#Choices Jackie
khruschevshoe · 5 months
We do NOT give Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith their props for their character growth in the Parting of the Ways. Rose is absolutely amazing, an absolute ferocious beacon of hope and stubbornness and bravery in the finale, the absolute reason why the Doctor lives and the world is saved and an equal hero to Nine, but she has a moment of doubt. A moment of hesitancy.
And Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler step in and help her save the day. Both Mickey and Jackie give up on their idea of Rose and their hatred of the Doctor and help her pull open the TARDIS. Even within this one episode we see them struggle with their feelings and decide to put them aside and help do this because Rose is right- this is a better way of living your life.
Doctor Who is about ordinary people making extraordinary decisions and making themselves extraordinary and this doesn't just apply to official companions (who I love with all my might)- it applies to the people they love, too. We see it over and over again in Davies' era, with Jackie and Mickey and Sylvia and Tish and Wilfred and Francine and Harriet Jones and every one-off character as well, from Lynda-with-a-Y to Jabe to Gwyneth to Novice Hame to McDonnell to Sally to Chantho to Nancy to all the rest.
Doctor Who is at its strongest when the story is focused on the strength of the bleeding, beating heart of humanity (and character in general, in its non-humans), when the characters drive the story, when at the end of the day you understand why, for all of the world's flaws, the Doctor comes back over and over again because of people like this- not just his companions, but the Jackies and Mickeys and all the rest of the world.
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carmillas-girlfriend · 2 months
send an emoji to my ask box and I'll give my opinion on an Our Flag Means Death character:
🧜‍♂️- Stede Bonnet
🐙- Edward Teach
🦄- Izzy Hands
✒️- Lucius Spriggs
🍊- Oluwande Boodhari
🗡- Jim Jiminez
🐈‍⬛️- Frenchie
🐦- Nathaniel Buttons
🌧- Black Pete
💃- Wee John Feeney
🦷- The Swede
👃- Spanish Jackie
🐍- Archie
🐕- Fang
🍲- Zheng Yi Sao
🍃- Mary Read
🐇- Anne Bonny
🍺 - Calico Jack Rackham
🎨- Mary Allamby Bonnet
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2008hondacivic · 11 months
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This is my vision
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novelconcepts · 17 days
PLEASE elaborate on the yj videogame idea (if u want)
I dunno where it actually came from, but periodically @owltrifecta and I just spitball what an open-world game adaptation of the show would look like. The crash takes place, and then the player would just make an endless series of decisions that affect the outcome of the story. You can play it true to canon, or you can make changes, but every change would then mess with the story more. Like, yeah, you saved Laura Lee from the plane, but later on, she's trying to sabotage the rituals. Or you rescue Jackie, but then a bunch more characters die of starvation. Taissa stays awake and the wolves don't eat Van, but they press on too far, and find some other horror waiting in the dark. Just a delightful terrifying Choose Your Adventure in the wild.
It would just turn into this Reddit thread environment of people being like "I am trying to make Shauna the antler queen, does anyone know what series of events have to happen???" or "I accidentally got LOTTIE to the take the plane, and she blew up, now what?" You'd get players who try to speedrun their way out of the woods, caring only about getting their favorite out alive, and you'd get the ones who would not REST until they save everyone (spoilers: you cannot save everyone, no matter what you do). Some are only invested in coaxing their ship together. Some want so badly to kill Misty. Travis only makes it out in like a third of the playthroughs, but his death seriously fucks up your chances of getting Natalie out safely.
And, in the middle of it all, you've got Van the unkillable goalie. It becomes a Thing for a subset of players, trying to take her out, but she just. won't. die. Players try to lure her into the frozen lake, thinking they've done it, but when spring rolls back around she's just loitering on the shore. She goes over the cliff? Just rolls to the bottom, unscathed. Set her on fire, the game glitches spasmodically, and then she's just standing there with a few burns and a shrug. My favorite idea in this was Owl positing that Van is the only character who can--and will, if you try to deliberately kill her enough times--break the fourth wall. The only one who understands she's in a story. "Oh, did you think you were in charge here? Joke's on you, dude. It chooses. You don't."
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ernstiggroteadelaar · 9 months
Doctor Who family scheme
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I'm still working on this, but it's an attempt at a family tree of the doctor. (Or rather a web of family trees surrounding them)
It is of course pretty difficult and chaotic per definition
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deankarolina · 9 months
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A Softer Wilderness ⤷ JackieShauna
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bugisawesomeasf · 3 months
you fuckers are really hating on travis when hes literally a he/him lesbian, also the wilderness is literally a metaphor for girlhood do you really think it wouldve let him survive if he wasnt at least a little girl coded ?
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jerzwriter · 4 months
Pietro & Azul
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Well, I can't tell you how much fun I had with this 3-word prompt. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, but once I started, I had a ball! Thanks so much for the request @icecoffee90! 😊
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey (F!MC) With: Jakie Varma, ??? Rating: Teen Words: 1,100 Summary: Jackie is housesitting for her friends Casey & Tobias. It's been going well until that terrifying last night. A/N: @choicesjanuary2024 Day 13 - Whispers, Mystery MEET PIETRO!
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As she moved gingerly through the darkened room, Jackie was grateful she had spent enough time at her friend’s home to know the layout. With the power out and only semi-sober,  getting around would have been a bitch if she hadn’t. Settling into a darkened corner of the living room, she cowered under a blanket with a prized bottle in her hand. Sitting here and emptying it over the course of the night sounded like an excellent plan to her.  
A bright bolt of lightning momentarily lit up the room, and she braced for the deafening clap of thunder she knew would follow. What the hell, a fifth shot sounds good? She thought as she raised the glass to her lips.
“This is the last time I ever housesit for these fuckers!”
A crashing noise echoed down the long stairway, and she dropped her head into her hands. Jackie Varma did not scare easily! She reminded herself of that repeatedly. She was badass! A power outage? A little storm? Sure, that might cripple wusses like, like... Lahela, but her? Pfft. Never her!
But one more unexplainable noise pushed her directly over the edge. What the fuck was that?
This was supernatural. She was convinced of it, and while there was precious little that would flap the resolute doctor, the supernatural? She wasn’t messing with that. Getting drunk and falling asleep had its merits, but then she rethought that choice. What if the ghost upstairs sniffed her out and found her sleeping? Ghosts do sniff? Don’t they. She had to try and stay awake. But the creak of an opening door sent shivers down her spine. It wasn’t upstairs this time; it was just across the room.
Son of a bitch! This is how I die? She thought. But if she was going to die, it wouldn’t be without a fight. She grabbed the bottle of tequila, then thought better of it. Even if these were her last moments, she was not about to waste this precious elixir, so she grabbed a vase from the table beside her instead. She rose to her feet and lurched toward the sound, working up a bravery she didn’t know she possessed. Then, just as she lifted the vase over her head, the light flashed on, and a horrified Tobias screamed, raising his arm to protect himself. The vase stopped just inches away from his skull.
“Jesus H. Christ, Varma! What the hell are you doing! And why are you sitting here in the dark?”
“Because the power went out, genius! Do you think I want to sit in the dark in your stupid house!”
With a blank expression, Tobias kept his eyes on hers as he flipped the light switch on, off, and then on again.
“You were saying?”
“But wait...no,” she exasperated. “I swear I...” She ran to the opposite end of the room and attempted to turn on a lamp, relieved when it did not. “I know I’m not crazy! I was sitting here, and the power went out!”
“It looks more like you blew a fuse.”
“Whatever! Why are you home early, anyway. You’re not due back until tomorrow! And where is Casey and Sam?”
“Casey and Sam will be home tomorrow; I returned early because...”
“Good!” Jackie interrupted. “I don’t know what kind of a man lets his wife and daughter live in a place like this anyway!”
He looked around the spacious, well-appointed townhome, bewildered. “Uh, it’s a pretty nice place? Casey rather likes it?”
Tobias smirked as a little snort escaped him.  He eyed the discarded tequila bottle in the corner of the room.
“You were hitting my stash of Azul again, weren’t you? Do I need to lock that up when you come over? Or... maybe get one of those things like we have for the cat – you know, a bottle that dispenses a preset amount every hour? Keep you under control?”
“I’m not drunk,” she said, punching his arm. “But your house is haunted. There have been noises coming from upstairs all night!”
Tobias tossed his keys on the side table with a sigh. “I doubt it’s haunted. Why don’t we go upstairs and see what’s going on?”
“Oh, you’re not getting me to go up there. I’ll stay down here so I can help Casey move on to someone better than you after the ghost murders your ass.”
“This isn’t how I’m going out, Jackie. But suit yourself... stay down here alone if you like.”
Alone. Right now, the thought frightened her much more than she cared to admit, so with the vase back in her hands, she followed closely behind Tobias as they crept up the stairs.
“You know that’s an heirloom, right?” He whispered. “FDR gifted it to my great-grandfather. It’s got its own rider on my home insurance. Could you have chosen a less expensive item for a weapon?”
“Yet you leave it on a table, in your living room, with a toddler and a cat in the house. I’m not the stupid one here, Carrick.”
He was about to answer when a blood-curdling scream stopped them both cold.
“You see!” Jackie said, pounding on his back, “You see! Your place is fucking haunted!”
He didn’t want to admit it, much less show it, but he was scared for a moment; then, with a tilt of his head and a little laugh, he nudged Jackie forward.
“Come here.” He opened his study door to reveal a large TV tuned into The Conjuring. “I think this might be the issue,” he said sarcastically.
“But wait! What? I did not turn this on! No!! No!! It’s a ghost! You still have a ghost! You have a freaking ghost in this house that put this on to scare the shit out of me!
“Really?” he scoffed, gesturing toward the plush sette where the family cat was reclined comfortably, with the remote control locked under his hind paw. Tobias lifted him up, rubbing the tuft of fur atop its head. “I think your ghost's name is Pietro. But I don’t think he had malicious intent.”
Tobias had to bite his lip to hold back his laughter as Jackie’s face went from shock to rage. Shooting a terrifying look at poor Pietro, Jackie snapped. “I always liked dogs better!”
“So, given this discovery, is it all right if I allow my wife and daughter to come back home tomorrow?”  
“Shut up!” Jackie spat, stomping out of the room. “I’m going downstairs.”
“What for?”
“I’m getting a bottle of Azul to go! Two, in fact. You and that cat, you owe me!”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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The choice to depict that last scene not as a somber act of survival, but as a joyous feast - a celebration. And in Grecian clothing, no less, drinking wine, so you can’t help but immediately think of Dionysus, of hedonism, of abundance and pleasure. They’re pouring the wine into their mouth, wasting it. Not scrounging to survive, but eating for pleasure. They’ve been starving so long and now there’s food - enough to stuff themselves on.
Someone on here wrote about how the first act of cannibalism was an act of grief and they’re so right. And something about that is almost understandable. Reluctantly eating to survive would have been too. 
But how terrible is it, how much would it haunt you to know, that the second act of cannibalism was an act of pleasure. 
now excuse me while I try not to hurl
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grendelsmilf · 1 month
Absolutely love your take on Nat! I love how Yellowjackets took the trope of standoffish character with a dark aesthetic is actually really kind and did so much with it. The way Nat was ridiculed for her doing of drugs and was aesthetically different from the rest of small town NJ with her punk look making her an outsider to the rest of the team.. but she’s the one that has the biggest bleeding heart out of all of them (except Lottie imo).. her holding of Shauna’s hand as she gave birth, apologizing to Jackie’s remains for what they did and so much more.. God even her death.. sacrificing herself as a way to “redeem” herself for Javi’s death.. I’m so curious to see where she goes forward in s3. Really going to miss her in the adult timeline.
yes!!!! the way her aesthetics belie her goodness because people associate the culture of poverty and resistance and rebellion with unchristian/atheistic amorality and anarchy and squalor and uncouthness and assume she’s just some uncaring asshole who wears a leather jacket and rides a motor cycle or whatever (all of this to be read with maximum irony). like aesthetics are not innately correlative of morality, but especially the association with nat’s aesthetic embodiment (and her morally neutral practices, such as sex and partaking in recreational substances) as specifically indicative of some kind of moral decay (which people like taissa and jackie, aka rich kids) play into and use against her when attempting to undermine her ethical stances.
the reason she’s supposedly standoffish and aloof isn’t because she doesn’t love and care fiercely and passionately, but because she’s ostracized by her peers (and also because misty is a freak and anyone would be right to be wary of her). she’s very kind to the friends she does have, but she’s also mostly able to bond with guys because she’s used to being rejected by other girls. she gets along with girls like van, shauna, akilah, perfectly well, who are also used to being on the outside in some way, and have never tried to bully or demean her for her quote-unquote “lifestyle choices.” but girls who care about their femininity and reputation (like tai and especially jackie) are especially mean to her because they feel that she’s not performing respectability correctly, and this somehow makes her a “bad person” insofar as she does not conform to their (upper class) standards of decorum.
nat is the only character in yj who has to deal with life-shattering trauma before the crash, and the guilt she feels over having “killed her father” as well as the stress of having to take care of her abused, mentally ill mother while living in a fucking trailer park haunts her long before she ever got on that plane. van also has to deal with surviving in difficult conditions with an (implied to be) alcoholic single mother, taissa has her man with no eyes business going on, lottie is isolated by her family due to her condition, and obviously ben has a lot of trauma too (but he’s also an adult already, so it’s different), but i don’t think it’s unfair to say that nat’s trauma is by far the worst, and the fact that she employs “poor coping mechanisms” before the show begins (to be clear, i don’t really think that drinking, smoking, and fucking are bad things, but like, they are socially frowned upon practices for a teenage girl in a bourgeois suburban environment to be engaging in) is indicative of her already festering pain.
nat’s suffering shapes her into who she is every step of the way, but she is as equally defined by her motivation for altruistic goodness as she is defined by her pain, both facets of course being inextricably intertwined. because nat’s identity is so thoroughly staked to her own morality, she is also the one most detached from her identity, constantly looking for ways to disassociate and leave her body (including suicide), because she does not feel like she has been herself for a very long time due to the acts she was forced to commit in abject circumstances.
she claims to ben that she’s worse than the other girls because she let javi die, but even travis literally forgives her for it. nat cannot forgive herself, however, because she feels that she has betrayed herself through displaying a desire to live that has momentarily overtaken her desire to be good no matter what. and so she struggles and resists that urge for the rest of her life, actively courting death, as if that could ever possibly atone for her original sin of wanting to be alive. she was a ghost of herself long before she died.
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Sent by anonymous
‘Okay, Ethan is cool and all... but how about we spread some love about Bryce, Jackie, and RAF as well :)’
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joybeantown · 5 months
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Gift from the ASW secret santa yunglaw,alt 7 jackie!
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hrteowyn · 11 months
me when I replay Open Heart to try other love interests but always end up with Ethan at the end
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byler-alarmist · 4 months
Okay, I'm relatively new to the Yellowjackets fandom, so my apologies if this has been discussed at length. I noticed something very...weird.....about Jackie's diary on my S1 rewatch.
Spoilers after the cut:
So adult Shauna goes to have brunch with Jackie's parents in S1E5. She takes a walk into Jackie's old bedroom and sees a pink diary on the desk, opens it up, and reminisces about their childhood.
There is a MASH game they played as well as several lists of Jackie's favorite things.
The music top ten is very contemporary for 1995/1996, And it looks like a couple items were erased to make room for other choices (Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me" was put back on there again after being erased).
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The top ten movies are also contemporary for 1995/1996.
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But then there is the "Movie Characters I Would Be" page....
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Now if you'll notice, there are several movies on here that did not come out until after 1996.
Titanic, released in 1997.
Bring it On, released in 2000.
American Beauty, released in 1998.
10 Things I Hare About You, released 1999.
What is going on here? Did adult Shauna write these in herself during her many visits to the Taylors' house? Or is there some kind of supernatural shit or time fuckery going on?
This can't be a simple production error, right?
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novelconcepts · 9 months
Rewatching Yellowjackets is just
“obsess over the nature color schemes in their homes” (Tai’s leaf wallpaper, the green paint choices in Shauna/Tai/Van’s spaces, the wood calling back to the trees)
“obsess over the foreshadowing elements of death” (Jackie joking “if [this] is what kills me, I deserve to die out here”; Lottie telling Jackie she’s cold, “I thought it would be warmer”; Javi finding the queen, Nat’s visions of Misty at the fire and her father on the plane)
“obsess over the horrible little signs that Tai’s marriage isn’t actually based in love” (“the power couple” “that’s why we’re together!”; Tai seeing the wolf and telling Simone to “keep the dog inside” instead of to stay inside herself; Simone instantly prioritizing Sammy’s well-being because that’s someone she actually knows and loves and can save, and Tai won’t let her in)
“obsess over the little background moments for my OTP” (“get off me, don’t put berry on me!”; Tai and Van grinning all dopey at one another when Misty asks if the person she likes likes her back; the split second of “we’ve locked Jackie in a closet, time to grope against the doorframe”)
obsess obsess obsess there is so MUCH to work with, this show is the best fucking food
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kasinonightlife · 11 months
Jackie: This totally sucks.
Natalie: This is horrible.
Jackie: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Natalie: No, it’s not that, it’s Misty.
Jackie: What? What about her?
Natalie: It’s just like, I can’t get her out of my head and every time I look at her I have these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s her fault, that bitch!
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