#DC Defenders
deezyvsthewrld · 1 year
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🛡️ ⚔️ 🛡️
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some-rotten-nest · 10 months
Danny Fenton, a new receptionist at Wayne Enterprises:
Vicky Vale, knowing Danny Is Not Ready for her: So, where does Bruce Wayne leave for during his meetings? A new woman? Man? Trouble in the family?
Danny "Town Menace Phantom" Fenton, done with Genderbent Wes Weston: To fuck your mom.
Bruce's experienced receptionist that left for 6 seconds: okay, Danny no--
Danny, who knows something's up with the Wayne family: and your Dad, because we support the LGBTQIA community. Thank you and leave.
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masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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Seattle Sea Dragons at. DC Defenders
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keiteay · 1 year
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This is the XFL 🏈🍺🥳
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Jack and Maddie Fenton are trying to capture Danny, their son, to vivisect him. Just one problem; they're possessed, and no one believes Danny when he says that.
He knows his parents. They love him, and they would never do this.
Also, his breath gets frosty when they're near, and their eyes are glowing when he managed to rip off the goggles on his dad.
Danny, unfortunately, has his hands tied. Literally. They slapped some sort of ghost containment shackles on his wrists. All he can do is run, dodge, and try to get his parents to fight off whoever is possessing them.
The biggest problem is this; his begging got the attention of Superman. Like, the actual Man of Steel himself. And Superman doesn't believe him when he says his parents are possessed; he just looks all pitying and shit.
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plutoslvr · 11 months
10 year old tim drake leaving hate comments on every single robin jason post ever saying shit like "i hope this fucker kills himself so the first one comes back "
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wondertwinsenthusiast · 3 months
"Talia is evil and horrible that's why Dick hates her" yall he was just jealous that she took his dad's attention and he never let it go
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kittykatninja321 · 20 days
Actually there is something so choice about how the narrative around Jason’s death pre-ressurection spends so much time reassuring Bruce (and the audience) that Bruce has no culpability and that Jason was hopeless and even at times tries to convince us that actually Jason wasn’t even really his son so Bruce didn’t fail as a father, he did the best he could really. Bruce doesn’t owe him anything. This could be seen as an attempt to distort history in order cope with Jason’s death, but this narrative is never actually challenged, we’re meant to take it as truth. And then Jason comes back and drags Bruce by the ear and goes actually no bitch you do owe me something you owe me a death. Bruce doesn’t get to wash his hands of him. Jason forces the issue, he refuses to let Bruce walk away clean. Good, he shouldn’t <3
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cinnamortentia · 1 month
I will always be a Jason Todd defender, he had every right to become a villain, and every right to kill Batman. Instead, he becomes an antihero who protects those who deserve it but utilizes his darkness to stop the bad guys.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 3 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
Family Reunion
Clockwork sends an adult Danny, newly appointed Ancient of Space, on a mission through time again. Except this time, it isn't located on Earth, but a distant planet he's never even heard of before. Clockwork didn't tell him any specifics on what he was supposed to do or when he was supposed to return to his own time, just to blend in and have an experience. He would know when it was time to return.
Needless to say, he has a blast! His core is bursting with happiness at getting the chance to explore this unknown corner of the universe with a sky full of constellations he's never seen and fascinating locals. Considering he might be here a while, he buckles down and learns all about their culture and their traditions and even eventually learns their language without having to use the two-way translator Clockwork gave him.
He spends decades there, not even having to worry about how he never appears to age, the people here being incredibly long-lived. However, he eventually meets someone. Someone he falls head over heels for. He gets married. He has kids. He watches them slowly grow into adults as well. It isn't until one of his sons informs him that he's expecting his own child(1) that Danny feels a tug at his core.
He ignores it, but over the course of a few weeks, it's gone from the occasional pull to a full-on yank at his entire being, along with a sense of dread that something was going to happen to this wonderful little planet. To his family.
He becomes restless and loses so much sleep, it's a miracle he can even stand. His family are worried for him, but he assures them that he's just feeling a little under the weather. One night, he's sat up in bed, unable to sleep again. His gaze is fixed lovingly on his spouse, but nonetheless sad.
He doesn't miss when all the soft sounds of the night stop and a green glow appears behind him.
"It's time to leave, isn't it?"
"There isn't any way I could stay? I can't bring them with me?"
"I'm afraid not. There are some things that can't be changed or stopped, even when they fall into your domain. I'm sorry."
"Why send me here just to make me abandon them like this? What was the point?"
Clockwork is silent, but when Danny turns to look at the ghost, he's gone.
Danny takes a few more precious days to spend time with his family. Kiss his spouse. Hug his kids. Feel the strong kicks of his grandchild he won't be there to witness the birth of.
The night he leaves, he places a letter on his spouse's nightstand, gently kisses their forehead, and disappears in a flash of green, never to be seen again.
Years later is when Danny gets the news. That the planet Krypton is no more and that his family is gone. He searched the Ghost Zone for them, but he never knew the location of Krypton in the cosmos. Their afterlife is beyond his reach, in a place that isn't even on the Infamap.
He nearly drowns himself in grief when he finds a sliver of reprieve in the form of a news broadcast. An extraordinary man in blue and red with the kryptonian symbol for such emblazoned on his chest is shown fighting off multiple enemies at once. He is the spitting image of his father and Danny as well.
He had a grandson. His grandson was alive.
(1) This was Kara, not Clark. Danny left before he even found out about Kal-El being in the oven, so there will be a misunderstanding at first. Then Kara pops up later, and Danny just bawls his eyes out that he had two surviving grandchildren without even knowing it this whole time. How he first meets either of them is up to you!
(*) What this means power-wise for Clark is yours to decide. As well as what Clark already knows about his grandfather from the stored information his father left him. What his father thought of Danny disappearing without a word is also up for you to decide.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Jason being protective over Bruce just feeds my soul. I don't even need dinner, just give me Jason scaring off suitors away from his dad and I'll be CONTENT
LISTEN. Bruce is literally always sending Jason messages, texts, tries calling him, even sends him memes at Steph's recommendations, but nothing! Nada!
He always sighs and tries again, but eventually scores Jason's gonna talk when he's gonna want to.
He also leaves him voice mails, detailing about doing arts and crafts with Damian, how he tried Jason's training routines, taking cooking classes, - and he always ends the message with, " Don't get into trouble, Jay. "
It passes as I love you,
What does it? What finally stirs Jason back into the Wayne Manor? This:
" Jason Peter Todd. This better be the last time you prank call Tim in a middle of a meeting. You're more than aware our investors are, -" cut " I'm calling you for a favour. Could you watch Damian for me Thursday night? Everyone else is busy, and Clark made some reservations at a ridiculously expensive establishment, I-"
Jason marching through the manor with this voice mail at full volume, while Bruce and the others are trying to get him ready for the date. Dick is the first one who spots him. " Oh, no-"
" Jason," Bruce is very calm as he attaches his nicest broach on. " Watch your language. "
" Who's this Clark guy? How long have you known him? What does he do? Do we have a background check? What about romantic history Who's? Who's side was he on in the Heard vs Depp trial? "
" He posts golden retrievers on that blue bird app you like. He's even...Approved? I think? But Dick told me not to mention it around you. And take that off, you'll scare him. He should be here any minute now."
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nelkcats · 1 year
The King's Informants
Many would say that the Infinite Realms were at peace, now that the ghosts weren't constantly attacking Amity. And in a way they were, but still had some problems.
The Infinite Realms were chaotic and usually didn't follow any rules, Danny's reign didn't change that. That was because death had its own rules and the Realms did their job, Pariah was just horrible at being a ruler and also horrible at making sure everything was more or less where it should be.
When the Ancients recorded a lost soul (which was more common than it seemed), which was neither a ghost nor had passed "to the afterlife" directly, Danny tended to ask the citizens of Amity Park for help, who were grateful with him for his ex job as hero and used to help him. Even if they weren't living in Amity.
Danny would sometimes communicate with them in their sleep, with some help from Nocturne, and explain what they needed to investigate (Danny felt they were some kind of secret informants, or spies, if he was being honest.)
This time, the Realms were in turmoil as "Jason Todd's" soul was missing (and no, Danny wasn't pouting about losing his friend), his soul hadn't registered in any other death cycles or Resurrection. So the King asked Dash to investigate about it and Dash, now a Policeman from Gotham, taked his job seriously.
The "no one is forgotten" network was made up of Amity citizens willing to investigate missing soul anomalies in other cities. This was mostly the Justice League's fault or to do with them, which was pretty frustrating.
Danny was wondering if he should pay them a visit when he was informed that the missing soul was in the realm of the living. The halfa sighed tiredly, he wasn't going to kill Jason to repair the "cycle of life and death" (because that would be hypocritical) but he had to solve the problems caused by said alteration. Being King was fucking tiring.
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beckyblah · 1 month
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Erm silly little season 3 wiwi wisp concept doodle
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keiteay · 1 year
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Audi Field | 230416
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nerdpoe · 5 months
"Daniel, I know this is unorthodox, cornering you in your school cafeteria, but you leave me no choice. I am your father." Said Bruce Wayne, after effectively trapping a teenager in a corner.
"No you're not."
"Daniel I have a DNA te-"
"No you're not. Fuck off."
And with that Bruce Wayne's actual firstborn literally fell backwards out of a window to escape from him before bolting in the direction of a football field.
"Dude that was, like, super creepy," A blond jock says, eyeing Bruce like he's some sort of creepy creep, "I feel so bad for Fenturd to even have to talk to you, I'm not gonna bully him for a whole week, what the fuck."
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lolottes · 6 months
Revenge for Ida
Ida Manson is an ex of Constantine's, it didn't end well….
So when Ida sees him in HER town, she's seething with old anger. So she does the worst thing she had in mind:
Tells her granddaughter and her best friends about Constantine
The phantom team was not going to disappoint her 😈
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