cosmichawk · 5 months
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past and present
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gentrychild · 1 year
Raadsc: was the villain attack that destroyed Inko's old apartment in any way connected to a certain white cat?
Listen, sometimes, you are fighting a hero in the same neighborhood as the lovely young woman with who you have been spending some quality time and in the middle of fighting said hero, bitching about the lack of quality of his quirk and mentally doing your taxes, you realize you can kill two birds with one stone so you throw an entire hero through your girlfriend's building so you will be there in her time of need.
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sketching-shark · 9 months
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Havocing in Heaven aside, you do have to appreciate how honest this monkey is about all his murders.
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maximotts · 10 months
In Ph, in what way would Wanda say her safe word to Nat?
You've reminded me I have yet to finish writing the safewords fic, whoops.. anywayss...
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Those two are tricky with safewording because not only did they start out with like... careless hate fucks, neither of them were naturally good at communicating their boundaries. Add in their tendency to lean into risky sexual behaviors and really, there was a bit of trial and error at the end of the day.
Thankfully what Natasha lacks in communication, she makes up for with being highly observant. She knows full well Wanda comes from an environment where boundaries weren't allowed for her and if anything made her uncomfortable, voicing those concerns wouldn't amount to much; so she had to learn through nonverbal cues.
She noticed pretty early on that Wanda, who's typically super vocal, goes quiet when she's too overwhelmed and Natasha's check ins go from "stay with me, Maximoff" to "can you tell me how you're feeling, my love?" as time goes on and they get more enamored with each other. The next trick was ensuring Wanda was being truthful if she mumbled she was fine or just shook her head because again, Wanda really struggled with honestly speaking up.
On Wanda's part, she still prefers touch over speech and took to stroking her fingers over Natasha's palm whenever she wants her to slow down or stop. If her hands aren't within reach, she'll do the same over Nat's stomach or shoulder; whatever part she can manage to get to. When Natasha gives her a break, she'll pull away, but most of the time, Wanda needs the closeness and fidgets until she's cuddled and feeling secure.
Nat finds it's best to stick to yes or no questions so Wanda can either nod her head or provide one word answers, even if it means she has to spend a little more time getting to the root of the issue. Wanda's thankful for Natasha's patience though; from the first time they started working on safe words, she's always respected them, no matter what or when she uses them.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
Yeah I thought I was a cis girl who just really liked gay ships until the bubble burst when I found out that most of the women in those spaces were projecting onto the more feminine bottom characters. Truly had no idea that ppl were thirsting over the tops. I thought it was common to want to be the big macho man lol
So true! Personally, I was never into the stereotypical BL/yaoi. But I was extremely invested in my gay ships and fascinated by men loving other men
It's funny that this sort of thing seems to be common amongst trans men/transmascs though. I have heard many people talk about how they used to obsess over BL/yaoi/gay men only to discover that they were Not Women after all 😅
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studentofetherium · 2 years
wanna see something cool i own?
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Faust is a Japanese avant-garde literary magazine. a lot of famous subculture writers have written for it or have even gotten their start in it
in 2007, Del Rey decided to start translating Faust. however, rather than translating each volume directly, they decided it would be an easier sell to collect the most marketable stories and package those together. they only published two volumes
however, the first volume is somewhat interesting for one of the stories included
The Garden of Sinners
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Del Rey planned to translate and release the series in full, so this was meant as a teaser for the full release. it includes the entire first chapter, Overlooking View (here translated as A View From Above)
for a while, this was the only officially released translation of Nasu's writing. it's still the only official release of Kara no Kyoukai, as Del Rey immediately started floundering and never released the series like they planned
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i find it fascinating that this translation is so old that it refers to the UFOtable movies as "upcoming"
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krisptoaster · 10 months
Another WH OC :]
Dr. Mathias L. Medic, Male (He/Him), tired as- just- just so exhausted at this point, this man needs a break. Giant local doctor puppet living just outside the neighbourhood. Oh and he's married to the most chaotic husband curtesy of @fandomshmandom69 's OC Benji
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favoritejohn · 1 year
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it's the most wonderful time of the year ❄️✨️
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haltijakapala · 8 months
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Yesterday I did an art glow up challenge in Instagram and it made me realise my oldest characters Mitral aka. Maive and Nargwhanal aka. Narya are both turning 20 years old next year ;;0;; this is crazy…. 20 years… We're all three of us so old :'''D I’ve got to celebrate this next year in as many ways as possible xD this is foreboding… No I mean foreshadowing 💦 Oh and Adal is from 2009 and Marune from 2007! Their time will come too >:D
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cookinguptales · 1 year
wwdits tarot: the devil
This is another fun card that’s largely misunderstood by people who don’t read tarot. I thought long and hard on which character should be XV. The Devil, and I had a couple very strong frontrunners. But in the end, my Devil could only be one option…
So The Devil is one of those cards that I think people assume is bad, and I mean. It is. But not necessarily in the way you’d expect. The Devil doesn’t necessarily refer to some powerful outer entity in your life who’s about to make you miserable. It’s not some evil person. The Devil is worse, in some ways, because it’s about all the worst impulses in you.
The Devil is a card that’s about choices — namely, bad ones. Imagine your shoulder angel and shoulder devil. This card is the shoulder devil. It’s the card of addictions and bad habits and self-talk that will always hold you back. It’s a card of materialism and indulgence and giving into your very worst impulses.
Put simply, it’s a card about temptation.
The Devil is about recognizing the part of you that’s tempted to fall back into patterns of behavior that feel good now, but will only hurt you in the long run. And the advice that usually comes with this card is to just tell them no.
I very seriously considered Jan for this card. She feeds on insecurities and dips her fingers into addiction. She’s very keen on power and materialism and she leads her followers down paths that will only ever hurt them.
But… again, this is not a card about a bad person, exactly. This is a card that simply encourages the bad things that are already inside of you. It encourages you to make the bad choices that you’re already tempted to make, and it makes addictions to things that hurt sound so, so sweet.
So actually, the Devil that I’ve chosen isn’t a person at all.
It’s a hat.
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A cursed witch’s sphincter hat, that is.
Laszlo’s cursed witch-skin hat is an addiction that he just can’t seem to leave behind even though it has only ever brought him sorrow. It has hurt everyone and everything he has ever loved, but still he can’t seem to give it up.
And neither can Simon the Devious.
There’s certainly a sort of selfish materialism to the hat, a desperate and awful need to possess, to own, to claim, but more than that, it seems to warp even the good things in both of them to something bad.
I’ve always thought that the real tragedy of the feud between Laszlo and Simon is that they would actually be incredible friends. They get along so well. They have similar hobbies, they like the same movies, they both have a passion for home design — like, they seem to just genuinely enjoy working together and spending time in each other’s company.
And it always seems to be poisoned by that damn hat.
The two of them always seem to end up at each other’s throats, and it’s certainly because that witch’s hat is whispering to them. It’s become the bad devil on both of their shoulders. Frankly speaking, most vampires seem to give into their shoulder devil at all times — but usually that devil would at least help them!
But rather than being truly self-serving, the cursed hat only has the illusion of benefit. Like all of The Devil’s temptations, it is a misdirection from the truth — that this temporary joy will only ever lead to sorrow. The real curse on this hat seems to be the inability to let it go, even when it’s actively destroying your life.
Whether it’s an addiction to gambling, shopping, self-harm (physical or emotional), drugs, or an extremely cursed witch’s hat, The Devil is always offering instant gratification in return for your soul.
(Or, if you’re like Laszlo and you’ve already tried to sell your soul at the crossroads a few times for musical ability, The Devil can at least really fuck up your life. And keep you from enjoying the best friendship you've never had.)
Anyway. Imagery.
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I do feel like there will have to be a rather radical departure from the RWS imagery here if just because for all that that sphincter still…. sphincts… the cursed hat is still a largely inanimate object.
The original RSW card shows Baphomet, or the devil, seated on an altar between two people who are enslaved to his will. They are physically chained to him, which is a symbol of being chained by addictions, bad habits, and indulgences.
I think for all that we’ll be taking the central figure (Baphomet) from the card, we can still adhere pretty closely to the rest. Instead of Baphomet seated on an altar, it will be the cursed witch-skin hat sitting on a pedestal to be admired. A pentagram still hovers above it, but it is Laszlo and Simon who are chained to its base.
I’ll leave it up to you whether they’re wearing any clothes.
wwdits tarot masterpost
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beuatifulbuttercup · 10 months
Even More Even More Titan Army
Introducing a new head cannon: Valentina Diaz!
Ethan: You're just jealous. All my friends tell me I remind them of Alabaster. The Squad: screaming Valentina: They look like Alabaster? Are you out of your fucking MIND? Chris: Alabaster, sweetie, I am SO sorry. I am SO SORRY that an ugly-ass bitch like this would even say that. Oh my god. Valentina: Alabaster? Alabaster? Alabaster? You know who you fucking look like? You fucking look like Lou!
Lou: Alabaster, I know you snuck out to see Ethan last night. Alabaster: If you tell Chris or Valentina, I swear I’ll murder you, and they’ll never find the body. Lou: Five bucks? Alabaster: Fine
Ethan: There's no meeting today because Alabaster is at the police station. Lou: They're in jail?! Chris: We have to get them out! Valentina: Jailbreak! I'm in! Chris: I'll dress up and distract the guard! Valentina: Ooh, I'll bake some food to help distract ALL the guards! Lou: I guess I could bring my frying pan in case we need a shield to keep us from being shot- Ethan: No! Alabaster wasn't arrested! They're undercover, taking the system down from the inside. They don't need our help!
The Squad: walking at the mall Alabaster: Hey, have any of you guys seen Lou? They’ve been gone for a while.. Valentina: Eh, nope. Chris: No, I haven’t… Ethan: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something. Lou: Hey. Alabaster: Ooh, there you are- Valentina: What the fu- Ethan: I- where were you?! Lou: Walking right behind you guys.
Lou: What does “take out” mean? Chris: Food. Valentina: Dating. Ethan: Murder. Alabaster: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
Valentina: You know what I learned from my friendship with Ethan? Lou: There’s no such thing as too mean? Alabaster: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them? Chris: Always hold a grudge?
Chris: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple… Lou: I really care about your feelings! Valentina: I really care about YOUR feelings! Chris, turning their head: …and then there's the disaster couple… Ethan: YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD OF BEING AT THE HOSPITAL! Alabaster: I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME AT THE HOSPITAL IF YOU STOPPED INSISTING ON FIGHTING EVERYONE WHO COMES WITHIN A FIVE FOOT RADIUS OF YOU!
Lou: What makes you all smile? Valentina: Friends and Family. Chris: Snacks. Alabaster: Victory and success. Ethan: Face muscles.
In a group chat Alabaster: A pegan just flew into my window. Valentina: Pegan? Chris: A what? Ethan: Ah yes, my favourite bird, Pegan. Lou: I thought you said penguin for a second, LMAO! Ethan: Just a normal day with flying penguins crashing into my window. Lou: You have pigeons flying into your window? Can't relate, I have penguins flying into my window. Alabaster: I literally just made a typo-
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greymantledlady · 1 year
i do like that the 'Van Damme' thing is over. it never sat right with me that he changed his whole name because of Zava's bullshit, especially after two seasons of him constantly correcting people who got it wrong
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illiana-mystery · 11 months
My Current WIPs
I was tagged by @eclecticwildflowers and @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky to post my current WIPs! I have four, so this is gonna be a long post.
The four in question are He Won't Hurt You (Bobby Hicks), Sugar Baby (Ed Blackridge), The Vampire's Jewel (Max Shreck), and Jumping the Broom (Alan Ward).
Taglist: @emilynightshade89, @yentoons
He Won't Hurt You
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"Nev...Nev...Neveah, wake up. Wake up honey," he softly said as he shook your sleepy body. You hesitated to open your eyes, until you finally recognized the voice you just heard.
Soon you batted your eyes and smiled when you saw your old manager standing by your side.
He smelled of a fresh morning cigarette with a hint of orange juice and was wearing a pink short sleeve shirt with slight raveled jorts.
His utility belt was fascend firm against his waist, as his hands held the sides, flexing his muscles a little more.
He was quite the sight to behold after you woke up, although you wished he was still cuddling you in bed.
"Good morning, Bobby," you groggily said as you rubbed your eyes. "It's morning already?"
"Yes, and I need you up and at 'em," he demanded in more of a drill sergeant tone. "We got places to be and faces to see."
"Okay, sir," you hummed, making him blush. "Sir, yes sir."
"Nev, please stop. We don't have time for more fucking and you're making me horny calling me sir like that," he warned, his face turning even more red.
You laughed as you got up and out of bed.
"Okay, Bobby. I'll stop. Can I at least get a kiss?"
"After you get dressed," he said. "Time's a wasting. Tam's been blowing up my phone. She acts like she can't function without me around. I told her that I was helping you out and that we need to get your stuff out of that apartment before I come in. Juan's there though. So she can just get help from him."
You felt your blood boiling a bit from what he was saying. You knew that Tamara took your old job, but you didn't realize that she probably had a crush on Bobby too. And it really didn't make you think otherwise by his admission.
It wasn't a hard job, so you knew that she only wanted Bobby around because she liked him. So that only meant that this was gonna be awkward being in the same space as her.
"What am I gonna wear, Bobby? All of my clothes are at my apartment."
"Not to worry, beautiful. I already picked out an old army shirt and some cargo shorts for you to wear."
"Oh, does that mean I can wear your dog tags too?" you curiously asked.
"No, no, darling. Those are only for me to wear. Although, maybe I might oblige...if it involved you with nothing else on."
"That can be arranged," you hummed.
He just snickered.
"Enough," he sternly said. "Now get dressed and meet me in the kitchen. I made a breakfast smoothie for you."
"A tropical smoothie with a hint of coconut?"
"Of course. I do remember you always trying to drink all of mine every morning. I couldn't leave my cup unattended lest I be left with less than half of it."
You giggled.
"Well, it didn't bother you too much," you said as you began to put his clothes on. "I mean you did still fuck me last night."
"The heart wants what the heart wants," he teased before he left you to finish getting dressed.
After you finished and wrapped your hair up in a messy bun, you followed his instructions to meet him in the kitchen.
He was preoccupied pouring more almond milk in your smoothie before he finally looked at you. And when he looked at you, he was floored.
His old army shirt and cargo shorts looked so good on you. His shirt clung to your chest just right and his shorts hugged your ass and hips and thighs just right.
You looked like a model to him, a very sexy curvy model that he was lucky enough to bed last night.
"So, what do you think?" you asked as he finally came back to his senses.
"What do I think?" he asked as he walked around the island where he was standing and moved over by you. "I think...well I think you look gorgeous. Damn. My clothes look better on you."
He sealed his compliment with a heartfelt kiss, pulling you even closer to him as it went on.
"Thank you, Bobby," you said before a giggle. "Maybe you should let me wear your clothes more."
"I'm starting to be open to the suggestion," he moaned before he retrieved your smoothie. "Here. You ready to go now?"
"Thanks," you said once you took the cup from him. "Yep, I'm ready to go."
Sugar Baby
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"You know, when I was a kid, I used to watch Mae do her and her daughter's hair when they were living with us," Ed started, bobby pin clasped between his lips. His hands were painstakingly braiding the last pieces of Alicia's hair that went along with the hair design he thought would look nice on her for the day.
"Mae was a master with hair. She could do just about any type of hairstyle that was common in the black community back then. It was quite impressive and I guess I just picked it up," he explained further, making sure he clearly answered Alicia's question of his skill. He was still a little too vague for her case though, but she let it slide.
"I'm honestly surprised. Seems like you were confused about my satin cap last night."
"I was. Mae and Loretta just wore their hair in scarves," he replied. "And honestly, I never really thought about how different their hair was from mine, just thought it was beautiful like yours. I mean Miss Mae was a housekeeper, but she still liked to look her best."
"I really would have liked Miss Mae," Alicia cooed. "She's sounds kinda like my dear mother."
Ed just chuckled before he turned her chair around so she could look in the mirror.
"Voila!" he cheered before he noticed the bright smile that now decorated Alicia's face.
He had braided the left side of her hair and wrapped it around the back, making a nice little design worthy enough for a typical hair show in Atlanta.
"Eddie! Oh my gosh! I love it! Thank you!," she said as she jumped out of her chair and hugged him.
"You're welcome," he happily said as he hugged her back.
"Oh my gosh, now I need to change."
"I don't mind you walking around in your swimming robe," he teased as he kissed her neck.
"Well, I mind, lover boy," she remarked before she went back into his bedroom to retrieve the old campus shirt and shorts that she packed.
Ed followed not too long after, but stayed leaned up against the bathroom doorsill. His hands were tucked into his distressed blue jeans, as his flexed muscles placed little wrinkles into his crisp white undershirt.
He eagerly watched her get out of her robe and into her clothes, which she noticed. Not that she mind though. He had seen her naked earlier.
"Enjoy the show, handsome?" she teased as she walked back over to him. He didn't give her an answer, but his baby blues did give her a good look over.
The baseball shirt she was wearing hugged her chest and waist just right and her shorts excentuated her sexy hips.
"Damn, she even looked good in casual clothes," he thought.
"My eyes are up here," she said with a giggle.
"They sure are," he retorted before he took her lips in a soft kiss. "You look amazing."
"I'm just wearing an old college shirt. But thank you."
"Honestly, you look good in anything...although I like you with nothing on too."
"Fresh," she remarked before she playfully punched his arm. He just laughed.
"Ready for the rest of the tour?"
"I was born ready."
Her response caused her older lover to laugh again before he took her hand and led her out the bedroom.
He showed her his guest rooms first — five in total and they were all designed with murals inspired by a Van Gogh painting. He told her how he hired a muralist from Manhattan to take on this task and how it took about five months to complete the project.
But he put up the artist in his own room and paid for his travels too and fro as well as his other expenses. To him, it was worth sleeping on the sofa for.
Alicia couldn't have agreed more, but she was curious what room he was gonna put her in. He smiled before he told her he though she would have liked to stay in the Starry Night suite. It was the largest room and had its own bathroom unlike the other four which had two shared bathrooms.
However, the guest rooms were rarely used anyway now. On that somber note, he brought her to his study on the other side of the upper floor.
The room was enormous and surrounded by Mahogany bookshelves that were overflowed with books of different genres. Honestly, it looked like a small library. But the centerpiece was a grand, large portrait of the Blackridge Family including Mae and Loretta that was above his large desk.
And Alicia noticed that the mother and daughter were wearing dresses that were as extravagant as Vivian's while Ed Sr. and Eddie were both wearing tailored suits. It was a lovely portrait and really showed how beloved Mae and Loretta were to the family.
"I made her laugh before we took that portrait," Ed admitted before he jokingly smiled at Alicia. "That's why her smile is so bright. Loretta didn't smile a lot, but she did around me. I made her."
"Sounds like you two were close."
"Of course. We grew up together."
Alicia giggled.
"I couldn't help but notice the dresses they're wearing too."
"Oh, yeah. My mom insisted that they be in every portrait, much to the photographer's chagrin. He didn't understand why we would consider the help family, but my dad would always back her up. So she would always make sure that Mae and Loretta had a nice outfit to wear too. Loretta and I were 15 in that picture."
"Malcolm looks like her," she observed.
"He does," he said with a laugh. "I've always told her that. She doesn't see it though."
She wanted to ask Ed more about his friendship with Loretta, but she decided against it and just went along with the rest of the tour.
The movie room was next on the itinerary and Alicia immediately observed that it looked like a viewing room on a Hollywood lot from the 1960s. But she liked the old charm of it.
The chairs were gold-finished with plush velvet" cushions and were put together in four columns and four rows. She wondered why he had so many seats, but didn't ask.
"You can sit if you would like," he softly said before she did. He followed after and smiled at her, making her do the same.
"I feel like I've gone back in time," she said. "But it's much cozier than how it would have been."
Her comment made Ed a little uneasy. Past memories of the mistreatment of his nanny and friend flooded his subconscious, but he tried his best to play it off.
"Yeah," he moaned. "This is actually an exact replica of the projection room in my childhood home. My mother loved movies, so my dad had it made for her when they were building the house. It was years before I was born. I actually get film from several movie companies every month."
Alicia was so in awe, she didn't respond. Ed grabbed her hand to get her attention again and she looked at him before he asked,
"What's your favorite movie genre? I can tweak my usual order for you and we can watch some movies together sometimes if you would like."
"I like just about any type of movie," she answered. "But I really like Action-Adventure, Comedy, and Horror. But I don't like gore."
"Noted," he said before he kissed her cheek.
The Vampire's Jewel
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Your hand moved down your neck as your remembrance of him finally faltered. At this point, the scar he left you was but a mere mark. Nothing but a reminder of a night of revelry you shared only once.
But still, somehow, it was special to you. Deep down, you still loved him. It was obvious by how the Scarlet stain immediately made you think about him.
It still had been years though. Maybe it was time to move on. Sure, he claimed that your souls were bonded and that he would have to kill you if you betrayed him but how could he.
He left you alone the next morning after your encounter, without a proper goodbye. And vampire or not, that was just rude.
You still had hope that maybe you were still on his mind every now and then though. And you hoped he was safe wherever he ended up running away to.
Hell, maybe happily ever after was right around the corner. You hoped it was anyway. You spent way too many lonely nights over these poor years. You just longed for his chilly touch.
You moped for only a short while though as your yawns began to take over. Your tiredness won and eventually you blew out your bedside candle and got comfortable under the sheets.
Slowly, you closed your eyes and fell into a restful sleep.
But for only a short while.
Because you were soon startled awake by the noise of footsteps and heavy breathing. It was a frightening cacophony of noise, but still sounded so familiar.
However, you were frozen in place and didn't dare get out of bed to investigate.
The sounds stopped after a few minutes though, settling you back into peaceful sleep.
But as you dozed back off, the intruder made his way into your room. He crept in, barely making noise as he found his way to your bedside.
He really wanted to taste you again, but he became distracted by how pretty you were as you slept.
You were still as beautiful as he remembered, but he wondered if you would still find him attractive.
A lot had changed about him since the last time you saw each other.
Due to his new environment, his skin lost about ten years of aging and his hair started to grow back. Now, it was about shoulder length and flowing, but still as white as the tufts behind his ears he used to have.
His fingernails were still long and sharp, but trimmed to a more civilized length. And his clothes were updated to an era-appropriate suit vest and puffy shirt with slacks underneath.
He was a new man, a new man that didn't have to live in the shadows anymore. But although he had his new freedom, he began to miss you.
That's why he returned. He returned for you, just like he promised.
He just hoped that you would be able to adjust to the harsh coldness and darkness of his new home.
Slowly, he approached your face and stroked it with his chilly palm as his other hand moved to feel your heartbeat.
A smile appeared on his face once he felt the rush of your heartbeat and he quickly moved his head down to kiss your cheek.
You jolted awake once you felt his lips, before jumping back once you noticed the intruder's face.
Of course, you didn't recognize him so you reached for a sharp object to stab him before he jumped back and said,
"Greta, Greta. It's me. Schreck. Max Schreck."
"What?" you asked in a confused tone. You took a closer look at him afterwards, before you noticed his distinct yellowed eyes and fangs.
"Yes, it's really me. I've come back for you," he said as he kept his hands up.
"Well, it's about damn time," you huffed before you threw your blunt object to the side. "What took you so long? Why do you look different?"
"May I sit? It's been a long journey."
"Sure," you moaned as he sat down before he noticed the dried stain of Scarlet on your fingers. He licked his lips, alerting you that he saw the dried blood. You rolled your eyes, but let him lick it off.
"Thank you. I'm parched," he moaned after.
"I'll let you feed from me after you explain yourself," you replied.
"Good deal," he answered back as he sniffled you. "Mmm, you still smell of lilac."
"It is my favorite scent," you remarked. "Now spill."
Unfortunately, he had one more request before he did explain.
"Can I touch your breast?"
You rolled your eyes, but complied.
Swiftly, he squeezed your left breast which was his favorite. The low temperature of his pale hand made you wince, until he rest his head against your other breast.
Yes, his head was also cold but he was kinda cute like this. He was softly mewing as he kneaded your bosom, and rubbing against your other like a purring cat.
"Comfortable?" you teased.
"Yes," he purred. "I missed you a lot."
"I missed you too. That's why I thought you would come back for me sooner."
"I wanted to, but it wasn't safe. I traveled throughout the known world to find us a safe place to live, but I fell short. Every time I would get comfortable, I was driven away by angry humans. I was almost killed a couple of times," he began to explained. "I guess I can't blame them since I did kill their loved ones. And that was my life, until I settled in this remote village on the other side of Siberia..."
You were perplexed when he said that. He traveled all the way from Russia just to see you again. And not only that, but he traveled around the world just to find the perfect home for both of you.
You couldn't believe it. All this time, you thought he ditched you but he was just looking out for your best interest. Honestly, it made you love him even more.
"The locals there treat me like a god. I'm set up in an abandoned castle and I have willing feeders at my beck and call. They give me blood and I give them room and board in my castle. All of them were poor and homeless, so it's a win-win."
"That's lovely," you moaned. "But I'm not used to intense cold. Isn't it really cold there?"
"It is, but there is a way that you will be able to withstand it."
"And what would that be?"
"I want you to be my immortal bride," he cooed as he looked up at you. "By becoming a vampire. I can turn you tonight, while we make love."
"Schreck, I don't...I don't know about this. I mean will this hurt? Will I even change properly?"
"Greta, I'll take good care of you," he assured as he licked and kissed your right nipple. "Besides, you'll make a gorgeous vampire. And you'll live without fear of dying forever. I'll make sure of it."
"Well, I do like the sound of that," you murmured.
He widely smiled at you before asking,
"So you accept my offer?"
"Yes, yes. Turn me, please."
Jumping the Broom
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He had the biggest smile on his face as he drove back home. He just couldn't wait to get back on one knee and propose to her again.
However, his plan was put on hold when he found his wife fast asleep on their couch. He was slightly disappointed, but still gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled a blanket over her.
A soft smile reappeared on his face as she got cozy against the plush of the wool blanket as he put the ring box back in his pocket.
He turned the radio off after, realizing that Janie forgot to turn if off before she fell asleep. Then his stomach started to growl, so he went to the kitchen and found the stew on the burner.
Quietly, he went about rewarming their dinner and fixing them both a bowl. He figured the scent would wake her up.
And he was right. It did. As soon as the smell hit her nose, she slowly woke up. Her eyes batted open and she slightly stretch before she noticed the blanket draped over her.
That meant that Alan was finally home. Because he would always put a blanket over her if she fell asleep on the couch before he got back.
Happily, she jumped up and went to greet him. He was reading the paper she left on the table while he ate, so he didn't see her at first.
So she walked around to his backside and put her hands over his eyes.
"Guess who?" she teased.
"Is that my darling wife, Janie Marie?" he cooed.
"Yes," she chirped before she put her arms around his neck. He chuckled and gave her a kiss after.
"Sorry I didn't..."
"It's fine," he said as he folded the paper and put it where he found it. "I'm capable of fixing my own dinner too."
Janie giggled before noticing the bowl he fixed for her.
"Thank you," she said before she kissed his cheek.
"You're very welcome," he replied as she went to sit down and eat.
"That new paperboy always brings the papers after I leave for work," he suddenly said. "Good thing I'm not always checking the stock market."
Janie just laughed.
"He's six. Let's cut him some slack."
"Flynn and I were paperboys at his age. We always woke up with the roosters and did our job well and on time."
"Well, things work a little differently in Virginia than they do in Wisconsin."
"Fair enough," he relented. "You know, you season this better than ma does."
"I do have some Creole in my blood," she replied. "Spice is just a part of my DNA."
"I'm glad. This is just the kick I needed."
"How was your day?"
"It's was a bit chaotic. Glad I have Eric though. He kept my head on straight all day."
Janie laughed.
"I'm glad you have him too. He's the friendliest Brit I've ever met."
"How was your day?"
"I finished my errands. But I bumped into Mary, Betty Jean, and Cindy Lou at Macy's. So I spent most of the day with them at the shopping mall."
"Oh, well that's nice. I'm sure Mary appreciated it."
"Yeah, it was. I just hate that Paul told his girls to call me Miss Guillory instead of Mrs. Ward because we're not legally married and I'm colored..."
"That bastard just gets more and more likeable by the day, doesn't he?" he grumbled trying not to get too angry. Although, his face did get red and he did tighten his fists.
"I'm not trying to work you up, Alan. I just needed to vent."
"Rupert also made me mad."
"Oh no. What did Mr. Jessup say?" she asked.
"He was talking about how you aren't actually my wife and how I'm only shy about my big case because I'm with you...a colored woman. Like how dare I not want to make that bust all about me when it isn't my struggle."
"Ugh, I really hate him sometimes."
"Eric had my back though. He told me that we can legally get married now due to the verdict of that case."
"Yes, I know. I'm so excited. I'm glad things are starting to change."
"Me too," he said with a big smile. "Now, what's for dessert?"
"Why don't you check the oven?" she teased.
"Okay," he said with a shrug. Once he checked the bottom compartment, he found the banana bread she baked.
He took it out but then noticed a strange hole in the middle. So he poked his finger in and felt a little plastic toy. He took it out and it was a little baby rattle painted pink.
His eyes lit up before he looked over at his wife. She had turned her chair around and had a big smile on her face as she rubbed her belly.
She giggled.
"Alan, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a father."
The excitement Alan felt suddenly was overwhelming. For the past three years, he desperately wanted a child and now his dream was becoming a reality.
He threw himself on the floor in front of her and just started to cry tears of joy. Janie smiled and cradled his head against her stomach as he kept kissing it.
"When did you find out?"
"Last Thursday at my doctor's appointment," she answered. "I wanted to wait to tell you until we got the verdict for the case."
"Janie, this is wonderful news," he said as he kissed her tummy again. "I'm so happy. I love that you put that little rattle in the bread."
"Betty Jean picked it out at the doll store at the mall."
"Of course she did," he said with a giggle. "I'm finally gonna have my little June Rose. Oh, I can't wait to hold her and read her bedtime stories."
Janie giggled before she ruffled his hair.
"We don't know what we're having yet."
"I just know. Father's intuition. And I love her already."
"She loves you too," she hummed as her husband looked up at her with watery eyes.
"I'm so glad you told me. Which means it's a good time to also do this," he said as he pulled out the ring box and got on one knee. "Janie Marie Guillory, would you make me that happiest man in the world and legally marry me?"
"Oh, Alan," she cooed before she began to cry. "Of course, I will."
I hope to have these chapters fully updated sometime in July. 🤞🏾 Hopefully, I can get through another bout off writer's block by then.
But until then, enjoy! 😁
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otrtbs · 2 years
sitting in this lecture right now and I have no idea what’s going on and the professor is cold calling on people and i only read 160 pages of the 312 pages of reading. also i hate the postmodernism discussions and debates surrounding art. almost anything that is better defined by what it isn’t rather than what it is lacks a compelling argumentative element to me. and like sure, postmodernism is engrained in art and art history but it feels so unnecessarily complicated for me and it's been reduced to a fancy term for pseudo intellectuals to throw around to stroke their egos. (no these thoughts aren’t very coherent right now, but i am an enemy of postmodern analysis to a degree but especially in art when there are more salient lenses to look at art through. i can go into heavy detail but dw i’ll spare you all the agony.) i just want to rant that postmodernism doesn’t have to be as complicated as academics make it and it's so clear you’re using the terminology and ideologies behind it to gatekeep art and art historical knowledge. this isn’t me being anti-intellectual btw. this is just me ranting about something niche and annoying to me.
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vk-crzy · 8 months
I really like your blog and how you try to find positivity in every character, that's really admirable and you still appreciate the manga in general aside from your own personal expectations, so it's really good to come across your blog.
Hi Anon,
Thank you so much for your message!
I'm really glad you like my blog! Finding people that still enjoy the series in this fandom can feel like a rarity lol, but I genuinely have a lot of love for this franchise, so I'll always try to see the best in it.
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jaefromunova · 9 months
Leon's Mentor and the Birth of the World's Most Famous Charizard
So most of the info I could find about Leon's early years focuses on his actual Gym Challenge (which was crazy, he swept through the whole circuit while taking down a criminal organization, but more on that later). There's virtually nothing about his life before that. Fair enough, man's got a right to privacy.
But the question I keep coming back to is how did Leon get his partner? He already had his then-Charmander when they began the Gym Challenge. Weirdly enough though, there was almost no info about how the two met. I'm no expert on regional dexes but Galar's infamously strict about foreign species, and the Charmander line isn't native to the region. So how did kid Leon get ahold of a Pokemon that's traditionally a starter in Kanto?
Ya boi did some deep digging (AKA I went to the 4th page in DucklettDucklettGo search results) and found this really old interview from just after Leon got his first badge where he mentions that he'd hatched his Charmander from an egg while training with Mustard. The same Mustard who was the longest reigning Champion of Galar before retiring to travel around the world!!!
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sidenote- look at those magnificent eyebrows they literally defy gravity how do they do that
I sent Mustard an email asking how he met Leon, and to my surprise, his son sent back a response the same day. Apparently Leon got lost on the way to school one day and SOMEHOW ended up on a Corviknight taxi to the Isle of Armor, where Mustard had just set up his dojo. If it were anyone other than Leon, I wouldn't believe that story.
Anyway, Leon helped Mustard find this baby Kubfu that had wandered off, and in return received an egg that the ex-Champion had picked up during his world tour. Mustard personally flew Leon back to his hometown in Postwick and the same night, the egg hatched into a bouncing baby Charmander.
That was a deep rabbit hole just to find out how Leon got his partner. Hopefully the rest of the biography project won't require so much research...
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