#Because there were too many Sakuras?
completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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Fai raises a very good question
It seems unlikely that the real Sakura would just be sitting in this time loop. I feel like if there IS a Sakura in the time loop she’s probably just another trapped copy version, so she’d be just as liable to start melting as the others. 
Which would be MONSTROUS thing to show us. 
And they absolutely WOULD. 
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I accept this
The better thing is THIS IS A NEW SAKURA??
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tsubasaclones · 2 months
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stickers from the chinese ccs app... i did my best to remove the background from my screenshots (sorry i can't really get them in better resolution OTL)
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meimi-haneoka · 2 months
my god what I've put myself into...
I'm writing another Clear Card Trivia post and it's getting so long that I'm afraid I'll have to split it into two 😂
Well, it's understandable. It addresses.....Sakura's growth throughout Clear Card. Yeah I really need to write this one out.
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chozoremake · 10 months
im going to say, first of all im enjoying it so much dont get me wrong but but the lack of cute moments between hori and miyamura is kinda getting to me
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
My drawing teacher gifted me her old watercolors and I feel. sighs
#some koi.sakura specifically#god i feel. i have mixed feelings#this doesn't feel ok#she gives me so many things#she gifted me some crayons the day we had wax techniques and I didn't have any material#she let me borrow her old bristle brushes because I didn't have any#and now. she gifted me these aquarelles..#see i was already ashamed with the scholar crayons and the brushes but at least those are. y'know. whatever? in terms of materials#but some koi sakuras„#i remember. i arrived class last Wednesday without my watercolors because I couldn't buy them. they're too expensive#and she sighed. a bit annoyed. ”sorry to be a bother” i just thought. and then she let me borrow these for class#she's always this kind.#but then today. she asked me again if i already had my watercolors and i told her ”oh I don't. but I'll work with my color pencils today”#and it was fine. because today we had free technique. we could use whatever material and it was fine#but then she called me and handed me the same watercolors from last class. and then said ”take them. as a gift”#i was. i didn't know jow to react? i blinked and tried to fight it back but she still gave them to me#some koi.. some koi aquarelles#i may be feeling something. maybe a burden#i used them for today's exercises and she told me they were amazing#but what startled me the most was. i tried to give them back one last time when class finished and she still refused#and she said ”you're doing incredible. i trust you'll achieve great things”#those words are resonating in my head constantly#i do not feel like a good artist. i do not feel good enough. the rest of my class better but for some reason she's always saying that#she's always pointing put how my art is so sensible and how I'm different than the rest#I don't know#i feel something#i feel a mix#my head is really bothered#rant#❝ ritz.txt !!
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hxnbi · 5 days
⸻ ɞ "for you and only you"
them buying gifts for you ﹒﹒wind breaker boys ♡
꒷꒦ pairings: hajime umemiya, jo togame, ren kaji, akihiko nirei, hayato suo, haruka sakura, toma hiragi, kyotaro sugishita x gn. reader (separate)
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HAJIME UMEMIYA | 梅宮 一 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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A man who goes all out for occasions such as this, but not with the typical pricey gifts and extravagant items many might initially suggest. Instead, UMEMIYA chooses something somewhat whimsical, to the surprise of everyone and, at the same time, no one.
He dives headfirst into his garden, tending to plants with the same care and attention most people reserve for rare jewels. Why? Because in his eyes, nothing says "I love you" quite like a potted fern or a blooming orchid that he’s nurtured from a seedling and shoved into your arms. On various occasions when you would visit Furin, you would, to your surprise, unexpectedly catch your boyfriend with dirt under his nails and a triumphant grin on his face, presenting you with a beautifully grown plant.
"I grew this just for you!" he declares, utterly beaming with pride and happiness. "Don't you like it?!"
You laughed. Of course you did. It's why you fell in love with him, after all. It was like having a child in a teenage guy’s body. Of course, Umemiya loves to spoil you in other ways, too. If you were to ask him for anything, you would get it within a day. You ask, and you shall receive. He's all about giving you little thoughtful gifts on the daily and showering you with attention—his clinginess almost feels like a gift in itself, if you could call that so.
Still, he understands that material items and grand gestures only go so far. A cliche, yes, but regardless, Umemiya's gifts are not just plants—it's the love he pours into every small, thoughtful act. When he hands you a plant, it's not just a simple gift. It's a piece of his heart, cultivated and grown with you in mind. Some might say he’s overdoing it when he shows up with yet another rare flower or exotic herb, all the while practically suffocating you physically with all his affection as the others, like Hiragi, watch with either deadpan faces or in true horror like Nirei, the poor guy can never catch a break. Perhaps he is, but in Umemiya's eyes, showing his true love is never overdoing it. Never to you.
JO TOGAME | 十亀 条 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Get yourself someone like TOGAME who pays attention to the little things. Not to say that the others don’t, but there’s just something about Togame that makes you feel truly seen at all times, even if he does initially seem like his mind is off in another dimension. At first glance, Togame might initally appear aloof, his eyes blank and glazed over as if he's contemplating the philosophy of life or trying to recall if he left the stove on when he left home that day. 
He’s got that spaced-out look, constantly unfocused and seemingly lost in his own world. But don’t let that fool you—despite that continually distracted look of his, lies a man who notices and knows everything about you. Never in a creepy way, of course. Because beneath that absent-minded exterior is a man who catches all the little details. Togame remembers your offhand comments, the fleeting glances you cast at little things that catch your eye, and even the snacks you like to munch on during your and his late-night at-home dates together. It’s almost comedic how he can be so scatterbrained one moment and then present you with a gift that’s so spot-on it feels like he read your mind.
It’s impressive and a little baffling to see just how attentive he is. He’ll hand you a beautifully wrapped present and, with a nonchalant shrug, say, “I noticed you were eyeing this the other day.” Meanwhile, you’re left wondering when he even managed to notice, considering he now seemed wholly engrossed in staring at a cloud—but in reality, all he looks at is you and only you.
REN KAJI | 梶蓮 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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At first, KAJI may appear to know what he's doing, giving off an air of confidence and exuding an aura so convincing that even his own friends believe he's got everything under control and that Kaji had the perfect gift planned out for you. But, oh, if only they knew. Because internally, it is anything but controlled. Kaji is a frantic mess from head to toe and is just barely holding it together. For Christ's sake, Nirei one time even found the second year furiously muttering and cursing out a cluster of innocent plants on the school field, seemingly at being useless sacks of leaves.
Nirei would never understand quite why that happened, nor did he bother to ask, in fear of his potential demise by doing so...
Regardless, Kaji meticulously plans, second-guesses himself, and agonizes over every decision, to the point where multiple times, he would take off his headphones in the hopes of finding total concentration and that maybe, just maybe, an idea would hit him. Spoiler, it doesn't. It was a strategy that only ended in disaster. The sight is almost comical—Kaji, usually so composed, reduced to a bundle of nerves as he tries to decide if you’d prefer a handmade card or a store-bought one. Eventually, he abandons both the plants and his failed attempts at making a DIY gift of his own, pivoting to something that’s more “him.” 
After all his frantic efforts and internal chaos, he sheepishly presents you with a handmade mixtape, carefully curated with songs that remind him of you and your time together. Each track is selected with care, and when he finally presents it, his nerves are palpable. Any kind of reaction that wasn't disgust, he would be happy with. Unbeknownst to even himself. However, your first reaction to receiving it was to immediately embrace him. It's a gift that speaks volumes, even if he struggles to express it in words. A blend of his love for music and his love for you. Because beneath his aloof exterior, and despite the chaos behind the scenes, lies a heart that beats just for you and you alone.
AKIHIKO NIREI | 楡井秋彦 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Enter NIREI, the human encyclopedia of your life, with a notebook thicker than a brick and more detailed than your school textbooks. Nirei probably has anything and everything you've ever said written down in his notebook. His meticulous, borderline frantic nature means he doesn't miss a single detail, capturing every word you utter with precision, whether you genuinely meant it or not. Seriously, the guy probably has a section dedicated to your favourite foods alone. 
He’s constantly with a notebook in hand, furiously scribbling down every passing comment, no matter how trivial. To him, it's better to be safe than sorry—after all, he can’t afford to disappoint you, not when he's committed to being your personal mind reader, one way or another. In fact, it would come to the surprise of no one if Nirei had an entire 500-page notebook dedicated solely to you, complete with tabs, colour-coded highlights, and footnotes.
And those who do find out about this "notebook" and read through even just the first page are utterly deadpan at just how smitten Nirei was for you. The hearts in his eyes practically say it all. His dedication to cataloguing your every whim and fancy might seem a tad extreme to the common folk, but to Nirei, it's all in the name of ensuring your happiness. And when he does present you with a gift, it feels almost magical, as if he's read your mind. Sure, it’s a bit unnerving to know that he probably knows your cafe order better than you do, but hey, at least you’ll never have to worry about forgetting your preferences. It's more than just a gesture, his careful attention to detail makes every gift a meaningful token of his affection. With Nirei by your side, it's like having your very own walking, talking wishlist. Even if Nirei isn't strong physically—he can't fight like everybody else in Furin—his meticulous planning and thoughtfulness show just how far he's willing to go in order to make you happy.
HAYATO SUO | 蘇枋 隼飛  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Now, let’s talk about SUO, Furin's resident memory master. Unlike Nirei, who hoards notebooks like a squirrel hoards acorns, Suo relies solely on the immense storage capacity of his brain to keep track of every single detail about you, retaining it all in his memory alone.
His mind is like a steel trap, capturing every little detail about you, his significant other. He can effortlessly recall every conversation, shared moment, and quirky little habit you have and stores it in his memory, all the while keeping it secret behind that enigmatic smile of his. He's a mysterious man, even to you, but you can always tell his intentions are pure, no matter how initially suspicious he may be.
Some might call it borderline telepathic, but to Suo, it’s all just part of being deeply devoted to you in his own way. When he comes to you with a perfectly timed gift, it’s not because he’s some kind of mind reader (although it sometimes does feel that way). It’s simply because you’re the most important thing in his world, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, even if it means sacrificing a little extra brain space for the cause—as if that’s even troubling to him. Gifts from Suo are always a surprise, even to you. He hides things incredibly well without you knowing a thing. But it's not without a touch of mischief, considering all the pranks and teases he often likes to pull. You frequently find yourself asking him, "How did you even know I wanted this?" only for him to aloofly reply with a cryptic smile or an offhanded comment.
"Oh wow, Hayato, how did you know I wanted this?!"
"Oh, I just happened to notice when I saw how your face lit up at the sight of it the other day."
"I- wha- …you got it from just noticing my reactions?"
"Of course! Who would I be if I didn't notice such a thing from my significant other?"
"A stalker..."
"Now now, don't be like that!"
HARUKA SAKURA | 桜 遥 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Anyone and everyone with ears that day who are unlucky enough to cross paths with SAKURA that day would no longer be the same after getting a panicked earful from his guy. Just imagine him, frantically running around like a chicken with its head cut off, who turns gift-giving into a mission worthy of a military operation, and that is Sakura Haruka. 
He’s the guy who interrogates his friends about what to get you, practically hosting a roundtable discussion as he frantically brainstorms the perfect gift. Picture him pacing back and forth, sweating bullets, and badgering everyone in sight for advice. He consults everyone he knows, hoping to find some idea of the ideal present that will light up the smile on your face—one that he has grown to love and cherish. Sakura's desperation knows no bounds; he's calling up acquaintances he hasn’t even bothered to speak to until now, just to get their input on this seemingly not-important dilemma. But once the dusk settles and he's had a moment to gather his thoughts, Sakura is the one to make the final call. 
And in the end, he gets you a gift that is perfect and oh-so-thoughtful. The effort he puts into his choice shows just how much he cherishes you in his life and will continue to do so. It's not just a gift; it's a heartfelt expression of his love, chosen all with the intention of making you smile. Though he will never admit to you how long it actually took for him to get that singular gift for you. Not even on his grave.
TOMA HIRAGI | 柊登馬  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Poor HIRAGI, who, at first, dives headfirst into the idea of gift-giving with all the enthusiasm in the world. He's got that determined look in his eyes—a look enough to scare off any middle-schooler within a mile—ready to craft the perfect present for you. Fast forward a few hours, and he’s surrounded by a chaotic mess of craft supplies, looking at his creation with dawning horror. Realization hits him like a pound of bricks. The gift is utter garbage, something you’d never like... Hiragi first tries to salvage it, maybe gluing on a few more sparkles or attaching a heartfelt note, but deep down, he knows it’s a lost cause.
His mind goes into overdrive, perhaps popping more than a few nerve pills into his mouth as he hurriedly rethinks his plan, determined to make things right. In a moment of panic, Hiragi scrambles to come up with something better. His mind races, and he quickly pivots to Plan B. He ditches the failed craft project and decides to give you something far more meaningful—a date, an entire day planned around your favourite activities.
From a breakfast at your favourite cafe to a scenic walk in the park with an amazing view of the sunset, followed by a movie marathon of your beloved films, this time, he is confident. Hiragi pours his heart into creating an experience rather than a physical gift. It's a corny move, sure, but his dedication to making you happy is what ultimately shines through. Your happiness is the true present Hiragi strives to provide and cherish with all his heart. Ultimately, it's not the material items that matter but the love and effort he puts into spending time with you. His actions speak louder than any physical gift ever could.
KYOTARO SUGISHITA | 杉下京太郎  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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To him, this was something not to be taken lightly. Thus, his plan was put into motion. SUGISHITA's quest to ensure perfection involves quiet observation that borders on creepy, with intense staring sessions that would make even the most seasoned blush just to get the perfect gift for you. You can practically feel his eyes boring into you as he notes your likes and dislikes, all while maintaining an innocent facade—at least, in his eyes. From your perspective, you beg to differ, but you let him have his moment. Through this, Sugishita tries to gather intel on your favourite foods, movies, and even the type of socks you prefer. His dedication to the art of gift-giving is both impressive and slightly unnerving, but hey, it’s all in the name of love, right?
And when he finally presents you with a gift, it's like he's unveiling some kind of masterpiece he's been working on for months. And in a way, he has been. Even when you know what he has been doing all this time, your heart still melts. Tears fall, and all Sugishita does is frantically comfort you in the best way he knows how—which isn’t saying much, but hey, he's trying his best. He may not wear his heart on his sleeve, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. His methods might be a tad unconventional, but there's no denying the thought and effort he puts into making you happy. After all, who needs words when you have Sugishita's silent but effective gestures of love? His silence all but screams his genuine heart for you. Because each time he's with you, he feels comfortable in your presence, no matter what, without ever needing to say a word.
CHOJI TOMIYAMA | 兎耳山 丁子 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Hmmm, his gift for you?
It's him, of course! 
…Don’t give him that look. 
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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11rosebunny · 1 month
How they like to be touched (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
For the love of God please hold his hand and play with his fingers. The second you do that it's possible he could potentially get a fever over 90 degrees. He's not very big on physical touch as many others would think, seen by his behaviour and personality, it almost seems like he hates it because of how nervous he gets.
So when it comes to gentle and thought out touches like holding his pinky and eventually adding two of his fingers to three and holding onto them, he freaks out. In a good way don't worry.
He'll most likely not even look your way when you're holding his hand, afraid he might just burst into a thousand pieces. But to ensure you he's enjoying it, he gives your hand a small squeeze to indicate he feels safe with you.
Hajime Umemiya
Wrapping your arms around his neck. Don't expect to be on your feet whenever you do that because he will start bolting with you in his arms.
He absolutely loves it whenever you hug him from behind if he's crouching down when he's gardening. Hugging him from in front also works for him. But if you're simply just resting your body on his while he's crouching on the ground and you jump on his back, he'll start laughing before standing up and giving you piggy back ride before running around in circles to make you laugh.
Toma Hiragi
Whatever you do, do not caress his face if you're simply just wiping dirt off his cheek, he may or may not give into his intrusive thoughts and bite the shit out of your hand, not out of fear but because he might explode into pieces.
Something about how you stare directly at his face, even if you're not making eye contact with him (he sure as hell is making eye contact with you though) he finds you so beautiful when you're taking care of him.
You'll accuse him of going red but he ends up yelling at you and saying it's because the weather is just hot.
Taiga Tsugeura
As mentioned before, if you ever hold his arm while walking around, sitting on a chair beside him, or if you pull him somewhere to make him look at something, he will now expect you to hold onto his arm for the remainder of the day.
The first time it ever happened he went batshit crazy and couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you, held onto, his arm. He always thinks about if his arms need to be bigger so it would feel comfortable whenever you'd hold onto them.
It makes him feel big and strong, like he can protect you from anything once you do that.
Mitsuki Kiryu
When you play with his hair. The first time you played with it was when you were just bored and decided to braid a few strands of his hair as he was sitting down in front of you on the floor. You were on the couch right above him so it made things even easier. He felt your fingers run through his hair and had to pause his game to process what was happening.
Afterwards, once he felt the way how relaxing and good it felt feeling your fingers run through his hair ever so gently, he sometimes asks you to take out any of his dead hairs as a way to just get you to run your fingers through his hair again.
Hayato Suo
Similar to Sakura, when you intertwine your fingers with him while holding his hand, better if you also run your thumb up and down the flesh of his hand.
He digs for innocent touches and loves to hold hands, even out in public. He doesn't mind who sees him, as long as it's not his group of boys otherwise they'd start asking him the next day with too many questions to answer.
It's become so normalized to him when it comes to holding hands, sometimes he'll just straight up grab yours without even thinking twice.
Jo Togame
He likes touching you more than he like you touching himself. For the most part, he always makes sure you're comfortable and happy and so he touches you in places where he knows you like it, but he doesn't mind it if you touch him back. His favourite way of having physical contact with you is when you're sitting down right beside him so he could place his hand on your inner thigh.
He doesn't do it in any sexual way by any means possible, maybe a few times just to see you go red, but for the most part, he just likes the way it feels. He's a sucker for mitigate acts of touches.
Tomiyama Choji
This one isn't surprising but he likes it when you cuddle with him. He's a very touchy person by heart and will somehow get his hands on you in any way he can, but if you two so happen to be innocently cuddling, he could fall asleep in seconds.
The way your body feels warm and how soft your touches soothe his skin, it makes him melt into a puddle of ice cream, he loves it whenever he feels safe around you.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 15 days
or, actions/habits of yours that they find way too cute, featuring: hajime umemiya, jo togame, haruka sakura, hayato suo, akihiko nirei
c/w: some brief language, fluff
a/n: yes, I’m still infested with WB brainrot. seriously, we need more peeps in this fandom. I feel like the series is criminally underrated at this point .....((/- -)/ (sorry that these are kinda short)
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hajime umemiya is absolutely charmed by your latent ability to be an airhead.
the particular trait can be a bit of a double-edged sword for him, however; because although it’s incredibly adorable to watch certain things go over your head, it’s extremely irritating when it interferes with your ability to register when someone is hitting on you.
another side affect of this airheadedness is a short attention span; you could be so engrossed in a certain topic, and then completely derailed from it from something as simple as a sudden change in scenery or, more often than not, another thought crashing into the one you were currently holding.
it happens nearly daily when you’re out with unemiya. sometimes he even has trouble keeping up with your bouncing speech, but he doesn’t mind it; he will still listen to you all day long, even if half of that time you never actually finish a full thought.
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jo togame finds it simply irresistible when you wear his glasses.
it was a habit you’d picked up even long before the two of you had entered a relationship — the first time you’d stood on your tippy toes and plucked his glasses off his face, the entirety of shishitoren held their breaths, more than positive that togame would lose his cool on you.
but, much to their surprise, he let you. and when you put them on yourself and beamed at him, exclaiming “toga, toga, lookit! I’m like you!” togame could do nothing short of simply stare, heart thundering in his chest at the sheer cuteness that was you wearing his glasses.
they’re a bit big on you, sliding down the bridge of your nose with nearly every subtle movement, but togame would be lying if he said that it wasn’t cute to see you readjust them on your face with a blushy smile.
first it was his glasses, but soon enough, you start wearing other articles of clothing — namely his shirts and shishitoren jacket, both of which swallow you so adorably.
you always look good wearing his things, but seeing you in his glasses will always be his favorite. when he sees you wearing them it takes everything in him not to simply smother you with kisses.
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when you want to square up with him.
let’s face it, this man lives for a fight. so, to see you, so pretty and delicate, threaten to kick his ass, is just so adorable that he can’t help but inwardly gush over it.
just like sakura, you have a rather short fuse, and little things can set you off — that in itself shouldn’t be so cute, but it is. and when you catch him smiling at you with those eyes, you get even angrier, because how dare he not take you seriously and, c’mon, monochrome, get your ass outside so I can beat it.
of course, you’d win any physical fight that you get in with him, because there’s no way he’d ever lay a hand on you — not seriously, at least. a little cuff to the back of the head just to piss you off is okay, though.
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your sleepiness. it’s absolutely adorable.
you seem to be tired all the time, and more often than not, you’re spotted with a styrofoam cup brimming with coffee in your hand. not that it even seems to help much, as even after you’ve downed the entire thing, your eyes are still falling closed, even in mid-conversation.
if you’re next to suo — standing, sitting, or laying — you’ll always find a part of him to lay your head on. sometimes it’s his shoulder, sometimes his arm, and even in some instances, his lap or stomach. you’ll do so with this soft, breathy sigh, usually before or after a yawn, and no matter hiw many times suo has been exposed to it, it still never fails to make his heart flutter.
aside from it being absolutely adorable, it’s also quite nice to see — the fact that you feel safe and secure enough with him to allow yourself to fall into such a vulnerable state; like you know deep down in your soul that you’ll never be harmed when you’re with him. it makes him feel proud and warm and completely and utterly soft.
damn, the things you do to him.
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your fear of bugs; any bug — small, large, shiny, dull, two legs, four legs, especially eight legs, long and thin or short and thick; if you see one when you’re with him, you’re immediately squealing and dashing behind him, using his body as a shield against something that is perpetually harmless.
it’s always the same reaction to varying degrees, depending on the type of bug you come across — something like a grasshopper might warrant a small squeak and a quick retreat behind him, but if you happen to spot a spider it’s much more lively; you’ll let out an adorable squeal and quite literally cower behind nirei, grasping the back of his furin jacket like it’s a life-line and whining, “kill it, ni, kill it!”
it’s simultaneously cute and exasperating; but nirei can’t deny that it makes his chest swell, that his cheeks get warm and he feels proud when you go to him for protection. it makes him feel good, strong, needed — and when it comes to you, he’ll brave anything, and he loves that feeling of confidence too.
and he loves that you know and believe that he will protect you.
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naomi-nana · 24 days
bofurin and romance tropes . wind breaker
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just as the title says, bofurin and romance tropes.
featuring : umemiya, sakura, kaji
cw : fluff, gn!reader, probably ooc
a/n : since there isn't many wind breaker fics right now, i'm gonna make one since im obsessed with the characters! if this goes well, maybe i'll make a second part:D
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UMEMIYA HAJIME . friends to lovers !
the two of you first met in café pothos, when you were helping out kotoha since it was pretty busy that day. he was the one that noticed you first and came up to you with a huge smile on his face. he didn't say anything and only stared at you for a while, which makes you think that the leader of bofurin is a freak. but you talked to him anyway.
and that leads you to being friends with him somehow. and because of that, he won't stop bothering you whenever he got the chance to. "name, look! my plants are looking so beautiful under the moon today, hahaha!" he showed them off proudly at you. you only nod your head with a smile on your face. "that's great. but, why are you taking me to furin at night? surely this isn't because you want to have a bbq party with me."
"do you want to?!"
"just tell me what you want, ume."
he chuckled and looks over at you with sincere eyes that makes you feel weirded out. not because you're disgusted by him, but because he usually looks at you that way whenever he has something serious to say. "say, are you alone right now?" you tilt your head to the side at his question. "what do you mean? i'm with you right now."
"haha, sorry. i should've been more specific. i mean, are you single?"
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SAKURA HARUKA . clueless and flustered !
"stop doing that!" sakura glares at you while his whole face glows bright red. suou and nirei only watches from the side as the interaction between you and him goes on. "doing what? i'm not doing anything!" you put the bandage on his injury. the three of them had just gotten back from a fight in the town. and apparently, sakura jumped way too early into the fight and got injured because of that. which is why you're trying to put bandages on his arms right now. keyword, trying.
"could you please stop moving?" you grab his wrist with your hand to make him stop running away from you, but it only makes it worse. he's now screaming like a crazy guy. "hey! get them away from me!" he stares at suou who only smiles at him.
"i-i think we should help him before he passed out from the amount of affection name is giving him." nirei whispers to suou, which earns a hum from him. "hmm, you're right. but this is way too amusing to watch. i say we wait a few more minutes."
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KAJI REN . talkative and quiet !
kaji is known for being a person who's easily angry. well, he might look calm, but the second someone or something pisses him off, he's really scary. which is why people often run away from him. not the people in furin though, including you, who came from a different high school. of course people think you're weird, acting all smiley besides him while he's 'ignoring' you and listening to his music.
but, in reality, he actually hears whatever you're currently saying. "kaji, did you hear? apparently that new coffee shop is closing because they didn't sell well!" you crossed your arms together as you looked at kaji with a dissappointed face. "how sad, i really liked how their coffee taste!" kaji only nod at what you said, and didn't say anything back.
you noticed that he didn't say anything and decided to just shut your mouth, since you think that you're bothering him a little and you don't want him to get mad at you. but then, he suddenly stops walking. "what's wrong, kaji?" you noticed he stopped at the coffee shop you were talking about. he took off his headphone and opened his mouth to speak,
"do you..want to buy coffee?"
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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thinkingotherwise · 1 month
Requested by: @kwo22 can you do one with Sakura with a s/o who just compliments him randomly at times and he gets all blushy ykk? Love ur writing for windbreaker !!!!!! <3
There are so many blushy Sakura panels in the manga. I adore all of them.
Haruka Sakura x reader
Randomly complimenting him and using pickup lines.
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Even before your relationship with Haruka, you knew he was so, so, so easy to fluster. His blushing face quickly became one of your favourite features in the man. You thought he didn't like it in the beginning always yelling and awkwardly telling you not to embarrass him. Surprisingly, he didn't mind when you complimented him, even seeking out your praises whenever the possibility for one arrived.
Everyone in Bofurin was aware, that when you were near your boyfriend his face would be red most of the time. You just knew what to do to make him this way. Were you bad for using it for your entertainment? Maybe. But he loved you either way so..
"Your hair and eyes have been always bi-colour and you will always be-mine." You said to him once, while you walked to school. "What?" He looked at you confused trying to understand what you meant. You sighed deeply before turning to him. "You know bi-colour, be-mine." You pointed first at his hair and then at you.
Another minute passed before his cheeks and ears burned red and he spluttered some things you couldn't understand turning away from you. You, however, laughed at his reaction and grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the school.
Haruka wasn't aware that it was the first of many pick-up lines you'd use on him just to get a reaction, you so loved.
The next one was when he'd just beat down some guys, while you were watching from the sidelines. You cheered him on throughout the fight and as the last guy fell down you bounced up to him. "Oh wow, that last punch was something." You complimented trying to imitate your boyfriend.
He puffed out his chest his face slightly pink from the fight and, mostly, the praise. The smile on your face turned to a smirk as you brought your finger to your lips humming in thought. "Is your dad a boxer?" You asked him your grin starting to show as you knew what you'd say next, while he wasn't aware what he got himself into. "What no! You know well enough that-" "Because you're a knockout!" You cut him off quickly sending a wink and finger guns in his direction.
He stared at you his face reddening but he was too stunned to speak. "Ah, you prefer knight in shining armour more, huh?" You teased him and instantly tried to evade the light slaps he sent into your arm to make you stop. He ran after you yelling for you to stop while you ran away laughing and arguing you would never, because you knew he secretly loved it.
Haruka knew your intentions pretty well when it came to these random compliments and pick-up lines. He thought that with time passing he would get used to them and they wouldn't have that kind of effect on him anymore. Oh how wrong he was.
Collecting Haruka from Bofurin you gave him some snacks you collected on your way. He thanked you but when he saw you looking left and right carefully, he followed your gaze before asking. "What is it?" "Be careful the police may be on to you." You whispered to him and he looked at you appalled. "Why? I didn't do shit." "For stealing my heart." You said swiftly kissing his cheek. His face was once again bright red and a frown appeared on his face.
He just couldn't believe that instead of him handling the situations like that better it was you who got better at acting and tricking him. "You're an idiot." He said munching on the chocolate you gave him, pretty much still flustered by you. "But I'm your idiot." Your words made him choke on the thing and you helped him before erupting into belly laughter. Haruka was still blushing no matter how many times you exposed him to your affectionate words. He finally came to realize that you just had that effect on him and he didn't mind it that much anymore.
Tags: @misticbullet
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victimsofyaoipoll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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sukunas-wife · 4 months
I'm in desperate need of sukuna just catering to his pregnant wife. Like he's being too careful, caring and overall really really cautious around her. I just need some sweet stuff between the two. Idk how it'll happen but it must, and I think you'll be the perfect person for it♡♡♡ i love your work sm istg i could just smoosh u into a big hug, reading your posts just makes me all giddy and melt. thank you in advance!!!
Stop Ilysm 🥺🤍 imma do my best 🥹
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In no way was Ryomen Sukuna a domestic man, much less a man who would show mercy or an ounce of emotion. Yet here he stood, both sets of arms crossed over his chest hard stare following your waddle around the garden, his face was void of emotions but internal something was ignited. Subconsciously, his body led him to find you almost always when he would wander about aimlessly in thought. Here he was, standing on the engawa. His eyes ran over your body, the small swell in your tummy was a pain in his ass but there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to ensure your safety and his child’s. He was lucky you hadn’t noticed him or you’d probably demand something from him and there he would have to go to please you.
The cold rush of air on his skin didn't bother him, but he saw how you shivered, tucking your hands into the sleeves of your robes resting them on your swollen belly. You were persistent and stubborn it didn't surprise when the second rush of wind came and you side eyed the empty air as if threatening a being. You sighed continuing your walk in the garden, fingers grazing the flowers of the garden. The garden you had begged him to make because it had been your dream to have a lavish royal garden of your own. He remembers the first time he allowed you out of his sight, he found you sitting on a stone bench under the shade of a blooming sakura tree, you must’ve felt like one of those silly little princesses with how you slowly lifted your hand to catch falling blooms.
You felt the shift in the air but weren’t bothered to turn around and greet him, you were busy on your little adventure. You were looking for the perfect place, you kept walking until you came to a decent open space, in the centre was a ring of bushes. Staring at the space you started to space out thinking only pulled back to reality by your husband when he draped his Haori over your shoulders. He stood behind you, a pair of arms around you carefully tying it closed. His scent and warmth lingered over your skin when he stepped away, you looked back over your shoulder and up at him. He was looking past you at the bushes you were staring at, one of his left hands rested on your left shoulder. He brought a right hand up to his face, squeezing his cheek bones and running his hand down his face like he was thinking, “what have you decided?” You hummed, “A plum tree right there, as our child grows so will the tree, when he’s old enough to eat fruit it’ll start to bloom.” Sukuna didn’t understand the sentiment behind having your child grow up with his or her own tree. In the end one of them would die and they would have to part ways. “Uraume” “Yes Lord Sukuna.” It was an unspoken command. It was one of many he’d be giving for the next few months.
“…su?” Your voice was lost in the dark before you tried to sit up whispering, “..sukuna.. kuna… suuuu.” You laid a hand on your husband's chest rubbing circles, he took a slow deep breath opening his eyes to look at you. “Yes y/n?” Your hand trailed to his lower shoulder trailing down his arm and taking his hand holding it in your lap between both of your smaller hands in comparison. “I..I’m hungry..” he was looking at you with soft lidded eyes. His lower set of eyes opened when he sat up the arm he had wrapped around you in his sleep and moved to rub your side, he did his best to whisper “What do you need?” He never asked what do you want like it was a bothersome request, but rather what do you need like it was something necessary for you to keep living. “I want the melon from that fruit stand in the village. The one they had at the top in a small crate…” his mouth opened slightly like he was going to say something. Because here’s the thing, he bought that melon when he saw your eyes linger on it a little too long. But at the moment Uraume wasn’t there and he didn’t wanna carry around a small crate while he had things to do so he told the Vendor he would be back for it, and if he tried to sell it or let anything happen to it, it would be his life for that melon. He closed his mouth, “I…” he moved so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, “I’ll be right back.” You sat there rubbing your belly when he left, it didn’t feel like long considering the King of Curses was inhumanely fast. What took him longer was rummaging through the fruit vendor's stand looking for that cursed crate and melon. Finally he found it tucked away with a note in beg red characters, “LORD SUKUNA DO NOT DAMAGE DO NOT SELL AT ANY EXPENSE THE EMPEROR'S PREGNANT WIFE CAN STARVE IF IT SPARES MY LIFE.” He laughed to himself, a smug smile on his face, “These fools do have brains, how refreshing.”
He made it home and had your ladies in waiting bring you to the table, there he cracked open the crate showing you the perfect honeydew melon that had a thin layer of condensation making it look like the night dew had blessed it. Your tummy growled and your eyes shined bright for everyone to see. It was funny to see the melon on a red cushion in the crate before Sukuna carefully pulled it out and placed it on a wooden slab asking how you wanted it. You told him to cut it into slices, you watched him turn down the knife a lady in waiting offered him only to use to dismantle. It was faster, cleaner and efficient, he chose the best piece shaking off the seeds and handing it to you. You bought into it and it was the best thing in the world, until you finished your third piece and decided you didn’t want it anymore you were full and it started to taste funny. Your ladies in waiting giggled and Sukuna sighed when they started to clean it up, they decided to save the rest for you if you started craving it for at least the next two days.
It wasn't long after that night, you found yourself awake at another ungodly hour of the night. You felt queasy and quickly jumped out of bed, rushing to the large washroom Sukuna loved to bathe in. You grabbed one of the brand new chamber pots the ladies in waiting had bought at Sukuna’s command for when you'd get sick in the morning. You thought you were alone but there was your husband, one arm rubbing your back, the other stilling your chalky hands, the second pair braiding your hair back and out of the way. Following you immediately he snapped at one of the servants to bring water and something to settle your stomach if it was needed. For now he provided the best comfort he could. His warm hands on your cold back and shaky hands might not have stopped your nausea but it was comforting to know he was there with you even if he could’ve just rolled over and slept. You would’ve kissed him or at least his cheek if you didn’t feel so dirty and your tummy didn’t ache and feel empty in a weird way.
Here stood the King of Curses, it was past midday. He was lucky your cravings were during daylight this time but what he didn't understand was why you wanted to top your dango with crumbled salted egg yolk and mochi with dried squid topping. It made him sick and he was more than willing to eat raw human flesh. He sat there making sure the waiter never let your cup empty or your plates void of food but he stopped when you tried to top fried squid with a chocolate and red bean paste.
“Enough y/n, you will make yourself nauseous before the morning nausea starts tomorrow.” His voice and look were stern and authoritative which caused you to pout, “…fine.”
Of course that didn’t stop you from packing your left over into a little wooden bento box to take home.
So when you were hungry after being carried over half of the trip home you decided to eat that sinful concoction you called a meal. Just to find your bento had been tampered with and only had red bean paste buns and chocolate mochi. Your puffed out cheeks match your belly perfectly when you went around looking for Sukuna. Only to barge in on him having a conversation with Kenjaku. “Where’s my squid!” Kenjaku was surprised someone had the gall to raise their voice and be so demanding with the king of curses, “Not now Y/n” Sukuna tried to give you a look to tell you now isn’t an appropriate time, that didn’t stop you from getting closer seeing Kanjaku’s look of surprise when he saw your stomach swollen and prominent. The King of Curses’s wife was indeed pregnant meaning it was entirely possible for a curse to impregnate a human… but could a human.. “I told YOU I wanted that squid!” Your teary eyes had Sukuna’s eye twitching his mind was Screaming ‘dammit woman out of all the times you could cry and make a scene and walk out like THAT it had to be in front of this deranged man-?” He cleared his throat “URAUME- Yes Lord Sukuna.”
Uraume was quick to fry up squid for you, fresh, hot and crispy. It was perfect. His jaw dropped when he saw how you squeezed a drop of red bean paste and chocolate mochi filling on the squid just to take a bite. He also didn’t hesitate in running at you with one of the brand new chamber pots when all of your lunch came back up with that cursed squid. Your husband walked in and sighed, he looked at you as you wiped your mouth, “What did I tell you.” You avoided eye contact, “To not..” he placed a hand on your back rubbing up and down your spine, Uraume was quick to bring water.
Finally, here was Sukuna kneeling in front of you between your legs. You were close to birthing so this had become a very common position for you. Your robes were open and he was listening to your stomach. He could hear very clearly and distinct your heart beat from your child’s. That little heart beat was strong and present no doubt his child. You always ran your hand over his hair, your nails scratching his scalp and he’d humm before finally pulling back. Spreading oil over his hands. All those Japanese Camellia seeds he forced servants to gather and extract oil from because you’d become self conscious of your body and the marks in your skin where your skin was stretching. He’d kneel there between your legs, warm hands rubbing your belly, sides, breasts and thighs down with the oil that everyone had sworn would help you prevent and recover from stretch marks. As much as he’d like to have advanced on you in these situations, he would've been doing this for your last trimester daily. There was no doubt in his mind he would’ve induced early labour, so there he sat pent up but tending to your silly little self conscious needs. Honestly, how could you think yourself ugly when he thought you looked perfectly swollen with his child. If he chose you, why would you belittle yourself? He doesn’t choose and take things that don’t meet his ridiculously high standards. So he doesn’t understand why all of a sudden the change in your mindset. But he’s here with you muttering comforting words against your stomach and thighs if it help you truly understand how he feels about you.
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Squishy: @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks
@cyder-puff @bofadeezs
Perm: @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira
Broken🥺: @cyder-puff @simpforyoubitch @domainofmarie @ilovemybabies378
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okaylikesmomo · 9 months
Chapter 7: Paris
le sserafim smut, ~6k words, chaewon, kazuha, male reader
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“This is so cute!”
“I heard you wanted to go on a date in Paris,” you chuckled. “You like it?”
“Like it? I love it!” Kazuha gushed. “How did you set this up so quickly?”
“I had to pull a few strings,” you smiled at her as you pulled her chair back.
“Wow, you must really like me,” Kazuha teased while taking a seat. “Oh my God!”
The excitement on her face as she looked at the variety of breads on the table was enough to make this whole endeavor worth it. Maybe it was your history dating idols, but you were definitely spoiled by their intense reactions.
“I think they call that bread.” you chuckled, taking a seat across from her.
“Why are there so many?”
“Because you deserve all the breads!” you laughed as you watched Kazuha gawked at the table.
“When are you going to take me to the real City of Love?”
“I think I’d get in trouble if I stole you and flew away in the middle of promo week.”
“I’d let you steal me,” she said slyly as she began buttering up a roll.
“How is it?” you asked, already knowing the answer as Kazuha physically leaned back into her chair, looking up at the roof in a state of utter satisfaction.
“It’s so good,” she moaned, her voice wavering as if she was about to spill tears over a simple bite of bread.
“Save some room, there’s a whole meal to come,” you laughed, overflowing with happiness at Kazuha’s antics.
Before you knew it, the appetizer, main course, and dessert had been served. Dinner was a mostly silent affair as Kazuha was far too busy with the food, only sparing enough time to drop a flirty one-liner here and there as she worked on finishing every bite from dishes she couldn’t even pronounce.
“Wow!” Kazuha gasped, even making the waiter smile through her excitement as they torched the sugar in front of her.
“Have you had it before?” you asked, tapping the top of your own little cup with the back of your spoon.
She shook her head excitedly before breaking the sugar layer with her spoon and giving it a taste. As usual, her reaction was excruciatingly cute as she alternated between a flurry of astonishment, shock, and content. She admired the little white ramekin with a bliss-filled expression on her face for a moment before looking up at you with wide eyes.
“How is it?” you smiled.
“There’s only one thing at this table I’d rather eat,” she moaned.
“Huh? What would you… oh,” you facepalmed, disappointed that you fell for her cheesiness.
“Have you brought Chaewon here before?” Kazuha asked with a smile, proud of herself as she took another bite.
“Not yet,” you answered, thinking back to the time when you brought Sakura here.
“I think she’d like it.”
“Yeah, maybe I’ll bring her next time.”
“Or you can just bring me again,” Kazuha giggled, scraping her spoon around the bottom of the dish.
“Are you asking me out?”
“Depends, will you take me out?”
“After tonight? Always.”
“Then let’s talk about where you’re taking me while you drive me home,” Kazuha smiled, wiping her lips with her napkin and standing up.
Despite her suggestion, you drove her back to the dorm in silence. Suddenly, Kazuha seemed to be a bit nervous, you even noticed her leg shaking slightly, but you decided not to comment on it. Once you got to the dorm, you contemplated whether or not you should come in, but your decision was made when Kazuha stopped walking two steps away from your car and looked over her shoulder expectantly.
Still, without saying any words, you walked Kazuha all the way to her room. All the other members were nowhere to be seen, the house was mostly silent. As you got to Kazuha’s door, she turned around and looked at you with slightly blushed cheeks.
“Tonight was fun,” she said softly.
“Yeah, it was,” you replied, trying to figure out what she wanted.
“Do you…” she began before stopping.
“Do I?”
Kazuha leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on your mouth before leaning back.
“Goodnight!” she shouted before hurrying into her room, closing the door behind her.
“Still awake?”
She answered by cheerily patting the bed next to where she was sitting with a tablet in her lap.
“Whose fancam are you…” you began asking as you sat down and looked at the screen. “You’re watching your own fancam.”
“Yah! Stop judging me, I like to monitor myself, so what,” Chaewon complained as she turned off the screen and leaned over to place the device on her side table, the blanket lifting off her as she bent over, flashing you her bright pink underwear. “Did you have fun with Zuha?” she asked as she leaned back, cuddling into your arms.
“I did,” you mumbled as you ran your fingers through Chaewon’s short hair. “Kazuha’s great.”
“I know,” Chaewon laughed into your chest, laying her face on you. “Where is she now?”
“In her bed, I think.”
“Wow, didn’t you guys just get home? Guess you had some stamina issues tonight,” Chaewon teased. “Not that I blame you, Zuha is a hottie.”
“We didn’t.”
Chaewon lifted herself up and looked you in the face.
“I’m starting to think you don’t want to sleep with her.”
“Of course I want to,” you replied. “You said it yourself, she’s a hottie.”
“Do you not believe me when I say it’s fine?” Chaewon asked, face full of confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“No, I do,” you said, rubbing your hand against her back. “I literally just told you I want to sleep with her, would I do that if I didn’t believe you?”
“Probably,” Chaewon smirked. “You tend to gush over her a lot.”
“That’s true,” you smiled back. “She’s just so… precious.”
“Wanna give it another try tomorrow?” she asked nonchalantly while spinning in the bed and reaching for her phone.
“Why does it seem like you really want me to sleep with Kazuha?” you questioned while placing both hands on her ass, pressing into the pink panties.
“You don’t get jealous when I fool around with Kkura and Yunjin, why should I get jealous if you fool around with Zuha?” she answered without turning back around, flipping through her phone.
“So, what about that surprise?” you asked slyly as your hands squeezed and played with her supple ass. “Do you still wanna get all sore?”
“The condition for the surprise was that you actually slept with her,” Chaewon tutted, rolling onto her stomach and taking her shirt off.
“What an odd reality,” you said while climbing over her legs, straddling her lower body. “It really feels like my girlfriend is begging me to sleep with one of her friends.”
“I have… my reasons…” Chaewon grunted as you pressed down into her body.
“How’s the comeback stuff going?” you asked while working on the knots in her shoulders.
“It’s… good… busy…” she moaned, tossing her phone to the side and leaning her face into her pillow. “Lower please.”
“Not too much though, I hope?” you continued down her body, reaching around her chest to give her tits a quick grope before working her middle back.
“I can handle it,” she said before releasing a drawn out breath through her teeth. “Oh yes…”
“I know you can handle it,” you said, moving farther down her spine, pressing into her lower back.
“Ah fuck,” she cried out, arching her back slightly.
“No,” she moaned. “More.”
“So,” you continued, sliding lower on her body and working her lower back. “Why are you so fixated on me and Kazuha?”
“She’s being shy,” Chaewon grunted as your fingers explored her muscles. “I just want her to open up.”
“Open up…” you repeated, rubbing your thumbs in small circles, pressing harder.
“Yeah,” Chaewon continued. “She’s never gone all the way with me, I want her…”
Your hands paused the massage. She turned her head just a little into the pillow and tried to get you to keep going by reaching behind her. You jerked your arm away and slapped her ass, secretly admiring the jiggle while she whined until you started your massage again.
“It’s not like that,” Chaewon said, clearly smiling despite hiding her face in the pillow.
“I feel used.”
“Oh boo hoo you have to sleep with a gorgeous girl,” Chaewon laughed, turning around under you so that she was laying on her back. “What ever will you do.”
“I didn’t know this was how you actually felt,” you sighed, exaggerating your disappointment as you cupped her tits in your hands. “Turns out I’m just a tool for you to get what you want.”
“You’re not actually upset, are you?” Chaewon asked, propping herself up on her elbows slightly.
“I can’t even look at you the same way anymore,” you monologued dramatically, sliding your fingers down from her tits and rubbing her abs.
“Even as I touch these abs, I don’t even feel Chaewon anymore, all I can think about is Kazuha.”
“Hey!” Chaewon pouted. “That’s mean.”
You leaned forward and kissed her tummy before sitting back up and smiling at her.
“Sorry, too far?”
She fell onto her back, crossing her arms, lips still pouted.
“I was just kidding,” you pleaded, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around her. “Sweetheart, no mad.”
She didn’t stop pouting until you kissed her on the lips.
“I love your body,” you whispered into her mouth before kissing her again. “It’s perfect.”
“Tomorrow,” Chaewon replied, kissing you back. “She has to - stay late - surprise - her,” she breathed between kisses.
“I better be invited when Kazuha ‘opens up’ to you,” you smirked, laying next to her.
“Alright, the truth is she asked me directly,” Chaewon confessed, turning on her side to face you.
“Asked you what?” you implored. “I know you said she found me cute, but…”
“Yes,” Chaewon answered. “I know she wants to go all the way with you, because she straight up told me.”
“Then why does she keep…” you thought aloud. “Ah, okay I think I get it.”
“See what I mean about her being shy now?” Chaewon added. “I love both of you so much, I really don’t mind if it happens as long as it stays physical.”
What if it doesn’t stay physical you thought silently.
“Also, if things work out well, it’s better for me,” Chaewon continued.
“How so?”
Her lips curled up slyly as she slipped her hand between your legs.
“Zuha and I made a deal.”
“What kind of deal?” you asked as Chaewon slipped her hand into your pants.
“I’ll tell you after you help me fulfill my end.”
“Some encouragement would help,” you suggested as she lowered your pants to your knees and began sliding under the sheets.
“What do you think I’m doing?”
“Sweetheart I’m joking, you don’t have to,” you said as she ignored you, disappearing beneath the sheets. “I know you’re tired.”
Still, she didn’t speak, her mouth instead planted itself on your cock. A symphony of sensations unfolded, amplified by the fact that you couldn’t even see her, only feel. Her warm lips enveloped your cock, gentle, tantalizing suction dancing along your sensitivity.
The wetness of her tongue created a blissful contrast of feelings as it explored every ridge and contour. The skilled caresses of Chaewon’s tongue around your cock felt divine - she knew what you liked. The pressure and rhythm of her lips were perfect, invoking a deeper sense of desire within you.
“Oh Chaewon baby that feels…” you moaned out softly. “Oh fuck…”
Her tongue, the perfect instrument to your pleasure, invoked a myriad of sensations through your body. Her talent as a dancer, the body control, the skill, it all condensed into her tongue as she expertly sent shivers up your spine. Her tongue managed to stay nimble and agile despite her lips plunging up and down your length.
Waves of pleasure coursed through you, heightening the sensitivity in your cock. The gentle flicks and swirls, the occasional press against your shaft and your tip, she managed to do it all while keeping her head bobbing up and down.
Not being able to see her working her magic turned out to be the greatest travesty - one you could not accept any longer even though it enhanced the feel. You flung the sheets off the bed, revealing Chaewon’s perfect topless body. She looked up at you, never losing pace, her eyes full of pride and confidence, her mouth stretched over your cock.
It was almost embarrassing to admit you were already feeling your orgasm creeping up. All that subtle foreplay was catching up with you, and seeing Chaewon with her lips wrapped around your cock was the impetus for your climax.
“Chae chae, I’m close…” you moaned softly, earning a seductive wink from her, the nonverbal permission.
Your arousal built up, reaching the peak, turning your body into a vessel of sensations. Waves of pleasure surged through you, spreading like an electric current. The muscles in your thighs contracted, tense, stressed by the anticipation of your cock being moments away from coating the inside of Chaewon’s pretty little mouth.
Your heart began to race, breaths rapid, and your mind quickly became overwhelmed with euphoria. The pleasure suddenly culminated, focused directly into Chaewon’s mouth as that first blast of cum launched itself down her throat.
It was as if the universe paused itself for you, converging into that single, exquisite moment. Your body convulsed, pulsating as you filled her mouth with your cum. Pure bliss, ecstasy, filled your mind as the contractions flowed through you like waves.
The pleasure left you breathless, completely unable to do anything but lay there and let Chaewon suck up the final donations leaking out of your cock. It was too much, even with her licks being as delicate as possible, you shivered each time her tongue rubbed against you.
“I fucking love you,” you moaned, shutting your eyes tight, hearing one last giggle before fading to darkness.
The next day, after the other four members had already left the offices, you took Chaewon’s advice. You walked through the halls until you found Kazuha by herself in a small lounge, reading something on the wall while pouring herself some water.
“You’re here late,” you said as you walked up, pretending as if it was a coincidence.
Her face lit up as she turned to see you.
“Oh, hey cutie,” she purred, leaning backwards against the small countertop. “Chaewon already went back to the dorms.”
“I’m not here for Chaewon,” you said, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“So who are you here for,” she smirked, leaning closer to you.
“Uh, have you seen Sakura around?” you asked, pretending to look around.
Kazuha was visibly irked at your joke, unable to hide her annoyance.
“She’s also at the dorm,” Kazuha replied, her irritation simmering just beneath the surface.
You smirked, loving the not-so-subtle jealousy she was displaying. It felt nice flipping the tables on her from time to time, becoming the one who does the teasing for a change.
“Cool, but I’m not looking for her either,” you moved even closer. “I can’t move much closer,” you whispered, lips practically touching hers at this point.
“Say you want me,” Kazuha moaned quietly, gripping the counter until her knuckles turned white.
“I. Want. You.”
She lunged forward before the last syllable even finished leaving your mouth. You almost fell over with how much passion was behind the kiss, grabbing onto her fit body for support.
“Holy shit Kazuha,” you gasped as she held herself in front of you with the prettiest smile you could imagine. “How about we go somewhere more private before you get in trouble?”
“Yeah,” she turned around, picking her jacket up off the counter. “You can’t just be kissing me at work like that, you should know better.”
“Yeah, you,” she said, looking back over her shoulder. “It’s like you don’t care about the rules at all.”
“I’m pretty sure-” you froze mid sentence, jaw dropping to the floor as Kazuha pulled her pants down, flashing her ass at you. “Kazuha!”
“Come on, you can drive me,” she giggled, quickly pulling her pants back up and grabbing your hand.
This girl was something else, you thought to yourself.
“The dorm will be so packed right now.”
“My place is empty,” you suggested. “If you’re comfortable with that.”
“You’re taking me back to your place? Isn’t that inappropriate?” Kazuha asked in her classic playfully teasing tone.
“It’s only inappropriate if you make it inappropriate.”
“I can do that,” she purred, leaning over the gear shift, looking up at you while hovering over your lap.
“That’s not exactly what I meant,” you laughed, trying to focus on the road.
“Come on,” she whined. “You still haven’t shown me that cock that Chaewon keeps talking about.”
Kazuha sat up straight, smile on her face, as a car blaring its horn flew past you.
“You’re going to get us into an accident,” you sighed, locking both hands onto the steering wheel.
“Oh I’m sorry,” she cooed. “Maybe you need to punish me.”
Focusing was impossible, Kazuha was in too much of a mood this afternoon. You tried to ignore it, but the involuntary glances you shot at her just made it so much more difficult to focus. She had her arms up over her head, tying her hair back in a ponytail, the hair tie in her mouth as she fumbled around. Her sleeveless top flaunting her bare arms without any care, her toned muscles flexing as her fingers worked around, and the smallest little bit of cleavage peeking over the low-cut neck.
“Why do you keep looking at me?” Kazuha asked nonchalantly as she took the tie out of her mouth. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yeah, love it,” you stuttered, not realizing how obvious you were being.
Kazuha reached over and slowly pulled one of your hands off the steering wheel, dragging it over to her chest. You tried to keep your eyes focused on the road, ignoring her games despite how difficult it was. As you pulled up to a red light, Kazuha moved your hand lower, placing it between her legs.
“Can you feel how wet I am?” she moaned softly.
There was a smirk plastered across her lips, one you could only see in your periphery as you started driving again. She began rubbing your hand around, using you like a toy to get herself off. Then she moved your hand towards her waistband, threatening to slide it into her pants.
“Stop stop stop, we’re here,” you yanked your hand away as you pulled up into your parking garage. “You know these windows aren’t tinted, right?”
“Yeah, and the office is full of cameras, what’s your point?”
“Holy shit you’re right,” you gasped as you put the car in park. “What got into you today?”
“Hopefully you, soon,” she answered provocatively.
“I don’t know, Chaewon was extra touchy today, and then you came and started kissing me,” she said casually while getting out of the car. “Also, relax, there weren’t any cameras there.”
She basically skipped to the elevators as you followed closely behind. At times Kazuha would remind you a lot of how Chaewon would act around you; She was just so happy and excited.
“I want to do it,” Kazuha stated as the two of you entered the elevator.
“Aren’t you a bit old to ask to push the button,” you smirked as you pressed the button to your floor.
“Not that,” she whined cutely. “Take off your pants.”
You couldn’t even respond to her audacity because the door opened right after and two other people entered the elevator. For the next few floors, Kazuha wouldn’t stop giggling, right up until they both left.
“Oh my God Kazuha,” you laughed as the elevator reached your floor.
“Which one’s yours?” she asked joyfully, running ahead of you.
“Left side, third door.”
She ran up to it and turned around, watching you walk towards her. She raised one leg up towards the roof, pressing it against the wall, showing off her flexibility as she was basically performing a standing splits.
“What are you doing?” you laughed as you inserted your key.
“Stretching,” Kazuha answered, rushing into your apartment as soon as you opened the door. She ran in, kicked her shoes off, and jumped onto your couch. “Wow, why doesn’t Chaewon just move into here, it’s so nice!”
“I’ve offered, but she likes living with you guys,” you replied as you took off your jacket and shoes. “Sorry for the mess, I haven’t really been sleeping here that much lately.”
“What mess?” Kazuha responded carelessly as she ripped her shirt off, tossing it to the floor.
“Zuha, what are you doing?”
“Huh? Nothing,” she said, faking innocence as she pulled off her sweatpants. “It’s just kinda warm in here, you don’t mind, right?”
“Right,” you said carefully, trying not to stare too much as she stripped all the way down to her underwear.
“Hey, do you mind helping me?”
“How so?” you inquired, taking a seat next to her on the couch.
“I’m cold, can you warm me up?” she asked.
“What the-”
“Please!” she whined, with that cute pout as she stretched her arms out wide.
With a shake of your head, you succumbed to her games and lay down on the couch with her, unable to contain your smile as she happily held onto you. She nestled her cheek against yours, the floral tones of her shampoo filling your senses.
The impromptu hug turned into an exploration of Kazuha’s body as she started rubbing herself all over you, making you feel around. She guided your hands around her back while she wrapped her legs around your hips, sensually grinding on you.
She began yanking at your shirt until she got what she wanted, leaving you topless on top of her. Now it was her turn to explore, her hands having fun sliding around your bare torso, wrapping around and feeling your back. She slipped them lower, starting to unbuckle your pants.
“Hold on,” you stopped her. “Are you sure?”
“I want to see you,” she whispered.
Her expression was soft, for a second it felt like she was your girlfriend. You stood up from the couch and pulled over a chair, sitting in front of her after removing your pants.
“You sure you wanna keep going?” you asked as she also sat up on the couch, facing you, both of you only wearing your underwear now.
Kazuha reached behind her back, unstrapped her bra, and let it fall into her lap before nodding at you. As she spread her legs slightly, you could see a very noticeable wet patch on her crotch, staining her gray underwear. You stuck your hips out forward slightly, leaning back in the chair, and gestured downwards.
She slid off the couch onto her knees, crawled the two steps forward and reached up with both hands. You lifted your hips, making it easier for her, and she slowly lowered your underwear. Her face was full of anticipation, finally getting her wish. Your cock sprung to life, already mostly erect, in front of the topless girl.
“I…” Kazuha choked, gazed locked on your cock.
You grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up, forcing her to look at you before you kissed her softly on the lips.
“Say you want me,” you whispered to her.
There was a brief moment of hesitation, contemplation maybe, but you were in no rush. If she was ready, then you were ready, the choice was hers.
“I want you,” she whispered back.
Her words rang through your ears over and over as you slid your hands down her body and pulled her panties down to her ankles. She stood there, her shining pussy right in front of your face, until you leaned forward in the chair and pressed your lips to it.
The wetness immediately coated your lips, satisfying the taste buds in your mouth. With how wet she was, it was clear she was ready, you were simply getting your own fix as you licked her freely. Her hands ran through your hair, quiet whimpers escaping her lips while you worked her pussy with your mouth.
Once you were satisfied and thought she was ready, you leaned back and took hold of her hands. You looked into her eyes, her flushed face a warm red as you pulled her closer until she was standing right above you, her legs straddling you. You softly tugged at her hands, encouraging her to lower herself until her wet pussy made contact with your cock.
Then you stopped. You focused on her, made sure she was actually ready, made sure she wanted this. After giving her hand a squeeze, one which she reciprocated, you simply held yourself there, waiting for her to make the next move.
Kazuha bit her lower lip, and after a few moments of just holding herself there, she lowered her body. A sharp gasp left her mouth as your tip began stretching her pussy. It took a second to adjust, but there was absolutely no rush. When she was ready to continue, she lowered herself some more, gritting her teeth as your cock filled her pussy up.
For you, the warmth of her pussy created the most exquisite pressure around your cock. A soft, pliable mold, shaped just for you as Kazuha’s intimate embrace filled your mind with sensation. A gentle gripping feeling as her pussy flipped between contracting and relaxing, even without thrusting into her, it felt phenomenal.
She lowered herself some more, taking even more of your cock, building up the excitement of her first time, her face full of vulnerability. You let her move at her own pace, you wanted this to be as comfortable as possible for her.
Every time she moved lower, a cascade of pleasure ran through your body, the intimacy and desire coursing through your veins.
“It’s tight,” she moaned, voice full of strain.
“Breath,” you whispered back, keeping the pressure up on her limp fingers. “Take your time.”
Kazuha closed her eyes and started breathing through her mouth, her breath hitting your face. The way her breath hit your skin could put a masseuse to shame, and she didn't even know it. She had no idea how much she turned you on - or maybe she did.
“You’re doing great,” you encouraged her.
Her face was still scrunched up, adjusting to the new sensation, but a hint of pride snuck through. Slowly, she made that last little push, sitting on your thighs, taking your entire cock. Her lifeless fingers regained strength, and she began squeezing your hands painfully hard.
That wasn’t an issue for you, the tightness of her grip was still nothing compared to the tightness of her pussy around your cock. The warmth, the wetness, she was perfect. After a few seconds, she began to slowly move up and down, getting truly accustomed to your size.
“Ah,” she moaned softly as she bounced slowly. “Yes…”
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” you moaned back, your words encouraging her to move faster.
She rode your cock for a bit longer, eventually picking up the pace quite a bit. Her pussy was stretching out, getting extremely comfortable on your cock. She even began to build up a slight sweat, her shining little tits bouncing up and down in front of your face.
The two of you felt like you had a connection. Some sort of bond, as if you were both born specifically to fuck each other one day. All that sexual tension released, flooding out of your bodies as you finally got to fuck Kazuha’s tight pussy - something you’ve thought about for a long time.
Her hands released yours, and she placed them on your shoulders for support as she fucked herself on you. It felt so good, her body felt as amazing as it looked. Her breathing began to elevate, and her hips started moving in different directions.
Maybe it was her experience as a dancer, but a girl as pretty as Kazuha had no right knowing how to move like this during her first time. Why did it feel like she just had everything? A true natural talent. It made no sense, was this girl just perfect in every sense? All her teasing, all her flirting, everything that led up to this one moment suddenly flooded through your body.
“Please, fuck me,” she cried out, voice cracking, pitch higher than either of you expected.
Who were you to deny such a request? You grabbed onto her hips, her own hands pressing slightly harder into your shoulders as she stopped moving up and down, bracing for what was to come. With her body in your grip, you started to thrust your hips upwards.
You started to really fuck Kazuha.
Apparently that did it for her as the slapping noises filled your living room, she began to shout profanities of pleasure, even switching to Japanese halfway through her slurry of moans. It didn’t matter that you had no idea what the words meant, you knew exactly what she was saying. Your cock couldn’t handle it much longer, this was the first time you’ve fucked someone to the point of reverting them to their native tongue, and it felt better than you could have ever anticipated.
The girl who didn’t sweat was glistening. You couldn’t control your hands as they explored every inch of Kazuha’s skin that they could reach: Her back, her ass, her hips, anything you could touch, you touched. Without ever letting up, your hips kept pumping away, her moans very clearly screaming how much she loved your cock inside her as you pulled her into your body.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you groaned into her neck, licking up a few beads of sweat. Your tongue roamed all over her soft and tender body. “I’m going to fucking cum,” you whispered into her sternum before moving your mouth lower. “You’re going to make me cum.”
For just a second, you paused your thrusting to give yourself the chance to keep going - you didn’t want this to end yet. Kazuha’s body, however, didn’t get any break. With your cock still balls deep in her pussy as it trembled, you forcefully cupped one of her tits in your hand before shoving it into your mouth.
“Ah!” she moaned as your lips made contact with her nipple. “Keep going.”
Your body complied - your hips began to thrust again. This time you started up slowly, feeling sharp waves fly through your body each time your cock pumped into her. Each thrust felt like it could be the last, the one that pushes you over the edge, yet by some miracle you were holding on.
Why you couldn’t keep going slowly, you had no idea, but your hips had a mind of their own. Kazuha’s pussy refused to be gently taken - realistically it was your cock that was being uncooperative. It didn’t matter. What did matter was Kazuha’s pleasure becoming your pleasure. Her moans, her cries, they fueled you.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned out quietly as if it was a great struggle to speak. One of her hands found the back of your head, enticing you to keep your mouth pressed to her chest. “Don’t stop.”
There was no desire to stop, none at all. Literally none. You wanted to fuck Kazuha’s pussy all night if you could, if she would let you, if your body would let you, but you knew your time was coming soon. An impossible dilemma that you simply could not solve. You released her nipple and ran your tongue across her chest, trying to distract yourself, but that salty tang of her skin just brought you that much closer.
Your best efforts were nowhere near enough. Kazuha’s body, that perfectly sculpted body of a goddess, took over. It was too intense, the sharp fire coursing through the nerves in your cock, half of your body shaking as you fucked her with the last little bit of whatever you had left in you.
“Oh fuck!” Kazuha screamed directly into your ear.
Her loudest of the evening, and it was just as soon as your cock began unloading. Could she feel it? You certainly could feel every drop of warmth fly up into her body. Filling her pussy, fighting against gravity until it failed and spilled out of her tight little pussy. The warmth began spilling onto your thighs, the wet combination of Kazuha and your cum was the last thing you felt before your mind blanked out entirely.
It was a mess (mess mess mess), yet you refused to let go of her. You needed her body, you were holding onto her for dear life, and she was holding back just as hard. Warm and covered in sweat, her body was still trembling, you could feel waves flowing through her. She must have finished at the same time as you, a rare coincidence that you failed to even notice in the moment.
The only sounds in the entire room were Kazuha’s deep breaths and the kisses you were planting all over her tits. You were just filled with affection for this girl, all of a sudden she became that much more special to you. All the wait, all the delays, none of that mattered anymore. Your relationship with Kazuha would never be the same after this night, and you didn’t care.
“That was…” Kazuha sighed, her grip on your body relaxing but not letting go.
“Yeah,” you quickly replied before continuing the barrage of kisses on her chest.
“Don’t,” she protested, her voice cuter than normal. “I’m all sweaty.”
You kissed her one last time before looking up at her. Her face was completely flushed, slightly dewy from sweat, her lips pursed, her beautifully healthy hair sticking to her forehead. You ignored her embarrassment, she had nothing to be shy about, and started moving towards her mouth. Right before your lips connected, she licked her lips.
This one was special. The more you kissed her, the more she kissed you, it was completely balanced. Aggressive, maybe, but still incredibly tender. Your hands slid up and down her hips, fingers rubbing against the greatest abs in the industry, while her hands remained fixed on your face as she held you.
Time didn’t exist anymore, the two of you kissed for far too long, but neither of you wanted to stop. Eventually your hands made their way down to her ass, gently massaging it, squeezing the firm yet soft cheeks. How was her body so perfect? It was all you could think about.
Whenever you tried to pull back to stop the kiss, she pushed forward harder, refusing to let you go. It was easier to just let it happen, kiss her forever, as long as she wanted. Just when it felt like the kiss would actually last forever, the two of you slowly separated.
With your help, she carefully stood up off your lap. As she pulled herself off your cock, clearly still extremely sensitive, a rush of cum spilled out, adding to the mess on your thighs. She stood in front of you, letting it drip out of her, using your shoulders for support to keep herself upright.
With one hand, using the utmost care, you slowly began rubbing her between her legs. The sharp inhale through her teeth, the hard - subconscious - squeeze of your shoulder, she couldn’t hide how sensitive her body was.
“Are you alright?” you whispered as you lightly brushed your fingers against her most sensitive area.
“It’s…” she moaned, looking at you with her brows furrowed.
You reached forward and picked her up from her thighs, being as gentle as possible as you carried her over to your bed and placed her down. She looked so unbelievably adorable, laying there completely nude, her hair splayed across the bed.
“Can I stay?” she asked hesitantly.
“Of course you can, I’ll drop you off in the morning.”
A single nod, as if she was still embarrassed, is all she answered with. You couldn’t leave her now, not after that, so you lay down next to her on the bed, not caring about the sheets being soiled by the aftermath of your session.
Kazuha turned to her side, her arm going straight up towards the head of the bed with the side of her face resting against her bicep, and stared lovingly into your eyes.“Thanks for tonight,” she whispered, a light smile blessing her face.
Finally, it's here, I'm sorry for dangling this in front of your faces for so long. I really really really hope it lived up to the expectations, I didn't mean to hype it up so much!
Just a quick life update, I'm going to be incredibly busy going forward. No, I'm not quitting, I'll still write in my free time. I just wanted to let you guys know there might be some longer breaks between my uploads. This also means there might be more typos/small mistakes, I'll try to catch them all, but please be understanding!
Regarding the story, please do let me know if you guys are still enjoying it! I'll be honest, I quite enjoyed this chapter myself, it was a fun write. I don't know if I quite did it justice, but there's plenty of time for improvement; This is only Chapter 7!
984 notes · View notes
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-AVENOIR Featuring Ayato
Meaning: The desire that memory could flow backward
Word Count: 2.26k~
Description: Your marriage to Ayato is wonderful. There’s only one thing missing; children. But Ayato thinks he could fix that
Edited By: @pretty-princess-peach
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You had been in town with Ayato for only half an hour now, and your husband had already, as always, taken every opportunity he could find to spend money on you. You mention that a certain snack looks good? Suddenly, you’re eating it. You mention that a necklace looks pretty? Now it’s packaged up in your hands. You look at a book too long? Now you’re holding that as well.
However, the most inconvenient gift you would receive was whenever you would stare at someone’s kimono with a certain look in your eyes, and before you knew it, you were standing outside of Ogura textiles and kimonos looking for the fabric you had noticed or whatever style you had liked.
Ayato wasn’t always the best with words, especially in public. He maintained his position as the yashiro commissioner to a fault, and he could be just a little bit…reserved. He still expressed his affection for you as best he could, of course. However, that was mainly with many gifts and little affectionate touches, rather than with mushy phrases.
The very first time Ayato had told you that he loved you, it was frankly magical. The two of you had been having a simple dinner at his home, and he had spent almost the entire meal just watching you and contemplating whether or not he should say it. Eventually, you had asked why he hadn’t touched his food yet, and he assured you he was just fine and simply had something on his mind. Naturally, you were curious, so you asked him, hoping to be helpful in whatever way you could. However, when he said the words, “I was just thinking about how much I love you,” with a calm smile and no hint of self doubt, you felt as though you were about to burst with joy. You had been confident that you were in love with him for some time now, but not wanting to scare him off, you had kept it to yourself. You had almost expected that, with the way he was, he might never say it. But clearly, you were quite incorrect. You had immediately closed the distance between the two of you, maneuvering around the table and into his lap the second you recovered from the shock and amazement. He was initially unsure of what to do because he was never very physically affectionate in any remotely public place; however, this time, he got over his discomfort in record time due to the joy he felt from hearing you repeat over and over how you loved him too.
The next time Ayato had shocked you with his lovely words was when he had proposed to you. In all honesty, it was more the proposal that was a shock more than the lovely words but you couldn’t exactly say you were expecting to hear him tell you just how much he loves you in a place as public as the festival that has been being held on Amakane island. Granted, the two of you were alone at the tip of the island under the beautiful sakura tree and mostly away from the crowd, but the second people saw Kamisato Ayato down on one knee they began to gather around. However, that hadn’t stopped him. He had delivered a beautiful little speech and presented you with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen.
Not long after he had proposed, the two of you had gotten married. The ceremony was quite grand and certainly befitting of the yashiro commissioner. You had always been somewhat shy, so being the center of such a huge event was quite difficult to handle. Although, thankfully for you, Ayato had been there for you through it all. When you had forgotten what came next in your vows, he had mouthed the words for you, and when you had started getting scared when you entered the reception and everyone had begun crowding around you, he had immediately made up some excuse as to why he needed to be with his wife alone for a moment, just to give you some space. You loved him with your whole being, and he loved you with all of his.
The two of you made your way to the Kamisato estate. However, the second you stepped past the gate, you were attacked by three little kids who seemed intent on getting the two of you to play with them. Thoma ran out after the kids, clearly trying to wrangle them but failing miserably.
As it turned out, Ayato and Ayaka’s aunt and uncle had come by to visit, bringing their three young children. Their uncle was Ayato’s Mother’s much younger brother, so naturally, their cousins would be younger than them. You had assumed that when Ayato had talked to you about his family, but you didn’t expect them to be this much younger. However, you took it all in stride. You handed the gifts your husband had bought you to Thoma and offered to watch the three kids for a little bit while he got things sorted for the Kamisatos to visit.
You enjoyed playing with the kids, and they seemed to absolutely adore you. You chased them around the best that you could, considering the kimono that you were wearing. You told them stories, and you even braided the girl’s hair while her two brothers pretended to sword fight with sticks.
Ayato felt something stir within him as he watched you play with the kids. He had always been confident that you would make an excellent mother, and having kids was something you both were excited about. However, the timing just never seemed right. But how about now? He couldn’t think of any reason not to. Ayato couldn’t help but allow his mind to stay captive to that thought while he went about the remainder of his day.
That night after the visiting was over and dinner had been eaten, you and your husband were headed back to your shared room for the night. Both of you had drunk a little too much at dinner, encouraged by your husband's aunt and uncle, and you were now holding tightly onto Ayato’s arm as you stumbled down the hall. Ayato was definitely handling his spirits better than you, but you could tell by his flushed face and slightly slurred speech that he was affected by it as well.
At your husband’s insistence, you did your best to go through your nighttime routine, but the both of you were a little… distracted. You had semi-successfully washed your face and were now staring down the prospect of taking off your kimono. Ayato walked out of the bathroom, and you were immediately distracted by the half naked man approaching you. You couldn’t help but run your eyes over his toned body, and you had to fight the urge to walk over to him and run your tongue up his abs.
Suddenly(Read: not so suddenly) he was in front of you, lightly tapping a fist on your forehead.
“Knock, knock, anyone home?”
You smiled and looked up at him.
He let out an airy laugh and returned your smile.
“I said, ‘Do you want help taking that off?’”
You took a moment to process his words before nodding. He untied your obi and undid your other belts before sliding the fabric off of you. He took a moment to stare at your body as you adjusted to the cold air.
You both simply gazed at each other’s bodies until Ayato leaned down, rested his hands on your hips, and kissed you. It started out slow and soft, but it only grew increasingly more passionate as the seconds passed. He pulled away from the kiss.
“Get on the bed.”
His voice was commanding and low. So, naturally, you giggled and jumped onto the bed, maneuvering to lay on your back. Ayato climbed over top of you and joined your lips once again. As you kissed, he sat you up slightly so he could toss your bra somewhere else in the room and finally feel your tits. He continued to kiss you as he let his hands wander. Naturally, you did the same. You ran your fingers down his abs and the muscles flexing in his back.
Ayato broke the kiss once again, kissing down your neck and making his way to close his lips around your nipple as he used his hand to play with the other. He drew squeaks and moans from you, alternating his attention and using his tongue oh so deliciously.
From there, he kissed slowly down your stomach until he was running his tongue up your slit. When you felt his tongue on you, you couldn’t stop your hands from finding purchase in his perfect hair. Ayato moaned at the feeling of you pulling at his hair, and you felt like you would simply melt at any given moment. Everything felt so delicious, especially with the state you were in.
Your husband began to slowly push two of his lithe fingers inside of you. He pumped them in and out as he continued to play with your clit. You felt like you were in heaven with how perfect everything was, just you and your dear husband being drunk and in love.
Everything was beginning to overwhelm you, and you felt an orgasm beginning to build inside of you.
“Ayato, ‘m gonna cum!”
Wordlessly, Ayato continued his ministrations until finally you were tipping over the edge. You came with a high pitched moan, desperately gripping your husband’s hair. He gently carried you through your orgasm until you were beginning to whine from overstimulation.
Finally, he relented and sat back on his knees, licking his lips before wiping off his face with the back of his hand, making you blush and let out a drunken giggle as you both came back down to earth.
“I wanna feel you in me…”
Ayato smiled and leaned in to plant a quick kiss on your lips. He wiggled down and stood up at the end of the bed. He maintained eye contact with you while he undid his belt and slid off his pants. You couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up inside of you or the smile that was stuck on your face.
Your husband climbed back over top of you, sliding his hands up the backs of your thighs and pushing them back until your knees were above your shoulders, your ankles hanging over his. He positioned himself at your entrance before beginning to slide inside of you.
“Mmm, feels so good, Ayato!”
He bottomed out inside of you before pausing for a moment to allow you to adjust to his size. After a few moments he began to thrust in and out of you. You let the sensation overtake you and moans flow from your mouth.
You felt Ayato’s fingers slide up your palms to intertwine with your own, and you held his hand tightly, wanting to be as close as possible to your husband. He connected his lips to yours, swallowing up your moans. The both of you kissed and held each other as Ayato continued to fill you up.
Ayato pulled back from the kiss, needing to take a breath. He pulled one of his hands from yours to brace it against the headboard.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so perfect.”
Ayato was doing his best to focus, but he kept finding himself being overtaken by an urge to fill you up and give you both a child. He continued to fuck in and out at an increasingly fast pace, and you were all but melting beneath him, babbling out pleases and mores. He looked into your eyes, and the love and trust he saw reflected back at him made him know for sure, now was the time.
“Do you want me to make you a mommy, baby? Hmm? Want me to fill you up with my cum?”
The thought made your mind wild. All you wanted was his cum to fill up your pretty pussy.
“Please! Wanna make you a daddy!”
With that, his mind was set. He fucked you fast and deep. He wanted this more than anything right now. You could feel yourself approaching your end with how good he was fucking you, and you pulled him in for another kiss. You both stayed connected until you were tipping over the edge and letting out a high pitched moan, uncaring if anyone else could hear you.
You clung desperately to your husband as he worked towards his own orgasm, the overstimulation almost being too much for you. But Ayato whispered gentle words of encouragement and praise to bring you through it gently enough. Finally, he was getting close. His rhythm became progressively more irregular and rushed until he was finally cumming inside of you.
Both of you stayed still for a few minutes, unmoving and silent, recovering from the experience. A giggle broke the silence when you realized what the two of you had decided.
“Are we gonna be parents?”
Your words slurred together but Ayato understood you perfectly.
“Yes, my love.”
You sighed contentedly and let your body fully relax. Ayato pulled himself out of you and got a cloth to clean you both up. He climbed into bed beside you, kissed you gently on the lips, and closed his eyes.
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togamest · 13 days
hello! I’m so happy to see more wind breaker content it feeds my fan girl soul. may I request suo hayato sleeping headcanons please? a million thanks if you do 🫶
-> sleeping angel | 708 words. gn!reader, really just fluffy nonsense.
author’s notes: i feel like this guy just doesn’t sleep, and he’s not a napper, so when he does nap/sleep, that mf is EXHAUSTED. it’s tiring telling white lies every day :/ LMAO, enjoy!
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I have a strong feeling that Suo is not a big sleeper. He doesn’t really seem to get tired, and he’s always on alert even though he makes you seem like he’s not. It’s so hard to creep around him, because he’ll pop up with a smile on his face and a “where you going, darling?” falling from his lips.
He does sleep with you at night, of course, but you’ve noticed he spends more time staring up at the ceiling instead of curling up with you and falling asleep. His brain gears moving are so loud for you that you end up barely sleeping, too worried about him and what he could possibly be thinking about. You don’t comment on it at first, as its really not your place, but as your relationship gets more serious, you can’t help but ask.
“Why don’t you sleep with me at night?” you blurt out over dinner once. The silence that follows has your face reddening in embarrassment, looking down at your food to avoid Suo's gaze. When you do look back up, he’s staring at you with an appreciation that makes your heart flutter. He closes his eyes with a smile, his head slightly tilting to the side. “How did you notice?” he asks, and you sigh, your fork clinking against the plate as you lean back, arms folding across your chest. You didn’t want to tell him this, but he’s driven you to it, and you need to be honest; your sleep is being affected. “I can’t sleep with you thinking so loudly,” you say, gently, as if worried he’ll snap at you, “and I want to know what’s wrong. You know, so I can help you. It’s okay to ask, Suo.”
His eyes go wide, then, and the smile drops to an expression of shock. It’s almost like he didn’t know that you were up all those nights, because you hid it so well. That, or he was too busy thinking about himself, as usual. “I’m sorry,” he says, reaching across the table and grabbing your hand, “I just don’t sleep very well. I get nightmares and I don’t want to wake you up.” He looks genuinely upset that he’s wrecked your sleeping schedule, and that expression is something you can’t deny. You sigh, squeezing his hand. “Alright. But you need to start sleeping. I don’t care if you have nightmares, I’ll help you through them. I’m here to help you, okay? Please don’t forget that.”
His nightmares, you discover, are horrendous. He’s constantly sweating, cursing under his breath, twitching and squirming; but you’d rather him go through this than not sleep at all. You often curl around him, petting his hair and kissing his forehead, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. You know he can’t really hear you, but feeling him relax into you, eventually, is more rewarding than anything else. He doesn’t talk about the subject of them, and you don’t need to know; he’ll tell you when he wants to.
Now that he’s sleeping better with you, his nightmares not occurring every night the longer you snuggle with him and take care of him, he doesn’t nap much anymore. Although, sometimes you’ll find him on the couch, his phone at risk of falling out of his hand, a silly video of Sakura and Nirei playing on it. His gentle breaths fan against the hair falling into his face, and you brush it out of the way as you press a kiss to his forehead. He’ll smile in his sleep, too; he knows it’s you.
You have so many photos of him sleeping in odd positions when he does end up taking a nap; one of them is him curled up in a chair like a cat, another is him spread-eagled across the couch leaving a fraction of space for you to sit to watch a movie, and yet another is him sleeping on a bus with you, cheek pressed against the window, eyelashes flat against his cheeks. You rotate them with your phone home screen wallpaper; the Furin boys eventually take notice, but say nothing. Suo would have their heads if they did; you are his exception.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear networks: @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© togamest 2023-2024
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
just watched a tiktok that essentially went ‘check your tone b4 u talk to my girl/dont talk to my wife like that’ and now i need protective naruto charas w this.. team 7 ?! (and maybe the other konoha 11 (+ sand sibs kinda fit this too but omit and add whoever! no pressure!!))
I love how this is definitely pretty much canon to Sasuke’s character lol
Some are modern AU, some aren’t. It’ll be pretty much obvious, but if it’s not, it doesn’t matter too much.
I only did team 7 (Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Sai) this time since the entire Konoha 13 and sand siblings can take a while and I just did all of them on my last post.(sorry no Yamato, I don’t know how to write for him tbh)
Fem reader
“Watch your Tone before you speak to my girl.”
Naruto Uzumaki
He can’t figure out why this guy is actually flipping his shit over something so small?
All you did was bump into him while you were trying to turn around from the counter in the kitchen. The party was packed, but the kitchen wasn’t quite as bad. You didn’t think you had to watch your every step so carefully.
The guy, clearly drunk off his ass, turns around and tells you to watch yourself. He throws out some basic insults, nothing too deep, but the attempt pisses your blonde, hotheaded boyfriend off.
The guy reaches for you, probably to tap your shoulder, throwing out some “flirty” comment meant to degrade you.
Naruto shoves the dude back, “watch your tone when you talk to her. That’s my girl.”
The dude, with as much respect for Naruto as he had, nods quickly, scampering off.
Naruto pours you another drink, giving you it as he pulls you onto the dance floor.
Sasuke Uchiha
Somebody talking down to his wife?
He knows damn well you can handle yourself, so he’ll stay back, but if you look at him for some help, he’s coming right on over.
He caught wind of the guy telling you off for being weak, saying you’re no help so you have no business ever being a ninja.
He can’t help but wonder what the hell this guys problem is. His wife isn’t weak. You’re one of the top ninja in the village, without a doubt. Maybe he has an issue with women?
“Don’t talk to my wife like that. You’re half the ninja she is.”
He’s right there and some dipshit has the nerve to talk down on you IN FRONT of him????
It was over something that was common knowledge to a person native to the village your team was visiting, but you simply didn’t know. You’d apologized many times. Wasn’t that enough?
He’s very subtly sassy at first. He’s monotone and flat in tone, but he’s being snarky. You can tell and the dude is catching on.
As Sai gets more pissed off, he gets more obvious.
Because it takes a bit to make him actually feel any which way, this dude is just a dickhead. And Sai isn’t having it
“Watch your tone. Talk to her right. Or we can handle this elsewhere?” Sai is smiling, but it’s a threat.
Sakura Haruno
She’s fuming when she hears somebody talking down to you. How dare somebody shit talk her girlfriend while you’re just trying to shop.
You’d gotten the last of something, since you were there first, but some Karen ass woman wanted it and was telling you why she deserves it more than you.
You’d explained kindly how you got to it first, but looked about ready to give it up and hand it over.
Sakura wasn’t going to let this woman step on your toes
“Watch your tone when you talk to my girl.” Sakura balls her hands into fists beside herself, but doesn’t raise them.
The woman is scared because Sakura is lowkey jacked and now she knows she’ll never be safe again. She gives it up.
Kakashi Hatake
This person didn’t know you were with Kakashi, without a doubt.
You were in a book store, and apparently you’d accidentally bumped into some girl and knocked all the books out of her arms. (She was carrying way too many without a basket for some reason)
You apologized, helping her pick them up, but she wasn’t letting it go.
She kept insulting your thinking skills and asked if you’re going blind. Over all, just things Kakashi knew weren’t true or didn’t matter. It was an accident. (And if you were going/are blind, it’s still, and more so, not your fault so he’s trying to figure out who tf this girl is??)
He waits to see what you do, but he won’t hesitate if he sees you need just a bit of help.
“How unhappy with your life do you have to be to talk like that?” Kakashi asks, closing his book. “You should watch your tone when you talk to my girl.”
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