#Cedar Creek High School
hazalakmcn · 2 months
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Name: Hazal Ayşe Akman
Faceclaim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
Gender & Pronouns: CIS-woman & she/her
Age: 35
Birthday: February, 21, 1989
Occupation: Software Developer
Neighborhood: Masonboro
Does your character have a secret? No.
Hazal Akman was born in Portland, Maine on February 21st 1989, fifteen minutes after her twin sister, Yasemin. Their parents, Cemre and Bekir Akman, were overjoyed at the arrival of their twin daughters. The couple had tried for years to conceive before the miracle of their twin girls. Cemre worked as a successful cardiologist and was chief of cardiology at the hospital, while Bekir worked as an architect, yet they always made time for their family. The family lived in a sprawling ranch house backing up to miles of open space. She and Yasemin spent countless hours playing make-believe games outdoors, climbing trees and splashing in creeks. As young children, the girls were inseparable. At school, they stuck together, relying on each other in social situations. 
When Hazal was 11 years old, tragedy struck the family. Her father was in a terrible car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. It was a difficult adjustment for the family, but Bekir remained resolute. He started working from home so he could still be present in his daughters' lives. Despite being wheelchair-bound, he still played an active role in raising the twins— attending school events and cheering loudly from the sidelines of their soccer games. Because of this, she adored her baba. Another change happened, when her mother got a promotion and relocated the family to Orange County, California. Cemre was made the Chief at the Cardiology department in Cedar Sinai Medical Center.
In high school, she excelled in mathematics. She had a natural talent for numbers and loved logic puzzles. Her skills helped her breeze through advanced calculus and statistics. During her junior year, she and some friends even created puzzle games in their free time. Beyond her knack for numbers, Hazal was known for being friendly and cheerful. She got along well with her classmates and made friends easily. 
After high school, Hazal headed north to the University of California, Los Angeles. The school had a top computer science program where she honed her programming skills. She joined the Association for Computing Machinery club and volunteered to tutor struggling classmates—graduating cum laude with a degree in computer science. With her degree in hand, she was hired by the prestigious software company, Intrepid Labs. She was mentored by experienced coders and soaked up their wisdom. After months of diligent work, she began producing code of her own. After two years, she was promoted to lead a development team on a new cloud computing project.
Six months ago, Hazal was headhunted by Wright Inc., a tech company based in Wilmington where her sister Yasemin lived. Although reluctant to leave Intrepid Labs, the opportunity to be closer to her twin convinced Hazal to make the move. Unfortunately, Wright Inc. has not been the ideal fit so far. The CEO, Lincoln Reid, nitpicked at everything she did. Her ideas were dismissed in meetings and projects derailed by unrealistic demands. It made Hazal miss the nurturing environment at Intrepid Labs. However, she refused to let Lincoln get the best of her. While Hazal had a kind heart, she would never let anyone trample over her. Now, whenever he would start something, she would snipe right back.
Hazal was born in Maine alongside her twin, Yasemin. Tragedy struck when her father was paralyzed, but he remained dedicated to his daughters. The family moved to California when her mother was promoted. She studied computer science in UCLA and was hired by Intrepid Labs and promoted for her excellent work. In October 2023, Hazal moved to Wilmington to be closer to her twin and accepted a position at Wright Inc. However, the CEO there has been difficult and dismissive, causing conflict between them. Despite this, she refuses to back down.
Wanted Connections
Him: He's her boss, and the pain in her ass. They kissed at a work gala and now they're flirting. Lincoln Reid
Friends: Shivani Rao, Armi De Leon
Best Friend: They met in California at a club. Each thought the other was attractive, but they worked better as best friends and have been friends ever since. Liliana Johnson
Pilates: Seyda Seven
Neighbors: Jackson Gallagher (they do not get along)
Volunteer: She volunteers at the animal shelter
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wardenred · 8 months
Sapphic September 24: Hotel
I was waiting for a prompt that would work with this old plot bunny.
"You know what your problem is?" Dawn asks, slumping against the front desk. Her faded leather jacket is snug around her shoulders, and the dim light of the lobby lends an illusionary feline glow to her green eyes. "You keep wanting things, so many things, so hard—it's a wonder all the demons in the world aren't flocking to Cedar Creek enthralled by your longing. But you never tell people what you want. You just accept what they want from you, and then you tell yourself you're content."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Fanny says flatly. The bit and barrel key clatters onto the scratched wooden surface. It's an old-fashioned one, a twist of metal hanging off a bright lime-green ribbon with a laminated room number tag attached. No fancy cards and electronic locks here in Always Sunny. "Here. You'll be in room seven this time. It's the one with the nice view."
"Come on, Fanny. You can't be satisfied with—" Dawn scrunches up her nose, looking around the lobby, spreads her arms. "With this."
"This is a perfectly nice hotel," Fanny counters. Technically, Always Sunny is more like a bed-and-breakfast, but Grandma Barbara's always said the town already has two of those and needs a proper hotel for variety. So a hotel it is. "You like it, too. You always stay here when you're back in town."
A grin spreads over Dawn's face, slow and soft and leisurely. "You know what brings me here, and anyway, don't change the subject. I'll be here for three days. Plenty of time to pack your bags. Come with me."
Dawn asks that of Fanny every time she visits. Normally, it's not part of the opening conversation. She saves it for later, when they're both flopped against the soft flowery linens, shoulders touching and feet tangled. When it's the hardest thing in the world to keep saying no.
"Dawn, you're a monster hunter with no sense of self-preservation, and I am, well, me. I'm not cut out for your life. I like it here. Home."
"You like it with me, too." Dawn leans forward. Her breath tickles at Fanny's lips. "You've always been my best back-up."
"Yeah, when we were in high school and you kept dragging me into it. How do you know I wasn't just—how'd you put it? Accepting what you wanted from me?" 
That's not true, and they both know it. But that doesn't make Fanny's present choices any more false. 
Dawn studies her closely, those haunting green eyes focused on Fanny's like twin gun barrels. Maybe it's not the lighting that makes them glow like that. Or maybe Fanny's imagination is running wild.
Fanny swallows when Dawn reaches out, smudges the tips of her calloused fingers down her cheek. Their faces are perfectly aligned for a kiss. Fanny's breath hitches.
Abruptly, Dawn steps back, scooping up the key from the desk. "So. Room seven."
"That's what I said."
"Yeah, but I thought I'd remind you. There are a lot of things you seem to be forgetting lately." Before Fanny can ask what the hell that's supposed to mean, Dawn is already retreating, her lightly packed backpack bouncing behind her shoulders. She turns once at the foot of the stairs. "See you when your shift ends, right?"
Fanny can only nod.
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maplecreeksmayor · 8 months
Spotted on the ferry is ALICE BRYCE, they were mistaken for HANNAH WADDINGHAM. ALICE is 48 years old, they identify as CIS WOMAN (SHE/HER). They are currently spending their time as MAYOR in Maple Creek and are residing in THE JETS. In 2008 they were 33 years old and LOST HER BROTHER IN THE FIRE AT CEDAR CAMPGROUND.  On the island, people say they are QUICK THINKING but STERN. 
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+ quick thinking, maternal, predictable - stern, closed off/unemotional, anxious
Anyone who knew the Bryce family would not have thought that Alice would end up as mayor.
The family turned up in town when Alice was 15. She was the eldest and had seven other siblings. It was hectic and Alice couldn't wait to get out of it. It isn't that she doesn't love her family she just wanted her own space for once.
As soon as she hit 18 Alice graduated high school and left for college. She didn't go too far and visited a lot but it was strange for her. She found that even though she wanted to get away she actually missed it.
When she graduated with a major in politics she returned to Maple Creek and took a job in the city hall.
Whilst she was just an intern to begin with she has been in the city hall since the age of 21 and she loves it.
She still didn't expect to take a job in leadership though, she was happy with helping on a lower level.
That changed in 2008, like many of the other Bryce children her little brother took a job at Cedar Campground for summer. He was saving to go travelling. But then the fire came and his dreams were cut short.
Losing her brother changed Alice, she became more closed off and refused to let people in. Her family were concerned but she ignored it and instead threw herself into work.
At the next election some of her colleagues/friends suggested she run for office. She became a councilwoman and held that office for almost a decade.
She took the role of mayor at the last election and is pushing for a lot of social change. Alice wants Maple Creek to be a safe place for everyone. She's vocal against the industrialization and wants to support local businesses.
She does have good public ratings but is a very private person so there is some criticism that the Mayor should be more visible.
The recent fire at City Hall has scared her and she is working extremely hard to work out what is going on.
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commoninfected · 2 years
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Adrian Dawson
The Gist: Adrian is currently trying and failing at not becoming his father, like some sort of grotesque, slow-motion bodyhorror sequence, a la The Fly (1986) He's the jock in every bad D-Com, but instead of making people afraid, his stagnant, cheesy meatheaded personality is a weird, sad façade that's obvious to everyone including him.
He is mean, avoidant, and sycophantic.
Name: Adrian Stanford Dawson
Nickname/s: Adrie (Eddie)
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Birthday: September 8th
When not playing football or panicking about potentially not being able to play football, Adrian is bullying Hadley, or attempting to bully Eddie or Violet.
Adrian Dawson is, first and foremost, Eddie's rival. And he takes great pride in this! Most people find this tragic, as it seems to imply Adrian, at age twenty one, has nothing else going on in his life worth being proud of.
He'd like them to know that they are dead wrong. Tormenting dweebs, nerds, and sentimental basement-dwellers like Eddie and the Rocktopus crew is his secondary love, falling just behind football. Football has always been his passion, and one of the few interests he and his father could share. He has a lot of fond (or, maybe bittersweet) memories of watching games with his dad over TV dinners. He played throughout middle and high school, currently plays on his college team, and has dreams of going pro. He also has to throw himself into it, as his sports scholarship is the only thing getting him through college and paying for his dorm room, as his grades are just abysmal. The only problem is that he has inherited the same genetic condition that has robbed his father of his sight, and Adrian is slowly but surely going blind.
This has all been happening very fast, starting not long after he was accepted into college. At this point, he has lost vision entirely in one eye, has minimal vision in the other, and has absolutely no depth perception. To make matters worse, he CANNOT let anyone know, as if he gets kicked off the football team and loses his scholarship, he will be forced to drop out, leave the dorms, and move back home. Though native to the city he is going to school in, the idea of returning to his father's house, and being stuck there, his progressive loss of vision slowly stripping him of his independence... terrifies him more than anything.
Adrian is frantically bluffing his way through physicals to stay on the team (and in school), and so the only remotely not stressful activity for him to partake in is antagonizing Eddie and co.
But deep down, he knows it. He's a fucking loser, just like his dad always said.
Height: 6"0
Build: Fairly muscular, but slowly losing it due to lack of exercise
Eye Color: Cognac brown
Hair Color: Cedar brown, but going prematurely grey at the temples
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
His bourbon colored eyes look normal, barring their striking but ordinary color, I stylize the left one to be a pin prick. His temples are prematurely greying due to the stress he's recently found himself in. He has freckles, and is broad shouldered and muscular.
Eddie Creek - Rival - She'd help him if he ever needed it, but he's too prideful to apologize or ask, despite her forging abilities and willingness to lie, cheat, and commit misdemeanors for her friends being something that would absolutely help him get out of the mess he's found himself in. He'd also have to apologize to and stop picking on Hadley to earn her help, and he is NOT about to lose access to his personal stress toy.
Hadley Puggs - Victim - They can't stand each other, for obvious reasons, but Hadley is easy going enough to accept an apology from Adrian if he ever offered in. In exchange, of course, for some payback. Another thing Adrian wouldn't be able to humble himself for. If Adrian even looks at Hadley funny around Eddie, she will pick him up and throw him, as Hadley is her little pogchamp. This is great news for Hadley, but makes Adrian frothing mad at both of them.
Violet Nightley - Rival - Violet views Adrian as a sad little worm, which he is. And Adrian hates that she's right. That disgusting way of being seen makes him especially vicious towards her, but she enjoys making everything worse by playing up her deafness around him, leaving him like a rabid dog as he tries and fails to get under her skin.
Horace Mann - Frenemy - God Adrian is so jealous of Horace. Horace is ugly, weird, and uncharismatic. And yet, so much more popular and well-liked than he is. Whadda fucgke......
Ivy Kohen - Cousin - Because he picked on her growing up, the two are by no means close even if she is polite to him when approached. Adrian feels terrible about this, but lacks the ability to articulate it. Ivy, like Adrian, is blind. She'd offer him resources, but he denies having any vision issues vehemently, despite them running in his family.
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chainsawgirlfriend · 2 years
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Lets Talk About... Adrian Dawson!
The Gist: Adrian is currently trying and failing at not becoming his father, like some sort of grotesque, slow-motion bodyhorror sequence, a la The Fly (1986) He's the jock in every bad D-Com, but instead of being afraid of him, his stagnant, cheesy meatheaded personality is a weird, sad façade that's obvious to everyone including him.
He is mean, avoidant, and sycophantic.
Name: Adrian Stanford Dawson
Nickname/s: Adrie (Eddie)
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Birthday: September 8th
When not playing football or panicking about potentially not being able to play football, Adrian is bullying Hadley, or attempting to bully Eddie or Violet.
Adrian Dawson is, first and foremost, Eddie's rival. And he takes great pride in this! Most people find this tragic, as it seems to imply Adrian, at age twenty one, has nothing else going on in his life worth being proud of.
He'd like them to know that they are dead wrong. Tormenting dweebs, nerds, and sentimental basement-dwellers like Eddie and the Rocktopus crew is his secondary love, falling just behind football. Football has always been his passion, and one of the few interests he and his father could share. He has a lot of fond (or, maybe bittersweet) memories of watching games with his dad over TV dinners. He played throughout middle and high school, currently plays on his college team, and has dreams of going pro. He also has to throw himself into it, as his sports scholarship is the only thing getting him through college and paying for his dorm room, as his grades are just abysmal. The only problem is that he has inherited the same genetic condition that has robbed his father of his sight, and Adrian is slowly but surely going blind.
This has all been happening very fast, starting not long after he was accepted into college. At this point, he has lost vision entirely in one eye, has minimal vision in the other, and has absolutely no depth perception. To make matters worse, he CANNOT let anyone know, as if he gets kicked off the football team and loses his scholarship, he will be forced to drop out, leave the dorms, and move back home. Though native to the city he is going to school in, the idea of returning to his father's house, and being stuck there, his progressive loss of vision slowly stripping him of his independence... terrifies him more than anything.
Adrian is frantically bluffing his way through physicals to stay on the team (and in school), and so the only remotely not stressful activity for him to partake in is antagonizing Eddie and co.
But deep down, he knows it. He's a fucking loser, just like his dad always said.
Height: 6"0
Build: Fairly muscular, but slowly losing it due to lack of exercise
Eye Color: Cognac brown
Hair Color: Cedar brown, but going prematurely grey at the temples
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
His bourbon colored eyes look normal, barring their striking but ordinary color, I stylize the left one to be a pin prick. His temples are prematurely greying due to the stress he's recently found himself in. He has freckles, and is broad shouldered and muscular.
Eddie Creek - Rival - She'd help him if he ever needed it, but he's too prideful to apologize or ask, despite her forging abilities and willingness to lie, cheat, and commit misdemeanors for her friends being something that would absolutely help him get out of the mess he's found himself in. He'd also have to apologize to and stop picking on Hadley to earn her help, and he is NOT about to lose access to his personal stress toy.
Hadley Puggs - Victim - They can't stand each other, for obvious reasons, but Hadley is easy going enough to accept an apology from Adrian if he ever offered in. In exchange, of course, for some payback. Another thing Adrian wouldn't be able to humble himself for. If Adrian even looks at Hadley funny around Eddie, she will pick him up and throw him, as Hadley is her little pogchamp. This is great news for Hadley, but makes Adrian frothing mad at both of them.
Violet Nightley - Rival - Violet views Adrian as a sad little worm, which he is. And Adrian hates that she's right. That disgusting way of being seen makes him especially vicious towards her, but she enjoys making everything worse by playing up her deafness around him, leaving him like a rabid dog as he tries and fails to get under her skin.
Horace Mann - Frenemy - God Adrian is so jealous of Horace. Horace is ugly, weird, and uncharismatic. And yet, so much more popular and well-liked than he is. Whadda fucgke......
Ivy Kohen - Cousin - Because he picked on her growing up, the two are by no means close even if she is polite to him when approached. Adrian feels terrible about this, but lacks the ability to articulate it. Ivy, like Adrian, is blind. She'd offer him resources, but he denies having any vision issues vehemently, despite them running in his family.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 8.9
48 BC – Caesar's Civil War: Battle of Pharsalus: Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt. 378 – Gothic War: Battle of Adrianople: A large Roman army led by Emperor Valens is defeated by the Visigoths. Valens is killed along with over half of his army. 1173 – Construction of the campanile of the Cathedral of Pisa (now known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa) begins; it will take two centuries to complete. 1329 – Quilon, the first Indian Christian Diocese, is erected by Pope John XXII; the French-born Jordanus is appointed the first Bishop. 1428 – Sources cite biggest caravan trade between Podvisoki and Republic of Ragusa. Vlachs committed to Ragusan lord Tomo Bunić, that they will with 600 horses deliver 1,500 modius of salt. Delivery was meant for Dobrašin Veseoković, and Vlachs price was half of delivered salt. 1500 – Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503): The Ottomans capture Methoni, Messenia. 1610 – The First Anglo-Powhatan War begins in colonial Virginia. 1810 – Napoleon annexes Westphalia as part of the First French Empire. 1814 – American Indian Wars: The Creek sign the Treaty of Fort Jackson, giving up huge parts of Alabama and Georgia. 1830 – Louis Philippe becomes the king of the French following abdication of Charles X. 1842 – The Webster–Ashburton Treaty is signed, establishing the United States–Canada border east of the Rocky Mountains. 1854 – American Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau publishes his memoir Walden. 1855 – Åland War: The Battle of Suomenlinna begins. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Cedar Mountain: At Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson narrowly defeats Union forces under General John Pope. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Battle of the Big Hole: A small band of Nez Percé Indians clash with the United States Army. 1892 – Thomas Edison receives a patent for a two-way telegraph. 1897 – The first International Congress of Mathematicians is held in Zürich, Switzerland. 1902 – Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1907 – The first Boy Scout encampment concludes at Brownsea Island in southern England. 1925 – A train robbery takes place in Kakori, near Lucknow, India, by the Indian independence revolutionaries, against British government. 1936 – Summer Olympics: Jesse Owens wins his fourth gold medal at the games. 1942 – World War II: Battle of Savo Island: Allied naval forces protecting their amphibious forces during the initial stages of the Battle of Guadalcanal are surprised and defeated by an Imperial Japanese Navy cruiser force. 1944 – The United States Forest Service and the Wartime Advertising Council release posters featuring Smokey Bear for the first time. 1944 – Continuation War: The Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive, the largest offensive launched by Soviet Union against Finland during the Second World War, ends to a strategic stalemate. Both Finnish and Soviet troops at the Finnish front dug to defensive positions, and the front remains stable until the end of the war. 1945 – World War II: Nagasaki is devastated when an atomic bomb, Fat Man, is dropped by the United States B-29 Bockscar. Thirty-five thousand people are killed outright, including 23,200–28,200 Japanese war workers, 2,000 Korean forced workers, and 150 Japanese soldiers. 1945 – The Red Army invades Japanese-occupied Manchuria. 1960 – South Kasai secedes from the Congo. 1965 – Singapore is expelled from Malaysia and becomes the only country to date to gain independence unwillingly. 1969 – Tate–LaBianca murders: Followers of Charles Manson murder pregnant actress Sharon Tate (wife of Roman Polanski), coffee heiress Abigail Folger, Polish actor Wojciech Frykowski, men's hairstylist Jay Sebring and recent high-school graduate Steven Parent. 1970 – LANSA Flight 502 crashes after takeoff from Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco, Peru, killing 99 of the 100 people on board, as well as two people on the ground. 1971 – The Troubles: In Northern Ireland, the British authorities launch Operation Demetrius. The operation involves the mass arrest and internment without trial of individuals suspected of being affiliated with the Irish Republican Army (PIRA). Mass riots follow, and thousands of people flee or are forced out of their homes. 1973 – Mars 7 is launched from the USSR. 1974 – As a direct result of the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to resign from office. Vice President Gerald Ford becomes president. 1991 – The Italian prosecuting magistrate Antonino Scopelliti is murdered by the 'Ndrangheta on behalf of the Sicilian Mafia while preparing the government's case in the final appeal of the Maxi Trial. 1993 – The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan loses a 38-year hold on national leadership. 1999 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin fires his Prime Minister, Sergei Stepashin, and for the fourth time fires his entire cabinet. 2006 – At least 21 suspected terrorists are arrested in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot that happened in the United Kingdom. The arrests are made in London, Birmingham, and High Wycombe in an overnight operation. 2007 – Air Moorea Flight 1121 crashes after takeoff from Moorea Airport in French Polynesia, killing all 20 people on board. 2013 – Gunmen open fire at a Sunni mosque in the city of Quetta killing at least ten people and injuring 30. 2014 – Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American male in Ferguson, Missouri, is shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer after reportedly assaulting the officer and attempting to steal his weapon, sparking protests and unrest in the city. 2021 – The Tampere light rail officially started operating.
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southjerseyweb · 1 month
Nick Saban on Cedar Creek alum Max Melton: 'This is my sleeper corner in the whole draft'
… South/Central Jersey Group 2 title. Most Accomplished South Jersey Male Athletes From Each High School. Filed Under: ABC, AC Facebook, Alabama …
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news247planet · 1 year
#Creek #Sandy #Basketball Sandy Creek Excessive wins Fayette’s first-ever state boys basketball championship https://news247planet.com/?p=181935
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synderscarpetcare · 1 year
Exploring the Best Cedar Hill, TX Has to Offer
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Cedar Hill, Texas is a vibrant town located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. With its close proximity to downtown Dallas, Cedar Hill offers residents a unique mix of charm and modern convenience.
The city offers plenty of attractions that make it an exciting place to live and visit. For the outdoor enthusiast, Cedar Hill State Park offers hiking, biking, camping, fishing and other recreational activities. There's also Joe Pool Lake for swimming, boating and more. Plus, the nearby towns of Desoto and Duncanville provide excellent shopping, dining and entertainment options.
Cedar Hill is home to excellent schools that continually receive high ratings from parents and students alike. The city also offers a variety of health care options, including the state-of-the-art Baylor Medical Center.
From the picturesque lake views to the vibrant culture and events, Cedar Hill is a great place to live, work and play. Whether you're looking for a quiet suburban home or an urban lifestyle close to downtown Dallas, this town is sure to have something for everyone. With its relaxed atmosphere and plenty of activities, Cedar Hill is a great place to call home.
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Desoto is a proud city of Texas that was founded in 1847. It is located east of Dallas and serves as an important intersection for many highways, including Interstate 35 and US Highway 67. Desoto has experienced tremendous growth over the past few decades, transforming into a vibrant city with numerous amenities and attractions. From historical sites to art galleries, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Desoto. The city also has an array of nature preserves, parks and trails for outdoor enthusiasts to explore. Desoto is a vibrant community with plenty of culture, recreation and entertainment options that make it the perfect place to live or visit. From its charming downtown area to its many festivals and events, Desoto has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to explore the city’s rich history, take in some art, or just enjoy the great outdoors, Desoto is sure to offer plenty of exciting experiences. So come join in the fun and discover all that Desoto has to offer!
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Wolf Creek is a small community situated in the mountainous areas of Colorado. It is known as one of the most beautiful places to visit in the area, with stunning vistas and pristine forests. The town itself offers plenty of outdoor activities including skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, hiking, mountain biking and more. There are also a number of cultural attractions in the area, including museums, galleries, and other historic sites. Wolf Creek is also a great place to stay for a weekend getaway or family vacation, as there are plenty of accommodation options available. No matter what type of outdoor enthusiast you may be, Wolf Creek is sure to provide an unforgettable experience. So come see all that Wolf Creek has to offer and create some amazing memories with your family.
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sustainableehc · 1 year
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Egg Harbor City residents invited to tap their own maple trees
EGG HARBOR CITY – City residents are invited to participate in Stockton University’s ongoing Maple Project.
The program to tap hundreds of maple trees at the Galloway Township campus started three years ago and was funded with two grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture totaling $900,000.
The sap, which looks and tastes like water, is boiled down to syrup consistency at the campus “sugar shack.” Stockton plans to sell its locally harvested maple syrup this year.
Last year, the university expanded it outreach to Cedar Creek High School and the REACH program at the Egg Harbor City Community School, where students are tapping trees to turn sap into maple syrup.
Now, residents who have sugar or red maples on their properties are being invited to participate in the program at no cost.
Residents will be provided with collection buckets and taps. The trees should have a minimum diameter of 6 inches. Participants are required to record yields and allow a Stockton research assistant to sample soil and vegetation at the property. The tapping process includes drilling a hole 1.5 inches deep to accommodate a tube, which allows the sap to flow into a food safe container.
Trees must be tapped during the winter season from Jan. 1 to March 31 when evening temperatures drop below freezing and the days are warmer.
Anyone interested in tapping their own maple trees can sign up at sustainableehc.org.
For more information, contact Mayor Lisa Jiampetti at [email protected]
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hakesbros · 1 year
New Homes In San Antonio, Tx
Spanish, Craftsman, cottage, farmhouse and conventional exteriors supply excellent curb attraction. Potential homebuyers have diversified new building alternatives including lower upkeep townhomes, starter homes and sprawling single family homes on larger heaps. Discover serene owner’s retreats, flex spaces, chef-inspired kitchens and modern fixtures and finishes certain to attraction to your aesthetic. Explore one of the best locations to purchase a house homes for sale san antonio based mostly on home values, property taxes, home possession rates, housing costs, and real property trends. At this time, there are at present 461 communities with eight,645 new homes for sale in San Antonio. All of those are new building homes that begin at just $159,999 and can be built as a lot as 6,010 square ft of house, so individuals from all walks of life can put cash into a high quality new development home.
Golf pros will love the proximity to award-winning courses at the JW Marriott Hill Country Resort and Spa and La Cantera Resort and Spa, which supply membership memberships and pay-to-play tee instances, respectively. For those looking to tee off for a cheaper value, the public Cedar Creek Golf Course provides time slots beginning at $5. On the list, there is a robust mixture home builders in san antonio of offerings from great schools and nightlife to excessive walkability and public parks. Some areas have loved speedy progress due to new companies transferring to the realm, whereas others offer glimpses into area historical past with well-preserved architecture and museums. The mosaic glass tile pool and jacuzzi was hand-laid with three tiers of entertaining space.
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When it involves family-friendly sights, its location close to Six Flags Fiesta Texas , SeaWorld (12.5 miles away), and the Texas Hill Country can't be beat. Nature enthusiasts recognize the proximity to Eisenhower Park, Madia Natural Area, Medallion Park, Crownridge Canyon Park, and nearby homes for sale san antonio tx trails. That all makes homeownership rather more troublesome for a first-time purchaser, mentioned McCoy, the Fort Worth actual estate agent.
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allfifaworldcup · 1 year
Dubious Touchdown Call Decides Georgia High School Championship
Dubious Touchdown Call Decides Georgia High School Championship
A high school football state championship game ended in controversy on Saturday afternoon following a questionable touchdown call by the officials. In the Georgia Class 3A title game between Cedar Grove (11–2) and Sandy Creek (12–2), Cedar Grove led 17–14 with 59 seconds remaining. Sandy Creek, however, had the ball deep in opposing territory and lined up for a play on third-and-goal from the…
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ladysmeg13 · 2 years
Cedar falls Iowa from 1960-1969
After I was born my parents were told I had a curve spine so the doctor said to help improve the growth of my spine I recommended that she takes acrobats which will make me stronger and have a happier life. I will always have a curved spine but won't be all crippled up as I get older. Mom had to do stretching exercises on me until I was old enough to start acrobats lessons. I started taking acrobats lessons as soon as I could walk with Dorothy Fisher Dance Company and continued till I was 17 1/2.
I lived at 2116 Franklin Street in the middle of the block on a hill in a house that looked like a barn. At 6 I learn how to ride a bike from the top of are hill with my dad's help one big push down the hill I go getting half way down I crash and burn the first time. At 7 my older sister taught me how to roller stake down the same hill and I again crash and burn the first time.
In 1964 for my birthday in July I was given the greatest present any kid was hoping for will not exactly what I was hoping for I got the chicken pox. Will it did make it better when I give them to my younger brother Todd. And in 65 I got scarlet fever while at the sitters so mom had to come get me and I stayed with her at Cedar Heights School on the couch in the office until she got off work.
Mary Peters lived on the corner 3 houses down from me. In July of 66 Mary came to are house asking dad for help to catch 2 bats without hurting them and then letting them go free back outside. So dad wearing his motorcycle helmet a long sleeve shirt with the collar up and a bright orange scarf around his neck holding a fishing net and a tennis racket walked over to Mary's on a warm summer night around 7:30. Dad enters her home and is glad she had her windows open to let in the cool breeze of summer. As dad is checking each room the lights go on to force the bats to move to the next room until dad is in the small living room with 2 bats in a dim lighted room. Trying not to break anything while he is swinging the racket and net at the bats who are flying over and around my dad's head. Some of the neighborhood kids including me are looking from the outside through the windows and laughing. After 25 minutes both bats have been caught and back outside with only one picture smashed and on the floor.
At the end of are block is dry run creek which is dry most of the times except in 3/21/61 it was 96.10 ft. above flood stage, 4/8/65 94.70 ft. above flood stage, 3/31/62 93.70 ft., 10/2/65 91.90 ft., 7/18/68 90.50 ft above flood stage which is 88.8 ft. A garden we had next to dry run creek flooded out losing everything from to much water except for one plant that seemed to thrive and grow are the pumpkins which grow to a very large size that never turned orange so for Halloween we had giant green and yellow pumpkins to carve.
Also during the floods we all help out are neighbors down the hill packing and moving their belongings to higher ground. Putting on my swimming suit I go next door to Linda's house and enter the side door and down the basement I go. The closer I get to the bottom steps my feet start to get wet. The water is clear, clean and cool being distracted by the water I forget how many steps are at the bottom. I trip down the last three steps and fall face first into the water. Already down in the basement working is Linda and her sister Lori they are picking up everything that isn't nailed down. Hearing a bang and a splash they look over to see me coming up out of the water and all I hear is laughter. From behind me I hear look out right before three inner tubes come flying down the stairs right before I get hit in the back of the head with one.
From 1966 through the middle of 69 I went to Main Street School were we ate and had gym in are classroom. After school I would wait for my dad to pick me up on his 1964 Harley Davidson or in a beat up blue pickup. Dad worked as a custodian for the high school, Lincoln, cedar heights school and in 1966 dad started at Viking Pump. Through Viking Pump all us kids got tickets to the movies at the theatre on main street and during Christmas we got a gift and stocking full of candy. Viking Pump also had roller skating parties at the Roller Dome in north cedar. On Christmas eve in 64 around 7:30 pm we hear a noise from outside and dad whispers it sounds like Santa so we go to the window to look out . I said it can't be Santa because we don't have snow no the ground so how can he get to are house without snow. Right when dad was going to explain how Santa could get to are house without snow we hear the noise again this time it was right out front of are house. A few minutes more we hear a knock at the door my sister, my brother and me take off running to the door to see how was there. Opening the door stood Santa with a bag of toys over his should and behind him was a beat up red pickup. So now I know how Santa can get to are house without snow.
In the early 60's Cedar Falls had home with blue stars on them for a safe place kids and young adults could go for help. Which came in handy for me while I was walking home from school and some older kids attacked me I got hurt. So I went to a blue star home and got help where I waited until the police came then my dad got there a few minutes later and took me home. On the hill by the college there were anti-war and peace rallies, flower power. Young men along with three of my cousins are going to Vietnam to fight and are dying . I was glad they all made it home ok but not all did 3 young men from my neighborhood came home in coffins which had to stay closed for the funerals.
In 1969 are landlord decided to put are home we were renting up for sale not even asking us first if we wanted to buy it. So making my parent look for a new home which they did in Dike Iowa. Moving day is March 21, 1969 also my parents wedding Anniversary, first day of spring. We had a lot of guys that work with dad in trucks, vans moving everything even an old player piano along with a dog, cat, snake, turtle, fish and other critters to 205 W. state street. At the new house I heard a lot of swearing from dad and some other guys that are trying to get the player piano into the front porch door and the house door too. Half the time the piano got stuck sticking out the door and they had to wiggle it back and forth to make it move a inch forward so it took along time to get it through both doors.
I found out later from some old neighbors that are old house was never sold after we moved out the land lord pulled it again every year or two they would put out a for sale sign a week later it was taken down. And then some one else would be moving in. After I moved back to town I would walk to the old neighborhood to see if anyone I know still lived there. I have seen the sign myself at our old house and I would call the number to ask about the house were they would say it not for sale they changed their minds and it is being rented out so it not available. That night I would call mom and tell her about are old house and what I found out she was hurt but also glad that we didn't live at a place where the landlord didn't care about the renters only the money. So moving and buying a home in Dike was a better deal maybe for my parents but not for us kids.
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rndyounghowze · 7 years
The Addams Family Musical by Pirate Theatre at Cedar Creek High in Eggharbor City, NJ
By Ricky Young-Howze It was grim, dark, and dank in the Cedar Creek High School performing arts center last night. But don't worry it was just the drama club’s brilliant performance of The Addams Family a musical comedy with book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice and music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa. This spooktacular production directed by John Stephan brings you a family of young actors that's creepy and kooky hilarious and spooky and altogether awesome. They made the timeless characters from the mind of Charles Addams rise again. . Gomez Addams’ (Corey Critelli) little daughter is all grown up and wanting to get married. Wednesday (Corinne Podolski) has asked that he keep his engagement to his normal fiancé, Lucas (Todor Penchev), a secret from Morticia (Vanessa Matos). Add Lucas’s plain Jane parents (Jack Hall and Caitlyn Fee) into the mix of the Addams household and you have a whimsical recipe for disaster. And let’s not forget her brother, Pugsley (Cody Tittermary) who is desperate to bring his sister back to him. He has a true uncertain terror at the prospect of never being tortured by Wednesday again. His comic diabolical scheme with Grandma (Natalie Reyes) to break-up his sister and her new boyfriend is devious and dark and you'd never expect anything less of him. Grandma is a fast talking straight shooting matron with a mouth full of sass and a wagon full of potions. You'd expect nothing less from her but side splitting snark. Add to that the constant comedy of Uncle Fester (Matt Sult) who serves as the go-between: between ancestors and family and audience and actors. His narration is full of one liners to keep you rolling in the aisles. His romantic love affair with the moon keeps your spirits lighter than air. And let's not forget Lurch (Jacob Alicea), the family butler. Slow but steady this tall, dark, and gruesome giant quickly finds a warm spot in your heart. But what would a musical about the Addams Family be without Gomez and Morticia? Talk about relationship goals! Their fiery passion was made to outlast everything? But will it outlast a tiny white lie Gomez tells to avoid hurting the two most important women in his life? John Stephan’s direction of this musical emphasized the family and how they play off of each other. The Addamses swim in drama like the monster swims in Loch Ness. Watch any scene between our family and you're laughing at the jokes coming at you a mile a minute. Look at the “Full Disclosure” scene and you can tell that he spent time on these characters with the kids and he loved the play that he was working on. I did feel, however, that there were a lot of “ancestors” in the chorus that didn't get their chance to shine in the action. Where I saw comedy in the main cast I saw ancestors standing around and I feel that I'd love to see him incorporate the chorus more in future productions. I felt the ensemble did get to shine in the dance numbers from the creative mind of Ashley Tabano as the choreographer. Her choreography filled the stage and got everyone up and moving. Like in “Around the Corner” where Morticia is joined by a chorus line of ancestors in a rollicking toe tapper. But she also played up the intimacy in numbers like “Tango Amor”. She crafted a dance for Morticia and Gomez that was passionate yet clean. Elaborate but easy to follow. This is another school where I see teenagers doing lifts that I have seen baffle adults and I'm really jealous! I would love to see more choreography from Tabano in the future. Mary Boner is scenic designer. She built the set with the help of Wayne Wriggins and Tom Kiesing. My favorite piece was the big gate in the opening number. I love that the set was simple and classic. There is a big temptation to go over the top in these kinds of things and I'm glad that her work got to stay on stage a lot and stand out. James Goodrich’s musical direction was spectacular! He brings a fifteen piece band to the show that brings their A game and rocks the joint. In numbers like “Pulled in a Different Direction”, “Love” and the Opening number you can really feel the band put their full weight behind the performers and blow us away. However there were other times where I felt myself straining to hear the singers over the music. That's obviously a microphone problem and not his fault but it is a shame some singers were overpowered. But don't worry mic problems are very common gremlins on opening night. I'm sure that they were fixed immediately so that they won't happen in future performances! All of the cast was just amazing and I was really wowed by their commitment to the characters. Critelli and Matos played a wonderful Gomez and Morticia. Again I'm jealous that their Tango game is so on point at their age! I really think that Corinne Podolski’s voice is the real reason two of these songs are stuck in my head. Cody Tittermary’s Pugsley was so wrong which means he was just right! And who can't love Matt Sult’s commitment to comedy with Fester! Shout out to Jack Hall, Caitlyn Fee, and Todor Penchev for making “normal” look creepy as the Beineke’s. Straight laced never looked so scary! Two supporting standouts from last night’s performance is Natalie Reyes and Jacob Alicea. Reyes’ Grandmother was just so funny and I know she really put her heart into it. And here’s to Jacob who came out from doing backstage work to walk on platform shoes to play such an awesome part! Give them some extra applause! And here's to Makayla Baggstrom, Taylor Blaisdell, Thomas Burger, Annalise Catherine, Jose De La Cruz, Sydnie Decamp, Madison Davila, Kayla Dyer, Jennin Fleming, Deana Flores, Elizabeth Glass, Gracie Harris, Brandon Henry, Rebekah Hillard, Alex Lacherre, Gabriella Martinez, Alexis Mathis, Kira Murdock, Madelyn Pamientieri, Tara Petrosh, Sophia Romano, Madison Torres, Julia Train, and Grace Wilson. You guys danced and sang your hearts out and there wouldn't have been a show without you wacky guys! So get out and get onstage for the next show! I definitely want to see all of you again! The Addams Family Is a non-stop roller coaster ride of enjoyment. You definitely have to go see it! The Addams Family opened on Thursday March 2 at 6:30 PM and plays through March 4 at the Cedar Creek High School Performing Arts Center. You can get tickets on book-tix.com.
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thatslikely · 3 years
Mill Boy - F.W.
Mill Boy- Fred Weasley x fem!reader [1800s muggle!au]
warnings: mentions of child labor
word count: 3.4k 
a/n: probably part one of a minseries? y/n and fred are about 10-11 in this so part ii could possibly be a timeskip
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“Mum, can I go play? Please?” you pleaded, doe eyes shiny and prominent. Your mother, a hard working housewife, was bent over the sturdy kitchen table, dousing dirty dishes in scalding water, preparing them to be piled with the beef warming in the flames of the stove across the airy kitchen.
“Fine, Y/N, just please don’t get your dress dirty. Your father worked hard to afford such a fine cotton. He wouldn’t be pleased to see it ruined, now would he?” You eagerly nodded in agreement, ready to go enjoy the meadows lying across the walls of your humble residence. It was a beautiful spring day, most enticing one yet. Birds fluttered through the lush, brilliant cedar trees, enjoying the tranquil air that comes with the season. Ox-eye daisies dotted the expansive hills, all the way down to the slowly trickling creek. 
You slipped your muddied boots over the clean, cotton socks adorning your feet, grabbing your hat to shield your youthful eyes from the golden star above right after. You slipped it over your locks, which were neatly tied into pig-tails with silky, baby pink ribbons Mother bought you for your birthday. 
You skipped through the propped back door, little giggles of delight humming through your throat. Any traces of the harsh winter that stormed the land only a few months prior were washed away with the glimmering sunlight, which coerced the wildflowers to bloom from buds to petaled cups of sweetness.
With a smile, you followed a path of vibrant, woolly blue violets, carefully plucking their stems for a nice arrangement to become the perfect centerpiece for dinner. The colour, in your opinion, complimented the pastel pinks of your dress perfectly, filling you with even more glee. How you wished that you could spend all your time out of the confines of buildings, having fun and being free of responsibility.
It was most unladylike to go splashing in the cool water of the stream, and you would surely be scolded for it if you chose to do so. You had attempted to conceal your submersion in the winding brook once before, but the liquidy footprints you left on the floors of your house quickly outed your escapade. Fearing another stern talk, which was not pleasant in the slightest, you simply skipped to its edge, astutely observing its reflective surface with admiration. 
The crystalline liquid glossed over smooth stones adorned with moss so peacefully, its pace never wavering, not even for a second. The mere idea of something perpetually in motion, never having to stop and take a break, as you did many times after a long day of running in the fields, chasing butterflies, astounded you. 
Everyone had to go to sleep, or stop for a breath every once in a while, right? Scampers, the stray which adored your family’s covered porch, went to bed at odd times, most often at noon. And yet, he still slept. The grocer down the lane kept his shop attended every time you’d visit, but the windows would soon be curtained and dim when the moon came out to rule the seemingly never ending sky.
You prodded the cool creek with your finger, letting the water continue to flow past it unbothered, as if it were nothing but another stray twig. The thirst for answers dripped down from your mind, enveloping your body in a sensation that couldn’t be mended by simply drinking the water. You were amazed, and you had to see more, know more. You followed the bends of the stream, far beyond the view of your house.
Nobody had ever outright stated that you shan’t see where it goes, where the water ends, so naturally you had to discover it yourself. Maybe you’d be met with a secret alcove, your own private pocket of the boundless world. Alternatively, maybe you would stumble across a small house entangled high up in the branches of a tree, and fly up to its entrance like a fairy from a tale recited before bed. Or even, most enticing of all, maybe there was a prince waiting for you where the water ends; a prince who’d sweep you off your feet, offering you a chance to live in a magnificent castle situated in a far away land. 
You hummed songs that your frilly-dressed peers would chime in unison during recess, filling the still air. The toes of your boots leaped from one large rock to another, balancing on their flat surfaces like a game of hopscotch. 
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The soft, sweet humming echoing through his cove from a ways down the creek instantly perked Fred’s curiosity, luring him in like a siren’s song. He halted his stick-poking of the ants inching up the burly trunk of the ancient tree, swinging his gingered-head down, so his vision lay unobscured by the low-hanging branches. 
No one ever came to visit Fred when he lay slouched in the safe, knotted branches of his tree; whether it was because his family couldn’t locate him or the fact that they were aware that he needed a break, he didn’t know. Days spent in the mill were painful and excruciatingly long, so during the few spare moments he had to himself, he’d spend it talking to the lush wildlife surrounding him. He’d never be talked over by the weeds or birds, they’d just sit and listen, exactly what he needed. 
He nearly fell to the grassy ground trying to find the source of the melodic songs, curious to see who dare disturb the previously hidden Fort Fred. He imagined himself as a skillful militiaman, like his brothers, ready to charge and overtake the enemy, even if the music-maker was nothing near a threat.
Just as he was about to jump down to investigate on his own two feet, the source was finally revealed. An absolutely beautiful girl- a princess, rather, approached the tree. She was dressed in a light pink gown, as if she had just come back from a royal ball. Her singing brought serenity all around, as if she were somehow communicating with the birds and butterflies, allowing them to chirp and flutter along. At the same time, however, her well-loved boots and hat altered her look to something of a daring adventurer, exploring the unknown paths of thicket.
“Hello,” you said angelically, clasping your hands together across your waist. You were completely surprised to meet a companion on your previously solo expedition, and a dashing, amiable one at that.
You’d never seen this particular boy at school before; he seemed different than all your icky male peers. The boys at school would tug on your pigtails during tests, claim you were infested with disgusting germs at recess, and chase you around the yard tauntingly. But this boy’s features resonated nothing but kindness: the crinkles around his eyes from smiling, light orange freckles all across his nose, his shaggy, fiery red hair topped with a patched-up flat cap.
Maybe there was a prince at the end of the brook after all.
The friendly-appearing boy hopped down from his perch in the tree, smoothing out the wrinkles and leaves in his suspendered trousers and white button up with a suspicious look. “And who would you be, miss?” 
“Erm- my name’s Y/N. What’s your’s?” You couldn’t help but smile, and your cheeks prickled as if a ladybug were crawling across them.
He stepped closer to you, his composure open and honest. “I’m Fred, Fred Weasley. I live down the way, near the mill.”
“Nice to meet you, Fred Weasley.” You did a proper courtesy, just as you had been taught so many times before, then adding, “what’s a mill?”
Fred’s jaw dropped, as if it had no hinges. “You’re joking, right? You don’t know about the mill? I work there just about every day of the week.” He pointed further down the creek, opposite the direction of your house, astonishment swimming in his mahogany brown eyes. 
“I’ve never heard anything of the sort. What do you do in a mill, exactly?” 
“Well, there’re these big, loud machines that're always moving. They get power from this huge wooden wheel upstream that’s always spinning. They make tons of pieces of fabric out of wool. Maybe I even weaved some of the cloth used to make that very dress you’re wearing right now.”
You marvelled at his descriptions, even the simple way he spoke, articulated his words. Those utterly despicable boys at school would’ve just stuck their tongues out at you disrespectfully, not giving you the time of day, but Fred couldn’t be more different. He spoke to you as if you two were something of equals.
“Oh wow.” You were barely able to suppress a flustered giggle. Why were you feeling so, mushy around Fred, the sensation comparable only to the consistency of porridge? “I didn’t know you were so talented to do that.”
“Aww,” -he blushed, scratching the nape of his neck- “I mean, it’s not too difficult, you could probably do it if you tried. After a while ‘course.”
“Nonsense.” You not-so-nonchalantly rubbed your palms up and down your dress, noticing beads of perspiration accumulating on them. While doing so, the bushel of hooded violets resting in your pocket became evident. You pulled one from your stash, saying, “do you want one of my flowers? I picked them down near my house.”
Fred swore at any moment, if anything were so much as to touch him, he would burst. He’d never experienced these, admittedly strange, feelings before. It felt like his last meal wouldn’t settle in his stomach, or as if he’d just run a horse’s distance by the way his heart was pounding out of his chest. Was he sick? Should he go tell mum?
“I, erm, of course,” he stuttered, barely capable of moving his lips to form coherent words. “You have e-excellent taste in flowers, miss Y/N.”
“Thanks. I picked plenty, for a nice centerpiece at home. Mum always loves flowers.” You fiddled with the frills and layers of your dress, doing something to occupy your energetic fingers. Fred studied the flower intently with his brows furrowed, tugging on its petals and anthers. 
After Fred was satisfied with his examination of the violet, he said, “you know, there’s some really pretty yellow flowers growing down by the mill. They’d go perfectly with these here.”
“Will you take me?” 
“Of course I will. We’d best get going, though. Don’t wanna miss dinner.” Fred gestured for you to follow his lead, walking through the knee-high blades of grass as if he were wading through a river. When he quickly noticed your look of apprehension, not wanting to dirty your dress or have an unwanted animal encounter, he grabbed your palm with a grin, forcing you to trail behind him.
You two distantly followed the path of the creek, adventure flowing through both of your veins. Fred’s grip on your hand was gentle, despite the calloused patches scattered over his skin, no doubt a result of the ‘large machines’ he described working on in the mill.  
After a while of giggling and jogging, the distant outline of a building across the stream was visible. Its four walls were composed of rough, grey stones used as bricks; it’s roof was sealed with jagged pieces of slate, some out of place. But the biggest surprise came not with the building itself, but to the right of it. A humongous, wooden wheel spun through the rill, rhythmically splashing the previously tranquil water as it continued flowing. It was as if everything today was out of a fairy tale, but this was the most outlandish of them all. A giant wheel, spinning in pace through the water? 
“Well, we’re here.” While Fred usually dreaded returning back to the mill, as his time within the confines were never pleasant, tolerable at best, he was glad to be here with company and a different mission. He wasn’t going to be making fabric today, no, he was on the search for bundles of corn-yellow flowers, with the prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on. True royalty, a princess through and through.
“Wow. That wheel’s ginormous! How does it work?” This time, it was your mind that curiosity flooded, and it ceased to relent. 
“Erm, I don’t exactly know. All I know is that the creek pushes the wheel, for some reason. I’ll ask Dad about it sometime, he’ll know.” You nodded appreciatively, satisfied at the promise of an answer. 
 “Now what do you say we go find some of those flowers?”
“Yes please!” You started peering around the water’s edge, attempting to spot any signs of cheerful, yellow flowers.
While you continued digging through ferns and bushes, searching for gold, Fred enchanted you from a distance across the shaded meadow. “I think my brother Percy said that the flowers are called Golden Alexanders. He’s one to always go a bit heavy on books during his breaks.” 
‘You’ll have to ask your brother how they got their name. The first part’s fairly obvious, the Alexander portion not so much.”
“I’m gonna have to ask everyone in my family questions if I keep showing you new things by the looks of it,” he giggled, walking around the grassy plateau with his hand shielding his eyes from the setting sun. 
“Teacher always tells me during lessons, ‘curiosity killed the cat’-” 
“Poor kitty,” Fred muttered.
“-But satisfaction brought it back. So you best bring me back some answers tomorrow, because I don’t exactly fancy dying.” Fred’s eyes widened with his new, highly-important mission. “I’d at least wish to go out in a heroic way, not at the hands of my own unquenched curiosity.”
“That’s quite the big word.”
“I know, I learned it the other day!” you giggled, covering your toothy grin with your hand. “Isn’t it cool?” Fred responded with a handsome, wide smile and concurring nod. His eyes were filled to the brim with joy; they reminded you of warm evenings sitting around the crackling fire charring logs and embers. 
You scourged through the brush for a while longer until the soothing trickling of water was interrupted by Fred’s distinct voice, shouting, “Oh, I think I found some o’er here!”
You skipped to Fred’s direction, the toes of your boots patting the grass lightly. Fred was leaning down over a small patch of Golden Alexanders, watching a few bumblebees buzz between the central stigmas protected in the wreaths of small petals.
Without thinking, you swiftly wrapped your arms around Fred, his back pressed to your chest tightly. “Thank you, Fred. These’ll look great. You’ve got quite the eagle eye.” Your cheeks burned, and your soft arms were swept with tiny goosebumps.
“It’s no problem, really. I’m just glad you’re happy.” You unleashed Fred from your grasp, nearly tumbling to the ground with flusteredness. The porridge-ish feeling was back, and your now-wobbly legs weren’t exempt. “Your smile’s contagious, you know.” 
Fred’s reaction to your hug was slightly different, but equal in magnitude. His chest puffed as if it were fluttering with butterflies that would glide low near the grass, his neck, which tingled after your every exhale, was burning like brush, and his breath all but stopped, which he paid no mind to. 
To distract himself from the foreign sensations racking his body, he pointed to the revolving wheel sputtering the crystalline, flowing water, saying, “Do you think it's possible for me to climb the wheel? I’d wager I could.”
“You’d be a madman if you did.” You daintily trailed behind him like a curious cat, spying on his actions from afar.
“Then I guess I’ve got to do it.” He stepped one foot on one of the damp wooden beams, which proved successful until the churning of the wheel shook off his balance. He stumped to the group with an ‘ow’, groaning, “Princess, you were supposed to catch me.”
“Sorry,” you cheekily giggled, suppressing your smile with your cupped palm. You looked in all directions but Fred’s to avoid an assumed scornful glare, but instead you were met with a chuckling redhead, his umber eyes screwed shut with laughter.
Childish titter occupied the still Spring air, blending in with the trickling water and occasional melody chirped by a lone sparrow or two. Your fingers intertwined with Fred’s to prevent you from falling backwards into the puddles of sludge strewn through the sunset-soaked blades of grass.
Eventually, Fred could be your stabilizing tether no longer, and you both fell backwards, hands still locked playfully. You started to get up from the soft cushion composed of a plethora of plants before the flat-capped ginger motioned for you to remain relaxed on the ground, the large tufts of your gown and all. 
You complied, and before you knew it, you were making out the shapes of pink-hued clouds, improvising tales and fables to enchant Fred with.
“That one looks like a rabbit, doesn’t it?” you would say, or “that one looks like a mule-”
“-riding on a carriage!” Fred finished, giggling in unison with you. As your throat erupted with chuckles, you and the prince beside you clutched your stomachs which were rattling with joy.
After a while of staring up at the deepening sky, you said, “I think I’ve got to go back for dinner, Mum’ll be expecting me.” Fred immediately stood up, quick as a soldier, and he outstretched his arm chivalrously to help you sit up as well.
“I’ll walk you back, don’t worry. Who would I be to let a princess such as yourself brave the wilderness alone?”
“How kind of you, good sir,” you replied with a joking curtsy and exaggerated accent dripping with poshness. Your fingers intertwined with Fred’s again for the second time that day, and this time they felt more familiar, as if you could pinpoint every sun-owing freckle or crease in his pale skin.
Your connected arms swung rhythmically as you both relaxedly walked towards the direction of your humble residence, careful to avoid stepping on dotted ladybugs that scurried through the grass. Occasionally, you or Fred would release a clever wisecrack or randomly twirl, basking in the pink rays of sunshine that gradually depleted, but for most of the trek home, you stayed quiet, simply enjoying each other’s company: a luxury that was hard to come by in Fred’s house of nine.
When your house was finally visible on the thin line of the horizon, Fred’s eyes couldn’t help but light up. Your home didn’t look much different than the Weasley’s, save for its size being half as big. Your chimney wasn’t as crooked and worn by the elements as the gingered clan’s was either, but the young boy didn’t seem to notice. All he could see was an elegant castle suited for no one but the best.
At long last, you arrived on your back porch. The door was wide open, where your mother leaned her aproned hips against the frame with a smile. Wonderful aromas wafted from the kitchen to you and Fred’s nostrils, beckoning you to take a seat at the dinner table and dig in. “Now who might this be, Y/N?”
“My name’s Fredrick Weasley ma’am.” Youthfulness glinted his eyes as he reached his hand to shake your mother’s. “I go by Fred.”
“You’ve got quite the firm shake,” she said, suppressing a chuckle, “I hope you and Y/N had fun today? By the look of her dress, she did.”
Your cheeks burned like a tin fresh out of the oven as you looked down in horror to see brown splotches of dirt strewn across the fluff and frills. “Mum, I-”
“Shh, Y/N, don’t worry about it,” you mother cooed in a whisper, eyeing the oblivious redheaded boy next to you, who was equally smudged with mud but complemented with a sweet, wide-mouthed smile.
“Well, Y/N dear, it’s dinner time. Does your guest Mister Weasley care to join us?”
“No thank you, Miss Y/L/N, I’ve got to be on my way back to my home as well.” Fred pulled you closer to him, so that your chest was mere inches away from his’. A sudden burst of confidence pumped through his veins, and with that, he gave a light pack to your cheek. 
Your eyes widened with shock; his lips left a tingly imprint on your nerves as he turned back around towards the creek. I’ll never wash my face again, you thought, cupping your cheek with your palm. 
“Bye princess, I’ll see you tomorrow, promise?” he shouted, giving you a final wave. 
“Promise. Bye, Mill Boy. See you then!” And with that, he was off following towards the water in which he came, the orange sunlight turning his figure into a fading silhouette. 
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