#Barry Allen Jumpsuit
cosplayclans · 2 years
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The Flash season 8 Barry Allen Jumpsuit Cosplay Costumes
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thatsnotmygunflash · 9 months
Why oh why am I obsessed with the idea of Len meeting Henry in prison and hearing stories about little Barry Allen. Thinking about how terrible it must be to have such a loving father locked up for the murder of his own wife. To have him build respect and a friendship with Henry, maybe even offer him a get-out-of-jail-free card when Len plans to break out. Henry says no, of course, because only guilty men run and he couldn't do that to his son. They part as friends and Len always has Henry Allen aka the best father to ever walk the earth in the back of his mind.
So its like a knife to the gut to hear the name of the boy Henry talked about so proudly fall from Cisco's trembling lips.
He almost killed Doc's son. He almost killed Doc's son.
He let Cisco and his brother go while he tried to figure out his next move. Going up against the Flash was thrilling, intoxicating, everything he had ever dreamed of and more, but knowing sweet little Barry Allen was under the mask had him rethinking everything he knew.
Barry Allen, who took on bullies twice his size for other helpless kids. Who loved dinosaurs and singing with his mom in the car. Who held the key to the only happiness Henry had left. He felt sick. He's heard every story Henry could find the time to tell about this boy, this boy who lost his mother in the worst way possible, who spent every day of his life fighting for his father's freedom.
When Mick and Lisa ask what the plan is, when they demand to know the Flash’s identity, Len froze. Stuck between being another heartless villain in an innocent kid's life or being a silent hero and keeping the Doc's kid safe from the likes of himself and his family.
In the end, it's the start of his undoing. Choosing the role of silent hero in that moment, keeping Barry safe and alive, agreeing to their deal, playing his part all while making sure nothing happened to this broken boy.
When his chance to be a real hero comes along, he doesn't go see Barry or Lisa. He headed to a little cabin in the middle of nowhere and knocked on the door with a bottle of scotch in one hand.
Henry looked different on the outside, his face lighter, tanner. The prison jumpsuit Len had become familiar with was replaced by loose jeans and a flannel shirt.
"Long time no see Doc, mind if I come in?" Len offered out the bottle, stepping over the threshold when Henry accepted it with a small nod.
"As long as you leave any weapons at the door, you'll always be welcome here, Leonard."
"Even after I shot your son?" Len questioned, tilting his head when Henry let out a deep sigh at his words.
"So you do know." Henry muttered, setting the bottle down on the kitchen table and pushing a chair out for Len to have a seat before he headed to the cabinet for two glasses.
"He didn't tell you?" Len asked as he took a seat at the small wooden table pushed against the kitchen wall.
"There's a lot of things my son doesn't tell me about his other job, for my own protection." Henry said as he joined him at the table, pouring them each a generous portion of the scotch.
"That why you moved all the way out here? All you ever talked about was getting to spend time with your son again, Doc. Why aren't you?" Len palmed his glass as he awaited Henry's answer, sliding a finger over the smooth surface of the rim. Henry took a slow drink, his eyes growing sad and distant as he stared down into the honey-colored liquor.
"Barry has a life, a great life that he does a lot of good in. I don't really think I fit into that life."
"Maybe not this time around, but what if I told you I could change that?"
Henry looked up at Len's cryptic words, searching eyes dancing and a thoughtful frown pulling on his mouth.
"Why are you here, Leonard?"
"I've been offered an exciting opportunity, one where I can make some real changes in the world." If he played his cards right he could change things to play in both of their favors. "I believe you and I deserve more than the hand we were dealt. I think Barry deserves to have his father in his life, I think I deserve not to."
"Leonard, why are you here?" Henry asked again.
"To say goodbye." Len paused, thinking about why exactly he was sitting here. "To thank you, I guess."
"For what?"
"Too much, so let's just keep it at a thank you."
"I'll see you around Doc, take care of yourself." Len knocked his knuckles against the surface of the table as he stood, heading towards the door with Henry following close at his heels.
"Leonard, what are you going to do?"
Len is already at the door, one hand on the doorknob and a secretive smirk dancing on his lips.
"Nothing you need to worry about Doc, and if you see your son, tell him...tell him I'm taking his advice."
"Advise about what?"
Len pulled the door open, casting a small, hopeful smile back at his old friend.
"See you in the next life, Henry."
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joeygass-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Boys The Flash Red Muscle 2 Pc Jumpsuit & Mask Toddler Halloween Costume- 2T/3T.
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zae82 · 3 years
Scenes at the Met
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Wonder Woman looking Fierce in Black
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Bruce and Clark just coolly flexing without looking like they flexing.
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Talia and Ivy look excited.
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Steve finally meeting Barry Allen, only the fastest person ever…
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He took selfies with Barry and the other Steve, Diana’s husband. I need to lighten Steve Trevor’s hair colour. It’s too similar to Bruce Wayne’s.
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Jane gushing about Thor to Darcy. “Did you see what he did Darce? OMG! He is so strong!”
“Yes Janey… Everyone saw it. It’s gone viral now…” 🙄
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I mean he did sweep her off her feet. Also a closer look at Colonel Danvers nude dress. Only Captain Marvel can pull it off. Sexy, sleek and not one bit trashy. 😍😍😍
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I think my fave outfits is that cool purple lacy jumpsuit Darcy had on and Talia Wayne’s pink haute couture gown. 😍😍😍 Also Natasha Romanoff-Rogers gorgeous green dress.
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Steve kissing his wife, not caring about PDAs anymore and Lo and Behold Stephen Strange appears. That riled Cap up. He confronted Strange and started shoving him.
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“Don’t fuck with me Bro! You’re not taking my wife! Do you hear me? You’re not taking her!!”
Oh My…. Cap needs to calm down. We don’t want him to hurt others or hurt himself. I mean Dr Strange is a powerful sorcerer after all
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goingphlash · 5 years
Swap au
Ok so
Barry and Danny switch roles
I mean
Barry Allen - The Impossible
ok, I know the name is lame but Barry was like ‘I spend all my life searching for the impossible, but I never thought I’d become The Impossible.’
anyway, he went to Amity Park and check out the ghost hunting family, the Fentons
Barry instantly loves them and Jack and Maddie want to adopt him SO BAD
they show him the Portal (still unfunctional)
something happens and the Fentons have to leave but Barry can stay (wearing a trademark jumpsuit for aestetic safety)
tHeRe WaS A gReAt bIG FlAsh EvErYtHiNg JuSt ChAnGeD
(his MoLeCuLeS got all rearanged)
and then he died became half ghost
he would still be a hero (duh)
he takes a job as the local CIA so he can protect the town and lives with Jack snd Maddie
Sam and Tucker saw him transform at dome point and were like O.O
same thing with Jazz, which becomes a younger sister-like figure for Barry
of course they want to help him (to increase Barry’s anxiety levels)
and they are surprisingly helpfull
I feel like Barry would have way less of a crisis when he got hos powers. If anything, he’d be as happy as he ever was
thought ghost powers are harder to control but he’d manage
I also see him as more dedicated to ghost hunting than Danny ever was. He’d do as much research as he could and even work at ghost hunting devices
when ghosts are public knowledge, I feel like he’d become a specialist slong with thr Fentons
but he wouldn’t be as agressive towards ghost as Danny because he didn’t grow up with the same prejudices. Besides, he’s more open-minded and would make less enemies
though, Danny, despite being petty, is more willing to forgive than Barry so idk
Valerie might still become the Red Huntress, though Barry would make a bigger effort to change her mind. He understands where she’s coming from and he wouldn’t want to hurt a teenager
Vlad might want Barry to be more of an apprentice than a son. That dynamic wouldn’t cange much
Also, it might have taken him longer to figure out Spectra was a ghost, or that there was a ghost in Casper High
but with almost no casualties, his mental health will not suffer at all
I feel like a Barry would be mole willing to tell otger people his idenity, including the Fentons
Danny Fenton - Danny Fulltilt
yes that’s his hero name (not Cisco approved)
so, maybe the whole Fenton family goes to Central City to see the particle accelerator beliving it might open a gateway to the Ghost Zone or something
but Jack and Maddie get arrested for reckless driving or some sort of harrasment, eventually getting off with a warning
while they’re at the police station, Danny wonders off to Barry’s lab just when the accelerator explodes
and he just happens to be in the exact spot when the lighting strikes
cue to a nine month long coma
luckly, STAR labs is willing to take him in to monitor his condition with his parents’ agreement
meanwhile, Wellsobard facepalms SO HARD cuz godamnit I got the wrong kid
like, he messed up the timeline and now this teenager replaced the Flash which isn’t even named Flash anymore
the future is so diffrent now it’s a wonder he’s still there
anyway, after Danny wakes up, I doubt he’ll go out wandering in another city. Caitlin will definetly run more tests on him, eventually revealing his powers
speaking of Caitlin and Cisco, in this au they might be even more guilt-ridden because this is a kid their work put in a coma for almost an year
the STAR team will also keep Danny under observation and tutor him, with regular visits from his family
Danny won’t have any existential crisi over his powers because, like, these scientists guys explained what they are and how they work, he’s still human and they’re actually pretty neat
but Danny is still Danny and will still try to stop all the metas wreking havoc around the city
eventually, they do reluctanyly help Danny out so he won’t get himself killed, but Eobard is passively agressive more supportive
speaking of which, he would be harsher and more dissapointed of Danny because, unlike his Flash, the real Flash, he outsmarts his enemies instead of getting faster (way to add up to Danny’s insecurities)
Danny get beaten meets the Reverse Flash as Eowells attempt to make the kid open his eyes and realise he needs to get faster
Danny wouldn’t tell others but I really want all the other people to find out
Joe, Iris, Eddie and Singh strongly disagree to using a kid as a weapon
Hartley Rathaway would be like ‘Dios mios, Wells. I knew you were a sadist but using a kid into doing your bidding..’ and would try (and succed) into making Danny suspicious of Wells
most criminals would be like wtf is that a kid?
some wouldn’t go easy on him but others (coughSnartcough) would
also I really want the Rogues to team up proprely and kinda adopt Danny
in the end, Eobard is erased from existence when Iris marries Eddie (who doesn’t die)
Aaaaand that’s all I thought on the spot.
I you have any more ideas, feel free to add.
If you want to write a fic, please go ahead, just let me know so I can read it.
My point os, these two would be way happier if they switched places.
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The Prom
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The Prom- August 9, 2019
This overture is everything. Very uplifting and full of anticipation. Beth Leavel and Brooks Ashmanskas are both brilliant as Dee Dee and Barry. They were hilarious and had the audience in stitches. Beth Leavel is the queen of comedy and belting. Just her little moments in Bandstand made people crack up. 
Caitlin Kinnunen has a lovely, clear voice. “It wouldn’t be high school without a test” and other lyrics were so relatable in Just Breathe. And honestly, shout out to Principal Hawkins. He is great character and tries to help Emma so much. 
Beth Leavel singing It’s Not About Me, legendary. “How do you silence a woman known for her belt? Her BELLLLLT.” 
Dance With You is such a sweet song and shows how much Emma and Alyssa just want to dance with each other and don’t really care for a big prom, they just want to be together. And that note at the end, woah. 
I honestly love the Acceptance Song and cannot imagine Broadway stars performing at a monster truck rally, which makes it so much funnier. The Broadway inside jokes are so enjoyable in this show. From Dee Dee carrying her two Tonys in her bag to Barry’s Drama Desk award and Trent going “take that Lin Manuel Miranda” and the non equity tour of Godspell. 
You Happened is cute but also reminds me why I hated high school. The fact that Emma and Alyssa have to hide their moment is sad and like I have read before, their lyrics to each other are so much more profound than the other kids.
 We Look to You is such a beautiful song and is honestly so representative of how I feel about Broadway. Theater IS an escape NOT a distraction because escapes help us heal. Yas! Plus I love Dee Dee and Principal Hawkins together.
I love Barry and Emma’s relationship and how she asks him to walk her in and be her date. I think I got chills when Barry first sang, “one thing’s universal, life’s no dress rehearsal.” Barry and Emma’s part in Tonight Belongs to You is just cute and I love the Lady Bird poster in Emma’ bedroom. It’s such a big deal for Emma to go to the prom and just have fun, while the other girls in town are just so self centered. It just shows how in high school and in general people just don’t think about others’ situations. The choreography is also great and I’m kind of surprised they didn’t get nominated at the Tonys. It was very energetic. 
Act 2 
Dee Dee Allen entering the principal’s office in that red jumpsuit and belting. Yes. 
Love Thy Neighbor has such a good message and Christopher Sieber was so good as Trent. He tried to act all cool with the kids and then becomes their drama teacher at the end because * gasp*  they don’t have a drama program. Shocking!
Barry is Going to Prom is the most joyous delightful number with so much heart. He jumps on the bed and grabs all the candy from the motel. I know, Barry is a comedic character but this song shows how hard his life was as a teenager and how some people’s moments come later in life. And honestly isn’t prom funner later in life anyway? 
Unruly Heart is beautiful and when they all join in singing, wow. And It’s Time to Dance is just fun! The Prom is a really fun show with a lot of heart and great Broadway fun. Even though it’s closing, it will be going on a national tour so hopefully even more people can see it especially across the country!
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actionfigureinsider · 5 years
 “My name is Barry Allen, and I’m the fastest man alive.”
Run, Barry, run. The Flash is sprinting back into popularity at unimaginable speeds thanks to the new television series! After being struck by lightning, the ordinary police investigator Barry Allen wakes up and discovered that he’s been granted the gift of superhuman speed. With the heart of a hero, he becomes The Flash to fight crime and protect the innocent from dastardly rogues.
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Celebrating the new season of The Flash television series, today Hot Toys is extremely thrilled to present the fans’ eagerly awaited 1/6th scale The Flash collectible figure from the DC collection! The highly-detailed figure is sophisticatedly crafted based on the appearance of Grant Gustin as The Flash/Barry Allen in The Flash TV series. Including a newly developed head sculpt with remarkable likeness and a brand new masked head sculpt, finely tailored Flash jumpsuit with yellow accents, several interchangeable chest pieces with Flash’s iconic bolt lightning symbol, a classic Flash helmet, lightning effect accessories attachable to Flash’s body, and a dynamic figure base with specially designed character backdrop.
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  He is faster than the speed of light! So be sure to pre-order the figure before it’s gone!
The Flash – 1/6th scale The Flash Collectible Figure from #HoyToys  “My name is Barry Allen, and I’m the fastest man alive.” Run, Barry, run. The Flash is sprinting back into popularity at unimaginable speeds thanks to the new television series!
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So you have plans to go to the movies with your friends until 6:55pm and you have to save the world at 7 o'clock sharp. You're not going to have enough time to go all the way back home to dive into your spandex jumpsuit. Wearing it in a warm theater and getting all sweaty just sounds uncomfortable, and then the B.O. that follows.. nobody wants that. What to do? Well friend, worry not, we are here to help!
Try these Flash Glasses out! This eyewear is easy to stow away in a back pocket when unneeded and even easier to throw on in the nick of time. They are designed after the Flash's iconic mask and will give you Barry Allen's classic look from the comic books, some may even start to think you ran right off the pages. With these glasses you can get your crime fighting career started in a flash... see what we did there?
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whateverthought · 5 years
A full(ish) outline of my ‘Evil WestAllen’ AU or Earth 6. It's kinda long. 
  On Earth 6, 11-year-old Bartholomew Henry Allen awakens to a ruckus downstairs only to go and see his mother encompassed in a whirlwind of electricity and color. He calls out as his parents scream for him to leave. And there he sees, the Yellow Man thrust his hand into his mother’s chest before finding himself down the block from home.
As he makes it back he hears police sirens and screeching tires. He watches his father, stunned and resigned, get put in the back of a police car. He goes inside and sees Mr. West, a family friend, standing over something covered in a blanket.
Something-  His mom.
He knows. He knows she’s under the blanket.
  And Mr. West turns, sees him, and rushes to move him out of the house. Away from the crime scene. Away from his mother. And wasn’t that what his mother told him last? To leave?
 Months later he is living with the Wests, with Joe and Iris, but his father is in jail. His father who did nothing. Who was innocent. But he pleaded guilty. Barry saw him plead guilty. Saw him in a prison jumpsuit, in that courtroom. Saw him look anywhere but at Barry.
 And he had tried to help. Barry told them everything. The lightning, the wind, his mother and the Man in Yellow. But no one believed him. No one truely let him finish. They only doubted him. Telling him what he did and did not know.
  He couldn’t have seen the crime, all the police officers saw him run from down the street. He wasn’t in the house, he must have ran away when he heard his father attack his mother. There was no way a Man in Yellow stabbed his mother with his hand. It was ridiculous! Except it wasn’t.
 And he tried to see his father. Ask him why he lied. Why he wanted to be in jail. Why he would rather be in prison than with his son. But each time he would be stopped. Each time Joe West would force him back. He’d sit him down and tell him he couldn’t see his father. Because he was dangerous. Because he was a criminal. Because he didn’t deserve it.
 And Joe, much like every officer and detective, didn’t believe him. He believed his father was a monster and kept Barry from visiting.
  Each time he did get closer. Until, finally, he got to his father. Finally, his father laid eyes on Barry. In the months since the crime Barry was looking at his father in the eyes. Yet, his father sat down, picked up the phone and told him to leave.
  He shouldn’t be here, he shouldn’t have come, he should just forget about him, his father. And then he got up, and left. He left Barry there, sitting in the plastic chair on the other side of a plastic window in a cold concrete room inside a prison.
 At 6 years old Iris Ann West loses her mother. Her mother had been sick for weeks, on and off for years. And one day she wakes up to see her mother gone. Maybe she went out, her father doesn’t seem too bothered. But later that week her father sits her down, and  tells her her mother died. And she cries.
 But life keeps going and nothing happens. They move some her mother’s things but there’s no funeral. Dead people have a funeral, right? And she asks her teachers, and they say, sometimes people have Wakes or Memoerials.
Her father does neither.
  So, at 6, her mother is just gone. And she loves her father. He was a cop, a detective, a hero who fought bad guys. So he couldn’t be wrong.
  And then her bestfriend loses everything. And now he lives with them. And then she wonders, a man who she knew, a man who was nothing but good to her was now a murderer. Not just a murderer, but someone who killed his wife. His love. Something, Iris thought, was nothing but evil. And her father agreed. He told her he did it. He put him in jail himself!
  But, Barry didn’t. Barry told her what he saw, what really happened and, truly? Really truly? Iris believed Barry.
  At 15, she hears her father talking to Barry’s therapist. He was worried, too many fights, too many bloody noses, and broken wrists. She knows she shouldn’t listen. But its Barry. Barry tells her everything, more than the therapist espesially. So she listens, because what if her father tries to send Barry away again? Another “Summer Camp” full of doctors and bodyguards. Another few months of being alone.
 She asks, what about a mother figure? Well, he has Iris, but what about a good female role model? Iris almosts gets caught when she snorts at that. Barry had a mother, and he’d never take some replacement. But thats not important. What is, is that her father admits its been hard since her mother left.
 And Iris knew her father, he said it like that for a reason. So one night, when her dad was asleep, she searches the Internet. And thats when she saw it. Her mother. Her mother after 9 years.
Francine West. 39. Mother. Of a Son.
 Iris yells, and raves and sobs and screams but in the end, he lied. Her father lied to her. A good man who believed in justice and honor lied to her about her mother. But worse, he looks her in the eye, and tells her to not reach out. She left, and she didn’t deserve Iris’ love.
He was right. She didn’t. Neither did he.
  At 16, Iris decides to reach out to her brother, not because she cares, but because her mother doesn’t deserve to have a family after leaving Iris’. Later they move back to Central, and Wally slowly joins Iris and Barry’s little bond.
  During Prom, Iris goes with a girl covered in piercings and Barry takes an older boy with a record. Francine looks uncomfortable as all hell, and Joe looks one second from getting into a fist fight. Neither of them get home before 1 in the morning, and they do it in a police car.
  As collage approaches Barry decides to go to Med School, he’ll take after his father if it kills him. Iris decides to go for law. They leave together, far from Central and there they meet other students from the area. One is Political Science major Lisa Snart, Iris’ PA for her floor. Soon, as things tend to be, they grow close. Lisa tells them about her brother, Leonard, who died young, protecting Lisa from their crooked cop of a father. Of what she saw, of dirty cops and criminals working together. The law wasn’t on their side. Not Barry’s, not Lisa’s and definately not Leonard’s.
  They all go back to Central, Barry becoming a surgeon and Iris a lawyer. On that day, December 11, the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator explodes, sending chaos through the city. At that time Iris is driving with her father, in a rare moment of happiness. Then the storm starts, and a wave of chaos begins. A car in front of them swerves and in an instance, multiple cars are crashing and flying. Iris and Joe included. As their car stops, Iris realizes she’s stuck. Pinned by the car and varying metal parts inbedded into her body she sees her father take his last breathe. She stays there for hours, barely concious, and stews. Her father, who moments ago was actually having a nice time with her, is dead. Her father who she loved and hated in equal measure. Who, maybe, just maybe was finally reconnecting with her. Who she might have finally forgiven.
 Barry is in the hospital when it happens. Moving between emergancies, he stops for a breathe. And the power goes off. The silence lasts a moment before everyone is scrambling to check on patients. Everyone, but Barry. Because he knows something bad has happened.
  Later Iris is brought in for surgury and, days later, has yet to wake up. As Barry watches he feels a knot of bitterness and resentment tighten in his chest. They, the hospital staff, tell him to leave. He can’t help. And he watches Wally and Francine cry over his Iris. Francine doesn’t deserve to cry. If nothing else she should be the one in the bed. Iris is worth 100 of Francine.
  Iris is out for 7 months. In that time Barry turns back to their, Iris and his, old criminal conntacts. They are small, and few but are in no way insignificant. He builds it, and reaches out. He sees the growing number of freaks and weirdos who can do things they shouldn’t. With that, he makes enemies and allies alike.
   One of those is Talia Al Ghul, the run away daughter of the Demon’s Head. He watches her take down mobs of people. He has her come back with information she shouldn’t have. He sees her take down small, powerful criminal organisations. So he makes a deal, he will protect her and she will teach him. She gets shelter, protection, money, connections and he gets to learn how to snap a man’s head between his thighs. She gets a shadow to hide in and he gets a well of toxicology knowledge.
   When Iris wakes up, its to a growing criminal organization. Its during a meeting for this that she first shows her power. A bullet flies toward her Barry and as she jumps infront of it her skin turns silver. Flawless and smooth Iris West becomes The Woman of Steel. As the group lies dead at her and Barry’s feet they realize. The game had changed.
  Over a year later, the Central City Underworld finally descends into chaos. Whispers of a sadistic doctor, his right hand robot and pet assasin lerking in the shadows spread. It’s like a plague, causing fear and paronoia everywhere you look. Crime Lords getting trigger happy and cops twitching at every noise.
  Barry Allen is the leading surgeon in Central and Iris West is a prominant member in many court proceedings. Lisa Snart is campaning for Mayor and Talia Al Ghul is as good as dead to the rest of the world. And its at this time that the Man in Yellow starts showing up.
   Slowly it becomes obvious this is the same man. He always happens to arrive in Barry’s radious. Taunting him. And they bite. Every villian and criminal in their way gets struck down. Every lead and every possibility is followed. As this happens Barry is asked by Harrison Wells to join his business. Deciding the labs can be used to find the Man in Yellow, he agrees.
  Soon Central City gets a hero. Hot Pursuit, a man who can run at lightning speed, who drives a motorcyle going just as fast. The man seems to have a grudge with Central City’s biggest criminal trio, the Good Doctor, Titanium and Shadow Hunter. Never succeding, he still breathes down their neck.
  Despite their bitter resentment, the CCPD is too easy to manipulate. Captain Edward Thawne is a rough man with an agenda against the rising metahuman problem. He hates Hot Pursuit just as much as he does any criminal. This leads to the idenity of the Man in Yellow.
   Its Iris who finds out. From his fights with Hot Pursuit and Barry’s memories, Iris finds the pattern. And as she searches S.T.A.R. labs she finds him. Harrison Wells, standing in all his yellow glory, working on a machine Iris knows doesn’t belong. He catches her, and while he can’t kill her, her powers beat his, he does imprison her. He laments he would rather just kill her, everything has already gone wrong.
   When Talia finds Iris they learn the truth. Eobard Thawne killed Nora Allen, got stuck in time, and killed Harrison Wells. He blew up the accelerator early, on purpose but everything was wrong. Barry was wrong. Wrong job, wrong powers, wrong life. And now, now Eobard could never leave, and Barry couldn’t fight back. He would just run.  Leave.
   Barry wouldn’t run. He was tired of running. Wouldn’t leave. He poisoned the man, and Iris mutilated his arm and he still got away. They would never get a chance like that again.  
   So Iris decided to get rid of him. She hunted down Thawne’s ancestor, Captain Edward Thawne. A good man, but if it would kill Eobard then Titanium would make it quick.
Its during this that Titantium found out Hot Pursuit’s idenity.
   “Harrison Wells” left them everything. S.T.A.R. labs, millions of dolars and a confession. Henry Allen was let out of Iron Heights. And Hot Pursuit now has partners. Bomba, a woman who could blow up anything she touched. Solarflare, a woman made of fire who could change anything into something completely different. And two very condensading hawk people.
   As Lisa becomes Mayor of Central City, politicians from around come and go. One such person is Jennifer ‘Stormy’ Knight, stone faced daughter of Senator Henry Knight and former Wild Child. After an accident, and an attack, Stormy took on the moniker ‘Phantom Lady’ and fights crime in the battle against dirty politicians. An ally of Titanium and future member of Iris’ ‘Furies’.
  Barry proposes to Iris in a beautiful club they recently claimed, and murdered the former gang of, with a private show, just them, and they made love on the stage.
They have a small beautiful wedding and honeymoon in France. Of course, the wedding was inturrupted but nothing Titanium and her Good Doctor couldn’t end.
Barry becomes a bendy assassin who uses needles, poison, scalpel, and knowledge of the body to fight. He doesn’t like to back down and is petty when he feels like he’s been insulted.
Iris is a metal tank. She’s sharp, observational, a great detective and an amazing at deception. Silver tongue, y’know? She’s ruthless and protective. She doesn’t trust people easily and usually, she only believes Barry. Also, the only person who can tell Barry what to do, not only that he also always listens (100%).
Decided to add Talia cause no one ever lets her make her own decisions not based on her father or lover. Also added Lisa cause I mean?? Lisa. Also, I’ve recently fallen in love with Phantom Lady sooooo.... bias
Heroes include Wally West as Hot Pursuit, Bette Sans Souci as Bomba, Lily Stien and Valentina Vostok as Solarflare and Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders as Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
This is in reference to lostinthespeedforce ‘s post about Evil WestAllen. So. Feel like I could have done better but... 
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: The Beginning of Wisdom - Chapter 13 (Ao3 link)
Fandom: Flash, Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Leonard Snart (Len) & Leonard Snart (Leo), Len Snart/Mick Rory, Leo Snart/Mick Rory, Len Snart/Mick Rory/Leo Snart, Leo Snart/Ray Terrill, Len Snart/Barry Allen
Summary: In which Leonard Snart is twins.
(the life and times and loves of Len and Leo Snart)
Leo did end up shipping the metas – sans Nimbus, who as predicted ended up trying to murder someone immediately after being released and who Len disposed of via applied cold gun and some minor philosophical deal-related disputes with Barry – to Paris as part of his tech crew, a situation absolutely none of them had any objection to.
Mick accompanied him to protect him and keep an eye on him, but his watchfulness was probably unnecessary – the whole lot of them were far too starry-eyed to make any real threats.
While they were on the plane, private and chartered because Leo needed all that space to carry all of his gowns and shoes and accessories, they even had a conversation that sealed the deal: apparently, it was their first visit to Paris. Or outside of the state borders at all, for that matter.
"It's a great city, you'll love it," Leo assured them.
"How do you do it?" Bivolo asked, playing with one of the tiny salt shakers he’d received along with his airplane meal. "Thief, supervillain and fashion designer..."
"I work a lot," Leo said. They had very much opted not to tell anyone else about themselves – Barry was an exception under the newly established 'want to date' rule. "Sometimes, it almost feels as if I'm in two places at once."
"You broke us out, and now you're giving us a trip to Paris and cover jobs that will pay us," Mardon said, sounding suspicious. "What's in all this for you?"
"Well, I always appreciate a thank you."
"So you've said," Baez said dryly, but for all her cynicism she'd been the most wide-eyed with wonder at the suggestion of Paris, and she couldn't stop fingering the sequined dress on the hanger next to her seat.
"Also, if you ever come back to Central City, you owe me one," Leo said. "I've got plans to give the Flash a real challenge with my very own Rogues Gallery."
"The Rogues," Bivolo said. "Nice. I like it."
"Feel free to say no, of course, but – would it be possible – I mean – just if it’s not a bother – but – I don’t know – could I try on one of the dresses?" Baez asked shyly. “Just once?”
"Not these ones, for risk of tearing, but if you like, I think I have a sample jumpsuit from last season you could probably fit into," Leo offered. "It has multiple points of light from built-in battery – I was doing a light-related superhero theme –"
"That would be amazing."
“I’ll give it to you to keep if you agree to pretend to be a scholarship art student that I’m sponsoring.”
Baez blinked. “Uh, sure. I mean, I was studying medicine, not art, but I can fake art, no problem. Why?”
“I’ve been dying to convince the tabloids that I’m cheating on my husband,” Leo said with a shrug. “It’s good free publicity, but they just won’t damn bite.”
“Can I volunteer for that job?” Bivolo asked, half-jokingly. “If I get an outfit out of it…”
“If you’re serious about that offer, I will happily trade couture outfits for tabloid fodder. Paris loves a scandal, and a bisexual one is even better.”
Leo conveyed the entire conversation to Len in text, complete with emojis, smug with the knowledge that he was entirely doing his part of this particular job.
Len rolled his eyes – he, for one, did not see the appeal of appearing in French tabloids as anything other than "Mysterious Man Disappears With Priceless Treasure" – but with the question of whether the metas would become violent settled, he was now satisfied that Leo would be just fine.
He knew very well that joining a fashion show wasn’t just fun and games and indulgence: Leo would run each one of the 'rescued' metas absolutely ragged until they had no time to think, and they'd thank him for the privilege.
Len, in the meantime, had other work to do.
"All right, Scarlet," he said, walking into STAR Labs. "Metas are all taken care of and Lisa, Mick and I are escorting them on their way out of the city already. In the meantime, what can I do to help with your evil speedster doctor?"
Sounded like a nightmare, put like that. Sure, it'd be a help to doing surgery, but the amount a doc like that could screw a guy up from the inside...
"Wait," Barry said. "Which 'I' are you?"
"The one standing in front of you," Len replied, with some amusement. "Obviously."
"No, I mean – you said 'Lisa, Mick, and I' when you were talking about – him."
Len shrugged. "It sounds less weird than saying Leonard Snart like I'm talking in third person."
Barry clearly had more questions.
"Maybe now isn't the time?" Len suggested. "After we beat your evil guy, you can come over and ask all the questions you like."
"Including about your crush?" Barry asked, trying for brazen but underselling it by blushing.
Len smirked. "Including that, yes."
"Okay," Barry said. "So the plan right now is that we’re going to set up an ambush for evil Wells, calling in all of our allies – you guys, us, our friends from Starling, Firestorm –"
“Yeah, it’s two people who join together to light on fire; I’ll introduce you.”
“What is with all of these light-themed superheroes?” Len complains. “I feel like we’re starting to repeat on a theme.”
“Cold – Snart – Len. Focus.”
The plan to capture the bad guy, much to Len's surprise, actually worked.
He'd really been expecting something a little less, well, anti-climactic – it was the final boss battle! Surely –!
But nope. They all gathered up, they found the individual in question, they captured him.
Of course, once Wells (Thawne? Eobard?) was locked away, he sold the whole team a boatload of crap about saving Barry Allen's mother from being murdered via time travel, which would also conveniently allow him to go back to his own original time period, the existence of which he'd been using to justify murdering people in this time period.
Apparently people’s lives didn’t matter if they were historical figures?
Len’s not even trying to figure out that logic.
"Uh, no," Len said when Barry asked his opinion. "Obviously you shouldn't do it."
Barry blinked owlishly at him. "What?"
"...is that not the answer everyone has been giving you?"
"No," Barry said. "They all said they couldn't make the decision for me and it was up to me."
"Well, that's crap," Len said.
"Why shouldn't I do it, then?"
"I have a whole list," Len said. "Starting, first and foremost, with the fact that it's obviously a trap –"
"I don't think it is," Barry said. "He sincerely wants to go back to his time. It's what he's been building towards this entire time."
"Yes, about that," Len said. "Why is it that you're okay with illegally and indefinitely imprisoning people whose biggest crime is aiding and abetting Grade B theft – not even committing Grade B theft, just aiding and abetting – but somehow the multiple murderer that killed your mother gets freedom and everything he wants?"
"It's not that –"
"It really is, Scarlet."
"I have a chance to save my mother from being murdered, Snart!"
Len shrugged. He didn't expect the existence, or lack thereof, of one Nora Allen to affect his own life in the slightest – he never did interact much with people from the fancier suburbs other than steal from them, and Barry's family wasn't rich enough to interest him – so he didn't really have a dog in this race other than disliking the unsatisfactory narrative it created.
"How much of your life will you miss?" he asked instead.
"Well," Len said. "You became a CSI because of what happened to your mom, right?"
"And you lived with the pig and Iris, right?"
"His name is Joe, you know."
"Sure, Joe 'Pig' West –" Barry rolled his eyes. "– but that's not the point. Would you say he taught you anything? Excluding morality, of course; can't teach what you don't have."
"Of course he taught me stuff," Barry said, pointedly ignoring that last part. "He practically raised – oh. I think I see what you’re saying."
"Imagine a world without your friends," Len suggested. "Without your powers. Without your job. A world where you, yourself, are an entirely different person, because you don't have any of the memories that make you who you are – do you think Leo and I are the same person? Now that you've spent some time with us, I mean."
Barry blinked, clearly taken aback by the seeming non-sequitur. "No," he said. "Not at all, even though you make it confusing sometimes with the way you talk about yourselves. He's – uh – would it be weird to say that he's too nice to be you?"
Len tried to hide a smirk. "A bit of a misreading of his personality, but I get what you mean."
"No, I'm not saying it right," Barry said, shaking his head. "He's – I knew lots of people like him in school. Nice, friendly, and they'll forget about you the second you turn away. And understanding! Ugh, they're so understanding that you just want to scream – uh. Not Leo, I mean, just, you know –"
"I know," Len said. "School traumatizes us all in different ways. So we're not the same?"
"No," Barry said firmly. "Not at all. Leo's too, well, too nice; I could like him, but I probably wouldn't be friends with him – not proper ride-or-die friends –"
Leo wasn't ride-or-die for anyone but Len, Lisa, Mick, and maybe – maybe – Ray, so that was fair.
"And anyway, I don't like him the way I like –" Barry fell quiet and turned red.
Len grinned. "That's okay," he said. "I like you, too."
Barry turned even more red.
"But do you get the point I was trying to make?"
Barry blinked at him.
"Imagine a universe where there was just one of me," Len said. "And in that universe, there were a certain set of life experiences that would make me, me, and another set of life experiences that make Leo, Leo. But in that universe, there aren't two of us – there's just one. And what set of experiences I live makes me into either Len or Leo."
Barry nodded slowly. "So if I change my past –"
"You could go from being your own version of Len to being your own version of Leo."
"But I remember what happens when I time travel," Barry protested.
"So you'd be a Len in a Leo's world," Len said with a shrug. "Even worse: all your friends would expect you to act like someone who grew up with two loving parents, you'd never be able to be yourself or talk to anyone or explain your phobias, they'd think you'd gone crazy from the personality change –"
Barry shuddered. "What if my memories do change?"
"Then the person you are now is dead, and a new person gets the life you've always wanted," Len told him. "All this, of course, assuming that you saving your mom back when you were eleven doesn't remove your powers and strand you in the past, like, say, another interfering-in-the-proper-course-of-time speedster we know of..."
Barry winced.
"This is literally a no-win scenario, Scarlet," Len said firmly. "You do this, then the guy who ruined your life gets everything he's always wanted and you get either dead and replaced, stuck in a world that doesn't fit you, or stuck in the past. And all that's before your speedster buddy has enough time in the future to come back and try to kill you like he did the first time around –"
"I still have to try," Barry whispered. "I have to see her."
Len shrugged a second time and watched him go.
And then he picked up his cold gun and made his way towards STAR Labs.
He was familiar with this, after all; Leo also had trouble making the hard choices like this, the ones with loss and risk. Leo was good at emotions – Len was good at ruthlessness. He'd learned how to kill, over the years, watched it get easier and easier; he could do this for Barry, now.
Because as far as Len was concerned, this Eobard Thawne wasn't making his Back to the Future dream come true – even if Len had to ice the speedster himself to make sure of it.
"Snart?" Cisco asked, even as Joe put his hand on his gun. His partner-cop – who looked traumatized – and pretty little Iris were there, too, holding hands and looking exhausted. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to help," Len lied. "Didn't Barry tell you I was coming?"
Yes, he put a little stress on the word 'Barry'. Len fully acknowledged that he was an asshole like that.
"He must have forgotten," Caitlin said with a sigh. "I don't know what help you can offer, though; he's going to be making the attempt momentarily. He’s in the Particle Accelerator right now, with Wells – uh, Thawne – er, Eobard Thawne, he’s there, too, in his time ship."
"In that case, I'll just watch for now," Len said.
"Brave of you," Snow said. She was a lot snippier now that she wasn't being kidnapped.
"Why?" Len asked, frowning. "Is there a risk? Barry didn't mention."
They all exchanged glances.
"Tell me," Len demanded, his voice going hard. "Now."
"Well, it's probably not going to happen –"
"I didn't ask for your analysis," Len said. "Tell me the risk."
"We don't have to listen to you –" Caitlin started.
"If this goes wrong, it could open up a black hole," Cisco said all in a rush.
"What?! It's true! And he's scary!"
"Hold up," Len said, starting to get really angry now. As always, his voice remained steady and even, but despite that he thought that they might have gotten the idea, because everyone in the room exchanged alarmed looks. "Are you telling me that Scarlet is doing something that might help his own life personally, even knowing at the risk of putting everyone else on earth in danger?"
"It's not like that!" Iris exclaimed.
"Uh," Cisco said.
"The chance is miniscule, right?" Joe asked. His hand was on his gun again, and he was glaring at Len like he thought it might solve all his problems to shoot him now.
Typical pig.
He'd better not even think the phrase "officer involved" shootings, because Len could outdraw him any day.
"Yeah, super small," Cisco said hastily, looking relieved. "Really, really small."
"Tell me," Len said. His voice is still very even. "Greater or smaller chance of the Accelerator blowing up the first time it turned on? No, wait, of the Accelerator blowing up – due to intentional sabotage - because of the identity theft of the creator - by a time-traveller with super powers - for the specific purpose of giving someone else a specific set of superpowers – so that he could use him as a living battery in his souped-up Mandalorian?!"
"It's a time bubble ship," Cisco muttered, but his face had gone pale.
"We're not talking about that," Len snapped. "Tell me, what are the chances of that, which we all know actually happened, compared to Barry literally destroying the world in a fit of selfish assholery?"
"You don't –" Joe started.
"Shut up, hypocritical pig," Len said harshly. "No one wants to hear your opinion."
Joe puffed up. Predictable.
"Has Barry reported you yet?" Len asked before Joe had a chance to start yelling.
Sure enough, that stopped Joe flat.
"What?" the partner-cop asked. "Report Joe for what?"
"Illegal imprisonment without a trial or a warrant," Len said. "Human trafficking, at least attempted. Conspiracy to hide an ongoing crime from the police – should I go on?"
Joe's face flushed.
"But –" Partner-cop started, then he stopped, clearly reviewing. "Under the circumstances –"
"No man's above the law," Len said. "Barry agreed to report you to somebody up your chain as part of our little deal. Might not do anything, what with the CCPD's usual lax standards, but at least it'll be down on paper forever that you did it. You do remember that, right, the whole incident that happened within the last 24 hours or so, where a convicted criminal had to free the prisoners you were keeping here – in solitary confinement, I hear – torture –"
"We didn't torture them!" Cisco exclaimed.
"You know solitary confinement with no exercise is literally torture, right?" Len asked him.
Cisco flushed.
"You're all as criminal as I am; you’re just too self-righteous to admit it," Len said, rolling his eyes. "But we can deal with that later. Where – ah, there."
He marched up to the microphone, with no one stopping him. "Barry Allen," he said harshly. "You had better stop what you're doing right now –"
"It's too late," Cisco said. "I'm sorry. He's already running too fast for him to hear you."
Len snarled soundlessly. "Well," he said. His voice was still steady, he was pleased to note, no matter how ticked he was getting. "Who's going to show me to the Accelerator so that I can slow him down?"
He put his hand on his cold gun.
Silence for a long moment.
"I will," Iris finally said.
"Iris, no!" Joe exclaimed.
"Shut up, Dad," she snapped. She seemed extremely angry, though her eyes with a bit glassy with tears. "I was willing to forgive you for lying to me about the whole Flash thing for months, but I never thought – I never – I wouldn't – damnit, Dad, this is bullshit, and moreover, this is bullshit you should have told me about." She glared at all of them. "You all should have known better."
With that, she turned and walked out.
Len followed.
"I'm going to forgive them eventually," Iris said conversationally when they got to the end of the hallway. "So don't think you can use this against me."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Len said. "Don't actually care about you all that much, to be honest."
She snorted. "Thanks," she said, but she sounded sincere. "That makes you the only person who didn't immediately decide that you could make decisions on my behalf."
"Including Barry?"
"Oh, definitely including Barry," she said. "He wanted to tell me, but Dad made him promise not to because knowing might 'put me in danger'."
"More or less danger than he was allowing his foster kid to get into actually fighting as a vigilante?"
"Don't get me started on the misogyny of it all," Iris said. "I'm well aware of it. And I'm still angry at him. And at Barry."
"I'm pissed at him, too," Len agreed. "He didn't tell me all the risks of this process or I would've tied him up and kept him away."
"Speedsters can vibrate through rope, you know; that's why we kept Wells in the Accelerator."
"I'd find a way," Len said. "He's enough of an idiot that something could be devised."
"I feel like I shouldn't be agreeing with you," Iris mused. "But yeah, Barry kind of is an idiot sometimes."
"I can't believe I'm going to sleep with him," Len agreed. He rather liked that meme; he'd never thought he'd have a chance to use it in real life.
"Yeah, I – wait, what?"
"As soon as this is over," Len said. He still liked Barry, after all. Len acknowledged he was being something of an idiot, continuing to like Barry despite it all, but he didn’t let people into his heart easily – and once he did, he was stuck. Just like he was stuck now. "Assuming he doesn't destroy the world, of course."
Iris had a hilarious expression on her face.
Then, a moment later, she started laughing. “You know what,” she said. “You know what? Good for Barry. You’re really hot. You may even be hotter than Oliver Queen.”
“I’m cool, not hot,” Len said, waving his gun in the air a bit. “Though I agree with the second half of your statement.”
“That you’re hotter than Oliver Queen?”
“I hear he’s a cold fish,” Len said in his best deadpan.
Iris started laughing almost right away, which meant she got the joke. “That’s awful,” she giggled. “He just got rescued from his boat accident –”
“It’s been years.”
“Still. Too soon.”
“You assume I care.”
Iris shook her head. “Go and stop our lovable idiot, why don't you,” she said, nodding at the doorway.
Len looked at it – there were sparks visible around the sides – and pulled out a handgun with his free hand, offering it to Iris. “Know how to use this?”
“Cop kid,” Iris said, accepting it and checking it expertly. “Of course I do. But why..?”
“I was a cop kid, too,” Len said. “It doesn’t mean crap. You can be my back-up.”
Iris blinked. “Me? But – Barry –”
“I’m going to try to stop Barry from breaking time with his run,” Len said. “How do you think ol’ Eobard’s going to feel about that? Remember, he’s in there, too.”
Her face settles into a grimly determined expression. “Got it.”
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cosmanles · 6 years
Tumblr media
The Flash Season 5 Barry Allen Superhero Cosplay Costume
Components: Jumpsuit,mask,gloves,belt,boots
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wreathedinscales · 6 years
@kipsiih​ i included a little shoutout to you at the end, i hope you get it :D
my writer’s block has been SO DAMN BAD with any luck this doesn’t sUck
Crime pays if you do it right, and Wally and Barry are pretty damn good at racing. Iris still thinks the cartoon portrait of them on the racetrack hanging over the fireplace is a bit too much. But it's not like the cops are gonna find them.
The thought clamps in Iris' throat.
A cluster of yellow lightning rushes Wally in front of her. He's understandably confused. Iris has never contacted him or Barry, much less used the spare key they'd sneaked through her mail.
"Wally," she says, "Remember when you said I had a free IOU?"
It'd been just after the particle accelerator explosion, when all the metas were being forced into hiding. Wally's racing had already presented a viable option for him. With their like powers, he'd invited Barry to join him. That'd been their last conversation.
Wally obviously remembers. His face tightens. He's realized Iris isn't here for reconciliation.
"Yeah," he says. The resignation there jams sympathy at Iris' ribs.
She holds firm. "I need to cash in on that favor."
Wally tries for a smile. "What's up?"
"I need an audience with the Don of Central City."
Wally sets her down in a garage hosting two cars, one yellow, one red. Identical lightning bolts adorn their hoods. An attendant is underneath the scarlet, dressed in a greasy jumpsuit and whistling.
Breathing past vertigo, Iris asks, "What do they call you guys?"
She already knows. Wouldn't be a very good journalist if she didn't. But despite whatever's happened between them, Wally's still the brother she hasn't seen in two years.
Wally's chest puffs behind his crossed arms. "Barry's the Flash. And I am Twister."
"No he's not!"
Iris whirls around, and there's Barry's mussed up hair. Not a random attendant at all.
Wally scowls. "I started before you! Why should I be called Kid Flash?"
"'Cause you're young."
"I am literally two years younger than you."
Barry points cheerfully at him. "Still young. Hey, Iris!"
He nearly lifts her off her feet. The workshop muddles in Iris' eyes.
"Long time no see," Barry murmurs.
"She came to get that favor," Wally says.
"Oh." Barry sets her down. His smile's diminished. "Well, uh. I'm guessing it's important if you came here?"
Wally whispers something in his ear. He blinks.
"Are you sure?"
Iris nods.
"But. Why? If it's for a story―"
"It's not."
Barry and Wally glance at each other uncertainly.
Iris huffs. "I get that it's weird. And dangerous. But if what I've heard is true, then you guys are my best shot."
"What have you heard?" Barry asks.
"Probably that you're Cold's main squeeze," Wally says.
Barry squawks. "I am not!"
"Come on, Barry. Everybody knows you think he's cool."
Iris wants to tease him too. Wants to close her eyes for a second and put them all back in their house, with their dad making lasagna while they all fight over what cartoon to watch.
"Guys!" she barks. They jump. "Can you do it or not?"
Another uncertain glance.
Barry blows out a breath. "I can try."
Iris smiles. "Thank you, Barry."
Barry zips to his phone on one of the workbenches.
"Just be prepared," Wally says.
Iris nods. "I am."
"No, I'm not talking about the Don. I mean, yeah, that's huge. But I mean what comes before that."
"...what do you mean?"
In just under an hour, Barry leads the way to the Don's favorite hangout: Saints and Sinners. Place has been lovingly preserved thanks to the new management, or so Iris hears. She's never been inside.
Leonard Snart's leaning against the bar. His long black coat has pointy lapels and everything. Given her research on how dramatic the man is, Iris shouldn't be surprised.
"Barry," he purrs, sauntering over.
"Snart," Barry replies.
They step into each other's space. Snart's smirking like a cartoon villain. Barry's trying to look serious, but his cheeks are dusted red, and when Snart tells him it's "ice to see him," he turns away to try to hide a smile.
Oh. This is what Wally meant.
"And you must be the long-lost sister," Snart says, "Always a pleasure seeing family members only when they need something."
"Len," Barry murmurs.
Snart doesn't stop scrutinizing Iris, but he adds, "But I suppose I can put in a good word with my sister." He looks back at Barry. "That's all I can do."
Barry nods. "Thanks."
Snart shrugs. "I owed you a favor. Consider us square."
Wally scoffs quietly. "For what? Paying for dinner last week?"
Iris suppresses a snort.
Snart puts up a finger. "If my sister doesn't deem you worth her time, though, I'm throwin' you out."
"Even Barry?" Iris asks sardonically. Wally coughs.
Snart's face goes cold. "If my sister told me to kill everyone in this bar, Ms. West, I wouldn't hesitate."
Barry smiles like there's nothing creepy at all about that. "You'd hesitate a little with me."
Snart switches back to his coy smirk. "Don't push your luck."
Barry pecks his lips, a rom-com in the middle of a seedy criminal bar. None of the patrons look over. Probably know better.
As Snart disappears through an EMPLOYEES ONLY door, a big guy at the bar raises a shot glass and calls Wally to a drinking contest. Wally speeds over.
"Don't worry," Barry tells Iris, still blushing, "Mick's good, but speedsters can't get drunk."
"Mick. As in Mick Rory?"
"Yeah, he and Snart are back on. I swear I'm the other man sometimes."
He doesn't look put out by this, as if the idea of Cold going for Heat Wave when he's in the picture really is just a joke. Iris wishes she had something that secure.
Wally and Mick are barely swallowing their second shot before Snart opens the door and signals for Iris.
Lisa Snart, AKA Golden Glider and the Don of Central City, relaxes in her private lounge on a gold chair with a beautiful woman in her lap and whiskey at her lips.
Before Iris opens her mouth, she asks, "Do you know what shame is, Miss West?"
Because Iris literally can't help herself, she asks, "Do you?"
Glider and her lovely companion laugh.
"Oh, darling," Glider says, "you're gonna be fun. But that's not what I asked."
"Yes, I do."
"Are you sure? Because those sweet brothers of yours just never shut up about you or your dear old dad. And now you, mean girl, come in and dash their starry-eyed hopes."
There's a gold shimmer in Glider's eyes. If she doesn't get an honest answer, there's a golden Glock on her glass coffee table and none other than Killer Frost nuzzling her cheek, just waiting for an excuse.
Iris briefly spreads her hands. "And I'm ashamed of that."
"Are you?" Frost says, voice tingling ice in Iris' ears.
"Yes," Iris replies emphatically, "Okay? Yes. Of course I am. They're my brothers, and it's not their fault that they're meta-humans. It shouldn't even be a problem! But we had to push them away so they'd disappear."
Glider looks unimpressed.
"Bad plan, I know," Iris snaps, "I know, Miss Glider. My dad and I had a good thing and we botched it. But I can't fix that right now, because my dad is missing, and I need your help."
Glider swirls her painted nails along the rim of her glass. Her other hand traces the same circle on Frost's stomach.
"What kind of help do you need?" Frost asks.
Iris dares a few more steps into the room, boots edging on the faux-fur rug. "I just need access to a few personnel records. You have eyes all over, the docks included. Whoever's taking all these police officers, they all disappear there. It's the only solid lead I have."
Frost's eyes narrow. "You think we have a rat stealing the clean-up crew?"
"They're cops."
Glider twirls a strand of Frost's white hair. "What's a cop to a mobster?"
"I know some of them are valued employees."
"Oh, how cute. A reporter who actually does her job. But since Lenny was so sweet about getting you in here, I'll let that slide for now. Let's talk price, baby."
Frost stands, white lace dress whispering at her knees. How she'd sat like that in that blue corset alone makes her terrifying. She offers a hand to Glider, who's just as much of a vision in her strapless gold cocktail dress and diamond jewelry. Even her heels are gold, because apparently the Snart siblings operate on their themes.
"What's in it for me?" she simpers. "I can't just hand over my files to a reporter. Not that you'll do anything else with them, of course, but it's the principle of the thing."
"There's one more condition."
Glider raises a perfectly painted eyebrow. "You've already laid quite a hefty request on the table, Miss West."
"I want a secure line to my brothers' phones." Iris swallows. "I'm not―now that I've seen them again, I can't. I can't go back to the last two years. Shouldn't be much more to ask. You have secure lines everywhere."
"How would you know that?" Frost asks.
Iris puts her hand on her hip. "Like you said, Miss Glider. I'm good at my job."
Glider tilts her head. She lets the quiet stew. Frost takes her glass.
"None of us are perfect sisters," she says at last.
"I'm not even a sister," Frost adds.
"I've made my share of mistakes with my brother. You do seem to know a little shame."
Glider approaches, not stopping until she and Iris are practically toe to toe. She smells like pomegranate and a hint of mint.
The Snart siblings don't seem to operate on personal space either.
"What's in it for my Family?" she asks.
Iris...had not expected her to be this beautiful. Blurry photos and mug shots do nothing for her.
"I don't have much money." She might not even have a lawful home after this. "But I can do a couple jobs for you. Get info, spread it, whatever. If Barry and Wally really have talked about me so much, you'll know that I have plenty of readers. As long as what I'm spreading is based on facts."
"Are all of you Wests and Allens so honest?" Frost sneers.
"We get it from our dads," Iris replies.
"Ugh. My father sucked."
Glider smiles. "So did mine. Yours seems like the bee's knees, though."
"I didn't tell Barry or Wally why I'm here. Our dad's a good liar," Iris whispers, "After what he forced himself to tell Barry and Wally―I'd understand if they didn't give you a reason to believe―"
"Are you kidding?" Frost says flatly, "They whine about how much they miss his cooking every time Cold refuses to make dinner."
"Cold cooks?" Iris says, before shaking her head and saying, "But he was. He was horrible to them."
He'd cried for weeks after. Almost drank himself down the drain. Iris doesn't say that.
"Yes, before contacting them and apologizing for―what was it, Lise?"
Glider giggles. "Had to've been an hour at least."
Iris stiffens. "He never told me."
"And we still haven't reached an agreement. I'll admit, I could use someone of your caliber. Considering the sensitivity of the files, I'll assign you to more than a couple. We'll be in touch for at least the next month."
Iris tries not to sound too eager: "I can do that."
"And to even it out," Frost says, showing her sharpest grin, "We'll present a second condition."
Glider looks pleasantly surprised. "Really, dear?"
Frost goes to a glass bar in the back of the lounge and fishes out three bottles. "Really."
"What is it?" Iris asks.
"Coffee," Frost says. "Giuseppi's, Saturday. Say, five?"
Iris looks between them. Frost hands her one of the beers. Both mobsters' scents are seamless together, kissing the fresh beer.
"For a meeting?" Iris says, not at all breathless and completely composed.
"Certainly," Glider says with the same purr her brother had used on Barry. "We'll call it that, Miss West."
Frost lifts her bottle. "A toast to good deals."
"Dad!" Joe's kids cry, shamelessly disregarding the other tied-up cops in the shipping crate.
"Iris? Barry, Wally―how?"
No sooner than the speedsters drag them into the open air than the family's collapsed in a laughing heap.
"Anyone who tries to tattle on the detective will make a pretty sculpture," Glider says. On either side of her, Cold and Frost wiggle icy fingers.
Iris puts on a black sequin dress and a necklace that hugs her throat like a collar. She has a feeling Glider and Frost are into that.
Not that she's been thinking about it. Or how many corsets Frost has.
They'd been very helpful with finding her dad.
The hostess welcomes her like she can afford the restaurant every weekend. "The private table in the back! Follow me."
A few Family members are scattered around the main dining room. Iris is pretty sure she sees Cold and Barry in a both, with Rory across. Rory seems a little too focused on his food.
Any implications of that winks out when Iris is ushered into a curtained off section to find Frost and Glider kissing over red wine.
Glider pulls back. She doesn't even try to look innocent. "Why, Iris West! Don't you look lovely. Please," she stands up, gesturing to the curved seat, "there's room for one more."
That's a double entendre if Iris ever heard one. There's no question what the Don means.
Iris sits. "What are we drinking?"
Frost's white hair recedes to red, ice giving way to controlled warmth. When she places her hand on Iris' arm, she's almost the same temperature.
"Oh, honey," she says, "whatever you want."
Len peeks in. "Sis, we're―oh shit!"
"Iris!" Barry shrieks.
Mick hums. "Nice."
"Okay!" Vibe squeaks from a nearby table, "We'll just tie these things closed!"
Glider laughs lowly in Iris' collarbone. "Thank you, Cisco."
Len's covered his eyes with both hands.
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cultfaction · 5 years
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#Repost @hottoyscollectibles • • • • • • “My name is Barry Allen, and I’m the fastest man alive.” Run, Barry, run. The Flash is sprinting back into popularity at unimaginable speeds thanks to the new television series! After being struck by lightning, the ordinary police investigator Barry Allen wakes up and discovered that he’s been granted the gift of superhuman speed. With the heart of a hero, he becomes The Flash to fight crime and protect the innocent from dastardly rogues. Celebrating the new season of The Flash television series, today Hot Toys is extremely thrilled to present the fans’ eagerly awaited 1/6th scale The Flash collectible figure from the DC collection! The highly-detailed figure is sophisticatedly crafted based on the appearance of Grant Gustin as The Flash/Barry Allen in The Flash TV series. Including a newly developed head sculpt with remarkable likeness and a brand new masked head sculpt, finely tailored Flash jumpsuit with yellow accents, several interchangeable chest pieces with Flash’s iconic bolt lightning symbol, a classic Flash helmet, lightning effect accessories attachable to Flash’s body, and a dynamic figure base with specially designed character backdrop. He is faster than the speed of light! So be sure to pre-order the figure before it’s gone! #HotToys #SixthScale #Collectibles #DCComics #TheFlash #BarryAllen #GrantGustin https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-SpDYliGz/?igshid=1lec0frmk5etj
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getduds-blog · 5 years
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New Product has been published on https://getduds.com/product/the-flash-season-5-barry-allen-jumpsuit/
The Flash Season 5 Barry Allen Jumpsuit
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The Flash Season 5 Barry Allen Jumpsuit
#Belt #Cosplay #Costume #Halloween #Adult #Jumpsuit #Mask #Season5 #BarryAllen #TheFlash #Boots #HalloweenSuit
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Superhero Costumes - Flash Glasses
Theme Halloween Costumes
Flash Costumes
So you have plans to go to the movies with your friends until 6:55pm and you have to save the world at 7 o’clock sharp. You’re not going to have enough time to go all the way back home to dive into your spandex jumpsuit. Wearing it in a warm theater and getting all sweaty just sounds uncomfortable, and then the B.O. that follows.. nobody wants that. What to do? Well friend, worry not, we are here to help! Try these Flash Glasses out! This eyewear is easy to stow away in a back pocket when unneeded and even easier to throw on in the nick of time. They are designed after the Flash’s iconic mask and will give you Barry Allen’s classic look from the comic books, some may even start to think you ran right off the pages. With these glasses you can get your crime fighting career started in a flash… see what we did there?
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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Does your kid have an abnormal amount of energy? Does he dash through the house like a speeding bullet, knocking things over and inadvertently busting up the house? Does he bounce of the walls like some kind of human bouncing ball? Well, it might be time to come to grips with the truth about your child. He might be learning how to use the Speed Force and he may just be a superhero, waiting to find his calling as a crime fighter.
Yes, it’s not uncommon for young kids to start dabbling with the Speed Force, the legendary power that Barry Allen uses to run at unimaginable speeds. You could just ignore it and hope he grows out of it, or you could get your child this deluxe boy’s Flash costume and begin training him to join the Justice League. Don’t deny your child his chance to be a hero!
This Justice League Flash costume is a child costume that fully recreates the look from the movie. It comes with a red jumpsuit that has plenty of printed details, like armor and a lightning bolt symbol on the chest. It also has matching yellow accents on the arms and waist. The costume also has attached boot covers which fit over any of your child’s shoes. Of course, it includes a mask to help keep your kid’s secret identity intact, since you wouldn’t want any of the bad guys showing up at your doorstep!
Once your child has the costume on, he’ll be ready to team up with Batman and Wonder Woman to battle against the forces of evil like his favorite DC hero.
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