#The Flash season 8
coldflasher · 1 year
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“You okay? Don’t worry about that guy; I just dropped him off at CCPD.”
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Ooh for the reverse unpopular opinion meme: the Flash post-Crisis?
I love Sue Dearbon.
“Grodd Friended Me” had Barry whump.
The fight with mirror Iris was nice Barry whump. And the scene with both of their hands on the mirror was beautiful and heartbreaking.
All the Wells’ goodbyes in “All’s Wells That Ends Well” made me cry
As ableist as “The Speed of Thought” was; I did enjoy the episode, especially “you lost this fight before it began” . It was cool.
“Lockdown” had Barry whump.
“The Mask of the Red Death, Part One” Had a couple scenes with Barry whump. My favorite was the brief electrocution.
“New World, Part One” Was good. The full circle moment would have made that episode a good finale.
“A New World, Part Four” aka the finale. The villains all interacting at the start was fun, I laughed. And the final fight with Eddie had Barry whump.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
Bitches be like: "see ya for the final season!🤭" At. 👏 The. 👏 Same. 👏 Time! 👏
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Fine! GO AWAY! No one loved or cared about you anyway! We'll be better off without all of you! 🤬
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nightblood · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time Iris was killed by Barry I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.
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mspirations · 2 years
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Mia Smoak
Supergirl „Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One” - 5x09
Arrow "Green Arrow & The Canaries" - 8x09
Arrow "Fadeout" - 8x10
The Flash "Armageddon: Part 5" - 8x05
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wolfridds · 2 years
Why Brandon Routh showed up as Ray I literally screamed I mean not properly bc I have covid but I did get overly excited!
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hq-screencaps · 2 years
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The Flash 8.17 Keep It Dark ↳ 2,404 1080p logofree screencaps
The Flash 8.18 The Man in the Yellow Tie ↳ 2,542 1080p logofree screencaps
The Flash 8.19 Negative, Part 1 ↳ 2,635 1080p logofree screencaps
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flamboyantbisexual · 1 year
barry allen, just having seen the love of his life dying on his arms: :'(
cecile, an "empath": i can sense that he's devastated
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ultrahpfan5blog · 2 years
The Flash Season 8 Thoughts
So I finished late but finally finished the two parter finale for the season. I know there are many online who are now habitual haters of everything Flash does these days, but I honestly feel season 8 was the strongest the show has been since season 3. I liked all the arcs for the season. I enjoyed Armageddon with all the cameos from Ray Palmer, Alex, Batwoman, Ryan Choi, and especially Damien Darkh. Deathstorm arc was probably my favorite arc since Bloodwork. The design for Deathstorm was excellent and I feel they did a nice job giving Frost a proper death. The Negative Forces arc was also overall pretty good. Does it all make sense? No, obviously not. But I feel this was handled a lot better than the season 7 Forces arc. I think the return of Eobard, both Tom's and Matt's, helped it significantly. It was cool to see Meena Dhawan. I feel the actress cast did a pretty good job. Also nice to see Nora and Bart back as well. Also, I feel the interlude episodes were much better this season. Not only were most of them not filler, but they were largely pretty entertaining. I actually quite liked the Allegra interlude episode, which was much better than last season's. Last season, the only interlude which worked for me was Cisco's farewell episode. But this season, I enjoyed pretty much all of them. And I enjoyed that we went a whole season with Barry being pretty powerful. There were some pretty cool uses of his abilities this season.
That being said, still many issues. The show has not figured out what to do with Iris. At this point, I don't know if there is a solution. I think thee mistake with the character was made several seasons ago and nobody seems to be able to figure out the solution as to figure out something for Iris to do other than to have her suffer as a victim of the villains. The most interesting thing Candace Patton has gotten to do for a while is play Mirror Iris. Also, the Cecile Horton stuff is getting out of hand. She's far too involved in everything. There are times where she is effective, like in the episode when Barry was aging. But overall, it just feels like a character whose presence is getting overexposed. I have started to enjoy Allegra and Chester, even though I miss the Cisco and Caitlin dynamic. Speaking of, I am curious what direction they will go with Caitlin next season. We were told pretty definitively that our Frost isn't coming back. Which gets me wondering as to what the new being will be.
Anyways, overall quite enjoyed season 8. Long gap before season 9, which will likely be the last.
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coldflasher · 2 years
anyway im finally catching up on season 8 and WHY WAS THIS ONE SCENE SO FUNNY
barry’s standing in kristen kramer’s office in the flash suit like: hey so we just had this near-death experience that made me feel very close to you, we both got held as hostages by goldface and we were nearly blown up, and i now know that i can trust you with my life, even though i’m pretty sure i totally hated you four or five episodes ago, so i want to share something with you. this is something that is known only to my closest friends, family, anyone i’ve met more than three times, and half the population of the city, and need you to know that i do not part with this information li--
kramer: barry i know it’s you
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afaimscorner · 2 years
The Flash 8x20
Well that was just ... underwhelming. I mean, it still makes not a lick of sense but not even in a way that is inraging anymore. It was just mainly boring.
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77. Cisco, Kamilla, and Ralph at Frost‘s Funeral (The Flash Season 8)
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The worst thing about the Funeral-Episode was that they showed us the whole room along with every single person in attendance and therefore showed us very cleary that none of the guest stars, who weren’t there, actually could have been there after all. It’s bad enough no one from the other shows showed up, but why would Cisco not show his face a the funeral of his best friend‘s sisters? I know having guest stars pop in is not as easy as one would imagine, but there is no reason in-story why Cisco, Ralph (who was actually closer with Frost then most of the other characters and also very close with Caitlin) and Kamilla would not be at this funeral. I mean, even Iris, who was at this point of the storyline actually making people disappear by being near them (!!!), came to this funeral. So why should non-timesick-people not be there? Which is why it would have been a good idea to just pretend they were there. TV Shows do it all the time: „Person XY is over there, you just missed them.“ They could just have not shown the whole room and everyone in attendance and menton Cisco, Kamilla and Ralph in a scene. But appearantly as it was Season 8, that was too much to ask for.
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brandnulife · 2 years
The Flash S8 finale was everything!
Barry literally ended Thawne without killing him. (King shit!)
The Positive Forces!
Jay Garrick!
Damien Darhk helped Iris reach her potential and is fully alive. (Take that, Iris haters! She’s back for season 9!)
Cecile’s new power! 
Mark sees Killer Frost?!
Cobalt Blue...?!
I’m gonna miss Joe. At least he didn’t die this time! Also, I wanna see more Meena. She was a good team player.
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cosplayclans · 2 years
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The Flash season 8 Barry Allen Jumpsuit Cosplay Costumes
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neverevan · 7 days
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