#BEd admission 2020
pupphe-additions · 3 months
✾Jazlyn Story Teaser✾
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Word Count: 667
March 14th, 2020
Jazlyn just sent a message to the group chat asking if the group can have an emergency meeting. The girls were a little surprised as this wasn’t really like her at all. Usually if she’s got anything to say she’ll say it over text so to see Jazlyn wanting to talk to them all together in one room was a bit surprising. Of course the members agree and they all head to Jazlyn’s dorm room, when they get there they can see her pacing and chewing at her nails. She needs to be honest with herself and the only way she can be is by saying it out loud for the first time. 
“Jazzy? Are you okay? You’re pacing.” Soojin rushes to her side and grabs the other girl's hand.
Jazlyn smiles softly to try and reassure the girls she’s okay. “Yeah I’m just a little anxious to talk about this I guess.”
Minnie tilts her head to the side and stares at Jazlyn. “What is it?”
Jazlyn visibly stiffens at the question, she doesn’t understand why she’s anxious about it, she’s the one who wanted to talk about it. She takes a deep breath as Soojin gives her hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Come on, Jazzy, it can’t be that bad. Let’s just go sit and talk about it.” Soojin says gently leading her to the bed and they all sit around on it.
Jazlyn loves these girls so much and she doesn’t want to ruin anything with this admission. She takes another deep breath after everyone sits down around her.
“I have to tell you guys something, something I haven’t even really come to terms with fully myself.” Jazlyn starts and they all stare at her expectantly. The silence as they wait for her to speak again is deafening, but they know they can’t rush her anymore, she will say it when she’s ready. With another deep breath she begins to speak again.
“I’m um…” she scratches at the back of neck and stares down as she whispers. “I’m a lesbian…”
The room is silent again and Jazlyn avoids any eye contact with the other girls, she’s always been bad at talking about her feelings and finally admitting this has both felt like a blessing and a curse. When she looks up she sees all the other members are just smiling at her.
“That’s it?” Shuhua asks teasingly, already cluing in on the girl being fruity.
“I’m so proud of you for coming out to us and to yourself!” Minnie hugs the other girl tightly and Jazlyn starts to cry.
“You guys don’t hate me?”
Soyeon is the first to speak this time. “Why would we? You’re still you! There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re still our beautiful flower, our Jasmine. So what if you like other girls? That doesn’t stop us from loving you and caring about you.”
Yuqi gently rubs the older girl’s head and plays with her hair to help calm her racing mind. “We still love you no matter what. You shouldn’t worry about this sort of stuff with us.”
Soojin gently kisses Jazlyn on the cheek. “Yeah we can’t hate you, for being you. For finally accepting something that was so obvious to us. We figured you were bi or lesbian. For us this was just you finally being honest with yourself. I am incredibly proud of you, your secret is also safe with us, you come out when you’re ready okay?”
Jazlyn sniffles and pulls all the girls into a group hug and she laughs nervously. “I don’t know why I thought you guys would hate me, you’ve never hated me for when I’ve accidentally been mean to you, I don’t know why I thought this would cause us to drift.”
“You thought this because you overthink so much.” Miyeon says with a shrug. “But we love and support you unconditionally, Jisun.”
“I love you guys.” Jazlyn says.
“I love you too!” the rest of the members say in unison.
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goldkirk · 2 years
my goals for august:
• buy a mattress for the first time!!
• pick a bed if I have enough money this month
• get new legal documents
• report the problems from my psych admission in 2020 to the hospital even though it’s super late, so they just actually know. doesn’t matter if any of them care or change anything, just want to do it for me.
• listen to 8 new music artists on my catch-up list (1 is already done, Pearl Jam. Listening to Pink Floyd next)
• have someone forcibly go with me to the endodontist to get the over a year old root canal done and make them not tell me anything else about other teeth until that’s done so I don’t straight up leave and never come back
• learn what annual physicals are and find out if my new primary thinks if I actually should do them
• get a lot more post it notes and whiteboard stickers for notes to myself and just go ahead and put them everywhere for the moment
• get more than 38 hours of sleep every week for at least 3/4 weeks
• make a poster board that’s just the daily flow chart for work so I can stop trying to hold onto the three remaining shreds of that memory and just give up and use the external instructions for a while
• bake a congratulations for escaping a cult cake for myself and put sprinkles on it
• go to ONE group social event (or something like a museum group I guess) before it’s the end of the month. Have you considered a support group or hobby group ever in your life future me??? bc you should
• figure out strategies for food hoarding fixes and sort that shit out fast before it compounds too much in the new place
• avoid any and all thought pathways or questions about anything triggering during work hours like the plague, so I don’t pile on unnecessary spirals or flashbacks
• stop. eating. so. many. brownies. stop. it’s not fun treating yo self anymore. it’s alarming. there WILL be brownies in the future the world will not stop having cosmic brownies for you to access I s2g me. i can see you have something to prove to yourself by compulsively buying and eating this very specific food that was like The snack food echoing through childhood. but like. Christ, dude. lay off the brownies. please for the love of everything. there is no way this is helping. there is no way you should be eating pre packaged processed snack desserts as often as this. i am literally begging you to make one pan of beans again. why in the world are you tired of beans they’re the only healthy thing you know how to cook HURRY UP AND GET UN-SICK OF THE BLACK BEANS AND STOP EATING COSMIC BROWNIES THIS IS JUST EMBARASSING, ME 😭
• try to do some beginner art tutorials from YouTube in sketchbook and on dollar store mini canvases
• get thank you letters sent that have been simmering in a sauce pan in the back of your head for months
• get pooh bear and the old glass lamp n stuff from the storage unit and finally put them in your apartment
• I have no idea how many things are in this list, sorry people, I’m on mobile and can’t put a read more so I’ll keep it short
• write a one sided index card explanation of why I’m not ready to talk to therapist for now that I can just hand someone if it’s suggested
• start making a poster board chart for various flavors of dissociation so I can pinpoint the right type faster and then just see the instruction for what’ll help and hopefully save time
• somehow make a physical copy and two more digital copies of the family event and situation records I’ve started keeping so I don’t just lose them someday if I get hacked or forget a password. consider sending a copy of what I have so far in a folder or mini binder and sending it to a safe relative for one more layer of protection
• talk to actual financial counselor about debts and about the right rate I should fill the safe-place-to-land money account for the niblings if I’ve only got 3-5 years max
• write a small script to tell the boss and my daily coworker a bare bones but honest short explanation of what I’m coming from and how it might affect my work for this coming year and to please let me know early if they start feeling like I’m slacking off or if I’m not as responsive and on top of things as I’m supposed to be, so we can all avoid frustration and repeated cycles of increasing boom-bust stress because of my current natural tendencies
• log things more often
• get physical sunlight on actual skin at least once every two days
• go outside for an Aoife walk at least twice a day even if it’s an ongoing fear response the whole time. No excuses. It shouldn’t matter if other people will think you’re weird, your dog needs walks. Also you need walks. Also you need people. You are like five days away from full agoraphobia and that’s gonna be a no from me dog. Sincerely, not quite agoraphobic but definitely never wanting to leave the building again past you
• Say nicer things to myself. I’ve gotten really, really mean, I haven’t been this cruel to myself in a few years and it needs to stop. If I catch a thought consciously, I’m going to attempt to build a habit of immediately having to say one nice statement too, related OR unrelated, that’s compassionate instead.
• catch up on four people or groups I’ve completely not responded to in ages without explanation and apologize before August is over. Four is better than 0, which it’ll be if I don’t ever actually just start somewhere and let myself keep being tired and afraid
• get a second tally clicker to track how many times this month I’m actually not scared or on edge
• test the phenomenon about my light sensitivity being shockingly super different on that one drug and jot some notes or a little log to bring up with doctor later if it’s helpful or if I have questions
• talk to someone to see a physical therapist for my left knee BEFORE it gets actually injured. Make this the first time you ever listen to the signs before something is actually wrong-wrong, figure me! come one you worked really hard to learn to start recognizing what sensations are supposed to mean “pain” rather than just “sensation type 16374” and you’re working really hard to actually pay attention to your body when it has a sensation that’s supposed to be pain. That’s a lot of new neural wiring, bring it all together by connecting it one more step to make a whole brand new highway next to the old one. You can do this. Do it please before this knee is properly fucked, you can’t bank on having several years before any bad injury, you know now that’s not how bodies work and you could just get out of bed wrong and tear it if you’re at just the wrong angle and level of strain, get on top of this and it’ll be sooooo good in a few months, I bet our knees AND feet and hips will ALL feel stronger and more fun to move on if you do!!!!
• go to that one free yoga session so I actually see some people living here and get social time
• practice ducking and hunching less when outside around people
• get a psychiatrist over here and get all my meds switched over
• go fishing with Margie again before her school starts and take her somewhere fun with me
• bake Margie a cake
• paint a cardinal picture for Aunt P
• start writing letters to G even if I’m not allowed to send them and write them for the other kids too and decorate a special box to keep them all in
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of-canes-and-manes · 9 months
001: Back in the Saddle Again
After years of severe chronic illness, last week I got back on a horse for the first time in over a decade. I found riding to be more doable than I was expecting; it wasn’t easy by any meaning of the word, but it also wasn’t impossible, and even though those seven minutes in the saddle pushed my body to the limit, I would have been able to ride more later in the day if I had had a long enough break.
A brief history of my health before I get too ahead of myself:
I’ve been chronically ill since late 2016, when I started working and began needing to sleep upwards of 16 to 18 hours a day to feel rested at all. Over the years I progressively got worse, until summer of 2019 when I had to call out of work more than I could go in and I was either in bed, in the bathroom, or at work. When covid hit in 2020, I went from being able to leave bed for work to only being able to leave bed for the bathroom and the occasional doctor’s appointment, but due to the pandemic, even my appointments stopped before I had any sort of diagnosis besides fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
In November 2020 I had a near-death experience that resulted in getting my first ever blood transfusion; then I moved back home to my parents’ farm at the beginning of 2021. At the time it was an admission of defeat, but with the help of my parents, my health has slowly improved over the last two and a half years that I’ve spent on the farm, to the point where not only am I spending all day almost every day anywhere but my bed, I’ve able to leave the house upwards of three times a week and drive myself the majority of those times to boot.
As I’ve improved, I’ve experimented with doing more activity both physical and mental. For the first two years, physical activity was next to impossible and mental activity was all I could handle on a regular basis. Then I was blessed enough to get the first of two gender-affirming surgeries in December 2022, and since then I’ve been finding that while I’m now more physically capable, my mental energy has become unreliable.
While it’s of course a bit of a pain to be unable to read or write consistently, I’ve enjoyed the increased ability to bake, do canning, and get back to playing a musical instrument. This past spring I even planted a garden of pumpkins while learning to find adaptations for the various activities I have an interest in, and next year I’m hoping to plant more than just pumpkins!
I’ve spent the last eight months slowly but surely building up my physical activity to the point where when I had my second surgery in June, I was able to get back to my life with relative ease by mid-July. At this point in time, as long as I’m sitting down I can do whatever I’d like to, within reason, and if I need to walk somewhere, as long as I have my cane and take breaks every five to ten minutes, I can get where I need to go.
And how does this all come back to getting back in the saddle?
I had grown up going to a local stable with my siblings while our mom took lessons and cleaned stalls. My sisters and I were always more into riding than my brothers were, and once I hit puberty I stopped riding altogether as it, like most of my childhood passions, was too much for my dysphoria. Eventually, my sisters also stopped riding, though my mom continued on for years until she and my dad could afford to build a barn behind our house and bring her horses home. Since then, she’s slowly stopped riding as often as my dad’s health declined and our farm grew to include chickens, goats, and geese, but the horses have stayed a part of the daily chores all the while.
After stumbling across the International Gay Rodeo Association (a story for another time), and after realising that I am significantly more physically capable if I just have the right accommodations, I decided it was time to try riding again, just to see if I could do it. My mom was game to help me saddle up, so all we had to do was wait for the weather to cooperate.
I was able to borrow my mom’s tack and her old helmet, and with the help of an overturned bucket, I was up on top of the gentle giant Tiny Tim, a half-draft who gets along with everyone and everything. It’s been a while since he was last ridden; as such he was just as out of shape as I was, and I managed to last longer in our ride than he did!
We walked around the edge of the arena, first in one direction, then the other. My mom made a point to ask who was leading, me or Tim, and unfortunately my answer was a resounding “Tim is!” Then she asked us to do a serpentine across the arena, and I had such difficulty with that that she had to come out to walk with us. By then Tim was ready to be done and I was ready for a break, so I dismounted and led him back to the barn.
All in all, those seven minutes were some of the most wonderful I’ve had in a long time. Going forward, I hope to ride at least once a week for however long I can, and my only goal is to be able to go on trail rides in the future, no matter how long it takes.
May you have a peaceful day.
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linasofia · 2 years
Into The Woods
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Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
Armitage Summer Splash #5
Fandom: Uncle Vanya (2020)
Trope: Drunken admission of feelings
Quote: “I cannot believe you did that!”
Relationship: Dr Mikhail Astrov x Female OC
Warnings: 18+
Words: 3,3K
Thanks @lathalea & @legolasbadass for your help and feedback! 💚
The scent of pine is strong as I hurriedly walk barefoot along the narrow trail leading away from the cabin, leaving the laughter and singing behind. Dry pine needles cover my path and the soft carpet created by mother nature silences my footsteps. The night is still young, but the birds have already put their little ones to sleep. Warm air is surrounding me and the midnight sun prevents my skin from getting cold despite the late hour.
His voice calls me back, but I keep on walking, eager to put some distance between us. The way his eyes shone with a special light when I met his gaze, and his lips left a small burning mark on the back of my hand, made me question what he really wants from me. Dr. Astrov, or just Astrov, as most people seem to call him outside work, is a friend and colleague of my brother, and the main reason why I am at this party in a cabin located deep in the forest. My brother raised an eyebrow when I, too quickly, accepted his invitation. But the truth is that as soon as I heard that Nikolay was having his birthday party at Astrov’s place, I knew I needed to be there.
I stumble a little when a treacherous pine root briefly captures my foot and it makes me sway. But I do not fall to the ground and my dress brushes against my knees as I carry on at a hurried pace. I need fresh air. My head is spinning both from the strong wine I have been drinking all evening and the shift in Astrov’s eyes when he looked at me over the edge of his glass. Those beautiful sapphire eyes rested on me and it made my world spin. When he took my hand and slowly placed an old-fashioned, but very sensual, kiss over my knuckles and then another on the back of my hand, my needs exploded under my skin. I do not know if it was good or bad that my brother decided to interrupt our interaction by proposing a toast which made everybody look at him. Including Astrov. Maybe my brother saw what happened, maybe he did not, but his timing was… questionable. After the toast, our flirty moment was gone and one of my brother’s other friends stole Astrov’s attention by questioning him about some work-related matter. I emptied my large glass and excused myself, put the glass on the counter and headed for the door.
I can hear him calling my name again and his deep voice fills the air with his presence. He has the type of voice that travels through walls when he speaks, a commanding voice, suited for leading armed men in combat or, when dropped to a low murmur, women to his bed. His voice sounds closer now and my heart picks up speed. I have, unintendedly, turned this into a chase but when I look over my shoulder I do not see him yet. I smile to myself and slow down. I don't really want to run away. Rather the opposite. The rays of light from the midnight sun find their way through the green ceiling created by the treetops and caress my cheeks. The air is filled with diligent small buzzing insects refusing to go to sleep and I giggle with a slightly drunken smile at their perseverance in work when one of them circles my head. Eventually, it must have come to the conclusion that I am not a flower and abandons me for other targets.
Suddenly, I hear movement behind me and I cannot resist turning around. My heart makes a flip when I see him. Astrov’s hair glows every time the rays of warm light touch him and when he runs to quickly close the distance between us, his linen shirt hugs his chest in a way I cannot ignore. He stops in front of me, pulls his hand through his hair and gives me a questioning look. His eyes make me forget everything else and even the movement of the earth seems to slow down as the thin lines around his eyes deepen and his alluring lips form a smile.
”Are you running away from me?” His voice is playful but in his eyes I see a hint of insecurity, despite his slightly drunken state. He does not really know me that well and cannot tell what I am thinking.
”No… I just needed some fresh air. It is very warm inside and maybe I drank a little too much.” That is not a total lie but not the main reason for me to leave the cabin.
”It is. But it’s an amazing party. Nikolay always knows how to be a great host.”
”Yes, he does!” My brother means the world to me and hearing Astrov’s recognition of his efforts makes me warm inside.
Silence rests in the air and I look down at my naked feet. I have no idea why I left without my sandals but at the moment it felt less important to put them on. I have always loved to walk barefoot, preferably on grass or summer-warm cliffs by the sea, and feel the changes in nature under my feet. My mother always said I was a summer child, with bruised knees and calluses on my feet, sun-bleached hair and a natural tan, earned by countless hours playing outside. Darker freckles graced my face as soon as the spring sun appeared in the sky and just as much as I hated them as a young girl, I grew to love the characteristic look it gives me.
”I’m going for a walk, do you want to come along?” I suddenly hear myself say and I raise my head to meet his gaze. He gives me a warm smile and I feel the earth moving again as we start walking together deeper into the forest. At first, Astrov walks in silence beside me but it takes only a few minutes before we find that endless stream of topics we both can relate to and find joy in. He is so easy to talk to and it might be the wine making me bold but when his hand brushes against my hand for the third time, I take it. The second he wraps his long fingers around my hand, I know I am in trouble.
We walk without any plan for direction, talking and laughing, but without advancing beyond holding hands, which now feels more natural than breathing. I have no idea how far we have walked or for how long we have been gone, but the forest changes in its nature. Before us the waters of a big dark lake glitter in the sun. The surface is perfectly still and the trees closest to the lake cast their long reflections over the water. An old charming wooden rowboat is tied to a large rock and I smile when I get closer. Someone put in a great amount of time to keep that boat in a decent condition. It seems almost like a waste of time out here where no one can see it. The warm light from the midnight sun makes the whole picture absolutely bewitching.
It must be the amount of alcohol in my blood, but the lake is calling me and I suddenly feel an urgent need to throw myself in the alluring dark water and cool the skin on my body. I steal a glance at Astrov and the way he looks back at me makes my heart beat even harder than before. I really need to cool down, before I make a complete fool of myself. And still a mischievous idea forms in my head.
”Do you think the water is warm?”
”I know it is. I went for a swim in the lake yesterday when I got here. I bathe here all the time but I usually take my bike. When I am not trying to catch up with a beautiful barefooted woman running around in the woods, that is.”
My heart makes a flip but I ignore it. Instead I give him a daring smile.
”Let us take a dip. It would be a waste to walk all this way and not do it. Look how beautiful it is.” I wave my hand vaguely at the lake and Astrov gives me a look filled with disbelief.
”You do not have any swimwear…”
”Neither do you, I think. Are you prudish?” I giggle when his disbelief turns to a grin.
”Far from it.” He starts to unbutton his white linen shirt and I pull my summer dress over my head and toss it in the grass. I put my hands on my hips and watch him as he struggles a little with the last buttons. I am somewhat relieved that he is not sober either. I wait for him to pull the shirt off and when he does it’s a reward to watch, to say the least. His tanned skin glows in the warm light and the well-defined muscles on his upper body make it impossible not to stare. He is far from bulky, but he looks naturally strong, like he does a lot of heavy work in the woods or in his enormous garden surrounding the cabin in his free time. Dark hair covers his chest and I cannot help but imagine how it would feel under my hands. His shoes and trousers soon rest in a pile together with his shirt and I smile softly as I reach for the clasp of my bra.
”Wet underwear is not a favorite of mine. Why stop now?” I say with a wink. It must be the wine talking, I am not usually this comfortable with taking my clothes off and when the last piece of soft lace slides off me I lower my gaze, but I do not miss the soft gasp coming from Astrov. Feeling less cocky when fully naked, I turn to the lake and quickly wade out in the surprisingly warm water. Without looking back I throw myself in its dark embrace and I love the cooling feeling it has on my skin. The lake is deeper than I thought, even close to land, and therefore it quickly becomes colder the longer I swim from the shore. Behind me I hear a splash but when I look over my shoulder I only see the movements of the water. I wait for him and he appears right by my side, closer than I expected. I can almost feel him as he slowly swims around me. His hair is slick with water and it makes him look even more alluring than before.
”I cannot believe you did that!” He grins at me and I playfully splash some water at him. ”It has been a very long time since I was skinny dipping.” He doesn’t seek revenge for my splashes, but I can feel the movements in the water when he swims next to me. Neither of us say anything else but the nakedness is pulling us closer to each other and the air feels heavy and like it is charged with electricity. He watches me intensely and his wet lashes make his eyes even more expressive than usual.
”This was a nice idea.”
”I only have good ideas, Astrov.” I give him a teasing smile and he chuckles.
”So it seems.” His voice drops to a murmur and it sparks the small torch inside me and heat starts to pulsate deep inside my core. ”And please, call me Mikhail.” He is so close to me now and when he slides an arm around my waist to pull me even closer, I place my hands on his shoulders. ”Can I call you Misha?” I whisper softly and the warm affectionate glow in his eyes is answer enough.
His lips are soft and warm when they meet mine. Mikhail turns out to be an amazing kisser and when he intensifies our kiss by letting his tongue meet mine in a sensual slow dance, I moan into his mouth. His grip around me tightens but the deep water is not ideal for lusty moments. He pulls me with him back to where he can reach the sand and stand steadily, like one of the tall pines watching over us and what is inevitably happening. Eagerly he moves his hands and grip my thighs, lifting me in the water and urging me to pull my legs around him. I do as he wants and gasp as his skin meets my most sensitive parts. With one hand around my back and one under my bum he assaults my lips in a series of heavenly kisses. I kiss him back with all my feelings running freely in my body. I can feel the effect I have on him and he does not attempt to hide his own arousal. It rests against my skin and when he rubs me over his hardness, I whimper. His hands travel over my body, explore it under the surface of the water, where none of us can see. My body answers to him in a way I have never experienced before and when he slides his hand between our bodies to gently caress my sensitive bundle of nerves, the needs in me explode. I let my head fall back with a moan as his skilled fingers make me feel what their full attention means. Then he lifts me higher so he can reach more of me and my body is so ready it takes me by surprise when my climax washes over me. I cling desperately to his body as my body shakes in the water and when I come to my senses again, he kisses me deeply. Fire dances in his eyes and his hold on me tightens.
”God, you looked so amazing when you came. I want to see you like that again.” His words vibrate against my lips when he murmurs them and all I can do is wrap my arms around his neck as he starts walking out of the water. He puts me down on the grass, grabs his shirt and spreads it out before he gently lays me down on it. At least most of my back rests against it but that feels less important. The gesture is just another tender detail from his side.
Misha quickly covers my body with his and the fire in his eyes burns steadily as I part my legs to give him enough room. I want him just as much as he wants me and when he presses the top of his hardness against my opening, I gasp. Without breaking eye contact he slowly enters me, allowing me to feel every inch of his thick shaft and the stretch my body needs to perform makes me see stars. I hug him tighter, my body begging him to settle closer and deeper. When he finally rocks his hips against mine, the world around us disappears and all that is left are two bodies, slowly driving each other mad with lust.
As if he is able to read my mind and body like an open book, Misha takes in every single hint I give him and he soon finds the perfect angle and pace to bring me closer to the brink of relief. He rests his hands on either side of my head, allowing him to look at me and see all my reactions, not only feeling them with his body. I have never had a more present lover and the way he tends to my needs, like my pleasure is the most important thing in the world to him, only deepens my already strong feelings for him.
When I come again it is with his name on my lips, desperately pulling him close to me and digging my fingers into the firm muscles on his back. I can feel how hard I clench around him and the low groan erupting in his throat tells me how good it feels for him as well. He follows me after a few more thrusts, I can feel him swelling and then he stills, panting heavily, but with the sexiest smile I have ever seen. The fire in Misha’s eyes is replaced with something more tender and my heart aches at the sight. He bends down to place a soft kiss on my cheek.
”I do not usually believe in love at first sight,” he then says softly, ”but I have never felt like this before. I mean, not after the short time we have known each other.”
”Technically this is not a first sight, we have met before.”
”I know I am drunk, but not that drunk. I do remember the last time. It was a way too short meeting but I thought you were stunningly beautiful. No wonder Nikolay is a little protective when it comes to you.”
I giggle at his comment on my dear brother. Water drips from his hair down on my neck and chest as he slowly shakes his head. ”You must think I’m crazy. No sane man says that kind of thing after…well…after sex. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
”I feel the same,” I say with a sudden shyness. The truth is that I have not been able to stop thinking of him since the last time we met. But I am not ready to confess that. At least not tonight. Misha's deep kiss seals our statements and then he sits up on his knees.
”I could stay here until morning with you but maybe we should go back, or what do you think?”
”It might be for the best. I guess people will soon start to question where we went, if they have noticed that is.”
I stand on unsteady legs but Misha supports me as I grab my clothes. My hair is still very wet and creates a damp spot on the back of my dress. I watch Misha as he shakes his shirt but it is beyond rescue. The traces of grass and soil in addition to the soaked material makes him laugh and he tosses the shirt over his shoulder like it was a towel. I swallow hard. He looks too good to be true wearing only his beige trousers. He gives me a contagious smile and reaches for my hand as we start our walk back.
We walk in silence for most parts, like we both need time to process the evening, but when I for the first time think I recognize the surroundings, Misha breaks the silence.
”Do you think Nikolay will kill me for this?”
”Let us hope he is drunk enough to not notice that my hair is wet and you are missing a shirt.” I cannot prevent the laughter from escaping me.
”Nobody can be that drunk. Not even your brother.”
”Good point.”
”He better get used to it because I am not letting you go.” Misha stops in his tracks and pulls me into his arms. The kiss is filled with emotions and when he breaks it, he rests his forehead against mine. ”I am serious. This is not only for tonight. Not for me.”
My heart flutters happily at his words and I caress his cheek. His beard is so soft under my fingers. ”Not for me either.”
Far away I can hear the sound of music and laughter. I give Misha a smile.
”Come on, let’s give them something to talk about.”
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hullomoon · 1 year
hullomoon’s 2022 works: part eight
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! this year i really tipped into being podfic heavy (and more multifandom!). if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, and 2021 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight
[podfic] amongst the rubble and stone | Stranger Things | Ronance | 46:59
When Alice finally gets the letter that tells her she’s been accepted into Emerson, they slowly send her all of the admissions information required as well as the information about her accommodation and her new roommate for freshman year. Someone called ‘Nancy Wheeler’ sounds both pretty harmless and like someone who would be, at the very least, easy to live with if not be friends with. So, going in, Alice isn’t expecting a ‘friends forever’ pact and camp-style braided bracelets, but she also isn’t expecting the girl that Nancy Wheeler ends up being.
[podfic] i got new rules (i count ‘em) | A League of Their Own | Greta-centric | 09:48
They become her unspoken rules, her sanctuary and her prison protected by armor of eyeliner and red lipstick:
One: Always be seen in the company of a man when you’re in public.
Two: Don’t get too close.
Three: Don’t fall in love.
[podfic] The Big Chill | Schitt’s Creek | David/Patrick | 1:40:34
David Rose learns to thaw while being chilled.
❄️ A modern-day Ice Age AU. ❄️
[Podfic] just a little bit of magic | Schitt’s Creek | Alexis/Twyla | 15:28
Twyla Sands has always known the day that she would meet her true love.
[podfic] exeunt ; enter stage | Stranger Things | Steve-centric | mature | 59:23
Nancy inhaled slowly as she took a meaningful step towards him. Steve's eyes flickered back over to her instinctively, and he got a firsthand view of how her face had crumpled, eyes wide and shining and worried. "Steve," Nancy said, slow, gentle, quiet, like she was trying to calm a cornered wild animal. "None of us said those things."
Steve's mouth opened, words piling on the tip of his tongue: what, so I was just hallucinating, then? he wanted to ask, nearly did ask, and then he realized—heart stopping in his chest and the floor very suddenly feeling like it had been ripped out beneath him—that was exactly what was happening.
Steve's jaw shut with a click.
"Oh," Steve breathed shakily. Oh, fuck.
Vecna curses Steve. As you could imagine, it isn't a very good time.
[podfic] and yet i love her | A League of Their Own | Max/Esther | mature | 15:27
“You need to get up now or I’ll be keeping you in bed all day,” Es says with a lascivious grin. It’s an empty threat, and they both know it - it’s not like they could ever risk being caught in here together, but it’s enough to make Max laugh and swing her legs over the edge of the bed.
“Save that for after we win the game,” she tells her, and begins to dress before they can distract each other.
('I love you', Esther said. No woman has ever told Max they love her before.)
Esther says 'I love you'; Max wonders if she's ready to say it back.
[podfic] i wanna make a supersonic man (out of you) | Stranger Things | Lucas & Steve | 22:01
Lucas is the man of the group, he knows this. He's got to be the man, like Steve, and wear polos and khakis and come between evil and the weak and be a lady killer and a charming, funny, sweet guy. Like Steve who has started hanging out with Eddie Munson and getting piercings and wearing eyeliner and not being the man Lucas thought he was.
“Steve is that an earring?” says Dustin, at one of his highest pitches, slap bang in the middle of one of Eddie’s tirades.
Everyone pauses. Number one, you never interrupt Eddie, especially not during D&D. Number two, what? (Lucas has strong suspicions he can’t let Max ever find out about this, or she’s going to break-up with him and become a full-time Steve admirer.)
They all lean forwards.
Steve shifts slightly uncomfortably, but he looks amused. “Yeah.” He shrugs. And there it is, a single tiny silver hoop in his left ear. Lucas stares, amazed.
“You’re a guy,” says Lucas, without thinking about it.
Steve only laughs. “I am aware, Lucas, thank you.”
[podfic] Exactly Like You | Check Please! | Bitty/Kent | 09:12
in which, Kent V Parson is an ENORMOUS sap. But quietly, inside his head, because he knows being all possessive and shit is not Healthy Relationship Goals and he is trying for that. Eric is worth trying for.
[podfic] Things We Do For Love | Stranger Things | Dustin & Steve, Steddie | 04:57
When Steve starts to feel a little left out of the 'nerd culture' talk and references, Dustin helps him catch up on the most important bits.
[podfic] Bells All Ring, Horns All Blow | Schitt’s Creek | David/Patrick | 01:24:43
“Um, I can’t—I’m not going home." Patrick says. "Not, ah, not this time. There’s a lot of ice in the forecast.” It feels just like the excuse it is when he says it out loud, and he remembers his mom’s disappointed oh over the phone earlier when he told her the same thing.
To his relief, David nods. Stevie looks at him funny, but she’s usually doing that so he doesn’t take it too personally. “That’s probably good,” David says.
“Just because you don’t want to move the overflow shelving on the twenty-sixth,” Patrick says, but David holds up a hand.
“It’ll be fun to have you around,” David says. It’s more honest than he usually is, which he realizes a few seconds after Patrick does, lips twisting up in self-deprecation.
Patrick nods hesitantly as a plan takes shape in his head. He thought for David’s birthday that maybe...but he can try again. He can do it right this time.
Or, Patrick and David find a different way to each other.
 my 201st Schitt's Creek Work
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I just remembered I have this account today. So hi, if anyone still remembers me or reads this.
It’s been two years since I’ve last posted. And a lot has happened, like so so much.
Reading back on these posts on this account feels weird. I remember all of it, but it’s not who I am anymore. It makes me sad and my stomach ties in knots when I read it.
Back then I was still actively partaking in self-destructive behaviours, and wrecking myself and my life. I was hurting myself in any way I could. It’s not like that anymore.
In June 2021 I made the choice to get treatment for my alcohol abuse. In mid-August this year I had my last appointment with them. It was a bit rough in early September where I relapsed a few times, but as of exactly today, I am a month sober, which also includes no social drinking. I had this idea that I could still drink socially when I entered treatment and I have now made the choice that there will be no drinking at all in my life, and I felt the strongest sense of relief when I finally accepted that it was the only way forward for me.
In early 2021 I began fighting to recover from bulimia, something I had to do on my own because I wasn’t offered any treatment. It was incredibly hard to manage that on my own, and I’m still mad that I wasn’t offered any help. But choosing to recover meant that I had to allow myself any and all food I wanted, so that I wouldn’t be stuck in binge/purge/restrict. That sounds logical and straightforward. But I was struggling with extreme hunger, both physically and mentally. So I gained around 25kg’s in a year. I felt heartbroken from it. I hated myself and I constantly had to buy new clothes in a size up and get rid of old clothes, even something that fit me 1-2 months prior. I ate constantly, and would wake up several times during the night just to eat and then go back to bed. I was burning with so much shame every day. But slowly, very slowly, I started to heal. And now, at 74.4kgs I am a million times happier than I was at 48kgs. I’m chubby and I fucking love it. Like I genuinely think I look good, even though my stomach sticks out quite a lot, I have jiggly arms and thighs, I have small backrolls and get stomach rolls when I sit down. I’m not ashamed of it and I feel so good in my own skin. And now I get to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I’m no longer afraid to see my family because it means eating. I no longer count every single fucking calorie, I no longer purge until my fingers and nails are blue and I can’t stand up, I no longer feel shame for eating more than the person next to me every now and then, I enjoy soda with sugar in it when I feel like it, and I don’t have any form of extreme hunger anymore. It took 1 1/2 years for that hunger to go away, and I was beginning to think it never would. But it did. And now I have peace in my head.
As of New Years 2022 I have self harmed twice, and it was very minor both times. I don’t have urges to hurt myself anymore, I don’t look at something sharp and immediately think to press it against my skin, 80% of my scars are white now, and I don’t give a single flying fuck if someone looks at them, I honestly find it kind of funny when they do, and even though I am not proud of my scars or think they made me stronger after overcoming it, I don’t hate or mind them either. They’re there, and that’s it. Nothing more to it.
Since 2020 I have been in and out of psych wards a lot, either from depression or mania or states of severe distress. My last admission was 3 1/2 months ago, and that’s the longest I’ve gone without being admitted since 2020. I am beginning to have hope that I will no longer be a “revolving door” patient. I feel more confident in my ability to make the right choices for myself, like taking my medication and being honest about how I’m feeling, before I do something destructive or reckless. My diagnosis of borderline personality disorder was removed in 2021, they couldn’t say if I never actually had that diagnosis or if I managed to recover enough to no longer show symptoms. But they were confident in removing it.
During a psych admission last December, I made friends with a girl (C) who was admitted at the Youth ward, right next to the adult sectioned ward I was in (I was there due to depression, which they treated with a small dose of anti depressants, which then made me manic), and those two wards shared a smoking area. One day in my manic state, I came out there to smoke and C was sitting there smoking too. I had gotten her name from another patient so I greeted her loudly and talked to her as if we already knew each other. This is something she’s told me because I don’t remember it. But we kept talking during that December and when we had both been discharged we agreed to meet up. We did, and now she’s one of my very very best friends. We’ve known each other for less than a year but we’ve grown close very quickly. Through her, I’ve met so many new people, made more friends, and now I can barely keep up with seeing all the friends I have. I am so fucking thankful that we met that December, even though I was manic and she was severely underweight. It’s changed my life for the better.
In may 2022 I moved away from the apartment building my support team works in, and into a new two-bedroom apartment in the same city. Living here is the first time I’ve ever felt at home since I moved out from home at 20 (I’m 26 now) After 5 apartments in 5 1/2 years, I am home and comfortable and settled. I moved mainly so that I could get a cat. I missed having one so so much. On the 2nd of August I got a small orange female kitten, and I named her Charlie, after Charlie Weasley in the Harry Potter books. She’s 5 months old now and she is the best little friend and companion I could’ve ever asked for. She loves cuddles, like ridiculously many cuddle sessions, she’s open to new people in my home instantly without hesitation, she’s chaos unleashed when she’s feeling playful, and she just generally loves without question, and is very patient. She gives as much affection to me as I give to her, and it’s made my life so much more meaningful to have her to take care of and keep healthy.
I have begun seeing my family again. Between 2019 to this summer, I hardly ever saw them, because I was struggling so much mentally and emotionally, that I just couldn’t. I felt like I drifted further and further away from them, felt like I would lose them (they’re actually my foster family since I was 15) because I wasn’t participating and making a point to see them at birthdays and holidays. I’ve feared that for so long now, and I’ve missed them so much, so this summer I decided to make the effort because I didn’t want to lose something so important to me, and look back years from now and regret it. I’ve seen them many times since this summer and it’s made a part of me feel whole again. Especially the kids/teenagers of the family are so precious to me, we have so much fun together and share so many hugs and laughs and closeness, and they are just as happy to see me as I am to see them.
So adding all of the above together, things are better. So much better than I imagined when I wrote those things on this account in 2020. It’s hard for me to understand that through all the trauma and mental illness I’ve endured, I’ve still become a person who loves fiercely, laughs explosively, is shameless and confident, self-aware, extroverted, trusting, and brave enough to live her life, despite emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, suicide of a parent, moving foster family as a teenager, depression, mania, self harm, several eating disorders, suicide attempts, sexual assault, substance abuse, and a burning intense self hatred. I’m somehow still a person who passionately wants her life and goes to bed content, excited for the next day. Looking forward instead of repeating the past.
My recovery still isn’t linear or without setbacks. But I am recovering. It happened slowly and then all at once. It’s possible.
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bhushans · 12 days
A Brighter Future for Autism Care: Global USA Skilled Nursing Facility Market
The USA skilled nursing facility market is predicted to rise gradually, with projections estimating its estimated worth at USD 251.94 billion by 2032. From a base of USD 181.74 billion in 2022, this suggests that a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.32% is anticipated.
Because they provide patients with specialized care and rehabilitation services for both acute and long-term medical requirements, skilled nursing facilities play a crucial role in the healthcare continuum. These facilities offer full medical, rehabilitative, and long-term care services to patients recovering from surgery, managing chronic conditions, or transitioning from hospital care to home surroundings.
Deepen Understanding With Your Sample Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15268
Stakeholders in the US skilled nursing facility market are focusing on innovation, quality improvement, and patient-centered care in order to enhance service delivery and outcomes. By funding initiatives linked to technology integration, staff development, and care coordination, skilled nursing institutions can increase patient satisfaction, maximize efficiency, and optimize the delivery of care.
Challenges and Adaptations
The COVID-19 pandemic undeniably impacted the skilled nursing facility market, with initial restrictions on admissions due to concerns about infection outbreaks. However, the industry has shown resilience by implementing innovative solutions:
Infection Control Technologies: Skilled nursing facilities have adopted wireless videoconferencing technologies to facilitate communication between patients, families, and staff while minimizing infection risks.
Improved Patient Experience: Facilities are increasingly providing internet access in patient rooms, enhancing communication and overall patient experience.
Looking Ahead: A Sustainable Market:
The financial stability of skilled nursing facilities is greatly reliant on the availability of government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Furthermore, the increased prevalence of chronic illnesses, especially cardiovascular disease—which, according to the American Heart Association, affects nearly 82.6 million Americans—highlights the ongoing necessity for these specialized care facilities.
What Effect Has Competition Had on the US Market for Skilled Nursing Facilities?
Because there are numerous local enterprises, the market for skilled care facilities in the United States is fragmented. Companies are diversifying the services they offer. Maintaining competitive prices is another challenge.
Some of the key market players are Life Care Services; Golden Living Centres; Life Care Centres of America Corporate; Peninsula Behavioral Health; Sava Senior Care Administrative Services LLC; Lincare, Inc. Genesis Healthcare; Brookdale Senior Living Solutions; The Ensign Group; Inc; Extendicare; Sunrise Senior Living; LLC; Life Care Services; Golden Living Centres; Life Care Centres of America Corporate; Peninsula Behavioral Health; Sava Senior Care Administrative Services LLC; Lincare, Inc.
These players in the US skilled nursing facility market are constantly working on new product development, employing various strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, collaborations, and more.
Recent Development:
Amedisys announced the acquisition of Contessa Health, a leading hospital, and skilled care facility company, in June 2021. The company hopes to expand its home care capabilities through this acquisition by adding more advanced acute care home hospitals and skilled home care facilities with advanced analytics platforms and expanding network management.
In December 2020, The Ensign Group, Inc. purchased Hays Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, a 116-bed skilled nursing facility in Texas.
Approximately 10,293 nursing facilities had received Paycheck Protection Program loans totaling approximately US $ 5.7 billion by March 2021. This program was created as part of the CARES Act and was expanded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, of 2021, to help businesses retain employees during the pandemic.
In February 2021, OMEGA Healthcare signed a US $ 150 million contract with HealthPeak Property to acquire Brookdale Senior Living in the United States.
Genesis Healthcare announced a real estate partnership with Next Health Capital in February 2019 that will involve 15 SNFs. This strategy will help the SNF expand its presence and cater to more patients.
Key Players:
Genesis Healthcare
Brookdale Senior Living Solutions
Lincare, Inc.
The Ensign Group, Inc
Sunrise Senior Living, LLC
Life Care Services
Golden Living Centers
LifeCare Centers of America Corporate
Peninsula behavioral health
Sava Senior Care Administrative Services LLC
Key Segments:
By Type:
By Ownership:
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
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freddy08deja · 5 months
A Full Handbook On The Appearance Of Telehealth Services
Write-Up Writer-Jepsen Broussard Guides are an excellent way to educate individuals on topics that are tough to recognize. To make an overview extra efficient, it must include clear meanings and contrasts to help visitors better recognize the topic at hand. The coronavirus pandemic sped up the development of telehealth services. It is anticipated that telehealth gos to will certainly remain to increase after the pandemic has ended. 1. Ease of access Access describes the capability of people with handicaps to engage with info, services and settings. It is an important consideration in any kind of electronic atmosphere since it promotes addition, guaranteeing that people of all capacities can join society. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, customer and company need for telehealth solutions raised quickly. read full article of wellness systems changed in-person center gos to with video clip and telephone consultations. Several of these telehealth programs were so efficient that they were able to cut health center admissions, maximize inpatient bed-days and avoid numerous deaths. With the end of the pandemic visible, telehealth is currently positioned to end up being a normal part of customer and medical care. However, there are still substantial barriers to wider adoption, including compensation limitations. This might transform as the healthcare market reexamines its policies and reimbursement models. 2. Ease Despite challenges associated with reimbursement, innovation adoption and medical device technology (including remote tracking of ICDs and lung artery sensors), doctors have actually increased their convenience level with telehealth visits in current months. Nevertheless, this choice varies by check out type and is impacted by person preferences. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth sees comprised just a portion of all client encounters. Within 4 weeks of the pandemic, these telehealth visits at Battle each other's organization grew from a handful of video visits per day to > 600 video brows through daily. While these online care devices are verifying helpful for maintaining access to health care during the pandemic, they provide lots of other benefits to patients and companies also beyond the pandemic: boosted access to providers, convenience of browse through scheduling, lowered expenditures and boosted employee productivity from time saved staying clear of traveling to visits. 3. Self-confidence Numerous physicians may feel uncertain concerning utilizing telehealth services. However, study shows that customers fit utilizing telehealth for routine care and consultations. Furthermore, telehealth can reduce expenses for persistent patients. Specifically, for patients with dental implanted tools like cardiac defibrillators and lung artery sensing units, remote monitoring allows cardiologists to minimize center brows through. For example, the AMA brief "Equity in Telehealth: Taking Trick Progression" (PDF) suggests that companies assess upcoming patient appointments and figure out which could be converted to an online check out. This will certainly call for a complete testimonial of the client's case history and an explanation of the sort of treatment that is appropriate for a virtual consultation. Furthermore, the company must explain just how the visit will be conducted and any type of supplementary solutions that are needed. 4. Personal privacy While some are afraid that telehealth may change the doctor-patient relationship, studies reveal that around 80% of individuals positively view their telehealth experience. Furthermore, a robust telehealth system with software application developed for medical care and that uses personal privacy options can minimize problems.
For health care facilities, telehealth can help cut down on no-show consultations in addition to give even more billable hours beyond workplace hours. In https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2020/11/leadingage20-easy-tech-strategies-engage-isolated-seniors , it can likewise help in reducing the cost of person traveling costs. Telenursing is a vital telehealth service that helps registered nurses throughout the nation get in touch with their clients over cross countries. It also enables nurses to give care to individuals who might or else not have accessibility to care if they required urgent clinical attention or lived far from a facility. 5. Cost While passion in telehealth has actually risen, real use stays low. This is partly as a result of concerns about security, operations assimilation, performance compared to in-person gos to and compensation. Direct-to-consumer telehealth might increase access to care yet does not lower costs, according to one research published in Health and wellness Affairs. It is additionally crucial to note that the expense of telehealth solutions varies relying on your certain company, the intricacy of your browse through and insurance protection. Personal insurers generally reimburse for telehealth services, and lots of states have parity laws in position that need them to supply settlement at the exact same level as in-person check outs. Medicare, on the other hand, has an extra restricted strategy to telehealth. It needs a face-to-face communication to establish a doctor-patient relationship before permitting digital sees.
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thxnews · 11 months
PH COVID-19 State of Public Health Emergency Cancelled
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  Reversing Prior Orders and Issuances
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. took a significant step on Friday, July 21, by issuing Proclamation No. 297, effectively lifting the State of Public Health Emergency across the Philippines in response to COVID-19. The proclamation brings about notable changes, as it deems all previous orders, memoranda, and issuances that were applicable only during the State of Public Health Emergency as withdrawn, revoked, or canceled, rendering them no longer in effect.  
EUAs Remain Valid
In line with the lifting of the State of Public Health Emergency, the proclamation ensures the continuation of the emergency use authorization (EUA) granted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 121 (s. 2020). These EUAs will remain valid for one year from the date of lifting the State of Public Health Emergency, solely for the purpose of utilizing the remaining COVID-19 vaccines.  
Adjusting Policies and Regulations
The order also calls on all agencies to reconsider their policies, rules, and regulations, considering the recent lifting of the State of Public Health Emergency. It emphasizes the need to amend existing guidelines or introduce new ones, where appropriate, to accommodate the changing circumstances.  
A Brief Look Back
The State of Public Health Emergency was first declared in March 2020 by former President Rodrigo Duterte through Proclamation No. 922, marking the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic that gripped the nation.   Assessing the Current Situation Although the lifting of the State of Public Health Emergency is a significant development, the proclamation acknowledges that COVID-19 remains a concern for specific subpopulations. As such, a continued public health response is required to address these ongoing challenges.   A Stable Healthcare System A positive note accompanies the lifting of the emergency status, as the country has demonstrated the ability to maintain a sufficient healthcare system capacity and keep hospital bed utilization rates low, even after the liberalization of COVID-19 health protocols.   Global Recognition of Progress In May, the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the encouraging trends in the fight against COVID-19. This included a decline in COVID-19 deaths, a reduction in COVID-19-related hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions, and high levels of population immunity to SARS-CoV-2.   A Shift in Pandemic Management WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus affirmed that COVID-19 is now considered an established and ongoing health issue based on the advice of the IHR Emergency Committee. Consequently, it no longer qualifies as a public health emergency of international concern. Furthermore, the WHO strongly advised the adoption of a long-term approach to managing the pandemic. With the lifting of the State of Public Health Emergency, the nation embarks on a new phase in its fight against COVID-19. President Marcos Jr.'s proclamation signals significant progress and resilience in navigating these challenging times, while simultaneously emphasizing the continued importance of a comprehensive response to ensure the well-being of all citizens.   Sources: THX News &  PCO. Read the full article
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tastydregs · 1 year
The Slatest Jun 7: Wow, Jack Smith Has Been Busy Lately!
It’s more fun via email (promise). This article first appeared in our Slatest evening newsletter, which seeks to surface the best pieces published across Slate’s digital and audio journalism. We publish it there to help you cut to the chase at the end of each day. To get it in your inbox, along with more of the best work we published that day, sign up below.
Special prosecutor Jack Smith seems to be nearing the finish line on his two federal probes into Trump’s alleged misconduct—one looking at his mishandling of classified documents, the other at potential 2020 election interference. And as Smith wraps up, there’s been a whole slew of stories coming out with details on what his team has been looking at in its investigation. Having a hard time keeping track? Shirin Ali has a guide to the latest developments.
Plus: Trump’s response to Alvin Bragg’s indictment tells us something about how he’ll probably respond to other indictments in the future, Norman L. Eisen and Trevor W. Morrison write.
Hope for debt relief?
Later this month, the Supreme Court will issue its decision on whether the Biden administration’s student debt relief program can go forward. But Congress just upended the legal case against relief, Alex Rowell argues.
Plus: To push back against the Supreme Court’s dysfunction, liberals have to realize something that conservatives figured out a long time ago, Michael Waldman says. He spoke to Dahlia Lithwick about the growing need for reform, and how Congress can do something about it.
And speaking of Supreme Court dysfunction: The second episode of Slow Burn looks at how race-based admissions shaped Clarence Thomas.
It’s Christie Time
Chris Christie in 2014. Reuters
Chris Christie is entering the presidential race, and Jim Newell, for one, is glad about it. If nothing else, Christie is going to liven things up around here, probably! He may have joined the race as no more than a Trump-seeking missile, Newell writes, but at least he’s got nothing to lose.
Country cousins
The Trump-era fascination with the politics of rural America just won’t die! Steven Conn reviews a new book that wants to lay the fault for our rural-urban divide at city people’s feet, and finds it “hopelessly muddled.”
Royal circus
The Royal family is freaked out by Prince Harry’s court testimony. Maybe it should be! Heather Schwedel explains why.
An ominous orange haze
Angela Weiss/Getty Images
What should you do if you’re living in part of the Northeast that’s covered with wildfire smoke right now? Writing from the West Coast, Meg Duff has some advice, both practical and emotional, from someone who’s been through this kind of thing before. She recommends air filters, masks, calming tea—and no major life decisions.
Plus: We’ve rounded up some striking images of how bad the sky looked today.
If you’ve been seeing the name “Matt Rife” all over your Twitter timeline and have no idea who that is, you’re not alone. Nadira Goffe has a beginner’s guide to the zillennial comedian whose tour tickets are impossible to get, and whether he is, in fact, “ProbleMATTic.”
A grim merger
Top-tier golf is now permanently in bed with the Saudi government. Alex Kirshner walks us through how it happened.
…much like the federal criminal investigators in James Comey’s first crime novel (and, well, his real life). Read Ankush Khardori’s review to find out how bad it is.
Thanks so much for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.
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market-insider · 1 year
Therapeutic Bed Market 2022 | Clinical Beds Product Segment Dominated Global Market
The global therapeutic bed market size is anticipated to reach USD 6.51 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 5.01% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The increasing prevalence of chronic disorders, such as cancer, heart disorders, neurological disorders, kidney disorders, and others, and the growing geriatric population are the key driving factors for the market. According to the WHO, in 2020, the chronic illness prevalence increased by 57%, which is anticipated to spur market growth in the near future. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 increased the demand for therapeutic beds significantly.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Therapeutic Bed Market Report
The pandemic has boosted the demand for emergency supplies, medicines, and medical equipment, such as ventilators, and hospital beds, as a result of increased hospital admissions. In addition, firms are also adopting several strategies, such as collaborations and new product launches, to help healthcare workers. For instance, in August 2020, Project C.U.R.E. received 22,500 Emergency Relief Bed (ERB) sets from Stryker. A mattress, IV pole, and bed frame were included in the ERB kits. As a result, the market is likely to grow substantially in the near future.
Furthermore, pressure injuries are a common and significant economic challenge for healthcare systems globally, costing the U.S. healthcare system more than USD 23.50 billion each year. Various manufacturers began offering solutions, such as special beds, therapeutic mattresses, and repositioning solutions, to reduce the burden of pressure injuries. Moreover, after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been extensive demand for pressure relief beds & mattresses in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. These factors are expected to boost the market growth over the forecast period.
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healthyhorns · 2 years
Success Starts with UHS
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Pranav Jayaraman began his journey with University Health Services as a sustainability intern in 2020. Fast forward two years –Jayaraman recently participated in the traditional white coat ceremony, a rite of passage for medical students that marks the student's transition from the study of preclinical to clinical health sciences. He is currently working towards earning his Doctorate of Medicine from the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine at Texas Tech University El Paso.
While at UT Austin, Jayaraman earned his bachelor’s in neuroscience, business of healthcare certificate, and master’s degree in public health.
During his time at UHS, Jayaraman worked to spearhead sustainability projects in University Health Services. His work involved surveying staff on employee engagement in sustainability initiatives, research of methodologies to calculate the impact of UHS waste on the environment, and the implementation of a new composting initiative.
University Health Services Infection Prevention Coordinator, Stephanie Lei who was Jayaraman’s supervisor said hospitals and health centers employ sustainability measures to reduce waste, maintain quality and safety, and lower costs because the healthcare industry is one of the largest waste producers in the country.
“It [the healthcare industry as a whole] produces 5.9 million tons of waste each year, which calculates to 33 pounds of waste per bed per day,” Lei said. “This leads to air pollution emissions, carbon emissions, and pollution-related disease. Since 2013, UHS has participated in the Green Fund grant, and is committed to leading campus sustainability efforts by example. We try our hardest to do our part in reducing waste as well as protecting our patients’ safety by contributing to a healthier environment.”
Lei said Jayaraman’s work was strategic and he contributed to many projects that have continued since he graduated in the spring of 2022.
“Pranav assisted custodial services with a compost waste project,” Lei said. “This involved purchasing new compost bins for the clinics, weighing UHS waste to determine the impact of this new initiative in diverting waste to the correct waste stream, training employees on the new process, helping develop new signage for the clinics, and closely collaborating with resource recovery, a department on campus responsible for the efficient reuse and redistribution of campus resources. He even helped develop a new sustainability module in UT Learn for UHS employees.”
Now, as Jayaraman takes the next steps in his medical career, he was recently recognized in the traditional white coat ceremony and currently works towards earning his Doctorate of Medicine from the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine at Texas Tech University El Paso.
“The white coat ceremony represents the symbol of putting on the white coat for the first time,” Jayaraman said. “Many years ago, doctors wore black coats and those were associated with funerals and priests, so during the nineteenth century they began wearing white coats. Since then, white coat ceremonies have been taking place.”
Jayaraman said during the closing remarks of the ceremony, the speaker asked the question, “what experiences brought you here?”
Jayaraman thought to himself about his time at UHS. “I would say it was a really big influence for me. The department helped fund my project and those two years as I worked at UHS were crucial for me. I am sure it helped with med school admissions, but it truly helped me find my niche and my passion.”
Jayaraman said he plans to continue the pursuit of sustainability improvements and initiatives within his medical career.
“I’d like to say thank you to those at UHS that took a chance on hiring me,” Jayaraman said. “The experience was vital for me to learn, grow, and develop aspects of my knowledge that still impact my career today.”
-Erin Garcia, Healthyhorns Outreach and Social Media Coordinator
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technicaldr · 2 years
Providence virtually monitors thousands of COVID-19 patients. Here are 3 lessons learned on scaling up the tech
At Providence, health system leaders recognized the need to prepare for a surge, and an important part of their plan was to keep hospital beds open for patients with severe viral illness. The organization, which operates hospitals in Alaska, Oregon, Montana, California, Washington, and Texas, developed a patient self-monitoring program for COVID-19 patients who are well enough to recover at home.
    In the spring of 2020, Providence had used the remote monitoring platform for 700 COVID and non-COVID patients. As of Feb. 16, 2021, the health system had remotely monitored more than 16,000 patients.
Clinical leaders at the 51-hospital health system made several key strategic decisions to quickly scale up its virtual monitoring program to help keep hospital ICUs from being overwhelmed.
Quickly deploying digital tools
Providence treated patients located in Seattle, which was an epicenter at the beginning of the pandemic and had the first COVID-19 patient in the Pacific Northwest. Building an inventory of 5,000 thermometers and pulse oximeters early on gave Providence a headstart in ramping up its ability to distribute them during the health crisis to patients being monitored at home, according to Sherene Schlegel, executive director of telehealth clinical operations at Providence.
    When patients who test positive for COVID-19 are discharged from the emergency room or the inpatient environment, they go home with a thermometer and pulse oximeter, Schlegel said. Nurses then educate the patients on how to take their vital signs and make sure their thermometers and pulse oximeters are working.
“The majority of our admissions were a hands-on physical assessment for enrollment,” Schlegel told Fierce Healthcare. She added that before patients participate in remote monitoring, Providence wanted to verify that patients were well enough to stay out of the hospital.
“We didn't want to have someone coming to our COVID home monitoring program when they really weren't medically stable to be at home,” Schlegel said.
  The program was deployed across more than 80 hospitals, urgent care and ambulatory settings in Washington, Montana, Alaska, Oregon, California and Texas.
Working with tech partners
“We partnered with folks from Twistle to develop an automated process to be able to monitor patients at scale,” Schlegel said.
During the course of the pandemic, Providence ramped up the number of patients it could serve in the remote monitoring program from a nurse monitoring 15 to 20 patients in the first week to a nurse now tracking 85 to 100 patients per shift.
  “That was really key for us to be able to scale and help so many different hospitals and urgent care centers to help manage some of the COVID patients,” Schlegel said.
Using Twistle, patients send text messages three times a day to share their vital signs. Nurses can send a link to video chat with the patient and use an online dashboard to monitor vitals collected from pulse oximeters and thermometers.
“There's a scoring mechanism with each one of these answers that then populates it into a red, yellow or green,” Schlegel explained. If patients are scored a red or yellow, that means a nurse is holding a video call with a patient and they may require a higher level of care, she said.  
Patients marked with a severe condition, for example, may have a respiratory rate greater than 30 or an oxygen saturation of 88% or less, Schlegel said.
Geisinger Health System offers a similar remote monitoring program that uses an oximeter and thermometer to let patients send data to care providers.
The Twistle program lets patients self-monitor symptoms and providers can keep track of positive or presumptive COVID-19 cases.
Making it simple for patients and providers
At Providence, the remote monitoring program has an 87% compliance rate from patients, meaning they respond to the text messages from nurses. The health system credits the compliance to the fact that patients don’t have to download an app or log in to a portal.
Patients also find the technology easy to use, providing a net promoter score of 70, which is considered a high score for healthcare technology and patient communication solutions, Providence executive said.
The Twistle remote monitoring program also integrates with Epic’s electronic health record (EHR) software which helps providers’ workflow.
Providence plans to continue the COVID-19 remote monitoring program through the end of the public health emergency and then “sunset it,” Schlegel said. However, the health system plans to continue with virtual monitoring in a different form.
“It's worked very well during the public health emergency and allowed us to get up and running and quickly see a large number of patients,” she said. “But for traditional remote patient monitoring, we're going to be working on different models, different platforms to be able to meet the needs of the chronic care conditions for patient monitoring.”
Technical Doctor's insight:
Contact Details : [email protected] or 877-910-0004 www.technicaldr.com
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meditech-insights · 2 years
Ventilators Market Plying for Significant Growth During 2021 - 2026
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Rising cases of respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sleep apnea, acute lung injury, and hypoxemia, surge in demand for ventilators due to Covid-19, technological advancements such as advanced portable ventilators & improvements in the sensor technologies used in ventilators are some of the key factors driving the global ventilators market.
The Global Ventilators Market is expected to witness a growth rate of 6-8% in the next 5 years. The role of the lungs is to inhale and distribute the oxygen the cells need to survive, and exhale the carbon dioxide that the body needs to eliminate. In scenarios, when the act of breathing becomes difficult or not as effective at performing these functions then in those cases mechanical ventilation may be prescribed. Ventilators are medical devices that assist in patient’s breathing.
Favourable Impact of Covid-19 on the Ventilators Market
During 2020-2021, most of the patients infected with the Covid-19 virus showcased moderate symptoms and recovered quickly. However, some patients developed severe respiratory failure and required intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mechanical ventilation. To treat and save the lives of these severe Covid-19 patients, ventilators served as a viable treatment option, which in turn boosted the global ventilators market.
“The ventilator production was ramped up in response to the pandemic, but tailwinds for the ventilators, and ventilation masks are starting to ebb. While we continue to work on current and future contracts with hospitals, and national health authorities for ventilators, we expect the sales volume to shrink.”- Director, Business Development, Leading Ventilator Manufacturer, United States
Explore Premium Report on Ventilators Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/global-ventilators-market/
The Demand for Critical Healthcare Services at Home Drives the Ventilator Market
Due to the fear of contracting the Covid-19 virus at a hospital, there was a surge in demand for home healthcare services such as home ICU, teleconsultations, home phlebotomy services, and e-pharmacy. The increased demand for critical healthcare services at home spurred the demand for respiratory machines such as ventilators, special beds, ICU, and multipara monitors. Some patients with lung-related illnesses preferred home healthcare services for oxygen & ventilator support and long-term rehabilitation.
Technological Advancements Drive the Ventilators Market Market
The ventilators market is a technology-driven market and is marked by constant product enhancements/innovations. 
For instance,
•In January, 2022, OES Medical launched ICU ventilator at Arab Health 2022. The company’s Gemini-G100 is an electrically driven piston ICU ventilator with integrated oxygen concentrator for use in intensive care
Organic and Inorganic Growth Strategies Adopted by Players to Establish Their Foothold
The Ventilators market is marked by the presence of both established and new players. Players operating in the market adopt both organic and inorganic growth strategies such as acquisitions, and new product launches to garner market share. 
For instance,
•In April 2021, Getinge received FDA 510(k) clearance for three products to expand its Servo platform of ventilators. The firm secured clearances for new software options for the Servo-u and Servo-n ventilators, as well as clearance for use of the new Servo-u MR ventilator in the MRI room
The ventilators market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years due to growing cases of respiratory diseases, increasing number of preterm births, rising number of ICU beds, technological advancements in ventilators, and rising aging population.
Competitive Landscape Analysis of Ventilators Market
The global ventilators market is marked by the presence of players such as Philips, ResMed, Medtronic, Vyaire Medical, Asahi Kasei, Air Liquide, GE Healthcare, Fisher & Paykel, Drägerwerk, Nihon Kohden, Getinge, Hamilton Medical, among others.
For More Comprehensive Insights, Contact Us @ https://meditechinsights.com/contact-us/
About Medi-Tech Insights
Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.
Ruta Halde
Associate, Medi-Tech Insights
+32 498 86 80 79
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education-arena · 2 years
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore
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Are you looking for a well-reputed engineering college in Bangalore? For engineering students, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology Bangalore is a good choice. SMVIT was established in 1986 in Bangalore by Sri Krishnadevaraya Educational Trust (Sri KET). If you are interested in applying for admission to this college, contact us! We have a successful placement record and quality education.
Accreditation & Achievements:                
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology is considered among the engineering top colleges in Karnataka. It was ranked by NIRF in 2020 at the 251st position in the B.Tech category. SMVIT is an AICTE-approved college that got placed at 147 by Times of India for B.Tech in 2022. The college has received accreditation from the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) gave a grade of B++ with 2.9 on a scale of four.
Courses & Admission:
Being an engineering college, SMVIT is the best B-Tech College in Bangalore and offers three major engineering degree programs: BE, M.Tech, and MCA. The 4-year bachelor of engineering (BE) is the most popular graduate program offered in 8 different specializations. Admission to this course is given on a merit basis and candidates must obtain 10+2 with at least 45% aggregate marks (PCM preferred). The other two post-graduation degrees demand at least graduation in relevant specializations.
Infrastructure & Facilities:
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology is a UGC-approved institute that has a campus spread in 133 acres in Bangalore. In the college, a total of 260 highly qualified faculties are available on 2800 students. The campus of the college has Men’s & Women’s hostels, a Ladies’ amenities center, 100-bed general hospital, staff quarters, Cafeteria, and a Guest house, spread across 12.1 hectares. Each department has its own individual laboratory necessary for practical learning.
Scholarships & Others:
Vidhyasarathi and MHRD are the two major scholarships offered by SMVIT, based on the institute's eligibility criteria. However, for students who are unable to afford their college tuition, college helps them to get loans at easy interest rates from banks. There is a hobby center for creative work in engineering and development. The college has an almost 100% placement rate, according to official reports. The institute has the vision to convert the institute into an autonomous college and then into a deemed university.
Eligibility Criteria & Fees:
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology is one of the premier private engineering colleges in Bangalore which offers technical degrees in various specializations. Here are a few popular ones with eligibility and fees. Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology structure -
Fees (1st year)
10+2 qualification in PCM/PCB with a minimum of 45% overall aggregate marks (40% reserved quota in the state)+ Valid score in the KEA entrance exam.
Rs 70,926/-
A minimum of 50% marks is required for graduation.
Rs 67,175/-
Minimum 50% aggregate marks in BE/B.Tech in relevant specialization + valid score in PGCET/GATE.
Rs 78,475/-
SMVIT Placement:
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology is the best B-Tech college in Banglore has an almost 100% placement record. The institute is among the leading engineering colleges in Karnataka and has a dedicated training and placement cell. Each year, 40-50 companies visit the campus to offer jobs with attractive salaries. In 2021, 88% of selected students were hired for a total of 596 jobs. In the 2021 placement season, the maximum CTC was witnessed at INR 11.73 LPA offered by Target Corporation followed by Microfocus and Danske IT. According to a student review, the average salary was maintained at INR 6-7 LPA. Companies like TCS, Cognizant, Accenture, Wipro, CGI, Mindtree, Aricent, L&T Infotech, and Robert Bosch, are major recruiting partners.
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