#Catalan Fighting System
reasonsforhope · 2 months
"Spain’s Catalonia region rolled out a pioneering women’s health initiative [at the beginning of March, 2024] that offers reusable menstruation products for free.
About 2.5 million women, girls, transgender and nonbinary people who menstruate can receive one menstrual cup, one pair of underwear for periods and two packages of cloth pads at local pharmacies in northeast Spain free of charge.
The Catalan government said that the initiative, which is called “My period, my rules,” was meant to “guarantee the right to menstrual equity.” The regional government cited statistics that said 23% of women polled by Catalonia’s public opinion office said they had reused hygiene products designed for a single use for economic reasons.
Tània Verge, Catalonia’s regional minister for equality and feminism, called the program a “global first.”
Scotland’s government passed a law in 2020 to ensure period products are available for free to anyone who needs them. But in comparison with the Catalan program, in Scotland the products are for single use and are distributed through schools, colleges and universities, not pharmacies.
“We are fighting menstrual poverty, which affects one in four women in Catalonia, but is also about gender justice. We are fighting the stereotypes and taboos about menstruation,” Verge told The Associated Press. “And (...) it is about climate justice. We need to reduce the tons of waste generated by single-use menstrual products.”
The distribution of reusable products is also aimed at reducing waste. The regional government said that Catalonia produces about 9,000 tons of waste from single-use menstrual hygiene products.
The reusable products are acquired by the public health care system, which covers the entire population, and distributed by Catalonia’s 3,000-plus private pharmacies. The program cost the regional government 8.5 million euros ($9.2 million).
“I am completely in favor of this initiative,” 29-year-old graphic designer Laura Vilarasa said. “It will give women a product that is absolutely necessary to have for zero cost.”
Spain’s national government passed a law last year granting women with debilitating menstrual pain the right to paid medical leave."
-via AP News, March 5, 2024
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The song's main theme is how invincible and full of life and passionyou feel when you are 20 years old. It also speaks about the rage young people tend to feel once they realize how unfair and corrupt is the world and their desire to change things.
Now that I'm twenty years old
Now that I still have strength
That I don't have a dead soul
And I feel my blood boil
Now that I feel capable
To sing if someone else sings
Today that I still have voice
And I can still believe in gods
I want to sing to the stones, the earth, the water
To the wheat and to the road, when I pass by...
At night, in the sky, in this sea of ours
And the wind that comes to kiss my face in the morning
I want to raise my voice, for a thunderstorm
For a ray of sunshine
Or for the nightingale
That joins my sing in the evening
Now that I'm twenty years old
Now that I still have strength
That I don't have a dead soul
And I feel my blood boil
Now that I'm twenty years old
Today my heart is pounding
For a moment to love
Or seeing a child cry
(EPONINE AND GAVROCHE, Eponine died in the arms of the guy she was in love with -SHE HAD A MOMENT OF LOVE AND IT WAS HER LAST ONE- and Gavroche cries at one point of the brick, idk)
I want to sing to love,
to the first, to the last
(Marius was the first love of Cosette and the last love of Eponine)
I want to cry with those who are all alone Without any love they go through the world
I want to raise my voice,
to sing to the people
That were born wretched
Who live in wretchedness
And whom wretched will perish
I want and want and want to sing
Today that I still have voice
Who knows if tomorrow i'll still be able
But today I am only twenty years old
I still have strength today
And I don't have a dead soul
And I feel my blood boil
Also, I will put a link here if you want to hear it, it's a song from one of the biggest songwriters of my nation (Joan Manuel Serrat)
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
Just found out there's a rugby team in France named Catalans Dragons.. 😳
It's the rugby team from Perpinyà, the capital city of Northern Catalonia. The team's colours are the colour of the Catalan flag and the team's anthem is Els segadors, the anthem of Catalonia.
Northern Catalonia has suffered a very strong ethnocide at the hands of France. The French public school system, media, government, etc has been discriminating them and repressing them for over a century in a very psychological way as well as beating children for speaking Catalan. This results in a population that has to fight with extreme amounts of self-hatred, and where many families have stopped passing down Catalan to their children because they are so ashamed of it, that they think their children will have a better future if they're not tainted by this "inferior" language. In this context, Dragons Catalans and USAP are a place to express Catalanity and come together as a community (like Barça was for Southern Catalans during the Franco dictatorship).
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
Ok elaborate on the white water kayaking if you would like bc that’s incredible
this is. maybe the thing i think about most lol. NO idea how much people know about kayaking but uh. ask me!
so whitewater kayaking is interesting as a sport bc while there ARE major racing events (the green race!! the north fork championship!! go look them up they’re SICK) it is generally not a formalized racing series that culminates in a trophy like in motorsports. like there’s no seating for spectators even. you get to these races by hiking two hours through the woods and parking your ass on a rock by the river and hoping you don’t fall in bc you are BLASTED drunk. they’re big parties most of the time!
so while the best kayakers in the world DO compete in these things and win them, the sport is frankly more about doing sick stunts with your friends on beautiful rivers all over the world than like. cutthroat fanatical competition. which bezz (who HATED racing against people as a kid never wanted to fight on the track to go fast) would LOVEEEE imo. also literally it is bad practice to go boating alone you NEED a homie with you at all times that’s how you run shuttle that’s how you set safety that helps you scout rapids it is a homie-based activity!!! and bez loves his friends SOOOO bad and especially loves to do dumb life-threatening stuff with them. that’s what big water boating IS.
and it’s just. some aspects of the stuff happening at the ranch and the broader culture of whitewater is very similar in terms of vibes to meeeee. like the adrenaline addiction the injuries the constant threat of death the long hair the dumb tats the earrings the SAME fucking sunglasses kayakers get just cheaper ones. the energy drink sponsorships the going skiing 24/7 in the off-season…. that’s a fucking kayaker to me lol. i look at him and genuinely question why he is not in a dry suit bombing waterfalls in chile. #beater #steazy #booflife he’d love it so bad.
and i AM saving all of my narrative thoughts on bezz kayaking for a fic one day maybe. problem is i don’t know shit about the whitewater scene in italy so i’d have to make these boys like. appalachian. but i do know cele would have the world’s most atrocious rookie crush on hot trip leader bezz and when cele dump trucks a raft and has to do a swim beer out of his nasty bootie (whitewater has like. a reverse shoey system where you only do them if you fuck up) and bezz like, puts his big hand on the back of cele’s neck as he chugs this nasty beer (for maximum crazy this is bezz’s shoe bc cele is a rookie and didn’t want to shell out for the whitewater specific shoe and is wearing chacos) and cele has a small religious experience and flushes BRIGHT RED.
anyways if you want to check out some sick kayakers and are curious regarding the vibe i recommend following aniol serrasolses (catalan legend), nouria newman (badass. has yelled at my brother), and evy liebfarth (from my hometown!). liebfarth is going to the olympics this year in kayaking slalom which IS a formalized racing series but one that generally takes place on closed courses and such and is a small niche in the broader culture of the sport. still very cool and very hard to do. there is also dane jackson who is the arguable GOAT of the sport i just think he’s kind of swagless and one time he put my brother on youtube after he dislocated his shoulder when they were paddling the royal gorge like. cmon man. also his daddy owns a major kayaking manufacturer booooo. he does win the green race like literally every year which IS annoying. to me.
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martiwikiwi · 2 months
so, I have a con in October
I have a local con in October so I decided to print new stuff! I'll be printing my Summer project (a short comic of gay skaters) but I also want to print one of my big projects of these last years. Wanna help me decide? Choose your fav.
(Important note: Since I only go to local cons I'd print it in Catalan, sorry!)
Promo under the cut:
I did this back in 2019-2021. Very dear to me because I started to write it while kicking anxiety drugs. It's a dark fantasy feminist comic about a young cleric who is devoted to fighting the system of a world ruled by violence and fear. It's a story of skeletons and menstrual blood and undead dragons. Very Dark Souls. Pretty cool. I printed the first chapter in b/w and every time I go to a con someone asks me if I have the second chapter ready. Around 100 pages.
I did this in 2021-2023. I wrote this urban fantasy story while learning about asexuality and relationships and starting to decide what kind of relationship I want. So, very important to me too. ELLIS is a queerplatonic romance between a demisexual non-binary werewolf and a bisexual human who find themselves in an awkward situation when they both have a crush on the same unknown student. I somehow always find a couple of ace people at cons who are amazing and I love making them happy with my ace stories. Around 90 pages.
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laytonsartblog · 11 months
Jasmine The Informant (TF2OC)
Here’s some more of my one and only Jasmine, the wonderful Informant!
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I’m gonna add more on her in the form of a file summary, redacted for the sake of privacy and confidentiality:
Her name is Jasmine [REDACTED], born on ##/##/21 in [REDACTED], United States. Her home life was fine, and in some cases more open than her peers, if not distant. Encouraged by her father to expand her intelligent mind, she went to the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry in 1939 and received a PhD in Library and Information Science in 1947. In her final year at university, Jasmine would have a fling with one of her classmates: a man named David [REDACTED], and in 1947 was born her daughter [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. Jasmine raised her as a single mother for eight years before being contacted by The Administrator to replace the old Informant. She took the job on the condition that [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED], in exchange, she would [REDACTED REDACTED]. The Administrator agreed. In 1955, she officially became The Informant and has been working on the job ever since.
And here’s a list of things about her and her life:
• Her daughter, of whom you may know is named Mary, is an activist, and an organization leader for her service The Simple House, a nonprofit group dedicated to housing, educating, and caring for children. She has a side job at a restaurant as a waitress. She also graduated with an associate’s degree at the same college her mother went to for business with a minor in sociology
• While she can’t hack, she has incredible memory and often only needs to see someone type in a password once in order to replicate it. The same goes for organization systems, language, etc
• Speaking of language, she dedicates herself to learning every language that the Teams can speak. So far she knows Russian, French, Spanish, and German fairly well, though not at any fluent level. Catalan and Dutch are on her list.
• Her job is mostly like an archiving/IS job when she has free time, though most of the time she is tasked with making sure no one is contacting the outside world unless cleared and preventing any spread of information that leaks. This can lead from reporting any suspicious creations by the Engineer or Demoman that might work as a radio, removing any phone or computer not connected to the Administration’s network (looking at you, Spy), and following the Sniper to his phone calls to his parents. She is the one that writes down every recorded conversation and stores it safely away. She also occasionally helps Ms. Pauling on field missions, though mostly on information retrieval.
• Ms. Pauling views Jasmine like some grumpy aunt that mostly complains about her work and spills any gossip she hears around the office or team members.
Okay… silly fact time
• She is ambidextrous
• She hates any and all gerbils
• She eats a banana with jelly and peanuts on top every morning and washes it down with black coffee. She says it’s nutritious
• If you put sugar or milk in her coffee she will kill you. If you give her decaf as a prank she will ACTUALLY kill you
• She has one of those mini toolkits on her at all times and will freak out if she can’t find it
• She only ever had a pet cat and that thing hated her almost as much as she hated it. She only bought it for her daughter. His name was Donald.
• She only talked to Spy once. She almost throttled him when he asked her if she was single
• Her favorite color is a nice minty green
• She is so tired. All of the time. She sleeps a maximum of 6 hours a night, usually 4
• She is a bisexual mess. She’s fantasized many times having one spicy night with Helen. Look man don’t judge her she admires the ferocity and power what do you want
• She is genuinely awful at combat. Terrible. She stays fit and acrobatic to sneak around, but ask her to fight Scout and she’ll end up on her ass in two seconds
Aaand that’s it. I invite any and all propaganda, fanart, etc, for the @tf2shipswag OC tournament! Can’t wait to see how far she gets!
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Kaixo! I asked a similar question a while ago about regional elections, so now I'll ask about the PM elections. Is it only a Vox vs PP vs PSOE "fight", or can parties like BNG and EH Bildu participate too? And what would happen if a pro-independence party won? Would it mean that that specific nation would eventually get independence? Sorry for the many questions, hope it's okay for an outsider who doesn't know about the Spanish electoral system to ask. I do hope we get to see an independent EH+Canary Islands+Galiza+Catalan Countries very soon.
Kaixo anon!
It goes just the same for the general elections:
Spain is divided in electoral districts and the key point is vote concentration: this is, 1M votes in a single district are more valuable than 2M scattered all over different districts. So parties choose to be elegible just in the regions where they think they will do well.
So, even though, let's say, I as a Basque person would like to vote for BNG I can't, because BNG isn't eligible in my district.
You can only vote for a few parties in the whole Spanish state, which are known as "the big ones": PSOE, PP, Vox, Sumar and Recortes Cero. Just 5 out of the 75 parties that can be voted for. So, obviously, no party outside the ones that can be voted by all the people have a chance to win: no pro-independence party will ever win if they handpick their districts of influence (as they do); and no big party is pro-independence. So it's not gonna happen.
Regarding the "fight": right now the fight is between PSOE+Sumar VS PP+Vox. Nobody is expected to get enough votes to rule alone, so either PSOE or PP [the biggest ones] will have to ally with their partners to get the majority of representatives.
Ah, and here's when all those 70 smaller parties have much to say: some perform really well in their districts (ERC, PNV, EH Bildu, etc) and get quite a few representatives that are essential to choose one president or another. Of course their support or abstention in the Congress election to choose the president will come at a price, this is, these small parties will negotiate money, infrastructures, laws, etc. to benefit their districts in exchange of their votes.
I hope I made myself clear, Spanish electoral system can be a bit dense.
I hope the very very same you do, anon.
Let's see what happens this Sunday....
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deathschool · 11 months
10, 23, and 34 for p101 meme?
*goes to sleep immediately after posting an ask game* Um. Hi guys good morning
10: what does your flag look like? what are your crew colors?
OK SO All of my pirates are different ocs and i give them all different flags. So ill send my 2 fav oc ones :P and describe what i would make MINE (checkerboard print, aqua/purple, that winged heart symbol in all black to look like the clandestine bartskull. teehee)
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1 is my oc mina's flag, her colors r teal and black! 2 is my oc catalina's flag, his colors r purple and yellow :]
23: show us your pirate and tell us a bit about them
Omg ok like i said theyre all ocs soo let me grab a screenshot of my like whole crew loading page.
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so jsyk NONE of their outfits are what theyd actually wear (excluding catalinas robe). I dont stitch in pirate HAHA
far left is an old oc some ppl may recognize, her name is hope loomis! Shes a (lvl 70) witchdoctor, blind, and captain of a pirate crew. shes no longer my main oc but i still love her and her crew :P
Since hes relevant to her ill go out of order and say him now: the one in the middle is lawrence nightingale, part of hope's crew, her best friend, a musketeer. (Hes my main pirate for playing, hes lvl 70) He has a bit of a sour disposition and he and hope argue a lot but they care for each other a lot. I also ship him with kane hehehe
Ok middle left is catalina, like i mentioned earlier. Actually ive posted him before, hes a catalan shapeshifter who likes to pretend to be a human amongst people to troll them mostly teehee :P hes a (lvl 46) witchdoctor in game but in his lore he just knows some magic.
Next to catalina is the aforementioned Mina mitchell, shes a (lvl 65) swashbuckler and an emo girl. I dont have much lore for her to be honest but shes just so cute and awesome. She has spiky short twin pigtails. I think ive posted a drawing of her on this blog before under her tag mina
Middle right (orange) is Maeve, shes part of my new main crew! (The other 2 arent in game) shes a (lvl 7, bc i KEEP REMAKING MY BUCKS) buccaneer. Shes also part fox and from marleybone! shes really cool and awesome and sweet and shes best friends with shannon (leader of her crew).
Right is Stormy Edwards, hes kinda new and also his character looks nothing like his actual design lol other than that hes green. Hes a privateer (lvl 7, again i keep remaking themmmm) and hes EVIL!<3 he also has a toxic gay thing going on with vito (witchdoctor with maeve and shannon) and hes just kinda fucked up :P
34: what are the hardest and easiest parts of the game for you?
OK SOOOOO I love the strategy of it all TBH. It was really hard at first but ive picked it up pretty well i think. The hardest part was figuring out how to do gear correctly and what stats to prioritize, which im probably still not perfect at but i think ive gotten it down now. I also hate ship fighting 😭 But yeah easiest is probably just combat i love it i love the battle system. And to be MORE specific ranged combat is easiest for me.
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warningsine · 3 months
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Spain’s Catalonia region rolled out a pioneering women’s health initiative this week that offers reusable menstruation products for free.
About 2.5 million women, girls, transgender and nonbinary people who menstruate can receive one menstrual cup, one pair of underwear for periods and two packages of cloth pads at local pharmacies in northeast Spain free of charge.
The Catalan government said that the initiative, which is called “My period, my rules,” was meant to “guarantee the right to menstrual equity.” The regional government cited statistics that said 23% of women polled by Catalonia’s public opinion office said they had reused hygiene products designed for a single use for economic reasons.
Tània Verge, Catalonia’s regional minister for equality and feminism, called the program a “global first.”
Scotland’s government passed a law in 2020 to ensure period products are available for free to anyone who needs them. But in comparison with the Catalan program, in Scotland the products are for single use and are distributed through schools, colleges and universities, not pharmacies.
“We are fighting menstrual poverty, which affects one in four women in Catalonia, but is also about gender justice. We are fighting the stereotypes and taboos about menstruation,” Verge told The Associated Press. “And (...) it is about climate justice. We need to reduce the tons of waste generated by single-use menstrual products.”
The distribution of reusable products is also aimed at reducing waste. The regional government said that Catalonia produces about 9,000 tons of waste from single-use menstrual hygiene products.
The reusable products are acquired by the public health care system, which covers the entire population, and distributed by Catalonia’s 3,000-plus private pharmacies. The program cost the regional government 8.5 million euros ($9.2 million).
“I am completely in favor of this initiative,” 29-year-old graphic designer Laura Vilarasa said. “It will give women a product that is absolutely necessary to have for zero cost.”
Spain’s national government passed a law last year granting women with debilitating menstrual pain the right to paid medical leave.
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danielmhurt · 1 year
What is a basic income for everyone?
A universal basic income, or UBI, is a policy where every citizen gets a set amount of money every month from the government. In the past few years, it's been a hot topic because people worry that automation will take away jobs and leave millions of people without money. The idea hasn't been tried out on a large scale, though.
A universal basic income is a cash payment to every citizen, regardless of whether they are working or how much money they have. It is also called a "guarantee of a minimum income."
Trying out non-repayable cash benefits has been shown to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of those who receive them around the world. People who are sure to get money are less likely to waste it, quit their jobs, have more kids, or use drugs.
In Finland, a two-year experiment with a basic income for everyone began in 2016. It gave €560 per month to 2,000 unemployed people, regardless of how much money they had. A study has now found that the payments improved the mental and financial health of the people who received them.
Basic income, which has been suggested as a way to help people get out of poverty, was first used in Finland. It's also seen as a possible solution to the problems caused by the rise of AI, which could take over many jobs.
In Finland, a test of a basic income for two years began in 2017 to see if it would work. Participants got a cash payment of 560 euros every month, whether or not they were looking for work or had other income.
People who got unemployment benefits and took part in the trial said they were happier and less stressed, and they didn't have to fill out as much paperwork. This is just one of a number of social experiments that are being done in Finland to try to find answers to new problems.
A universal basic income (UBI) is a regular cash payment that everyone gets, no matter how much money they make or where they live. Its supporters say it can help cut down on poverty, make sure people have a steady income, and make people happier.
GiveDirectly is making payments to 20,000 people in 245 villages in rural Kenya. This is the largest UBI experiment that has ever been done. The villagers are split into three groups. One group gets a one-time payment of $500, another gets $0.75 per day for two years, and the third group gets nothing.
The study is part of a larger randomized trial that started in 2017. The results will be important for the future of implementing UBI, but it will remain an uncharted field until there is more information about how it affects people.
A universal basic income (UBI) is a type of social security that would give everyone a flat monthly payment to live on. Its goal is to reduce poverty and make life better in developing countries, as well as improve health and education.
Some people disagree with the policy because they think it will make people less likely to work. A new study in Iran, however, shows that this may not be true.
Since it was first put into place in 2011, UBI has helped countries like Iran reduce poverty and inequality. But some people worry that it will stop people from going to college or getting a better job. Because of this, the Iranian government only gave it to people with low incomes.
In academic and social debates, the idea of a universal basic income (UBI) is gaining ground. It is a policy that every citizen, regardless of income or wealth, receives regular cash payments.
UBI is a controversial idea, but progressive politicians are starting to support it as a way to fight poverty, social exclusion, and unemployment. Some economists also like this idea, and it has already been used in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
Soon, the Catalan government will start a two-year test of UBI in Barcelona and the area around it, with about 5,000 locals taking part. The goal is to find out how it affects social and economic systems, as well as how it changes people's lives.
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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naman19rawat · 2 years
Places to visit in EUROPE
Europe is an outstanding destination for anyone interested in visiting some of the world's most beautiful cities and landmarks. Whether you are interested in history, art, or urban culture, there are many wonders to see and explore. Here we have compiled a list of our top 10 most famous landmarks in Europe that visitors should not miss. So take a trip worldwide and come back with stories to share with your friends!
1. The Rotunda of Galerius at The Forum Romanum (Rome)
Built by Constantine I in 315 AD, this circular building was initially intended to hold circuses and gladiatorial combat events under one roof. It was the largest building in Rome at that time. It was built according to a complicated system of inverted cones, which were pulled together using ropes. The space inside the Rotunda is covered with marble mosaics, including a triumphal arch for Constantine and his wife Fausta, an equestrian frieze depicting Babylonian warriors, and other decorative elements. The Rotunda was turned into St. Peter's Basilica after the fall of Rome and has been expanded over the centuries before it had to be rebuilt several times due to wars and earthquakes.
Germany's most famous landmark and one of the world's most unusual tourist attractions is a water slide on the roof of an old warehouse converted into a hotel. Visitors are invited to pay to ride down this huge slide made from 130,000 plastic pipes, which were joined together in rows to form a track 1,100 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 10 feet high.
2. The Acropolis of Athens
Built-in the 5th century BC, the Acropolis of Athens is one of the most famous landmarks in ancient Greece. The word "Acropolis" comes from the Greek "Akro," which means "edge, peak," and "Polein," which means "to settle." It was also known as the "Parthenon." The center of religious and political life in ancient Athens was found here. Erectheus built the first temple in 1250 BC after a flood destroyed the city. This temple was replaced many times and finally destroyed by Persians. The present temple was built during the 5th century BC and was dedicated to Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War.
3. The Pantheon (Rome)
The Pantheon, or Temple of all Gods, is one of Italy's most famous Roman buildings. It is a domed building with a circular portico surmounted by a huge cylinder, on which stand six enormous statues representing gods. It was built at the beginning of our era according to an impressive design by Marcus Agrippa. For almost 1,500 years, it served as a temple to all the Gods of the Roman pantheon, including the most important ones for Christians. In 608 AD, The Pantheon was finally converted into a church and has been used for that purpose since.
4. The Colosseum (Rome)
The Colosseum, or Flavian Amphitheatre, is one of the best-known landmarks in Rome and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy. It has hosted gladiatorial combats and other shows since it was built in 72 AD by Vespasian, nephew, and son-in-law of Emperor Titus. The original name was the "Flavian Amphitheatre," later known as the Colosseum. It is one of the largest amphitheatres ever built in the Roman Empire, with a maximum capacity of 50,000 seats. During its heyday, about 5,000 people could watch gladiatorial combats and animal fights held here every day. It has been preserved and hosts cultural events such as concerts and shows.
5. Sagrada Familia (Spain)
The Sagrada Familia is the most prominent landmark in Barcelona. It is the first major architectural piece to be created in modern Barcelona and the symbol of Catholicism and freedom of expression. Antoni Gaudí designed the church after he won a competition to design the Sagrada Familia in 1883. It is known not only for its unusual shapes but also for its rich ornamentation, abundant use of color, and elaborate Catalan-inspired designs. Work on the sanctuary was finally completed in 1914, but the construction was later interrupted during World War II. Construction resumed after world war II and has been under construction since 1954 before finally being completed in April of 2010.
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Tour and Tickets: Book Sagrada Familia Tour in advance if you plan your visit to Barcelona. The Ticket cost will be approx. 53 Euros.
6. Duomo Florence (Vatican City)
The Duomo of Florence is the name of a church in the city of Florence (Italy). Arnolfo di Cambio built the church between 1063 and 1077 in an Early-Gothic style. It is one of the most important examples of Renaissance architecture and a masterpiece of humanism and expression. In 1436 the dome was completed, but it was heavily damaged during World War II and has been restored a few times since then. It hosts various exhibitions, including one devoted to Michelangelo, who designed its windows and façade.
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Tour and Tickets: If you are planning your visit to Vatican city, don't forget to take Duomo Florence Tour to make sure to book your tour in advance. 
7. Uffizi Gallery (Italy)
The Uffizi Gallery is the name of an art gallery located in Florence, Italy. The gallery was built between 1560 and 1564 by Giorgio Vasari with the aim of housing the German masters of the art who had been expelled from Florence after the sack of 1512. It is located in Piazza della Signoria and was finally opened to the public in 1761. The gallery houses paintings by artists such as Botticelli, Polidoro da Caravaggio, Lorenzo di Credi, Alessandro Allori and Titian. It also has important collections of ancient sculptures and terracottas from Ancient Greece and contemporary art from all over Europe.
Tour and Tickets: If you are an ancient paintings lover, you should Visit Uffizi once in a lifetime. Book your Uffizi Gallery Tickets in advance if you have only one to visit Uffizi.
8. Louvre Museum (France)
The Louvre, or L'Oreal Museum, is an art museum in Paris. It houses one of the most important collections of art worldwide and holds a very high reputation worldwide. Louis XIV built it for King Louis XIII between 1661 and 1763, who hired architect Salomon de Brosse to make it. The beautiful building has the shape of a rectangular Cour d'honneur with two large pavilions which form the wings on both sides.
The collection includes more than two million pieces from ancient and modern history spread over six buildings around the central courtyard with its famous sculptures, paintings, fine arts, and architecture.
Tour and Tickets: Book Louvre Museum Tour 
9. Stonehenge (London)
Stonehenge is an ancient monument located in Wiltshire, England. It is composed of a circular setting of large stones with at least five stone circles and dozens of standing stones. Stonehenge was erected in several stages between 3000 and 1600 BC and was designed as a place of worship for prehistoric people. Much mystery still surrounds its function and also the way it was built. The site holds special spiritual significance for pagans, druids, and followers of the Neopagan religion of Wicca, as it is believed to be a center for ancient pagan rituals.
10. Eiffel tower (France)
Eiffel Tower is a comfy structure having an unusual shape. It was initially built for the 1889 Paris World Fair and is one of Paris's most visited tourist attractions. The tower consists of an iron lattice tower and high-rise base, located on the Champ de Mars (a large ring-shaped park in front of the Louvre Museum), and stands 325 meters tall. The iron lattice at the core was designed as a safety feature to keep all weights inside safe from collapsing. The Eiffel Tower has also served as a telecommunications antenna, letting people with short wave radios contact each other around the world.
There are so many monuments from different parts of the world that could be included on this list. However, there is no doubt that these ten sites stand out in terms of historical importance and artistic designs. Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or opinions, please leave a comment below!
REFERENCE- https://cruiseable.com/places-to-visit-in-europe
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Law of Amnesty: not what it seems?
On May 30th 2024, the Spanish Government (after a long time of negotiating with Catalan parties) finally approved the Law of Amnesty which will allow some Catalan people who have been repressed for taking part in activism in favour of Catalonia's right to self-determination and referendum to be subjected to an amnesty (meaning they will be pardoned). However, it has been written to be as useless as possible.
Amnesty laws are not unusual around the world, neither in Spain. The most famous one was passed at the end of the fascist dictatorship (1977) to give amnesty to political dissidents who had been sentenced for fighting against the Francoist dictatorship. In the less than 100 years prior, Spain had approved at least 20 amnesties and 70 general pardons, even though some of these amnesties applied to all Spain but left Catalan people out (like General Berenguer's during the dictablanda). In the 2000s, the Spanish Government granted amnesties, most famously the PP party's government led by Aznar granted "hidden amnesties" through mass pardons to 5,948 people, most of which were convicted of corruption and tax evasion. Now, the PP and Aznar are criticizing and recurring the new amnesty for Catalan political prisoners, saying it's illegal and anti-Constitutional. (sources on the previous amnesties)
The new Amnesty Law has gone forward, fruit of a long negotiation process between the Spanish Government and Catalan parties. But the Spanish Governments has the last word on how the law is written, so they made sure to make it very restrictive. It may grant amnesty to those convicted for taking part in Catalonia's self-determination and independence process, but only for some of the crimes they're attributed.
Out of the 4,584 people who have been repressed by the Spanish judicial system for their participation in the Catalan independence movement between 2017 and 2024, the NGO Òmnium explains that only 1,616 of them are elegible for amnesty (source). And even then, amnesty means they have to go to trial again and have the judges agree that the amnesty can be applied to them. The same judges who sentenced them guilty, often twisting the law to do so, like saying that people who acted peacefully can be convicted of crimes that are defined using violence because the violence is metaphorical. And in case anyone still believed in the separation of powers, a group of judges has already created a guide on how to make the Amnesty Law not apply to anything and have sent it to more than 5,000 judges (source).
And, of course, an amnesty is only retroactive. Any "rebellious act" committed after the Law of Amnesty is approved will not be elegible for the amnesty. And, unsurprisingly, on the very day that this law was approved, a Catalan man was already imprisoned for being part of a counter-protest against the Spanish police's rally to homage the Spanish police who brutally beat up Catalan people who were peacefully trying to vote on October 1st 2017, being accused to watch out while another man pushed a policeman (all context here). He is first victim of the new wave of Spanish repression of Catalan people, a wave in a sea that never stops.
Don't get me wrong, the amnesty is good news. These 1,616 people don't deserve the repression they received. It's good that they can be freed from it. But it solves nothing because it doesn't solve the discrimination against Catalans and the fact that Catalans aren't allowed self-determination. We will continue being treated like second-class citizens by Spain, a culture to quietly or loudly exterminate (depending on if it comes from the Spanish "left" or the right, respectively), and we will fight back again. The Spanish Government is saying that this amnesty will put an end to Catalan independentism, but it will not, not until we are equal and free.
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conanaltatis · 4 years
Catalan Fighting System’s Jomary Torres: Jenny Huang is a dangerous grappler
Catalan Fighting System’s Jomary Torres: Jenny Huang is a dangerous grappler
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Jomary Torres, Rene Catalan (©ONE Championship)
Jomary “The Zamboanganian Fighter” Torres, 24, was one of the seven “ONE: Fire and Fury” fighters featured in the open workout at One Esplanade in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines on January 28, 2020. She is training out of Catalan Fighting System in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines under the tutelage of her fellow ONE Championship…
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Hi I'm going on erasmus to spain next year and im still unsure weather i should go to Madrid or Valencia. Do you maybe have any tips or advice? thanks anyway!!
Thank you anon!!! I live in Madrid so I'm forced to say my city is better, but all jokes aside, here are some characteristics / tips for each of the city, depending on what you're looking for!
Right in the center of the country and all trains go there so if you want to travel around Spain it's way easier
Big city with a big public transportation system and almost every international store / food place can be found here
Lots of nature nearby, it's right by the Guadarrama Mountains and you can visit them by train
A lot of multiculturalism, green spaces (Casa de Campo is larger than Central Park, and the Retiro Park is really really pretty) and activities (museums are the best in the country, especially the Prado and Reina Sofía museums!)
Tapas are the best in the country (and in almost all bars you can get them for free with your drink), and our local dishes like bocata de calamares (calamari baguette) and cocido are also great (oh and chocolate con churros during the winter >>>>>>)
Worse weather, it rains a bit more than in Valencia (not much tho) and it's both colder and hotter here (it can get to -15ºC in winter and 40ºC in summer)
Very crowded, especially the touristic places can get very stressful (but there's a lot of places to see, both in and out of the city)
In some areas everything is more expensive than in other parts of the country, especially in the city center
In the coast so that means humidity but also milder weather and lots of beaches!! (the most popular one is the Malvarossa beach)
The whole Valencia Autonomous Community is very pretty (it's made up of the provinces of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante!), and full of English-speaking expats so you'll have no trouble comunicating
Speaking of languages, they speak Valencian here (a dialect of Catalan), so I recommend at least learning some phrases!
It's the third largest city in the country with a population just under a million inhabitants, so it's less crowded than Madrid but still feels like a big city
You have beutiful sights like the Albufera Natural Park (a wetland area) or the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (which holds the largest aquarium in Europe!)
It also has a metro and a short-distance train so you'll be able to move freely within the city (and I'm sure you can also catch buses and trains to other cities in the autonomous community)
Lot's of cool festivities like Fallas and Fogueres take place here, some of the most important and well-known Spanish festivities are actually Valencian (or Alicantinan in case of Fogueres, but it's also celebrated there), I believe even the Tomatina (tomato fight) is from a nearby town.
Speaking of Spanish typical stuff, Paella was born here! So, if you wanna taste the best Paella, this is the place to do so (don't try it in the touristy places tho). Another typical dishes in Valencia are orxata, made with xufa (tiger nut), and typically eaten with fartons (it's kinda like the same deal with chocolate and churros in Madrid, but make it Valencian).
Being in the western coast makes it difficult to travel to certain areas of the country, like Galicia or Euskadi.
I feel like I have to mention humidity again cause it's really the worst
Less multicultural than Madrid
It isn't a cheap city either, it's still cheaper than Madrid but still
I hope I could help you, and no matter which city you choose, I'm sure you'll have a great time here :)
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