I adore pineapple. It's one of my absolute favorite fruits. Fresh, frozen, grilled, in smoothies or savory dishes; it never disappoints.
Remember pineapples contains an enzyme called bromelain. "Bromelain is promoted as a dietary supplement for reducing pain and swelling, especially of the nose and sinuses, gums, and other body parts after surgery or injury. It is also promoted for osteoarthritis, cancer, digestive problems, and muscle soreness." It also has been shown to help alleviate a cough and loosen mucus.
Summer is so close and so is pineapple season. Get ready for recipes to follow.
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rainingskyguy · 2 years
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Trying my hand at making graphics + sharing digestible little facts I know.
On the plus side, heat de-naturalizes proteins, which makes the enzymes useless so pineapple on pizza won't hurt you.
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levinletlive · 2 years
My Recipe Book: Pineapple-Mint Cranberry Juice Cocktail
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I'm still sick, and the entire house is a wreck because of it. A stuffy nose is annoying, but there is little more frustrating than an itchy, sore throat. Heat and itching don't really blend, so for that symptom I needed something cool and soothing and this is what I came up with. It's a very simple drink to make, it tastes great, and it's fairly effective at providing some relief.
Servings: 1
Serving size: 10-12 oz.
Season: Autumn/Winter
Category: Drinks
Method: Simple
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cook time: N/A
8 oz. Cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktail
1/2 cup Pineapple, chopped
6 fresh Mint leaves, muddled
A mortar and pestle, or spoon and bowl if you don't have one
A standard drinking glass or cup
First, go ahead and muddle that mint. Really, you're just crushing it up to release the menthol, which is the chemical that provides that cooling sensation we're all familiar with. Add the leaves to the bottom of the glass.
Chop up your pineapple if you bought it fresh. Smaller pieces are better. I chopped, then sliced. It's better fresh. Put the pineapple in the glass atop the mint.
Add some ice now, if you want it.
Add your cranberry juice or juice cocktail to the glass until full. Use a spoon or straw to mix the ingredients. The mint and some parts of the pineapple will float to the top.
That's it, that's all you have to do.
Some notes:
Menthol is the chemical in mint products responsible for that "cooling" sensation, often used medically to numb or suppress pain.
Pineapple contain an enzyme called bromelain, which is produced as a defense mechanism against predators. It's the stuff that makes your tongue feel weird after eating too much. Anyway, it's also supposed to be food for reducing sinusitis (nasal swelling) and swelling of the mouth and gums.
Cranberries have been studied pretty extensively and are known to protect against intestinal inflammation and urinary tract infections, which can be a risk if you aren't drinking enough water to flush your bladder or tract. They're also full of antioxidants.
And that's that. My throat is still a bit itchy, but better than before.
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didanawisgi · 10 months
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I'm loving the natural remedies for arthritis they recommended over at arthritisnaturalcures.com
I used six of them Bromelain, Boswellia, GABA, Turmeric, Ginger, and Cayenne all together as they said to do. It worked for me!
I got so much amazing relief from arthritis which I suffered with daily for several years. My relief is so dramatic that relief is not a great word to describe my pain and inflammation level right now from taking their advice. Their website name is what describes it best: arthritis natural CURES.
Thank you to whoever wrote the natural remedies for arthritis article and recommendation. I am grateful.
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truemedmd · 24 days
Spike Protein Detoxification Protocol of Dr Peter McCullough
Spike Protein Detoxification Protocol of Dr Peter McCullough by Jeffrey Dach MD Mike is a 62 year old hedge fund manager who took the multiple Ĉøѷϊƌ Ѷåććĩƞēs over the past three years. He was rushed to the hospital Emergency Room with chest pain, and quickly transferred to the Cardiac Catheter Laboratory where coronary angiography showed very little, and failed to show the cause of his chest…
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healthyheynutrition · 27 days
Unlocking the Power of Folic Acid: Benefits and Trends
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Discover the numerous benefits of folic acid and why it's currently trending in health and wellness. Read on to explore how folic acid supports overall health, including brain function, heart health, and prenatal care. Learn why Healthyhey stands out as the best choice for high-quality folic acid supplements, offering premium formulations and exceptional customer satisfaction.
The vitamin B9 compound is essential for preserving human health. It has a wealth of advantages, so it's no surprise that it's become a hot issue in the health and wellness industry.
Cognitive Function and brain health By Folic Acid
It is necessary to promote mental and cognitive wellness by using Vitamins. Folic Acid is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers in the brain. According to studies, it may assist overall brain health by improving focus, memory, and learning.
Cardiovascular and Heart Function
Homocysteine is an amino acid that, when its levels are high, can raise the risk of heart disease. It also aids in lowering these levels. Levels of Folic Acid must be kept in a healthy range for cardiovascular health. Along with this, it promotes a healthy heart and optimal cardiovascular function by lowering homocysteine.
Prenatal Care and Folic Acid
In addition to this, it is essential for optimal foetal development throughout pregnancy, especially the development of the neural tube. The importance of folic acid in prenatal care is one of the most well-known advantages of this substance. To lower the risk of birth abnormalities, it is advised that women of reproductive age take enough folic acid.
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Discover the natural remedy of bromelain, a natural enzyme found in pineapples, and learn how it can aid in managing pain and inflammation!
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3arabtrend · 3 months
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lattefawn · 3 months
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dailydanielgillies · 3 months
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asiaxherb · 4 months
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Utilizing Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin together may aid in removing the spike protein from vaccines.
Nattokinase can cleave the spike protein and prevent blood clotting. Bromelain effectively blocks cell infection by the virus. Curcumin, according to studies, shows potential antiviral activity against various viruses and can hinder the entry of the virus into cells by blocking spike protein binding sites.
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wellnessbeyondfifty · 5 months
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FYI: Unlocking Nature’s Secret: The Top 10 Benefits of Bromelain https://wellnessbeyondfifty.com/bromelain/
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didanawisgi · 1 day
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healthmatters520 · 6 months
10 Natural Painkillers for Chronic Pain Management
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on natural painkillers for chronic pain management. In today's world, more and more people are seeking alternative options for pain relief, moving away from traditional pharmaceuticals and towards natural remedies. In this article, we will explore the benefits of natural painkillers and why they have gained popularity among individuals looking for safe and effective ways to manage chronic pain.
Why People Are Turning to Natural Remedies for Pain Relief?
- Safety: One of the main reasons people are gravitating towards natural painkillers is the concern over the potential side effects and risks associated with conventional pain medications. Natural remedies are often perceived as safer alternatives, as they are derived from natural sources and have a lower likelihood of causing adverse reactions or dependency. - Holistic Approach: Natural painkillers align with the holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on treating the root causes of pain rather than simply masking the symptoms. By addressing the underlying issues contributing to chronic pain, natural remedies aim to provide long-term relief and improve overall well-being. - Reduced Dependency: Many conventional pain medications, such as opioids, can be highly addictive and lead to dependency. Natural painkillers offer a non-addictive alternative for chronic pain management, allowing individuals to regain control over their pain without the risk of developing a reliance on medication. - Fewer Side Effects: Pharmaceutical painkillers often come with a range of side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and digestive issues. Natural remedies, on the other hand, are generally well-tolerated and have a lower likelihood of causing adverse reactions, making them a favorable option for individuals who experience unwanted side effects from conventional medications. - Personal Preference: Some individuals simply prefer to explore natural remedies due to personal beliefs, cultural practices, or a desire to adopt a more natural and sustainable lifestyle. Natural painkillers provide an opportunity to manage chronic pain in alignment with these preferences. As the demand for natural pain relief options continues to rise, it is important to explore the benefits and effectiveness of natural painkillers for chronic pain management. By opting for these remedies, individuals can potentially reduce their reliance on pharmaceuticals, minimize side effects, and address the underlying causes of pain.
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Top 10 Natural Painkillers
Ginger Ginger is a root herb commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. It has been prized for its medicinal properties for centuries and is known for its distinct flavor and aroma. Not only does ginger add a delightful zing to dishes, but it also possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that make it a potential natural painkiller for chronic pain.
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Scientific research has shown promising results regarding the effectiveness of ginger in treating chronic pain. Several studies1 have indicated that the active compounds found in ginger, such as gingerols and shogaols, have anti-inflammatory effects that can help alleviate pain. These compounds work by inhibiting the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body, reducing swelling and discomfort associated with chronic pain conditions like arthritis, migraines, and muscle soreness. A study2 published in the Journal of Pain reported that ginger supplementation significantly reduced muscle pain in people with moderate to severe muscle pain. Another study3 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that ginger extract was effective in reducing pain and stiffness in individuals with osteoarthritis. While ginger has demonstrated promising pain-relieving properties, it is important to note that it may not work the same for everyone or for all types of chronic pain. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ginger into your pain management regimen. Although ginger is generally considered safe, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as heartburn, stomach upset, or diarrhea when consuming excessive amounts. It is recommended to start with small doses and gradually increase as tolerated. Additionally, ginger may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, so it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking any medications or have any underlying health conditions. In conclusion, ginger is a natural painkiller known for its anti-inflammatory properties and potential effectiveness in managing chronic pain. While scientific research supports its use, individual results may vary. As with any natural remedy, it is important to use ginger responsibly and seek professional advice if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions. By incorporating ginger into your pain management routine, you may find relief from chronic pain while enjoying its delicious flavor and health benefits. Turmeric Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisine. It comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its various health benefits. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is responsible for its therapeutic properties and potential pain-relieving effects. Curcumin acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, making it an attractive option for managing chronic pain. It works by inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules in the body, reducing inflammation and the associated pain. Additionally, curcumin has antioxidant properties that help protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals.
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Scientific research has explored the potential of turmeric and curcumin in managing chronic pain. A study4 published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that curcumin supplementation was effective in reducing pain and improving physical function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Another study5 in the Dialnet reported curcumin has the potential to reduce pain intensity and increase range of motion during exercise-induced muscle damage. While turmeric and curcumin are generally considered safe when consumed as part of a balanced diet, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and risks. High doses of curcumin may cause gastrointestinal issues such as stomach upset, diarrhea, or nausea. Additionally, curcumin may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and antiplatelet drugs, so it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using turmeric as a supplement or in concentrated forms. To enhance the absorption of curcumin, it is often recommended to consume turmeric with black pepper or with a source of fat, such as coconut oil. This can help improve its bioavailability and maximize its potential benefits. In conclusion, turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, offers potential benefits in the management of chronic pain due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Scientific research supports its effectiveness in conditions such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. However, it is important to be mindful of potential side effects and interactions, and to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating turmeric or curcumin supplements into your pain management routine. Enjoy the flavorful addition of turmeric to your meals and explore its potential benefits for chronic pain relief. Cherries Cherries are delicious fruits that come in various forms, including sweet cherries and tart cherries. They are not only tasty but also offer potential health benefits, including their ability to alleviate chronic pain. Cherries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which give them their vibrant red color and contribute to their potential pain-relieving properties. The antioxidants found in cherries work by reducing inflammation in the body, which is a common underlying factor in many chronic pain conditions. By inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules, cherries may help alleviate pain and improve overall pain management.
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Scientific research has explored the effectiveness of cherries in treating chronic pain, particularly in conditions such as arthritis and gout. A study6 published in the Current Developments in Nutrition found that daily consumption of tart cherry juice results in improvement in mobility, relief of pain-related symptoms and quality of life, and selective markers of cartilage health. Another study7 in the Journal of Functional Foods reported that tart cherry juice decreased the levels of uric acid, a key factor in gout, leading to reduced pain and inflammation in patients with gouty arthritis. While cherries are generally safe to consume, it is important to note that they do contain natural sugars. Therefore, individuals with diabetes or those who need to watch their sugar intake should consume cherries in moderation. Additionally, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions to cherries. If you have any concerns or known allergies, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cherries into your pain management routine. It is worth mentioning that the research on cherries and chronic pain is still evolving, and individual results may vary. However, cherries offer a natural and tasty option for individuals seeking potential pain relief from chronic pain conditions. In conclusion, cherries, with their antioxidant content, particularly anthocyanins, show promise in managing chronic pain by reducing inflammation. Scientific studies support their effectiveness in conditions like osteoarthritis and gout. However, it is important to consume cherries in moderation, especially for those with diabetes or known allergies. As part of a balanced diet, cherries can be a flavorful addition to your pain management strategy. Pineapple Pineapple is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and tangy flavor. It is rich in nutrients, including bromelain, a mixture of enzymes that are primarily found in the stem and core of the fruit. Bromelain is believed to have various health benefits, including its potential to alleviate chronic pain. Bromelain works by reducing inflammation in the body, which is often a contributing factor to chronic pain. It has been shown to inhibit the production of inflammatory compounds, such as prostaglandins and cytokines, thus offering potential pain-relieving effects. Additionally, bromelain may also help improve blood circulation, which can aid in reducing pain and promoting healing.
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Scientific research has explored the effectiveness of pineapple and bromelain in managing chronic pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis8 published in the Nutrition and Health stated that moderate-quality studies demonstrated bromelain may be effective in ameliorating physical symptoms and improving general well-being in otherwise healthy adults suffering from mild knee pain in a dose-dependant manner. Another study9 published in the Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry stated that bromelain is an efficient alternative to ibuprofen to manage pain after periodontal surgery, especially in patients with gastric ulceration and increased bleeding. While pineapple is generally safe to consume, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and risks. Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort or allergic reactions, such as itching or swelling, when consuming pineapple or bromelain supplements. If you have any known allergies or concerns, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating pineapple or bromelain into your pain management routine. Furthermore, pineapple contains natural sugars, so individuals with diabetes or those who need to watch their sugar intake should consume it in moderation. It is also important to note that bromelain supplements may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, so it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking any medications or have any underlying health conditions. In conclusion, pineapple, particularly its bromelain content, offers potential benefits in managing chronic pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific research supports its potential effectiveness as a safe and versatile therapeutic agent. However, it is important to consume pineapple in moderation, be mindful of potential allergies or digestive issues, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or are taking medications. Enjoy pineapple as part of a balanced diet and explore its potential as a natural pain management option. Blueberries Blueberries are small, round berries that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients and antioxidants. These berries are known for their vibrant blue color and sweet-tart taste. Blueberries contain various compounds such as anthocyanins, which give them their deep blue color and contribute to their potential health benefits, including their role in managing chronic pain. The antioxidants found in blueberries work by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Chronic pain is often associated with inflammation, and the anti-inflammatory properties of blueberries may help alleviate pain symptoms. Additionally, the antioxidants in blueberries help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to chronic pain conditions.
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Scientific research has explored the potential of blueberries in managing chronic pain. Read the full article
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foodhealthandscience · 7 months
Tropical Bliss: The Health Benefits of Pineapple on Women
Pineapple, with its sweet and tangy flavor, is not just a delightful tropical fruit; it also offers a plethora of health benefits, particularly advantageous to women. In this article, entails the health benefits of pineapple on women and uncover why this vibrant fruit should have a special place in every woman’s diet. Health Benefits of Pineapple on Women Rich in Vitamin C: Pineapple is…
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