would reverently call them the world’s new furies. They had become gods of vengence. Tim had been likened to Alecto for being unceasing, Danny had been compared to Tisiphone for being avenging, and Conner had been dubbed Megaera for being grudging.
So they had taken it for themselves, the Furies of the New World they were called, or just Furies for short. 
“I know you do, baby,” Danny murmured. “But it’s a part of you, it’s who you are.”
“I miss them,” Tim said with a whimper, curling in on himself. Oh their fearless leader, Tim who had called himself Savior and swore to protect the world from injustice, who despite himself being powerless himself, kept two of the most powerful beings on tight leashes behind him, ready to unleash them into the world on his command. And yet he still was just so small, he trusted Danny and Conner so much that he allowed them to see through the facade, to force their way through the cracks and see the broken man he had become. 
Some say that you have to sell your soul to become a fighter for the people. Danny was pleased to say it wasn’t true, he saw Tim’s soul, saw his love to his bones and knew him better than anyone in the world.  
“I miss talking to Alfred, sparring with Bruce, late night Bat Burger with Dick–I miss my life. I just, was this all a mistake? Is Bruce right? Did we go too far in our mission? Did I lose my family for nothing?” Tim whispered, wracking his fingers through Danny’s hair, petting him slowly. The ghost nearly purred at his lover’s touch. 
“We can stop if you want,” Danny offered quietly. “I can get Clockwork to reset time, let us start all over, let you decide-”
“No,” Tim said sternly. “I don’t want to forget what we’ve done. We’ve helped too many people for that. I’m just being a baby,” he said softly, folding in on himself slightly. 
“We can have Danny take us to a completely different dimension,” Conner offered, his thumb rubbed along Tim’s hipbone. “We can make new lives, leave all of this behind. We’ll make you happy, Tim, happier than you can even imagine.”
“We’re still needed,” Tim said, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “We still have so much to make right, to fix. I just miss the life I had, it doesn’t mean I hate the new one. I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” Danny told him seriously, moving to rest his head on his hand and looked down at Tim. “We all have our days. Timmy, my parents cut me apart limb from limb and there are still days I miss them, where I miss the life I had before all of this. It’s how the world goes.”
“The two of you make life so much easier,” Tim whispered, looking between his two lovers, tears collected in the corners of his eyes. Conner swiped a thumb across both, wiping them away. “I’m glad I have both of you here with me, I feel less insane, less out of control.”
“You’re not insane or out of control,” Danny murmured before he pressed forward and kissed Tim’s pouty lips softly. 
“Yeah,” Conner murmured, pushing Tim’s shirt up slowly so that he could tweak a nipple softly. “You’re our fearless leader.”
“And we’re your strong henchmen,” Danny finished, and nipped at Tim’s nose, making his precious lover giggle.
“You aren’t henchmen, we’re partners,” Tim argued, glaring at both of them. Danny and Conner just grinned at one another before they looked at Tim. 
“Nope,” Conner said. “You’re the brains and we’re the brawn.”
“We’ll follow you anywhere,” Danny said reverently. “Why do you think I call you my Northstar?”
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invis-o-william · 17 days
Day 6: Immortal AU
Danny leaned back in the grass, the wind brushing his white gravity defying hair back away from his forehead, and sighed. Amity Park had changed a lot over the years. What had once been a fair sized growing metropolis was now a sprawling city blending urban technological feats of science with older infrastructure that had been in place for over a hundred years.
One thing that hadn’t changed too much though, was its main cemetery. Others had cropped up on the outskirts of the booming city, but this one, the original burial ground, stayed intact even though no new burials had occurred there in decades.
“Sorry for not visiting sooner,” Danny said, “the Realms have kept me on my toes lately. Clocky has had it with the Observants and is trying to get rid of them as a whole. Good riddance I say.”
He chuckled at the last sentence. “I know you were never a fan of how much they interfered when I first took the throne, so I figured you’d be happy to hear that at least.”
Danny’s eyes followed a pair of children nearby happily playing on the sidewalk with gliders that seemed so similar to the Red Huntress’. Danny frowned. So much had changed over the years, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t keep up anymore.
“I had something I wanted to tell you about too..” He trailed off and turned to look at the headstone next to him. While it was old, as was every grave in this section, this one had been well cared for. Cleared of creeping plant life and with any and all dirt meticulously brushed off. The inscription read:
Dr. Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton
B. March 31, 1988 D. May 6, 2070
Beloved Mother, Sister, and Professor
“I decided to stay in the Infinite Realms full time now. With my duties as King, and the whole new zone developing there I just don’t have the time to patrol Amity Park anymore. Not that there’s a need to anymore.” He sighed the last words. It was true, after a few decades of kingship, Danny had figured out how to balance the limits that ghosts could venture to the mortal plane and the damage they could cause there.
His role on Earth as Phantom had long been redundant now, and there was no one here for him anymore. All his friends had long since died, as were even Jazz’s grandchildren. On Earth, Danny felt truly and utterly alone.
“Of course I’m going to still come and visit you guys,” Danny said, “other than that though, I think that’s it. People around here are starting to think I’m a fairy tale anyway.” He didn’t think he would ever stop visiting the resting places of his family, his friends. They had meant too much to him not to, and he never wanted to forget them, never wanted to forget who he was.
Danny stood from the grave he had been sitting in front of, glancing at its inscription. It was worn and harder to make out than Jazz’s, but it still clearly read;
Daniel “Danny” Fenton
B. February 12, 1989 D. July 17, 2031
Gone too Soon
Danny still smirked at the irony of it. A grave for a halfa that would never truly die. He had stayed physically stuck in his thirties for centuries now, and wasn’t sure that would ever change. Looking back to his sister’s headstone, he knelt down and placed a rose encapsulated in ghostly blue ice at its base.
“Happy death-day Jazz.” he said with a smile, “I’ll come visit you soon.” With that he turned and with a wave of his hand opened a portal to the Infinite Realms. A familiar woman with a mop of long white hair peeked out of it.
“Thanks for the privacy Dani. Do you want to go see Sam and Tucker now?” he asked his clone. She grinned with enthusiasm before jumping out of the portal to join her “older brother”. Once the portal was closed, they both changed from ghost to human and set off down the rows of graves to visit their departed friends.
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samgirl98 · 9 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 5/?
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“Are you going to tell mom and dad?” Danny asked, effectively killing the silence in the car.
“I should,” Jazz said while tightening her hold on the steering wheel. She sighed, “but I’m not.”
Some of the tension melted from Danny’s body.
“You are going to tell me everything, though, right? Or at least the cliff notes version? Just so I can have some peace of mind.”
“Smooth, Jazz.”
“I’m serious, Danny. You told these people your secret identity. Before telling mom and dad!”
“I didn’t mean to! Skulker attacked, and I had to have access to my full powers to protect them!”
“You were reckless. Why didn’t you wake me up before leaving the house?”
Jazz’s voice was starting to rise higher.
“You could’ve been kidnapped!”
Danny snorted.
“I’m serious, Danny.”
“I’m fine, Jazz. I can take care of myself.”
Silence reigned in the car again. They made it back to Fenton’s Work, but neither sibling made any moves to get out.
“What I’m about to tell you can kill you, Jazz, so this is your only chance to back down.”
Jazz said nothing and folded her hands over her lap. Danny sighed.
“I was born high in the Himalayan Mountains in a hidden city called Nanda Parbat. I wasn’t born normally. I was made in an artificial womb; I wasn’t supposed to exist. My mother is the daughter of the leader of a cult called the League of Assassins.”
Jazz took an audible deep breath but kept quiet.
“My brother was supposed to be the only one born. The perfect heir to the Demon’s Head, Ibn Al Xu’ffasch. The Son of the Bat. I was named the Spare,” Danny said bitterly, “I could never measure up to my perfect older brother. I cried after I killed. I wasn’t good at fighting; I was too soft, too weak.”
“Damian was perfect. Why would they need the runt of the litter? I was exiled at seven. My grandfather is, was over 500 years old. We think. He lost track of his actual age. He used something called the Lazarus Pits; now I know it is ectoplasm. He bathed in them to keep himself alive.
“You’re using the past tense.”
Danny nodded, “Damian told me he’s dead.”
Danny took a deep breath and continued.
“Since I was a waste of space, he sent me away to see how scientists interact with the Lazarus Waters outside the League. He ordered me to kill the first three people I ended up with. I don’t know why he didn’t with you guys, but I’m glad.”
“You, mom, dad, are the only true family I’ve ever known. I sent ‘reports’ that were the most basic of basic. They can be found online. Eventually, after being here for three years, they stopped writing back. I was so relieved that they seemed to have forgotten me. I understand if you think I’m a monster. I’m a killer, Jazz.”
Jazz hugged Danny.
“You’re not a monster, Danny, and you’re not a waste of space. You’re my baby brother, and I would kill for you,” she declared, meaning it.
She noticed how Danny talked about himself compared to Damian. He believed himself lesser. She didn’t believe it. Her little brother had taken up the mantle of protector of Amity and had become the Ghost King after protecting their small city from the threat of Pariah Dark. He was a hero; he deserved to be treated as such.
“Thanks, Jazz,” he hugged his sister back, enjoying the warmth.
He let go after a while.
“There’s more. There’s a reason Damian is known as the Son of the Bat. His, our birth father, Bruce Wayne, is Batman.”
Damian didn’t sleep that night. He wanted it to be morning as quickly as possible so his father would call the Fentons.
How did he go from forgetting his brother to being impatient to see him? It didn’t help that he felt…something when he saw how easily Danyal followed Jasmine.
(How would it have been if he had been close to his brother? Would Danyal have looked at Damian the same way he looked at Jasmine?)
He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t!
Damian walked into the sitting room. Father was already there, drinking a cup of coffee. He sat before his father and started chewing on some fruit.
They had gotten rooms in a themed hotel. Three guesses as to what the theme was. The whole damned city seemed obsessed with ghosts.
There was a picture of Phantom smiling into the camera.
Damian had done some research instead of sleeping. Apparently, Phantom was the main hero of Amity, though there was another heroine called the Red Huntress. There were mixed reviews of his brother. The younger generation viewed him as a hero (as they should.), while the older generation saw him as a menace.
There had been an article when Phantom had done a string of burglaries. Because of his red eyes, Damian had concluded his brother had most likely been mind-controlled. It happened. Even Superman has been mind-controlled.
“So, father, when will we be calling the Fentons.”
His father sighed and put down his coffee.
“Soon, Damian, but we must consider how we will approach this. Danny has already expressed his wishes. He doesn’t want to come with us.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve read into the Fentons; they’re menaces. The father has news segments for when he’s on the road! The mother has gone on record stating that all ghosts should be studied and are evil. Their papers are heavily prejudiced, with no scientific evidence to back it up. It’s clear Danyal is in danger here.”
“Damian, he’s happy here. He has people who love him.”
Damian crossed his arms, “He’s being a hero without any adult backup. He’s here alone facing Justice League-level threats.”
Bruce sighed. Damian brought up good points, but Bruce knew his son wasn’t thinking about Danny. He was thinking about assuaging his guilt. A part of Bruce wanted to do the same thing.
He could take care of Danny; he had the money. He had years of experience in the vigilante/hero business and could get other heroes to mentor his youngest son (God, another son he had failed.), but he had to consider Danny’s needs.
Bruce took a deep breath, “I’ll get your siblings. It’s time to call the Fenton.”
Danny woke up with a twisted stomach. It was so bad he couldn’t even eat his cereal. But he couldn’t leave either. He wanted to be there when Bruce called. Jazz sat in front of him and gave him weak smiles. Her bags were almost as bad as Danny’s.
Both Fenton siblings jumped when the phone rang.
Neither elder Fenton noticed their children’s mood.
“Fenton household,” Maddie answered.
“Hello,” Bruce’s smooth voice came through the phone. Danny thanked his advanced hearing, “May I speak to either Madeline or Jack Fenton, please?”
“Maddie Fenton speaking,” his mom said, “to whom am I speaking?”
“My name is Bruce Wayne,” his mom cut Bruce off.
“Bruce Wayne, as in Wayne from Wayne Enterprises,” his mother asked excitedly. Jack Fenton got up and put his ear close to the phone. Danny’s stomach got heavier.
“Did you finally take a look at our inventions and want to have a meeting to sponsor us?”
Considering Danny had destroyed any message his parents had sent to Wayne Enterprises for the express purpose they would never meet, the answer was no.
“No,” Bruce said, “Well, it’s hard for me to say, but I recently learned from my youngest that he has a twin. I have another son.”
Maddie and Jack looked at each other, confused.
“Yes, what does that have to do with us?”
“I have reason to believe that Daniel Fenton is my biological son, and I wish to take a DNA test.”
Next up, the Fentons officially meet Bruce and Damian Wayne
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piived · 6 months
DPxDC WIP — Conceal, Don’t Feel
(official continuation of this prompt post)
Pairings: Jason/Danny, Tim/Bernard, Dick/Wally
Idea: Frozen/Rise of the Guardians AU
Okay the brain worms won out so official new WIP here we go!
Jason is Elsa, Danny is Jack Frost
Basic premise is that Jason was abandoned as a young child and the Spirits gifted him with powers to help him stay alive after they witnessed him helping a young reindeer (no he does not adopt it lmao) and he’s eventually taken in by Bruce Wayne, King of Arendelle Gotham
His powers are a shock to Bruce, but they seem harmless enough and he mostly uses them to make little trinkets or mini snow storms/flurries when his emotions are high
He gains more control as he gets older and Dick and Tim are always asking him to make more action figures and slides and whatnot and he’s more than happy to comply, enjoying making his brothers happy
Until one night (ages are roughly: Dick 12, Jason 7, Tim 5) there’s an accident with Timmy jumping too fast on the pillars Jason was creating for him and he falls and Jason reaches out with too much power that hits his brother square in the chest
Dick runs to get Bruce as Jason cradles Tim who’s passed out and cold as ice and Jason is so, so scared
Bruce takes them all to John Constantine who is a hermit in the woods with lots of magical and arcane knowlege
He is able to heal Tim but he makes it very clear that Jason could have killed him and that if he continued to use his powers without tight control he could kill someone else
They’re all shaken enough to take this as meaning that Jason should just… never use his powers. Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them show
So life goes on and Jason locks himself away in his room most of the time (Bruce does not shut down the castle though — they just keep Jason’s powers a secret like usual). Tim doesn’t remember the accident or the fact that Jason has powers so he’s confused and hurt and Dick is worried about Jason but follows Bruce and his lead and doesn’t talk about it and tells Tim that Jason is just sick and needs his space
Their family grows as Bruce takes in Damian (Talia died when he was about 2, Bruce didn’t even know about him until the kid showed up at the Palace doors with a letter explaining the situation), and adopts Cass and Duke.
Babs is the daughter of the Captain of the Guard and Dick’s best friend so is basically part of the family and Steph (a street rat, daughter of a criminal) got attached to Tim and basically lives in the palace (but is NOT Bruce’s daughter, she reminds them all constantly). Other batfam members come in and out as they please lol
Bruce is presumed dead when Jason is 16 and Dick takes the throne at 21. Things are a bit tense but Dick has a solid support system and things go relatively smoothly, but Jason is having a harder time controlling his powers and emotions
Cut to his 18th birthday when he’s to get Crowned as Prince (I know this may be incorrect but I also Do Not care how monarchies work <3 — Maybe it could be Dick’s official Coronation or smth to make it easier, idc)
He really fucking doesn’t want to, but he also wants to act normal and make Dick proud so he suffers through it
Needless to say it goes terribly and ends with him basically turning the ballroom into ice and setting an eternal winter on all of Gotham as he flees to the mountains
Tim (who kind of set Jason off) tells Dick he’s going to track him down. (After a quick run-down explanation from Dick who is Stressed and Tim is so pissed that he didn’t remember the accident and that Jason felt the need to isolate himself — and that Bruce let him and convinced Dick it was for the best)
Dick goes with him and leaves the Kingdom in the capable hands of his Advisor (Babs) and Consort (Wally) and Alfred
They left very fast and aren’t the Most prepared and it’s a bit of a shitshow trek (cue Tim falling into a river trying to mimic Dick’s stupid gymnast moves and Dick getting a tree full of snow dumped on him for laughing) but they eventually make to to a little trading post (‘Look, Tim, they have a sauna!’) and are immediately recognized as Royalty and are getting products shoved at them left and right
Enter Bernard, local ice harvester, who is covered in snow and already annoyed at the Royal Roadshow when he needs to buy some real supplies
Tim and he immediately start bickering and when Dick overhears that Bernard knows the mountain he asks him to be their guide, much to both Tim and Bernard’s immediate refusals. But Dick offers a lot of money and Bernard caves
Meanwhile Jason has found himself collapsing in the snow and finally lets himself have the emotional release that he’s been holding in and his magic goes nuts creating things and he finds himself in a giant ice fortress, which, rad
What’s not rad is the freaky guy who shows up inside said fortress and starts poking around at both the ice and at Jason
It’s Danny, AKA Phantom Frost from the Legends
Now, Danny has been around for a century or two as a Winter Spirit and then became a Guardian when he kicked Pariah Dark’s ass back to the Eternal Darkness a couple hundred years ago. (Pariah Dark = Pitch Black/the Boogeyman)
He doesn’t remember his mortal life and no one is sure if he actually ever had a life Before or if he’s a manifestation of Magic herself. That rumor mixed with his defeat of Pariah leaves him revered among the Spirits and Guardians alike and he doesn’t love it because they often come to him with problems as if he can fix them (he does, every time)
He’s known as Phantom Frost but his closer friends call him Danny - the name he came into this world instinctively knowing as himself even when everything else was missing. (Maybe his squad can be Spirits/Guardians too? hmmm.)
Things have been quiet for a couple of decades and then one day his instinctual alarm bells start going off telling him that something is wrong and Unbalanced with Winter so he goes to investigate
He finds out that an Eternal Winter has been set on the Kingdom of Gotham and discovers a truly spectacular fortress built from ice in the mountains north of the kingdom
He goes inside and meets Jason who has clearly been Gifted by Magic herself and is so Unbalanced within his own soul that it makes Danny shiver
He knows he needs to help the guy and ends up showing off some of his own powers and gaining a bit of trust from Jason who ends up telling him the rundown of what led up to this and Danny is Pissed (and confused on how he had never known about Jason throughout the years) and vows to help him learn how to properly control his powers without trying to shut them off and harm his soul
After a bit of training and huge improvements with Jason’s abilities, Dick and Tim (and Bernard) come to find him and when Jason figures out he set off an Eternal Winter (Danny did Not inform him of that fact) he kind of spirals and ends up lashing out at Tim for the second time in his life and Danny has to calm him down so they can Fix the situation
Dick is (rightfully) freaking the fuck out and doesn’t trust Danny all the way so Danny agrees to go with them to visit their local Hermit/Arcane Expert to get a second opinion and who, from what Danny heard from Jason, deserves an ass kicking anyway (it’s John Constantine and he’d been the person Bruce took Tim to when the first accident happened and who had basically convinced them all to fear Jason’s powers and led to him trying to pretend they didn’t exist)
John Constantine is So Tired
Meeting Phantom Frost is overwhelming enough, but having to yet again deal with a Wayne level Situation… he feels like maybe he should move
But he helps, calling on Magic and finding the situation much more dire than any of them thought
He tells them the solution and they all pretty much laugh in his face (all except Phantom, who knows Magic better than John could ever even hope to and who wouldn’t dare laugh or scoff at Her power)
Only an act of True Love can thaw the ice that has set in Tim’s heart
aaaaand… to be continued ;)
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ashspecter · 2 months
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@currentlylurking's prompt: Nobody really knew anything about how the Ghost King was determined, but that didn’t change how sure they were that Danny Phantom would be the next king. It didn’t change how wrong they were, either. @duchi-nesten's prompt: Who knew being the ghost king included having to hold a tea party for all the still-existing, previous ghost kings? Surely not Danny.
Summary: Danny is the newly crowned Ghost King and he is struggling with how he’s supposed to impress the kings that came before him.
Warnings: N/A
Words: 2,039
No one seems to know anything about how the next Ghost King is determined. But that doesn’t change how sure they are that Danny will be the next king. And it doesn’t change how wrong he thinks they are, either.
Danny never asked for this. He is only a teenager trying to navigate the complexities of his half-life in both the human realm and the Ghost Zone. But, for some reason, the universe decided to screw him over yet again— thrusting upon him the heavy mantle— by making him a king. And now, he must host a tea party fit for the Mad Hatter.
According to Clockwork, it is a tradition every new King must carry out to both be accepted as the new king, to show honor to those who came before him, and to show off his might. However, Danny is not sure how he is supposed to do that last part. All the previous kings had powerful abilities, ancient artifacts, and massive lairs to prove and show off their status. All Danny has is the Crown of Fire, now Space, and the Ring of Rage, now Wonder. Both of which match Danny’s core— again, something Clockwork claimed— and now look like the Northern Aurora Borealis and Saturn’s respectively. Both, he thinks, look awesome. But still, he does not have a lair specific to himself, he does not have any special abilities (that he knows of, but that should not be an issue as he matures— which again, is something Clockwork had said— and he does not have a weapon of any sort.
Danny exhales and glances at the various circular tables set up around the Grand Hall, waiting to be decorated. He has yet to do anything for the tea party even though it weighs heavily on his mind. There are no motifs unique to his crown, no tea prepared, no ghostly delicacies, and nothing to show the research he has done for the previous kings. What is he supposed to look for? How is he supposed to decorate in accordance with each of their eras? All he has is himself and a mostly empty castle.
As he broods from the stairs leading up to his throne, Clockwork materializes beside him, carrying their usual staff and numerous timepieces. Danny can tell that they have frozen time in their now shared space based on the lack of ticking the time master’s watches make.
The boy, with all of his insecurities and fears, glances at them with a mournful expression. He tries to smile, but it comes out more of a grimace.
Clockwork offers him a friendly smile, fitting to their serene yet authoritative appearance. And Danny wonders, briefly, if they have ever felt overwhelmed about anything they have ever done.
“Danny,” Clockwork’s voice echoes like the tolling of a distant church bell, “You cannot avoid your duties as king for very much longer.”
Danny sighs heavily, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his mental exhaustion. He knows he should have already begun working hours ago, but everytime he tried, he just… couldn’t. How can anyone expect him to run the Ghost Zone and protect his friends, family, and home? If they think he can do everything, they must be mad.
“I know,” He finally says, “But holding a tea party for all of the still-existing and previous ghost kings is a lot. How do they expect me to do everything? Who came up with that idea?”
Clockwork’s expression softens, reminding Danny of his mother’s face when he would apologize for something he didn’t mean to do or did wrong when he was a child. “I told you before, it is a tradition,” They reply, not at all explaining anything, “It is part of the legacy each king has inherited and is a sign that you are embracing your responsibility. And to some, it is a show of respect to those who came before you.”
“I’m not even sure how to start,” Danny begins, his voice barely above a whisper, “How am I supposed to impress them? How am I supposed to relate to them? What if, no matter what I do, they don’t like me?”
“No one has ever made history by being liked,” Clockwork replies morbidly, letting the base of their staff hit the floor heavily, “But, unlike the other kings, you still have your humanity. You are still human. You possess qualities the previous kings can only dream of anymore— compassion, bravery, and a supernaturally strong sense of justice. Most kings and ghosts can only ever experience one of those things after their death. This makes you more worthy of your crown than all of them combined.”
Danny feels a flicker of warmth in his chest, a momentary break in the storm of his doubts. He looks around the Grand Hall again. Maybe he can host a tea party that is less about showcasing his power and more about showing who he is? He knows that being the Ghost King entails more than just wielding power over the spectral realm; it means shouldering the burdens of countless souls and upholding the delicate balance between the worlds of the living and the dead. And he’s both being the halfa that he is.
“What if is doesn’t have to be like their parties?” He muses aloud, a spark of inspiration lighting his eyes, “What if it’s less about flexing and more about connection? I could make it… different, unique. Something memorable that doesn't just mimic the past but reinvents it.”
“And how would you propose to do that, my young king?” Clockwork asks.
Danny begins to pace, his mind racing with ideas, “What if each table isn’t just a show of power but a story? Each one could represent a different king but through my eyes. I could integrate what I learn about them with elements from my life— my human life.”
He stops, turning to face Clockwork with newfound determination as he recalls a book Mr. Lancer made him read at the beginning of the school year, “Like Alice’s tea party with the Mad Hatter— it wasn’t just about drinking tea; it was about challenging perceptions and embracing the nonsensical. Each table could challenge what it means to be powerful. I could use elements that represent strength in the human world— like books for knowledge, or art that speaks to the soul.”
Clockwork nods, “An excellent idea, indeed. And what about your own table, the centerpiece of this gathering?”
Danny’s eyes drift to the throne, then back to the empty space around it. “My table will be the simplest,” He decides, “Just a teapot, some cups, and a clear view of the throne. It’ll show them that I’m still learning— still growing. It doesn’t need to be filled with artifacts or magic. My strength isn’t in what I own or what powers I have— it’s in my ability to connect, to bring others together.”
The idea seems to lift the weight from Danny’s shoulders. He glances around the grand hall, contemplating how to transform it into a suitable setting for such a historic gathering. Then, he takes a breath and begins to summon the items that he needs just as Clockwork taught him. This lair— he needs to make it his own for the evening. To do that, he must speak to it from his core.
As he hums to his core, ethereal flames begin to spark to life on the candles throughout the hall. They are a mix of blue and green— matching both the color of Danny’s core and the attitude he wants to set for his reign: stable, reliable, and calm. As they fill the room with light, the Grand Hall seems to burst to life with everything else. Colorful, ghostly flowers crawl their way up table legs to bloom at the center, each representing the era and location each of the previous kings had come from. The ancient tapestries adorning the walls seem to whisper their stories, telling of epic tales that had been lived out.
With each delicate touch, Danny feels a sense of purpose begin to stir within him. This is it. This is what he’s been trying to do for the last several hours. As he works to prepare the gathering in the extra time Clockwork has given him, he finds peace in the strangely familiar task at hand.
Danny moves through the Grand Hall, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone. He places each item with care, a teacup here, a napkin there. His heart slowly aligns with the rhythm of his newfound role. And the transformation of the space around him mirrors those changes. It’s a blend of ghostly heritage and human sensibility— a bridge between two realms that he alone can navigate.
As he arranges the tables, Danny finds himself thinking of Mr. Lancer’s book again, Alice had to navigate her way through Wonderland without much help— she was thrust into a world she didn’t understand, surrounded by characters and rules that defied logic. Like her, Danny feels out of place, pushed into a role he never asked for, but also like her, he realizes the potential to redefine the rules of his own game.
For the centerpiece of each table, Danny chooses symbols that resonate with the stories of the kings before him, yet he infuses them with elements from his human life. One table features an ancient crown, but nestled beside it is a skateboard, representing his youth and his relentless drive. Another table displays a spectral scepter surrounded by a circle of comic books, highlighting the blend of authority and creativity that defines him.
As he works, Clockwork watches, their timeless gaze holding not just the weight of centuries but a flicker of something akin to pride. They see the boy who fought specters and fears alike, who now crafts a legacy not just of power but of profound authenticity.
Danny pauses, considering the main table. Here, he decides, there should be nothing but simplicity: an empty teapot, two cups, and a single rose—echoing the one Alice found in Wonderland, painted red as a disguise. This rose, however, remains white, untouched and honest, symbolizing Danny's commitment to authenticity and transparency.
The atmosphere in the Grand Hall shifts, the ethereal flames casting dancing shadows on the stone walls, each flicker a silent witness to a king’s resolve. The scent of ghostly flowers fills the air, a subtle reminder of the beauty that can exist even in the darkest of places.
As the final touches come together, Clockwork steps forward, their voice breaking the silence, “You have created something quite unique, Danny. This isn’t just a tea party; it’s a declaration of your values.”
Danny looks around, his earlier anxiety replaced by a quiet confidence. “I guess it is,” He admits, a slight smile touching his lips, “I wanted them to see me—not just as a king but as a person. I want to show that even though I’m young and still learning, I can bring something new to the table, literally and metaphorically.”
The time master nods and strokes their beard, “And so you have.”
The time frozen around them begins to tick back into motion, the sounds of the ghostly realm resuming its nocturnal symphony. Danny feels ready now, not just to host this tea party, but to lead with a heart open to the complexities of his dual existence.
Danny nods, a determined glint in his eyes as he surveys the transformed space. Though doubts still linger in the recesses of his mind, he refuses to let them overshadow everything he’s just done, “Thanks, Clockwork. I hope this tea party goes smoothly.”
Clockwork offers a reassuring smile, his ancient features softened by genuine warmth, “Have faith in yourself, Danny. You possess the strength and resilience to overcome any challenge that comes your way.”
Even with Clockwork’s encouragement echoing in his mind, Danny takes a moment to center himself. He knows that the road ahead will be fraught with challenges, some he will have to overcome alone, but he won’t let that stop him. Then, he takes a deep breath and pushes open the doors leading to the castle’s entrance.
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airis-hunter · 2 years
Sneak peek at the DP x Batman fic I'm writing. I'm calling it (chapter 1 up now on my profile)
The Phantoms Bat
Summary: Danny has been the ghost king for quit a few years now, technically he was 20, but ghostly he was like 60. As Danny watches his loved ones die he wonders if he’ll ever feel that feeling of love that came with family, luckily a trip through a random ghost portal gives him the feeling again through an orphaned bat.
Danny wondered through the ghost zone for what felt like the millionth time, but he still hadn’t explored ever nock and crany the his dimension had to ofer. It was a beautiful place, but maybe Danny was a bit influenced by the fact that he was its king, that didn’t stop him from loving it though.
As he floated absently looking around a portal opened right in front of him almost a if it was waiting for him. When the portal fully opened his core seemed to tug him in the direction of the portal. Never one to question his ghost instincts. He hovered hesitantly in front of the portal.
Approaching it he reached a hand through, he waited only a second to see if clockwork would show up and tell him not to go in, but he didn’t. Reassured that he wasn’t going to mess up and big timeline mambo jumbo Danny floated into the portal. Danny was not expecting to come out standing on a building roof top above an ally way.
The sound of someone crying quikly distracted him. Running over to the edge of the roof top Danny looked down and what he saw felt like it cracked his core. Down in the ally way was a child crouching over two larger forms Danny could only assume were the boys parents. Floating down behind the boy Danny fell to his knees.
The sadness, and ablolute despair the boy was sending out in waves practically broke Danny. “Hey.” Danny spoke in the most comforting voice he had, which he often used with the new ghost children that would manifest in the ghost zone confused and hurt and sad.
The boy wiped his head around Danny was afraid he was going to get whiplash, when Danny spoke.
“Who, who are you?” The boy asked with an obvious tremble in his words. It made Danny’s core and heart ace.
“I’m Danny, who might you be younge man?” Danny asked with a smile while sending waves of calm, and safety at the boy.
The boy sniffled before answering. “Bruce.”
“Thats a very nice name, now Bruce could you tell me what happened?” He asked with as much reasherence as possible, he did not want the boy to think he was going to hurt him, Danny would never hurt a child (not when they all reminded him of the child he wish he could’ve had)
“Someone shot mommy and daddy. We were just leaving the theater when a man attacked us.” Bruce sniffled before continuing. “He, he killed them.” He said with a sob.
Danny couldn’t hold back anymore. He floated over to Bruce quickly and scooped the child into his lap and hugged him. That seemed to be the hit that broke the dam as Bruce started ugly sobbing, Danny didn’t mind the small wet spot that started form on the front of his suit.
“Shuh, shuh, its okay no one’s going to hurt you now, you’re safe with me.” Danny reassured Bruce. The only response that Danny got was a small nod from Bruce.
As Bruce’s sobs turned to small sniffles Danny felt his breath even out. Looking down at Bruce he saw that he had fallen asleep. Danny’s core warmed in content at such a display of trust so quikly. At the sound of approaching sirens Danny turned invisible and floated up to the roof top that he first appeared on.
However, now he was in a predicament, Where did Bruce and his parents live? Looking down at the streets Danny saw a newspaper stand new by. Flying over to it in hopes of clues Danny was greeted with the image of the boy and his parents on the front page. Apparently they were the wayne family.
Looking at the description Danny instantly new they were very rich, so he just had to look for possibly the biggest house in the city, and he would drop Bruce off at home. A home that would now be empty.
Should I continue this or no???
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bubble4u · 2 years
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This is like a mini continued of my taiju thingy I will release a full on part 2 I promise
@chibiiichann @festive @puprut @danni-k @aasouthteranoswife @bontensucker
King taiju shiba x queen reader
Mentions: killing, hanging corpses, taijus mother she's alive, cheating
All of which this palace held
It wasn’t long until you were stripped of your title as queen, forced to be sent far away from the kingdom. You expected this would happen. No one is safe under the great taiju shiba punishment, you’ve seen so yourself what he has done to his own brother hakkai for defying him so it’s to be expected that you’d be sent away so he didn’t have to see you or feel your presence.
Even after all this you still receive correspondence from your former sister in law yuzuha she was appointed temporary queen until taiju found another wife, she talks of your child missing you dearly, you’re loyal maid; stayed loyal , even though you had to remind her you are nobody now but she always shook her head and continued her duties. When you finally asked her why she still remained by your side she looked at you with slight worry “you’re still my queen and…..” her voice shook scared to try and think of way to finish “my friend you’re excellence so please…. I have nobody else but you” you smiled “then I want you to be as such so please no more waiting on me” she was reluctant at your response noticing the uncomfortable look on her face you sighed but slightly chuckled “but if you wish to continue as such I will not reprimand you” she smiled.
Taiju was missing meals, nights were sleepless, he hated this. All of it, why did you have to defy him? As he was lost in thought a guard came and bow at his presence “your majesty” taiju huffed headache already starting to form “whatever it is I’m busy” the guard was nervous shaking as he spoke “i..I..I know but please” he looked around as if he had to be careful with his words “it’s your mother your sire she’s here to visit , she caught wind of your recent divorce” taiju slammed his fist on his desk he didn’t need this right now “fine!” he exhaled calming down from the sudden outburst “send her in”.
“So you’re queen held a lovely feast for your victory in the morning but by night she all of a sudden has fallen deathly ill” taiju mother looks back at her still seated son “you honestly expect everyone to believe that?” as she continues to pace around never taking her sights off her son she continued “your queen has never lost favor but you strip her of her title in secret , appoint your sister as a temporary queen, then expect to also find another wife and then what my child? Tell the kingdom and court your wife mysteriously passed? Without a funeral or anything?” she sighs taking a seat across from her son trying her best to remain calm “what will everyone think?” looking to her son once again who held his head in shame and anger. Taiju tried to find his words he knew whatever he was to tell his mother she wouldn’t like any of it “I already kept her reputation clear, I told everyone she was sent away to treat her sickness” he looked up at his mother “hence why I had you sent to the northern lands for some peace and rejuvenation” his mother scoffed looking away from her own sons gaze, shaking her head at his actions “honestly I didn’t expect her to do such an act” “the queen must have done what she did for a reason” taiju open and closed his mouth wanting to reply but knew she was right. “your nightly leisure on the other side of the palace perhaps?” taiju eyes widen which in turn cause his mother to smirk “you really think I was not aware of your antics?” taiju groaned “she already sent them away I have no idea where even those women are. What evil thing to do though who knows of those poor feeble women’s families must think? She was just too much” his mother glared into his presence “she was merciful, they’re alive from what I know she spared their lives. If it were me, I would have killed them and hang their corpses on the wall in front of the kingdom. Just to stop people from talking!” she slammed her fist on her side of the desk making taiju flinch.
Taiju gulped trying his best to find the next words to say “mother what am I to do” he placed his face back in his hands “do you really wish to not keep your queen?” There was a pregnant pause waiting to see if taiju would respond. She sighs “like king Makoto sano life, what others loved to talk about wasn’t his success or the love he showed queen Sakurako sano. But, of his messy divorce of his first queen Karen kurokawa” she looked saddened hoping what she’s saying gets through to her son “I beg of you as your mother..“ she reached for taijus hand, softly gripping and rubbing her thumb across the top of his hand “don’t make the same mistake”. Taiju looked at his mother’s had in his “the queen has acted out, defying me, ruining what little happiness I want for myself. Then for her….” He swallowed deeply replying the scene again in his head “to cut the braid we tied on our wedding day” his teeth gritted “its unforgivable” his mother glanced at him deeply sighing “my son have you ever thought why she did it? You pushed her too far my child. A husband and wife should be one being, one soul to share a body” “I get it! Ok! I get it mother, I was reckless I acknowledge that” “then why haven’t you told your wife this? When a commoner is to divorce their partner they are asked 7 reasons as to why. How are you my son going to tell the world your reasons of divorce? Oh but wait silly me you wish to lie how could I forget” Taiju scoffed looking his mother in the eyes “for the longest you’ve disliked my current wife, you as well would compare her to the previous queen. So why mother are you sticking up for her now?” “you’re right, I disliked her greatly I thought she could never be the same as the previous queen who I did cherish. But my son, what I fear greatly is if the moment you divorce and rid of the queen….. your wife… you will regret it and discover just like your previous queen and concubine that you truly will care for her and it might be too late” taiju side eyed his mother.
As she rose she turned back to give her son one last look “I will return soon, think of my words son for I don’t like wasting my breath” she turned taking her leave as she left her son in his thoughts.
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underforeversgrace · 9 months
healing the wounds we hid - 5
title: healing the wounds we hid
words: 3,374
Finally, the sequel to broken trust and the wounds hidden behind! (Refresh here on AO3 or here on Tumblr)
Story Summary: Now that his father knows, Danny's life is changing for the better. Jack encourages him to let his friends and the rest of the family into his small word. Unbeknownst to Danny, Jack is secretly worried about how Maddie will react to the news upon her return to Amity - and how to confront Vlad once Jack learns his true identity. Amidst it all, an enemy lurks and plots their revenge.
Chapter 5 of 11: Being With You
Tumblr Chapter One
(Tumblr Chapter Five will be here)
Beta by: @probably-dead and @scarletsaphire!
This one has surprise art from @duchi-nesten! She knew Savant Par was in the fic and gave me a lil treat! See their post here.
The three of them walked towards Danny’s house after school. He knew he needed to tell his father about their discovery today, and as much as he trusted his father now… it still felt shameful, to do something so ghostly. Even though Jack had known for so long about what he was, and Sam and Tucker hadn’t, he still felt stronger with the two of them.
Part of him wondered if that was related to the emotion eating, if they were purposefully channeling positive emotions to him, channeling strength.
“Man, I still can’t believe Ember was a ghost!” Tucker lamented.
“I can!” Sam said. “The way her music was basically mind controlling people!”
“Not basically mind controlling,” Danny corrected. “It was straight up mind control.”
Tucker continued to mourn his favorite singer being part of an evil plot to take over the world, and Sam continued to be righteous about how much stuff in the popular view was doing the same thing, just on a less literal basis. Danny was just laughing, occasionally throwing in more bits and pieces of the story. He had nearly two years’ worth of stories to tell and two friends ready to hear all of it.
“Oh, can I ask about a specific incident?” Sam asked once she got bored of the Ember conversation.
Danny shrugged. “Sure.”
“The Ghost King incident - Parrish Dark or something? What happened with that?”
“Pariah Dark. And what all do you know? I, uh… wasn’t feeling too well after it and missed the media coverage.”
“We don’t know much,” Tucker admitted. “Inviso-bill stole the Fenton’s battle suit and flew off into the Ghost Zone, somehow remotely taking down and putting the shield back up. Half of what the news was talking about was wondering how the hell you even got within the shield, especially concerned you apparently had some control over it. Do ghost shields not affect you?”
“I can pass through them when I’m human,” Danny answered. “I can’t pass through them as a ghost, but the ecto suit had remote access to the shield, since it’s powered by ectoplasm too.”
“Cool! Man, I can’t wait to talk to your parents about how they got that level of interactivity between their devices and -“
“Anyway,” Sam interjected, cutting him off before he could go too far down the tech geek rabbit hole. “Like Tuck said, half of it was you being inside the shield, the other half was wondering if you’d decided to challenge Pariah Dark and stake claim over Amity yourself. Though they did mention a few times that you’d given yourself a name as you flew away - called yourself Phantom.”
“I will forever be grateful that people only heard me say Phantom because of the suit’s interference,” Danny said with a laugh. “What I said was Danny Phantom. Drew up a fancy logo and everything. Get it? Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom?”
The other two both groaned at the pun.
“Dude, secret identity much?” Tucker said.
Danny smiled sheepishly. “That was only like five months after my accident and I was just so over being called Inviso-bill, y’know? When I realized that was all they heard, I went with it.” Danny paused. No more secrets. No more lies. He reminded himself before continuing. “And I didn’t need to challenge Dark,” Danny admitted. “He challenged me when he tried to claim Amity Park.”
“Really?” Tucker asked.
Danny fidgeted before continuing. He wasn’t used to openly discussing his ghostliness and he kept having to remind himself they weren’t going to run away. “Amity Park is my haunt. Under ghost custom, the people here are mine.” The three had stopped walking and while they looked at him with confusion, they didn’t seem repulsed by the idea. He forced himself to keep talking. “Even if it wasn’t, one of my Obsessions is protecting Amity. He tried to stake claim over my home, my haunt, my people, my life.”
He realized he had growled out the last part, the memory still sending a surge of anger and the desire to protect within him. He cleared his throat before continuing. “He knew Amity was mine when he tried to take it. He didn’t think I was a threat. And, honestly, if I hadn’t stolen that suit, I probably wouldn’t have been.”
“And then what?” Sam asked.
“Well, not much, honestly. The other ghosts helped take down the weaker ones in the king’s army and I accepted Dark’s challenge. I won,” he said with a shrug, deciding it was fine to not tell them everything - they didn’t need to know how afraid he’d been, how he’d felt his soul being ripped apart by the suit, how he’d accepted death as blackness had consumed him, how much pain he’d been in. 
How he had wondered if this death would finally grant him the peace he’d been denied the first time he died.
“That is so fucking cool!” Tucker said, practically with stars in his eyes as he looked at Danny.
“What?” Danny asked, confused. That was not a response he’d been expecting.
“Tucker’s right,” Sam agreed. “You took on a super powerful ghost king by yourself and beat him.”
“You’re a legit badass, dude!”
Danny just laughed and they resumed walking towards FentonWorks. His initial reaction was to question them not reacting to the whole ‘this is my town and I ghost-own everyone in it,’ but he didn’t. They didn’t care. They didn’t care about his weird ghost stuff and they continued to prove it with every word and action.
“Danno!” His dad shouted as soon as Danny opened the front door. “How was school?”
Danny shrugged, tossing his backpack to the floor. Sam and Tucker’s quickly joined his. “It was school. Thank the Ancients it's Friday!”
“‘Thank the Ancients?’” Sam repeated.
“Oh, uh. Kinda like ghost gods. But, like, verifiably real? One of them’s a friend.” Danny answered.
“Is that the time one?” Jack asked.
“‘Time one?’” Tucker asked, his and Sam’s faces growing steadily more bewildered.
“Clockwork. He controls time.” Danny supplied.
“When the hell did you meet the ghost god of time?” Sam asked.
“That’s… it’s not a story I like to tell. Something bad happened and Clockwork intervened. I’ll tell you the full story one day, okay?” Danny tried not to grimace as he forced the memories down.
“Dude, how many stories do you have?”
Danny grinned sheepishly at Tucker. “Enough of them.”
Jack, who knew some of the story, intervened. “Danny, I actually wanted to talk to you. Sam and Tucker can join if they want to!”
“I need to talk to you, too. Everything alright with you, Dad?” Danny asked as he plopped down on the couch, Sam and Tuck following to either side while Jack sat in one of the chairs.
“Well, your mother will be home in a week,” Jack started. Danny immediately tensed, though he relaxed some when both his friends went for his hands. Right. He had them and he had his father. “So, I want us to talk to Jazz tonight, bring her in, so all of us are on the same page when Maddie gets home.”
“Are you sure about all of this? Telling her? Do we… do I have to?” Danny asked, hating how small his voice sounded, how afraid he still was of his own mom.
“We can’t hide it from her, son,” his father said softly. “Keeping it secret this long… it’s been hard. You know your mother loves you.”
“More than she hates ghosts, though? Can you guarantee that?”
When his father’s face fell, his eyes on the ground between them, Danny felt a shiver of ice down his spine at the wordless answer. “I can’t,” he admitted. “I love her, and I trust her, but…”
“You really think Mrs. F will hate him, even though he’s her son?” Tucker asked, throwing a worried glance Danny’s way.
“It’s not that. I’m not entirely sure if she’ll even be able to believe in hybrids. We had contemplated the idea in college and tossed it out, it was simply impossible, study after study we did seemed to confirm that.”
“So you’re worried she won’t believe he’s Danny?” Sam asked.
As uncomfortable as the conversation was, as much as the idea of his mother hating him hurt, his core still hummed with some sense of contentment. His friends seemed to be invested in the conversation, invested in keeping him safe.
Jack nodded. “What’s more likely? A scientist believing something she’s disproven several times, or believing that a ghost has possessed her son?”
“And you don’t know if we can ever convince her I’m still Danny, do you?” Danny asked, though the answer was written all over Jack’s face.
“You found out on accident and believed it. What convinced you?” Tucker asked.
“Has he told you how I found out?”
“Uh, yeah. You found some kind of video on a flash drive.” Sam answered.
“That’s all they know. I didn’t go into more detail.” Danny provided and again the other two looked at him in confusion. He knew he had made it seem like the video Jack found was some random, silly thing, instead of the good-bye it had been. He motioned to his father, letting him know it was okay to continue.
Jack cleared his throat. “Well… to keep it short, it was a video Danny had filmed in case he never came home… if he was never able to come home again.” Horror and realization dawned on their faces and Danny grimaced. He hadn’t been sure if they had fully understood the risks he took. This confirmed that they didn’t.
“What I do is dangerous, guys. The other ghosts, the human hunters… being kidnapped or dying is always a possibility.” Danny admitted. His friends’ grips on his hands tightened and their desire to protect struck him so hard he was nearly breathless.
“Maddie and I nearly killed him, about six weeks before I found the video,” Jack added, guilt on his weary face. “So he filmed the good-bye video, as Phantom. Told the story of who he’d been before his accident, what the accident did to him, and then he transformed. I can’t explain it, what convinced me. But all the pieces fit. Suddenly I could see Danny in everything Phantom did.”
“I know what you mean,” Tucker mumbled.
“You could just show her the video? It convinced you, wouldn’t it convince her?” Sam asked.
“Danny erased it.”
“No, I didn’t,” Danny said. “I deleted the video journal. I haven’t removed anything from the main USB. But I don’t want her or anyone else finding out that way. No one was ever supposed to see that, I just forgot to record another version.”
Jack sighed, running his hand down his face. He looked older than Danny had ever seen him. “Either way, we have to tell her. And I want us to tell Jazz tonight. I’ve already called her and asked her to be home for a family meeting.”
Danny pulled his hands away from his friends, instead placing his elbows to his knees, resting his head in his hands, eyes shut tight, as he thought about telling Jazz, telling Maddie. Jazz he was fine with - he’d never been afraid of her rejection, not really. He’d been afraid she wouldn’t be able to keep it secret. The most he was afraid of with her was the psychoanalysis - he wasn’t dumb, he knew the life he led caused a myriad of issues. Maddie, though…
In his mind, he heard the echoed laugh of another female scientist, felt the memory of a burn along his chest. The healed scar beneath his shirt twitched with phantom pains and he pressed a hand to where he knew the three lines intersected.
Maddie had always been the one he was more afraid of, between his parents. Maddie was the better shot, the crueler scientist, the one who went into the most detail of what she wanted to do to a ghost while Danny tried to eat his cereal.
“Danny, no,” Jack said, standing and moving in front of him, kneeling down to his level. “I won’t let that happen to you again, okay? I will protect you, you will never end up like that again. Not from Maddie or the Guys in White or anyone else. Do you understand me? As long as I’m alive, I will never let that happen to you again.”
“Never let what happen again?” Tucker asked.
“You haven’t told them. Shit,” Jack muttered, glancing at the two teens with guilt on his face.
Danny just pressed his eyelids tighter against each other, tears falling as he pushed away memories of sadistic laughter and restraints and an explosion of electricity as even his core was cut into. So familiar to the electricity that had initially killed him. “The Guys in White caught me once. Please… please don’t ask me about it. My secret is safe and I survived, that’s all that matters.”
“Danny…” Sam whispered, still pressed against his side.
Tucker said nothing, wrapping his arms around Danny and pulling him close, just like he’d done in the clearing. Danny let him. After spending so long touch starved after his Accident - untouchable as Phantom, isolated from his friends, afraid of his family - he found himself eagerly seeking warmth and comfort every time it was offered to him.
“Fine, let’s tell Jazz,” Danny conceded after a moment of silence, finally cracking his eyes back open. “We can - Dad, what the hell is that?” He asked, shooting back up into a sitting position as he noticed the purple bruises on his father’s neck, just barely visible over the neckline of his jumpsuit. 
Jack immediately tried to pull up the fabric, trying to hide the injury like he had before, but Danny stopped him. He batted his hand away and pulled down on it, letting the light of the living room show dark, angry splotches coloring his skin. Danny’s stomach dropped.
He’d had enough hands wrapped around his own neck - enough bruises he’d spent hours trying to cover in the mirror - to know what it looked like when someone had been choked out. “Dad?” He asked again.
Jack sighed and stood, walking away from him. “I was going to tell you.” He finally said after several moments.
“Tell me what?” Danny asked, pulling away from Tucker’s embrace and standing as well. He felt bad for his friends - they’d gotten pulled into family drama, his family drama - but he still didn’t want either of them to leave.
“Do you remember the first time you called me? The injury from Skulker?”
Danny frowned. “Barely. I’d lost a lot of blood. My memories are spotty.”
“I’d asked you to talk to me, so I would know if you lost consciousness.”
“I don’t remember any of that.”
“I asked you to tell me about Skulker. You told me you were a unique ghost.” Jack finally turned around, blue eyes full of regret. “Told me you were one of only two.”
Danny’s eyes widened. That wasn’t good - what else had he said?
Jack continued when Danny remained silent. “You called the other guy a fruit loop.” No no no. “Do you know how many times I’ve heard you call Vlad that?”
“No,” Danny whispered in horror, thoughts spiraling rapidly out of his control.
“I had no idea who the other ghost was, you didn’t give a name. Had no clue who Vlad’s ghost half could be. And then Monday at the Nasty Burger, with Plasmius. And he called you little badger. I’d always thought it was just a godfather’s cute nickname for his godson. I was wrong, wasn’t I?”
“Dad!” Danny panicked, glancing at his father and then at his friends behind him. “You can’t know that! Vlad’ll kill you if he ever finds out you know! Oh, Ancients, Sam and Tuck…!” He trailed off, berating himself for letting this happen, for telling anyone his secret, for ever making that stupid video.
“Danny, Danny, calm down,” Jack said, grabbing Danny’s shoulders, grounding him. “I’m fine. I talked to him today.”
“You what?” Danny asked, staring at his dad in horror, before anger flared inside him. “Did he do that?” he growled.
“Danny, it’s fine, I’m fine, we just talked,” Jack said. “Let me talk before you start to panic, okay? Can you do that for me?”
“I don’t panic…” Danny mumbled but didn’t interrupt when Jack spoke again.
“Sure you don’t, son,” Jack teased. “But I talked to Vlad, okay? Everything is fine, he isn’t going to hurt me or you. And he doesn’t need to know anyone else learned his secret.”
“If everything is fine, why do you have bruises?”
Jack shrugged. “Those are from before we talked.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going there? You know what Plasmius is like.”
“He’s my friend and I hurt him. It was my responsibility.”
Danny grumbled but dropped the topic for now. He and Vlad would be having some strong words - and fists - the next time they saw each other.
“Jazz will be home soon,” Jack said, glancing at the clock near the front door before heading to the kitchen. “I’m going to order pizza, okay?”
“Do you want us to stay?” Tucker asked, getting up to stand beside Danny.
“Please?” He answered.
“We’re right here, Danny,” Sam said, grinning. “Do you want to tell him about the other thing before or after Jazz gets here?”
Danny groaned. He’d completely forgotten about that with everything else that had happened since walking in the front door. “Before.”
“I have to run to the bathroom, wait for me before telling him?” Sam said, going up the stairs before either boy could answer.
For the first time since Danny’s revelation, he and Tucker were alone with each other. He turned to his friend, mouth open but words failing him. He focused again on the emotions that weren’t his, the feeling of love still just as strong as it had been before.
“Okay, dude, I swear, it isn’t the superhero thing!” Tucker said as he saw Danny’s hesitation. “I think I’ve felt that way for a long time, and it hurt so bad when you left and then being around you hurt and then when you asked to talk to us and then I just kind of realized it but I didn’t want you to think I was just crushing on you because I found out you’re Phantom so I didn’t mention it but I know you felt it during lunch and I hope it’s okay and doesn’t ruin our friendship and -!”
Danny cut off Tucker’s rambling, stepping into his personal space and deftly snaking his hand around Tucker’s head. He pulled him down until their lips pressed together. Tucker relaxed against him instantly, wrapping both of his arms around Danny’s back, a pleasant warmth against the chill.
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Danny knew he was being impulsive, taking something new that he’d never had before and running with it. But it just felt right, pressed against Tucker even as they pulled their faces apart because of  Tucker’s need to breathe.
“I know you’ve been through a lot,” Tucker whispered. “Even more than I originally thought, apparently. But I’m going to be by your side for everything, now. I’m not going anywhere. Understand me?”
Danny chuckled, letting the stress of the earlier conversation and the fear of conversations still to come slip away from him, even if for only a moment. “Understood.”
Tucker grinned and Danny was again melting into the warmth of the other boy’s lips.
“Man, I’ve been anticipating this since middle school,” Sam said as she descended the stairs. Both boys jumped, rapidly pulling away from each other, blushing hard. Sam just shrugged. “You two have been setting off my gaydar for years. The only ones surprised here are you.”
Danny and Tucker just grinned sheepishly at her as she laughed, throwing each other sidelong glances.
No matter what happened next, Danny knew he had people in his corner. Dad, Sam, Tucker - his support group kept growing, and hope was a warm feeling inside of him as he prayed his sister and his mother would be joining the group soon.
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my-lost-darling · 10 months
To Be Continued (The Darlings}
The Darlings say goodbye.
Set: August 16
@the-dashing-darling @among-the-lostboys @lost-girl-at-sea @darling-lost-boy
Prior Reading:
The Next Adventure (Jane, Danny & Wendy} Truly all the goodbye threads
Wendy couldn’t pull her eyes away from her brothers. Drinking in every second of their presence, sure she had the photos that she would look at all the time but that would never make up for the time she would lose with them.
Even now she didn’t want to let go of Michael’s hand because she was holding onto him like she was the younger sister.
She didn’t want to say goodbye, she didn’t want the day to end, though the setting sun was telling her their time was running short anyway.
But she looked at Jane and Danny, one of them needed to start. Wendy couldn’t say goodbye, not yet she needed as much time as possible.
He couldn’t believe it was really time. It was a bit like when he was a kid, y’know, and you’d been waiting for a trip to the beach for so long that each and every day went excruciatingly slow, and then suddenly all at once– it was here, the day. Not that Michael had looked forward to Elfhame. But maybe, through his will alone, through his blessing, he’d slowed down time enough to enjoy almost all of summer. And now here it was, all blistering and sunset, summer almost all done. And it was time to go.
It was so surreal. It couldn’t be true. But there was the gate, and here was his family. Everyone looked so somber - so nervous. Michael felt that worry in his own heart too.
But Michael didn’t wanna be just another frowning face. And so he was the first to smile gently, giving Wendy’s hand a squeeze as he let it go so he could turn to everyone else.
“Well, looks like the train’s here,” Michael joked, not really sure what else to say. “So ah– well–” his eyes circled round. “I guess we ought to go, sooner rather than later. Right, John?”
John nodded, but didn’t say anything.
Michael nodded, firmer. “Okay then. Well–” and he spread his arms wide. “Let’s get the hugs in then, hm? Janey, you first,” he teased Jane and went straight for her.
Jane didn’t say anything. She just hugged Michael, meeting him halfway. She wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed him tight. She was glad that her face was basically in the square of his chest, because she didn’t want him to see her cry. 
Jane was not a teary person. Her sadness usually solidified in her chest and hardened into anger, or some other easier emotion.
But now she couldn’t think of anyone to be angry at, except for herself, and she was too old and too tired and had lost too much to feel that.
So sadness it was. She let it.
Michael, though, was smiling. He was making jokes, like he was just about to go on some big press tour or off to another race. He was trying to make them all feel better, one last parting gift. And Jane did her best to accept it. She knew what it was like, after all; she’d just never been as good at making people feel better as Michael. 
She pulled away, looking up at him and did her best to smile too. Michael wasn’t the little boy she remembered, following her and John around the park. He was going to be alright. Jane knew it. She had to believe it, at least. 
“You’ll be a marvelous king. Prince. Whatever it is,” said Jane. She gave him a pat on the shoulder. 
Michael smiled right back.
He wasn’t really sure if he believed Jane. He didn’t know what being a king, or prince, or whatever it was, really entailed. He was going to a foreign land with customs and traditions and a culture he knew nothing about. Mostly, he was going to spend a lot of time asking questions and feeling a fool, he was certain.
But then, he’d always admired Jane for her confidence and determination. Right now, he believed that maybe she’d be right. No– she was going to be right. Because Jane wouldn’t just say somethin’ like that to say it, y’know? That wasn’t the way that she was. He’d think about this moment then, later, when he needed to feel a little of that confidence and determination. That’s what Jane could give him. “Thanks,” he said. “I’m gonna do my best, that’s for sure. And hey– you have fun out there, eh? Exploring the world. Take care of Wendy,” he said, in a quieter voice, though his smile didn’t falter.
Then, after one last hug, he pulled away and turned to… ah. 
Danny. His smile faltered here, if only because he felt that he was failing his cousin, in some ways. Leaving him behind. But then, Dan was lucky to be escaping all this, wasn’t he? 
“Hey, mate,” he said, trying to keep his voice light. “You ah– excited for your trip? You’re gonna have to take lots of pictures and send me drawings and all kinds of things like that.” 
DANNY:Unlike many other times when Danny stood around his family, watching them cry or fight or plot, he didn’t feel…out of place this time. He didn’t feel like he was intruding on something that wasn’t his. This was his family and this was his life. It was magical, not because of the fae, but because his family was brilliant and wonderful and unique. For so long, he had wanted so desperately to be a part of it, only to get to Swynlake and realize that he already was. 
That was what made it hard to say goodbye. He had defined himself by these relationships. He was a Darling, before he was anything else. But who was Danny Darling without Wendy Darling? Without John Darling? Jane Darling? Michael Darling? 
He didn’t know anymore. That person didn’t exist. 
That Danny was going to have to be created. Woven from new strands. Not without John and Michael but in their absence, at least. He didn’t want to have to change without John and Michael, but that wasn’t a choice when you loved someone. 
Despite this newfound sense of belonging, Danny still watched everything quietly, uncertain about how to feel. He was angry and sad and nervous. And he certainly wasn’t good at goodbyes. He’d never, really, had to say them. His father had died far away. Jane had left. Wendy was kidnapped before Danny was born. John had vanished before Danny even really knew him. 
Look at Michael now, his face was already a blur with Danny’s tears. He felt like a little kid, suddenly so young and small, even though he and Michael were basically the same height. Michael was taking all of this on the cuff and Danny just wanted to cry. 
All he could do was nod. And wish he was braver. The kind of brave that let you say goodbye without blubbering and making the person who left feel bad. 
Stepping forwards, he wrapped his arms around Michael, squeezing him tight. Danny had never really thought about what it might be like to have a brother, he was used to the solitude, even with a sister, but now–he thought he kind of knew what it was like and he didn’t want to let it go. 
Eventually, he forced himself to sniffle and step back. “We’ll take care of each other,” he finally managed. “You take care of each other too. And–and we’ll see each other soon.” 
John was of two minds: make this evening last a lifetime, or rip it off, and disappear. The funny thing was John had gotten used to good-byes. George was always off on this or that business trip. He’d lost Wendy when he was eight. And he’d sent Michael away as soon as he could, turning their relationship into one of phone tag and texts and constant good-byes as Michael skipped from one timezone to the next. At some point, he’d grown rather numb to good-byes then. Good-byes were just part of life’s punctuation, as if to say, well, onto the next thing. 
But here he was, standing, gritting his teeth, feeling insanely guilty and on the verge of tears himself. The good-byes he’d yet to say burned inside him. He did not want to. It felt easier to simply say he was sorry instead. 
But no one wanted to hear John’s apologies, least of all John himself. 
He stepped forward then, putting a hand on Michael’s shoulder briefly when he pulled away from his younger cousin. John met Danny’s eyes as well, and felt shy, and regretful, knowing that he’d never gotten to know Danny as well as he should’ve. In a way, he felt like he was being very selfish, like Danny needed Michael more, and yet here John was, exercising his big brother rights. 
“We will,” he agreed. “And um– I– I do promise… that I’ll take good care of him. And I’ll write often, all about the Fenlands, and how things are going. Maybe– maybe you could even use some of it for your art. If you wanted,” he said to Danny. 
DANNY:Danny’s eyes flicked to John—half hidden behind his shirt sleeve as he wiped at his cheeks, feeling silly and young, looking at his older cousin. Who was still a mystery to him, but who also felt the most like him in some ways. Quiet and scholarly.
He nodded at John, his eyes welling up with tears again, but he pushed them down and away with a swallow. 
“Yeah,” Danny said. “Hey, maybe one day we can even co-publish. The first Elfhame-English picture book.”
It was a joke, more than anything, he figured his cousins would be too busy and too important to waste time on something like that. But, if that was the case, Danny would just do it for the both of them. 
He smiled, and then, before he lost his courage, he stepped up and hugged John briefly. Just one tight, quick squeeze before letting him go and stepping back. 
It was a joke, but it was a very kind and sweet one. When John laughed lightly, it was not because the idea was ridiculous, but because he liked it very much. He never thought himself very creative, really. His talents were all in the esoteric realm of critical theory– very silly and embarrassing in the grand scheme of things, because nothing John ever wrote would touch someone the way that a comic or picturebook could. He had long envied his cousin for his skill in art because of that.
And so it was a wonderful thing to think, that maybe, with a little help from his family, John might actually make something worth reading– just for fun. “I’d like that, eh? I’ll need something to work on over there,” said John, his voice still light, but he could hope that this joke might become something more– a dream, perhaps. A dream that could come true.
Then he stepped away from his youngest cousin and his eyes found Jane. Ah, Jane. His gaze softened. He had no idea what to say to her. He was going to miss his first mate so much. 
“Well,” he said. “Off to see the world then, are we?” 
Jane had been dreading this moment
The whole thing, really, but this specific moment the most of it all. She looked up at John and she didn't know what to tell him.
It was John she’d known the best in the end, yeah? No use sugarcoating it. Wendy had been a stranger, not even her real cousin till recently. Michael and Danny too young. But John? John was barely a year older than her. She clung to him when they were younger, since they both preferred their books to people, both wanted to stomp in the yard and play pretend every summer. 
The whole reason she'd come to Swynlake was because John had been here first. It had started with Jane and John. 
And it was ending, here, with them. 
These past five years they'd learned to be friends, not just cousins. They'd learned to live with each other's infuriating habits. They bickered about tea. They fought over bigger things, too, but usually about tea. Jane lost him once. She tore through everything to bring him back. And here he was, stepping back into Elfhame, away from her. Well, away from everyone, but also her.
“It'll be a grand adventure,” she said, trying to keep things light. But her voice wobbled, and even though she told herself she was going to be strong about this and she was going to keep it together for Danny and for Michael and for Wendy, for everyone who needed her to be the brave, stalwart, and resilient Jane Darling, she felt something n the back of her throat crack. She felt something in her eye. She felt her heart pinch and squeeze, and then she surged forward and gave John a hug. 
It was quick, but tight, and she squeezed him around the middle.
“If you ever need us,” she said. “We’ll come. Don't be a stubborn prick and not ask for help, okay? If I find out from Michael that you're trying to do something big and impossible all alone, I'll come right back to the Fenlands and whack you.” And then in  a small voice, she added, “Remember, you’re not alone.” 
This was one goodbye John just did not want to give. Much like Ting-Ting– John just could not bear it.
But he had to. And as they looked at each other for just a second or so of silence, John almost broke too. He wouldn’t have cried. He would have apologized pathetically and then asked Jane to come along too, like he almost had with Ting-Ting, though this ask would be for a completely different reason. It was because of all those past adventures. It was because of their romps through the park. It was because of Captain John and Captain Jane. It was because of their makeshift forts in the Darlings’ nursery, made out of pillows and spare cardboard boxes. It was because of their silly labeled tea system they’d created when they’d lived together. It was because of Napoleon, the dog. 
It won’t be the same without you. There’s no one else I want to explore this new world with more than you. 
He couldn’t say this because he had a feeling if he did, Jane might actually come with him. And that wasn’t fair. They’d had enough adventures, just the two of them. It was time to board different ships. And then Jane smacked into him, squeezing him tight– squeezing all those words right out of his chest so he didn’t have to say them at all. John was grateful. He put his arms around her and squeezed her back, nodded short and tight to her demand. Then the hug was over, everything left unsaid, but that was better. “Don’t worry. It’s going to be very boring, I think. I’m going to be sorting through old records and helping Michael work out some maths when it comes to tariffs and things like that,” said John, mouth twitching. “It’s all the tedium of helping a kingdom and none of the fun. Promise. I’d not dare have any of that without you.” 
And now there was only one good-bye left, the hardest good-bye of all, a good-bye so great and heavy that John wanted to turn all the way around and walk into the gate, pretend that he didn’t have to do it at all.
But Michael’s hand touched John’s shoulder, and that was right– he wasn’t doing this alone, just like Jane said.
The two Darling boys turned to their elder sister. 
“Hey, Wendy,” Michael said softly. “Looks like it’s almost time to go.” 
Wendy had never said a lot of goodbyes, her life with her brothers had been moments of passing one another. Michael and John as they left Elfhame the first time, John into the Mara tree as she was tossed out. She had never said a proper goodbye to her family.
She didn’t want to start now.
And yet as they both looked down at her she wanted to protect them one last time, and she could, but she had to be brave. Reaching out Wendy set a hand on both their cheeks, her thumb running gently against their skin.
So many words she wanted to say, and despite her wanting to be brave she didn’t know how to find those words. Michael, her sweetest baby brother, grown in what felt like an instant, and he would continue to, becoming a great ruler of a place that did not deserve him. He would excel as he always did and Wendy would miss out on it once again.
John, her headstrong little brother, stubborn and smart, the glue that would hold and support Michael, and in turn draw strength from him. Wendy had always known how smart he was, but even now she could see it in volumes in his eyes.
They would be fine.
So she smiled at them, she smiled with all the pride and love she had for them, because her heart, though broken in ways that couldn’t heal easily, was so full of love for her brothers.
“Take care of one another.” Wendy whispered her voice betraying her as it wobbled. “We’ll see each other again, and until then I want to hear all your stories, no matter how small or how boring you might think they are. I’ll come running if you ever need me to.” Wendy added pulling them in for a hug as tight as she could, hiding her tears into their chest.
“I love you John, I love you Teddy.”
John and Michael embraced their sister, and it felt like a happy ending, for just one moment– like this was the place where the story should end. But it wasn’t going to. The hug would end and John and Michael would have to wave goodbye, and the Darlings were once again going to be separated. For how long this time? Both brothers wondered this. Would it be a year, or would it be ten years? Would the Fenlands be so kind to the brothers that when they finally stepped back through this door and find Wendy much, much older than them, happily married, with children of her own? 
It would not be so bad, if that was what might happen. Perhaps there was not a happily ever after for all three of them, but John and Michael were in agreement that Wendy deserved one. A happily ever after for Wendy Darling – it was a story that they’d both read over and over.
They did pull away, after a moment. Tears ran down both of their cheeks. John cupped Wendy’s face briefly. “Enjoy it all,” said John. “Everything they took from you.” 
And Michael leaned forward and kissed Wendy’s cheek. “You’re going to be wonderful, Wendy. I’ll miss you lots and lots.”
“We’ll write all the time,” John reassured for what was probably the umpteenth time, but if you repeat things enough, they become spells, brimming with magic– capable of achieving impossible things. 
“We will! And oh, take care of Mum,” said Michael. “Make sure ol’ George gets out some, touches some grass.”
John laughed wetly. “Yes, give them our love. Tell Nana hi.”
“Oh! And when you go to Italy–” Michael assumed his sister would make it to Italy “--make sure to visit Maranello! There’s the best pasta place in the world– I told you about it, remember?” 
John chuckled again and his hand rested on Michael’s shoulder. “We should let you get started,” John said. “We’ve all got a train to catch.” 
And with that, the brothers did step toward the gate that beckoned them into the next world. Before each stepped through though, they looked back over their shoulder at their family. Michael lifted a hand in another wave. 
“Be seeing you,” said Michael. He grinned. He winked, along with the first stars beginning to wake up here in the twilight.. “To be continued.” 
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #43 Part 1
Everything had been going well on their trip. Danny was going to tell his parents all about his past, and about being the half dead ghost king. Unfortunately, Danny’s life had a reputation for how terribly unlucky he was. He and his family were caught off guard, and even Danny couldn’t prevent himself from fainting when hit in the back of the head with what he assumed must have been something metal.
When he came too he could tell his arms were bound together behind his back and there were two others adjacent to him. He didn’t shift or open his eyes to avoid letting their abductors know he was awake. He could hear some soft tapping that almost sounded like chalk. There were hushed whispers but they were too muffled to hear. He couldn’t tell how much time had passed but he was starting to get a little bored. He knew his family was probably with him, they were right next to him and would have noticed him getting kidnapped. 
Eventually he heard a rustling sound next to him, they must be waking up too, “Maddie? Danny?” Their soft voice spoke.
There wasn’t a reply but that meant Danny was correct, well at least about his dad. He wasn’t 100% sure if mom and Jazz were here but he needed to figure out a way to get out of this without letting their kidnappers know he had powers. 
Another shift this time in the opposite direction. “Mom? Danny?” 
“Jazzie-Pants!! Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you did they?” His words were a bit panicked and almost made Danny reveal his awareness.
“No. I’m fine, Dad? Where are we?” Jazz sounded more annoyed than worried.
A voice interrupted them before their dad could respond, “Quiet hunter scum,” the bags were removed from all of their heads and then ice water was thrown out of a bucket at them. Everyone else groaned as they were shocked awake by how cold it was.
Danny figured there was no use pretending to sleep now so he opened his eyes. They had been captured by cultists and were tied next to each other with a large circle drawn out in chalk. The circle, from some of the runes Danny could make out, looked like a summoning one. Upon further examination they looked more closely to the ones that would summon him, too bad it won’t work since he’s already here… They don’t know that though, and he could use this opportunity to mess with them.
One of the cultists, probably the leader, stepped forward and started speaking toward his followers and started a really long winded speech but a couple things caught Danny’s attention. One they were sacrificing him and his family because his parents hunted ghosts so the Ghost King would of course seek revenge. Two there were five of them there, that meant an extra person was tied up as a sacrifice as well. Who that was Danny didn’t know but he had to save them, he’d get them all out of here.
“That’s all quite fascinating but what does this have to do with me?” A familiar voice said. Danny knew exactly who the voice belonged too and it wasn’t his Mom, Dad, or sister. The fifth person happened to be his twin brother whom he hadn’t spoken to since before he faked his death.
Damian, from the sound of his voice, was behind Danny probably on the other side of his Dad. Danny hadn’t said anything yet so Damian was unaware Danny was there. The dark cavern like room didn’t allow a lot of room for light but there were quite a few candles and torches illuminating the space.
Before anyone could say anything else a loud crash was heard, Danny couldn’t see as the noise was behind him and the room descended into chaos.
Master Post:
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DP X BBC Merlin
Let me just make this clear I’ve NEVER stopped being in the Merlin Fandom
But lately, there this surge of Merlin content on Tik Tok and Pintrest, I think someone said its cause the finally that broke us was on or near Christmas?(Haven’t been here THAT long) And I’ve also been reading timcharg’s Merlin rewrite on AO3 so that’s what happened to me for my brain to do this and the fact that crossovers have me in a choke hold
If you look at my stuff, you’ll see that I’m hipper fixated on DP so that’s self explanatory... anyways
Sooo We all know Danny is a sarcastic piece of **** right? Well so is Merlin, Now image the two of them be friends, Danny would cover for Merlin so much weither he’s a servant, knight or villager. The chaos Merlin could achieve would be glorious. No to mention him joining Merlin. Heck Danny could pass as Merlin’s back from traveling brother as some lame excuse (or rebirth) and Hunith would totally play along
The part I want to focus on is Knight. 
Danny bored out of his mind decides to pick a random portal in the GZ and go through it, he has nothing to lose, his friends and family have long since peacefully past away so why not. ( would like to point out he has not aged since he was lets say 25, his prime, so that he’s closer in age to the rest of them)
He ends up in the BBC Merlin world and finds out that the Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table are true if a little wrong from what he knows since he didn’t read those books, but everyone has heard to Excalibur (Imagine Danny reaction to Merlin pulling the story out of his ***). He decides to keep away from Camelot but fate hates him and he meets Gwiane while traveling. Daniel Nightingale, likes to be called Danny, reminds Gwiane of Merlin so much he can’t help but befriend him.
Danny realized that fate dragged him into this mess when Gwiane askes him for help one day and all of a sudden he’s helping prince Arthur? And then he’s being asked to fight and be knighted and he just can’t say no to Prince Arthur freaking Pendragon! 
After everything has settled down he feels something off about Merlin and Merlin feels something off about Danny. *Insert Big confrontation/ reveal* And Danny joins Lancelot in the “we know” club and they both tag team in covering for Merlin. Why doesn’t Danny tell Gwiane? He knows what its like to have that big of a secret and if Merlin doesn’t want him tell he won’t, though he does say it would be a good idea (insert the hc that the knights know and are pretending not to to make Merlin more comfortable)
Ok sooo now that Danny is here, lets save Lancelot! 
He calls bs on the veil NEEDING a sacrifice to close it. Sure a sacrifice would close it if there weren’t any alternatives (like him not being there) but would the veil needs is power to close, (and that’s what souls are, energy/fuel/power) luckily he has power. It would probably take a lot out of him and he would be in a short coma but no body dies! He wouldn’t tell anyone his plan either to not over complicate things. Merlin knocking out Arthur to stop him sacrificing himself, Lance sneaking away so Merlin doesn’t sacrifice himself, Danny pushing away Lance and closing the veil himself and knocking out. 
Danny makes up some bs excuse on why he’s still alive, “The veil needs a sacrifice, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a human one guys! The lady probably gets a kick out of killing people when they don’t need to die. Oh, how I figured it out? Ahhh- to be honest I didn’t know it would work,,, ummm I sacrificed my ability to read yeah totally, lady was so mad it worked too, ha! Even if I did die I would have gladly done it :)”
Danny says that since he never gave up his ability to learn, he could relearn how to read, loop holes baby! He uses this as the primary cover for Merlin. “Where were you last night””Teaching Sir Danny how to read”. Danny would love troll everyone. If Danny didn’t tell Merlin and Lancelot about being half dead he would have by now.
This is all my brain has got! Hope you enjoyed my brains shenanigans. I just think Danny would have fun in Camelot
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Okay okay DPXDC idea!!!
Danny has been acting strange for weeks. Damian, being the attentive and loving boyfriend that he is has decided that it’s up to him to find out what’s wrong with the half ghost. For weeks he spends his time stalking his boyfriend, taking him as best as he can when he can. When he isn’t following Danny behind his back, Damian is doing everything to spoil his boyfriend and make sure that he’s happy.
It’s not working tho! He doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong. Usually he’s an amazing boyfriend but no matter what he does, it just seems as though the ghost king is restless. Danny isn’t sleeping, he’s floating through the halls of their house at all hours of the night. It’s as though the halfa is looking for something. But what? What the hell is Danny looking for? Why isn’t he happy?
One night on patrol, Damian mentions it to his brothers, not sure what else he could do to take care of his boyfriend. He’s usually so good at this. Why isn’t it working?
“His death day is coming up, right?” Todd questions.
“Yes. It will have been ten years since his accident. We have already made plans for what we are going to do to commemorate the event. Why?”
“When it’s my death day I always like to go to my gravestone. I know I’m not there anymore. But it soothes the pits and I dunno the weeks before my death day I get restless.”
“We’ve been together for five years now, Todd. He has never behaved like this in his death day before.”
“I don’t fucking know dude. Maybe since it’s the ten year anniversary it’s striking something in him. Does he have a grave he can visit?”
“No. He never fully died. And he was never buried.”
“Why don’t we hold him a funeral and give him a grave?”
So that’s what the BatFam does! They decide to hold a funeral on Danny’s death day. It’s really more like a memorial service and it’s pretty morbid. But the grin on Danny’s face as his friends and family all take the time to tell their favorite Danny stories makes Damian feel as though he’s the best boyfriend in the world. Manson and Foley both give tear jerking speeches about the day Danny died and how it had hurt them. But that they had also were so proud of the halfa and how far he had come since then.
After the eulogies Damian’s brothers all decide to throw Danny into a casket and bury him, just so the guy can get the full experience. Danny finds it absolutely hilarious and also cathartic as hell. Danny floats out of the casket to find a headstone with his birthday and death day on it. He immediately bursts into tears and pulled Damian into his arms.
“I didn’t realize how empty I felt for so long,” he whispered, face pressed against Damian’s chest. “As fucked up and morbid as this was, it was what I needed. No one ever grieved my death except me. My parents didn’t even grieve, they just wanted to experiment on me.”
“Danny, I grieve your death every single day,” Damian said, running fingers through his beloveds hair. “Every day I think about what you missed out on in life, I grieve the childhood that you lost. I grieve the parents who disowned you. I know for a fact that Manson and Foley grieved, you heard their speeches. Watching you die did a number on them and is something that still effects them. Just remember, though, you are still here and with us.”
Danny pulled back and kisses Damian, effectively embarrassing his boyfriend in front of his friends and family. The vigilante absolutely hated any kind of public displays of affection. “Thank you.”
Every death day after that, Danny and Damian find themselves in the cemetery in front of his gravestone. After a few years, Danny finally finds the courage to tell Damian the full story of how he died. Damian had a rough idea but no one had ever mentioned the full story as to how it happened. It may be fucked up and morbid, but the peace that Danny feels is more important to Damian than any kind of discomfort that he would ever feel.
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aidanwaynealghul · 1 year
Headcanon #3 - Bad Coping Mechanisms Part 1
When Danny had a better control of his powers and was able to just change certain aspects of himself, he would sometimes stand in front of a mirror and let his eyes go green and just talk. He would talk about his life, about how much he missed his brother. He would do this well pretending the image in the mirror was his brother and he was there with him. He started this a couple months after his 15th birthday, it was a few months after the news that he was going to become Ghost King that Jazz caught him doing it for the first time.
She told him it wasn't healthy, that he should actually talk to someone about it. By then? She had figured out who the brother he'd told her about was, him and Damian Wayne looked so much alike how could she not? She didn't tell him that though, when he was ready he'd tell her more about his past and why he wasn't with his family.
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nocturna-starr · 2 years
Prologue - Story for Children
This is a truce gift for @five-rivers​! I am so sorry its late!
The prompt I did was Prompt#3: Pariah Dark decides Danny has all the qualities he wants in an heir and forcibly adopts him. I know I’ve done it before, but I think this version is better... I really hope you enjoy! Happy New Year!
Once upon a time there lived a wicked king. Now this king was the baddest of the bad, I mean really bad! He was the type of person who would butt in line when you were waiting for five hours. He liked to pick on kids. He could never get a date because everyone thought-
“I get it, I’m not stupid!” “Okay, fine…”
Now this king wanted to conquer the whole ghost zone. Because he was the biggest and strongest, this king believed he could do so easily. Guess what? He was right! Nobody wanted to fight the king! Like cowards, they fled into the human realm. Those idiots didn’t realize they led the king to a whole new world to conquer. Fortunately, the human world had a hero willing to fight!
“Like a Prince?” “I guess so?” “Was he like you Danny?” “You could say that…”
This hero was strong and brave and handsome! He was the type of person you could depend on. He fought evil ghosts nearly every single day! One problem though, he was WAY WAY WAY younger than the king. The wicked king saw dinosaurs, the hero didn’t even know who the Beatles were.
“Beatles?” “I think they were a famous in the human realm- That or they were a weird kind of bug.” “Oh, okay.”
The king was a master of battle tactics while the hero had a C average in math class. The king could memorize all his plans, while the hero couldn’t remember what he had for breakfast that morning. The king had an army, the boy had a rag tag team of rogues. The situation was pretty hopeless…
Yet the hero challenged the king.
“The hero was pretty stupid.” “No, he wanted to protect the town! What would you do in the situation? What if our castle was the one under siege?” “Daddy would never let that happen!” “You’re missing the point, Danielle!”
It was a brutal fight. The king fought the boy with little mercy. The boy was thrown into so many walls… he definitely had a concussion…
During the fight, something grew within the boy. He knew he had to win for the people of his world, his friends and his family. Unfortunately, the power he had been granted by a bumbling old wizard was way too much-
“Where did the wizard come from?” “I forgot to mention him… Umm… he was a really smart man when it came to magic, not so smart when it came to talking to other people.” “You suck at telling stories” “Just let me finish!”
He realized that if he used it correctly, that the power wouldn’t be too much.
“What a concept!” “Shut up Danielle!”
So, with some help from his enemies and a major creep, the hero locked the evil king away. The hero went… somewhere… I think home? The creep went to go spy on the hero’s mom. The hero would end up kicking the creep’s butt. I don’t know after that, maybe the creep would get flung into space. Jury is still out on that. I think I might have dreamed that last part. Maybe it was in the book?
But our story isn’t over. The wicked king stewed in his prison about how to get revenge. He plotted to see how he could get his throne back. (Because the hero won against the king, he was now the king.) he came up with a strange answer. Once his planning was complete, he broke free and paid a visit to the ghost government.
They weren’t happy at first. But as they heard the king’s request, they became more and more pleased. See, they didn’t like the king, but they didn’t really like the hero either. This was a way to get rid of the hero and appease the king. The king wanted to adopt the hero, soon to be a prince. He felt that he could influence the prince to do what he and the government wanted. The prince would become a puppet king. The people would grow to hate him and wish for the days of the government or even the wicked king. I don’t quite get the plan? Maybe they were afraid that the ghosts would revolt against their government if they killed a beloved king?
“What if they were afraid the wizard guy would help the hero? Maybe they thought this was easier?” “Most ghosts aren’t afraid of the wizard guy.”
They called in their Time Master who suffered from their tyranny. He didn’t like the idea, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. His last request was to test the hero’s family to see if they were worthy of their son. He gave them three trials. One of faith, one of hope and one of love. They only had to finish one. They failed all three. 
The time master was forced to kidnap the boy. He reversed the boy’s age until he was an infant. The king wanted to influence the child as young as he could. Then he put the baby in a time freeze until they could find his twin sister. “Twin sister? The hero was a twin just like you and me?!” “Yes. The hero loved his sister a lot. She liked to travel too. That’s why she wasn’t captured right away.” “I want to travel one day! But how did you know that she liked to travel?” “I dreamed it. I’ve been having a lot of weird dreams since I got that book.” “Maybe you should stop reading the book? “Nah.”
They found her and reversed her age too. The king then took the twins and put them in his castle far away from anyone who may recognize them. As time went by, he came to love his children. He was a lot nicer! The people loved the fallen heroes now children and called them the blessed.
Then everyone lived happily ever after, except creep guy who was still stuck in space.
“I didn’t like that story.” “It was the first story in the book that we found in my room. You wanted me to tell them to you, right?” “Not anymore, the stories are too weird!” At least they don’t have sad endings?” “What’s this that I hear about sad endings?” “Daddy! Danny is telling weird stories again!” “Why don’t I be the judge of that? Son, tell me a story.”
Once upon a time there was an evil chef who wanted to serve poisoned food…
Pariah Dark smiled as he watched his son Daniel sleep soundly. Who would have thought that he would be smiling so kindly at his enemy? Who could have seen the love that he would have for a boy that stole his crown? Who could have known that the former hero could have such an active imagination? Unless… these were memories?
The Observants assured him that there was no way for Daniel to remember his former life. He wouldn’t recognize his family as he conquered the human realm. He wouldn’t know the people of the Far Frozen as they begged for mercy. Even the Master of Time would not get a kind eye from the prince…
Still, maybe he would convince Daniel to be one of those kings who stayed at home and tried to belter the people through laws. Daniel didn’t seem like the type to want to take over anything. Maybe he could convince Daniel to appoint his sister, who didn’t have any attachments to the real world, to go and conquer for her brother.
Maybe she could take the crown from him?
NO! Daniel would wear the crown and his sister would be happy to give up her life for him.
Who would have thought that he would favour his opinionated enemy over his enemy’s timid sister?
Pariah sighed. His son rolled over in his sleep. The king’s eyes widened. He had never seen that book before. He had made sure to approve all the ten books in the castle, just in case his children were triggered by anything that was written. So far, he had been successful in keeping his kids in the world he had created just for them.
He snuck into Daniel’s room and carefully untangled the book from his sheets. He took the small pouch from his pocket and took a pinch of its content and concentrated. He needed Daniel to forget all about the book. With one last mental push, he sprinkled the powder over his son’s head. If he approved the book, there would be no harm. But if that book was a way for someone to try and reach his adopted son…
Well, there would be hell to pay.
Originally, It was going to be longer... But I didn’t like the direction it was going in. I’m planning on continuing the rest of the story in 2022! 
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