#Build the kindom
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redysetdare · 2 years
Ok i know we aren’t supposed to be taking affogatos side and his motivations will probably be shown to be way worse as the story goes on but so far like... he’s right. I’m sorry but dark Cacao is not a good king and the fact that even speaking slightly ill of him is thought to be TREASON is kind of concerning and a little fucked up.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
Ive painted more red nether bricks then i ever have wanted to in my life
Never ask this mans to paint nether fortresses i will die on sight
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elitadream · 6 months
The thought of Mario being a skilled carpenter and making things for the people he loves is so sweet! Now I'm imagining him building a crib for when him and Peach are expecting, or making little wooden toys for his kids, or any of the kids living in the Mushroom Kindom! He's such a sweet guy like that. 😭
Awww he absolutely would, omg. 🥹💖
First of all, Mario gaining that Santa Claus reputation by offering children presents is so him, I can see that perfectly! 😄👌
And him building things while waiting to meet his own child!! 😭 YESSS. 💗 I don't often talk about the whole family dimension of Mario and Peach's relationship (both because it's so far into the future in my version and because I don't usually include ocs in my work), but this is everything to me and I adore the idea. 🥺🧸
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randomspagetti · 8 months
[Comic + AU]
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WHELP- he's definitely not letting them in now 😭
Basically a synopsis of this au is:
Burnt Cheese survives the incident that took place in golden cheese kindom (this can actually be twisted to any of the GC cookies if you wanna make your own au based on this) Losing everything, and failing to protect the people he had sworn to, he leaves disgraced. (He goes from kingdom to kingdom, just some wandering really)
GC, when she decides to build her virtual kingdom, cannot find his body (for obvious reasons) so she just kinda AIs him (what she does really depends on if the peoples souls are actually in the simulation/they're real but it all has the same solution)
On the way to GC Kingdom, the main cast run into him, he mentions in passing that he used to live there before it was destroyed, so they drag him along on their mission to save earthbread. Let's just say that burnt cheese doesn't handle seeing his dead friends alive well, and his friends don't like the prospect of a "imposter" in their walls.
They basically have to break in, catching the attention of both the ancient hero, and those under her. So-
Two BCs, Lots of trauma, and maybe BC will finally get some closure.
Yeahhh I've been having a lot of brain rot recently- this isn't becoming a full comic/I might not talk about this au in the future, but it was fun to work on ^^
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autiponi · 6 months
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My name is Simon "Ice King" Petrikov. I live at Ice Kindom, close to Candy kingdom, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably crazy, and i want some crazy Princess. Gunther has been building a meth empire for over a year now and using me as his king. Shortly after my 900th birthday, Gunther came to me with a rather, shocking proposition. He asked that I use my crown to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using his connections in the candy world.
shitpost time.
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
Hi! Read your latest response by anon and the idea sounds fantastic!!! Looking forward to your finish product on your latest wip too❤️🐒
Quick questions based of your response: how would Sophie’s departure back to her own world/time affect Wukong? After returning home to his kingly duties, would his subjects see a change in him (missing Sophie)? How much time passed before she returns to his home? What’s his reaction to her return?
Much love ❤️
Hello hello! I'm glad that you liked the idea that I'm slowly building into a canon of Sophie going back to her world so she can think about it and give her goodbye to her mother before she comes back. I feel like once Wukong goes back to his kingly duties his advisers like Marshal Liu can definitely see a change in him! Wukong might act normally in someone's eyes that doesn't know him at well compared to Marshal Liu for example. He can see that his king is not as focused on his tasks, he also wants to be more alone, to collect his thoughts which is pretty odd for him! Usually, Wukong is proud and loud and doesn't like to be alone! He is very social in person but now, he wants to be alone. I also think he would open up about feeling alone and even empty to his mother (in my AU Wukong has an adoptive normal monkey). He would seek her advice on how he should handle these familiar and scary emotions that he felt when he was under the mountain for YEARS. Alone, empty, angry yet sad. He is very used to spending time with Sophie who made him feel heard, alive, and loved (from platonically to romantic). Outside of his mother and advisors, he acts normally, so I think most of his subjects won't necessarily see the differences because Wukong refuses to show weakness as a King. Someone needs to lead his people. If he shows weakness or that he might not be right to rule his kindom that can cause issues. When Sophie returns he is very overwhelmed! This meant that she will stay regardless if their relationship will be friendship or lovers. She is here and they can be together! He won't necessarily run to her and have a big ass smile on his face, but rather calmly walk to her and just hold her closely. Almost like making sure that she really is here. Sophie can feel his breathing to be a little bit shaky like he is not sure how to handle these emotions but after a while, he would whisper: "Welcome home." The next day he is all himself, teasing, bragging, and calling her a stupid woman. All is back and dainty! As it should.
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forms-and-phyla · 11 months
Phylum #8: Chordata!
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A notochord under a hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits and a post-anal tail. United by a simple but elegant body plan, chordates nonetheless became one of the most diverse phyla in the animal kindom. While the small filter-feeding lancelets closely preserved the original chordate body plan, tunicates and vertebrates would reshape it in unexpected ways, with new materials gained through evolution.
Tunicates achieved the unique ability among animals to synthesize cellulose. Tadpole-like larvaceans build submarine-like "houses" with complex sets of filters to collect food particles. Other tunicates, after a drastic metamorphosis, abandon the notochord and fully integrate cellulose tunics as their body walls, often merging them together in massive colonies.
Meanwhile, vertebrates built upon the original notochord, housing it in a solid skeleton of cartilage or bone. With this, vertebrates could not only reach land, but even conquer the skies, with three out of the four flying clades in animal history being vertebrates (birds, bats and pterosaurs).
Their internal skeleton providing both support and flexibility, vertebrates have dominated megafauna for more than 300 million years. Especially on land, they brought animal life to scales previously unheard of: at 70 tons, Argentinosaurus weighed 200 times as much as the largest invertebrate to ever walk land, Hibbertopterus.
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sakustars · 10 months
yuuji itadori x gn!reader
sfw; fuff; royal au
a/n: while yuuji and choso’s kingdom is obviously based on japan, the reader’s kingdom and culture is stuff i made up — the names, location, clothing etc. hold no significance to real life. any similarities to irl cultures is purely coincidental :)
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the sleigh rumbled through the woods, covered by furs held up by a wooden frame, two kings laughing loudly at the exposed bow, their greatest treasures sheltered in the bed.
just behind them, trying (and failing) to play dice, cubes of painted bone bouncing against the tremors of the sleigh, were their respective first borns. choso, with cheeks pink from the cold, peering out into the frosty wilds, and len, clutching the dice in one hand, and his in her other.
hunkered down in the very back, sat two queens dressed in elegant furs and gloves, with their two toddlers bundled up in their laps.
you were just shy of four years old, this first time you met yuuji. you barely remembered it.
a tiny pink-haired boy, with a red nose and flecks of ice in his left eyebrow. he was pouting, unused to the cold, and the heavy furs he was bundled in. you had reached out with mittened hands, and squished his cheeks between them, and your mother laughed, looking upon the two of you fondly.
by the time the reindeer had turned the sleigh around, directed back towards the large stone castle you called home, the kings had come to an agreement. len would marry into choso’s family, and yuuji into yours. at that time, you had had no idea the face you were messing with was that of your betrothed.
the second time, you were seven.
his family had come to your kingdom once again, to be draped in furs and inundated with hot mulled wine and bask in front of large carved fireplaces at the heart of the stone fortress.
the first night of their stay, len and yourself had been sent to choso and yuuji with the purpose of helping them with their unfamiliar clothing. such a task could have easily been completed by a maid, but your parents grasped at the opportunity for the two couples to interact.
when choso called through the door that you could enter, you set about organising the many layers in order of which should go on first. yuuji stood awkwardly before you, dressed only in a base layer of thin cotton trousers and shirt, shivering from the draught blowing through the room.
you glanced at him as you approached with the first garment, a pair of thick woollen trousers. “make conversation,” your mother had told you.
you helped the pink-haired boy into the trousers, belted his waist, then plucked at the shirt he was wearing. “cotton doesn’t grow up here. we import it from your kingdom,” you muttered shyly, grasping at straws for a conversation topic.
yuuji shifted on his feet, blinking owlishly and turning his warm amber eyes to choso for assistance. “we get meat from your kingdom; weaponry too,” his brother supplied as he helped len pull a rich purple tunic over his head.
this seemed to spark something in yuuji as he turned to you excitedly, padding after you as you returned to the bench where his clothes were laid out. “yes! ven-i-son,” he sounded the word out carefully. “and hare. my father says you hunt it all yourselves.”
you nodded proudly. “yep. we’re good at hunting here, and my father’s the best, because he’s the king. i’m going to be the best when i’m queen, though. lift your arms.”
he did as instructed and you tugged on his tunic, choso and len giggling with each other at your bold declaration. as you set about pulling on shawls and furs, buckling and toggling, the conversation turned to other hobbies, then food, then animals, and by the time he was fully clothed, you felt like you could build a factfile on him.
when you were nine, you travelled to his kindom for the first time. boldly embroidered animal hide and stiff boots were traded for softly patterned yukatas and large, pleated trousers; simple sandals on your feet.
the days were spent lazing with yuuji on the engawa of the large estate, gorging yourself on meats that weren’t plain and salty, but instead served with tangy sauces and fresh garnishes.
yuuji had introduced you to to his friends megumi and nobara. they served at the estate, but personal to yuuji, so the three had grown close. megumi had grumpily allowed you to pet his two guard dogs, and blushed as yuuji garbled on about how he was going to be his personal guard when he was older.
when the evenings encroached, your parents would find you all sprawled out on the floor, deep in sleep, tired out from golden days of playing dice and chasing the koi fish in the grounds’ lake.
after this visit, the event would become annual, alternating which kingdom would host, and each visit would be spent in childlike bliss, growing closer with and exploring the other.
however this easy contentment could not last forever. as you grew older and wiser, taking the turn from child to teen, you had the bitter realisation of your lack of choice in life.
on your fourteenth year, you had spent most of yuuji’s visit locked away in your room, ignoring him and yet frustrating yourself over not seeing him. you were well aware that your anger was misdirected, but the only solution your teenage brain could come up with was to let your feeling run their course, and make reparations afterwards.
the night after yuuji and choso departed, len found you curled up in the mound of furs and wool blankets on your overly large bed. she called your name and you grunted under the blanket hiding your face. “if mother sent you, tell her i’m sorry or something to placate her.”
she must be furious, pacing the grand dining hall lamenting to your father about your stand-offish behaviour. you would apologise later, but right now you needed a moment to wallow in your own guilt. you could barely think of your mother’s stress when the fear of yuuji hating you encompassed all corners of your mind.
the bed dipped as len sat next to you. a soft hand reached and squeezing what shoulder she could reach through your coverings. “she did not send me. i wanted to talk to you myself.”
a beat of silence.
then you lifted the corner of your blanket, a silent invitation. she crawled under, laying forehead to forehead next to you. she wiped away the shining tears pooled at the corner of your eye, then pulled you into a tight hug.
“i’m going to apologise to him next year,” you whispered into her shoulder. “do… do you think he’s angry?” you choked out the question, so terrified of her answer.
“of course not,” she murmured, rubbing your back “i think he might be hurt, though. but he’s a kind boy. if you explain, he will understand. i went through the same thing myself, but choso understood. it will be okay.”
you sniffled crackly the pulled back to rest your forehead against hers once more. “you’re getting married next summer. you won’t be here anymore.” the thought broke your heart. you would start hunting soon, and she wouldn’t be there to see you. she wouldn’t sing you to sleep by the fire, or tease you at the dinner table.
“it will be okay,” she said again.
and, “it will be okay,” you repeated back to her.
the next year you did apologise. and it was okay. yuuji had forgiven you instantly, tugging you close to him and engulfing you in a huge hug, pressing a soft kiss to your temple that had your heart running out your chest, before excitedly pulling you down the emerald lawn to see the new flora that had bloomed in your absence.
he had always been slightly awkward, but so kind and so soft, carrying an undeniable charm that affected you much too greatly and that he was probably unaware of even possessing.
so when you came back to your room after hunting, greeted by a taller, stronger, more confident yuuji, you were unprepared.
unprepared for his rush forward, for his strong arms wrapping around your waist, laughing brightly as a crystal-clear brook as he picked you up and swung you around. unprepared for his undeniably gorgeous face so close to yours as he set you down, his cheeks dusted pink and honey eyes lit up with joy.
you breathed heavily against his chest, gripping his biceps and letting out a choked laugh of your own.
he looked at you with stars in his eyes and you looked at him as though he had hung the moon. shared adoration for one another was choked up in shy teenage throats, building and swelling, to inevitably burst out at any moment.
this moment was not to happen yet. not the next day, when you instructed him in archery, your bodies pressed tight together, your breath rolling against his neck as you positioned his arms. not even the next, as you sat together secretly in front of a kitchen stove, bundled in animal hide, sharing doughy bread loaves, and mead from the same cup.
this moment came an entire year later. the summer you visited yuuji, at seventeen years old, just one year shy of coming of age, and your betrothed’s kingdom was throwing a celebration to commemorate his youth.
you had been dressed by nobara, and an older lady named nitta. the yukata was patterned intricately, a mix of different blues making waves, interspersed with white clouds and pink flowers.
when you stepped into the main hall of the estate, your eyes widened. flower petals, streamers, other people in colourful yukatas moved around the room in some sort of organised hurricane, but throughout the chaos, your gaze was fixed to one person. he hadn’t noticed you yet, looking anxious as he spoke hurriedly to megumi, who was dressed in cranes on a dark blue background.
he stood to the side, leaving enough room for people to pass by him, and he looked a vision. instead of his usual red and yellow coloured clothing, his yukata was light blue, beautifully contrasting the carefully embroidered tigers on his sleeves and back. his hair was the same endearing mess as usual, and his cheeks and the tips of his ears were tinged adorably pink in the hot summer evening.
you gave one last thanks to nobara and nitta, before making a beeline straight towards him. he noticed you as you were ten paces away, his face relaxing as he dashed forwards to meet you.
he gathered you in his arms, pressing a kiss to your cheek before burying his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your freshly-washed hair. you turned pinker than yuuji was as he kissed your cheek again and gently yet excitedly tugged you towards the dance floor.
you shared many dances with him, taking breaks occasionally where he insisted you sat down, fanned you if he thought you looked too warm, and made megumi bring you water, not wanting to leave your side for even a second.
you danced for some time with nobara, managed to pull megumi in for one dance before he got away, and had a few circle dances with len and choso. he really seemed like a wonderful man, and you were delighted when she told you about how happy she was with him when you sat down together to talk.
but after twenty or so minutes, yuuji started to become antsy, so you bid farewell with promises to continue writing, before taking his hand in yours and leading him along the engawa then down into the gardens. it seemed you came at the perfect time, because as you settled on the bench at the edge of the koi pond, the fireworks started.
other partygoers were dotted around the gardens, but your attention was fixed to the sky, and yuuji’s on you.
your focus was broken as you heard him call your name gently. you turned your head towards him, eyes widening as soft lips landed on your own. it took you a few seconds to gather yourself, by which time he had pulled away confused, a wrinkle in between his brows. you hastily took his face in your hands, kissed it away, then rejoined your lips.
he made a muffled sound of surprise, before returning the kiss with enthusiasm to spare, curling his hands around your waist and nipping at your bottom lip as you one of your hands through his hair.
you pulled away with your chest heaving, though finally you felt like you could breathe. your love for him was no longer festering in your throat, now moved to warm the hearth of his heart, and his love warmed yours.
🪐 a/n: reblogs, likes and comments r very appreciated <3
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razorblade180 · 1 year
9 Days of Lancaster Day8: One Bed!
[The Kindom of Vale, nighttime]
Expect the unexpected; quite a simple rule taught in many professions but yet hard to grasp all the same. Jaune consider himself a thinker, and more importantly, a problem solver for those in need. He was currently putting that into practice by sitting on the couch of his humble apartment. He’d normally be asleep by now, however that wasn’t an option until…
knock knock knock
Bingo! Jaune stood up to open the door. On the other side was his very close friend and ex girlfriend, Ruby. The Reaper held a duffel bag and had her clothes hastily put on, leaving a few belts unbuckled. She walked inside so he could close the door. Ruby dropped her back near the couch and immediately turned around with her hands together.
Ruby:Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
Jaune:Hehe, it’s no problem. You’d do the same.
Ruby:Maybe if I was awake at this hour! I still can’t believe the pipes bursts throughout my building at a time like this.
Jaune:Expect the unexpected, as Ozpin always says. Did your room flood badly?
Ruby:When I left it wasn’t the worst but I’m not surprised if I come back to a few things ruined. Manage to grab a few important things though. A few clothes, hygiene supplies, Crescent Rose.
Jaune:I’m a little surprised you didn’t call Yang before me.
Ruby:She has Blake over….
Jaune:I’m sure she would’ve made room for you.
Ruby:Oh she would, but not only is she further away, but her and Blake aren’t exactly…quiet.
Jaune:Ah…well I don’t think they would’ve with you aro-
Ruby:I’ve been with them before. They thought I was asleep.
Jaune:I’m so sorry. Too bad Weiss is out of town.
Ruby:Even if she wasn’t I have a sneaking suspicion she’d be in bed hours ago. I know she’d let me in but waking Weiss is a dangerous experience. So yeah, thanks again. *bows slightly* I’ll be out of your hair in two days.
Jaune:Y’know you’re allowed over whenever? It really isn’t a big deal. I…I’ve never changed the locks.
Ruby:Oh..I assumed you did. Guess I destroyed that key for nothing.
Jaune:You could’ve given it back.
Ruby:Mmmm nah. *smiles*
Jaune playfully rolls his eyes and begins walking over to the couch and goes to lay down.
Ruby:Ummm, what are you doing?
Jaune:Going to sleep?
Ruby:Jaune I brought a pillow and cover. I’m not robbing you of your bed.
Jaune:It’s fine. The couch is comfy.
Ruby:Then let me have it! You already took me in. That’s enough.
Jaune:*stands* Ruby, I already changed the sheets. The bed is all yours.
Ruby:*raises brow*…..
Jaune:….*red* Out of etiquette! That’s what you’re supposed to do.
Ruby:Hey, I don’t know everything you do in your spare time. Could’ve found some random girl to pass the time.
Ruby:Joking, I tease. Seriously though, I’m not letting you sleep on the couch in your own home.
Jaune:Well I’m not leaving you on the couch.
Ruby:Then I guess we’re sharing a bed! *hands on hips*
Jaune:I guess we are- excuse me?
Ruby:You heard me! *flustered* I’m not backing down so compromising is all that’s left.
No amount of expecting could prepare Jaune for that answer. Ruby and him had only dated for nearly two months before they broke it off. They had a few…experiences together; but nothing as bold or as intimate as one might expect. Certainly nothing that required them sleeping together in a shared bed. There were missions out in the wild but that wasn’t the same at all! There were no grimm around to keep an eye on.
Jaune:You’re serious, aren’t you?
Ruby:When have I ever joked about my treatment towards you? I refuse to take from you! But uhhh *rubs head* I might need proper sleep wear. I don’t think I packed that. Hehe, whoops.
Jaune: *inhales* Unpack and take your bath if you need it. I get you something cozy.
Ruby:Sounds like a plan!
How did this happen!? How did a night become so stressful, and yet Jaune wasn’t upset by the turn of events. It was surprising more than anything.
Ruby walked into the bedroom wearing his black basketball shorts and her own tank top she surprisingly grabbed from a pile of clothes. The shorts were a tad big on her but she mind. It would’ve matched the blue tank top he had on currently. He also wore a pair of orange shorts. Her eyes directed themselves at the bed. It was barely bigger than a twin.
Ruby:Never thought I’d love being petite until now.
Jaune:Couch is still an option for m-
The girl ran past him and flopped onto the bed. Despite her stubbornness, Ruby could tell her face was little red. Between the sheets and clothes, Jaune’s scent was very noticeable. He turned off the lights but she could still see his eyes on her as he walked towards the bed.
Jaune:You’re not gonna let me sleep on top of the covers while you’re underneath, are?
Ruby:Okay now that’s actually cruel no matter how you look at it. No one should be struggling to pull up a cover in their sleep.
He couldn’t argue with that. He pulled the cover and got into bed with her. Normally he’d sleep facing the wall, but as he was greeted with silver eyes inches away, Jaune’s face grew hot immediately. Time to face the door!
No more words were spoken, at least for awhile. Moonlight barely pierced the blinds but it was enough for Ruby to see the outline of Jaune’s body. Had he been working out? Though they kept in touch, they hadn’t hung out nearly as much after their breakup two months ago. Now they found themselves sharing the same bed; something completely foreign yet familiar to her. They had only been together as long as they’ve been apart. Now he felt closer than ever yet so far. Actually, that was part of the problem last time, but Ruby felt like this situation wasn’t at all the same.
Ruby:….You still awake?
Ruby:Jaune, you’re moving an inch. You’ve either died or currently holding your breath.
Jaune:*exhales* I was trying to ease tension.
Ruby:By passing out?
Jaune:Not my best idea. Buckled under pressure.
Ruby:Hehe, thanks again. I’ll be sure to pay you back.
Jaune:Ruby, I could’ve said no. You don’t owe me anything.
Ruby:I know but…it feels like I’m a squatter or bum otherwise.
Jaune:Pfft, what am I? A landlord?
Ruby:Hehe, I think you’re too kind for that job. You’d knock gently and say please.
Jaune: “I know times are tough but please pay by the first.”
Ruby: “But funds are so tight. I don’t have the money.”
Jaune: “You’re gonna get kicked out if you at least can’t put some money down.”
Ruby:… “There’s no other way I can pay, sir?”
She put her arm around him, making him jolt a little as she clung to him. She could feel his heart beating as her hand found Jaune’s chest.
Ruby:I’ll do anything
Jaune:*blushing*…. Anything?
Ruby:Name it.
Jaune removed her arm from his body. He turned around slowly, rolling overtop of Ruby and staring down at the blush stricken girl. The was painfully silent as they didn’t move an inch.
Ruby:W..Well? Name it.
Jaune:….You’re not the type of person to just throw yourself at a someone.
Ruby:When have you ever just been someone? And who knows, I’m not exactly the same person. Are you?
Jaune:You mean, “emotionally distant?”
Ruby:I…did say that, didn’t I? If it makes you feel better, I was a bit “reckless and pushy at times.” Guess that last part still rings true, given where we’re at.
Jaune:Don’t put it all on you. I…wasn’t trying too hard to avoid this. So, “anything?”
Ruby:*nods slowly*
Jaune:In that case, Ruby, do you wanna try us again?
Ruby:…That is…not what I thought you were going to say. *red*
Jaune:Changed or not, you aren’t the kind of person to do something like this on a whim or casual fun. Just like you know I’d never find some random stranger to pass the time. You put effort into what you want, and so do I.
Ruby:Sounds like our mutual breakup is more like we took a break. That…actually makes me feel a lot better. So there’s been no one else?
Jaune:Nope. Ruby, I did not change my locks. We still talked regularly.
Ruby:Cut me some slack. I’m no pro at all this, and I’m sorry if I made it feel like if you should’ve been-
Jaune lowered himself and silenced her apology. Ruby felt her heart leap, kissing him back instinctively and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Two months without this was for too long. Their kiss ended but she refused to let him go.
Ruby:Just so we’re honest with each other, I may not actually know if Blake is at Yang’s. Sorry for lying.
Jaune:Heh, such a sneaky girlfriend I have.
Ruby:I can’t help that I missed my boyfriend. Now stay close. There’s not a lot of room in this bed~
Jaune:There’s enough for what I want to do. *leans in*
Ruby:Hehe, see? You really did change your sheets for nothing.
Jaune:Hush. *kisses her*
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Song Rec: Kids with Guns by Gorillaz
Part 9: Networking 1/2
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Part 8
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing, insomnia, sleep deprived Reader, car hitting someone(Wolfwood), blood, mentions of death, what the fuck is vore? Does this count as it? Idk ⚠
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The car bounced slightly as it drove on the sand.
You were half asleep because insomnia could be a real bitch sometimes. Vash was dozing off, sitting at the other end of the back seat.
Meryl had asked to accompany both of you, mostly to get the blonde's story.
Not wanting to drag Kevin around, you let the big bird stay with the people of Jeneora Rock, knowing that they would need the bird more than you. Also handing over a letter for them to give to the doctor.
So here you were, in the back seat of the reporter's vehicle while the news was going on, struggling to stay awake.
Maybe I should sleep. You think, too deep into your thoughts to notice that Roberto and Meryl were talking about the worm cluster up in the sky.
Then the car jerked into a sharp turn.
"Ah!", you yelped, grabbing onto the top of the seat with one arm and the other darting over to keep the blonde from flying forward, having to get closer to keep him safe.
Car having stopped, everyone in the let out a breath before getting off.
The small dark haired woman sprinted to the figure lying in the sand and the rest of you followed.
"Hey! Are you ok!?", Meryl asked the person she hit.
You went next to her, holding a small first-aid kit and recognized the poor accident victim making pained noises.
"Wolfwood?", you were a little more awake now thanks to seeing a familiar face. "Hey Star boy, help me lift.", you say and pocket the kit before crouching down to grab the man's legs.
"Right!", the humanoid typhoon rushes over to help.
After getting the man in black into the car, it was a little cramped but at least the injured person wouldn't get his head hitting the side windows. Meryl was speeding through the dunes, the car bouncing even more than earlier. "There's no dying on my watch mister!", she said panicked.
You and Vash held onto the man so he wouldn't get even more hurt, but with all the movement he was still in constant pain. Both you and the blonde looked at Wolfwood worriedly since he looked a little braindead.
Thankfully with the fast driving, the car made it to a plant stop.
Meryl jumped out of the car and rushed over to the building while you helped Vash get the injured man out of the car.
"We need supplies! This man is injured!", she said before getting a good look at the state the place was in.
"Hold on.", you mumble to the blonde and let him take hold of Wolfwood before going into the building, seeing the blood and dead bodies inside.
The other two followed you both in and also took in the scene.
After the bodies were buried and Wolfwood was up, you stood next to the kid as you watched the undertaker in black stuck the heavy cross into the sand.
"Uh.. Heavenly father, lord in heaven..", he started, taking a drink from the bottle in his hand while squatting down. "Forgive us our sins oh lord as we forgive those who sin against us.", he said and started sprinkling the water on the makeshift graves.
You rolled your eyes, too tired for whatever gibberish the man in the suit would say next.
"Please welcome their souls and all the faithful departed into your..into your.. What is it?"
Vash and Meryl look up from their sad gazes after hearing that.
"Welcome them into your humble abode?"
The two look at the black haired man in confusion as he continues to guess what to say next. And then the cross starts to tilt and fall, making the man scramble to catch it.
"Uh..make sure there's some empty chairs. They're kindom coming so..", Wolfwood says with his hands in a praying position.
"That's enough!", the small reporter says, making the undertaker stop. "You're not really a priest, huh?"
"No, I'm not.", Wolfwood says standing up. "I'm an Undertaker."
Shovel, shovel. Bury, bury. You thought with a slow blink.
You didn't pay attention until the man in black walked over and took a knee, handing the kid a lollipop.
"I want one..", you mumble to yourself.
Damn. I am out of it. You thought and rubbed one of your eyes.
Looking over to the three, you are just in time to see the check scene. Vash in total shock at the price before shakily showing it to Meryl. Then Meryl starts to argue with Wolfwood and the other reporter walks up, taking the check before scoffing.
There was a sudden light ring in your ears, making you wake up just a bit.
Isn't this when-
You don't get to finish that thought as everything starts shaking and you grab onto the kid so that you both don't fall over.
Even though I know they're the cause, here I am making sure they don't fall.
The shakes continue and that's when the sand dust starts to form when the worm gets closer. At the moment you wonder if you should feel terrified or in awe.
Then it hit you.
Ah, I've hit my sleep deprivation insanity.
"It's a grand-worm!", Vash yelled out before the giant worm swallows the plant station whole.
Everyone screams as all of you go down the dark and odd throat of the worm, eyes widening when seeing the high fall after entering another part of the worm.
All of you groan after hitting the bottom, sitting up or standing from the fall.
Meryl had held onto you and the kid while falling, then she pulled both of you back when a large piece of metal fell just a few inches away.
"Incoming!", Roberto yelled out as more of the plant station started to fall down, even the car.
"Nope, nope, nope.", you started moving the two next to you and felt someone squish you between the two while bringing all of you away from the danger. "Oof-", you sounded as all of you landed.
"You guys aren't hurt are you?", the humanoid typhoon asks.
"No.", you say and shiver in disgust when feeling sand in your clothing, sitting up quickly and shaking/pulling at your clothes.
You stand up and grab onto your coat, also shaking the sand off of it. And as you were doing that, you heard Wolfwood saying something about watching your step.
Then a flying worm crawled out of a skull.
"I've heard something about worms being interconnected.", the small reporter said.
"You heard right.", the older reporter confirmed.
Vash and the others watched as the worms communicated. Light bouncing off the walls of the worm as the small one flew farther and farther.
"That's its detached electron network. The bigger the worm, the more detached electrons it holds.", the older reporter says. "Judging by its size, this guy must be a pillar of its community."
"Which means?", Meryl asked, turning to look at her partner.
"Which means we're in the head honcho.", Roberto replied.
The blonde was still looking up at the bug before snapping his attention to the two figures going deeper into the worm.
"Hey!", he said and ran after the two.
What is the angel doing!?
"Come back!", the small reporter shouted.
They stopped when the two were climbing, the kid jumping over while the medic was still going.
"What are you doing?", he asked as they kept climbing.
They looked over their shoulder and down at him with a serious gaze, not missing a beat with their response.
"Going after the kid, duh.", they said and continued climbing.
Well, that makes sense. He thought and started climbing.
Then after the climb, he found them standing in front of four tunnel like openings.
"Uh..", the medic turned to face him and the reporter with a nervous smile. "I think I lost the kid..?"
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Sleep? What's that?
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 10
@summerdazed @lunar-archangel @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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Beautiful building of central London
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10 years later after it's airing, I would like to dedicate a moment to talk about how I think Merlin last episode is an absolute GEM.
Is it perfect? No. It has its problems? Yes. But the things it does well, it does it with wonder.
First of all, I think it was brilliant, that most of the big ass battle and the fighting were on the previous episode.
Now it all reduces us to Merlin and Arthur. Them, their story. Everything that was built up between them has brought us to this. Their friendship, their trust, the profound love they feel for each other, the entire transformation their relationship had. From being rivals to being friends to being essencially each other's soulmate.
Season five really shinned on showing just how close and intimate Arthur and Merlin have become after spending every day thogeter all those years, after saving each other's lives so many times. And specially, just how blindly Arthur trusts Merlin, and how much Merlin has come to love Arthur.
And what I love about the final episode is that its respectful towards the characters, and towards what us as an audience have been living through them. It was always about them. Arthur and Merlin, Merlin and Arthur. Their magical bond, the fate they were destined to have, but also the relationship and love they chose to have for one another.
Is actually amazing how full circle everything comes. Specially regarding one of the most central themes of the show: Destiny.
From episode one, we were told about the inamovility of destiny in this world. And we saw again and again Merlin trying to change destiny, and each time he failed. And the most dreaded prophecy Merlin tried again and again to evoid from coming true was Arthur's death.
At first for a sense duty, then because he started to belive in him, and finally because he had come to love him.
The final episode is not some epic long battle, is not about saving the kindom, is not even about defeating Morgana. Is Merlin, one last time, trying to save the man he loves most in the world. And like every time, he failed.
All along it was true what Kilgharrah said in episode one: "None of us can choose our destiny, and none of us can skip it".
I can't recal any other show going with the theme of "You can't scape fate" all the way through, until the very end. The show is over when Merlin finally accepts that he can't change fate, that in that sense, he is powerless.
It all started with the prophecy of a Dragon, an with exactly that it ends. Is heartbreaking, and sad, and the perfect tragic tale.
And if that is not enough, this episode has hands down one the best dialogues on the entire show. So many beautiful, powerful and iconic lines that tell us so much about the characters in little words.
"I have magic, and I used it for you Arthur, only for you" - "Merlin you are not a sorcerer, I would know"
"You've lied to me all this time"
"I was born to serve you Arthur, and I'm proud of that"
"I also do this, because you are my friend and I don't wanna lose you"
"All this time, Merlin, you never once sort any credit" - "That's not why I did it"
"I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
"With all your magic Merlin, you couldn't save me"
"I'm not going to lose you"
"Just hold me, please"
"Everything you've done, I know now. For me, for Camelot, for the kindom you helped me build."
"I'm going to say something, I've never said to you before. Thank you."
"I can't lose him! He is my friend!"
"For when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again"
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myrefugeblog · 4 months
The first samba school is Camisa Verde e Branco (Green and White Shirt).
More about the parade under cut.
The lyrics is about Black resistance and resilience.
The first part is about Oxóssi, the Orisha of hunt, animals, wealth... (and the patron of this samba school). The man in red is Exú, the Orisha that is know for being the guardian of crossroads. The man in green are warrior doing offers to Exú so him let them pass and visit Oxóssi.
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After the dancers we have a big block of people in green, they represent African forests.
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The first pair of "mestre-sala" and "porta-bandeira" (I'm so sorry I have no idea how it's tranlated to English) represent the love history about Oxum (Orisha of the and divinity, feminity...) and Oxóssi.
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The Baianas block is about the myth about the story of how Oxóssi was given the Keto kindom and his role as Orixá of arrow and hunting.
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She represents the bird.
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And the car is the kingdom.
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After the first car we have the band. It's formed for 200 people. And their queen.
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Then we have the part were the school represent the Egypt. And Piye, the first black pharaoh. I am so sorry, after this point the hosts don't talk a lot about what everything represents, and the lyrics is these lines.
No Egito, a luta por liberdade Um novo império se organizou O faraó liderou uma dinastia Pra dominar quem um dia te escravizou
In Egypt the fight for freedom / Building a new empire / The pharaoh led a new dysnaty / To master who one day enslaved you
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The second pair.
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The second car.
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The next block...
Quando a nobreza africana Escreve em ouro sua trajetória Brilha o Leão de Mali Luzindo a riqueza da negra história
When the African nobility / Write in gold their path / shiny the Mali's Lion / brightening the wealthy of black history
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The post don't accept more images....
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a-small-raven · 8 months
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Friendship week completed (And posted on time for once XD)
Day 21 Gift Art - Window Gift for my beautiful girlfriend Reagan! This piece is one of my favorite character of her, Henry. Used to be an general for the North Kindom of Acadia, he finally retired to rest with his husband Niall. The window is just a representation of what future hold for him. From a rough start to a bright end Henry deserves every bits of hapiness he can have after fighting for his country. UvU Day 22 Art Trade - Static Logic Oop one of Rea's oc again! This is Cedrick a little gremlin boy with too much energy. Litteraly! Summoning lighting and controling it at his will Cedrick can do pretty much anything he wants with it. He somewhat was also gifted with enough intelligence to be able to build machine as his adopted mother, which is truly an advantage considering his ability... Day 23 Custom Design - Diallos Custom design made for Ozzy! This is their fea character who sadly lost more then he gained after entering a librairy that was forbidden to access. Trying to steal knowledge he was punished by a god, forced to stay within the said librairy and was "transformed" into a human. Features proper to his race was brutally ripped off his body.... The expression curiosity killed the cat was taken to another level. oo'' Day 24 Custom Design - R0bot F1sh Custom design made for Jade! They throw a moodboard at my face and I crafted something out of it. X) Day 25 Art Request - Star Doodle After accepting request in a discord server, Ac3 gave me this cute character to draw. <3
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violetbmuse · 8 months
You will find no consistency here, except presence within my own inconsistent state of being rite now.
Here is what I mean.
Since the fb experience as Lisa Dawn and all the personas and biz pages landed in the cross ❌ hairs as they did, when they did. It was sew aligned.
Letting go was hard, weirdly so. Like yet another foster child I had nurtured for 15 years or something.
Being loosed from what had become a burden of what to do next, gave me freedom to supernova outside of being cosmic mama.
Like. Dude. I don't even KNOW who I am now after 8 years flying around, with no hOMe but OZ to land in.
I'm happy. I miss being relatable to.
Cause I'm not.
Don't want clocks. Don't want calendars.
Don't want schedules. Jobs. Careers.
Want a world full of free and abundant folk, doing what they love when they want, INNERstanding they can create a paradise for themselves outside the system too.
I want it for all.
Then, magnetize whom might also build a small hillbilly/fae KinDom of their very own. For those who feel In Spired.
They're cluster up, bEarthing new ways.
I'm just doing my part.
I have no way. I have no key.
I'm forging MY path into 5d ascension girth. Paradise in earth. I imagine what eye I'mage, Aye Mage?
Active participant and empowered in the Wyrld happening around me.
Not at the wait or bequest of any savior.
I reMain beacon 🚨
Not to follow.
Don't drive yer boats into a fucking lighthouse, fools!!
We all hold different bandwidth.
Doesn't mean my particular archetype isn't needed desperately in a world filled with compliance.
Much like the world ain't JUST AS in dire need of YOUR PARTICULAR MEDICINE.
Shine, Lighthouse.
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