bruceweek · 11 months
Bruceweek 2023 Announcement
20th November - 26th November
Monday (November 20): Seasons, Friendship
Tuesday (November 21): Memory, Reunion
Wednesday (November 22): Battle, Dance
Thursday (November 23):Spell, Home
Friday (November 24): Ghosts, Transform
Saturday (November 25): Dream, Hero
Sunday (November 26): Adapt, Admiration
Rule Change
This year we have decided to change the rules on relationships: Romantic relationships for any Bruce ship are now allowed for this event.
Official tags to follow all posts from us are #Bruceweek2023 and #bruceweek
We're very excited for this round of Bruceweek!
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sufficeth · 7 months
memes circa immortal hulk 43 for the last day of bruceweek!
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joe fixit may have become a better caretaker to savage hulk. but you know he still trolled that child while they were hiding de-powered in new york.
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tonybannerblog · 7 months
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Bruce is a Work of Art
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elu-is-reading · 6 months
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Second piece for Bruceweek 2023, prompts Memory/Reunion. Reunion is a bit flimsy but it leads to memory so it counts. I'm stupidly proud of the face and sleeve. The book piles took surprisingly long but the effort paid of to me.
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sorrythatwasmean · 7 months
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Bruce Week 2023 Reunion- Day 2
First image is "What If Bruce reunited with Red Harpy Betty Ross and accepted this was a part of her now?"
The second image is a moment between Greenscar Hulk and Caiera. Maybe he returned after a long day.
The third is a redraw of Skaar and Bruce's embrace after they fought. I believe it was Incredible Hulk #611 but I'm not sure. It's a reunion that always tugs at my heart-strings.
Not pictured? Red-Hulk Betty telling Bruce he should hug Skaar.
Please note riverofdreamdust is my discord username. I am not stealing art. >.>
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superblizzardfire · 7 months
The Prodigal Nephew
After the Battle of New York, Bruce goes home. Bruce & Walters Fam for @bruceweek 2023 💚
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For the second time that day, Bruce wakes up in a pile of rubble.
He breathes in the smell of freshly-mown grass, struggling to anchor himself as the aftermath of Hulk threatens to overwhelm him. He remembers metal bending in his hands, and Thor’s triumphant grin, and… nothing else.
Head spinning, Bruce sits up. He was lying in the remains of a wooden shed; a lawnmower is now a crumpled metal pancake beneath him. It’s afternoon – but whether it’s the same day, Bruce can’t be sure. He has no sense of time when the other guy takes over.
It takes him a few moments to realise that he knows this backyard. In fact, he spent years out here: sitting on the grass with a book, making snowmen with Jen, endless barbeques in the summer…
Bruce clambers to his feet and looks around in shock. He’s in LA. He’s home.
The back door opens and Morris Walters steps out, frowning in confusion. ‘What the hell is going – ‘ Then he sees Bruce. He stops.
A thousand thoughts flicker through Bruce’s head. He hasn’t had any contact with his family since the accident. They must have thought he’d abandoned them – or turned into a dangerous monster. This isn’t the most tactful way to tell them he’s still alive.
‘Hi, Uncle Morris,’ he whispers.
Morris drifts towards him, staring as if he’s afraid Bruce will disappear. It’s been seven years but he’s aged more than that – the moustache has remained, though. Aunt Elaine can never convince him to shave it.
An apology rises to Bruce’s lips. He shouldn’t have come here, shouldn’t have literally come crashing back into their lives – but Morris grabs him in a hug. ‘Good to see you, kiddo,’ he says tightly.
And Bruce understands that everything is going to be okay. He hides his face in Morris’ thick sweater and clings to him like he did when he was a kid. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he mumbles, ‘I missed you all so much…’
‘You’re here now. That’s all that matters.’
Read the rest on AO3!
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im-95-not-dead · 7 months
Rocky Reunion on ao3
Pairing: Bruce Banner / Thor
Word Count: 1.2k
Event: Bruce Week 2023 || Prompts: Memory, Reunion
Tags: comfort no hurt, established relationship, past Bruce/Betty, Thruce, canon universe
Betty has reached out and Bruce isn’t sure if meeting her will end well. Thor to the rescue.
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endlesstwanted · 7 months
I’m Better Than The Stories About Me
Wrote this little fic for @bruceweek Nov 20 prompts — Seasons + Friendship & my @lyricalescape square — “I can’t listen ’cause I’m eyeing the exists.” 💚
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Characters: Bruce Banner, Justin Hammer, Jane Foster, Bucky Barnes, Valkyrie, Minor characters
Tags: Missing Scene, Snippets, Canon Compliant, First Meetings, Reunions, The Blip, Drabble Sequence
Summary: Three friends Bruce made for one day, and the one he made forever.
Wordcount: 800
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The person he’s been hearing approaching finally shows up. Her braided hair is tied up on a bun, like he pictures her when he thinks of her.
“I heard Mexico’s the best tourist destination this summer,” Valkyrie greets him.
He chuckles, still looking at the table. “According to?”
Continue reading on Ao3!
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bruceweek · 7 months
Bruceweek 2023!
From 2018 to 2021 we had a blast with Bruceweek - after a break, we are now back with Round Five full of love for Bruce and ready to celebrate him!
We would like the focus for Bruceweek to be on Bruce and less on Hulk. This year, we have made a change to the rules, and fan works with romantic content for any Bruce ships are now allowed and welcome. As usual, all friendships are also very welcome! Please respect everyone’s choices regarding romantic and platonic ship choices.
We will give two prompts a day for every day of Bruceweek, so you can choose yourself which prompt(s) you want to use.
November 20th - November 26th 2023
mood boards
gif sets
every content you created yourself
all universe versions of Bruce
all kind of “dark” themes are allowed as long as they are tagged appropriately
stories focusing on romantic relationships and/or friendship  is fine, with Bruce as the focus
Monday (November 20): Seasons, Friendship
Tuesday (November 21): Memory, Reunion
Wednesday (November 22): Battle, Dance
Thursday (November 23):Spell, Home
Friday (November 24): Ghosts, Transform
Saturday (November 25): Dream, Hero
Sunday (November 26): Adapt, Admiration
We’ll give you two prompts per day, but you don’t have to use both of them in your content (Though you are definitely welcome too, for an extra challenge!) Feel free to match up newer prompts with older ones as well if you’d like.
The prompts are here for inspiration. You don’t have to use them if you have other ideas, we will happily accept any Bruce content for this event as long as it properly tagged.
Our AO3 collection can be found here.
Official tags to follow all posts from us are #Bruceweek2023 and #bruceweek
We will be queuing up Bruceweek posts, and will start reblogging posts for each day’s prompts after the daily prompt post has been posted. If you think we’ve missed your post, please send us an ask or submission!
If you have questions, please ask away ~
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sufficeth · 7 months
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cannot believe I almost forgot bruceweek. anyway haters to friends to lovers during immortal hulk anticapitalism era 💚
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tonybannerblog · 7 months
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Because I believe that Bruce is a work of art.
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elu-is-reading · 5 months
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It's nearly five in the morning but the last picture for Bruceweek 2023 is finally done. Prompts were Admiration/Adapt. Bruce has been alone for a long time but he's had to adapt to working in a team. He's also clearly admired here. See how it all makes sense.
It's been literal years since I've drawn the OG6 in my style but I figured it was a fitting finale. I did say finishing everything would take me a month but it was honestly a joy. Got to experiment a bit and might've even learned something new. Also tried different style of lines here. Haven't decided what I think of them yet.
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sorrythatwasmean · 7 months
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Bruce Week 2023 Friendships -Day 1
Jen Walters
Tony Stark
Hank McCoy
Logan aka Wolverine
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superblizzardfire · 7 months
Wooing Bruce
Bruce Banner/Jimmy Woo for @bruceweek 2023! Rating: Teen Summary: Jimmy performs card tricks to calm Hulk down. In the year that follows, he and Bruce get to know each other a little better.
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There’s a growl in the darkness. Hulk is sat in the corner of the room, attempting to tie a motorcycle in a knot. At Jimmy’s approach, he bears green lips in a snarl.
In times of crisis, instinct takes over. Hands trembling, Jimmy whips out his badge. ‘Mister uh, Hulk? Agent Woo, FBI.’
Hulk grunts, giving him only a cursory glare before returning to the task at hand. At least he’s not ripped Jimmy’s arms off yet, which is a really promising sign.
‘I heard you like card tricks. Scott’s a buddy of mine, he’s sorry he couldn’t make it today.’ Not as sorry as he’s going to be later, Jimmy adds mentally. He takes out the deck of cards. Now Hulk’s looking at him. Oh god he hasn’t practiced in two weeks. It’s fine. It’s practically muscle memory at this point.
Jimmy takes a card from the deck. His thumb slips. The whole deck flutters to the floor.
Hulk’s beady eyes narrow. Yep, this is how he dies. Like a jester whose king tires of their jokes. Jimmy’s lower lip wobbles.
Then Hulk chuckles. He sets the motorcycle aside. ‘S’okay. Go again, new guy.’
Read the rest on AO3!
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im-95-not-dead · 6 months
Not All Heroes Wear Capes on ao3
Pairing: The Avengers & Bruce Banner
Word Count: 3.1k
Event: Bruce Week 2023 || Prompt: Admiration
Tags: canon, domestic Avengers, the Daily Bugle, wholesome, comedy
Previous Part: An Exclusive with Dr Banner
After reading the article posted by the Daily Bugle, Bruce still felt shitty despite his friends' attempts to cheer him up. The last place he expected a rebuttal to that interviewer's claims to come from was a coffee shop in Queens.
** technically, this is a last & really late extra submission for Bruce Week 2023, so i totally understand if it doesn't get reposted but wanted to try anyway! **
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