#Chishiya and Kuina are besties
choupiee · 1 year
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Kuina and Chishiya (platonic, no borderlands and possibly inaccurate) headcanons.
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- Kuina misspells Chishiya’s name a lot when texting. Chishiya would look at his phone and see ‘XHISUAYSH’ and he’d already know that Kuina needs him.
- Chishiya has accounts on every single social media app and he barely uses it. Kuina made it for him so he can have access to all the apps. Though sometimes he ends up liking posts from Kuina.
- Chishiya declines calls, so it’s up to Kuina to voice message instead.
- Both of them are apartment neighbours. Kuina’s room is more lively and has pictures of her friends and family, it also has those LED lights that she displays on the walls. Chishiya barely has anything in his room except a desk with a laptop and printer and a bed in the corner.
- They both met in the hospital. Chishiya was her substitute doctor for a week. Kuina claims that he’s the only one that treats her normally and doesn’t make a huge fuss about her being trans.
- They reunited once again in a coffee shop. Now they hang out every once in awhile.
- Kuina drags him to places, Chishiya actually ends up being dragged.
- They go to different colleges that are somewhat near each other. When Chishiya passes Kuina’s class window, they end up waving to each other. Kuina’s day ends up getting better seeing Chishiya.
- Got matching hoodies once. Everywhere they passed, the people all thought they were a couple.
- Kuina managed to be friends with Usagi, who is friends with Arisu, which Arisu is friends with Chota, Karube and Tatta, who is well-known friends with Ann. And guess what? Chishiya got dragged in the friendgroup.
- Kuina’s the singer, Chishiya plays an instrument for her.
- The group chat they’re in consists of the whole group. Kuina and Chishiya end up making conversations about gossips late at night.
- Kuina would probably fake being serious, then when Chishiya catches her attention, she’d laugh so hard and shove him harshly saying ‘I’M JOKING HAHAHAH-’ and Chishiya stumbles back and ends up falling over.
- Kuina would know all about his inventions. She got a bit surprised when she found out Chishiya knows how to make bombs.
- Chishiya is the one that’ll sort of hide behind Kuina when he’s being introduced to new people.
- Chishiya: Yo can I have some water?-
Kuina: (kicks a waterbottle at him)
- Chishiya’s the night owl. Kuina’s the early bird.
- Chishiya sucks at games and struggles. Kuina tries her best to teach him. He’d be like ‘Kuin’ I can’t properly see the clues-’ and Kuina’s like ‘THERE’S NO CLUES THIS IS MARIO KART’
- Chishiya barely has his down moments. But Kuina does. And when she does, Chishiya just holds her hand and lets her have her moment whilst she cries her eyes out.
- They would 100% judge other people together. Chishiya would have a sharp-tongue and make Kuina always laugh at his smartass commentary.
- Dogs like Kuina but hate Chishiya. He got bitten more than twice from a dog.
- Kuina: (terribly sings her heart out on purpose in voice calls)
Chishiya: (suffers in silence)
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httpsclarye · 1 year
Kuina, at Chishiya’s funeral: Can I please have a moment alone with him?
Arisu: Of course.
Kuina, now leaning into Chishiya's coffin: Wake up you lil fucker I know you're not dead
Chishiya, opening one eye: Yeah well no shit
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Girlboss and Short king, the best queerplatonic duo
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hitorimaron · 1 year
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Inspired by And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin by @beewolfwrites
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mazojo · 1 year
I love Alice in Borderland (Kuina) (Chishiya)
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chenkingart · 1 year
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Kickass besties
doodled this at speedlight after watching the show
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no greater pain than Knowing a character is gay and having absolutely no one u ship them with
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hoodedchishiya · 1 year
Chishiya, I’ve always wondered.. do you wear eyeliner? 👀
But also yes. Kuina likes to insist that it ‘really suits me’ and that it ‘makes my eyes pop’.. whatever that fucking weird lingo of hers means. The only time my eyes really pop if when she almost stabs me in them when applying it.
Therefore I let her apply eyeliner sometimes if I’m in the mood, just to get her off my back.
~Chishiya ♦️
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
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ignore the fucked up arm to the right but this was my first draft of him :)) u can’t rlly see the scars that well tho :(
oughhhhh himm :'))
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louscartridge · 1 year
how you and chishiya met/started daiting
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do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
cw- season 2 spoilers?? gn reader, mentions of death, blood, injurys, nirgai, reader being a member of the beach, reader and kuina being the best bestie, chishiya pretending to be readers bf, the smallest bit of swearing, kissing, the smallest bit of drinking.
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❥ you guys first met in a game
❥ it was a hearts one
❥ he was impressed on how you survived at the end considering usually only one person does in heart games
❥ you never talked or interacted too much in the game tho
❥ the second/actual time you met was at the beach
❥ you became a part of the beach before him
❥ when you got back from the heart game you told hatter about him.
❥ you figured he could be of use.
❥ and boy were you right.
❥ after some convincing hatter told kuina to try and 'recruit' him.
❥ to your surprise chishiya actually came.
❥ everyone could tell his gaurd was way up and he had no intention of letting it down
❥ you and kuina had met in the borderland and had quickly become good friends, so it was expected that kuina quickly noticed how you felt about chishiya.
❥ in the time span of a few months, somehow, kuina ended up becoming almost as close to chishiya as she was with you.
❥ though, with you and kuina being close, alot of the times kuina was hanging out with chishiya you were there too
❥ kuina is fr your guys' biggest shippers
❥ she saw right through chishiya and his whole 'she could just be another sacrifice' thing
❥ the first time chishiya showed that he actually cared about you was after you came back from a game.
❥ you had gotten a spades game. in other words a physical one. usually spade games were nothing to you as you were quite athletic and enjoyed running and exercising of the sorts.
❥ however this one was tough.
❥ you had the rest of the players were trapped in a room where the walls were covered in spikes with no way out except a door on the ceiling, but you had to climb up the spikes to get to said door.
❥ you had fallen a few times, which earned you a pained back and ribs, along with some gashes on your hands, thighs, and forearms. 
❥ you often came back from games complacently fine, rarely with blood on you.  if you did, it was often other peoples.
❥ so it caught chishiya's attention when you had returned to the beach holding onto your thigh, struggling to walk with ripped clothes.
❥ luckily he quickly saw ann come over to you and start to tend to you.
❥ "are they going to be ok?" chishiya asked kuina 
"hmm.. why do you care? theyre just another sacrifice." kuina smirked.
 "no theyre not!" 
kuina looked at chishiya in shock. that was the most emotion shes ever seen him express. 
however chishiya let out a shallow breath composing himself. "no. theyre not." he repeats. this time though it was said how he would say anything else.
❥ chishiya never told you about him and kuinas conversation. there was no need to.
❥ kuina, however, did. 
❥ when niragi first joind the beach, chishiya immediately felt off about him.  
❥ chishiya's suspicions were soon proven right when he started seeing nirgai trying to get close to you. multiple times. even after youve clearly expressed how uncomfortable you were.
❥ nirgai was at it again, standing in front of you after a executives meeting. he was continuously reaching his arm out trying to put it on your waist.
seeing as how nirgai wouldnt stop chishiya took it appon himself to help.
 chishiya came over to the two of you and draped his arms over your shoulders.
 "what the fuck are you doing?"- nirgai
"im their boyfriend, what the fuck are you doing?"
❥ after the two of them going back and forth for a bit nirgai finally gave up.
❥ you sighed and leaned against chisiya
❥ you felt him tense up when you leaned on him. "thank you" you told him. "of course." 
❥ you were the first one to make an actual move obvi.
❥ you had gotten back from a game slightly hurt.
❥ ann couldnt help you this time since she was still at a game when you got back so chishiya offered to help you. 
❥once he was done you asked if you could stay in his room until the others got back to which he surprisingly said yes to. 
❥ one thing led to another and some how -you dont even remember how- you found yourself softly kissing him.
❥ however the kiss didnt last long from chishiya quickly pulling away. 
❥ "no- no i cant let you in"- chishiya 
                                 "you can. itll just take some time."- you
❥ kuina noticed how slightly different you two were acting around each other when it was just the three of you. 
❥ she knew you guys liked each other but she just thought you guys were still oblivious to the others feelings
❥ the three of you were hanging out in the bar when chishiya leaned over you getting something for you that you couldnt reach. 
❥ "oh my god just kiss already!" kuina exclaimed, drink in her hand.
 'did you tell her anything?' chishiya mouthed to you.
'no!' you mouthed back. 
"holy shit you already did! when? y/nnn why didnt you tell me??"
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choupiee · 1 year
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Kuina: Whatcha’ looking at?
Chishiya: I’m looking at Aguni. He’s terribly wearing a fedora.
Kuina: Is this to distract yourself or is this just for blackmail?.
Chishiya: I’ll give you time to think the correct one.
Kuina: It’s both, isn’t it? Your literally taking photos of him.
Chishiya: It’ll be funny-
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corawritesthings · 1 year
chishiya shuntaro headcanons
headcanons (and general ramblings) about our favorite blond boy being besties with reader. because i’m a simp except it’s pre-arisu and gang; reader is assumed to be at the beach. gender neutral reader!!
disclaimers: mild references to both seasons of alice in borderland. very brief reference to alcohol. not beta read or spellchecked because we die on this hill.
platonic OR romantic headcanons//
-first of all, i have to mention: i feel like lots of people interpret chishiya as this very stoic, emotionless person. and he is, to an extent. he’s certainly got an amazing poker face. but he’s also not a statue, do you get me? like he does have. expressions.
-(my personal favorite being the little grin he does in season 1 when he’s using the walkie-talkie to talk to kuina and she’s like “i would NOT want to be your enemy” and he’s just like “lolol yeah i get that a lot” like TELL ME that face was not adorable)
-he’s a little gossip girl. prove me wrong.
-like, if you two were at the beach at the same time, you cannot tell me that he wouldn’t be in the know about practically all the going-ons. through either his own observations or kuina.
-literally, you could be like: “oh my god, did you hear about [x, y, z]” and more than likely he’d just nod and smirk and be like “yep.” because of course he does.
-(i’m sorry. i’m SORRY. but did you SEE how he was literally dying to tell someone about that couple in the cells in season 2. POOR BABY IPPEI DID NOT ASK TO KNOW ABOUT THAT, CHISHIYA)
-if you were an executive, you two would be like literal children during the meetings. hatter is just going on and on and on, and you two would share glances every time he said something slightly out of pocket. “did-he-actually-just-say-that” type glances. raised eyebrows. the works.
-if he was bored and felt particularly silly one of these days he’d like. try to make you laugh in the most subtle ways. it always works tbh.
-he would share his headphones with you for sure if you asked. he might give you shit for it, do not get me wrong. but he would definitely give in.
-i’ve heard others say this before, but i’ll say it too because it’s very accurate: top love language. quality time. like i firmly one hundred percent believe with my full soul that if you guys are friends, he will just camp out in your room if he doesn’t feel like being alone.
-deadass, he wouldn’t even need to be speaking. he’ll just be there, reading, or tinkering with his latest project, etcetera.
-also! i don’t think he’s nearly as quiet as people make him out to be, either. like he’s not a chatterbox necessarily, and he could definitely have his moods where he’s not in the mood to talk; but at the same time, i feel like the majority of the time, he’d be down for a genuine conversation.
-amazing listener.
-will definitely remember the things you say. will DEFINITELY remember that one embarrassing thing you did when you drank too much that one time. will definitely tease you about it.
-he likes being right, tbh. if he knows how to read you (and chances are, he does), he’ll do that thing where he completely psychoanalyzes your emotions and what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking JUST so that you can be like. “what the actual fuck, chishiya.”
-keeps an eye out for you when you’re supposed to be returning from a game. definitely feels relieved when he sees that you’re okay and alive. probably won’t show it. (LOL)
purely romantic headcanons//
-if you two are dating, i think we’ve all collectively agreed he wouldn’t be SUPER affectionate with you in public. (HELP I ALMOST WROTE PUBLIX that would’ve been funny)
-however, i do think it could go one of two ways.
-one, he could go the route of wanting to keep your relationship private. this is very much possible, and it wouldn’t be because he’s ashamed or wants to hide it--it’s more so to protect the both of you.
-he wouldn’t want anyone to attempt to use you to get to him. you’d be a vulnerability, and he definitely would not want you to get hurt.
-or, route two: perhaps he deems it safe enough for you two to be in a relationship and have it not be a big deal. meaning, he wouldn’t be actively TELLING people, but he wouldn’t be hiding it, either.
-if it went this route, i think it would allow for more public affection. :)
-by this, i mean like. hand holding. quick little smooches on the cheek or forehead. him having an arm around your shoulders if you’re out by the bar or pool. etcetera. (i really don’t believe this would be so out of character!! it wouldn’t be like a crazily obvious amount of public affection. i just mean small little things.)
-he would definitely have just a teeny tiny bit of panic in that heart of his while waiting for you to come back from a game. expect cuddles on those nights. sorry i don’t make the rules.
-i do actually believe he’d be a bit more honest with you in a relationship. like, about the gears that are constantly moving in his mind. you’d get a bit more insight into how he works and how he’s so many steps ahead. you’ve got an intriguing boyfriend tbh can i have him
-there’s so much i could say about this man. please i beg send me requests for headcanons (or even one-shots or drabbles tbh i have brainrot)
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surshica · 1 year
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babycakes — SHE KNOWS
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SHE KNOWS — jollibee >> kfc — [babycakes]
ARISU : blew up overnight because he got some lucky ass kills in cod + the fact he screamed imma kms when he lost his 50/50 in genshin impact. has known kyuma ann and yn through usagi—speaking abt usagi. he wanted to keep the relationship a secret but he fucked up and leaked one of their convos..
HEIYA : fashion major in college~ has had multiple in-counters with chishiya when she was little so she likes to think of them as besties alongside kuina! loved to talk shit abt people who annoy her—very much a gossip girl! loves watching people crumble over stupid silly shit
CHISHIYA : a doctor who blew up because of kuina and heiya’s tiktoks. he was simply in the background and all of a sudden everyone was in love with him—it got so bad that they wanted him to be on a dating show. very much a workaholic, knows kyuma through arisu and usagi! knows of yn but doesn’t know that she is related to kyuma..
KARUBE : a bartender that is inlove with his gf sm he doesn’t stop talking abt her sometimes! one of arisu’s closest friends—very hot headed and headstrong like kuina. chishiya likes to laugh at him sometimes! actually got into a dating scandal one time with yn because she was hanging out with him and arisu.
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beewolfwrites · 1 year
An Iron Box - Solace
Another instalment of An Iron Box! I admit, the bed scene in this is one of my favourite moments, even if it’s so small. 
If you notice any errors, please do let me know! I’ve proofed this after drinking too many glasses of wine so words are no longer my forte. 
AO3 link is here.
It was uncanny that they could sleep so soundly. 
Although I was lying in my bed upstairs in Kuina’s uncle’s furniture store, I could still hear the crackle of the flames in my ears. The Beach had been the one place I wanted to break away from, but seeing it almost burned to the ground was disturbing, even to me. 
We had lit the store with candles and lanterns, however this floor had remained neglected. And now, as I stared up at the wooden slant of the ceiling, I felt that familiar pressure weighted like an anchor on my chest. The blue of night had poured through the window and curled around the room, drenching everything in a wash of moonlight. The bed was cold, the pillow stiff. The other two were fast asleep, their steady breathing rising and falling like tides. 
My eyes traced the eyes of the wooden beams above, a distraction from the conversation I had overheard earlier in the evening, as I had been standing outside our “living room”. 
‘And what about you and Chishiya, hm? I’m guessing you two are besties now.’ 
‘Something like that, I suppose.’ 
What were we? Certainly not something as crass as “besties”, or whatever Kuina had called it. I wasn’t in love with her. No. I would know if that was the case, surely. But how could I define it? This fine string that connected us. 
She was the only thing warm in this world - like a candle in a window, perhaps. I couldn’t find the right words for it, aside from the words she had shared with me long ago. A train whistle. Yes, hers was the only voice that tore through the darkness, and whatever these feelings were, I could neither explain nor control them. All I knew was that she needed to be closer. I needed her to ease this weight.  
A soft gasp interrupted the night. There was a creak, as (name) tossed and turned in the bed beside mine. With a barely audible cry, her eyes shot open, staring fixedly at something on the ceiling which I couldn’t see. She blinked several times until her face slowly relaxed. 
I should have known. She was naive and emotional, and these games would eventually come back to haunt her. Rolling over, she smushed her face into her pillow in an obvious attempt at avoiding looking at the ceiling. 
Then her eyes lifted, and she looked at me.
Her hair was a mess, and her pillow had left an imprint against her cheek. But there was a softness in her gaze. A want. I knew exactly what she was going to do when she pulled back her sheets, dropping her feet lightly on the floorboards. I felt a cold shiver of air as she slipped under my covers and crawled into the space beside me. 
Although she had left plenty of room between us, I could feel her calm presence just out of reach. She didn’t speak, but it was obvious what she wanted from me. It was what she had always wanted. 
A shiver caressed the back of my neck as her warm fingertips brushed my open palm. Testing the waters, I allowed my fingers to lightly touch hers. 
What am I even doing… 
I must have remained like that for at least half an hour, quietly watching her face as she drifted off into a slumber. How selfish of her. Here she was, using my presence to soothe her own nightmares, while I lay awake unable to relax now that she was beside me, so close but still so far away. 
I couldn’t have slept any worse. Throughout the night, she eventually moved, rolling over until her back was facing me. I took the opportunity to break away, crawling back to the familiarity of my own space. However, even though I slept lightly, I was still highly aware of her body curled up less than three feet away. 
And when the dawn finally rose over the city, I realised that there was no point remaining in this bed any longer. She had claimed it for herself, stretched out across the mattress with her face buried into my pillow. She could have it for now. I had more pressing matters to deal with. 
I extracted myself from the bed, careful not to rouse her. Judging from the empty bed and the faint shuffling downstairs, Kuina must have woken up in the early hours of the morning after I had drifted off. Knowing her, she would quiz me on this… this sleeping arrangement the moment I went downstairs. 
Shuffling into the store bathroom, I discovered a bottle of water that Kuina had placed by the sink the night before. Whilst we lacked bare essentials like toothpaste and soap, I was still able to wash my face. I was covered in soot and my hair smelled like a bonfire, but there was little I could do about it without water. Nor could I change into clean clothes. Most of my existing clothes had burned, my belongings along with them. 
But not everything. 
The scrap of paper that I had found on the tagger’s body. 
I had almost forgotten about it, but luckily I had kept it safe the pocket of my shorts ever since the Tag game. I hadn’t dared to leave in my room at the Beach just in case it fell into the wrong hands. And now, reaching into my pocket and unfolding the corners, I held up the paper up to the bathroom mirror, staring into the entanglement of lines and seeing my own reflection through that mysterious pinprick right in the centre. 
A map. 
That was the only possibility. But a map of what? Although it had hardy been a priority over the last few weeks, I had been mulling it over in the back of my mind. I had a theory or two, but nothing conclusive…yet. 
As I went downstairs, I bumped straight into Kuina, who had been arranging the furniture into a more homely structure and tearing off the price tags. 
‘Oh my god, you’re awake!’ She set down the dining chair she was holding and gripped my shoulders, eyes wide. ‘You have to tell me what happened! When I woke up you two were like a burrito. It was so cute, I only wish I had my phone so I could have taken a picture.’
‘Nothing happened.’  
‘Are you sure about that? Because it looked kind of like you were cuddling.’ 
‘Nothing happened,’ I repeated firmly, shaking out of her firm grip and walking over to the store entrance. 
She stood there, puzzled for a moment. Then she followed after me. ‘Wait, where are you going now? I didn’t mean to upset you, though you were really cute.’ 
The thought of being “cute” was abhorrent to me. I shut down the idea immediately. ‘There’s something I want to check,’ I told her, pulling my hood over my head. ‘I’ll be back soon.’ 
Before she could protest, I left the furniture store quietly and entered into the desolate concrete of Tokyo in search of the nearest subway station. The air still held a crisp chill, but the dawn spilled out onto the cracks and crevices of the streets. It had been a while since I was able to freely explore the city without having a group of crazed gunmen running around after me. 
It took a little searching, but I finally came across the familiar grimy steps of a subway station. The entrance descended into pitch blackness, but luckily there was no need to bother venturing inside. What I required was displayed right here in front of me on the information board; a large map of Tokyo’s main subway lines, threading and interweaving into a messy knot. Standing several feet back from the map on the board, I held up the square piece of paper. 
So I was right. 
It aligned almost perfectly. 
The hand drawn version was a scribble, of course, but the general shape was the same. The punched hole in the page had to be one of the stations, but given its location on the map, I could narrow down the possibilities quite easily. All that was left was to explore the depths of the subway. 
What will I find there?
What, indeed. 
If it was true that there were dealers to each and every game, then perhaps this would lead me to a base, of sorts. After all, the tagger had to be working for them, no? Or was the tagger a dealer herself, and just like the two girls in the Witch Hunt, she had been forced to participate. Did all dealers have to participate in the games they controlled? That was one possibility. But there were so many more. I had to admit, I was rather looking forward to making my discovery. 
However, now was not the right time. The sun was already high in the sky, and I had someone waiting for me back at my own den. 
‘What about when you helped me onto the top floor in the Tag game?’ 
Despite everything that had happened between us, I had forgotten just how annoying she could be. From the moment we set foot inside this mini-mart, she had launched a surprise attack; a barrage of questions to work out exactly when I had stopped manipulating her for my own gain. I could understand why she wanted to know, but if she wasn’t careful, she would only end up hurting herself. 
Hovering at my side, she picked up a can of soup, scanning the picture on the label to translate the flavour. I took it from her and placed it in my own basket. If I allowed her to lug a heavy basket around she would only complain later. 
‘That was only because I thought you’d be useful,’ I said. 
‘And when you pulled me out of the safe room, when the tagger started shooting at us?’ 
I shook my head. Of course not. At the time, I had only intended to keep her around for the sake of either using her as a shield, or as a part of my plan. She followed me into the toiletry aisle, and I picked out a tube of toothpaste while she selected a men’s razor. As she moved to drop it in her basket, I swiped it and put it in my own. 
As if I need you to shop for me. 
She hid her surprise well. ‘Then how about the time when that militant guy with the gun was bothering me at the bar?’ 
‘That wasn’t real either,’ I replied. ‘I saw an opportunity and took it.’ 
She was becoming more and more disheartened by the answers I was giving. What did she expect? If she wanted honesty, I would happily oblige. 
Although, I’m not sure I enjoy being on such thin ice.
When her hand gravitated towards a bar of soap on the top shelf, I intercepted, taking the soap. Perhaps if all I could offer her was an empty basket, it would soften the blows. 
She sighed, thinking harder this time. ‘The deal we made, when you came with me so I could get my own clothes?’ 
I remembered it so clearly, that darkness in Shinjuku Gyoen. Sitting in the roots of the trees with her body pressed against my own, startled by how alive she was, and being faced by the coldness of that vast ocean. Even now, my skin still tingled where I had felt her breath skim the surface of my skin. However, that had nothing to do with the deal we made. 
I shook my head. 
‘And what about Niragi?’ she mumbled. Her fingers tightened around the handle of her basket. ‘When he did what he did? The things you left in my room.’ 
Even now, despite how they had healed, I could still envision the faint outline of those bruises. It twisted something in me. A certain revulsion? Perhaps. The mental image of Niragi crouched over her, forcing her down until she cried, touching her under her clothes with his face buried in the junction of her neck… It was distasteful. 
I looked her in the eye, ready with the truth. ‘That was real.’ 
And of course, she blushed with the innocence of a schoolgirl and tried to hide her face in the shelves. Idiot. I had already seen. I placed my hand on her head, laughing lightly at her silly reaction before walking away. 
I wandered around the mini-mart, filling my basket with necessities; first aid supplies, canned foods, dry noodles, toiletries, bottles of water. When our baskets were full - or at least, when mine was - we started off back to our temporary hideout. However, as we walked through Shibuya City, bypassing small stores and eateries, I sensed (name) slowing down. 
She tapped me on the forearm. ‘Hey. Do you mind if I stop by somewhere?’ 
It made no difference to me. ‘Do what you want.’
She didn’t move at first, but swayed her half-empty basket awkwardly. ‘You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want. I’d only be a few minutes.’ 
Unless she was dragging me into a lingerie store or a teddy bear workshop, I really didn’t care where she wanted to go. ‘I’ll come,’ I said. 
With a begrudging huff, she led me down several twists, turns and alleyways until we came across a scruffy apartment block. Inside, there were two broken elevators and a dirty set of stairs. She began to climb, and I followed her up several floors, watching as she peered around at the numbers on the doors. 
Let me guess… you were living here. 
As far as I knew, she had been a tourist. So it begged the question as to what she was doing in a place like this. She shuffled down a narrow hallway before stopping in front of a door. And just when I assumed she would pull out a secret key, she chose instead to surprise me by throwing her side at the door in a pathetic attempt to break it down. 
And naturally, when that didn’t work, she decided to batter it to death with her foot, slamming it into the wood over and over until there was a splintering crack and the door gave way. 
A little dramatic, but I suppose it was necessary. 
Whilst I wasn’t exactly impressed by the state of the apartment, I was curious as to what exactly tied her here. Ducking through the doorway, I entered an open plan living room and kitchen. The place was thick with dust. A visible layer coated the ground and shelves, and motes swirled in the light streaming through the windows. In the middle of the living room, a coffee table had been moved aside and a suitcase lay open on the floor. Several bottles of stagnant water, some half-empty, lay beside it. 
There was nothing especially remarkable about the apartment. In fact, it was uncomfortable and stuffy. But I was intrigued. This was a part of her life in the Borderlands that I had not been a part of. The woman who lived here was a shadow of the woman standing beside me now. She gestured to a half-open door in the corner of the room. Inside was a bathroom. 
‘That was where I was, when it happened.’ She placed her basket on the floor, and I followed suit. ‘It feels strange,’ she added, ‘being here with you. It’s like I’ve come straight back to where I started.’ 
This must have been where she was hiding when we had met, all those weeks ago. ‘It’s been a long time since our first game,’ I agreed quietly. 
She went silent, thinking deeply about something. Perhaps trying to come to a decision. 
‘You know,’ she said at last, ‘if we ever get to leave this place, I think I want to stay in Japan. Maybe I can find you and Kuina in the real world.’
Part of me had expected this, but I couldn’t quite decide whether there would be space for her in that world of mine - in the darkened wallpaper of my life. But as she crouched down by the suitcase, sliding clothes into her basket with a strange determination, the answer came to me strong and clear. 
‘The University of Tokyo Hospital.’ 
She lifted her head. ‘Hm?’ 
‘I’m a medical student,’ I said. ‘I do my clinical rotations at the university hospital.’ 
Her face cracked into a grin. ‘So that’s how you knew how to treat injuries! How come you never said anything before?’ 
Because surely it was obvious. 
‘Because the less people know, the better.’ 
She nodded slowly, mulling it over as she folded a pair of jeans and put them into the basket. ‘What made you want to be a doctor, though? I thought you didn’t care about helping people.’
I don’t. 
Every memory I had of my father - his shoulders sloped over a desk - should have been tinged with bitterness… perhaps some rebellion, or even mixed feelings of love and hatred. But they weren’t. I felt nothing. I couldn’t possibly hate a man who I didn’t truly know. But she didn’t need to know this. And so, I dismissed the matter. 
‘Another time,’ I said. 
‘Fine, fine. I can wait.’ She smiled it off, although a flicker of curiosity remained. 
I joined her in scanning the apartment for goods, however aside from one or two bottled drinks, there wasn’t much that we could find, let alone carry. She emerged from the bathroom with even more toiletries than we needed, but there was nothing more for us here. For either of us. 
Except that curiosity of hers. 
The more I thought about my past, the more I realised she was part of a different world. For her to know how I truly felt, this emptiness festering within every crevice of my life, it was a disturbing thought. 
And as we left the apartment, heading back to where Kuina was waiting for us, I noted the small spring in her step, that happy-go-lucky smile that made her look like a fool. It seemed a shame to mar that smile. 
Just how close can I allow you to get?
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sunoooism · 1 year
📜ADMIT IT! —profiles.
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❝just out here living vicariously through my novel!❞
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mlist chishiya+yn = 💕
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shuntaro chishiya - is one of y/n's closest friends along with Kuina & Kyuma, studies Medicine in University. people like him because he complains a lot about relatable things + a lot of ppl find him extremely attractive (Who doesn't).
kodai tatta - he works with y/n and studies photography. bio is real, everyone wants his talent for their insta, and he is more than happy to do it! he shares a dorm room w Chota, they love to debate about things.
ryohei arisu - got famous when he cursed out y/n on his gaming livestream for distracting him. the sweet cousin of y/n l/n, you guys were the best friend cousins. Dropped out of University but has a job with Kuina's favourite clothes shop. shares an apartment with y/n.
ginji kyuma - childhood besties w y/n and Arisu, he's a music artist obvi. He dropped out of Uni to pursue his career. Writes songs and sings them to his devoted fans. People love his talent and hidden messages in the lyrics. Constantly reposting edits that are made of him (self love is important guys). he's extremely inactive on all socials, hardly texts back.
chota segawa - tech guy, works with Kyuma in the IT part of his job. the therapist friend, loves it lol, gets to hear Kuina talk shit 24/7. has hacked into chishiya's twitter b4 and almost got him cancelled (Chishiya had called him weak)
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l0sercat · 1 year
Hiii can u please do headcanons of Usagi, Chishiya, Kuina and Ann w a reader who in the old world was a plus size singer thank youuu
AIB react to reader who was a plus size singer
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When she learns you used to be a singer she smiles
She thinks it's pretty cool
She will ask you to sing one of your songs
Loves to lay her head on your warm soft stomach while you sing to her
She is falling asleep and dreaming of you guys being in the original world together
He raises a brow
He asks what type of songs you used to sing and say was your name
Buries his head in your thighs after a tiresome game
Pet his hair and sing to him!!
He loves how soft, squishy, and warm your thighs are
Reallyy? Her bestie/lover was a singer!
She absolutely adores you <3
She begs you to sing her some of her songs
Will hold you while you sing to her. Your sitting on her lap while she buries her face in your chest.
That's cool dear
What kind of genre did you sing?
You have to sing sing a song while she's not busy
Holds you from the back and buries her face in your back rolls
Just make sure its not a loud song and something gentle
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