#Cancelled my subscriptions to things for the next few months so I can make sure she has the best possible start.
satans-knitwear · 29 days
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The world?? So big.
She?? So small.
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eternitysoup · 4 months
As I review my subscriptions, it seems like I have a decent handle on them. I'm subscribed to Hulu's basic package, my FFXIV subscription (mandatory lol), YouTube Family Premium for myself, my twin, and her kids. I'm currently subscribed to Amazon Prime, but I'm struggling to find a compelling reason to keep it. My boyfriend smokes cigarettes, so we need to set aside some money for his packs throughout the month. He claims he'll quit, but who knows if he actually will. Apart from these things, we don't have many ongoing expenses.
We need to figure out the details of this jury duty situation and determine if it will last more than just one day. Additionally, I still need to return that Xfinity equipment that's been sitting in my closet, costing me $25 per month. Oh, and there's that annoying $746 warrant issue.
Well, at least I have a list of things to address. I'll probably cancel Amazon and keep the other subscriptions. Once we have more information about the jury duty after the 5th, we can make a decision.
The warrant situation might have to wait for now; I'm not sure yet. As for returning the Xfinity equipment, I'll need to arrange a ride or take an Uber, but that can probably wait until next month.
And of course, now that I'm back from the grocery store, I realize there are a few things I forgot to pick up. That's life, I suppose—always something to keep us on our toes!
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nickgerlich · 2 years
Split Opinion
The streaming era ushered in a completely new word to the English lexicon. Sure, we could have done it with DVDs, but the thought just never gained traction until it became possible to sit on our sofas and never have to get up, as long as the food and beverage didn’t run out, we didn’t have to make a mad dash to the water closet, or the batteries in the remote didn’t die.
Say hello to binge viewing. It was the new black, and it became so quickly entrenched in modern culture that when new shows were released on Netflix and others, viewing parties occurred. They became social events, not just something we did at home alone.
But little did Netflix know, it was sowing the seeds of its own undoing by allowing people to focus all their viewing efforts over a very short period of time, like a weekend. And then interest in the series would wane for another year. That’s bad from a marketing perspective.
Worse yet, as competition heated up among streaming providers and inflation reared its ugly head, viewers figured out they could cherry pick their viewing pleasures by simply subscribing to a service for a month, watching everything they wanted, and then canceling their subscription. It became the chain smoking of watching TV.
The answer, as several providers have determined of late, is to either split seasons in half, or go with week-to-week episode releases, just like old-school television.
For example, Stranger Things 4 was split in half, as was Ozark 4, the series’ final one. AMC’s Better Call Saul Season 6, available on cable and AMC+, was both split in halves and episodic (meaning weekly). Last winter, 1883, the prequel to the amazingly popular Yellowstone series, was weekly, and Yellowstone Season 5, which debuts in a few weeks, will also be weekly. There are more.
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Top be perfectly honest, I hate having my chain yanked like this, and have resorted to my own tactics in some cases. Although I did watch 1883 and Better Call Saul episodes each week because they were that good, with other series I merely let the episodes stack up, and then binged them on my own terms. Take that, you miscreants.
Perhaps the middle ground now is simply a split season, with which you can still binge the smaller number of episodes. That’s how we did Ozark 4 and Stranger Things 4. And yes, the strategy allowed for more hype, especially Stranger Things, which had a massive merchandising effort tied to it. Walmart is still stuck with an in-aisle display of Stranger Things cookie and brownie mixes, because now that most of the serious ST fans have watched everything, we’re off to other things until Season 5 comes along.
So yeah, I get it. I’m a Marketing prof. Hype is critical, and once the sizzle fades, it is practically impossible to keep things going until the next big installment. And now that Netflix has announced its intentions to crack down on password sharing and allow—I mean require—user profile migration to new accounts, I sense a battle is about to take place that will cause users to find other means.
Churn has always been a problem for anything that requires an ongoing commitment. This runs the gamut from magazine subs to the student body at universities, and in between are people cutting the cable or hand-picking streaming services for short-term durations. Customers come, customers go, and everyone is constantly in recruitment mode. It’s a never-ending battle.
Thankfully, the split seasons and episodic releases are limited mostly to top-shelf releases, meaning only the most popular. Streamers want—and need—to hang on to their customers as long as they can, like home gardeners will do everything they can to protect their fragile vegetables as Jack Frost invades from the north.
I’m just glad that Netflix allowed The Watcher to go all-in, seven episodes and done. It was fun bingeing this one. But then again, The Watcher was never destined for multiple seasons, and there was no way to gauge the success of it without first dumping the entire series online.
We can thank digital content for putting all this power in the hands of the viewer, and now the streamers want some of it back. If they’re not careful, they could madden enough people to cause problems. But the lesson from all of this rings very true: Be careful how much autonomy you cede to your customers. You can’t let the inmates run the asylum. As much as I love my students, they’re not in charge of the class.
And Netflix, et al., have told is in no equivocal terms that we aren’t their masters either.
Dr “I’d Still Rather Binge“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
🍒 SUMMARY// At 3am, every Sunday, Bucky locks his bedroom door to watch his favorite camgirl. What's to happen when he finds out he's much closer to her than leaving generous tips on her videos?
💋 WARNINGS// m masturbation, implied f masturbation, cursing, mentions of alcohol, lil bit of fluff
🍒 AU// Roommate!Bucky x Camgirl!Reader
💋 NOTE// This is tame compared to what's coming next. Requests and asks are always open, 18+ ONLY Minors DNI
🍒Ronly Friends Masterlist🍒
💋Main Masterlist💋
Moodboard by// @commonintrest
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"C'mon, big boy! Nat is gonna be here soon." You called down the hall, Bucky walking out of his bedroom as he pulled his shirt on. "I'm coming, calm down." He sighed. "Well, don't you look handsome." You smiled, smoothing your hands over his shoulders, feeling the muscles tense a little under your touch. "Oh, stop flirting."
"Nevermind, you look horrible." You teased, Bucky rolling his eyes at you as he got in the fridge for a water. "If I was to set you up with one of my friends- would you go?"
Though a small wave of relief washed over him, he couldn't stop himself from asking- "why not?"
"I have plenty of fun- by myself." You winked, a low chuckle pulling from Bucky's chest as he took a quick drink from the bottle. "Well, any guy who gets to date you is lucky, dollface."
You jutted your bottom lip out, reaching your hands out to hold his jaw. "Awe, Bucky. So sweet, gimme some sugar." You giggled, planting a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
Bucky looked at the tinted gloss painted on your lips and groaned. "Oh, c'mon, get it off. Sam teases me enough." He frowned. "Ok, ok. Lemme see." You laughed, pulling him down closer by the back of his neck.
"Hey!" He whined when you left another one on the opposite cheek. "Now, you match. Want some more?" You teased, Bucky trying to wiggle away as you wrapped your arms around his sturdy waist. "No, no more sugar."
"Oh, all of the sugar. C'mere, big boy." You giggled, making kissy noises at him as his face went beet red, laughter bubbling from his chest. "Stop! We gotta- we gotta go."
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
Bucky tried to keep his eyes from staring a hole into you the entire time you were at the club not far from the apartment. Occasionally glancing over Steve's shoulder to where you were enjoying yourself with Natasha, the hem of your dress lifting every so often to give a peek at the lacy underwear underneath.
"You listenin', Buck?" The blonde chuckled, snapping his fingers in front of Bucky to get his attention again. "Hmm? Yeah, I heard ya'." Bucky lied.
"Obviously not. You're staring so hard that it's getting creepy." Steve teased. "Is that drool?" Sam quipped, making Bucky mock laughter and roll his eyes as he lifted the glass bottle to his lips.
He had been waiting for a half an hour for a reason to ditch, seeing you shaking your head at a man who just stepped closer when Natasha walked away was the perfect reason.
"There goes Bucky, swooping in to save the day." He shot a look to Sam over his shoulder, snaking his arms around your waist and leaning to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck.
Your face heated up at the sudden action, but the look on the strangers face as he backed away made you give a soft smile and place your hands on the metal forearm that was around your waist.
"Ready to leave? I'm bored." He muttered as he pulled you away from the crowd and the lingering man, facial hair scratching at your skin as he talked. "My hero." You laughed, pulling out of his grip and waving to the group of friends who sat at the bar.
"Unspoken rule number three, it is my job as your roommate to save you from unwanted situations." Bucky smiled, pushing open the door to hold it for you. "What a gentleman."
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
3am hit while Bucky was scrolling his phone. The weekly notification dropping down at the top of his screen.
This time, there were two new videos; Bucky's eyes going wide when he saw the title on the second one.
For the best tipper- Soldat107
He hesitated at first to click it, his hand slipping into the waistband of his briefs to grip himself when the video loaded.
The swirling in the pit of his stomach started quicker than he had expected. Bucky rutting his hips into his hand as his top teeth bit down into his lip to make sure you didn't hear him this time and eyes fluttering shut as he spilled over the edge.
Once he was done, his phone and headphones were thrown to the side. Being quick to clean the mess on his hand and stomach before leaving his room to go shower.
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
The next morning, Bucky went on his run with Sam and Steve after breakfast. The main topic being how he hadn't asked you on a date yet.
"Just ask her and stop being a whimp about it." Sam said, nudging his shoulder as they walked up the stairs of the apartment building. "She's my roommate, that's what makes it more difficult."
"That should make it easier, Buck. You already know almost everything about each other, there wouldn't be any awkward silences if you took her out." Steve pointed, as if Bucky hadn't already weighed the pros and cons.
"It's also very convenient that her room is across the hall from yours." Sam nodded, making Bucky roll his eyes as he opened the door to his apartment.
You looked over your shoulder from washing the dishes to where he was walking in, athletic shorts low on his hips and hair tied up messily. "It was my turn to do those." Bucky said with a pointed look. "I got bored." You shrugged, feeling the heat from his form when he stood behind you.
"When most people get bored, they watch tv." He turned the water off and you turned to face him. "How was your run?" You asked, leaning back against the counter. "Annoying and sweaty."
You nodded, letting your eyes wander down to his sweat slicked chest. The shine making his muscular torso seem even more defined. "I can tell."
Bucky hummed in response and went to pull you in for a hug, your hands pressing to his chest to keep him away as a mischievous smile tugged his lips. "Get off, Bucky. I don't want a sweaty hug." You warned with a laugh. "You know you like seeing me sweaty."
Your face warmed and you curled your fingers under his to try to pry them from your waist. "Go- take a shower." You giggled, Bucky pouting as he backed away to go down the hall.
You could hear Bucky rustling around in his room as you put the dishes away, a call of your name making you walk into his view as he walked back into the hall.
"Have you seen my sweats?" He sighed. "Which ones?"
"Dark grey." You didn't let yourself look down as he adjusted the waistband of his briefs. "Check my closet if they're not in yours."
Bucky nodded and opened your bedroom door, going to looked through the folded clothes on the top shelf of your closet.
Not finding them there, he went to the trunk that was at the foot of your bed, thinking you kept more clothes in it as he opened it.
He choked on air when he saw the familiar sight of a masquerade mask along with the same backdrop the camgirl he watched and different sets of lingerie neatly placed inside.
"Did you find it?" Bucky heard your voice say as you got closer. "I fuckin' found something, cherry." He huffed, everything in him wanting him to just shut the trunk and forget he ever saw it.
You rolled your eyes and waved his hand away to shut it, folding your arms across your chest. "That's an invasion of privacy, Buck."
"I'm canceling my subscription." Bucky said, looking up at the ceiling. "You're what now?" You said, cocking your head to the side. Everything not clicking in place for you yet.
"I'm canceling." He repeated, looking down at you. The fact that Bucky had seen your videos settling in. "You- oh, god." You bit back a laugh, covering your mouth with your hand.
"Yep. Remember the best tipper? Me. Now, I'm gonna go take a very cold shower. Don't look at me for awhile, I'm embarrassed." Bucky turned to leave the room, you following right behind him.
"Bucky, please, don't make this weird." You whined, reaching to grab the metal of his wrist in your hand.
He stopped and let out a long breath through his nose, running a hand down his face. "Four months. You've lived here four months and I didn't know I watched your videos every weekend? I feel-" A visible shudder passed through him, a guilty feeling settling deep in his stomach along with a little bit of curiosity. "Lemme see it."
"See what?" You asked, letting go of his wrist. "The cherry. I wanna see it." He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes and turned so your back was to him before lifting the hem of your dress, pulling the waistband of your underwear down enough for him to see the tattoo.
Bucky swallowed thickly and moved his hands to cover himself, tearing his gaze away from your backside. "Yeah. That made it worse. I'm gonna go shower now."
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A few days passed, Bucky hadn't mentioned anything else about what he had found in your room. Everything stayed normal, except the increase in lingering looks you'd catch.
And the curiosity of what it was like to film yourself doing such personal things.
"I wanna do it." Bucky blurted out as you handed him a beer and the bowl of popcorn. "Do what?" You asked, taking your spot next to him on the couch and grabbing the remote from the coffee table. "The thing you do."
You looked over at him with an amused smile. "You'd make good money doing it." You said, Bucky's eyebrows raising. "You think?"
"Well, obviously. Look at you." You breathed a laugh, gesturing a hand towards him. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip, thinking over what he was about to say. "Do you ever think about... having a guest?"
You cocked an eyebrow at him, silently debating what he had said. Bucky had the build something like what you would see on a statue in a museum, a handsome face and delightful personality to match. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have some type of attraction towards him.
"You offering, Buck?"
🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒
TAGLIST: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @supernaturalbae @bucky-hues @suchababie @eireduchess
@mrsbarnesinmyimagination @rachellovesloki @teenagedreams-bucky
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Books Bring People Together
Summary: A frustrated and stuck Kaminari comes to you for help, and it somehow blooms into something else along the way.
TW: I made Kaminari ADHD, so I'm sorry if there's anything wrong, I went off what my ADHD friends do and what a medical site told me. I myself am not ADHD, so again, I apologize if there's anything wrong with this. Small swears, and Mineta, which should be a warning in and of itself.
A/N: I have had this half-baked idea stuck in my head for months and I wanted it out, so I am giving you all this!
"Hey, um, (Y/L/N), can I ask you something?" Kaminari asked, sliding into the chair across from you at the common room table.
"Sure, what's up?" you asked, setting your pencil down on the paragraph you were reading.
"Um, this is kind of embarrassing," Kaminari admitted. "But, um, I'm having a really hard time with English right now, and I know that you're right behind Bakugou in grades."
"Where are you going with this Kaminari?" you asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
You had heard things about Kaminari, and after meeting Mineta and knowing that Kaminari hung around with him, you didn't have the best impression of him. You had just been placed in Class 2-A, and so far you had mostly hung around with what the other students were calling the 'Dekusquad'.
"I need someone to tutor me," he admitted. "Normally English isn't all that hard for me, but Shakespeare is whack and I don't understand half of it."
"You want me," you started, "to tutor you. Why not ask Bakugou? Isn't he your friend?"
"Yeah, but . . . Bakugou has . . . harsh methods, and I need someone who won't treat me like an idiot," Kaminari confessed.
"Alright," you relented. "Why don't we get started now? Do you have anything going on?"
"No, this takes precedent," Kaminari said, rushing to grab his things.
"Alright, here's my question for you," you said when he propped his book open. "Why don't you understand?" You saw the look on his face change and you winced. "Sorry, sometimes I have a hard time controlling the tone of my voice. Let me rephrase that question." You paused for a moment, thinking of the right words before you said, "What about this don't you understand? What's the one thing about this that trips you up?"
"The formatting for one thing," Kaminari grumbled. "Why the hell is printed like that?"
You chuckled, brushing hair out of your face. You had thought the same thing the first time you had read Shakespeare.
"Alright, how about you just read, and then you can ask me any questions while I work on my own stuff, alright?"
"That sounds like it might work," he admitted.
"If that doesn't work, feel free to let me know," you told him. "This is about what helps you remember the material better."
"No, like I said, normally this is really easy for me," Kaminari said. "Let's try it."
"Alright, and remember, if you have any questions, I'm right here."
"Thanks (Y/L/N)," he mumbled.
"Of course, I wouldn't be much of a hero if I couldn't help people, right?" you mused, smiling at him.
"R-Right!" he chirped, grinning back at you.
You both worked in silence for a little bit before Kaminari leaned back in his chair, rubbing at him eyes.
"You okay?" you asked.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm ADHD, so sitting still and trying to read this is a little hard," he confessed. "And I might be dyslexic, I've never been tested but sometimes reading is hard for me."
You frowned, biting the inside of your lip, running the situation through your head.
"What if I read it to you?" you asked, looking up from your chemistry homework.
"How? It's a play," Kaminari said.
"I used to be in a drama club in middle school," you told him. "It's set up like a script, or if we don't have the energy to act it out, it's not hard to pretend that it's a regular story."
Kaminari stared at you for a moment before he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah I think that might work a little bit better than me staring at the same paragraph for fifteen minutes without actually reading anything."
"What part are you on?" you asked Kaminari, moving to glance over his shoulder at the page.
"Portia is trying to convince Brutus to tell her what's going on in her house. I think."
"Oh, I adore this part," you muttered, mostly to yourself. "Alright, what has you stuck?"
"This part. 'I grant I am a woman; but withal A woman well-reputed, Cato's daughter. Think you I am no stronger than my sex, Being so father'd and so husbanded? Tell me your counsels, I will not disclose 'em: I have made strong proof of my constancy, Giving myself a voluntary wound Here, in the thigh: can I bear that with patience. And not my husband's secrets?' I don't entirely understand what she's saying."
Wow, English must've been his thing, he didn't mess up a single word, and he was able to read it fairly fluently, everything considered. It might have taken him a little longer than normal, but he had nailed it.
"Okay, so she's basically telling Brutus that she won't tell his secrets if he tells her what's going on, it doesn't matter if she's a woman or not."
"What was with the voluntary wound thing?"
"So, it depends. Sometimes, in plays, the women playing Portia will have a fake knife and stab themselves in the thigh, other times they pretend to slice themselves, depends on the director," you told him. "She basically cut herself on the thigh and said, 'If I can handle this I can handle whatever's going on inside your head.' Do you understand?"
"Yeah, but damn, this woman is a badass," Kaminari said, staring down at the pages."
"Right? Some people read that as psychotic, but it's Shakespeare," you told him, "everything in Shakespeare is psychotic to some extent."
"That's fair. Thank you for explaining that to me," he said.
"Of course, that is why you came to me," you replied, laying a hand on his shoulder for a moment before you moved back to your seat.
Kaminari, despite the things you had heard, was actually quite intelligent, it just took him a little longer to get the answer sometimes.
"Thank you so much for helping me," Kaminari murmured. "You were super helpful."
"Of course, I actually enjoyed helping you," you told him. "And if you need any more help, please, let me know."
"I will, thank you so much (Y/L/N)," Kaminari repeated.
"Have a good night Kaminari," you told him.
"You too!" he chirped before he headed up to his room.
You sat down at the table again, staring at the chemical formula in front of you.
So, if zinc only had one charge, positive two, and it was combined with thiosulfate, that meant that there shouldn't be the need for two of the zinc atoms, they would make the charge neutral.
You wrote the answer down, checking the textbook to make sure you were right. Polyatomic ions were a little more complicated than monoatomic ions.
There were only a few more questions, and then you could go to bed too, and you just hoped that there were no trick questions.
You were the last one in the common room, as usual, despite assuring Iida that you were right behind him when he went to bed an hour ago.
"Alright (Y/F/N), time for some good sleep," you muttered, shutting your book and gathering your supplies.
You had been tutoring Kaminari for about six weeks, and he was definitely smarter than people gave him credit for. Sometimes he just needed a few minutes to think, or he needed something explained to him in a different way than everyone else.
Sero had been joining your little tutoring sessions too, and you had started doing them in Sero's room, since there were things Kaminari could mess with while he studied, and it was an environment where he didn't feel the need to prove himself.
"Hey, (Y/L/N), can you help me with this problem?" Sero asked, waving you over.
"Of course, what are we working on?" you inquired.
"Polyatomic ions, again," Sero said. "I need this extra credit."
"Alright, which one are you stuck on?"
"How do I figure out which Roman numeral goes here? Gold has multiple charges."
"You work backwards," you told him. "When you look at the formula, you need to figure out what charge dihydrogen phosphate has."
You gestured to the chemical formula.
"It has a negative one charge. Right?" Sero inquired, checking the list of common ions that the teacher had given them at the beginning of the unit.
"Right, and you have three of those ions, right?"
"Yeah, because there's a subscripted three outside the parentheses."
"So you have three of those, which means that those three together have a negative three charge."
"So now you just have to figure out which gold variant has the right charge to cancel that one out."
"Well, there's only one gold atom, so it's gold three right?"
"Bingo, you got it."
"Oh, that makes it so much easier than what I was doing," he muttered, erasing the math he had been doing, writing down the way you had just shown him.
"(Y/L/N), can you come read through this essay for me?" Kaminari asked. "I think it's okay, but I need another eye on this."
"Sure, hand it over," you told him, taking the papers that he had handed to you.
You grabbed one of your signature blue pens and uncapped it, ready to mark anything you thought he could do better.
There wasn't as much as you were expecting. While Kaminari had a hard time interpreting things, once he understood, he was golden. He had a way with words, you noticed as you scanned through the paper he needed to hand in next class. You assumed that it gave him time to think about the right phrasing of things.
Other than a few grammatical and spelling errors, the paper was well written, and there was nothing major that needed fixing.
"Good job Kami, this is really good," you told him, ruffling his hair lightly.
He responded well to physical affection and praise, you had also noticed, and he made it easy.
Once you got past the typical shield he threw up, he was a nice guy with insecurities, just like everyone else.
He chuckled, leaning into your hand.
You noticed that the others didn't touch Kaminari as much as you did, despite having known him for much longer. They were worried about getting shocked, Sero had told you.
"Why though? He's never shocked me," you had told him.
"He can't control it sometimes, it builds up in his body and it needs an out."
"Well, that still no reason to stop touching him," you had mused. "If he shocks me he shocks me, it's really no big deal."
Kaminari had only shocked you once, during a thunderstorm when there had been a lot of lightning outside. He had gotten excited about getting a 90 on one of his tests, and had hugged you, giving you a slight shock.
He had apologized profusely, but you had waved his apologies off.
"It's okay Kaminari," you told him. "It happens to all of us sometimes."
You were finding yourself thinking about him more than you should've. You had become good friends with both him and Sero, and the other students had started coming to you when they had a question, but Kaminari was a little different.
It had started out with the flirty comments, but slowly those had turned into real compliments. He had been keeping Mineta away from you more and more, and he had even started laying off the perving with the grape rat.
He was a good guy, he really was, despite the playboy attitude. He was sweet, and he was just like every other person in the world.
"Thanks for tutoring us both," Kaminari said as the session was coming to a close.
"Yeah, you're really saving our asses," Sero agreed.
"Of course, come to me any time," you told them both, smiling as you made to head back to your own room.
"Hey, um, (Y/L/N), can I ask you something?" Kaminari asked.
"Sure. You know how much I love questions," you teased, smiling at him. Then you noticed his expression. "Kami?"
"Will . . . will you-" he chuckled awkwardly, messing with the seam of his pant leg. "Can you read something to me?"
"Yeah, of course," you said. "What is it?"
He handed you the book, and you smiled.
"My dad used to read this to me when I was little. I think that's why I love books so much," you admitted. "That was before . . . well, it doesn't matter now. Come on, we can head down to the common room if you want. Or your room, it doesn't really matter to me."
You had visited Kaminari's room on more than one occasion to return things to him, he tended to be a little forgetful, and he had often left things with you.
Despite the fact that everything you had learned about society told you that you should avoid being alone in a room with a boy, you trusted Kaminari enough to be alone in a room with him.
"I really like to read too," he confessed. "But sometimes my brain doesn't like to let me do it."
"I understand, it's okay," you told him, touching his arm lightly. "Are you sure that you'll be able to sit still long enough for me to get through any of it?"
Kaminari, after spending so much time with you over the last few weeks, had figured out how your voice worked, and he rarely got offended by your tone of voice anymore, which you were thankful for.
"Yeah, I like the sound of your voice, it helps calm me down. I think I might pay attention more if you read it to me."
"Alright, sure, let's go," you said, holding the book to your chest.
You knew this book like the back of your hand, and you had a feeling that Kaminari was telling the truth when he said he would be able to pay attention.
Kaminari followed you into the common room of the dorms, trailing just slightly behind, but he was in front of you the moment Mineta tried to get to you.
It amazed you how fast he could move sometimes, when he really wanted to.
"Get lost Mineta," you said. "I have nothing to say to you."
Mineta opened his mouth but a raised brow from Kaminari had him shutting it and heading to his own room so he could think his pervy thoughts in peace.
"I can't believe I was ever friends with that perv," Kaminari whispered. "I think I owe a lot of the girls apologies."
Kaminari glanced over his shoulder, and you smiled at him, linking your hands together.
You were proud of him, he had really grown lately, and you were glad that he was seeing how uncomfortable he had made the girls.
"I'm proud of you," you told him, and he beamed.
He responded well to praise, and being told that he had done a good job.
"Come on, we'll have to go to bed soon if we don't want Iida to lecture us again," you said, sitting down on one of the couches.
Kaminari sat down next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder as your propped the book open.
You didn't mind the fact that Kaminari was a little clingy, the contact was nice, and he always radiated warmth, though whether that was his normal body temperature or he ran hot because of his quirk, you didn't know.
You started the book off, barely having to look at the words as you read, changing your voice as necessary, stopping every once in a while to explain a word to Kaminari that he didn't understand, or to answer a question that he had.
It was nice, spending time with him like this, simply because he wanted to, not because he was going to fail a subject.
Somehow he had ended up with his head on your thighs, and you had one hand buried in his hair, brushing it away from his face, your fingers carding through it softly.
He was making a content noise in the back of his throat, and you smiled down at him, finishing up a chapter.
"Do you want to go to bed?" you asked softly, not wanting to disturb him too much, he had enough trouble sleeping as it was.
He hummed softly, leaning into your hands, and you smiled down at him softly.
You had never been one for crushes, they had seemed pointless, and there had never been a person who had caught your attention like this.
You had thought about it, of course, what it would be like to be in a relationship, but you had never thought that you would have to worry about it.
Well now you were worrying about it.
That nameless, faceless person that had been with you in those daydreams was starting to look frighteningly like Kaminari.
You had panicked when it had first started happening, until you realized that it would probably fade. You had had a friend in middle school who had a new crush every week, and you had assumed that it would fade with time.
It hadn't. That uneasiness that had popped up around him slowly melted into a nice warmth whenever he was close. You had started to stop worrying about whether he would like this, or hate that, and had started to show your true colors.
He had seemed to like you even more when you had started doing that, and you were glad.
But the only bad thing was that now you were noticing other things. His hands lingered a little longer than necessary when he helped you during training, his smile always seemed brighter when you made him laugh. His eyes always seemed to follow you around the common room, and he sometimes appeared at your side when you walked in.
You weren't sure if you just overthinking things or if he might like you back.
But this wasn't a simple crush anymore. You weren't sure what it was. It was a little too early to be love (even though it was just a rush of chemicals in the brain meant for human survival), but it was way past a simple crush.
Was there another step between a crush and love? Was this going to end with your heart breaking? Was there even a chance that he might like you back?
These were things that you kept in the back of your mind until you were alone in your room. Worrying about them in his presence made him worry about you, and you didn't want him to worry about you if he didn't need to.
"Kami, seriously, you need to go to bed."
"If I do, so do you," he told you, making you chuckle.
"I'll go to bed if you will. You are in my lap after all," you teased, pulling your hands away.
"That's fair," he murmured, stifling a yawn.
"Go to bed Kami," you whispered, standing up as soon as your legs were free.
They had fallen asleep a while ago, but you hadn't had the heart to move him.
"Alright," he mumbled, stumbling towards his dorm room.
You smiled softly, heading for yours.
You weren't sure what woke you up hours later. Maybe it was the three glasses of water you had drank before bed, or maybe it was the fact that your brain hated you almost as much as Kaminari's hated him.
You stretched, pulling a hoodie on over the tank top and shorts that you had gone to bed in, heading for the common room.
You weren't going back to bed any time soon, so you might as well get some studying done with a nice cup of tea or something.
You were almost surprised to see Kaminari sitting at the common room table with his books out.
"Denki? What are you doing?" you mumbled, wandering over.
"(Y/L/N)? What are you doing up?"
"I could ask you the same thing," you murmured, plopping into the seat next to him.
"Couldn't sleep, my brain went into overdrive the minute I tried to fall asleep."
"I at least got a good four or five hours in," you replied. "But it's Friday night, I should be sleeping in."
"What woke you up?" he asked, laying a hand on your thigh.
Kaminari, you had noticed, liked having his hands on you.
Not in the perverted way you had expected though. He liked having a hand on your thigh or on the small of your back. He liked an arm around your shoulders or his arm linked with yours when you all took class outings. He liked being close to you.
"No idea. It might've been a nightmare," you admitted. "I remember faint flashes, but it might've been something else."
"Are you going to be able to go back to bed?"
"Nah, I'll be up for a good while," you told him, leaning into his shoulder.
"Anything I can do to help?" he asked.
"Can you just . . . talk to me?" you inquired. "I like listening to you talk about things. Calms me down."
"What do you want to know about?"
"Anything. Everything. You."
"Did you know that I have a cat named Marshmellow?"
"What? No," you said, perking up a little bit. You had always been an animal person.
"Yeah. He's the spawn of the devil, but I didn't know that when I named him. All white, pretty blue eyes. Pure fucking evil," Kaminari told you, taking his phone out to show you a photo.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, he absolutely despises me," Kaminari said, handing his phone over to you. "Loves my sister though, so he isn't a complete psychopath."
"He's a cat, can animals even be psychopaths?" you asked, moving your seat closer to his.
"No idea, but it wouldn't surprise me if he is," Kaminari said, chuckling.
"You're right, he is pretty," you murmured, flipping through the photos quickly.
Kaminari hummed, but when you glanced up he was looking at you.
He had that look on his face, the look that he sometimes got when he looked at you. It was one of the reasons you wondered if he liked you or not. He looked like he was in pain when gave you that look.
"Denki?" you inquired softly.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Like you're in pain? Like you're hurt?" you asked.
You didn't like the way your voice sounded. That little hint of insecurity snuck in, your voice had that clogged sound it got when you tried not to cry.
You weren't sure whether you could handle his response to that, but you needed to know if being around you caused him pain. You needed to know if there was any chance that he hated being in your presence.
(Kaminari's POV)
Pain, huh?
Yeah, this was definitely pain, seeing her like this, swaddled in a hoodie he had left in her room accidently a week ago, covering her shorts, making her legs look a mile long.
He had tried to ignore it, tried to ignore the feeling in his chest every time he looked at her, tried to ignore the blatant male pride that came with seeing her draped in his hoodie, but he was only human after all.
Denki, after spending so much time with a girl that didn't tend to pull her punches, he knew how uncomfortable he had made the girls with all of his comments. He now knew how it made them feel when he said some of the things he had.
Denki never wanted her or any of the other girls to feel like that again, and he wanted to ignore some of the things that were running through his head, but she was making it hard when she looked at him like that, when she said his name the way that she just had.
"Denks?" she asked softly, moving to get a better look at his face.
Denki had never had a crush, not a real one anyway. He had had his eyes on Jirou first year, but that had been fleeting.
He was flirty, it was just his nature, but this feeling whenever he looked at her . . . that was completely new on him.
"Denki, are you okay?" she asked, putting her hands on his face lightly, making him look at her.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" Denki asked, placing his hands over hers. "I wasn't sure whether you felt the same way and I didn't want to mess anything up."
"Denki? What are you saying?" she asked, eyes bright with hope as she looked at him, running her thumb over his cheek softly, almost absentmindedly.
"I like you, (Y/F/N), I like you a lot, and this isn't some . . . three A.M. spur of the moment confession, but . . . it kind of is. The point is that you're smart, and all kinds of gorgeous, and there's so many things about you I wish I could list, but words aren't my thing, and I know that I'm rambling, but I really can't stop 'cause I'm terrified of what your response is gonna be and I don't want to fuck anything up and-"
"Denki," she cut in, smiling at him the way she did when she was fondly exasperated with him. "You have nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing. I like you too."
Even Denki was surprised by the amount of confusion in his own voice.
"Because you're a dork," she stated. "Because you're smart, even if people don't always see it right away. Because you want to be a hero, because you like to make a difference. Because in the end, you're a good guy, when you get past the playboy attitude and shitty pickup lines. Because you're cute and all kinds of soft. Because apparently I have a thing for hyperactive morons with screwed up hair."
"Rude," he muttered, but she smiled at him even wider, and he knew that it was worth it.
"Am I wrong?" she asked softly, swinging her legs around to get closer to him.
"No, but that doesn't mean that I'm happy about it," he mumbled, pouting slightly.
She gave a small giggle, something that rarely happened, and Denki smiled, wide and unburdened.
"So, what do you say about going on a date?" he asked, tucking her hair behind her ear to get a better look at his face.
"I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said to me," she teased.
Denki pouted again and she touched his nose lightly, making it crinkle in response.
"That wasn't a no," she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck softly.
"You know, this looks good on you," he whispered, touching the hem of the hoodie carefully. "And it looks very familiar."
"It does?" She pulled away to look down at it and her eyes went wide. "I didn't even know it was yours. I just threw it on on my way down here. When did you even . . . .?"
"I left in there like a week ago," Denki informed her. "I thought you had just kept it."
"I didn't know it was in there," she admitted. "But I'm not sorry that I'm in it, it's very comfortable."
"We can share custody," he murmured.
"We'll have to," she agreed. "I don't think I can deal with never wearing this again. You actually have good taste in hoodies."
"Why are you so surprised by this?" he asked.
"Because most of the time your style seems all over the place," she replied. "But that's not a bad thing. It makes you unique."
"Normal is overrated."
"A normal sleep schedule is not," she said, standing up. She grabbed his hands, pulling him to his feet. "Come on, we can chill in my room if you want to."
"You aren't nervous about having me in there?" Denki asked.
"No, because I know that if you try anything I can knock you on your ass. I also trust you," she told him, linking their fingers together softly. "Is this okay?"
"More than okay," he breathed, stepping close enough to brush their shoulders together.
He could get used to this.
(Your POV)
It was a rare day when you and Denki got a day off together. Being heroes was tiring, and schedules were always weird, so when you both got a day off together, you always spent them together.
"You're up early," Denki murmured, slipping in behind you from where you were sitting on the window seat of your apartment.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck.
"The baby woke me up," you said.
Said baby padded into the roof, tail high in the air, a smug look on that cute furry face as he jumped up onto the seat, curling up in your lap.
"Marshmellow, don't lay on my book," you muttered, pulling the book out.
"Told you, he's fuckin' evil," Denki murmured, kissing your shoulder lightly.
His shirt was slipping off your shoulder, and Denki treated uncovered skin like a target, regardless.
"How long have you been up?" he asked.
"Only an hour or two, and you looked so peaceful, I felt bad waking you up. I know that you've been getting more action than I have these last few weeks," you murmured, taking one of his hands, kissing his palms softly, leaning back into his warmth.
"I love you," Denki hummed.
"I love you too Denks," you told him.
"Read to me?" he requested, and you smiled.
"Always," you replied, finding your spot in your book again.
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
And here we are with Yesterday's Lie, the season 2A finale!
Wow, this came up quick, huh?
What are you doing with all that, not-Luz?
(Also, cute photo of younger Luz. She had hair!)
That musical cue when not-Luz adjusted her hair was rather unnerving
Judging by Camila's reaction to that box being set out, she wasn't lying when she said she loved Luz's creativity
Freeing the rabbit from the trap did a lot to establish more of Camila's character. I'm glad we're finally getting more of her.
"Are you sure this isn't gonna blow our faces off?" "Nope!"
That's a rather eclectic collection of ingredients for the door
I wonder if Amity also provided the abomination head
Group hug❤
There's the trailer shot
You only appear in reflections, huh? Interesting...
Jeez, Luz, priorities!
(Oh who am I kidding, the fact she's still thinking about her girlfriend is adorable)
I do love it when her accent comes through
Whoops, looks like wherever this is the magic of the Isles doesn't reach
Previously unmentioned dad whose face is obscured in the photo
Spider-Man moment
Oh, voice change in not-Luz!
Classic "I ain't goin' back, man!" moment
Also, it's beta Luz's bat!
"Monster Slayer Academia" I'm not entirely sure that doesn't actually exist...
"I will never understand anime..."😂😂😂
Oh, true form time!
Vee's gonna be a fan favorite, isn't she? (I ask, full well knowing the answer)
I mean, I've already seen plenty of Luca x Owl House fan art, so I imagine that may intensify
Luz seems to be quite understanding all things considered. I suppose all the people in the "Doppelganger isn't evil, actually" camp have been vindicated.
Oh, Eda
I don't think I like that camera...
So Gravesfield, Connecticut, huh?
Welp, there's a statue of a man that's probably Philip Wittebane
Oh, partially transformed Vee is gonna be irresistible to fanartists
Witch obsessed guy? Pamphlets? Hmm...
Wait, MARILYN?! As in Stan's ex?!
(I know she wasn't actually since the two shows don't take place in the same universe, but no way that nod wasn't deliberate)
"She tried to pay for a latte with a live raccoon" Eda I'm saying this in the nicest way possible: What the fuck
Those rats...buh
Can't say I don't relate to Vee wrt confrontation
Luz has definitely had some...previous experiences with other kids. Creepy talking rats? Yes. Human high schoolers? No thank you.
Oh, fellow campers! Luz isn't the only one who had off-screen experiences.
That reading seemed...ominous
Side note: seems like that camp doesn't stomp out weirdness as thoroughly as previously speculated
Oh shit it's Sonic the Hedgehog! I mean Warden Wrath! I mean Roger Craig Smith!
I saw someone take issue with how Vee reacted to Luz running away to the Demon Realm, but considering her past experience and trauma, her reaction is understandable
Belos I don't care how much of a foxy grandpa you are, you fucking suck
"Skin's sure weird!"
She took the day off work to drive "Luz" to camp I just😭
Whether you think camp was a bad idea or not, Camila's a good mom
Oh dear, Sonic is a conspiracy bro
I guess we know who set up that camera. And the traps.
Oh, seems Eda didn't have elixir with her on one of her trips to the human realm...
"After watching a few Mew-tube videos I learned the truth!" Yup he's a conspiracy bro. Goddamnit, Sonic!
(I can rag on Sonic the Hedgehog all I want, I've been into the games since the Genesis days, well before most of y'all were even born)
Luz having a "BOI" moment
This guy definitely watches Alex Jones. Props to the TOH crew for teaching a new generation about these conspiracy creeps.
Vee is accustomed to a life on the run, but apparently not with Luz's determination and quick thinking.
Also, all this talk about being "outed?" Yeah I'm definitely seeing the trans allegory everyone's talking about.
Now Luz turns to the one person who can help
That "boop"❤ (Now we know where Luz gets it from)
Camila not believing all the Demon Realm stuff. Shocked. SHOCKED, I say.
Well shit, Camila's been a veterinarian all this time! Don't we all have egg on our faces!
It would explain how Luz is so good with animals
Sonic the Curator sure is something, huh
The scary thing is that there are people like him in real life. Worse, even.
Okay, I know this is a dire situation, but I am enamored with Camila's mom energy here. She's adorable.
Dude with a ponytail and cardinal on his shoulder to send the theorists in a tizzy. It'll be interesting to see how this all eventually comes together.
I just realized that that's a training wand on the table
And now Camila realizes this is no game
Further props to the TOH crew for making the antagonist of the episode a crackpot white dude. This is correct.
Yup, further trans allegory. Plus a nice example of a supportive-if-not-quite-understanding-everything parent.
And there's Camila going ham on a motherfucker. Turns out there was no lie in the "Two Truths and a Lie!" Rather, the lie was that there was a lie in the first place...My brain hurts.
Oh, she can appear in the rain. That's cool!
Now is time for Real Sad Hours
The way Camila is reacting...god...it hurts...
"Is this the only way I can touch you?" STOP😢
"Staying here was the best decision I ever made!" Uh oh...
That promise is totally not gonna come back up later in the most tragic, gutwrenching way possible. Nope. Nuh uh. No way that'll happen.
Dammit, Luz, not more lies! Oh, right. The episode title.
Her face really says it all.
Well, it wasn't quite the continuous pain train we convinced ourselves it was gonna be, but that ending? Ow. I'm glad Vee has the support she needs, but my heart hurts for the Nocedas. I really hope they can resolve the issues they clearly still have, because damn.
And now we get to chew on all that for the next however many months! Hooray! I knew I said I was ready for a hiatus, but it turns out I'm a big fat liar, because I'm not! Augh!
Well, I'll try to look on the bright side: At least my sleep schedule can normalize again? Also I can cancel my Sling subscription once 6-10 drop on D+. Neither DisneyNow nor Sling are optimal VOD experiences.
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macaroni-rascal · 2 years
Hey Konner! So I finally bit the bullet and subscribed to dropout lol. Any bets on how many months it’ll take me to watch all the D20 stuff before I can cancel my subscription?? 🤪 I was wondering, should I watch fantasy high season 2 or the seven first?? Does it matter? Also any recs on what series to prioritize once I’m done those 2? Thanks babe!! 🥰
AHHH!! I love this for youuuu!!!! 🙌🙌
If you are anything like me, you’re going to find yourself hitting “next episode” a few more times than is advisable when sleep or other responsibilities loom, and you may go through it quicker than you think, haha!
Off the top of my head, there isn’t really anything in FHSY that effects the Seven, but I very much ascribe to the “watch things in order they are released” type of person, but it is completely up to you. I love Sophomore Year, it’s hands down one of my favourite seasons of the show.
I would say if you wanna take a detour off of the main cast, you could watch some side quests, Misfits and Magic is SO very good, and a great little four episode masterpiece (plus a holiday special) or Escape from the Bloodkeep, is pretty good as well! I cannot recommend A Crown of Candy enough, no d&d content has ever made me feel what that series made me feel, make sure you have a cup of tea and a pillow to cuddle if you dive into that one.
HAPPY WATCHING!! Lemme know how it goes! 💜🥰💜
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qonqr · 3 years
I’m Still Here
Many of you may have been asking yourself where did Silver go? Is anyone still working on QONQR?  I admit I’ve been very quiet the past year and from the outside, it looks like not much is going on.
 Before I give my QONQR update I want to share a major accomplishment for me. I’m a little less of a hoarder than I was a month ago. As the 11th year anniversary approached, I decided I had too much old QONQR merchandise I needed to get in the hands of my players. However, I hate shipping. I should be the spokesperson for one of those shipping providers that make shipping easy because I hate doing it so much. Many of you know that the player Rayndel has an Etsy store where she sells QONQR merchandise with my permission. I sent her a 65lb (30kg) box of QONQR stuff. Coffee cups, T-shirts, dog tags and stickers. She is liquidating all of it for me. You can find it all right here.
 2020 and 2021 have been challenging for most people, and I’m no exception.  Both our kids are off to college. We are getting older and so are our extended families. Medical issues become more frequent for us and them. The stress of the pandemic doesn’t help. There are days when I can sit at my computer all day, and never write a line of code. Things are hard, they impact our ability to work as hard as we once did.
 A little over two weeks ago, QONQR hit its 11th birthday. The milestone passed quietly. I always spend time reflecting on how QONQR has changed my life and the stories you’ve shared about how it has changed yours. We’ve built something great together. Together we keep it going.
 Despite outward appearances. Things are happening at QONQR. I am working, albeit at an admittedly slow pace. I’ve let go of the stress of pushing QONQR as fast as I can, and instead I’m working on QONQR at a pace that is comfortable. It is important to me and my family that I end my day without being drained of all my energy by the awful decisions and quality that Apple and Google hand me every day.
 The next release of QONQR will include the following features. Many of these are mostly done, so I’m happy to share them, with the caveat that I have no idea when these will actually hit the store. Tons of testing is still needed.
 New Sync Lock Rules
 Sync lock will now last much longer, perhaps a week or even a month before it automatically expires. Along with that Sync Lock Protection will also last longer. The more times you gain sync lock protection, the longer it will last. We want to protect legitimate family members from daily locks, but also want to avoid situations where multi-scoper can get infrequent help to unlock an army of devices and accounts. In addition to longer locks, Sync lock may also hurt resource collection with your bases depending on how play testing goes.
 As with everything pertaining to multi-scoping, it is a blurry line between stopping those who play unfair, and those that are punished for inviting family and friends to play.
I have wanted push notifications for most of the past 10 years. In fact, we were very close to having them implemented about 5-7 years ago, but Google changed their push notification system. We used a unified messaging system created by Microsoft to push to both Google and Apple simultaneously. There were incompatibilities between the new and the old Google system for a long time. We gave up on trying to finish that implementation back then, waiting for Google and Microsoft to get their stuff fixed, and it was years before it became a priority again.
 I spent most of the past 3-4 months working on notification. This area is quite possibly one of the worst technical implementations I’ve had to work with in all my time working in software. For example, if you kill an iPhone application, you also remove the ability to get push notifications until the next time you start the app. It appears to be almost random when Android will decide to beep your phone when receiving a notification, and when it will be silently added to the notification center. For both Apple and Google, the documentation is frustratingly inaccurate or out of date. There are multiple different ways a notification can be processed depending on whether the application was terminated by the user, suspended by the operating system, in the background or in the foreground. Was the notification scheduled locally or sent from a remote server?  Honestly, as a developer, it would be difficult to purposely design a worse system.
 The good news is that I believe I have it working as good as it can possibly work. In the next release you will be able to enable or disable notifications as a whole, or selectively choose which notification you want to receive. Notifications will include: Atlantis, New Wire messages, Mentions in Chat and Forums, Bots and Bases Full.
 A Major Overhaul to the Scope
The changes to Sync Lock mandated that overheat have additional logic to control bots and energy regeneration. More significantly, if we want to have a notification that your scope is full, so I needed to know exactly when the scope would be full.  Currently your regeneration rate is based on the number of launches in the past hour. Launching a few seconds before or after an old launch rolls off that 1 hour mark can mess up the prediction of when you will be full again. To make that prediction accurately, without checking every minute to see, “Are my bots full now”, we changed the formula for when bots will be full, and scheduled a notification based on that time.
 The new regeneration is very similar to the old, but we predict you may get 1 or 2 more launches per hour. I’m hedging the formula towards more not fewer launches to make sure this is seen as a positive change.
 As long as we are messing with the scope, let’s talk about the Bot Regen Accelerator.  Hard core players have pointed out that players who launch on a timer, always hitting the “optimal” launch interval, don’t gain any advantage when purchasing this $0.99 upgrade. In the new release this upgrade will reduce your overheat level by 1 level and you will never be in maximum overheat due to deploying bots. The impact of the upgrade will be noticeable by everyone with this change. The name of this upgrade will probably change to “Scope Coolant” or “Heat Diffuser”. Send me your name ideas.
  Subscriptions, Ads and Elite Players
This is a change that probably won’t be in the next release, but it is something I’m thinking about before the end of the year. Apple has had a bug in their subscription logic for years. If you purchase a subscription on an iPhone, then get a new iPhone, you need to cancel the subscription in the App Store, then renew from your new phone. Apple keeps charging you, but the new device can’t see the subscription, so QONQR doesn’t know you are a subscriber. Why wouldn’t Apple fix this? Well Apple only takes half the percentage of a subscription after the first year. By making you start a new subscription, they can double their cut of the money you pay QONQR for the subscription. Another problem with subscriptions is that they result in many support requests because they honestly aren’t 100% reliable in either Apple or Google’s implementation.
 Many people know that earlier in the year, Apple introduced a change to advertising that blocks tracking. This is great in theory, and I get it as a consumer that I don’t like to be tracked, but this tracker blocking also blocks my ability to make any revenue on advertising. Why would I continue to give away free advertising?
 Elite players are those that have spent over $100 in QONQR over the life of their gaming experience. Over the years the benefits of being “Elite” have dwindled. Features have changed, and incentives have ended. I’d like to invest more time and energy to build features for players that continue to support QONQR but I think it makes more sense to lower the bar and make the benefits for “active” spenders.
 With these three things in mind, there is a chance that QONQR will move to a monthly “pass” option rather than a subscription. There seems to be a trend with games, where players buy a monthly pass that offers benefits, rather than using subscriptions. Subscriptions are buggy and in the case of Apple, a shady business practice.
 The same benefits available to subscribers would remain under the “pass”, but you would have to explicitly purchase the pass each month.  Secondary missions may move to the “pass” model with non-pass players getting only a handful of secondary missions per month. Ads would be completely removed from the app in this scenario since they no longer generate much revenue.
  What’s in the Plans for 2022?
 If you have read my blog over the years, you know that Apple and Google make it harder and harder to stop cheating (primarily multi-scoping).  It is being reported that Windows 11 will have the ability to run Android apps. I don’t know yet how that will impact QONQR, but I’m guessing it won’t be good. At best it will have no impact because I’ll be able to stop QONQR from running on Windows, at worst it could be a nightmare.
 March 2022 will mark the 10 year anniversary QONQR hit the Apple App Store. I can say with a high level of confidence that QONQR is now the longest running location-based, multi-platform, mobile game.
 Personally, I think 2022 needs to be a transformational year for QONQR. I’m not sure we can survive if the game doesn’t change. Apple, Google, and Microsoft have never cared about supporting mobile developers. Outrageous fees and abusive rules (recently acknowledged by the US Congress) have been part of the ecosystem from the start. There are dozens of apps that you can download from the official Google Play store that make it a simple tap to attempt to hack and manipulate an Android app, so players can do something the developer is attempting to prohibit. Once again Microsoft broke the tools I use to help secure the app from hackers, causing weeks of work to find a solution that would maintain the same level of security.  Apple and Google both purposely hide information from developers that would help them ensure real people are using their apps instead of bots. They do this under the façade of privacy, but ignore simple solutions that could maintain privacy, while helping developers ensure the integrity of how their apps are used.
 I’ve said for years, the only way to stop hackers and cheaters in QONQR is to make it irrelevant. That requires a major shift in gameplay. Together, you the players and me the developer, we need to decide if we want QONQR to have such a major shift. I don’t know what that shift would look like, but 2022 might be the year we figure it out.
 2020 was a year of making sure QONQR can survive. Through tons of work that year, massive software rewrites and updates, I was able to cut the cost of hosting QONQR. Today the cost of hosting QONQR all year, matches what we spent in three months during 2019. So far 2021 has been a year of slow work toward significant improvements to the game, but without major strategic impact to your daily playing. I’ve taken my time to avoid burn out. I’m enjoying the pace of my current work week. It has been good for my family and me.
 I’m not sure what 2022 will look like for QONQR yet, but I’m excited to try something new. Maybe we’ll break things, maybe we will create something ten times better than what we have had for the last decade. Time will tell. We’ll figure it out together.
 Thanks for keeping the lights on.
-Scott (aka Silver)
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theyilinglaozus · 3 years
Hello again, same anon here as the one thanking you for reccing word of honor *waves* the thing is I've caught up with all the episodes on YouTube now and I seem to remember that you (or maybe someone else?) said that you could watch more episodes somewhere with premium access or something? Could you please point me in the right direction? Because I really don't want to wait any longer? Haha, it really got me I guess :D I'm in ep 21 and getting the plot a bit more now, like you said I would, and I'm just enjoying the show so much :) especially the character dynamics. It also doesn't hurt that zishu (sorry idk his actors name) has an unfairly perfect face, like esp his side profile is just oh my god, how is he even real
Hullo, Word of Honor anon! 👋
Youku has all of the Word of Honor episodes translated into english, although you need a premium VIP account in order to watch the later ones.
Although I think some people might have found a way around it if they have android phones now, in order to get a premium VIP pass outside of China you’ll need to be able to use Apple Pay. It’s also easier to make your account via an app on a phone or iPad - you can always access the site via a computer later to actually watch the series itself. Apple Pay is the way I brought myself an account, so I can say for certainty that it works. Since Youku’s website is completely in Chinese, there are tutorials about to help navigate the website and to both a) make an account and b) make a payment. The ones I used were:
@baoshan-sanren + @minmoyu‘s guides - the first is an incredibly useful tutorial on how to make an account, so I would follow that first. Make sure that once you get to inputting your phone number, you change the number in the drop down box for whatever area code your country is. For example, as I live in the UK, I had to change mine so the number was ‘+44′, as that’s the number which is used to contact someone when you’re outside that direct country. You then need to put in the next ten digits of your mobile number, cutting off whatever the first number is you usually have. The second guide which @baoshan-sanren kindly links to in the above linked post is one that guides you on how to get a VIP membership once you’re signed into your new account. 
I also used this twitter tutorial - it goes through the same steps as the above one that was shared here on tumblr, but I particularly found this useful for knowing what sort of VIP package I wanted to subscribe to on Youku. Like most streaming services there are multiple packages, from the cheaper ones to more expensive, longer term ones. If, like me you only want to use your Youku subscription to be able to gain earlier access to watch Word of Honor’s episode ahead of YouTube and Amazon Prime’s releases, you’ll likely only need the very basic package, which is a months subscription. Make sure you collect the monthly subscription as labelled in the post - it’s a reduced rate (it’s actually a reduced rate for three months, but you can cancel it as soon as you’ve brought it to only pay for one month). My subscription payment came to £2.79 for a whole month, which is very reasonable! My only advice is that if you don’t intend to renew your subscription, make sure you turn off auto renewal via your phones subscription settings.
There’s also an easter egg episode 37, which is small but includes an additional ending for Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing that isn’t in episode 36. This is one of a few extra episodes I think they plan to release, but you have to also pay to access it (I think the price is something like 3 Yuan which isn’t very expensive). However, if by that point you want to watch the special episode but don’t want to buy it, it is floating around tumblr already with a subbed translation 😊
Hope this helps for you! If you have any questions at all do ask, as I know it can be a bit confusing. It took me a few tries to make sure I got everything right, but it definitely works!
As for Zhou Zishu and his perfect everything, I agree with you so much anon! It’s literally a case of ‘have you ever seen a man so beautiful’? 😭 No wonder why Wen Kexing fell for him so quickly. After all ...
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brinaedwards · 3 years
Hi, my name is Brina... and I’m a workaholic
As the above title states, my name is Brina and yes, I am a workaholic. I don't think of that as a bad thing since I enjoy the self-motivation and the feeling of accomplishment when I get tasks done. However, my boyfriend thinks that I should focus some of that time getting more hours of sleep, haha. 
I attended Valley Central High school and graduated in 2017. High school was an okay experience, if I wasn’t apart of the band program I feel that I would have disliked it more and would not have an interest in the things I do now. I’m not trying to shit on the school, but I feel that it needed a deep cleanse on administration staffing and just an overall re-look on how to spend the funding. Just saying, I think the asbestos issue should have been handled before the  bleachers and locker rooms. But, not my problem anymore, Thank God. 
When it came to deciding colleges and all that jazz, my high school was zero help in the whole process. Yes, they talked about it but at that age things should be more simplified to understand what needs to be done. I’m 22 and I just finally figured out how to build up my credit score? Like, HELLO, start teaching kids about loans and all the other financial shit that goes into college. Not to mention the absolute lack of help I got when picking my major. I knew I wanted to go into the music or media industry and of course, none of my advisors had a clue what I was talking about. I decided on OCCC for the pricing and that cushion of still figuring out what I wanted to do. I attended SUNY Orange Fall of 2017 as a liberal arts: music emphasis major. Fast forward a year later to find out that they actually have a music program! Got to love the help advisors give you right? More so, the help wrong advisors give you. That following fall I was a full Music: Performing Arts major and loved every second of it. I met amazing, talented people that I am very glad to still be in touch with. When I was on my last semester and was on the edge of graduating I had the moment of “Oh, God.. What the hell am I going to do after this”. I decided I wasn't ready to move on from SUNY Orange, since I had no idea what direction to go. I started looking into another major and that's when I found New Media! I was always interested on how content was made and what went into making a film. I remember my cousin and I used to make these little movie clips with the windows movie maker. We thought we were going to be these big movie-making hot shots at 8/9 years old haha. 
I am grateful that I took my time with school and by the end of this OCCC journey I will be graduating next Fall with two A.A.S degrees and a clear idea of where I want to go.
Aside from anything media related I’ve been on this reading kick. Genres from fantasy, horror and some history. This summer my boyfriend and I got really into reading/collecting comic books! He has way more comics than I do but at least once a week we’re at Middletown Comics seeing what new issues came out! Now with the fall/Halloween season fast approaching I have been planning some great ideas for this year! I know I may catch a lot of eye-rolls/ mini-hate from those not wishing summer to be over but I can’t wait for fall. Besides, halloween is everyday haha. I’ve been looking at Pinterest ideas on how to DIY some awesome decorations. I guess Pinterest is somewhat media related though? Ah well, since I'm back talking about it, I might as well talk about the last movie and TV show I watched. The last movie I watched was actually what had to be watched for COM 105. It was the 1995 movie Kids and uh.. it was definitely something haha. I understood the point of how it related to youth culture but I would not want to watch that movie again. As for the last TV show I watched, was again what I had to be watched for COM 105. It was Euphoria season 1 and that was a really good show. I know I only had to watch the first four episodes but I binged the whole season. The way the story was told was creative, I enjoyed the narrative back a forth style and how each character had their own stories. It made it worth getting a month of HBO Max.  
Being on the topic of last things done, I suppose the next order is the last book/video game played or finished. The last book I finished was A Map of the Dark by Karen Ellis. I got that book from Thrill Club. It’s basically a horror/thriller/anything dark and creepy book subscription. I canceled thrill club awhile ago and just now getting into the books I was sent. Anyway back to this book that I read. I found it a little empty. I just wanted more from it, it was very predictable and dry. I wanted more character depth, more suspense and just more of everything. The book is in the corner of my room at this moment because I’m going to donate it, that's how unsatisfying it was to me. But HEY if anyone is interested in a dry thriller let me know! Haha. As for the last video game played it would have to be Assassins Creed Valhalla and that was a few weeks ago. I do love to game but when I’m getting into a project or assignment, more of my focus goes into that rather than a video game. But my goal this semster is to take more time to myself and have self-care days, so Valhalla here I come! 
Going down the “Lasts” list I have to my right here is, the last thing I created. Um, I guess the last thing I created was a make up look, that I will post a pic of at the bottom!  I do have ideas I wish to create such as uploading my podcast and YouTube videos! Im a really big planner so when it comes to things like that I want to have clear, organized agenda. I do have a date that I want things done and released so there’s that! I will probably mention more of my podcast in future posts but for now things are in the works. 
Which now brings us to the last thing of the “Lasts” list. Im sure there is a tongue twister in there somewhere but I don’t have the brain capacity to think of one. My last meal on earth would have to be what I had for dinner last night. I ate cheese ravioli with a side of mozzarella sticks. 
I know this assignment was supposed to be a minimum of 500 words and I believe I exceeded that. I look forward to these blog assignments since I can let my mind go and word things as if I was actually speaking. Well with a post this long I guess it’s safe to say I was ranting. 
To future rants and of course the required MLA formatted references! 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 258: Have You Thanked Your Twice Today
Previously on BnHA: All Might gave Deku a book with all of the previous OFA successors’ names, quirks, and career stats. Kacchan barely glanced at the book and was all “nah, boring” and JUST LIKE THAT he decided we’re not gonna get any new info, which I don’t think is very fair or considerate Kacchan but whatever!! Anyway though, All Might did reveal that Nana could fly and so Deku is going to learn to fly, so that’s fucking awesome, and then Kacchan and Deku had a moment of being bratty siblings together which I framed and put on my wall, so that was also very enjoyable. Back at the 1-A dorms we learned that Todoroki can’t cook, and the kids had a New Year’s party and talked about how they’re gonna be second years soon and how everything is just SO GREAT AND GOOD AND LIFE IS GOOD, and elsewhere All Might sat outside the teacher’s dorms and had a gorgeous fucking conversation with Aizawa that gave me all the feels. The chapter then ended with a THREE MONTH TIMESKIP to late March when apparently everything is about to go to shit. So yeah. Quite a lot to process there.
Today on BnHA: Hawks spends basically the entire chapter very slowly explaining to us that he became best friends with Twice, and it paid off dividends on account of Twice deciding that Hawks is definitely trustworthy and he should definitely tell him exactly where Tomura is off hiding in the mountains of Kyoto, because that’s the kind of extremely sensitive strategic intel that real best friends don’t keep from one another! Can you guys believe Hawks spent all that time trying to cozy up to fucking Dabi of all people when this whole time Twice was right fucking there. I bet you Twice would never have asked him to kill Best Jeanist and tote around his remains in a knapsack. Anyway so the chapter ends with the heroes launching what I assume is a surprise attack in where I assume is Kyoto, which probably explains that whole “on that day the heroes vanished” bit from the previous chapter. So let’s all wish them good luck, especially because THEY BROUGHT THE FUCKING KIDS WITH THEM GODDAMMIT. Oh my babies. Please be safe.
so I think I’m gonna go back to the Friday schedule since it just works better for me. just gotta remember to take the translations with a grain of salt, but all in all the quality last week wasn’t too bad, and overall the pros outweigh the cons
(ETA: the quality actually went down a lot this time honestly, but Friday still > Sunday in terms of me having the time to read this, so it is what it is.)
well this is interesting!
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“in the absence of Endeavor” ? ??? the what now??? “oh yeah did we forget to mention, he’s gone now. we did some focus groups and made a few tweaks based on what the fans said they wanted.” well shit. let this be a warning to you all. it can happen JUST LIKE THAT
um. but I mean, that’s all well and good but uhhhh. [nervous glance toward Ujiko, Tomura, the 100k army, and the 11 noumus] ...
but maybe he’s just absent for the cover though. (ETA: yeah this makes a lot more sense after reading the last page of this chapter lol.) anyway so here we have everyone flying, as all good heroes do, including Deku who doesn’t really need that floating quirk after all I suppose, since he can jump real good. BUT IT’S STILL NICE FOR HIM TO HAVE IT SO SHHH
also the flower!Kacchan eyes are becoming more and more frequent lately. Horikoshi is really having a lot of fun with that
and now we’re going back roughly two months ago! which is still the future as far as I’m concerned! so this is really weird to have a “flashback” that basically still takes place after where we last left off. but whatever
“a week after the ‘hospital’ tip” well thank you, that certainly does help. so Twice is jogging in and beckoning to his best bud Hawks so Hawks is like “?” and walking over
(ETA: this has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but I just wanted to say that it’s very possible this flashback is actually taking place on Shouto’s birthday -- January 11th -- given the timing, so happy birthday Shouto! you are getting so big!)
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lol see this is one of those times where the whole ‘translation of a translation’ thing doesn’t really work sob. even with context I’m not quite sure wtf Twice is actually asking, but at any rate this at least does give us an idea of how the rest of the League is spending their time now that they’ve completed their whole villain corporate merger
so Spinner and Compress, who actually have a few brain cells to rub together between the two of them, are already deeply involved in running things, and meanwhile Giran, Dabi, and Toga don’t really give a shit and so are content to sit back and wait until their services are actually needed. incidentally I like to think Giran spends a good chunk of his free time just tormenting ReDestro in a bunch of really small and petty ways. like making him get his coffee, and having him call and cancel his cable subscription and stuff. it’s just nice
guys I have no idea wtf is going on in these four panels honestly
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well you heard him. that’s the situation. nobody trusts Twice (or was he talking about Hawks?), and meanwhile he has to go poo. not exactly where I thought this chapter would be picking up after that fun little cliffhanger last week, but just goes to show this series truly is a magical Kinder Egg and you never know what you’re gonna get!
so Hawks is explaining for my benefit that Twice was apparently doing an impression of some guy named “Sanctum” who is the oldest member of the MLA
holy shit it took Hawks a whole month to figure out all of the Pliff members? I’m just gonna pass then. thankfully I’m not a spy and I don’t have the fate of the free world depending on me memorizing the organizational chart of a bunch of really boring people whom I really do not give the slightest fuck about. anyway godspeed Hawks
oh no
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son of a bitch. we’re in for another long fucking arc aren’t we lmao. well all right then let’s go ahead and do the rundown
Black 1: Fuhrer King Bradley
Black 2: Flying Ace
Black 3: Mother Ginger
Violet 1: Super Mario and Just A Bald Man
Violet 2: Predator and Best Sweaterist
Violet 3: Vizard and Gang Badger
in conclusion, Horikoshi will never stop making Alien/Predator references, and I’m also seeing some strong FMA and Bleach influence here as well. hell, the Mario guy even reminds me of some of the fishman characters from One Piece. so basically we’re all over the place here
other observations: “the new world movement”, huh? are they moving on from PLF at long last? I’ll take Newm over Pliff any day tbh
and so they have a tactical force and a raid force. now that’s interesting as fuck, because who exactly are they planning to raid? now that’s a nice disturbing question to ponder
lastly, the black and violet color schemes are very interesting and I wonder if there’s any significance there that’s going over my head lol. for now I just think it sounds cool regardless
goddammit. fine
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Carmine 1: Lefty Hair and Gerudo Princess
Carmine 2: Slidin’ Go Away and R2-D2
and I can’t see Carmine 3, oh well. meanwhile on the other side we’ve got:
Cleveland 1: Praying Mantis and Righty Hair
Cleveland 2: Jawa and Just Happy To Be Here
and last but not least, Cleveland 3: Badger’s Revenge
what I have learned from this is that I don’t really know what a badger looks like and so any remotely rodent-looking animal person with stripes on their face is going to be slapped with that label because I don’t have time to research what would be a more appropriate animal nickname unless we want to be here until next week. anyway
haha Hawks what the fuck
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well that sure is encouraging. so how exactly are the heroes supposed to get the drop on them then? basically we’re fucked, is what you’re saying. well we all been knew so whatever
so Hawks is monologuing to himself about how he was able to nice his way into learning all of the army’s members without getting caught, and in the process he observed how all of the members are all “FUCK THE SYSTEM”, which they definitely have a point about but are also definitely going about the wrong way holy shit
so now he’s feeding some good rabble-rousing lines to Twice who is eating them up
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yeah, because Twice famously loves ReDestro lol, oh wait
so Twice is all “I don’t wanna say something that’s not from the heart” because he is PURE and not a Sneaky Sam like SOME PEOPLE! but he understands Hawks’s point that he basically just has to butter them up and tell them what they want to hear, and now he’s running off with a hearty thanks
fffffson of a --
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like, you all can see the breakdown in logic that occurred here, right? “some heroes are corrupt” -- absolutely! “kill all heroes” -- wait, what
like obviously there are some real world parallels here. but I very much get the feeling that the PLF/NWM’s movement is fueled less by sentiments of “our law enforcement system is trigger-happy, racist, void of empathy, and think they’re above the law” and more by the notion of “our self-proclaimed superiority gives us the right to do whatever we want and trumps other people’s right to be safe and free, particularly if those people are unfortunate enough to not have quirks.” like, there are a lot of other nuances we could get into here, but that’s basically the gist of it, so yeah. these guys are not to be sympathized with here
and now there’s a big double page spread basically confirming that what these guys really want is blood and anarchy
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and the really interesting thing here to me is that we can see Tomura standing at the front of the pack in that bottom right panel. but on the very next panel, with the close-up of Hawks looking as serious as we’ve ever seen him, he basically says that the endgame of all this, the ultimate outcome that this is all meant to bring into place, is one thing and one thing only
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yep. well fuck
anyway I have no idea why he’s thanking Twice, but I’m gonna go ahead and guess he unknowingly did something which might give the heroes the potential glimmer of hope which they desperately need. so I will go ahead and thank you too, Twice. you’re a good guy buddy
oh wow there’s a whole page of more meta about Twice! -- and OH SHITTTTTTT
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LKDsjflkjsdlfklskgjlskjlfkjsdlfk oh my fkfdjflk how did this never occur to me, just. FSDKLFLSIFKjk
hahaha. :’) holy fucking shit. they have to take him out. they can’t win otherwise. the heroes are already screwed enough as it is with just one Tomura and eleven high ends to contend with; if Twice is able to use his quirk to multiply that exponentially, we can basically kiss the world goodbye. fuck
but Hawks came to realize that Twice is actually a good guy though as echoed above! which, yeah, and can you imagine if he wasn’t, though? shiiit
oh my god they are so cute
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listen, I won’t lie, I’m reading this for my 1-A children first and foremost, so there’s a part of me that’s like “HOW MANY MORE PAGES ARE WE GOING TO GET OF THIS JESUS CHRIST.” but there’s no denying that Jin is a good turnip and his unexpected friendship with Hawks -- which I am happy to report is now confirmed to be genuine! because Hawks really does like him! -- is a delight to witness
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holy fucking shit Twice. did you just save all our asses you beautiful bastard
so between this, and the “hospital” clue, that could be enough to track him down, couldn’t it? no wonder Hawks was so pumped after getting that call. what are the odds this chapter ends with the start of a hero-led raid on a hospital in Kyoto. oh shit oh shit oh shit
lolol oh fuck me
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I swear to god Horikoshi if you end this bromance by having Hawks kill Twice for the sake of the greater good, I’ll. ... well I sure as hell won’t like that. please do not
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what a time to enter the first fucking grade Dai-kun. godspeed little man. I love the little detail that he’s holding an Endeavor plush while looking at the All Might statue. drawing strength from both heroes. aww
and then of course we have this fucking march of heroes which I can only hope is them heading to that hospital! no wonder they all vanished. they all ran off to Kyoto to try and put a stop to the villains’ plans before it’s too late
but I don’t see any of the kiddos there, though? don’t tell me the villains are gonna try something while the adults are away and leave the kids to deal with it all on their own
oh shit no!!! hold up!!
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oh thank god
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at least they don’t have the child soldiers on the front fucking lines, fucking christ
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is this T chest thing on Shouto’s costume new? I can’t imagine that serves any sort of practical function whatsoever; he was probably just tired of looking boring
BUT!!!! those gloves, though!!?! now those are definitely new and I fucking love them. again I can’t really see them having much of a practical application given his quirk, but there is nothing wrong with upgrading oneself just to look sharp! boy wanted a facelift so he went out and got one
that’s some nice Anime Protagonist Wind they’ve got going on there in the mountains of Kyoto. real epic shit
1-B is there too!! and also Hadou, I think, unless that’s Pony? so that’s fucking awesome. we will certainly need all hands on deck
so that’s it for the chapter! not much happened, but we got a lot of Twice appreciation and learned that the heroes still have a few tricks up their sleeves! can’t wait to see how this will all go disastrously wrong. if you ask me, it’s probably when they decided that the best way to launch a surprise attack was to have fifty Endeavor-led guys gather all together and march up Main Street. but far be it from me to tell the heroes how to do their job I guess. best of luck not dying everyone
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pebblysand · 3 years
[writing rant - on the monetisation of fanfiction]
a couple of months ago, when i updated my long fic, one of the people on the comments wrote to me the nicest possible review (one of the ones that you keep in your feel-good 'saved' emails - you know the ones), which, amongst other things also said: 'If I could pay you for this...believe me, I would.'
in the moment, i kind of smiled and laughed, and thanked the person for their kind words before moving on with my life. yet, since then, i have to admit that this sentence has kind of been living rent-free in my head. i think it is also because since diving back into fandom a few months ago, i've noticed something that kind of shocked me at first: more and more fanfiction writers seem to be monetising (or attempting to monetise) their craft.
now, back when i started writing fanfic, we wrote fanfic on ffnet and livejournal. it was accepted that thou shalt never (ever) charge money for your writing or else the author and their mean, angry lawyers will come after you for damages and you will die a slow and painful death. we wrote disclaimers at the start of all of our posts and thanked the gods every day when we did not get sued.
i have seen this change gradually over the years. first, in the mid 2010s, the disclaimers went. then, i noticed that people were getting 'tipped' for fanart, sometimes even charging commission. from what i understand (though, don't quote me on this, i'm not an ip lawyer and this post is not intended as legal advice), this is because the way the concept of fair use is framed under us law makes it easier to monetise fanart than it does fanfiction. maybe this is why visual artists came first on this trend. later still (and more recently) i've noticed fanfic writers, doing the same thing.
to be fully honest, the first thought i had when i saw this trend, considering the fear of god (and his lawyers) that was instilled in me in the past, was: how on earth is this even possible? (i'll come back to that in a bit). the second, though, was: fuck, i wish i had the guts to do that, lol.
because, yeah, i will admit, the idea of getting paid for writing what i love to write does appeal, to a certain extent. i won't lie. dear fanfiction writers who've tried to do that recently: i one hundred per cent get it.
looking back at the last fifteen years, i would say that for me, writing fanfiction has been (in terms of time commitment and energy consumed) the equivalent of having an on-and-off part time job. a job that i have held for one or two years at a time, then quit for a while, before coming back to it when i needed (wanted) it again. i obviously can't realistically give you a number re:the actual total of hours i have spent at this since i started out, but i can give you an idea. recently, i started clocking my hours out of interest and calculated that a chapter of my current long fic takes roughly between one hundred to two hundred hours to produce (and they're around 10,000 words). at that rate, i'm probably working 20 hours a week-ish? sometimes more, sometimes less? something as small as a three-sentence fic (like this for instance), takes roughly two/three hours. i'll be honest, i have cancelled plans to write fic. when i'm working on a long project, i do tend to organise my life to give myself the time to write, so i opt for socialising after work during the week rather than on weekends, as i've found this is when i write best. i won't lie: it is - for me (i know some people write quicker, bless them) - a huge time suck.
so, yeah, i understand, in the capitalist society we live in, wanting to make that time count. our world has unfortunately, repeatedly taught us that time is money and getting more does seem like a nice bonus (as long as you have an audience for your art that's willing to pay, obviously). after all, year after year, i've seen a lot of my friends try and monetise their passions as side hustles, with varying success. at first, glance, i look at the time i spend on writing fanfiction and think: man, i wish i could get a bit back from that too. i couldn't even draw a stick figure to save my life but i assume that the time commitment and energy put into that kind of work is roughly similar for visual fanartists as well. i thus very much understand the sentiment, both with fanart and fanfiction.
additionally, though i appreciate this is a bit tangential, the fact that fanfiction is free, i would argue, hinders its potential to be as representative as it could be. it's a bit sad because on the one hand, the fact that it is free makes it completely accessible to the masses but on the other, it makes fanfiction quite exclusive to rich, privileged people who can afford to spend the time and energy putting content out for free. if i spend this much time writing fanfiction, just because i like it and it makes me happy, it's because my full time job pays me enough to cover my bills. if it didn't, i probably would have to forgo writing and get a proper side gig. if you look at my periods of inactivity on ao3, those also kind of coincide with the times in my life when i had to have more things going on to put food on the table.
so, now, assuming that monetisation is a thing that, as a fic writer, one might want to look at, the next question is: how do you go about monetising it? obviously, the law hasn't changed since the days where we were all terrified of getting sued (although enforcement has been quite lax over the years) so it's more about finding workarounds around the law as it is, rather than actively seeking payment for fanart.
from what i've seen: two main solutions seem to exist.
first, there's the tipping/buy-me-coffee technique. as i understand it, this involves either setting up a page on one of the dedicated websites or just putting up your paypal account link on your tumblr posts. with these links, people can then send you however much money they want (however much money they can afford/think you deserve?) on a one-off basis. they're not actually paying for fanfic because there is no actual exchange of services, it's basically like them giving money to charity, except that charity is a fanfic writer/ fan artist whose work they enjoy.
there are two main issues i see with this: one, legally, i'm not sure how much ground this actually holds. assuming you're quite prolific/successful, if every time you're producing new content, you receive dozens of tips, although you're not actively charging for your fanart, making the argument that your content isn't what these people are actively paying for seems hard. imo, the fact that this method sort of holds is that realistically, you're going to make very little out of this. even if you're really good, you might make what? a couple hundred dollars. now, sure, that's a lot of money for a lot of people but in the grand scheme of things, no one sues anyone for such a low amount. as long as you're not making 'proper' money from it, it is highly unlikely that anyone would come after you.
this being said, the second issue, from my perspective, is that this is not in any way, shape or form, a reliable income. it also does not represent, at all, the cost of the time and investment actually put into said fanfiction (or fanart, i assume). for example: if you're going to tip someone who's worked on something for, say, fifty hours, ten dollars, that's very good of you, but that isn't going to be 'worth' their time. it is only worth their time if tipping is done at as scale, which imo is quite unlikely considering you're putting your content out for free anyway. there are kind souls who will tip you, but not that many, meaning that ultimately, you're not working for free anymore, but you're still working at a huge loss.
additionally, because this income is not even reliable on a monthly/weekly basis, it isn't something that anyone can actually rely on, even if only to fund their coffee habit. it's nice to have, don't get me wrong, but from my perspective, is the legal risk outlined above worth the trouble for the $20/30 tips i'd get every once in a while - not really. such low amounts also don't help diminish the class issue that i talked about earlier. again, if you're going to spend fifty hours on something, you might as well work a minimum wage job - even that will pay you more and will be dependable.
second, there's patreon (and patreon-like sites). here, the income is monthly, people pledge on a subscription basis, which does solve the last point above. it might not be much, but at least it's regular.
the main issue i see with patreon is that it is contingent on the author providing more services on top of what they already provide. in most cases, the author will keep putting their usual content out for free + provide their patreons (depending on tiers) with more content, specifically for them. this, to me, makes this scheme even less appealing than the previous one because a) if i can't provide fanfic to potential patreons (again, you can't sell fanfic), i'm not sure what on earth i could give them (original content? that's not really the same market) and b) that's even more work on my plate. honestly, considering the amount of time i already spend writing fanfic, i have neither the energy nor the willpower to provide extra content for an amount that, regardless, will probably pay me less than a part-time job would. again, you'd have to scale this (i.e. have enough patreons) to make it all worth your while, and even in very big fandoms, even for someone waaaaay more successful than me, i doubt it would be likely.
lastly, as a side note, both of these "methods" are solely accepted if they occur on tumblr/writer's own website, rather than on the writer's ao3 page/fic. there was a post going around explaining why that is (nutshell: it endangers ao3's status as a non-profit archive) but as with all things, i seem to have lost it. [if you do have the link to that post/know what i'm talking about, hit me up and i'll rectify this]. this, regardless, supposes driving traffic from wherever you post your fics towards tumblr/your own website which, again, decreases your chances of scaling this.
so, in the end, where does that leave us?
i think, at this point, we've kind of reached a crossroad. ultimately, i see two ways to look at this:
option one: if you believe that fanfiction writers should be paid for their art, you also probably agree that the methods outlined above, while they do offer some sort of solution, are less than ideal. the ideal solution (for this option) would obviously be to allow fanfiction authors to be properly paid for the publication of their work through 'normal' publishing/self-publishing deals, without the need for a licence from the author (bar - perhaps - the payment of royalties). that would create a proper 'market' for fanfiction, treating it as any other form of writing/art form. it would mean a complete overhaul of the laws currently in place, but why not? ultimately, in a democracy, laws are meant to be changeable.
this being said, though, while my personal knee jerk reaction would be to shout 'hurray!' at this solution, i do not actually think i want this. or, maybe, only part of me does. the part of me who has been writing fanfiction for free for fifteen years is like 'hey, yay, maybe i could get paid!'. but then, there is another part of me that would like, maybe, one day, to write more original fiction (i already do a bit, but not much). that part of me is feels frankly a bit icky about giving up her ip rights.
would i be comfortable with people writing fanfiction of my original work? hell yes. that would be the dream. imagine having your own ao3 fandom, omg. however, would i be comfortable with people profiting from writing fanfiction of my work? honestly, i'm not sure. to me, the answer to that is: it depends (how much time investment was put in? how original the concept is? etc.) which, in fact, kind of brings us back to the current concept of licensing. and yes, maybe the current frame imposed by copyright law has also shaped the way i view the concept of property, and maybe i should be more of a communist, free-for-all kind of person, but unfortunately, i'm not that revolutionary.
also, and slightly tangentially, i find it interesting how profiting from fanficition/fanart is seen as more acceptable i certain fandoms rather than in others. taking the hp fandom for instance, even prior to jkr expressing her views on transgender rights, i often read things like: 'ah, she's so rich anyway, she doesn't need the money.' now, that argument has not only gained traction but is also reinforced by: 'ah, she's the devil and i don't want to fund her. it'd rather give my money to fanfic authors/buy things on etsy.'
while i completely understand the sentiment and do not, in any way, shape or form, support jkr's views, i do find that argument quite problematic. if you set the precedent that because someone is too rich, or because they've expressed views you disagree with, you don't believe that they should be entitled to their own intellectual property rights, i do wonder: where does this stop? this being justified for jkr could lead to all sorts of small artists seeing other people stealing/profiting from their original work without authorisation. 'i don't pay you 'cause i disagree with you,' would then act as a justification, with i find highly unfair. the fact of the matter is: jkr created hp. knowing that, the choice of buying hp products, regardless of her opinions is completely and entirely yours, but buying the same stuff unlicensed, from people who are infringing on her copyrights seems, to me, very problematic as this could potentially be scaled to all artists. either we overhaul the entire copyright system or we don't, but making special cases is dangerous, in my humble opinion.
option two: we choose to preserve copyright law as it is, for the reasons outlined above. this means that most people will not get paid for the content they put out and that the few that do will operate on a very tight, legal rope, and work for tips that are a 'nice bonus' but not a proper pay. this sort of perpetuates the idea that fanfiction is 'less than' other art forms, because in our capitalist society, things that don't generate money (things often made by women, may i add) are not seen as being as valuable as things that do.
for me, personally, while getting paid to write fanfiction sounds lovely (and makes my bank account purr) in theory, i think i side to preserve the current system. as an artist, i think that intellectual property protects us and our concepts from being ripped off by others, including by big companies who might find it handy to steal a design, a quote, anything, without proper remuneration. this is even more important for smaller artists who wouldn't necessarily have the means to defend their craft otherwise.
this being said, i do appreciate that it depends on why you're writing fanfiction. i think that topic probably deserves a whole different post in its own right but ultimately, most people write fanfic because it's fun. we know it's for fun, and not for profit. and if that's the case, then we're okay to receive compliments, reblogs and sometimes, for some people a little bit of an awkward tip for our work. for me, fanfic has been a space to make friends, to get feedback, to learn and to experiment without the pressure of money being involved. that's why i don't particularly mind doing it for free, and wouldn't even bother setting up a patreon or tip-me jar. i love being able to do it just for the enjoyment of myself and my five followers (lol), without worrying about scaling it, or making it profitable. not every part of our lives, not every passion has to be profitable. as we say in ireland, you do it 'for the craic' and nothing else.
this, though, as i already said, also depends on your means and level of privilege. to me, writing for free is fantastic and a bloody relief - it means being able to do exactly what i want. original fiction writing is full of rules, and editors, and publishers. in fanfic, i can write whatever i feel like, and i'm willing to forgo a salary in exchange of that freedom. again, i have a full time job that covers my bills. this does mean, though, that i don't have as much time to dedicate to writing as i would like to.
and also, the thing is: i'm a small author. i happily write in my own little niche. bar that one comment, it is highly unlikely that anyone would actually want to pay me (or even tip me) for my content. but when you look at very successful people, like the author of all the young dudes, i could see how they'd want to get paid for their art, and why they'd feel differently.
bottom line for me is: the flaws of the current systems of remuneration combined with my strong belief in copyright law as a means to protect small, original creators, means that i don't really think it would be right for me to get paid for fanfic, even if i was the kind of person who had the market for it. whilst it would be nice, this very long rant has, hopefully, explained why.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
Media Twitter does not hate Substack because it’s pretending to be a platform when it’s a publisher; they don’t hate it because it’s filled with anti-woke white guys; they don’t hate it because of harassment or any such thing. I don’t think they really hate it at all. Substack is a small and ultimately not-very-relevant outpost in a vastly larger industry; they may not like it but it’s not important enough for them to hate it. What do they hate? They hate where their industry is and they hate where they are within their industry. But that’s a big problem that they don’t feel like they can solve. If you feel you can’t get mad at the industry that’s impoverishing you, it’s much easier to get mad at the people who you feel are unjustly succeeding in that industry. Trying to cancel Glenn Greenwald (again) because he criticizes the media harshly? Trying to tarnish Substack’s reputation so that cool, paid-up writer types leave it and the bad types like me get kicked off? That they can maybe do. Confronting their industry’s future with open eyes? Too scary, especially for people who were raised to see success as their birthright and have suddenly found that their degrees and their witheringly dry one-liners do not help them when the rent comes due.
Life in the “content” industry already sucks. A small handful of people make bank while the vast majority hustle relentlessly just to hold on to the meager pay they already receive. There are staff writers at big-name publications who produce thousands of words every week and who make less than $40,000 a year for their trouble. There are permanent employees of highly prestigious newspapers and magazines who don’t receive health insurance. Venues close all the time. Mourning another huge round of layoffs is a regular bonding experience for people in the industry. Writers have to constantly job hop just to try and grind out an extra $1,500 a year, making their whole lives permanent job interviews where they can’t risk offending their potential bosses and peers. Many of them dream of selling that book to save themselves financially, not seeming to understand that book advances have fallen 40% in 10 years - median figure now $6,080 - and that the odds of actually making back even that meager advance are slim, meaning most authors are making less than minimum wage from their books when you do the math. They have to tweet constantly for the good of their careers, or so they believe, which amounts to hundreds of hours of unpaid work a year. Their publications increasingly strong arm them into churning out pathetic pop-culture ephemera like listicles about the outfits on Wandavision. They live in fear of being the one to lose out when the next layoffs come and the game of media musical chairs spins up once again. They have to pretend to like ghouls like Ezra Klein and Jonah Peretti and make believe that there’s such a thing as “the Daily Beast reputation for excellence.”
I have always felt bad for them, despite our differences, because of these conditions. And they have a right to be angry. But they don’t have much in the way of self-awareness about where their anger really lies. A newsletter company hosting Bari Weiss is why you can’t pay your student loans? You sure?
They’ll tell you about the terrible conditions in their industry themselves, when they’re feeling honest. So what are they really mad about? That I’m making a really-just-decent guaranteed wage for just one year? Or that this decent wage is the kind of money many of them dream of making despite the fact that, in their minds, they’ve done everything right and played by all the rules? Is their anger really about a half-dozen guys whose writing you have to actively seek out to see? (If you click the button and put in your email address, you’ll get these newsletters. If you don’t, you won’t. So if you’re a media type who hates my writing, consider just… not clicking that button.) Or do they need someplace to put the rage and resentment that grows inside them as they realize, no, it’s not getting better, this is all I get?
It’s true that I have, in a very limited way, achieved the new American dream: getting a little bit of VC cash. I’m sorry. But it’s much much less than one half of what Felix Salmon was making in 2017 and again, it’s only for one year.
You think the writers complaining in that piece I linked to at the top wanted to be here, at this place in their career, after all those years of hustling? You think decades into their media career, the writers who decamped to Substack said to themselves “you know, I’d really like to be in my 40s and having to hope that enough people will pitch in $5 a month so I can pay my mortgage”? No. But the industry didn’t give them what they felt they deserved either. So they displace and project. They can hate Jesse Singal, but Jesse Singal isn’t where this burning anger is coming from. Neither am I. They’re so angry because they bought into a notoriously savage industry at the nadir of its labor conditions and were surprised to find that they’re drifting into middle age without anything resembling financial security. I feel for them as I feel for all people living economically precarious lives, but getting rid of Substack or any of its writers will not do anything to fix their industry or their jobs. They wanted more and they got less and it hurts. This isn’t what they dreamed. That’s what this is really about.
My own deal here is not mysterious. It’s just based on a fact that the blue checks on Twitter have never wanted to accept. I got offered money to write here for the same reason I got offered to write for The New York Times and Harper’s and The Washington Post and The LA Times, the same reason I’ve gotten a half-dozen invitations to pitch since I started here a few weeks ago, the same reason a literary agent sought me out and asked me to write a book, the same reason I sold that book for a decent advance: because I pull traffic. Though I am a social outcast from professional opinion writing, I have a better freelance publishing history than many, many of my critics who are paid-up, obedient members of the media social scene. Why? Because the editors who hired me thought I was a great guy? No. Because I pull traffic. I always have. That’s why you’re reading this on Substack right now.
A really important lesson to learn, in life, is this: your enemies are more honest about you than your friends ever will be. I’ve been telling the blue checks for over a decade that their industry was existentially fucked, that the all-advertising model was broken, that Google and Facebook would inevitably hoover up all the profit, that there are too many affluent kids fresh out of college just looking for a foothold in New York who’ll work for next to nothing and in doing so driving down the wages of everyone else, that their mockery of early subscription programs like Times Select was creating a disastrous industry expectation that asking your readers directly for money was embarrassing. Trump is gone and the news business is cratering. Michael Tracey didn’t make that happen. None of this anger will heal what’s wrong. If you get all of the people you don’t like fired from Substack tomorrow, what will change? How will your life improve? Greenwald will spend more time with his hottie husband and his beloved kids and his 6,000 dogs in his beautiful home in Rio. Glenn will be fine. How do we do the real work of getting you job security and a decent wage?
But how do things get better in that way? Only through real self-criticism (which Twitter makes impossible) and by asking hard questions. Questions like one that has not been credibly confronted a single time in this entire media meltdown: why are so many people subscribing to Substacks? What is the traditional media not providing that they’re seeking elsewhere? Why have half a million people signed up as paying subscribers of various Substack newsletters, if the establishment media is providing the diversity of viewpoints that is an absolute market requirement in a country with a vast diversity of opinions? You can try to make an adult determination about that question, to better understand what media is missing, or you can read this and write some shitty joke tweet while your industry burns to the ground around you. It’s your call.
Substack might fold tomorrow, but someone would else sell independent media; there’s a market. Substack might kick me and the rest of the unclean off of their platforms tomorrow, but other critics of social justice politics would pop up here; there’s a market. Establishment media’s takeover by this strange brand of academic identity politics might grow even more powerful, if that’s even possible, but dissenters will find a place to sell alternative opinion; there’s a market. What there might not be much of a market for anymore is, well, you - college educated, urban, upwardly striving if not economically improving, woke, ironic, and selling that wokeness and that irony as your only product. Because you flooded the market. Everyone in your entire industry is selling the exact same thing, tired sarcastic jokes and bleating righteousness about injustices they don’t suffer under themselves, and it’s not good in basic economic terms if you’re selling the same thing as everyone else. You add that on to structural problems within your business model and your utter subservience to a Silicon Valley that increasingly hates you, well…. I get why you’re mad. And I get that you don’t like me. But I’m not what you’re mad about. Not really.
In the span of a decade or so, essentially all professional media not explicitly branded as conservative has been taken over by a school of politics that emerged from humanities departments at elite universities and began colonizing the college educated through social media. Those politics are obscure, they are confusing, they are socially and culturally extreme, they are expressed in a bizarre vocabulary, they are deeply alienating to many, and they are very unpopular by any definition. The vast majority of the country is not woke, including the vast majority of women and people of color. How could it possibly be healthy for the entire media industry to be captured by any single niche political movement, let alone one that nobody likes? Why does no one in media seem willing to have an honest, uncomfortable conversation about the near-total takeover of their industry by a fringe ideology?
And the bizarre assumption of almost everyone in media seems to have been that they could adopt this brand of extreme niche politics, in mass, as an industry, and treat those politics as a crusade that trumps every other journalistic value, with no professional or economic consequences. They seem to have thought that Americans were just going to swallow it; they seem to have thought they could paint most of the country as vicious bigots and that their audiences would just come along for the ride. They haven’t. In fact Republicans are making great hay of the collapse of the media into pure unapologetic advocacy journalism. Some people are turning to alternative media to find options that are neither reactionary ideologues or self-righteous woke yelling. Can you blame them? Substack didn’t create this dynamic, and neither did I. The exact same media people who are so angry about Substack did, when they abandoned any pretense to serving the entire country and decided that their only job was to advance a political cause that most ordinary people, of any gender or race, find alienating and wrong. So maybe try and look at where your problems actually come from. They’re not going away.
Now steel yourselves, media people, take a shot of something strong, look yourself in the eye in the mirror, summon you most honest self, and tell me: am I wrong?
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flowerslut · 4 years
Tumblr media
With a world in mourning, a return to normalcy is nothing more than a fantasy. Trust betrayed and thousands gone, there are whispers of a movement stirring; and it has the potential to upend life as everyone knows it.
Meanwhile, Alice seeks to uncover her own mysterious origins, leading her down a dangerous path. Deception runs rampant, and secrets can’t be kept forever. Everything is shifting, and Alice can’t find her footing.
An Alice and Jasper fanfiction. Sequel to Call of the Night. Coming this fall to an AO3 near you.
(preview under cut)
The car was barely shifted into park before Alice was flying out the door and up to the house, completely abandoning her bags inside of it.
Before she could reach the door Jasper was already there, standing in the doorway, bracing himself.
Alice didn’t give him the chance to say a thing before she launched herself into his arms with a laugh. When he wrapped his arms around her, holding her off the ground like she weighed absolutely nothing, she felt complete again.
She was kissing him before she knew what she was doing.
He returned the affection with a fervor and her sudden arousal was entirely out of her control. Tightening her legs around his torso she deepened the kiss.
When he pulled back slightly, smiling widely, she wanted to groan.
“Not now,” he muttered softly before pressing a few—decidedly more chaste—kisses to her lips. “I have something for you.”
She scoffed, pulling back enough so that he could see her pout. Then, loudly, she spoke. “If it’s Josie I already know she’s here.”
The responding cackle she heard from the nearby kitchen filled her with warmth.
“I told you!” Josephine Foote laughed, the noise echoing through the house. “You couldn’t surprise her if your life depended on it!”
Jasper rolled his eyes, arms still wrapped around Alice and keeping her suspended in the air. “I knew you would know but—”
Alice silenced him with another quick kiss. “Shush. It’s sweet of you, thank you.” Jasper didn’t need to surprise her for it to mean anything more to her. It was more than enough to have to people she adored this much under the same roof.
She couldn’t even imagine what it would be like if Jasper could surprise her with little, mundane, every day gestures. She’d thought about it before, but then quickly realized she much rather preferred knowing. It gave her something to look forward to.
And when all you did was look forward to things (literally) it was nice to have at least one thing consistent amongst the ever-changing future ahead of them.
Jasper released his hold on her, his arms dropping down to his sides, but Alice still clung to him tightly.
“Come on,” he laughed, pulling lightly at one of her arms that was still wrapped snugly around his neck. “She’s been talking my ear off. It’s your turn.”
“Hm, go ahead,” she tightened her embrace and leaned her head forward until it was resting against his shoulder. “I’ll be right here.”
She was sure it looked comical—after all, his arms were completely at his sides as he walked across the foyer and toward the kitchen where Josie eagerly awaited her company—but she wasn’t about to release him yet. She didn’t care if she looked childish. She’d missed her Jasper.
Josie chuckled as Jasper entered the room, Alice still very much clinging to him firmly. Then, the woman clicked her tongue. “Now get down from there, child. You look ridiculous. Jasper! Put her down!”
He held his arms out, as if attempting a shrug, displaying that it wasn’t him keeping her up there.
Alice smiled to herself, pecking Jasper on the cheek before hopping down and landing softly. In the next instant she was across the room.
Josie was sitting on one of the stools that was usually kept tucked beneath a granite countertop. Her purse sat opened in front of her and next to it, a few magazines.
Oh no. Even as she reached forward and hugged her mother, Alice suddenly knew—both because of her visions, and because she knew her mom—that she was about to get scolded.
“Hi honey,” the older woman hugged her tightly and Alice took a long moment to enjoy the warmth of her familiar embrace. Inhaling deeply she couldn’t help but notice that something was off.
“New perfume?” It was a simple change but a jarring one. As long as Alice had known her, Josie had only ever worn one perfume. Well, that was if they didn’t count the two months in ’96 when Macy’s hadn’t had it in stock, but still. But now, where there was usually a floral, citrus fragrance, this one smelled more… soapy.
“Of course that’s the first thing you comment on,” it was half of a scolding and half in amazement. “Daisy has me turned onto this new one. It’s not as classic as Chantilly, and it’s more expensive, but it’s helping with my headaches, I think.”
That sobered Alice up immediately. “Headaches?”
The woman smacked her arm, shooting her an unamused look. “Don’t you start. I’ve been getting these for thirty years now, you know that.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Alice knew better than to attempt to breach the subject of Josie’s health. The woman had hated talking about it with her before, but she downright despised any discussion of her human issues when she was amongst vampires only. According to her, it was an insult.
And Alice had missed her mother far too much to want her upset with her upon reuniting.
“If you start worrying about nothing I’ll damn well give you something to worry about!”
Josie’s annoyance was cut off when Jasper placed a hot mug of tea in front of her.
Alice mouthed a ‘thank you’ as he smirked and turned back to clean up the kettle. “How long are you here for?”
“I’m making Jasper drive me back in a few minutes actually,” Josie leaned forward, blowing on the hot liquid, before taking a small sip. “Needs more sugar.” Jasper appeared instantly, setting an entire jar and spoon next to the mug. “But it’s getting late and I’ve been up since nearly four. I just wanted to see you when you got back.”
The disappointment that formed low in her belly was heavy. Josie’s fleeting presence was something she hadn’t taken note of in her visions. All Alice had seen was that she would be there, and things would be nice. She didn’t know that she’d only be able to calmly enjoy that for ‘a few minutes’.
“Oh, don’t look so sad,” the woman frowned and then opened her arms back up. Alice fell into her embrace easily, hating that she couldn’t hide her disappointment if her life depended on it. “When do you hit the road again?”
“Not sure yet. Carlisle comes back this weekend, and I’m sure I’ll find out after that.”
“Perfect!” Josie brightened up at that. “He can give this one a break and drive me to my service on Sunday morning.” She threw a thumb over her shoulder and Alice could hear Jasper scoff under his breath. “Child won’t even walk through the doors of the damn church,” her words were more than loud enough for Jasper to hear, but Josie had never been one to gossip. Oh no, if there’s something she wanted to tell you, you were going to hear it from Josie herself. “You’re not going to combust when you cross the threshold you know?” She turned on her stool to fix a glare onto Jasper’s back.
“I’m not taking that chance,” he deadpanned in reply, washing dishes in the sink.
Alice couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure Carlisle will be happy to go with you. I wish you would stay a little longer though.”
“By the time you and Jasper drop me off we’ll have spent plenty of time with each other. Besides, I think he’s had enough of me for one day.”
The drive to Josie’s place was a little over a half an hour away. Not as much time as Alice would have preferred, but better than nothing.
“What’s this?” Alice gestured to Josie’s choice of reading material. The three magazines looked brand new, but Alice knew that Josie had already rifled through them and dog-eared every page that mentioned Alice or Jasper.
“They spelt my name wrong!” As if reminded of a terrible atrocity Josie reached for the first magazine and flipped it open. “You need to email these people at US and tell them that my name has an ‘E’ on the end! It’s not Foot, it’s Foote! Ridiculous!”
Alice suppressed a smile. “That’s the only comment you have?”
“I mean, these people haven’t said anything that rude article didn’t already say,” she flipped through a few more pages on the same magazine and pointed to a photo, frowning. “You don’t think they could’ve used a better picture?” It was a photo of Jasper, Josie on his arm as he guided her to the car in the church parking lot.
It would’ve been a heartwarming picture if it weren’t for the disturbing fact that it was snapped by a pap trying to make some money.
“I don’t even care that they took it at church—I always look good for my services,” she spoke as if it were a point of pride. “But this damn caption ticks me right off—acting like I don’t know who I’m dealing with. They wouldn’t say a thing about being ‘uncharacteristically calm’ if they knew the first damn thing about my character!”
“Where did you get these?” Alice was a little annoyed. Josie had promised her a few weeks ago she would lay off the gossip mags; she’d even cancelled a few subscriptions. Alice had seen as much in a couple of visions.
“Daisy, of course. She’s a bad influence,” she spoke simply, as if that was all the explanation that they’d get. “Not a day goes by where she doesn’t have something new to share with me.” She sighed over exaggeratedly. “It can’t be helped when your baby is a celebrity.”
“I hate that word,” Alice muttered for what felt like the thousandth time.
“I’m shocked you’re not used to it by now. If the Times wrote an article on me I’d be signing autographs when the pastor isn’t looking,” she cackled at her own joke, closing the first publication and then opening the third. “This is nice,” she flipped through the pages before landing on one with a smaller blurb. It was just a photo of Jasper and Alice holding hands. Taken the week he’d returned to Rickett’s, if their exhausted state was any indication.
Directly next to the photo, a close-up shot of their intertwined hands.
The caption inquired their marital status, pointing out the lack of wedding rings.
Alice felt acute embarrassment at that. “Josie…”
“All I’m saying,” the woman lifted a dark, wrinkled hand in surrender before quickly closing the magazine, “is that they’d stop asking if you two just tied the knot already.”
“Stop,” she begged, suddenly uncomfortable with the topic.
At first the media’s focus on her and Jasper’s relationship had been a strange thing. But that was back when they hadn’t quite been in a relationship. After the war had finished up and they’d returned back home, the media was still a bit obsessed with them, but now it had gotten out of hand.
A photo could be snapped of either of them by themselves in any environment and the next day the presses would be saying things like ‘TAKING TIME APART?’ or ‘TROUBLE IN PARADISE!’ as if their relationship was simply a game to them.
Most days, Alice had to remind herself that it was.
“Oh, don’t take it too seriously,” Josie commented just as the thought crossed her own mind. “I’m just saying. It’s been ages since I’ve been to a wedding.”
“You were just at one two Saturday’s ago,” Jasper chimed in from across the kitchen. “I picked you up and drove you to it myself.”
“You be quiet!” Josie snapped at him, rolling up one of the magazines and swinging it toward him. “Unhelpful, rude boy! Where’s Emmett?” She frowned, tossing the publication back onto the counter. “He’d be on my side for this.”
“He’s in…” Alice paused, flickering through a few visions, “he’s either in San Diego or he’s heading there now.”
Josie hmphed. “This one, you can keep.” She handed Alice the third magazine, and that’s when she noticed that it wasn’t just another one of her mindless gossip columns, it was a wedding magazine…
“It might trigger some inspiration,” Josie shrugged, acting innocent again. Reaching forward she patted Alice’s cheek lightly. “Oh, smile why don’t you. What the hell do you vamps have against marriage? It’s just a piece of paper, really.”
“Exactly,” Jasper finally chimed in, sitting at the table across from her. “So what’s the point?”
Alice knew that look in his eye. It was the look that he got before he decided that he was going to actually entertain a topic of conversation that could very well lead to an argument. It was the face of a man who knew how to argue and who knew how to win…
Not now, Alice shot him an unamused look as she stepped closer to her mother. She wasn’t about to spend the last few minutes with her while Jasper provoked her ire.
“Thank you,” she tried to make her words sound genuine as she accepted the magazine. “I can’t promise I’ll read it end to end but,” she glanced at the cover, trying not to grimace, “I’m sure I’ll have some fun studying gown designs.” And the prospect of sitting at her little work desk, stitching together a dress for the summertime, made old excitement begin to flicker inside of her.
“Send me pictures of your sketches when you start designing.” Josie reached for her bag and looped it through her arm. “Oh! Before I forget,” turning to dig through the oversized, brown bag, it took her a long moment before she retrieved something.
Alice accepted the white paper envelope as Josie handed it to her, and promptly froze.
“That’s for you. I didn’t get it until recently, but judging by the stamp they sent it last August. The post office held onto it once everyone went on lockdown. Took them until a couple of weeks ago to finally send all of my mail up here.”
Alice could hardly focus on her words. The moment she’d taken the letter into her hands, the vision of what lay inside struck her like a lightning bolt.
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nintendocaffeine · 3 years
Nintendo WIP
Taglist: @nintendo @niantic - @nele3299 - @hoodie-art
Nintendo is a so-called game company, but a game company wouldn't overlook such trivial details that are a huge impact on not only their games but their players. It's almost like they want to make all of their 'fans' or just people who could care less about them themselves and only play certain games not want to come back for any sequels or prequels to their games. It's like they didn't even bother to think about this mess until a bunch of people finally open their mouths about it, but that is a hard task. Even if I get no one's attention I want to make some points that at least everyone in the community can agree on.
Animal Crossing
People have either been playing animal crossing for years or only joined with the recently made New Horizons along with me.  But in the most recent games, there have been a few things that are too blaring to overlook. It's almost like Nintendo wants to watch players suffer, which if the players suffer, the company suffers greatly too.
So the aspect is to have a bunch of villagers on your island and do a bunch of DIY's that look like 5-minute-crafts came up with how to make things. But I digress, for the most part, it does make some logical sense. But when you need to craft over ten packs of fish bait, it gets more than annoying. Or need to craft maybe four or ten chairs or benches or something seasonal. to have a perfect seasonal island for a month before switching it up again. It would be more than lovely to have the option to pick more than one. I know if you mash A a bunch it goes faster but that doesn't exactly make too much of a difference if you're making a bunch of the same item. Not only that but if you're buying maybe 10+ nook miles tickets, let's say you have 40,000 Nook Points,  You can get twenty whole NMT, but pressing A and waiting, doing that twenty or more times depending on how many points you have? It's unbearable and not even finding the villager you want after hopping island to island and waiting hours and mashing A for the amount you want or need.
It shouldn't be hard to program in a counter. You make updates for all the wrong things, I feel.
Like the update to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, needing a certain camera lens to play a game that actually doesn't require a camera lens like that? Nintendo had an update in November of last year where they cut more than half of their player base. Their phone needed a gyroscope camera, not even phones bought last year could run the game, apparently. I was one of the players affected. I spend actual money on that game. For what? Cosmetics I can't even see anymore? Can't even use? After a month of nothing I had to uninstall, I was told that I should wait but I just didn't have the storage anymore. Sadly. I went back to see the reviews, most people left even if they could still play it because they couldn't play with their friends or couldn't play period.
I want to point out Pokemon Go!
Pokemon Go uses a camera feature for their 3D Pokemon models, which is amazing! But why does that work and yet Pocket camp doesn't? Well, technically Nintendo doesn't own Pokemon Go, Niantic does. Niantic uses different software than Nintendo itself, that and they're two different apps, they were made very differently. But then why does the camera have to be a gyroscope for Pocket Camp and not Pokemon Go? Pokemon GO uses it's AR feature more than Pocket camp! This is true, but the camera feature isn't even needed with Pokemon Go either, it's optional. So then why is Pocket Camp different? Well, Google told app developers that all apps needed to be 64bit by next year. But what does 64bit have to do with a camera lens? The gyroscope lens is implemented in all 64bit phones, that's the difference. Pokemon Go might update soon too but for now, people with a 32bit phone can play it and use its AR features. But I don't know why Nintendo would conform to Google's rules, as Nintendo is its own company and if it's still getting money... Google takes a percentage of money from players as tax for the service, so both Nintendo and Google are taking a hit. I really don't get their thought process here, people are canceling their subscriptions and spending less on their games, people on Reddit and in Google reviews are both saying the same thing.
Oh, but this is where I talk about Pokemon Go now.
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go is an amazing game that Nintendo can't touch. Until they wormed their way in with Pokemon Go Eevee/Pikachu. Soon you'll be able to transfer Pokemon from go onto your switch games! But... they can't return back to your phone. Here's the thing I want to do, if I have a two-star Pokemon in Pokemon Go and transfer it to make it a three-star with vitamins then I should be able to then send it back into Pokemon Go and dominate. But that's the thing. I can't. We don't even know if they way to make it go two ways or if it'll forever be a one-way transfer only.
I love how Niantic added Jessy and James even though Jessy as a 3d model looks... strange. I wonder if they'll add Butch and Cassidy, since they were also semi-part of the lore, they mainly just competed with Jessy and James. But this is just a thought I wanted out there. I want more diversity, honestly. But it would take a long time to implement, but I think it would be cute to see how it is implemented. It could be an event type deal and I'd still be happy just to even see them.
I want to congratulate them for finally putting in Kalos starters! I've been wanting a FenFen (Fennekin.)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers
Okay, so I've played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness, and let me tell you the anime for it was amazing too. I wanted more. There was a 3Ds version, hated it. Circles... I gave up and restarted twice and haven't touched it for so long since it just.. wasn't as good as the original. I've been meaning to play Sky but one thing at a time. There has been a lot of people talking about the starters, and boy oh boy I'm on the bandwagon late. I was curious about the personality quiz but seeing everyone say want starter is best with what partner and seeing how everyone said 'Don't be Totodile and Mudkip!' or 'Don't be Eevee and Skitty!' it just made me confused since you... technically couldn't have two of the same type of starters. What in the heck were those people thinking? But that isn't entirely a point. The point is starters. In the switch version of Mystery Dungeon, there are some things I just cannot say. The starter selection of awful. What happened to the Unova starters? You added Cubone but not Riolu? Where did you put my baby shinx?
The starters were pretty meh, they could have added more in my opinion. The screen surely could handle it. Also, the animations for the starters weren't even special or fantastic so it wouldn't have been that hard. I hate the walking animation for Eevee. I picture for Mudkip and Skitty it's not much better.
I've played it for three days and was so disappointed. First off, my partner, an AI? I had to literally kill him for my starter could get back to the same level. Thanks, blast seeds. But if I am being honest in found it to be so funny. Not only that but in said Dungeons, on any floor the boss could just be there and without warning. You could have explored the entire floor and it just appears randomly, or might not even be there. Hate that.
Also, there are no party rooms. I miss the party rooms. The party rooms are rooms that randomly fill up with Pokemon either if you hit a tile for the party room, somehow get the room by being dropped there with or without your partner (and co), or if you enter it from a path. I barely ever get past them but it would be a good experience. Also, you can only have yourself, your partner, and whatever one Pokemon you want with you. In previous games, you could have two addons. What happened to that?
Not to mention that in the story, you suddenly are exiled and after beating two birbs you then fight, Ninetails covers for you and says it isn't you, and then everything is suddenly.. just okay? All fine and dandy? So many people wanted to literally kill you over a rumor. If you died once you would lose 5,000 P and items. Um, excuse you. At the end of the journey, I gathered a little over 5,000 P because I'm a money-hungry person who wants to open all of the camps. But again, I know we'd have to go and find Ninetails and figure out the story but that.. wasn't the way to do it. You get past maybe six dungeons and are hit with that suddenly. I would get it if it was mid-game and they suddenly found out the secret and everyone was like 'you were so nice, what happened?' 'Why was it you?' 'You lied to all of us' and it broke my heart, that just upset me. None of them even let the starter explain, and even if they did the option was literally only dots. Also, why was my partner so supportive? They're just so baby and it's killing me. That's just my take on what they could have improved on.
If you want to add on, add your own, or say anything, feel free below or to message me so we can talk about this more. Thanks for the read, lets hope this gets covered on some youtube channel for 'controversy' or just to be agreed on.
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as usual, an unrealistic list of things I’d really like to get done over the three-day weekend, which is not super likely to go well considering I’m posting this at 5 fucking p.m. but whatever:
I have exactly a month left on my (so far unused, whoops) PC Game Pass subscription, so I need to go over my wish list again and identify
which games have achievements
each game’s average playtime so I can prioritize
which ones interest me the most (emphasis on spooky games because...it’s spooky season)
try Fallout 76 once it finally finishes downloading, because I played the free weekend on Steam before and this is Microsoft, and...I think my character should just be on their servers but I don’t actually know hahahaha yeah that super didn’t work, maybe in a week when our billing cycle restarts I’ll try redownloading and reinstalling it, and anyway I did download and test a couple other Game Pass games
cancel my current SWTOR subscription so I’m not still paying for that while focusing on Game Pass games
play one of a few Flash games on my to-play list, if there’s something short
check out my current backup situation and see how hard it would be to modify, I mean at some point I have got to set up an actual system but for some reason that’s intimidating so if what I currently have is at all usable, I should add to it
and then verify my drivers. I don’t know what’s wrong with my PC and I’m really not sure how to figure that out but since Memtest86 ran for three fucking hours and came back clear, it seems like this is the next major step in the troubleshooting process okay I actually didn’t do this but I did try some other things that also didn’t work
finish claiming all the Black Panther comics
a tiny bit of room cleaning? maybe?? I actually already did a very tiny bit, and this is something (one of...many things) I could do while on a call with friends, which is also in my plans
open a couple packages from one of said friends, which keen-eyed readers might note was in a to-do list ages ago oops
check Tumblr drafts
work on modifying or fixing some masks that currently aren’t working well
send an email that’s been on my to-do list for...a while
actually another email would be a good one too
keep trying to get Hazy to learn that letting people handle her paws results in good treats, so we can make an appointment for a Petco nail trim (and ideally clip them ourselves, sometimes)
ah fuck I still need to finish my will
mildly edit the short fic I posted a few days ago, give it a title, and toss it on AO3
as always, some typing would be really really good
so would...some writing...
make some more potion bottles with, uh, random stuff I’ve collected on recent walks around the neighborhood (other potion bottles with other random ideas I’ve had wouldn’t be a bad idea either...and I would like to try one of the Youtube tutorials I found for making tiny hourglasses, but I guess that’s probably not a priority)
do a little reorganizing in my giant to-do lists for a) 1/6-scale projects and b) lyrics for titles
doing more research on parts for a 1/6 female Loki is really not urgent but...I might want to...and some things are on sale right now...
repair Tiny Loki’s tiny mask
rewrite my paper list of prioritized projects, which I needed to do anyway, but now I’ve also lost the original and that’s very annoying (also make a pocket for it in my notebook so this is less likely to happen again)
make designs for a few new Pride Cap shields, maybe? it really would not take long to make just a few, and now is when I should be adding stuff to Etsy if I have any hope of like...holiday sales
for that matter, now would be an extremely good time to at least start planning what kinds of holiday-specific things (and/or other new listings) I might be able to make in time to list them on Etsy
mental health
write up a post for the ADHD Reddit and maybe other related places
experiment with Notion and Airtable as organizational options
research some bullet-journal layouts to see if anything seems like it would work for me
in general, spend some time just kind of...brainstorming the type of system that would be useful for me in keeping my shit together, so I have a better idea of what I’m looking for (also probably helpful to list like...the big problems I’m trying to fix)
see if Penzu seems like a good option for a keeping-my-shit-together strategy I have in mind from my latest therapy session, and if not, do a little research on other journal-type possibilities
shopping I probably shouldn’t be doing
make a Michaels order tomorrow when both coupons will be active, because...there are some Halloween things that are somehow already sold out at the nearest store but I still want them...and they’re available at the store all the way across town...so...
possibly go to an estate sale benefiting the rescue group where we got Scully and Hazy, which is also all the way over on the other side of town but if I’m going over there anyway, I might as well
some stuff in my Etsy cart that I don’t want to miss
ditto eBay, I think mostly in my cart but also check watch list
AliExpress is also having some sales and yes there are more tiny things I want to buy for Loki’s arcane workshop, shut up (but also if I’m going to buy another Hot Toys body, this time for Thor, I gotta...take some measurements)
call legislators
I really don’t know why I bother but I’ve found a bunch more articles recently that I’d like to throw on Facebook
for that matter at some point I’m probably just going to do a Facebook post like “hey, if you care about me at all, please consider voting Biden,” which also probably won’t make a difference but like...there’s a tiny chance it might
actually write those Sierra Club letters to voters that I meant to do like...two weeks ago...and maybe also some postcards, idk
maybe go to a thing Monday afternoon
also maybe just like...look through my links and folders to see who’s doing textbanking? like I don’t necessarily have to do any of it this weekend, just figure out what’s available?
........hmm this is all a terrible idea, probably, in part because my brain is looking at this absurdly long list and still going “oh shit, oh fuck, we’re forgetting something major aren’t we!!!”
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