bitwaste · 1 year
Essential Tips for Phoenix Lawns
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Having a well-maintained lawn in Phoenix can be a challenge due to the hot, dry climate AZ Lawns. Luckily, there are several tips and tricks that can help you keep your lawn looking lush and green all year round. We will offer some essential advice for keeping your Phoenix lawn healthy and thriving despite the desert environment.
Watering Tips
Watering your Phoenix lawn correctly is essential to maintain a healthy, green lawn. Water early in the morning, preferably between 4 and 6am when temperatures are cooler and there is less wind. This will reduce evaporation and allow for more efficient absorption of water into the soil.
Avoid watering at night as it can encourage fungus growth and increase disease risks. Frequency should depend on the type of grass you have, but generally Phoenix lawns need about 1 inch of water per week during the summer months or 1/2 inch every other day. Make sure not to over-water as saturated soil can lead to root rot or anaerobic conditions that cause unhealthy turfgrass growth. The best way to determine if your lawn needs water is by walking across it; if it leaves footprints behind then your lawn needs water! Be sure to adjust watering schedules based on local rainfall levels so that you don't overwater your lawn unnecessarily.
Mowing & Trimming
Mowing is a crucial part of lawn maintenance as it helps to remove dead grass, promote healthier root systems, and control weed growth. When mowing your Phoenix lawn, it's important to use the right height and frequency for your particular grass type. For Bermuda and Zoysia grasses, the recommended mowing height is 1-2 inches; for Fescue grasses, the recommended mowing height is 2-3 inches. Additionally, be sure to regularly adjust the mower blade so that it stay sharp and doesn't tear or damage the blades of grass. When mowing your Phoenix lawn avoid making sharp turns with your mower as this can cause ruts in the soil surface.
Trimming is another important part of keeping an attractive Phoenix lawn. This involves cutting back any overhanging tree branches or trimming along flower beds or sidewalks to create a neat edge around these areas. It's best to use hand shears when doing this job – cordless electric trimmers are also available if you have a lot of ground to cover but they tend to require more frequent battery charging than manual trimmers do. While trimming your Phoenix lawn be sure to wear protective clothing such as long sleeves and gloves as you may come into contact with thorns or other sharp objects in addition to simply avoiding skin irritation from plant debris such as pollen or sap.
Weed Control
Maintaining weed control is a critical aspect of lawn care in Phoenix. An effective program should include cultural, mechanical and chemical controls.
Cultural practices can help to prevent weeds from establishing in your lawn. Mowing at the correct height, fertilizing properly and watering correctly will create an environment that discourages weed growth. Additionally, removing existing weeds by hand or with tools such as hoes or rakes may be necessary if the infestation is light.
Chemical control is a common way to manage weeds in Phoenix lawns. Herbicides labeled for use on residential lawns are available for purchase at most garden centres and home improvement stores. It's important to read the label carefully before applying any type of herbicide; application instructions vary depending on the product and type of weed being treated. Additionally, using an organic weed killer may be a more eco-friendly choice for some individuals.
Fertilizer is important for providing essential nutrients to lawns and other plants. One of the most important types of fertilizer is nitrogen, which helps promote green growth and healthy root development. Phosphorus fertilizers can help with root development, flowering, and seed production. Potassium fertilizer helps plants build strong cell walls and resist disease. In addition to the three primary fertilizer elements, trace elements such as iron, zinc, copper and boron are necessary for plant health.
Organic fertilizers like compost or manure provide slow-release nutrients that feed your lawn over a longer period of time than synthetic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers contain beneficial microorganisms that help create a healthy soil environment full of helpful bacteria and fungi. Phoenix soils often lack organic matter due to arid conditions; applying organic compost can improve water retention in the soil while adding valuable nutrients for your lawn's health.
Finally, it's important to maintain proper watering habits while using any type of fertilizer on your Phoenix lawns - too much water can cause run-off from heavy applications of chemicals or leach away natural nutrients from organics before they have a chance to be absorbed by roots systems. Stick to recommended application rates for best results!
Winter Care
Winter care for Phoenix lawns is essential in order to help them survive the frigid temperatures. The first step is to properly fertilize your lawn before winter sets in. Use a slow-release fertilizer that contains both nitrogen and potassium, as these two minerals help keep grasses healthy and pest- and disease-resistant. Be sure to mow the lawn regularly throughout the fall season until the first frost arrives, as this will help protect it from winter damage.
To further protect your Phoenix lawn during winter, water it deeply several times before a hard freeze occurs. Overwatering can cause root rot and other problems, so avoid saturating your soil too much at one time. Additionally, cover any exposed soil with mulch or pine straw to insulate it from freezing temperatures. Lastly, don't forget to remove debris such as fallen leaves or twigs that are scattered across your lawn; they can trap moisture and lead to mold growth in cold weather months.
Conclusion: Healthy Phoenix Lawns
To maintain a healthy Phoenix lawn, it's important to identify the appropriate species of grass for your local climate. Watering should be done deeply and infrequently to encourage stronger root growth. Proper mowing techniques must also be employed, such as leaving grass clippings on the lawn to act as natural fertilizer and mulch, and never removing more than one-third of the blade length at any given time. Lastly, if weeds are present, use an organic herbicide or pull them out by hand as soon as possible.
Overall, in order to achieve a thriving Phoenix lawn that is able to withstand extreme temperatures and dry conditions requires regular maintenance practices including watering properly (deeply and infrequently), selecting the correct grass species for your climate zone, mowing correctly (avoiding scalping) and addressing weed problems before they become too big of an issue. With proper care and routines in place over time you can enjoy a lush green lawn that will remain healthy throughout the hot Phoenix summers!
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chappythegardener · 2 years
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july-19th-club · 3 years
if i want the rewards of muscular arm i must submit myself to the tormentuous ordeal of manual labor
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benichi · 3 years
Tips & Tricks for Story of Seasons - Pioneers of Olive Town
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Here are some tips and tricks to make your farming life more easy! Basically the Makers play a very big role in this game (similar to My Time at Portia if you’re familiar with the game). You won’t be able to progress without using them, unlike previous SoS entires where they had a more optional role.
• Be! Organized!👏
This is something I learned the hard way in My Time at Portia where I would just randomly cram everything into Boxes without much though... which lead to a lot of unnesessary searching and organizing later on. So right from the start, make several Boxes and categorize what you will put in them (1 Box for Flowers,1 for Foraging etc.). Obviously this can and will change over time as you start getting more resources. At the beginning I put Lumber/Stones/Ores etc. into one Box because I had their Makers next to each other, but now that I have access to several kinds of wood and Ores I’ve seperated them.
This also goes for the set up of your Farm. Moving things around in this game is honestly a pain so you should try to plan ahead as much as possible.
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When removing a Box everything you stored inside will be dropped to the ground. Be prepared with enough Inventory space and time.
! You can store your tools in the Tool Bag for additional space. This is a useful trick in general.
There are 3 Areas to use. The one you start with which is the smallest, ones to the left which unlocks via a Bridge and is a bit bigger. Plus North by clearing some rubble which is the biggest.
Keep your enemies close and your resources even closer: when unlocking these Areas I’d recommend to use Money rather than resources. Usually you’ll need your resources to build stuff and progress (Lumber and Ingots are holy) especially later on when it takes longer to process the Products you’ll do good to hold on to them. I’ll add more on how to make money down below.
Back to organizing. Personally I think that putting your Makers into Area 2 (once unlocked) is a good idea because you’ll be running though there often so you can just pop in and check on your Makers, replenish if needed etc. The rest is up to personal preference I’d say. I don’t like growing crops too much so I’ve put them on the first Area while my Animals are on the third. 
Use the terrain to your advantage. Basically keep a balance between zones you actively use and just letting nature grow/items spawn. Especially at the beginning when you need a lot of materials I’d recommend to let nature run wild to get a lot of resources. As you progress and don’t need as much of the (lower grade) resources anymore (or you have enough money to simply buy them) you can start putting down paths and decorations so that you don’t have to clean up the area each day. 
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For example: you’ll need a lot of iron initially so I wouldn’t put down a path in front of the second mine because some rocks spawn there. But once you got the third mine unlocked and can basically get all your resources from there there’s nothing wrong with setting up a path in that spot, which will prevent the rocks from spawning.
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! Pay attention to what spawns where. Higher level materials have less area they’re available on. So if you put down your Barn and Coop in that zone you’ll be blocking their space to grow = less resources. Initially I’d recommend sticking to one part of your area (near the beginning) and leaving the rest open for nature to grow so that you can gather Lumber etc. For example: once I unlocked Area 3 I put my Barn and Coop near the beginning so that they won’t interfere with the Tree growth.
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You can see the subtle difference between the Trees below. Basically when it comes to lumber and ores the highest ranking materials are always on the left side of each Area. The only exception to this is the highest ranking Wood (Mirage) by the Hydroculture Plant.
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! Survey your Areas regularly. New Crops, Animals etc. will pop up from time to time, so be sure to have a look around. When there is a new crop/flower just ship it, the seeds will be available next day.
Prioritize your Hammer and Axe. As you can see these are the most important ones. For the first half I’d say the Axe is more important, but once you get to Area 3 (and need Gold) you should switch your focus to the Hammer. Below you can see that only my Axe/Hammer are golden. The Watering can is Silver while the Sickle and Bucket are Iron. The Hoe I hadn’t upgraded at this point at all.
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! You will unlock the small sprinklers early. While certainly helpful I wouldn’t resort to using just them, as the use of your watering can will raise your Fieldwork skill. Again I’d say that balance between using both is important as seen above.
Always have your Makers running. Though in this case you should also pay special attention Lumber and Ore you will need everything at some point, trust me. You’ll unlock different Makers by raising your skills.
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The setup that got my through a lot of the story. Not pretty but efficient.
! To maximize the use of your time put in resources that take a long time over night (so they will be ready next morning) and those with a shorter time during the day so you can replenish when needed. Of course this can be thrown out the window when you need a lot of something that takes longer to process.
Ship one keep one. A lot of items will become available in their respective Store once shipped. From what I can tell this doesn’t apply to processed goods (for example you can buy Durable Log but no the processed version which is Durable Lumber). There are some exceptions though, Dye can be shipped and will then become available for purchase at the Flower Shop. If you want to test out whether something will become available once shipped simply save the night before and put the item into the shipment box. If you wake up and get a Message that says “____ Shop has expanded it’s product lineup!” it worked, otherwise you can reload and keep the Item. On the other hand it’s also a good idea to keep at least one of each item, or at least those that don’t show up as commonly (like Olive Crystals from Puddles etc.)
! Don’t ship/gift all of the foragable Flowers though. I know it’s tempting, especially at the beginning. But you will be needing 3 each of Moondrop, Pink Cat, Magic Red and Magic Blue Flowers for the Honey Maker.
Sprites and the Sprite Shop. As you’re working on your farm you will see these smalls Sprites pop up from time to time. Eventually you'll be able to travel to the Earth Sprite Village, which gives you access to more resources. At the beginning there are only 3 Earth Sprites you can get items from. but once you’ve gathered 100 small Spirits you’ll unlock an option to add additional Spirits (Field, Journey, Care, Fishing and Food). The (Field) Sprite/s is/are especially great because he/they can give you access to resources you may not be able to acuire just yet. Same goes for the Shop, the items at the bottom of the menu change daily so be sure to keep and eye on them. You don’t have to collect resources from the respective Sprites each day though, the items do stack over time.
Mining = $ $ $ . You will be hitting up those mines for Ores anyways, might as well make the most of it. The Mine gives you access to raw Material (raw Diamond in particular) which can be turned into pure Jewels with the Jewel Maker (unlocks at Mining Skill Lv. 6) and make for great money.
Town Hall Requests. We’ve already established that Lumber and Ingots are basically holy. Each time you get a request there will be 3 choices on how you can fulfill them. Obviously use the one which uses the resources you can produce fastest and don’t need for building Makers/upgrading tools etc.
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Title Rewards. While at the Town Hall it’s a good idea to check the Mailbox right to the Request Board. This is where you can accept rewards after raising you skill levels. They range from coins that can be sold for money to seeds, resources and even Makers. Be sure to drop by often.
This should help you get a gist of what’s important. I hope you found this guide helpful! If there are questions feels free to ask :)
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hey,,,your thoughts and headcanons on indchuran college au 😳😳😳😳😳(i am very predictable as per usual)
o-o o-o college aus have my heart so thank you for the ask! These turned out as platonic/general hcs but I hope you like them nonetheless! (also this isn’t really associated with any set AU and is separate from the indchuran bros for life AU)
notes: this is based on the little I know about how US colleges/universities work ahahah sorry for any inaccuracies lol
— They’re all in the same year, and China and India got put in a dorm together with Iran next door (oh my god they were roommates ;) )
— They meet when Roshan heard Aditya’s got a copy of a book they wanted, went over to borrow it, and found Aditya trolling Yao with meme songs while the latter was wearing headphones and trying to study (this is kinda half assed and I don’t think it’s funny enough so if you’ve got another meeting scenario please do tell 👀)
— Yao’s fashion is a hot mess, per usual. It’s half lazy college student wear and half blinding eye-strain. Sometimes he still goes edgelord mode and does dark colors and goth attire when he’s particularly annoyed or grumpy (in addition to threatening to evict Aditya/steal all his possessions if he’s bugging Yao); Aditya and Roshan just coo at this. 
— Roshan dresses very eccentrically. I think it’s called the art hoe aesthetic? They dress like an art student but pick even more outlandish outfits. But it’s elegant in an eye-catching way, and it makes them stand out a lot. They like it and also love the attention it gets them :) also Roshan would be an amazing person to ask for clothing opinions, except that they might criticize your current outfits too much hksdfsdf
— As for Aditya, I don’t really have a set image for him really? lol I'd give anything to see him dressed in some kind of academia aesthetic (glasses are a bonus), but I feel like his style is more casual and comfy? just average person casual shirts and hoodies. Still knows how to pick good outfits though, but makes awful decisions when in the wrong headspace (like being Severely sleep deprived)
— Yao either studies a) business b) politics c) game theory d) a mix of all three (overachiever). I think he’d also take some of those like, quantum math classes and stuff just to ~expand his horizons~ and ends up taking enough to get a minor in that. Also absorbs STEM stuff from other people although he never went that route :\
— Roshan studies art history! They’re wicked at math as well though, I think they’d definitely be interested in studying pure mathematics as either a minor or a fun side hobby.
— Aditya minors in literature/creative writing and regularly waxes poetic about life. He also complains about the school cafeteria food in flowery prose. Yao yells at him to just make food himself if it’s so bad, but it’s too much effort 😔 (this is literally me)
I’m still undecided on what he majors in, but for now I’m stealing your hc that it’s biophysics :>
— Yao’s tried dabbling in stocks as part class project and part personal side hobby; one of his professors probably helps him with this, and somehow he gets a lot of money even though he invests in some very questionable things that look like shitpost material
— Courtesy of talking with @luyous, these three competitively study during midterms/finals season. They hardcore compete to get the best grades, even though they’re in different majors, and literally. the temperature heats up a couple degrees in the dorm when they’re revising because they all want to “beat” the other two 😭
— Literally they’re such bookworms but have a thirst for being The Best 😔
— Yao has a shit sleep schedule and both Aditya and Roshan have called him out on this multiple times; Aditya more often because they share a room and it’s kind of annoying when your roommate’s desk lamp is still on at 3 AM while you’re supposed to be sleeping. He eventually bought an eye mask for this but still has to forcibly drag Yao to bed at least once a week.
— Aditya is the resident boomer and tech hoe (although he fools around on the computer more than he does useful stuff) inspiration from you raunak <3
— Roshan and Aditya once tricked Yao into watering a fake plant they bought from Target for a full five months :) They keep a log of the shenanigans on their respective social medias as proof <3
— Roshan has a windowsill with a line of very cute potted plants! It’s very aesthetic and they show them off to anyone who asks. Don’t touch though because the plants are their babies
— Aditya sings very well! Has perfect pitch and all that. Does karaoke nights with friends, drags Yao along even though all he does there is type away on his laptop (and sometimes glances up to simp for Aditya). Often prank calls acquaintances, occasionally with Roshan, because he’s also pretty good at voice acting
— Out of the three, Aditya’s probably the friendliest if you’re a stranger, but it do be hard trying to build a friendship with any of them 😔 yao’s condescending to strangers and it takes some time to crack him if you don’t come off as quick-witted and smart on the first try, Roshan doesn’t really take people they just met super seriously unless they can impress/charm them, Aditya’s flashy but is kinda flaky and sometimes talks down to you and seems to always have something else to do besides hanging out one on one unless you win his respect. They’re good with each other though, occasional spats are mostly misunderstandings unless there’s Too Much miscommunication going on
— They’re all kinda legends for academic achievements. Roshan probably got a paper published in some vaunted journal about idk, changing methods of making pottery in ancient Iran or something; Yao has his stocks (and is also kinda rich in the first place so he’s “famous” before that) and Aditya probably got an internship or opportunity to do lab work for a cutting edge research thing
— they no-homo each other all the time it’s insane. It doesn’t help that they’re in close quarters (Yao and Aditya being roommates and Roshan right next door) so it’s like, accidentally wearing the other’s clothes, stealing snacks, so much touching and closeness lol classic pining material
— Yao jokes at least once a day that Roshan is just a parasite of his and Aditya’s dorm, with the amount of time they spend in there instead of in their own dorm, but they sniff haughtily and say that at least their dorm is much more organized than whatever indchu have going on (it’s true; Yao believes in organized chaos and pretends his organization system is having No Organization; Aditya just does whatever he wants and “anyways I’ll find it when I need it”, Roshan is the only sane one here)
— Roshan drinks tea religiously (all three of them do, but Yao chugs energy drinks sometimes, Aditya binges coffee when needed, whereas Roshan’s solution is tea)
— They’re kinda chaotic but it’s fine they’ll make it through uni :)
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spicysoftsweet · 4 years
Hisoka’s s/o catches him cheating on her with someone close to her ? Cause I’m an angst hoe
Done! <3
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(Man, look at this bastard smh)
Trigger warnings for cheating, passive SI.
I should have known it would end this way. 
You kept your hands steady on the wheel, periodically wiping away tears as you drove maybe too fast, maybe not fast enough from your home. To where you weren’t exactly sure, the destination was unimportant.
You had to get away from that scene as fast as possible. You wanted the last image he saw of you to be strong, unphased, uncaring - you wouldn’t give that red-headed monster a chance to see you unravel in front of him. He’d like that, it would be a dramatic flourish to his awful, hurtful performance. In fact, he would have loved for you to react angrily, to kick and scream and throw things, or even a Nen-enhanced punch. It was that monstrous strength of yours that had drawn him to you anyway. 
Your throat was still dry and aching as you continued to cry tears of anger and betrayal, and it was starting to get harder and harder to keep focus on the road. Maybe you shouldn’t be driving. Maybe it was time to pull by the side of the road and let yourself feel all that you felt. 
But you were stubborn, and you continued to head on. In addition to the blur of your tear-filled eyes, the initially light snow shower had started to pick up, and you turned on your windshield wipers to add some visibility. In your mind’s eye, all you could see was the man you loved, literally balls deep in a strange woman, in your own home, in your own bed. You could see the marks and scratches on his skin, his hands firmly squeezing her ass as he plowed into her, and her legs wrapped around his waist. You could hear her excessively loud and frequent moans, and the way she said his name almost incorrectly, as if she had been paid to soundtrack his disloyalty. 
How the fuck do you even pronounce a name like Hisoka incorrectly?
The worst part is the longer you stood there, the more you realized it wasn’t a strange woman. It was your best friend, the one who had warned you that Hisoka was strange and maybe not the best for you, and maybe you should just find someone else to love because you were so popular anyway. His name in  her mouth had twisted because she was having oh-so-much-fun, you wanted to snap her neck the next time you saw her.
Your fingers tightened around the wheel that was starting to freeze to the touch as the ambient temperature dropped. It occurred to you to turn on the heat but you opted not to. You couldn’t bother. Your anger would keep you warm. 
Relax, if you didn’t control your strength, you could break the wheel and go in a tailspin. Even if you were already hurt, you could hurt others, your actions still mattered in the grand scheme of things. 
Nothing you did mattered to Hisoka.
It didn’t matter how much you’d compromised yourself for him. It didn’t matter that you had rearranged your entire life to suit his follies, declining job offers that would take you out of the city, the approaches of other men and women who wanted to love you, centering all your hobbies around fighting just so you could have more opportunities to spar with him. 
You didn’t even like fighting. But anything for him, right? Anything for that trickster’s smile, the way his voice became low and seductive when he wanted you, the way his amber eyes fell onto you with contentment whenever you woke him up with breakfast in the morning, the way he made you feel when he was inside you…
Lying, disgusting, piece of shit, good-for-nothing, useless clown. He was a damn jester, a royal fucking fool. 
Nope, you were the fool. 
You should have never let him convince you that he cared. Someone who gets off on fighting and kills for fun couldn’t possibly care about someone’s feelings. What a joke. 
“Would you like to join us?” He’d said, a devilish grin on his face, once he’d finally acknowledged you standing planted in the same spot for five whole minutes, holding your pain in. 
It took all of you to not kill him right there.
You started to laugh loudly and bitterly. You would eventually have to go back to either throw him out or move out your own things. You’d eventually have to meet the man you loved but didn’t respect or love you back face to face.
But for now you’d continue to drive on this snowy night, going as far as the tank would take you, hoping that your will to live or love again wouldn’t reach E before the fuel gauge did.
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petergreenfield · 3 years
Starting a garden is exciting, but it can also be very frustrating. You must first decide what you want to grow and where you want it to grow. And there’s the matter of figuring out how to make it happen. Unfortunately, planting isn’t as easy as sowing seeds and waiting for nature to take its course. You’ll need to put in a lot of effort, and you’ll need tools to assist you.
There are so many garden equipment, devices, and accessories available that deciding which is best for your outdoor projects can be daunting. However, there are a few lawn and garden resources that almost everyone uses on a daily basis.
When it comes to landscaping equipment, it’s easy to go overboard. They can take up a lot of space and cost a lot of money, but keeping your shed or storage area concentrated on the basics can prevent it from being overcrowded. Investing in the highest-quality tools your budget allows and maintaining them properly will help you get the most out of your investment.
Here’s a list of the top 10 essential tools that a beginner gardener needs.
Gloves do not come to mind when thinking of gardening equipment, but they are one of the most important accessories you can have because they protect the most valuable tool: your hands. Furthermore, they protect the wrists and arms from bruises, callouses, and dirt.
The type of gloves you need will be decided by the work you’re doing. Long rose garden gloves will protect you from scratches if you work with a lot of thorny plants. If you have calloused hands from yard work, look for work gloves with a leather palm. There are plenty of cheap and lightweight gloves to choose from if you’re mainly only digging in soft soil and tending to your vegetable garden.
Because of its versatility, a Hori Hori is always the first tool I recommend to new gardeners. It’s a Japanese tool that can be used as a knife, a shovel, a ruler, among other items.
Use it to dig holes for planting– it’s handy for seed planting because the blade can be used to calculate the depth of the hole. The blade’s form is also suitable for transplanting, as it slips quickly into the pot to remove the seedling. Weeding and loosening the soil with a Hori Hori was also a breeze. Many models come with a belt holder, which is understandable given how often gardeners reach for this tool.
There are many different types of shovels and spaces available in various styles and sizes, but a good quality round head shovel can give you the most bang for your buck and handle most digging tasks.
Break up dirt with a hammer, dig wider pits, and transplant soil. It can quickly take the place of a spade or garden hoe in a pinch.
A hand trowel is the ideal digging method for container gardeners who don’t need a shovel. It’s great for moving soil into containers and transplanting seedlings.
Pruning shears are a gardener’s best-of-both-worlds weapon. They’re perfect for pruning and harvesting delicate plants like herbs, as well as cutting and trimming light branches.
Look for all-steel shears, which can cut branches up to 5/8′′ thick. These pruners can come in handy in your vegetable garden, as well as with bushes and shrubs and some small tree branches.
Depending on the type of job you need to do, there are a few different designs and types of hand rakes to choose from. Find a three-pronged cultivator with durable tines for an all-purpose tool.
It can be used to remove leaves or spread mulch. A good cultivator may also be used to break up dirt, transform the soil, and incorporate compost. They’re also great for digging out weeds, especially in tight spaces between plants. Although larger tools are needed for a large patch of yard, a hand cultivator is suitable for flower and garden beds and container gardens.
A bow rake is useful when working with larger areas. Spread soil or compost, remove leaves from a garden bed, or split up and turn soil with it. You may be able to get away with using your bow rake for several tasks that would normally need a spading fork when you’re first starting out.
A bow rake may be used to collect leaves or grass clippings on your lawn for other yard work, saving you money on a yard rake. They can also be used to spread mulch.
Watering your lawn, flower beds, vegetable gardens, and outdoor container gardens is simple with a garden hose. Look for a hose that is both durable and long enough to cover all four corners of your yard from your spigot.
If weight is an issue, opt for a lightweight expandable hose like the Pocket Hose instead of a conventional rubber hose.
A garden spade is suitable for digging jobs that involve anything larger than a trowel but smaller than a shovel. It is mostly used to dig holes for trees, shrubs, and large flower plants, but it can also be used to shovel dirt, compost, and organic fertilizer from a pit, container, or wheelbarrow, as well as to cut a trench or slicing off thick turf.
It may also aid in removing small tree roots, so keep them sharp at all times.
2. POTS.
Plants can be shipped in containers, which makes them an excellent gardening tool. They’re great for people who live in apartments and don’t have access to a greenhouse or for people who move around a lot and want to bring their plants with them.
Pots come in a range of sizes, from small ones for desktop succulents to big ones for trees or portable veggie gardens. Plastic pots, terracotta pots, and ceramic pots are available in various colors to fit your desired aesthetic (or you can paint your own).
For those with smaller gardens, a watering can is ideal. It helps a gardener carry water to their plants and water many plants at a time before refilling (it sure beats running back and forth with a small cup!). Watering cans are available in a number of sizes and are usually made of metal or plastic.
So there you have it: ten essential gardening tools for beginners. There are various additional resources available to aid the operation, but you don’t need much to get started. Start small and develop your plant and tool collection as you go if you want to start gardening as a rewarding hobby.
The books we recommend, go into more detail on the tools you need.
Backyard Gardening Book (paperback)
Backyard Gardening Book (audiobook)
Urban Gardening Book (paperback)
Urban Gardening Book (audiobook)
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adposto2 · 3 years
WHERE is Gulberg Greens Islamabad.
Whom to trust whom not to?. Especially when it comes to investments, I think making decisions in this regard are harder than that lifetime effort made to earn that heavy amount. For instance me, who had been saving up for a decade now but took me more than three years to gain confidence enough to buy land. The money lying in the bank was only losing its worth . So, I knew I had to make a decision soon for my future security.  Now the question rises whom to trust, rather how to? . Commercial Projects  in Gulberg Islamabad
As we all know how fraud is common in this market. I can’t forget the first time I visited a real estate agent, the land that cost 15lac he was selling for 20 lac. And when I made a decision to buy it, it turned out to be a non-progressing land and probably have no worth howsoever. Now I knew this time is the right time to invest especially in the vicinity of Islamabad, my tension turned into frustration as I had never felt so helpless before. I was desperate for help YES… but was there anyone to guide me… unfortunately NO! One day while I was surfing Facebook, I came across Gulberg Islamabad’s post. The image was visually pleasing . Later ,when I dig down more to the content of their posts and website, the features seemed interesting too. Flat for sale in Gulberg islamabad
On top of all that, the name of Gulberg was quite promising itself. It suddenly clicked me to visit that place and visit their sales office rather than random property dealers. I entered Gulberg Greens and I was stunned by its beauty and grand look. I was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the Sales team that involved educated men and women as well. A lady helped me out with all the queries and procedure. For the first time I felt relieved to be in the right place and right away… yes right away I signed a cheque and booked an apartment in Gulberg Heights. The Roman architecture and amazing features and facilities that this place is offering was worth relying. So now I own my property and I surely believe that where there is a will there is a way! Commercial Plots in Gulberg Islamabad
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My New Year Resolution
New Year Resolution: Enough of struggles… now it’s time to do more with my life! This is what I said to myself in the beginning of 2019 and changed my perspective about life. Life as we all know tests us in every way but it’s us who decide whether to become a victim of it or have control over it by learning from our mistakes and experiences… We can surely make it better by becoming stronger, by expecting less and giving more, by focusing on our dear ones rather than those who hurt us and most of us by analyzing what we want from life and how to get it! Of course it isn’t as easy as it sounds and not a work of day or two.
With time I realized that though we are always trying to comprehend everything around us, the most difficult thing to understand is what lies within us. Literally sometimes it takes years to figure out something as little as what is best for us and what isn’t. If I sound silly just try convincing yourself to do something against your will… My time for the last 4 years didn’t seem to be in my favor . But I simply accepted my fate till I couldn’t bear more, as not just my personal and professional life but also the lives attached to me were getting unbearably affected. I for once realized the cost of shattering my confidence and blaming myself.
No one was going to offer me solutions… I had to be my own master. I started off by taking care of myself, making my faith in Allah stronger . Also in any type of  circumstance I didn’t let anything get me down. All this seemed impossible initially, but today I am where I am because of this. My relationships got better and I showed good progress at work. Along with work I started a new online business of mobile accessories in collaboration with my cosine. In just one year I have earned enough to make an investment. For 2020 I can proudly say that this year I will start a new better life at my favorite place in Islamabad, The Gulberg Islamabad.
I have already booked a plots in Gulberg Residencia and now I can’t wait to see my home being built where I will have everything I wish for, a place rather than a house will be my home. I will finally be able to make my family happy with this beautiful gift. As no doubt there is no place like Gulberg Islamabad.
Everyone wants to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t you???
In the serene and green Gulberg Residencia, is my beautiful home which means the world to me. And in that 7 marla home is my small lawn which is undoubtedly my favorite spot, my peace place. I can spend hours in my garden without getting bored since it makes me come alive from inside and I just love that feeling.
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My mother, my favorite person is another person who loves this spot equally. Gardening is her hobby and more than me she the one who takes good care of this garden. My garden may be tiny, but its is filled with numerous colors of nature. Here you will see a huge and unique variety of flowers, fruits and vegetables. Roses are my all time fave. In addition to which we keep growing seasonal flowers and vegetables in the garden . Plots in Gulberg Green Islamabad.
The feeling is indescribable when you see the buds blooming, vegetable growing and new leaves sprouting… its like a new beginning of joy, hope and success. Plants are not just growing stem, they have a life. I often talk to them, while I water them, i pour my love and and when i hoe the soil, i know this care I put in them will in return bring more freshness to my life. Usually my day starts in my garden. It is a positive way to begin a day with the peace of mind. I practice deep breathing for around 20 minutes and then look at all the plants that I have.
I love spending the evening hours in my garden if I have time. Best are the days when my friends come over for evening tea. We chat and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. My pretty little garden is surely an integral part of my life. This place vanishes all the negativeness and makes me happy in seconds.
Isn’t it hell of a confusion to decide which society is the best! These days too many new residence societies are emerging and everyone claims to be the best.
Other than few famous names such as Bahria Town and GULBERG, we can’t really rely on anyone… can we? So many fraud examples are there to scare us from making an investment. Also when it comes to business, we are either putting all our money in the drain or luck has knocked our door.
I wonder how many people get looted just because they trust the decent looking humans who convince them with their words. With the out of the world promises imagine how lifetime savings are blown away with just a signature. Though we can’t blindly trust any agent few things must be considered before making any decision.
They have been working in Real Estate for a quite a long time.
Check out the successful transactions and the feedbacks of their previous clients.
Their contact details, be it online or offline should always be available and so should be the responsive rate.
They should definitely be affiliated with a registered office or should be registered by themselves.
They should have in-depth information of the real estate industry.
Must supply your real estate needs as their utmost priority.
They should guide properly for your transaction
My Encounter with a Real Estate Agent
Today, thanks to the education and awareness, women believe there is nothing on earth they can’t do, well… try dealing with an ignorant person without him staring at you top to bottom, as if you are sitting naked just for his entertainment.
Seems relatable doesn’t it? That’s not it, my encounter with the goof I’m referring to kept getting more and more interesting. He was none other but a real estate agent. My colleague told me about good investment opportunities at societies near new airport so I took some time off to visit a real estate office for a better understanding.
I entered a small office with few people all in white kameez shalwar, which till this day I don’t get why they only where white… is it their dress code? Or do they try to portray decency through their look. Well if so it didn’t really work on me. Instead of gaining interest all I wanted was to get away from the creepy looks.  I asked him straight about the rates and the best offers they had within the budget I had. And after this long question he asked … “Madam Ji, what would you like to have chai or thunda (cold drink)” ? Confused I simply said, “NO, I don’t have time, please come straight to the point”… “Madam, how can we let our guest go unserved? Please feel comfortable.
So I ended up with a glass of juice which turned out to be much needed to clear my throat. Every time I asked a questioned, his eyes became wider and he bent towards me more… I thought he was going to sit on the table on some point. Well long story short, I changed my mind, received a fake call and escaped. It was till few months back when I went to the sales office of Gulberg Islamabad where I realized that decent dealing is possible in this profession.
I went with my colleague expecting disaster but she came out satisfied with all her quires answered. Now I too have made up my mind to invest only in Gulberg Green Islamabad because it’s not just serene and green, it has the best offers according to your requirements.
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Life at Gulberg Residencia
Indeed, it was one of the best decisions of my life… we can’t regret the fact that our environment has a great influence on us. In other words, if we can’t adjust in our surrounding, nothing else can make us happy, neither money nor luxury. On the other hand, peace of mind in this fast moving era is not that easy to find. Cities are getting more and more crowded and so when I was capable of making an investment, all I could think was… PEACE! My residence  was living in central area of Rawalpindi.
The daily traffic block added extra half an hour to my office distance which was only 10 km away. And not just travelling, I was sick of the noises, pollution and altogether, I was unhappy with my lifestyle… even going for outing was not a fun thing for me. I know many people are happy the way they are but not me and I couldn’t help it. I had imagined a better life for my wife and my two kids who meant the world to me.
One day I crossed a newly emerging society, the Gulberg Islamabad and I felt the urge to visit it. Though the elegant entrance with wide roads and amazing farmhouses, I thought this place is only for the elite class.  Out of curiosity I asked a shopkeeper who showed me the way to the Gulberg Customer Dealing office. Again I was impressed but hopeless for I knew my savings were not enough.
Gathering up my confidence, I told the Sales Executive guy Mr. Mohsin about my total saving. Of course his response surprised me with a proposal not just for a living opportunity, but it offered an exceptional lifestyle, beyond my expectations at Gulberg Green Residencia. Though I could only afford a 5 marla plot, it was more than enough for me and my family. I thought it was the best gift I could give to my family and so it was.
When I brought my wife my kids and my parents to show them my plot, my wife was in tears of happiness and my mother couldn’t be more proud of me. I can’t wait for the time when I will move in to spend my dream life with my family. At Gulberg Islamabad, live your DREAM with SERENE AND GREEN LIFESTYLE!
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andersunmenschlich · 4 years
Dragon Slave: A Rough Guide to Pronunciation
黄昏よりも暗き存在 (O thou being darker than twilight)
"Tasogare" means "twilight." Say "ta" as in "tall." "So" as in "so that's how." "Ga" as you do the first part of "got." And "re" as in "a drop of golden sun." Tah-so-gah-ray.
"Yorimo" indicates a comparison. Say "yo" like you don't know how to say "hello." "Ri" as you would the first part of "read." And "mo" like one of the Three Stooges. Yo-ree-moe.
"Kuraki" means "dark" or "darkness." Say "ku" like you're a pigeon. "Ra" as though you're an Egyptian priest (or a cheerleader). And "ki" like you need to open a lock. Coo-rah-key.
This last word is interesting because it's written 存在 (sonzai), but pronounced もの (mono).
"Mono," in this case, means "being." Say "mo" like he's a Stooge. Say "no" like you're refusing something. Moe-no.
血の流れよりも赤き存在 (More deeply crimson than flowing blood)
"Chi" means "blood." Say "chi" as you would the first part of the word "cheese." Chee.
"No" is a possessive particle. The next word will be of blood. Just say "no." No.
"Nagare" means "flow," "stream," or "current." The flow of blood. Say "na" as though turning something down informally. "Ga" like the first part of "got." And "re" like a ray of light. Nah-gah-ray.
"Yorimo" you probably remember from the first line. Yo-ree-moe.
Note that sometimes Lina leaves the "mo" off this bit—it isn't essential.
"Akaki" means "red" or "crimson." Say "a" as though you've just realized something. Then say "ka" and "ki" like you're describing Lina Inverse. Ah-cocky.
"Mono" is, again, the same as it is in the last line. Moe-no.
時間の流れに埋もれし (concealed within the flow of time)
Yes, this part comes before "in thy mighty name." The grammar of Japanese is often a great deal like Yoda-speak.
Once again we have a word that's written one way but read another. This first word is written 時間 (jikan), but read とき (toki). Either way, it means "time." Say "to" like you're considering your pedal digits. You remember how to say "ki"—it goes to a lock. Toe-key.
"No" is, again, a possessive particle... and yet again, it's followed by "nagare." Last time it was the flow of blood: now it's the flow of time. No nah-gah-ray.
"Ni" is a particle which, in this case, means "in." Say "ni" like it's the thing that lets you bend your leg. Knee.
"Umoreshi" means "buried," "covered," or "hidden." Pronounce "u" as though you're watching fireworks. "Mo" like a Stooge. "Re" like the first part of "rest." And "shi" like you're talking about Lina or Amelia. Oo-moe-reh-she.
Note that "shi" is sometimes simply pronounced "sh" (especially in the middle of words).
偉大なる汝の名において (In thy mighty name)
"Idai" means "great" or "mighty." Pronounce "i" as though you've just seen a roach, then "dai" as though you're killing it. Ee-die.
"Naru," in this case, adds emphasis (and formality). Say "na" like you're turning someone down, and "ru" like you're in the Hunger Games. Nah-rue.
"Nanji" is an old-fashioned, formal way of saying "you." Essentially, it means "thou." Turn someone down informally. Say "n"—not the letter, just the sound. Pronounce "ji" like you're a kid on The Andy Griffith Show. Nah-n-gee.
You remember "no." No.
"Na" means "name," "title," or "reputation." Nah.
"Nioite" means "in" or "on." Get your knee out again. Say "oi" like you're British. Pronounce "te" like the first part of "technology." Knee-oi-teh.
我ここに闇に誓わん (I pledge myself to darkness here)
"Ware" is to "I" as "thou" is to "you." Say "wa" like the first part of the word "water." "Re" like a beam of light. Wah-ray.
"Kokoni" means "here," "in this place." Pronouce "koko" like it's a hot drink, and "ni" like it's part of your leg. Cocoa-knee.
"Yami" means "darkness." Or "despair," or "hidden place," "secrecy," or even "oblivion." Pronouce "ya" like you're a German saying "yes." Say "mi" like you're talking about yourself. Ja-me.
You remember "ni" from earlier, yes? It's a particle which, in this case, means "to." Knee.
"Chikawan" means "swear; vow; take an oath; pledge." Say "chi" like the first part of "cheese." "Ka" like the first part of "cocky." "Wa" like the first part of "water." And "n" (just the sound, not the letter). Chee-kah-wah-n.
This is half the full spell, by the way. Five lines down, five to go!
我らが前に立ち塞がりし (who stand in our way)
...Ah, Japanese grammar.
"Warera." The addition of "ra" makes this fancy "I" plural: now it's a fancy way of saying "us." "Wa" like the first part of "water." "Re" like a beam of light. "Ra" like an Egyptian god. Wah-ray-rah.
"Ga" indicates the subject (which is "us"). Say "ga" like the first part of "got" or "god." Gah.
"Maeni" means "ahead of" or "before." Pronounce "ma" like the first part of "mom." "E" like the first part of "egg." "Ni" like it's part of your leg. Mah-eh-knee.
"Tachifusagarishi" means "stand in the way; bar the way; block the way." Say "ta" like the first part of "top." "Chi" like the first part of "cheese." "Fu" like you're kung fu fighting. "Sa" like the first part of "sock." "Ga" like the first part of "got." "Ri" like the first part of "read." "Shi" like a pronoun. Tah-chee-foo-sah-gah-ree-she.
全ての愚かなるものに (all those fools shall)
"Subete" means "all" or "everything" (in this case, everyone). Pronounce "su" like you're litigious. "Be" like the first part of "bet." "Te" like the first part of "technology." Sue-beh-teh.
You remember the possessive particle "no." No.
"Oroka" means "foolish" or "stupid." Say "o" like the first part of "okay." "Ro" like you've got oars. And "ka" like the first part of "cocky." Oh-row-kah.
"Naru" once again adds emphasis and formality. Nah-rue.
Here "mono" is actually written もの: "person; being." Moe-no.
"Ni" indicates that whatever you say from here will be done *to* "all those fools." Knee.
我と汝が力もて (By the power I and thou possess)
You remember "ware," the old-fashioned term for "I." "Wa" like the first part of "water." "Re" like a beam of light. Wah-ray.
"To" means "and." You know those things on your feet? Toe.
You remember "nanji," the old-fashioned "you." Say "na" like you don't care for something. Say "n" (just the sound, not the letter). And "ji" like you're Opie Taylor. Nah-n-gee.
You remember "ga"—once again, I and thou are the subject. "Ga" like the first part of "got." Gah.
"Chikara" means "force; strength; power; might." Say "chi" like the first part of "cheese." "Ka" like the first part of "cocky" or "caught." "Ra" like an Egyptian god. Chee-kah-rah.
"Mote" means "hold; possess; have." Say "mo" like the Stooge. "Te" like the first part of "technology." Moe-teh.
等しく滅びを与えんことを (Be granted alike destruction)
"Hitoshiku" means "equally; evenly; alike." Pronounce "hi" like you're talking about Zelgadis. "To" like one of those ten things on your feet. "Shi" like you're talking about Lina or Amelia. And "ku" like you're a pigeon. He-toe-she-coo.
Note again that "shi" is often simply pronounced "sh" in the middle of words. You can listen to Lina here, if you like.
"Horobi" means "ruin; destruction; extinction." Say "ho" like you're a gardener. "Ro" like you're planting beans. And "bi" like you want honey. Hoe-row-bee.
"Wo" indicates that something's going to be done with this destruction. Pronounce it "oh."
"Ataen" means "grant; give; bestow." Say "a" like you've just realized something. "Ta" like the first part of "talk." And "en" like the letter N. Ah-tah-N.
"Koto" means "thing" or "occurrence; event." In this case, the thing that's occurring is the granting. Say "ko" like the first part of "cocoa." "To" like your toe. Koe-toe.
And "wo" once more, wrapping up the grammar of the sentence nice and neat: the granting of destruction will be done equivalently to all way-blocking fools. Oh.
Now all you have to do is say "Dragon Slave!" and you're done.
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faucetcup2 · 4 years
Can My Cat Rest With Me?
Pet Dog Resting.
Top 5 Boarding Options For Your Family Pet.
Take Into Consideration A Cat Sitter.
Welcome To The Cats Hotel.
With A Range Of Holiday Accommodation We Can Cater For Private Pet Cats, Or Small Households.
C Urious To Know What Some Of Our Homesitters Stood Up To Throughout Lock
Others will certainly squat and make urine pools outside their can. This might be arbitrary items like sofas or plastic bags, or the item they're jealous of. Sometimes, the target may be a things the animal or person they are envious of utilizes frequently. For example, if your cat envies of the brand-new pet dog, it may note the canine's bed.
Sadly, feline splitting up anxiousness typically goes unnoticed till it ends up being severe. Unlike pets with separation stress and anxiety, pet cats will certainly not trash your whole house or frustrate the next-door neighbors with excessive barking and growling. Yet, your cat might begin acting even more clingy, quit using the can, and also meow exceedingly.
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Short messages or phone calls with the cat caretaker will certainly aid ensure you that your children are changing well to your lack. Prior to leaving on your trip, draw up comprehensive guidelines for the cat sitter. In addition to feeding as well as litter-box maintenance details, include each cat's reward as well as toy choices.
Envious pet cats often hunger for attention as well as are clingier than an indifferent cat, as well as sometimes they can act out. While it can be aggravating, there are steps you can take to quit the jealous actions. The secret is trying to discover why your cat is feeling this way. As long as your cat does not mind doing such a thing there in no damage in doing so and might be valuable to them as it provides their life more selection.
A cat is additionally in a happy-place when their ears are facing ahead, yet slanted back just a little. Sudden expansion of the eyes shows they are exceptionally delighted. Cattery 365 will additionally brush various other pet cats or perhaps lick their proprietor-- this additionally reveals trust fund as well as a positive partnership. While purring is not constantly a foolproof indicator of a joyful cat, essentially, it can be a sign of feline contentment or even bliss.
Family Pet Sitting.
Felines might be reproduced as a pastime, or on a business basis where they are sold for earnings. A veterinarian will be considered to be keeping a boarding facility if, at the time of boarding, the cat is not under treatment or needed to board as component of that therapy.
Plus, they can get in all type of trouble when left residence alone. Dangling cables, poisonous plants, chemicals, plastic bags, paper shredders-- all these things position huge hazards to your little feline traveler. You will be asked to provide proof of up-to-date vaccinations before your cat can be boarded at any cat cattery.
Jealous cats may likewise invade your personal space while you are holding a brand-new baby or video game controller. They may attempt to sit on your lap while you snuggle with your loved one rather than them. An absence of personal room, beds, or various other personal belongings can likewise motivate jealous habits if a cat feels intimidated by one more pet. Poor socializing as a kittycat might lead a cat to end up being codependent on you and display indicators of envy at times.
As I stated prior to however they require to get utilized to this kind of point initially. You might want ask your good friend to spray their home with scent spray a minimum of two times a day so they really feel much more calm when you're not about or simply use a pheromone collar to make it easier for you and them. If you are going to bring your kittycat to a friends house its probably an excellent concept to understand exactly how to take them there properly to begin with. The very best way to do this is to put them within a cat carrier. Kitties don't have as much life experience yet so they are a great deal extra open to this sort of thing.
If your cat is on daily medication, we more than happy to administer this drug - this includes insulin shots, as long as your cat is fairly delighted to obtain it/them. However, we book the right to apply a little fee for providing drugs that are, or prove to be either extremely time consuming and/or by their actual nature are tough to carry out. The nature of any medication needs to be talked about at the time of the reservation.
And as contact with your family pet decreases stress and anxiety and also slows your heart rate, it can also do you great. Nonetheless, some advice should be complied with before you both calm down for the evening. You ought to additionally see to it that your cat obtains adequate energised play.
You need to offer your cat lots of interest when you're residence and also offer her with playthings and also entertainment when you're not around. Make it an indicate choose as well as pet your cat when you return or anytime you have a totally free moment. Some cats will just spray onto wall surfaces and also other vertical surfaces.
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Heating will certainly guarantee your cat fits whatever the climate. Originally, the pair had 2 felines-- Bonnie and Clyde, as well as previously, when they went on vacation their neighbors made use of to feed the cats, which were happy to be left.
You can talk to your cat remotely with a Petcube Bites 2, an animal electronic camera that doubles as a reward dispenser. The length of time you can leave your cat alone relies on your pet dog's individuality and also behaviors.
Leading 5 Boarding Options For Your Pet Dog.
No get in touch with is allowed in between pet cats from different "households", not surprisingly, this is a licensing condition of boarding catteries. There have been some elements of life that have actually gone back to normality. We'll all be keeping our hopes up that the circumstance can remain to boost. The last few months has actually impacted whatever, including our cats. In this issue, we check out the tradition of lockdown on the nation's pet cats-- it makes a genuine interesting read, specifically for people who love pet cats as high as the Your Cat area.
List their favored tasks together with any particular behavior concerns. Note exactly how your sitter can contact you and also your veterinarian while you are traveling.
Nevertheless, as for herpesvirus, vaccination is still suggested to decrease the regularity as well as intensity of professional signs. Feline panleukopenia infection triggers a serious and also often fatal disease. Vaccination is extremely efficient as well as has actually fortunately reduced the incidence of the disease significantly. Nonetheless, where susceptible populaces of pet cats exist, it is highly infectious.
Think About A Cat Sitter.
Your cat might ask you for food by massaging around your legs and meowing, leading you to their bowl. From abundant sprints and also feline wrestling matches to soothe paw patting of the functions, these spirited tasks suggest a happy cat.
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If we are alerted of a recognized FIV-positive cat, we will certainly aim to provide accommodation away from various other cats, so it will with any luck minimize the threat of your cat capturing any secondary infection.
It is approximated that around 4% of the UK feline population is FIV-positive, your cat's condition can only be developed by blood tests, possibly triggered by some signs being displayed.
If you do take this choice, always utilize a family pet caretaker that has either been directly recommended by somebody you trust fund, or that originates from a firm that makes all the essential look for you.
This applies not only to their everyday regimen however additionally to their area and also the make-up of the family.A cat that instantly has to deal with solid changes can obtain quite baffled and also stressed out.
An alternative is to spend for a professional family pet sitter, suggesting a person either calls in on a regular basis to feed and socialise with your cat, or will certainly live in your house while you are away.
The appeal of a live-in caretaker is that your cat will certainly entertain at all times as well as your residence is looked after.
However, there is presently no injection for Feline Immunodeficiency Infection in the UK, although, you can minimize their possibilities of having FIV via battling by having them neutered.
Just in situation something unanticipated happens, hide an additional key outside your house or provide one to a trusted neighbor. Candace Elise Hoes is a family pet sitter as well as blogger at Katie's Feline. She is a grad of the MFA Composing Program at The Golden State University of the Arts. Although it sounds macabre, in some cases it can be valuable to permit the making it through pet to say "farewell" to the body after a hairy close friend has actually passed away.
They will ready out a minimal room that a cat is entitled to when boarded, this must be followed when preparing the structure. If you take control of an existing company where several of the problems will be tough to abide by, the authority will most likely make some allowances. If they provided a permit to unsuitable candidates and something went wrong they would certainly get blamed. If you are developing a new service you should adhere to all the standards as well as guidelines when you send your cattery strategies, then you can look for the permit.
Invite To The Cats Hotel.
If the cattery has a larger family unit readily available this can be made use of. Some catteries can open cat flaps between smaller sized units to allow felines make use of the whole location. Updated inoculations versus upper respiratory tract condition and also feline transmittable enteritis are essential to decrease any threat of cross infection in the cattery. A safety flow encloses the entries to every cat's quarters, enabling very easy regain of felines ought to they be intent on escape. Outside runs likewise give boosted air flow that avoids the spread of microorganisms and infections within the cattery.
No matter Cattery365.co.uk , felines do obtain lonesome when they are left ignored for extended periods of time. They are social beings that form solid bonds with their owners. When their demands for companionship are not fulfilled, cats can end up being depressed. As independent as they are, cats still hunger for attention as well as communication.
As a worried cat moms and dad, you might have asked yourself whether your cat is happy. And also while each cat is a private, they may show happiness in various means.
If they are fine with mosting likely to your close friend residence It might even be good for them as they aren't maintained in the exact same location at all times and gives them much more psychological stimulation. Hi, exists anything in composing that states licenses are meant to be transferrable like you said? They may vary a little from area to location depending upon the council involved.
Although your cat will probably follow your body clock, she may be active during the evening. To guarantee your rest is not interrupted, it is suggested to give her enough interest in the day and to not lock her in the room with you when you go to bed. Lastly, for good hygiene, comb your cat routinely and also treat her versus bloodsuckers such as fleas and also ticks. Sharing a bed is a sign of distance, both for your cat as well as for you.
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The most common adverse effects are very mild, and consist of sleepiness, inappetence or inflammation at the injection site. More marked negative effects may include throwing up, diarrhea, lameness, fever, indicators of respiratory system tract infection, or swellings at the site of shot. Kittycats and also young felines appear to be most likely to develop problems than older cats. An additional damaging impact that might be reported is lack of efficiency. Whilst this might result from genuine vaccine failure, it might also be because of infection prior to inoculation, or a lacking immune system causing an inability by the cat to install an immune response.
If the boarding center is advertised as ancillary to the vet's primary organization, the establishment will require to be accredited and also checked by their neighborhood authority and also fulfill the conditions as per any type of other boarding facility. All establishments boarding pet cats within the United Kingdom are required to be licensed and examined by the local authority's Environmental Health and wellness department under the Pet Boarding Establishments Act 1963. Accredited facilities will have a duplicate of their permit prominently displayed as part of their problems of permit. Side effects from vaccinations are very unusual, specifically in view of the countless doses that are administered annually.
Like herpesvirus, calicivirus causes cat influenza, commonly with dental ulceration. Felines may either free themselves of the illness or become chronically contaminated. Many different pressures of calicivirus exist, with the vaccinations being focused on the much more serious strains. The existence of various strains, as well as the capability of felines to become constantly infected describes why some pet cats may still show proof of calicivirus infection, even though they have actually been immunized.
Even a short visit from a familiar, trusted cat-sitter can separate the day and also aid your cat feel more safe. A responsible person who can spend a hr approximately with your cat can make all the difference if you need to be away from home for a longer period. No, it's not vicious unless your cat is alone for extensive time periods.
Our feline close friends are at their cutest this time around of year bringing them can include a bunch of happiness for us also. I think leaving my cats at home is best for she does not such as the auto and much less anxiety for both people. I'm just disappearing for a little over 1 day however its the lengthiest we have actually left the cat, he does not such as when we most likely to function or head out all evening, hes a bit of an anxious cat so I am a little bit worried concerning him. Apartments need to be huge enough to consist of shelves the cats can climb to, puts to conceal, as well as room for playthings and also a bed. The placement of the feeding stations is important-- the apartments require to be big sufficient to make sure that they are not placed beside the litter boxes.
It's likewise a great concept, in case of emergencies, to give the cattery with your vet's details, your cat's silicon chip details and also a record of any kind of pertinent veterinary history. If your cat gets on any kind of drug, make sure you leave clear guidelines on just how and also when to administer them, along with anything you 'd like them to understand about nutritional or behavioral problems. Make sure that the boarding cattery is accredited, as that means they need to stick to various laws pertaining to health and safety. It is very important to do your study to find a trustworthy, accredited cattery with experienced, caring staff and also great, tidy, comfy centers. The International Cat Care internet site provides some outstanding suggestions on picking a boarding cattery, in addition to questions to ask when you go to.
With A Series Of Accommodation We Can Cater For Individual Cats, Or Small Families.
In many cases, cats might start peing beyond the can to make a point. Urine marking is just one of the most troublesome as well as aggravating actions for cat proprietors. Not just is it an indicator that something is wrong with your cat, however it is difficult to tidy and also get rid of the odor, which can cause ongoing noting. Regular "jealous" behaviors include hissing, growling, as well as swatting at the item that the cat is jealous of, such as your cell phone while you are holding it.
The same way that you'll obtain hungry around lunchtime and know it's been a few hours because breakfast, cats will judge the length of time it has actually been considering that their last meal-- which's just how they recognize to inform you off if a recipe is overdue. Pet cats are recognized for being sassy as well as endlessly sure of oneself, so when you think about it, it in fact makes sense that they naturally think their big, wacky guardians are nothing greater than fellow felines. And also if cats think I'm additionally a cat, then to inform you the fact, I'm really recognized. Cattery365.co.uk of somebody around sees me for that I actually wish to be. Cats are clever and will certainly soon have their owners totally educated to give them with deals with when required, however this behavior is a sign of trust and also shows that your feline friend enjoys.
C Urious To Know What Several Of Our Homesitters Rose To Throughout Lock
Cats often tend to be bundles of energy which they require to express in healthy and balanced methods. It's important that you provide your cat lots of physical play, chasing intro toys as well as running about as high as possible. Some pet cats can discover to enjoy walking on a harness and also lead; if you can convince your cat to take the harness, this can be a terrific means to promote your cat and also help them burn any kind of excess anxious power. One more option is to have a human buddy pop into the house while you're away.
Deal With With Treatment.
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Yes - Felines Country Club will provide insulin shots offered that your cat's degrees are in control as well as have actually done for many pet cats for many years. Nonetheless, Cats Country Club takes no responsibility for health and wellness concerns occurring from insulin shots. instantly, in the unlikley occasion that it shows signs of being unwell. Bringing the diet your cat is completely satisfied with is great with us, we can likewise supplement and/or enhance your own too, as in our experience they can alter their nutritional "sort" in some cases whilst here.
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homo-ousios · 5 years
Alright fuckers here’s the link to my fic because I don’t care about my dignity anymore if you know me in real life you’re blocked as I continue to write uplifting angel on demon smut for the good of mankind
Land of the Living (37537 words) by amdg2846 Chapters: 17/17 Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Hastur (Good Omens), Satan | Lucifer (Good Omens), Delivery Man (Good Omens), God (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), bus stop scene, TV canon compliant, minor trauma flashbacks, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, joy, True Love, Mutual Pining, Crowley's Flat, Body Swap, Poetry, a light sprinkling of theology, Terrified plants, minor drunken shenanigans, Sexual Tension, casually having an existential crisis all the time, the solution is to bone down, Idiots in Love, they're both morosexuals, in a morosexual relationship, Crowley is so in love he's a blithering dumbass, First Time, First Kisses, Aziraphale lying to himself, gift-love!Aziraphale, need-love!Crowley, at first..., Porn with Feelings, metaphysical smut, Fear of loss, Fear of Death, they have 3 brain cells between them, Crowley.exe not responding, Suffering, Acceptance, Self-Deception, anxious waiting, Happy Ending, Protective Aziraphale (Good Omens), Pining Crowley (Good Omens), Pining Aziraphale (Good Omens), Dream Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, kind of, Dining at the Ritz (Good Omens), Protective Crowley, Communication Failure, really Crowley is just an obtuse disaster, Crowley loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale loves Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale's Bookshop, Apologies, Love Confessions, Misunderstandings, Manipulation, the bandstand at battersea, Victorian Flower Language, Just lots of feelings, Forgiveness, Emotional Sex, Explicit Consent, Implied Consent, Top Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bottom Crowley (Good Omens), Making Love, Rough Kissing, Hand Kisses, Ineffable Bureaucracy, hints of Gabrielzebub, because I love them that's why, comic interlude, St. James's Park, Picnics, the smut continueth, religious themed smut, hellooooo friends enjoy this light blasphemy, the fic gods have decreed, Morning Wood, it's me i'm the fic gods, Developing Relationship, bureaucratic silliness, with a twist of moral theology, Crowley your hickeys are showing, Gabriel Being a Dick, Defiant Love, eternal love, Paperwork, briefly indulging in a plot, before returning to smut and feelings, Emotional Hurt, Oral Sex, Nightmares, Anti-Capitalism, Crowley said eat the rich, love and mysticism, theater date, Aziraphale is hornt, Playful Sex, Anal Sex, oops should have tagged that way sooner, it's been going on for a while now, Switching, Aziraphale to Crowley pls fuck me, wanting your bf to raw you using the delicate metaphors of 19th century homoerotic literature, anxious dithering, Insecurities, Aziraphale said no dispensations for the rich, abuse of plants, Wrath of God Aziraphale, in this house we don't listen to Nietzsche OR Plotinus, and YES! Aziraphale IS reading The Gay Science, Free Will, Choices, Cooperative Choice, Liberation, Power Dynamics, Things getting Intense fam, it's all very metaphysical, maybe you didn’t follow this story for a trippy theological horror sequence, but you’re gOnNA GET OnE, the Title Drop has arrived, Hope, Recovery, sexual healing lmao, Bedside Vigils, Rules Lawyering, Aziraphale is a thirsty hoe, and Crowley is a coquettish little shit, Finally giving Aziraphale what he wants, Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Top Crowley (Good Omens), Consent is Sexy, Food Play, They're married now, staying in bed the whole damn day, Pride and Humility, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, intimacy issues, Aziraphale is here to drink scotch and suck a dick, and he's all out of scotch, getting your dick sucked as a metaphor for the acceptance of divine grace, God is going to smite me for writing this fic, Smug Bitch Aziraphale, Crowley gets off so hard he ascends to the great beyond and forgets what century it is, and he is Very Cranky about it, Resolution, Reconciliation, New Beginnings, comic epilogue, and here are the tags for literary references:, G.K. Chesterton, Sappho - Freeform, song of solomon, The Gospels, Prayer of St. Ambrose, Shakespeare, The Tempest, Neo-Platonism, Nietzsche, Die fröliche Wissenschaft, C.S. Lewis - Freeform, The Great Divorce, The myth of Prometheus, Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden - Freeform, The Book of Isaiah, and a shoutout to, Proust, for the literary psychology of waking up, Heads up about the rating, I don't get super anatomical so I kept it at M, but they DO HAVE SEX onscreen, a bunch - Freeform, You Have Been Warned Summary:
Having defied Heaven and Hell for the sake of the world and each other, an angel and a demon prepare to face the consequences, and finally embrace what they truly fought for.
"...we have passed a door; and felt the wind that is the trumpet of liberty blow over the land of the living." —G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man
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fauveshumankaiju · 4 years
Jet Jaguar commits a crime
Monsuta was a pretty place during the day, but it was almost prettier at night.
With nothing but the oily yellow streetlights and the glinting of the city further down the bay to illuminate the road, you couldn’t see the cracks and potholes on it.  The dark was a tasteful gauzy curtain over all the public works projects waiting to happen in their seaside town.
Jet Jaguar sent a can skittering across the sidewalk by accident as he walked, and he looped back to pick it up and shotput it into a trashcan in front of the darkened H-Mart.  The only sound besides the light clink of it hitting the rim and bouncing off was the distant highway hum and the quiet whisper of the waves a few blocks over. Somewhere nearby, a radio was playing. Tourist season wouldn’t pick up for a few months; the beachside vendors hadn’t moved back up north yet, and midnight saw all the Monsuta restaurants near the boardwalk closed.
It also saw Jet Jaguar responding to inane store alarms every hour or so.
Not that he had anything better to do than roll up to convenience stores and verify that no, a raccoon knocking over a pile of empty boxes did not constitute an appropriate alarm trigger. If he were lucky he’d be sitting in his cop car, snacking on Rokuro’s gummy bears and reading Dear Abby on his phone in the dark.  If he wasn’t lucky, he’d run into someone troublesome and he’d be coming home late covered in bruises and Mothra’s suture tape again.
Monsuta’s a great posting for a rookie cop! They’d said. Quiet little resort town where you can really get to know people, like a cop in a kid’s picture book, they said. Get cats out of trees and do photoshoots at picnics, they said. Nobody prepared him for getting starched with a dentist’s prosthetic arm on his first week on the beat. No wonder nobody’d been posted there for a decade.
The only reason that Monsuta had so quiet for so long on nights like these was because someone was doing her level best to keep them quiet.
And speak of the devil.
Across the street, a familiar figure was leaning against an office building storefront, out of the way of the streetlights, doing their best to look innocuous.  Jet Jaguar didn’t graduate top of his class by Not Seeing Innocuous Things, though, and he didn’t get roughed up by Megalon, of all people, by not exploring things that were better left unseen.
“Hey!” He called out as he crossed the street, hands in his pockets, doing his best Non-Threatening Amble.
The shadow turned and unstuck itself from the wall. Gojira, scourge of the Monsuta streets, popped her knuckles and gave him a single sharp nod of acknowledgement as he came up to her. She was in all black, her hood pulled up, and if Jet hadn’t become intimately acquainted with her silhouette when they had their stand-off against the terrible duo he might not have recognized her.
“What’s up, Goji?”
“Not much.”
“It’s a little late out, isn’t it?”
“... Eh.”
Jet Jaguar looked around. “Who are we looking out for, chief?”
“What makes you think we’re looking out for anyone?”
“Well, it’s midnight on a Wednesday night, and I’m pretty sure you have a full time job and a family at home, so I don’t think I need my detective skills to tell that something’s going on. I just don’t know why you wouldn’t invite me. Extra pair of handcuffs would come in handy if you think Mr. Ghidorah’s going to try to bother someone.”
“Mmh.” She crossed her arms, sounding a little defiant.
“What, you’re not planning something illegal, are you?”
“Goji, man.”
“Not felony illegal…” he heard a smile in her voice.
Someone was coming their way. The two of them looked up.  A tall figure, also dressed in all black, hands laden with bags, meeting them on the sidewalk.  Jet picked up on Goji’s tension and his hand slipped casually out of his pocket to the taser on his belt.  He thought he’d met most of the Monsutans that he’d be seeing on the job since he got here late last year, but the town kept surprising him.
Goji lifted a few fingers in greeting. He wondered if their guest could even see it in the dark.
“Who is this?” The woman asked quietly as she stopped in front of them, head turned to Jet like she was staring him up and down. She had a low, rich voice and a strong accent that he couldn’t place. 
“Jet Jaguar. He’s a, uh, friend cop.”
“Hi there,” Jet interjected with a thumbs up. “Nice to meet you..?” He couldn’t tell if he’d met the stranger before. Surely he’d remember her low, accented voice or her eyebrow-raising height.
After a moment – “I suppose I have no choice but to trust your discretion now,” she stranger sighed. “I am Biollante.”
“She lives on South-Southeast,” Goji added casually. “You know, other side of the interstate.  She fractured my sternum with a gardening hoe once.”
“Always great to meet a neighbor,” Jet said.  “Are you gonna tell me what you guys are doing?”
Not the breaking-Goji’s-sternum-with-a-tool thing, that was pretty par the course for her.  She made most of her friends after they beat each other up – Jet was actually the only person that he knew that she hadn’t, at some point, thrown down with.  He’d hoped that the Ghidorahs would be the latest addition to her coterie, but that was a long time in coming, if it ever happened.
Goji and Biollante looked at each other for a long second. Biollante huffed, Goji shrugged.
“Your party, your guest list,” Goji said.
“Alright, if you vouch for him, then – he already knows too much to let him leave.”
“I actually don’t know anything,” Jet said, raising his eyebrows at her cold, serious tone.
Goji made a noise and motioned with her head.  Biollante nodded and handed her one of the cloth bags she was carrying, then, with a moment of calculation, gave one to Jet Jaguar as well. He took it, felt the bottom – it felt almost like a bag of rice, something granular and heavy that swung as they turned the corner at the end of the block.  He remembered where they were now; this was one of the Ghidorah’s newest apartment complexes.  It was in the process of being finished, he had done a brief perimeter security assessment earlier that month.
“Alright, this is good,” Goji said when they reached the side gate. The three looked up. 8 feet of wrought-iron, brick and bushes on either side.  Even though it wasn’t the front gate, it was still awfully intimidating.
“We going to TP their house? I don’t think they actually live here,” Jet said dryly as Goji leaned down, lacing her fingers together.  Biollante delicately hiked her long black skirt up to her ankle and placed her foot on the construction worker’s hands. A nod and a grunt and Goji launched her up and over the fence to the other side.
“Nah, not TP. Something better,” she said, looking up at Jet expectantly. He looked at Biollante on the other side of the fence, sighed, took hold of the bag and let Goji toss him over like a sack of grain.  He hadn’t pulled something like this since the academy, and even though he wasn’t entirely convinced that he wasn’t aiding and abetting a crime, he had to say that this was more interesting than what he’d otherwise be doing on a night like tonight.
Goji hit the ground behind them with surprising grace, and she straightened up with military speed and precision.  “Alright, let’s move out.”
Biollante pointed towards the center of the lot.  The construction equipment had mostly been taken back now that the landscaping was done, and in the dim light from the sidewalk Jet could see fresh slices of grass and perfectly cleaned, empty flowerbeds spreading out in front of the empty apartment complex. Everything was clean, sanitized, sharp as a scalpel. That was why Goji hated the Ghidorahs – that’s what they were like, too.
They followed Biollante, zig-zagging ducking behind bushes on the way. They were probably avoiding the security cameras, Jet thought, mildly impressed and a little concerned about the property’s security.
“Now,” Biollante hissed, turning around. “We go in, we spread the seeds – in handfuls, like this, not clumps-“ she made a flicking gesture with her wrist – “in all the areas with tilled soil. Try to save enough for the entire area, and, if you’re not overgenerous, for the lawn, as well.  Get broad coverage.”
Jet looked into the bag, squinting, as if he could see anything in the dark anyways.  Biollante was already off, like a ninja in a floor length skirt. Goji shrugged at Jet and the two moved perpendicular to her, tossing out seeds on their way.
“These are local species,” Goji finally said. “They’re planning to plant all kinds of weird tropical things here instead, and Biollante thought it’d be a great idea to seed-bomb ‘em with weeds. They’d have to tear the whole thing up to get rid of them all.”
Ah, that explained it.  Sort of.  He knew there had to be a ‘screw you, Ghidorahs!’ angle in here, but this was definitely a weird one to take.
“She came up with it and asked me to help,” Goji admitted. “Got to hand it to someone who can make up with someone who kicked their ass.  Strength of character.”
“That is how you made, like, all of your friends.  You fight-zoned them.”
Goji snorted.  They reached the end of the plot and doubled back at a leisurely pace, Biollante’s concern for secrecy forgotten.  It was nice, getting to spend time with friends on the job. Jet got the impression that if he didn’t start getting out more, Goro was going to think he was a shut-in and start charity-inviting their lodger to the family’s work events.
A rush of black and the sound of distant shouting was the only warning that Biollante had doubled back to them, holding her skirt up, empty bags in her fists.
“Security guards,” she whispered harshly as she passed.  “The shift change must be over.” Goji and Jet looked at each other.  From the other side of the building the voices got clearer. Jet saw the blink of flashlights coming around the corner just as he and Goji booked it back to the gate, where Biollante was struggling to get over it herself.  Goji gave her a last inelegant push to the bottom of her foot and she flipped over the top.
“C’mon, kid,” Goji said, wiggling her fingers at Jet.  Behind them he heard several pairs of footfalls and the sounds of aggravated voices. He took her hand, callused and capable, and she grabbed him by the nape of his police uniform collar and yanked him over the edge like he weighed as much as a bag of indigenous flora seeds. He probably bruised his spine going over and he almost landed wrong, but damn, it felt good to be out in the field. He barely cleared out of the way as Goji joined them on the other side.
“Split,” she said to Biollante with a nod. “Hope you can run fast.”
“See to yourself,” Biollante remarked. Then, “It was a pleasure working with you, Gojira.”
“Yeah, always up to cause trouble.  See you around.” She jerked her head up, and Biollante turned to slip away into the lacunae between the streetlights.
“Hey! What are you doing around here?” One of the security guards called. Goji grabbed Jet’s arm and the two of them sprinted down the block in the opposite direction, Jet with his policeman’s cap pulled down over his head and Goji in her hood, trying to avoid detection.  God, he hoped that Ni Ghidorah wasn’t gonna be out tonight; the thought of outrunning the sadistic speedster made his heart race jump to an even higher pitch.
The two of them skidded past Jet’s parked police car, past the convenience store – he wasn’t sure if they were being pursued or if Goji was just running for the sake of running – until they met the margin of the boardwalk and the beach and they finally slowed down, Goji clamping her hands on her side and wheezing, bent over, and Jet leaning against a bench.
“We totally weren’t being chased.”
“You also totally have a police uniform on. Not like you were being, uh.. good at hiding your identity.”
“Yeah, I didn’t get the all-black memo. Must have missed that one.”
Goji leaned over. Jet braced himself for what he knew was coming next – a rib bruising back-slap of brotherhood that he’d only recently qualified to be subjected to as a member of the Monsuta Protection Squad. He’d almost rather take another one of Gigan’s elbows to the solar plexus.
“Next time I’ll invite you. Now I know you’re cool with crime.”
“It was just minor trespassing, it doesn’t count. We were planting flowers. That’s the absolute margin of illegality.”
“Hell, yeah.  I bet we ruined their fucking lawn. Serves them right.” Goji straightened her back and popped her knuckles. Turning further down the beach towards the familiar house in the distance, she raised a few fingers. “I’m out. Have fun on shift, crime cop.”
“Yeah, have fun – uh – getting a good night’s rest,” he finished lamely. His response was lost in the gentle lapping of the waves anyway.  Without turning, Goji made an inscrutable waving gesture.  Jet watched her for a few moments, hands in his pockets, catching his breath, and then turned back to Monsuta.  The streetlights further down towards the city were glinting orange and white; the water was calm and inky black.  The night was a tasteful curtain that was parted for the sleeping city.
And it was time for him to get back to work.
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birdlingstarot · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if i can get a general tarot reading about my relationship between me and my boyfriend (Nel), just like what's going between us and what needs to change. I'll send you a picture of us because your rules say is okay to do so, and maybe it will help you more. Thank you! - Valentina 🌻
Hello  🌻 Valentina!
A little birdie told me this 🕊
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What represents your relationship currently? XLIV - The Box
This relationship has a great potential. However, the shine of the relationship is being limited, be it through others’ opinions, both of your opinions, what is believed to be the norm etc. This relationship is being played out using what you know or expect to work consciously or subconsciously. This resulted in limiting the potential of the relationship. 
The relationship could potentially become boring or lack the passion you and/or your partner hope to have in a romantic relationship. Try something new together. Remember that the relationship is between both of you. Are the expectations of your relationship formed from both of you or are they rooted from a source outside of your relationship.
Communicate with each other on what makes each of you happy, ticked off and the like. Be open to each other. Make sure that what you do for your partner is what makes your partner happy not what you expect would make your partner happy. 
To put in an example for better explanation, it’s like you bringing your partner out to a high class restaurant because you believe that it is romantic and sure it does make your partner happy but they would be happier if both of you have a candlelight dinner at home prepared by the both of you together instead.
This would help igniting more passion into the relationship as one/both of you might feel that the relationship is lacking.
Through this, your partner would out in more effort into the relationship to woo the other to reciprocate the affection.
What does 🌻 Valentina wants in this relationship? Frog, Lamb and Rabbit
You want someone who can be your pillar of support especially during tough times. A relationship where you are not afraid of being vulnerable in. You want someone who is attentive to you and listens to you, be it happy moments or sad/ angry moments. Slightly docile as well. Sensitive to your emotions and takes good care of you to sum it up slightly.
Nel could likely be someone with earth dominant with water following after in his natal chart if you are interested in astrology. 
(I am getting a feeling that Nel might have an earth sun and water moon, taurus energy too, he likely likes the finer things in life and does not mind splurging where he deem is worth it)
(I am also getting the feeling that you have air and water dominant in your chart, leo sun with air moon/ rising) [Please tell me if this is true, I’m trying to improve, thank you! :D]
You likely want someone energetic but drama-free, someone who provides you comfort when you are out of your comfort zone, be it trying new things or when you’re in a tough spot in your life as well as someone who would remind you to take care of yourself. 
You likely prefer men who leans more towards the hairy side of the spectrum when it comes to appearance. 
In addition, you would also like for them to be spiritual or at least someone who is open about spirituality one way or another.
You want someone who is able to provide you guidance gently and patiently. 
You might also need to be patient with your partner as here as they are likely one who would prefer to approach you after thinking things through while you might prefer to immediately have a discussion.
What does 🌻 Nel wants in this relationship? Crocodile; Son (Knight) of Cups, 10 of Swords, Son (Knight) of Swords, 8 of Wands and 4 of Pentacles
Please prepare yourself 🌻 Valentina. Please read through this entirety before overthinking.
Nel is likely still thinking about his past relationship, this could be romantic, platonic, family etc. However, this person affected him a lot and could still be in contact with him currently.
He wants someone that does not lash out suddenly but is able to snap him out of himself when he got too absorb in the past. He wants someone strong and firm with him in this regards. as he is still has quite a bit to learn regarding emotional stability. 
He is likely someone who prefers to keep to themselves when he has a problem and overthinks. This makes himself the worst enermy to him, which is when you come in. He wants someone who can get him moving.
For example:
Him: *Brooding and overthinking about someone with millions of potential scenarios* 
You: Snap, snap boy! Get your shit together, it ain’t a big deal and you don’t know hoe it’ll end if you never start. 
Him: But...
You: JUST DO IT!!!! 
Him: A’ight girl, I’m moving, I’m moving.
You: FASTER!!!!
Something like that.
He’d likely have a plan put together after a while of pondering on the problem but needs the push to get started in implementing it.
He’s likely someone who is creative artistically and could be surprisingly passionate about things which could come off as a surprise as he tends to protray a much more toned down when speaking about his passion. He’d be happy if you could recognise them and praise him. (He might try to be cool about your praise but he’s jumping right up cloud by cloud to cloud nine internally)
He likes to be in control and panics if he’s not, especially when it comes to the materialistic world. He would like someone who can calm him down and supprot him when that happens. He likely needs to learn to let go of control and let things flow. 
What does 🌻 Valentina needs in this relationship? Mother of Cups, Judgement, 6 of Pentacles and 2 of Cups
You need a someone who is emotionally mature and is able to provide tender comfort, hugs, when you don’t feel the best. Preferably, those that listens to you ranting, crying and be like ‘it’s okay babe’ type compared to the solving all your issues/ being a ‘professional’ problem-solver, at least initially. After a while, if the problem persist than he would sit down with you to discuss how to tackle the problem together.
You should get hugs. You’ll feel better with hugs.
You need someone who have strong morals and objective, especially during tough times when your feelings are more volatile. Someone’s whose able to stay calm and logical and provide guidance in tough times. 
10 and 2 might be numbers you’d like to take note of if they are repetitive during certain periods, especially 1010. 
You need someone committed in the relationship who’s not playing around and someone you can connect to on the emotional level. 
In addition, your relationship should not progress too fast. You are likely to be impatient and wants immediate results but you should slow down.
Your relationship should grow like a plant, carefully and tenderly and overtime, bears fruits and flowers. Recognize the smaller things and be grateful to them, don’t let expectations shift your attention from them. Enjoy the journey and you’ll find happiness closer than you think. 
What does 🌻 Nel needs in this relationship? Temperance, Ace of Sups, 4 of Swords
He needs someone to balance him out in the relationship, someone opposite to him is ideal. For instance, when he gets too inactive in the physical world, he needs someone who could toss him out of whatever hole he’s in and get moving or if he gets too panicky about a situation, he needs someone who’s chill in that situation. Generally, someone to bring him back into balance when he gets too extreme in any particular situation.
He needs someone who is like a breath of fresh air to him or rather, he needs to recognize that you are a different person compared to whoever he is very affected by back when we were speaking about in what he wants in this relationship. 
He needs someone who is mentally strong who can help him improve mentally. Again, he tends to overthink and make a small issue seem much larger than it is which could very likely leads to self-deprecating. 
Remember all these stated is vice versa, both of you can and should improve together, this is stated in the generally manner of things, especially when things get tough for one or both of you.
Remember it’s:
Both of you VS Issue
You VS Him
Sit down, sip some good tea and discuss the issue. Write points down and address them if that helps.
Advice for 🌻 Valentina:
Helping her boyfriend 17 Minimus, 24 Paradisiacal, 6 Epiphany
Guide him through his tough times through discussions. Help him find the source of the issue that is bothering him and discuss methods to help/ solve the issue as likely he would have trouble identifying the source.
Be yourself not what you expect what he wants you to be. It is definitely understandable that both of you want to be as perfect as possible to each other but don’t compromise your unique qualities because they are amazing. They are, in fact, one of the most effective and unconscious efforts to bring him to recognize that you are not someone else and to not associate you with someone else. Be confident in your own skin!
Words of affirmations and hugs for him, especially since he’d have a tendency to degrade himself mentally. Smack your affection and how you view him into his face and shove it down his throat. He needs to know how amazing he is and you are happy to be with him but will be happier if he recognize more of his worth. Scream it at him. Text him. Leave notes. Attack him with hugs and kisses. Whatever that both of you fancy. Don’t go too crazy though. (Don’t take the screaming advice, it’s not advice but if it works go ahead)
On yourself: 5 Gilded Regret
Accept the past for what’s it to be. It’s alright to think about the past but remember the past is the past. Be it yours or his. Don’t let it linger and affect you, him and/or your relationship because of what has already left. 
This is applicable to your boyfriend as well.
To improve this relationship: 
43 Owl Spirit - You see clearly now
Quiet down and observe. You already know what’s needs to be done. You can see it clearly and not through a fog now. You have the power to see things clearly and decide. 
You hold power here. You are the empress here. You know the wise decision. Don’t rush, don’t panic. 
Simply observe and you’ll know. Be objective and listen to your intuition.
57 Squirrel Spirit - Believe in yourself
Be confident. Don’t keep relying on others. It’s good to hear opinions but they shouldn’t be the foundation of your actions or how you see your relationship or anything connected to your relationship to be. They should only provide another view to look at the situation.
You know best here. Accept and see different views before acting. Trust yourself and what your intuition and mind tells you.
28 Frog Spirit - Clear out the clutter
Don’t cling on to what’s not there. 
Release what needs to be. Communicate with your boyfriend and understand each other. What is it about each other that has changed? Observe and learn to accept them. 
Don’t bring the past into your relationship. Look at the present and the future, they are more important and requires both of your attention, not the past.
Understand where the foundation of your relationship lies. Understand what keeps the relationship strong and what weakens the relationship.
You do not need to toss out what weakens the relationship but communicate and improve on the weaknesses and create something out of them to strengthen your relationship. Once done, be grateful and release what is then in the past.
Don;t play games. Don’t explode. 
Calmly present your emotions and wear your heart on your sleeve.
25 Elephant Spirit - Learn from the past
Again, learn from the past but don’t hold on to them. Appreciate what had happen and let them go.
Don’t let the past affect your emotions and the relationship.
Build on the past but never linger too long. 
The past is like a museum, something to be appreciated from time to time but never affecting you more than what it had already did.
The divine spirit guides are guiding you, don’t worry.
35 Koala Spirit - Spirit has a plan
Do not worry, the divine spirit guides are guiding you, lighting your way however small the light might be. Don’t panic when things doesn’t seem to be going as expected or if something seems off. 
Make sure to separate what came about from overthinking or rose-coloured glasses from the truth of things.
26 Flamingo Spirit - Embrace the in-between
Learn to appreciate even the smallest of things. 
Learn to appreciate the good side in every bad situation and the bad side in every good situation. 
Appreciate what is between the both of you. It is something beautiful and should be treated with respect and kindness. 
It’s the little things, you know. People tend to forget that. 
Bring them into your daily life. 
Oh, you cooked? Thank you, it’s amazing.
Oh, tired? You’d worked hard.
You washed the dishes? Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you.
Love even the smallest of things and you’ll be surprised at how much love can be accumulated. Every little counts, right?
Anything you feel even remotely about, say it. Communicate it. Don’t let them be stored within you. You should share what the other had done that made you happy. Cheesy? Probably. Worth it? Damn straight it is. Sharing is caring.
4 Badger Spirit - Be fearless and bold
Be confident. Trust yourself and your intuition. Step up to initiate something. The box we mentioned that represents your relationship has many layers. It’s time to break them to shine greater. 
Don’t limit yourself. Don’t limit the potential. 
It can be destabilizing but what’s good doesn’t come cheap. 
We always say that the more challenges you’d overcome, the stronger you are. We can say the same with any relationship. Always remember that in this relationship, you overcome the hurdles together not separately. Work together, not against each other.
I believe that you already understood the areas you can improve on in this relationship. All the best to the both of you! May this relationship blossom beautifully. (Remember to tend to the weeds, water it and love and care for it)
If you require more assistance, please feel free to ring our doorbell again! 
We hope this had helped you, 🌻 Valentina!
For now, the little birdie shall return home 🏡 ~ Ring our doorbell whenever!
Rest well 💤 ~
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wendylewis-blog · 4 years
05.18.2020 /MondayMonday
Monday Monday / can’t trust that day / Monday Monday /sometimes it just turns out that way / Oh Monday morning you gave me no warning of what was to be / Oh Monday Monday how could you leave and not take me—
Saturday was full of garden prepping and I felt pretty damn satisfied when the rain arrived Saturday night, continuing all day Sunday as predicted. Prior to the rain, I was able to get the rest of the tomato plants in, herb pots filled, and all other areas prepped with chicken manure garnered from my neighbor (who runs a thriving coop) to nourish seed potatoes, bush bean, radish, swiss chard, cuke and collard green seeds. Now that the yard has enjoyed a full soak I’ll finish planting today and watch my garden grow. Woot!
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I’m not a great gardener and certainly not an obsessive one. It’s pretty much trial and error, all the time. I dunno—maybe that’s how gardening actually works. But—in the Summer of Corona, maybe I’ll have the time and energy to maintain it. In years past, I would get a garden put in, but as work increased throughout the season I’d lose interest while temperatures climbed, hornets, ground bees and weeds rivaling Little Shop of Horrors took over. I would bounce between shame and apathy, harvesting what miraculously survived my woeful neglect. In the fall, I would begrudgingly chop it all back just before the first snow, cover it with straw and forget about it until the next year when I would progressively disappoint myself for another summer. Mayyyyybe this year I’ll get it right. Plus—we’ll save money feeding ourselves. 
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I’ve been pumping up the jam on cooking again, in the ebb and flow. I made a slow-roasted Korean gochujang chicken last night surrounded by smashed gold potatoes—even made the gochujang paste from scratch. I covet an Asian market closer to me in Cannon Falls, but I made do with what I had and/or could substitute and came pretty damn close to the real thing. 
That segues nicely into the topic of what I really need. More importantly, what I can make for myself instead of purchasing and/or doing without. Imagine doing without. I had a craving for French dressing this week and just made my own—like, duh! I discovered a plethora of brown mustard seeds in my spice cupboard and will make mustard once we get low—it’s crazy how easy it is and the money it will save because coarse ground mustard is expensive for a tiny jar. I’ve made myriad salsas (from borcha to verde), homemade crunchy/clumpy granola,  have been making sandwich bread for a month (saved $20 so far) and next on my list is flora-building kraut and kimchee. Clearly, cooking isn’t for everyone and tastes are varied, but you can easily even whip up a homemade Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme in your own kitchen if you’re having a craving for fast food you miss. 
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Beyond that, what can I do without? Well, I can do without a lot. I’ve honed this skill as an artist over my lifetime, but it’s fast becoming an alarming, spotlit political platform instead. I’ve been making some noise lately (a previous post in this blog) about monopolizing bullies like Amazon (Frontline investigative report linked again if you missed it), who not only underserves their employees but also targets independent book and music stores in addition to myriad local goods providers, swallowing friendly competition like a nefarious grey whale scoops up krill. (Not dissing on you, grey whale...just using you anecdotally.)
The pandemic is revealing, in harsh and glaring light, a trend that has been becoming normalized in our society for decades without us really noticing—until now. When my kids were babies in the late 80′s, I remember politics employing integrity on either side of the aisle (OpEd by MN Republican Dave Durenberger I recently posted on FB). But, over the decades, deregulated  capitalism + consumerism has led us into a full scale war with—ourselves! Financial gain rests on one side of the justice scale and the sustainability of humanity rests on the other. 
That’s what it looks like to me—the brainwash is so greedy and stealthy. I grew up in a religious cult so I know something about it after living through it and spending years of therapy in an effort to recover from it. Some of us are demanding to return to work recently, packing restaurants and bars (Wisconsin) long before it’s safe to do so and against the advice of medical experts who are only trying to save our lives! I get it—the frustration—but it’s really dangerous, ppl. 
This smells like social suicide to me. 
Why would we take the risk to jump into that emotionally charged fog just to prove a point? There is too much to lose. 
I fkn really truly feel for every small biz owner, every self-employed person (me) every restaurant owner and their employees (my daughter) who are struggling—it’s difficult and scary. I don’t know how it will look six months from now. I hope communities will pull together and creative solutions will be instigated. I believe in human beings. 
None of us in the middle/lower-middle class will escape the brunt of this. Those with money will have a different anxiety that I can’t understand, but at least they can pay for services, enjoy good health care benefits and houses that aren’t compromised. Still, they will lose their security and retirement, which I’m sure feels terrifying for them. I have neither, so at least I don’t have to suffer that loss. 
Is it possible we are evolving away from our innate survival instincts though, attaching like weasels to a political stance vs staying alive? Not looking good right now. America is not attuned to humility or losing. Is it more worthy to be right vs embracing truth? Ahhhh—sorry, I guess “truth” is another sticky wicket—what each and everyone thinks that means. Slippery slopes. We might be doomed if we continue on this way. Fuck. It feels really dark right now. 
The virus doesn’t give a flying fk if we choose to flip off the rules of our governors screaming instead for our “rights”—our “freedom”—our “livelihoods” and flood into the streets, unmasked and angry. The virus will win, every time. It laughs at our arrogance and ego mad gesticulating. 
Hm. Well. I guess it’s gonna play out one way or another. I really hope I’m wrong and that everyone’s pride wins and doesn’t spread the virus. But it’s not likely. 
So. I’ll return to my garden. Hoe the weeds. Tend to the plants. Hope for the best. 
Be brave. Stay safe. Wear your mask. Lovelove. 
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tessimagines · 5 years
After All This (Bill Weasley x Reader) - Part 5.5
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Moody!Reader
Summary: On Christmas Eve, (Y/N) decides it’s time to talk to Ron
You can find the series masterlist in my bio!
Warnings: angst but not too much.
Wordcount: 932
A/N: Hey guys! I would normally post a minipart and a full part in the same week but I’ve had a lot of study to do since I started back up at school. Hopefully, I will still be able to get chapters out weekly but we will have to see how everything works out around my school work. I’ve also started writing the first part of my new Peaky Blinders x Reader series so I will be taking whatever time I can to write both! If you’re interested in the Tommy x Reader series, feel free to get the link for the masterlist and summary in my bio :)
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December 24th, 1997
You pulled the door of Shell Cottage’s master bedroom closed, the sound of Celestina Warbeck’s Christmas tunes floating up the staircase. Bill had her Christmas Eve special playing on the little radio by the windowsill, a little trick to make this Christmas a little more Weasley like. It hadn’t been a hard decision to stay home this year. Otherwise, Ron would have spent it all alone, more depressed than he usually found himself nowadays.
You could hear Bill moving around downstairs, making last-minute additions to the Christmas presents under the tree. The both of you had decorated it together at the start of December; the red, gold and white decorations bringing a little Christmas cheer to the little cottage you now lived in by the sea. Bill had been Christmas-crazy since he was a little kid, and even now at twenty-seven years of age, he was still the same present-obsessed little kid that he was.
“Hurry up, (Y/N)!” Bill called, excitement clear in his voice. “There are presents to be opened!”
“I’ll be down in a second!” Bill gave a large sigh, a laugh coming out along with it. You rolled your eyes at him and continued down the hallway until arriving at the room where Ron had been staying. You knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open.
Your eyes fell on Ron sitting on the bed in the dark room, The only light coming from the moonlight outside and the hallway just out the door. Ron sat staring at the wall in front of him, dark bags under his morose eyes. His gaze flickered up to you when you entered the room, the gloomy look on his face hardly shifting at the sight of the falling smile on your face.
“Hey, Ron,” You started, slowly taking steps over towards him. “Are you alright?”
Ron didn’t say anything for a moment as you took a seat beside him on the bed. Then he took a long, drawn-out breath in and began to speak, his gaze hardly shifting from the wall in front of the two of you.
“I haven’t slept in two days,” he spoke, the truth of his words evident all over his face. His skin was a very pale colour and he had deep, dark bags under his eyes. Often you would get up in the middle of the night and still hear him shifting around in his bed, his last actions towards his friends clearly on his mind.
“Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not too late to find them?” You said, testing the air between the two of you. He turned to look at your face with a sceptical look.
“It’s been two months, (Y/N),” he said, a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. “I have no idea where they’ll be.”
“You know what they’re doing. Shouldn’t that give you some clues?” Ron was still looking at you with a confused look on his face, not completely sure if you had lost your mind or not. “Plus, I think that you’ll find some way to find them again if you really want to.” You took another pause, the image of your father coming to your mind. He somehow always knew what to say in these situations. “There was something my father used to always say to me. Do your best and all else will follow.”
Ron’s gaze flickered down to a little metal cylinder he was fiddling with in his hands. His face changed as he looked at it, as though something had just hit him square in the face. He continued to look at it, thoughts running through his muddled yet slowly clearing mind.
“You’re too hard on yourself sometimes, Ron,” You said, reaching up to place a hand on his shoulder. His gaze flickered to yours once again. This time, however, his face was much softer.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Ron said, a shy smile settling down across his lips. You wrapped your other arm around his shoulders, bringing him into a tight embrace against you. Ron accepted it, bringing his own arms to give you a large, brotherly hug.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Bill shout from the living room once again. You rolled your eyes and scoffed, flashing a smile at Ron.
“You’re brother’s obsessed with his presents, isn’t he?” You joked, waving at him to follow you in standing up.  Ron gave a slight chuckle and followed you out of the room. It was only then you realised the way that Ron may have taken your words and rushed to stop him before you went down the stairs.
“Do stay for Christmas, won’t you? Then you can go off doing whatever you’re going to do with those two.”
Ron smiled and nodded at you, his eyes much brighter than they were only moments ago. “Of course. I don’t think Harry and Hermione have the outstanding seasonal vocals of Celestina Warbeck and we all know there’s no Christmas without her.”
You laughed at him and motioned for him to follow you down the stairs. As soon as Bill saw you emerge into the living room, he beamed up at you.
“Finally!” He shouted, almost dragging your arm to sit down on the couch beside him. He plunked a large and messily wrapped present in your lap, so eager for you to open it. Reaching across, he planted a kiss to your lips.
“Merry Christmas, you two,” Bill sang, his eyes shining bright with Christmas spirit. Your gaze flickered to Ron next to the fireplace, your smile softening at the happy look on his face.
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Alpha tags: @xinyourdreamsx @marvelismylifffe @xxerwin4laypxx @xxsophie-raabxx @yeeterbenjaminparker  @bitchinghourss @sly-vixen-up2nogood
Beta Tags: @winchestergirl907 @anormalgirlsthoughts @moondust-and-stardust @otherthingsinhead @kaetastic @themeanestlittlewitch @pixierox101 @semicharmedkindofali @struggleofyesterday @lazydiabetic @supermassiveblackhope @thelders @firekissedwitchbitch @thatwrestlingfan91 @wonderwoman292 @ohleahdarling @ffantasylandd @fallatyourfeet @riverdaleserpent-hoe @firstworldproblemthings @wandressfox @abbssssssssssss @izzy28901 @lvnalcvegocd @a-mexican-waffle @dreamleveille @ashleykaiba @midnightadventuressss @bitchytortilla @adozendreams @catseatursoul @janettarose @alsogolden-ana @kirra137 @floralhaze91 @buckybarnesthedoritoslut @mindy-franco @heavenanette @axielle-suson @caleybree0520 @sassyvetstudent @geek-girl7 @mxlisxylmz @ahirunana @captainsteverogers-68 @ginevraxrogers @can-i-say-something-please @isabellem20 @autumnrainwitch @caitlinannbarber @icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog @evelynpotter-lupin @peterparke-r @daddyslilchild @vyrei @wnygirl2012 @furryexpertstrawberry @lynn14lynn @death-of-the-golden-days @ms-lady-muffin @j-brielmalfoy @songforhema @grandmastergoldblums @galacticnerd-78 @theawkwardbutterfly @steph-fowlie @notearslefttocry218 @iluvmesomemarvelndc @expecto-patronadss @royarlie @winterboobear001 @good-or-naughty-girl @blog-ilove-thedoctor-forever @nea90sweetie @dreamingofnovember06 @theravenclawlover @sleepylunarwolf @awesomeowlbook @eponine-xx @sj-thefan @beatlezrcool @beardburnsupersoldiers @infinte-exist-ence @naffeesaa @fortunebucket @0-lost-in-stereo-0 @sweetlittlespine @w-wolfhxrd @the-unloved-person @kobraki2096 @hermionebennet @sansastarkjusticewarrior @miracleowlet @ceruleanrainblues @hermionebennet @loserrlauraa @mrsmoore-313 @dottirose @kpopmademedo-it @nat-arlett @kenz12234 @disneyoncerlover815 @bookfandomsmatter (A strike through means I cannot tag you)
If you would like to be added to the After All This Taglist, feel free to let me know in my inbox.
Let me know what you thought! I hope you’re all looking forward to the next chapter and I’m so sorry for the wait guys! I’m going to try to do my best to work it in around my study. Thanks so much for understanding!
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mezzomercury · 5 years
Bohemian Rhapsody in Blue: Eliza as a Baby HCs
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-For the most part, Eliza is a rather calm and quiet baby, but will make it absolutely known when she is discontent with a loud, piercing wail capable of starting an earthquake.
-Everyone always makes comments about how Eliza looks so much like Freddie when he was a baby, only with more hair.
-She’s sometimes called by the nickname “Liza,” after one of Freddie’s idols Liza Minnelli. Her middle name is after Marlene Dietrich, another one of Freddie’s favorites.
-She’s always being carried around, mostly by Freddie, who more or less gets separation anxiety whenever he has to put her down or give her to someone else.
-One father is always holding her while the other rests his head on his husband’s shoulder and looks on in adoration.
-Since Freddie and Jim bought her mother Nadia a house a few minutes away in addition to compensation for the surrogacy, she visits her daughter every day so she can nurse her and also form a relationship with her as her mother.
-Freddie insists that Eliza sleep in his and Jim’s bed with them for the first couple weeks, to which Jim reluctantly agrees, but he ends up loving it and gets emotional when they have to start putting her in her crib.
-While Jim is like a wizard when it comes to changing her diapers, Freddie can’t do it to save his life. He has tried so many times and even once practiced on the cats, but Jim always has to come to his rescue any time he attempts to change her.
-However, he is a pro at bath time. He was afraid that she would hate it at first, but she absolutely loves it and even gets upset when she has to dry off. It’s something she and her Daddy have in common.
-The only way Eliza can go to sleep is for Freddie to sing to her. He happily does this every night when he’s at home, and even plays the piano late at night while holding her in a sling, or a papoose when she’s bigger.
-He writes plenty of songs about her during those nights. Some have been recorded, but others will just be between the two of them.
-When Freddie is on tour and away from home, he’ll sing to her over the phone. In very rare cases when that’s not possible, Phoebe will put on a Queen record on for her in her nursery at night. “You Take My Breath Away” is her favorite.
-In the mornings, Jim will put her on his lap and read the newspaper to her. She of course doesn’t understand anything he’s saying, but she seems to be fascinated by his soothing Irish brogue.
-There are a lot of sounds that Eliza is very drawn to or stimulated by. They include, but are not limited to, both her fathers’ voices, Nadia playing her cello, the piano, and Freddie’s singing, most importantly. They’re mostly music-related, which makes Freddie insist that she hears them all the time.
-It goes without saying that Freddie spoils her rotten. He’s is extremely picky about what clothes they buy for her, but buys nearly the entire toy section of Harrods. Jim is slightly irked by this, but knows it’s his husband’s way of wanting what’s best for their daughter.
-There are at least three cats sleeping in her crib with her at night. They’re extremely protective of her, as they were with Nadia when she was pregnant.
-When she’s old enough to eat baby food, Phoebe and Joe take it upon themselves to make their own informal brand for her, arguing that the regular store-bought ones aren’t good enough for her.
-As soon as Eliza is able to sit up on her own, she constantly wants to sit on Freddie’s lap and play the piano. It’s her favorite “toy.”
-At nearly six months old, Jim and Nadia bring Eliza backstage when Queen performs at their infamous concert in Wembley Stadium. They stay in Freddie’s dressing room most of the time so the music isn’t too loud for her, but she starts bouncing around in Jim’s arms as soon as she hears the faint sounds of “One Vision” starting the show.
-As she gets more mobile and even more curious, Eliza acts like the world is her oyster, and will try to pull on anything she can reach.
-This comes as bad news for Brian, as she now has taken an interest in pulling his hair as hard as she can. He first discovered this when he was trying to read to her about the solar system, when he suddenly yelped in pain at her strongly tugging at his curly poodle hair, then proceeding to put some in her mouth. Of course, the other boys find it hilarious, that is until she starts the habit of spitting up on Roger whenever he holds her.
-Speaking of Roger, when his and Dominique’s daughter Rory is born not long after her, she and Eliza hit it off immediately and grow up to be the best of friends.
-Freddie and Jim have a neck-to-neck competition over whose name Eliza will say first. Her first word ends up being the combination of the two, making it “Da-Pa.” Although it’s not technically a word, they are still just as immensely proud of her.
-She takes her first steps on Christmas Day towards Oscar the cat, as she’s trying to pull his tail but he keeps inching away from her. Joe and Deaky were apparently the only witnesses to this at first, but Joe screamed in joy when he saw it, which caused everyone to rush into the room to watch when she did it a second time.
-Freddie wants to have the most elaborate party he can for her first birthday, complete with ice sculptures, pony rides for the older kids, and a special performance by his friend Elton John.
-On the other hand, Jim prefers a small get together with close family and friends, with cake and gifts being completely optional.
-This causes the couple to but heads a lot when planning the event. (“Why does it have to be so grandiose, Freds? She won’t remember a single thing about it?” “That’s not the point, Jim, dear. We need to treat her like the princess she is, even if that means turning the house into Buckingham Palace!”)
-They eventually make a compromise and meet in the middle, keeping a small guest list, but serving Indian food buffet-style, Freddie personally designing a party dress for Eliza, and several party games that both the adults and children could participate in.
-The party ended with Phoebe and Joe wheeling in a seven-foot tall birthday cake, (Jim immediately facepalmed upon seeing this surprise) topped with a bengal tiger, Eliza’s favorite animal.
-Eliza gets a tiny slice of cake, as is tradition, which she proceeds to do a face plant into as soon as she has a little taste. She even gets some on her new party dress, to Freddie’s slight disappointment.
-Jim takes dozens of photos of this moment, which he plans to use later as a secret weapon to embarrass her once she’s older.
-Later that night, when all of the guests have left and the Garden Lodge family is left to clean up to the sounds of Nadia practicing her cello while Eliza strays near her mother and plays with her new presents, Freddie and Jim both took a moment to look at their growing daughter, who they feel like was just a tiny baby only moments ago.
-“She’s growing up way too fast, darling. I want her to stay our baby forever.” “She’ll always be our baby, Freddie, but she’ll be a formidable young lady before you know it.”
-“Do you think we’re doing alright with her? You know, with her first year and all?” “We haven’t screwed up yet. I think she’ll be more than fine.”
Permanent Tag List: @siriuslovesmarlene, @r-ahh-mi, @unknownauthor, @yousaycoke-isaycaine, @ramibaby, @rami-malek-trash, @britishmoonchild, @onexlittlespark, @rami-hoe, @xtrashmammalstefx, @wanderlustnightwanderer
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