#Book II: Deliver Us From Evil Trilogy
istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
Summary & Foreshadowing Smorgasbord (Part III)
The epic conclusion of the blockbuster trilogy.
Chapter Transitions
JONSA 🐺❤️❄️
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Sansa Stark, Queen in the North
Jon Snow, King in the North
Jon (Aemon?) Snow
Ahoy Matey! Arya Stark Sails the Ocean Blue
Bran the Broken, King of Westeros
High Septon Rickon?
Pick Your Poison: The Twins Meet Their End in the Bowels of Casterly Rock . . . or King's Landing
Younger and More Beautiful Cersei
Dark Daenerys Highlights & Laughs
Let's Dance: Stark vs. Targ
A Rat in a Maze 🐀🔪
The Usurper's Knife
Storm x Storm 🦑🖤🐉
Squid Game
Previous books:
AGOT Summary & Foreshadowing: CLICK
ACOK Summary & Foreshadowing: PART I / PART II
ASOS Summary & Foreshadowing: PART I / PART II / PART III / PART IV
Stumpy note:
If I didn't give you credit for discovering something or if I missed any foreshadowing, please contact me and I'll rectify that.
Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the reread project. All of you have great observations and comments, I wish I could highlight them all. 🙂
Damn that man for breaking up this book, and ruining the chapter transition foreshadowing.
Prologue -> <- The Prophet
The storm is coming.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
"No," said Alleras. "It was Prince Rhaegar's young son Aegon whose head was dashed against the wall by the Lion of Lannister's brave men. We speak of Rhaegar's sister, born on Dragonstone before its fall. The one they called Daenerys."
"The Stormborn. I recall her now." - Prologue, AFFC
A storm was brewing, he could hear it in the waves, and storms brought naught but evil. 
He was born a lord's son and died a king, murdered by a jealous god, Aeron thought, and now the storm is coming, a storm such as these isles have never known.
Aeron tugged his beard, and thought. I have seen the storm, and its name is Euron Crow's Eye. - The Prophet, AFFC
Brienne I -> <- Samwell I
Two protagonists want to live up to their swords.
"A sword is only as good as the man who wields it."
When she slid Oathkeeper from the ornate scabbard, Brienne's breath caught in her throat. Black and red the ripples ran, deep within the steel. Valyrian steel, spell-forged. It was a sword fit for a hero. When she was small, her nurse had filled her ears with tales of valor, regaling her with the noble exploits of Ser Galladon of Morne, Florian the Fool, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, and other champions. Each man bore a famous sword, and surely Oathkeeper belonged in their company, even if she herself did not. - Brienne I, AFFC
Once, when Jon came to consult with Maester Aemon, Sam had asked him why he spent so much time at swordplay. "The Old Bear never trained much when he was Lord Commander," he had pointed out. In answer, Jon had pressed Longclaw into Sam's hand. He let him feel the lightness, the balance, had him turn the blade so that ripples gleamed in the smoke-dark metal. "Valyrian steel," he said, "spell-forged and razor-sharp, nigh on indestructible. A swordsman should be as good as his sword, Sam. Longclaw is Valyrian steel, but I'm not. The Halfhand could have killed me as easy as you swat a bug." - Samwell I, AFFC
Brienne I -> <- Samwell I
Encounters with mice.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
"Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen. Some call me the Mad Mouse." He turned his shield to show her his sigil, a large white mouse with fierce red eyes, on bendy brown and blue. - Brienne I, AFFC
Sam was reading about the Others when he saw the mouse. - Samwell I, AFFC
Samwell I -> <- Arya I
Three characters are on a collision course.
Dareon will join you at Eastwatch. My hope is that his songs will win some men for us in the south. The Blackbird will deliver you to Braavos. From there you'll arrange your own passage to Oldtown. - Samwell I, AFFC
Braavos might not be so bad. Syrio was from Braavos, and Jaqen might be there as well. - Arya I, AFFC
Cersei II -> <- Jaime I
Play-by-play on the state of Tywin Lannister's rotting corpse.
Jaime I -> <- Brienne II
Royal blood in back-to-back chapters.
"I see you wonder, what sort of name is that?" the man had cackled when Jaime went to question him. "It is an old name, 'tis true. I am not one to boast, but there is royal blood in my veins. I am descended from a princess. My father told me the tale when I was a tad of a lad." Longwaters had not been a tad of a lad for many a year, to judge from his spotted head and the white hairs growing from his chin. - Jaime I, AFFC
"Well, there's Darkes, I'm one myself. My husband says I was Darke before we wed, and darker afterward." She laughed. "Can't throw a stone in Duskendale without you hit some Darke or Darkwood or Dargood, but the lordly Darklyns are all gone. Lord Denys was the last o' them, the sweet young fool. Did you know the Darklyns were kings in Duskendale before the Andals come? You'd never know t'look at me, but I got me royal blood. Can you see it? 'Your Grace, another cup of ale,' I ought to make them say. 'Your Grace, the chamber pot needs emptying, and fetch in some fresh faggots, Your Bloody Grace, the fire's going out.'" She laughed again and shook the last drops from the pail. - Brienne II, AFFC
Jaime I -> <- Brienne II
Crows are feasting.
On the morning after the battle, the crows had feasted on victors and vanquished alike, as once they had feasted on Rhaegar Targaryen after the Trident. How much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king? There were crows circling the seven towers and great dome of Baelor's Sept even now, Jaime suspected, their black wings beating against the night air as they searched for a way inside. Every crow in the Seven Kingdoms should pay homage to you, Father. From Castamere to the Blackwater, you fed them well. - Jaime I, AFFC
The looters come with the carrion crows after every battle. 
Lord Tarly's own striding huntsman appeared on many a badge and brooch and doublet. Friend or foe, the crows care not. - Brienne II, AFFC
Brienne II -> <- Sansa I
Blood calls to blood. Somebody is noticeably missing the second time we get the rundown.
Or would she seek her own blood instead? Though all of her siblings had been slain, Brienne knew that Sansa still had an uncle and a bastard half brother on the Wall, serving in the Night's Watch. Another uncle, Edmure Tully, was a captive at the Twins, but his uncle Ser Brynden still held Riverrun. And Lady Catelyn's younger sister ruled the Vale. Blood calls to blood. Sansa might well have run to one of them. Which one, though? - Brienne II, AFFC
She would have fled them both, perhaps, but there was nowhere for her to go. Winterfell was burned and desolate, Bran and Rickon dead and cold. Robb had been betrayed and murdered at the Twins, along with their lady mother. Tyrion had been put to death for killing Joffrey, and if she ever returned to King's Landing the queen would have her head as well. The aunt she'd hoped would keep her safe had tried to murder her instead. Her uncle Edmure was a captive of the Freys, while her great-uncle the Blackfish was under siege at Riverrun. I have no place but here, Sansa thought miserably, and no true friend but Petyr. - Sansa I, AFFC
Brienne II -> <- Sansa I
Sansa's hoarding gods.
But when Brienne asked about Sansa, she said, "I'll tell you what I told Lord Tywin. That girl was always praying. She'd go to sept and light her candles like a proper lady, but near every night she went off to the godswood. She's gone back north, she has. That's where her gods are." - Brienne II, AFFC
They hadn't, though, not for a year or more. Sansa had prayed to the Seven in their sept and old gods of the heart tree, asking them to bring the old man back, or better still to send another singer, young and handsome. But the gods never answered, and the halls of Winterfell stayed silent. - Sansa I, AFFC
Sansa I <- The Kraken's Daughter
Asha's hilarious reunion with a fostered ghost from her past.
"Asha?" A shadow stepped out from behind the well.
Her hand went to her dirk at once . . . until the moonlight transformed the dark shape into a man in a sealskin cloak. Another ghost. "Tris. I'd thought to find you in the hall."
"I wanted to see you."
"What part of me, I wonder?" She grinned. "Well, here I stand, all grown up. Look all you like."
"A woman." He moved closer. "And beautiful."
Tristifer Botley had filled out since last she'd seen him, but he had the same unruly hair that she remembered, and eyes as large and trusting as a seal's. Sweet eyes, truly. That was the trouble with poor Tristifer; he was too sweet for the Iron Islands. His face has grown comely, she thought. 
"If you like. It's nought to me. You look so lovely in the moonlight, Asha. A woman grown now, but I remember when you were a skinny girl with a face all full of pimples."
Why must they always mention the pimples? "I remember that as well." Though not as fondly as you do. Of the five boys her mother had brought to Pyke to foster after Ned Stark had taken her last living son as hostage, Tris had been closest to Asha in age. He had not been the first boy she had ever kissed, but he was the first to undo the laces of her jerkin and slip a sweaty hand beneath to feel her budding breasts.
I would have let him feel more than that if he'd been bold enough. Her first flowering had come upon her during the war and wakened her desire, but even before that Asha had been curious. He was there, he was mine own age, and he was willing, that was all it was . . . that, and the moon blood. Even so, she'd called it love, till Tris began to go on about the children she would bear him; a dozen sons at least, and oh, some daughters too. - The Kraken's Daughter, AFFC
Brienne III <- Samwell II
Someone gets an escort to Eastwatch with one of Brienne's ancestors.
He sent me north aboard the Golden Dragon, and insisted that his friend Ser Duncan see me safe to Eastwatch. - Samwell II, AFFC
Brienne III -> <- Samwell II
Where's little Dickon Tarly? Not at Horn Hill.
"Mooton's daughter, she's a maid," the man went on. "Till the bedding, anyways. These eggs, they're for her wedding. Her and Tarly's son. The cooks will need eggs for cakes."
"They will." Lord Tarly's son. Young Dickon's to be wed. She tried to recall how old he was; eight or ten, she thought. - Brienne III, AFFC
"I am a man now, Mother," I could tell her, "a steward, and a man of the Night's Watch. My brothers call me Sam the Slayer sometimes." He would see his brother Dickon too, and his sisters. "See," I could tell them, "see, I was good for something after all." - Samwell II, AFFC
Brienne III -> <- Samwell II
Two sides of Hyle Hunt.
They had a wager.
Three of the younger knights had started it, he told her: Ambrose, Bushy, and Hyle Hunt, of his own household. As word spread through the camp, however, others had joined the game. Each man was required to buy into the contest with a golden dragon, the whole sum to go to whoever claimed her maidenhead. - Brienne III, AFFC
Looking at the water only made him think of drowning. When he was small his lord father had tried to teach him how to swim by throwing him into the pond beneath Horn Hill. The water had gotten in his nose and in his mouth and in his lungs, and he coughed and wheezed for hours after Ser Hyle pulled him out. - Samwell II, AFFC
Jaime II -> Cersei IV
Kingsguard having affairs with their queen.
"Who?" Ser Loras craned his head around to see. "Ten black pellets on a scarlet field. I do not know those arms."
"They belonged to Criston Cole, who served the first Viserys and the second Aegon." Jaime closed the White Book. "They called him Kingmaker." - Jaime II, AFFC
Cersei IV -> <- The Iron Captain -> <- The Drowned Man
Who is smart enough to give Asha some land for her help?
"Could we make use of the ironmen?" asked Orton Merryweather. "The enemy of our enemy? What would the Seastone Chair want of us as the price of an alliance?"
"They want the north," Grand Maester Pycelle said, "which our queen's noble father promised to House Bolton."
"How inconvenient," said Merryweather. "Still, the north is large. The lands could be divided. It need not be a permanent arrangement. Bolton might consent, so long as we assure him that our strength will be his once Stannis is destroyed." - Cersei IV, AFFC
"To end this war before this war ends us. We have won all that we are like to win . . . and stand to lose all just as quick, unless we make a peace. I have shown Lady Glover every courtesy, and she swears her lord will treat with me. If we hand back Deepwood Motte, Torrhen's Square, and Moat Cailin, she says, the northmen will cede us Sea Dragon Point and all the Stony Shore. Those lands are thinly peopled, yet ten times larger than all the isles put together. An exchange of hostages will seal the pact, and each side will agree to make common cause with the other should the Iron Throne—" - The Iron Captain, AFFC
"Peace," said Asha. "Land. Victory. I'll give you Sea Dragon Point and the Stony Shore, black earth and tall trees and stones enough for every younger son to build a hall. We'll have the northmen too . . . as friends, to stand with us against the Iron Throne. Your choice is simple. Crown me, for peace and victory. Or crown my nuncle, for more war and more defeat." She sheathed her dirk again. "What will you have, ironmen?" - The Drowned Man, AFFC
The Iron Captain -> <- The Drowned Man
Fun times at the kingsmoot.
Arya II -> <- Alayne I
Two sisters have new names.
She bit her lip. "Could I be Cat?"
"Cat." He considered. "Yes. Braavos is full of cats. One more will not be noticed. You are Cat, an orphan of . . ." - Arya II, AFFC
As the rising sun came streaming through the windows, Alayne sat up in bed and stretched. - Alayne I, AFFC
Alayne I -> <- Cersei V
Time to pluck the roses.
"How old are you, child?" asked Lady Waynwood.
"Four-fourteen, my lady." For a moment she forgot how old Alayne should be. "And I am no child, but a maiden flowered."
"But not deflowered, one can hope." Young Lord Hunter's bushy mustache hid his mouth entirely.
"Yet," said Lyn Corbray, as if she were not there. "But ripe for plucking soon, I'd say." - Alayne I, AFFC
"Only?" The queen let a hint of anger edge her words. "I must confess, I am running short of patience with dear Osney. It is past time he broke in that little filly. I named him Tommen's sworn shield so he could spend part of every day in Margaery's company. He should have plucked the rose by now. Is the little queen blind to his charms?" - Cersei V, AFFC
Samwell IV -> <- Cersei IV
Summer Islanders and the Faith have very different views on sex.
"You do not understand. Last night we . . ."
". . . honored your dead, and the gods who made you both. Xhondo did the same. I had the child, else I would have been with him. All you Westerosi make a shame of loving. There is no shame in loving. If your septons say there is, your seven gods must be demons. In the isles we know better. Our gods gave us legs to run with, noses to smell with, hands to touch and feel. What mad cruel god would give a man eyes and tell him he must forever keep them shut, and never look at all the beauty in the world? Only a monster god, a demon of the darkness." Kojja put her hand between Sam's legs. "The gods gave you this for a reason too, for . . . what is your Westerosi word?"
"Fucking," Xhondo offered helpfully. - Samwell IV, AFFC
Septon Raynard assumed a regretful tone. "His High Holiness sent me in his stead, and bade me tell Your Grace that the Seven have sent him forth to battle wickedness."
"How? By preaching chastity along the Street of Silk? Does he think praying over whores will turn them back to virgins?"
"Our bodies were shaped by our Father and Mother so we might join male to female and beget trueborn children," Raynard replied. "It is base and sinful for women to sell their holy parts for coin." - Cersei VIII, AFFC
Brienne VII -> <- Jaime VI
Talk of diverting the Trident.
The innkeep never hung another sign, so men forgot the dragon and took to calling the place the River Inn. In those days, the Trident flowed beneath its back door, and half its rooms were built out over the water. Guests could throw a line out their window and catch trout, it's said. There was a ferry landing here as well, so travelers could cross to Lord Harroway's Town and Whitewalls."
"We left the Trident south of here, and have been riding north and west . . . not toward the river but away from it."
"Aye, my lady," the septon said. "The river moved. Seventy years ago, it was. Or was it eighty? - Brenne VII, AFFC
When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. - Jaime VI, AFFC
Jaime VI -> <- Cersei IX
Cersei's titles.
On her head a circlet of hammered bronze sat askew, graven with runes and ringed with small black swords. When she saw Jaime, she laughed. "Who in seven hells is this one?"
"The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard," Jaime returned with cold courtesy. "I might ask the same of you, my lady."
"Lady? I'm no lady. I'm the queen."
"My sister will be surprised to hear that."
"Lord Ryman crowned me his very self." She gave a shake of her ample hips. "I'm the queen o' whores."
No, Jaime thought, my sweet sister holds that title too. - Jaime VI, AFFC
"We waited long enough." He thrust his fingers inside the bodice of her gown and yanked, and the silk parted with a ripping sound so loud that Cersei was afraid that half of the Red Keep must have heard it. "Take off the rest before I tear that too," he said. "You can keep the crown on. I like you in the crown." - Cersei IX, AFFC
Alayne II -> <- Brienne VIII
Brienne won't show her fear.
And yet the thought of leaving frightened her almost as much as it frightened Robert. She only hid it better. Her father said there was no shame in being afraid, only in showing your fear. "All men live with fear," he said. Alayne was not certain she believed that. Nothing frightened Petyr Baelish. - Alayne II, AFFC
I will not be afraid, she told herself, but it was too late for that. I will not let them see my fear, she promised herself instead. - Brienne VIII, AFFC
Cersei X -> <- Jaime VII
Cersei's ripping up her clothes.
I will teach them what it means to put a lion in a cage, Cersei thought. She tore the shift into a hundred pieces, found a ewer of water and smashed it against the wall, then did the same with the chamber pot. - Cersei X, AFFC
Jeyne never saw him at all. The widow rode with downcast eyes, huddled beneath a hooded cloak. Underneath its heavy folds, her clothes were finely made, but torn. She ripped them herself, as a mark of mourning, Jaime realized. That could not have pleased her mother. He found himself wondering if Cersei would tear her gown if she should ever hear that he was dead. - Jaime VII, AFFC
Cersei X -> <- Jaime VII
Right before walking into a disaster (a book delays Jaime), the twins are cold as ice.
Cersei could feel the eyes of the Seven staring at her, eyes of jade and malachite and onyx, and a sudden shiver of fear went through her, cold as ice. I am the queen, she told herself. Lord Tywin's daughter. Reluctantly, she followed. - Cersei X, AFFC
He woke in darkness, shivering. The room had grown cold as ice. Jaime flung aside the covers with the stump of his sword hand. The fire in the hearth had died, he saw, and the window had blown open. He crossed the pitch-dark chamber to fumble with the shutters, but when he reached the window his bare foot came down in something wet. Jaime recoiled, startled for a moment. His first thought was of blood, but blood would not have been so cold.
It was snow, drifting through the window. - Jaime VII, AFFC
Prologue -> <- Samwell V
Prologue: ice threat introduction.
Final chapter: fire threat introduction.
Prologue: cold-hearted King Stannis with his dying maester.
Final chapter: kindhearted King Bran with his dying maester.
Prologue: Cursed snowflakes, and Jon Snow.
Sansa VII: Drifting snowflakes, and Jon Snow.
Prologue: Pig boy Pate.
Samwell V: Pig boy Pate, back from the dead.
The alchemist pulled his hood down.
He was just a man, and his face was just a face. A young man's face, ordinary, with full cheeks and the shadow of a beard. A scar showed faintly on his right cheek. He had a hooked nose, and a mat of dense black hair that curled tightly around his ears. It was not a face Pate recognized. "I do not know you."
"Nor I you."
"Who are you?"
"A stranger. No one. Truly."
The cobblestones rushed up to kiss him. Pate tried to cry for help, but his voice was failing too.
His last thought was of Rosey. - Prologue, AFFC
"My thanks." There was something about the pale, soft youth that he misliked, but he did not want to seem discourteous, so he added, "My name's not Slayer, truly. I'm Sam. Samwell Tarly."
"I'm Pate," the other said, "like the pig boy." - Samwell V, AFFC
JONSA 🐺❤️❄️
Once again, thank you to @ladyofasoiaf for making the manual on all things jonsa. I heavily rely on it when making these posts. :)
Where would a girl in grey go?
If Dontos and this northern girl helped murder our sweet king, it seems to me that they would want to put as many leagues as they could betwixt themselves and justice. Look for them in Oldtown, if you must, or across the narrow sea. Look for them in Dorne, or on the Wall. Look elsewhere. - Brienne II, AFFC
But when Brienne asked about Sansa, she said, "I'll tell you what I told Lord Tywin. That girl was always praying. She'd go to sept and light her candles like a proper lady, but near every night she went off to the godswood. She's gone back north, she has. That's where her gods are." - Brienne II, AFFC
As they were making their way to the next pier, Podrick shuffled his feet, and said, "Ser? My lady? What if my lady did go home? My other lady, I mean. Ser. Lady Sansa."
"They burned her home."
"Still. That's where her gods are. And gods can't die." - Brienne V, AFFC
Coming after a Brienne chapter, we learn Brienne's ancestor once escorted a royal to Eastwatch.
He sent me north aboard the Golden Dragon, and insisted that his friend Ser Duncan see me safe to Eastwatch. - Samwell II, AFFC
Not yet.
She's a clean ship, 'Strider, not so many rats as most, and we'll have fresh eggs and new-churned butter aboard. Is m'lady seeking passage north?"
"No." Not yet. She was tempted, but . . . - Brienne V, AFFC
The same breakdown appears in back-to-back chapters, only Sansa forgets someone.
Or would she seek her own blood instead? Though all of her siblings had been slain, Brienne knew that Sansa still had an uncle and a bastard half brother on the Wall, serving in the Night's Watch. Another uncle, Edmure Tully, was a captive at the Twins, but his uncle Ser Brynden still held Riverrun. And Lady Catelyn's younger sister ruled the Vale. Blood calls to blood. Sansa might well have run to one of them. Which one, though? - Brienne II, AFFC
She would have fled them both, perhaps, but there was nowhere for her to go. Winterfell was burned and desolate, Bran and Rickon dead and cold. Robb had been betrayed and murdered at the Twins, along with their lady mother. Tyrion had been put to death for killing Joffrey, and if she ever returned to King's Landing the queen would have her head as well. The aunt she'd hoped would keep her safe had tried to murder her instead. Her uncle Edmure was a captive of the Freys, while her great-uncle the Blackfish was under siege at Riverrun. I have no place but here, Sansa thought miserably, and no true friend but Petyr. - Sansa I, AFFC
A stag won't find Sansa, but a dragon might.
"Where?" Brienne slapped another silver stag down.
He flicked the coin back at her with his forefinger. "Someplace no stag ever found . . . though a dragon might." - Brienne III, AFFC
Of course it could never be.
There's a new High Septon, did you know? Oh, and the Night's Watch has a boy commander, some bastard son of Eddard Stark's."
"Jon Snow?" she blurted out, surprised.
"Snow? Yes, it would be Snow, I suppose."
She had not thought of Jon in ages. He was only her half brother, but still . . . with Robb and Bran and Rickon dead, Jon Snow was the only brother that remained to her. I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. But of course that could never be. Alayne Stone had no brothers, baseborn or otherwise. - Alayne II, AFFC
Someday a man will drown in her eyes.
Petyr studied her eyes, as if seeing them for the first time. "You have your mother's eyes. Honest eyes, and innocent. Blue as a sunlit sea. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes." - Sansa I, AFFC
The man kept staring at him, with eyes as big and black as wells. I will fall into those eyes and drown. - Jon V, ASOS
Coming after a Sansa chapter, Asha has an amusing reunion with an old ghost who was fostered at Pyke.
"Asha?" A shadow stepped out from behind the well.
Her hand went to her dirk at once . . . until the moonlight transformed the dark shape into a man in a sealskin cloak. Another ghost. "Tris. I'd thought to find you in the hall."
"I wanted to see you."
"What part of me, I wonder?" She grinned. "Well, here I stand, all grown up. Look all you like."
"A woman." He moved closer. "And beautiful."
Tristifer Botley had filled out since last she'd seen him, but he had the same unruly hair that she remembered, and eyes as large and trusting as a seal's. Sweet eyes, truly. That was the trouble with poor Tristifer; he was too sweet for the Iron Islands. His face has grown comely, she thought. 
"If you like. It's nought to me. You look so lovely in the moonlight, Asha. A woman grown now, but I remember when you were a skinny girl with a face all full of pimples."
Why must they always mention the pimples? "I remember that as well." Though not as fondly as you do. Of the five boys her mother had brought to Pyke to foster after Ned Stark had taken her last living son as hostage, Tris had been closest to Asha in age. He had not been the first boy she had ever kissed, but he was the first to undo the laces of her jerkin and slip a sweaty hand beneath to feel her budding breasts.
I would have let him feel more than that if he'd been bold enough. Her first flowering had come upon her during the war and wakened her desire, but even before that Asha had been curious. He was there, he was mine own age, and he was willing, that was all it was . . . that, and the moon blood. Even so, she'd called it love, till Tris began to go on about the children she would bear him; a dozen sons at least, and oh, some daughters too. - The Kraken's Daughter, AFFC
Newly flowered Asha had an awakening during the war.
Her first flowering had come upon her during the war and wakened her desire, but even before that Asha had been curious. He was there, he was mine own age, and he was willing, that was all it was . . . that, and the moon blood. - The Kraken's Daughter's, AFFC
Fourteen-year-old Arianne loses her maidenhead to a bastard.
My father is many things, but no one has ever said he was a fool. The Bastard of Godsgrace had my maidenhead when we were both fourteen. - The Soiled Knight, AFFC
Experienced but still green after taking the black white.
It was her turn to flush. Her seduction of Ser Arys had required half a year. Though he claimed to have known other women before taking the white, she would never have known that from the way he acted. His caresses had been clumsy, his kisses nervous, and the first time they were abed together he spent his seed on her thigh as she was guiding him inside her with her hand. - The Princess in the Tower, AFFC
The Dornish (Aegon), the ironborn (Daenerys), and the north (Jon) are wedding dragons.
Thank you, @decadelongsummer!
Oh, but they must, or see the realm riven once more, as it was before we wed the dragons. - The Captain of the Guards, AFFC
None is fit to sit the Seastone Chair, much less the Iron Throne. No, to make an heir that's worthy of him, I need a different woman. When the kraken weds the dragon, brother, let all the world beware. - The Reaver, AFFC
"Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the dragons we married, and the dragons are all dead!" - Catelyn XI, AGOT
The blood of Winterfell.
I am not your daughter, she thought. I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard's daughter and Lady Catelyn's, the blood of Winterfell. - Sansa I, AFFC
Ygritte was with him, laughing at him, shedding her skins till she was naked as her name day, trying to kiss him, but he couldn't, not with his father watching. He was the blood of Winterfell, a man of the Night's Watch. - Jon VI, ASOS
She likes them bold.
If not for Petyr Baelish it would have been Sansa who went spinning through a cold blue sky to stony death six hundred feet below, instead of Lysa Arryn. He is so bold. Sansa wished she had his courage. - Sansa I, AFFC
Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. "You're bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. - Jon XI, ASOS
Sister and brother, Maiden and Warrior (more).
"Why would Cersei need the Warrior? She has me." Jaime turned his horse about, his white cloak snapping in the wind. - Jaime II, AFFC
I thought that I was the Warrior and Cersei was the Maid, but all the time she was the Stranger, hiding her true face from my gaze. - Jaime IV, AFFC
The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him. - Davos I, ACOK
Radiant sisters.
"How is Cersei? As beautiful as ever?"
"Radiant." Fickle. - Jaime V, AFFC
He was twelve, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon's vast dismay. Prince Joffrey had his sister's hair and his mother's deep green eyes. A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar. Sansa looked radiant as she walked beside him, but Jon did not like Joffrey's pouty lips or the bored, disdainful way he looked at Winterfell's Great Hall. - Jon I, AGOT
The author gives Snow & Stone some space.
She could see Sky six hundred feet below, and the stone steps carved into the mountain, the winding way that led past Snow and Stone all the way down to the valley floor. - Alayne I, AFFC
Steep stone steps crept up the mountainside past the waycastles Stone and Snow, but they came to an end at Sky. - Alayne I, AFFC
Jon's heart is all Stone.
Thank you, @winkydinkle!
He could not blame Gilly for her grief. Instead, he blamed Jon Snow and wondered when Jon's heart had turned to stone. - Samwell III, AFFC
Sansa has a crush.
"Bronze Yohn knows me," she reminded him. "He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black." She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. - Alayne I, AFFC
Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. - Prologue, AFFC
Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast.
Jon's eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black, but there was little they did not see. - Bran I, AGOT
The princess in the tower wishes she had wings.
A falcon soared above the frozen waterfall, blue wings spread wide against the morning sky. Would that I had wings as well. - Alayne I, AFFC
"The little bird thinks she has wings, does she? Or do you mean to end up crippled like that brother of yours?" - Sansa IV, ACOK
The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. - Arya XIII, ASOS
Sansa gets the head, but still needs flowers.
One of the Mountain's men had tried to rape the girl at Harrenhal, and had seemed honestly perplexed when Jaime commanded Ilyn Payne to take his head off. "I had her before, a hunnerd times," he kept saying as they forced him to his knees. "A hunnerd times, m'lord. We all had her." When Ser Ilyn presented Pia with his head, she had smiled through her ruined teeth. - Jaime IV, AFFC
"Ser Harwyn says those tales are lies." Lady Amerei wound a braid around her finger. "He has promised me Lord Beric's head. He's very gallant." She was blushing beneath her tears.
Jaime thought back on the head he'd given to Pia. He could almost hear his little brother chuckle. Whatever became of giving women flowers? Tyrion might have asked. - Jaime IV, AFFC
Frog-faced Lord Slynt sat at the end of the council table wearing a black velvet doublet and a shiny cloth-of-gold cape, nodding with approval every time the king pronounced a sentence. Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. - Sansa VI, AGOT
The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, "Edd, fetch me a block," and unsheathed Longclaw. - Jon II, ADWD
"What's wrong with flowers?" - Jon V, ASOS
A ghost wolf.
There was ice underfoot, and broken stones just waiting to turn an ankle, and the wind was howling fiercely. It sounds like a wolf, thought Sansa. A ghost wolf, big as mountains. - Alayne II, AFFC
Roses kissed by frost.
"When he is a man grown," said Cersei.
Their smiles withered like roses kissed by frost. - Cersei V, AFFC
Children of the mountain.
Thank you, @butterflies-dragons!
She pushed her hair back. "Then one day he wasn't. Men come and go. They lie, or die, or leave you. A mountain is not a man, though, and a stone is a mountain's daughter. I trust my father, and I trust my mules. I won't fall." - Alayne II, AFFC
"The mountain is your mother," Stonesnake had told him during an easier climb a few days past. "Cling to her, press your face up against her teats, and she won't drop you." Jon had made a joke of it, saying how he'd always wondered who his mother was, but never thought to find her in the Frostfangs. - Jon VI, ACOK
Ser Byron enters Sansa's story.
"Dutiful and beautiful," said an elegant young knight whose thick blond mane cascaded down well past his shoulders.
"Knights they are," said Petyr. "Their gallantry has yet to be demonstrated, but we may hope. Allow me to present Ser Byron, Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich. Sers, the Lady Alayne, my natural and very clever daughter . . . with whom I must needs confer, if you will be so good as to excuse us."
The three knights bowed and withdrew, though the tall one with the blond hair kissed her hand before taking his leave. - Alayne II, AFFC
The character I'm probably most like in real life is Samwell Tarly. Good old Sam. And the character I'd want to be? Well who wouldn't want to be Jon Snow — the brooding, Byronic, romantic hero whom all the girls love. - George R. R. Martin
A fool or a knight?
"Ser Galladon was a champion of such valor that the Maiden herself lost her heart to him. She gave him an enchanted sword as a token of her love. The Just Maid, it was called. No common sword could check her, nor any shield withstand her kiss. Ser Galladon bore the Just Maid proudly, but only thrice did he unsheathe her. He would not use the Maid against a mortal man, for she was so potent as to make any fight unfair."
Crabb thought that was hilarious. "The Perfect Knight? The Perfect Fool, he sounds like. - Brienne IV, AFFC
"A fool and a knight?" said Jonquil. "I have never heard of such a thing."
"Sweet lady," said Florian, "all men are fools, and all men are knights, where women are concerned." - The Hedge Knight
Who's the pig boy?
Thank you, @fedonciadale!
Spotted Pate the pig boy was the hero of a thousand ribald stories: a good-hearted, empty-headed lout who always managed to best the fat lordlings, haughty knights, and pompous septons who beset him. Somehow his stupidity would turn out to have been a sort of uncouth cunning; the tales always ended with Spotted Pate sitting on a lord's high seat or bedding some knight's daughter. But those were stories. In the real world pig boys never fared so well. - Prologue, AFFC
His face darkened. "I am. I'm your father, and I can marry you to whoever I like. To anyone. You'll marry the pig boy if I say so, and bed down with him in the sty." His green eyes glittered with amusement. - Sansa III, ACOK
Jon and Sansa know the power of song.
Thank you, @agentrouka-blog!
Dareon will join you at Eastwatch. My hope is that his songs will win some men for us in the south. - Samwell I, AFFC
A harp can be as dangerous as a sword, in the right hands. - Sansa VI, ASOS
King Robert liked to play with his cousin.
There had been a female cousin too, a chunky little widow with breasts as big as melons whose husband and father had both died at Storm's End during the siege. "Her father was good to me," Robert told her, "and she and I would play together when the two of us were small." It did not take him long to start playing with her again. - Cersei V, AFFC
Sansa wants to dance.
What would she do when the music began to play? It was a vexing question, to which her heart and head gave different answers. Sansa loved to dance, but Alayne . . . - Alayne II, AFFC
When the musicians began to play, she timidly laid her hand on Tyrion's and said, "My lord, should we lead the dance?"
Perhaps she ought to have remained beside her husband, but she wanted to dance so badly . . . - Sansa III, ASOS
"You could dance with me, you know. It would be only courteous. You danced with me anon."
"Anon?" teased Jon.
"When we were children." She tore off a bit of bread and threw it at him. "As you know well."
"My lady should dance with her husband." - Jon X, ADWD
A snowflake danced upon the air. Then another. Dance with me, Jon Snow, he thought. You'll dance with me anon. - Jon XII, ADWD
Prince Aemon's back.
"And the Dragonknight?" She flung the bedclothes aside and swung her legs to the floor. "The noblest knight who ever lived, you said, and he took his queen to bed and got her with child." - The Soiled Knight, AFFC
Who could ever love a bastard?
Ser Loras had given Sansa Stark a red rose once, but he had never kissed her . . . and no Tyrell would ever kiss Alayne Stone. Pretty as she was, she had been born on the wrong side of the blanket. - Alayne II, AFFC
Poisoned gifts.
Petyr arched an eyebrow. "When Robert dies. Our poor brave Sweetrobin is such a sickly boy, it is only a matter of time. When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa . . . Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That's worth another kiss now, don't you think?" - Alayne II, AFFC
"Jon." Melisandre was so close he could feel the warmth of her breath. "R'hllor is the only true god. A vow sworn to a tree has no more power than one sworn to your shoes. Open your heart and let the light of the Lord come in. Burn these weirwoods, and accept Winterfell as a gift of the Lord of Light."
Stannis gave him a measuring look. "Does this mean you will not wed the girl? I warn you, she is part of the price you must pay, if you want your father's name and your father's castle. This match is necessary, to help assure the loyalty of our new subjects. Are you refusing me, Jon Snow?"
Stannis put a thin, fleshless hand on Jon's shoulder. "Say nothing of what we've discussed here today. To anyone. But when you return, you need only bend your knee, lay your sword at my feet, and pledge yourself to my service, and you shall rise again as Jon Stark, the Lord of Winterfell." - Jon XI, ASOS
Lancel Lannister's story continues to raise eyebrows.
Lancel had taken to quartering the lion of Lannister with the Darry plowman, it would seem. He saw his uncle's hand in that, as in Lancel's choice of bride. House Darry had ruled these lands since the Andals cast down the First Men. No doubt Ser Kevan realized that his son would have an easier time of it if the peasants saw him as a continuation of the old line, holding these lands by right of marriage rather than royal decree. - Jaime IV, AFFC
Maybe he is praying for his cock to harden. In King's Landing it had been rumored that Lancel's wounds had left him incapable. Still, he ought to have sense enough to try. His cousin's hold on his new lands would not be secure until he fathered a son on his half-Darry wife. - Jaime IV, AFFC
When his coz did not answer, Jaime sighed. "You should be sleeping with your wife, not with the Maid. You need a son with Darry blood if you want to keep this castle." - Jaime IV, AFFC
More men marrying into houses.
When he was not singing, Nimble Dick would talk, regaling them with tales of Crackclaw Point. Every gloomy valley had its lord, he said, the lot of them united only by their mistrust of outsiders. In their veins the blood of the First Men ran dark and strong. "The Andals tried t' take Crackclaw, but we bled them in the valleys and drowned them in the bogs. Only what their sons couldn't win with swords, their pretty daughters won with kisses. They married into the houses they couldn't conquer, aye." - Brienne IV, AFFC
Val does cosplay. Again.
King Stannis had plans for Val, he knew; she was the mortar with which he meant to seal the peace between the northmen and the free folk. - Samwell I, AFFC
"Whoever?" Stannis gave him a measuring look. "Does this mean you will not wed the girl? I warn you, she is part of the price you must pay, if you want your father's name and your father's castle. This match is necessary, to help assure the loyalty of our new subjects. Are you refusing me, Jon Snow?" - Jon XI, ASOS
"The girl's happiness is not my purpose, nor should it be yours. Our alliances in the south may be as solid as Casterly Rock, but there remains the north to win, and the key to the north is Sansa Stark." - Tyrion III, ASOS
Sansa -> Bolton requires a Stark daughter to claim Winterfell -> Jon.
"Your Grace has forgotten the Lady Sansa," said Pycelle.
The queen bristled. "I most certainly have not forgotten that little she-wolf." She refused to say the girl's name. "I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son. When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead . . . but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss."
An awkward silence followed. Have they all swallowed their tongues? Cersei thought, with irritation. It was enough to make her wonder why she bothered with a council.
"In any case," the queen went on, "Lord Eddard's younger daughter is with Lord Bolton, and will be wed to his son Ramsay as soon as Moat Cailin has fallen." So long as the girl played her role well enough to cement their claim to Winterfell, neither of the Boltons would much care that she was actually some steward's whelp tricked up by Littlefinger. "If the north must have a Stark, we'll give them one." She let Lord Merryweather fill her cup once again. "Another problem has arisen on the Wall, however. The brothers of the Night's Watch have taken leave of their wits and chosen Ned Stark's bastard son to be their Lord Commander." - Cersei IV, AFFC
The author's constant reminder.
Jaime sighed. "Then let them wed. It will be years before Tommen is old enough to consummate the marriage. And until he does, the union can always be set aside. Give Tyrell his wedding and send him off to play at war." - Jaime I, AFFC
"I said some words and gave her a red cloak, but only to please Father. Marriage requires consummation. King Baelor was made to wed his sister Daena, but they never lived as man and wife, and he put her aside as soon as he was crowned." - Jaime IV, AFFC
"She is old enough to be Lady of Winterfell once her brother is dead. Claim her maidenhood and you will be one step closer to claiming the north. Get her with child, and the prize is all but won. Do I need to remind you that a marriage that has not been consummated can be set aside?" - Tyrion IV, ASOS
Jon vs. Tyrion Pregame.
"Well," said Sam, "he will not want it said that Stannis rode to the defense of the realm whilst King Tommen was playing with his toys. That would bring scorn down upon House Lannister."
"It's death and destruction I want to bring down upon House Lannister, not scorn." Jon lifted up the letter. - Samwell I, AFFC
Big brothers.
My betrothal was announced at a feast with half the west in attendance. Ellyn Tarbeck laughed and the Red Lion went angry from the hall. The rest sat on their tongues. Only Tywin dared speak against the match. A boy of ten. Father turned as white as mare's milk, and Walder Frey was quivering." She smiled. "How could I not love him, after that? That is not to say that I approved of all he did, or much enjoyed the company of the man that he became . . . but every little girl needs a big brother to protect her. Tywin was big even when he was little." - Jaime V, AFFC
That uncomfortable subject.
"How old are you, child?" asked Lady Waynwood.
"Four-fourteen, my lady." For a moment she forgot how old Alayne should be. "And I am no child, but a maiden flowered."
"But not deflowered, one can hope." Young Lord Hunter's bushy mustache hid his mouth entirely.
"Yet," said Lyn Corbray, as if she were not there. "But ripe for plucking soon, I'd say." - Alayne I, AFFC
"A child?" said Sansa, uncertainly.
Lysa waved a hand negligently. "Not for many years. You are too young to be a mother. One day you shall want children, though. Just as you will want to marry." - Sansa VI, ASOS
"I will." He cuddled close and laid his head between her breasts. "Alayne? Are you my mother now?"
"I suppose I am," she said. If a lie was kindly meant, there was no harm in it. - Sansa I, AFFC
She studied Alayne's face and chest. "You are prettier than me, but my breasts are larger. The maesters say large breasts produce no more milk than small ones, but I do not believe it. Have you ever known a wet nurse with small teats? Yours are ample for a girl your age, but as they are bastard breasts, I shan't concern myself with them." - Alayne II, AFFC
"The gods made men to fight, and women to bear children," said Randyll Tarly. "A woman's war is in the birthing bed." - Brienne III, AFFC
"How apt. The men will bleed out there, and you in here." The queen signaled for the first course to be served. - Sansa V, ACOK
Jeyne Westerling had been Robb Stark's queen, the girl who cost him everything. With a wolf in her belly, she could have proved more dangerous than the Blackfish. - Jaime VI, AFFC
"A child born of traitor's seed will find that betrayal comes naturally to her," said Grand Maester Pycelle. "She is a sweet thing now, but in ten years, who can say what treasons she may hatch?" - Sansa IV, AGOT
To break her fast the queen sent to the kitchens for two boiled eggs, a loaf of bread, and a pot of honey. But when she cracked the first egg and found a bloody half-formed chick inside, her stomach roiled. - Cersei III, AFFC
An immense round fat man, as big as three Moon Boys, he came cartwheeling into the hall, vaulted onto the table, and laid a gigantic egg right in front of Sansa. "Break it, my lady," he commanded. When she did, a dozen yellow chicks escaped and began running in all directions. - Sansa I, ASOS
A king must have an heir.
And Cersei … I have Jon Arryn to thank for her. I had no wish to marry after Lyanna was taken from me, but Jon said the realm needed an heir. - Eddard VII, AGOT
"Jeyne," she called after, "there's one more thing Robb needs from you, though he may not know it yet himself. A king must have an heir." - Catelyn III, ASOS
"Young, and a king," he said. "A king must have an heir. If I should die in my next battle, the kingdom must not die with me. - Catelyn V, ASOS
He had not touched another woman since he gave her to the crabs. I will need to take a wife when I am king. A true wife, to be my queen and bear me sons. A king must have an heir. - The Iron Captain, AFFC
Victarion was turning to go when the Crow's Eye said, "A king must have a wife, to give him heirs. - The Reaver, AFFC
Many promised him their voices: Fralegg the Strong, clever Alvyn Sharp, humpbacked Hotho Harlaw. Hotho offered him a daughter for his queen. "I have no luck with wives," Victarion told him. His first wife died in childbed, giving him a stillborn daughter. His second had been stricken by a pox. And his third . . .
"A king must have an heir," Hotho insisted. "The Crow's Eye brings three sons to show before the kingsmoot."
"Bastards and mongrels. How old is this daughter?"
"Twelve," said Hotho. "Fair and fertile, newly flowered, with hair the color of honey. Her breasts are small as yet, but she has good hips. She takes after her mother, more than me." – The Iron Captain, AFFC
Does the moon tea have anything to do with jonsa? I'll include it, and let you decide.
She had surrendered her virtue at six-and-ten, to a beautiful blond-haired sailor on a trading galley up from Lys. He only knew six words of the Common Tongue, but "fuck" was one of them—the very word she'd hoped to hear. Afterward, Asha had the sense to find a woods witch, who showed her how to brew moon tea to keep her belly flat. - The Kraken's Daughter, AFFC
"I swore a vow . . ."
". . . not to wed or father children. Well, I have drunk my moon tea, and you know I cannot marry you." She smiled. "Though I might be persuaded to keep you for my paramour." - The Soiled Knight, AFFC
"The little queen has appetites that Tommen is as yet too young to satisfy." That was always a danger, when a grown woman was married to a child. Even more so with a widow. She may claim that Renly never touched her, but I will not believe it. Women only drank moon tea for one reason; maidens had no need for it at all. - Cersei IX, AFFC
"As you will." Jaime turned to the daughter. "I am sorry for your loss. The boy had courage, I'll give him that. There is a question I must ask you. Are you carrying his child, my lady?"
Jeyne burst from her chair and would have fled the room if the guard at the door had not seized her by the arm. "She is not," said Lady Sybell, as her daughter struggled to escape. "I made certain of that, as your lord father bid me." - Jaime VII, AFFC
"You're bastard-born yourself. And if Ygritte does not want a child, she will go to some woods witch and drink a cup o' moon tea. You do not come into it, once the seed is planted." - Jon II, ASOS
Tears ran down her aunt's puffy red face. "I gave you my maiden's gift. I would have given you a son too, but they murdered him with moon tea, with tansy and mint and wormwood, a spoon of honey and a drop of pennyroyal. It wasn't me, I never knew, I only drank what Father gave me . . ." - Sansa VII, ASOS
Two prophetic conversations have Sansa and Cersei on the same path.
"When will I wed the prince?" she asked.
"Never. You will wed the king." - Cersei VIII, AFFC
"No," Ned said. He saw no use in lying to her. "Yet someday he may be the lord of a great holdfast and sit on the king's council. He might raise castles like Brandon the Builder, or sail a ship across the Sunset Sea, or enter your mother's Faith and become the High Septon." 
Arya cocked her head to one side. "Can I be a king's councillor and build castles and become the High Septon?"
"You," Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, "will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon."
Arya screwed up her face. "No," she said, "that's Sansa." - Eddard V, AGOT
Ashford Tournament!
Thank you @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly for the theory! (lol)
Thank you @butterflies-dragons for the additional parallels!
"Will there be another champion in Ser Humfrey's [Hardyng] place?"
"Lord Ashford had a mind to grant the place to Lord Caron, or perhaps the other Ser Humfrey, the one who gave Hardyng such a splendid match, but Prince Baelor told him that it would not be seemly to remove Ser Humfrey's shield and pavilion under the circumstances. I believe they will continue with four champions in place of five."
Four champions, Dunk thought. Leo Tyrell, Lyonel Baratheon, Tybolt Lannister, and Prince Valarr [Targaryen]. - The Hedge Knight
Lyonel Baratheon
Sansa must wed Joffrey, that is clear now, we must give them no grounds to suspect our devotion. - Catelyn II, AGOT
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Leo Tyrell
The words came tumbling out of her. "Yes. I will. I would like that more than anything. To wed Ser Loras, to love him . . ." "Loras?" Lady Olenna sounded annoyed. "Don't be foolish, child. Kingsguard never wed. Didn't they teach you anything in Winterfell? We were speaking of my grandson Willas. He is a bit old for you, to be sure, but a dear boy for all that. Not the least bit oafish, and heir to Highgarden besides." - Sansa I, ASOS
Willas Tyrell was green as his surcoat and had no business riding in such company. The Fat Flower thrust him into tourneys at too tender an age, just as he did with the other two. He wanted another Leo Longthorn, and made himself a cripple. - Tyrion V, ASOS
Tybolt Lannister
"Yes. You are a ward of the crown. The king stands in your father's place, since your brother is an attainted traitor. That means he has every right to dispose of your hand. You are to marry my brother Tyrion." - Sansa III, ASOS
The Baratheon and Lannister defeat the maiden's brother(s).
Tybolt Lannister and Androw Ashford rode against each other thrice more before Ser Androw finally lost shield, seat, and match all at once. The younger Ashford lasted even longer, breaking no less than nine lances against Ser Lyonel Baratheon, the Laughing Storm. Champion and challenger both lost their saddles on their tenth course, only to rise together to fight on, sword against mace. Finally a battered Ser Robert Ashford admitted defeat, but on the viewing stand his father looked anything but dejected. Both Lord Ashford's Sons had been ushered from the ranks of the champions, it was true, but they had acquitted themselves nobly against two of the finest knights in the Seven Kingdoms. - The Hedge Knight
Humfrey Hardyng
When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa . . . Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. - Alayne II, AFFC
A lady's armor is her courtesy. Alayne could feel the blood rushing to her face. No tears, she prayed. Please, please, I must not cry. "As you wish, ser. And now if you will excuse me, Littlefinger's bastard must find her lord father and let him know that you have come, so we can begin the tourney on the morrow." And may your horse stumble, Harry the Heir, so you fall on your stupid head in your first tilt. - Alayne I, TWOW
At the last possible instant, Ser Humfrey's stallion reared away from the oncoming point, eyes rolling in terror, but too late, Aerion's lance took the animal just above the armor that protected his breastbone, and exploded out of the back of his neck in a gout of bright blood. Screaming, the horse crashed sideways, knocking the wooden barrier to pieces as he fell. Ser Humfrey tried to leap free, but a foot caught in a stirrup and they heard his shriek as his leg was crushed between the splintered fence and falling horse. - The Hedge Knight
Prince Valarr Targaryen
Jon Snow was the only brother that remained to her. I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. - Alayne II, AFFC
But they were all dead now, even Arya, everyone but her half-brother, Jon. Some nights she heard talk of him, in the taverns and brothels of the Ragman's Harbor. The Black Bastard of the Wall, one man had called him. - The Blind Girl, ADWD
Six pups they'd found in the late summer snows, him and Robb; five that were grey and black and brown, for the five Starks, and one white, as white as Snow. - Jon XII, ASOS
He was a shorter, slimmer, handsomer version of his sire, without the twice-broken nose that had made Baelor seem more human than royal. Valarr's hair was brown, but a bright streak of silver-gold ran through it. - The Hedge Knight
The last pavilion was Prince Valarr's. Of black silk it was, with a line of pointed scarlet pennons hanging from its roof like long red flames. The shield on its stand was glossy black, emblazoned with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen. One of the Kingsguard knights stood beside it, his shining white armor stark against the black of the tentcloth. 
And the black-and-white knight, Lord Gawen Swann, challenged the black prince with the white guardian. - The Hedge Knight
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Review: Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Rated R for strong bloody horror violence and gore, and some language
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Score: 4 out of 5
The Evil Dead series has what may be the single best track record for quality out of any Hollywood horror franchise. With the big slasher franchises of the ‘80s, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street, I can name at least three movies from each series that are downright wretched. The Universal monsters fell off in quality during World War II and only came back when they let Abbott and Costello do an officially sanctioned parody of them. Saw fell off starting with the fourth movie and never fully recovered, even if it still had some decent movies afterwards. Even Scream and Final Destination each have one bad or otherwise forgettable movie marring their otherwise perfect records. Evil Dead, though? The original trilogy is golden and has something to offer for everyone, whether you prefer the first movie’s campy but effective low-budget grit, the second movie’s slapstick horror-comedy approach, or Army of Darkness’ wisecracking medieval fantasy action. The spinoff TV series Ash vs. Evil Dead was three seasons’ worth of horror-comedy goodness that fleshed out the franchise’s lore. Even the remake was awesome, a gritty, ultraviolent bloodbath that took the first film’s more serious tone and put an actual budget and production values behind it, making for one of the most graphic horror movies to ever get a wide release in American theaters. This latest film delivers on the same, with a tone and levels of violence akin to the remake and most of its strengths as a pure, straightforward, whoop-your-ass horror movie with lots of muscle and little fat once it gets going. It may not be revolutionary, but Evil Dead Rise is still as good as it gets, and exactly what I hoped for given this series’ high bar.
Like its predecessors barring Army of Darkness, this is a self-contained story set within an isolated, closed-off location, in this case the top floor of a Los Angeles apartment complex instead of a cabin in the woods. Our protagonists this time are a family, led by the single mother and tattoo artist Ellie with three kids, the teenage DJ son Dan, the teenage activist daughter Bridget, and the adolescent daughter Kassie, as well as Ellie’s sister Beth. After an earthquake reveals an old vault beneath the apartment complex (which used to be a bank), Dan explores it and discovers the Naturom Demonto, an evil-looking book bound in human flesh, along with three records recorded by the renegade priest who had last had that book a hundred years ago. Dan takes the book and the records back home, plays the latter on his turntable, and turns this into a proper Evil Dead movie, with Ellie winding up the first one possessed by the demon it unleashes.
Much like how the remake built its human drama around Mia’s friends staging an intervention for her, so too does this film root its central dynamic in the relationships between its human characters, in this case crafting a dysfunctional yet believable family. Lily Sullivan as Beth and Alyssa Sutherland as Ellie are the film’s MVPs, making their characters flawed yet sympathetic figures whose perspectives are understandable but who both clearly made mistakes in managing their relationship. Beth, an audio technician for a rock band, is visiting Ellie because she just found out she’s pregnant, but is naturally hesitant to tell her sister, given that Ellie sees Beth as a glorified groupie and still harbors some resentment for the fact that Beth wasn’t there for Ellie when her husband left her. News of a pregnancy would do little more than confirm Ellie’s suspicions of Beth and her lifestyle. After all, Beth abandoned Ellie and failed to return her calls, and Ellie readily sees that Beth’s motive for visiting is self-serving even without Beth telling her exactly why she’s there. Ellie herself isn’t blameless in the breakdown of their relationship, though. She clearly has a chip on her shoulder, somebody who sees herself as the more responsible sibling even though Beth is the one with a successful career while she’s living in a run-down apartment struggling to raise three kids after her husband walked out on her.
All of that is heightened when Ellie gets possessed, as the demon, inheriting all of Ellie’s memories, uses them to taunt Beth and go completely mask-off on all the things that she wouldn’t directly say in life, calling Beth a whore and her own children leeches. Not only do we get the metaphor of a family tearing itself apart made literal, it’s here where Sutherland truly shines as not just a working-class single mother but also as the terrifying demonic parody thereof that she turns into, demonstrating what separates the Evil Dead series’ “Deadites” from many other zombies: their sense of personality. The series takes George A. Romero’s already scary idea, that of a ravenous monster that looks human, used to be human, and is able to turn others into similar monsters with just a bite or a scratch, and adds the twist of a demonic component that gives the monster that person’s intelligence and memories as well, which it then uses to torment the people who knew them in life before it devours their souls. While the more comedic direction that the “main” series films and the TV series went in is more iconic, the remake showed that there’s just as much room for a straightforward horror take on the idea of combining a zombie film with a demonic possession film, and this movie takes that idea and runs with it even if it still retains a measure of camp in some of the one-liners and gore gags.
Dan and Bridget’s relationship, too, takes center stage in the second act as they have two very different reactions to the evil book that Dan brought back to their apartment, with Morgan Davies as Dan and Gabrielle Echols as Bridget giving their characters plenty of life and personality. Bridget is suspicious from the word “go”, and when Ellie gets possessed, she blames Dan for unleashing a dark, evil force in their lives, with implications that they had a fraught relationship even before this. Even Kassie, the youngest among them, was good, with Nell Fisher taking a role that could’ve easily turned annoying and making her character feel believably scared without being completely helpless or whiny, getting in one of my favorite lines when, after Beth tries to calm her down and tell her that they’ll be okay, she responds by telling Beth that she’ll be a great mother because she knows how to lie to kids. The only weak link in the cast was the family’s neighbors, who show up briefly early on but all of whom clearly existed as cannon fodder for Ellie to slaughter in a single sequence in the second act, even though some of them felt like they’d wind up more important or at least get more scenes to shine before they were killed. With how little they’re in the film, you could almost feel the pandemic filming conditions, getting the sense that some of them (particularly Gabe and the shotgun-wielding Mr. Fonda) were originally written to have larger roles but they couldn’t find a way to have that many actors on set at once.
Another thing I felt that made up for it, though, was this film’s unflinching brutality. One of the other things that even the more lighthearted entries in this series are known for is their absolute geysers of blood and gore, the fact that most of the carnage is inflicted on zombies seemingly giving it a pass in the eyes of an MPAA that normally slaps this kind of shit with an NC-17 when it’s done to living humans. And here, we get it all. Stabbings, a cheese grater to the leg, somebody getting scalped, an eye bitten out, multiple decapitations, a wooden spear through the mouth, Deadites puking up everything from vomit to blood to bugs, the good old shotgun and chainsaw (this series’ old favorites) taking off limbs, a woodchipper, and some gnarly Deadite makeup, most notably the freakish, multi-limbed monster at the very end. This movie does not play around, and it is not for the squeamish. The only gore scene that didn’t really work for me was one Deadite transformation that was let down by some dodgy effects shots of fake-looking black blood coming out of somebody’s face; the rest, however, was some seriously nasty-looking, mostly practical stuff. That’s not to say it’s just a parade of violence with no tension, though. Director Lee Cronin employs all the classic Sam Raimi tricks that have become staples of this series as much as Raimi’s career in general, knowing when to keep the monsters in the shadows, lurking ominously behind our characters, or coldly mocking them. Ellie especially is a key source of the film’s less bloody but no less effective scares, especially with how she tries to manipulate Kassie into letting her back into their apartment, as are the scenes of characters succumbing to possession and hearing voices in their head taunting them. Once the film gets going – and you will know when it gets going – it never once lets up or gives you much room to breathe, instead maintaining a heightened level of terror and suspense throughout.
The Bottom Line
This was a welcome return to the big screen for a classic horror franchise, especially with how certain plot threads at the beginning and end leave the door open for a sequel that, going by the box office returns this past weekend, is likely inevitable at this point. Right now, the Evil Dead series is five-for-five in my book.
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tastywordgasms · 3 years
ᖇᗴᒪᗴᗩᔕᗴ𝔻 𝕋𝕆𝔻𝔸𝕐!!! Into Temptation, ᗷᗝᗝᛕ 2 by Monica James is ℕ𝕆𝕎 𝔸𝕍𝔸𝕀𝕃𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼! 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀𝑜𝓊𝓉 Tanya Rae's ᗷᗝᗝᛕ ᖇᗴᐯꭵᗴW! ᗝᑎᗴ ᑕᒪꭵᑕᛕ 𝕋ᗝᗪᗩƴ! @monicajames81
ᖇᗴᒪᗴᗩᔕᗴ𝔻 𝕋𝕆𝔻𝔸𝕐!!! Into Temptation, ᗷᗝᗝᛕ 2 by Monica James is ℕ𝕆𝕎 𝔸𝕍𝔸𝕀𝕃𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼! 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀𝑜𝓊𝓉 Tanya Rae’s ᗷᗝᗝᛕ ᖇᗴᐯꭵᗴW! ᗝᑎᗴ ᑕᒪꭵᑕᛕ 𝕋ᗝᗪᗩƴ! @monicajames81
Into Temptation  by Monica James Series: Book II: Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy Genre: Dark Romance  Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers  Release date: April 28th  #indieauthorsofinstagram #romanceauthorsofinstagram #authorsofig #readingcommunity #authorslife #amwritingromance…
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hutchhitched · 4 years
Social Commentary in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
I haven’t written a lot of meta about The Hunger Games trilogy. When I first read them, I devoured the entire set in three days before I was part of tumblr or writing fanfiction. My own metas were in my head and part of things I taught my classes and discussed with my friends, but not something I generally put on my blog. I don’t know why. (I do have a meta about Peeta’s hijacking that I’ve been meaning to write for a while. Maybe once I’ve finished this book. Hint: It has to do with George Orwell’s 1984, which I used in my classes last year and was performed at a theater in Houston right as the pandemic hit.) I don’t know if reading this book when I’m a decade older and after a really rough few years of my own has anything to do with it or just that I’ve been exposed to so much by being in this fandom, but I’ve got a lot of thoughts about The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I’ve only read Part 1 so far, but here are some observations. (It’s long, but at least read the last one—even if you have to skip to get there.)
 Spoilers below:
Reaping day is July 4. We already knew it was during the summer, so that’s not a huge stretch. What intrigues me is the symbolism of July 4 for Americans since it’s Independence Day. For those of you who aren’t American or aren’t sure why that struck me, here you go. Independence Day represents the day the Declaration of Independence was signed (although, it was actually two days later, but whatever). The Declaration of Independence was issued 14 months AFTER the beginning of the American Revolution in April 1775 at the battles of Lexington and Concord and was not the cause of the Revolution as so many believe. Penned by Thomas Jefferson (at least colloquially), it famously discusses the celebrated (but sadly, not practiced) phrase that “all men are created equal.” That’s the phrase that’s trotted out and waved about, but the Declaration is mostly about tyranny and the role of government. In fact, the Declaration doesn’t start with “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Instead, it begins with this: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…” In other words, the Declaration of Independence does indicate that all humans are created equal. It also discusses what the government is supposed to and not supposed to do. Having Reaping Day occur on July 4 is a brilliant jab that adds an entirely new level to what Independence Day means and how it’s celebrated—with lots of flag waving and fireworks and BBQ (and very little knowledge of what the document itself actually says).
 Which brings me to Sejanus Plinth. Bless him. He’s the voice of compassion and reason in part 1 as he speaks up about treating other humans with respect and dignity, about the humanity of those in the districts, as he feeds the hungry, as he challenges the inhumanity of the Games. In short, he’s the Peeta Mellark voice from the final council of the tributes in Mockingjay. I have no idea what’s going to happen to him in the rest of the book, but he’s the humanity I’m craving as I read. A note on his name: Sejanus was a close friend and ally of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Sejanus worked to improve conditions in the Empire and served as a proxy to Tiberius when he was absent. He was strangled to death in 31 AD/CE. His last name is what makes me stop and want to hug Collins. Four years ago, I had no idea what a plinth was. I’d never heard the word, but I was the prop mistress for my church’s summer musical, and it was on the list of things I had to find. I googled it and found out it’s a base on which a statue (or something else) is displayed. In Mary Poppins, it was used as the base for a statue that came to life and talked to the characters in the park. In other words, it’s a place on which someone can take a stand and deliver a message—a platform, if you will, of the character’s compassion and humanity.
 I don’t remember if we got that Tigris was Snow’s cousin in the original trilogy or not. What I do remember is that she was a former stylist who Snow thought was no longer useful and had her removed from the Games. I haven’t figured out yet how I feel about her in this book, but her banishment and desire to see Snow destroyed are even more intriguing to me as a result of her inclusion as his relative. I would not have pictured her as a Snow before reading the new book. I’m still waiting to be convinced. “Snow comes out on top” is awesome. I wish I could write half as well as Collins.
 There’s so much Holocaust imagery in this book, it’s terrifying. The cattle cars, the inhumane treatment of the tributes, using a veterinarian to treat the tributes instead of a doctor, the numbers, the cages, the rats, separation into districts and restrictions on travel, the hunger and starvation. Ugh. I’ve spent the past several years studying the Holocaust with some of the leading Holocaust and genocide scholars in the world both here in Houston and in Israel. I’ve traveled to Germany and Poland to see the death camps and headquarters of the Gestapo and Nazis and so on. The Games themselves are genocide, by definition, as an attempt to reduce the population of undesirables by targeting the children so they cannot reproduce. Hearing Survivor stories always reminds me of how Collins discusses Victors. There are no winners, only survivors. Survivors have never forgotten the Holocaust, nor should they. It’s what helped so many of them find compassion and humanity and forgiveness (and equally what causes such despair and depression in so many, as well). During my time Yad Vahsem in Jerusalem last summer, one thing was repeated over and over and over. The real triumph for Survivors aren’t the children; they are the grandchildren and then the great-grandchildren. In Panem, there can’t be too many grandchildren if the children are killed before they reach child-bearing age. (There’s also something in there about Snow being raised by his grandmother, but I’m gonna let that one rest for now.)
 In one of the seminars from last summer at Yad Vashem, a scholar of Holocaust music taught us about the role of bands and singing in the camps (all levels, from death camps down to prison camps). First, there are some achingly gorgeous songs (the lyrics of one which were preserved on a child’s shoe in the death camp of Majdanek). Second, she asked us what we thought were the purposes of songs and music in the camps, and we all gave the standard answers—an attempt to distract themselves, holding onto humanity, finding beauty in the midst of horror, and hope. As a faithful fan of The Hunger Games and the saying “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear,” I was just as astounded as others when she said, “There was no hope. People died in death camps. They were starved and covered in shit and piss and lice and filth. They wanted revenge.” I don’t think revenge is what music represents in this book or in the original trilogy, although I think that argument can be made with the use of the Hanging Tree song in rebellion in the movies, but I can’t get that woman’s statement out of my head when I read this book. Not everybody has hope. Katniss didn’t when she first volunteered. I think there’s something to that.
 Lucy Gray Baird is not Katniss. I haven’t exactly figured out who she is, yet, but she’s not Katniss in the first part of this book, which I think some people were hoping she was (as an analogy, obviously). Her flirtations with Snow are fascinating, and her outgoing and peculiar behavior at the reaping in District 12 was my first indication that the title was not as clear cut as Snow=Snake and District 12 female tribute=Songbird (alluding to Katniss). She puts a snake down the dress of the daughter of District 12’s mayor. She also sings. Is she both? Is she the songbird only? If so, then why the snake? And Snow doesn’t appear to be the snake either. My bet’s on Dr. Gaul. She’s a piece of work. Or maybe it’s Clemmie. Interested to see where that goes, too.
 Lucy Gray’s insistence that she’s not from District 12 is fascinating. She insists she’s Covey, which by definition is a group of birds. The Covey are a group of traveling performers, who were stopped in District 12 and not allowed to leave. Trapped birds—interesting. Also, besides the Jews, the Roma/Sinti were targeted during the Holocaust. This group was commonly and derogatorily referred to as “gypsies,” people who moved about frequently and were suspected of crime, stealing, and a myriad of other issues. The Roma and Sinti immigrated into Central and Eastern Europe from India. If Katniss and others in District 12 are descended from Lucy Gray, then that covers the non-white argument about her ethnic makeup. I have no idea if that was Collins’ intention, but it makes a lot of sense in my brain.
 As for Snow, he’s not a villain in this book. At least he’s not yet. So far, he’s the hero (or maybe anti-hero is better), but he’s definitely not the villain. Since we’ve read The Hunger Games, we know he’s the ultimate villain later, but he’s not so far in this book. He’s got ambition and cunning, but neither of those are ultimately villainous. He mourns his mother. He loves his cousin and grandmother. He’s proud of his father’s military service. He’s sad about his friends who die. He’s interested in, if not attracted to, Lucy Gray. We know what he becomes, so it’s hard to read about him as a person with hopes and dreams and struggles. Why? Because it humanizes him, and when he’s humanized, it’s harder for us to say, “He’s evil, and that’s why he did those things.” This is much the same way people blame the Holocaust and World War II on Hitler. “Well, he’s evil, so of course he did that.” Or how we dehumanize gunmen in massacres—“Well, he was clearly a sick individual, so he shot up the place.” Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying these crimes are excusable (in real life or in Collins’ works). What I am saying is that knowing Snow was a child shaped by war, hunger, poverty, and loss makes it harder for us to distance ourselves from this “evil” person. His characterization is uncomfortable because it makes us face that we could also do terrible things in specific contexts. Evil people are rarely born. They are almost always made, which means any of us could be a villain. That is what’s really terrifying.
 A couple of other notes before this gets way too long for anyone to read.
 The role of the government: Sejanus argues it’s the government’s job to take care of its citizens. This is an argument that’s raged in the US (and other countries) for a long time. The question is how do governments take care of the citizens? By feeding them and giving them health care and making sure everyone has enough? Be protecting them with a huge army? By allowing broad civil liberties (e.g., choosing whether to wear face masks during a pandemic)? By instituting restrictive liberties (e.g., gun control, wire taps, screenings at airports)? It’s a really interesting point Sejanus makes early in the book. Not surprising not everyone agrees.
 Mention of the three other book titles (almost): The Hunger Games are mentioned several times. There’s a reference to something that “really catches fire.” And then there are the jabberjays. There are no mockingjays yet. Probably because there is no mockingjay yet. Seriously, Collins is brilliant.
 The role of war: War is not good for those who live through it. Snow is traumatized by the war, as are the rest of the Capitol’s citizens. It makes most have little empathy for those in the districts who rebelled against them. War has destroyed the city. It’s weakened the economy. It’s destroyed the Snow’s fortune. And then it also leads to the Hunger Games. This book is anti-war just as much as the original trilogy is. It is not anti-soldier, but it is anti-war.
 The role of children: Suzanne Collins lives in Connecticut, right? Yes, she does. You know where? Sandy Hook. More specifically, Newtown. Where children were shot to death in their classrooms by a gunman a few years ago. A ton of gun control people thought the slaughter of children would be enough for gun control to be implemented in the wake of that mass murder. It did not. Since then, there’s been a meme that’s circulated (taken from a tweet) that says, “In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.” On page 60 of the book (right at the end of chapter 4), Snow insists the Hunger Games are to show how much people care about children when Dean Highbottom asks what the purpose of the Games is. And then there’s a paragraph in which Snow wonders if people really do care about children. He concludes that children don’t seem to be quite as important as we claim they are. I don’t think that’s a coincidental commentary on Collins’ part.
 So, that became a lot longer than I planned, but wow. This book is fascinating, and Collins is a genius. I’m so ready for more. Part 2, here I come.
Hey, @everlarkedalways, does this count?
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meldelen · 4 years
Dragonlance’s Lost Chronicles II: Dragons of the Highlord Skies - A praising review
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Cover art depicting Kitiara Uth Matar, her dragon Skie and Lord Soth, by Matt Stawicki
I just finished Dragons of the Highlord Skies, second volume of The Lost Chronicles of Dragonlance. It was difficult to get this copy, since despite the first volume (Dragons of the Dwarven Depths) was available here in Spain, both this second and the third I had to import from the other side of the planet - literally, they came from Argentina -. And this one in particular was in an used condition and was the last available hardcover copy I could find. It seems that the Dragonlance books are getting more and more rare, which saddens me, at least as long as they are not considering doing new editions.
This second volume is dedicated to another part of the story that had to be left out in the original Chronicles trilogy: namely, how Laurana, Sturm, Flint, Tasslehoff and other companions found the Dragon Orb on the Ice Wall castle and defeated the Dragon Highlord (Feal-Thas) guarding it. This part is synthesized in Dragons of Winter Night (second volume of the Chronicles) with a poem by Michael Williams and that's it; when we resume reading, these companions already have the magical artifact in their possession and are sailing towards Sancrist to deliver it to the Knights of Solamnia.
However, although it seems that this volume could be read before reading Dragons of Winter Night, at no point should you do so. Furthermore, I would almost suggest that you finish the entire Chronicles trilogy before reading the volume I now review, because there is a lot of information and side stories that the authors take for granted that you know. What's more, not even most of the book is dedicated to Laurana and her company - thank the gods! because no matter how hard I try, and I promise you that I’ve tried a lot, I don’t like Laurana, poor thing - but the stellar and indisputable protagonist of this volume is Kitiara Uth Matar.
Fortunately! Because she’s the best of the book, an excellent, fantastic character, who barely got the time she deserved in both the original Chronicles and the spectacular Legends trilogies. Kitiara, ex-companion of the protagonists and Dragon Highlord, is, together with Raistlin, probably one of the best characters in this universe, although very different from him, of course. Not as bright and clever as the mage, Kitiara is, however, the archetype of an empowered woman: brave, ruthless, relentless, daring, fighter, there’s practically nothing that can break her, she takes no shit from anyone, neither man nor woman, neither monster nor mage, neither dragon nor god. Obviously, she’s a character that you could qualify as a villain, since she chooses to fight on the side of the "bad guys", as she aspires to dominate and lead the military forces in the service of the Dark Queen. She’s also a free woman, in full control of her own sexuality, which she uses when she wants and alwalys in her own benefit. What is there not to admire about her? Her absolute lack of morality and restrains, her disregard for the welfare of anyone other than her, her dismissal of the pain and suffering of others, her cruelty and indifference, and what is her greatest flaw, her tendency to outbursts of anger and to let herself be taken by whims, which will gradually end up being the architects of her own destruction.
At a time when empowered women, relentless villains, and self-made fighters have come into vogue, it's a shame that the general public and today's fantasy readers are missing out on someone like Kitiara.
Enough of rants. To the topic. Although the book is presented as the story of the two women who love Tanis - and whom Tanis loves - as the old Manichean dichotomy of Good and Evil - Laurana the kind, the chaste; Kitiara the wicked, the promiscuous - the truth is that Weis and Hickman have had the decency of not repeating this hateful contrast they made in the past, focusing, as I have said, most of the book on Kitiara, in her struggle to gain control of the Blue Wing of the army and her rise to command the troops in place of the emperor Ariakas. Forcibly led to an untenable situation that, incidentally, fosters a temporary outburst of jealousy and whim that is her greatest flaw, Kitiara will end up making a pact with the goddess Takhisis herself to save her life and in return, recruit Lord Soth - another remarkable character - for the cause. And in the process, she must set a trap for the naive Knights of Solamnia and serve them a poisoned gift: the Dragon Orb which, like Tolkien's One Ring, offers an illusion of power in exchange for brutally control its bearer.
The book is fantastic, fast-paced, entertaining; a little slower and tedious in the parts dedicated to the knights and Laurana - redeemed, luckily, by the ever-charming Tasslehoff - but it never gets boring. The problem with reading this story is that it kinda ruins one of the most epic moments of Dragons of Winter Night, which was the revelation of Kitiara as an antagonist to the brave companions: the moment when she killed Sturm and, before the corpse of the old friend and lover, she takes off her helmet and reveals her identity for the first time, since a Dragon Highlord's armor is totally asexual and doesn’t make a difference whether it is worn by a man or a woman. That moment is one of the two most intense climaxes of the Chronicles, in which we share Laurana's astonishment to discover that, indeed, the Blue Wing of the enemy troops is commanded by a woman - and as Ariakas says in this same volume I review now, what a woman! -.
That’s why it’s important to read Dragons of Winter Night first, at least, before approaching this volume, because the magical effect of the revealing moment is lost. Besides, there have been decisions made in the narrative that I don't really agree with - like exposing Kitiara too much to jealousy over Tanis, when in the original trilogies she was a rather cold woman who controlled her emotions much better than she does in this one book - but I understand that they’ve done it to make her more relatable, more human; and for us to enjoy seeing how she gets over her own mistakes and manages to turn her weaknesses into strengths, to undo her own wrongs.
Nothing more to say, 5 out of 5, great read, highly recommended to all Dragonlance fans and specially Kitiara fans. I thank the authors for dedicating this volume to her, since her potential felt wasted in the original novels. Characters like her, many try to write them, but rarely have they been as relatable as in this case. An example to follow.
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thezachrogers · 4 years
The Best and Worst Films of 2019.
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We are THREE days away from the Academy Awards and I know this is way overdue, but I made the deadline and have brought the films to watch and avoid that came out last year. We will be counting down from the films that were best all the way down to the worst.
2019 was the best year for film in a long time and I will go down saying I LOVED my top 26, I liked 27-65 and I only disliked/hated four films I saw last year. Overall an excellent year of endings to series, a great year for original films, and we are in for one of the most competitive Academy Awards yet. So here it is, counting down from best to worst, the 69 films I saw in 2019:
Avengers: Endgame - NOW AVAILABLE ON DISNEY+ nominated for 1 Oscar, one of the best films I have ever seen in my life and my current all time favorite comic book film. 
Ford v Ferrari - nominated for 4 Oscars including Best Picture. Wow, wow, wow; what a movie, see this movie ASAP. Hands down the BEST performance of Matt Damon’s career, a definite snub for Best Actor, directed by 2017′s Logan’s James Mangold.
Jojo Rabbit - nominated for 6 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actress, this film gives you all the feels. Border lining on the edge of offensive, this story is about a little boy growing up in the Nazi Regime learning that everything he loves about Nazi Germany and what he believes about Jews just doesn’t add up. 
Marriage Story NETFLIX ORIGINAL - nominated for 6 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress, this cast brings it in this tragic story of marriage and divorce. I’m rooting for my boy Kylo Ren Sunday Night even though I know Joaquin Phoenix is going to win as the Clown Prince of Crime.
Bombshell - nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress (GO MARGOT ROBBIE), this is based on the true story of Roger Ailes’s firing at Fox News due to Gretchen Carlson’s accusations. Robbie gives the performance of her career and Charlize Theron plays a very convincing Megyn Kelly starting the “Me Too” movement.
The Two Popes - NETFLIX ORIGINAL nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. This true story and Netflix original is about Anthony Hopkins portrays Pope Benedict leaving the position and asks the now Pope Francis (Jonathan Pryce) to fill his shoes.
Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood - Nominated for 10 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor (guaranteed win), and Best Original Screenplay, Quentin Tarantino’s masterpiece is LOOSELY based on 60s Hollywood during the time of the Manson Family murders.
The Irishman - NETFLIX ORIGINAL Nominated for 10 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, and Two Best Supporting Actor Nominees, Scorsese brought it in this four hour Netflix Orginal.
1917 - Nominated for 10 Oscars including guaranteed Best Picture and guaranteed Best Director, 1917 takes place in real time and is shown in two takes. Brilliant cinematography and direction, this is one to see in theaters.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood - Oscar Nominated for Best Supporting Actor, this movie brought me to tears. I grew up with Mr. Rogers and Tom Hanks absolutely kills it in this role.
Parasite - Nominated for 6 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director. This Korean Film has the craziest plot I have ever seen in a movie. See it. You will be blown away.
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Score this was quite the underwhelming finale compared to Endgame, I mean a 42 year buildup and it just did not hit home like it should have. Now they ended the big three’s (Luke, Han, and Leia) arcs very well and FREAKING KYLO REN has become my all-time favorite character. We all need to thank Adam Driver for carrying this trilogy on his back as Rey, Finn, and Poe’s arcs where just meh. I do believe JJ did everything he could do with what he was given with The Last Jedi. All the fan service was amazing and very appreciated like bringing back Wedge, Lando, Han, Young Luke, Young Leia, Red 5, and Palpatine back for last ride. I will be in line at Target at 7am to pick up their exclusive packaged Ultra 4K Bluray and yes, I’ve already started the paperwork on financing the Best Buy exclusive complete Skywalker saga (I’m not joking).
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Honey Boy PRIME ORIGINAL - 2019 was the comeback of Shia LaBeouf’s career. This movie was written by him and loosely based on his life. LaBeouf plays his father and brings the best performance of his career.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
They Shall Not Grow Old NOW AVAILABLE ON HBO
Uncut Gems - Snubbed by the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards, the Safdie brothers deliver a masterpiece and the performance of Adam Sandler’s career.
Frozen II - Nominated for Best Original Song, if it doesn’t win, lets riot.
Knives Out - Nominated for Best Original Screenplay, this Rian Johnson directed film was snubbed from every other category due to everyone remaining pissed off about The Last Jedi.
Toy Story 4 - NOW AVAILABLE ON DISNEY+ Nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Original Song, another underwhelming finale (that no one asked for, because we already got it with Toy Story 3), I still loved this movie and it is well deserved for best animated film but not more deserving than the snubbed Frozen sequel.
Little Women - Nominated for 6 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress, Florence Pugh and the rest of the cast delivered in this reboot and this was a film I thoroughly enjoyed at home.
Richard Jewell - Nominated for Best Supporting Actress
The Peanut Butter Falcon
The Farewell
Harriet - Nominated for 2 Oscars including Best Actress
Klaus - NETFLIX ORIGINAL Nominated for Best Animated Film
Dolemite Is My Name - NETFLIX ORIGINAL Eddie Murphy’s triumphant comeback delivers. Definite snub, this is not the last we will see of Eddie in the coming months with Coming 2 America and Eddie’s much anticipated standup special
Missing Link - NOW AVAILABLE ON HULU Nominated for Best Animated Film
Joker - Leading the Oscars with 11 Nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor (guaranteed win), Best Director, Best Cinematography (Guaranteed win), Best Score (guaranteed win); Joaquin Phoenix delivers a career-defining performance (that still does not touch Heath Ledger’s) in a quite underwhelming plot with beautiful cinematography and a masterful score, this movie is turning the tides for the comic-book film genre.
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum NOW AVAILABLE ON HBO
Fighting With My Family NOW AVAILABLE ON HULU
Doctor Sleep
Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil - Nominated for Best Hair and Makeup
Chasing Happiness PRIME ORIGINAL
Good Boys
Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part NOW AVAILABLE ON HBO AND HULU
Lady and the Tramp DISNEY+ ORIGINAL
Ad Astra - Nominated for Best Sound
The Lion King - NOW AVAILABLE ON DISNEY+ Nominated for Best Special Effects
It Chapter Two
Ready or Not
The Lighthouse - Nominated for Best Cinematography
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile - NETFLIX ORIGINAL Another gem from Netflix, Zac Efron gives the acting performance of his career as Ted Bundy.
Glass NOW AVAILABLE ON HULU - The final film in the Unbreakable trilogy that no one asked for...yet we didn’t know we wanted. This film was highly anticipated for a sad (yes, tears) ending to same great characters. Glass does not hold a candle to Unbreakable, nor Glass, but it is still loads of fun.
Dark Phoenix - They say they save the best for last...well it X-Men’s case, they don’t. This film was a polished turd with great acting from McAvoy and Sophie Turner. 
Murder Mystery - NETFLIX ORIGINAL Oh look, another movie where Adam Sandler went on vacation with his buddies and said “lets get Netflix to pay for a Eurotrip by making a movie,” and then you get Netflix’s Murder Mystery. Looks like they will be paying for another vacation with 2021′s Murder Mystery 2. No, I am not kidding.
Wine Country NETFLIX ORIGINAL- This film had literally all the SNL power women except for Kristen Wiig...I wonder why? JK, horrible...no wonder it went straight to Netflix
Us NOW AVAILABLE ON HULU - The worst and most overrated movie of the year. I was so excited, I went to the theater opening night. What a disappointing follow up to Get Out and a complete waste of time. Do not watch this movie.
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legendsofthegffa · 4 years
Darth Bane: Rule of Two Review
By Z.H. Brown
It is a new era for the galaxy; the Sith are extinct, and the Republic is once again spreading across the stars, alongside a new, non-militarized Jedi Order. But unbeknownst to the victors of the last galactic conflict, the Sith yet survive, in the form of Darth Bane and his apprentice Darth Zhanna. Already, the Dark Lord of the Sith is laying the groundwork for the eventual revenge of his order and triumph over the galaxy, but first he must ensure the survival and continuity of his new philosophy in the Rule of Two.
Picking up immediately where the last novel ended, Darth Bane and his new apprentice journey to the site of the thought bomb and encounter Zhanna’s surviving cousin, Darovit. Zhanna both saves her cousin’s life and proves her commitment to her new life as a Sith by severing Darovit’s hand with the Force, but other-wise leaving him alive. Bane provides a new test for his apprentice by charging her with making her way to Onderon while he goes to investigate a Sith Tomb on the planet’s moon. Bane recovers a Holocron from the tomb, but in the process becomes infested with orbalisks, semi-parasitic creatures with shells that are impervious to even a lightsaber. Bane rendezvous with his apprentice (who had hijacked a transport ship after brutally murdering its crew, which included two children), the two embark on their new lives in hiding.
Ten years later, and Darth Bane is focused on creating on his own Holocron, the orbalisks now encasing his body in a nearly-impervious suit of armor, while his apprentice carries out missions for her Master. Her present one is eliminating an anti-Republic extremist group before they can become too powerful to disrupt the Sith’s plans, which she does by convincing them to ambush a former Supreme Chancellor and his Jedi bodyguard. The Jedi slaughters most of the terrorists, but the survivors capture Zhanna before she can make it off-world and deliver her to their Master. It turns out this particular noble is also a Force sensitive and Sith disciple, and he had been desperately searching for a true Sith to teach him the ways of the dark side. After discovering his collection of Sith lore and his own personal entourage of Sith assassins that survived the last Force war, Zhanna seriously considers the offer.
Darth Zhanna returns to her Master with her new ally, but he and all of his forces are quickly cut down by the Dark Lord of the Sith. Bane is impressed with Zhanna’s ambition, her ability to spin the situation to her advantage, and her new trove of Sith tomes, and gives his apprentice a new mission; Bane has failed to make a Holocron multiple times, and he believes that the orbalisks might be the cause, disrupting his focus during crucial moments. Bane dispatches Zhanna to the Jedi Archives on Coruscant to research a means of removing the parasites, while he goes to Tython to recover another Holocron that might have more information on their construction.
While in the middle of her mission, Zhanna encounters her cousin, Darovit, who had been brought to the Jedi Temple by the same Jedi that had saved the former Chancellor from Zhanna’s plot because he knew about Bane and Zhanna’s survival and was going to testify before the Jedi Council. Zhanna flees the Temple with her cousin, but not before leaving enough evidence behind to point the Jedi to Tython. On the Deep Core world, Bane had successfully recovered another Holocron and discovered that orbalisks weren’t the cause for his previous failures. Before he can leave, his apprentice arrives and informs him that Jedi know of their existence.
A Jedi strike-team arrives and outnumber the Sith two-to-one. Unfortunately, the sheer power of the Sith, and Bane’s masterful lightsaber skills and impenetrable defense allow them to slaughter the Jedi, but not before one of them is able to rebound Darth Bane’s Force lightning back at himself, frying his orbalisks and rendering him near death. Zhanna is forced to take Bane to a healer that had saved him once before, but only after her cousin broaches the idea of letting the Jedi know their location. However, when they arrive they find only corpses and a madman wielding a lightsaber, who the Jedi cut down; believing they had avenged their fallen comrades and ended the Sith threat once and for all, the Jedi depart, unaware that they had killed an innocent man. Zhanna had used her powers to drive her cousin mad and take the fall for them, ensuring that her Master had been healed, and their secrecy preserved.
Darth Bane: Rule of Two doesn’t pull any punches; it is just as brutal as its predecessor, and fittingly so, for a book about power-hungry psychopaths with incredible powers. Zhanna is forced to prove her commitment to the Sith by maiming her cousin (and later driving him insane and offering him up to the Jedi as a sacrifice), and killing four good people that had offered to take her in (including, as I previously said, two children) – all at the age of ten. From there she is taught to use Sith sorcery to subject people to mind-shattering madness and despair. She is taught that the Jedi are evil and will not hesitate to kill her on sight, and while that may be partially true, it certainly says something about what Zhanna had already been through that she took to Bane’s teachings so readily so quickly.
 Darth Bane: Rule of Two continues the story of one of the most influential Sith in the Star Wars galaxy as well as shows us the beginnings of the Order that would strike down the Jedi and transform the Republic into the first Galactic Empire. It is also a fascinating insight into the minds of those who do bad things but with such utter conviction that they are in the right that it’s easy to see their mindset…at least from a certain point of view. While it didn’t suck me in quite the same way its predecessor did, it was still an enjoyable and highly recommendable read. Next time, we conclude this trilogy and close the door on another era of Star Wars history in Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil.
Connections to the GFFA
The Jedi relocated Freedon Nadd’s tomb in the Tales of the Jedi comic, and the aftermath of Exar Kun’s visit is also seen by Bane.
Bane mentions Nadd’s apprenticeship under Naga Sadow.
Master Valenthyne says grief is a natural emotion to express at loss, a stark contrast to the Jedi a thousand years later.
The Ruusan Reformation, which drastically overhauled both the Republic and the Jedi’s place in it, is used to explain the discrepancy between Palpatine calling the Republic a “thousand” years old in Episode II, versus Obi-Wan saying it lasted over a “thousand generations” in Episode IV.
It’s strange that none of the Sith warlords wanted anything to do with the wealthy nobles of Serreno; maybe nobody wanted to risk upsetting the Sith power-balance by associating it with any one Sith Lord in Kaan’s Brotherhood of equals.
One of the Jedi strike-team members is an Ithorian, and allusion is made to the species being able to channel the Force through their voices; while it’s not depicted here, we do see exactly that in the Clone Wars microseries.  
Final Score: 8.5/10
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bookwhoreunleashed · 3 years
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INTO TEMPTATION (Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY) Monica James Monsters are real…and that monster is my father. Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be. Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king. With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her…even if she doesn’t feel the same. I will take back what’s mine. My kingdom. My name. And my girl. Every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you…Father. Run, wee monsters, run. . Into Temptation Series: Book II: Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy . Genre: Dark Romance . Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf . Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers . 📚 Release date: April 28th . #indieauthorsofinstagram #romanceauthorsofinstagram #authorsofig #readingcommunity #authorslife #amwritingromance #romanceauthor #romanceauthorsofinstagram #bookstagramfeature #bookstagramit #bookstagramers #ilovereading #Instareads #iread #lovetoread #mustread #mybookishfeatures #read #readingisfun #readingissexy #readinglife #readingtime #readmore #amreading #aquietstyle #becauseofreading #bibliophilelife #bibliophiles #BookBlogger #bookclub #bookrecs . PRE-ORDER NOW: *Kindle: https://amzn.to/30VdFOX *Nook: https://bit.ly/396MhBU *Kobo: https://bit.ly/3fixyYH *Apple: https://apple.co/2NHWzB3 *Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3vSBcy0 *UK Kindle: https://amzn.to/3cP9sBI *Australia Kindle: https://amzn.to/3cOWq7q *Canada Kindle: https://amzn.to/38TIS9o . 🎶 Into Temptation Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/3cp9f5jb https://www.instagram.com/p/CNCJDGIjl7X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Amazon US: https://amzn.to/30VdFOX
Nook: https://bit.ly/396MhBU
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Apple: https://apple.co/2NHWzB3
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Monsters are real…and that monster is my father.
Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath.
This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be.
Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king.
With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her…even if she doesn’t feel the same.
I will take back what’s mine.
My kingdom.
My name.
And my girl.
Every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me.
No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you…Father.
Run, wee monsters, run.
#newrelease #bookaholic #darkromance #needtoreaditnow #ilovebooks #booknerdigan #bookobsessed #wildfiremarketingsolutions
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bookeverlasting · 3 years
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🔥🔥HOT NEW RELEASE🔥🔥 INTO TEMPTATION (Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY) by Monica James is LIVE! #1ClickHere: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/30VdFOX Nook: https://bit.ly/396MhBU Kobo: https://bit.ly/3fixyYH Apple: https://apple.co/2NHWzB3 Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3cP9sBI Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3cOWq7q Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/38TIS9o Monsters are real…and that monster is my father. Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be. Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king. With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her…even if she doesn’t feel the same. I will take back what’s mine. My kingdom. My name. And my girl. Every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you…Father. Run, wee monsters, run. #newrelease #bookaholic #darkromance #needtoreaditnow #ilovebooks #booknerdigan #bookobsessed #wildfiremarketingsolutions 📸 @it.sgottabethebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/COOBAL5jj84/?igshid=4t7e942rjz06
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booklovingpixies · 3 years
RELEASE DAY - Into Temptation (Deliver Us From Evil Trilogy #2) by Monica James
RELEASE DAY – Into Temptation (Deliver Us From Evil Trilogy #2) by Monica James
Into Temptation Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY Monica James Genre: Dark Romance Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers Release date: April 28th Monsters are real…and that monster is my father. Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have…
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🔥🔥HOT NEW RELEASE🔥🔥 INTO TEMPTATION (Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY) by @authormonicajames is LIVE!  #1ClickHere: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/30VdFOX Nook: https://bit.ly/396MhBU Kobo: https://bit.ly/3fixyYH Apple: https://apple.co/2NHWzB3 Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3cP9sBI Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3cOWq7q Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/38TIS9o Monsters are real…and that monster is my father. Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be. Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king. With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her…even if she doesn’t feel the same. I will take back what’s mine. My kingdom. My name. And my girl. Every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you…Father. Run, wee monsters, run. #newrelease #instabook #bookaholic #darkromance #needtoreaditnow #ilovebooks #booknerdigan #bookobsessed #bookstagram #wildfiremarketingsolutions https://www.instagram.com/p/CONX2IdD2kQ/?igshid=1uhd01nktgaz5
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lovestoread08 · 3 years
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HOW HOT IS THIS COVER?! INTO TEMPTATION (Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY) Monica James Monsters are real…and that monster is my father. Ten years ago, I surrendered. I thought I was doing the right thing. But lies and greed have once again destroyed my life, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. This life has always been a curse, but the world as I know it has changed. Belfast isn’t what it used to be. Alliances are broken. Kingdoms have fallen. But those who remain loyal see me as their rightful king. With secrets unraveled, my need for vengeance grows stronger every day. However, ten years is a long time. People have changed. I have changed. But the one thing that remains untouched is my love for Babydoll—I love her…even if she doesn’t feel the same. I will take back what’s mine. My kingdom. My name. And my girl. Every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me. No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ you…Father. Run, wee monsters, run. Into Temptation Series: Book II: Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy Genre: Dark Romance Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers Release date: April 28th PRE-ORDER NOW: Kindle: https://amzn.to/30VdFOX Nook: https://bit.ly/396MhBU Kobo: https://bit.ly/3fixyYH Apple: https://apple.co/2NHWzB3 Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3vSBcy0 UK Kindle: https://amzn.to/3cP9sBI Australia Kindle: https://amzn.to/3cOWq7q Canada Kindle: https://amzn.to/38TIS9o Into Temptation Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/3cp9f5jb @lanefotograf @lochie_carey @authormonicajames https://www.instagram.com/p/CM_7gr0jY0K/?igshid=1uuismts2enz9
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tastywordgasms · 3 years
✯ℍ𝕠𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕒𝕝✯ INTO TEMPTATION by Monica James 🖤 𝗣𝗥𝗘-𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥 Now!!! ᑕᗝᗰꭵᑎǥ ᔕᗝᗝᑎ! ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕤 on April 28th, 2021
✯ℍ𝕠𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕒𝕝✯ INTO TEMPTATION by Monica James 🖤 𝗣𝗥𝗘-𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥 Now!!! ᑕᗝᗰꭵᑎǥ ᔕᗝᗝᑎ! ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕤 on April 28th, 2021
(Book II: DELIVER US FROM EVIL TRILOGY) Monica James  Into Temptation  Series: Book II: Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy Genre: Dark Romance  Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers  Release date: April 28th  Monsters are real…and that monster is my father.  Ten years ago, I surrendered.…
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hutchhitched · 4 years
Social Commentary on The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Part II
I made it through Part 2 before I attempted to go to bed last night. I didn’t end up sleeping, so apologies for any half-baked (pun intended) ideas and commentary. Admittedly, I don’t have as much on this part, but it’s certainly not because I don’t love every speck of this book. It’s so good, and it’s brilliantly woven and presented to us. If you want to read my commentary on Part 1, it’s here.
Spoilers below:
 It didn’t take long into Part 2 for the third book title to appear. Lucy Gray mentions mockingjays, and Snow seems lost. It’s convenient that she can’t explain what she means because I’m positive that’s going to come up again in the next part, and I’m sure it’s going to have a very important role. Otherwise, Snow wouldn’t be so put off by and intrigued by one (Katniss) in the original trilogy.
 One thing that stuck out for me in Part 2 is the December 15 date, a sort of Memorial Day for fallen military heroes mentioned in chapter 12 (National Heroes Day). The date itself didn’t ring any bells for me, but I know by now that Collins doesn’t do anything without it having a meaning, so I googled…wait for it…the date of the Sandy Hook Massacre. December 14. The next day is December 15, when Panem honors the fallen and delivers a gift basket full of luxury items to the families who lost loved ones. A gift basket full of “thoughts and prayers” would do just about as much good as we memorialize the dead in the days following a mass shooting but then allow the war to keep raging. The same could be said for the way we say “Thank you for your service” to military vets but do a terrible job of helping them with PTSD and re-entry into society. I do love the turkey story, though. At least Snow got some food out of the deal.
 I really love that we know now where the muttations come from in this world. Dr. Gaul is absolutely wacko, and I can’t quite figure out how much power she has. In fact, I can’t really figure out how much power anyone has. The President is remarkably absent. Dr. Gaul is there and seems to like Snow, but there’s no sense that she can protect him from Dean Highbottom, who seems to have the most direct influence over Snow. I just can’t figure out why. What kind of connections does Highbottom have that allow him to manipulate Snow’s life so completely? Clearly, there’s some bad blood between Snow’s father and Highbottom, and I’m waiting anxiously for that reveal. Also, that wasn’t a throwaway in Part 1 when we find out Highbottom was the one who came up with the idea of the Games in the first place. That’s got to factor in again. He’s hiding something, and Snow’s father is most likely a Very Bad Man.
 Dr. Gaul’s name is fabulous, too, although I’m sure there’s a lot of symbolism I’m not really getting about it. Gaul was a Roman province during the Empire—basically where the country of France is today. Gaul sacked a Roman city or two and embarrassed Rome, and Rome retaliated by conquering Gaul for the next few hundred years. I’ve oversimplified it, but that’s the gist. Why does Dr. Gaul have that name? Not sure, but maybe that’s coming in Part 3. I love that she’s a woman, too. Suzanne Collins doesn’t have time for that BS about women being naturally more nurturing and good than men.
 Which brings us to Lucy Gray. That snake charming thing she had going on was absolutely amazing. Lucky Gray is manipulative and charming and a performer and hiding something, and I am here for it. She’s smart, and she uses all the weapons at her disposal to survive while still retaining some humanity by caring for Jessup after his demise. I do not think she’s a hero. I’m not even sure she’s a flawed hero. I don’t trust her at all, but I admire her plucky spirit. She’s got levels I haven’t seen yet.
 And Snow loves her, which is just…I’m waiting for the climax. I think Lucy Gray is playing him, and I’ve felt that way since she first met him. There’s a connection there, yes, but Snow’s proven many times in this book that the world doesn’t work the way he thinks it should. He’s been surprised too many times. He’s tried to hold on and control things, but events happen that he doesn’t want, and all he can do is respond to them as best he can. He’s not doing very well at that. At all.
 The Games take second place for me in this book, which I think is pretty deliberate. This is Snow’s story, after all, and he’s not in the Hunger Games. Except he is because Dr. Gaul sends him into the arena (and Highbottom says they’re all in the Games, which is another throwaway that will come back, I’m sure). She wants to teach him a lesson and then gives him a homework assignment on it. It’s telling that he admits he wanted to kill the tributes. Not for self-defense but because they’re a perceived threat. He admits he wanted to kill them even after he’s back to safety, which shows his slide. And the homework assignment of having to write about Chaos, Contract, and Control, which he can’t do. And his attempt to extort money from the Plinths that he can’t execute and simply accepts their thanks and food. And his resolve to stop cheating and win the right way, his examination of the slippery slope and his justifications and so on. Because we’ve all been there. Justifying something and saying “no more!” and then messing up again. It could be any of us. It really could.
 Random things before I stop:
 The Capitol citizens are not the vapid, materialistic, soulless people we see in the original trilogy. Sure, there’s some of that there, but it’s nothing like it will be 64 years later.
 The development of the Games is interesting. The drones and betting and sponsors and the first intervention with the snakes and lack of cameras are all things that develop over time. The Tenth Games are a completely different world than the ones Katniss and Peeta experience.
 Snow really, really, really cannot convince people that Sejanus is not his friend. Ever felt like you’ve screamed something into the void a million times and no one takes it seriously? Yeah, I hear him on that one. Perception, not reality, is everything, in this case.
 After the housing crisis of 2008, I can understand the fear Snow has of losing his home. The war destroyed his family’s fortune and will result in losing their home and status. That (and really bad deregulation of industry and a lot of mismanagement and corruption) did that for a lot of people when the housing market crashed.
 Snow hopes for so much as the Games wind down. He wants Lucy Gray back (as his girlfriend? as a possession? as someone who finally “gets” him?), and what he gets is a peacekeeper position instead of the Plinth Prize and a relationship. I’m positive his interaction with Lucy Gray isn’t over. Perhaps he’s shipped off to District 12 where she breaks his heart all over again? The Covey’s coming, isn’t it?
 There’s so much to cover in Part 3. Onward!
 (PS, I don’t like Snow, by the way. I don’t think he’s evil in this book, but he’s no angel. He’s reacting poorly to circumstances and making bad choices, but he’s also trying to hold things together just like any person does. Nothing excuses his later behavior, but he’s becoming a villain, not born one.)
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beastlondoninfo · 4 years
The Best Horror Movies of 2020
All of us love films, irrespective of how previous or how new or what kind all of us love films. Why? As a result of films are entertaining they provide us story. Now there have been many automobile films made, however which one is the perfect automobile film? We'll choose automobile films primarily based on the automobiles within the film, the automobile scenes, and the racing. The Best Horror Movies of 2020
10. Sizzling Rod Lady (1956) - I'm not certain whether or not this film was meant to be an anti-hot rodding film or not. The plot is not a lot guys brother dies, town needs to cease scorching rodding and the children nonetheless need to race. Since that is 1956 there needs to be a rooster sport proper (it was a legislation in 50's Hollywood). Within the film there are a couple of 32 Fords (really plenty of 32 Fords), a 56 Chevy, a 56 Ford, 55 T-bird, and an Olds 88.
9. Dying Proof (2007)- The primary half of this film possibly appear a bit boring, its largely speaking and only a bunch of women consuming in a bar (not even a wild bar social gathering, only a group of three ladies consuming) however then it will get good, with a 71 Chevy Nova used as a weapon and later a automobile chase with a 69 Charger and a 70 Vanishing Level Challenger. The film is supposed to really feel like a 70's Slasher film crossed with Vanishing Level. Should you're a Mopar man test this one out!
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eight. Street Racers (1994)- This film is named Street Racers nevertheless they is just one quick race within the film, and a pair of Automobile Chases. The film opens with a Automobile chase between a 56 Chevy being chased by the cops 56 Buick all to a badass Rockabilly music! There may be greaser violence (not Grease greaser violence however just like the Outsiders with a 90's humor twist), there may be nice Rockabilly music from Glen Glenn, Hasil Adkins and Johnny Reno!
7. Thunder Street (1958) - Let me inform the story, I can inform all of it... Really let's let Robert Mitchum inform you the story he can do it higher. This film starring Mitchum is about Operating Moonshine in Tennessee within the 50's and making an attempt to not get caught be the revenuers. It has plenty of loopy automobile chases that includes a 50 Ford Coupe, 57 Ford Fairlane, a 56 Chevy undercover automobile that may rip off automobiles bumpers and a music in regards to the film carried out by Mitchum himself! 6. Dazed and Confused (1993) - I have been Dazed and Confused for thus lengthy its not true! Which sadly that music just isn't on this film (it was suppose to be and Jimmy Paige was for it however Plant wasn't). This film is form of just like the 70's model of American Graffiti besides it is the primary evening of summer time not the final and the principle character is getting into Excessive College. Anyway they is a automobile chase between a 64 Buick and 72 Chevy Truck, there's a 70 Chevelle SS 454, 70 GTO Decide, Ford Maverick, 37 Oldsmobile and a 74 Trans Am!
5. Tales of the Crypt: King of the Street (1992) - OK I lied this one just isn't a film; it's an episode from HBOs horror collection Tales of the Crypt. Why is that this film on the record? WHY ISN'T ON THE LIST? As quickly because the episode opens we're greeted with a 69 yellow Chevelle SS road racing a 69 Crimson Dodge Charger to a rocking music by Warren Zevon. Later we get a automobile chase with the Chevelle SS and a police automobile and on the finish a Road race with the Chevelle SS vs. a 57 Chevy Gasser! There's a nice soundtrack by Warren Zevon, nevertheless solely one of many songs "Roll with the Punches" has been launched the opposite "Dangerous Street, Wretched Street" is simply discovered as a canopy by a band known as Insurgent Son.
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four. Sizzling Rod (1979) - This film is difficult to search out, it was a made for TV made out of 1979. It in all probability has essentially the most Drag Racing scenes out of any film I've seen! The film has a Road race between a 65 Hemi Plymouth and a 69 Olds Cutlass at first, later a hemi powered 41 Willys Coupe Gasser, a couple of humorous automobiles, and rocket powered Humorous Automobile and tons of Drag Racing scenes on this film!
three. Vanishing Level (1971) - Kowalski is a supply driver who's delivering a 1970 White Dodge Challenger from Colorado to San Francisco. He does it by rushing the entire time and creates the world's largest automobile chase! Being pursued by the police the entire time!
2. Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) - Who wants plots? This film would not! All we want is a Driver, a Mechanic, a Lady, a man with a GTO, a 55 Chevy gasser and some random hitch hikers to make a terrific automobile film! This film is all about automobiles and nothing else! You get to see and listen to a pleasant 55 Chevy nearly each scene in addition to a GTO. The film opens with a Drag Race and ends with one!
1. American Graffiti (1973) - Was this actually a shock to any of you? Nothing however traditional automobiles, cruising, nice music, humor, a couple of races and plenty of enjoyable! We get a pleasant however piss yellow 32 Ford powered by a 327, a 58 Chevy Bel Air additionally powered by a 327, a woman in a 56 T-bird and a Black 55 Chevy (really the identical one from Two Lane Blacktop). This film actually is all about automobiles, not coming of age. The film ends with a terrific showdown between the 32 Ford and the 55 Chevy!
Irrespective of how a lot we concern, we hold coming again for extra. Moviegoers for over a century now have change into more and more demanding, and moviemakers have by no means stopped stretching the chances of visible leisure. There are two the reason why the cinema display screen is so huge, defined one film critic. One: it is as a result of there's lots of people watching it. Second: it is to place every particular person into film itself, as if he had been carrying a pair of digital actuality goggles and it was him within the lead function. Think about if this know-how had been utilized to the horror style.
Think about placing your self within the lead function of those horror movies, identified for his or her most artistic plots of sudden twists. Shall you survive the digital realm of terror?
In 2007, a movie adaptation of the comedian e-book mini-series "30 Days of Evening" (IDW Publishing, 2002) despatched shudders up and down the backbone of viewers throughout the US. It starred U.S. heartthrob Josh Hartnett and Australian actress Melissa George. The story begins within the northernmost city of Barrow, Alaska, identified for its 67 days of winter darkness. A tribe of vampires aboard a seaborne tanker stranded amidst thick ice floes stumble into the peaceable city and, profiting from the extended darkness, wreak havoc and feast upon its inhabitants. A handful of survivors trapped in Barrow huddle and scurry to flee detection by hiding within the attic of one of many deserted houses. What makes this movie very fascinating just isn't the vampires, however the predicament that compels the human spirit to protect and defend its personal even when bleached underneath insurmountable supernatural odds. This Senator Worldwide-Columbia Photos movie was directed by David Slade and Sam Raimi, the director who labored on the "Spiderman" footage starring Tobey McGuire and such horror classics just like the "Evil Useless" trilogy and "The Grudge."
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Within the 2006 film "Silent Hill" (TriStar Photos), think about your self a mom frantically trying to find her lacking youngster. You skulk round a mysterious city you thought was empty however, when darkness falls, brings out malevolent creatures that solely exist to inflict sadistic torture. The darkness, in contrast to within the regular world that guidelines the evening, unpredictably is available in intervals after a couple of hours of daylight. Though the film merely made delicate success within the field workplace, critics hailed it for its beautiful imagery and visible results. However its most spectacular characteristic is its rendition of the afterlife. Whereas we now have at all times envisioned Hell in chaotic fireplace and brimstone, "Silent Hill" portrayed it as an deserted mining city of rising poisonous fumes dominated by a vindictive evil spirit.
Whereas within the topic of malevolent and vindictive evil spirits, how lengthy would you final in a home out within the backwoods haunted by one? Within the film Evil Useless (New Line Cinema, 1981), written, directed, and produced by Sam Raimi, just one out of 5 Michigan State College associates made it out alive. In its sequel Evil Useless II (Rosebud Photos, 1987), Ash, the survivor in its prequel, performed by Bruce Campbell, nearly didn't.
"Is there actually a Blair Witch?" This query continues to be raised at occasions each time the film "The Blair Witch Challenge" (Artisan Leisure, 1999) comes up in conversations. The story was offered in a type of a documentary that leaves the viewer guessing and shocked as to what occurred to its makers. The movie was an revolutionary success: from a finances of $500,000 to $700,000, it grossed a worldwide $248,639,099 within the field workplace together with worldwide acclaim. This film actually brings the viewer into the scene, maybe greater than any superior visible results and imagery can accomplish. The fashion of "The Blair Witch Challenge" may be related to the 1938 Orson Welles radio traditional "Battle of the Worlds" that despatched the United States-earth's strongest nation-into mass hysteria.
Think about your self touring within the Yorkshire moors of England and getting attacked by a werewolf. You miraculous survive. However entailing the survival resides the remainder of your life underneath the werewolf curse: that each full moon you endure a change that seeks to feed on the blood and flesh of humankind. How do you reside a life irrevocably cursed, powerlessly feeding on the flesh of these you're keen on and similtaneously a lot a prey to your individual situation because the hapless victims you might have and shall ever devour? In 1981, legendary movie director John Landis got here up with the cult traditional "An American Werewolf in London" (Common Photos/Polygram Filmed Leisure) profitable a Saturn Award for Greatest Horror Film and an Academy Award for Excellent Achievement in Make-up.
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