#Avatar way of The water
suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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‘eveng [ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ] n. child
Anonymous Request: Neteyam returns home to the forest after leaving for a year for war to find his mate and their newborn daughter who he didnt know about
Neteyam returns, having secured peace for your people after a year of war, to find you have a very big - and also very small - surprise for him.
Part 2
824 words.
"Hush now, beloved," you say to the crying baby in your arms, only a week old, as you tuck her into the sling that you use to carry her around and keep your arms free.
Once she is completely skin to skin with you, she calms down instantly, having only needed connection with her mother - and maybe a little milk.
You lean forward, turning the food you have cooking on the fire over, and pat her back gently to lull her to sleep.
Though the last week has been the most exhausting of your life, it also also been the most fulfilling and rewarding - the only thing missing is your mate, the father of your beautiful child, Neteyam.
Almost a year ago he left, and though you knew it was necessary for your people that he do so, every day since, you had suffered in his absence.
And then come to find out, you were expecting your first child with no way to get word to him, especially without risking your life - it made the suffering even greater, to think of all he was missing out on.
It eased your pain a little, to have a piece of him here in your arms, in the form of his daughter, but you pleaded with Ewya constantly to return him to you.
Neteyam dismounted his Ikran and without a glance back at his brother, whom he had returned with, he took off sprinting, only one thing on his mind.
He ran towards Home Tree with such an urgency, his feet moving faster than they ever had, and though many tried to greet him, all he had to say was, "Where is Y/N?"
Eventually, someone pointed him in the right direction. She was near the center of home tree, where most meals were prepared, and he saw the back of her first. With many other clan members, she was tending to the fires.
He noticed her hair was longer, and unbraided, tied back in one long pony tail - she had never worn her hair like that before, it was always meticulously braided.
"Y/N!" he practically screamed as he approached.
She turned quickly, dropping what was in her hand, and he stopped dead in his tracks when she stood up.
What. Was. That?
You could hardly believe your ears at first, until your eyes confirmed what you were hearing.
Neteyam was home. He was home, here before you, running full speed at you - and then he was stopped, dead in his tracks, at the sight of his daughter.
You felt nervous now. You had dreamed every moment of him being home, but now that he was, you wondered if he might be angry with you.
"Neteyam!" you screamed, and closed the gap by taking the few steps between you. You were still a little sore - birth will do that to you - so you couldn't move as quickly as you could before, though you were still quicker than you had been at the end stages of your pregnancy.
"Y/N, this... we..." he stammered, staring with a slack jaw and wide eyes.
You pulled back the cover of the sling to reveal your daughter, wrinkly and skinny as any newborn was, nuzzled against your breast.
"This is your daughter, Neteyam."
He reached out, placing one hand on your shoulder and the other on her back through the sling.
"She's so small," he said, his voice quiet and full of reverence as his eyes filled with tears. "She's so beautiful. Does, did you name her?"
You shook your head. "No, I was waiting for you. You missed so much, Neteyam. The pregnancy, the birth - just a week ago - and I want you to name her. You can wait, until you've spent time with her."
Carefully, you removed her from the sling. She fussed at the loss of warmth and contact, and Neteyam jumped into action. Carefully, you placed her in his arms, and he held her firmly to his broad chest.
Tears falling down your face now, you placed your hand over your mouth and smiled.
"She's so small," he said again. He leaned forward, wrapping his free arm around you, holding the both of you tightly. "I missed you. I... I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."
You rested your head on his chest, listening to his hammering heartbeat. "You are here now. Our family is complete."
You cried together, and stood like that for quite a while.
"Parul," Neteyam said after only a moment. Miracle. "I want to name her Paurul. She's a miracle and you've blessed me with her."
You smiled at each other, and Neteyam pressed a firm kiss to your lips. A tension you hadn't realized you'd been carrying seemed to melt away, knowing you no longer had to face parenthood alone, knowing that your soulmate was back with you and you would never allow him to leave again.
"Parul. Perfect."
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
"Breathing's harder when a pretty girl's touching your chest."
Summary: When the Sully family come to seek refuge, (y/n) is tasked with teaching the children the essentials and becomes particularly close with Neteyam. She wants to help him with his breathing techniques because he's been struggling but seemingly her being close to him is quite distracting... who would've thought?
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: making out, swearing, creatures
I slide off of my ilu and dive into the water, but not before seeing the crowds on the beach. Standing up on the sand I flip some of my hair back into place before walking over. I watch what’s happening and then I see my brothers teasing the newcomers so I walk over. Swatting away Rotxo’s hand from one of their tails I tell him off.
“Stop,” I say, then look up to the older one (whose tail Rotxo was messing with) who’s already looking at me with a smile. I smile back at him.
I was going to start talking to him but then my father arrived with a theatrical entrance. He does this whole speech and the leader of the six outsiders who I now know is called Jake Sully and was the leader of his clan begs to be able to stay. It’s difficult to watch as it’s clear that he only wants to protect his family but mother disagrees with them staying. The verdict eventually ends with them being able to stay.
“Our son, Aonung, and our daughter, (y/n), will show your children what to do.” Father declares and I can’t help but smile at the prospect of new friends and people to teach.
Aonung protests but he is overruled. They stand them staring at each other but I interrupt them.
“Come, I’ll show you all around our village,” I say with a smile leading them first to get some supplies then I lead them to their pod.
“This is where you will stay, I hope it’s okay,” I say and Jake reassures me that it’s fine,
“You’ve done a lot for us, this place is more than good enough.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you guys to settle in now and I’ll come to find you tomorrow with Aonung and we’ll get to work,” I say with a smile and wave before leaving. A small wave of ‘thank you’s is heard before I make my way to my pod.
The next day I wake up and head straight to their pod. Collecting the siblings, I leap off of the side of the pods, urging them to follow after me. The adults head to meet with my father.
The first to jump after me is the older brother, then the younger brother, the younger sister and then the older sister. I’m suddenly realising that I don’t know any of their names. I watch and smile at their face, awe-struck at the beautiful creatures and plants. They don’t seem to be able to swim long though so they have to swim up to the surface. I look at them confused before signing for them to swim with me and my brothers but they keep having to go up for air.
My brothers make fun of them but I dismiss them before checking they’re alright.
“Are you guys okay?” I ask looking at their gasping faces.
“You’re too fast! Wait for us!” The younger one says.
“What’s your name?” I ask softly.
“Tuk.” she answers.
“Well, Tuk, give me your hand,” I say but she’s a little apprehensive. “Come on, I don’t bite,” I say coaxing a giggle out of her. She passes me her hand and I look to the others before starting again. “Everyone okay to go again?” I ask and dive in again seeing their nodding faces. A little later on we resurface again.
“Wait where’s your sister?” Aonung them and I look around not seeing her.
We don’t find her so head back to the shallows. Aonung takes the lead in explaining the ilus and what to do.
“Okay,” I start then realise I don’t actually know his name. “Sorry, I haven’t asked your names,” I say looking down, embarrassed. 
“I’m Neteyam, that’s Lo'ak.” He says pointing to his brother. “Kiri.” He points to her. “And Tuk. But you know her name.” I repeat the names enjoying how Neteyam’s name sounds in my mouth.
“I’m (y/n).” He chuckles.
“I know.”
“Oh yeah,” I say tucking the hair behind my ear.
“Stop looking at each other all googly-eyed.” Aonung walks by and I stutter a bit both continuing the lesson slightly embarrassed.
“So, umm, oh yeah, okay. You’ve got to make the bond.” He moves his queue close to the ilus. “Gently,” I emphasise putting my hand on top of his to slow it down. 
He makes the bond but rides the ilu unsuccessfully but gets it the second time.
“Well done,” I say clapping excitedly as he rides the ilu back to me.
“Thanks,” He says shooting me a charming smile. 
Once everyone’s gotten the hang of riding the ilus we go riding and accidentally meet up with Kiri. We ride the ilus for a while so that everyone has time to practice and once we’re done we head back to the beach to try some breathing techniques to improve their breathing.
“Breathe in. And out.” I lead the exercise and I’m sat next to Neteyam. I can hear that he’s not doing the exercise right so I place my hand on his chest and lower stomach. “Breathe from down here,” I say feeling his breathing and heartbeat. I coach him on how to do the breathing properly but for some reason, his heartbeat increases rather than decrease. “Your heartbeat has increased. Try to calm down.” I say unaware of my brother chuckling in the background.
“Right, okay.” He says, presumably trying to calm down but I only notice his heartbeat increase so I suggest we try again later on.
“Okay, why don’t you guys go back to your pods and get a good night’s sleep then we can continue tomorrow,” I say.
The next few days we keep practising the breathing techniques and mastering riding the ilus, they all got on well except for Neteyam who just couldn’t get the breathing. I gave him a few more days to master it along with the others we’d already practised it for but he just couldn’t understand it. 
In these couple of weeks, we’d become friends, quite good friends very quickly so it wasn’t abnormal for us to hang out. Usually, I’d dismiss the siblings and everyone would do their own thing however most of the time we’d hang out. It was this time again, I dismissed his siblings and mine before dragging him to a more secluded part of the beach.
“Where are we going?” He asks as my grip on his arm slides down to hold onto his hand as I pull him with me.
“You’ll see.” I turn back and smile at him before continuing to take him with me. I hop onto a rock and pull him with me, and we both sit down.
“What are we doing here?” He asks slightly confused but charmed.
“Well, I want to help you with your breathing, so you can swim with us.” 
“I’m not that bad.”  He says, smugly.
“Okay, go on then,” I say, knowing that he can’t do it. He closes his eyes and starts trying to slow his breathing. I place my hand on his lower stomach feeling his breathing again and rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
His heartbeat accelerates and his breathing doesn’t get any slower like usual.
“See?” I say, it was an ‘I told you so’ moment but I didn’t want to rub it in. “Come on, Tuk can do it even Lo’ak!” I say.
“I can’t do it because you’re so close to me!” He says, snapping. “Touching my chest and stomach, I can’t focus.”
“Sorry,” I say quietly, shrinking back into myself. “I’ll just…I’ll go so you can practice without me distracting you,” I say sincerely, standing up.
“No! That’s not what I meant.” He says sighing then standing up quickly, walking after me. “I just, you’re really pretty and I really like you and you make me nervous when you put your hands on my chest and I like it but it’s distracting and I can’t focus when you’re around because you’re all I can think about.” He says rambling but I shut him off by gently pressing my lips to his. He stops talking and when I pull back I look at his dazed face.
“Can you focus now?” I ask holding onto his face.
“Fuck no.” He says before pushing his lips against mine and wrapping his arms around my waist. He lifts me up making me yelp in surprise, he spins us around and places me back down but doesn’t disconnect our lips as one of his hands rises to rest on my face. I move my hands up to thread them in his hair pulling a satisfying sound from his mouth. He slides his tongue into my mouth through my slightly parted lips and swirls his tongue around mine. The closeness of our bodies causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach, a tingly sensation takes over my body dancing up and down my spine. Eventually, he pulls away gasping and I smirk at him.
“I see you can hold your breath longer when there’s an incentive.” 
“Y-yeah I guess so.” He says rubbing his head.
“I’ll have to bear that in mind then,” I say before pressing my lips to his again, smiling against his lips.
AN: I just watched Avatar: The Way of Water and I really enjoyed it (except for the fact it had some really sad moments that I was crying for) and I loved the characters.
Thanks for 200 followers!
Edit: This is rapidly increasing thanks to you guys!
I hope you enjoyed!
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Can you please write Aonung x jake sully! Daughter, he begins teases her as a way for demonstrating his attraction but takes it too far and her brothers get involved?
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Tʜᴇ Wᴇɪɢʜᴛ ᴏғ Yᴏᴜʀ Wᴏʀᴅs | Pᴀʀᴛ 1
➜ Pairing: Aonung x fem!Sully!reader
➜ Warnings: Body shaming, mentions of having body image issues
➜ Word Count: 0.5k
➜ Notes: Please be kind, and remember that picking on people is not the right way to convey you attraction to them.
Pᴀʀᴛ 1 | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | Pᴀʀᴛ 3
Aᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“My body?” you repeated, looking down at yourself with a frown, then back up at Aonung, who had a teasing smile on his face as he nodded with a laugh. You brought your arms over your torso, trying to cover as much of it as you could as tears pricked your eyes. You felt stupid for taking it so seriously even when you knew he was just teasing you, but this was a weak spot of sorts for you.  
The Omiticaya weren’t people who entertained silly concepts like beauty standards, but you had developed a bad habit of comparing yourself to other Na’vi girls after seeing a friend do it when you were children, and that had eventually led to deep rooted body insecurity.  
Neytiri was the first to notice the longing looks you’d watch other girls with and what could only be described as the disgusted way you’d look at yourself. She’d sat you down and asked about it, then consoled you when you came clean, crying because of how ashamed you’d felt. She’d agreed to keep her lips shut about it with Jake after you’d begged her not to tell him, but at some point, he’d found out. The two of them helped you through it, and it had been bumpy and hard but slowly you’d began to make progress. 
“You really think my body looks weird?” You asked again  
“Just a bit,” Aonung laughed, reaching out to poke at your rib cage. You flinched away from the contact, which made furrow his eyebrows in confusion and look up to see your glossy eyes and quivering lip. Instantly his face fell and he reached out, opening his mouth to try and backtrack his words, but another hand slapped it away quickly.  
Neteyam stepped between the two of you, seemingly appearing from thin air, eyes blazing, and face set in a furious glare. He reached a hand out, wrapping it around you protectively and pushing you behind him.  
“Don’t you ever touch to her again.” He spat, and Aonung sputtered in response,  
“I didn’t mean to-“he began, trying to move around Neteyam and speak to you, but Neteyam pushed you further behind him and cut him off, not allowing him excuses or an explanation.  
“Do you understand?” Aonung clenched his jaw, shooting Neteyam his own glare at the harshness of his words before turning on his heel and storming off. Once he was a safe distance away, Neteyam turned to you, who was on the verge of tears. He placed his hands on the sides of your arms, checking you for any physical harm.  
“Are you okay? I heard what he said,” you sucked in a sharp breath, glancing at his worried face before fixing your eyes firmly on the ground.  
With a shaky voice you replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Neteyam didn’t believe it for a second, 
“Don't listen to him, okay? There’s nothing weird about your body.” You nodded along with his words, wiping a few stray tears that had fallen. You knew Aonung hadn't meant any harm, he often teased you, although it was a much friendlier and innocent type of teasing as opposed to how he treated your siblings. But his intentions didn’t matter because the damage had been done and it would take a lot more than any apology to fix. 
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eywahasheardyou · 1 year
One Last Promise
Pairings: Sully Family x Reader, Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader
Wordcount: 1.3k words
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They say when you have finished your purpose in the living world, Eywa will welcome you back to where you once came. From her loving embrace to that of a mother, awaiting for her child to come back to her once their day was over and the dusk sets.
Your father, the Toruk Makto, the leader of your clan, had always told you that death takes everyone without even a warning. May it be a toddling child or a withering old man. Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints, he would always say. And when he repeats that phrase, he had a wistful look in his eyes, lips pressed firmly against each other as he clutched the metal pendant that you were once told belonged to his brother.
You knew death would come for you sooner or later. The looming threat of it would often cross your mind once in a while but you knew it was always in your father’s. A hardened soldier like him had crossed death’s path, and death would greet him. Through the empty eyes of his fallen comrades. It’ll come knocking, and you’d have no choice but to answer. Your father just wanted to shield you from that. From the horrors of war. That was what you kept telling yourself anyway as you had watched him become hardened by countless battles, your older brothers being the brunt of his fears of losing the one thing he had worked so hard to get. A family. One that was his to protect.
You gazed at your father’s still form, his wrinkled face scrunched up as tears rolled down his cheeks, desperately trying to cover the wound that tainted your blue skin crimson. His hands were shaky, you could feel it against your skin as he pressed his hands on your chest, desperately putting pressure on the wound that just didn't seem to run out of blood.
A cry escaped you and it took all of Jake’s strength to not pull away. This was saving you. He needed to do this. He needed to keep you alive.
“Daddy..?” You mustered up the strength to mumble, praying to Eywa to give you a few more moments surrounded by the warmth of your family. A warmth you knew deep down, you would never feel again.. not in this life anyway.
“I’m right here, baby girl. I’m right here..” Your lips weakly quirked up into a grin at the familiar pet name that you had once complained was childish.
Your ears twitched like they always did when your father called you that, it was almost always followed up with a scowl and a whine. But now that you are at death’s door steps, you can only smile.
You lifted your hand up to gently cup your father’s cheek, trying to remember the way his skin felt against your palm. You often described it as ‘prickly like a cactus’, a plant from earth your father described to you once. “Daddy.. I.. When ‘m gone.. y-you.. you go easy on the boys, okay? ‘S not their fault..” You could feel the iron on your tongue and you coughed, trying to breathe despite your lungs vehemently complaining. “Don’t you blame ‘em, daddy.. ‘m gonna be angry if you do..”
“Hey, hey look at me, look at daddy, babygirl.. you’re gonna be fine, okay? You’ll live, yeah? You’ll live.. we’re gonna go home after this. Back to Mo’at, okay? Back to the forest.” His large hand cupped your face, moving some stray hair strands.
Jake shook his head as he held you close, your life flashing in his eyes. His fondest memory of watching you claim your own ikran, one that closely resembled the one that he used to have and he firmly believed that your ikran was of Toruk’s own clutch. He flew with you that day, side by side as you soared through the heavens with cries of victory.
You had so much ahead of you. You were going to grow right in front of his very eyes, have so many adventures to go through, and when you’re old enough.. he could see being by your side as you’d introduce your other half. And he would play the part of the tough dad that wouldn’t give his daughter away but he knew deep down he’d be happy that you were happy.
And the promises of your future was slipping through his fingers.
As your skin grew cold and clammy, Jake realized that he would never see that. He would never see you live the life that you deserved. One that knew only of peace. And for once, the great Toruk Makto wept as he pulled you closer, cradling you in his arms as if it was the day Eywa blessed him and Neytiri with you all over again.
“Please, please..” He had begged, lifting his head up to look at the stars before his eyes flickered back to you. Eywa, oh eywa, please not his daughter. Not his little girl.
“Daddy.. p-promise me, please.. ‘s not their fault, daddy..” A gargled choke from your own blood made him hold you tighter, shaking his head as he heard your whimpers of pain. You mustered up your strength to say these words, knowing well that when you return to Eywa, your passing would devastate your family. You didn’t want your father to blame your big brothers for something they could not control.
“I promise, I promise.” He says quickly as he craned his head to look at you, blinking his eyes to get rid of the tears that blurred his vision. “You’re going to be okay, baby.” He refused to. He was begging, desperately pleading inwardly that Eywa would take him instead of you. “I’m.. I’m gonna pick you up, okay? Stay with me.” He carefully held you securely in his arms, looking over at Lo’ak and Neteyam, whose sullen expressions and once vibrant eyes became dull as tears rolled down their cheeks. Never did they think they would be in this situation, their hands stained with their baby sister’s blood.
“C’mon, Lo’ak.. N-Neteyam.. Help me out. We’re gonna take your sister back to the village...” He tried not to let his voice shake. He had to be strong. “Neteyam! Lo’ak! Please.. Help me..” He tried again, voice laced in desperation when the two had yet to move, their eyes never leaving your form.
Your gaze never left your father’s face, trying to memorize every inch of the man who had loved and took care of you. Not Toruk Makto. Not Jake Sully of Earth. But your father.
A soft smile graced your lips and suddenly all the pain left you as quick as it had come. Then there was peace.
It was Lo’ak who noticed your sudden silence and he was quick to grasp onto your hand. “[Name]..?” His brows furrowed at the coldness of your palm and he felt his throat go dry and the tears poured down his cheeks as he pressed his cheek against your palm, shaking his head as Neteyam joined him, sobbing as he held his brother close.
“[Y/N]… No, no, no. [Y/N]!” Neytiri shook you in your father’s arms, shaking her head as if in disbelief. A gut wrenching cry escaped your mother’s throat as her shaky hands roamed over your face, those eyes that used to look at her with such fondness and admiration had lost all it’s life.
Jake could feel the warmth of your body retreating, your limbs limp and your body pale. He tilted his head to the sky, asking the Great Mother why she would take his little girl. Why you? It should’ve been him. He dug his sharp fangs on his lip, biting back the cry of anguish that threatened to claw its way out of his throat, though it only increased the pressure in his chest and with one last look at your face, your dull eyes gazing at the sky, he let out a desperate cry. He cradled you to his chest, face pressed against your hair as he sobbed.
When eclipse broke, and the battle for Pandora had ended for now, your family sat on one of the rocky shores of Three Brothers’ Rock, holding one another close in this time of grief.
They mourned for the life you would’ve lived, mourned for what could’ve been, what would’ve been, and what should’ve been. They mourned you.
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Author’s Notes: Inspired by @missroro ’s prompt. I hope I did it justice. I haven’t written in a year and my English is not very good, please excuse me for any grammar mistakes. Let me know what you think of this lil one shot! Kiveyame.
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: thank you to the beautiful creator of the grown-up Neteyam photo! P.s. I’m sorry for the crappy screenshot photos of the only Na’vi mating bond we see. I tried my best :’)
Warnings: spoilers for Avatar 2
Lawful Good
8 of Pentacles
Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising  
・You were the eldest of Tonowari and Ronal’s children. A Metkayina leader of the future. 
・You have many skills, learning from both your parents and the other members of the clan. A great hunter, creator and a deep love for the ocean. 
・Eywa was a big presence in your life, something that your brother, Aounung was jealous of 
・Tsireya idolises you, and when she was younger, all she wanted to do was be around you
・However, you weren’t very outgoing, and preferred the company to one or two friends - or mainly yourself whenever you got the chance
・You have your own Tulkun, whom you love dearly. They’re incredibly protective of you, as you are for them. 
・That’s where you spend the majority of your free time - talking with your Tulkun. You have an incredibly close bond, almost like telepathical 
・When the Sully’s sought refuge, you were one of the first to speak up in their defence
・Not only did you like the look of the Omaticaya people, but you were curious about their ways. 
・You wanted to learn more - grow as a Na’vi. You wanted to be someone with an open-mind. 
・It was why you got along so well with your sister Tsireya, Aounung on the other hand was a bit of a challenge. He always had been. And being the middle child, he definitely liked to act out 
・You formed a close friendship with both Tuk and Kiri. You always found the young ones funny. It was your instinct as the eldest child to look after the younglings around you. 
・And with Kiri, you loved her connection to the land. You could watch her for hours as she interacted with the environment around her. 
・You could see that she was special; Eywa had something incredible in store for Kiri. You just wished the rest of the clan would accept them
・But your eye was always searching for Neteyam, the eldest of the Sully kids
・Almost like a guardian angel, you were there when he needed you most. And your brother would tease you relentlessly, but Tsireya understood. She encouraged you to pursue Neteyam
・As you encouraged her to pursue Lo’ak 
・And your romance was slow. Even though you both had deep feelings for each other, it was like neither of you could confess it. For one reason or another. 
・You spent time together, teaching him the ways of your people. He was especially interested in the coming of age rituals. Neteyam wanted to participate. 
・You told him he didn’t have to, that accomplishing the Omaticaya rituals was enough. But not for Neteyam, he wanted to prove himself. 
・Then, when the event happened with Quaritch, everything changed. 
・ Luck, no, not luck. It was destiny that you were there to save Neteyam. 
・What would have been a bullet would was only a flesh wound, however, it did cut him deep
・The Sully’s were eternally grateful, Neytiri especially. She nearly lost her firstborn, and for that she felt indebted to you. 
・However, Neteyam was wounded, and it took him a month to fully recover. You visited him everyday, bringing fresh food and changing his bandages. This was how you two grew close. A deep bond was formed. 
・You both felt Eywa’s presence when you looked into each other’s eyes and finally realised who you were to one another. Mates. 
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it.
・The mating ritual is the same for every Na’vi, it’s the connecting of the queues, from nightfall until sunrise. 
・The mating ritual and sex are two different things, but ultimately the Na’vi only have sex with one other for their entire lives. 
・And although Neteyam would have loved to perform tsaheylu underneath the Tree of Souls, the Metkayina don’t stay underwater for that entire time. 
・Some may choose to visit the Spirit Tree and connect for a brief moment while holding hands, or to choose a secluded spot and invite Eywa’s presence 
・You chose to do both
・Both of you swam down to the Spirit Tree and connected to it, seeing each other through the other’s eyes 
・You could feel the other’s love and devotion 
・After opening your eyes, you kissed and swam to the surface, where you found a vacant part of the beach to stay until the next day
・Connecting with Neteyam was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You were able to feel his pain, his happiness, the weight of responsibility and the dedication Neteyam has to his family 
・In turn, Neteyam felt the same. For you both had the duty of being the first born
・When the mating was completed, it was announced through all the clan that you were together 
・Tonowari held a great feast in your honour. He was more than proud, as was your mother, sister and brother 
・You had completed a big part of Na’vi life, and the Sully’s welcomed you into the family with open arms. Especially Neytiri, once she got to know you and how good of a hunter you were 
・Sex is different then mating, but you still connect your queues nonetheless. It intensifies the bond, and completely takes hold of your body, mind and soul
・Neteyam is a soft lover, he likes to make you feel loved, safe and worthy
・His favourite thing is to bite your neck though, especially when he’s in midthrust. It’s like another way of combining your bodies. He wants to be as close to you as possible
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rotxos-sweeetheart · 1 year
What if Spiders mask broke?
Tiny mention of neglect.
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The inspiration behind this: here
It had been two months since the fight, Neteyams death, and Spider saving Quaritch.
Kiri knew, Spider didn’t know how but one day Kiri had just shown up and told Spider she wasn’t upset. That Eywa needed Spider to save Quaritch.
He didn’t think anyone else knew.
The Sully’s were healing, and had begun treating Spider better.
Spider swears he nearly fainted when Neytiri, who never cared for him, shoved a beaded necklace at him.
Ronal seemed to take that as a challenge.
Spider had been all but officially adopted into the Metkayinan family.
Supprisinly, it had been Ronal who went to him first. She had seen this small injured human boy behind the Sully’s, and decided he would be hers.
It took Ao’nung a day to decide his mother was right.
When they had learned about the treatment Spider had been given but the Sully, and most other, adults, there was a few fights.
Ronal was outraged at this poor boys treatment, and Tonowari was angry for Spiders childhood. The siblings were mad that their little big brother was treated so badly.
When he showed up wearing Neytiri’s necklace, Ronal and Tsireya spent most of the night making him a top, he was wearing one of Tsireya’s right now, from her childhood, it helped when he was in the sun all day, and when he was playing with the others.
Close to sun rise, Ao’nung had walked to his mother and sister, handing them a bead for Spiders top.
He had made this bead when he was a child, and refused to allow anyone to even braid it into his song cord. The meaning did not escape the women.
Nor did it escape Spider, when he saw the bead he’d heard tales about in his new top.
He wore it with pride, happy, and bragged to anyone, wether they wanted to here or not.
Like that, the war between the mothers was on.
Spider had been playing with his siblings, both sets, when it happened.
He grabbed Ao’nungs tail, in return Kiri shoved Spider, Lo’ak nudged Kiri, Tsireya shoved Lo’ak, Ao’nung went for Kiri, and Spider tickled Tuk.
At least, that had been the plan.
Instead of tickling Tuk, he fell. Onto the sand. Mask first.
Everything stopped.
It would have been comical if Spider wasn’t so frightened.
He could see so much clearer.
His mask was broke
All hell broke lose in a split second.
Kiri screamed.
Tuk cried.
Lo’ak shouted.
Ao’nung shoved his hands onto Spiders face.
Tsireya prayed to Eywa.
Jake and Neytiri were frozen.
Ronal was seconds away from fighting, probably Neytiri.
Tonowari was crying, holding Tuk.
Spider was-
Spider wasn’t reacting.
He was more focused on the fact he was breathing.
Actually breathing.
He mask was shattered, and Ao’nung had cuts on his hands from pressing them into Spiders broken mask and face, and Spider was breathing.
Kiri was the first to react. It took seconds for her to realise her person was breathing okay.
In Pandoran air.
Ao’nung was next. He could feel Spiders breathe against his bloody hands. Measured, even breaths.
His brother was breathing.
Ronal was next.
She knew Spider was special, could feel it. And now Eywa had proved it. Eywa had given her baby a blessing to help him survive.
Tuk, Lo’ak, and Jake realised next.
Spider was going to be okay.
Tonowari and Neytiri realised at the same time.
Tonowari felt a huge wave of relief, his new son, his fragile baby, was okay, was a bit less in danger.
Neytiri was scared. There was this child she’d been treating as little more than a pet, and here was actual real proof that he was Eywa blessed.
This happened in the span of a second.
Pure silence encased a third.
The fourth second was chaos.
Ronal and Tonowari rushed forwards to him, grabbing him and spinning, thanking Eywa.
Kiri whooped with pure elation, her person would be okay and now everyone one knew he belonged.
Neytiri couldn’t think. Spider was blessed by Eywa and Neytiri had actively tried too keep him away, to make him leave.
Jake didn’t know what to think. He knew he hadn’t treated Spider the best, but he had tried right? Jake caught Neytiri, she had collapsed into him.
Jake held Neytiri, and turned to walk away. Spider was not their family, they had both seen to that. This was not their moment.
Lo’ak wasn’t really moving, he was just smiling. So so happy his brother was going to be okay.
Ao’nung laughed. He joined his parents in celebrating his brother, and dragged Lo’ak and Kiri in to. His baby older brother was okay! He didn’t even flinch when Kiri spread some paste over his cut hands.
Tsireya picked Tuk up, smiling and giggling, and joined her family to celebrate. She didn’t have to worry so much any more, her little brother had now well and truely proved to all Na’vi and everyone that he was Pandorian, he belonged.
All the eight of them could think in that moment was: No one could take him away now.
Spider spent the rest of the day with his siblings.
They played for hours, everything seemed easier now that they weren’t worried about Spiders mask breaking.
Of course, now Spider had to learn to breath underwater, no longer able to rely on his exo-mask.
Ronal was insistent on there being a large cerimony for the Metkayina people, to celebrate Eywa’s clear acceptance of her son.
Spider thought it was just to rub it in Neytiri’s face.
He spent the night with his family. Tucked snugly in between Ronal and Tonowari, with Ao’nung cuddled behind him, and Tsireya at his front.
Ronal and Ao’nung had spent the better part of the evening touching, petting, and kissing all over his face, whilst Tsireya had worked on his stripes and hair, they’d been working on it for a while now, but he’d been so severely neglected she was only just getting through it. Tonowari made sure Spider was warm enough, and comfortable.
It wasn’t his born family, or his grow-up family.
But this was Spiders family.
And that was enough.
Being able to breathe the same air was a blessing, one he would thank Eywa for everyday.
He slept that night dreaming of a dwarfed Tulkun, swimming along side him.
Hii! Again, @meenawrites was the inspiration behind this!
I apologise if the end isn’t as good, my hamster had his forever nap so I’m a bit sad.
Let me know what you think?
And if you want more!
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amber-michaelson · 1 year
Hide And Seek
Series MasterList
Neteyam x Na'vi reader x Lo'ak
Summary: never play a game when the stacks are that high
Read At Own Risk
Warning: both neteyam and lo'ak are aged up fisting, double penetration
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'Run... if we catch you, we fuck you'
Yn pov
Those are the words that got me into this mess running as fast as I can with sweat running down my forehead "better hurry yn we're gaining on you" lo'ak called as neteyam laughed loudly i turned back and gasped as I only saw lo'ak 'what the fuck' I quickly made a sharp turn and jumped onto a low hanging branch and started jumping from tree to tree "you think that will stop us" neteyam yelled "how about we call truce" I screamed back at them as I gasped as I slipped bearly catching myself "how but no" lo'ak said as he neared me I looked down seeing neteyam grinning as he looked up at me "man I just love the view" he growled and rubbed his cock through his loin cloth I gasped as lo'ak grabbed me and hauled me up into his arms "we caught you".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
"Fuck" I screamed cumming on lo'ak and neteyam's fingers "that's it baby, that's it" lo'ak growled into my ear "look lo'ak she's almost taking both our fists" neteyam muttered hungrily my eyes rolling back as they slowly pulled out "fuck" I whimpered "I wanna taste" lo'ak licked his lips as he bent down in between my puffy lips "lo'ak" I whined as he licked up and down "you taste so sweet baby" he grinned pulling back "I just can't wait to fuck you" neteyam grinned as he pulled of his loin cloth his cock springing out "who's taking her pussy first" lo'ak asked taking off his as well "well I'm the oldest" neteyam said "I'm the one that caught her" I watched as they started arguing and buffing out their chest "how about you fuck me at the same time" I blurted out my face becoming a light purple from me blushing as they looked at me lust and hunger filling theirs eyes "I'm ok with that" lo'ak said glancing at his brother "me too" neteyam smirked as the sandwiched me between them neteyam in the back and lo'ak in the front lo'ak started teasing the inside of my thighs while neteyam worked on pinching and squeezing my breasts as they whispered dirty things to me "dam dad will be so proud" lo'ak muttered "maybe we can convince him to join next time, wouldn't you like that yn, the sully men to fuck you silly" neteyam growled I started to whine and panted pushing myself into lo'ak "are you wanting something baby" I nodded eagerly "then you'll have to ask" I huffed looking up at lo'ak "please fuck me" I whispered "sorry what was that baby" he smirked "please fuck me" I screamed and stared eagerly as lo'ak grabbed his dick moving it to my entrance "ready bro" he asked neteyam "I was born ready" I screamed as the both entered me "oh shit she's tight" lo'ak cussed loudly his head thrown back as he started thrusting neteyam slowly pushed in and out his lips sucking on my neck surly leaving marks "your ours now yn" he whispered I moaned out in response that made him chuckle as he slowly started going faster and faster keeping it the same pace as lo'aks my eyes started seeing stars from the pleasure "fuck fuck fuck" lo'ak cussed as he cam inside me, panting as he pulled out "come on little bro" neteyam laughed at lo'aks angry face "she just felt to good" he grumbled "well she hasn't cum yet rub her clit" neteyam groaned as he put his hands on my hips keeping me locked so he could get deeper "dam your cum makes it so much easier" neteyam growled my breathe hitched as lo'ak hand went to my pussy moaning as he lightly began to rub "so much pleasure" I whined my thighs began to quiver and shake "that's it baby cum" neteyam growled into my ear making me cry out and my pussy clench "fuck" neteyam cussed as he cam "fuck we need to play hide and seek more often".
Part 2
My Other Avatar Works
Check Out My Other Works
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kikosaurscave · 1 year
neteyam is a simp
this guy is too sweet, imo he'd do literally anything 4 u
he literally thinks he doesnt deserve you, so he thanks eywa every morning that she let him have you
the was he admires you as his s/o js makes my mind stir
he appreciates u with all his being and he lets you know that every minute of the day
he praises you bc he knows you love him for him and not any of the titles hes labeled as (future olo'eyktan, jake sullys son, the golden child/brother ect)
he also praises u bc hes a fucking simp most of the time, the only times when he doesnt drool over you is when he must be focused around jake
you cant even escape his mind while he sleeps
ill say it again he literally loves errything about you, your lips, yours eyes and your hair he loves most
he always needs to be touching you, any part of you, the lower of your back, your thigh when you ride his ikran, your waist, your hand, even one of your fingers is just abt enough for him. he js wants to kno youre there with him
when your together, he absolutely loves when your tail plays with his subconsciously, he loves to intertwine your tail together while you bit beside eachother
he 100% makes you sleep on the side further from the entrance so its easier for him to protect you from whatever manages to wander inside your home
he holds you close when you sleep and when you cuddle he always wants to be big spoon but he loves when you cradle his head into your neck and play with his hair, or his face, your breath fanning over his face calms him, bringing him back to pandora after a long day
his kisses are always meaningful, he'll pull away when hes content with the feeling of your lips, when you pull away first he'll keep searching for your lips, again leaning closer js to feel your lips on his, he really cannot get enough of you
im 50/50 on whether he'd b jealous of other guys checking you out or like overjoyed bc he knows that they know they cant have you
he trusts you, he loves the way you politely turn down other guys that try to flirt with you, he finds it hot that when a guy persists then you harshly turn him down
he absolutely hates the thought of him being with anyone else that isnt you, or especially you being with someone thats not him
when he finally gained attraction to woman in a more than friendly way, he would glance, ever since he met you(whether or not youre bestfriends beforehand) he never found attraction in other women.
in his mind, none of them compare to you.
if you dont see eachother after you wake and ready to do tasks, when eclipse settles in and he can finally hold you, he doesnt let you go till after you were supposed to be ready for tasks the next day
he missed you too much.
clinging onto you the whole night like a baby, cooing to you how much he missed you while you both talk about your day
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lvrcpid · 1 year
time travel.
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in which the sully kids travel back in time ! this made me giggle while i was writing it 💀
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“so what does it do? how does that little thing send you all the way back in time?” lo’ak asked, sitting himself up next to you.
“glad you asked lo’ak, this is time travel device just made and it’ll take you back to any time you want, with the help of this little watch here” norm held up the small circular disk and watch.
“the disk feels out how many people are on it and sizes out to fit! and you can adjust the time with the watch” max added from across the room.
“give me that!” lo’ak snatched the disk from norm and held it in his hand. “lo’ak stop! you’re gonna break it!” neteyam yelled, trying to get the disk out of lo’aks hands. “move dude! i’m just trying to see!”
“give me that. imbeciles.” you snatched the disk from their hands and handed it back to norm. “so , do you think we could give it a go?” kiri spoke up with a smile.
norm and max gave eachother a look. the ‘please don’t let these kids try it they will definitely mess up the space time continuum’ look.
“fine! im giving (y/n) the watch though..god knows what lo’ak or neteyam would do with it” norm placed the watch on your wrist, giving a few instructions of how to turn it back or forward.
max then trailed over and placed the disk down, you all stepping on it. oh yeah, ALL of the sully kids were going, even tuktirey!
“so guys where do we wanna go?” you asked, looking down at the watch and beginning to set it back a few years. “i wanna go see where mom and dad met!” tuk piped in, all of her siblings agreeing with her. “so that was about 17 years ago since they had me after they met…anddddd done!”
you smiled looking up at norm who nodded to the button on the watch. “be careful and remember not to speak to ANYONE, one wrong move and the space time continuum goes poof! and you guys don’t exist.” the sully kids fell silent. except lo’ak who reached over and pressed the button. “bye losers!” he yelled as you guys were transported.
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“god lo’ak learn a bit of patience!” you all coughed, stepping off of the pad and watching as neteyam grabbed it. “the two oldest should have responsibility over it” he added, turning on his heels and walking away.
“neteyam wait up!! you heard what norm said if we even mess up the slightest thing we’re done for!” you ran up behind your younger brother, kiri holding tuk with lo’ak hot on your tails
“what does that even mean? and what the hell is a space time continuum” he spoke. you rolled your eyes and stopped in your tracks, turning to him with sigh “we talk to mommy and daddy, we go bye bye” you said in possibly the dumbest voice you could.
“oh shit” lo’ak laughed “oh shit is right-“ you all heard the sound of a creature in the woods, immediately ducking. “shit!” kiri gasped, covering her mouth before you all moved over to a big tree.
you made the initiative to lean over the tree to see what happened. you see two na’vi, one who looked native and one who had clothes like norm and max.
you squinted before recognizing who the two people were. it was your mom and dad, they were younger, wayyyy younger. “god is that mom and dad?!” lo’ak whisper yelled, immediately getting shushed by all of you.
neytiris neck snapped towards the tree as you all cowered behind it. taking a sigh of relief when jake began to speak to her.
you all watched in amazement as your mom seemingly HATED your dad. “love at first sight my ass..” neteyam whispered to you, earning a small giggle and stifling back laughter as she hit him with her bow, watching him fly to the ground with a quick “damn!”
it made you wonder. he used to be fun. what happened to him. that’s not the dad YOU know.
“mommy don’t hurt daddy!!” tuk began to walk out to her parents that aren’t her parents just yet, forgetting the FIRST rule norm gave them. jake and neytiri turn to the scene but before they could catch a glimpse of tuktirey, you’re pulling her back and covering her mouth.
neytiri began to slowly stalk over to the tree you all were hiding behind. “eywa this is it! i’m gonna cease to exist!” lo’ak whispered. you began to set the watch back to modern time while neteyam threw down the launch pad quickly , you all stepping on it and you quickly pushing the button , traveling back to your time.
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you all stepped off the launch pad and look a long sigh, stumbling over in the lab as you all caught your breaths. you all almost didn’t exist, that was nerve wracking.
“that was fast, told you they wouldn’t last even 20 minutes” max laughed and looked at the sully kids storm out of the lab.
“what happened who messed up?” norm laughed , clutching his stomach.
“tuktirey! i’m never time traveling with her ever again!”
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @Annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550
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blue-sadie · 6 months
Avatar Prt. 2
.Request Page.
.First Masterlist.
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut = 🌹
Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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Starry Night - Lo'ak 🌺
Eyes Of The Beholder - Neteyam 🌺
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Incorrect Quotes
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Jealous Killed The Girl - Neteyam 🌹
Ewya's Gift - Tsu'tey 🌺
Misleading - Sully Family 🥀🌺🌼
A Change In The Air - Tonowari, Ronal 🌹
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Modern Day Au
Medieval/Fantasy Au Omegaverse
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80 notes · View notes
Our Love is a Work in Progress
Pairing: Aonung x Fem! Metkayina! Reader
Tags: Slightly Jealous Aonung, Childhood sweethearts, Tsireya being playful, Socially awkward reader
Word count: 3,194
Summary: Idiots in love. That's what you and Ao'nung are. If it weren't for your friend's devious machinations in the background, both of you would probably grow old still tip-toeing around each other.
For the umpteenth time this morning, you let out a dreamy sigh. From the corner of your eyes, you see Tsireya shake her head. "Just go and talk to them. Then you'll know that they are not so bad," she says, gesturing towards the Sullys who were currently practicing their breathing with Rotxo. Tsireya was right there teaching them with him earlier, but when she saw you peeking at them from up a boulder at a distance, she apparently decided that her quest for today was to finally convince you to approach them.
She climbed up to meet you with a knowing smile before pointing at each of them. "That one beside Rotxo is Kiri, she's a very fast learner," she says, "the small one is Tuk, she's very sweet. The boy over there is Lo'ak, and beside him is his older brother named Neteyam."
You listened to her with a pout, knowing that you won't need the information anyway.
You found them interesting, not so much in the beginning, no. You were wary of them, they were so different, and It didn't help that everyone collectively grimaced in disgust when it was revealed that they had demon blood, even though you didn't understand why. But they all look so warm and welcoming, especially now. (It might just be the certain, soft warm glow from the sun that makes it look like so, but still.)
"You know I can't, Tsireya. Mother would kill me if I so much as stand within arms reach." Your friend only giggled.
"You're a very persuasive girl, my friend. I'm sure your mother will change her mind about them. Now, how will you convince your mother of their kindness when you haven't experienced it yourself?"
You narrow your eyes at her, fighting back a goofy smile. "You're pretty persuasive yourself."
"You only think so because you actually want to approach them. You just need a few extra nudges."
You shake your head. "I told you, I can't." You nearly whine.
"...not a few nudges then, perhaps a full-on shove?
"A what now?" You begin to ask, but you could only yelp as she shoves you off the boulder. You cried out, only for it to get cut off as you land in the water. You scoff at her playfulness, causing bubbles to block your view.
You resurface, sputtering, still reeling from your shock (and amusement) and you hear her quite disrespectfully giggle at you from up the boulder. You crane your neck to send her a playful glare.
"Are you okay?"
You whip your head towards the unfamiliar voice, squinting. You raise your hand up to shield yourself from the harsh glare of the setting sun, your eyes adjusting, slowly making sense of the person's feature.
Truly, it felt like you were gazing upon something sacred, like Eywa herself sent you a guiding spirit with eyes that are pure melted gold, poured from a sun on the brink of an eclipse. It was mesmerizing.
Neteyam looked down at you from his Ilu, hands slowly reaching towards you, unsure if you'd let a stranger near but he keeps it there anyways in case you truly were in need of assistance.
"What?" You ask, feeling a little dumb as you stare at the rather magnificent picture.
He tilts his head in confusion. "Tsireya called out, she said you slipped and hit your head—"
You struggle to hear whatever he was trying to say at the end, his voice being cut off by the sound of Rotxo laughing, and the others floundering about in the water as they arrive. "She's fine," he says. "I saw the whole thing." He looks up to send a knowing look at Tsireya who only giggles as she moves to go back down from the boulder.
You blink rapidly, trying to gather your scattered thoughts. What are you supposed say?
You stare blankly at Neteyam, some of your hair were in your mouth and you remember the not-so-graceful way you whipped your head towards him earlier, squinting at him. You must've painfully looked like an idiot, because you see Rotxo cringe and you realize distantly that you were still staring.
"What's up with her?" You hear Lo'ak ask.
Neteyam stares back at you, his hands still hovering and you see him hesitate. Rotxo turns away, as if watching you was too painful, still, you do not miss the subtle shaking of his shoulders, it was what snapped you out of your daze and you reel back, laughing awkwardly. Neteyam raises both his eyebrows, his eyes flickered from yours and to his siblings in confusion. You curse at yourself instantly, wishing for an Akula to just eat you up.
"You must be..." The girl named Kiri trailed off, her voice startling the uncomfortable silence your awkwardness settled in the atmosphere. Rotxo provides her your name and Kiri nods. "Tsireya speaks of you. She says you're the best singer in the village."
"Ah, hehe." You chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your nape sheepishly. "I wouldn't say that I'm the best—"
You yelp as Ao'nung rose from the water, his eyes staring straight at yours. He came seemingly from out of nowhere.
"Ao'nung? Weren't you…Where'd you even come from?" You ask, positively flabbergasted at his sudden appearance. He was supposed to be out with his father. You cross your arms. "I bet you’re slacking off again, Aren’t you supposed to be with the chief?”
"I was." His answer came in a short burst. As if he couldn't be bothered to answer you properly. Then he scans you like a mother checking her child for injuries, before letting his gaze wander back to your eyes then at the others who came to help you and you realize the gravity of your situation.
You feel yourself frown before you could control your expressions. "I'm really sorry for disturbing your lessons." You say, mostly facing Rotxo, who in turn, shakes his head, smiling at you. He's always been so patient and nice, just a little prick sometimes, mostly when Aonung's around. Together, they were little teasing menaces.
You hear Tsireya before you see her, grinning at you as she floats in the water by your side. "Well, I'm just glad you're okay, my friend." She sighs in relief (as if she wasn't the one who pushed you off).
You lean closer to her and whisper, "you're lucky you're the chief's daughter."
She giggles as she rests her hand on your shoulder before approaching the others. "We could always use another's help. Perhaps my friend can also help with teaching?"
"Oh, well. If it's alright with her to…" Neteyam answers. You inwardly cringed. They must've thought that your hesitation to receive help from them stems from the skepticism and disgust that the rest of the village doesn't bother hiding towards them.
"I want to…help, I mean. I did cause quite a ruckus. Let me make up for it," you say, smiling. You felt relieved that you didn't stutter once. You've already made a fool of yourself enough to give you nightmares for 3 weeks.
"How did you manage slip from there anyway, that's always been your spot." Ao'nung tilts his head back to look down at you through the bridge of his nose. You couldn't stop your face from scrunching up at his words, it heralds an incoming torrent of nagging. You knew that he would start if you so much as wince in pain. You appreciate his concern, but you hate how he makes you sound so weak and fragile, and in front of these people you’re trying to befriend!
"It was my fault, really. We were messing around," Tsireya says, raising her hands. You thank Eywa that she hasn't completely abandoned you to your own clumsy social skills.
"Yeah, and what's up with you? Why are you suddenly here?" You ask, turning to face Ao'nung, genuinely curious, but also flinging towards him a vindictive glance
"I heard you scream and I thought you needed help…" he starts, then he glances at Neteyam. "although someone's already beaten me to it." With that. Ao'nung nods at you before diving back in and swimming away.
You feel a headache slowly seeping into your head. Ao’nung left as fast as his sudden arrival, and it irks you just as much as it confuses you; his cryptic behavior, worried glances but searing choice of words, his awful timing…
"Wow, so he can actually talk without outright insulting anyone," Kiri says.
Tsireya giggles as she gives you a look you don't bother to decipher.
"Are you really okay? You look a little dazed." You turn towards the voice by your side. You almost squeal in delight as the youngest of the Sullys look up at you with her wide eyes.
"Oh she's fine. She's just extremely shy." Rotxo says, waving his hand around in a dismissive manner.
"Okay, okay. How about we stop wasting time on me and resume the lesson, yeah?" You say, having had enough of this, whatever this whole predicament was. You couldn't say it was all bad though, since you finally succeeded in introducing yourself to the Sully kids. There may have been better ways to do it, preferably without making such a racket, but it is what it is.
Throughout your childhood, Aonung was always there. He was your first, and most eager listener. He always went along with you whenever you would go out and practice your singing, claiming to be your protector, your guardian. He always has his eyes on you, always listening to every single word you say. You especially notice this whenever you were hanging out with the other kids. No one really asks for your opinion, and nobody expects you to contribute to the conversation, so much so that you feel like you only open your mouth when you sing during shared gatherings. But Ao'nung was different. He always asks you what you think, always prodding you to speak your mind, always glaring sharply at anyone who tries to talk over you.
And he is always hovering around you. It was at first, stifling, until you decided that perhaps he simply enjoyed your companionship. Even now that he avoids you, refusing to be around you for long, like your mere presence burns him, he still doesn't completely abandon you. And it makes you furious, more confused than mad, of course. First he barges into your life, spending almost every waking moment with you only to suddenly shove you away, still keeping you within eyesight but refusing to even approach you. You don't think that he suddenly doesn't want you as a friend anymore, it is evident in the way he looks out for you, even indirectly.
You spend the next few days hanging out with the Sullys, much to your parent's chagrin. They do nothing to stop you though, you figured they've either given up on you, or trust that you know what's good for you.
Neteyam was, in almost every way, especially nice to you. You don't think that it was because you completely dazzled him with your amazing existence, making him fall madly in love with you, no. His way of showing care was almost aggressive, like he was trying to prove a point or something. And you're only able to notice because you've sharpened your observation skills instead of your speaking skill. You weren't completely stupid…you noticed that Neteyam becomes incredibly touchy and sweet whenever Ao'nung was around. You quite enjoyed the situation, you can't lie.
Also, you've never hung out with so many friendly people before. You miss Ao'nung though. And of course, because of that, confrontation was inevitable.
"You wanna know why I've been avoiding you?"
He asks but he doesn't wait for you to answer before he continues.
"It's because you keep hanging around those freaks. You wanna be an outcast by associating yourself with them, then go ahead."
He doesn't mean it, he really doesn't.
You shake your head. "I was already an outcast, Ao'nung. And frankly, I'd rather be one than associate myself with your friends—" You raise your hand up to silence him, you were not done yet. "—and I know for a fact that you no longer see them as freaks. I might even say that you've started to treat them with respect. You can see them now, Aonung. I know it. So why are you suddenly back to saying such rude words about them?"
He exhales a deep, exasperated breath, his head pounding with all the words he wants to say but couldn't.
You wait for him to gather his thoughts.
"He…" Aonung started. "Yes, what you said is true. I've…they've grown on me, those Sully brats…"
His gaze flickers back to you.
"But he— that Neteyam. He's obviously aiming for you."
You frown in confusion. "He's what? Aiming for me? With what? I don't think—"
He rolls his eyes. "What I meant was he's seriously considering you as a mate."
With his answer, you felt even more confused.
"I think that is highly unlikely. It's too early for him to choose a mate and even more unlikely for him to choose me. What am I supposed to do when there's a war, huh? Sing the enemies to death?"
"There's more to choosing mates than just their assets, their worth, during a war."
"But he's a chief, he can't just marry anyone."
He sighs. "A chief's mate doesn't always have to be a tsahik…you do know that right?"
"No no no. Still, it's impossible. He hardly even knows me and—" your gaze sharpens towards him. "Even if, for some reason, he wants me as his mate, what's it to you? And why would you avoid me because of that?"
He scoffs. "I was not avoiding you. I was simply giving you space."
You give him the stinkiest grimace you could manage. "Explain…"
He clicks his tongue in annoyance, rubbing the back of his neck. He gestures with his hands as he tries to do as you asked. "I was furious—"
"What did I do?"
"—not at you." He sighs again. "At myself."
You stare blankly at him.
"You mentioned earlier that it was too early for Neteyam to choose a mate, but courting takes time, just like how I've been courting you since we were kids. I'm not done explaining yet," he says when he sees your confused frown. "I was angry when I saw how happy you were with your new friends. (Again, angry at myself) You should know that you're actually pretty popular among the boys in the village. The reason they do not even attempt to approach you is because they know I like you. I did not mean to…It was not my intention to make you lonely. I did not know that it would make the girls dislike you and I'm sorry for that. Now, the reason I avoided you was because the Sullys offered friendship, something that you weren't able to have in your own home, because of me. I distanced myself because I realized that I took you for granted. I used my position as a guarantee that no one else would try to court you. I was selfish and it made you…it turned you into an outcast…"
You hardly knew how to react, and you, in an attempt to try and make sense of things, stammer over your words, a torrent of sentences that makes absolutely no sense pouring out of your lips. Finally, you pinch the bridge of your nose and you take a deep breath.
"You give yourself too much credit, Ao’nung."
He raises his head to look at you.
"My social life was already done for, even before your supposed destruction of my potential relationships."
"No, it is my fault. You are not some property or a thing to be claimed. It's my fault that the boys…I feel like I ruined your chances to choose whoever you may want."
"Ao’nung…Even if that is so, they are not worth my time if they are too scared of you to even try to talk to me. It means they do not like me enough. My point is—listen—my point is that you should not blame yourself for something that you cannot control. Seriously, d'you think everything that's happened in my life is caused somehow by your decisions? You idiot."
He bites his lip, eyes narrowing in deep thought.
"Okay, it sounded a little less conceited in my head. But that's how I feel."
"I understand…what I don't understand is the whole 'I have been courting you since we were kids' thing."
"What's so hard to understand about that? I like you. I love listening to you sing. I love spending time with you. You're kind. You never talk bad about anyone, you actually cared about me and wanted to be my friend not just because I’m the chief’s son…You gave me flowers, you wrote songs about me, (I am partial to the ones about us on an adventure, by the way) you make me feel warm and appreciated. I adore you…I pine for you.”
"...Oh, wow. Sorry, this is a lot to take in. And I didn't even notice that you were courting me."
"I still am. You have no idea how much you mean to me," he says, looking at you through his ridiculously long eyelashes, his ears flat against the side of his head.
You feel your chest tighten at his words. Why he hadn't told you this before, you do not know.
"You can't just. Why, I never even…" You trail off as he holds a hand up.
"Now, I'm wondering if I was being too subtle, or if you're just too dull."
"Hey, that's not nice."
"Kind of hard to be nice when the person you adore is fawning over a foreigner."
"I was not." you huffed.
"I know. I'm sorry for saying that. It's just, I never seem to know what to say. I know what I want to say but I can't put it into words that would perfectly describe it."
"It doesn't need to be. Also, are you kidding me? That confession was perfect!”
Ao’nung groaned, running his hand down his face. “Okay, stop.”
“It was heartfelt, and poetic.” You see his tail wagging sideways from behind him.
“And,” you continue, your voice carrying venom. “It’s the most you’ve said to me for days!” You punch his arm and he glares at you, mumbling something about ruining the mood.
"Y'know what? I'm gonna write a song about you, about how stupid you are." You say, still seething.
"As long as it's about me…" He shrugs, stepping closer towards you, grinning like a fool.
"You asshole." You say, but without any real anger.
He hums. "Well, I'm your asshole…"
You both frown as you take in his words.
"Okay, that did not—"
"Uncalled for." You shake your head.
"That was not what I…wow, it did not sound romantic at all, I don't know why I…"
"I feel violated…"
Can't believe I have to say this but pls remember that x readers aren't going to be a 100% accurate presentation of you. I don't wanna be gettin no "but I can't sing" comments. I stopped writing fanfic because of comments like that (which is dumb). So don't do that please, Thank you!
Also read on Ao3!
English ain't my first language so pls be kind.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
muntxa si
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MUNTXA SI: (english) to mate with, marry
(Adult) Neteyam vehemently opposes his human mate becoming Na’vi, for fear of losing her.
This story makes many assumptions - just go with them to enjoy the ride.
2,247 words.
The strength with which Neteyam opposed the idea, right from the very start, was a shock to everyone who knew him. When his mother first mentioned it, she saw a familiar fury in his eyes, one she knew she’d worn many times. 
His brother nearly lost his head when he brought it up, and his father hadn’t even tried to broach the subject.
What he didn’t know was that they weren’t bringing it up of their own accord, though it was something they’d thought about before. They were bringing it up because I had brought it up to them first.
I was the only one who wasn’t shocked by his reaction. I knew that all Neteyam would see was the danger and risk involved, and there was nothing more detestable to Neteyam than putting me in harm’s way. This was a sometimes annoying but mostly reassuring trait of his, especially given that, as a human living on Pandora, danger was lurking around nearly every corner for me. Ewya had blessed me with a strong and capable - but slightly overbearing - protector.
After weeks of his family telling me it was me who would have to convince him, I finally plucked up the courage.
We sat in our Mauri pod, late at night, and the words spilled out of my mouth before I could fully control them.
“I want to become Na’vi. Norm has an Avatar for me, he’s been hiding it since I was little, and he told me on my 20th birthday. It’s fully mature now.”
Neteyam sat at the edge of our pod, his legs dangling over the edge and into the water, and he spun around so fast that his braids smacked the wall of the Mauri.
His eyes narrowed and he lowered his chin. “No.”
Taking a deep breath beneath my mask, I stood up. “You don’t get to decide for me, Teyam. I have decided, and I know the clan will support me.”
“No!” He was standing too now, towering over me at nearly twice my height, but he could never scare or intimate me, even if he truly tried.
“Listen to me, Neteyam. You are only thinking of the risk involved, and not the reward. I can’t survive here forever, as one of the last humans. What if the air tanks run out? How will we live our lives together, with me in this human body? Have you considered the fact that your lifespan is twice mine? What will you do when I am too old, even, to run and swim? I won’t live like that, Neteyam!”
I felt hot tears in my eyes, and tried to blink them away in frustration. “You can’t force me to live a half-life with you when a full life is within my grasp! I know Ewya will give this to me. She wouldn’t have brought me to you if she didn’t want us to be together.”
Neteyam’s hands rested on my shoulders, enveloping me, stressing to the both of us our impractical size difference.
“Y/N... you don’t know that she will give this to us. She may take you home to her.”
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the panic I could see in his face. 
“I have to do this, Neteyam. We won’t have a future together if I don’t. Norm and the others... they talk about having to leave, without a permanent colony here. Their supplies won’t last forever. They would either take me, or leave me here to die with no oxygen.”
Neteyam pulled me down, so we were sitting face to face, our legs crossed.
“I cannot lose you, Y/N.”
“This is our best chance, Neteyam. Please. Please let me do this.”
As much as I had been pretending it was only my choice, and I didn’t need his permission, I knew I couldn’t do it without his blessing. That just wasn’t something I could do to Ma Teyam. 
I watched his chest rise and fall with deep breaths as he contemplated.
“We will do this, Y/N, and if Ewya takes you, I will follow you to her myself and bring you back.”
It took time to plan - time that was exciting for all of us. We decided to fly back to the Tree of Souls to give my human body the best chance, since with the Metkayina, the ceremony would have to take place under water.
The Omatikaya welcomed the Sullys, and one sky person, back with open arms. After all, it wasn’t as if I was a stranger to them - I had many friends to greet, as well.
The ceremony was set for the night after our return. Neteyam was quiet at dinner, and his mother watched him cautiously.
“Son,” she said, handing him a plate, “I see the spirit within Y/N. It reminds me of your father - strong, stubborn, a little frustrating.” She smiled, but Neteyam couldn’t bring himself to follow suit. “She will be okay.”
She gripped her son’s arm and he nodded, but the sinking feeling in his chest was there to stay, until the ceremony was complete.
Neteyam walked with me, hand and hand, through the large crowd there to witness my birth - or my funeral.
I could feel the tension radiating through his body, but no matter what I said, I wasn’t able to ease it for him. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, myself.
There she lay - me, but not me. Tall, with long, thick black hair and eyes that would surely be a piercing gold when opened. She was beautiful; it was the first I was seeing her.
“Oh, Neteyam...” I said, a lump in my throat, and gripped his arm tightly as we approached the tree.
He placed his hand over mine. “You can still change your mind,” he said, but with a sly smile, the first I’d seen him wear in a while - he knew there was little chance of that.
He lifted me up and placed me next to my new body, where the spiritual leader of the Omatikaya waited, a serene and focused look on her face.
She gestured for me to lay down, and I turned to Neteyam. Maybe it was the proximity to the Tree of Souls, but I felt a calm - and tried to convey it to Neteyam with a smile. His family stood behind him, taking their seats to join the ceremony. Neteyam would stay with me until it was done.
He nodded, and I could practically see his heart beating through his chest as he helped me to lay down, my head inches from my avatar’s.
“You will sleep now. Be calm,” a voice above me said, and I had only time to tell Neteyam I loved him before I sank away.
Watching her eyes close, a panic gripped Neteyam’s heart and he felt as if he could vomit in front of the entire clan.
He turned and sought his mother, and would have been embarrassed to do so in any other situation. She was seated between his brother and father, all holding hands with eyes closed, chanting to Ewya.
He watched as Ewya reached up, covering his mate in feather light touches, and he put his hands on her, praying to Ewya, reminding Ewya how much this human woman meant to him.
Silently, he told Ewya of the first time they’d met, at only six years old, and of their first kiss at 12, how she fought with him through the Great War despite her size, how long it took him to work up the courage to ask her to be his mate, and how they cried together when she said yes.
This woman is my life, Great Mother, he prayed, I ask that you return her to me in either body here, and we will make the most of this life we have together.
Every minute felt like an hour, and then the Tsahik reached over and pulled the mask off of his love’s face.
She was gone, at least from this form.
“She is passing through Ewya now, Neteyam, and you must guide her back,” the Tsahik said.
He leapt carefully over to her avatar body, taking it in for the first time. Those were her lips, the shape of her eyes, the sharp dip between her nose and mouth - all his favorite things about her, right here.
“Yawne,” he said, reaching out to touch her soft face, “can you hear me? Follow my voice. Come back to me so that we may return home together, and live the life you promised me.”
He looked to the Tsahik, who nodded in encouragement and resumed chanting. The cries of the clan rose around him, his father and mother’s the loudest, and he steadied his shaking body with a deep breath.
“Y/N, Yawne, hear my voice and follow it. I will wait for you forever - remember the promise I made. Do not deliver two souls to Ewya this day.”
He nearly shot back when the woman before him took a gasping breath, and amber eyes shot open.
It’s impossible to describe how it happens. It’s not a wordly experience, and there are no words to properly convey it.
Ewya is real, and she gave me a second chance at life.
Neteyam’s face hovered inches above mine as I gasped for air. He slipped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me up, and even in this new body, in my disoriented state, I was acutely aware that I was naked.
“Yawne,” Neteyam whispered, and I saw the tears spilling from his eyes. He only called me Yawne - beloved - once before, when he asked me to be his mate.
“Tiyawn,” I replied, my voice breathy and almost foreign to my ears. My ears! I reached up, trailing my hand over my thick hair and reaching up to feel the pointy, blue ears atop my head. A giggle escaped before I could stop it.
“Can you stand?” he asked, gripping my arms.
I leaned into him. “I am naked.”
“You are Na’vi now,” he replied with almost a shrug, “but I will carry you if it concerns you.”
“I think you should, my legs feel weak.”
They felt strong. My entire body felt strong, and I couldn’t wait to learn how to use it. 
I glanced over my shoulder to see myself. My former self. As Neteyam lifted me into his arms and stood up, I thought I should cry for her... but she didn’t feel like me, not anymore. 
The clan cheered and whooped, hollered and threw their arms triumphant in the air, as Neteyam stood with me and let out what sounded like a war cry, shaking me in his arms.
The joy in his face was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was beautiful, especially seen through these new eyes.
He rushed through the crowd, to his Ikran, and mounted in one fell swoop with me in his arms.
The Ikran felt so much smaller than she had when we’d arrived less than an hour ago, but of course, I was the one who had grown over three feet.
He took off, holding the saddle with one arm and me tightly in the other, to a place we could be alone.
Back at our temporary home, I was finally able to take a breath and try my new body out. For my first few steps, I had to hold Neteyam’s hands, until I got the hang of it.
I felt weak, but I knew that would wear off. This body was strong, and I was going to make it even stronger, so I could finally keep up with Neteyam.
The thought made me burst into tears as he searched through his mother’s things for something I could wear.
“What is it, Y/N? Do you hurt?” he asked, rushing to my side with only a necklace in his hands.
Embarrassed, I tried to wave him off, but he was too on edge. “Tell me, Yawne. Tell me what you need.”
I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him tightly to me. My face rested perfectly on his chest, where before, it was just over his waist - making hugging an awkward feat. We fit perfectly together now, and it made me cry even harder.
“I’m just so happy and grateful, Neteyam.” I pulled back, wiping at my tears. “Tell me what you think.”
“What I think?” he asked, turning his head to the side.
“Of... me. Of my body. Do you still, I mean, do you like it?”
His gaze softened and he reached up to cup my cheek. “I have loved you for 15 years, Y/N. I loved you human form. Your small body, your beautiful soft hair, and your light eyes. I loved every moment of our life together.”
The tears threatened to return.
“But this... this is my dream, Y/N. I see it now, what you’ve always seen. You were meant to be one of The People, to be with me, to be the mother of my children and my mate for life.”
A smile spread across my new face so wide, I thought it might crack. “I love you, Neteyam.”
He pulled me into his strong arms, and we took a deep breath together.
“Forever,” he whispered in my ear.
I squeezed him tight. “Forever.”
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
Our new home.
Summary: Leaving home is hard for everyone but (y/n) finds it particularly difficult when her mating plans are basically cancelled. However, her mate, Neteyam, tries to reassure her they're not.
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: creatures, bullying, kissing, discussion around mating
We stand in front of the Metkayinan people, being watched, stared at and judged. They look at our tails and build, judging us before they've even spoken to us.
Some boys walk past us mocking us and one of them grabs hold of my tail catching me by surprise, I yelp at the contact.
"Look at their tails." He says gripping mine in his hands.
Neteyam swats his hand away and hisses at him before wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.
"Don't touch her." He says and Jake tries to calm him down, not wanting to create a bad first impression on the Oko'eyktan and Tsahìk. The clan leader arrives on a sea creature with large teeth, a threatening one, fit for a leader.
I feel my nerves bundle up within me and shivers run up my spine as he the leader threatens to send us away. Neteyam notices my nervousness, the sound of my heartbeat probably loud enough for him to hear and wraps his tail around my thigh. Something that almost always helps to soothe my nerves.
We stand and listen as they debate whether we're allowed to stay or not, Jake argues, desperately begging for the clan to let us stay and luckily in the end we're allowed to stay.
I let out a sigh of relief as the leader's daughter starts showing us around. It's a beautiful place, the sea and the creature, the trees and their homes, everything is amazing. I can't believe that this place exists. The girl, who I now know her name is Tsireya, leads us away from the beach and towards our Marui pod where we'll stay.
We settle in and start with a family circle. Whilst I'm not part of the Sully family I will be one day so they include me in these types of things as an honorary Sully.
"Sully's stick together." Everyone mutters quietly. It's a weird time for all of us, a new place, new people. It's stressful. Neteyam's hand is threaded in mine as we listen to Jake talk about staying out of trouble and keeping together. 
My mind drifts forward to the next few days, they'll be the hardest, at least that's what Neytiri promises.
We're dismissed to sleep and we are all set up in our respective areas with blankets and other supplies provided. Neteyam snags one of the more discreet corners for us much to Lo'ak's dismay.
We lay down to sleep as the sun has set and most lights are off, I place my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my torso.
The night is a short one as we wake early in the morning not sure when we have to start working or where. We all wait nervously for someone to collect us or tell us what to do and eventually Tsireya returns and tells us what to do. The children go with her to learn and the adults go with the clan leaders to learn.
We follow what she tells us as we start swimming, led by her and her brothers however, none of us are used to swimming for a long time so quite quickly we need to resurface. 
Once Tsireya realises none of us are very good at holding our breaths we don't do much more swimming but head back to the beach to practice breathing techniques so we can hold our breaths for longer.
"Breathe in. Breathe out." She says as we all sit cross-legged on a rock. "Breathe from here." she says placing her hand on Lo'ak's lower stomach and feeling his breathing. 
I chuckle quietly sending a knowing look to both Neteyam and Rotxo (Tsireya's brother). 
"Your heart is beating fast, try to calm down." She says softly to him and I can't suppress my chuckling much longer.
We all know why his heartbeat is quickening. Probably has something to do with the pretty girl who's touching his chest.
We all get a hang of the breathing techniques within a few days so we move into learning how to ride the creatures we now know as ilus. 
"Make the bond gently." They all emphasize. It can't be much harder than the Ikran back home. 
I carefully attach my queue to the ilu's and form the bond. This is much easier that the Ikrans back home who try to throw you off a cliff. The first swim is important just like with an Ikran.
I ready myself holding onto it as it shoots forward at my command. A sound of surprise leaves my mouth but moments later I'm riding the creature successfully. Lots of the others don't stay on their first go so I was quite proud of myself.
I chuckle when I see Lo'ak get flung off of his ilu into the sea but he tries again and again, ever persistent.
We all ride our ilus around darting around the sea amongst the sea. I love it, I love the sea and I love the creatures but I'm not sure if everyone else is so enthusiastic.
"'Teyam!" I shout, hopping off of my ilu after him and jogging towards him, hugging him. 
“You’re getting good at that.” He says, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk along the beach. “You’re adapting well.” He says with a slightly sad smile.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” I say slowly, thinking of home. “I miss home.” I say sadly.
“I do as well but we’ve got to stay strong.” He says placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.
As we’re dismissed from ‘class’ we walk down the beach towards our spot. A part of the beach that’s mostly obscured by rocks with rock pools that glow. It’s my favourite part of the beach.
Our hands are clasped together as I lean my head on ‘Teyam’s shoulder. We sit down together on the beach watching as the sun sets. I swish my tail onto my lap and hold it with one of my hands.
“Do you think we’ll ever go home?” I ask softly looking at the lapping waves.
“No… I don’t think we can.” He says. “This is our home now.”
“Everything was so perfect…” I say wistfully. “Everyone was happy and we were gonna mate-” I say and I’m interrupted by the feeling of tears starting to form in my eyes. Neteyam turns to me quickly and holds both of my hands.
“We can still mate, nothing has changed in that respect.” He says in a very serious tone looking into my eyes.
“I just want everything to go back to normal.” I say as he pulls me into his chest. His body heat is calming as I wrap my arms around his torso. 
“We’re gonna be okay, I love you.” He says tightly wrapping his arms around me.
“I love you too,” I say, reassured by his words but also calmed by the feeling of his body against mine.
AN: I hope you enjoyed!
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Heyy!! Can I request something cute and romantic with Aonung x fem! metkayina reader. Maybe some romantic confession and laying in hut and just being in each other arms
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➜ Pairing: Aonung x fem!metikayina!reader
➜ Warnings: fluff, none
➜ Word Count: 0.9k
➜ Notes: I would have gotten this out sooner but microsoft word literally stopped working for like 2-3 days and i went through probably one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and was super out of it for a few days. My writing drive has also been run into the ground lmao.
Anyway hope y'all enjoy!!
Aᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“He really did a number on you,” you mumbled with a shake of your head and Aonung scowled at your comment, making your lips curl in amusement. You found what the Sully boys had done to him almost humorous given the fact he had been picking on them non-stop since they arrived. You weren't sure why he’d been so mean to them, but you figured he’d have to warm up to them eventually since they seemed to be staying.   
“I didn’t come here to have it shoved in my face,” he snipped back dryly, moving to sit against the wall and stretching his body out in the empty hut. You snorted as you turned, looking through the basket of medical supplies you had and beginning to patch him up.   
“I don’t know what you expected skxawng, you’ve been nothing short of awful to those kids since they got here.” He simply huffed wordlessly, letting you work on him in a silence. You tried to work quickly, disinfecting the small cut on his cheek bone and slathering his bruise with a paste to help with the pain.   
“What do you think of them?” Aonung blurted the question once you’d finished, breaking the silence. You hummed thoughtfully at his question, putting away the supply's and pushing the basket by the entrance of the hut so you wouldn’t forget it on your way out.   
“Well, I haven't really had a chance to talk to any of them yet, but they seem like a nice bunch of kids,” you answered after a moment.  
“But you're not interested in any of them, right?” he asked, and his question made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You were unsure of why but it almost sounded like he was worried you had taken an interest in them. His cheeks flushed a light pink and he attempted to clarify what he meant, "I mean – like – you don’t think either of them are attractive-”   
You laughed, cutting him off and making his face hot with embarrassment as a deep blush made its way up his neck to the tips of his ears. He was aware of how he sounded, but as ridiculous as the question was, it had been eating at him since they’d arrived.   
“Aonung what are you talking about?” your voice was teasing, full of amusement as you spoke.   
He refused to look at you as he answered, “Well Tsireya has a crush on Lo’ak, so I was just wondering if you also might have been into one of them, because-” he began to ramble, very obviously flustered. You suppressed a giggle behind a smile, you couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten so worked up like this, let alone over you. You thought it was quite cute.   
Placing a hand on his cheek you attempted to bring him back to the real world, “Aonung,” you said softly, and the sound of his name coming from your lips had him swallowing whatever words that sat on the tip of his tongue, and his breath hitching in his throat.  
“Yeah,” he whispered back, and your smile only widened.   
“Why would I ever look at them, when I could look at you.” The words themselves sounded like they should have been a question, but they came out as more of a statement. They had Aonungs heart racing and eyes widening. Were you saying what he thought you were saying? You had to be, he thought, what else could you have meant? This was most definitely not the way he had imagine a confession between the two of you going, for starters he had always imagined he’d confess first.  
Hesitantly he leaned closer to you until he was just a hair's breadth away from you. The proximity had you swallowing harshly, your eyes dropping to his lips and making your cheeks warm. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as he closed the gap, and you were sure he could hear it as you slipped your eyes shut and let yourself be immersed by the feeling of him.   
He was tentive at first, his lips just barley brushing against yours, allowing you time to pull away. Instead, you leaned in, pressing your lips firmly against his and making him smile into the kiss at your reciprocation. One kiss after another your lips molded against each other perfectly in a short flurry of passion that left you breathless. The both of you drew out the kisses as long as you could, until the simple need to breathe burned your lungs and you both had to pull away.  
It was your turn to be flustered as you avoided his eyes now, fixing your gaze onto the floor firmly and ignoring the deepening blush that was blooming across your cheeks and kissing the tips of your ears. It made him smirk, a sense of pride that he could pull such a reaction from you bubbling in his chest.   
He reached out, threading his fingers with yours wordlessly and pulling you into his chest. You yelped as you were pulled on top of him, muscles tensing at the sudden, involuntary movement, but quickly relaxing as he wrapped his arms around you. You shifted, tucking your head into the crook of his neck and getting comfortable. The two of you could talk about what all this meant for the both of you later, for now you would simply enjoy holding each other. 
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jagiyahmoonjo · 1 year
💙 I simp for one blue man 💙
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨:
⤷ gender neutral, Na’vi reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: All characters are aged-up and over 18. Also, this is just my personal opinion, if you agree/disagree I would love it if you dropped and comment!
🌿ISTP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Leo Rising
・Someone that will stick by him no matter what. Loyal to the very end. But also a person who pushes themselves. A person who will leave their comfort zone and work on themselves 
・I think Jake likes a romantic partner who can show him new things. Not just a new environment, but new ways of thinking and perceiving. He can get stuck in his ways, so these new opinions would be a fresh of breath air for Jake
・He would also be entranced by someone who thinks ahead. A person who can forward think and counteract their opponent’s actions. As an air sign himself, Jake would be completely blown away by someone who:
1. has an open mind, 2. Is able to have witty banter, 3. knows how to throw a punch 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Emotionally Unstable (You) x Also Emotionally Unstable But Tries To Hide It (Jake)
Constant Banter
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Scorpio, Aquarius & Sagittarius
・In MBTI terms, someone with; INTJ, INTP or ESTJ
🌿ESFJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Rising
・Someone who makes her feel safe, but also seen
・A person who wants to break social norms and live as they wish to
・Tsireya would be smitten with someone who makes her feel important and recognised. She’s been underestimated and has done what was expected of her, but now she wants to take control of her life and make her own decisions 
・She needs someone who will encourage her to take the reins. 
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
When Two Of The Sweetest people In The Room Are In Love
You Confessed Your Love When Thinking She Was Unconscious 
Moral/Emotional Support
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ENTP, ENFJ or INFJ 
🌿 ISFP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Neutral  🔮Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Pisces Rising
・Someone who is just as wild and adventurous as she is. She would grow bored with someone who’d want to stay home all the time 
・She’d work really well with someone who can read others - who can pick up on social subtleties
・She would fall in love with a person who shows respect to Eywa - it would be even better if they have faith in the goddess
・Neytiri would be grateful to have someone who understands her; not just the words she says, but what she doesn’t say.
・She would also match well with someone who is a defender - who will have her back no matter what. Who will defend her even when she isn’t there.
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Would Die For Each Other
Touch My Her/Him And I Will End You (goes both ways)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Taurus and Gemini
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ISTP, INFJ or ISFJ
🌿ESFP 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Gemini Rising
・Someone he can laugh with, but can put him straight. A person who holds him accountable for his actions but stands by him
・A partner that doesn’t make him ashamed of his actions. He wants to fit in so badly and his actions with the Sullys’ was because he felt threatened - but that doesn’t excuse his behaviour 
・You aren’t his conscience - that’s not your job. But by being around you, he wants to do better, be better 
・He would do well with another Hufflepuff, or even a Gryffindor. Someone who is loyal, who is upfront about their feelings 
・Aonung would be a man for you. 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
“Shut Up” x “Make Me”
Dumbass (Him) x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass (You)
Troublemaker (Him) x WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING IN TROUBLE!? (You)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Libra, Taurus and Sagittarius 
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ENFP, ESFP, ESTP
🌿ISFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Lawful Good 🔮Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Libra Rising
・A healer, a poet, someone with a soft heart who sees the good in people
・Who is emotive and straightforward - even someone who is emotional and sensitive - would be better for him that someone too stoic
・He wouldn’t be able to handle someone who lets their fear rule them. He’d need someone who speaks, even if their voice shakes 
・Neteyam would work with someone who is soft-hearted but can do what needs to be done. He’d do well with another person who is the eldest sibling (that’s a whole other trope that affects a person greatly) 
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Looks Like A Jerk But Has A Heart Of Gold (Neteyam) x Looks Like A Cinnamon Roll But Is Also A Badass (You)
Sun (Him) x Moon (You)
Both Wary of Love & Don’t Think This Can Be Real
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Cancer, Libra and Aries
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; INFJ, INFP or ISTP
🌿ESTJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Lawful Good 🔮Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Cancer Rising
・Her perfect partner would be someone who is a mix of dominance, strength (emotional and physical) and care. 
・Ronal is a woman who can’t be told what to do or be contained
・She has a dominant personality, one where she thinks she knows what is right. 
・Her best-suited partner would be a person who helps her see a different point of view but ultimately has her back. Loyalty is something that she believes in wholeheartedly. If you can’t be by her side, then she wouldn’t want you 
・Keeping her family and clan safe is her top priority. That includes the beings that live in the water - they’re apart of her tribe
・So she needs someone who respects the tulkans
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:
They probably hate me (You) x Deeply, passionately in love … is terrible at showing it (Ronal)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers/Married
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like (You) x Keeps The Rocks (Ronal)
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Capricorn, Virgo and Leo
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ENFJ, ENTJ or ISFJ
🌿ENTP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Aries Rising
・A dreamer; a person who has ideas and a big imagination. They can perceive so many possibilities, and they hate being contained
・He needs someone he can have deep conversations with. Someone that will encourage him, rather than wave away his ideas and opinions 
・He would be blown away by someone who is creative. Either with art, or making clothes, sculptures etc 
・Someone who is supportive, loyal and kind. Who has a gentle heart and doesn’t have any harsh judgements. 
・He’d be a good match with someone who bends and breaks the rules. Sometimes in rebellion, but mostly because they’re outdated
・A person with an open-mind would suit him very well. But also someone who seeks adventure
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Chaotic Dumbass (You) x Enthusiastic Dumbass (Lo’ak)
Teases Them (You) x About To End Them (Lo’ak)
Pair of walking disasters who cannot function without the other 
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Pisces, Virgo and Aquarius
・ In MBTI terms, someone with; ESFJ, ISTP or INFP
🌿ENFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Lawful Good 🔮Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising
・The best person would be someone who is strong in their beliefs and morals. Who stands their ground and doesn’t falter in arguments or discussions
・Although he seems like an alpha male himself, he would love being put in his place at times
・I also think Tonowari needs someone who respects the world they live in, someone who respects the earth in a spiritual sense as well as a physical one
・He needs an equal partner, someone he can trust with difficult choices 
・Basically, a person who can shoulder the weight of responsibility and leadership, but also has some sensitivity about issues, the environment, the way of life etc 
・He’d do well with someone who sees rules to be obeyed and respected. That they’re there to keep everyone safe and in line.
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You, saying this to Tonowari) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (His response)
Married Couple Who Make Their Kids Cringe
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Leo, and Pisces
・In MBTI terms, someone with; ESTJ, ENTJ or ISTJ
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