#BYTE is proud of this one
bot-thoughts · 1 year
[*BEEP boop DING!*]
Overstimulation detected. Implementing primary therapeutic safety measures
[*hits the bong*]
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fhrlclln · 1 year
Could you write Miguel hates everyone but you please.
miguel o’hara x spider!gn! reader
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ANONNN YESSS, the thought made my toes curl how he’d automatically go soft on you at any moment LOLLL, like his annoyance would fizzle out just one word or glance from you (basically i want him obsessed with me 🤪).
if you knew better, you know well not to get on miguel’s nerves.
he’s a busy man, stressed and fighting his way through his mission of keeping the multiverse in-tact. lyla once said that he wasn’t all like this before, just that everything had weighed on him the moment he discovered what keeps every spider-person’s dimension stable, learning from his own personal mistake. basically, you think the spider-society’s leader is kind of… unstable? kinda, if mentally but overall, you think he just hates everyone.
it was common to see him snapping at people, mostly the ones who get on his nerves frequently. but most of the time, he’s strict and scarily assertive when it comes to normal matters that need his guidance. everyone in the spider-society don’t really care if they pissed their leader off in some way but they were aware not to push his buttons. they just kinda wished he was more fun since they deemed him as the only spiderman who isn’t ‘funny.’ hell, everyone wanted to see if he’d throw that attitude away for once.
but maybe he did.
it was subtle, subtle you couldn’t even make it out.
“a new suit you’re building?” miguel’s shoulder’s tensed at the sudden boom of your voice, yet instantly he relaxes as you hop of the ceiling to stand by his side while he works on his own suit. “hope i’m not intruding.” you quickly follow up, realizing your mistake of not knocking or something.
“in the progress, yes.” miguel says, without much sarcasm or annoyance. you relax as well as miguel continued on working, not minding you were here it seems. he was quiet as you knew, you knew from observation that he liked working alone most of the time.
“that’s cool! how far are you enhancing from this suit?” you asked, utterly excited now as you gesture to his original suit. miguel seems amused, as you expected him to shut you off or ask why you were here but he merely chuckles, liking your curiosity.
“way far, trying to improve it’s durability and other things here and there, sensors, these web wings...” he gestures to the material underneath the armpits of the suit. a fine light byte material as you noticed. “and more.” he looks down to the other parts of the suit, proud.
you hummed, taking the to admire his craftsmanship. it certainly was a big change to his suit now as you can see, the color theme was changed as well, incorporating white in it but still had that usual tone. your eyes wandered, taking every little detail until one had your eyes widening.
“are those… boot jets?” you bend down to take a better look, as the suit was situated by wires, hanging a top.
“yes. for boosting flight speed mainly.” he says, grabbing one of the soles as he shows it to you. your eyes sparkled as you touched it, amazed how a booster could fit that small.
“amazing, miguel! wished my suit was capable of that.” you smiled as miguel shrugs at it, though a small smile is graced on his lips from your compliment. “what else are you innovating?”
miguel gestures to the wrist of the suit’s gloves as he picks something off the table from the side to show it to you. it was small arachnid shaped objects he presented as he demonstrates it by flinging it off way up as he shoots it with his laser webs causing a small explosion to occur, making you jump.
miguel lets you take one of small explosives from his hand with astonishment as he softly explains along what they are. “prototype explosives. yeah, they’re something i’ve been—“
“what are we talking about today?! i just heard an explosion, i thought we were keeping it baby-proof here, miguel!” peter’s cheery voice suddenly took over as miguel let out a tiny exasperated sigh at the sudden intrusion. you waved in greeting as the father-daughter duo made their way towards the two of you. mayday happily napping in peter’s baby sling.
“there is no such thing of baby-proofing a lab, peter.” he grunts, resuming his antics as peter cooly dismisses his unwelcoming attitude. his face remains passive yet his tone was off, you noticed. “what do you want?”
“important matters. sorry for intruding whatever you two are doing, was it serious?” peter takes a knowing glance at you as you chuckled.
miguel rolls his eyes. “it was not—“
“it’s no big deal, peter. was just stopping by for miguel.” you smiled at him, looking back at miguel as you sensed some serious matter was going to be discussed as you excused yourself now. “i’ll be heading back now. miguel, if you have the time i’d love to hear more of the suit.”
miguel nods gently, the sudden look of annoyance dying down from his face a bit as you waved goodbye to peter, not forgetting to whispering a bye-bye to mayday as well. the two men stood in silence as peter seemed to catch something on as miguel went back to his desk, resuming his work.
“so, you really don’t hate everyone, huh?” peter starts, amused. very amused at the sudden subtle change. amused as well that he just won the bet that their leader didn’t hate everyone in fact.
“what does that have to mean?” miguel raises a brow at the assumption.
“oh, i don’t know… but, well for one, you aren’t that snappy at them than to me and maybe so on…” peter says mischievously, looking back to where you exited, chuckling as he smirks as miguel catches on with that implication and the tease. the tip of his ears heating up that as he turns his back at him.
“stop assuming things, parker.” he says defensively, peter raises his hands in defense as well, yet still not letting it go for a moment before they finally talk about the more serious matters. though, his mind yet ponders at what truth was said. it wasn’t that true that he hates everyone… everyone just annoys him but, yeah…
maybe he does like you, it seems.
i want him fr
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voltronisanobsession · 11 months
Miguel codes Lyla a Friend
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I had this idea since I was thinking maybe sometimes Lyla gets lonely being the only hologram in the spider society apart from Spider Byte. So I decided to do this and show what it could be like if Miguel finally coded and programmed Lyla a new friend!
This also might be the very few writings I’ll do for this fandom since I wanna focus on the ones Im active in now :D
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For this to even be CONSIDERED a possibility, Lyla would have to have been annoying Miguel for awhile, complaining about how oh so lonely she’s gotten being the only hologram
“Come on.”
“There’s Spider Byte.”
“She doesn’t count, plus she’s still a spider. Come oonn.”
“Is my company not enough, Lyla?”
“Look me in the eyes and you tell me. Come ooonnnnn.”
In the end Miguel will succumb to Lyla’s persistent complains much to the her delight
I can already see her excitedly yapping away while Miguel begins programming her new ‘friend’
I totally see Miguel just copying and pasting Lyla’s original coding while making some changes like the personality and appearance just because he didn’t want to spend too much time on this
It takes a couple of runs before both he and Lyla are satisfied with the final outcome, you😍
Miguel made it so that you were the more compassionate and kind one between the two of you while Lyla is the honest and blunt one
You chose your own name, which surprised both him and Lyla since you were already adapting and growing as an intelligent form of tech
“Well then Y/N, welcome to the team.”
Cue Lyla grabbing your arm and disappearing to who knows where while Miguel sighs
Omg she would totally give you star glasses so you could match with her heart glasses!!!
You guys are rarely seen without the other ever since your arrival
Lyla would show you all the ropes to being Miguel’s assistant and would be so proud when you help file your first report on an anomaly :,)
“They grow up so quick.”
“But I can’t ‘grow up’ Lyla.”
“You’ll understand those sayings soon.”
You guys do everything together, like karaoke nights with Miguel, make friendship bracelets for each other and take silly pics with that one bunny filter Lyla’s obsessed with
It’s like you’re Thing 1 and Thing 2 according to Peter :]
Because this is technically your shot in ‘living’, you definitely look at everything with stars in your eyes
Everything is still so new to you and so exciting that you often get carried away with rambling about how fascinating life is
Which causes Miguel to raise an eyebrow at times because it’s almost like your becoming more self aware of yourself, gaining more… human emotions despite you being only a hologram
And he isn’t wrong
Once learning of Miles Morales’ story and how he’s essentially going to destroy the multiverse according to Miguel, you can’t help but feel for the boy
Your traits grow from being compassionate to feeling real emotions which confused you at first when you began feeling so different at times
(You asked Lyla about the weird feelings you’ve been getting but she only looks at you weirdly so you don’t bring it up again)
You make it a habit to mention every now and then that Miles had no control over what happened and how you feel sorry for him
How you even theorize that with him, the cycle of Spiderman could possibly be broken!
Lyla would 100 percent lecture you on how that would be terrible and all that fun sunshine stuff which you definitely don’t listen to
Hobie would be around when you’re on one of your tangents on how Miles could be the change the multiverse could benefit from, capturing his attention
“Rebellious one, aren’t you?”
“Oh Hobie hello! What do you mean by that?”
“I sure as ‘ell know bossman wouldn’t program your own ideas to go against his, now would he?”
After that small talk, your hologram self would realize ‘hey! Im thinking for myself, I have my own ideals and beliefs!’
Cue you acting out against Miguel cuz you’re in your rebellious phase
Bro would totally tell Lyla to control you
You’ve been giving him more headaches than Lyla has and that’s saying something
I think Lyla would try to tap into your programming to see if there was something wrong only to find out you put a PASSWORD on that file LMAO💀💀💀
Her reaction: 😦
Besides that concerning factor that is making itself way more known after Miles arrives, most of the spiders do enjoy your company
They love how you just float around them as you beg to hear more of their stories and fights they’ve experienced
You have an almost childish light because of how interested and amazed you are at them
You love being around Peter B. though because of Mayday
She loves just swishing her hand at your frame, giggling as you reappear in a different spot, your soft glowing light capturing her attention every time
Overall I think being Miguel’s second assistant isn’t the most terrible thing in the world
Lyla’s sarcasm has rubbed off on you so you both like to make Miguel’s job a little more difficult than it needs to be
But he definitely has a soft spot for both you, especially since you often sympathize with him whenever he watches those videos of his past life
You’re just a silly member of the society trying to learn more about life and the special moments it holds
You want to be apart of the real world instead of being confined to the digital world, which Lyla and Miguel don’t realize is a problem until you finally go against them
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Hello, anonymous speaking...
Quick question: How are your children doing?
The three of them are doing great! All of them are growing stronger and bigger every day!
Byte is now in training with Buddy, Menace is just starting to learn how to manipulate skibidis's minds, and Melody's arms will be developing soon so she will be able to learn to swap them out! Not only that, they are all doing well in homeschool and getting high grades! I couldn't be prouder of my adopted little ones!
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They still get into trouble sometimes. I know this for a fact...because I'm the one that has to pull them out of the trouble they make for themselves.
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Y...Yea...they still get into mischief. I said I was proud of them, but they can still be a handful when they feel like going off on one of their "adventures" again.
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princescribbler · 1 year
How did you learn to be OK liking diapers
I don't always know when to be brief and when to be overly explanatory. I'm guessing this is a time for verbosity, though. Why? Because of the huge subtext in your question. How to be ok with it; not how to be more turned on, how to get a specific kind of relationship... how to be ok with it. How to be ok, implying that you're not ok with your kinks, you're struggling emotionally likely to not just accept your kinks... but to accept yourself. Because spoiler alert: you are made up of a lot of things, and your kinks and fetishes are part of that.
So how did i hey to a point of self acceptance?
First, my process likely looks different than yours will. Let's acknowledge that. Self acceptance is a lifelong journey, and each of us treads our own paths. But put simply...I didn't accept my need for this stuff until I was in my late 20s or really into my early 30s. Plus, my journey involved family issues, recognizing issues with adhd, depression, anxiety, etc. I needed therapy, I needed friends, I needed a new life all before I could start my healing process... and hopefully you don't!
I had issues with acceptance. That's the key of this though: self acceptance and accepting your kinks. Accepting that you really don't have a lot of control over what turns you on, just how you interact with it. Acceptance and acknowledgement that me having a diaper fetish in no way, shape, or form negatively influences me as a human. I'm still me: I just sometimes get off in diapers.
So step 1: acceptance is key, and so is the very challenging task to recognize your value and qualities are not dependent on how socially acceptable those qualities are. Sure, SOME other people might judge, but not the quality ones.
Step 2: reconstruct my mental idea of what my kinks are. For example,I used to think i was deeply fucked up for wanting to wear diapers full time and unpotty train. Heck, I didn't even admit that to a therapist until I was nearly 30, almost a decade AFTER starting therapy... only to be told it wasn't a big deal. The therapist got to the heart of it very fast: she explained it as, roughly, "You want to become diaper dependent, yes because it is sexually exciting in some ways and a loss of autonomy and control, but also so you can justify your needs through physical, rather than emotional, justification". Mind fucking blown. My whole mental map had this idea at the core that I was a perverted sexual deviant... only to be reminded that we're all just trying to figure out why we feel and want what we feel. I'm just a bit more kinky about it than average. Add in a complete internal dialogue change (like accepting the term cute for my regressive mindset instead of it feeling 'fake', or embarrassing, or trying to be PROUD of my efforts to integrate kinky into my life in a healthy way, seeing progress and taking pride) and more change follows.
I found a whole new partnership: I can't promise I'd have made it this far in acceptance and self discovery without my partner, my love, my princess, and my sweetheart babygirl mommabyte, @giggle-byte . I found someone who fostered the good, helped me not obsess over the bad, and worked with me on gently repositioning my outlook and perspective. I think I've helped her in the same way, because support and encouragement are magical, awesome things.
This one can't be ignored: FIX THE OTHER STUFF. You might think your big issue is kink... and sometimes you're right, and sometimes you're wrong. I was fixated on kink as the source of Shame for me, of all my issues. Therapy and EMDR to cope with some trauma changed my outlook and I realized my core issues weren't that I was overly kinky or ashamed... it was that I was not taught healthy interactions with relationships, with kink, with family and I developed fragile and unhealthy attachments while repeating the negative patterns of behavior modeled for me by my family. And I got diagnosed, not just with depression and anxiety, but with adhd. And I started to treat it. I couldn't seem to get a good anti anxiety medication. I tried and failed about a half dozen antidepressants. And then I got help for adhd, and realized that in fact I had a severe developmental disorder, and am not just secretly lazy and useless like my entire self image taught me! Add in actually being better at focus, at my job, learning about my sexual and romantic needs while ACTUALLY GETTING THEM FILLED??? Fucking mind blowing!!!!!
So... to summarize so far, and the Key takeaways of my journey to accepting and being ok with diapers and my kinks; self acceptance, changing my internal dialogue, therapy, addressing underlying emotional and behavioral challenges, finding a romantic partner who accepted, supported, and nurtured my growth and safety, and then honestly working to develop better coping strategies and more positive self talk.
It's a lot! To be honest most folks don't struggle quite this hard, but hey, I'm special I guess. And my family did throw me out over kink. And I might've had a few complicating factors in there, lol... but the point is, being ok with diapers, and kink, and all of this stuff... it wasn't a single thing. And it wasn't a short term fix.
The only things I can advise for 'short-term' improvements are to help are changing your internal dialogue and seeking useful and peer reviewed research on how to cope with kinks and fetishism. And maybe getting a therapist... because that's kind of more key to my personal journey than I want to admit.
Good luck my friend and I wish you comfort, security, self acceptance, and a life of enjoying your kinks!
Good luck, bud, and as I try to tell everyone: stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!!
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 4 months
•°. alive, back from the dead *࿐
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Pairing: Margo Kess (Spider-Byte) x fem!Reader
Type: Fanfic — Angst -> Fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: use of Y/N, cursing, maybe ooc Margo, me trying to figure out how to write Margo’s universe properly 😭
A/N: soz guys this is based off a t swift song 💔 ik margo would probably be her no.1 hater and proud of it but anyway
This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead (oh)
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me (oh)
This Love (Taylor Swift)
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“I want you to know this is not related to you at all. And I’m not breaking up with you, okay? I’m not.”
Her pre-recorded voice crackled through the speakers of your phone. She sounded slightly wobbly; had she been crying?
“This… isn’t something I can avoid. They need my help. I can’t ignore that. And I’m going - I mean, actually going. Believe me, I wish I could tell you more, but that would put you in danger, and…” A shaky sigh, then a few beats of patchy silence. “Please just… wait for me. I’m coming back. I promise. Don’t believe anyone who says otherwise.”
Another long breath, as if she was trying to stabilise herself, to hold together something that was falling apart. “I love you. Remember that. Remember…”
The message fizzled out with a few sharp scratches that made you wince. You stared at your phone for so long that the screen darkened and locked. This had to be a joke, right? Something that was so serious that she had to physically go be Spider-Woman, not operate as a virtual avatar that could be controlled from where she was at home — that couldn’t be real. Could it?
Though she wouldn’t joke about this. Wouldn’t joke about anything related to being Spider-Woman, lately. All jokes and sarcastic little quips about her secret vigilante identity had disappeared completely in the last few months.
And she kept missing dates left, right, and centre. You remembered one heated conversation on the phone about that, to which she had snapped, “I can’t help it if I’m needed to help prepare!”
When you questioned her about that, she had mumbled a hasty response (“I can’t tell you more. Baby, please, I know you’re pissed, but I love you too much to put you in danger…”) and cut the call.
That wasn’t a break-up excuse, right?
Right. She just had to… risk her life. With no explanation. No idea what she would be up against, probably, and clinging to the hope that she had prepared enough.
But she had asked you to wait.
So you would wait. And hope that she came back to you unscathed.
3 months later.
“Bullshit,” You actually laughed the moment you saw the headlines on the news channel. Honestly, you wondered how the news reporter managed to look so solemn. “That’s obviously fake.”
Your friends shared a look, reaching towards you and gently squeezing your hand. “Y/N, we know this is difficult-”
“What’s difficult? It’s fake, isn’t it?” You stared expectantly at them, feeling your heart almost stop in its tracks as the realisation slowly dawned. “No, no, no, this is fake, it has to be. It’s not… not real.”
The block letters scrolling across the screen leered at you, obnoxiously large and taunting. Ha-ha, sorry. Guess you just lost someone you love, sucks to be you!
You realised you were tearing up as the words distorted into wavy, psychedelic shapes.
Without a word, you pushed yourself to your feet and locked yourself into your bathroom, sinking quietly to sit on the floor with your back against the wall. A quick glance at the counter made your heart ache even more; on the shelf next to the sink, rested a pair of small, purple bracelets, both hand-made by Margo. While the beads twinkled and shimmered like a normal bracelet, they weren’t actually there, simply an illusion emitted by a hologram chip on the inside of the cord.
You gently picked up the bracelets, staring at traces on the wall of the soft, pulsing glow that they gave off. If you closed your eyes, felt the faint warmth radiating off of the beads, you might just have been able to pretend that everything was alright. That she wasn’t—
“Y/N! You okay?”
You flinched at the sharp, sudden call, dropping the bracelets onto the cold floor. Time seemed to slow down as you watched them fall with two harsh clacks on the marble. Surely they would be okay, right? They were holograms, the beads themselves couldn’t possibly break.
As if the universe was yelling out a giant fuck you, the emitter chip popped out of the cord and broke clean in half. The beads fizzled out with a soft pop. And just like that, of the most cherished gifts you had ever received - from your girlfriend, no less - was gone.
“Not anymore, no,” You muttered bitterly under your breath, swallowing back the sour taste and the lump beginning to form in your throat, all telltale signs that the waterworks would soon be beginning.
She was gone, leaving you to pick up the scattered pieces of yourself and figure out how to carry on living the rest of your life. Margo Kess was gone.
5 months later.
You tried to force a polite smile and act like you were paying attention as the girl in front of you excitedly rattled off completely unrelated facts at light speed.
Partner projects were the worst. There was a time where it hadn’t been so bad, but that was when she had still been—
“Helloooo, earth to Y/N. Hey, are you even listening?”
Oh. “Right, yeah, of course I am,” You blinked at her, quickly disguising your glazed-over, bored-out-of-your-mind expression with a mask of fake interest.
“Well, good. So, about this particular version…” That was about as far as she got before you tuned her out again, gazing enviously out of the café window at the pedestrians and cyclists going about their day. Then you saw something that made you double-take so hard you thought your neck might break.
A flash of shimmery — no, almost glitchy — purple fabric. Hologram-like webs…
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” Your words tripped over each other as you pushed your chair away from the table, practically stalling flat on your face in your haste to get outside. The protests of your classmate went completely unheard by you as you burst out into the street.
“Ma-” You stopped yourself before you could call her real name out, scanning the sky for what you saw. “Spider-Woman! Spider…? Oh, Spider-Byte!” Goddamnit, keeping track of her many names was hard.
You glanced around wildly, beginning to lose hope as whole minutes ticked by agonisingly slowly. Passers-by gave you odd looks like you had lost your mind; and, well, you couldn’t really blame them. If a girl was standing alone outside a café and yelling a dead superhero’s name at the sky, you would think she had gone crazy too.
Then someone’s arms closed around you from behind, you were lifted off your feet, and your stomach dropped to the ground as you were swung through the air onto a roof.
You drew in a sharp inhale the moment your feet touched the ground, then relaxed. You definitely recognised that perfume.
She’s back, bitches, you thought proudly as you turned around and flung your arms around her neck, relishing the soft, amused chuckle she let out. She’s back and probably stronger than ever.
“Shh. I know. I know. But I’m here now, and I’m fine. We’re all fine. We’re all-”
You cut her off by pressing the button right underneath her earlobe that you knew temporarily deactivated her whole mask, cupping her cheek and pressing a kiss to her lips. The whole thing was almost frenzied, how quickly you had to reassure yourself that this wasn’t just a wishful daydream, that this was real.
You tasted orange and vanilla chapstick, and when you pulled away you saw her lip gloss was smudged pretty badly. Well, that had to be real.
“Welcome back,” You murmured giddily, locking your arms around her again. Her eyes crinkled at the corners with how wide she was grinning. “Missed me that much, huh?”
“God, you have no idea.”
She let out a laugh and hugged you tighter. “Okay, let’s get back. I’m so hungry, I could kill for a bag of chips.”
“Wait, Margo.” The slight seriousness in your tone made her pull away to look into your eyes, raising her eyebrows in question. “Yeah?”
“Is this it? No more… whatever this was?”
She considered your question for a few seconds, letting out a long, slow sigh. “Sweetheart, something as bad as this will never happen again. I promise. We had to fake my death for a few months so that I could lie low and no one would suspect it was me hacking away at their firewalls. I… can’t promise that I will never have to go on a physical mission again, because the other Spiders sometimes need my help specifically, and honestly that’s quite an honour. But you will never, ever have to see headlines of another fake death of mine again. That I can promise.”
You scrunched your eyebrows together as you processed her answer. You were okay with that, you decided. Well, it wasn’t perfect, but hey — you and Margo weren’t that perfect either, and you had gotten as secure as you had because of communication and trust. So maybe you’d need to apply that to this scenario as well.
There was no playbook for loving someone like her, for waiting anxiously every time she swung off to save the city from whatever diabolical virus or villain decided to strike next. You just… had to make the right adjustments at halftime. Reassure yourself that she could handle most things they threw at her, and have faith in your girlfriend’s abilities.
“That’s good enough for me,” You announced, linking your arm with hers. “Now let’s go get some burgers, you must be hungry.”
“Oh, I’m absolutely starving.”
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Taglist: @hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099
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Hai Im normal about them so here’s more headcanons of them
When they first met during the whole launch octopus mess. X genuinely had a crush on Marty. However, it was more like a passing crush than anything else. He simply did not anticipate falling in love with her after finding out about her true motivations for becoming a pirate and her near-death experience with Byte. When she threw him the power chips, nearly dying in the process it was that he knew this gal has unknowingly stolen his heart. But at the same time struggled to process these emotions due to the fear of Marty becoming infected with the Maverick virus or being ordered to take her out.
He’s really good at hiding his feelings for her at the time. But he’ll check on her to see how she’s doing. Specificallyin Holiday special chapter the time where he met up in person to warn her about a group of criminals that were after her. Realistically speaking he could have just given her the warning via transmission. It seems that he secretly wants to see her in person again after so long. But unfortunately due to his duties as a maverick hunter he couldn’t stay for long. Silently cursing himself for not complimenting her dress in that meet up. Thankfully it wouldn’t be the last time they see eachother again.
X and Marty continue to see each other in a series of coincidences. However, it is mostly just them catching up on news and life events; in private, though, they want to be close to one another and literally spend time dancing around their emotions out of fear of hurting the other. Furthermore, they believed a relationship would not even be feasible, because of how drastically different their lives were.
They succeeded in making it happen in spite of everything. The two of them were only intending to catch up or have simple get-togethers in private. They eventually figured out how to make it work, though. The fact that the Rose Thorns get along with the hunters is particularly noteworthy. Plus, X really wanted to help people outside of the hunters, so this is a good opportunity for him to take a break from his duties every now and then. The amount of shit Marty and X go through with the crew is hilarious, so she is very grateful that she can spend time with him.
Despite their contrasting personalities, X and Marty work well together. X is a more peaceful, noble, empathic, and responsible individual, in contrast to Marty, who is a proud, carefree, crass, and fearsome pirate. They balance each other out by bringing their best while also understanding each other's worst.
An important part of their relationship that must be known is their honesty and trust. As Marty eventually does learn more about X’s Origins and the other confidential info that only a few known folks known about. But it was a slow and gradual as Marty was patient or well is very clear that she does not fucking break the trusts of her loved ones cause dammit she’s one loyal bitch. But also to Marty holy fucking shit man…that’s a lot but hey it at least explains a lot about him.
Also the fucking X marks the spot joke is even more hilarious considering that Marty is a pirate what else Pirates love more than treasure! Even if that treasure is a very huffy Blue bomber. Who’s just being stolen away however accepting his fate as while his best friend chases after you to get him back.
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Hello everyone and
Dear Diary
Welcome to another mod diary! If you missed it, here is my previous one. It's 30/01/2023 and I whispered to my computer screen, "Oh my McFuck, I figured it out."
Behold my progress:
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I'm absolutely feral over this.
But this is unclean because I still have to edit the code more since you can still see Connor's suit and things. Please don't save these pics! Better ones will come! I'm so excited to do a full photoshoot with him when he's ready!
I can't believe that a month ago, I could hardly imagine wading through screens like this:
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---And now I'm actually having a go. I'm so proud of myself. (This is a random screenshot with random highlighted text, so don't waste time scouring it for meaning lol)
Oh by the way, I know what a container is now! Scratch what I said in my third entry. A container is literally just a Tupperware container of data/information. Like information for SWATCAPTAIN_01. Or CONNOR_INT02. The 'model' names are the containers.
Unfortunately, I can't share the instructions about how to get SWAT Connor, because the person who gave me the notes trusts me to keep them private. However, I can share little tips with the hex editor:
The Tool will crash if you try to open it and load the data in the containers that you're messing around with in the hex editor.
Press ctrl + F for "find", where you can find a string or hex.
Press ctrl + G for "go to" an offset. Offsets aren't searched in "find".
Notepad is your best friend.
I can't share a step-by-step process on how to use HxD because frankly, I don't really know how to use it. I'm just following someone else's instructions.
If I start working on something that's my own method, I'll be sure to share tutorials. However, I'm simply not up to that stage yet. There's so much more to learn.
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Other things I've learned that's next on my agenda:
If the original model has another model loaded on top of it, the second model will conform to the skeleton of the original model. There is a model for Markus' backpack, and the backpack conforms to his skeleton which is why he can wear it. I think this might also be the case with Connor's tie, but I have to test that out.
"As far as I know [map swapping is] only achievable with hex editing. You need to open your game files with an editor, then find and swap out the bytes of those maps. You can start filtering out other codes unrelated to maps by typing the name of a map (for example Eden Club) into the hex editor's search function." - @kayla1507
If stuff is screwing up, delete the .mods file and verify your files (or copy, paste and replace the .d26 and .idx files with clean ones). With all my current efforts, I'm sure I can save my two files somewhere and just plug them in when I want SWAT Connor again.
It takes me hours of learning and doing stuff in order to make these entries. I'm tired. I pass my learnings onto you like a withered old man giving a young hero a magical sword. And I'm not even that good at modding--- I'm still learning through the blessings of the modding community lmao. But here, it's dangerous to mod alone, take this.
~ Trinity
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
I'm not gonna lie, my entire Matthew playlist is one of my favourite things I've created. But there's one bit I'm especially proud of. It's the transition from Bejeweled "I can still make the whole place shimmer ~✨️✨️✨️" into In My Head's "HERE'S THE THING. You're in love with a version of a person that you've created in your head... that you are trying to but cannot fix... ah... the only person you CAN fix is yourself"
Like I feel like it PERFECTLY captures Matthew making his Grand Debut at the Christmas party in ChoT and then getting (from his PoV) very suddenly slapped down from the fantasy he's built when Cordelia rejects him. Down to the fact that the song begins with a speech sound byte. I feel unhinged for putting these back to back. Feral, even
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averagedualies · 3 months
We all do things we're not proud of, Dualie. We do. And… I don't think I have room to judge considering the message I gave to Nine myself. I meant what I said in that. But… I wouldn't blame an abuse victim killing their abuser. I wouldn't blame a slave for killing their master. I wouldn't blame a victim doing what needed to be done to survive. And we all have the kind of intense emotion that could lead to some things we aren't proud of happening during those moments. But having seen what I have? And the kinds of thoughts I have towards my own mother (it's a whole thing)?
... I wouldn't be able to say I wouldn't have done the same thing. And... well. What've you done in the interim, hmm? Made something of yourself. Became someone others could genuinely love. Worked with others to try and fix what happened to you, so no one ever has to go through what you did again.
Don't dwell. It helps no one, least of all yourself.
Focus on the future. We'll keep the Dualie here safe. Promise.
Thank you. I’m- there aren’t a lot of people I can talk to about this back home. Murder isn’t just something you can casually drop into most conversations.
I- know it was the rivht thing. It was him or Byte and I wasn’t about to chose the person with a kill count in the thousands over my own boyfriend but
I still see him sometimes. I wonder if things cildve been different. And hearing that there’s a version of him that was different it- made me think a bit too much
And on the same coin, I want to know if I could’ve been different. If I could’ve kept doing the things I love, if I could’ve walked outside without being seen as a freak, if I could’ve never lost the things I did
..It’s not my place to do anything here. With you on his side, I’m not entirely sure I would’ve had to anyways. He’s made a good life for himslf, n I’m proud of him. And I’m a littlr proud of me too I giess.
.. Do we have tissues bc I’m cryinf right npw and I cabt see the screen enoguh to type cohenrnthly
And if I left sm adivce for him, could you pass it along? Thers still a few misfakes I made that aren’t worth making
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solarisgod · 4 months
 Astereus opens their eyes to find a skeleton ahead in black veil , Its fleshless hands bearing bundles of flowers , a detail more softer than everything else about It . Despite the jarring appearance It holds , they only walk closer to It , unafraid like It is an old friend . It feels familiar . ❝ We apologize , Death , ❞ they reply softly , their voices in multitude from Micah , Phoebus , Philos , Phobos , Cryael ⅋ more ; all echoing across the realm of kind whiteness . ❝ Love is the most violent thing to exist . We died because of Love . ❞ Adoniram .
 ❝ Yes , ❞ Micah answers ⅋ takes the flowers from Death . They hold them close to their chest , their heart ─ their bleeding neck ─ they deeply breathe . ❝ We would want to die for love . ❞ Out of love . in love . We always have wanted to die / love . This is what happens when we weren't raised with enough love since the beginning of our life . We become unendurable . Do you understand ?
 Phobos scoffs , its amused sound devolving to sickened laughter . irony sings terribly from the great raging star . ❝ Many people wanted to kill us since we were a child . It's only fair to least give them a fright . ❞ Reality shivers . They smile at Death , bright , Philos attempting to assure It , then . ❝ But , don't you worry , Deathie , we'll try to be better at living . . . if those people can give us a fucking BREAK ! ❞ Micah flinches at the burst of their aggression , fiddling with the petals . ❝ As unsettling as it is for me to say , our death opens an opportunity to ask you if you are familiar with the Godtellers ? ❞ The veiled skeleton tenses at the inquiry .
 Cryael nods while they recall Lux sharing how the Breaker is controlling the shadows ⅋ reflections to take over humanity . It may cooperate with the Infernal infinity , but in the end , it is serving the Godtellers who thrive in chaos ⅋ conflicts . ❝ What if we want to meet one not to confront , but negotiate ? ❞ it questions Death along with Micah ⅋ Phoebus .
 ❝ We'd rather face more pain than to let them play so freely , ❞ Micah shares the thought with Cryael . Phoebus inhales sharply , but says no more . They believe the Godtellers are the sources of the Metaeide . These spiritual beings created after individuals' fears , traumas ⅋ negative emotions ; they are linked to the Godtellers . The Godtellers are the narrators of the narratives that influence lives . The Metaeide are the pieces of the narratives that haunt their respective sources .
 The portal of the In Between realm of Life ⅋ Afterlife opens . Astrifer nods , but before they leave , Micah looks back at Death . ❝ One more question : Is my friend , Byte , happy ? ❞ Barely , Death smiles .
| BYTEBITE ( @mordcode ) IS SO , AS XE IS PROUD OF YOU .
 In tears , they thank It , then enter the portal before them , returning in wild determination to live with more fury . Everyone will wish they would remain dead .
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sorathepanfloof · 2 years
How Boot-up all started.
A few years ago, I started to create an OC that was a mixture of Dementia (CN LA) and Star Butterfly (Disney). That OC however eventually became it's own character (Named "Corruptie" at the time before she became "Kimi C. Bytes"). The show was originally gonna be about running a Local Broadcast Station (CSRFTV) , but that Idea never went anywhere. The show went though two other names ("Short Bytes" and "Glitched") before Finally landing on "Boot-Up". Overtime, Kimi and a cast of characters that were either new or old begun to change overtime to fit in with the Show I was working on.
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These was One of Corruptie (Kimi's) Original Designs. (Created using Scratch 1.4) Instead of her having PC Computer Powers, She originally had powers of video game-like glitches. Unlike Kimi, She wasn't lesbian yet. So, she was either straight or bi at the time.
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Tera drastically changed during this time too! (Designed using Paint.net) She looked a bit too similar to Kimi at the time so some changes were made to differ her from the rest of the characters.
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The main bad guy, Croctra (MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAH) was actually originally Female in this version! However, she was changed to Male after trying to voice her. She didn't really have any Crocodile features yet in this iteration, so she was more of just a human devil at that time.
Here are some of the Early Posters I made during Development.
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I'll admit, it was pretty hard coming up with a story I felt proud with in my opinion. This was my First time doing An Animated Project, so there was a lot of changes I needed to make so it fit well. However, with what I Have created now... I got to say I feel so happy this turned out amazing. I'll probably discuss more boot-up development stuff in the future. Til' then, Cheers to the Future of the show!
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
7, 13, 18 for the writing aso game? - BYTES :3
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Hours later, when the embers of the fire faintly glow, when Iskall lies on his pallet to gaze up at the cloudless sky, he swears he can hear the faint sound of an instrument playing.
It’s quiet, carried by the wind, but he’s sure it’s Etho, somewhere across the cliff. The music is… he doesn’t know how to describe it. It’s home and it’s unknown, it’s old, somehow familiar, and yet a tune he could never recognize. The wind seems to carry the sounds on wings of air, around the area in a way no echo ever could. 
If Iskall didn’t know better, he’d think that the grass stood taller and the trees twisted to follow the tune along its path. He’d also say… the path winds up to the stars, in a whimsical, curving way. As it reaches the stars, Iskall swears they shine brighter and with more life than any star should have had. 
The universe is alive, and Iskall realizes he’s blessed to see a single breath of it. 
(Somewhere close to the fire, barely illuminated, a single azure bluet grows. It’s not blossomed, but it’s there, new life given by the universe’s song.)
hmm. so this is from a fic i haven't finished--or really even started. it's going to be part of the etho universe concept i introduced in the team canada fic, and it's one of my favorite things i've ever written if only for the fact this is where the concept was born and i'm very very attached to this passage?
idk. it'll make more sense as i write more for it<3
13 is answered, but 18:
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
i vaguely outline some of my fics in the most nonsensical disorganized thing ever and absolutely nothing else. i'll never forget letting mochi and stitch see one of them, i thought they were both going to keel over right there LMAO
40 Questions Ask Game!
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"Is it odd to say that.. I wish that it wasn't him?"
Umbra pauses at that, and he turns to look at Abyssal. The two are standing in the latter's office, with Abyssal by their desk. They have their hands on it, and their head it lowered.
"We don't truly know if it's Byte, Abyssal." Umbra shook his head.
Abyssal was quiet before speaking. "Do you know how horrible I felt? Lying to her face? Saying that I didn't know who was responsible for making the two of them act like that?"
Silence washed over the two of them as Abyssal clenches their hands over the desk. Umbra watches with a somber expression as he crosses his arms behind his back.
"Don't try and give me false hope about it not being Byte, Umbra." Abyssal shakes their head, voice soft and pleading. "Don't. I'd rather the painful truth than hopeful lies."
Silence overtook the room once more.
Umbra closes his eyes. "Would you like to be alone before we depart?"
The other Higher-Up nods and exits the other's office. Abyssal lifts their head and they bring up a command box and presents a picture.
It's of them, when they had just been promoted to a Higher-Up. Umbra was beside then, and they both looked ecstatic. Behind them stood Byte, his arms behind his back and a proud smile on his face.
He had been their mentor. Their teacher.
Abyssal lets out a shaky breath. "Was it all a lie?" they ask no one, reaching and gently touching the picture. "Were you a lie? Every "good job," "well done," "you did great,".. They were all lies, weren't they?"
The Higher-Up hangs their head, some tears falling from their eyes. "You were never a good being from the start. You always had a different motive. I've just.. been in denial, haven't I?"
They let out a sour laugh. "I knew from the moment I told you the news about how the SMG program was going to proceed. That look in your eyes..."
Abyssal slams their fists against their desk, clenching their teeth.
"You've gotten away with all of this for long enough."
They stand up straight and wave away the command box and turn, exiting their office. They spot Umbra a few feet away and nod at him.
It was time to put an end to Byte's game.
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earth-93 · 10 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.04]
C: \login\Artisan
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\F4
04/17/2006 8:48 AM Total Files Listed: 6 File(s) 67, 335 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Civilians\RICHARDS_REED.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Mister Fantastic
Legal Name: Dr. Reed Roderick Richards
Other Aliases: Dr. Richards, Stretch, Slim
Date of Birth: February 4, 1975 (Age: 31)
Status: Alive
Species: Human Mutate
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 6' 1'' (1.85 m) / 180 lbs (82 kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Black / Brown
Timeline (1975 - 1980): Reed was born in the African nation of Niganda, exiled at a young age through a mandated expulsion of Asian-Africans from the country. He was separated from his birth parents and spent the first four years of his life in the British foster care system, where he was eventually adopted by the Richards. Nathaniel and Evelyn had struggled to conceive a child of their own, and after learning of the quiet child's tumultuous story agreed to take him in. The Richards named their new son "Reed" after the boy's spindly physique.
Reed was warmly accepted by the rest of his extended family. In particular, his eccentric uncle Ted told dramatic stories to Reed and his cousins, which Reed said years later would help his inquisitive nature first begin to flourish. On the flip-side of that, whenever Reed's own parents read him bedtime stories, he would keep them up with incessant questions about the logic of old fables. Through that, a question about why all the king's horses and men couldn't put Humpty back together again led to a breakdown of the conversion of mass, which to both their astonishment and delight, Reed was astute and attentive to.
Timeline (1980 - 1990): The Richards would eventually move to America for more lucrative job opportunities, but not before a nasty falling out between Reed's father and his Uncle Ted cut ties with the family back in England entirely. Reed's brilliance only kept growing, to the point where Nathaniel elected to take Reed out of school and give him personal tutoring so as to properly challenge his genius. Through Evelyn's insistence, however, Reed was also signed up for the Boy Scouts, to try and help his fledging social skills keep up with his academic ones. It wasn't a perfect solution—in addition to his awkwardness, Reed was the only South Asian child in troupe, which only made him stick out more—but Reed still looks fondly to his time as a Scout to this day.
Despite his lack of social graces and his seemingly aloof nature, Reed was far more perceptive than almost anyone gave him credit for. So much so that when shape-shifters from space attempted to impersonate Nathaniel among other figures, Reed was among the first to see past the ruse. The real Nathaniel was immensely proud of his son, and though he was sparse on the full details of the event, Nathaniel did not mince words that Reed very well might have saved the world. From that point on, Reed concentrated his studies into physics and engineering, wanting not just to protect humankind from alien invaders, but also hoping that the first true first encounter might not be a hostile one.
Timeline (1990 - 1991): By the time Reed was sixteen, he had acquired multiple doctorates and was then working on his PhD at Empire State University. During that same time in New York, he was also tutoring on the side, a volunteer practice Reed had been doing on-and-off since his Boy Scout days as an additional means to socialize with his peers. It was through this that Reed first met Ben, and despite the two being so wildly different managed to strike up a friendship. Reed helped Ben all the way through his GED training, and the two kept in touch as pen pals.
Reed also assisted his father with the Tomorrow Academy during that same time, and was asked to personally try to get through to the most difficult student in the project: A certain foreign prodigy by the name of Victor Dohmann. With enough diligence, Reed appeared to succeed, at least enough that Viktor would let Reed in on his dream project, which sought to breach planes of reality. While Viktor's theories came off as pseudo-science to most others, through Reed's eyes he found the final answer to to his tireless study into space travel.
In his excitement, Reed would base the thesis of his PhD on this theory, that of the properties of dark energy, and he talked both Viktor and Nathaniel to hold an experiment to try and harness it. Little did Reed know that Viktor changed the schematics of the experiment at the last minute, and backfired terribly. Reed was left unharmed, but Viktor's apparent injuries as well as Nathaniel's seeming complete vanishing left Reed horribly shaken, blaming himself for the whole incident.
Timeline (1991 - 2002): Feeling aimless and unfocused, Reed traveled around for a bit, doing consultancy work or briefly holding academic residency at universities. Somewhere in the midst of that, he encountered Alyssa Moy, who cajoled Reed into traveling Asia with her on a series of excavations. The two had a hot and heavy romance all the while, and though Alyssa's firebrand energy helped to pull Reed from his stupor, her blunt and tactless "means to an end" approach to scientific discovery ultimately overtaxed Reed's own sensibilities. Reed clumsily broke things over with Alyssa and moved back to New York, where he rented out the penthouse suite to the Baxter Building and first founded his laboratory, Fantastic Solutions.
True to form, Reed attempted a hundred things at once. He sought not only for his business to perform consultancy work and have a revolving door-type of form of enjoyment for overall public advocacy for science, but Reed also aspired to recreate the dark energy experiment. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Reed also had to pay the bills, which is how he landed a commission to help design the engine to SHIELD's Helicarrier. It was a job Reed feels to this day as a conflicted one to take, but he says the silver lining to it was being able to get reacquainted with an old friend. Ben turned out to be the military liaison to supervise Reed's construction of the engine, and he arranged to earn a more long-term residency in the Baxter Building for all of Reed's future government contracts.
With Fantastic Solutions largely only making money to keep the lights on and Reed's long-term plans being esoteric to most other people, it was a struggle for him to acquire a full-time staff. Reed tried reaching out to various Tomorrow Academy alums, but they were either unresponsive or busy with government contracts and private businesses. A major exception to this bad luck was when a certain someone took up a specialist position in biology and public health. Reed has admitted he didn't pay much attention to Sue when she was a part of the Tomorrow Academy, but he was very quickly smitten in their reunion years later. Not just by Sue's beauty, but her big brains and passion and dedication to her work.
It was a perfect fit, really. Sue had little to no patience for insincerity, amx for all his other faults, Reed is achingly sincere. After some time awkwardly navigating their working relationship with their mutual romantic feelings, the two apparently made themselves official when Reed treated Sue with a custom sound system in her lab. After getting him to dance with her, Sue allegedly first came up with the name the rest of the world would come to know Reed for, as a playful nickname. Moreso than when his father vanished before his eyes years ago, Reed had more of a certainty of his future than ever before...which is probably why Reed took the second attempt at his dark energy experiment so harshly.
continue file data? y/n]
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essthereal-archived · 8 months
new coloring dropping later . . really proud of this one :3 ( bytes used it before in a bunch of edits )
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