#Christian gratitude
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godslove · 11 days
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dramoor · 6 months
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angeltreasure · 4 months
2023 was sure a wild year! Thank You God for allowing me to live the days of this year and learn from You. I look forward to 2024, O Lord, not in a cheesy way, but rather, in prayer. I see my life itself is a gift. Each new day is not promised to me and I want to make 2024 my most thankful year yet! I have big dreams Lord, nothing is impossible with You.
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momentsbeforemass · 11 months
This good day
You didn’t have to get up today.
And you’re thinking, “No. That’s not right. I’ve got stuff I have to do today. I had to get up.”
That’s not what I mean. What I mean is, you didn’t have to wake up this morning.
When you went to bed last night, there was no guarantee that you would have today.
But God has seen fit to give you this good day.
Some of you stopped right there, when I called it a “good day.”
And your mind went to all of your “have to’s.” Or to all the hard stuff that you’re dealing with. Or to health problems. Or financial problems. Or how much something sucks. Or how much someone sucks. Or a thousand other reasons why it’s not a “good day.”
I know this, because I do it too. And God is aware that you and I do this.
Nonetheless, God has seen fit to give you this good day.
No matter what you and I are facing. No matter why we think it’s not. It is a good day.
How can I say that? It comes back to what Paul is saying in today’s first reading – “Not that of ourselves we are qualified to take credit for anything as coming from us.”
When you and I take the day that God has given us. When we box it in, and fill it up, with all of our thousand reasons why it’s not a good day? We are taking credit for the day, as if it came from us.
We are assuming control over something that we did not make, something we were never guaranteed to receive. Something – that Paul reminds us – we are completely unqualified to do. Because it didn’t come from us.
Nonetheless, God has seen fit to give you this good day.
There is a better way for you and me to approach the day. Instead of boxing it in, and filling it up, with all of our thousand reasons why it’s not a good day? Instead of taking credit for something we had no control over?
Instead, see it for what it is – a gift. And say thank you, to the One who gave you this good day.
Saying “thank you” to God isn’t just a formality. And it isn’t about God being petty, ready to pay us back if we don’t say thank you.
God wants us to say thank you to Him for this good day because of what gratitude does for us.
Gratitude changes how we understand the day we’ve been given. And how we live it.
I’m not talking about gratitude as a one-time thing, but as an all-during-the-day thing.
Because if we’re living this day in gratitude, thanking God that we even get to have this day, we’re going to live today a lot differently than if we’re stuck on any one of a thousand reasons why it’s not a good day.
Not that all of our problems will magically disappear when we say thank you. Or everything will become easy if we live in gratitude.
It’s just the simple fact that nothing can get between us and God – nothing can cut us off from our source of peace and strength, our source of joy and patience – when we treat today like the gift that it is.
Because gratitude calls us out of ourselves. And points our hearts toward the Giver.
This is why, when we live the day that God has given us in gratitude, it will be a good day.
Today’s Readings
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apenitentialprayer · 2 months
[I]f God sends you great sensible fervour, receive it humbly and thankfully; if he withholds it, resign yourself to His holy will, and do not be disheartened, for He does not look so much to the feeling of devotion as to the desire of the heart to make Him the best return possible for His countless mercies and graces.
- George Porter, S.J., future Archbishop of Bombay, in a letter addressed to a Sister of Mercy on June 11th, 1861.
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Exploring the Power of Prayer:
Deepening Your Spiritual Connection
Embark on a transformative journey through the power of prayer as we delve into the depths of spiritual connection and communion with God. Join us as we uncover the profound truths and transformative impact of prayer in the life of every believer.
Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) Cross References: Matthew 6:5-15, James 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 In Philippians 4, Paul exhorts believers to present their requests to God with thanksgiving, assuring them that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. This passage highlights the transformative power of prayer in bringing peace and contentment amidst life's challenges.
In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches his disciples the model of prayer, known as the Lord's Prayer, emphasizing the importance of sincerity, humility, and trust in approaching God. He encourages believers to pray in secret, avoiding empty repetition and focusing on genuine communication with the Father.
James 5 encourages believers to pray for one another, acknowledging the powerful effectual prayer of the righteous. Prayer is depicted as a potent weapon against spiritual forces of darkness, bringing healing, restoration, and deliverance.
In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul urges believers to pray continually, giving thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for them in Christ Jesus. Prayer is portrayed as an ongoing conversation with God, a lifeline that sustains and strengthens our relationship with Him.
Broader Context:
Matthew 7:7-11 - Ask, seek, and knock in prayer, trusting in God's provision.
Luke 11:1-13 - Jesus teaches on prayer and encourages persistence in asking, seeking, and knocking.
Ephesians 6:18 - Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
Colossians 4:2 - Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 - Pray for all people, including leaders, so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness.
James 1:5-8 - Ask God for wisdom in prayer, trusting that He will give generously to all without finding fault.
1 Peter 3:12 - The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer.
1 John 5:14-15 - Have confidence in approaching God in prayer, knowing that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
How does prayer deepen your spiritual connection with God and impact your daily life?
In what ways can you cultivate a more consistent and meaningful prayer life?
How do you approach prayer during times of joy, sorrow, and uncertainty?
What role does thanksgiving play in your prayer life, and how can you incorporate it more intentionally?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we humbly come before you in prayer, acknowledging your sovereignty and goodness. Teach us to pray with faith and fervency, trusting in your unfailing love and provision. May our prayers be a source of comfort, strength, and transformation, drawing us closer to you and to one another. Amen.
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guys im so thankful rn
there was a question and answer thing at church today. I'd submitted two questions, one of which I cared particularly about getting an answer to today - it was all that got me through yesterday without deliberately crashing on the way to CYC, I'm serious. it was about the intersection between faith and suicidality. there were three questions that remained unanswered.
two of them were mine.
as we got closer and closer to the end, I grew more and more teary, and when they said ok we'll leave the others to another week, I began to sob, because I was desperate for answers. afterwards my friend hugged me, and then said: how about I go and get the information from the person who was going to answer it? (each of the questions were given to different people to answer) and my friend went and talked to the woman who was going to answer the question, who came over and said how 'bout we talk about it.
so we did.
I don't know how long we talked for. I told her more than I've told any one person, I think, and even my fears about a personality disorder, and she didn't immediately tell me I was stupid. and she understood. she knows what I'm going through. she's been through something like it, and got through it. and we cried. both of us cried. and it was wonderful.
I'm so so tired and worn out and thankful right now.
also I got a hug from her and also she went and talked to my brother. and she said she's proud of me. and she's been there. she knows what it feels like.
I don't know, it was a wonderful answer to prayer more than I could ask or think
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I do not know what you feel, but I never cease to be grateful to these disciples. I am grateful for the record of every mistake they ever made, and for every blunder they ever committed, because I see myself in them. How grateful we should be to God that we have these Scriptures, how grateful to Him that He has not merely given us the gospel and left it at that. How wonderful it is that we can read accounts like this and see ourselves depicted in them, and how grateful we should be to God that it is a divinely inspired Word which speaks the truth, and shows and pictures every human frailty.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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fierysword · 6 months
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Source: Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra
1 When I call, answer me, O God of my integrity! Deliver me from my distress! Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. 2 O men, how long will you try to destroy my dignity? How long will you assault me with lust and continue to live a lie? 3 Know that God protects Her daughters! She hears when I call out for help! 4 Stop sinning, and repent with fear and trembling. Consult the depths of your own hearts in sacred silence. 5 Offer to God the sacrifices of integrity and respect for all. 6 Many women say, "Who can do us any good?" Let the light of Your face shine upon us, O God. 7 You fill my heart with a joy that is greater than the pleasure of those stuffed with the best food and drink. 8 In peace I will lie down and sleep. For in You, Shaddai, I dwell in safety.
Possible uses of this psalm:
Alleviate insomnia (read along with a short prayer before bed)
Justice in court cases (read psalm several times by a blue candle and John the Conqueror Incense the night before a court appearance)
Restful and peaceful sleep
Change luck from bad to good
Prayer of praise and gratitude (v6-7)
Prayer for protection (v3,8)
Request blessings (v6-7)
1-2 are sourced from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3-4 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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atheostic · 3 months
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 5 months
I love how everything from Scripture to Psychology emphasizes the importance of gratitude, and yet I
1. Continually forget how important it is and
2. Am consistently amazed whenever I take a few minutes to pray about things I'm thankful for and my mood actually improves
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angeltreasure · 8 months
Thank You God for providing for us with this free snack at work!
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momentsbeforemass · 6 months
Truly joyful?
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Have you ever known someone who was truly joyful?
I don’t mean just for a moment. Not someone who’s having the best day of their life and is absolutely joyful about it.
I mean someone for whom joyful is their normal, their default mode.
Sure, they’re sad when something bad happens. Their heart breaks when they’re grieving a loss. But unless there’s a reason to be sad or upset or angry, they default back to joyful.
Does that mean that their life is basically just one amazing moment after another? Or that the bad things are so few and far between that they can’t even put a dent in all the joy from all the other amazing moments?
Maybe. But I’ve never met anyone like that.
The truly joyful people in my life? The ones for whom joy is their default mode? They have  every reason not to be joyful.
One of them was my friend Charlotte. She and her husband were high school sweethearts. When he came back from the war, they got married and started their own business. A bus company that they built together, starting from zero.
They were married for over 25 years with 2 great kids. They were living the American dream.
Until the night a drunk driver crossed the centerline. Killing her husband and her daughter.
Charlotte couldn’t keep the bus company going by herself. And ended up selling it, at a loss.
In less than a year, she lost her husband, her daughter, and her business. Her whole world was destroyed.
Charlotte was heartbroken. Anyone would be. But (as she told me) she also understood the danger that she was in.
She knew that it would be all too easy for her to fall into the hole in her life from the loss of her husband, her daughter, and her business.
Out of self-preservation, she made a conscious decision.
Not to pretend it hadn’t happened. But to not let all that she had lost become all that she thought about.
She soon found that the best way to do that was through gratitude. Not just to thank God for all that she still had and all that God provided (although that was part of it). But to be thankful. To let gratitude be her default. To be thankful for everything, no matter how small. Even if it was something that other people took for granted (like we see in today’s Gospel).
To keep pulling herself out of the hole, by being grateful to God for everything. Not just saying the words, but really meaning it.
Using all that she had lost as a reminder that all of it (even the stuff that she took for granted) was a gift from God.
She told me that she gave thanks daily and throughout the day. As a part of her prayers. And just as random thoughts running through her head.
She made reminders for herself. She did it, and kept doing it, until she caught herself thinking about her husband. And for once, instead of being angry that he had been killed, she was thanking God that they had 27 good years together.
That was the turning point. The tears still came, but this time they were different.
She did it, and kept doing it, being truly thankful for all that God had given her. Even the people who had been part of her life but weren’t anymore.
Until gratitude became the background music to her life. And that’s when it happened.
People (myself included) noticed the quiet joy that was always a part of being around Charlotte.
When you were with her, that joy rubbed off. You just felt better, even if you never talked about any of the things that were weighing you down.
You would just catch yourself feeling joyful for no reason. Until you realized that she was the reason. Which is why I asked her, and how I found out.
Gratitude is the road to joy.
Today’s Readings
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northwoodsfan · 4 months
Defeating Discouragement, Moving Forward
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ If you are like me and honest with yourself, there are times you’ve read today’s verse and thought ‘Yeah, right. Easy for you to say.’ It’s easy for someone who has no debt to tell you to get out of debt. It’s easy for someone who has never been cheated on to tell you to…
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