#I have more but have some jackieshauna to start
deankarolina · 9 months
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A Softer Wilderness ⤷ JackieShauna
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shaunamilfman · 8 days
you're the one i want
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pairing: jackieshauna x reader summary: You start the last month of the semester with three questions: how high a score do you need on the final to pass, why have Jackie and Shauna been so weird lately, and what does your girlfriends sudden clinginess have to do with your lab partner? note: an excuse to write jealous shauna and jackie 🥰.
“Do you have to go?” Jackie asks, pouting up at you as she lounges back lazily on the bed. She’s momentarily distracted by Shauna’s roaming hands, giggling as Shauna slips her hand up the back of her shirt to rest on her back. You give Shauna a grateful look as you manage to slip out of the room to shower.
By the time you get back Jackie’s sitting across Shauna’s lap, their mused hair and Jackie’s flushed face painting a vivid picture of what happened while you were gone. Jackie, unsurprisingly, seems much more agreeable now as she asks probing questions about your project.
Jackie hums interestedly as you mention meeting up with your lab partner, casually asking for her name as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. You don’t think much of it at the time, facing away and not having seen Jackie’s pursed lips as she types away at her phone. 
You start rifling through Shauna's ‘side’ – twenty percent of the closet that Jackie graciously allows her to have – to find your favorite of her shirts to steal, an old practice tee with fading letters and a frayed collar. Shauna immediately takes notice as you walk over to Jackie's vanity, her eyes following your every movement with a pleased look on her face. 
Jackie frowns as she looks back down at her phone, offering it to Shauna, who spares it a glance before her eyes suddenly narrow. Jackie pushes off the bed, crossing the room to brush her fingers through your hair. You close your eyes as you let her fix your hair, enjoying the feeling of her soft hands against your face as the familiar scent of her perfume fills the air. 
You eye her curiously as she takes her perfume to your pulse points, deciding to write it off as you obediently turn your head so she can get your neck. She makes a pleased noise, pressing a kiss against your cheek in reward as she slips her hair tie around your wrist. 
She shakes her head before you can even begin to voice your question, leaving you a little confused but still willing to go along with it as she fuses with the way your shirt lies on your body. You catch Shauna's eyes in the mirror, expecting to see a similar look on her face only for your breath to hitch at the intense look awaiting you. 
Shauna doesn't say anything, but slowly rises to her feet to press herself up against your back. She wraps her arm around your stomach, resting her head against your shoulder as she maintains eye contact in the mirror. She wordlessly presses a kiss against your clothed shoulder, clutching tightly to you for just a moment longer before letting go. 
You turn to look at Shauna, to ask her what exactly that was about, but a hand on your chin redirects your focus. Jackie demands your attention with a simple touch, leaving no room for questions as her lips meet yours.
There’s a hunger in the way she kisses you, a desperation you haven’t been on the receiving end of in quite some time. Every time you try to pull away Jackie only presses closer, a whined complaint as she threads her fingers through your hair. When she finally pulls away her breath comes out in ragged gasps, resting her hands on your shoulders before retreating entirely.
You have a stupid smile on your face as you look at her, and not even Shauna’s snickering as she pushes you out the door can wipe it off your face. The last thing you can see is Jackie’s smug look as Shauna presses a quick kiss against your cheek, shutting the door behind you to the sounds of rushed conversation behind it.
Jackie’s smile is strained at the edges as she grabs onto your forearm, linking your arms together as she presses herself further into your side. You pause mid-conversation to look at her in concern, half-expecting her to wave you off, but instead she just preens under your attention, her smile brightens as if reassured by your reaction.
Okay…Whatever that was. You hesitantly keep talking, shooting Jackie a confused look as she reaches up to run her fingers through your hair. She pushes a stray bit of hair away from your face, her thumb lingering in a caress as she stares up at you.
Your lab partner, the saint that she is, doesn’t skip a beat as she continues to talk about your assignment. Even she keeps glancing at Jackie out of the corner of her eye with barely concealed curiosity. You notice the slight furrow of her brow, and the way her gaze keeps flicking back and forth between you. It’s obvious she’s picked up on the sudden tension between you, but instead chooses to ignore it.
Jackie’s hand slowly falls from your hair as she’s done ‘fixing’ it, but she doesn’t remove herself from you entirely as she hugs your arm to her body. She leans her head on your shoulder, a defiant look on her face as she nuzzles into the crook of your neck, almost as if she’s daring your lab partner to question her right to be there. You shift uncomfortably at the feeling of her breath against your neck, unsure what to do with the sudden onslaught of her attention in the middle of the hallway.
Your face flushes with embarrassment at the looks the two of you are getting, and even the clear bewilderment on your face doesn’t save you from people rolling their eyes as they step around you. Taking a deep breath, you try to focus on your lab partner’s words, exhaling slowly as you nod along at the appropriate moments. Trying to make sense of Jackie’s behavior was difficult most of the time, but at the moment, it felt downright impossible.
She’s holding onto you like a lifeline, and you’re sure she’s not planning on letting go anytime soon. You give her a small reassuring smile, hoping it’ll be enough to soothe whatever turmoil she’s feeling. Jackie nods, a barely perceptible movement you feel rather than see as she gently squeezes your arm.
“Thanks,” you say suddenly, realizing that no one was speaking. You smile awkwardly at your lab partner as she shifts her back over her shoulder. “I’ll make sure to finish my part of the report tonight.” She nods, still a little confused but quick to get her way out of that conversation. You watch her practically run down the hallway to get away from you, and you can’t say that you blame her.
As she rounds the corner, you turn to Jackie, prying her off your arm as you walk out of the building. Jackie’s eyes dart around looking for an escape, a sudden sheepishness in her that didn’t seem to exist just a moment ago.
“What the fuck was that?” You ask, trying to keep your tone normal despite the strange situation she’s just put you in. You’re not sure you can ever show your face in that class again. Jackie bites at her lip, her face uncertain as she trails out of the building next to you.
“She’s really pretty,” Jackie says instead, ignoring your question entirely as she laces your fingers together. She swings your arms between you as you walk down the sidewalk, avoiding eye contact as she stares intently at the traffic lights in the distance.
“Uh, I guess?” You respond, a little thrown off by the sudden change in the conversation. You watch as Jackie’s jaw clenches, her grip on your hand tightening.
“Yeah, she is,” Jackie continues, her voice oddly detached. “You certainly seemed to enjoy talking to her.”
“What are you even saying?”
“Nothing. Just an observation.” She smiles brightly, trying to seem nonchalant even as you can see the lingering tension in her shoulders.
“An observation?” You repeat, incredulous. 
Jackie shrugs, squeezing your hand as she suddenly changes the topic again. You want to press her further, but at the same time, you really are kind of stressed about your project right now. You decide to let it go for the moment, listening absently as Jackie talks about how unfair her professor is being. You can always bring it up later.
Shauna huffs, shaking her head as she presses you further into the bed. You grin fondly, pushing against her shoulder with no real force behind it. You’re not exactly excited to leave the comfort of Shauna’s dorm room, let alone climb out from under her warm body. 
One thing you could always count on Shauna for was making it almost impossible to start your day. You’ve missed many an 8 AM lecture after Shauna peered up at you with sleepy brown eyes and held the corner of the blanket open for you enticingly. 
Still, this was a bit persistent, even for her. 
“I’ve got to get to the library,” you plead, glancing over at her alarm clock and cursing yourself as you see the time. 
You’re not looking forward to that run across campus, but it was your own fault for letting Shauna convince you to take a nap with her after her exam. She’d looked so stressed and worn out that you couldn’t bring yourself to deny her anything.
“Just let her know you aren’t coming,” Shauna suggests, forcefully enough that it gives you pause.
There’s a hint of something on her face, a subtle tension that you hadn’t seen before. A feeling of unease fills you, but you wave it away. You really don’t have time to talk her through whatever she’s feeling right now, and you know Shauna isn’t one to open up without a lot of prompting. It was irritating at times, but her brooding nature could be quite alluring in her better moments. This was not one of those times.
“I can’t do that, Shauna. You know she’s counting on me.” You try to keep your tone light, not wanting to give Shauna an excuse to pick a fight.
Shauna’s lips press into a thin line, her gaze looking away for a moment before returning to meet yours. “You don’t have to go right this second, do you?” Her hand trails down your side, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
“Just a little longer?” She asks, her voice a touch too casual.
“Shauna,” you say, firmer than you thought yourself capable of. You reach down to capture her wandering hand between your own, kissing her knuckles as you bring her hand to your face.
Her shoulders slump, burying her face in your neck with a murmured complaint before dutifully rolling off of you. Her smile is forced as she looks over at you, not quite reaching her eyes and betraying her mask of indifference. She gives a dramatic sigh, channeling her inner Jackie as she rolls over to face the wall.
You can’t help but laugh, shifting up on to your knees as you pull lightly on her shoulder. She’s gone limp as you tug her over, burying her face into the pillow with an exaggerated groan. She grumbles something unintelligible into the pillow, but you can just make out the edge of a smile as she tries to hide her amusement.
She props herself up on her elbow, giving you a playful glare. The sight of her nearly took your breath away, not having gotten a good look at her before. The light shines through the window that Jackie refuses to let Shauna cover with a curtain, casting a soft glow on Shauna’s tousled hair and rumpled shirt. It’s a sight you’ve seen a hundred times before, but its allure never seems to fade.
Shauna was always a restless sleeper, perfectly complimenting Jackie in their shared goal of never letting you sleep through the night, and her disheveled appearance reflects it. Her shirt rides up around her chest, teasingly revealing much more of her stomach than expected. It takes a real effort to drag your eyes away from it, steadfastly ignoring the dawning comprehension on Shauna’s face.
She stretches her arms above her head with a deliberate nonchalance, accentuating the curve of her body as her shirt rides up even further. “Come back to bed?”
You clear your throat purposefully, a flush creeping up your face as you try to regain your composure.
“Fine,” she says, her voice tinged with more than a hint of reluctance. “You’ll make it up to me later.”
You offer her a wry smile, reluctantly pulling yourself away from her with one last lingering kiss.
The knock at the door jolts you out of your concentration, a little annoyed as you set your stuff down on the table. You and your lab partner share a commiserating look, having grown tired of the constant interruptions to your workflow. It was understandable why people kept trying to take your study room, it being so close to finals and all, but you’d booked it fair and square.
Pulling the door open, a denial already waiting on your tongue, you’re surprised to see Jackie and Shauna waiting for you outside the door.
“Hey?” You ask slowly.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Jackie starts, not wasting a moment for you to answer before she continues. “It’s past midnight. Do you know what that means?”
You wince, a sheepish look on your face as you glance at the clock down the hallway. “I know I said I’d be back earlier, but we just really hit a breakthrough and–”
“No,” Shauna says firmly, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No?” You echo, the word almost catching in your throat as you meet her unwavering stare.
“No,” Jackie confirms, her expression softening slightly as she exchanges a glance with Shauna. “It means it’s time for you to come home.”
With a resigned sigh, you turn to look at your lab partner, face flushing at the amused look on her face as she starts gathering her stuff into her bag. You carefully collect your things, purposely going slow as Jackie’s foot starts tapping impatiently against the ground. Shauna’s narrowed eyes catch yours, a knowing look on her face that has you scrambling to zip up your bag and walk after them.
The library’s mostly quiet as you trail behind them, desperate students cramming for exams glaring at you as you pass as your footsteps break the almost eerie quiet of the room. You can’t get out of the library soon enough, rushing out the door into the cold air as you pull your jacket tighter around you. You finally look up to see how annoyed they look when you're suddenly pressed against the side of the building, hands threading in your hair before you’ve even realized what's happened.
“Shauna–” You begin, but your protest is cut short as Shauna’s hand possessively cups the side of your face. She leans closer, and closer, until there’s barely a space between you. You shiver at the heat of her breath against your skin, chasing away the chill of the night air.
“Shut up,” Shauna whispers, her fingers flexing painfully in your hair as she pulls you to her lips. You can hear Jackie gasp, sounding as surprised as you felt, but any conscious thought is quickly drowned out as Shauna pins you back against the brick wall. The rough texture of the bricks digs painfully into your back, a sharp contrast to the softness of Shauna’s lips as she eagerly devours you.
Her hands roam possessively over your body with an intensity that leaves you breathless, already anticipating the bruises she’ll leave from her tight grip on your hip. You gasp as her hand makes its way up your shirt, resting against the small of your back as she pulls you somehow closer. For a moment, the world falls away, leaving only the two of you locked in a heated embrace.
The moments interrupted almost as quickly as it began by an impatient Jackie who’s not one to be outdone. Shauna lets Jackie turn your face to meet her with only a grumbled complaint, her bruising grip on your skin a continuous reminder of her presence even as Jackie pulls you into another kiss. 
Jackie demands your attention without much consideration for your need to breathe, allowing you a ragged gasp for air before chasing your lips again. Shauna tugs the collar of your shirt down, holding it out of her way as she attaches herself to your neck. You cry out at the sudden sting of her teeth. Muffled as it is against Jackie’s lips, it does little to slow Shauna down, as she only seems to get more enthusiastic.
You’re not sure whether the lightheaded rush comes from your lack of air or the two bodies pressed against yours, but you can’t find it in yourself to care either way as Jackie grabs your hand and starts to direct it to–
“Oh, my God,” you hear a familiar voice say, jumping back in surprise, only to be held in place between Shauna and the wall.
Your lab partner watches the scene with wide eyes, her face burning with embarrassment as she takes the scene in. Her phone is held loosely between her ear and her shoulder, her hand buried deep in her bag as she sheepishly pulls her keys out. 
You can practically sense the smugness radiating from your girlfriends, any hint of shyness disappearing as Jackie lazily waves her fingers in her direction. You think you must be in shock as it feels like Shauna purposely angles her head to expose the glistening skin of your neck, the darkening marks making it clear beyond a doubt what was happening here.
Your lab partner flounders for a moment, clearing her throat awkwardly before hurrying past you on her way to the parking lot. You can just catch a few words of her conversation as she speaks rapidly into her phone, instinctively watching her pass by before Jackie grabs your chin and redirects your attention to her.
“I’m tired,” Jackie complains, ending the intensity of the moment as if it never happened.
“Oh, yeah. Sure,” you mutter, letting them drag you off to their dorm room as you try to forget the horrified expression of your lab partner.
You stumble into your girlfriends’ dorm room, utterly exhausted after the long day you've had. As you collapse onto the bed between them, you're thankful for small miracles. Even as worn down as you feel, nothing beats the elation of finally being done with your project. 
Shauna, sitting propped up against the wall with her book in hand, hums knowingly, affectionately nudging your body with her leg. She says nothing as you cuddle up to her leg, slipping her hand down to rest on the back of your neck as you hug her leg to your chest and rest your head on her thigh. Her book closes with a soft thud, her leg shifting slightly beneath you as she gets comfortable. 
You almost groan as you feel Jackie's fingertips skate across your back, the slight pressure of her nails feeling heavenly even through your shirt. You nuzzle further into Shauna's thigh, sighing as your body finally relaxes. You haven't been this stressed in months, and you don't think you quite realized how bad it was till it was over. 
“Tired?” Jackie asks, shuffling over to press a kiss against your shoulder as she slips her hand beneath your shirt to press against your back. You jerk away at the icy feeling of her fingertips against your skin, choking down your whined complaint at the sound of Jackie's muffled laughter against your shoulder. 
Jackie delights in the way you try to arch away as she presses her cold palm flat against your skin, only succeeding in further boxing Shauna up against the wall. 
“It's your fault, you know,” Jackie teases, taking mercy on you as she starts tracing shapes with her fingertips along your back. “Left me cold and alone all day.”
You can feel the way Shauna's whole body tenses before she scoffs. “Shauna was here,” you defend weakly, almost groaning as Shauna cards her fingers through your hair in reward. You do groan as her nails join the fray, massaging delicately against your scalp as you lay happily between them.
“You’ve been out all day,” Jackie complains, effectively shifting the blame on to you. It’s a classic Jackie move, and you can’t help but smile.
“It’s not my fault I’ve been busy with finals,” you say.
“You’ve had a busy week,” Shauna offers. You nod against her, closing your eyes against the light.
“Just glad it’s over.”
“Was Clara happy it was over, too?” Jackie asks, her voice just a touch too sweet that it sends alarm bells through you.
“Your lab partner,” Jackie clarifies irritably.
“Is that her name?” You ask absently, sinking into the warmth of Shauna’s skin. You’d forgotten it soon after your first meeting, and it was too late to ask again. You’d awkwardly called her bro the whole project, hoping the fact that you didn’t know her name would never come up. You’d even tried looking it up online, but her lack of profile picture had stumped you. Asking Jackie probably should have been your first step: she was always really good at that kind of thing.
Shauna tenses, her fingers flexing painfully in what borders on a tug for just a moment before relaxing again. “Yeah?” She asks stiffly. “How was she doing?”
You mumble something incomprehensible into Shauna’s thigh, sleepy and boneless between them as all the tension leaves your body. You wearily blink the light away as Shauna pulls your head away from her thigh, making you look up at her as she repeats her question.
“Dunno,” you repeat, taking pains to enunciate your words so you’ll be allowed to lie back down. “Her husband’s birthday was this weekend, so she was excited about that.” Shauna’s expression twitches, a downturn to her lips that she’s quick to hide from you as she lets you close your eyes again.
You clutch her leg back to your chest, getting a better grip so that she can’t pull you away again, unaware of the glare Shauna sends Jackie over your head. Jackie shrugs helplessly, as if to say it could happen to anyone, but you’re far too concerned with the way her hand has stilled. 
“Jackie,” you complain, humming happily as Jackie laughs and resumes touching you. 
“Needy,” Jackie accuses playfully, scoffing as Shauna laughs. “What?”
Shauna, using that big brain of hers for once, immediately tries to change the subject, but Jackie is not having it. You wonder idly if you should try speaking up on Shauna’s behalf, but quickly decide that’ll lead to Jackie pulling away and pouting, so you decide to feign sleep. 
Soon enough, to the familiar sounds of them bickering, you drift off anyway.
You hum thoughtfully, taking another spoonful of your ice cream as you sneak a glance at Shauna. Shauna tilts her head questioningly, rolling her eyes as you shrug lazily. Going out for ice cream was a post-semester staple that Jackie always insisted on, even as you rightfully pointed out you could go any other time. Jackie would just insist that it’s not the same, and you weren’t about to argue with her over something that stupid.
Still, there’s one thought still lingering in your mind.
“Why were you guys being so weird lately?” You ask suddenly. Jackie coughs, almost choking on her ice cream. Shauna starts patting her back, a weird mix of worry and embarrassment on her face as she avoids your gaze to look over Jackie.
Jackie and Shauna share a quick look that you don’t think you were supposed to be privy to, your eyes narrowing as you sit forward in your seat. You open your mouth to complain, but before you can start your accusation you end up with a mouthful of ice cream, almost choking on Jackie’s spoon as she quickly takes it back to offer you another spoonful.
“It’s good, isn’t it? You’ve got to try more.” Jackie smiles invitingly, a look that does little to hide her desire for you to drop the subject.
Fine. You’ll let her win this one.
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ultrone · 2 months
jackieshauna take skater!gf shopping 4 a new skate ﹙2.6k wc﹚ ✫ previously…
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🛹 ⏆   : 🛒 ﹢
two weeks have elapsed since your skating accident. the initial days of your recovery were challenging, with open scratches and frequent headaches. however, your girlfriends wouldn't leave your side for a second, tending to your wounds and giving you as many cuddles and kisses as you requested.
you took a week off school after the doctor diagnosed you with a concussion and advised a 1 to 2-week break. despite jackie and shauna urging you to take the full two weeks, you returned during the second week, feeling well enough and not wanting to fall too far behind in your classes. throughout the first week, your girlfriends visited you before school started and after soccer practice, bringing either a milkshake as compensation for the spilled one or take-out food for movie afternoons, considering your restricted physical activity. and of course, jackie kept you well-informed on all the latest gossip circulating around school during your break.
now, nearing a full recovery, a recent check-up with your doctor confirmed the concussion is gone. the only remnants of the accident are a few scratches on your body and a healing but somewhat badass-looking scratch across one side of your face.
despite all that, your girlfriends continue to worry and insist on you taking it easy, maintaining frequent check-ups, a steady supply of take-out food, and lining up more movies to watch. shauna, being the most careful, avoids accidentally scratching the wound when she's around you. sometimes she even refrains from showing affection at all unless you request it, afraid of hurting you in any way. on the other hand, jackie, as playful and touchy as ever, occasionally bumps into the scars while expressing affection, showering you with apologetic kisses after you flinch in pain.
obviously, ever since the accident, you've refrained from mentioning anything related to skateboarding, fearing your girlfriends' potential scolding—especially shauna’s. despite this, you couldn't escape the lingering disappointment about your broken skateboard. you even convinced them to retrieve the pieces from the accident spot, hanging them on your wall as a memento of the third love of your life, which will be dearly missed.
however, your girlfriends didn't need words to understand your feelings; your frown and lingering glances at the broken skateboard spoke volumes. they could tell how much you missed skating, especially as you had to walk home from school every day now, a routine you didn't mind but would rather replace with skating if given the choice.
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it was a thursday evening, and the three of you were in your bedroom, just chilling and listening to music. jackie lay on your bed, one hand flipping through a magazine while the other gently scratched your scalp. you were lying on her stomach, soaking in the background music. meanwhile, shauna lay on her stomach on the floor, engrossed in a book and highlighting passages.
“hey,” jackie said, moving the magazine out of her face. “are you two in the mood to go out? i wanted to swing by sephora to grab some mascara; i just ran out,” she explained, glancing over at you and shauna.
shauna looked up from her book. "sure," she glanced over at you. "are you up for it?"
"are you kidding?" you responded incredulously, a grin spreading across your face. "of course i'd love to go out to the mall after being confined to these four walls for almost two weeks," you declared, rising to your feet. "and school, but that doesn't count because it's practically prison with no bars," you added.
jackie chuckled at the comment. "good, because you need some fresh air," she remarked with a smile as she stood up as well. "besides, you look super sexy with that little battle scar." leaning in, she planted a gentle kiss on your scarred cheek, causing you to blush.
shauna giggled and turned to you. "i agree, you look pretty badass with the scratch," she chimed in. "but i don't know, babe..." she started, "sometimes i enjoy having you locked up in the same bedroom as us," she teased.
“oh, shut up,” you said, a smile growing on your lips as you lightly pushed shauna's shoulder. she responded by kissing your scarred cheek as well, enjoying the prominent blush that spread across your face.
jackie smirked at shauna's teasing comment. "you're so selfish," she chimed in, giving a playful look to shauna before turning back to you. "but i don't disagree either," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist.
"you're both selfish," you mumbled, leaning into jackie's embrace. "now, let's head out. i can't wait to get out of here," you said, eager to break free from the confines of the room.
as you prepared to leave, jackie shook her head with a smile. "fine," she relented, releasing you. "we won't keep you cooped up anymore." shauna opened the door, gesturing for you to lead the way out of the room.
as the three of you left the house, jackie ensured you wore a jacket, despite the warm weather. "don't want you catching a cold now," she insisted, adjusting the collar of your coat.
walking to the car, you and jackie got into the passenger seats while shauna took the driver's seat. once everyone was buckled up, she started the engine and drove away from the curb.
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the mall was crowded with people, the usual busy scene of shoppers looking around, buying things, and chatting. you headed to sephora first, where jackie found the mascara she wanted. since shauna and you didn't usually wear much makeup, except for when jackie experimented with doing your makeup for fun, you both just roamed around the store, sometimes trying on lipstick or looking at beauty products.
the next stop was the food court. you hadn’t eaten since lunch at school, so you were very hungry. shauna and you decided on burgers and fries, whereas jackie opted for a salad. finding a table in the busy food court, you all settled down to enjoy your meals and chat.
jackie, being jackie, started eating all of yours and shauna’s fries instead of getting her own, as usual.
“take one more fry and you’ll regret it,” shauna threatened jackie, clearly annoyed since this happened every time.
jackie grinned mischievously at shauna, her eyes sparkling. "just one more," she pleaded, reaching for another fry.
shauna huffed and shook her head, unable to hide her irritation. "fine, take them," she conceded begrudgingly.
you rolled your eyes, shaking your head at the familiar but petty argument between your girlfriends. "here," you offered, pushing your fries toward jackie, signaling for her to have yours while you took another bite of your burger. "you two are ridiculous," you commented, smiling at their playful banter. "can't believe we've been together for a year already."
jackie smiled, taking the fries with graciousness. "jeez," she concurred, shoving a handful of fries into her mouth. she chewed her food for a few moments before swallowing, letting out a satisfied sigh. "i can't believe how fast time has flown by," she remarked in disbelief.
shauna giggled and raised an eyebrow. "yeah, it feels like just yesterday we started dating," she echoed in agreement, swallowing the last of her burger and sipping on her soda.
as the three of you finished your meals, you stood up, stretching your body. "what's next?” you asked, breaking the silence. “are we heading home already?”
“nope,” jackie said, wrapping her arm around yours, a sheepish smile on her lips as she glanced at shauna. not suspicious at all.
you raised an eyebrow, but jackie turned away, clearly trying to dodge your impending question.
"so, where are we going?" you asked shauna, your mind swirling with possible answers.
"surprise," jackie said before shauna could answer, her grip on your arm growing tighter, causing you to stumble forward a step or two. she giggled, grinning at you, unable to contain her amusement.
"you wanna give me a hint?" you asked, smiling back at them.
"maybe. or maybe not." she giggled again, leading you in a direction you couldn't yet identify, with shauna trailing close behind.
the three of you walked briskly, their excitement palpable.
"do you mind giving me a hint?" you whispered to shauna, ensuring jackie couldn’t overhear, but she remained stubbornly quiet, refusing to reveal any information.
"how about a small hint? just a smidgen?" you pressed, attempting to elicit any clue.
she remained silent, continuing to walk with a mischievous grin. instead, she took your free hand and intertwined your fingers together.
after walking for a couple of minutes, jackie leads you to a familiar skate shop. immediately, your eyes light up, your heart beating faster with excitement. you can't believe this is really happening; it feels like a dream.
shauna follows right beside you, smiling at the sight of your excitement as jackie looks on with an amused grin. as you approach the store, you see a wide variety of skateboards, wheels, and accessories on display inside. 
jackie smiles and gestures towards the door. "in we go," she says, her voice bubbling with playful energy.
"go on," shauna urges, nudging you gently, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "see what catches your eye," she says, giving you a cute peck on the temple before letting go of your hand.
you strolled through the store, feeling as light as air. boards of every size, shape, and design captured your attention. running your fingers along the smooth surfaces, you envisioned effortlessly gliding on each one. before long, you found yourself in front of a particular board that drew you in. it was a sleek, fuchsia deck with silver accents—a color combination that appealed to you.
glancing at shauna and jackie, you sought their opinion. they exchanged knowing glances, nodding in approval. "that one's pretty cool," shauna said, her voice brimming with encouragement. jackie nodded, a lively sparkle in her eye. "it definitely suits you."
with a smile, you approached an employee with your deck in hand, asking for help assembling it with your preferred setup. while you did this, jackie and shauna lingered around the store, waiting for it to be finished.
as the employee adjusted your wheels, you noticed a sign on the counter indicating they were printing personalized images that you could stick to your skateboard. an idea sparked in your mind. quickly, you edited a collage on your phone and sent it to the employee, asking him to place it onto the back of your skate atop of the original design but leaving the text at the bottom. you constantly glanced around, making sure your girlfriends weren’t nearby.
after finishing, you thanked the employee and carried your newly assembled board towards shauna and jackie, grinning from ear to ear. you subtly held your skateboard close to you, hiding the custom design from them as you hugged it.
shauna narrowed her eyes at you, recognizing that mischievous look on your face. "what is it?" she asked.
jackie squinted at the board, noting the slight discrepancy. "you got a fancy design printed on it, huh?" she guessed.
"mhm," you said with an innocent smile, "i thought it’d be cool to add a personal touch to it," you chuckled, deciding it was time to reveal your surprise. with precision, you swiftly spun the board around, revealing the montage of awkward photos of them.
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shauna and jackie both gasped in surprise, their eyes widening at the sight of the montage. they looked at each other, then back at the board, their faces turning a shade of red as they recognized the photos of themselves, their laughter mixing with mortification. photographs they wished stayed hidden were now immortalized on your skateboard.
"you little—" jackie started, stuttering as she struggled to come up with an insult.
shauna chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "you’re an idiot," she said, her cheeks still flushed, but her eyes crinkling with amusement. "but it does look cool," she admitted, reluctantly admiring the design despite herself. jackie nodded in agreement, acknowledging the creativity.
with that, the three of you headed to check out to pay for it. as you put your hand in your back pocket to retrieve your wallet, jackie stopped you mid-reach.
"don't worry about it, baby," she said. "we got it," she added as shauna pulled out her card and proceeded to pay for the board.
"really?" you asked, disbelief evident in your tone, a smile growing on your face.
“really,” jackie confirmed, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she rubbed your back.
shauna nodded in agreement, handing over her card to the cashier. “besides,” she said, turning to look at you with a soft smile, “it’s not every day we get to see you this excited. it’s worth it.”
you felt a warm feeling spread through you at their words. you couldn’t help but grin, feeling incredibly lucky to have them in your life. “thank you so much,” you said sincerely. unable to contain your appreciation, you hugged them tight, and they giggled in response.
"of course, sweetie," shauna replied, putting her arm around your waist as you hugged her, slipping the receipt into her back pocket. "we wanted to do something special for you today," she said.
your cheeks warmed at her words. “i love you,” you said, giving them both a kiss on the lips.
your girlfriends returned the gesture, their hearts melting at your words. although they knew they were loved, hearing it directly from you brought a sense of comfort and joy.
"we love you too," shauna murmured, her voice filled with warmth. jackie echoed her sentiment, her expression mirroring the same love and adoration.
you grabbed your skateboard, and the three of you started making your way toward the parking lot, eager to head home.
excited about your new board, the first thing you did the moment you stepped out of the mall’s entrance and onto the concrete was drop your board and jump on it. however, a strong grip on your arm stopped you, almost causing you to fall.
"hey!" you yelped, stepping off and turning around to see shauna, who had halted you in your tracks.
you sighed, pressing on the tail of your skate with your foot, causing it to pop right up into your hand. then, you glanced toward your girlfriends.
"i knew there was gonna be a catch," you complained, a pout forming on your face as you slouched your shoulders.
shauna rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a soft smile at your adorable expression. "i know you're excited, and i know you're tired of us giving you the same pep talk over and over again, but we really need you to be careful," she said, her voice filled with concern. she didn't want you to get hurt, after all.
jackie chimed in, "we know you don’t want to wear a helmet, so can you at least try wearing knee and elbow pads?" she asked. "you can wear them under your clothes if you're embarrassed," she suggested pragmatically.
you contemplated her suggestion for a moment before nodding. "fiiine," you whined, reluctantly agreeing but willing to compromise.
shauna released the breath she'd been holding, her gaze shifting between you and jackie. “also, we don’t want you skating for two more weeks until we’re sure you’re completely okay from your accident.”
“what?” you asked incredulously. “but the doctor said–"
“yes, yes, we heard the doctor, but we don’t want to take any chances,” shauna interrupted, cutting you off. “two more weeks. that's our final call,” she insisted.
jackie wrapped an arm around your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze. "please? we just want to make sure you're fully healed," she added, her voice filled with genuine concern.
realizing arguing wouldn’t change their minds, you relented with a sigh. "okay, fine," you conceded, rolling your eyes playfully. "two more weeks."
they both smiled, satisfaction mixed with relief evident on their faces. "thank you," they chorused, their initial concern melting away slightly. shauna caressed the back of your hair as each of them gave you a sweet kiss.
the three of you walked towards the car, your brand-new skateboard safely tucked under your arm.
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deerlottie · 8 days
pls continue ur big sibling yellowjackets headcanons bro its healing something in me i swear 😭 do you have any thoughts on Van or Jackie?
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⭐VAN !
as someone who also grew up in a mobile home park, i knowww you and her spent most of your time in the community pool. your mom was drunk and passed out most of the time, so you could sneak out whenever basically speaking of your mom, she was always drunk. she'd make you fetch her more beers and would go on these rants about how she's doing everything she can for you two that made you feel sad and scared. van would always take you out to the park or for a walk when your mom got too drunk because she didn't want you to see her like that you live in the same park as nat so you'd hang out with her and van sometimes and they'd lock you out of nat's room for a smoke break 😭 nat jokingly offers you some weed when ur like 10 and van almost kills her over it walking you to school and she saves up enough money from that shitty job she's working to buy you these Heelys that you've been BEGGING ur mom for and you almost break ur neck like 5 times because ur so excited to finally have them calling her nicknames only YOU can call her like vanny and nessa. not even taissa gets this special privilege speaking of tai, you LOVE her!! before her and tai come out to you, you were always asking taissa when she was gonna propose and if you could be the flower girl/boy at the wedding :( ive said this in all my other older siblings!yj hcs, but van does not mess around when you game with them... van will legit hack into ur roblox account because for some reason u have like 2000 robux and will buy everything she wants then trades it with her own avatar 😭 weekly competitions to see who can get more coins on club penguin fishing and whoever has the least has to do the dishes for a week she'd give you a lecture on how stealing is wrong and that if she ever catches you doing it that she'll kick your ass, and then turn right around and tell you to grab as much candy as you can in the store and calmy walk out the door with her 😭😭
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i just know that a sibling relationship with jackie would be nearly perfect and healthy...she's so excited to have a little sibling >_< (until u reach a certain age then it's all chaos) she'd push your mom out of the way so she could try and hold you and take care of you 😭 there's a really embarrassing picture your parents took of you where she's ugly sobbing while bottle feeding you because she was so happy LMAO as soon as you get old enough, you're now jackie's little doll to experiment with makeup and clothes. sometimes, she genuinely wants to put makeup on you, but other times she's a little devil and fucks it up for shits and giggles you get jealous that she has a DS and won't share and beg ur parents to buy you one, and the new one JUST came out, so now jackie's jealous and it's a fight over it. she's trying to manipulate you into thinking her old one is better and that the games she has that you wanted to play will only work on hers. once she successfully gaslights you, she's running to her room and locking the door with her new DS in hand 🤭 if your parents put you in a sport together, she's a fucking HOGGER when it comes to passing you the ball. you were in basketball for a very short time because she nearly gave you a concussion because she was fed up with how you kept whining at her to pass the ball and just threw it at your head LMAO jackie with a little sibling with a HUGE age difference would be so cute too!! ;( like she's 17 and you're only 10, and sometimes you walk from the bus stop to her school because ur parents can't pick you up, so she has you sit and watch her at soccer practice ☹️ you get bored at start playing with some of the girls and coach ben teases that you're better than her :3 or jackie making shauna drive to go pick you up at school and hanging out with themm :P like in my sibling!shauna hcs, you'd tease the HELL out of jackieshauna. i like to think that you're the one who made jackie realize that she actually Does have feelings for shauna and you get them together. after they secretly get together, jackie leaves you and shauna alone in the car while she uses the bathroom really quick, and ur just like "you should be thanking me, you know. i got her to ask you out so you owe me." and you make a rubbing motion with ur fingers 😭 shauna just rolls her eyes and promises to get you extra toppings on ur ice cream final thought and it's angst but i can't imagine how it would be like to be jackie's sibling and finding out about the crash and THEN finding out she died when they all get rescued... you show up during that little moment where they all board the plane again and you run into shauna's arms because that's who u see first, and you ask where jackie is. she just tells you she's sorry before she hugs you tightly because you've grown up so much since she last saw you and you like so much like jackie now and she's guilty. riding on the plane home with them and they all look so guilty. and God,....finding out what they actually did to your sister????
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fabaceous · 1 year
do you think jackieshauna could've gotten together eventually if the plane didn't crash/if jackie hadn't died or were they doomed from the start?
hi anon i know this took a while (sorry) but it's because this is one of my favorite cans of worms to open and i had a lot to say. so thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about it ;)
my answer, depending on the day and my mood, ranges from NO to YES, BUT to NO, BUT.
NO, because i think that even on a pure friendship level they are doomed. their flaws were like, designed in a lab (or a writer's room lol) to tear them apart. jackie is insecure and holds on too tightly to shauna. shauna quietly resents jackie for it and fucks around behind her back. as long as they have these traits, their relationship is a ticking time bomb. they will never make it within ten miles of a romantic relationship because even their friendship is doomed.
NO, because even if their friendship doesn't implode, they are both simply too damn repressed to ever make a move. im not even saying this as a cop-out, like, i truly believe in my heart and soul that they both have latent romantic feelings for each other but they tie themselves in all sorts of pretzels to avoid it and i'll go even further and say they are both REALLY FUCKING GOOD AT IT. like more so than most people. given my own experiences denying my (in hindsight incredibly obvious) feelings for girls (and i SUCK at repressing things) i have no doubt at all that they could go the rest of their lives convincing themselves that some girlfriendships are Just Like That. the human mind is a very powerful thing and the human mind on comphet and repression? nearly unstoppable. and even if they dont have some world-shattering blowout, and their friendship just sort of fizzles out for some nebulous and ambiguous (read: gay yearning related) reason, years later they'll still be looking back at their relationship saying Huh. Wasnt That Weird...Well...Nevertheless...I'm Sure It Was Nothing To Worry About...
like, okay, im gonna spend a little more time with this one because i think their repression is so key to their dynamic. jackie is obviously unable to face any aspect of herself that is even remotely imperfect. gay feelings for shauna would definitely fall into that category given what i assume she has internalized from her parents and her peers and it being the 1990s. shauna, while more willing to accept her dark side, cant bear the thought of wanting jackie like that. its the one bridge she cant cross. she'll literally fuck jeff. fucking JEFF!!! before she lets herself act on desire for jackie (at least not in a straightforward/normal way lol)
i think both of them on some level must feel that they have a desire for each other, or else they wouldn't be so desperate to avoid it. but they are SO desperate to avoid it, and i don't really have anything to back this up other than my gut feeling but i just can't imagine them ever overcoming their respective hurdles of repression, and definitely not under normal high-school circumstances. MAYBE in the wilderness they would've had a chance IF THINGS HAD GONE VERY DIFFERENTLY because they would be free from societal expectations or whatever, and maybe a life or death situation could've given them enough of a shock that they'd finally own up to their feelings. but EVEN THEN, personally, i think it's still questionable. i think this is just so deeply rooted that it would be anywhere from incredibly difficult to impossible for both of them to get past it. (it's no good if only one of them overcomes the repression, btw. then you just have unrequited pining (but secretly actually requited but the other person won't admit that they're requiting it so it's effectively unrequited which would be perhaps even worse and more painful. btw. if you even care))
now on to the other options...
YES, BUT, even if by some miracle they were able to get past their repression and date each other, i guarantee you all their toxic habits would be not only repeated but MAGNIFIED by being in a romantic relationship. like, ok, the good news is, they would finally be free to be openly obsessed with each other lol. but... imagine jackie gets EVEN MORE insecure about shauna leaving her because now she actually feels like she has a legit claim on shauna being "hers". before, her possessiveness (for lack of a more nuanced term) was tempered by the fact that they are just friends, and shauna should theoretically be allowed to have other friends, even if jackie doesn't like it. but shauna should NOT be having other girlfriends. so jackie would likely be reaching new levels of terrified of shauna leaving her. shauna would still be unable to address conflict directly. rinse and repeat this whooooole vicious cycle until it blows up in their faces like laura le--[gunshot]
finally, NO, BUT, and this one may be controversial & a bit more far fetched than the others, but i do think that under the right circumstances they could kiss or even fuck without it compromising their repression. i actually even think they could have a sort of sneaky situationship while still repressing their bigscaryfeelings for each other. HEAR ME OUT. they are both very careful about compartmentalizing their desire for each other and keeping it hidden FROM THEMSELVES. they often fail and it boils over despite their best efforts, but the more important thing is that they think they're succeeding at keeping their desire from breaching containment. and as long as they have that plausible deniability where they are hiding it from themselves, even if they don't manage to hide it from the rest of us (or even each other), i dont think its impossible for them to act on the desire, like, on pure instinct, but without actually intellectually or emotionally acknowledging the larger implications that that brings. and even if the desire breaches containment, they could still find a way to write it off as just desire in general and not desire for each other specifically. especially when they also still have the excuse of being horny teenagers with no impulse control, they could easily brush it off as, oh, we were just drunk, we were just experimenting. or even, oh, it was just shauna, it's not like i actually LIKE-like her, i just made out with her, but its shauna, so it obviously doesnt mean anything.
and i think they could even do this consistently for weeks months MAYBE up to a year or so, while deluding themselves into thinking this is somehow normal or not a big deal. because they have already proven they are masters of doublethink and repression, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten this far lol. but it would 100% also blow up in their faces. the question is, who would crack first? who would want something real? or who would walk away because it got too real? theres sooo much to ponder with this particular scenario and it's all very juicy and compelling (and GOD would i love to see it unfold with my own two eyeballs, can bart and ashley please write and film an AU of their own tv show?!) but i dont think it would ever lead them anywhere good or healthy.
so long story short (lol. conciseness has never been my strong suit as is probably abundantly clear by now) i personally do not think there is any possibility of a satisfying happy-ending scenario for these two. and i personally am perfectly okay with that because so much about them would have to change in order for them to get a happy ending that at that point, they would no longer be the jackie and shauna that i know and love.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
JackieShauna ofc 😌
Ship of all ships for me in case you can’t tell LOL. I could talk about them forever (and have lol) but I’ll just start by saying these two IGNITED my desire to write. I had never really considered it before. They launched my first adulthood media hyperfixation lol—both their relationship as teens AND Shauna’s immense grief and haunting as an adult. I love all the characters on Yellowjackets and so many ships, but these two get to me like nothing else. Fucking ship of all time to me. I went on ao3 (had not read fanfic since I was like…maybe 15?) and devoured every fic there was (not very many at the time!) and when there weren’t really adult jackie shauna aus, that’s when I was like well fuck. Guess I gotta learn to write!
They way that neither the characters as individuals or their relationship can be figured in simple terms, the way stereotypes and the destruction of them impact these two, the way they loved each other so fucking deeply it destroyed them. They were so painfully and beautifully intertwined and that didn’t end when Jackie died. That shit is Shakespearean. That’s a Greek tragedy. That’s fucking everything to me.
One cannot possibly exist without the other. And that’s so incredibly dangerous. Jackie died because she thought shauna was done with her, shauna has never lived a day without Jackie’s memory consuming her. Because she likes it like that. She needs it like that. (She held her corpse! She ate her ear! She consumed Jackie’s flesh and then she cloaked herself in the life she tells herself jackie would’ve lived! She married her boyfriend! She is never more than 5 feet from a rabbit of some sort! She rereads the journals she wrote in with her hallucination! She blows out her birthday candles!)
They were equally devoted to one another, but they didn’t know it ran both ways.
The things they did with men as incidentals: shauna telling jeff to say I love you after Jackie didn’t say it back (adult shauna saying THE SMELL OF OTHER PEOPLE ON HIM TURNED HER ON HELLO?), Jackie leading travis to SHAUNAS BED and looking at her over her shoulder as she did it. Just peak teen lesbian comphet/closeted/repressed/anywhere on that spectrum. UGH.
I love them I love them I love them and they break my heart so fucking intricately.
send me asks for yellowjackets ships!
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adanseydivorce · 1 year
lottienat, taivan and jackieshauna for the ship thing
 I love an on the surface opposites attract cynical x hopeful realist vs (albeit extreme) idealist ship but where they actually have a bit more in common than you’d expect. Ticks certain boxes in that 
Nat is a character who to me, is so often wound up and tasked with the provider/protector role or when she’s not and she does accept help it’s removed help like what Tai gives her, I like the aspect of even when Lottie gets on her nerves she can put Nat at ease enough to be taken care of like in the 2x05 scene and generally in their adult timeline scenes 
Lottie can really benefit from someone pragmatic and critical like Nat, I think she assumes only her blind followers will really care about her and Nat meeting her as an equal and clashing with her but still caring  proves her wrong 
first of all just everything about this current storyline for adult them! so good!! the references to how Divorced they are (and I think it adds definitively more flavor to know they were together at Shauna’s wedding, we know their break up (at least the last one). The mix of affection that’s there are wariness, and harsher tensions especially on Van’s end so good! And while Tai is definitely operating primarily from a selfish place and as per Tawny’s interview not a very romantic one towards anyone love that she seems slightly more tender/is concerned by Van’s lack of tenderness when it is Van. Also in my I love adultery in fiction era in a sense so this arc arrived at the perfect time for me! 
Both pairs of actresses have such good chemistry imo definitely some of the best I’ve seen for canon wlw ships recently. Especially Jasmin & Liv’s is so strong and also like… warm in a way that’s so charming.
Like Lottienat it’s a believer/idealist x skeptic/cynic ship and I like that concept for a ship
starting with something i don’t think I’ve specifically focused on as much when I talk about them but that I definitely feel strongly about: I love them as an exploration of complicated grief… like there are just so many different layers to Shauna’s grief and it’s such a huge defining loss like that time she told Callie about being given Jackie’s uniform for her 40th birthday and feeling like she’d spent so much of her life thinking about her… and I love the Jackievisions for that reason too (also in a more strictly romantic context just the idea of being haunted by a love in that way rules) 
I just love these types of relationships (which anyone familiar with me and my tastes would know) these codependent teen girl friendships that end tragically in some way. And women “making/shaping” other women in terms of crafting their image or what they emulate. the element of literal consumption and just the focus on consumption of all sorts with them adds another layer/takes the concept to a level most shows wouldn’t commit to in terms of exploring the idea I’m very into all of it. 
phrase I say a lot about romance: it’s about the Repression tm + also the Obsession tm 
(this was for an ask game I reblogged ‘send me a ship and I’ll tell you three things I like about it’)
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juniperhillpatient · 22 days
I finished Yellowjackets and I already miss it! Any recs for what to watch to fill the void?
Omg I feel you every day of my life I miss Yellowjackets I wish I could watch it all for the first time again 😭
I don’t really watch that many shows so I’m terrible with recommending stuff 😅
If you want more depravity & complicated awful female villains & anti heroes with complex toxic sapphic dynamics Hostel 2 is my go to but you do have to watch the first one to understand it & I love the first one myself but it is very man heavy with characters lol
If you are really wanting to lean more into the messed up flesh consuming homoerotic codependent sapphic dynamic aspect specifically I’d recommend Ginger Snaps or Jennifer’s Body the main canon sapphic female relationships in both those movies are brain rotting in similar ways to JackieShauna. (Though Ginger Snaps gets incestuous so I know that’s as quick for a lot of people tread carefully)
Ooh as far as TV shows go you’d probably enjoy Killing Eve if you like Yellowjackets although that one the writing really goes downhill pretty badly so I do hesitate to recommend it unless you’re in it for the parts that are worth it & prepared for disappoint down the line…. Ugh but Eve & Villanelle are SUCH amazing characters!!
Dead to Me is another show that’s really good & far less depraved & more drama centric than the other stuff I’ve mentioned. However in my opinion the writing does go downhill but the first 2 seasons? Iconic. Not canonically gay like the other things I’ve mentioned but still a delicious dynamic between two complicated & somewhat crazy women.
Not in the same genre as my other recs but Bottoms is a great comedic movie if you just want crazy & sort of awful lesbians.
Oh —- ok last 3 recommendations. These ones don’t necessarily have the toxic crazy sapphic girlies element of YJ that I just assume is a big part of the draw (it is for me lol) HOWEVER they are some of my faves -
Hannibal. I love this show. It’s art. I don’t have anything else to say that hasn’t been said meow articulately by more hardcore fans. I watched this entire show in a fever haze when I had Covid so that probably affects my analytical ability but I promise it’s great. It’s also a little man heavy & the female characters could be… done better sometimes so that is a criticism I have that keeps it from being a number one fave for me but Hannibal & Will are VERY compelling & the plot & visuals are soooo good.
Scream mtv I honestly feel like you’ve seen this one I’m pretty sure but it’s a fave of all time & Emma/Audrey is one of my fave ships of all time. Excellent cast excellent writing it’s so good.
Bates Motel. This show is so slept on in fandom & it’s probably the best horror tv I’ve ever seen from start to finish it tells an amazingly cohesive prequel backstory for one of the most iconic villains of all time in a way that honors the book & film both of which I LOVE & somehow manages to stay fresh & shocking & exciting despite the audience knowing where it’s going. For quality horror tv I can’t recommend this show highly enough it’s honestly the best thing on this list on an objective level like the cinematography the fantastic acting from Vera Farmiga & Freddy Highmore especially but also Max Theriot & Olivia Cookie I just - I LOVE this show. Heavy heavy trigger warning though not just for incest which is inherent to a Psycho prequel but like…. Everything you could ever need a trigger warning for. There is a significant amount of SA shown so yeah be careful.
Anyway there you go you’ve probably seen a lot of the stuff on this list but this is what I could think of to watch next to somewhat keep the mood of Yellowjackets although of course we both know YJ is unique enough you’re never going to recapture that exact vibe 😉
If anyone else has recommendations also I’d also be curious! ❤️
Oh wait last thing my best friend Juliet Lewis plays another iconic traumatized girly with maybe worse daddy issues than Natalie even in Natural Born Killers. This is one of my favorite movies but it is NOT for everyone. You are signing up for unapologetic depravity & sympathetic serial killer villain main characters with a toxic relationship. Now for me those are selling points but it is a very messed up movie so yeah. Trigger warning for SA incest & basically every dynamic in the movie being the definition of toxic.
Okay that’s off the top of my head for watching after YJ I’m done now lol 🫶
****Edit I’m listening to music on my porch as I play on tumblr & I Know the End by my best friend Phoebe Bridgers came on & I remembered to recommend School Spirits it’s not exactly the same horror vibes of YJ but I just think you’d like it because it’s a delightfully creepy compelling & fun ghost story / mystery with absolutely wonderful characters fun cinematography exciting lore a good plot & a banger soundtrack ok I’m done now lmao go watch School Spirits it’s so great
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prpfs · 3 months
🍒 hi there! im looking for someone to roleplay abby anderson OR dina against my ellie williams (the last of us/tlou, game-based specifically, elliedina and ellabs), jackie taylor against my shauna shipman (yellowjackets/yj, jackieshauna), or hazel callahan against my pj (bottoms, pjhazel).
some information about me: im 18 years old, write in paragraphs, and have been roleplaying since ive been online. if you want to see some of my writing before we roleplay, i can gladly forward my ao3 once we start messaging. im in the est timezone and im sapphic!
what im looking for: im seeking someone 18+ that's comfortable with smut and dark themes, specifically regarding the last of us and yellowiackets. i only roleplay on discord. i also would really like if we could chat and become friends ooc, make playlists, etc!!
interact with this post and i'll get back to you! dont fret if this post is old, im always looking for new rp partners :) we can also do multiple of these if youre interested in more than one !!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
illicit affairs
Summary: "You weren't sure how Jackie Taylor and Shauna Shipman had both decided to cheat on each other with you, but you certainly weren't complaining. Though, the guilt was starting to eat you alive."
A/N: Jackieshauna x reader if it wasn't clear. ended up being pretty long. enjoy!
You cough loudly as you pass the bottle to Nat. "Where the fuck did you guys get this from? Tastes like I'm drinking fucking acetone." You manage to say through wheezes. Nat shrugs as she looks over at Kevyn. 
"I gave the guy 10 bucks, this is what he got us." He says as he holds his hands out placatingly. You groan as you lean back against the tree and close your eyes. 
"You're the one who wanted to pregame the party anyways, Y/N." Nat says amusedly, grinning crookedly at you. You open your eyes and give her a mostly feigned glare. 
"I didn't say I wanted to pregame it," You say. "I just said that the last thing I wanted to do on a Friday night is deal with some of those girls sober." Nat laughs as she hands the bottle back to you. You take another long drink. 
"Same thing, isn't it?" She asks. You grin back at her. 
When you can hear the faint sounds of the party in the distance the three of you unsteadily set off towards it. You lean heavily against Nat, a little drunker than you planned on getting this early in the night. She leans back against you without complaint but shoots you a concerned look when you reach the party after Kevyn walks further off. 
"What?" You ask. 
"Drink some water, maybe?" She says. You laugh and shake your head. 
"I'm not that drunk, Natty." You tease, making her roll her eyes good naturedly. "It's all good, don't worry."
She hums in acknowledgement. "If you say so." She says. You guys talk aimlessly for a long while before you notice Jackie making her way over to you. 
You elbow Nat in her side mid-rant. "Captain incoming." You mutter. She looks over at Jackie and lazily throws her hand up in a mocking salute. Jackie rolls her eyes but doesn't acknowledge it beyond that. 
"Hey," Jackie says softly, choosing to completely ignore Nat. Nat scoffs but abandons you to your fate as she walks off to find Kevyn. 
"Hey," You say, trying hard to seem more sober than you are. The last thing you need right now is a Jackie Taylor lecture. Now that you've graduated she may not technically hold any authority over you, but old fear dies hard. 
"I haven't seen you drink anything at the party," She says. You shake your head no. At least that's working in your favor. Besides, you didn't drink anything at the party. It's technically not even lying. 
"Good," She says simply. "I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn't want you to be drunk for it." You smile wryly. That's you, definitely not drunk Y/N. You wonder what she wants to talk to you about, but it gets a little blurry after that. 
It was not 'all good': Apparently you're more of a lightweight than you thought. You wake up the next morning with no memory of the night before, but by the extra body in your bed you knew it must have been fucking awesome. 
"Hey," You hear a voice say softly. You roll over to see who you went home with when you're paralyzed by shock. That's Jackie Taylor. You're in Jackie Taylor's house in Jackie Taylor's bed with the unmistakable sound of Shauna Shipman's voice coming from Jackie Taylor's kitchen. 
Fuck. You think deliriously. 
"Hey." You mutter blearily, rubbing at your eyes. You can totally play it cool, even if you're dying inside. She grins at you and leans forward to press a gentle kiss against your lips before getting out of bed. 
"I'm gonna go meet Shauna but you can totally take a shower or whatever if you want. She knew you were sleeping over so she brought you breakfast too." She says happily, bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet. You nod and eye her wearily as she leaves. Now that's just cold. You think.
You take a long hot shower hoping the steam will make you feel like a better person. This feeling is only exacerbated when Jackie knocks on the door to let you know that she left you some clothes lying out to change into, as judging by the flannel it's definitely Shauna's. 
You stand in the doorway of the kitchen and watch Jackie sitting sideways across Shauna's lap as they whisper and giggle to each other. You clear your throat quietly and they both turn to face you as you hesitantly walk into the kitchen. 
Jackie stands up and excitedly pulls the chair out across from Shauna. As she walks over to the fridge, you and Shauna make awkward eye contact. At least, it was awkward on your part. Shauna seems to be eyeing you with a surprising amount of hunger. Her gaze lingering on the way her flannel has partially slid down your shoulder. You laugh nervously and look around for Jackie. 
You finally manage to choke down your breakfast and nearly manage to excuse yourself out the door when Jackie stops you with a gentle hand on your arm. "We're still good about last night, aren't we?" She asks softly, looking a little lost. "You're not having second thoughts?"
You shake your head, quick to reassure her. The things you would do to keep this woman from looking sad. You're starting to reach a much deeper understanding with Shauna.  She grins widely at you and you smile back reflexively. "See you soon then? I'll text you later." She promises. 
You eye her curiously. "You have my number?" You ask. 
"I still have everyone's number." She says. "Captain privileges."
"Seems like you're abusing your old privileges, Captain." You tease. She worries her lip between her teeth and is about to respond when Shauna slips past her out the door.
"All ready to drive you home, Y/N." She interrupts. You can't hide the surprised look on your face. 
"It's alright Shauna, I only live two streets over." You say. 
She shakes her head. "It's fine." She says, "I promised my mom I'd pick her up something from the store anyways." You nod slowly and wave at Jackie as you slip in the passenger seat. You watch the two of them kiss goodbye and try not to squirm guiltily. 
After a two minute drive in complete silence you point to your driveway. She pulls in next to your car and turns to look at you seriously. "Are your parents home?" She asks. 
"No. They travel a lot for work." You say. She nods distractedly as she unbuckles her seatbelt. You're about to ask if she was planning on coming inside when she suddenly lunges forward and kisses you. You're frozen with shock for a long moment before eagerly reciprocating. 
You can feel the way she smiles against your lips as she pulls back. You open your eyes just in time to watch her climb over the center console to straddle your lap. You reflexively place your hands on her hips to steady her and she gives you an amused, but ultimately fond look for it. "Hey," She says breathily. You can't help but watch her in awe. She reaches her hands out to grip both sides of your open flannel. "You look really hot in my clothes." She says. 
"You look really hot in your clothes, too." You offer, trying not to seem so love drunk on someone you just kissed for the first time. She laughs softly and pulls you forward into another bruising kiss. You're lost in the feeling of her mouth moving against yours. 
You can't help but moan when she ruts down against your lap, which she eagerly uses to deepen the kiss. She's fighting hard for dominance that you're more than willing to let her have. You flex your fingers against her waist, shifting your hands to slip your thumbs into her belt loops to encourage her to keep moving. 
She pulls away from you all too soon in order to catch her breath. You were feeling pretty light headed yourself, but you figured there were much worse ways to go. You look up at her watching the way her chest moves as she pants for breath, the way her lips are plump and swollen. You marvel at the fact that you could do that to Shauna Shipman. 
You lean forward eagerly, unable to resist your desperate need to kiss her senseless only to be stopped in your tracks by your seat belt locking against you. You raise a hand to tug at it but it doesn't give. Shauna laughs at your expense and shifts in your lap so that you can't reach the buckle.  You run your hands up and down the sides of her thighs, savoring the feel of her against you. If you can't kiss her you'll take what you can get. You pout exaggeratedly up at her and she shakes her head softly, her lips quirking at the edges as she tries not to smile. 
She stays just frustratingly out of reach, seemingly very happy to tease you. She reaches a hand up and slips her fingers underneath the seat belt and tests the give. "I think I like you more like this," She says quietly, as if for your ears only. "All tied up."
You try to muffle the reaction her words cause, but judging by the knowing look on her face you didn't do a great job of it. You give in. "Please." You whine. "Please kiss me again, Shauna?" You can tell by the way she rocks against you that she really likes that. 
You never claimed to have any dignity. "I'll do anything." You plead, readily willing to use her enjoyment against her. "Please don't leave me like this, Shauna." You draw her name out in a whine and that seems to be what finally gets her. She reaches forward to grab at the handle and sends your seat flying backwards. 
You gasp sharply as she bites down hard against your neck, your hand flying up to pull roughly against her hair in warning. "Sorry," She lies, breathing heavily. "Been wanting to do that all morning." She traces her finger gently across the mark on your neck, looking smugger than you'd previously thought her capable of.
"Make it up to you." She promises as she leans down to start sucking an accompanying mark on the other side of your neck. 
"You'd better." You murmur pointlessly, closing your eyes and tilting your head back to give her more room. 
You're just stepping out of the shower about a week later when you hear the quiet buzz of your phone. You shift your towel to hold it with one hand as you unlock your phone on the way back to your room.
Do you want to do something later?
Just us, I mean? 
You glance down at the message with barely hidden surprise. Is she asking you on a date? 
sure. wanna see a movie? 
If you want too. I mostly just wanted to see you, really. Can I come pick you up now? 
i have a car shauna
I want to drive us, please? 
nice to have u begging for once but sure 
give me like 20 b4 you come over though
just got out of the shower
You watch as three dots appear, disappear, appear, and disappear again. You grin down at your phone. Clearly she didn't know how to respond to that one. You shake your head amusedly and move to get dressed. 
You're bouncing your legs excitedly in the living room as you wait for Shauna to pull down the driveway. Sure, maybe you were a little more attached to her than you should be as the other woman; Who could blame you though, when it came to either of them. You knew this whole situation was going to blow up in your face, but you've decided you're going to enjoy the ride. 
You wait for a tense 30 seconds after Shauna knocks to go and open the door. No need to let her know how excited you are, after all. "Hey," She says quietly, taking a quick glance at you. She looks just as excited as you are, anxiously fiddling with the cuff of her flannel. 
You grin at her. "You look nice," You offer, hands reaching up to refold the collar of her flannel. 
"You too," She says and she watches your hand intensely, almost a little unsure. You gently pull her forward by her flannel and press a soft kiss against her lips. You let go and smooth the edges back down. She looks just a little surprised but she can't hide the way it made her blush. She gestures to her car and you follow. 
As she slips in the driver's seat you make a show of wearily eyeing her from the passengers seat. She sends you a confused look before her eyes widen in realization. She scoffs playfully and rolls her eyes. "Won't jump you this time, scouts honor." She promises wryly. 
"I don't believe that," You tease. 
"Don't think I can control myself?" She asks amusedly. 
"Don't believe you were ever a girl scout." You reply. She hums in acknowledgment, shrugging at you. "Doesn't matter anyways. Not wearing my sexy underwear this time, so you'll have to keep it to yourself." You say. 
She laughs boisterously as she turns back to you. "You weren't wearing sexy underwear last time either." She says. 
You gasp and dramatically turn to face the window, arms crossing on your chest. "So now my underwear's ugly? I'll have you know that I borrowed those clothes from Jackie, so…" You trail off. 
Shauna, as if suddenly sensing the hole she's dug herself into, says nervously, "It's not that they were ugly it's just tha-" She glances over midway through her sentence and scoffs as she sees the reflection of your smile in the window.
"Eyes on the road, Shauna." You remind teasingly. 
"Bitch." She murmurs fondly.
The both of you come stumbling out of the theater leaning against each other and drunk with giddiness. "Oh my god," You wheeze, desperately trying to catch your breath. She nods against your shoulder, shaking with silent laughter. 
"I can't believe he just punched his head off." You say, losing the battle against laughing again. She murmurs her agreement as she looks at you as if you put the stars in the sky. You finally manage to stop laughing as you wonder whether she looks at Jackie like that too.
 She watches the change of your expression curiously, but decides not to call you out on it. She offers her arm out gallantly and you wrap your arm around it readily, letting her lead you back to the car. 
You're about to make a comment involving chivalry when you see her. Nat watches you with an unreadable expression from her position sitting on a curb. She pulls the cigarette from her mouth, exhaling a cloud of smoke as she waves it slightly in greeting.
You fidget nervously with the sleeve of Shauna's flannel, the one she took off and told you to wear the second you even looked cold in the theater. You can imagine how this looks, especially with the two of you practically tripping over each other. You don't know what to say. What could you even say? You wave back slowly and look away, trying desperately to hide your shame. 
You and Nat spent the entire car ride in silence which made the sound of the engine turning off practically deafening. You mechanically get out of the car and unlock the store, Nat trailing quietly after you. 
You and Nat had always chosen to get summer jobs at the same place, given the ease of picking and dropping Nat off for work if you were going to the same place. You didn't want her walking all the way there every time, and she was too prideful to accept your rides otherwise. 
"You're going to get hurt, Y/N." She says seriously. You jump in shock, not expecting her to break her vow of silence so soon. 
"You're not going to lecture me about being the other woman twice?" You ask quietly, wanting to change the subject. She raises an eyebrow.  "I'm fucking both of them," You confess. Her mouth drops open in shock, before she manages to catch herself. 
She laughs wryly. "I don't care if you want to fuck someone's girlfriend, Y/N. I care because you looked like you really liked her." She says. You glance down silently, unable to disagree and unsure what to say otherwise. 
"Y/N," She says seriously, a hard expression adorning her face. "She won't pick you over Jackie, and Jackie won't pick you over Shauna."
You laugh bitterly, scrubbing at a table roughly. "You think I don't know that, Natty?" You say softly, voice catching at the end. She looks up from her own table and softens the second she catches your teary eyed expression. 
"Hey," She says, tinged with awkwardness. She walks over and pulls you into a hug, gripping you tightly. "It's alright. I'm sorry. I should have minded my business."
You shake your head against her shoulder. "You're my best friend, Natalie." You say wetly. "It's your job to be in my business, don't you forget that." She laughs quietly into your hair, pulling you tighter against her. 
You're interrupted by the soft sound of someone clearing their throat. You try to rub the tears away before you turn to face the customer. Jackie watches the two of you with an obvious expression of jealousy, which turns suspicious the second she catches a look at your face. "What did you say to Y/N?" She asks, looking accusingly at Nat. 
Nat scoffs and holds her hands up placatingly. She sends you a meaningful glance before walking off behind the counter. "Hey," You say quietly. 
"What did she say to you?" Jackie repeats insistently. You shake your head softly with a laugh. 
"Nothing. She didn't say anything, it's just…" You trail off, trying to think of a good excuse. 
"It's just?" She prompts. 
"Started thinking about how it's going to be our last real summer here. Sure, Nats gonna be my roommate next year, but it just won't be the same." You lie. It wasn't fully a lie, but you felt guilty nonetheless. You've gotten a lot of practice lying recently. 
"Nat's going to Rutgers?" She asks, sounding surprised. You nod. 
"Seems being on a National winning soccer team does a lot to make up for bad attendance." You confirm. 
She nods. "Buzz, buzz, buzz." She says seriously, making you burst out laughing. She pouts at you, but the corners of her lips turn up nonetheless. 
You absently pull at the collar of your shirt, suddenly thankful for the uniform's high collar. If she got that jealous over you hugging Nat you think the sight of your neck might kill her. She follows the motion curiously but doesn't comment on it. 
"What are you doing here, anyways?" You ask curiously, glancing around pointedly. She pauses to think of an explanation as a blush begins to bloom on her face. You can't help but smirk. "Did you come all this way to see me, Jackie?" 
"No," She pauses. "I came here to get a sandwich."
"There are certainly closer places to buy sandwiches," You said. You had, after all, picked a location closer to Nat's trailer on purpose. You hesitate for a moment, deep in thought. "Actually, how did you get here?" 
She smiles, relieved for the change in conversation. "Shauna drove me, duh." She says obviously. You tense at the thought. Did Shauna know she was driving her girlfriend out to cheat on her? 
No, definitely not. You and Shauna would be having a much different conversation if she thought you were fucking her girlfriend. You try to shake the thought off, but you can't kick the guilt. 
"What can I get you then?" You ask in your very best customer service voice. She tilts her head to the side in an expression of confusion. "Your sandwich," You remind her. 
"Oh," She mutters softly. She looks up at the menu unsurely for a few long minutes. "Surprise me?" She suggests awkwardly. You shrug and head behind the counter. 
Loser. You mouth at her. She pouts but watches interestedly as you make her sandwich. "Here or to-go?" You ask. 
She pouts up at you. "Can't you come sit with me?" She asks. You hated when she used the puppy dog eyes on you. You look helplessly over at Nat who rolls her eyes and gestures out toward the table. You hand Jackie her sandwich and spring forward to press a wet kiss against Nat's cheek, snickering at her expressions of disgust. 
You join Jackie at her table. She holds her sandwich up to you expectantly. You glance at it and then back to her. "You didn't make it with love," She teases. You roll your eyes. 
"That would be a healthcode violation," You point out. She gestures back to the sandwich. You sigh and lean forward to press a gentle kiss to her sandwich. "Is it edible now?" She nods happily and starts eating it. 
You sit and quietly talk with her until she finishes her sandwich, and she joins you by the counter until Shauna comes back to pick her up. You watch her leave and exhale loudly in disappointment. Nat snickers at you but doesn't otherwise acknowledge it.
You're just on the edge of sleep, but just as your eyes start to slip closed you hear a clang as something hits your window. You watch it carefully and see what looks to be a rock hitting your window. You grab your phone to call 911 when it starts going off on its own. 
You look down to see that Jackie's calling you. Surely, she wouldn't… You sigh. Jackie's dramatic ass would do something like that. You answer the call as you sneak a look outside. Sure enough, there's Jackie Taylor outside throwing rocks at your window. "Hey," She says over the phone, waving at you from outside. 
"I wasn't actually sure if you could hear the rocks." She says, smile tinged with just a hint of bashfulness. She's so gorgeous. You think mindlessly. You wave back at her, unable to resist her charm. "Let me in?" She asks. 
"Course." You murmur sleepily and hang up the phone. You walk downstairs while trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. You open the door to Jackie looking pristine as ever. You can't help but feel a little self conscious in nothing but your big t-shirt and boxers, but you're quickly reassured by the quirk of her lips as she eyes you up and down. 
"Hey," She says shyly. You cross your arms and lean against the doorway as you give her a curious look. 
"Hey?" You ask playfully. 
"I bet you're wondering what I'm doing here, huh?" She says. You tilt your head questioningly to the side in response. "I missed you," She admits, smiling softly at you. 
You can't help but grin as you reach out to pull her into a tight hug, resting your head on her shoulder. You laugh quietly into her ear and say, "We've been texting literally all day, how could you have the chance to miss me?" You ask teasingly. 
"Just not the same, Y/N." She whines, inhaling deeply into your hair. You let go of her to gently pull her away from you, both hands resting on her shoulders. 
"Did you seriously just smell me?" You ask amusedly. She shrugs and keeps smiling unrepentantly. You laugh quietly. "Freak." You whisper affectionately, and slide your hand down her arm to grab her hand and pull her up towards your bedroom. 
"And yet," She says, flopping back happily on your bed. "It's worked perfectly on you."
You laugh as you climb on next to her and lay back far more gently. "Suppose I have a thing for freaks." You admit playfully. She rolls on her side to look over at you with a pleased expression. 
"You'd better." She says simply. God, she's so weird. You think. She leans in to kiss you when she suddenly stops in her tracks. She lays a hand down on your chest to push you flat on your back as she shifts up to straddle you. You don't even get a chance to ask what's wrong before she starts pulling at the neckline of your shirt to expose the marks on your neck. 
She stares at the lingering teeth marks Shauna had left on your neck a few days ago, hidden in the stacks of the bookstore she'd drug you to. She runs her fingers over it with an unreadable expression, feeling curiously at the edges. You watch her carefully, not really sure what to say. She puts her hand up to your chin and cups it gently, the tip of her thumb just barely reaching your mouth. You press an affectionate kiss against her thumb and her expression softens, settling back to her normal Jackie Taylor brand of exuberance. 
"I didn't think I'd find that so hot," She murmurs distractedly, shifting her focus to looking at the other side of your neck. She grins at what she finds, a pleased expression growing slowly on her face. "Missed a spot," She says happily, leaning over and biting down. 
Your body jerks harshly in surprise at the action but she presses her hand back down against your chest to still you as she keeps nipping and sucking at your neck. You can tell that she didn't bite you nearly as hard as Shauna did, but damn if it still didn't hurt. 
You reach a hand up to wrap in Jackie's hair, gently tugging it to get her away from you. She makes a whiny complaint but follows the motion dutifully. You scoff as you get a look at the needlessly smug expression adorning her face. You let go of her hair to rest your hands on her hips, fingers flexing warningly as she glances back at your neck. 
You decide to put a stop to that and flip the both of you over. Jackie makes a pleased noise at the motion, staring up at you with her hair splaying out widely against the pillow. You grin, embarrassedly fond of the look. 
You lean down to claim her lips in a bruising kiss, which she eagerly reciprocates. Your mind blanks at the feeling of her lips against yours, which is why it takes you an embarrassedly long time to realize she's been tugging at your shirt trying to convince you to take it off for at least five minutes. 
You sit back on her hips and smirk down at her. "Show you mine," You offer. She rolls her eyes but takes her own shirt off. You watch her hungrily; not remembering the night you originally shared together made this feel like the first time. She makes an impatient gesture and you finally take your own shirt off. 
She makes a surprised noise as she looks up at you, eyes scanning greedily. You look down, a little confused. Oh. You think. You fidget with the strap of her bra uncomfortably. "I was going to sleep. It's a bit of a tits out kinda outfit." You defend with a shrug. She nods quickly but manages not to move her eyes away from you. 
You wonder if she looks at Shauna like this too. You feel an increasingly familiar pang of guilt and do your best to table the thought. She's looking at you like this now, that's all that matters. You toy with the clasp of her bra and slowly unhook it, pulling it up and off her shoulders in one fluid motion. 
"There," You say. "We're even now, no need to stare." She grins. 
"Always a reason to stare, Y/N". She murmurs. You start to roll your eyes at her but glance down to meet a distraction of your own. She giggles at your expense. 
"Shut up, Jackie." You mutter as you lean down to suck a mark into the curve of her breast. She releases a quiet gasping noise, fingers flexing as her nails dig into your shoulder. You can already tell she's going to wreck your back. You can't wait. 
You groan happily as you stretch out fully on your bed as you wake up, hissing slightly as the motion pulls at the scratches on your back. Must've fucked me up good. You think aimlessly. Jackie makes a whiny noise at the movement, clearly not pleased to have been woken up. She rolls over in your arms to face you, smiling gently at you. 
She opens her mouth to speak when she catches sight of something over your shoulder and her eyes widen. "Shit." She says panickingly, throwing the covers off of the both of you to bolt to her clothes on the floor. You turn around curiously and catch sight of the alarm clock on your bedside table. Shit, you'd really slept the day away. You think, rushing to your closet to get dressed. 
You stumble out fully dressed and hurry to the bathroom to finish getting ready. "Hurry up!" She calls out impatiently. "We need to stop by my house so I can finish getting ready. I can't believe you're going to make us late."
"I'm making us late?" You say in disbelief. "You're the one who wanted another one."
"You gave it to me!" She accuses. 
"Next time I won't." You say, walking out of the bathroom and tugging her down the stairs after you. She argues that point all the way to the car, and you open the door for her still laughing at her hurried reassurance that she didn't mean it. 
You look down at your watch for the third time in 45 minutes and can't help but roll your eyes. She accused you of making the two of you late, seriously? You couldn't say you were all that upset about it though. You'd been contentedly watching Jackie getting ready for the better part of an hour. You'd gotten so lost in the motions of her makeup you almost didn't catch her question. 
"What?" You ask, startled. 
"I asked if you were ready?" She asks. You nod as you stand up. "You didn't brush your hair, though?" 
You grin at her as you raise a hand to brush down the flyaways before flashing her a thumbs up. She rolls her eyes. "Shauna does the same thing," She says fondly as she turns to find her purse. Your face falls but you quickly school your expression into neutrality by the time she turns around. 
Wait a second. "Is that my letterman?" You ask. "When did you even grab that?" She laughs, patting at your arm as she drags you out the door. 
You open the car door for her and watch her curiously. "Are you wearing my letterman to the party?" You wonder. She hums in acknowledgement. 
This is going to be a shit show. You think idly
As you walk into the party you can't help but wonder if you're walking into your own funeral. When you look over to see Jackie still wearing your jacket you can almost hear the sound of the ambulance that's going to carry you away. You steel your nerves as Shauna looks over but to your utmost surprise she just smiled and waves at the both of you. 
In fact, her eyes seem to narrow on the marks that Jackie had left on your neck. You wave nervously at her and she acknowledges it with a nod, turning back to her conversation with Tai. You can see Nat send you a wide eyed look as she catches sight of Jackie. 
You start to walk over to her when Jackie's fist closes around your arm, stopping you in your tracks. "Leaving me so soon?" She asks sweetly, with just a hint of a threat. You almost break your neck in your hurry to shake your head no. She smiles sweetly at you, patting your arm affectionately. She drags you off to go talk to the other girls, managing to keep touching you the entire time. 
You're leaning up against the wall next to her as she talks to Mari; you're trying not to make it obvious that you're bored out of your mind. You're nearly crying tears of relief as you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You've gotten a message from Shauna. You angle your phone so that Jackie can't see the contents as you open the message.
Come meet me upstairs.
can't. with jackie and mari rn
For me?
you know how jackie is 🤷
I do. What if I could make it worth your while, though?
Your eyes go wide as you look at it. As you look at them. You glance upstairs wide-eyed and look over at Jackie. "I've got to go." You say. She shakes her head no and you nod in return. She sighs exaggeratedly as she lets go of your arm. 
"Go on. Everybody abandons poor Jackie." She says dramatically and squeezes your hand affectionately. 
You're almost to the stairs when you vaguely hear Mari say that "She'd never abandon her." You turn around just in time to catch the slightly sour expression on Jackie's face, and try to stifle your laughter as you bolt up the stairs. 
You find Shauna on the second door you try, taking in the sight of her as you try to erase what you saw in the first room you tried. You lock the door behind you as you hurry towards her and happily climb into her lap. 
"Hey," She says softly. You laugh quietly before glancing down at her bra-covered chest, catching the faint outline of her nipples. 
"Cold, are we?" You say with a grin. 
"Shut up," She murmurs shyly. 
"Shut up," You whine mockingly. "You send me half-naked pictures while I'm with Jackie and now you want to get shy on me?" 
She smiles smugly. "You liked it," She accuses. You nod and decide to kiss that smug little expression of hers away. You gently cup her face with your hand caressing your thumb absentmindedly against her cheek as you taste her. It's more gentle than you can honestly justify for a hookup, but you've gotten used to wanting things you can't have. 
You break away as she starts tugging insistently at the bottom of your shirt. You laugh breathlessly and tug at the neckline of your shirt, tossing it haphazardly off toward the floor. She lazily throws her arms around your shoulders to pull you closer, but suddenly changes direction with a curious look on her face. She runs her hands down your back slowly, feeling at the edges of the scratches Jackie left with her fingertips. You make a strangled noise at the sting of pain it causes, not entirely opposed to the feeling. 
She's quiet for a few long moments, watching you carefully as she continues to tease at just the edge of pain. "You topped her?" She asks. You startle slightly, not expecting her to acknowledge it. You wonder idly who exactly Shauna thinks 'her' is. You nod slowly. 
"You’ve never tried to top me." She says. You laugh, not sure where she's going with this. "Why not?" She asks hesitantly. You can't help but grin at her obvious annoyance at having to be even the slightest bit vulnerable. 
"Didn't really have the chance." You say, cupping her chin and forcing her to make eye contact with you. She fights against your grip as she tries to turn her head away. "Stop it," You murmur. She sighs as the fight goes out of her, leaving her to have to look at you as you speak. 
"Do you want me to?" You ask. She looks a little uncomfortable at the question and makes pointed glances at your lips to distract you from it. "Shauna." You say pointedly. 
"I've never… With Jackie before." She says slowly. You snicker. Obviously. She taps you gently on the arm in reproach, but she grins widely at the comment. She steels her face into a determined look as she nods to herself. "I’d like to try. If you want to." She spits out quickly, as if it pains her. 
You trace your thumb up her chin and to her lips, pressing gently against it. She parts her lips as you touch the pad of your thumb against her tongue. You watch her carefully for signs of discomfort, and finding none you smile at her. "Knew you could take directions, Shauna. You gonna let me take care of you?" You ask teasingly. 
She makes a shocked noise around your thumb, a little surprised by how much she likes it. She nods slowly. 
You lay in bed later that night, having dropped Jackie back off at home, staring blankly at your ceiling. You lift your hand in front of your face and flex your fingers slowly. You can't even look at them without thinking about her: about the way her mouth felt around them, the way she felt around them. You know it must be your imagination, but you swear you can still hear the faint sounds of her gasps and quiet moans. 
You press your hands against your ears to drown it out, but you can't escape what you're only imagining. You exhale loudly, and roll over to face the wall. You've gotten in too deep with both of them. At first you could ignore the guilt, after all they had both decided to step out. Neither of them had the right to truly be mad at the other, right? 
The longer you spent with them the deeper you fell. All that's left is your desperate need to be a part of it. If you can't have them, at least they can have each other. This has to stop. You decide. You'll just make it stop. How hard can it be to avoid them for a few more weeks? You'll all be going to college soon. 
The answer was a lot harder than you'd think. You gently told Shauna the next time she texted that you were super busy with work and couldn't meet up, only for her to show up at your house later that night just to sleep. As you drift off to sleep in her arms you wonder how the hell you're going to get out of this one; When her arm reflexively tightens around you in her sleep you question if you really even want to. 
You make excuse after excuse whenever one of them texts you, and yet they're always so accommodating. The reassuring texts you get from Jackie after canceling your plans last minute due to 'car troubles' almost make you feel worse than the cheating did. It all comes to a head about a few days later with a loud knock on the door. 
You've been laying on the couch doomscrolling through TikTok for at least an hour, so you're happy for any distraction at this point. You peer through the peephole expecting a salesman only to be confronted by both Jackie and Shauna waiting outside your door. You're filled with an unimaginable amount of dread as you slowly open the door. 
"Hey," Jackie says with a slightly pinched expression. "Can we talk?" She asks, but Shauna pushes her way through the door before you can answer. 
"Great." Shauna says blankly with an annoyed expression on her face. She sits down on the couch, obviously fuming, and points expectantly to the seat across from her. "Sit."
"What Shauna means to say," Jackie says pointedly as she closes the door behind her. "Is would you please sit and talk to us?" Shauna rolls her eyes, clearly that isn't what she wants to say to you. You sit right on the edge of your seat, hands clenching the arms of your chair, ready to bolt at the slightest hint of danger. 
"Good," Jackie says, taking the seat next to Shauna. "Me and Shauna were talking earlier." She starts, looking unusually uncomfortable. 
"You lied to us." Shauna states simply. Jackie sends her a perturbed look but Shauna continues on, "You told me you were working, and you told Jackie you were out of town." 
You couldn't help but wince. In your defense, you really didn't think they'd communicate enough to put that together. You felt very comfortable with those lies when you told them. "Imagine our surprise," Shauna continues, "When we drove past and your car was outside."
You stare down at the floor, unsure of what you could possibly say or do in this situation. You were just so tired. Tired of sneaking around, tired of all the lying. "I'm sorry," You say robotically. "I'm just getting stressed with college coming up." Jackie sighs and Shauna scoffs in response. You continue to stare at your socks. 
You can hear shuffling and Jackie walks over and squats down next to the chair. "Hey. " She says softly as she holds one of your hands between hers. "Can you look at me?" You can't help but glance at Shauna who, while still undeniably upset, has seemed to soften since the conversation began. You finally meet Jackie's eyes to see the look of concern on her face. 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion the longer you look at her. "I know that it must be a lot right now trying to find your place in our relationship, but if you need space you need to talk to us. You don't get to lie to us like that, Y/N." She says seriously. 
In our relationship? You think, flabbergasted. 
"We agreed it would be easier if we saw you separately, remember? But maybe we've been taking up too much of your time? It's probably really difficult balancing both of us, Nat, and your job. Huh?" Jackie asks. You nod slowly, not sure what's happening. Shauna sighs loudly and exasperatedly as she walks over and squats down next to Jackie. 
"Stop looking pathetic and sad. It's hard to be mad at you when you do that." Shauna teases, flashing you a wry grin. You laugh wetly, on the verge of tears. "Hey, hey. I said stop being sad." She says a little panicked. You shake your head trying to stifle the urge to cry. 
"Maybe we rushed it a bit when we talked at the party?" Shauna asks. 
At the party. You think slowly. You've got to be fucking kidding me. This whole time? 
"No. No. We didn't rush it." You say quickly, thinking fast to come up with a better excuse. 
"You're right. I've been having trouble balancing my time, and I didn't want you guys to think I was playing favorites or anything." You lie, more than willing to use an excuse so readily offered to you. "I'm really sorry that I lied to you guys. I should have just been honest from the start."
"You should've." Shauna says honestly. Jackie elbows her gently in the side. "What? Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong." You smile affectionately as they bicker like an old married couple. 
"Enough." Jackie says with a laugh, sharing a long look with Shauna. Shauna watches you carefully, notably suspicious, but ultimately seems willing to accept your lie. After confirming they're on the same page Jackie turns and smiles up at you. 
"How about," Jackie starts slowly. "We start hanging out together? The three of us. That way you'll have time for all of us." Shauna nods in agreement. Your smile splits your face in two as you nod eagerly. Shauna laughs mockingly at you, but squeezes your hand affectionately. 
You stretch out across Shauna's couch contentedly, laying across Shauna and Jackie who sit at either end. Jackie makes an annoyed noise as she gently swats at your leg. "Careful," She chides, "You nearly kicked my phone out of my hand." 
You peek an eye open as Shauna's muffled laughter shakes your body. You feign a pout as you look up at her, your head laying in her lap. "I didn't come here to be attacked like this," You say in a whiny voice. Shauna snickers in amusement, but sets her phone down to slip a hand into your hair to massage gently at your scalp. 
Your eyes slide shut again as you move your head into her hand like a cat. Jackie sighs dramatically, as if particularly put out. "I'm still here guys," She reminds you, but you can hear the smile in her voice. You shift slightly and nudge at her arm with your foot. "Thanks, Y/N." She says dryly. Still, she grabs ahold of your ankle and starts stroking her thumb absentmindedly across the sliver of skin showing between your jeans and your socks in a gentle caress. 
You couldn't have dreamed of a better resolution to your problems than the one you'd got, even if you had some extremely rough passages along the way. It was even worth the embarrassing phone call you had made to Nat, who laughed hysterically for almost 20 minutes at your expense. Your lips quirk up at the thought. 
"What are you thinking about?" Shauna asks softly. You hum in amusement. 
"Always so nosy." You chide affectionately. "Thinking about you. How pretty my girlfriends are. The usual." Shauna makes a slightly choked noise in embarrassment, her fingers tightening reflexively in your hair. You make a pained noise and she quickly lets go with a few whispered apologies as she continues to gently play with your hair. You don't bother to open your eyes, knowing her well enough to imagine the pretty blush staining her face.
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
I have some thoughts of Jealous JackieShauna w reader,
Before Dating
- After you’ve hung out with a potential s/o or just a friend that she’s jealous of Jackie will always confront you like a cheating spouse, like getting into petty non arguments “Where were you? Why were you w her you know I don’t like her. No I just want to spend time with you, you’re one of my best friends and they’re stealing you from me.”
- If you even MENTION the person, Shauna gives you the silent treatment, she is secretly SEETHING and you keep trying to engage in conversation but she just gives you nothing or walks away and you’re left wondering what you did to upset her.
- Jackie is absolutely guilty of calling you and faking that there’s an emergency she needs your help with to get you to cancel a date with this person. Which of course you fall for every time.
- Shauna 100% gives this person the dirtiest looks, if looks could kill this poor random would be dead and buried on sight.
After You Start Dating:
- Jackie is not afraid to act first and ask questions later but she will mask it with politeness, if she sees someone getting too close to you during a party or just anything she doesn’t particularly like, she’ll walk right over, throw her arms around you, plant a huge kiss on your lips, then turn to the other person “Oh my god babe, who’s this? Who? Oh I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you before, hmm.” Then she just stands there with you until the other person gets too uncomfortable and leaves. She will be clingy the entire rest of the night.
- Same situation with Shauna and she does not give a shit, She will unabashedly grab your arm, tug you away from the person and move your hand to her waist as you walk away to hit it home. She’ll tell you that you’re leaving though so she can make sure that people will know you’re taken.
-Jackie is the type of gf that if you unknowingly upset her and then drive her home she keeps her knees as far away from your side of the car as possible, do you know what I mean? Like turning her body away from you as much as she can. She’ll be pouty, arms crossed and will not look at you at all.
- Shauna will make a move on you in the car, climbing into your lap and in a way silently seeking validation that you still want her. It’s not that she doesn’t trust you or anything, she just has a couple insecurities and she likes having you show her she’s the one you want/hearing you say it.
- Jackie will no doubt have to try to convince Shauna not to slap the random person talking to you. If you get in trouble with both of them in the same night, you’re basically escorted through the rest of the party by both of them at your side.
these may not be great cause it’s pushing 3 am for me but have at it! Hope you had a great weekend milfman, drink water today and take care of yourself cause you deserve it :)
yes!! let's go! more soffsh headcanons boyssssss.
you come home and jackie's sitting in your room on your bed with her legs crossed and her arms in her lap like "do you have any idea what time it is, Y/N?" she enlisted shauna but Shauna's fast asleep on the bed behind her
Jackie watches your social media following like a hawk. she goes on a day long spiral whenever someone hot follows you
love love love ridiculously possessive shauna. her and her "you know other women??" ass has me captivated completely lmao
Jackie would fake an emergency omg her dramatic ass
you try to talk to the other girl at school after your date and she just squeaks in fear and runs away from you. Jackie comforting you over it while shauna stands guard protectively in front of you so no one sees you upset??
Jackie sees you talking to another woman and just immediately throws herself in your lap. talking bout "omg your so strong y/n do you work out??" as she's feeling up your arms and shit. you were talking to your cousin lmaoooo. Jackie can never be too careful though
shauna just silently showing up, kissing you in front of them, and dragging you back to her and Jackie??
Jackie still hangs out with you when she's upset because she wants you to know she's ignoring you on purpose and is expecting you to grovel for her forgiveness/attention
shauna dragging you in the backseat to possessively climb in your lap while Jackie climbs in the car on your other side to watch yall. going feral over the idea of Jackie just watching shauna ride you in the backseat and whispering jealous little comments about that girl in your ear.
ugh jackieshauna escorting me through the party like a misbehaving child when?? im so convinced that half of dating Shauna is convincing her not to go to jail over something miniscule.
thanks anon! hope you had a good weekend too ❤️
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
Speaking of Christmas, I’ve been in the holiday mood because, as I mentioned, me and my firehouse sell Christmas trees each year. So tonight while the Christmas music was bumping and we had some downtime between customers I wrote up some holiday HCs for Jackie/Shauna that I had off the top of my head.
- Jackie is the type of girl to start celebrating Christmas the day after (American) thanksgiving, blasting holiday music throughout the house, whereas Shauna will scream back at her “IT’S LEGITIMATELY STILL NOVEMBER, TURN IT OFF”
- Jackie absolutely has a checklist of things that she makes you all to do so she can have a good holiday. Baking cookies, decorating a gingerbread house, watching specific nostalgic Christmas movies and TV show episodes etc. Shauna will only barely tolerate this because it makes Jackie WILDLY happy.
- Jackie hangs mistletoe up around the house, and will run to meet you or Shauna under it when you’re passing by.
- Holidays aside the only thing that really makes Shauna happy during this time is when you guys take a walk while it’s snowing. She loves watching the snow come down and the relaxed down time with you because you don’t put as much of an emphasis on every moment leading up to the holiday as Jackie does. But you will always agree because seeing Shauna with a bunch of snowflakes caught in her eyelashes and hair makes your heart stop.
- Ms. Jackie Taylor CANNOT cook for the life of her, leaving the holiday dinner up to you and Shauna. Jackie decides to occupy her time with decorating because she was asked to leave the kitchen when something burned because she was left in charge to watch the stove while you and Shauna were trying to wash dishes and she’s j sat on the table texting while smoke billows out of the pot. When you and Shauna finally emerge from the kitchen you see the house is decorated so well it’s like the set of a hallmark movie and Jackie is just sat on the couch nonchalantly waiting for you both.
- Jackie will try to convince you and Shauna to take one of those “matching pajama, family pictures” to send out for holiday cards. Jackie is able to say very little of her plan however, before Shauna shuts her down.
- The holidays are probably really draining for Shauna as she has to split her time between her mom and dad, so she needs a lot more quiet time with you or Jackie. Just laying in bed, lights off, cuddled up to each other where no one talks, possibly watching a holiday movie.
- Shauna has to talk Jackie out of buying every holiday candle scent cause she can’t decide between “Walk in the Snow”, “Christmas Cookie”, or “Pine Wood Forest”
- On Christmas morning Jackie will act like an excited child, waking you and Shauna up at the ass crack of dawn because she’s so excited to give you both your gifts.
- Shauna I can see as a very sentimental gift giver without even knowing what she’s doing. Will give you like a book with information about all the dates you guys had been on with pictures, movie tickets, drawings etc and will be clueless as to why you burst into tears and hugged her.
- Jackie will get you very thoughtful gifts but they’re definitely more, materialistic things. Don’t get me wrong, by no means is it just any expensive thing she thinks you’ll like, she 100% clocked that you wanted something in like April and remembers to get it for you.
Sorry for flooding your inbox with Headcannons of these two, I have JackieShauna brainrot atm. Hope you’re doing well pookie, love ya <3
doesn't everyone start their christmas celebrations the day after american thanksgiving? thats when we always put up christmas lights and stuff. its when they start playing christmas music and shit i think shaunas just a hater on this one lmao
oh god jackie would want to fully celebrate every holiday im with shauna the hater on this one fr.
jackie purposely puts it up in your favorite areas of the house so she can kiss you and you're like "but you could just kiss me anyways?" and she'd just blush and shake her head
shauna loves that it gets dark so early during the holidays fr. she enjoys staring out the window as the snow comes down all broody and shit. i love being shaunas holiday escape omg that's so good. shauna looked so pretty in the snow scenes i cant imagine what she'd look like actually happy in the snow lmaooo
jackie burned water once but she runs the gingerbread house decorating like the navy. shes playing the sims with that icing bag fr fr. you walk out of the kitchen to see jackie standing on like a step ladder on top of a chair trying to put decorations up and both you and shauna are like "!!!!! jackie plssss"
jackie buys shauna the pjs and tells her they're for her. shauna reluctantly wears them and is like "oh hell no" when she sees you both wearing them and tries to run upstairs. yall get the picture but both you and jackie had to wrestle shauna to the ground. the pic is like you with your arm around shaunas neck while jackies pinning her legs down and strewn across her lap. you're both smiling but shauna looks fucking deadly. it's your favorite picture of shauna and you make it your pfp for months.
ugh jackie's ass would burn sugar cookie and pine forest at the same time and make the entire house smell awful. jackie walks in the living room to see you and shauna on the floor gagging while holding the blanket over your noses.
i absolutely do think jackie buys you super sentimental and meaningful gifts that show how well she knows you. shauna is so an experience/sentimental gift giver. she gets you tickets to do something you'd like with her or makes you super sentimental gifts for sure. i love the idea of shauna giving you like little poems shes written about you over the year.
absolutely flood my inbox bro i love talking jackieshauna. i'm doing very well, thank you!
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