comicscdcollection · 11 months
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James Maslow Blingees ✽
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kendizzzzzzzzle · 8 months
a post about why I personally can’t stand kendall from later seasons and how nick ruined the best character
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first of all, even tho kendall had an obvious character regression in the show, I still love him a lot. so if you think anything I’m about to say is wrong - don’t come at me.
in the first season we got to know one of the most amazing characters of all time. kendall, having this perfect harmony between fun and seriousness inside of him, had an incredible personality. he was a good friend, a good boyfriend and a lovely person in general. he was a calm, brave, protective, generous, smart leader and always found a way out. of course his calling card was to give a good inspirational pep-talk in tough situations and make a great plan, but throughout the show producers made it his one and only thing that became a cliche after some time.
kendall in s1&2 liked the taste of a danger sometimes. he was looking in the eyes of fear and protected anyone who was scared. he was not afraid to reach his goals and always found a way to make the things happen. perfect example - he always argued with gustavo when he felt like he was treated unfairly. also when jo arrived he didn’t give up after 1 day, he found a way and got it all done. kendall in s3&4 is scared. scared a lot. in “big time surprise” he literally runs away and hides from his problems, in “big time lies” he is too afraid to tell the truth or push lucy away and in “big time break out” he gives up when other three decide to leave the band. I remember his words from “big time rides” - “if you scratch it, gustavo is gonna kill me!” since when do you care, huh?
“but maybe he just grew up and became more mature?” well, not exactly. of course, kendall became more calm and his “anger issues” weren’t a big problem in later seasons. his behavior changed to some weird way of goofy and dumb and at some point it felt like when he got his hair cut, he got a piece of his brain chunked off too. all four of them have this problem too - writers turned the show into a mess and a whole s4 is basically a big filler episode.
along with everything I said before, kendall just wasn’t a leader anymore. yeah, he was making up plans and giving those pep-talks but it wasn’t inspirational or anything interesting at all. it was all a comedic move to make viewers think that “it’s still the same old kendall” but it’s not. if I’m being honest, kendall didn’t even have this power in his hands anymore. he was the glue of the band before, he was the one who made everyone calm down, he was everything. however in later seasons, if I didn’t watch the show and someone told me that kendall was originally a leader - I wouldn’t believe them. he became too soft, too scared of circumstances, too affected by life.
old kendall would’ve never ran away from his problems. old kendall would’ve never hid the truth from his loved ones. old kendall would’ve never let the band break out.
we can see his old-self appearing in “big time cameo” when he stands up for carlos or “big time double date” when he protects lucy but other than that - we completely lost his original character as seasons went on and it’s devastating.
also would like to say that it’s not just kendall, it’s all of them. james was never that arrogant, logan was never this ignorant and carlos was never this naive. writers ruined all of their characters and for what? for turning the show into a big joke with the weirdest and dumbest last episode ever.
I said what I said.
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masloverbtr · 6 months
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Has anyone else noticed how much 'this is our someday' completely captures what the show and the band is about?
Allow me to break down the songs lyrics and explain:
'When everyday feels like the other and everywhere looks just the same'
in the show, this highlights what the boys were like in Minnesota, waking up, going to school, making mischief, doing homework and going to work (but that only applies to Kendall).
But in real life, the boys all had a passion for music and entertainment and have done a few cameos in shows and we're waiting for their next job.
When a dream feels like forever and your a face without a name
In the show this line could just relate to James or all the boys in general, James and (seemingly) Kendall wanted to be famous, James with singing and Kendall with hockey while Logan wanted to be a doctor and Carlos wanted to help people, but all of them were just normal boys.
In real life, like I mentioned before, all the boys have a passion for music and entertainment, they've made appearances in shows before, but that was only for a short amount of time and were waiting for their big break.
And maybe now is our best chance, to finally get it right. Just look at the world as an apple and it's time to take a bite
This perfectly symbolizes the opportunity the boys took with BTR, they didn't know how it would turn out, but they still took the opportunity and made the decision of a lifetime.
Someday it will come together, someday we will work it out, I know we can turn it up all the way, (cause this is our someday), someday is what we make it, someday is like here and now, what way what way what way, cause this is our someday
Pretty explanatory these lyrics, we all think 'someday I will achieve my dreams' and to quote James from the show "that someday is today" and that's what this song is about. Embracing that your someday has finally arrived and it's up to you to decide how you do with it.
We all have times, times we wonder will the spotlight shine in me?
With this line, again talking about the show and real life, in the show it was when the boys would get the opportunity to show the world their talents. With Logan it was how good of a doctor he will be, James his singing talent, Kendall with his hockey and Carlos with his desire to help people.
In real life, it was when the boys would finally get the recognition they wanted and finally be able to pursue their passions, both as actors and musicians.
Don't let the waves go and pull us under, we'll miss the opportunity, don't look down or look back.
This comes into play with s4 in the show, and with 1D in real life. In the show, the boys were worried about how with the new rise of boy bands emerging they would be forgotten. But also in the first season were they were dropped by the record company, showing us that yes, there will be obstacles in the way and doubt will be in the way but...
It's not that far to go, cause if we never trap it, we will never really know
The boys continued with their dream, trusting their fans and their fans delivered, even 10+ years later. They didn't know how well they would be received after so long, but they still took the chance and opportunity to come back because like the lyrics said 'we will never really know'
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(ignoring chorus as I've done it already)
Oh no, I don't have all the answers, if there is one thing I know for sure, one is good, but four is better
Ok, starting with the show, James originally wanted a solo career, it was all he ever wanted and he got that briefly with Hawk, but he not only realized that Hawk was a jerk, but he also loved singing with his friends, he had more fun singing with his friends.
In real life, all the boys wanted a singing career (yes, I know Kendall had Heffron Drive) but after they joined Big Time Rush, they realized how much fun it was singing together as a group and created a special bond.
As Tanya Chisholm once said in an interview: "in the beginning there was alot of pettiness between them, with who's the star and who's not, now they're like brothers". So yes, this lyric shows the bond between the boys both in the show and the band and what it means to them.
It took some time to get here, but it's better late then never!
Now this lyric shows how far BTR has come, sure, they were well known in 2009-2014, but were overlooked because of 1D, but during their hiatus they all had time to grow individually and find their passions. Now that they've made a come back they've managed to achieve so many things, such as playing at MSG, a true dream come true for them.
So yes, this is our someday' perfectly captures what BTR is all about and it deserves more recognition.
Thank you for joining me in my TED talk of 'this is our someday' where my brain was thinking about this instead of more important things.
Anyways, this is just my personal opinion and I've probably put WAY too much thought into it, but I honestly just had to get it out
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tashibum · 1 year
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Bandana Man🤙
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What I got for Christmas.
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coolnoodles · 1 year
Guess who's rewatching the big time rush show instead of going to therapy 😘
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cluethegirl · 5 months
umm did anyone hear that James from BigTimeRush is now a propagandist for isnotreal
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vinsmokesangio · 6 months
✳ hello sweethearts! ✳
my name is sam, im brazilian and 26y: welcome to my safe place! as I said on my bio, sometimes I write stuff and I have sporadic (not always) obsessions/hyperfocus and I like to talk about it.
this is my ✳ masterlist ✳ for all my writing warning: some of my content are nsfw, so if you're a minor or your bio is ageless, i'll block you. please dni. at the moment im not receiving writing requests but maybe one day...?
this is my ✳ twitter ✳, where I post about: #mcfly #josephquinn #cillianmurphy #sabrinacarpenter #bigtimerush #thehungergames #onepiece #onepieceliveaction
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maddiehanmybeloved · 1 year
I love that Big Time Rush is releasing new songs, but what I really want is for them to release Intermission 😫
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comicscdcollection · 1 year
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Kendall Schmidt Blingees ♡
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kendizzzzzzzzle · 1 year
okay, it’s the time that I write a whole post about kames and why I love their friendship! warning: it’s a long post.
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firstly, I’d like to mention that I have nothing against kogan/jarlos/jagan etc. I just love these two tall boys caring for each other and having this love/hate relationship throughout the show.
so we start off with the pilot. the whole episode was kind of based on Kendall and James relationship, because what’s the most intense moment in the pilot? yes, Kendall defending James when Gustavo called him “untalented”. he doesn’t hesitate a second when it comes to James, he cares so much and it shows. when Gustavo came back Kendall declined the offer for two reasons: 1) he has his life here with guys in Minnesota, 2) it wasn’t his dream to become popular, it was James’. the scene on the parking lot showed that first reason was solved pretty quickly but second reason… it still wasn’t his dream but he didn’t care. he gave up his own dream and left his life in Minnesota behind his back because he cared about guys, cared about James.
we can’t forget about what James said to Kendall though: “call that guy back… he wants to make YOU famous”. he was clearly upset that his chance of becoming famous was taken away from him but more than being popular he wanted Kendall to be happy. and he tried to make it real even if it meant giving up his own dream. they were ready to do anything to make each other happy and truly cared.
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when they were interacting in the show there was this weird but warm connection between them. they have completely different personalities but have so much in common (anger issues haha). Kendall is compassionate, single-minded, a little bit hot-tempered and a leader. James is confident, persistent, emotional and a little bit selfish. they are opposites - one is calm and other one is energetic, one is a strategist, other one is spontaneous, but at the same time they are very similar. James drives Kendall crazy, makes his blood boil and likes to play jokes on him but Kendall doesn’t mind at all - he loves it. “I said that I hate you with a smile on my face” - that’s what they friendship was like. while James is all cocky and sassy, Kendall is a down-to-earth kind of person - that’s what makes their friendship so interesting to watch at.
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some really cool moments I noticed while watching the show:
1. James never sides with Kendall for some reason and gets mad when other guys do. sometimes they just have different opinions on things, sometimes it looks like James doesn’t want Kendall to be right all the time. maybe he’s a bit jealous, who knows?
2. Kendall’s the one who makes him calm down faster than others. we barely see Kendall being emotional and in need of help, but in “big time movie” James was the one who calmed him down after Kendall started panicking.
3. the “big time tests” episode warms my heart. they be acting like a married couple and then James wants a divorce - basically the whole plot. interesting fact: James knows basically everything about Kendall.
4. also the ending where Kendall was reassuring him and building his confidence once again. previous time happened in “big time single” and of course Kendall finds the right words to cheer him up, who else would it be?
5. James was being VERY supportive of Kendall and Lucy going out. he had a crush on her, but so what, Kendall wanted to be with her and James didn’t hesitate to help him out.
6. I just love Kendall’s desperate and annoyed “jamESS” whenever he starts to freak out. (ex. “big time terror” and “big time girl band”) oh and one more thing: James always listens.
7. the looks and little hugs they give each other😩 we were robbed, they deserved way more screen time.
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some quotes:
Kendall, about James: “you forgot to say pretty. he is a pretty idiot”
Kendall: “whose place is this?”
James: “does it matter?”
Kendall: “IT MIGHT!”
James: “do they hold the answers… TO THIS?”
James: *points light saber at Logan*
Kendall: “DON’T! we need him :)”
James: “please :D”
Kendall: *sighs* “I can’t believe I’m doing this”
Kendall: “James, a pop-tiger test is not going to answer whether you’re a good boyfriend or not. you’re a great guy”
James: “really? ‘cause according to this WE SHOULDN’T HAVE EVEN BEEN GOING OUT”
Kendall: “uhhh… we’re NOT going out”
James: “oh, just cause I’m so terrible to be around, huh? yeah, THANKS”
James: “tell me you have something to cheer me up!”
Kendall: *gives him an orange peel smile*
James: :)
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masloverbtr · 9 months
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via iheart radio on twitter
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Shot in the Dark is officially on an album!
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yourfriendbird · 11 months
James Maslow is a mean lesbian
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Wanna be my lover?
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