uraa-q · 10 days
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Amellow domestic moment
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chipinett · 4 months
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Finally doing the refs of some of my OCs !! First Amélia, a cartographer on a pirate ship !
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raibaru-san · 1 year
Enquête à Blackwood Pines (Meurtres à Luton RP)
Pour @childrenofdarknight
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Quelques heures plus tôt.
Assise au bord du lit deux places qu'elle allait occuper durant son séjour, la jeune femme sonda l'écran de son ordinateur portable du regard. Soudain, une personne toqua à sa porte de manière guillerette, intonant une chanson. A la fin de celle ci, il se racla la gorge avant de demander.
Tu travailles encore ?
Après avoir reconnu la voix de son frère, la jeune femme ferma le clapet de son ordinateur avant de sourire puis de se tourner à moitié vers lui.
Moi, travailler ? Noooon.. Ok, je termine deux trois trucs et j'arrive.
On risque de rater le début du film si tu traînes trop et tu sais à quel point Manuella y porte de l'importance.
Ce dernier se décolla finalement son dos de la porte sur laquelle il était adossé avant de se résigner à hocher la tête, à lever le pouce puis à s'en aller.
Amélia soupira avant de se lever pour fermer la porte de sa chambre. Dès qu'elle revint vers le lit, elle s'y installa puis posa de nouveau son ordinateur sur ses cuisses avant de relever le clapet.
On pouvait voir sur l'écran le dernier journal de la ville de Luton où trois meurtres s'étaient produit très récemment.
1 ER MEURTRE - lundi 24 juillet 2023 Le premier meurtre s'était produit au début de la semaine en pleine nuit, dans un quartier calme de la ville. Le corps de la victime a été découvert par son colocataire le lendemain du meurtre. Elle n'avait jamais rien vu d'aussi barbare et sanglant. Même si les enquêteurs commençaient à peine à recueillir des preuves et à interroger les témoins potentiels, cherchant à identifier le tueur en série, le tueur n'avait pas perdu de temps pour tuer une seconde fois. 2 E MEURTRE - mercredi 26 juillet 2023 Un mercredi, cette fois-ci. La victime était une jeune femme dont le corps est cette fois-ci découvert par le concierge. 3 E MEURTRE - samedi 29 juillet 2023 Pour terminer, le troisième meurtre a eu lieu la veille. La victime était toujours une jeune femme, qui travaillait dans une boutique du centre commercial de Luton. On raconte qu'en tentant de fermer la boutique après une fermeture tardive, elle a été attaquée et poignardée. Encore une fois, sauvagement. Pour finir, son corps a été découvert le lendemain matin par un passant.
Retour au présent.
Et dire qu'à la base, elle était simplement venue à Luton pour prendre des vacances après ces derniers mois éprouvant.
Amélia venait d'arriver sur les lieux. Elle poussa la vieille porte rouillée dont les poignées étaient entourés de chaînes, déclenchant un tintement métallique et un crissement désagréable pour les oreilles.
Une fois à l'intérieur, elle ne prit pas le risque de refermer la porte. Elle avançait prudemment dans le hall de l'hôpital désaffecté, éclairant son chemin avec la lampe torche de son téléphone portable.
La jeune femme se rémémora un instant la véritable raison de sa venue : n'ayant pas confiance aux autorités locales, elle s'était lancée dans une enquête. Elle ne pouvait pas risquer le fait qu'il puisse arriver malheur à son frère et à sa soeur.
Soudain, un bruit la fit sursauter et elle braqua sa lampe torche dans la direction du son.
Il y a quelqu'un ? demanda-t-elle d'une voix hésitante.
Elle écouta attentivement mais il n'y avait pas de réponse. Amélia soupira et secoua la tête, se disant que c'était sûrement son imagination qui lui jouait des tours. Elle se remit en marche, scrutant les murs et les portes à la recherche d'un quelconque indice.
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zenir-arts · 9 months
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Art of my character, Amélia. I'm trying new types of lineart and coloring, so i hope you guys like it.
Arte da minha personagem, Amélia. Estou testando novas formas de como colorir e fazer a lineart, espero que vocês tenham gostado de como ficou
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beadickel · 1 year
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My oc Amélia 🥀
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Enquête à Blackwood Pines (Meurtres à Luton RP)
Pour @raibaru-san
À l’intérieur de l’hôpital, l’écrivain scrutait son téléphone pour la troisième fois depuis trente minutes. La photo d’une ancienne lettre portant le nom de JEREMIAH WESTON et estampillée du logo de Blackwood Pines illuminait son visage d’une faible lumière blanche. Cette lettre, trouvée à moins d’un mètre de la troisième victime du tueur masqué, pointait à cet endroit. Noah était certain qu’il trouverait quelque chose ici, un autre indice qui le mènerait peut-être au tueur. Les détectives en charge de l’enquête, eux, ne semblaient pas d’accord puisqu’ils privilégiaient la piste des proches.
CRACK D’un geste plus ou moins brusque, Noah tournait la tête en direction du bruit. Inconsciemment, sa main se desserrait autour du téléphone et ce dernier tombait au sol. L’écho du choc se répercutait sur les murs grisâtres de la pièce dans laquelle il se trouvait. Il supposait que cet endroit, qui donnait sur l’extérieur grâce à une vitre partiellement brisé, était l’ancienne salle d’attente. Des rangées de vielles chaises en plastique étaient éparpillés dans la pièce, certaines d’entre elles avaient rejoint le sol, devenant des pièces de compagnies pour les papiers et la poussière qui se trouvaient dans le même état. Un nouveau craquement, plus fort, se fit entendre. Quelqu’un s’approchait de lui et armé d’un bâton trouvé à son arrivé, il n’allait pas pouvoir se défendre bien longtemps si un fou masqué l’attaquait au couteau. Le souvenir du tueur de Lakewood s’immisçait dans son esprit et sa cicatrice présente contre son flanc droit lui envoyait une petite pique de douleur. Cela suffisait à le réveiller et aussi vite qu’il le pouvait, il attrapait son téléphone au sol avant d’aller se cacher derrière un comptoir qui accueillait autrefois secrétaires et infirmières. Tout comme le reste de la pièce, l’endroit était poussiéreux, mais ce n’est pas ce qui attirait l’attention du blondinet. Il pouvait gérer la poussière, mais le bris de verre ? Un seul faux pas et on l’entendrait. Mais dans cette situation, il ne pouvait rien faire si ce n’est attendre et espérer qu’on ne l’entende pas.
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laismoura-art · 25 days
Who do you personally cast as Harumi if she were to (hopefully) be playable? Me, I'd pick Sumalee Montano. Because 1) since she's the voice and mocap of Yuna in Ghost of Tsushima, it would be cute if she ended up being Jin's husband in another universe, and 2) because I think she has the range and capability to pull Harumi off. She's played so many badass characters like the aforementioned Yuna and Arcee from Transformers: Prime. Just listen to them both and tell me that’s not Harumi. Arcee’s snarky personality can also be for her more funnier interactions with Kuai Liang and Smoke 🤪
Also I kinda ship Jin and Yuna so it would be funnier if they end up becoming partners in two franchises 👀
Hi, Anon!! Thanks for the ask!!🩷
I went after Sumalee's work as Arcee and Yuna, and oooh I can definitely see our vision, and I loved it!
I totally see Kuairumi in Yuna and Jin! Him being more reserved and doing his very best to look always so composed and in control, but just not being able to keep it together when he's around the pretty girl🤭 it's cute!
Meanwhile, she's more open about her feelings and makes sure he knows how much she cares for him!
It's an undeniably cute dynamic!
As for her work as Arcee, I believe Harumi would save the snarky attitude for her enemies and be more of a tease towards her friends!
Especially towards Kuai, who's completely out of his comfort zone and having to take a role he didn't want to nor was prepared to take!
She would tease him and make little jokes just to light up the mood. He would pout at her comments and, for a moment, would just forget about all his problems. It helps, even though he doesn't realise right away!
So, Sumalee is definitely a great choice!🩷
Now for my personal choice:
See, I'm Brazilian, and most of us take pride in our voice actors and the amazing work they do!
We have so many iconic voices, Guilherme Briggs, Flávia Saddy, Miriam Fisher, Marcio Seixas, and so, so, so many more!
So when I think of a voice for Harumi, I can only think of Brazilian voices for her. My personal favourite being:
Guilene Conte!
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Here's a little compilation so you can hear her voice!
Her work as Rochelle from "Everybody Hates Chris" is LEGENDARY to the point whenever we hear Rochelle's actress, Tichina Arnold, speak in English it just feels sooo wrong!😂😂
Her works as Sarah Lance and Capitan Amélia were great, too. She has a really strong voice, fitting with a leader, I can definitely hear her commanding her warriors in defence of the Shirai Ryu!
She would also go personally to Kuai's defence when a student tries to be too bold on him, talking back and acting disrespectful, she would snap at them Rochelle style and make them wish they were never born (that definitely extends to Bi-Han), lol💀
In a perfect world, Sumalee voices Harumi and Guilene does the Brazilian dub!👀💕💖💞💓
@madamealtruist you're the pro when it comes to voice acting. Please, girl, do share your thoughts when you're back!💕
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brightlilith · 1 year
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Masterlist Tokio Hotel - Masterlist Connected by music • Tom Kaulitz Patreon
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December 27, 2022 — New York, NYC
He was here, he had finally arrived.
His swimming pool blue eyes were focused on me, his blond hair perfectly aligned, his smile bright, clothes well pressed.
Our cat, Wolowitz, named after one of the characters on The Big Bang Theory, was curled up in his well-trimmed arms. His travel case was on top of the suitcase he brought along with him.
I made room for him to enter along with our cat, Wolowitz, who will sleep soundly in his arms. We are going to spend the new year in Brazil with my parents, I wanted to surprise them. The smile he gave me was brilliant, and the loving look he had on me was mesmerizing, I could see how much he loved me. I felt guilty that Riri wanted me to get back together with Tom.
I loved Bruce as much as I loved Tom, but not to the same intensity.
"I missed you. My family was asking why you didn't spend Christmas with us this year." - He said hurriedly, putting the white fur cat on the ground.
"Me too dear. I smiled at him and pulled him in for a loving kiss."
Wolowitz came straight up to me, sniffed me, then walked over to Amelia with the same kind of greeting and then disappeared down the apartment's hallway.
Bruce gave Amelia a small smile and followed Wolowitz's path.
He came back and said he was going out to buy hot chocolate because they had run out of hot chocolate here.
"DO YOU DATE?" - Riri suddenly appeared and screamed in my ear, I didn't get scared, I just stood there looking at the door where Bruce had just left.
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘐 𝘯𝘰𝘸?
𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘪𝘳𝘪 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘰𝘮, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦.
𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦..
𝘎o𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘮𝘦...
"Get out of here Riri, I need to talk to her." - Amelia was present.
Riri was very angry, it was noticeable, but it came out anyway. I think.
"Come, sit here." - Amelia patted the couch.
I went to her and hugged her, we stayed in that position for a few seconds until I let go, we would have to talk quickly before Bruce returns.
"What should I do?" -I asked.
"Want an honest answer?"- I nodded. "I don't know, but you must know what you want, you can't force yourself to do something you don't want, and not let them force you, you know what you want, but you are afraid of getting hurt again." - She sighed. "Do you really love Bruce or are you used to liking him?"
𝘖𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘦.
I love him, of course, we've been together for 9 years, but I don't know what kind of love it is anymore. On the other hand, I know that he really loves me, he would do anything for me... The first years were difficult for me to adapt to another love, but as time went on, I realized that I was really falling in love with him. So maybe yes, I love him, our flame and connection is still there, and I can feel it!
"I love him." - At last I said
୨୧ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ୨୧
We were boarding the plane, about 3 hours had passed since my conversation with Amelia, after that, Bruce arrived and we got ready to go to the airport.
I was excited to see my parents again.
Riri would appear to me on the Mp3's screen, her glare on me for hiding something so important. Not that I forgot, I was so shocked and caught up in my thoughts about the magical creature that came out of the Mp3 player, that I didn't have time to say such a thing.
"What time are we going to board?" - Amélia asked, this is already the thousandth time.
“soon, i thin--” I was cut off by a voice echoing throughout the airport.
"Passengers on flight 767, proceed to gate 1 for boarding." – The female voice said, she repeated it twice for the unsuspecting.
"Let's go" I said getting up from the seat we were sitting on.
Amelia quickly got to her feet, Bruce soon after. Lucky for us, Amelia's mother offered to take care of our cat, I owe that woman a lot.
We headed towards the boarding gate, while we waited in the small queue that had formed, I wrapped my arms around Bruce's waist, he quickly wrapped his long arms around my shoulders, soon after placing a quick kiss on my head.
When it was our turn, we handed over our passports and went inside, we sat down, with me at the window, Amelia in the middle and Bruce in the hallway. Amelia wanted to be by my side, so Bruce kindly gave up his place for her.
𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺...
୨୧ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ୨୧
We landed on Brazilian soil, and the next day, Salvador's hot and stuffy air embraced me, not so gently, because we left an air-conditioned room.
We were all exhausted, but Bruce was excited, he was finally going to meet his in-laws who, until yesterday, only spoke via video call. We ordered an uber and it soon arrived.
Bruce had been learning Portuguese since the day I introduced my parents to our 2nd year of dating. He said he wanted to communicate with them, even though my parents knew English.
He was talking to the driver, Thank God the driver was kind enough to talk. Bruce's eyes sparkled like the ocean sparkled when it met the sun. I looked at him with tenderness and admiration, I really was in love with him.
It was still late afternoon, as soon as we arrived at the place, I called my mother and I was going to tell her that an package had arrived for her. Would she be surprised? yes, even because orders arrive in the morning. But what counts is the intention.
"SURPRISE!"- I said as soon as my mother opened the door. She immediately came hugging me.
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Constructive criticism and supportive messages are always welcome, it motivates me to keep writing.
(not reviewed)
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
Forever Tags: @ihatepeanutss @lovelyy-moonlight @tsamiaxo
Connected by music; @ajaxisbae @penquinsqge @suvakrpa @bxcndd @tokiohotellllll @f4ivc
Tokio Hotel; @sunooslover @willow-sages
Tom Kaulitz; @justash02 @pearlssck @dearstell @venderretta @instabull @aqxllo @Neteyamlovr
Bill Kaulitz; @aqxllo @Neteyamlovr
Gustav schäfer;
Georg Listing;
Sam Winchester; @willow-sages
Dean Winchester; @willow-sages
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Damon Salvatore; @instabull
Klaus Mikaelson; @instabull
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list 💗 the ones in blue, it's because I couldn't score.
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yanderefairyangel · 10 months
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In VNC the concept of name and identity is a major point. Our main character lives under the name of Vanitas. But he also have to restore vampire's true name when they have been corrupted by Naenia.
Malnomen/禍まがつ名/calamity-named are the result of this corruption.
In the jpn version they are calamity named, but the translation, Malnomen seems like a latinisation of the french word "mal nommé" which means "badly named" in the sense that the name given doesn't fit. The anthonym is "bien nommé' which means "well named". In latin, nomen, inis is the word for "name"
Those expressions are used about someone based on whether the meaning of his name suit his appearance, personality, his being in general. A name is considered to be so important that sometimes, the states can forbid parents from naming their child a certain way. It's the first thing defining one's identity and will always keep pursuing us forever.
Malnomen seems to be mirroing Vampire's true name.
For example, Amélia's Malnomen is Eglantine -prison of briars - based on the Sleeping Beauty.
Eglantine are the french word for a species of wild rose.
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Her truth name however is Florifel - she who guides springs- based on the latin coined word "florifer", flori is the dative form of flos, floris meaning flower, and ferro the verb (damn verb) for carrying, bearing.
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samiaescorcio15 · 7 months
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RoP Spoilers.
imagining how the character played by Amélia Kenworthy would look like.
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souurcitrus · 1 month
X-Men - Earth 18104
Time-line of the X-Men for my original universe Earth-18104. The events are based in different medias, like the movies, comics and series. Also, I included some of my OCs, as I literally just made this universe for them (and to change stuff I don't like I the stories).
There's a longer list of events of my universe too, including stuff about the Avengers, but I focus more in the X-Men.
This lists goes from 1971 (barely) to 2000, the first part of the Age of Heroes.
List of Events
1971 -
Irene Adler has a vision about the future of mutants. She and Raven Darkhölme start to "prepare for the war", looking for more mutants. They convince Jason Wyngarde to join them.
Erik Lensherr continues to hunt down Sebastian Shaw.
1972 -
The "First Class" of X-Men is founded by Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert after they discovered that Sebastian Shaw and his Hellfire Club planned to start a nuclear war against the humans.
They join Darkhölme, Adler and Wyngarde, and then meet Lensherr. They receive help of Fred Duncan and Gabrielle Haller to form the team to fight Shaw.
The first members are Armando Muñoz (Darwin), Vienna Adamsen (Petra), Suzanne Chan (Sway) and Sean Cassidy (Banshee).
The Hellfire Club members are: Amélia Voght, Janos Quested and Adriana Soria.
Most of things are just like the movie, but with different characters.
Except Darwin never dies and Shaw is killed by Erik and later his body is taken by Lady Sinister. Adriana Soria is taken by CIA and Janos Quested escapes.
After the Battle of Cuba, Xavier becomes paralyzed and lives with Gabrielle Haller in Graymalkin Lane; Erik leaves the X-Men with Voght and Wyngarde; Irene and Adler leave too, but in separate ways; Moira goes to Muir Island with the recruits.
1975 -
Sean Cassidy marries his girlfriend.
Weapon Plus erases the memories of the Team X.
1976 -
Charles Xavier marries Gabrielle Haller.
Team X escapes the Weapon X facility. Logan loses his memories and lives in the mountains with James and Heather Hudson.
1979 -
David Haller, son of Xavier and Haller, is born.
Just months after his son's birth, Charles fights the Shadow King, who loses his body and puts his own conscious on David's mind, planning on taking revenge on Xavier in the future.
Afraid of what could happened if she stayed with Xavier, Gabrielle Haller leaves Graymalking Lane and takes her son with her.
1980 -
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (12) activate their mutations for the first time.
1985 -
Jean Grey (10) manifests her powers for the first time. Xavier takes her to Graymalkin Lane to teach her to control her mutation.
Twenty years after the First Class, with new super heroes showing themselves to the public, Xavier decides to form a new team of X-Men.
1987 -
Bobby Drake (10) manifest his powers for the first time. His parents ask him to keep himself in secret, but Bobby starts to train his powers, wanting to be a super hero.
1988 -
Scott (12), Alex (10) and Gabriel Summers (6) survive a plane crash during a trip with their family.
Scott enters a coma, while his little brothers are taken to different forster homes. Xavier visits Scott with Moira and decides to come back to him after Scott wakes up.
1989 -
The Fantastic Four debut as the first super hero team.
Scott (13) wakes up from his coma after a year, waking his powers by accident. Xavier gives him a Ruby-Quartz visor and invites him to join his new team of X-Men.
Bobby Drake (12) is on a date when he shows his powers in public for the first time. After the town turns against him, because of the hate against super humans increasing, Bobby is save by Scott and goes to Graymalkin Lane.
Warren Worthington's wing grow and hes unable to hide his mutation anymore. Scott and Bobby go after him and invite him to join the X-Men. Hesitant, Warren (14) accepts.
Later, Charles introduces Jean Grey (14) to them.
1990 -
The Avengers debut as a super hero team during the Battle of New York.
During a rugby game, Henry McCoy (16) witnessed a pair of masked thugs trying to rob the ticket booth, and used his mutant abilities to stop them.
Henry participated a special program for gifted young people, founded by Tony Stark. There he met Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Charles and Henry, reluctantly, accept to join the team.
Now with the second lineup of X-Men complete, Xavier began training his new students to hone their powers in his Danger Room specially built by him and the team's old lineup.
1991 -
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (23) decided to go to America to look for their biological father.
Wolverine left Canada and went to Japan. There, he met Kobayashi Amiko and adopted her as his daughter.
The second class of X-Men graduated in their training: Iceman (14), Angel (17), Beast (18), Cyclops (16) and Marvel Gil (17).
Now calling himself Professor X, Charles Xavier (55) was ready to reveal the new X-Men to the world.
• Meanwhile, Magneto (59) has made his first move against humanity, taking control of a military base in Cape Citadel to launch his missiles at human targets. He was unexpectedly confronted by the X-Men and escaped before being defeated.
Due to his exemplary work on the field, Xavier selected Scott Summers to serve as the team's field leader.
Later they fought the mutant called Vanisher.
Xavier located Frederick Dukes (17), and sent the X-Men to recruit him.
Blob was uninterested in joining them and later attacked the school, but was defeated by X-Men soon.
Gabriel Summers (10) was raised in a foster family, until he decided to run away from his grandparents' house one night, going in search of Scott and Alex.
After getting lost, he was found by a criminal called Jack Diamonds, who took advantaged of his new powers. Gabriel later was saved by the first X-Men (Petra, Darwin, Sway) and taken to Muir Island, where he trained to be a X-Men and choose the name Kid Vulcan.
Magneto founded the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, recruiting Jason Wyngarde, Amélia Voght, Mortimer Toybnee (14), Astra (20), Blob, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (24).
They fought the X-Men briefly and then later where defeated.
The X-Men and the Fantastic Four fought the Puppet Master.
The X-Men where attacked by Calvin Rankin, Mimic.
Juggernaut attacked Graymalkin Lane and was defeated by the X-Men, put in a coma by Xavier.
1993 -
James Madrox (14) lost control of hid powers and was found by Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Muir Island, where he joined her X-Men with the codename of Multiple Man.
The X-Men graduated and soon fought Unus, the Untouchable.
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (25) left the Brotherhood and joined the Avengers.
While living a pacific life in Paris, Gabrielle Haller's husband was killed. During the accident, David Haller (14) manifested his powers.
1994 -
Start of the Arc Z'Nox.
The X-Men find out Scott (18) has a brother. They meet Alex Summers (16) and he joins the team as Havok.
1995 -
(Mesmero and Krakoa)
Bobby (17) and Alex meet Lorna Dane (20). Soon they're kidnapped by Mesmero, who reveled that Lorna was Magneto's daughter.
Mesmero took control of Krakoa, the living mutant island, who once was home for the first mutants of the world. Mesmero and the X-Men discovered a secret nation of mutants that once lived in Krakoa (once known as Okkara).
These mutants were known as Enriched and they punished Mesmero for trying to steal their secrets and hurt Krakoa, who was asked to keep Mesmero trapped in a cell in the insides of the island.
The Enriched asked the X-Men to never tell about their secret nation, Khado, or about them, and the young mutants agreed.
Lorna Dane joined the X-Men as Polaris.
Hank McCoy left the X-Men to work at Brand Corporation.
(Among us stalk the Sentinels)
Believing that the mutant race was a threat to human society, scientist Bolivar Trask created the Sentinels.
To ensure the safety of mutants, Xavier began looking for new members for the X-Men.
The first of these would be his old Banshee friend, Sean Cassidy (43).
He also went after Sabretooth, who turned down his offer because he didn't care about the war between mutants and humans.
Jean (20), Scott (19) and Hank (21) met the mutant Ororo Munroe (28), that agreed to join them and took the code name "Storm".
• Over the next few days, there were many instances of mutants being attacked by Sentinels. Many of them sought refuge in the Xavier Mansion, being protected and kept secret by the X-Men.
At some point, the Sentinels attacked the school, and were defeated by the new group of X-Men.
(The Phoenix)
Reed Richards (32) met with Charles Xavier (58) to discuss the Z'Nox threat, stating that they were still present in Earth's orbit; so the X-Men joined the Fantastic Four on a mission into space to stop the alien invaders.
During the mission, they were caught in a solar flare. Jean Gray (20) was trapped in deep space and absorbed the explosion to give the others time to escape.
Jean came into contact with the Phoenix Force, that allowed her to absorb her energy, sealing itself in her body.
In Chandilar, in the Triagulum Galaxy (M-33), Lilandra feels the presence of the Phoenix.
With the rest of his team reaching the final stretch of their college education, Charles was secretly on Muir Island.
There he met Moira's new recruits, Bolt (14), Multiple Man (16) and Kid Vulcan (13).
Charles tried to recruit Emma Frost, but she refused, already working with the Hellfire Club in secret.
1996 -
Hank McCoy (22) goes through a rough transformation with his mutation, assuming a more bestial appearance.
(Second Genesis).
Charles Xavier (59) soon became aware of a mutant signature on Krakoa and sent his X-Men on a mission to investigate the island.
Meanwhile, the X-Men arrived on Krakoa and realized that the entire island was actually a massive mutant form.
Not only that, they met with Princess Sarala (33), the princess of Khado and the Enriched and Raven, her counselor.
They explained to Cyclops (20) that after they took Mesmero to Krakoa, he was placed in a stone chamber that would keep him asleep; however, the mutant used his powers to reach Krakoa's consciousness and awaken him from his sleep.
Understanding the importance of Krakoa to the Enriched, the X-Men joined them in calming the island. Krakoa then attacked them and, under Mesmero's command, captured them within.
Xavier reached out to Moira and asked her to allow him to use her students to rescue his team of X-Men.
These new X-Men proved to be no match for the island of Krakoa, and only managed to free Cyclops, sending him away while the group seemingly sacrificed their lives to cover their escape.
Scott returned to the Mansion, along with Bolt (15) and Madrox (17).
Wolverine was sent by Department H to fight the Hulk, he was defeated, but later was invited by Xavier to join the X-Men and rescue the other members from Krakoa.
Not only Wolverine, Scott recruited a new team with Banshee (44) and Storm (29), and new members: Sunfire (24), Colossus (18), Nightcrawler (20) and Thunderbird (17).
• This new team of X-Men proved more successful, rescuing the original team and defeating Krakoa and Mesmero.
Krakoa went back to its deep sleep and the Enriched took Mesmero to a different cell. However, Kid Vulcan was nowhere to be seen and Charles erased him from everyone's memories, believing he was dead.
Later, Cyclops became leader of the new team of X-Men.
(X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'ken)
Erik the Red received orders from Majestor Shi'ar D'ken to capture Princess Lilandra, who had fled on a ship to Earth.
The Enriched once again went to warn the X-Men of the threat of the Shi'ar and told them about the first invasion of the Shi'ar earth.
Princess Lilandra arrived on Earth and asked them to help her stop her brother from using the M'kraan Crystal's power to dominate the universe.
Jean Gray (21) awakened the powers of the Phoenix and helped the X-Men into space to rescue Lilandra, and help her stop her brother from using the power of the M'kraan Crystal to take over the universe.
Emperor D'ken controlled the powerful Imperial Guard and directed his force to destroy the X-Men. Fortunately, the X-Men were aided by the Starjammers, a revolutionary crew of space pirates, led by Cyclops' father, the Corsair, and the Enriched.
With the crystal about to shatter and destroy reality itself, Phoenix used his stupendous power to restore it. D'ken went crazy and was dethroned. When the X-Men returned to Earth, a temporarily exiled Lilandra accompanied them.
Jean Gray began having terrible dreams about the Phoenix.
(The second Brotherhood of Mutants)
With the new wave of hatred spread by Senator Kelly, a new Brotherhood of Mutants was formed, led by Mystique (and Destiny, in secret), formed by Pyro (19), Rogue (16) Avalanche (21) and Blob (21 ).
• While "rescuing" some mutant children, the Brotherhood is interrupted by the X-Men, who prevent them from taking the children to use them in their plans.
During the battle, the X-Men have difficulty dealing with Rogue's powers, who copies her abilities.
In the end, they win because Rogue is overwhelmed, and the Brotherhood escapes.
New mutants go to Gaymalkin Lane, among them is Sam Guthrie (14), Kitty Pryde (12) and Alison Blaire (16).
(Dark Phoenix)
The X-Men were captured by the Hellfire Club, its revealed that Jason Wyngarde has been using his power to torture Jean and unleash the Phoenix. They succed and Jean is dominated by the Dark Phoenix.
The powerful entity is defeated with the help of the Shi’ar. Jean Gray regained control once again and decided to sacrifice herself and prevent another disaster.
After Jean Grey's funeral, Cyclops left the team to mourn the loss of his lover. Storm was placed as leader of the X-Men
1997 –
• (Days of Future Past)
• Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop travel from the future to stop the Brotherhood of Mutants of killing Robert Kelly and triggering their dystopic future. The X-men follow them in their mission and succed in stopping Mystique and her brotherhood.
• Rachel and Lucas are stuck in the past and join the X-Men.
• While he traveled the coutry in his mourning, Scott met Madelyne Prior, who looked exactly like Jean. They become closer and Scott goes back to the house of his grandparents. There he find memories of his Brothers and finds out that Kid Vulcan, that had died in Krakoa, was his brother Gabriel.
• He decided to go back to Salem Center, but promised to Madelyne he would come back.
• The X-Men have their first encounter with the Broods. They defeat the aliens with the help of the Shi’ar and the Starjammers, which leader is Christopher Summers.
• Kitty Pryde meets Lockheed.
• Carol Danvers briefly joins the X-Men, but soon leaves after a fight with Rogue, who had stolen her powers (Danvers did notlost er abilities, only stayed in bed for a while).
• At the same time, Wanda is possessed by the Darkhold and uses her powers to create na ilusiono f a happy Family for herself and Vision. She’s stopped by Strange and the Avengers.
• Scott comes back to the X-Men and confronts Xavier about his brother. He keeps in contact with Madelyne Prior.
• Illyana Rasputin is taken to Limbo. Later she’s saved by the X-Men, but she’s no longer a little girl.
• (The New Mutants)
• During the prolonged period in which the X-Men were kidnapped by the Brood, Xavier's School was rebuilt and became known as the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Despite not wanting to put any more of her students in danger, Moira convinced Xavier that the mutant children would be in danger one way or another and would need to be trained to fight.
• Thus, the X-Men began to assemble a new experimental team of young X-Men, the New Mutants, and new teachers joined to help with their training: Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Sunfire, Firestarter, Lullaby, Banshee, Wolverine, Prestige, Bishop and Colossus.
• This new team was formed by Sam Guthrie (15), Rahne Sinclair (13), Roberto da Costa (14), Danielle Moonstar (15), Doug Ramsey (13), Illyana Rasputin (13) and Xuân Cao Mạnh (14), who has been chosen to bethe leader.
• Later the X-Men were in a conflict with the Morlocks and their leader Calypso.
• Rogue went to the X-Men after she had to have problems controlling Captain Marvel’s powers.
• The X-Men travel to Japan to celebrate Logan’s wending with Yashida Mariko. They met his adopted daughter, Amiko, and help him save Mariko from the Silver Samurai.
• Forge joins the X-Men later.
• Jonh Proudstar (18) brings his little brother, James (14), to study at the Xavier’s Institute.
• Around the same time, Emma Frost created her own group of young mutants at Massachusetts Academy, the Hellions, formed by: Empath, Firestar and Roulette.
• Scott Summers became closer to Madelyne Prior and the two became a couple and he ook her to the X Mansion, where he introduced her to her friends. X-Men were shocked, however, seeing Scott's genuine happiness, they accepted Madelyne into their family and she spent the next few months living with them at the Institute, where she soon discovered she was pregnant.
• As a full-time X-Man, Wolverine was unable to personally care for Amiko (12), but raised her with his fiancée Mariko Yashida.
• Amiko lived with Mariko for some time, enjoying the luxurious life that the head of the Yashida Clan was able to provide. She saw Logan on rare occasions.
• Scott Summers married Madelyne Pryor on the grounds of Xavier Mansion, with most of the X-Men attending the ceremony.
• (Legion)
• David Haller (18) began manifesting his psionic abilities uncontrollably in the real world. Seeing her son suffering from the loss of control of his powers, Gabrielle Haller took him to Muir Island to ask Moira MacTaggert for help.
• MacTaggart called Xavier and he brought with him several of the New Mutants, including Cypher, Mirage and Wolfsbane, Rachel Grey, Scott Summers and Banshee. Upon seeing Xavier, David revealed that it wasn't just him there, there were many others of his alters and hidden in his mind was Amal Farouk, the Shadow King.
• The X-Men joined to stop Frouk and save Davidd. Farouk was removed and expelled from David's mind, who finally had control over his powers and could live in peace with his alters. Even though he still didn't accept that Xavier was his father, knowing why his mother left him, David thanked him.
• David remained on Muir Island for the next few years, being visited by the X-Men from time to time.
1998 –
• (The return of Jean Grey)
• Many months after Phoenix's death, some Khado soldiers heard Krakoa calling them and followed the island to Jamaica Bay, where they found a pod containing Jean Gray's body.
• A few weeks after being found, Jean Gray began to remember what happened before her "death." She later left to go find her friends and returned to be na X-Man.
• Meanwhile, Scott and Madelyne's marriage has become strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean.
• The X-Men were attacked by Mojo. Elizabeth Braddock joined the X-Men after helping them escape the Mojoverse.
• In May, Madelyne Prior gave birth to hers and Cyclops’ son, Nathan Summers.
• Right after, Lady Sinister, Selene Essex, recruited a group of mercenaries to get rid of the Morlocks, whom she believed were a threat the to Evolution of mutant kind. Among these mercenaries, the Marauders, were Sabretooth and Gambit.
• The X-Men went to the tunnels of Morlocks to save the mutants and defeat the Marauders. In the end of the fight, Storm was severely hurt and was lost. While the X-Men believed she was dead, Gambit found her in the tunnels and saved her life.
• Later the X-Men were attacked by the Ravers. During the fight, Jubilee (14), that was living in secret in the X-Men’s base, helped Wolverine save his teammates.
• (Inferno)
• When the X-Men carried out missions, Madelyne Pryor helped them as technical support. Little by little, she was corrupted by the Limbo demon N'astirh, ending up making a deal with him to find her son, becoming the Goblin Queen.
• She soon found out about her true nature: she’s a clone of Jean Grey created by Lady Sinister. Her corruption as the Goblin Queen unleashed Hell on New York in the form of a demonic invasion.
• The X-Men defeated N'astirh, however, in an insane outburst, Pryor put her own son's life at risk, being fought by the X-Men and X-Factor. She was eventually killed in an attempt to take Jean Gray down with her.
• With Madelyne dead, the X-Men traveled to the ruins of the X-Mansion to confront Lady Sinister, who, with Mastermind's help, was telepathically attacking Jean Grey. After a long fight, Cyclops (24) managed to blast Sinister with a full-power optical blast, seemingly destroying her.
• Now without his mother, baby Nathan Summers was raised by his fatherwith the help of the X-Men and Jean Grey.
• In the end, the X-men had to fight the Shadow King once again. Farouk was controlling other mutants to attack the X-Men, but with the help of David Haller and Emma Frost, they defeated him once again.
1999 –
• Wolverine tried to regain his memories and startedto dig into his past with the helpof Jonh Wraith and Nick Fury. He discovered that Silverfox was never dead and it was all an ilusion of Weapon X.
• The X-Men had to fight against the Acolytes and Fabian Cortez, who had kidnapped Luna Maximoff, Magneto’s granddaughter.
• Dealing with his bloodlust and animal side out of control, Sabretooth went to the X-Men searching for Xavier’s help. Different from what he expected, Creed was kept prisioner in the basement.
• Tereza Márquez (OC), Creed’s partner known as Sanguinária, joined the X-Men to take care of him, but still had to keep her job with the Avengers.
• The Inner Circle, who were old allies of Xavier, send two members, Lullaby and Firestarter, to assist the X-Men with their new students.
• The wending of Jean Grey and Scott Summers happened in the gardens of the manor.
• (The Phalanx and Generation X)
• Later, Sabretooth and Tereza Márquez helped Banshee, Emma Frost and Jubilee save a new group of Young mutants from the Phalanx. One of these youngs was Clarice Ferguson (14), she sacrificed herself by using her teleporting powers to save her new friends and was apparently killed while destroying the Phalanx.
• While Sabretooth was sent back to his cell, Banshee and Emma Frost started to train a new team, the Generation X: Jubilee (14), Paige Guthrie (17), Monet St. Crox (16), Everett Thomas (17), Jono Starmore (14), Angelo Spinosa (15) and Nicole and Claudette St. Crox (9).
• The X-Men and the Fantastic Four had to deal with Nanny and Orphan Maker, who captured Young mutants from their parentes, among them Franklin Richards (1), Nathan Summers and Gailyn and Joey Grey.
• The Inner Circle started their plans of waking Apocalypse, with the help of Exodus and Ozymndias. Creed starts to regain his memories.
• When the Inner Circle was discovered by Forge, Creed and Márquez escaped the manor. During the battle that started, the Inner Circle failed in capturing Xavier, but Nathan Summers was infected with a techno vírus that put his life in danger.
• To save his son, Scott send Nathan to the future, wherehe could recieve training and treatingfor the vírus. Wolverine was after a cure for Warren and Psylocke, who were extremely hurt by Creed and Márquez during their escape. He recieved a visit from Ozymandias, who told him that soon Apocalypse would return.
• The same warning was given to the mutants of Khado, who prepared themselves for the “Judgment Day”. The Inner Circle goes searching for the Horsemen of Apocalypse.
2000 –
• With the campaing for presidency of Graydon Creed, the mutants start to feel more threated by the presence of the Sentinels and the Department of Damage Control, na organisation ruled by SHIELD that would arrest any potential dangerous mutant.
• Dr. Cecilia Reyes joined the X-Men.
• (Apocalypse)
• The Inner Circle succeds in their plan of bringing back Apocalypse and his Haralds.
• Kittty Pryde, Jono Starmore and Warren Worthington are kidnapped by the Inner Circle. Apocalypse uses his powers to give Warren new wings, choosing him to be his next Horseman of Death.
• With the help of the Enriched, the X-Men fight Apocalypse, his Army of Darkness, Exodus and the Inner Circle.
• Now the world knew of the existence of the secret nation of mutants, Khado, as well the existence of Wakanda and Krakoa.
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strscrossed · 6 months
Yeah! Amélia and her family went to eat and pray because she got a really good character in a movie and then they went to Nicosasha's son's restaurant!
and we need a name for nicosasha's son too.😭
omg yes! basically this was the role she always wanted and she actually got it and of course they have to go out to celebrate.
omg yeah. i was thinking the nicosasha boys all had italian names.
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raibaru-san · 11 months
RP Stranger Things with childrenofdarkness
pour @childrenofdarknight :
Amélia se réveilla avec une douleur lancinante dans le crâne, allongée sur le sol froid. Elle grelottait de froid, sentant une sensation désagréable de gelure qui la traversait. Après s'être redressé, sa main se porte instinctivement à l'arrière de sa tête, où elle sentit une humidité visqueuse. Le sol était mouillé.
Une fois ses esprits recouvrés, elle fouilla ses poches à la recherche de son téléphone. Après une brève recherche, elle le trouva finalement par terre, retourné. En le prenant, elle constata rapidement que l'écran était fissuré. Heureusement, il semblait encore en état de marche. Tandis qu'elle essayait désespérément de passer un appel, elle se rendit rapidement compte que son téléphone ne captait aucun réseau. Une pointe d'anxiété s'empara d'elle.
Déterminée à sortir de cet endroit sombre et oppressant, Amélia se leva avec difficulté, sentant ses jambes flageoler sous son poids. Son teint était d'une pâleur cadavérique, témoignant des épreuves qu'elle avait traversées. Elle balaya du regard les alentours pour essayer de s'orienter. Les dalles du sol étaient dans un état déplorable, certaines étant même déplacées. Les murs, fissurés et décrépits, semblaient avoir été témoins du passage du temps. Une odeur de renfermé emplissait l'air humide, ajoutant à l'atmosphère sinistre qui régnait dans les lieux.
S'appuyant contre le mur pour retrouver son équilibre, la brune fut subitement prise d'un vertige, qui la fit vaciller dangereusement. Reprenant sa marche avec difficulté, elle tituba vers la sortie de cet endroit abandonné, désireuse de s'en échapper au plus vite. L'idée de l'exploration urbaine, qu'elle avait subie, s'effaçait progressivement de sa mémoire troublée.
Alors qu'elle avançait laborieusement, le mal de tête qui la torturait ne faisait qu'empirer. Plongée dans un brouillard de douleur, elle se dirige instinctivement vers les bois qui se déplacent à proximité. Mais les vertiges l'assaillirent de nouveau, troublant sa vision et faisant danser les contours des arbres devant ses yeux. Incapable de résister, elle s'effondra une fois de plus sur le sol rugueux, submergée par l'épuisement et la confusion. Avant de tomber dans l'inconscience une nouvelle fois, elle crut entendre des voix. Son esprit lui jouait il un tour ? A ces voix s'ajoutaient des silhouettes floues. Malheureusement, elle n'eut pas le temps d'en savoir plus...
Tumblr media
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bluemoonperegrine · 2 months
After seeing some subtitled screencaps of El crimen del Padre Amaro, I read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.
I 100% will not be watching that movie despite Gael starring in it, and it has nothing to do with being offended for the Roman Catholic Church.
I was raised Catholic.
It didn't do a lot for me. I didn't have any bad experiences other than witnessing some general hypocrisy and typical Catholic guilt. Humans are often hypocritical. No biggie.
Most of the main characters in that movie suck. Amélia, the female lead, is treated like garbage. I won't spoil what happens to her. Only the men matter in that small town. Admittedly Amélia made some lousy choices herself. IMO the culture sets up women to fail.
So I won't watch that movie because I'll probably throw something at the TV.
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roxxiethecreator · 6 months
Portuguese Brazil (original)
Oi Pessoal, então, provavelmente eu não vou querer dar spoiler pro piloto/filme de ''A Vida de Cão e Gato'', mas eu vou querer mostrar alguns dubladores dessa serie/filme, e lembrando que isso daqui é só uma teoria, e que ainda não foi confirmado, e isso daqui foi muito antes de eu lançar o piloto/filme (postagem publicada no dia 24/11/23)
American Version
Hi guys, so, I probably won't want to spoiler the pilot/film of ''The Life of Dog and Cat'', but I will want to show some voice actors from this series/film, and remembering that this is just a theory, and that has not yet been confirmed, and this was long before I released the pilot/film (post published on 11/24/23)
Voice Actors (American Version)
Character: Watermellon Voice actor: Tom Kenny
Character: Kelvin Voice actor: Jim Cummings
Character: Carrot Voice actor: Carlos Alazraqui
Character: Brown Voice actor: Tom Kenny
Character: Vanessa Voice Actor: Liliana Mumy
Character: Jennette Voice Actor: Gray DeLisle
Character: Charlotte Voice Actor: Tara Strong
Character: Bubble Voice Actor: Eric Bauza (maybe, or Maddie Taylor)
Character: Shell Voice actor: Gray DeLisle
Character: Clover Voice actor: Billy West
Voice Actors (Original Version)
Character: Watermellon Voice actor: Alexandre Moreno
Character: Kelvin Voice actor: Marco Ribeiro
Character: Carrot Voice actor: Manolo Rey
Character: Amélia Voice actor: Fernanda Baronne
Character: Benjamin Voice actor: Marco Antônio Costa
Character: Brown Voice actor: Eduardo Borgerth
Character: Vanessa Voice Actor: Julie
Character: Jennette Voice Actor: Luisa Palomanes
Character: Charlotte Voice Actor: Sylvia Salustti
Character: Bubble Voice Actor: Sérgio Stern
Character: Shell Voice actor: Miriam Ficher
Character: Clover Voice actor: Mário Jorge Andrade
Character: Flash Voice actor: Guilherme Briggs
Character: Lily Voice actor: Carmen Sheila
Character: Lola Voice actor: Mabel Cezar
Character: Skull Voice actor: Marcelo Garcia
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arrhakis · 6 months
The Baroque Portuguese Roosters - The Missing Porcelain Collection of Queen Dona Amélia
The Baroque Portuguese Roosters - The Missing Porcelain Collection of Queen Dona Amélia by Daniel Arrhakis (2023)
Dona Maria Amélia (French: Marie Amélie Louise Hélène; 28 September 1865 – 25 October 1951) was the last Queen consort of Portugal as the wife of Carlos I of Portugal.
She was regent of Portugal during the absence of her spouse in 1895.
She was the eldest daughter of Prince Philippe, Count of Paris and Princess Marie Isabelle d'Orléans, and a "Princess of Orléans" by birth.
On 22 May 1886, Amélia married Carlos, Prince Royal of Portugal. He was the eldest son of King Luís I of Portugal and Maria Pia of Savoy.
As queen, however, Amelia played a very important role. With her elegance and cultured character, she influenced the Portuguese court.
Interested in eradicating the evils of the time, such as poverty and tuberculosis, she founded dispensaries, sanatoriums, economic kitchens and daycare centers, thus demonstrating her interest in the well-being of the Portuguese population.
However, his best-known works are the foundations of the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos (in 1892); the Royal Coach Museum (1905); the Pasteur Institute in Portugal (Instituto Câmara Pestana) and the National Assistance for Tuberculosis.
On 1 February 1908, the royal family returned from the palace of Vila Viçosa to Lisbon. They traveled in the royal train to Barreiro and from there took a boat to cross the Tagus River.
They disembarked at Cais das Colunas in the principal square of downtown Lisbon, the Terreiro do Paço.
On their way to the Palace of Necessidades, while crossing the square and turning to the street, several shots were fired from the crowd by at least two men, among others.
The King died immediately, his heir Prince Dom Luís was mortally wounded and Infante Dom Manuel was hit in the arm, yet Queen Amélie surprisingly unharmed trying to defend her youngest son, the new king Manuel II, with the flower bouquet she kept in her hand.
Her reaction at the time of the regicide was to brandish the bouquet of flowers she was carrying in her hand and shout at one of the regicides to back down, an image that made the covers of newspapers across Europe.
The regicide of 1908 plunged her into deep grief, from which D. Amélia never fully recovered. She then retired to the Palácio da Pena, in Sintra, without ceasing, however, to try to support, by all means, her young son, King D. Manuel II.
Manuel II of Portugal was deposed by a military coup, later known as the 5 October 1910 revolution, which resulted in the establishment of the Portuguese First Republic. Queen Amélie left Portugal with the rest of the royal family, embarks in Ericeira on the yacht Amélia, heading for Gibraltar.
She lived decades of suffering in exile, between England and France. During the Second World War the Portuguese government of Salazar invited her to return to Portugal, but she declined the offer replying “In my misfortune, France welcomed me, I will not abandon her in her misfortune”.
She visited Portugal for the last time in 1945. In 1951 at the time of her death, her last words were “Take me to Portugal”. She is buried in the Bragança pantheon, in São Vicente de Fora.
In the midst of this tragedy, I decided to create a collection of porcelain roosters in her honor. Whether it exists or not will remain in the secret of History and Stories.
In France since ancient times, the rooster has appeared on Gallic coins and it became a symbol of Gaul and the Gauls.
But also in Portugal since the Middle Ages, with emphasis on the medieval legend of the Rooster of Barcelos.
The rooster is also considered the symbol of Portugal, both because of its rusticity, representing our countryside and because it is traditionally associated with positive things and virtues.
You can find it on many facades of secular churches in Portugal.
Queen Dona Amélia had a very special adoration for porcelain roosters and throughout her life in Portugal between the Palaces of Pena and Vila Viçosa, many evenings were spent drawing and painting , like King D. Carlos.
Her roosters drawn and painted by her were later reproduced by great Portuguese ceramists as unique pieces that were then part of her extensive collection and one of Queen Dona Amélia's best kept secrets.
"My Beautiful Baroque Roosters" as she called them were left behind at the Pena Palace, after her departure into exile, with the exception of a few specimens, which she took on the Dona Amélia Yacht on her initial trip to Gibraltar.
With time and the vicissitudes of the revolutionary times of the First Republic, Queen Dona Amélia's collection of Portuguese Baroque Roosters disappeared without a trace, until today when I present you a glimpse into this collection created in dreams...
Each Rooster has the name of a Portuguese municipality or locality.
I hope you like it ! : )
(via The Baroque Portuguese Roosters - The Missing Porcelain Co… | Flickr)
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