invis-o-william · 24 days
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what if we took the kid from this post …
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Day 7: Mind Control
With a start, Tucker woke up, the memory of sand and pyramids fresh in his mind. After looking around his darkened room for a moment, he sighed and settled back into his pillow.
Ever since his encounter with the staff of Duul Aman, he kept having odd dreams. Of Egypt, ancient temples, and strange foreign words he could almost decipher but kept escaping his grasp.
Turning, Tucker looked at his bedside clock. It was 3:35 A.M. and there was no way he would be able to fall asleep again after his dream. He knew from experience that if he did the dreams would only grow in intensity. So instead he flicked on the light and grabbed his PDA from its stand.
He opened its journal app, and after tapping for a new entry began typing out what he could remember from his dream. It wasn’t much this time; a river boat on the Nile, an image of the Great Pyramids, and a few odd hieroglyphs, but nevertheless he recorded all he could. The journal was full of these dream entries. Sometimes Tucker could manage to decipher the hieroglyphs he saw in his dreams, but most of the time there were too few to gain any real meaning from them.
From what he could learn though, most of them were from spells. Spells reserved for only the highest priests to perform, often in secret. Spells that Tucker couldn’t help but wonder if he could use. He had used ancient Egyptian magic before hadn’t he? While it had been when his mind was in the grips of Duul Aman, it was still his body, his abilities. But he was still nervous to try. To do so would mean using the staff, letting its power course through him again, and Tucker wasn’t sure he could handle it.
He had long accepted that he was somehow the reincarnation of Duul Aman, living once more in the modern age. While that was true though, he also wasn’t Duul Aman anymore. He wasn’t a tyrant bent on power and immortality through any means, and he valued his family and friends more than anything else. What bothered him though was that version of himself still existed, at least within the staff.
Whenever he held it, it was hard not to lose his mind to the power that it contained. The staff would so easily overtake him and make him into the man he didn’t ever want to be that he was nervous to go near it.
If these dreams kept up though, he might just have to try. They were growing in frequency and intensity and Tucker desperately wanted to understand what they meant. Mulling it over in his mind, he sent a text out in his group chat with Danny and Sam which was appropriately titled “Boo Buddies” before beginning his research on the hieroglyphs from this night's dream.
. . .
The next morning at school he ran into Sam first, which was typical. Danny usually either ran into a minor ghost on the way to school, or was otherwise held up by his parents’ insane inventions.
“What did you mean by past life dreams Tuck? And in the middle of the night?” she asked straight to the point. Tucker sighed, he had been hoping she would at least wait for Danny to get there.
“Well, it's Duul Aman. Ever since the whole staff thing I keep getting dreams about him, and I want to try something." He kept his wording intentionally vague, half worried about her response and half worried about getting to class on time. “I’ll tell both you guys more about it at lunch, we should get to class.”
Sam narrowed her eyes at him, but followed to homeroom regardless as she saw Danny rounding the corner.
. . .
“You want to try what?!” Danny’s yell was swallowed by the cacophony of sound produced by the cafeteria.
“Keep it down will ya?” Tucker hushed him, “It’s not that big of a deal!”
Danny ran a hand through his hair, “Not a big deal? Tucker we’re talking about messing with Duul Aman’s powers. You know, the guy who kinda turned you into a megalomaniac for a bit? I’d say that’s pretty big.”
Sam shrugged, “I don’t know, I think it might be worth a shot.”
Tucker huffed a laugh. Of course, leave it to the goth to be interested in spells.
“But what if he takes over Tucker’s mind again and goes all Pharaoh-ey!” Danny said, waving his hand in a mimicry of Tucker using the staff.
“That’s why you guys will be staying with me.” Tucker swallowed, “Just in case I can’t fight it off, I want you guys to knock me out before I start going nuts.”
Danny looked at Sam for help, but she shut him down.
“You know if we don’t help he’ll just end up trying it by himself.” she said, and Danny couldn’t help but agree that she had a point there.
“Fine,” he sighed, “but I still think this is a bad idea.”
. . .
They met that night in Jackson Park by the treeline, Sam and Tucker on foot and Danny in ghost form with the staff. Ever since the Duul Aman incident he had kept it stored in the Ghost Zone with Pandora since she seemed the type to know how to care for ancient cursed artifacts.
“Ok,” said Tucker, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Did you bring a book Sam?”
Sam replied by pulling out a black leather-bound journal from her coat.
“Good, good. Ok so now I just need…the staff.” he looked hesitantly at the scarab topped staff in Danny’s hand.
“Uh, what spells exactly are you going to try? Just in case something goes wrong.” Danny asked, well aware of how the staff thrummed with power when Tucker looked at it.
“Right, um well, first I’m going to try a book protection spell that I found. I figure that should be pretty safe. And then, uh, there’s this one spell that’s for ‘opening up the west’. I think that one is to make a temporary portal to the afterlife, so like, it'll lead to the Ghost Zone? At least that’s if I read everything right.” Tucker’s nerves were really starting to get to him, but he had to try to do this and see if he was right. See if he could actually do it.
“I figure if I can make a portal then I could use it to help you when you’re fighting ghosts?” he asked.
Danny considered this for a moment. “The first one, yeah I can understand. The Ghost Zone though? I don’t know, there’s a lot of things that could go wrong there.”
“Which is why you’re here just in case!” Tucker said with as confident a smile he could muster. “Just, let’s try the first one and go from there.” he reached his hand out for the staff which Danny reluctantly handed over.
As soon as it was in his hand Tucker felt a wave of energy wash over him. That was okay though, he was prepared for it this time. Pushing back mentally against the power he cleared his mind and reached for his PDA. “See, I’m alright. Now Sam, we should probably have the book on the ground. Just in case.”
Sam nodded, “Right. Be careful with it, that’s my favorite copy of Dracula.” and laid the book carefully on the grass.
Tucker breathed deeply, feeling the staff’s power flow through him, pulled up the ancient text from his phone, and began reciting the words.
As he read, Danny and Sam exchanged a look. Tucker’s eyes had begun to glow golden but neither wanted to break his concentration by noting it aloud. Soon though that disappeared as he finished the incantation.
“Ok then,” Tucker said shakily, “that was manageable. Also, I think it worked. Danny, you should try and open it.”
Danny nodded and bent down to pick up the book. It seemed normal to him, however when he went to open it the thing felt like it had been glued shut. Raising his eyebrows he handed it over to Sam who was able to easily open the cover.
Tucker smiled, “Cool right, now only Sam should be able to actually open it!”
Danny had to agree that it was pretty impressive, and something he might think about using for his journal of ghost attacks as well. While he had hidden it in his wall for safekeeping from his parents he still wanted some extra security, just in case.
“Do you think you’re okay to try the next one? It’s okay if you need a break.” Sam said, both awe and concern evident in her voice.
Tucker thought about it for a moment. While it was exhausting trying to hold the power back from overwhelming him, he also couldn’t resist seeing what else he could do with this power. “I’m going to give the portal a try.” he said, and before Danny could protest he began the incantation.
Danny was more apprehensive about this spell. The book one was cool and pretty useful, but conjuring a portal to the Ghost Zone? That seemed like a huge leap forward for Tucker. But he wanted to be a good friend and trust in his abilities, so he watched as his friend started the next spell.
Tucker felt confident. He could do this, the first spell was a success and he was sure this one would be as well. As he spoke the ancient words he felt the power emanating from the staff increase, and as it washed over him he felt his mind slip to the power of Duul Aman.
Well, at least he had his friends there to stop him from creating another sphinx.
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Day 6: Immortal AU
Danny leaned back in the grass, the wind brushing his white gravity defying hair back away from his forehead, and sighed. Amity Park had changed a lot over the years. What had once been a fair sized growing metropolis was now a sprawling city blending urban technological feats of science with older infrastructure that had been in place for over a hundred years.
One thing that hadn’t changed too much though, was its main cemetery. Others had cropped up on the outskirts of the booming city, but this one, the original burial ground, stayed intact even though no new burials had occurred there in decades.
“Sorry for not visiting sooner,” Danny said, “the Realms have kept me on my toes lately. Clocky has had it with the Observants and is trying to get rid of them as a whole. Good riddance I say.”
He chuckled at the last sentence. “I know you were never a fan of how much they interfered when I first took the throne, so I figured you’d be happy to hear that at least.”
Danny’s eyes followed a pair of children nearby happily playing on the sidewalk with gliders that seemed so similar to the Red Huntress’. Danny frowned. So much had changed over the years, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t keep up anymore.
“I had something I wanted to tell you about too..” He trailed off and turned to look at the headstone next to him. While it was old, as was every grave in this section, this one had been well cared for. Cleared of creeping plant life and with any and all dirt meticulously brushed off. The inscription read:
Dr. Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton
B. March 31, 1988 D. May 6, 2070
Beloved Mother, Sister, and Professor
“I decided to stay in the Infinite Realms full time now. With my duties as King, and the whole new zone developing there I just don’t have the time to patrol Amity Park anymore. Not that there’s a need to anymore.” He sighed the last words. It was true, after a few decades of kingship, Danny had figured out how to balance the limits that ghosts could venture to the mortal plane and the damage they could cause there.
His role on Earth as Phantom had long been redundant now, and there was no one here for him anymore. All his friends had long since died, as were even Jazz’s grandchildren. On Earth, Danny felt truly and utterly alone.
“Of course I’m going to still come and visit you guys,” Danny said, “other than that though, I think that’s it. People around here are starting to think I’m a fairy tale anyway.” He didn’t think he would ever stop visiting the resting places of his family, his friends. They had meant too much to him not to, and he never wanted to forget them, never wanted to forget who he was.
Danny stood from the grave he had been sitting in front of, glancing at its inscription. It was worn and harder to make out than Jazz’s, but it still clearly read;
Daniel “Danny” Fenton
B. February 12, 1989 D. July 17, 2031
Gone too Soon
Danny still smirked at the irony of it. A grave for a halfa that would never truly die. He had stayed physically stuck in his thirties for centuries now, and wasn’t sure that would ever change. Looking back to his sister’s headstone, he knelt down and placed a rose encapsulated in ghostly blue ice at its base.
“Happy death-day Jazz.” he said with a smile, “I’ll come visit you soon.” With that he turned and with a wave of his hand opened a portal to the Infinite Realms. A familiar woman with a mop of long white hair peeked out of it.
“Thanks for the privacy Dani. Do you want to go see Sam and Tucker now?” he asked his clone. She grinned with enthusiasm before jumping out of the portal to join her “older brother”. Once the portal was closed, they both changed from ghost to human and set off down the rows of graves to visit their departed friends.
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Here’s the Operation Olive Branch master spreadsheet ⬇️ easy links to mutual aid providers and a huge list of families in need as well as additional resources for creators who are looking to help as we surpass 200 days of suffering
Here’s a link to their printable flyer
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Day 5: Nails
Wes Weston had been suspicious of Danny for weeks. Every time a ghost attacked, Danny conveniently disappeared right before the mysterious Invis-o-Bill showed up to fight the spector back to wherever they came from. Sam and Tucker also seemed to have an excuse for being present at every ghost appearance, so he knew they had to be involved.
Wes grimaced as he tapped his pen on his notebook. If Danny was Invis-o-Bill, how did he manage to look human most of the time? The common consensus was that their local hero was a ghost, which made sense at first glance, but there had to be some reason that Danny seemed so…normal otherwise. Maybe a little too pale to be healthy, but still normal.
There had to be something he was missing. Wes scribbled out ‘Not a ghost?’ on a post-it before slapping it onto his wall. He stepped back to take it all in, all his leads and theories on Danny and Invis-o-Bill. He would have to buy some red yarn soon to connect his evidence.
It'd only been a few months since he began his investigation, but his wall was already filled with sticky notes, news clippings, and blurry photographs he was able to take during ghost fights.
The door to Wes’ bedroom then creaked open.
“Hey bro, having fun with your conspiracy wall?” Kyle said while leaning against the doorway, his laid back attitude ever present.
Wes whirled around to face his brother, “It's not a conspiracy wall! All of this is evidence!” He fumed as he gestured wildly at the wall.
Kyle chuckled, “Alright man, whatever you say. Dinner is in five though.” And with that he made his way back downstairs.
Wes looked back at his notes. He needed more proof, something solid he could really work with.
. . .
The day has been a boring one at school. There were no ghosts in sight, so Danny and his friends had been acting normal. Exhaustingly normal, if you asked Wes. The three of them had talked about the game ‘Doomed’ all during lunch, never once saying something that might give Wes a clue to the mystery that was Invis-o-Bill.
Now he was fighting to stay awake in Lancer's class when something finally happened.
He had looked over at Danny and to his surprise he no longer looked quite…human. Danny was staring off into the distance, eyebrows furrowed as if recalling a troubling memory. His eyes were mixing between their normal blue and a toxic hazardous green.
But it was his hands that had really caught Wes’ attention. Gripping the sides of the desk, Danny's nails had somehow morphed into wicked looking claws. They had to be at least an inch long and they were gouging the wood of the desk leaving what Wes was sure to be deep holes.
Wes gaped at the sight. At least until Sam noticed Danny's situation, and gave the boy's leg a quick kick.
Startled, Danny looked at her, the green retreating from his eyes. Sam pointedly tapped her fingers on the desk and Wes heard him whisper an almost inaudible “Shoot!” before his claws quickly morphed back to normal human-looking nails.
Wes turned back to his desk and brought out his notebook before he began to write in it furiously.
‘Danny’s nails can turn into claws??’
‘What other parts of his body can he change while looking human?’
‘What’s up with his eyes???’
Wes then began to list out Danny's inhuman attributes;
- Can fly
- Eyes change color
- Changes appearance (hair)
- Grows claws
- Super strong
- Can turn invisible
- Is blurry in photos
His pen stuttered to a stop on the page as a thought flashed through his mind. He had it! It was the only thing that made sense! All these characteristics, Danny's generally pale appearance, plus his friends constantly, almost impulsively covering for him…like they were under some spell…
“He's a vampire!” Wes inadvertently shouted. Everyone in the class jumped, and Wes clapped a hand over his mouth. He couldn't let Danny know that he knew his secret! What if he decided to make Wes his next thrall?
Mr. Lancer cleared his throat. “While I appreciate your enthusiasm Mr. Weston, I would ask that you raise your hand before you suggest something. Now while it is an interesting thought, I don't quite agree that Mr. Darcy could be seen as some sort of emotional vampire…”
Wes sighed with relief as Lancer droned on. That had been a close one. Now he just had to figure out where to get some string. This theory was genius and he had to make sure all his evidence lined up!
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Day 4: Wander
Dani stepped through the portal and looked around. She wasn’t quite sure where she was, and the signs were written in a language she didn’t know, but that was fine. She was here to explore after all.
Transforming back to human she called into the portal, “Here boy!” and with a bark a lively green puppy jumped out and landed in her arms.
“Okay, okay, I know you’re excited Cujo!” she laughed as the ghost dog licked her face. While she hadn’t had her traveling partner long, she already loved the companionship the cute puppy gave. Danny had been insistent that she have someone to keep her safe the last time she saw him, and she couldn’t agree more with him that Cujo was that perfect someone.
“Alright boy, you know the drill.” Dani said as she put the dog down and opened her backpack. Yipping happily Cujo dove into the space and snuggled in with the clothes inside, effectively hiding him from the public.
Dani shrugged the bag back onto her shoulders and set off down the street knowing that Cujo would keep an ear out for any trouble she might find.
The city she had found herself in was awash with sounds and vibrant colors, and based on what she knew of the world Dani thought she may be somewhere in Eastern Asia. She had been so clueless when she started traveling thanks to Vlad. He hadn’t thought it necessary to teach her anything beyond the basics to survive since he wasn’t planning on letting her live all that long in the first place. That’s why she wanted to explore so badly, to see the world and learn what she could about it, or at least that’s what she told Danny.
She did want to know more about the world, and she did like exploring, but there was something else to it too. Before she had left Amity Park the first time, Danny had explained everything he knew about being a halfa to her. He told her about her core, different powers she might develop, and obsessions. When he had described what obsessions meant, she hadn’t fully understood right away. It was only a few months after she had left that she truly understood what it meant to have a ghostly obsession.
While Danny’s obsession was to help those in need, Dani was different. His obsession stemmed from his Accident in the portal, stemmed from hearing his friends calling out to him in fear. Hers came from her birth.
Being raised for a few months in Vlad’s basement laboratory was no life. At least, she could look back on that now and realize it. He had never let her leave the basement until her mission to retrieve Danny to make her the “perfect clone”. There hadn’t even been a window, just a room full of wires, tubes, and a portal. There she had witnessed countless attempts at cloning fail, each one melting in a puddle of goo before her eyes, and she was helpless to do anything but be at Vlad’s side. She had been so unquestioningly loyal to him out of hope that he would not let her destabilize and melt, that he would let her see the world outside that basement, but it had all been a lie.
So her obsession became freedom. Freedom to go where she wanted, do what she wanted, and be who she wanted to be. She wouldn’t ever be tied down by Vlad’s desires ever again, a mold for the perfect child he wanted. So Dani needed to find out who she was instead, and she had! She found that she loved learning about other cultures, other languages. She found a fascination with the night sky and stargazing that connected her with Danny, and a heavy appreciation for chocolate. Dani had learned so much about herself, and in the year since first leaving to explore she finally felt complete.
Dani stopped next to a market stall, fingers tapping the strap of her backpack and thinking of where she might find her next portal to somewhere new. She never stayed in any one place too long, just in case someone caught on to her intangibly grabbing food and clothes when she was able.
She tended to avoid Amity Park though. Danny had met up with her a few times since her near destabilization, but always in the Infinite Realms. Each time they met, he offered to let her stay with him in Amity Park. He offered to tell his parents his halfa secret so she could stay in their home, to introduce her and get his parents to take her in properly as his sister. Danny was willing to risk his safety, his secret identity in order to give her a home, but Dani was scared.
She was so afraid that in settling down back in Amity Park she would be trapped again, forced to be what a parent wanted her to be. Some part of her knew that it wouldn’t happen, that the Fentons weren’t like Vlad, but still that fear lingered.
A short yip coming from her backpack shook her from her thoughts, and Dani gave a small smile. “I know Cujo, I’m ok.” and she was. She knew someday she might return to Amity Park, to be a part of a family, but for now the world awaited her.
As Dani walked away from the stall, she thought back to something Danny had said to her the last time they had met.
“You can wander as far and as long as you need to Dani. When you're ready, a home will be waiting for you.”
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invis-o-william · 24 days
Day 3: Invisible
The Fentons never were the most attentive parents in the world. They were obsessive niche scientists, so some would suppose it came with the territory. In the early years when their children were younger though, they were better. One could find family portraits of the young family lining the walls of their homes, birthday parties would be held, and family outings were infrequent but still occurred with at least some regularity.
The same couldn’t be said once their youngest, Danny, turned 12. It started out slowly, occasionally his Mom would forget to pack his lunch for school, their trips to go camping or to the planetarium waning in frequency. Over time though, the Fenton children learned that they had to rely on each other for day to day needs rather than their parents. Their Mom would still occasionally cook a meal or two (though it usually wasn’t the most edible), but school lunches, breakfasts, and even some dinners would be on the kids to figure out for themselves. The Doctors Fenton became reclusive, always working in their lab and hardly ever being seen in anything other than their HAZMAT suits.
For Danny, this came to a peak only a few months after his fourteenth birthday. There had been no lectures on lab safety, no locked doors in his and his friends' way as they decided to explore the empty lab and check out the non-functioning ghost portal. The Accident happened, Danny became half-ghost, and the only thing his parents noticed was that the portal now worked. Neither of them had questioned their children about it, neither of them had noticed the Lichtenberg figures now scarring their youngest’s arm, the two of them had just jumped straight back into their work, their obsession.
Deep down, Danny hoped they would notice. He so desperately hoped that his parents would say something about his new scars, how he was now so frequently absent from his classes, or just notice his clear struggles with getting his schoolwork done. While he was afraid of his parents finding out his secret, he still craved some sort of parental interaction.
Jazz had noticed all of it. She always saw him for who he was, and she tried to help in any way she could. Whether that was tutoring him with his homework, or making excuses for a sudden absence to fight a ghost, she was on his side.
But she shouldn’t have to be. She was only 16, and they should be hanging out, fighting, and annoying each other like any other kids their age. He shouldn’t have to rely on her to help him sign up for his classes next year, but here he was.
The Fentons were scientists obsessed with their work. They sometimes spent days in their lab without seeing the sun and without sleep. Many would call them eccentric, and assume their children were the same. The Fentons had two children, but for all these kids tried, they were practically invisible to their parents.
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invis-o-william · 24 days
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Danny Phantom comic strip written by Marty Isenburg and illustrated by Benjamin Balistreri for Nickelodeon Magazine. .
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invis-o-william · 28 days
Day 2: Wish
All Amity Parkers knew that “wish” was practically a forbidden word. Years of interactions with Desiree had all but guaranteed that. Younger children weren’t even taught the word anymore out of an abundance of caution, after all nobody wanted a repeat of the “Toddler Wish-mageddon” that had occurred just a year prior. The firemen had been cleaning chocolate syrup out of the streets for weeks afterwards. This left the naive and unassuming newcomers as targets for Desire’s power, many of whom didn’t quite believe the city moniker of “The Most Haunted Place on Earth” yet. One of those newcomers was Thomas Kincade, and one way or another he too would learn the consequences of the word “wish”.
. . .
Thomas had barely lived in Amity Park a week before his coworkers started messing with him. He had just been sitting down in the breakroom for lunch when Craig from accounting had sidled up in the next chair.
“Oh hey Tom,you’re new to town, right?” he asked while grabbing a bowl from his bag.
Thomas hummed an affirmative while digging through the box chock full of leftover lo mein that his wife had left him that morning. “Yeah, just moved from Springfield like a week and a half ago, why? Also, it's Thomas.”
Craig pointed a fork his way, “Well you should probably invest in a lunch bag or something. That box is a prime target for the Box Ghost you know. He’s usually pretty harmless, but he’ll definitely steal that thing in a heartbeat if he sees you with it man.” He accentuated his point by tapping on said box with his fork.
Thomas sighed. Although he’d only lived in the city for under two weeks, he’d already seen more than enough of the “ghost tourist trap” schtick. “You can give the “ghost” thing a rest Craig, I think I’ll be fine.” he said with a roll of his eyes.
Craig shrugged, “Alright Tommy, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You transplants never quite believe it at first anyway.”
“It’s Thomas.” Thomas said pointedly. Craig made a noncommittal noise before digging into his meal.
. . .
The next day it happened again. Thomas was working at his computer when his deskmate Maria leaned over the divider.
“Hey Tim, did you see the news this morning?” she asked excitedly.
Slightly irritated, Thomas looked up. “No, I didn’t. And it’s Thomas.”
Maria didn’t seem to hear him as she waved her hands around, “They got some footage of the fight between Phantom and that big metal ghost last night on the corner of Park Place and Amity Row! It looked so intense, and the big ghost is so cool looking!” She practically squealed the last words.
Thomas groaned and let his head fall back. “Look, I get it, you guys are pulling my leg, ‘ha-ha lets haze the newbie’ kind of stuff, but its getting old.”
Huffing, Maria crossed her arms. “How long have you been here now? Two weeks? You can’t tell me that you haven’t seen one of the ghosts yet! Hell, blob ghosts are so common I’m surprised one hasn’t popped into your yard yet” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Just hope you don’t encounter any big ones, you definitely don’t want to run into the Fenton’s with their tank-on-wheels.”
With a sigh and a shake of his head Thomas turned back to his work as Maria shrugged and did the same.
. . .
Thomas was getting fed up. Everyone kept talking about ghosts. “Phantom’s been seen here” and “The whisps have been really active lately” and all that crap. How long was everyone going to pull this? Not to mention that nobody wanted to call him anything but nicknames. Why was calling him Thomas so hard for them???
The last straw was his boss stopping by his desk an hour before quitting time.
“Hey Timbo, everyone on the floor is going to head over to the Mitty Boulevard Bistro after work for dinner, company’s treat. Want to join?” he said, leaning an arm on the desk divider.
Thomas’ eye twitched. “Yeah, sure that’s fine. And please. It’s Thomas.”
His boss smiled, “Great! Originally we were going to head over to the Mexican place on Park Place, but they’re closed for cleanup from that ghost fight last night.”
“Yeah! You can thank Phantom for that, honestly the Bistro is sooo good. I like Mexican food and all, but you gotta try the Bistro’s fries Tim!” Maria said, perking up from her seat.
Thomas had had it. “Ghosts this, ghosts that! I’m so sick of this! Just give it a rest already! And my name. Is. THOMAS. Not Tim, not Tommy, just Thomas!” he cried as he picked up his coat and lunch box. “If this is how all of you are going to treat me, then count me out of the dinner. Honestly I wish you guys would just cut it out already!”
Everyone in the office went deadly silent and stared at Thomas with wide eyes.
“Thomas,” began Maria, “you shouldn’t say that word. I’m sorry that we were teasing you so much about your name, but you really shouldn’t say that word.”
Thomas scoffed, “What word?”
Everyone looked around nervously, “The “w” word,” his boss said, “there’s a ghost who grants them, usually in the worst ways possible.”
Thomas threw his hands up in the air. “What, wish? Now you’re telling me that there’s a wish-granting ghost? If there was, I'd wish she’d make you all see sense right now because ghosts aren’t real!”
The office was deadly still and many held their breath. There was always a chance Desiree wasn’t around, but some still expected her to appear and grant the wish.
Instead the Box Ghost popped in out of nowhere, grabbed Thomas’ lunch box, shouted “BEWARE!”, and vanished.
Thomas could say he knew better now to pack his lunch in a bag.
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invis-o-william · 29 days
Here’s a list of times Danny has been spotted by the townspeople as Phantom outside of ghost fights!
1.) Laying down half asleep on a traffic light post, no one saw him fall
2.) Standing outside on the street during a big blizzard sipping what people are guessing was hot cocoa
3.) On the roof of Casper High looking at the sky
4.) In Casper High’s library browsing the outer space section
5.) In the park playing with a ghost puppy, who unfortunately kept turning into a large ghost dog and growling at anyone who tried to come close (it’s worth noting that Phantom kept trying to calm him down and apologizing, with the exception of Maddie, who seemed to make the ghost dog even angrier)
6.) Having a friendly chat with a large ghost wolf in the nearby woods
7.) On the street during a blizzard, waving at a large ghost resembling a yeti and going “Hi, dad! :D”
8.) Asleep on one of those couches in the local library with a book on astrophysics on his chest
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invis-o-william · 29 days
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bum ba dum ba dum. He HedgeHog~~
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invis-o-william · 29 days
Dannymay Day 1: Insect
Danny had just settled in at his desk after a long night of chasing the Box Ghost away from the local container store (Don't ask.) when he noticed something on his wall. Squinting at it, he saw it scuttle further up the wall before grabbing a cup to catch it with. Sam had admonished him for killing "poor innocent spiders" several times before, and he'd relented to just releasing them outside now instead.
Trudging over to the wall, he stopped when he noticed a pretty obvious feature of the bug. It's head was shaped like Vlad Plasmus' hair.
"What the...?" He trained off, and the "bug"'s eyes flashed red before it started to scurry up the wall. With his quick reflexes, Danny slammed the thing into the wall producing a small "thud" and looked at the pieces of what he could now confirm was a spy–bug as they fell to the floor.
"Great," Danny sighed, "This is going to be a problem."
- - -
Danny didn't know just how accurate that statement would be. Vlad's DALV Co. spy-bugs kept popping up everywhere. At school, at the dinner table, and especially in his parents' lab. Danny had caught more than a few crawling all over and scanning his parents blueprints for new ghost fighting gear. Each time he saw a new one. He would either smash it to bits or vaporize it with a ghost ray, but the bugs just kept coming. Which is why he was so glad when Tucker came to him with a plan.
They currently had one of the spy-bugs in a box (Danny had found a thing in his living room) while Tucker was working on his PDA.
"So what are you going to do with it?" Sam asked from the bean bag chair next to Danny's desk.
"We're going to give it back to Vlad." Tucker said, "With a few modifications." Grabbing a cord, he carefully reached into the bag and plugged it into the crawling robot before connecting it to his PDA, and with a few more taps his job was done. "Okay, you're good to release it."
Glancing in the box Danny took the now docile spy-bug to the bedroom window and let it go outside.
" You still didn't tell us what it'll do Tuck." Danny complained. Tucker smiled and mischievously.
- - -
Vlad was elated. Finally, one of his devices had made it back from Fentonworks. He figured some of them had been found out by Daniel, especially the ones he had tailing the boy, but he had thought at least one would have made it back to him by now. His patience had paid off with the arrival of this drone though, and he went to carefully plug it into his lab computer. Opening the drive and downloading the file, he brought up the feed to see... His screen becoming infested with images of Froot Loops. With his face on them. He tried to close out of the images but no matter what he did more and more appeared on screen without end.
- - -
Danny swore that night he could hear the frustrated scream coming all the way from Vlad's mansion. He'd have to pay Tucker back with a nice trip to the Nasty Burger for this.
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invis-o-william · 29 days
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invis-o-william · 9 years
iPod Giveway!!
Reblog this post for a chance to win a Markiplier’s Heroes iPod! Please join us for a day dedicated to raising money for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance! Thank you all so much for helping out! https://gaming.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME/live
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invis-o-william · 9 years
iPod Giveway!!
Reblog this post for a chance to win a Markiplier’s Heroes iPod! Please join us for a day dedicated to raising money for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance! Thank you all so much for helping out! https://gaming.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME/live
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