#Central Jail
mapsandcutlery · 8 months
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Stepping into the haunting corridors of Cellular Jail, I couldn't help but be captivated by the poignant tales of resilience and sacrifice. This historical landmark in Port Blair, Andaman, stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of freedom fighters who endured unimaginable hardships. As I walk through the gloomy cells, I am reminded of the expansive price paid for our nation's independence.
Also Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing tale of history and heroism as the Cellular Jail comes alive with the captivating Light and Sound Show. Through a symphony of lights and narrations, the show brings to life the untold stories of freedom fighters who endured immense hardships within these walls
Visit the below link to know more about the Cellular Jail⏬
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
I was thinking about how it's cool Rukia and Renji's bankai are pretty complementary in terms of making a good battle couple. Renji has always been a straight-to-bankai sort of guy, which makes sense. In the grand scheme of bankai, his isn't the most powerful or the most destructive, but it doesn't have any detrimental area effects and he can use it for a long time. Rukia's on the other hand, is very powerful, but it's only good for a very short time, and it leaves her vulnerable. Fighting together, she can back up Renji with kidou support or her shikai attacks, and then he can give her cover while she transitions in and out of bankai, if needed. This is a lot more fun, imo, than say, Kyouraku and Ukitake, who are both so hesitant to go to bankai that we never even see Ukitake's. (and maybe this works for them, given that they are side characters and the most senior in Soul Society, that their powers get the super slow burn reveal)
That being said, Renji and Byakuya's partnership works much the same way-- Byakuya's bankai isn't quite as perilous as Rukia's, but he tends to save it (my headcanon is actually that he can't go straight to bankai, he has to sort of build up momentum, so to speak). I'm not gonna lie, the scene early in the TYBW anime where Renji pins As Nodt with Zabimaru and then Byakuya slams him in the face with petals was one of the most satisfying moments of the anime so far.
All this is to say that for the approximately 1,000,000 characters Kubo crammed into Bleach, it's a real shame that he couldn't have developed an interesting side character that we might say "hell yeah!" to see stepping into place as Rukia's lieutenant post-time skip. I mean, not to diss Sentarou, but 98% of his job seems to be clownery and the other 2% is carrying heavy things. Would it have killed Kubo to let him do something during the Blood War? (him and Kiyone both, tbh) I honestly don't think it would have been too much to ask to see his shikai, if he's going to eventually be the battle partner of the series' deuteragonist. I dunno, I also just think it would have been cool for Rukia to have another friend in Soul Society besides her love interest and her brother. There's Hanatarou, I suppose, and on one level, I would love to see him as Rukia's no. 2, but he so thoroughly attached to the Fourth, and also his shikai is too gimmicky for a serious character.
Flaming hot cheetos take I just came up with: Ganju should have had grudgingly join the Gotei after the Soul Society arc and come around on Rukia after learning what Kaien meant to her, and then eventually taking over his brother's job. I mean, Kubo liked him enough to write him into the TYBW, an arc that definitely did not need more characters in it than it already had.
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evilromero · 25 days
waiting for bridgerton to drop
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"INNES HAS A HABIT OF LOSING MONEY," Toronto Star. October 1, 1912. Page 3. --- Second Offence of Dropping Employer's Cash Leads to a Long Term. --- CASES IN POLICE COURT --- Two Men With Two Bags of Potatoes, Which They Say Were Given to Them. --- Though there was little force behind the blow which Thomas Petrie directed at Constable Young's face, Magistrate Denison chose to fine the intent rather than the act when the man came up in the Police Court.
"Was taking his name," Young stated, "when he struck me."
Petrie's two fines, for drunkenness and assault, were a dollar and costs. each, or thirty days, with time to pay.
The Sentences Grow. The sentences of Edward Innes have been somewhat disproportionate. This morning before Magistrate Denison, he admitted that while working as a collector for Joseph McQuilian's liquor store in Queen street west he retained $11.80 from the returns, and offered the defence that if he was given time he would refund the money and have it taken out of his wages.
"I lost it," he suggested.
"It's not the first time he's lost money," Crown Attorney Corley. commented. "A year ago when he was given $400 to buy Exhibition tickets he lost that. His term then was sixty days." Now, for the theft of of the much smaller amount, Innes will go to Central for a much longer term, four months.
Two Bags of Potatoes. Once more Charles Beamish, an aged character well known to the police, is charged with theft. Last night he was taken by Constable Ox-land, who saw him walking away with a bag of potatoes on his shoulder. A few paces behind was Lou Parsons, with a like load. The constable, knowing Beamish, went after the stranger first.
"Parsons dropped his load and ran," Oxland stated, "but I caught them both."
The charge is that the potatoes were stolen from a G.T.R. box car.
"Given to me," declared Beamish, confidently.
"Whom by?"
"Don't know his name."
"Where does he live?" "Don't know."
"Who is the kind man, anyway?" Magistrate Denison demanded, a bit impatiently.
Finally Beamish decided it was either the carmen or an officer of the M.O.H. Department. The couple remain in jail a week until they can give more definite information.
After arresting Mrs. Louisa Fifield as she came out of Eaton's. Detective Wickett want to her home at Prescott avenue, West Toronto, and a large quantity of goods, which the woman is charged with stealing.
When arrested with her 12-year-old daughter Queenie, Mrs. Fifield had an umbrella and six shirt waists which could not be accounted for by sales checks which could not be accounted for.
Ivy, another daughter. aged 15. working at Gillies' factory. 121 Prescott avenue, the police say, has admitted the theft of 11 neck scarfs, 197 neckties, 4 spools of silk, and a spool of brass wire.
The bundle of goods that the police recovered includes ribbons of all recovered in sizes, fancy lace bags, six umbrellas, lace, shirt waists, collars, hat plumes, and numerous small decorative articles. More were recovered this morning but none of the articles have yet been identified as coming from the Eaton Store.
When Mrs. Fifield appeared in Police Court, T. C. Robinette, reserved election and did not obtaining a week's adjournment.
Detective Wickett was with woman most of the morning, but she denies stealing the goods. She came to this country about nine months and ago.
Accused of Burglary Wm. J. Bell is being held in connection with the shopbreaking at 280 Church street on the night of September 14, when the warehouse of the John Sloan Company, wholesale grocers, was broken into and burglarized. Entrance was forced through a rear window, several desks were broken open, and the burglar, whether Bell or another, proved so clever that he found the combination of the be vault. About 260 postage stamps, $28.07 in cash, medals, and a quantity of jewelry was stolen.
Bell was placed under arrest on King street by Detective Mitchell in pawnshop, where it is alleged he was attempting to dispose of jewelry which, the police say, corresponded to the stolen articles.
Bell was remanded a week without bail.
A Real Estate Deal. "If you can't do business better than that you had better not do it at all. You've been here before. If you come again I'll know better how to deal with you." Those were the comments of Magistrate Denison to William Campbell, a real estate dealer, charged with the theft of $320 from Adam McMillan. There was a conviction, with a remand till called upon.
McMillan said that he bought a lot in Brandon for $320, and that when was fully paid for Campbell kept putting him off for several weeks and never furnished the deed.
Campbell's defence was that he had purchased a group of lots and that he hadn't fully paid for them to obtain the deeds himself.
"Carrying them on McMillan's money," the magistrate commented. "That is no way to do business. But you'll be remanded till called on." Campbell will now furnish the deed.
Back to Blue Grass Land. Hyde Nelson, colored, declares he will go back to his Kentucky home, and Robert Beatty is short $5. Beatty said that ten days ago he handed the colored man the amount at the Woodbine, to put on a "sure thing" which really won.
"And I never got my winnings," was the complaint.
As Nelson was positive he passed the money along to a third person who misplaced it, the ten days already spent in jail seemed enough, that is, if he keeps nis promise to get town.
Chinese Liquor. "Ing Kopy" was the plain English lettering on a carafe of Chinese wine which was seized upon the the premises of Ing Ding at 192 York street by the police when Inspector Dickson led a search party through the Chinese quarter two weeks ago..The charge was illegal sales and keeping.
"'Ing Kopy' means medicinal wine," explained J. W. Carry, defence counsel. "The proper analysis is printed on the side. That complies with the law."
Not when written in Chinese," Magistrate Denison replied.
Some of the police contended that the while the liquid was labelled "Ing Kopy," it was in reality only whisky colored red. As a test, the magistrate had whiffed a little from a glass, thought it was stronger than rose wise, and demanded an analysis. Ding was accordingly allowed a week's remand.
Lee Dun of 184 York street, was to have sold whitish stuff rice wine, for which his fine was $100 and costs or 3 months.
A Real Estate Deal After several remands, John Hanley, real estate agent, was convicted of false pretences. The complainant was John Bain, who stated he placed Welland and Port McNicol lots in Hanley hands for sale.
"He told me he had a buyer," Bain explained, "so I gave him $35 commission. Then he turned in a $100 check from a bogus buyer, and I couldn't get the money."
The court allowed Hanley three weeks remand to produce this buyer, but when he still failed to do so this morning, he was sent to to jail for 20 days.
John A. Brooker, of 54 Margueretta street, was fined $100 and costs for illegal liquor sales. The case has been on the books since July 20.
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ososperezosos · 1 year
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March 20, 2023. Jails within a two-mile radius of my home, including the world's largest jail, the Twin Towers Correctional Facility, and a jail which was supposed to have been demolished by 2021, the Men's Central Jail. Multiple inmates have died due to the terrible and inhumane conditions at the Men's Central Jail over the past few weeks. One of Los Angeles' most notorious jails, Lincoln Heights, is included in the group. It was decommissioned in 1965, named as a cultural monument in 1993, and stands abandoned today.
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In the subsequent Lahore conspiracy case trial, 42 mutineers were executed in a brutal manner. Kartar Singh Sarabha was only 19 when he was hanged to death at the central jail in Lahore in November 1915 for his role in the failed mutiny. #KartarSinghSarabha #shaheed Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact Absolute Digital Branding & Public Relations. By Absolutedigitalbranding.com #Internetmarketing #Marktingstrategy #SEObrandingagency #SEO #PPC #SMO #SMM #SeoCompany #digitalmarketingcompany #socialmediamarketingcompany #absolutedigitalbranding #searchengineoptimization #advertisingagencyinmohali #facebook #twitter #marketingonline #internetmarketing #follow #digitalagency #marketingagency #motivation #digitalmarketingtips #onlinebusiness #websitedesign #marketingonline #brand #ABSOLUTEDIGITALBRANDING #BEST #PUBLIC #RELATION #AGENCY #IN #CHANDIGARH #MOHALI #PUNJAB #NORTH #INDIA #onlinebranding #branding360degree #SEObrandingagency #websiteranking #websitetrafic #Digitalmarketing #OnlineAdvertising #instagrammarketing #web #technology #marketingonline #content #instagrammarketing #advertisingagency #web #buildingrelationships #globally #customer #internetbranding-at Absolute digital Branding & Public relations.
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dianessunflower · 1 year
“The sea is very special to me. It’s a place where I find calm and inspiration, and it brings warm memories of my time spent there with family,” Yeoh says of her lifelong affection for the ocean. “That same connection is what drew me to La Mer.”
Michelle Yeoh x La Mer
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n7india · 7 days
Mumbai Serial Blast के दोषी की महाराष्ट्र की कोल्हापुर जेल में पीट-पीटकर हत्या
Kolhapur (Maharashtra): मार्च 1993 मुंबई बम धमाकों के एक दोषी की कोल्हापुर सेंट्रल जेल के अंदर पांच विचाराधीन कैदियों ने पीट-पीटकर हत्या कर दी। मुन्ना को आजीवन कारावास की सजा हुई थी। यह जानकारी रविवार को पुलिस ने दी। कोल्हापुर के पुलिस अधीक्षक महेंद्र पंडित ने मीडिया को बताया कि दोषी, 59 वर्षीय मोहम्मद अली खान उर्फ ​​मुन्ना पर मुंबई के पांच अन्य कैदियों ने हमला किया। यह घटना सुबह उस समय हुई, जब…
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telanganajournalist · 9 months
మాజీ సీఎం #చంద్రబాబునాయుడుకి 14 రోజులు రిమాండ్ I పటాకులు కాల్చి పండుగ చేసుకున్న ఏపీ మంత్రి రోజా!
#మాజీముఖ్యమంత్రి #నారాచంద్రబాబునాయుడుకి 14 రోజులు #రిమాండ్! సోమవారం నాడు #రాజమండ్రి సెంటర్ జైలుకి తరలింపు.
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
nbc hannibal is a romcom purely because the central conflict results from hannibal not understanding his feelings for will and being a total loser about it because he’s never had a friend or been in love before which makes him act so silly and do the most insane things that will interprets being framed for murder as hannibal having something against him (as anyone would), and this series of misunderstandings is not resolved until hannibal’s ex girlfriend and former psychiatrist tells will that hannibal is so in love with him it makes him look stupid. after that will does not hesitate to break hannibal out of jail and douse himself in blood which is this show’s equivalent to the protagonist running to the airport to stop their love interest from leaving the country and marrying someone else before they’ve had the chance to confess that they’ve loved them ever since they’ve known them
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todaytamilnews · 1 year
திருச்சி மத்திய சிறை வளாகத்திலுள்ள சிறப்பு முகாமிலிருந்து 7 இலங்கை தமிழர் விடுவிப்பு | Release of 7 Sri Lankan Tamils from Special Camp in Trichy Central Jail Complex
திருச்சி: குற்றச் செயல்களில் ஈடுபடும் வெளிநாட்டினரை தங்க வைப்பதற்காக திருச்சி மத்திய சிறை வளாகத்தில் சிறப்பு முகாம் இயங்கி வருகிறது. இங்கு இலங்கை, ஜெர்மனி உட்பட பல்வேறு நாடுகளைச் சேர்ந்த 118 பேர் தங்க வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இவர்களில் தண்டனை காலம் முடிந்தவர்களை உடனடியாக விடுதலை செய்ய வேண்டும், சிறு வழக்குகளில் தொடர்புடையவர்களை அவர்களது வீட்டிலிருந்தபடியே, நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்கு விசாரணைக்கு ஆஜராக…
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dostoyevsky-official · 7 months
hard to put concisely how awful milei, who has just won the argentine presidency, is. a thatcher-loving ancap who cloned his dead dog and named the clones after murray rothbard, milton friedman, and robert lucas, but who still does ouija-board sessions to take political advice from the first dog, who may or may not have incestuous relations with his sister, who wants to get rid of almost all ministries, who calls university students parasites, who wants to dollarize the economy and close the central bank, legalize guns and organ selling, and privatize healthcare, who may or may not have been involved in an operation to sell children's organs, whose vice president praises the dictatorship and visited videla and his gang in jail, and who regularly has meltdowns during interviews, laughing out of nowhere, or complaining about "voices" not letting him answer questions
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drhamesgarcia · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"PRISONER WAVED A FAREWELL TO FAMILY," Toronto Star. March 11, 1913. Page 14. --- Wife and Baby in Corridor When He Was Sent Down Into the Cells. --- CASES IN POLICE COURT ---- Man Accused of Beating Wife Begs for Mercy, But Fails to Get Freedom. ---- Walter Heald, who pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of jewelry from his employer, Thomas Cuff, was dismissed by Magistrate Denison to-day on the assurance of Mr. Cuff that he would take Heald back into his employ, and watch over him and see that he could get even with the game again.
"I shall discharge you," said the magistrate, "because the spirit evinced by your employer is so rare that it would be a shame to discourage it."
Solomon Siegel, accused of picking pockets, was committed for trial before a jury, and was let out on bail of $1,000.
Wife Complains. John Andrews' sobbing in the dock moved everyone in the court-room but Alice Andrews, his wife, who laid a charge against him for doing bodily harm to her.
"I worship my wife," cried Andrews, "and I don't know why I scratched her. She was nagging because I had taken a couple of drinks, and got me into a rage."
"I'll send you down for three days, and we will examine the case in the meantime."
Andrews clung to the rail, and begged the magistrate, the constables, and the prisoners not to torture him "down there." Both he and his wife are young, married not more than two years.
Arthur Francis, the young man who is accused of passing bogus checks on boarding house landladies, was committed for trial on the charge of forgery, and is remanded in Jail until his trial. During the time he was in the dock Francis was peering out the door of the court-room, where his wife and two-year-old baby were sitting in the corridor. Francis antics to catch the baby's eye, and his waving and kiss-throwing were pathetic in the extreme, and even the court-room constables, whose thundering "sit down!" greets any movement on the part of prisoners, were touched a little, and cleared a path for the baby to see through.
Only One Woman. There was only one sentence handed out in the Women's Police Court to-day, and that was to Bertha Jacobs, who was sent to the Mercer for three months, for keeping a house of ill-fame.
An unfortunate case is that of Alex McPherson, who pleaded guilty to vagrancy, and who was handed over to the Salvation Army. McPherson has been suffering from heart weakness for years, and came to this city two weeks ago from a farm district around Galt and Berlin, to find some relatives he thought were here. Now he wants to get back to the farms, and the Salvation Army will find him some work, to enable him to pay his way.
Domestic Trouble. "I married Henry Chapman five years ago," said Mrs. Mary Chapman. in giving her evidence in a case of non-support. "He gets drunk and he deserted me for three weeks-left me alone to feed twenty-three starving chickens."
"Do you want to go back to your husband?"
"Yes! I was married for life and not for five years!"
Chapman claims that his wife was always nagging at him, and the case was adjourned till the 18th.
Robert H. Wood was committed for trial on a charge of committing assaults on two little girls, four and six years old.
After being set up in the plumbing business by William Marshall, George Brown started signing his friend's name to notes and L.LO.U's and defrauded Marshall out of $13.50, for which Brown was given a month in jail.
"I bought him a horse and wagon," said Marshall, "and put him on to the game in the plumbing business. Then I began to receive notes with my name forged."
Preyed On a Woman. Three months in the Central Prison were given to Wilber Ryan, for being an inmate of a house of ill-fame kept by Mary Howard. The Morality Department put forward facts showing that Ryan was keeping the Howard girl, who is still quite young, for immoral purposes. The house was raided, the girl sentenced and frequenters fined.
Ryan lived at the house, and had no visible means of support beyond what money was earned by Mary Howard.
The Department's record shows that this girl had a baby a couple of years Lago, and that since then she has been identified with houses run by Ryan.
"Three months in Central," said Magistrate Denison," and hereafter an eye will be kept on you! We will look for further light on your life."
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darshanpolicetime1 · 2 years
Activist Teesta Setalvad walks out of jail
Activist Teesta Setalvad walks out of jail
Activist Teesta Setalvad walked out of a prison here on Saturday, a day after the Supreme Court granted her interim bail in a case of allegedly fabricating evidence related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. She had been lodged in the Sabarmati Central Jail here since her arrest on June 26. As per the SC order, she was produced before sessions judge V A Rana for bail formalities. “The sessions court…
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burntoutdaydreamer · 3 months
3 Steps to Improve Your Characters and Make Them Three-Dimensional
So I don’t have a process for creating/developing characters (to me the process is intuitive to the point where I wouldn’t even know how to explain it), but I do have a process for revising characters that just… fall flat, for whatever reason. 
I like to get to know my characters by throwing them into a bunch of different situations and seeing how they react, but sometimes that’s not enough. In these cases I need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make them not feel like a cardboard caricature of the role I need them to fill. Here’s the process I use, and it involves three key questions to understand what makes your character tick.
1) What is this character’s fundamental belief- either about the world or themself?
2) Where does this belief come from?
3) How does this belief hinder them, and are they capable of growing past it?
Alright, here’s what the process looks like in action. 
Let’s say I have a character I need to flesh out for my story.
Character A is a middle aged coffee shop owner and the protagonist of her story. The central conflict of the story revolves around trying to save the family run coffee shop she inherited from her father when he passed away, which has recently fallen on hard times.
What is this character's fundamental belief?
Character A believes that the world is an inherently good and fair place. She believes that good is always rewarded and bad is always punished, even if the timing isn't always perfect. As such, she strives to live a virtuous life, putting as much good into the world as she possibly can. While she understands that even good people can face hard times, she believes that in the long term, if things don't work out, it'll be because she didn't put in the work needed to turn things around.
Where does this belief come from?
Character A grew up in a solidly middle class household with good parents that treated her well- rewarding her for good work, and fairly punishing her for misdeeds. Her parents gave her everything she needed, but also expected her to work hard for the things she wanted. She also had the experience of watching her father build a successful business through hard work and by building strong connections with the people in town. If we want to push this further, we could also say that this belief was reaffirmed by watching her brother ruin his own life, squandering all his money and goodwill with those around him on failed get-rich-quick-schemes and outright scams that landed him in jail.
How does this belief hinder them, and are they capable of growing past it?
Let's say that Character A recently hired a barista who seems perfect for the job. Strapped for help, she gets him started right away before getting the results of his background check. When the results come in, she finds out that he is on probation and was recently released from jail for a violent crime. Shocked, she fires him. Believing that people who end up in jail always deserve it, she can't see past her initial prejudices. As a result, her coffee shop suffers from the loss of her new star barista.
Some time goes on, and Character A encounters the barista again, and learns more about the circumstances that landed him in jail (maybe he was falsely convicted, maybe he was battling psychosis, maybe the violent act was done to prevent a loved one- anything that makes her question her initial assumptions). He then confesses that he is struggling to provide for himself and his family because no one will hire him because of his criminal record. Character A comes to realize that her belief isn't completely true, and that the world isn't entirely fair. Though it takes a lot of inner work to do so, including coming to terms with her privilege, she eventually accepts this, and revises her beliefs. She decides that even though the world isn't fair, people have the responsibility to make it fair.
She decides to re-hire the barista she fired. After doing everything she can to make things right with him, she proposes an idea she wants his help with. Together, they transform her family business into a joint coffee shop and community rehabilitation center. In addition to selling coffee, they also launch a program to provide resources to recently incarcerated individuals looking to reenter society. They'll host weekly events on job interview coaching, alcoholics anonymous, motivational speeches, group therapy, opportunities to connect with open-minded employers, and more. Their promotion of this new program enables them to secure funding from local patrons and public grants, and customers are willing to pay for more expensive coffee with the knowledge that that money will be put to good use.
Additionally, if we want to go with the brother in jail backstory, we could have this ending be an opportunity for her to reconnect with him and maybe even repair their relationship as she gets to see him in a new light.
Main Takeaways
And there you have it!
You can use this process on any character- protagonist, antagonist, side character, etc. By grounding your character's motivations and development in their beliefs, you can easily introduce depth and internal conflict while keeping everything connected to the themes and plot driving your story.
Depending on your character's role or your story's plot, the belief can be wide reaching and complex (such as a philosophy or ideology), or specific and personal (such as having to do with their self-esteem). Either way, it should always be tied to their personal experiences or observations. This doesn't necessarily mean a tragic backstory. It could be, but I encourage you not to make this your default way of creating character depth. A mundane but grounded and sincere motivation will always be more compelling than cheap, dark shock factor.
Generally, protagonists with happy endings and villains with successful redemption arcs are capable of moving past their beliefs, while tragic heroes and antagonists aren't, and this failure is usually the source of their downfall. Keep in mind that even if characters do move past their old beliefs, it will always be a difficult thing to do. It will require them to confront their own mistakes, biases, and emotional wounds, and require both internal and external work in order to fix whatever their old beliefs have damaged.
Hopefully this guide will help you approach your characters from a different perspective. Feel free to share any insights.
Happy writing y'all!
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