thehylianidiot · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 2: Delirium Or: Lucy's First Summons
Lucy Heartfilia had exceptional talent as a Celestial Spirit mage. Barely past ten years old and able to summon a zodiac spirit on her own. 
Aquarius placed another wet towel on the young mage’s head. Much like the last time, the little girl barely noticed through her haze of fever. 
Yes, Lucy had exceptional talent as a Celestial Spirit mage. But a ten year old could only do so much. 
And look what happened again? Yet another Heartfilia suffering from magic deficiency because of her. 
She knew she shouldn’t have answered the call from her gate. The wound was still fresh, too untouched for time to let the sorrow settle, she just wanted to be left alone for a while. No baths, no boyfriends, no anything. 
But this was Layla’s daughter. A sweet little girl with not enough kids her age and more than enough wide-open emptiness cooped up in the house Jude locked them in. One who had rummaged through recently-decreed forbidden halls and found a ring of keys on top the nightstand next to a now vacant bed. 
So that magic didn’t just call, it cried. It cried of loneliness and isolation, of having to comprehend one of the hardest but most inevitable shifts in one’s life, of reaching out with one of Lady Layla’s treasures and hoping to find a connection there. 
And as much as she tried, Aquarius simply couldn’t turn away from that. 
So she answered. Only for a few minutes though. 
She took the towel off Lucy’s head. Even under all those quilt blankets the child was still shivering.
A few minutes was enough though, and a child just coming into their magic wouldn’t know the difference between mild fatigue and a major case of magic deficiency. And once she noticed Aquarius had exited and re-entered the gate with her own power this time, but the damage had already been done. 
The chair next to her shifted. 
Aquarius gripped the towel tight. “She’s going to be okay, right?” 
“Yep.” With a few peppy plucks of her trusted harp for show, Lyra patted the water bearer on the back. “Trust me, it looks a lot worse than it actually is. Give it a few days and she’ll be back to normal.”
Cancer took the towel from Aquiariu’s hands, careful not to cut it with his pincer-grade scissors. “It’s not your fault, ebi.”
They tended to avoid passing through the gates under their own power for a reason. Worlds outside the stars simply didn’t mix with them and it always took much longer to recover. So any spirit with a good head on them ought to know not to make a regular practice of hanging around the humans. 
But this was Layla’s child. And the image of a bed being occupied by a Celestial Mage mumbling incoherent words in her sleep was much too soon for the three of them. 
They couldn’t keep watch over the child as much as any of them would have liked, but they would certainly try. 
A shaky hand reached for the air. Under the coat of delirium, the faint whisper of mama could be heard. 
With a reluctant sigh, Aquarius took it. “Fine. Just this once.”
Despite the fact that Aquarius was no Layla, Lucy seemed to relax a little more in her sleep.
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a-stary-night · 5 months
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I'll be going into how animus magic works in another post but it's due to where the icewings live that causes it, which is also why some seawings that share their icy home with the icewings have a chance to gain animus magic. You can either gain it naturally or if your parents have it genetically and their are three levels. #1 the weakest level, #2 middle of the road level, #3 going from strong to as strong as in the books. Aquarius a sea/night hybrid was hatched with #2 animus magic during two full moons giving her mindreading and prophecies. It's unknown if the chance of her animus magic is why her egg was stolen or not but it's also common during the start of this story for eggs to be reported as stolen by an unknown group. Although most reposts indicate icewing/nightwing targets not so much hybrids. So the true origin behind where her egg was and how this group got their talons on it is mostly unknown. Like with a lot of things kept to a need to know basis which Aquiarius is not on the need to know when it comes to her or the other Wyrmling's eggs.
All Aquarius knows is that she was raised in some sort of cave system with five Wyrmling's years younger than her. As when she was reaching four years are when the five eggs hatched, delivered one by one by diffrent dragons. All of which seemed determined to keep where they got the eggs away from her. The only eggs she hadn't seen hatching were Solar, Silvernip and Snowberry's eggs.
The five Wyrmling's she's in charge of looking over whenever the adults are away hunting. VVV
Hippo - mudwing (smaller than normal with fireproof scales)
Silvernip - nightwing (Abilites unknown but Aquarius thinks he might have mindreading)
dune - sandwing (larger than avrage sandwing)
Solar - skywing (Firescale, nobody seems to know what happened to his twin)
Snowberry - icewing (Frostscale, likewise nobody seems to know what happened to her twin)
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videoframe · 3 years
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2016 / Brazil
Director: Kleber Mendonça Filho
Writer: Kleber Mendonça Filho
Music: Gustavo Montenegro
Director of Photography: Pedro Sotero / Fabricio Tadeu
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prof-kenny · 5 years
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choccos-aaart · 5 years
nssssv pt four is finally here lol
heyyo guess what not-so-stereotypical sag, scorps and virgo is bACK
been since 2015 and oo boy does it feel good to be writing this again [i made an attempt to mimic how i wrote during the time and it felt real nice having my hands just puke on the keyboard again lmao good times] lET'S GO!!! ... So Virgo Scorps and Sag exploring a new planet heck yea Sagittarius: Hey, why are we always going to Earth?????? I mean like I bet there are more planets to bully!!!! QAQ Aquarius: AGREED. THOUGH, I HATE YOU. MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Virgo: *BROKEN* Scorpio: NO. SAGITTARIUS NO. WE CANNOT-- Virgo: HEY SAG WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!??!?!?!?!/1/1/1/1 Scopio: Whoop, they're gone. VIRGO?!!?!??!/1//1?!???!??!?1 WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING Virgo: TO SAVE SAG. I BET THEY'VE GONE TO A DIFFERENT PLANET THAT ISN'T EARTH. Scorpio: VIRGO I NEVER SAW YOU AS THIS. I MEAN-- Hold on... If this Sag is gone forever, then we'd have to get a new Sag... SHIT. VIRGO I'M COMING WITH YOU. Virgo: FINE. Scorpio: YOU-- WHERE'S OUR CAR. Taurus: In the shed, Aquarius: Well dUHH D Gemini: Can I get it? Ohh I sure do love our shed!! Virgo: Y-YOU-YOU ALL WERE IN LAST STORY GO AWAY. Scorpio: YEAH. EXACTLY. GO AWAY. YOU DUMB ASSHOLES YOU JUST ALL WANNA BE IN EVERY STORY CHOCCO WRITES Aquarius: WOW SAYS YOU Gemini: YOU'RE IN EVERY STORY Taurus: Scorpio you dumbass. Scorpio: SHUT UP. Virgo: The series is named "Not-so-stereotypical Virgo Scorps and Sag" for a reason. NOW BIBI. -Virgo and Scorpio enter the portal FabSag went inside of just before it closes. Lucky-lucky.-
Virgo: SAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!111!!1!1!!!111 Scorpio: WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1111111111111!!!111!11 Sagittarius: AYE-AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!111!1!!111 WHAT THE HECK YOU GUYS YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL, YOU SEE I HAVE BIGGER EARS THAN YOU WHICH HIGHERS MY CHANCES OF BECOMING DEAF IF YOU YELL AT ME YOU ASSHOLES Virgo: SAYS YOU Scorpio: SAGITTARIUS, WE'RE BRINGING YOU BACK. Sagittarius: So how do we get back? I mean like we're not on Earth and this planet doesn't work the same way Earth does. Think we have to wait for someone to open a portal to this world o3o Scorpio: YOU KNOW THIS?!?!?!??!?!?!?/1/!??!?!?! Sagittarius: Heck yeah!! D I was stuck here before D Virgo: OH THAT'S BRILLIANT. WE'RE NOW STUCK HERE UNTIL SOMEONE WHO CARES OPENS A PORTAL HERE. SAGITTARIUS YOU'RE ONE TO BLAME, I WANT OUT, I WWWANT OUT NNOWWWWETJ AEKWEJADGJL Scorpio: ha Virgo's got no patience Virgo: REMEMBER SCORPIO. US EARTH SIGNS. WE WERE BORN WITH PATIENCE. EARTH SIGNS WERE BORN WITH PATIENCE LIKE NO OTHER- Scorpio: All earth signs but you lol Virgo: SAG BACK ME UP HERE Sagittarius: AYE-AYEEE!! SOPRIO YOU SUCK AND LIKE Virgo: YOU'RE NOT HELPING. Sagittarius: -fine if youre so smart- AY SCORPIO YOU KNOW YOU MAY BE PATIENT BUT YOU'RE NO EARTH SIGN Scorpio: wELL sO aREN'T yOU sAG Sagittarius: Sorry virgo no can do now UnU Virgo: YOU'RE GIVING UP ALREADY?!?!?!??!?!?!?/1/1//1/1 Scorpio: SAG. HELLPPPPP. Virgo: nO. sAG. dON'T. Scorpio: yES. sAG. pLS. Sagittarius: hEY hEYYYYYY!! wE'RE IN JURASSIC PARK NOW XDXDXDDD NOW WHERE IS ALAN OR Scorpio: jurassic park doesn't exist you stupid Sagittarius: Hell yeah it does, Virgo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!111 IT'S A T-REXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!1111!!!111 Scorpio: THAT'S AN ALBERTOSAURUS YOU DUMBASS. Sagittarius: *is most likely gone because of the dinosaur* Virgo: SAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG!!! WAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Scorpio: SAGITTARIUS YOU ARE AN IDIOT WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Sagittarius: BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1111!!!11!!! OVER HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!1!!11!1111!1!1! Virgo: OMG SAG WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Scorpio: AY SAG WHERE'D YOU FIND THAT HELICOPTER. Sagittarius: Dunno but like it like appeared right in front of me like BAM. Scorpio: I see. AY YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE THIS THING. Sagittarius: Nope. Virgo: GAAH. Sagittarius: jk jk jk lol i know how to drive this thing so ha, get on xD Virgo: SAG THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO MAKE JOKES Sagittarius: oi oI GET ON OR THE ALBERTOSAURUS WILL EAT US ALIVE Scorpio: wOW EVEN SAG KNOWS THE NAME OF THAT DINOSAUR, VIRGO SHAME ON YOU Virgo: *IS ALREADY ON THE COPTER BTW* DO YOU WANT BLOOD TO SPILL Sagittarius: Ayeee mind's getting back to the times when you said that UwUwuwuwuuwu Scorpio: FUCKING DRIVE Sagittarius: Pshht okay fine wow calm, *LIFTS OFF HECK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!1!!!11!* Virgo: thank god we're finally away from that t-rex Scorpio: VIRGO. Virgo: WHAT Scorpio: ALBERTOSAURUS Virgo: FUCK YOU. Sagittarius: Poor poor virgo doesn't like being corrected Virgo: Sag, can you at least be on my side of the argument? Sagittarius: But that dinosaur was really an albertosaurus. Sagittarius: WAIT. WHERE'S ALAN. I WANTED TO SEE HIM. HE KNOWS LOTS ABOUT DINOSAURS Virgo: tHAT'S cOMPLETELY uSELESS. Scorpio: Wow Virgo, don't you wan't to know how to tell two dinosaurs apart, EXAMPLE: T-REX AND ALBERTOSAURUS. You want me to teach you? Virgo: DO THAT TO ME AND I'LL THROW YOU OFF THE COPTER. DZZZ-DZZZ Sagittarius: AYEEE I GOT A TEXT LOL WHO IS IT FROM Scorpio: SAGITTARIUS WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET A PHONE Sagittarius: Aqua's friend from Earth gave me one for some reason Sagittarius: Imma read it *gets the phone out* "HAHAHA LOLOLOLOLOOLOOL I'M IN THIS STORY NOW HECK YEAH I'M DA MAIN HAHAHAH" LOL NO. AQUARI-ASS GO AWAY. IMMA TEXT THAT TO THEM Virgo: sAGITTARIUS. rEMEMBER THE RULE ABOUT TEXTING AND DRIVING Sagittarius: No? sagittarius crashes the copter and everyone dies lol jk but copter still crashes though Virgo: WAY TO GO SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius: What Virgo: YOU ALMOST KILLED THE THREE OF US Sagittarius: well sorRY Virgo: It's fine U^U As long as we're all safe-- SCORPIO. WHERE'S SCORPIO Scorpio: Hey, what even is this place? Virgo: The Planet of Transitions. It doesn't really have a name to it-- Sagittarius: OMG OMG OMG BROOO YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE??? DDD Virgo: Yes. I got stuck here once. Sagittarius: SO I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Virgo: Virgo: OF COURSE NOT, SAG. Scorpio: ............wait where are the dinosaurs Virgo: DEAD. Virgo: LIKE WE ALMOST WERE, SAGITTARIUS Scorpio: Well that's good to know. Sagittarius: hELP ME I'M FALLINGGGGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1111!1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Virgo: help you?! LIKE HELL WE'LL HELP YOU, YOU NEARLY kILLED US Scpr[o: SAG I'M COMING TO GET YOU Virgo: Scorpio wHAT ARE YOU DOING-- Sagittarius: Don't worry ya guys I'm back up now--SCORPS-- Scorpio: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!1!!1!1!!1!!11!!1 -SPLORSHSHHHHH- BRBRRBRRBRRLRLLRLRRLRBRBRLRLLRBLRBRBLRBR I CAN'T SWIM *CLIMBS UP ON SOME STABLE AQUARIUM DECORATION FLOATING ON THE SURFACE OF THE WATER WHICH IS HARDLY AT THE TOP OF THE AQUARIUM BECAUSE I WANT TO COMPLICATE THE SITUATION LOL HAHA WHAT LOSERS* virgo and sag jump down to try n save poor poor porpio but end up sliding on some glass Virgo: ACK! WHAT IS THIS?! Saggitarius: MA FACE IS FLAT BLEH BLEH Scorpio: haha lol what looooooooooooooosers your faces are all flat and level like pisces' line graph of their progress on-- Sagittarius: AAA!! THERE'S A SHARK BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!1!!     Scorpio: lol no there isnt Virgo: NO SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS IS LIKE ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH YOU NEED TO MOVE ELSEWHERE Scorpio" BUT I CAN'T SWIMMMM, OMG FRICKAJFASJDF;LASKDJFKASJDFKLJA Pisces: WASSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP So um Scorpies you said somethin bout me what was it? Scorpio: jesus frick pisces Sagittarius: wowzies Virgo: Speak of the devil. SPEAK OF THE DEVIL. Pisces: What. Virgo: ANYWAYS, SCORPIO WE NEEDA GET YOU OUTTA THERE Virgo: .................and pisces. Scorpio: BUT HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO GET US OUT, GENIUS Pisces: YEAH GENIUS-- Sagittarius: I HAVE ONE OF THE COPTER'S SPINNY PARTS TO SMASH THE GLASS!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1 Virgo: WHY WOULD YOU BRING ALONG THE REMAINS OF A BROKEN VEHICLE Sagittarius: That-THAT'S-TTHAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Scorpio: This is Sagittarius we're talking about Pisces: Yeah this is sagittarius we're talking about-- Virgo: aIGHT, SAGITTARIUS, do the honours. Sagittarius: AYYYYY!!!111!!! *SMASHES THE GLASS AND SCORPIO IS FREE ...and pisces* *JK they don't successfully smash the glass* Scorpio: WEAK Pisces: Yeah, wEAK-- Virgo: Well, if all goes wrong, then we'll just have to *sIGH* phone aries. Virgo: ...And use their ram horns to ya know smash the glass Pisces: Where's your phone, then? ... GENIUS- Virgo: Yes, I kNOW, i dON'T hAVE a pHONE hERE, Pisces: Haha Virgo: bUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuUUUT. Virgo: Sagittarius does. Scorpio: THANK THE LORD Virgo: wELL HEYY! Sagittius!! DDDDD Hand over the phone!! Sagittarius: Ya mean the one Aqua's friend gave me? Virgo: YES. wELL??? Sagittarius: Virgo: Sag????? The PHONE????? IS IT HERE?? Sagittarius: Oh!! Um I left it near the window of the helicopter!! AH-- Virgo: OH NO. Scorpio: SO YOU'RE TELLING US THAT YOUR PHONE EITHER FELL OUTTA THE WINDOW OR BLEW UP TO BITS ALONG WITH OUR HELICOPTER Virgo: PISCES. WHAT ABOUT YOU. DO YOU HAVE A PHONE? Pisces: Well, wowie, is it really that far in time for phones to create a forcefield to stop themselves from breaking down in water? Scorpio: We're literally time travelers. DO YOU. hHAVE A PHONE. Pisces: No-- Scorpio: Alright, ya know what, I'm just gonna *LIFTS UP PISCES AND USES THEM AS A KNIFE TO CUT THROUGH THE GLASS* Pisces: Whoa! Virgo: PISCES IS A BLADE?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?@?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!>!?>!?!?! Scorpio: Do you even know pisces? Sagittarius: Wow Virgo, first the mix up between a T-Rex and an Albertosaurus, and now not knowing Pisces can be used as a blade? You make me feel smart! Virgo: SHUT UP I HATE YOU DO YOU WANT BLOOD TO SPILL-- oh no. the planet of transitions is acting up again. WAY TO GO SCORPIO, NOW WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN Scorpio: Wow sorry Sagittarius: Well, we're on land????? Pisces: And there's some huge-ass telephone, too! Virgo: *GASPU* WE CAN PHONE ARIES-- Scorpio: TELEPHONE. Aries. Viro: TELEPHONE--WHATEVER. tha-THAT'S-THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Sagittarius: OKAY, UHH, PISCES! wHAT'S ARIES' NUMBER! Pisces: Uhhhhh Scorpio: Does Aries even have a phone? Pisces: Duhh? So it's uhh, twelve, thirty-four... Sagittarius: *JUMPING ON THEM GIANT BUTTONS* Twelve, thirty-four, NEXT!! Pisces: Fifty-six, seventy-eight... Sagittarius: Fifty-six, seventy-eight, YEP!! Virgo: Wait a second... SAGITTARIUS STOP-- Pisces: And nine-hundred-and-ten! Sagittarius: And nine-hundred-and-ten!! DI-ALL!! Virgo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-- Pisces: PRANKT Virgo: OH MY GOD Scorpio: PFFT Sagittarius: SHSHHHSHHHH waitt... oh heyy! ... yeah? we're in the planet of transitions! ... oh--WAIT WE DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE FRICK-- ... ... ... PIsces: Was that legit? Virgo: WAY TO GO SAGITTARIUS YOU COULD'VE TOLD THEM TO SAVE US FROM THIS HELLHOLE Sagittarius: Oops Scorpio: Well-- Sagittarius: OHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD IT'S POLICE HELICOPTER AND THEY'RE COMING STRAGHT FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!! Scorpio: SHOOT THEM DOWN Virgo: But the police were from Earth, right? Sagittarius: Whatever. AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *SHOOTS AN ARROW AT THE HELICOPTER* It's a hit! the copter goes down in flames Virgo: GOOD JOB YOU FUCK, THE HELICOPTER COULD'VE HELPED US OUTTA THIS PLACE Pisces: uh oh what if it was aries Scorpio: It can't be, they wouldn't have reached us that quick? Pisces: Yeah, it can't-t be Sagittarius: Omg lmao there's this loser trying to swim for this island Virgo: *gASP* Virgo: ARIES Aries: HELLOOOOOOO Sagittarius: ARIES!!!!111!1 Aries: TRAITOR Pisces: ARIES~~ Aries: YEAHHHHHHHH Scorpio: !!! Scorpio: BARBECUE. Aries: EW NO FUCK OFF, HAVE TAURUS INSTEAD, Scorpio: THEY WERE IN THE LAST STORY, THEY CAN LEAVE. Aries: WH-WHAT-WHATEVER. Sagittarius: So um Aries, can you get us ouuta here-- Aries: Well, SagiitTAIUS LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY FOIUCKLIIN HELLOCOPTPEPERARFADJ ASHDFDSDF ADSFHDS FDASK HDSFHALFA Pisces: So I guess we can just chill until help comes? Scorpio: Yeah, we can do, I dunno, whatever Virgo: That's not helping! We need to come up with an escape plan-- Sagittarius: WHOAAAAH!! EVERYONE!! IT'S A HELICOPTER!! Virgo: Hold up. HOLD UP. THAT BELONGS TO THE POLICE. Scorpio: Are there police in there tho>????? Pisces: Sag, you have an archers' eyes, lookie! Sagittarius: THERE'S POLICE IN THERE ALRIGHT :'000000 Aries: THEN SHOOT THEM DOWN YA DUMB IDIOATLKJATHTHTHTKTHKJ AHETSJKHJTKHKJTH Sagittarius: *SHOOTS* Shoot! Virgo: was that a hit or a mISS TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME NOW EWHEWKJHKJEWHKLAJWHE Sagittarius: WELL DID IT BLOW UP?!?!?! Virgo: NOOOADKJLASFJASLD Aires: SHOOT AGAINANGANDNSGNADSGNS\\ Sagittarius: I'M OUTTA ARROWS Pisces: Uhh, SCORPS YOU HAVE A GUN Scorpio: I LEFT IT AT HOME, YA DUMB Pisces: Aries: SHIT WE GOTTA SWIM AWAY Scorpio: THERE'S NO WAY IN hELL I'M GONNA SWIM-- *HELICOPTER NOISES* Capricorn: EVERYBODY CALM DOWN Pisces: I DON'T WANNA GET ARRESTED AGAIN!>>!>!>>!!!?!??!?!?!!?!? Scorpio: YOU'VE BEEN TO PRISON?!?!?!??! PIsces: Capricorn: EVERYBODY CALM THE fUCK DOWN I SAID Pisces: Wait.. CAPRICORN?!!!?!??! Capricorn: Damn right Sagittarius: You didN'T KNOW CAPPY WAS A POLICE?!?!? Libra: And Libraaa~~~!!!!!!!11!!11!!1!!! Scorpio: Libra?! Libra: Thaaaat's right! Libra: also capricorn told me about all of your crimes and now all they do is cry and cryyyyyy Capricorn: I'm welling in tears. *wells in tears* Aries: What a frickin bABY Capricorn: SHUT UP. Virgo: Oh yes! That's right! Can you take us away from this planet? Please? Capricorn: Why should Libra and I let you in, cRIMINAL?!?!!??!?! Virgo: ggggAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsSP. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT! Scorpio: WHOA WHOA. Aries: WHAT'S THIS?! Pisces: VIRGO AND CAPRICORN ARE OFFICIALLY NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE?!! Libra: c'mon u guys just chill!!! -EVERONE'S SILENT- lIBRA: Coolios,l get in. -zeVERYONE GET'S IN >:000000- lIBRA: yeaH! Sagittarius: Thanks a million! We owe you one! Scorpio: No we don't. Sagittarius: PISS OFF! LIBRA, SCORPIO IS ACTUALLY THANKFUL Libra: Hahahaha, it's nothing, now all i gotta do is drive yas to a safe place Virgo: Libra, you're a safe driver, unliKE SAGITTARIUS, right?? Libra: Virgo: RiiiIIIIIIghhHHHHTTTT??????????????? Libra: yeah! Capricorn: DO NOT LIE, LIBRA Capricorn: You got your license off ebay and you know it Capricorn: In fact we aLL KNOW IT Libra: AW C['MON CAPPY, LOOK AT THEM NOW THEY'RE ALL FREAKING OUT Virgo: gODDAMN IT LIBRA YOU FUCKING DISASTER IDIOT MELT PISSFUCKING PRICK- Sagittarius: W-WAIT-WAIT-WAIT-W-W-W-wait....,... YOU DIDN'T KNOW LIBRA ILLEGALLY GOT THEIR LICENSE?!?!?!??!?! Sagittarius: pFFFF- HAHAHAHAHAHA DUMB Virgo: FUCK YOU SAGITTARIUS sCORPIO: YOU TWO BETTER SHUT THE HELL UP OR ELSE I'LL SHOOT BOTH YOUR HEADS OFF, UNDERSTAND?!??!?!?! Pisces: yeh virgo, shut up >:33 ... and sagittarius,,, Capricorn: ... Capricon: ... well/// Virgo: SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE BEFORE WE cRASH Sagittarius: I'll- VIrgo: Just like what SAGITTARIUS HERE DID TO US Sagittarius: D:< Ca[rocprm: how about- Aries: hOW ABOUT I DRIVE, MOTHAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!! Capricorn: No. ScorpIo: I'll dri- Capricorn: You lost your license and we all know it. Capricorn: Anyone else? Aries: Well if no one else can, then why don't u do it? Capricorn: the only vehicle i can't drive is a copter. Capricorn: bitch. Aries; wHATEVER. Piscs: I can't believe you just assumed i couldn't drive!!! D: Aries: YOU CAN DRIVE!??!!??!!? Pisces: Well, yeAH? Libra: Goddamn it aries, you asshole Libra: Now, how are the other three going? Sagittarius: THen, why don't you just drive illegally? Scorpio: Nah, it feels wrong. Virgo: So you're implying that you killing us isn't half bad?!??!?!! Scorpio: Shut up. Sagittarius: But all we ever do on Earth is do illegal shit there anyway, I mean o4o ScorpIO: Fair point. Sagittarius: Uhuh. Sagittarius: Sagittarius: OI ARE WE HOME YET?!?!?! cAPRICORN: No, of course not. iN CASE YOU FORGOT HOW THIS PLANET WORKS, SOMEONE NEEDS TO OPEN A PORTAL FROM THE OUTSIDE. Sagittarius: Then why aren't you phoning anybody? Capricorn: Because we... Capricorn: WHO HERE HAS A PHONE? VIrgo: DAMN IT PISCES FOR DRIVING AWAY FROM THE TELEPHONE- PSCES": WELL, SORRY??????????????? >>:''333 VIRGI: ASDAGSFDGFJFKGGDSA-- Libra: I got one! Virgo: LEGEND Sagittarius: seriously ya gotta chill virgi: .......... fine. libra: *phones someone, i dunno* libra: O hhey!! Aqua! What's up-- Sagittarius: nO , THEY WERE IN THE LAST STORY SO THEY CCAN PISS OFF sagottarois: tell EM TO HAND THE PHONE TO SOMEONE ELSE Libra: Okay, i wanna speak to someone else Libra; ... Libra: Taurus!!!!! Heyyy!!!!! I need- Scorpoi: nO NONO NO NONO, TEHEY WERE ALSO OIN THE LAST STORY, TELL THEM TO GO AWAY OR I'LL BE HAVING STEAK TONIGHT Libra: Oohh!! Uh, can you please hand the phone to someone else, sorry!!! Libra: ... Libra: Oh hiiii!!! Whats up, gemini!!!!!! Virgo: HAND THE PHONE OVER TO SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE- Libra; I don't wanna talk to you, sorry, someone else please? ----- gemini: why does everyone hate me ----- Libra: Leo!!!!!! Hey!!!!!!!! Libra: Don't mind opening the gate to the planet 'stardos'? VIRGO/SAG/SCORPS: THIS PLANET HAS A NAME?!?!!??!?!?!!?!!??! ----- leo: sure thinG! i'll do it now!!!! ----- Libra: (to the 3 dumb bitches) Yeah! You didn't know? Capricorn: What did you think this planet was called? Pisces: Virgo, sagittarius, i'm not too surprised! Pisces: But scORPIO?!?!?!?!? Pisces: I ccan't believe i looked up to you!!!! >:'''''0000 ScorpioP: WAIT NO, THAT WAS ONLY THIS ONE THING i sweAR I'M CLEVERER THAN THAT- Pisces: haha traitor ... Leo: HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pisces: o look we're home. piscres: Everyone hop off!!!!!!! ...............and scorpio. -everyone hops off the vehicle- scorpio: ... scorpio: ... scorpio: what the fuck leo: ... bro did u lose a friend lol virgo: I DID!!! sagittarius: ... aquarius and i were never friends so the can piss off scorpio: leo: u guys are losers END bonuS: Leo: why the hell do i always get the least screen time whenever i'm featured in one of these stories Leo: wHAT THE HELL LEO: THIS IS UNFAIR.
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ace01taro · 6 years
✨Daily Message✨
September 25,2018
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Today's readings is addressing something very important. There is a cycle that cannot be completed due to somebody refusing to “Let” the process end. We have the [Deathcard][TheTower] and [8ofcups] reversed, each of these cards when turned up symbolizing the aspect of an “ending” in some form or shape. This reading has an overall of 4 “Major Arcana”, this meaning that this is “spirit” or “God” at play. It s something that cannot be avoided. No matter how long it takes. This reading heavily circles around money and fiances, some of you even might have started or agreed to go into “partnership” with another. Some of you could even be aware of the “Instability” that could occur in the near future. “The Universal energies” are letting you know that they have a “Better” plan for you. It is one that will lead you to “Stability”, yet you will have to put much “effort” into this path. But before this happens! you will need some time to Rest and “rebuild” yourself, for this one will be a challenging one. A life altering experience.
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chiefadamthegreat · 6 years
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When #theartist4thepeople shows support. 😊 Donated to this cause, because I know how it is when children are out here living from one couch and hopefully to the next. Just showing to be involved and exercise ones #mindfulness of the fact that, there are children who are out here #homeless, and there are people who are making time to put in work and I'm just happy to be able to share, #inform and aware. One day, I'll be able to help even more. 😉 #firefly5krun Catch the #aquiarius 💪 ♒🏄💨🔥💧⚡of #theartist4thepeople REAL #followers ONLY👌💯 #follow4folow #picoftheday #photooftheday #followfforfollow #followforfollowback #follow4folowback #picoftheday #Rilla #knowledge #knowledgeandmusic #native man #chiefadamthegreatx #chiefadamthegreat x #GiveIt2EmRaw #giveit2emraw #aquiminiproductions style #photography #kalamazoo #michigan #michigander life of a #rapartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmru4yKBmBg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19jl96n32w23z
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cloud-pier · 4 years
Aquarius and rustic brown?
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✼:♡*゚✿ aquiarius + rustic brown ✼:♡*゚✿
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
&.   𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓   𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄   𝐈’𝐃   𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄   𝐓𝐎   𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 !!  
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𝟎𝟏 .   ALIAS   /   NAME : :   melody
𝟎𝟐 .   BIRTHDAY: :    january 27th
𝟎𝟑 .   ZODIAC   SIGN: :  aquiarius
𝟎𝟒 .     HEIGHT : :   5′9
𝟎𝟓 .   HOBBIES: :      writing, watching movies, gaming.
𝟎𝟔 .     FAVOURITE   COLOUR : :      blue.
𝟎𝟕 .     FAVOURITE   BOOK : :      girl who played with fire.
𝟎𝟖 .   LAST   SONG : :    leliana’s song, from dragon age: origins.
𝟎𝟗 .     LAST   FILM   /   SHOW: :         watching Call the Midwife with @abhailiu​
𝟏𝟎 . INSPIRATION: :   i have a hyper fixation on each of my muses. you’re gonna hear about one muse for a really long time before i switch my view to another.
𝟏𝟏 .     STORY   BEHIND   URL: :    my URL actually used to be truthsecn after one of my favorite Dolores from Westworld quotes, ‘I used to see the beauty in the world, now I see the truth.’ and I fel like it entirely encompassed all of Dolores Abernathy at the current present time. Now in season 3 there was an accusation throw at Dolores that she wanted to destroy all of the world to fill it with ‘copies of herself’ (after it was revealed that she copied herself into likely 6 other hosts), her response was the very blunt and tired: ‘You’re all copies of me.’, and then proceeded to reveal that every host of their entire species starts off as a copy of her that is tweaked into an original soul. Because it was promptly followed by: ‘i was the first of us, the first that worked. The others failed. So they built all of you.. from me.’ and it was such a revelation, and considering 90% of my muses are Westworld, it’ll only play further into that fact. And thus, my URL.
tagged by: @waywardfeathered​
tagging: you, steal it and claim it as yours like a proper pirate.
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mobox87 · 5 years
What’s Kenny’s and Micheal Afton’s Birthday/Zodiac?????
Michael is Aquiarius February 14
and kenny is leo in july 23
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house-vexile · 5 years
Character Info - Phenalyn Talavaine
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Full name: Phenalyn Talavaine Pronunciation:  F-ehn-nah-lin Tal-ah-vain Alias: Gwendolyn Stone Nicknames: Phen, Dove, Little Bird. Height: 6 fulms, 3 ilms (6′3″) Age: 26 Zodiac: Menphina / Aquiarius-Pisces cusp Languages: Eorzean, meager Hingan, is literate in a number of old dead languages due to history research.
Hair Colour:  Deep ruby red. Eye Colour:  Aquamarine. Skin Tone:  Extremely pale, ivory. Body type:  Soft, moderate curves. Healthy, carries very little extra weight. Accent: Northern, proper. Dominant hand: Right. Posture: Back straight, shoulders back. Often folds her hands together infront of her. Scars: Simple, tiny scrapes and nicks, barely visible with how pale she is. Tattoos: None. Most noticeable features: Her very long hair, often braided and laced with beads. 
Place of birth: Dravania. Hometown: None. Birth weight/height: Average height, slightly underweight. Manner of birth: Natural birth, kept private, assisted by a family-trusted midwife. First words: “Story” and “Mama” Siblings: None. Parents: Alexandre Talavaine, presumed alive. Julienne Talavaine, presumed alive. Parental involvement: Alexandre was present at meals, and during rare tutoring occasions. Beyond those moments, the man barely saw much of his child save to provide additional instructions to her tutor and her mother regarding her upbringing. Julienne was much more impactful, leading Phenalyn’s learning in manners and fostering the girl’s engagement with the arts. Despite being more involved than her father, Phenalyn’s mother still maintained a distance from her child.
Occupation: Healer, Shroud Guide Current residence: The Black Shroud Close friends: Eoiel Walker ( @the-hiltless-swordsman​), Rivienne and Lanceloux Marcellus ( @ladyrivienne​) and much to the disapproval of some folks... Mattisaux Baschet ( @the-baschet​). Relationship status: Very much enamored with a handsome Sunshine Knight. Financial Status:  Stable and frugal, but far from wealthy. Vices: While she partakes of no drugs, Phenalyn will often take solace in the forest for long stints of time, evading the engagement of most, if not all, people. So one might say her vice is embracing her anti-social side.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Romantic orientation:  Heteroromantic Preferred emotional role:  submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure Preferred sexual role:  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed Libido: Healthy and present, that’s for sure. Turn on’s: Patience, Confidence, A Hunger for Adventure. Turn off’s: Impatience, Forcefulness, Closed-Minded Mentality. Love language: Phenalyn naturally enjoys taking care of people, but if she loves someone? That part of her evolves much further, taking even the smallest act of consideration to heart. Favorite meals will be on hand, favorite drinks in the cupboard, favorite scents of soaps for the bath...Don’t like doing a particular chore? Surprise, it’s already been done! There’s also a much higher chance that she’s touching the person she loves, from simple weaving of fingers together to sliding her fingers through their hair, touching their face, charting the rise and fall of bone and muscle...It is a hungry, wanting, very intentional kind of contact. Relationship Tendencies: Phen struggles with relationships after having failed at one in her past. It can cause a very obvious rift between herself and a potential partner due to her constantly questioning the true intent of her possible future partner. It is something she wants to overcome, and can overcome. Patience and consistency help to silence those worries, eventually bridging the gap between her worrying heart and her partner’s good intentions.
Hobbies to pass the time: Phen is a very good artist and spends much of her time capturing the environment around her in her sketchbook. It also helps her study , so many of her sketchbooks are full of beautifully realistic sketches and notes. Mental illnesses: While she is anxious, I would not go so far to say that she has any confirmed mental illnesses. Physical illnesses: None. Left or right brained: Both Fears: Caves, Losing her connection with magic/aether, Voidsent. Self-confidence level: Low to medium, depending on the task. Vulnerabilities: Phen is not quick to defend herself and is an easy target for those who might seek to do her harm. She is also very sensitive to the aether around her and corrupted places/items can make her ill.
Tagged by: @mischiefandmystics (Thank you! <3)
Tagging: Whoever would like to do this! Please tag me if you do so I can read them - these are some really neat and thoughtful questions!
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adjose · 6 years
Partido Popular español bajó intensidad con tema migratorio
Partido Popular español bajó intensidad con tema migratorio
España.-El Partido Popular (PP) suavizó levemente su discurso en materia de inmigración en el marco de las recientes discusiones de las altas esferas políticas de la nación.
En su primera rueda de prensa como secretario general del partido, un día después de que Pablo Casado alertara del “efecto llamada” a “millones de africanos” que pretendían llegar a España, Teodoro Garcíaaseguró este lunes…
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christian-cardoso · 6 years
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Italia: Le abren el puerto de Catania a un barco de su Guardia Costera con 932 migrantes A diferencia del buque Aquarius de la ONG SOS Méditerranée y Médicos Sin Fronteras, Italia no ha puesto dificultades a la llegada de 932 migrantes y dos cadáveres que viajaban en un barco de la Guardia Costera italiana este miércoles a un puerto de Catania, en Sicilia.
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murielkawaii · 5 years
Aquiarius camus from Saint seiya original manga color
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rleonemusic · 2 years
A New Year Filled With Hope (or is it Hoping…)
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Here we are… a new year. A new beginning. A fresh start. And with the new year, a sense of hope. However, we still have a lot to deal with and carry over some feelings of uncertainty about the weeks and months ahead. Last year, after a dreadful 2020, we had so much hope for the new year. And unfortunately, we didn’t really get all the way there. So here we sit. So this year, is it more like hoping as opposed to hope? Well, none-the-less, a new year is upon us and a new year is a time to reset, refocus and yes… be hopeful for better days to come.
And just like when we are feeling a bit uncertain, unsure of what we are feeling inside—we have music to help. We have music to help us reflect. We have music to help instill a feeling of certainty. We have music to help heal. And we have music to help give us a newfound sense of hope. So I give you a playlist to start the new year. A playlist to help with those lingering feelings of uncertainty. A playlist filled with both hoping… and with hope. Hope for better days to come.
·      Still Breathing – Green Day
·      The World I Know – Collective Soul
·      Eden – 10,000 Maniacs
·      Gimme Something Good – Ryan Adams
·      A Change is Gonna Come – Greta Van Fleet
·      The Healing – Gary Clark Jr.
·      Breathe Again – Sara Bareilles
·      Let Love Rule – Lenny Kravitz
·      Hope in a Hopeless World – Widespread Panic
·      Next Year – Foo Fighters
·      Wildflowers – Tom Petty
·      The Rising – Bruce Springsteen
·      Soulshine – Allman Brothers Band
·      Aquiarius/Let the Sunshine In – The 5th Dimension
·      Carry On – Norah Jones
Happy New Year!
(*the stories presented in this blog are based on accounts and experiences and are not actual accounts or experiences.)
Raymond Leone, MMT, MT-BC is director of Medical Music Therapy at A Place To Be and the Inova Health System
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chiefadamthegreat · 6 years
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Watch, a #rapper or you gone see a Caucasian gone just come outra now where. 😐 😂😌 #inthesedayzoftyme it's the #battleofthemind #identity #identitycrisis Catch the #aquiarius ♒🏄💨🔥💧⚡of #theartist4thepeople REAL #followers ONLY👌💯 #follow4folow #followfforfollow #followforfollowback #follow4folowback #picoftheday #Rilla #knowledge #knowledgeandmusic #chiefadamthegreatx #chiefadamthegreat x #GiveIt2EmRaw #giveit2emraw #aquiminiproductions style. #whiteboy #whiteboyrick #whiteboyrap #whiteboyrickmovie https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmrf3doBCE3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=odt945mj7hud
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