#Anyways very good house merging (?) opportunities
Harry Potter where everything is the same expect Harry is in Slytherin, Ron is in Hufflepuff and Hermione is in Ravenclaw but they're all still best friends [more in tags]
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pub-lius · 5 months
What do u think about jefferson and Madison relationship?? What were they, and how did the relationship influence both of them?
IM GETTING SO MANY JEFFERSON QUESTIONS KEEP EM COMING i think about him so often, i want to body slam him into a glass window of a 20 story building and watch him fall
I love that you said "what were they" im crying okay anyway
Jefferson and Madison first met when Madison served on the governor's council and Jefferson was. the governor. Madison was facing some political setbacks, so a position on the council was a really good opportunity. Their relationship would remain largely professional for a long period of time.
Jefferson was basically Madison's opposite, physically and personality-wise. Jefferson was always more impulsive and passionate, and he tended to be very informal when he shouldn't have been. Madison, however was more cautious and deliberate. Even in their dress, you could see the difference, as Madison was usually seen wearing simple, professional clothes that were finely tailored and very appropriate for the situation, and Jefferson answered the door in slippers (he's so quirky).
"Jefferson inspired Madison, and Madison moderated Jefferson. Eventually, the two complemented each other's strengths and compensated for each other's limitations." -Noah Feldman in The Three Lives of James Madison
Over time, mostly over the course of their correspondence while Jefferson was in France, they got a lot closer, and confided in each other about mostly everything. The first time I can think of that they discussed personal matters was when Madison was rejected by Kitty Floyd, who he attempted to court, and she moved states to get away from him. Jefferson had encouraged him to court her, but Jefferson was a lot more successful with women than Madison, and it ended horribly. Madison sent him a dejected letter and Jefferson responded being like "...there. there. so sad. poor baby. very sad. okay."
After that, sharing personal things became easier than. whatever the fuck that was Jefferson, oh my god, learn how to have empathy, that's embarrassing. As they got closer, you can see the immersion of one another's ideas into the other person's beliefs. Ron Chernow would tell you that Madison's betrayal of Hamilton wasn't influenced by Jefferson because he wasn't in the country but it ONE HUNDRED PERCENT FUCKING WAS. They were talking when Jefferson was out of the country??? So he didn't need to be in the country to tell Madison that Hamilton's system was corrupt???? and he cites the fact that Hamilton hosted Jefferson at his house when he first arrived, but we KNOW that Jefferson was a fake ass bitch, so that doesn't make sense either.
Anyway, my point is, that Madison went from a leading Federalist to a radical Democratic-Republican as he talked to Jefferson more, and the final break between Madison and Hamilton occurred after Jefferson had been Secretary of State for a few months, so shut the fuck up Ron, you're wrong. Jefferson was an ardent supporter of states' rights, and during the Constitutional Convention, James Madison attempted to smash every effort to prioritize states' rights in the new government. Ofc he wasn't always successful, which is why we have the Senate, but thats neither here nor there. Its clear over the course of their correspondence that their political perspectives merged, and by the time Jefferson was president, they were functioning with one mind. It was during Madison's presidency that you see him start to diverge from Jefferson's influence.
Okay, to address my favorite question, "what were they". To answer simply, they were best friends and colleagues, and worked together to fight their political enemies and to elevate each other to prominence. This wasn't exactly the healthiest relationship, as Madison was often more frustrated with Jefferson, and Jefferson definitely wanted to be around Madison more than Madison wanted to be around Jefferson, but they cared about each other. They were definitely closer than Jefferson and Adams were, as they never had any opposition to one another.
I've seen a few people speculating if they were gay. They weren't. Jefferson had a very distinctive and very direct way of approaching someone he saw as a romantic prospect (usually through sexual harassment) and we see none of this in their correspondence. During their lifetimes, the ongoing rumor was that Jefferson cucked Madison and shared a wife (Dolley) with him. This also wasn't true, the three of them were just close friends, but this is more likely than Jefferson and Madison being gay for each other.
Overall, their relationship really drove American politics at this time, specifically when it came to them teaming up against Hamilton in the early 1790s. Jefferson 100% took advantage of Madison in several cases, and crossed a lot of boundaries. Off the top of my head, I think about how Jefferson basically forced Madison to publish pamphlets refuting Hamilton's, and how he was constantly asking Madison to move in with him when this clearly made him uncomfortable. However, Madison did stand up for himself when he needed to, and he did keep Jefferson at a distance when he pushed his boundaries too much, and I think it was because of this that their relationship lasted so long.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was fun. Hope this helps!!
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popfizzles · 1 year
Honestly I'd like a refresher on who ur Mario ocs are! Take this as an opportunity to give a brief run down of each of the main ocs in ur mario story
UHH okay but all the art i repost will be. very very old bc i haven't posted TNMS seriously/regularly since. 2019?? so uh you've been warned.
I've put it under a read more for the sake of everyone's dashboards.
And before I start: I started writing and working on The New Mario Story (TNMS) way back in high school as a joke and it's turned into this huge passion project/stress ball thing for me. A lot of it is arbitrary for no reason other than it made me happy when I made it! So try not to think too hard about it all <:) I know I don't.
anyway the gist of it is Mario is a younger, thin and lanky greenhorn type of guy instead of the experienced older plumber you're used to (perhaps a younger version of the Mario we know, or maybe someone completely different altogether?). He's completely clueless when it comes to the world around him; I wanted him to have the vibe of someone young, booting up their very first Mario game in their life.
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With this new Mario came a new Peach, and a new Boswer!
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Prince Pitt Toadstool is the current monarch in charge of the Mushroom Kingdom. He's professional and graceful for the most part, but he's also admittedly antsy and more hands-on with his kingdom than he should be. He walks the streets of Toad Town often, and will take trips to nearby towns and cities when there's issues (much to the dismay of his advisor, Toadsworth). He wants to be available at all times for his subjects!!
But, since the Mushroom Kingdom houses a lot of valuable resources and is responsible for so much political power, Toadstool becomes a large target.
Specifically so, his presence is interesting to the Bowsella, the Koopa Queen, ruler of the Koopa Kingdom.
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The two kingdoms have been at ends for who knows however long. There have been wars in the past, fighting over land and resources. There's even been talk of an arranged marriage between Bowsella and Toadstool to merge the two kingdoms together.
Of course, this trouble is all with her subjects in mind! The Koopa Kingdom occupies a lot of harsh crag and volcanic terrain, so resources like food and tourism are hard to come by. It's for the good of her people. The end justifies the means, after all.
I also made designs for the Toad Brigade and the Koopalings!
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There are a few others that are less recognizable, however. My favorite would have to be Saul Toad.
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Saul Toad (or, Saul T. for short) is Mario's roommate. He acts as a sort of mentor to Mario, and teaches him the ropes of what it means to exist in this world.
He's a chain-smoking, retired veteran; who knows WAY more than you think about everything and anything. He constantly lies about his age, and keeps his past to himself. The most Mario knows is that Saul used to work as a castle guardsman. After he retired, he followed his dream of becoming a bar owner.
However, Toad Town is not the bustling adventurer's hub it used to be, and business is rough.
There's also some smaller subplots here and there, about characters I'd want to get attached to Mario and join him in adventures. You can tell I take a lot of inspiration from the older Paper Mario games (and the partner system) the more you break apart these things to their bare essentials!
The most fleshed out one would be about Teal (who is a Shy Guy), and her abusive boyfriend, Edward (a Big Bandit).
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Teal is in a dangerously abusive relationship with Edward (who owns a pawn shop in the seedier part of Toad Town). She's pretty meek and shy on her own, but slowly finds her voice and stands up for herself with Mario's influence.
Plus you know.
A few other quirky world building aspects, like the topic of blood;
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Or the topic of Mario's brother, or rather, his lack of one.
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And this is just scratching the surface of everything, so PLEASE do not hesitate to ask for more specifics or even about anything I may have missed!!
and again thank you for going through this long ass post my bad i talked for like two and a half hours it feels like HKLSDHJKSDHGK
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thirtheenprimes · 1 year
Owl House/Inuyasha parallels, is that anything?
Teen girl travels through portal to a place with lots of demons, befriends one scruffy lil guy who happens to be the kid of a very very big and powerful demon that died a while ago but his big-ass bones are still around.
I think they're similar enough to fill out a good au for each other but different enough to make it interesting.
(I'm mostly interested in putting the Owl House characters into Inuyasha template)
I'm not sure what the Shikon no Tama would be but...
Obviously King would be Inuyasha and Luz would be Kagome and they are still siblings not romantic.
Hunter would be Sesshoumaru. Begins as an enemy, sibling relationship to main protagonist, (Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha and Hunter to Luz and thus indirectly King ig). Rin is obviously Flapjack.
Willow and Gus matching with Miroku and Sango. Again, not shipping them, but this still matches well enough. I couldn't say it's a one-to-one for them I think either one could cover either character.
Maybe Eda would be Kaede? I guess? And since I'm already rearranging types of relationships, Kikyo isn't Kaede's sister and Inuyasha's previous lover, Kikyo would be Raine. You know, friends/SO in the past with Eda but in modern time distant and a spy.
Obviously that means Belos would be Naraku. Kagura of the Wind would be Kikimora.
I don't personally ship Kagome and Kōga, but it's popular and it's a great opportunity to make Amity Kōga and make her siblings those dorky other wolf demons that I love (Ginta and Hakkaku).
Look, Shippō better fits with King, and I conceded this. He's cute. He's just a little guy. He isn't really a threat but he talks big and he gets stronger as the show goes. He's got that sibling-like relationship with the leading teen girl. But you know, this isn't a perfect one-to-one translation, and I don't think Owl House has the perfect translation for InuYasha anyway, so I say we merge Shippō and Inuyasha for this one. King's just a cute little guy, but (especially early OH) he also likes to talk shit and try to throw his weight around, act angry and aggressive, etc. See he isn't self conscious because he's half-demon, but because he doesn't know what kind of demon he is.
Hooty! HOOTY! Hooty could be Myota!
OK I love this very much and if no one else will I might make something about this.
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aliensunflower-fics · 3 years
Everything You Deserve [Major Adrien Salt Ahead]
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[ I don’t believe in writing salt for the sake of salt but I figured this was a challenge so I went with a version of Adrien thats become so desperate, insecure, and paranoid that he makes the decision to use the wish and grant himself a good life only it doesn't work so well for him. ]
It all starts when Ladybug approaches Chat Noir one night after a patrol, shes excited and eager to share what shes learned as Guardian, the big news? She learned rather horrifically that the Miraculous jewellery are prisons keeping the Kwami contained and enslaved and after learning such an awful truth, she scoured the texts for anyway to break the imprisonment and finally after months SHE FOUND IT! A way to free the Kwami! And better yet when they are free they can pick there own holders merge with them and be even stronger! No more time limits no more weird nonsensical powers and rules but also no more commands or abuse only free will and true equal partnership!
Ladybug of course wants to free the Kwami ASAP and that includes Plagg and Tikki in fact, Plagg is vital for the whole thing as his power of destruction is needed to free the others with his own Miraculous being the last to be destroyed. Chat Noir on the other hand... Isn't so eager.
In his mind Adrien is panicking his whole life unraveling in front of him. With the Kwami freed they could all go out and pick there own heroes meaning no more just Ladybug and Chat Noir, no more partnership between just the two of THEM he’d be replaced by who knows who. With the Kwami freed Plagg could easily say 'no thanks' and refuse not only Adrien as his holder but refuse to transform anyone at all! With the Kwami freed he’d lose his one and only source of freedom and joy hed probably lose the only love of his life Ladybug no more jumping from rooftops no more escaping his father and his empty shell of a house and family. It wasn’t fair! It just wasn’t he had no guarantee Plagg would pick him or stay with him it would all be over! He DESERVED his miraculous and sure it sucked that the Miraculi were prisons but it wasn't like HE abused Plagg he wasn't Hawkmoth after all he was a nice guy?! So wasn't it okay to just leave things as they were?!
Ladybug took a step forward obvlious to his inner turmoil a soft smile on her face as asked him to hand over Plagg ‘just for a little while’ on instinct as if fearing she’d rip it off Chat Noir leapt away only barely hiding his expression of anger and fear. He needed time to think and fast as Ladybug looked at him with shock, then distrust and anger, he just needed to cover his tracks and luckily thanks to his father he had years of practice and he knows just what buttons to push on his precious Bugaboo. He quickly lifts his and in surrender plasters a pitiable look on his face and says that they need to THINK about this.
"Obviously freeing the Kwami is the right move my lady, but if were not careful Hawkmoth could do some serious damage dont you think?" The look of confusion and uncertainty on her face is all the opportunity he needs.
"Just think, this is a very complicated sounding spell your telling me about surely its going to take awhile right?" she bites her lip he can see the seed of doubt hes planted blooming into a sprout.
"Why if you take too long imagine the destruction the DEATH Hawkmoth could do to the city? And we NEVER know when hes planning his next attack. Can you stop that spell in the middle to save Paris?" He sees her frown her pretty little face scrunching up and he cant help the grin that appears shes SO easy to guilt because she always CARES so much for all the little people of Paris. Her sense of duty and responsibility always weighing her down. Its what he loves about her but gosh does he wish she’d just relax and let it go for once just for HIM.
He pauses a clawed finger carefully placed on his chin as he scrunches his face as in deep careful thought to her it may look like he trying to come up with a solution to there current dilemma but really his mind is scrambling for a plan. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins and hes scared and anxious. He just knew Plagg would abandon him the second he was free he KNEW it would be over his freedom ripped away his relationship with Ladybug shot before he could convince her to just admit her love he worked so hard he tried so much didnt he deserve a life better than this- Wait... Yes... Yes he did deserve better than this, better than his father, better than losing his freedom and fun, better then this dead end loveless relationship with a stubborn girl and he knew there was one way to get it. With perfectly practiced ease he lets out a light gasp leaving as if hes just thought of a BRILLIANT idea.
"What IF you gave the Ladybug Miraculous to ME? I can patrol as Mr.Bug and make sure the Akumas are taken care of and no damage is done while YOU have Plagg and do your fancy little spell to free the Kwami?" He smiles a bit too brightly and when Ladybug frowns and tries to protest and doubt he has his parry ready easily rooting and poking at her insecurities and doubts and fears does she really want to just leave Paris UNGUARDED while she does her spell? Is she really so careless and selfish???
Its just for a day or two surely she TRUSTS her PARTNER enough to trade Miraculi for that LITTLE bit of time surely she believes HE can handle stuff while she does the oh so important spell RIGHT? He sees the guilt and doubt fill her eyes and watches as she caves under his words, he knows its cruel and he hates to see her frown and feel so down but really hes doing this for HER just as much as himself she has no idea what kind of mistakes shes been making between thinking of FREEING a bunch of chaotic destructive gods who were likely imprisoned for a good reason anyway. I mean what does she think the Temple and the Order are bad guys or something? psh silly Bugaboo always coming up with crazy theories like the time she thought his dad was Hawkmoth.
No this will be better for everyone he just knows it! Even if his desires SOUND selfish but hes sure that his pure intentions will guide the magic to give everyone, a better life a life where everything is perfect. Shooting Ladybug a signature cat grin as she agrees to his plan he jumps behind the nearby chimney uttering his de-transformation phrase and promising to send over Plagg with the ring once she sends over Tikki with the earrings. Ladybug hesitates but with her body hidden behind the chimney she agrees, his heart rate elevates as he hears her say her de-transforming words and though the mild temptation to peek is there he knows he just needs to be patient as the spotted Kwami rounds the corner holding her earrings Adrien smiles, while they dont know it this is the last Marinette see or hear of her red spotted Kwami friend again for a long time.
The moment Tikki is within Adriens grasp he doesn't even hesitate, he snatches Tikki and unifies the miraculous ignoring the shocked cries of the Kwami and of Ladybug and hes enveloped in white light. It only took a second for everything to change. Adrien had secretly ALWAYS thought about the wish since he learned about it from Fu. At first he thought he’d wish his mother back, then he thought about wishing for Ladybug to love him, for his life to be better, for his dad to finally give him attention, to never have to do photo-shoots again, to continue getting to transform with the Miraculous for as long as he wanted so he could keep having fun. But even when he was tempted there was no real REASON to take his ladies Miraculous not when things were good enough, not when she was still there, and he could transform whenever to escape. But now with the RISK the slightest CHANCE that Plagg might say 'no' he decides its time to change things up to reward himself for  all the things hes put up with. So Adrien doesn't just wish for one thing no, he has a list of demands for his new perfect reality and when the white void around him pulses and fades black he feels excitement run through his bones at what awaits him in his new perfect world. The world that he truly DESERVES.
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
When he awakes everything seems normal. Hes in his room and it looks more or less the same but perhaps its a little more... empty? Of course he also notices the odd disappearance of all his Ladybug memorabilia 'oh well' he thinks, he can always just BUY back everything hes missing, hes rich after all so he can have whatever he wants.The second thing he notices is the lack of weight on his ring finger. Plagg's ring is MISSING, now that is far more cause for concern then some Ladybug merch.
With a bit of fear and annoyance he scours his room only stopping once he finds a jewellery box on his desk, opening it he fully expects Plagg to pop out hissing and scratching but instead he sees a Peacock Broach and the Kwami that emerges is subdued and quiet. Adrien feels a twinge of rage as already this new perfect universe has gotten things WRONG one of his demands was to be able to transform whenever he wanted so he could keep having fun... But he does suppose he failed to specify in his demand that he wanted to keep the ring. Oh well its not destruction but he supposes riding around on his very own sentimonster servant could be fun too, besides if the wish got all his other demands right then Ladybug will be his madly in love girlfriend and she will surely just GIVE him Plagg's ring if he asks for it!
As he gets dressed and attaches the peacock pin to his shirt he hears a knock, its Nathalie informing him that his PARENTS are downstairs waiting to have breakfast with him! Joy and excitement replace any lingering annoyance and the quiet somber Kwami doesn't even mind hiding in his pocket. Rushing down the stairs Adrien has to hold back tears as he leaps into his mothers arms. His father is there as well smiling kindly as he ushers Adrien into the dining room for a big family breakfast. No photoshoot schedule is presented to him, instead hes told he has plans to have fun all day with his friends and that his weekly allowance deposited in his bank so he can buy himself and his friends lunch. Finally he thinks THIS is what he deserved.
After breakfast Adrien goes out with his class all of them still there, he gets to goof off and say whatever he wants with no consequences or annoying parental 'rules' holding him back. Hes gleeful when he notices that he doesn't need to look out for paparazzi or fan girls. He doesn't notice the fact that Marinette and Alya aren't a part of the class or how his friends sigh impatiently as he AGAIN tells them what THEY are going to do ignoring there own input and desires. His day goes by smoothly and easily and PERFECTLY and finally as the sun dips below the horizon he decides its time to transform and see his precious Bugaboo hes waited SO long for her to love him, to show him willingly who she is and what better way to finish the day then finally get the sweetest reward of them all.
Riding his sentimonster through the city he ignores any accidental damage its just because hes not use to controlling the Sentimonsters yet besides its not HIS job to fix it, its Ladybugs and hes so SURE she wont mind repairing his little damages. After awhile of wandering he sees a flash of red on the rooftops excitement fills him as he calls out for his bugaboo he sees the red figure pause and begin to move his way 'finally' he thinks 'finally she is going to give me what the love I deserve! That I worked for! Finally I wont be alone EVER again!!!'. The red figure swings up dramatically and then drops down with an impressive twirl. But as she moves to stand Adrien feels his blood run cold as instead of the distinctive dark twin tails the hair on this Ladybug is bright blonde. She looks at him and her eyes are icey blue nothing like HIS Ladies eyes at all.
"Oh my SWEET Adrikens! I missed you soooo much while you were with those IDIOT classmates of ours ALL day!" Adrien feels his stomach churn violently at these words a wave of hot suddenly burning his skin as shock setting in everything about this new world suddenly feels WRONG from the colour of the sky to the texture of his new Peacock suits leathery gloves. THIS Ladybug is so obviously Chloe that much is painfully easy to see but worst of all she KNOWS his identity behind his new peacock mask.
"Sooo what are we destroying tonight my little birdy? I was thinking maybe we rob some more museums like last time! The look on those stupid heroes faces when you dropped those diamonds in the Seine was HILARIOUS! Seriously these dates are the most fun Ive EVER had!"  With quick painful realization Adrien catches on to Ladybu- no Chloe's words.
She knows his identity, they have been robbing and destroying things in the city of Paris together, these are 'dates' which means he finally did it... He really is dating Ladybug only its not HIS Bugaboo its Chloe! Wearing HER spots, using HER name. And worse of all if Chloe is telling the truth... Then there are heroes that have come to stop them... And if there are heroes trying to stop THEM then that means that he, Adrien, formerly Chat Noir... Is the villain?
No... No that cant be right. HE is suppose to be hero? Hes supposed to be loved and praised! Hes supposed to get the girl! He cant be the villain he cant be dating ugh CHLOE of all people. Disgust fills him and he wants to scream and rage he wants to blame Chloe its probably all her fault it was ALWAYS her fault before but she never roped HIM into her stupid schemes she never ruined HIS reputation or hurt HIM it always just... She always just... Went after everyone else...
The sound of feet landing on the roof behind him draws his eye yet he feels stiff and shell shocked. He turns registering the familiar pair of green cat eyes. Those eyes are locked on to him filled with fury and disgust, the long dark braid, outfit and the oh so familiar staff he knew that look from the brief time they swapped Miraculi. Standing before him as the new Cat was the original Ladybug and if the sneer on her face, the new aura of confidence, power and security was anything to go by he was in serious trouble.
The next day Adrien hardly remembers how he and Chloe escaped from Ladybu- no from Chat du Lune. But he does remember that as they were fleeing Chloe was laughing like it was just a fun game of tag. As he turns on his tv in bed he frowns as his Peacock transformation is broadcast on the news being called a 'villain' and a 'monster' all while the destruction he so casually caused while riding his fun new sentimonster around the city looking for his bugaboo is broadcast shown followed by footage of past incidents he and Chloe had apparently caused together yet that he cannot remember. He watches himself steal, destroy and laugh taunting about the fun hes having as he knocks over someones home with his massive sentimonster, they show Chloe as well but somehow shes not nearly in as many videos as himself and she never does nearly as much damage as him he supposed it was hard knocking down a building when you had a Yoyo, instead Chloe or ‘ladybug’ was blamed for robberies from museums to banks, jewellery stores and high end fashion boutiques what she does with the loot is a mystery according to the the tv host, Adriens sure that Chloe propbably has all the loot stashed in her room at the Grande Paris. As he watches more footage of himself riding through the city destroying things in his path a part of him agrees that it looks fun that he kinda wants to do that, but another part is angry he isn't SUPPOSE to be the villain he isn't suppose to be dating Chloe! His perfect world is so ruined MESS.
But maybe... Maybe he can fix it? All he needs is the cat miraculous... Sure Chat du Lune would NEVER give it up willingly but maybe... Maybe there was 1 way. After all he had Chloe with her Ladybug all he needed to do cause enough mayhem enough destruction, In videos shown on tv and online he saw Chloe as Ladybug use her Miraculous Cure to undo the major damage caused after they were done having there ‘fun’ but... If he convinced her to stop they could hold the city hostage and force Chat du Lune to hand over the ring then he would get his ‘loving and devoted girlfriend’ Chloebug to hand over the earrings and he’d get another chance at the wish he could fix everything keep the good parts and fix the bad! It had to be possible it just HAD to he deserved to be hero he deserved to keep his parents this reality wasnt right so didnt he deserve the chance to fix it? Sure if he did this hed be a true villain but it was just for a little while! He knew HIS bugaboo after all no way she’d leave the people of Paris to suffer she always cared so much for all those little people.
As Adrien got out of bed and headed down to breakfast with his family his mind made up he’d do it hed make the world into what it should have been from the start.
‘Isnt it what I deserve after all my suffering?’
I want to be able to transform whenever I want so I can have Fun.
 He’d just start with demolishing a few houses that looked ready to topple over anyway, Chloe seemed hesitant not to use her Miraculous Cure when they were done having the ‘date’ but all it took was for him to say he ‘loved’ her and shed do anything she said. Besides he was sure this was all it would take to make Chat du Lune crack she was so caring after all.
But she didn't break at that so they had to start destroying a bit more, soon he found himself scheming and in heated battles with not only Chat du Lune but other heroes she had at her side. It made him furious to see HIS partner HIS lady fighting with other people it was suppose to be HIM at her side. And so if he destroyed a few more things then originally planned it was an accident he was just angry at seeing himself get replaced that was all he was ALLOWED to be emotional.
Soon he had to admit it was sort of fun breaking stuff every-time he felt angry at his perfect world at the wish hed made at himself for making it hed just command his sentimonster to crush and break and destroy. This world had more flaws then he originally saw he started to see his perfectly families flaws, he noticed how his friends didn't always treat him how he expected, he noticed how Marinette and Alya were missing apparently off at some fancy new school on scholarships instead of spending time with him and comforting him! Nothing was right everything was a mess so who cared if he destroyed things it felt good and besides the moment he got his wish hed fix it who CARED who it hurt now!
I Want Ladybug to be my loving devoted doting girlfriend.
Knowing that Chat du Lune is the old Ladybug is torture, worse still with Chloe parading as Ladybug, he needs Chloe for his plan so he cant break up with her but he loathes the way she dotes on him cares for him always worrying about him and touching him trying to kiss him in the middle of battle when hes busy! Worse still she sabotages any chance he has of flirting with his REAL lady Chat du Lune, he misses touching HIS lady and the cute way she'd get SO mad and beg him to stop flirting and get serious the one chance he got to touch her he brushed his hands against her pretty face while they were fighting. Sure she broke his fingers and he had to order Chloe to heal it with her cure but it was worth it to be close to his sweet Bugaboo.
But worse still Chloe isn't just his girlfriend in the mask. At school and at home shes there clinging to him like some leech sure she does whatever Adrien asks for fear that he will abandon her just like her mother did but that doesn't change the fact that she isn't his sweet darling little Bugaboo.Even though she says she cares Adrien doesn't believe her shes just like his fangirls only interested in him for his looks and money. He starts finding himself slapping away her hands when she reaches for him with furrowed brows telling him shes so ‘worried’ about him. If she was so WORRIED she’d just shut up already and do what he asked without question. He’s been stuck in this awful reality months now and nothing is right about it NOTHING!
Besides he just KNOWS hes in this situation because of HER she probably ropped him into being a villain so the least she can do is fix it for him! But instead she’s trying to turn around and act like she ‘cares’ about people now? Acting like she doesnt agree with him destroying the city! Say’s the girl who nearly crashed a train her first time out as a ‘hero’ in the old reality’ Say’s the girl who still bullies her classmates!
As further desperation to ‘fix’ his crumbling perfect reality sets in Adrien doesn't see how his destruction anger and temper pushes even Chloe  of all people away his complete ignorance and lack of care for her feelings is all too familiar to her mother and Chloe or ‘ladybug’ starts to miss out on Adrien’s sentimonster rage induced city wide tantrums.
I Want my mother back and for her and father to be my perfect parents.
His mother is cheating... And with NATHALIE of all people. As if the reality he was stuck in wasnt terrible enough his parents and there marriage was LIE. He overheard them one night his mother and father arguing, father knew that mother was cheating and he didnt care they were only together to keep a strong public image and to raise Adrien the SECOND he was done with school his mother planned to divorce Gabriel and be with Nathalie openly.
It was all wrong. His mother was suppose to LOVE his father they were suppose to be a perfect family he DEMANDED it when he was making the wish so WHY why didnt they LOVE EACH OTHER! Sure they were perfect Parents they gave him whatever he asked for they loved him and encouraged him and never yelled they were patient made him homemade lunches showed up for parent teacher meetings but what did it matter if they didnt really love each other!
Adrien didnt want to see how his father was overly focused on work how he treated his mother as more of an object to ogle and decorate then as a living person with needs and feelings to consider he didnt want to see how his mother was desperately lonely how she felt trapped and frustrated living with someone who ignored everything she said and saw her as second place to his bussiness.
It was Nathalie’s fault obviously he’d get rid of her next time he’d fix his parents relationship hed make sure they loved each other he needed them to love each other he needed his family to be perfect he didnt want them to be divocrced and he didnt care why they would nothing was wrong between them nothing at all!
I want to stop doing photo-shoots and instead get to do whatever I want.
It had been so nice, no one chased him no one stalked him no fangirls. No having to work or doing photoshoots. But then he realized... No one RECOGNIZED him. The first time he saw Marinette had been a shock, she was there at the park when the class was sketching a new design while Alya typed away on a small laptop. Adrien watched them shocked to see the two girls that had been mysteriously missing from the class, when Marinette’s phone went off she glanced at it before showing Alya the reporter closed her laptop and the two got up to leave Adrien placed himself in there paths waiting for well... Something but Marinette didn’t spare him a glance only walking around him with annoyance. When Adrien spoke to Nino about it later the boy looked at him with confusion.
“Why would she recognize you dude? Its not like your famous or anything.”
And that hurt somehow. He didnt know why the idea of Marinette’s room being empty of all his photos bothered him but it did. He missed Marinette he wanted her to rejoin there class to help makes things ‘correct’ but Marinette didn’t stop to speak or even look at him, and when he looked her up later he learned she was perfectly happy maybe even happier then she was, she was working hard toward her dreams of being a Fashion Designer, she had many new friends including some old friendly faces like Kagami, Alya, Luka and others. He also saw that she was apparently dating though he didnt dig to find out who he didnt want to know just the idea of her dating someone angered him almost as much as his bugaboo replacing him with all those new teammates.
After that he started to notice certain things. Without his face on billboards no one felt the need to let him jump ahead in lines, no one spoke about him or complimented him, sure he could go out when he wanted and had no responsibilities but he started to feel lost. His classmates were growing learning and trying to figure out who they were they were trying out different career options, they were winning awards, trying and failing at different options but Adrien...
What did he want? He just wanted everything to be perfect, he just wanted the life he deserved. But aside from this single mind consuming goal he had nothing no one recognized him he WASNT famous anymore, he didnt care about his dads bussiness or his mothers acting he didnt have any other dreams or goals all he had was his dream his goal of a perfect world and it consumed him.
And as he got more desperate more possessed with his one and only goal as he allowed himself to lose and break all his own morals as he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted his friends started to notice. Before being consumed by his goal of a perfect world Adrien had been perhaps a bit pushy he would guilt you into doing what he wanted sometime but now, now he was unhinged. Even Chloe his loving girlfriend and the class bully had pulled away and gotten quiet fearfull of making a wrong move and having Adrien abandon her like her mother, Nino and the boys found themselves pulling away for other reasons. Nothing they said was ever met with a positive response Adrien didnt care for there accomplishments and sometimes hed get upset when they didn’t do what Adrien ‘expected’.
For instance when Marc and Nathaniel’s sci-fi comic won an award and Adrien got angry that they hadn’t made a comic about the heroes and villains of Paris instead. Or when Nino got an internship working in the music video bussiness and Adrien interrogated him on why he wasn’t working on his music. Adrien seemed to see his classmates at playing the wrong roles in some twisted play that was his life. He was obsessed with how things were ‘suppose’ to be and no one wanted to be around him anymore.
I want to get everything I worked so hard to deserve.
But it all got so much worse after one specific battle with Chat du Lune and her team. He had finally FINALLY gotten the uper hand and finally he would rip the Ring off her finger but when he reached for it... It wasn’t there.
There was no ring, no earings, no bracelet or charm or anything. Chat du Lune didn’t have jewlewry, in fact.. Not ONE of Chat du Lune’s teamates had a piece of jewlewry on them. It didn’t make sense where were the Miraculi? They HAD to have Miraculi... Unless.
His lady had wanted to free the Kwami and with Plagg at her side she would have been able to. But that meant that Plagg had been CHOOSING to stay by her side he had chosen her instead of coming back to Adrien, didnt Plagg know he regretted the wish didnt Plagg WANT him to fix everything? Why did his Kwami his friend betray him... But then he KNEW Plagg would betray him didnt he that was why he made the wish in the first place wasn’t it?
But if Plagg’s miraculi had been destroyed then there was nothing left. He couldn’t steal the ring couldn’t unify it with the earings and could not fix everything he was stuck in this dead end world, he had become a true villain in the desperate process to try and fix everything.
And now it was over?
... Or was it?
Surely he could find some way to force Plagg back? Surely he could fix it? He needed to fix it.
He deserve it. He had worked so hard, so didn’t he deserve it?
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maraudererasmut · 3 years
Life Update and All That
Hey all!
It’s T here!
I know it’s been a very long while since I’ve been around, and I figured I’m finally at the point where I can pop by and give a bit of an update, in case anyone was curious.
I left Tumblr and Discord for a bit to get my bearings and re-evaluate things. I needed some time to myself to sort through my mental health, figure some stuff out, and get to the point where I was finally at a better place to be able to come back.
A few things have happened since I’ve left that are actually kind of neat!
I published a book and wrote another manuscript!
I’m not going to share too much information about my book here, because I still do want to keep my smut-writing-pseudonym separate from my professional life, but suffice it to say that I published a novella, which got me started on the strange journey that is publishing! 
I’m currently in the process of querying my first full-length manuscript, with the intention of getting an agent and publishing it. Hopefully that will be able to go somewhere, but if not, at least I have learned a lot while on my journey!
I realized that I am trans!
To the shock and surprise of absolutely nobody, the person who wrote gay romance and focused on a storyline that predominantly featured a transmasc character is actually, in fact, gay and trans. Shocking, I know!
It took a bit of thinking and talking and self analyzing that mostly occured during the many, many hours of alone time provided by a global pandemic for me to realize that wanting to be a boy does, in fact, make you probably a boy. Who would have guessed.
Anyway, I’m going by he/they pronouns these days. And uh... I guess my descriptions of dysphoria in all of my fics were a bit closer to home than I was ever willing to admit. Funny how these things work.
I bought a house!
I finally did something that I never thought would be possible in my entire life: I actually purchased a house in my city, which is notoriously expensive. It’s the perfect home for me: a large backyard; my very own shop space, which will soon be filled with tools; a sunroom with tons of windows for writing; a roof that I can climb up to and sit on... It’s really such a great home, and I am so excited to start this new chapter of my life here.
One door closed and another opened!
When I first left, there was a job opportunity that was a bit up in the air that would’ve involved me uprooting my life. While it didn’t end up panning out, I was ended up stumbling upon a different job in my field. I almost forgot how much I love what I do, and I am so glad to be back into the thick of it!
I figured that I should probably also try to pre-emptively answer any questions that you may have while I’m here and typing this all out. So... here goes!
Will you be continuing *insert fanfiction*?
I’m honestly not sure. The best answer that I can give right now is: Maybe?
I definitely want to try to continue some of my storylines, tie up some loose ends, and actually put together those plots that I had swirling around my mind.
That being said, I also have other projects that are currently on the go that might take precidence. Most importantly, I have several original stories that I plan to eventually query (or even publish, if I can!). 
If I find that I am inspired to go back and write more Wolfstar, rest assured, I absolutely WILL. These boys will always hold a special place in my heart, and I honestly don’t know if I will ever be truly rid of them, even if I tried.
Will you still be making art for the fandom?
Again, I’m not sure. 
I’ve been doing a LOT of fanart, on a different account, just to keep up my skills while I was away. There are quite a few fandoms that I have been making art for, and I don’t know yet if I want to merge these two accounts.
That’s a decision for the future. :P 
But you can always try to pop into my ask box and send a request, and if I can get to it, I will try my absolute best.
You and I have unfinished business!! Will you be getting to that?!
Ah, yes. I remember now. I left the fandom while I was in a very BAD place, and most things fell by the wayside while I worked on my mental health. I’m sorry.
If we do have any kind of unfinished business at all that you need to talk to me about, please do! I want to try to resolve things and make sure that everyone is satisfied with whatever solution we can come to. Feel free to reach out, and I will try my absolute best to respond and rectify.
Rest assured, if we have had any kind of negative interraction in the past, I have absolutely spent the past year and a half allowing that to eat away at me. I’ve been feeling guilt up the wazoo, a ball of anxiety so tight, you could probably play baseball with it. 
I’m trying not to let these kinds of things bother me anymore. I’m trying to learn to let things go, and focus on the present and the future. I am truly sorry for things that I have done in the past, but I am finally at the point where I am ready to put my effort into making things better instead of dwelling on what was.
Will you be active on this blog now? Are you back for good?
I think you already know the answer to that question...
I don’t know. 
I haven’t made any decisions yet about whether or not I’m here to lurk and like and reblog or if I’m going to be actually producing content again. I have no idea yet how active I will be here. That really depends on how I’m feeling, how I’m doing mentally, and what the reception to this post looks like. 
So... Maybe?
Yes. Yes, I did.
If you are actually asking me this question, chances are that I did miss you. Yes, you specifically. Yes, I thought about you a lot. Yes, I wished that I had the courage to go back and just say “HI, I MISSED YOU, PLEASE CAN WE BE FRIENDS AGAIN!” 
I am not great at reaching out, though. I’m not great at handling my emotions period. Hopefully, if you’re wondering if I missed you, you’d be interested in reconnecting, knowing that I did, in fact, miss you a lot. 
Are you okay now?
I will be.
Even when I’m not okay these days, I at least have the wherewithall to be able to say “while I might not be doing great right now, I know that I will be okay.” 
And isn’t that what we all want? :P
Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading. I hope this was interesting and/or informative. 
And... I’m glad that I wrote this. It helped. 
With love,
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Patio Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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MC: It’s finally over!
I stretch, basking in the warm afternoon sunlight. 
MC: The air-conditioning in the meeting room was so strong. I almost sneezed...
Victor: That’s why you held your breath till your face turned red?
MC: I did not...
I want to retort, but both our phones vibrate at the same time. 
Curious, I tap and open the message. The sender is Ronan. The beginning of the message reads: “Inviting Mr Victor and Miss MC...”
[Note: If you don't know who Ronan is, check out Victor’s Understanding the Human World date before continuing]
Victor: To attend an appointment on the sky garden of the CR Building, a subsidiary company of LFG, after three days, at 7pm.
Victor softly reads the bottom half of the message aloud - he has received the same message.
MC: I remember that Ronan invited internationally renowned architects to build the film sets for his new movie. It should be this sky garden then? Since he has invited us, could it have something to do with the new movie? 
Victor: We’ll know when we get there.
He looks at the phone in his hand indifferently. Despite his expression, it seems he already has an answer. 
Three days later.
Victor and I reach the CR Building punctually. 
Ronan: The two of you are here. Come, the movie preview is on the top floor. 
Without much idle chat, we exchange greetings, and he enthusiastically leads us to the elevator. 
MC: The shoot has already been completed? That’s pretty fast. 
Ronan: Mm, the shoot this time went really smoothly. Whether in the capacity of a friend, or the biggest investor, I want the both of you to be the first few to see my movie. 
MC: Why did I receive an invitation too...
Hearing my soft confusion, Ronan laughs loudly while he responds.
Ronan: When we were shooting Dévotion, it was only because of your cooperation that I could shoot a romantic and poetic Chinese wedding. Also, the movie this time was largely inspired by the two of you, so inviting you is definitely reasonable. For example, Victor revealed that, to him, you are actually...
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Victor: Often impudent, and require improvement in time management. But once you slow down, your work capabilities have indeed improved quite a bit.
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MC: ...why do I feel like what you told Ronan had nothing to do with my work capabilities. 
I arch my eyebrows, not wanting to show signs of weakness. I toss a grimace towards Victor.
Before phrases in my mind such as “a woman’s instincts are very accurate” leave my mouth, Ronan starts laughing as he watches us from the side.
Along with a soft ring, the elevator halts steadily at the highest level of the building. The exquisite sky garden greets my vision as the elevator doors open slowly. 
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Green trees display their leaves on mid-air platforms, and flowers of differing colours are scattered around, decorating the area.
The course of a river is guided by steel, flowing into a waterfall, gathering into a river,  and slowly flowing around the trees and flowers.
Victor: The movie preview will start in ten minutes. How much longer do you plan to dillydally? 
As though he isn’t drawn to the view at all, Victor simply holds his hand out in front of me. 
MC: Yes, yes. As expected of the Mr CEO who has seen the big world - displaying an unchanging expression even after seeing such a view.
I hold onto his hand readily, and subtly lean against his side a little more.
The corners of Victor’s lips seem to curl upwards slightly. He accommodates to my footsteps, and we head to the venue together. 
The movie preview is extremely successful. 
Summarising the legend of the sky garden, Ronan illustrated a story of the male lead’s struggle at the end of the world, looking for an oasis. 
And the climax of the story occurred at this very sky garden--
Lights and shadows merged with drifting flower petals, the last green leaf, and the last water source at the very end of the world...
Apart from the excellent narrative, the visual effects from the film alone gives one unparalleled enjoyment. 
After the movie ends, I can’t help but give a standing ovation. 
A few members of the audience, who were immersed in the movie like I was, send their cheers to the directors and actors. 
MC: As expected of Ronan’s movie - it’s really brilliant.
Victor: Mm. It’s his usual standard. 
Although Victor says this, he isn’t stingy with his applause. 
MC: There’s a really immersive feeling knowing that we’re in the most beautiful scene of the movie...
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Victor: Let’s go then.
Right after the words land, my palm is already encased in warmth. 
Victor: To look at the garden you’ve been thinking about in your heart since just now. 
MC: Okay! It’s a rare opportunity to walk into the beautiful scenery crafted by world-class directors and architects. If we don’t take a proper look, it’d be such a pity.
Victor: In that case, follow me and don’t let go of my hand again. 
MC: Anyway, no matter where I am, you’ll always find me in the end. I won’t get lost. 
We stand up, and I smile while holding onto his hand tightly. 
He lets out a soft laugh. Maybe it’s my misperception, but the night seems to become gentler along with him.
I hear the sound of gurgling water in my ears, and red corn poppies bloom among the shadows of trees.
My fingers brush against the tips of bushes, and I feel the branches carrying the coolness of night. 
MC: Sigh... it’s a shame that this place would be torn down after a while. And it’s such a beautiful set-up designed by a famous architect...
The more we stroll in the garden, the more I feel sorry for its impending disappearance.
Victor: You really can’t bear to see it gone? 
MC: In the bustling city, such a garden is just too precious. 
The corners of Victor’s lips lift in response to my words. He responds calmly. 
Victor: The garden will be retained, and will become a cafe open to the public in the long-term. 
MC: So in the future... it will also be LFG’s property?!
Victor doesn’t comment. 
Victor: Once the movie preview is over, there will be a gradual adjustment of the layout and decor. 
MC: ...it’s really nice to have money.
Victor: That’s your biggest takeaway after watching the preview? 
MC: Of course not. I have very deep thoughts regarding this movie!
Victor arches his brows, as though waiting for my “deep thoughts” and review. 
I clear my throat, temporarily tossing aside my feelings towards capitalism. In my mind, I start recalling the images from the movie. 
MC: In Ronan’s movie, the lead keeps searching for an “oasis” in order to settle down and have sustenance. Every person needs his own “oasis”. It’s only when one has a foothold and a place to rest can he continually move forward. 
Victor: Looks like you really watched it seriously. 
MC: Which is why I’m very surprised by your decision to retain this garden. Perhaps it can become an oasis for busy people in this bustling city. 
Victor: If it’s possible, that would be best. 
MC: You don't think such an idea is overly vague or idealistic? 
Victor: You can only move forward with some resources. This is the same for everyone. Moreover, it’s only when you have a goal in mind and know where you’re heading towards, can you walk far, and walk steadily. 
I run a few steps in front, then turn around to stick out my tongue at him.
MC: Are we here to participate in the movie preview, or to do an inspection with you? 
Victor: Watch where you’re going.
Slightly resigned, Victor pushes aside some branches sticking out along the path. He reaches out and pulls me back to his side. 
Suddenly, a different view from the slender and delicate poppies enters my vision.
MC: Roses!
I blink. In one corner of the garden, in replacement of poppies, crimson roses bloom warmly under the moonlight. 
At the side, there are even a few bean bags and a small coffee table. 
In the luxurious and majestic garden, the roses, while sharing the same colour as poppies, add a different style to the courtyard. 
My thoughts drift to the rose-scented town I had once taken a slow walk with him in.
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Magnificent Date] 
I can’t help but smile and ask Victor a question.
MC: Is this one of the methods to attract visitors and raise property value? 
Victor: Yes.
Victor admits it matter-of-factly, but there’s a smile in his eyes. 
Victor: Ronan’s team insisted on adding different understandings of this theme in order to portray a richer definition of an “oasis”. Since they asked for my opinion, I naturally gave them my view.
Standing under the warm yellow street lamp, Victor’s expression looks exceptionally tender. 
Victor: From what I see, the result isn’t bad. 
There is a subtle sweet aroma of roses in the air. I sit comfortably on a bean bag, asking Victor with a grin:
MC: What other adjustments will be made?
Dressed in a well-ironed suit, Victor is also half-lying on the bean bag, looking somewhat languid. The aura surrounding him has become much more gentle. 
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It’s as though we aren’t at a bustling movie preview, or a sky garden on the top floor of a building.
It’s just a normal weekend evening, in a small courtyard belonging to us, as we shed off the week’s worth of fatigue.
I can’t help but think of the afternoon he slept in front of me, and remember the day he had revealed an almost imperceptible state of relaxation to me. 
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Return Home Date]
Victor: You look like you have a lot of thoughts? 
MC: Of course I do! I’ve been to various shooting locations, and have met mature producers with differing styles. Apart from that, I’m also a contemporary member of society with a delicate mind and good aesthetic sense. Which is why I’m clearer than anyone else about what a stressed worker needs most in terms of external care. Just look - even my house is very warm, right?
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Victor: If you can change your habit of leaving things lying around, it might be considered a “warm” house. 
MC: This is called “integrating with the masses” - it’s a small beauty in life.
Recalling the earlier topic, I stand up, pulling Victor as we head to the inner area of the park.
MC: For example, I think this place could have a few more elegant seats.
I point at the hanging rattan chair underneath the flower stand. 
MC: That way, visitors would be more comfortable when sitting down. Also, this path we walked on - although it looks very pretty in the movie, it’s easy to get hooked by bushes at the side. If it weren’t for your words just now, I would have definitely bumped into it. Also...
I look towards the trail lined with trees on both sides, leading towards the centre of the park.
MC: Maybe this is just my selfish thought, and has nothing to do with increasing practicality or comfort. However, if I had a choice, I would change these trees to Platanus trees. 
Several strands of shock flash across Victor’s dark eyes. Then, he opens his mouth to ask in slight amusement:
Victor: Why is that so? 
MC: Legend says that the Hanging Gardens was created by the king of Babylon for his wife who was suffering from homesickness. 
[Note: Platanus trees were part of the Hanging Gardens. Platanus trees, also known as Oriental Plane Trees, are a frequent motif featured in Classical Chinese poetry as an embodiment of sorrowful sentiments due to its autumnal shedding of leaves]
I walk along the small trail, staring at the poppies swaying in the wind. 
I wonder if that king, all those thousands of years ago, carried such a heart - wanting to give such a luxurious gift to the person he loved. 
MC: No matter what others may say, I also wish to leave the best things to the person most important to me. To build an oasis within his sight and touch where he can have a peace of mind. You’ve left a corner of the camellia garden for me, so I also wish to give you a small trail lined with Platanus trees. 
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Maze date, which is available in EN]
I raise my head with a smile, not caring that my cheeks have already heated up. I observe Victor’s dark coloured eyes carefully, and tell him what’s in my heart calmly and sincerely.
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Victor pauses for a moment. Apart from surprise, his eyes also contain an undercurrent of a deeper and heavier emotion. 
Victor: With so many ideas, not letting you write a proposal to collaborate with the design team would be a waste of talent. When exactly did you learn to say such things? 
In the end, all his emotions culminate into his usual ridicule, which is more tender than usual.
Curling his fingers, he taps me on the forehead with some affection. 
MC: If you feel happy, you can just say it directly, really. 
Victor: And when did you hear me say that? 
MC: I felt it!
While laughing, I step onto the stairs, looking at the blooming poppy flowerbed. 
The flowerbed, which is suspended in mid-air, is the highest point of the garden. It is held up firmly by chains above the pool.
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MC: Do you feel like I’m especially thoughtful and especially cute right now? 
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Victor: I only feel that you’re especially childish.
While Victor says this, he walks up to the stairs and holds onto my hand. 
Victor: And that you’re truly a dummy. 
It is only when he draws nearer that I can clearly see the upward curve of his lips. 
Apart from the faraway lights and the water under us, his eyes also reflect my brilliantly smiling face. 
The flowerbed sways back and forth in small motions. 
Sitting here, I not only have a panoramic view of the garden, but can also overlook the entirety of Loveland City.
In the distance, the city lights are scattered around, artificial light sources forming another galaxy on earth.
MC: Victor, you once said that you would look at Loveland City from a height whenever you’re in a bad mood. I think I can understand something I didn’t think of before!
Victor: What do you understand this time? 
MC: This garden on the top level of the building, where you can overlook Loveland City, is perhaps your oasis. Now that I think about it, everything I said just now was unnecessary, right? 
Recalling my eloquent suggestions to Victor earlier, I start feeling slightly embarrassed.
Victor: Looks like you still don’t know anything.
MC: Tell me - what should I know then?
Supporting myself on the flowerbed with one hand, I grin, turning around to ask him.
The suspended flowerbed sways violently from my sudden movement. Only then do I remember that there are only a few fulcrums holding up the flower bed. 
With an unstable footing, I subconsciously reach out to clutch onto Victor, trying to maintain my balance. However, I still fall against the flower bed, hurting my shoulder blade.
Victor: You’re being impatient again.
[Note: There isn’t a direct translation of the phrase used here, 毛毛躁躁 (”mao mao zao zao”), but it conveys the idea of doing things hurriedly and inattentively]
His voice resounds very close to me. I open my eyes, and directly meet his line of sight.
Because of my sudden movement, Victor has also been pulled towards me. 
One of his hands is wrapped around the back of my head, preventing me from hitting it. Another hand is at my ear, holding me steady. 
Right now, this action seems to be imprisoning me between the fresh flowers and himself. 
MC: S...sorry, I’ll pay more attention next time...
I stammer, my heart rate speeding up. 
Victor: You said this the last time as well. 
The heat from summer has not fully dissipated. Humidity lingers in the air. 
The poppies in the garden bloom quietly, and the night is warm. It’s as though everything I see and feel have become gentle. 
Even Victor’s eyes and outline grow blurry from the light and shadows, encasing him in a layer of tenderness. 
Our sudden proximity causes my heart rate to accelerate, and it feels like my thoughts have been stuck in place. 
I avert my gaze, slightly guilty. I raise my palm to put some distance between us. 
MC: We’re about done with the viewing. The dinner is about to begin, so we should head down... I remember it’s one level below? 
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Victor: ...do you know that your ability to change the topic is very poor. 
Victor sighs softly, then gently shifts his hand away from the back of my head. 
When the warmth belonging to him vanishes, a sense of longing floods my heart. 
It’s as though I have awakened from a charming dream surrounded by warm currents, returning to reality once again.
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But in the next second, the warmth I’m most familiar with envelops my wrist.
Looking into his dark eyes, I think I must have truly misunderstood. 
Whether it’s the Babylonian king from thousands of years ago, or any other ordinary person, the thing people truly want isn’t the view from their memory. It’s the person they want to share the view with. 
Victor: I’m going to answer your question from just now. Listen carefully. 
Victor: The words you said are not unnecessary. 
Victor: And I am indeed very happy.
Victor shifts upwards, encircling me in front of him again. 
He is so close that the entire world seems to be condensed into his pair of eyes. 
The fountain spurts at regular intervals, shattering the calm of the water. Water vapour floating in the air refracts light, caging us in a colourful curtain of light. 
Victor: Just now, someone eloquently mentioned wanting to build an oasis within my sight and touch. And now you’re so anxious - where do you want to run off to? 
Perhaps the temperature of the evening is overly gentle, and the light from the water is too fine. I’m unable to see what emotions lie in Victor’s eyes. 
As the distance between us closes, I can clearly see every gentle quiver of his eyelashes, and can feel the heat from every lingering breath from our noses. 
His lips move slightly, as though wanting to say something to me. 
Before he can speak, the fountain spurts again. This time, the cool water happens to spray onto us. 
MC: Ah...
I want to hurriedly straighten up and dry Victor, but a gentle yet irresistible pressure pushes me back down. 
The water columns from the fountain change, forming into different heights and shapes. Scattered droplets of water patter on us like light rain.
Victor’s hair, which has always been tidied meticulously, droops slightly because of the water droplets. 
The slender poppies beside us sway slightly. Water vapour condenses on the flower petals, dripping down along the body of the flower. 
Victor: No need to care about that. Having you here is enough. 
His slightly hoarse voice brushes against my ear along with his breath. It circles past the nape of my neck, evoking a certain numbness. 
Victor’s body temperature continuously travels to my wrist, entering my heart. 
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Victor: My “oasis”... has already belonged to me since a very long time ago.
Phone Call: here 
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shenglingyuan · 3 years
title: seize the day and after hours(ao3) pairing: gojo satoru/geto suguru A jujutsu sorcerer’s life is always busy, especially those of the strongest ones, so when a window of opportunity opens itself up just to relax and be with someone you care most about, one can only give in to it. Notes for this AU: In-demand jujutsu sorcerer Gojo x Teacher Geto! In this setting, Toji failed in his mission and still got k-worded, Riko successfully merged with Tengen, so Geto didn't spiral down the "I hate monkeys" hole and Gojo didn't think of becoming a teacher. \o/
“It’s of vital importance that you do not forget to put up a Curtain before you start a mission, even if you cannot see the curse at first glance,” Suguru then carefully dismantles the Curtain before five pairs of inquisitive eyes, “Can anyone tell me why?”
A hesitant hand rises up in the air.
“Yes, Nanako?”
“Uhm, because non-sorcerers might get to see if ever the exorcism becomes a big event and it’s important that we keep the matters of the jujutsu world hidden from them to keep the status quo?”
“Yes, exactly,” Suguru smiles at her. Then, upon noticing the nearby presence, he makes his voice a little bit louder, “So don’t ever forget to set up a Curtain unless you want to be like a certain someone whose magnificent accomplishment of exploding a house got featured in the news.”
“Hey Suguru, stop slandering my renowned name in front of the kids.” The ‘renowned’ Gojo Satoru saunters over to their group, distributing the several bags on his hands. “Got you all souvenirs!”
“Did I lie?”
“Nope. Totally happened.” Satoru grins cheekily, standing next to Suguru and hooking an arm around his shoulder. “Missed me?”
“We’re still having a lesson here.” Suguru flicks at Satoru’s forehead, but he doesn’t pry away from his hold. It’s been over a week since they last saw each other after all. He did miss the man. “Any contribution to make up for your disturbance?”
“Hmm, let me think…ah! If you want to exorcise curses, you’ve got to be crazier than them.”
“That’s not particularly helpful.”
“It’s because you’re unimaginative.”
In front of five unwilling audiences, Satoru clings to his side like a leech. Suguru tries with all his might to deliver the last few important points of the day’s lesson, with one of his hands keeping Satoru’s face at bay from smothering his own.
“And that’s all for today’s session. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss some preparations before your next field assignment.”
“Yay! Suguru’s mine now!” Satoru almost didn’t let him finish his final remarks, squeezing by his side even tighter.
“Gah,” Nobara is the first one to openly show her complaint about the public display of attention in front of them, “Can you please have some consideration for us single students, Gojo-san?”
“Aren’t you too young to be thinking of romance?” Satoru answers back as if he’s talking to someone of his own age. “No dating until you’ve graduated!”
“Weren’t the two of you already dating during your second year in high school?” Megumi points out without missing a beat.
“What?!” Yuji’s jaw dropped, “They’re that long already?”
“Because it’s true love, dear students,” Satoru answers confidently, providing Suguru much embarrassment.
“Anyway,” Suguru finally cuts them off, “This has been a very fruitful conversation. You can go spar now, maybe the second years are looking for sparring partners as well.”
Teacher and students finally part ways, with the teacher dragging a long clingy blindfolded man with him. Satoru recounts to him every detail of his trip the past two weeks, even those that are not related to the mission at all, and Suguru is all ears. Ever since they reached Special Grade level as sorcerers, they’ve been given fewer missions together. Sorcerers are very few, after all, and they need to maximize their numbers efficiently. Sometimes, Suguru would find himself wishing there’s some especially dangerous situation that would require both of their presence, but he’d take back the thought as soon as it’s out, still preferring this kind of stability. So for now, he can only live through Satoru’s lively retelling.
Right as they arrived at their shared room, Satoru finally ends his narration.
“Seems like it’s another breeze of a mission, huh,” Suguru pulls off the blindfold over Satoru’s eyes and smooths down his hair.
“Mhm,” Satoru wraps his arms tightly around Suguru’s waist, burying his face on the crook of his neck. “Would have been faster if you were there.”
“Do you even need me?”
“Of course! What are you talking about?” Satoru lifts his head and stares directly at Suguru’s eyes, “Individually, we are strong enough to take down the most powerful curses. But together, I bet we could take all over the world.”
“And your point being?”
“Since we’re not onto world domination yet, we can’t help but not be together all the time.”
“Idiot.” Suguru presses a finger on Satoru’s forehead, earning him a pout. “No world domination. Keeping the peace is enough.”
“Mmmm…yeah but I still want to do something about those idiotic higher-ups.”
“You’re too chaotic for your own good. How about settling here and teaching with me instead?”
“Suguru.” Satoru’s tone is suddenly serious. His hands grabbed at Suguru’s waist, pulling him close. “Is that a marriage proposal? You know I’m gonna say yes.”
“Still thinking about it.”
“What a tease.” Satoru’s fingers find their way through Suguru’s hair, undoing his bun to let his hair loose. He then leans forward, uttering lazily against his mouth, “If you don’t propose first, I might just do it ahead of you.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Maybe.” With a smile, Satoru closes the distance with a kiss.
Suguru sighs into it, letting Satoru lazily nibble on his lips. Some days, it’s more than enough to just lay down and let time pass, no rush, no urgency, just the two of them entangled in each other’s arms. A jujutsu sorcerer’s life is always busy, especially those of the strongest ones, so when a window of opportunity opens itself up just to relax and be with someone you care most about, one can only give into it.
_ _
A familiar ringtone wakes Suguru from his sleep, his eyes opening to the darkness. The analog clock by the wall shows 07:21 PM…he has been out for a few hours. A weight is draped over him, rendering him unable to move for a moment.
Satoru doesn’t budge. “That’s yours.”
“Well, how can I move with you wrapped around me?”
After a slight pause, Satoru reaches for the phone himself and answers the call. “Hello? Oh, Auntie, you called! Yeah, he’s right here. Nah, you didn’t bother us at all. I’ll give the phone to him now.”
Suguru takes the call, stifling a yawn as he answers, “Hello Mom, it’s been a while.”
He watches as Satoru lazily walks to the cabinet and pulls out a set of comfortable clothes, simultaneously gracing him with an unhindered view of his naked back.
“Yeah, it’s good here, just a bit busy with the students’ upcoming field assignment…Hm? Wait let me ask,” he covers the mouthpiece and sits up, “Satoru, Mom’s asking when we can visit.”
“As soon as you’re free,” his head comes out of the shirt, hair all messy, giving him a youthful and unrestrained look, “I have all the privilege to request a leave anytime I want. I’ll go get us dinner, okay?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Suguru waves him away, returning to the phone call with his mother, “I think we can visit during the break if there’s nothing urgent. Is there something up?”
The door outside shuts close. Satoru turns to his side, his gaze landing on the frames displayed on the bedside table. The largest among them is a group picture from last winter vacation — him, his parents, Satoru, and the four kids. For some reason, it felt like a family picture, so he had it especially framed, taking center spot among the others.
“Well, the girls are always on their phones in their free time, of course, they’d be easier to contact than me. It’s a bit busy handling a class of five, they said it’s already a big batch. Yes, yes, I’ll tell them that.”
Ten years ago, after Suguru has successfully rescued Mimiko and Nanako from that one village, he immediately went to his parent's house to ask for their help. After all, what does a seventeen-year-old know about taking care of kids? His parents were initially shocked, but upon hearing the situation, they immediately took pity on the girls and gladly took them in. You’re always in Tokyo anyway, the house feels a bit empty without a kid, they said. But the girls wanted otherwise. After a bit of coaxing, Suguru managed to convince them to stay in his family’s house until at least he graduates from Jujutsu Tech, then he will take them back to Tokyo to live with him.
Little did he know, Satoru would also pick up two kids to take care of, and this was after he declared he would not babysit anymore after they completed their task with Riko two years prior. They’re not simple kids either; though they go by the surname Fushiguro, the boy — Megumi — has an inherited technique of the Zen’ins, and yet Satoru fought tooth and nail to be their guardian. Since he didn’t want them to be involved with the jujutsu world yet, he decided to let the kids stay in Sendai until Megumi has to attend Jujutsu Tech.
The twins and the Fushiguros occasionally met when Suguru would come to Sendai with Satoru, but last year’s winter, they decided to spend it in Suguru’s home much to his parents’ delight, and they were one complete family.
Suguru smiles at the memory, just as his mother finishes her long list of reminders for the kids on the other side of the phone.
“Okay, okay, you take care, too. I won’t forget. Love you. Tell Dad I love him, too. Bye.”
After stretching a bit, Suguru finally gets up from the bed and picks up his scattered clothes on the floor, dressing himself up. Just as he is about to wear his shirt, he catches sight of the marks on his body, most especially the bruising spot on the nook of his neck.
“Goddamnit, Satoru,” he mutters, coming closer to the mirror to check how badly Satoru left evidence. “Gonna make you pay next time.”
“Dinner’s here!” Just then, Satoru’s head pops from the doorway, his blue eyes peeking right above the rim of his sunglasses. He sees Suguru standing in front of the mirror, then chuckles audibly.
“Shut it.”
“What?” A sly smile grows on Satoru’s lips as he strides closer to Suguru. He caresses the bruising mark on the nook of Suguru’s neck, then bends down to lightly kiss it, murmuring, “Any complaints about my service earlier?”
“Magnificent as always,” Suguru sighs defeatedly, “The marks you leave though…”
“I made sure your uniform will hide this,” Satoru winks at him in the mirror. “Come on, I got food.”
He drags them to the dinner table where two bowls of meatballs and steaming rice are waiting for them, “Here, eat up.”
“You bought this?”
“No, the kids made that. Yuji was teaching them earlier when I dropped by. Mimiko and Nanako especially made these meatballs for you.”
“And how about the meatballs in the bowl you’re eating?”
“Megumi made this for me.”
“He made this for his friends, but I took it.”
Suguru flashes him a smile, “I love it when you’re being honest.”
“Shut up.”
“Did you really make that much of a bad first impression on that kid? I can’t believe it’s been nine years, but he still hasn’t warmed up to you.”
“I dunno,” Satoru pouts, trying to recall the memory of their first meeting together. “I wish he could rely on me more, you know, like how the girls rely on you.”
“I do think they rely too much on me, I’m still wondering if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Well, I guess it’s because they see me as a parental figure, too. Does Megumi see you like one?”
“Figured as much. He doesn’t know about the real deal from your negotiations with the Zen’in clan, doesn’t he?”
“No need to tell him that. I don’t want him to feel indebted either way.”
“Mm-mh,” Suguru smiles. Satoru can be such an insensitive prick sometimes, but when about the most important matters, his compassion pulls through. “Megumi’s such a spoiled child with you.”
“As if you’re not spoiling the twins yourself? Why is Mimiko’s phone new again?”
“Ah…her previous one got destroyed while on a mission with Nanako last week. Of course, I had to buy a new one immediately.” Suguru reaches into Satoru’s plate and grabs one of the meatballs, quickly eating it before Satoru can complain. “Unlike you, buying stuff for Megumi and Tsumiki even though they don’t need it yet. A good thing those two kids have a sound head above their shoulders. You’re such a bad influence — huh, these meatballs sure have so much ginger.”
In revenge, Satoru steals one of Suguru’s meatballs as well, munching on it with much gusto, “Gonna have to use my money somewhere, you know, since you still don’t want to marry and all.”
“Can we get married here in Japan?”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. Not yet. Flying to another country to make it happen is no big problem though, just say the word.”
“Since when have you been a fan of formalities?” Suguru raises an eyebrow at him, “Don’t use me as an excuse to squander your fortune.”
“Come on! Think of it: when we get married, you’ll be officially under the Gojo clan. We’ll have two Special Grades in one family, the higher-ups would be so pissed!”
“You!” Suguru gives him a light kick underneath the table, “And here I thought you’re being serious. Turns out you just want to get under those old men’s nerves.”
“Of course, I’m serious! Just noting out the fact that there’s that bonus,” Satoru grins, wiggling his eyebrows, “What do you think?”
So many years have passed, it can be said that they’ve also developed in different aspects. But in simple moments like this, Suguru is reminded that though the two of them have grown together, many things never really change through the passing of time. Just like when Satoru once suggested the idea of going against Master Tengen and he readily agreed to it, this newer plan doesn’t seem less achievable. What’re a few higher-ups with the two strongest jujutsu sorcerers in Japan?
Finally, Suguru grins back, “Sounds like a great deal to me.”
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hi!! I saw matchups were open and 👀 I'm an ANFP (A for ambivert). Generally with friends, my personality adapts to them, but I'm talkative, energetic and pretty playful. I like to annoy them by doing petty things such as untie their shoelaces or pat their head. I'm 5'2" with long black hair and brown eyes. I love learning about everything, I'm an enthusiast for learning new things!! My most favourite thing to learn about is cultures/languages or anything in the arts department! 1/4
I'm in love with music. I love all types of it and it's my life, though pop is the genre I most appreciate. I also enjoy making my own music, and will make songs for my partner, possibly a whole album for our anniversary. I also love writing and creating stories. It's a big passion of mine. I recently took up drawing too, and I would love to draw a portrait of my partner, should they allow me to!! With my partners, I tend to be overly affectionate. I love giving them praises!! 2/4 I've been told I'm very good at flirting, so I would wholeheartedly flirt with them, even though my pickup lines are very cheesy and wholesome. I will snuggle with my partner pretty much constantly should they allow me and press kisses wherever I can. I love playing with my partner's hair and giving them the world. I'm a switch in terms of being more confident or more flustered. It goes either way. I don't usually get mad, and I'm not normally a jealous type either. 3/4 I do hate being restricted though. I have a lot of guy friends and girl friends. If I'm not allowed to hang with them, the relationship will not go well. I also don't like a partner who doesn't respect my decisions about my life or my dreams. I'm very laid back about dates or things. I don't care much about gifts or where we go, more the experience and fun we have. Thank you so much and I hope this was okay!! Love your work!! 💕4/4 Oh hecc I forgot some hobbies!! I'm a singer!! A mezzo-soprano and I love singing given the opportunity! I'm a coder that's forever interested artificial intelligence! I love the thought that I could create a thinking mind with just codes or wires. I'm a true neutral. I love food as well as cooking it too!! But I'm not greaaat at it. I'm also in love with JRPGs and anime! And kpop haha. However, I'm not necessarily revolving my life around it. I bite my nails and I hate it. Sorry and thank you!
💕 Hi! 💕
Thank you for sending in a request, and thank you for your kind words! I hope you like the result! 
So I decided to match you with Asmo! 
My other choice would have been Levi since anime, but I decided to stick with my first thought. Levi can be too jealous at times and he definitely wouldn’t do well in a big social circle but I’m sure you’d be best friends, or it’s up to you if that would turn into something else. Because besides that there wouldn’t be any conflicts and the two of you could be just yourselves.
Here is why: 
 I think he is also talkative, so the two of you would have some things to talk about at all times! 
I think it would be easy to annoy him but I’m sure he can prank you back if he wants to. I mean he lived with his brothers for centuries, for sure he has some ideas when it comes to pranking someone. 
He likes the fact that you like to learn, that makes you smart and thats so cute! 
The fact that you are ambivert probably means that he was the one who initiated conversation at first but you were very good at keeping that conversation about whatever was the topic, so you two connected early on. 
I think at some parties he met with people who studied something similar as you are interested in so because of that he might actually know a thing or two about your interests. Sure he is probably more into gossip or makeup or fashion but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen when a different topic comes up. 
He also likes pop music the most, so you would never have any conflict concerning this! You later mention that you sing a lot, so imagine having a duet with him!!!! I mean think about that!!! You could establish a band, juts the two of you! 
Or if you are not into that then he would be sure to show you off at karaoke bars! The whole club would be looking at you two! 
He would definitely serendae you if thats what you want, any time, on the spot!
I think his gosspis might influence some stories that you write. I mean us humans can’t even imagine all the things that go on in the devildom. 
Jokes aside he would absolutely NOT be shy about that, you could practice drawing and he would be flattered! 
Oh his love language is definitely affection so theres no conflict or conversation that needs to be held because of that! Imagine all the cuddles with him!
Asmo definitely loves himself and he definitely enjoys compliments so he would really appreciate that about you! Be prepared though because he is going to return the favor tenfolds more! 
He is definitely one of the better flirtes of the bunch so if you two are at it i’m not sure who would decide to stay in the room anyway
Especially early in the relationship he would cuddle you so so much, lay on top of you, snuggle you, etc! very affectionate couple! 
Oh I’m not sure if he likes it when someone touches his hair but if it’s you he might make an exclusion! 
It’s really handy that you are not jealous because I don’t think he will ever stop flirting even if he is in a relationship and some might consider that cheating. But it doesn’t matter because the two of you have a strong connection! He is definitely not going to be nearly as jealous as Mammon would be for example, so hopefully you’d have no conflicts. 
He is one of the more open-minded demons so he will definitely not restrict you in any way. Literally any way.
Oh it’s really nice that you have many friends, he is a social butterfly so he will feel just fine in your circle!
Maybe he would suggest merging his friends group with yours to have an extra big one where all of you have fun! Idk, think about that, its up to you
Anyways house parties are always loud and crwoded when the two of you are hosts. (imagine all the food you need to prepare beforehead....and all that cleanup afterwards...oh god i feel so bad is it really a good idea to match the two of you...)
I know you said you don’t care much about gifts but for sure thats his giving love language so expect many gifts just for you! Makeup, clothes, keychains, instruments, anything that reminds him of you!
I think he would respect you being a coder, I mean that means you could code some stuff for him too, right?? honestly he adores that you are so smart to do all these!
Don’t worry about food, I think you’d go out so much or have food delivered that your cookings skills might be unnecessary.
I think the fact that you are into animes would draw Levi in your circle and honestly Asmo would not really mind that. As I said he doesn’t mind your friends as long as you can give him attention too. He might join you two sometimes before going out or something. If you catch feelings for Levi along the way he doesn’t mind that either, I mean... he is the avatar of lust.... he knows how things work.
I mean in case Asmo hurts you or something I’m sure Levi would be the first person to be there and support you through it!
I headcanon that Asmo is into kpop. I mean idols are just perfect, just like him! you could definitely talk a lot about that! 
He cares so much about appearance he would definitely find a way to have your nails well-kept! 
So this is a very outgoing and energetic relationship, theres always something going on. But the two of you also trust the other and both of you are open-minded so hopefully there wouldn’t be many conflicts. He would absolutely infuelnce your appearance. He is also supportive and sensitive when it comes to you so you really feel special! Your hobbies differ a bit but hey, that is just a way to explore more of what life has to offer! 
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
*slams fists on table* MYSTELEON
I knew you wouldnt disappoint! :D  tho you already know most of these lmaoo  lotsa credit to @herbofoo anyway, i dont remember which of these you came up with but Patchwork wouldnt be the same without your Good Good Content! (And of course thanks for all your patience as i cry about comics lmao)
I’ve lost all shame long since ive started shipping them so brace yourself for the self-indulgent cheese that is Chameleon/Mysterio in my Patchwork verse. (its reallly. really Melodramatic. i gave up all pretense.. also under the cut cuz its long..)
ask meme
Who cooks:
Mysterio! Although Chameleon is objectively The Superior Cook thanks to the long years of being a servant to picky russian nobility BUT exactly because of that, he really doesnt enjoy it, even less when cooking for others and not just himself. So it is usually Beck who prepares meals (that are not bad either, they are just simpler) but as often as they can, they eat out. That said, Cham is very well aware Quentin loves his cooking so sometimes, he makes them something. (Being sick isnt so bad when it means Chammy bringin you a big bowl of hot borscht :)
On the other hand, Cham has quite a sweet tooth which Q notices Fast and decides to learn how to bake. It took more effort and failed tries than it could have, mostly because he got cocky, how hard could this be and just. kept forgetting he put stuff in the oven.. But now he makes quite delicious cookies n cakes which make Dmitri almost tear up because tasty + Quentin baked something Specifically for him?? 
Who does the laundry and other chores:
Mysterio’s laundry is usually booby trapped so he has to clean it himself and he doesnt even let Cham near it. And he keeps forgetting gadgets in his civvies. Not to mention that again, for the same servant reason, Cham really doesnt enjoy house chores in general, so he usually just gets his own clothes cleaned somewhere else (especially since his fancy suits and even fancier gowns are the highest quality and delicate materials, he doesnt even Know how to clean them..) 
As for the rest of the chores, its pretty balanced, although Cham has more of an eye for things that needs to be cleaned up (and Beck already has cooking duties) so he does a tad more. 
How many children do they have + Any pets:
In my Patchwork universe there’s a whole Thing about Leon, the Chameleon of the Ultimate universe but I’ve tried to type up a short summary and failed, it’s a long story lmao ^^;; and anyway he isnt exactly their kid, he is just much younger than them and they ended up sorta mentoring him. 
However, they have Celavi, the escaped ex-spy beluga.(Yes, it started as a joke based on this post that accidentally grew more and more serious until @herbofoo and me were too attached to let it go) She counts pretty much as their adopted daughter that they both spoil to hell and back, I mean no surprise, she saved Cham’s life once and sometimes, she helps out with heists. (Mostly for the show, you should have SEEN the look on Spider’s face when a beluga splashed him. He is used to humanoid sharks, to Hydroman.. not like. real life beluga that LAUGHS at him) Beck’s voice: “Dont you dare to insult her, SHE IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS and A GOODNESS INCARNATE!! -she is literally a deserted russian spy that was trained to gather everything that could be used to harm USA-yea, i have a soft spot for those ;)“
She was always surprisingly clever so she never really counted as a “pet” and at one point, she even bonds with a symbiote (together they are Vague, again long story ah ha). They dont talk but have quite some range of vocalisations so communication isnt a problem. 
Who’s more dominant: 
They both have pretty dominant strong personalities (ok chameleon’s a bit more complicated with that but like.) with big egos who dont like others questioning their superiority. (Of course not at the level of like Doc Ock etc, they are surprisingly flexible and good team players that can be willing to let someone else take the spotlight if they are Nice) But the whole point of their relationship is that neither of them is dominant over the other, they get enough of that literally everywhere else. It’s very reassuring to be so sure that they are on equal footing, cooperating, no hidden nooses around their neck. Especially in their line of work of course! 
(Also, for the other interpretation of this question: anythin remotely sexual happens Pretty Late in the story and both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum so it doesnt happen that often but they are both verses tho Beck bottoms more)
Favorite nonsexual activity:
MOVIES!! Sprawled on the giant comfy couch, closer than technically needed, cuddling and watching old movies with great special effects and/or great actors! Listening to Beck excitedly rant through the most dramatic speech of the story as he explains how the next cliffhanger is done with hydraulics! Focusing so hard on the stars in his eyes and his excited tone and gestures and just the tone of his voice you forgot to listen to the words themselves! Watching Cham’s face flawlessly mimic the faces on the screen in a blink of an eye and secretly guessing which one will he pick next. Feeling his head slowly fall on your shoulder, eyes closed, his mask smooth but not tense, instead just.. peaceful. Slight ping of annoyance, after all, this is A Classic movie dammit, but it’s gone in a second because Mitya hasnt slept since thursday and you are just relieved he is finally getting his rest. Feeling his warmth under your hand on his shoulders and suddenly never ever wanting to get up again.. EHM. anyway
PLANING HEISTS TOGETHER!! and more or less successfully executing them but planning is actually even more fun aside from the Big Reveals and Entrances which are actually harder to coordinate than one would think! 
Lots of shobiz/job talk actually, they really enjoy what they do! Lots of people already mentioned that in their hc compilations but i agree, they love goin to see all kinds of movies and plays and performances as well as acting various scenes with one another!  
Their favorite place to be together:
NEW YORK CITY BABEYY. Sure they love to travel and see other countries (and cause mayhem there) but.. they love their mess of a city, it’s never the same without the webhead around as well as the bazillion of other heroes n villains bashin each other’s heads. 
Any traditions:
Oh so many pop culture references and inside jokes, oh my god. One time, they spent the entire heist (and its planning period) speaking strictly in famous movie lines and titles, Max and other sixers tried to join but didnt last too long :’D 
Beck also has a habit of taking pictures of people with Interesting faces or styles he sees and sends them to Cham. Also another fanon classic: together they have a running game, disguising themselves as moderately famous people and the other guessing who..
Their “song”:
‘This is me’ from the Greatest Showman, i just live for the two of them singin it in Cham’s car,off key but fully immersed and living it. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Neither of them are religious but that doesnt stop Beck from going ALL OUT at any opportunity, Sin Six doesn’t do any heists around holidays because you Know he’d make them dress for the occasion or worse, write them themed lines…  They still meet for Christmas and Hanukkah and sometimes other holidays too because this is my AU and you can pry festivities-related shenanigans from my cold, cold hands. It’s always at Beck’s place tho because he can turn his hideout into the tackiest holiday-themed showcase but he aint roping them into it.  
On the other hand, Cham despises American commercialized holidays in general and Christmas time especially, since it’s not a big thing in Russia and  also once again, he has family issues for days. (Although relatively speaking, he is pretty over these, he is not gonna like mope around or anything) 
Anyway, what they do for each other is that they try to compromise, Dmitri doesnt sneer at stupid kitsch decorations every 5 minutes and Quentin ..chills a little. :’D To be fair, Beck makes everything fun and having Cham there makes Beck appreciate the details more instead of just goin into BETTER!BIGGER! frenzy.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
After the fuckin Ages of pinning, when they finally end up together for realsies, they wanted somethin Big and Flashy! (Well Beck wanted and Cham kinda too but also with the option to merge with the crowd unnoticed and take some chill time) Anyway they went on a whole world wide tour! Starting with a luxury cruise, they took their time, lots of crime sprees to plan and execute, lots of local shows to see, lots of dumb heroes to fool, they’re gonna have it all! 
Where did they first meet:
Around the time when Cham and Hammerhead had their criminal empire running Fisk to the ground, Otto decided the Sin Six should team up with them for their ressources needed on one heist or something. They agreed but Cham insisted on actually going in the field, it’s been a while since he really stretched his face legs like this and the mafia life was starting to bore him. Doc made him team up with Mysterio much to the fishbowl’s dismay because why do they need another disguise artist?? He is the Master Of Illusions dammit, he can run circles around this guy, what the fuck Otto?? So at the start, he pouts and fumes under his helmet and in general he is his v unpleasant self but… He can’t help but notice that the new guy is a real professional, he even uses Traditional masks, he likes the same movies… And most importantly, he is actually interested in Mysti’s craft, asking questions and even LISTENING to his long winded answers… At one point he even wondered if that X thing was meant as a HOMMAGE to the Y movie, the Six never did that!! (Usually the rest of the sixers dont know the reference, heathens, and when they do, they mock him for it, that he’s copying ideas and mixin them ridiculously.  BUT THIS GUY GETS IT!!) So it doesn’t take long for them to hit it off, of course at this point without any real Trust behind it but it’s a start. 
(Though Beck does pay a visit to Otto like, buddy pal i know you’ve been planning on manipulating these crimelords to your end somehow and honestly, any other day i’d be down, i actually had a robot prepared for my own backstab but i was thinking they werent that bad and maybe we Could hold our end of the bargain this time and just. leave each other on good terms? Mabye? Obviously it’s purely out of respect for our teammate Kraven since him and Chameleon seem to have some history, nothing more, definitely nothing to do with how bright Cham’s eyes were when i was showing him the back of my stage… ) 
What do they fight over:
this whole post has been a mountain of cheese but im bringing more! Honestly, goin through my notes on Patchwork, their biggest arguments have always been about.. the other one not taking proper care of himself :’D Or them lashing out because they were scared and worried about the other and they cant stand being so vulnerable while the other pretends it’s not a big deal because they dont know how to handle genuine concern directed at them. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
GIVE!!! BECK!!!! HIS!!!! ISLAND!!!!!!They actually do have one, it’s where Celavi spends most of the time and they visit her often. But never for too long, neither of them can actually spend too long doing nothing.. 
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homespork-review · 5 years
Homespork Act 1: The Note Dawdling Tension Plays (Part 2)
BRIGHT: The next bit of narration continues to establish John’s character: he has no idea what to call the red arm on the mailbox, and doesn’t care. We also learn that much like many teenagers, he doesn’t want to spend hours with his Dad. The author uses this opportunity to drop in a reference to the title.
The next page has a loading screen! I think this is the first interactive page in the comic. (For a certain value of interactive - you can mouseover the vertical lines of the games in the CD rack, and the cover of the game will pop up. Some of these link you to other works by Hussie.)
CHEL: Unfortunately, we then go into sylladex shenanigans AGAIN. Mercifully, this time it’s brief. We’ll let this one go, but I’ve got one eye on you, Huss.
TG messages John again, making reference to “TT”, who is confirmed female and alleged to be “mackin on” TG, and to his “bro” who “basically knows everything and is awesome”. How sincere he is in either of those remains to be seen. Finally, John actually gets told how to use his sylladex. Maybe the shenanigans will stop now… Anyway, he selects hammers for his strife specibus, or his weapon of choice, and the sylladex is confirmed able to hold things which would be too big to carry normally, such as Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery, a book roughly as big as John is. At least the stupid sylladex actually has some practical use - I’m sure John’s as happy as I am to know that!
Next we see the review which put TG off; GameBro magazine explains “Why the ‘Game of the Year’ or whatever isn’t as good as some other stuff I like that’s better”. As it turns out once you get past the Totally Radical verbiage, the reviewer didn’t even play it. Something suspect’s definitely going on if it’s so hyped up on so little information… erm, is it just me or is the term “Brotel Rwanda” rather tacky? I don’t know if that’s worth a point, the point of the joke could be that the game reviewer is an idiot…
FAILURE ARTIST: I’d have that squarely as a point.
CHEL: Okay, then, here’s our fourth count. Title is a reference to a line later in the comic, and I think the point of the count is pretty obvious. Mileage may vary, all works would get at least a couple points in this, and I don’t think it’s a big problem unless/until it starts to climb out of proportion. Not gonna use a WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM count because the reviewer, as seen in the pic, is supposed to be a white guy.
Regarding the rest of the review, I did consider whether this falls under the heading of HNTWAN’s “I, Youngster” (using slang or references from one’s own youth to write a contemporary younger person), but I’d say no, because it’s supposed to sound ridiculous. Same with John’s movies; his taste is supposed to be bad, I don’t think Hussie actually thinks kids in 2009 still all liked bad movies from before they were born. That, and Hussie’s word choices are frankly like nothing I’ve ever seen anywhere else in any time period.
We shall move on, as so is the comic. Forty-seven pages into the comic, the main character finally leaves his bedroom. Wow. Things are happening at breakneck speed here.
TIER: Truly the pace strides forward like a Colossus through Lilliput.
CHEL: Though the silly Groucho Marx disguise he puts on is cute.
BRIGHT: Of course, since it would be interesting to see what’s in the mailbox (or at least would move the plot along a bit), John spends the next few pages examining his home.
I’m torn about this. On the one hand, it does a bit more fleshing out of John and his home life, which is more interesting than endless sylladex shenanigans, and the narration is entertaining. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that on my first read through I clicked through all of it, trying to get to something happening. It holds up better on the re-read to me.
Well, something does happen, John knocks over the urn containing his grandmother’s ashes and opens a box from his father which holds a full-sized harlequin doll. Again, how much this appeals depends on what you think of ‘loveable dork’ characters fumbling around.
Then we return briefly to John’s bedroom, where we meet the third character of this webcomic, tentacleTherapist, or the alluded-to TT. The conversation isn’t very long, but it does give a good sense of what TT is like.
CHEL: Specifically, prone to sarcasm and sesquipedalian loquaciousness. Also to inappropriate jokes. An invocation of the hentai trope "tentacle rape" (read her handle quickly) is a fairly uncomfortable username for a child to have.
Anyway, it seems she knows John very well - she’s able to guess he’s wearing “one of your disguises” with no clue in his messages, so evidently he does this a lot. She’s probably the smartest character introduced so far, and she and John seem to have a good relationship.
Now, again, this was originally a reader-driven forum game, but when it was collated into a webcomic, it might have been better to have the conversation with TT moved to before John left the room, so we’re not going back and forth unnecessarily. One journey through the house is enough, I’d say. Another GET ON WITH IT point, or does this come under the heading of the second point still? I’ll be nice and not count it, since he was going back to fetch an item and not just randomly wandering.
We definitely get more points from the text in Colonel Sassacre’s joke book:
And what of that tawny gent who puts his lackadaisical lean near the sarsaparilla font? You’ll have that listless octoroon find the spring in his step just yet! CLOCKWORK PROBLEMATYKKS: 3 WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 2
The point of these lines is that the text is outdated and racist, not that it should be emulated, but the “outdated” point was more than got across by the language used already. And it would seem fairly weird for a person who wasn’t white to read a line like that and not comment on it - okay, maybe John’s read it before and is used to it, but the narrator ought to point that out if it had ever bothered him.
FAILURE ARTIST: Colonel Sassacre is basically Mark Twain with a party hat photoshopped on to him. Mark Twain’s most famous work, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, has gotten into trouble in recent years because of the name of one of the characters: [N-word] Jim. The novel is progressive for its time but it hasn’t aged well. I’m guessing Colonel Sassacre’s unnecessary racism is a nod to that controversy.
CHEL: Get used to Photoshopped depictions of real people, too.
BRIGHT: John ventures out into the house again, ostensibly to retrieve the game but really to stick his fake arms to the harlequin doll and nose around his father’s study. Should the comment about the peanut allergy count towards ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY? In context with the can of peanuts I think there’s meant to be a joke here…
There is also a CAN OF PEANUTS on the desk. Ha ha, oh DAD. You won't be falling for THAT one again any time soon. A severe peanut allergy is a terrible affliction to cope with.
CHEL: That line? Yeah, it's a reference to the snake nut can prank item - have you seen those on cartoons, where someone offers canned snacks and a spring-loaded toy snake pops out? A dark joke, sure, but my sense of humour tends to run that way and I loled. CLOCKWORK PROBLEMATYKKS instead, possibly? I don’t know if people with life-threatening allergies would be offended by this - the joke isn’t that they’re weak or stupid or anything, the joke is the play on the reader’s expectations. I wouldn’t mind it if I had a peanut allergy, but as I said, my sense of humour is pretty dark.
FAILURE ARTIST: I feel like if a certain other parent we meet later did that people would take it as abusive.
CHEL: My assumption was that John’s dad didn’t actually mean to give him food that would kill him, that was just an unfortunate way of finding out he was allergic, but in this comic, who the fuck knows?... Come to think of it, maybe he did mean to. Peanut allergies run in families and it’s established much later on that one of the relatives involved (it gets complicated) also has a deadly peanut allergy, so it would seem logical that Dad would also have one and thus wouldn’t have them around to eat himself. Even if he did, that’s a bad move with an allergic person in the house. Maybe it is worth an ARE YOU TRYING point, then? Maybe this is just overanalysing, but then overanalysing is the whole point of this exercise, so there it goes!
For clarification of the listed counts, this isn’t going under CALL CPA PLEASE because that one’s for when the kids do something disturbing themselves. We’ll show you what we mean when it comes up. We'll be nice and let Rose have an inappropriate username, that's not out of the ordinary for kids that age.
And speaking of said points, what about Dad giving John at least four birthday cakes? (He has two untouched ones in his room at the point he says he’s been eating cake all day, and Dad soon tries to give him yet another one.) That sounds cool from a thirteen-year-old’s point of view, but it kinda comes across as if Dad’s trying to feed him to death, and intentionally making kids horribly unhealthy can be a form of abuse. Or possibly to make up for something awful he knows about… Is the latter further evidence for the “guardians know about what’s coming” theory? Dad’s coddling John because he knows horrible things are going to happen? Hell, were the peanuts an attempted mercy kill, if we wanna get really tinfoil hat about it?
All that’s for later, though. Meantime, we get our first page with sound, as John plays “Showtime”, a nifty little piano tune.
"Homestuck // Showtime (Piano Refrain) // Piano" (Watch on YouTube)
The other kids get their own individual little musical parts too, later on, which merge to form one full piece.
FAILURE ARTIST: Music is a big draw in Homestuck. Not just these four main characters but pretty much every character has their own leitmotif.
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gwennhadu-bug · 5 years
Bon Route (part...3ish?)
@alyanette-april 4: Travel
Remember that Alyanette college road trip AU I have in the freezer? I pulled out a chunk of it again! This doesn’t directly follow the first posted installment, but it makes for good, long, dialogue and plotless reading on its own. And honestly, you can start to see why I keep this in the freezer, but how could I not post it for the theme of “travel”...??
“Road trip!” Marinette chirped , following Alya’s rough tug out to their waiting van.
The T&S Boulangerie van was an old white Renault van with their logo emblazoned on the side. Tom had splurged for an automatic van, deciding that it would be less likely to jostle any catered goods on the inside. Alya and Marinette had filled the back with the materials for Rome, of course, as well as their own suitcases. The front seats were ready for a long trip with a blanket and pillow for the passenger, bin of snacks, and plenty of music. Alya had done her research and was as ready for this as she figured she could be.
Marinette’s parents had flown out the night before and it wasn’t hard for their daughter to sneak home, explain the secret plan to their cover shift manager, get the van, and drive it to Alya and Marinette’s apartment early that morning. They still had a few fresh croissants aromatizing the van when the two girls left Adrien and Nino’s place. Marinette jumped into the driver’s seat and Alya buckled in next to her. “Alright, Mari. Recapping our plan… Day one, we’re driving to Chloe’s in Geneva. It’s about a 6 hour drive, but since we need to stop every 2 hours for safety, we’re stopping in...Auxerre, and Saint-Albain. So accounting for the time it takes to stop, we’ll probably be there around...15 or 16 o’clock. An entire evening with Chloé, like you wanted.” She rolled her eyes and added, “For some reason.”
Marinette started the van and didn’t immediately reply. She drove down the street, rolling over the old stone roads and into the busy traffic. With expert confidence, Marinette weaved in and out of the slow or stopped cars, through the old, small side streets. “We owe it to her. She moved away two years ago, Geneva’s only 3 hours by train, and no one but Adrien has visited her once!”
“Because we’re broke university students and she’s a salope,” Alya responded. “This is your right turn.” Marinette turned on to Boulevard Saint-Germain with a pleased sigh. This was a main road, not a side-street, and the van wasn’t as terrifyingly large here. “Take Pont de Sully, then we’re taking a sharp right to Quai Henri IV.”
“She’s not a salope. She’s gotten so much better. She got so much better through all of lycée, you know that!”
“She just learned how to use underhanded compliments instead of outright insults. And don’t you remember all that shit she pulled in lycée? Especially when you first got together with Adrien? No, she was still a salope then.” The car loudly rolled over Pont de Sully and Alya took the opportunity to look out at the Seine. Early morning light reflected over the river, lighting up their city that she wouldn’t see for almost two weeks. Marinette took her sharp right onto the next street. “Okay, we just follow this road until the A4 ramp towards Orly Airport and merge onto Périphérique.”
“Got it,” Marinette answered. Their road took them parallel along the Seine and with early morning Paris traffic, they had plenty of time to admire the city and chew on breakfast. Cars impatiently honked, like they always did on this road, so Marinette dutifully ignored her fellow Parisians’ complaints. “She wasn’t ever nice, I’ll agree. But Alya, you saw her at her worst; before you moved in, she was a pretty sweet girl in Primary school. She just got worse as we got older and closer to college. Maybe that’s why I actually believe she’s improved...I know what she used to be.”
“You sound like Adrien,” Alya complained.
“Is that a bad thing?”
Maybe not to Marinette it wasn’t. Maybe not to the girl who still loved him madly and deeply despite her claims otherwise. Alya sighed, not wanting to answer that. But their conversation didn’t feel finished. “When it comes to Chloé, I think it’s bad. He coddles her too much.”
“Adrien has never once coddled Chloé! He is always trying to make her a better person.”
“Marinette, Chloé has spent the majority of every year since I’ve met her trying to make my very best friend, which is YOU, by the way, miserable. I won’t apologize for not trusting her.” She turned away from Marinette, looking out her own window at the city instead. Eventually, she spoke up again. “Here’s your exit. Okay, follow this for 2 kilometers, then take the A6B exit.”
Marinette seemed a little visibly stressed at this point. She had told Alya many times as they prepared that she had never driven outside of Paris...beyond quick catering errands for her parents within tight, slow-speed city driving, Marinette didn’t drive much at all. But neither of them wanted Alya as the first driver at 7 am in an unfamiliar vehicle. Picking up on that, Alya kept quiet except for instructions. “Keep going here….yes, just keep on A6B. 8 kilometers here.”
“Eight kilometers?”
“That’s a while…” Marinette agreed, her voice cautious. She seemed distracted by all the graffitti to the point that Marinette chirped in surprise when the van zoomed into a tunnel. But soon enough they were back in a small, one-lane road, speeding through the suburbs of Paris. Buildings were suddenly newer, smaller, and farther apart. Trees began to appear.  “Okay, I think I’ve got this,” she finally said, a little more confident.
“Good, because our next exit is coming up in about a kilometer. Just stay to the left- follow the signs towards Lyon.”
Marinette leaned forward to read their approaching exit sign more clearly. “A6?”
“That’s it!” Alya looked back at Marinette and smiled, seeing her friend with a proud smile on her face.
“This is officially the farthest I’ve ever driven,” Marinette announced.
“Then I need to document this,” Alya said. She opened up her camera and panned the outside ‘scenery’ of graffitied highway walls and scrubby brushes. “We have just left Paris and are about to get onto highway A6. Marinette just announced...mind saying it again, Mari?”
“This is officially the farthest from Paris that I’ve ever driven!” Marinette turned to Alya and grinned, then dramatically flipped her blinker to the left and veered towards their exit.
“That’s amazing! But it was only thirty minutes!”
Marinette laughed. “I didn’t say the longest. I said the farthest.”
Alya grinned at Marinette’s wide smile. “Well, buckle up sugar, because our next turn isn’t for another 158 kilometers. Road trip!”
“Road trip!” Marinette screamed out. She laughed in delight. Next to her, Alya closed the recorder app. She could get more footage later on. “What about you, Alya? What’s the farthest you’ve ever driven?”
“Rouen. Two hours away, just past Giverny, with Alix. But I’ve gone on a lot of road trips with my family before I was 18. My longest was...When I was Ella and Etta’s age, my family took us from Rennes to Provence. God, they were both babies at the time. Do not drive twelve hours with toddlers, Marinette.” Alya’s eyes were wide and she shook her head. “I don’t remember much about that trip, but I remember that. Nora and I were basically babysitting the whole drive. Well, she was. I probably just complained about it.”
“So the real lesson is don’t take toddlers and you on a twelve hour road trip,”
“Excuse me,” Alya laughed, “I was ten! Give me a break, young lady!”
“Are you sure you won’t be complaining the entire time on our road trip?” Marinette teased, raising an eyebrow.
Alya couldn’t hold back her smile. “I’m sure,” she answered. “You are much better company than twin toddlers, Mari,” Alya added, reaching out to rub Marinette’s forearm.
Marinette’s smile in reply was wide and comfortable. “That’s not a very high bar, but I’ll take the compliment anyway. We don’t go on vacation very often. Maman and Papa hate leaving the boulangerie...I can only imagine how much Mami had to fight them to leave for this week,” Marinette said with a heavy shake of her head. “When we would go places, it was by train or plane. To visit family, usually...Flew to China, took a train to Central-Pays...I’ve been to Italy once before; it’s a lot faster by train. But this way we have all our stuff.” She turned to look at Alya for a moment. “And I have you!” Marinette added in a squeaky voice of delight before looking back at the road.
“You could go on a train with me too, Marinette,” Alya laughed.
“Sure, but this is much more cinematic. We get to look at all the scenery!” The two of them were still on the edges of the Paris Metropolitan area, passing signs for communes like Evry. “Like Disneyland!” Marinette explained, waving her hand at the brightly colored exit signs that they promptly drove right past. “Have you been to Disneyland?!”
“Of course I have; I’m not an animal,” Alya scoffed. “It’s been a second, though.”
“We should go together some time!”
Alya smiled, looking out at the Disneyland signs. She could imagine Marinette skipping and singing along to the music in Disneyland, wearing mouse ears, holding her hand, watching fireworks with Alya…”We should,” Alya agreed, feeling like she was digging her own grave with every romantic fantasy.
“But that one we’ll take the train for. After all, we’re not animals,” Marinette laughed.
“This isn’t exactly scenery, by the way,” Alya told Marinette with a giggle. “It’s ugly stores and graffitti and crummy houses.”
“It’s different than Paris,” Marinette defended. “Look! There’s...nature and stuff out that window!”
“Nature and stuff?” Alya repeated with a laugh. “Oh, my god, Girl. You know we’re going to be driving to the literal Alps today, right?”
“Exactly!” Marinette replied, hopping up and down in her chair. “Nature and stuff!”
“We’re not at at the alps yet. We’re just getting into the rural part.” Alya looked over at Marinette with a gentle, loving smile. “This part is going to be boring.”
“Please, Alya. It won’t be boring. You’re in the car.”
Alya felt her throat tighten and Marinette looked straight ahead. “I should record more for montage-ing.” She pulled out her phone, recording the fields and farms that they now drove through in silence. “Let’s, uh...put on some music,” Alya decided. She had made a playlist for their road trip, but suddenly got a wicked idea. “I know exactly what to listen to until we get to Auxerre.” She opened up her music app, flipping past the dozens of playlists Nino had made for her or sent her, finally deciding to use the search function again. “Weeee are going to listen to Clara Nightingale’s Miraculous album.”
“Yes!” Marinette gasped in amazement. “Oh, god, I don’t think I’ve listened to that since college!”
“Marinette, I live with you. That is a bald-faced lie. You mean no one else has listened to that since college.”
“It’s not like I know the words anymore, though. It’s such a- YES!!!!”
Alya laughed in delight. The moment the first note of the first song trilled out in peppy, poppy major key, Marinette was singing along to the instrumentals and drumming on the steering wheel. And that adorable liar knew every word.
The two girls sang along to the pop anthems of their teenage years, crooning our to one another dramatically, drumming the dashboard and steering wheel, even rolling the windows down to sing at passing cars. At least until they passed pastures of cows: the windows rolled up real fast right then.
When the titular song, “Miraculous”, played, Alya screamed in delight. “Marinette! It’s your song!”
“Oh, god,” Marinette laughed. “That was an insane day. I’m glad it just ended up being Everyone's song.”
“Don’t lie, Mari. You would have loved to have a song with Adrien back then. The Ladybug to his Chat Noir,” Alya fluttered her eyelashes, adding, “they did get together, after all. For a little bit.”
Marinette squinted as she drove forward. “Was that ever really official though? I mean, you never reported on it.”
Right, because Ladybug and Chat Noir had both specifically asked Alya not to. “Do you mean the relationship or the breakup? Because they were caught kissing like, a lot.”
“People kiss!” Marinette sputtered.
“I don’t know many people who kiss their friends like that,” Alya laughed. If she kissed her friends like that, Marinette would absolutely know. “And That DID end up on the Ladyblog. I know because you nearly had a conniption.”
“I just want to make sure you’re reporting factual, hard-hitting news! Not… gossip!”
“Yeah, I know, we had this exact argument two and a half years ago,” Alya laughed. “There’s nothing there for me to report on anymore. Hardly anyone sees the Miraculous heroes out together.”
Marinette was quiet for a moment, letting Clara Nightingale sing her sad song and fill the car with music. Then she said, “would you report on it? If some of them got together? Romantically?”
“I’d secure an exclusive interview and do it that way.” For some reason, Alya’s answer amused Marinette. “That’s what I always try and do,” she continued. “The Ladyblog functions the way it does because the Heroes trust me, so I need to keep that trust. It’s more important to maintain a trusting, professional relationship than to run a gossip piece.”
“That’s very mature of you, Alya.”
“It’s cause I’m a fuckin adult now,” she said, putting her feet up on the dashboard and grinning wildly at Marinette. “Adults are mature and shit.”
“You’re usually more of the ‘and shit’,” Marinette giggled.
“Hey! Pétasse!” Alya yelled, throwing a crumpled croissant napkin at her best friend.
Marinette squealed in giggles. The song continued in the background and Marinette exclaimed, “This is your part!”
On cue, Alya performed the tiny segment of the dance where she had been filmed...at least the part that involved her arms. “It was pretty cool. But I still think you would have been amazing as Ladybug.”
Marinette blinked in surprise. “Really? You weren’t just saying that?”
“No, girl. You totally have the Ladybug spirit and look down.”
“That’s high praise, coming from you...wasn’t she your celebrity crush?”
“Putain, she still is!” Alya laughed easily. She wasn’t dumb; she knew she was just as likely to land someone like Ladybug as she was to land a straight girl like Marinette. Even if Ladybug saw her as Rena fairly often...that was too big of a fish to try and catch for real. Ladybug wasn’t exactly the warm and cozy, ‘talk about our feelings’ type and still demanded no one tell each other their identities. It was largely why she didn’t let her feelings for Ladybug deepen. But that didn’t mean her attraction hadn’t. “Have you seen her new outfit? And the way she’s grown into it?” Alya whistled low.
She looked over at Marinette and saw her friend’s face was quickly turning scarlet...probably embarrassed by Alya’s gay talk. So she upped the ante, staring right at Marinette. “I mean, damn. She looks mature now, not an innocent little girl. Someone who can consent and downright control. Those little black spanx she got now? Over that ass?” Marinette turned even redder. Alya grinned. “And her fucking legs. Ladybug is strong as hell, but her legs...she redefines thick. She could crush a watermelon between those thighs. And let me tell you, I would love to be that watermelon crushed betwee-”
“Look, our exit sign!” Marinette squeaked, her voice several octaves higher than it normally was.
Alya grinned, pleased that she won their unofficial game of chicken. “Coq a l’ane,” she muttered at the abrupt subject change, smiling as she noticed the sign for Auxerre. She turned her recording back on and pointed it out the window. “Take a look at that! We’re only 5 kilometers from the exit to Auxerre! It’s 9:30 am, and we are making great time. What do you have to say, Marinette?”
Marinette grinned at the camera, her face slowly returning to its normal coloration. “I am ready to get up and stretch; that’s what I have to say!”
“And see the town?”
“Yes, and see the town. It’s supposed to be very pretty, right?”
“Sure is!” She could have kept filming Marinette- god knows she was prettier than the scrubby brush and trees around them. But she turned the camera frontwards anyway, hoping to catch more of the signs as they went. The music played on in the background, Alya and Marinette singing along again as Marinette took the exits into town.
Past a round-a-bout, trees hung over the street (Marinette squealed in delight) and the scenery quickly changed to include more buildings of varying ages. Alya recorded the sights of the town as they drove through, as well as a few shots of her very excited friend. She took a third exit at a roundabout, following the road until they drove next to the Yonne river. Marinette looked from the river to the other side and gasped. “Marinette, the car! You took your foot off the gas. There are people behind us...the car!”
“Oh...oh, shit. Right!” She gassed the car again and quickly found a parking place, then bounded out of her seat before Alya could even narrate what was going on. Marinette bounced up and down.
“She is so cute,” Alya laughed. She got out of her own seat and took a nice, slow pan of where they were. On one side of the girls, the beautiful, narrow Yonne river glittered with boats moored along the edges. Across the river were charming white houses with red-brick roofs and trees, trees, and trees as the horizon line. Blue skies and puffy clouds soared overhead, not tall buildings or intimidating history. On the other side though, it was a sight to behold. The buildings stood side-by-side, only visibly unique from one another by their white stone French coin corners. They were all topped in gorgeous tudor woods of bright colors- reds, yellows, and browns. A cathedral towered just above that view. Gothic, like the cathedral the girls grew up with, but so unfamiliar and so unique and so, so much larger and more impressive in this relatively small town. “And this is Auxerre! What a pretty medieval town!” Alya narrated.
Just on time, Marinette came bounding back into the camera’s view. “Auxerre!” she cheered. “Look at the cathedral! And the river! And the tiny, tiny buildings! Let’s explore, Alya! How do we park?”
“Marinette, we already parked.”
“No, I mean...where do we register to park here?”
Alya giggled. “Mari, we don’t. It’s free. We just leave the car and walk.”
“Oh. That seems...wrong.”
“Welcome to literally anywhere but Paris!”
“Okay, then. Let’s go!” Marinette rushed forward and grabbed Alya’s hand, pulling her towards the bridge over the Yonne river. She was giggling the entire time as if this poor girl hadn’t gotten out of the city for years.
Once Marinette pulled Alya to the center of the bridge, they both turned to face the city and gasped. Alya put up her phone, recording the view. Just across the river and reflected into it stood a wall of two-story medieval buildings. Stone, tudor, and charming. The cathedral and nearby clocktower stood above them, providing a beautiful postcard view...and one that could fit on said postcard. Yes, the city sprawled to the sides, but not in any overwhelming fashion. It was all Right There.
Alya dictated to her camera a little bit of information about Auxerre, then turned to film Marinette. But her friend was sitting cross-legged on the bridge, sketchbook in hand and tongue partially out of her mouth as she sketched the skyline. She smiled softly and turned off the video. It might be awhile.
Alya sat herself down next to Marinette and looked over at the city across the Yonne. It wasn’t a small city by any means; one of the largest in the area. But compared to their home, it was a hamlet. And Marinette was truly inspired. Alya loved to watch Marinette work. Their work ethic had always been one of their earliest connections; few other girls in college would spend hours working on their professional dreams. And as they got older, Marinette was the good influence Alya needed and vice-versa. Even now on vacation, Marinette couldn’t stop her mind from creating and taking inspiration.
They sat together as dozens of people crossed the bridge around them for almost twenty minutes; Marinette drawing under the morning sun, Alya watching the city, the water, and reviewing her videos so far. Finally, Marinette sighed in satisfaction and shut her sketchbook. “Let’s keep exploring.”
“Excellent. And we’re not leaving here without buying a good Burgundy wine!” Alya stood up and offered a hand to help up her friend.
“Fine with me, Alya!” Marinette cheered. “To the clocktower?”
“Absolutely. It’s calling to you, isn’t it?”
Marinette turned to Alya and smiled the way she did when she was in love with an idea. “I’ve not seen anything like it before. I can’t wait to meet it!” She squeezed Alya’s hand and turned to the city, tugging her friend along.
They wove in between people, down alleys, past old shutters and painted doors, around cafes, and up to the clocktower. Alya filmed the entire time, recording all the details of their exploration and the girls’ comments on the old town. She filmed the clock tower, then eventually their visit to the cathedral, Marinette’s scathing commentary on the outside of one of the local boulangeries (as well as her apology after seeing the interior and buying a baguette), their experience buying some fresh, local Morbier cheese and sliced meat, and finally handed the camera over to Marinette so Alya could pick out the Burgundy wine.
Exploring Auxerre, Alya felt like she and Marinette were free for the first time in a long time. They had no home to take care of, no careful relationships to dance around, no schoolwork to feel guilty over. And everything was new. Every building they saw, it was the first time for both girls, and every shared experience was taken while hand-in-hand. It ended up being nearly two hours later before the girls finally realized they ought to eat their lunch and get back on the road. Still, they meandered their way back to the van, pointing out tiny details in the city and the old stones beneath them.
Having parked near a patch of grass, they did not have to go far to eat their picnic lunch. Marinette carried the fresh purchases over to the grassy knoll while Alya rummaged in the back for their cooler.
Trixx poked her head out, taking a look at their new city while finally away from Marinette. “Wow, pretty place! Did you like it here, Alya?”
“You know, I did. Marinette got a real kick out of how trusting all the citizens are. She fits right in with that part...And the streets are really fun to explore.”
“Didja get me ice cream?”
“No, not this time,” Alya laughed. She bent over and picked up their cooler and shut the van back doors. Turning back around, she could see Marinette fussing with their fresh food and talking to herself. “Let me get you some cream before we go over, though.” She kept her eyes on Marinette as Aya bent into the cooler, pulled out a small pop-top jug of cream fraiche, and handed it to her hungry kwami. Trixx took it in both hands, knocking the drink back as she floated in the air as guzzled. Soon enough, she handed the remaining half back to Alya with only a semi-satisfied pout.
“It’s not ice cream.”
“I told you it wasn’t! Just...trick yourself.”
“I can’t trick myself, Rena. It doesn’t work like that. Pah. You’ll just have to make it up to me with some really great ice cream in your next stop.”
“Hey! You don’t even get ice cream every day in Paris. Don’t get greedy, ya little punk!” She took a single finger and pushed Trixx back into her shirt, making Trixx giggle in fake protest. Then, Alya looked back up at Marinette. She had finished laying out their fresh food, only waiting on the fruit, butter, cutlery, cookies, and drinks in Alya’s cooler. Marinette’s back was turned to Alya, the sun directly overhead, as she looked at the shimmering river.
Alya carried over the cooler quietly, not wanting to disturb Marinette. But still, when she was closer, Marinette looked over her shoulder, readjusting her cascading raven hair, and smiled softly at Alya. “This was a great place to stop,” Marinette cooed. She patted the grass next to her.
And Alya absolutely did not want to continue her vlog. She wanted a moment alone with Marinette, to enjoy their picnic, their quiet moment away from the town and all the Auxerre people who had been so kind. But regardless, she pulled out her camera, recording with great animation all the fresh Burgundy region delicacies they bought for their sandwiches. At Marinette’s absolute insistence, the wine remained corked, since they planned to drive.
Lunch consumed half their baguette, most of their Morbier, all of their meat, and only about fifteen minutes of their time. And then they packed all their leftovers into the cooler and headed back to the van.
“I’ll take the next leg,” Alya promised. She filmed their approach to the van but nearly dropped the camera when Marinette tossed her the keys. “Auxerre to….Saint Albain, two hours away. It’s 12:30 now, so if all goes well, we should pull in about 2:30.”
“Wait, we need gas,” Marinette corrected, “so don’t pull onto the highway just yet.”
Alya handed her the camera. “We’re supposed to film the road trip side to this all, so make sure you get as many hilarious shots of me as possible.” And so, the start of the second leg began with Alya lurching forward in the van and pulling through a local gas station.
Marinette dutifully recorded the monotony of Alya putting the nozzle of gas in the van, also catching her amused smile when she saw the camera turned on her. “You’re recording this, Mari?”
“It’s a crucial part of the road trip experience! It isn’t all Clara Nightingale sing alongs and climbing clocktowers,” Marinette explained.
Alya smiled and leaned against the car. “I guess you’re right. I’m not sure if I should be proud you’ve learned to be so thorough in recording from me, or a little embarrassed.”
“You should be proud! I couldn’t have a better teacher,” Marinette gushed. Alya looked down, hoping to hide her blush. Enough Buzzfeed watchers were already shipping Alya and Marinette and she didn’t want to give them any more ammo.
That was a lie. Alya was captain of that fan club and absolutely hoped this trip included as many moments between them as possible. But still. It carried a little weight of embarrassment back at the office.
“So you learn to record everything in your life from me and I learn to be a little more coordinated in my outfits from you. That seems symbiotic,” Alya decided aloud.
“And you’re lucky you have me, Alya. You do well dressing for yourself sometimes, but the level of sophistication…?”
“Is this a crack at my flannel plaid?” Alya asked, putting a saucy hand on her hip.
Marinette laughed. “It absolutely is! You look like a Canadian lumberjack!”
Alya shook her head. “You will pry my flannel out of my cold dead hands. It’s my mating display for fellow gays!”
“Oh, please. You don’t need to dress a certain way to attract girls,” Marinette disagreed.
The gas clanked with completion. Scoffing at Marinette, Alya unplugged the nozzle and hung it back up. “Like you know squat about that. I’m actually queer and need all the help I can get.”
“I just think you can get a girlfriend in any outfit, Alya,” Marinette explained, fussing with Alya’s collar with one hand, holding the camera loosely with the other. She returned to behind the camera, leaving her best friend breathless. Marinette returned to the passenger seat, camera still in hand, giving Alya just enough time to compose herself and return to the driver’s seat.
They pulled away from the gas pump and to the pay station, Alya rolling down her window as the young man gave them their price. He leaned a little farther out, looking at their van. As Alya fiddled around for the card with Mami Dupain’s stipend on it, he said, “So, you ladies are from Paris? Where are you two taking this big van?”
“Rome,” Alya replied, handing the attendant their credit card.
“Rome! Ahh, what do they say there? Belladonna. You’ll fit right in, my belladonna.” He ram the card and winked at Alya. She forced a smile and heard Marinette giggling behind her.
As she accepted the card back, she said, “Yes, I hear the eligible crowd is much more on our level there in Rome than you find in gas stations.”
“Uh...well, bonne route,” the attendant said, clearly a little shaken at Alya’s clap back.
Marinette was giggling even harder. But still, both girls chorused ‘thank you’ and the van eased back onto the main road, headed for the highway. “That poor boy did not know what he was doing when he hit on you. La pauvre! But he totally proved my point, before you killer him,” Marinette laughed, “you’re hot stuff! You can get it!”
“And that’s why I need the plaid!” Alya fired back. “I don’t want dudes like that to hit on me. I want girls to hit on me! I can get guys all I want. But a gay shirt says ‘you’re barking up the wrong tree’ and I like that.”
“Then why not something else, like...like an American undercut?”
Alya looked over at Marinette questioningly, then back to the road. They were approaching a roundabout with their exit towards the autoroute clearly marked, fields visible after their exit. “You think I could pull that off?”
“Well, I would never tell you to cut your hair, Alya. You have the most beautiful hair of anyone I know. Color, texture, softness...don’t cut it,” Marinette gushed. “But you could make any hair style look amazing.” Out of the corner of her eye, Alya could see Marinette panning the camera to show off her hair. “Now flip it, like a shampoo commercial.”
“Girl, you don’t need to ask twice.” Alya tossed her hair; the bounce was restricted by her headrest, but it made Marinette giggle, and that was more important than any video clip.
“What about me? Do you think I could pull off an undercut?”
Alya imagined it in her mind's eye. And as Marinette appeared before her with short hair, pushed to one side with that gorgeous fringe, the other side shaved, looking every centimeter as someone who wasn’t straight and every centimeter hot as hell, her throat tightened and legs squeezed together. Alya cleared her throat as casually as possible. “Yes. Yes, you could absolutely pull it off. You should. You should get one.”
“A few kids in my major have fun haircuts like that. I’ve had this length for years...maybe I should do something dramatic.”
“Yes. It will be amazing. Yes, girl, do it.”
Marinette sounded newly confident and she replied happily, “maybe I will!”
“Just be prepared to have to crawl through suitors because damn, you will look hot.”
“That’s the idea of a haircut, right? Attracting people?”
Alya laughed thickly. “Babe, you have never had a problem being attractive. You are the prettiest girl I know.”
“You’re my best friend. Unfair and biased.”
“Nuh-uh, girl. Gay’s honor; I’m saying that as someone very sexually attracted to the female gender. You are attractive as hell.”
Marinette flushed pink and Alya wished she wasn’t in the driver’s seat. She loved to watch how her face changed with a pleasant blush. “Well, Thanks, Alya.”  She fiddled with the camera and Alya knew she’d have to edit that part out. The car was silent for a moment, neither girl exactly knowing how to follow that kind of remark. Usually when Alya said something like that, there was more than fields and empty sky around them. Here, all they had was the toll booth.
They pulled into the toll booth kiosk and Alya grabbed their ticket, ready to be punched when they got off the highway eventually. Taking the opportunity, Alya changed the subject. “Alright, back on the road for another two hours!” Alya cheered.
Marinette looked up from the map and shut the app. “Yep, and we just stay on A6 until we get to Saint Albain. No exits, even. Just….lots and lots of fields.”
“Aw, not all fields. There are some forests.” Alya grinned impishly.
Marinette didn’t reply, but shut off the camera and pulled out her sketchbook. She flipped a few pages and said conversationally, “I liked Auxerre. That was a cute little city.”
“Yeah, it was,” Alya agreed. “It reminded me of the small towns around Rennes.”
Marinette gasped lightly in recognition. “Oh, I bet it did. They’re both very medieval. The tudor, the small streets…” she flipped past her Auxerre drawings and to a new page. “I think I could live in a city that size.”
“Yeah? Wow, I can’t imagine you anywhere but Paris,” Alya admitted, eyes forward.
“I usually can’t either. Paris is my home. It’s my inspiration, it’s who I am, and it’s what I do. But sometimes those rent prices...you know? I wonder how much more comfortable it would be to live in a smaller town where you get to know more of it. Mainly with less tourists.”
“I thought you loved tourists! You’re like the only Parisian I know who doesn’t get mad at them!”
Marinette shrugged. “Everyone in Paris, almost everyone, is there because they love it. We have that in common, so...I can excuse some bad manners. I mean, most of those manners are just people not understanding our culture. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like having more people who know what they’re doing. But they still deserve to experience the city I love!”
Alya sighed. Was it even possible for Marinette to be so loving? So kind? To absolutely everyone?? “Damn. You are something else, girl. You are incredible. If you do leave Paris for a place like Auxerre, the entire city’s level of kindness is going to sink like a rock. Murder will sky rocket! People will fight in the street for no reason! Ladybug and crew will have to work overtime and the Fashion Headquarters of the world will move from Paris to whatever buttfuck city you’re in.”
Marinette giggled, hiding briefly behind her sketchbook. She opened a blank page and started sketching. “I don’t know if I’d ever really move, though. Especially since it really is Fashion Headquarters and no matter what you say, that isn’t changing. But traveling more like this would be nice. Would you ever move?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. My career isn’t tied to Paris or any city; it’s actually best if I get a wide variety of experiences for my writing. I’ve lived in Paris way longer than any other city, so it’s weird to imagine leaving. And I don’t think I could leave you. Or our other friends.” It was really just Marinette. No part of Alya could imagine living without Marinette. She didn’t even want to return to a world without her as a roommate...she wanted to spend the rest of her life bumping sleepy elbows as they brushed teeth, taking turns doing dishes and making dinner, and cuddling much too close on the couch for movie nights.
Fuck, she probably should move out of Paris one day.
“Where would you move?”
“New York City would be fun! Or Los Angeles!” Alya answered automatically. They had played this game before. But life as university students gave the girls different perspectives than they had in lycée and collège. “But definitely a bigger city if I can afford it. Although I can see the appeal of a smaller town, depending on who is with me.”
“Who is with you?”
“You know, if I get in a serious relationship.”
“What do you mean ‘if’? Gas station man and I both just proved you are totally going to find love.” Marinette leaned into Alya’s space, grinning as she crooned in a low, sexy voice, “Belladonna, Belladooooonnaaaaa,” And it was absolutely unfair that her breath on Alya’s cheek and that low voice could make Alya squirm and make her foot push down just a little bit more on the accelerator, but what part of life was ever fair?
“Weirdo,” Alya said, trying to laugh it off as she put her entire hand on Marinette’s face and pushed her away. Her favorite tinkling giggle replied. “I’m just saying, you’re my most stable, longest relationship and that isn’t exactly what I meant.”
“At least you have dated. You were with Victoria for awhile...seven months, wasn’t it?”
Ahh, yes. Victoria. The third Marinette clone in the two years since they started university. Her second longest relationship after Nino, and also one of the most hollow.   “I’m not marrying Victoria,” Alya sassed back.
“Oh, that’s not what I meant. I just meant that you’ve actually had real, important relationships. I’ve dated Adrien and...oh yeah, that’s it. One lycée romance and nothing after that. Just some first and second dates.”
Nine first dates, to be exact, and five second dates. And if she was pressed, the stubborn part of Alya’s brain could probably recall every single one of those boys’ names. “Marinette, if there is one thing on Earth that I know, it’s that you’re going to be just fine in the romance department.”
“Alya, that’s so sweet, but you don’t really know that…”
Alya turned towards Marinette and looked at her seriously, just over the top of her glasses. “But I do know that, Mari. You are incredible, amazing, and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. You make the world a better place and you make every person you know a better person. Any b-boy,” Alya cleared her throat twice, determined to cough out all the emotion that was trying to betray her. “Any boy would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend.”
Alya was very glad that she could keep her eye on the road and avoid the intense look Marinette was giving her now. “Thank you, Alya,” she said softly. “You’re the best hypewoman a girl could have.”
Gripping the steering wheel a little too tight, Alya replied, “Yep, that’s me. The best damn hypewoman around. I’m printing business cards and everything.”
“I’ll design them for you!” Marinette offered, turning the page in her sketchbook and making the broad strokes Alya recognized as the start of a new design. “Alya Cesaire...Hypewoman. What other titles do you want? Journalist, obviously. Hmm...Ladyblog Editor in Chief… best friend in the world...wearer of amazing hair...Actually, we’ll run out of room on the card if I list all of your great qualities. That’s what the resume is for, right? We’ll just focus on the hypewoman part.”
“I expect 5,000 of these printed and embossed for all my future employers.”
“What, you don’t plan on a life-long career at Buzzfeed France?” Marinette asked, mirth in her voice. “But I was so looking forward to your article on ‘Which Character from Asterix am I Most Likely To Meet In A Shady Bar’!”
“You’re a shady bitch, Marinette. You know that?”
“I thought I was incredible and amazing! Alya, where is your consistency?”
“You’re all three things!” Alya laughed.
The girls continued to talk about cities, moving, and life and slowly, the conversation grew sillier and sillier. Topics flew by almost as fast as the fields and forests. 
They had a long drive ahead of them and many, many more conversations to have.
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kwrittink · 5 years
Hidden Third Party 2.1
Pairing: (on this) Park Jimin x Jeon Jungkook x F!Reader
Genre: Smut (side of flufiness)
Warnings: mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, language, sexual suggestions and the autor trying to be funny
Words: 9,524
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<1                                                     mmlist                  2.2>
The noise complaint letter sitting on his table was still an embarrassing thing to look at, even after a week. Still, Jungkook secretly kept it because it was the proof of one of the best accomplishments of his life.' Maybe one day we'll let you join. Would you like that?' Sighing, he looked away before he got too lost on his memories, resuming his breakfast by gulping down the rest of his banana milk, then heading to his room to get ready for the day.  
Putting on a basic attire - sweatpants and a big white T-shirt - he then sat on his makeshift studio- where was placed the guest room, but since he lived alone there was no need for it -, wanting to edit one of his last cover songs to upload at YouTube, for his weekly release. He was doing pretty well on that and while he had some appointments to sing at a couple weddings, there were also plans for releasing a demo for his self-written songs.  
A knock on the door hours later interrupted his mulling over a particular scene - he couldn't help but try to minimize his face's screen time - and getting up, he walked towards the door, where insistent knocking made him shout he was coming to the door.  
"Ah, you said that last week, I recall." Upon opening the door he met his neighbor's smirking face and had to look away from the embarrassment of being reminded of that fact. "Twice, if I'm not mistaken." The blond continued teasing with a chuckle to match. The fact that it was true didn't stop Jungkook from feeling even more embarrassed, as he kept his eyes down to the floor wanting the earth to swallow him. Probably sensing his distress the older scoffed, going to pat his shoulder softly. 
"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself, I'll stop now." Said, and when Jungkook glanced back up again, Jimin leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms, a grin on the corner of his lips. "That wasn't why I came here anyway."
He shouldn't feel so tense at that moment, but couldn't help to swallow hard as he met the other male's eyes, an unreadable expression on his face. "What did you came here for?" Jungkook wanted to kick himself the moment the words left his mouth, weak and scared like a cornered prey. Still, if Jimin noticed he didn't let it show, straightening up on his feet with a soft smile. 
"I wanted to ask you out, actually." Said the blond, as nonchalant as he was asking for a cup of sugar. Jungkook even tilted his head in shock, afraid he hadn't heard correctly. This time Jimin couldn't hold his laughter and broke into a giggle while going to lightly slap his chest. "Yah what are you thinking! I mean it as a friendly way, dude!" His laughter only made the younger feel worse, hand going to cover his violent pink cheeks as best as he could. Why did I react that way? I am well aware that he dates Y/N, and their fucking the other day is a proof they're still together. "Only if that's what you want, and though I wouldn't mind, I still am dating someone already." He continued teasing, and then Jungkook had half a heart to roll his eyes at the smirk the other was displaying. 
"Oh fuck off, I was just wondering why isn't Y/N with you." Lied in an attempt of shutting him up, but had Jimin hum not very convinced, even if he tried to keep his stare firm and look the least annoyed. "Either way I'm busy for a while, so I can't go outside." 
"Ah, that's too bad... I was hoping to treat you to lamb skewers, I heard the other day you wanted to try them." This is a trap. That was Jungkook's first thought, but still, the bait was set. The best way to drive the boy out of his house was food, mainly if someone else was paying for it. My income barely covers bills and basic food right now... His stomach agreed with him, and he could only hope the older didn't hear it. "Y/N was supposed to go with me too, but she had to go for a small trip due to her job and won't be here till tomorrow." 
"So you're using me as a substitute for her?" Squinting playfully, he didn't notice the slip of his tongue, practically confirming he would let himself be used as a substitute if he was given food. Amusement passed through his neighbor's eyes. 
"I wouldn't put it that way, I guess we have different concepts about the word." His heart skipped a beat as he was swallowed by shame, thoughts rushing from the dark corners of his mind without a filter. Jimin probably knew what was going on - might as well be written on his face by then - as he bit his lower lip, but must have decided to spare the younger from more suffering, sighing. "But anyway, if you're busy then I'll just have to go by myself..." By pouting, Jimin confirmed Jungkook's suspicions of being indeed a victim of a trap, but at the same time, it was so tempting to just fall and change his mind, since the opportunity was being given. 
"Look," He heard himself start, and well, let's just get through with this. "I'm doing some editing on a video, I might take an hour at best - if you're willing to wait... If not I completely get it-"
"Yeah sure I can wait, might as well open my appetite." Beaming a twenty-four-carat smile at him Jimin stepped inside his apartment, as Jungkook just stood there with his mouth gaped, trying to get his feet to move. Okay then. 
"S-sure, make yourself at home I... I don't think I have anything interesting on the fridge but feel free to- What are you doing?" Asked, turning as he tried to rake his brain for something he could offer to the visit - or else he'd feel like failing his mother -, but found the other male hot on his tracks. 
"I'll get bored by myself. I'll rather watch you work if you don't mind, I'm pretty curious." Was his answer, and Jungkook stared back at the burnt caramel-colored eyes in search of any false sincerity, finding none. 
"Alright then, the studio's a bit messy but..." Trailing off, Jungkook then walked to said 'studio' - he felt a giddiness inside while introducing the place as so for the first time - with the most confident steps he could muster, kind of nervous to have someone on his personal space.
As promised Jimin stayed rather quiet while he worked - one earphone in, the other off to not give the impression he didn't want to talk at all -, commenting quietly at some scenes Jungkook was editing, while the boy proudly explained in a short manner where and how they were made.  
It had been some time since he felt so comfortable in sharing his work with others, even if he did post most of the covers he did on the internet. But to have someone he just met - sorta - beside him and judging his work even if unconsciously, should give him the creeps, but for some reason Jimin didn't give off nothing but calm vibes so it was rather soothing to have him there by his side, softly humming tunes in a harmony. He seems to have a great voice too. 
"I'll be hiring you for my wedding, those are some serious skills!" Commented Jimin after a small moment of silence, so close that prompted Jungkook to jerk to the side, startled. Looking to the side he found the blond's head inches apart from his and blinked upon facing his profile, Jimin obliviously approaching the screen that way to see some details from the scenes on his monitor. Jungkook found himself swallowing hard, trying to not be so overwhelmed by being engulfed on the other's cologne.
It was a dark but soft smell, somehow felt like it would stick to his nose forever, and suited him amazingly. Like the wearer, didn't seem to have a notion of personal space, merging, and finding ways to sink to every crevice it could find. If Jungkook could ever forget the way Jimin smelt like, the studio would possibly still hold his scent. "I'm flattered, but I think you better check that with Y/N, don't you think?" Swallowing as to steady his tone, Jungkook scoffed and glanced back at the screen, hesitant hands doing the last touch-ups. 
"Ah, I don't think she'll mind at all, we both agree you've got an amazing voice." The other commented, prompting Jungkook to frown a little. How do they know... "You know when you sing in the shower and we happen to be there too... Bathing." Jimin explained, eyebrows shooting up suggestively. Oh right. 
"Oh, sorry to disturb you guys..." He could feel his face heating up while glancing back to the monitor, coaxing a scoff from the older.
"Nah, we're the ones who should be apologizing... We're a little too loud." I don't mind one bit, Jungkook wanted to say, but could only smile back at the blond, shrugging the matter off. For some reason anything that had to do with sex made him feel awkward recently, even more with his neighbor's presence. 
When Jungkook finished, Jimin was still humming the song he covered on his key, and by then Jungkook was really tempted on asking him to record a video with him. He too has a good voice and all...
"Oh, so you finished?" He asked, looking up from his phone to find the younger nodding a little awkwardly. A smile made its way his face and he got up, looking a little too cheerful for the occasion, and Jungkook hoped it didn't mean he had bored him. Odd circumstances or not, he and you were the only people he could consider friends - if that applied to you two too - and he didn't want to shoo you away. 
"Yeah, I'm sorry it took me longer than expected - I'm still not very used to the program and have to find my way around it a little..." Scratching the back of his head he tried to explain, not making eye contact with his neighbor till a second later when silence installed between the two and he glanced up, finding an expression of slight concern on the blond's eyes. "Anyways, I'll just get changed and-"
"Ah no need for it, you look completely fine! Let's just go, by the sounds your stomach has been making you're as starving as I am." In a quick movement Jimin reached for his hoodie and dragged him out the studio and his apartment following, squinting when the brunet mentioned picking his wallet up and not even giving Jungkook the chance to be embarrassed about his hungry condition.
They walked to the place - which was fairly close to the building - and Jungkook's eyes widened when taking notice of where exactly they were, while Jimin when to open his door and offer his hand as a joke. "Isn't this-"
"Yeah Yoon KoGi, the best restaurant in town on barbecue. Now, don't look at me like that, it is not that expensive here - at least not when you know the owner." The younger's awe must have been stamped on his face, and while pushing the mocking hand away Jungkook nodded in understanding, wondering in what environment could Jimin have met the owner of that famous place - what also kept him distracted of how underdressed he felt. 
The place was just like he had seen before on the news when the restaurant won an award of best Korean Barbecue in the whole country, special note to the lamb skewers which were their brand. Looking around amused at how many people visited there - the first version of the restaurant held up only to thirty people or so he read - he ignored Jimin's satisfied and almost parenting expression towards him, picking a nearby menu as they waited at the door for something - or someone, like he would find out later. 
"Took you long enough, I don't have all day Jimin - oh, that's your date today?" Eyes glancing slightly down he met the palest man he had ever seen in his life, skin contrasting even more acutely with the dark clothes he was wearing, even if it was mid-spring. Well, I'm not dressed for the hot weather either- wait, did he called me Jimin's date?
"Knock it off grandpa, this is a new friend." Jimin scoffed at the smaller one - his neighbor and the other were practically the same height actually -, turning with a pleasant smile towards him. "Jungkook, this is Min Yoongi, the owner of this favorite place of mine. Yoongi, this is our neighbor Jungkook, he's a singer just like you were," The blond introduced motioning from one to another, and Jungkook bowed respectfully at Yoongi, that grimaced at his neighbor. 
"I am a rapper, Park. Daegu's best rapper actually." Stressed, and Jungkook had to double-check the man in front of him, suddenly recognizing the other as the infamous Agust D., a figure that was actually really known on the underground and around some circles in the city too. Jungkook was a fan of his work himself, even trying rapping once but ending up settling with singing, which he thought himself best. Which actually didn't stop him from listening to the heartfelt and sometimes violent tracks. I mean his self-titled track is one of my absolute favorites.
"It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Min," Said with a small bow, having the monochromatic man stare at him with a quirked eyebrow and Jimin snorting at his manners. Not that he was a creep but Jungkook knew for a fact that he was younger than the famous rapper. "Please take care of me."
"Oh whoa, if I knew you'd meet someone so polite I'd even cook the meal myself," Joked Yoongi, snickering almost pleased as he eyed the boy. "But today Jimin will be the one taking care of you today. Don't worry though, maybe next time." Teased, throwing a disarming wink at the younger that blushed profusely at the suggestive comment, turning his eyes to Jimin which laughed satisfied watching the exchange. 
"And I still keep asking myself how are you still single with that kind of speech." Jungkook's neighbor tsked, as they all started to walk to a table, guided by a chuckling Yoongi. 
"Exactly because of that kind of speech. I'm more of a homewrecker type if you haven't noticed." Beside him, Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at Jungkook with a face that told him to not believe a word - even if they made a little sense -, muttering under his breath that in fact, that friend was a really nice guy. 
Quietly guiding the both of them to a table that screamed VIP - it was a set of two heavy chairs in the far corner of the restaurant, really discreet and hidden behind a beautiful aquarium -, he then accompanied them till they made their orders - meaning Jimin chose for both - while under the scrutinizing gaze of that place's owner. While at it, Jungkook occupied himself observing as the two older friends spoke, wondering how a cheerful guy like Jimin had that serious and intense man as a friend. Maybe they studied together? Still, it wouldn't make sense, they don't look like the type to hang out even as teenagers... 
"Hey kid, are you allergic to anything?" Yoongi suddenly turned to ask him, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. Raking his head for a second Jungkook then shook his head no, thinking that it was really nice indeed of him to ask, not every place paid attention to that kind of detail. Yoongi hummed then, and Jimin seemed like he was about to ask about that matter when a hand landed on the youngest' back heavily.
"Oh good, I'd hate to see someone choking because of my nuts. Again." Eyes widening with surprise, he turned to meet yet another man - apparently, the chef, if his uniform and hat were anything to go by - grinning pleased at him, while the other two reacted accordingly, Yoongi groaning at the bad pun and Jimin bursting in a giggle with his hand covering his face in embarrassment. 
"I didn't want it to go like this but here's the new chef, Kim Seokjin. You know Jimin already and this is his date... Jungkook was it?" Yoongi introduced with a hand motion and Jungkook hesitated for a second being called once more Jimin's date but understanding that the man just wanted to mess with him and nodded with a small smile, shaking the hand that was offered, a little self-conscious at the way the other stared at both of them. "Shouldn't you be in the kitchen? I thought to impersonate Gordon Ramsey was the best part of the job."
Being called out, the impressively wide-shouldered man - and good-looking, Jungkook had to admit - looked at the owner of the restaurant and consequently his boss with a grin. "Sure it is, but I had to come here and serve Jimin one of my puns. Having him laugh is better than seeing the fear on the cooks' eyes." Is everyone a flirt or am I just imagining things? Jungkook asked himself a little bewildered, blinking confused as Jin - like Jimin called him - went to stand beside a still very giggly and bashful Jimin, that slapped his arm playfully. 
"You didn't have to be inappropriate with the kid though, he just met you. I won't let you work here anymore if you get sued." Warned the raven-haired man, arms crossing over his chest. Seokjin waved a hand in dismissal, leaning on the table with a smug expression. 
"Once I get him moaning with my skewer he won't be able to think of anything else." Shot back the taller, winking with the same 'cool' expression before breaking into the most unflattering laugh Jungkook has ever heard someone produce, while Yoongi seemed about to pluck his own eyes out by squeezing them. Jimin, on the other hand, was about to fall off his chair doubled in laughter, and he was pretty sure his eyes were as big as the plates in front of him. Still, he tried to get his composure back and cleared his throat. I'm not that defenseless.
"If it's yours one wouldn't even do for the taste," Jungkook started, cutting Yoongi's nagging short, "I might be fond of snacks but I came here for a full-course meal, yeah?" And then smiled prettily, happy that his voice didn't waver like he thought he would. 
There was utter silence for a moment and Jungkook started to feel a little nervous for the bad joke before Yoongi snorted loud and unexpectedly and the chef stared at him in shock, neck, and ears flushing at the surprising retort. Jimin had his jaw slacked but also looked very amused at him. He couldn't help but blush too, averting his eyes to the napkin on his lap in shame. It wasn't usual for him to talk back, even if in a playful way so Jungkook was insecure about the whole thing and about to apologize, wasn't for a pat he received on the top of his head next. 
"The kid got balls huh? Well, I better go do my job while nobody is aware of this shutdown. I'll be taking these, I'll personally make them for you." As the younger glanced up, Jin grinned at him while taking the order paper from Yoongi's hands. It was a little threatening, wasn't  Next in line was the latter who had the order paper stolen that went to pat his shoulder affectionately, snickering once more before walking away.
"Hey, they liked you!" Jimin cheered, as both men were out of range, but once more Jungkook's head hangs low, feeling awkward at the whole exchange.
"But that Seokjin looked like he was offended for a sec-"
 "Don't worry about Jin, he's going to get over with it. After he disarms you completely, but you can never win with that one anyways. He just loves puns." Shrugged, and the other grimaced at the unhelpful advice. At his reaction the blond chuckled, shaking his head.  
"How did you all meet anyways? You guys don't look like people that would mesh together."
The other hesitated a little bit before answering, tongue peeking out to lick at his lower lip. "You can say it was because of Y/N in a way..." He tilted his head with an enigmatic smile playing at the corner of his lips and Jungkook suddenly didn't want to ask anything further. Jimin chuckled. 
The boy was very new to all of these things, like flirting shamelessly and engaging in sexual activities - with more that one person even less - so he would seem a lot hesitant to act on something and more so to regret accepting yours and Jimin's proposal. Maybe that's the purpose of this? Maybe they gave up on having me join them and Jimin's paying me this meal as an apology? Thought, and at the same time it was relieving, he felt a little disappointed at that. But he knew it would be probably for the best. 
He'd just have to avoid them and maybe even move out to prevent awkward encounters.
"Speaking of which..." Jimin started, and he flinched like his mind had been read by his neighbor but hummed nonetheless, grabbing the cola glass the waiter set in front of both and sipping on it. "We wanted to talk about something with you, but since she went on a trip the task was laid on me... But I think you'd like to speak to me alone about this." It was sort of ominous, and it gave Jungkook goosebumps, even if he tried to convince himself it was because of the cold beverage than the effect of the older male's stare. The boy nodded, hesitantly urging Jimin to go on. 
"We know it's something completely new what we proposed to you, and you actually don't have much experience on the... Subject but," Started the man in front of him, leaning forward on the table to whisper. "I need to talk about boundaries with you." 
A second ticked, and Jungkook, which was waiting for him to 'kick him out of the party' had to clear his throat. "Boundaries?" Parroted back, eyebrows quirking up. 
"Yeah, regarding that thing we proposed you to do a couple weeks ago. Of course, if you still want to do that?" Jungkook found himself nodding a little too eagerly at the question, and Jimin smiled widely at him, pleased.
"Okay then. It shouldn't take too long, and it won't be as awkward since we're both males. Even so, I'll start slow, so you will be comfortable." Jimin sighed, also taking a sip of his beverage, licking his lips so he could continue talking. The little action was observed carefully by Jungkook, which averted his eyes quickly upon noticing his own slip. "So how about kissing?"
"I've kissed before, yeah." The answer was immediate and a bit stammered, and his cheeks felt warm hearing Jimin snickering next, shaking his head. The brunet swallowed nervously, noticing how his neighbor's demeanor changed, eyes with a serious glint staring at him.
"That's not what I meant Kookie." Said, voice lowering to a whisper. "I meant how you feel about kissing if you wouldn't like to, or you'd like to just kiss Y/N..." He trailed off and Jungkook blinked, the image of pressing his lips to your mouth assaulting him, close followed by turning his head and meeting the blond's pillowy ones. That's... Does he mean that?
"I'm... Fine with whatever, I'll let this up to you guys... S-since you're the couple," Shrugging, the youngest glanced down a little embarrassed, hands clutching the fabric of the pristine napkin. 
Apparently, he was about to say something, but the waiter came back once more to deliver the french fries Jimin ordered as an appetizer, which made him halt whatever remark he was to deliver while he thanked the service with a kind smile. Still, Jungkook would be forever curious if the 'kissing' extended to his neighbor too... Not that I'd... Be against it or anything but I have never kissed another man before, he thought while nipping at one of the fries, eyes once more wandering to the ones munching at the appetizer as well, a small smile growing there at the notice of being observed. 
"It's important to talk to me about this because even if you're willing to try a  lot of things, there's probably something I would like to do to you that you wouldn't be so comfortable..." He explained, chin propped on his hand. "What I'm saying is that you should at least mull for a second if there's anything you wouldn't want us to do. Much more than just kissing will happen then, you're aware right?" 
Jungkook's mouth went dry and he had to physically force himself to nod in understanding before reaching once more for his beverage, clearing his throat right after a refreshing sip. His whole body felt hot being under the other's gaze, the liquid boiling in his stomach unpleasantly. He wondered that it would be so nerve-wracking to stand millimeters away from Jimin completely naked, and a shiver rolled down his spine. 
I almost did though. He and Y/N saw me jerking off to them that day and- "You know that you can bail out anytime right? We're not forcing you to do anything, as excited as we are," Jimin could probably feel the battle in the youngest smile, drawing him back to earth by poking his shin under the table. Jolting at the sudden touch he blinked at the other, shaking his head. 
"Yeah I know, and I don't want to bail," taking a deep breath he tried to gather his thoughts for a second. "I think... I just don't know what I should want or ask, I don't know what would be appropriate since... Since-"
"Since we're a couple, yeah I think that's the root of your insecurity right from the start huh?" Jimin chuckled, crossing his feet. Jungkook only knew that because the blond hadn't scooted back on his seat after calling his attention and their legs brushed, a tingling feeling on the spot they touched, even if through the fabric of their clothes. "We already talked about this between ourselves, and both are pretty okay with a third party in our bed. Basically what I'm saying is that the last thing we have to know is where to touch or not to touch you." There it was again, the heavy gaze Jimin gave him as his eyes scanned his face, making Jungkook feel small, even if he knew for a fact he was taller than the other male casually bouncing his leg and sometimes poking Jungkook's shin. It made him nervous, but for some reason, he couldn't move. 
"I suppose that... In all the places we usually touch?" 
"And where is that?" Jimin seemed to be starting to lose his patience a little, seriousness seeping to his features once more. "Does that mean you'd be okay with me kissing you too? Touching you the way I do with Y/N? Running my hands over your especially sensitive nipples? You should specify things more before we do something that scars and freak you out too mu-"
"Yeah," Jungkook blurted, head hanging low as he glanced down to his lap, gut-churning and whole body buzzing as he tried to avoid so hard all the things his mind was producing as he listened to his neighbor... Before he realized he didn't have to. What Jimin wanted was to him think about how would that make him feel, and by the tightening of his lower abdomen and throbbing below that, Jungkook wasn't against any of that. "I want that too." It wasn't louder than a mutter, and the boy had to peek up to see if the other had heard him. 
Jimin looked surprised for a split second before a smirk played on his lips. 
"Sorry for the delay, Jin decided to- Oh everything's alright? You seem a little flushed there," Yoongi of all people came to deliver their plate, eyes zeroing on the youngest's face with a little frown. Jungkook's eyes widened, hands going to pat his cheeks and maybe hide his embarrassment - only that it was actually pure lust. 
Jimin giggled, the thick air dissipating quickly. "I was just teasing him, it's very easy to get him flustered. You know I have fun with that." At that, Yoongi - to Jungkook's surprise - looked away with an eye roll, muttering something under his breath. 
"Anyways, enjoy the food. Hope's not too spicy for you, Jungkook." 
"Oh, I like spicy things, don't worry. It looks delicious." Jungkook tried to ease his mood away, smiling at the man that hesitated a little at his expression before mirroring it in a much more light gesture. 
"Yeah, but take care, the smallest peppers are the spicier ones." The other retorted with a scoff before turning around and walking away, while Jimin asked indignantly who exactly Yoongi was calling small. Meanwhile, the boy gawked at the oldest's words, wondering what exactly did he meant by that. And If I recall correctly - apart from his height - Jimin isn't what one should call sm- 
At his own memories, Jungkook's face blushed violently, pressing his eyes tight to avoid thinking about that man's size, as if it wasn't embarrassing enough he had a good look at it, from the clear image in his head. 
"If anything I'm not small, I mean we're about the same size right? Hey, you better start eating before it gets cold," Jimin commented really casually, poking him once more with the tip of his shoe. Glancing back to the blond awestruck, he had to stop himself from snorting at the sight of Jimin's already sauce-stained lips, pouting like a little kid while talking about dick size like it was completely normal. Well, maybe it is, among friends or something... 
Without uttering a word, Jungkook started serving himself with the good smelling food, humming delightedly as he took a bite, happy to have good food down his stomach and forgetting about the slight boner he was fighting with the other's words. 
"That's a sound I'm pleased to hear. What do I have to do to make you do those sounds more often?" With a wink, Jimin teased and Jungkook almost spit everything he had on his mouth in surprise. The other giggled pleased at the flustered reaction and as Jungkook scowled a bit, promised to stop the teasing for the time being. 
And for the extent of that lunch, Jungkook stuffed his face happily and unbothered by his observing neighbor. 
After they paid the bill and Jungkook went to thank the chef - and Yoongi - for the meal, both left, Jimin offering to buy ice cream for both. 
"Nah, I feel like imposing, you've already paid for the meal." Jungkook retorted sheepishly, making Jimin snicker and push his shoulder.
"Don't worry about that, I'm the one offering." The disarming smile sent his way made Jungkook bite his lower lip as they resumed walking. "If you want though, you can repay me later, somehow." He went on once more and the boy groaned frustrated, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. He was having a hard time repressing how turned on he was feeling, more so because he was entirely clad on sweats. I have underwear on, but it can be still very noticeable...
"Why do you keep teasing me like that, is it that funny?" He finally asked, shoulders slumping as he met the other's pace. Jimin sighed. 
"Ah, I just want to get a reaction out of you. Like that night, you waited for a cue to come out and still had to gather your courage before kneeling before us right?" Questioned, this time with a serious expression on. Jungkook nodded softly. "I just wanted to perhaps make you more comfortable around me, since you already have some notion on how to act around a girl... I really don't want to freak you out." Explained, hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his lips. 
Jungkook nodded once more, as they got into the ice cream parlor and bought two cups with mint for Jimin and strawberry ice cream for himself. "I am a little confused about... What I'm feeling. You know, I've never-" He hesitated, searching his mind for the right words. "But I kinda want it? With you - I mean with both of you..." Voice lowering as they walked outside and he felt Jimin's eyes on him. But the other only waited for him to gather his own thoughts as they continued to walk rather slowly towards the park, where the trees scattered made soft shadows, relieving from the prickling sun from midday. 
"Do you wanna taste this flavor? It's really refreshing for this time of the year." Blurted the blond, Jungkook's head snapping up, startled by the off-topic comment. By then they had walked under a big tree, leaning on the trunk leisurely. 
"Sure, I usually order strawberry but-" Jungkook was about to reach for the other's cup but before he could even move Jimin quickly moved to hold his neck, pressing his body flush to the taller, lips capturing the youngest' ones delicately. Jungkook made a surprised sound but next thing he knew a hum reverberated through his throat up and he was relaxing on the older's touch, head leaning down to meet his lips properly- 
Till Jimin broke the kiss with a scoff upon seeing Jungkook follow after his mouth unconsciously. 
"Mint and strawberry is a really interesting combination though." The impersonation of the devil - as Jungkook was referring Jimin as in his head - said almost nonchalant, like he hadn't just tricked him into kissing, and then broke it when he was starting to get into it. Jungkook's face morphed to exactly as he felt like, enraged frustration for being teased relentlessly then given so little to quench his need. 
Opening his eyes he watched as Jimin turned away happily resuming his dessert, about to deliver whatever other remarks he still had. Jungkook clenched his teeth, heart still beating a mile per hour and adrenaline rushed through his veins at what he was about to do. 
"Hey, I wasn't finished tasting it you little-" Jungkook grunted, grabbing the smaller by the elbow and yanking him back roughly, twisting both their bodies around so now the one pressed against the tree was Jimin, barely registering his startled stare as he crashed his mouth over the other, breathing out in frustration at the indeed refreshing taste of Jimin's lips. 
The exchange turned heated as the blond got hang of the situation, scoffing against his neighbor's mouth when the youngest hesitated after a few seconds with his lips pressed to the other male and Jimin took the opportunity to grab at his tiny waist and pull it flush against his while sucking on Jungkook's lower lip, registering a twitch against his lower abdomen. With the incentive, Jungkook went back, mouth gaping to let the other slightly graze his lips with the tip of his tongue, sighing at the tantalizing touch. He felt literally melting on Jimin's lips, like it was comfortable but at the same time so damn teasing to have his plush lips hotly massaging his. As their tongues finally met the blonde hummed, this time comfortably stopping the kiss with a couple of light pecks. 
"Better stop here before we get too carried away, hm?" And even if he said that his hands were still firmly set on Jungkook's waist that leaned to press his forehead to the older's shoulder and nodded, hands still gripping at the trunk on each side of Jimin, caging him. Jimin giggled, moving so he'd be released and pushed the boy down to the floor, following suit right after. 
Jungkook's head was still hanging low, fringe covering his eyes but Jimin saw as the younger licked his puffy red lower lip and a sly grin was playing at the corner of his mouth. Snickering the older shook his head, pulling his phone out of his pocket for the first time that day. 
'Hey babe, any chance you're available in 10-20 min?' He typed quickly, grin growing as you answered right away, letting him know that yes, you'd be free for the rest of the afternoon, followed by your questioning why. 
"We should head home, I think it's going to rain," Jungkook commented by his side, eyes up to the sky that really looked too cloudy for that time of the year and Jimin hummed, taking it as a sign that his body was back in control. 'Just pay attention to your phone, I've got a surprise.' Your boyfriend answered with a winky emoji to match, biting his lower lip as he got up and followed the boy that was already some steps ahead of him. 
Jungkook, like the little full baby he felt like, was completely distracted and ready to take a nap as soon as he arrived at his apartment, completely unaware of Jimin humming contently as he plotted something.
"Ah, at the end this did end up being a date, isn't it?" The blond commented offhandedly, while waiting for the lift. Jungkook glanced at Jimin, taking a second too long to understand what his neighbor meant, only then recalling his earlier comment. The boy scoffed, looking away with a flushed face, as the whole kissing scene played once more in his head. It's true, but he shouldn't say it, should he? 
"Thought we agreed you would stop teasing me already..." At that Jimin snorted, pulling the elevator's door and pushing the younger inside playfully, walking in afterward.
"I can't help it, I really like your reactions. Besides," he started turning to press the button to their floor, a sly grin playing on his lips. "If you liked it, we could do that more often." Proposed, and Jungkook stared a little surprised at his face. But what about Y/N? 
"Sure, next time I'll treat you guys for a meal." He tried to be discreet on what he was implying but only saw Jimin's grin widen as he understood what the younger meant. 
But it was something that Jungkook was extremely curious about, yours and Jimin's relationship, of course. He was pretty impressed that you were so cool with him sort of invading their privacy then, and really had a hard time wrapping his mind around the matter that night, before he had the guts - or lost his mind - to just go watch the two of you and get off to it. 
Even more, he wanted to understand how both of you worked, since Jimin seemed so at ease about what had happened that afternoon, where they practically made out in the park at broad daylight. He really looks like he loves Y/N but I just don't understand... Jungkook frowned a little, mind once more wandering to dangerous places, the idea that soon he'd be not only invading but being a part of their privacy shooting arousal in his gut before he tried to control it, shaking his head and just walking forward when the doors opened. 
"Wait is this the right floo-" As Jimin halted his steps at the door, Jungkook crashed against his back with an oof, making the older stumble and almost fall haven't he caught himself on a nearby wall. The other boy went stiff, swallowing dryly as he noticed that he had bumped Jimin strongly, and he had probably felt the growing bulge digging on his back. 
"I-I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, are you alright?" He tried, reaching for the other that only chuckled, hand on his chest as he caught his breath a little startled. Jimin chuckled, dismissing him with a wave and resuming walking through the hallway to their respective doors. As he didn't comment anything, Jungkook fell in the false idea that Jimin didn't notice his awkward boner and relaxed a little, fiddling with his keys in front of his door. 
He wondered if he should invite his neighbor for a coffee or something since he'd been so nice to pay for their mean and dessert, but at the same time, Jungkook felt a growing need to just say goodbye and throw himself on the bed and take a nap - or hump the mattress as quietly as he could - to try and ease how strung up he was. There's no way that I can jerk off and not be heard, apparently. 
Jungkook sighed. So much for having blue balls. "Hey, do you want to come for a coffee? You know, as a thanks," he still tried, eyes on the floor as his mother nagged at him on the back of his mind about teaching him better than that. 
"Thought you wouldn't ask," his head snapped up at the sound of Jimin's voice so close, breath hitching upon meeting his eyes. The boy felt himself shrinking under the smaller's gaze, and would only notice a little later, that he had indeed leaned back to his door, ducking a bit intimidated at the blond's heavy gaze. "If you want I can even give you a hand..." The smirk was completely ignored by the youngest as he shook his head with widened eyes, twirling on his feet quickly as to hide his increasingly embarrassing state. Sweatpants were such a bad idea... 
Getting inside the apartment, Jungkook practically rushed to the kitchen to get started with the beverage, nervously telling Jimin to feel at home and play some music or something. He wondered if he could let the coffee maker and sneak off for enough to go change his pants for at least some dark shorts or if it'd be too noticeable. Maybe I can try to touch myself really quick? Pondered, looking down at his crotch, to the boner that this time didn't look like it was going to get down any soon. Placing a hand over his bulge Jungkook huffed, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried to concentrate just like he had done at the park and get his dick to soften. 
"Hey what's the wifi password?" Jimin asked from the living room, making Jungkook jolt. Walking to the kitchen's door frame, he peeked half his body out to look at the other as he glanced up from his phone, expectant eyes, and a little pout on his lips. 
"Uh, I think it's in a paper under those books..." The brunet pointed out, having the other twirl to the pile beside the TV, and Jungkook used the moment to turn away to the coffee maker once again, finishing off the process so he could go change quickly into something less noticeable. This is ridiculous.
Hesitating was his fault, since as he stood in the hallway, thinking on what exactly he should tell Jimin - that he got coffee on his clothes? No, that wasn't even done yet - and taking deep breaths to let himself down, his neighbor called again, going as far as walking to get him in the kitchen. 
"Jungkook, can you please help me with th- Are you okay?" Jungkook let out a deep sigh, relieved that his semi was down in time and Jimin tilted his head curiously at the boy which breathlessly acquiesced, asking if he needed something. Squinting a little Jimin measured the brunet quickly, but then settled for smiling. "Yeah, I need help with this, I'm not very good with tech, so..." 
If Jungkook was paying some attention to what he was saying, he'd notice the lie. He'd know that someone so close to his age would have at least the basic notion to turn on, pair and connect a BlueTooth to his speakers, or at least try to plug the damn thing on with the cable. But the innocent boy was too focused on keeping his cool around that tempting neighbor of his, that he'd just fell straight into the final step of what he'd call a trap once more, later on. 
"Oh, so that's why that device couldn't find it, it was turned off all this time!" Jimin's chin was pressed on Jungkook's shoulder, looking over it as the other fiddled with his mobile, both standing in the middle of the living room as the youngest helped him with the supposed difficulties. Jungkook snickered trying so hard to function while having the blond's voice so close to his ear hearing his interesting hums, oh's and ah's that every explanation he gave was barely muttered and he almost didn't understand them himself. 
As he pressed on the playlist the friend indicated, low R&B tunes started to play, a voice he thought familiar coming out from the speakers. "Hey, isn't this that singer, Kim-"
"Taehyung, yeah! He's actually a friend of mine, you know him?" Getting comfortable, Jimin placed his arms on the boy's shoulders, and at any other time, he'd think hilarious that the older was probably tiptoeing a bit to reach that position comfortably but at that moment Jungkook was too stunned at that smile of his, so within reach that it would only take a small movement from his head to meet his neighbor's lips. 
"Yeah, I-I mean not personally, uh..." Snapping quickly from his spell Jungkook was saved - or so he thought - by the coffee maker, that biped in the kitchen, letting them know the beverage was ready. "Oh the coffee is ready, do you want s-" 
In the back of his mind, Jungkook knew Jimin would get him back for pulling that stunt on the park and as his shirt was yanked with a strength he wouldn't dream his neighbor to have - well, he had an idea that he wouldn't be someone weak at all, but Jungkook practically tipped back - he didn't think it'd be that soon. "Ah ah ah, you don't get to run," the blond muttered rather smug, breaking in a giggle as in the attempt to maintain his balance after the younger's body collapsed to his, held the tiny waist with an arm but ended up still stumbling backward, barely missing the couch behind them.
"But what about t-the coffee-" Jungkook tried to writhe away, only having his waist squeezed a little tighter to stop his movements. 
"Don't worry about it we have one that does the same noise, so you'll be fine." Jimin chuckled, hissing slightly as he sat more comfortably behind the boy, chin returning to its previous place, this time comfortably set on the curve of his neck, in a manner that it took only Jimin turning his head to press his lips to the burning skin of his neck. 
As goosebumps rippled all over his skin Jungkook's will to escape withered away, his own hands squeezing at Jimin's arms as he let out a sigh, eyes closed while the other continued his ministrations. "Let's make a tryout, hm? If you don't like what I'm doing you can tell me to stop. Okay?" The older muttered, and the other's mouth was so dry that he ended up settling on nodding, face too flushed to even open his eyes and Jimin snickered, continuing his task of placing the softest of the kisses on the skin under his ear and down. 
Something under him started to vibrate making him yelp, and Jimin gasped as it caused the boy to bounce on his lap. 
"Oh look who is it, just in time," Jungkook could hear the smile on his voice, and only then peeked his eyes open to see your name - followed by a heart - blinking on the screen, and panicked for a second before the older's sentence dawned on him. 
"You guys planned all this?" He was breathless as he spoke, causing Jimin to chuckle, shaking his head while pressing the answer button. 
"I'm just really good at improvising- Hey baby, I was about to call you, sorry." He said, and Jungkook started to feel a churning on his gut, a wrong feeling while still laying practically limp on the other man's chest, not even daring to look down and confirm the state he was in. Barely, he could hear you say something to your boyfriend.
"Yeah, he's here with me, we had a date today." At the honest confirmation, the younger glanced to the side, meeting a bright smile and a wink on his way, almost ignoring how the freehand previously on his stomach wandered off to his hips, the tip of the fingers playing with the skin peeking out. "Yeah, I miss you too, love... Do you wanna see us?" Jimin asked, eyebrows shooting up with a sly smile towards the one placed on his lap, that couldn't actually bring himself to stop the blond. And it seemed like you had confirmed, was the wide grin on Jimin's lips any indication. 
"Y/N doesn't mind?" He whispered, not noticing that the call had been automatically changed to video until he heard you chuckle. 
"No, I'm actually pretty curious about this." The phone was handed to him, and only then - with a gaped mouth and cheeks tinted pink - he saw where you were, sitting comfortably on a white mattress, cellphone set against something so you'd be fully on display. The room was so well lit he could see every lacy detail of your short silky pajamas.
"You-" He had to clear his head to talk normally, "You look really good." Stated, Jimin humming in agreement by his side. 
"Oh why thank you. Jimin said he'd call so I wanted to look good for him... If I had known you'd be with him too then I would have made a better effort." You winked playfully, making Jimin whine and pout in return, and even cracking a smile from him. "But you look really good too, boys. A little flushed, though. What were you playing?" You asked, and Jungkook's heart started beating really fast. 
"We were actually talking about doing some tryouts... You know, to set grounding for the big day," Jimin explained, and you hummed interested, a grin playing at the corner of your mouth. 
"You got into my boyfriend's claws didn't you?" You giggled at the sight of Jungkook rolling his eyes. "But don't worry, that's just because he's so much more cunning than we are." 
"No, you were actually easy to fool babe," Sliding his hand up Jungkook's shirt, he made the boy gasp as his fingertips brushed a nipple ever so slightly, electric currents branching inside his body. "Kookie here was a delicate task to manage, but as you see... I've got him where I want him." Aided by Jungkook's jolting, Jimin leaned down enough to be able to place his phone to the coffee table, where he set it against that same book pile from earlier. When did he move those there?
"Uh, that's some view you got there huh?" Jungkook couldn't really see the miniature of their figures on the screen, but could imagine how it was looking like with Jimin sitting behind him, that laid on the older's chest with parted legs framed by Jimin's - that being a dancer didn't even flinch with the slight stretch -, a boner straining almost painfully inside his boxers. "I'm very curious about what's underneath all that... The other day we only got a sneak peek," You commented, a coy smile playing on your lips. 
"Whoa dear you're so eager," Jimin chuckled, nuzzling his face further on Jungkook's neck. The feeling of the little patch of growing stubble - practically imperceptible to the eye - rubbing on the sensible skin made the boy shudder, lips pressing in a thin line to suppress an appreciative sound. 
"Look who's talking. You can't even keep your hands to yourself." You pointed out, biting your lower lip, eyes observing the scene on your screen. Then you gasped slightly, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, Yoongi actually texted me to tell you had a date with him, not even fifteen minutes ago. Did you had fun?" 
"He was snitching on me already? That guy doesn't waste time," Your boyfriend snickered, shaking his head. "Funny because he looked like he was very interested in this baby here. Even Jin seemed intrigued by you, right?" Trying to come down from the feeling of Jimin's wandering hands, fingers caressing underneath his shirt tauntingly, he didn't catch on time that the question was directed to him until the blond decided to call his attention by delivering a rather rough pinch to his nipple that made him whimper loudly, back arching off the older's chest. 
"Baby, don't be so mean to him... Though you sound so good, Kookie... Are you okay with this? My boyfriend playing with you for a little?" You asked, even looking a little wary he'd say no and call off the whole thing. Jungkook swallowed hard, eyes virtually meeting yours through the screen and nodded slowly, the desperation of having someone taking care of his release at that point far more enticing than any shame he had left. 
"But can I-" Jungkook hesitated a bit before speaking, actually drawing Jimin's attention to his face as he licked his lips, trying to find the right words with a dry mouth. "Will you play with us too?" 
At first, there was a moment of silence as they maybe tried to understand what was Jungkook going at, only to have Jimin snorting beside him and you opening the brightest smile he'd ever seen so far. His cheeks burned, thinking he had said something ridiculous. 
"You are so cute, Kook. I almost feel bad for corrupting you," The one holding his body hummed delighted, your small giggle agreeing with his statement. 
"Of course I will be playing, dear. Sure I'd be better if I was there with you guys, but this will have to do, for now, okay?" You shrugged, one of the straps of your top sliding down your shoulder and giving both of the men a sneak peek of the top of one of your breasts. You didn't bother fixing it, grinning satisfied as Jungkook nodded at the hidden promise in your words, your boyfriend mirroring your gesture. 
"Yeah, it wouldn't be fun if we only watched you right? We wanna play too," retorted the blond, fingers trailing softly over Kook's torso. The statement made the younger stiff a bit, the thought that his neighbor would also need to have his release worrying him a little. Jimin sensed his preoccupation right away, nudging his neck with his nose. "Don't worry, you call the shots here. I won't do anything you don't want to." His words were comforting, but in the back of his hear the one that Jungkook didn't trust was himself, afraid to accept anything it was offered to him if it meant getting his release. 
It sounded selfish, but the boy had the certainty that he wouldn't react like that was another person touching and talking to him like that. He'd been harboring a lust for both of you for about six months, and that pent-up frustration didn't seem like going anywhere by itself. And he tried, but since that fateful night where he got a little closer to you two, he was convinced that only with the help of both he'd be finally completely satisfied. 
"I trust you." Said, voice thick with lust, hands confidently moving from his own lap to the thighs framing his, squeezing the jeans-clad muscles, eyes zeroing on the screen in front of him, on your dark eyes, gaze also laced with lust and excitement. 
"That's a good boy," Jimin grunted, the soothing hands leaving his stomach, one grabbing the younger's nape and the other pressing the palm firmly over the crotch, where sensible flesh was twitching and coaxing a soft groan from Jungkook's lips. Unconsciously - or not, the brunet would never know - his neighbor rolled his hips, and the feeling of the obviously stiff member against his lower back was as enticing as the sight of you feeling yourself at the other side, hands tracing your jaw and neck.
You hummed at the other side of the screen, sitting on your knees and revealing more of the expanse of your chest to him as you settled, teeth caging your lower lip. "Now, let's give my baby her private show." 
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bills-pokedex · 5 years
Tell us more about Primrose! Her thoughts when you fused or in general, whichever you like. Clefairy are adorable and I love hearing about them!
A few facts about Primrose:
Primrose is not from Kanto. She was actually part of a pokémon exchange with Lanette, who had caught her in Meteor Falls. Lanette was curious as to whether or not Hoenn clefairy were different than Kanto clefairy and if the two would get along, and she knew that I was good friends with a clefairy colony in Mt. Moon. (In exchange, I gave her one of my eevee, which I give to all of my friends at one point or another. …I’m not sure what she did with that eevee, come to think of it.)
To make a long story short, the colony welcomed Primrose with open arms. Primrose, meanwhile … was not so friendly with the Mt. Moon clefairy. (Apparently, they have strange accents and are a little too uppity for her tastes.)
Primrose also responds to Rose (my usual nickname for her), Rosie, and the most exasperated You one can muster.
She wasn’t actually going to be a test subject; she simply managed to get into the teleporter when I was trying to test it while it was empty. In fact, we wound up fused together because I was trying to pull her out.
She does that quite frequently, actually—crawl into small spaces if left unattended. She’s even made a small nest out of a cardboard box and a number of old blankets. (Evidently, clefairy nests in Meteor Falls are much smaller than the ones found in Mt. Moon, and multiple clefairy live in them at once.)
She is also highly curious and prone to going through what little trash there is in the Sea Cottage to build her own toys. …come to think of it, that may be another reason why Lanette gave her to me…
As I may have mentioned in an earlier post, Primrose is very talkative. Even when we’re separate, she often responds to my requests and commands with indignant vocalizations. When we were merged, I found out that many of these “arguments” consist of “I don’t want to,” “but I want to stay up with you,” “no fair,” or my personal favorite, “Foxglove [my kadabra] told me to do it.”
A fun fact about clefairy: They secrete a substance from the back of their throats that hardens upon exposure to air; this substance is often used as an adhesive to patch their nests together. A fun fact about Primrose: I’ve stopped buying expensive bedsheets because of the first part of this bullet point.
For a long while, I thought her favorite food was sliced apples. It was not. As I learned after fusing with her, Primrose’s actual favorite food was cupcakes garnished with sliced apples. Seeing as I rarely keep baked goods in the house due to a combination of my own lactose intolerance, my food preferences, and the fact that pokémon shouldn’t be eating that much sugar anyway, we’ve settled on a compromise. Of sliced apples.
Her least favorite food, meanwhile, is broccoli. I learned this while fused with her as well. More specifically, the only time she ever took control of our body was whenever I tried to feed us broccoli ... to throw said broccoli on the floor. We compromised with spinach, but it involved an extended argument.
Everything you’ve heard about clefairy dancing on the night of a full moon is true. Primrose does the same, and I often take off that night to take my pokémon onto the beach and let Primrose dance. (Occasionally, the others join in too.) It isn’t the same as having a full clefairy colony around her, but the team seems to be enough for her. (And yes, I do indeed let her sleep curled up next to me those nights too.)
Primrose didn’t talk about her life in Meteor Falls while we were fused. Not that often, anyway. Apparently, none of the others talk about their time before they joined me, either. It’s simply tradition for a pokémon to forgo a lot of their old ties in exchange for a life with a team, and this isn’t seen as a bad thing among them. Rather, it’s more of an opportunity to them. That and they often see their trainers and their team as their family.
From what Primrose did tell me, she was a bit of an oddity in her colony. It’s rare for the clefairy of Meteor Falls to venture out of the secluded caves and tunnels they inhabit, but when they do, it’s usually to find adventure. Primrose wandered away from the colony simply because she wanted to discover more of the world. In a sense, you could say she’s a clefairy scientist. One who enjoys throwing broccoli all over the kitchen floor and eating cupcakes.
Although she had spent a couple of years with Lanette, she doesn’t miss her. (She does, however, listen to Lanette more than me...)
Despite the fact that she can be a little more difficult than I’m used to when it comes to handling pokémon, quite frankly, I’m happy to have her among my pokémon. She's very affectionate and curious, so she’s a frequent source of companionship around the lab. Besides, she keeps Foxglove on his toes, and at the risk of getting a headache over thinking this, it’s quite nice to see those two interacting.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
From The Sea P4
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PART 1:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/181996932392/from-the-sea-p1
PART 2:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/182023476554/from-the-sea-p2
PART 3:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/183585984245/from-the-sea-p3
“Please Y/N....don't go” He told me
I didnt say anything I just got my bag and got out the boat “Please” He begs “just look at me” he begs and I turned back to him he was still hidding a little behind the end of the boat but as we where in such shallow water I could see him completely his chest bare his pale skin refecting the light a little bit his hair drenched in water still having to fix it often with his hand from a little below his waist was... this tail, all things considered it was beautiful the fin at the end often moving as it being this shallow it wasn't completely submerged all the time
“This is crazy, I'm dreaming? Or I'm drowning in my bathtub I never woke up? Or maybe this is just a massive joke and my family is going to come out and laugh there asses off at me!” I say trying to rasionalize
“Y/N...why would I lie to you?” He asks “You're my only friend in the world” He says lightly crying I sighed sitting on the sand letting the waves hit my knees
“You promise your not lieing to me?” I ask
“Of course not” he says
“Alright” I sigh holding out my hand and he smiles taking it and slowly moving out from behind the boat to sit close to me but still in the water “Okay... questions” I sigh
“Yeah I guess you have some” He laughs
“A few” I laugh “is this a uhh always thing or like bitten by a mermaid then you become one thing?” I ask
“Born one Y/N” He laughs
“alright... you drove down with clothes on and now with tail your...pretty much naked so what happened to your clothes?” I ask
“Well, I dont really know I go into water dressed normal and most times I come out dressed normaly I don't really think about it?” he explained
“most times?” I ask
“Yeah sometimes I leave water and I am completely naked, no rthyme or reason to it, it's just every so often” he shrugs
“how many clothes have you lost to that?” I ask
“To many” he smiles
“Why didnt you tell me before? We have been friends since I was a little girl why did you wait so long to tell me?” I ask him
“I was scared, of what you would think of me, Y/N your my best friend and... maybe even a little more then that” He smiles “Your the only one over land to ever seem me like this, I was scared in case you would run away from me or tell people about me, I had to know I could completely trust you” He says “and I trust you more than anyone Y/N” He smiles holding my hands “it's still me” He smiles
“Can I touch it?” I ask
“What?” he asked a little puzzled
“Your tail? Can I touch it?” I ask
“Ohhh...uhhh yes, but don't poke and pull It's still me and it still hurts” He warns
“I'll be gentle” I smile
“Go on then” He sighs crawling up the beach to be sat in the sand with me the end of his tail still in the water it looked beautiful up close like it was covered in tiny dimonds I moved my hand close a little nervous “It's okay Y/N, go on” he smiled so I rested my hand there it didnt feel like it looked I thought by the look of it, that it would feel slimy and wet but it felt like silk soft and smooth I looked at his face and he looked kinda strange
“something wrong?” I ask
“I uhh don't think I've ever had someone else touch my tail before” he blushed
“what does it feel like to you?” I ask a little curious my hand still running down the soft scales on his tail
“Ummmm it uhh It feels nice” he smiles nuzzling himself into my neck
“Nice?” I ask “Is it like a pleasnt thing or like do you feel it everywhere or is it like you feel it depent what leg it would be on your human body?” I ask
“its both, you feel it sort of where it would on a human legs but because its merged you feel it everywhere too” He smiles giving my neck a few little kisses between words as he had his head nuzzled on my shoulder close to my neck “Ummmm It... It feels good-” He grunts stopping himself by giving my neck more kisses it made me giggle alittle
“You like people touching your tail?” I ask still a little giggly
“Ummm I do” He groans “but like I said your the first person but me to touch my tail...” he smiled “I only like it when you do it” he smirks between kisses on my skin
“Thomas I really should be getting back” I tell him notcing how high the moon was and how late it must be now
“Umm please Y/N....” he begs “A little longer? Please” He begs cuddling me closely “I was really enjoying myself” he smirks
“Well... a little longer” I smile nuzzling my head onto his are chest
“hum hello?” he laughs holding me tightly as we laidin the sand cuddling tightly me every so often stroking down his tail it was funny each time I did his breath hitched and he bit his mouth till I sat up with a yawn
“I'm sorry Thomas I have to get back I'm getting sleepy” I complain
“You sure? You could... sleep out here with me?” he smirked
“Hum thank you for the offer Thomas but...I wanna go to sleep in my own bed tonight” I smile getting up brushing some sand from my dress
“Okay same place and normal time tomorrow?” he asks and I nod giving his head a kiss and going towards the castle when I turned back he was gone likely dove into the sea I guess, I ran up to my room and got my self tucked in bed.
I Yawned trying to get back to sleep but the sun was coming though my curtians I know my family is away today they are going off out to some fancy party for most of the day so I would be alone today so I got dressed and went down to the kitchen where Mrs Winters stood cooking up something in a big pot over the fire
“What's for lunch?” I ask her sitting on the side
“Chicken Soup, Bread and Butter” she says
“Humm I think I might skipp it” I shrug grabbing a cupcake and going to take a bite but she snached it out my hand getting back to her work
“deliveries!” the Man called from the door
“it's open” she sighed and the normal delivery man opened the door carting a box of fuirt veg and other bits and behind him with another box of bread and such was Thomas he stepped in and smiled at me I breifly smiled at him too
“Hello your highness” he smiles
“Hi” I smile
“How are you this morning?” he asks me
“Fine” I shurg “How are you?” I ask him
“Tried” he yawns
“Thomas?” I ask after a while
“Yeah?” He asks
“Come with me, I wanna show you something” I smile grabbing his hand and tugging him with me up the stairs but as we got to the door
“Miss Y/N, your father has made it very clear about mr Thomas” Mrs Winters says
“he's not here” I shrug pulling him with me though the castle down to our room that had a big swimming pool in it, my family being a little cheap just put sea water in it but I didnt mind the room is dark and quiet as it is at the bottom of the house and knowone really uses it but me once we where inside I locked the door behind us “come on don't you want to come swim with me?” I ask
“Sure” he laughs once I slipped off my outerdress I drove into the water it felt like heaven to swim in the mildly warm water the room under this has all the fires for the castle in so the water here wa always fairly warm he went around lighting some candles so it was no so dark and I laid on m back looking up at the painting patterned celling for a while and he just sat on the edge not letting any part of him touch the water
“I had a funny dream last night” I told him
“Ohh?” he laughs
“Yes, you where there” I smile
“Oh was I? What where we up to?” he asked “Where we snuggling? Or where we making out this time?” he asked
“Neither, I had a dream you had a tail” I laugh
“A tail? What like a kitty cat?” he laughs
“No like a mermaid” I giggle moving my legs like I had a tail
“Humm funny dream” he smiles
“Come on I wanna swim, come swim with me” I smile
“Later Y/N” he answers
“Please” I beg
“Well... maybe” he smile “Close your eyes” he says as he stood up so I shut my eyes for a while until I heard and felt the crash of the water as he jumped in “Well it wasn't a dream Princess” He smiles I opened my eyes and it was real he had a tail he leanrt his arms behind him on the edge of the pool
“I wasn't dreaming” I said in shock
“No you werent, come on you wanna have a swim or not?” He asks
“umm yeah” I smile holding him tightly nuzzling my head into his neck “Come on” I smile tugging his hand with me a little we kept swimming and messing around for a good long while “Ohh your no fun” I complain sitting up on the side
“what? Why?” he asked coming and resting his arms on the side, and then his head on top of his arms
“I am always so good a holding breath contests, But you can breath underwater” I sigh
“Ohh come on I promise I will hold my breath, no cheating” he told me
“Okay” I giggle diving down into the water I kept my eyes shut as I can't see anything under here anyway till I felt a little kiss on my cheek so I got up out and opened my eyes and he was smiling at me blushing a little “You cheated​!” I complain
“I didn't cheat I just saw the opportunity and... I took it” he smiles “I wanted to give you a little kiss” he shrugs
“Well don't” I warn him
“Sorry Princess” He sighs
“It's okay, just no kisses” I smile cuddling him tightly
“Okay, No kisses” he laughs “but can I have a snuggle?” He asks and I nod nuzzling into his chest
“Are there other people like you?” I ask
“What do you mean?” he asks
“More people like you​? With fishy tails?” I ask
“yes, there are hundreds in little cites all over the ocean” He says
“Do you guys get married?” I ask
“Ohh that's a whole thing” He laughs “it's not marrige really its just that when you mate for the first time you mate for life, thats it you never do anything with anyone else the rest of your life” He explained
“Ohh? Thats kinda sweet” I giggle cuddling him tighter
“Umm it is nice, only problem is merpeople can only orgasum and mate on a blue moon” He sighs
“Every two months?” I ask him
“Yeah” he sighed
“Thats not very good” I laugh
“yeah, why do you think I got so excited when you touch my tail” he laughs “I actuly missed the last blue moon” he sighed “why I have been so cuddly lately” He blushed
“Awww Thomas thats so cute” I giggle holding him tighter and he smiled holding me tighter too
“Y/N? Could I kiss you? Please?” he asked polietly
“what did I tell you-” I began
“I know but...just a little one?” He begs
“On the cheek” I tell him
“Umm okay” he smiles giving my cheek a sweet long kiss and hugging me closely
“Thomas?” I ask him
“Ummm?” he asks
“Will you take me under the ocean to see the cities under the sea someday?” I ask
“Course I will, I promise” He told me.
we had been in here a few hours now my hands and feet where starting to suffer with the water so I had been sitting on the edge a little while now it was sort of cool to watch him swim his tail is huge and very cool to watch under the water “What?” he asks as he popped his head out the water I just shurg
“Your pretty when you swim” I smile
“Am I?” He asks “well thank you very much princess, your very pretty all the time” he smiles as he leant on the side close to me
“Thomas?”  I ask
“Humm?” he asks
“when do merpeople get married? Normaly?” I ask
“Bout my age why?” he laughs as he swam
“Just curious” I shrug “anyone in mind?” I ask
“Nope, I don't get along well with most of the girls around lopia” He sighed
“Lopia?” I ask
“Lopia it's the closest city to here, I live on the outskirts and I don't go often so” He shrugs
“Where is your house?” I ask” “about where I took you on the boat last night but on the sea floor obviously, it's nice you'd like it” He smiles
“why don't you live there all the time? Why do you come up on land?” I ask
“Becuase the comute from mine to here is less then here to lopia so I got a job on land” he shrugs “Plus If I did I wouldn't get to see you” He smiles
“Awww cute” I giggle “Does it affect you at all being on land?” I ask
“A little” he shrugs sitting on the side of the pool “Can you uhh...look away Y/N... incase my clothes don't come back?” he asks
“Course” I giggle closeing my eyes putting my hands over them
“Alright...you can look” He laughs so I looked grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself and sitting beside him “the skin of my feet and legs gets very dry if I'm out of water for a long time” He explained
“How much water does it take to make you go from feet to tail?” I ask him
“about a bath worth, it's not like a drop of water on my legs is going to make me change back” he laughs “But if I drop my foot in the water then I will start changing back” he says
“Humm...” I giggle
“what?” he asks
“just thinking” I shrug nuzzling my head close to him he smiles resting his head on me to
“Y/N... the real reason I'm not mated yet, is... I really like you” he told me
“but I'm a human” I shrug “You said yourself how stupid human and merpeople is as a concept” I shrug
“Hey... I said mer girl and human man, nothing about mer man and human girl” He replies
“Still we are different species Thomas” I sigh
“so you... don't like me like that?” He asks sounding a little heart broken
“Well... I do Thomas, Before I knew you where a merman I did really like you too, this just, compicates things” I sigh
“Why? I can survive out of water for a little while, can't we try Y/N?” he suggests
“Maybe, I will think about it” I sigh “Doesn't help I'm a princess Thomas that throws a whole other set of complications” I sigh
“I know, you know you could move down with me” He shrugs
“I can't live in water Thomas, I would drown” I giggle
“Well not if I-” He began
“PRINCESS Y/N!” I voice yells from the door knocking franticly
“yes!” I yell
“Princess we are locking up the castle it's time You let Thomas go home” the voice said
“Alright” I sigh “come on Thomas” I sigh getting up and getting my dress back on
“Okay, But Y/N I might not visit you tomorrow” he says
“what why not?” I ask him
“Well it's the blue moon tomorrow and all” He says
“Ohh...” I sigh
“I'm sorry, I would come visit if I could but I visited you on the last one... and if I miss another god knows what I'll be like, like I said most people my age are mated already, I keep missing them I might never find a mate” He explained
“Well I suppose so” I sigh as we walked down the corridors back to the kitchen “When does it start?” I ask
“as soon as it gets dark, why?” he asked
“Just curious” I sigh
“Okay, If I don't see you tomorrow I promise I will see you on monday okay?” He suggests
“Okay” I giggle
“Good” he smiles giving my cheek a kiss and going off home, I sighed locking up the door and I went up to my room the castle quiet and dark sitting in my bed looking out the window towards the sea and fiddling with my shells.
I got hardly any sleep last night not sure why maybe the scilence of the house was to strange and un nerving I kept looking at the sea something just worried me, maybe I was worried about Thomas? But why should I be​? He's off for his blue moon thing today, then why did that make me angry? I'm not angry I'm excited my best friend could find a girl for the rest of his life... yeah I'm mad about it. Why? It was getting late now I had been in bed trying to do anything but worry all day and I sighed grabbing my bag of shells and running off out into the garden. I creaked open the gate shutting it quickly behind me and running down to the beach... but how can I- how can I contact him? He always just sort of turns up when I'm at the beach and he wont be looking for me today, I spotted the little boat we took out the other night putting my bag in and pushing it out jumping in as it hit the water. I rowed out almost as far as he had taken me the other night I think it's hard to tell I wasn't paying much attention at the time and I stopped...uhhhhhhh how do you knock on a merman's door? I guess ummm? I have no idea... I threw the little bag down into the water and sat for a moment
“Thomas?” I ask to the water “Thomas?” I call again but nothing “Thomas!” I scream rocking my boat
“What?” he asks poking his head out the water
“Thomas!” I yell hugging him tightly
“Whoa! Okay hi...what? I've only been gone one day” He laughs
“You heard me?” I ask him
“No... you threw the little anchor bag threw my window” He says “where you trying to yell me?” He asks with a little laugh
“Yeah... sorry about the window” I sigh
“It's alright, what do you want Y/N?” he asks
“come in here” I tell him so he sighs getting into the boat
“Well I can't be long I have to swim up to the reef for the blue moon” He sighs
“Yeah... about that” I laugh
“What about that?” he asks
“Your not going” I smile starting to row back
“Wait what?” he asked very confused
“Your not going” I repeat
“Why not?” he asks in panic
“becuase Your coming with me” I smile
“Where?” He asks
“My room” I giggle
“Y/N I can't I have to go” He began but I just hit him with an oor “OWWW!” He complains
“Quiet else I hit you harder” I smile as he began to go back to having feet
“I have to go Y/N, I get you want to see me but I have to go, I've been a snuggly little annoyance lately as I missed the last one, you want me to get worse? Want me to die alone Y/N?” he asks
“No... I have a plan for both of those things” I giggle
“what you found some mergirl you got floating around in your pool?” he asks me crossing his arms getting very mad at me as we got back to the beach
“No, but I have a plan” I giggle hopping out with my bag “Come on” I smile taking his hand so he sighs getting out and following me even if I was having to tug him away from the sea quiet often till we got to the garden and I shut the gate behind us
“Y/N... I have to go I'f Im not in water then the blue moon hits I will be in agerny” He complains
“Ohh shh” I tell him pushing him inside I giggled holding his hand tightly and tugging him all the way up to my room and shoving him on my bed
“where are you going with this Y/N?” he asks a little worried
“Ohh relax I'm trying to help” I giggle
“Help? By abducting me?” he asks
“Ohh shut up Thomas” I tell him going to my bathroom and starting to run a bath he came over to me and chuckled
“if your thinking of putting me in there no chance, One my tail will not fit, Two my neck gets super in pain in bath tubs, Three Ocean Y/N, so Salt water” He explained
“I have a plan, shut up Thomas” I tell him poking his nose “Now keep an eye on that, I see you running off I will kick your butt” I warn him as I left and ran down to the kitchen luckily it was empty so I grabbed a big box of salt and ran up to my room where Thomas was laid on my bed “Get off my bed” I tell him
“why?” I ask
“Becuase your all wet” I tell him and he laughed
“You really think your going to get the water to the correct ocean level with a bath tub and a box of salt?” he asks coming over to me as I began adding salt to the water and turning off the tap and he leaned on the side of the bath tub and I just look at him “Shut up Thomas?” he asks
“well done” I smile giving his cheek a kiss which made him blush “Give that a try” I tell him so he puts his hand in
“Uhh just about actully, Little more not alot” he says
“Good, now get your pants off” I tell him
“WHAT!” He asked in shock
“I don't want the risk of you loseing your clothes so take them off you can put them back on when you tansform back” I tell him
“Alright” he sighs going into my room I went to go into the main part of my room but he was stood in his underwear “Y/N!” He yells covering himself up more
“I have seen you naked as a mer man Thomas relax” I tell him going and getting one of my little pillows already a little wet where he was laid on my bed I waited a minuet and turned back and he was sat in my bath the water almost reaching the brim of the tub so I giggled going over giving him the pillow to rest his head just as the fins on his tail unfirled spilling out the end of my tub
“I told you I wouldn't fit” he laughs
“Just” I shrug getting a little chair and sitting next to the tub with him
“Why are you doing this?” he asks I shrug “No no shrugs Y/N, I have been going to the blue moon for years why am I suddenly not allowed?” He asked
“Secret reasons” I giggle holding his hand and giving it a few little kisses “How long has it been Thomas?” I ask him
“Since what?” he asks
“Since you.... you know?” I smirk
“Ohh... four months why?” he asks I shrug “Y/N, I'm serious what is all this about? Did you...not want me to go to the reef for something?” he asked I just nuzzle with his arm “You- You didn't want me to go?” He asks
“I didn't say anything” I shrug
“No but I know You Y/N when you ignore me and cuddle things what I said is the truth your just avoiding answering it” he laughs turning a little to see me properly and holding my hands “Why wouldn't you want me to go?” he asks but I got up going to arange stuff on my window “Where you worried about me or something?” he asks I gave no answer “Where you just trying to be mean to me?” he asks I just opened one of my windows so the light came in blowing out a few of my candles it lightlying up most of the room incudling the bathtub moving to sit back in he chair next to the bath “Y/N... why did you not want me to go? What do you not want me to mate or something?” he asked and I froze looking to the water “You don't? Why not?” he asked
“Shut Up Thomas” I tell him
“Y/N!” He calls making me look up
“You said yourself most merpeople get wed around your age... I just- I just wanted you to be all mine a little longer” I sigh cuddling his arm tightly
“Awww, Y/N” He smiles giving my head a little kiss “You could have just told me that” he laughs “I would have understood if you just said that Y/N, I was starting to wonder If you-” he began
“Shut Up Thomas” I tell him
“Well... Okay, I might do this everytime it's comfy here with you” he smiles
“humm but then you wont ever find a Mate?” I ask him playing with the water a little
“Umm I know, still” he shrugs
“You where getting all worried earlier” I laugh
“That was before” he shrugs
“before what?” I ask
“Before it started getting dark” he smirks kissing my neck
“whoa what are you doing?” I ask him
“Sorry Y/N... I get excited when it gets dark  on a blue moon” He smirked
“Well the window is open to let the moonlight in, so you just have to sit and wait” I tell him
“ummm... Y/N?” he asks
“what is it Thomas?” I ask him
“Can you... touch my tail again? I like when you touch my tail” he smirked
“No... don't want you getting over excited Thomas” I giggle stoking his hair
“Ummmmmm please please please” He begs grabbing my hand and kissing my hand and arm relentlessly
“okay okay, alright Thomas, not sure I like you like this” I laugh putting my hand on his tail
“I'm sorry, I get like this on the blue moon, If I missed it today I would be like this for the next two months” He smirked rolling his head against the pillow
“Can't have that, you'll be a nightmare” I giggle
“I thought you liked me snuggling you and kissing you?” he asks
“I do, but your clearly to over excited” I smile running my hand slowly up and down his tail in the water every time I moved an inch his breath hitched and he bit his lip often letting his eyes roll back his hand grabbing a side of the bath tub as the sun light disappeared completely the moon light starting to reflect on the ocean his body shuddered as the moon light flooded my room “want me to stop?” I ask and he shook his head so I laid my head on the side of the bath stroking his tail the fins on his tail lightly moving on the edge of my bath as the moonlight flooded my room completely he grabbed my arm that was half in the water
“Y/N can you uhh... get me some uhh water” He asks
“Your in water” I ask
“To drink though?” He asked
“fine” I sigh giving his head a kiss and going off down to the kitchen and getting him a glass of water when I got back to my door I quietly went in quietly sneaking to see him but so he could hardly see me not that he was looking for me anyway both his hands on the rim of my bath tub holding it tightly, his head rolling back on the side his tail completely submerged in the water, his mouth open little groans and moans escapeing every now and again, his breaths sharp and jagged the moonlight coming in though my window hitting the water almost perfectly he kept jittering and moving in the water until suddenly he breathed in his body stopping completetly his eyes shut as he lowly moaned and his whole body dropped his hands letting go of the sides and he opened his eeys relaxing breathing heavily “Have fun?” I ask him
“Yeah” He smirked so I went and sat beside the bath again “I needed that” He smirked still sharply breathing
“I can tell” I laugh
“It had been four months let me off Y/N” he laughs
“I know, it's okay its kinda interesting to watch” I smile ad he smriked at me a little surprised “if you like you can use my bathtub everytime” I smile
“I might, its certianly easier, but you want me to die alone Y/N I have to go to the reef at somepoint for it else I wont ever have a mate” He laughs
“I know” I sigh taking his hand
“You really don't want me going do you?” he asks I didnt speak I just cuddled his hand giving it some kisses
“Y/N, There is-” He began
“Princess Y/N! I really must protest madam I can not allow that boy to be in your room, I'm sorry but he has to go” I heard the butler say from the other side of the door
“Alright Alright” I sigh “You best be going” I sigh
“Yeah, okay... could I see you tomorrow?” He asked
“Night yeah” I sigh
“Okay, tomorrow night” He smiled “Now move I need a bit of space to work out how the hell I am getting out of this” he laughs so I went sitting on my bed reading my book till he was out dry and dressed back normaly “Okay, so I will see you tomorrow night then” he smiled sitting on my bed
“Tomorrow night, you can get out on your own?” I ask
“Course I can, see you tomorrow Y/N” he smiles kissing my head
“see you Thomas” I giggle blowing him a little kiss he smiled grabbing his stuff and wondering out my room I waited a little while before going to my window and I saw him just leaving out the kitchen door and crossing the little path and wondering down the grass to the beach he stopped as he got close to the water edge turning back to the castle I don't think he saw me as it was quiet dark he did something I'm not sure what hard to tell in the dark before he jumped into the sea and he was gone so I sighed going back to my bed and getting to sleep.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
How does Lisa deal with being a foreign idol in Korea according to her personality on the birth chart? (prejudice, xenophobia, etc.) And how does she adapt to so many routines being an Aryan?
Hey there! 💕Thank you for such a great question!! 💕💕 I had to stop and think about what aryan means for a second but you mean like, as an Aries-born person right?? 💕💕 (sdkjfnjksn i thought for a sec it was the ‘blond-hair-blue-eyed’ Aryan but its ok!!! 💕 I got it now!! 💕)
[Below Cut: Blackpink Lisa’s T-Square | Escapism - Driving Force]
Caution: her birth time would’ve clued us in more about the ‘foreigner’ part of her chart specifically, but since we don’t have her birth time I’m very limited on what I can say about her in this area. I hope you understand 💕
Let’s touch on her aspects, Lisa might have a T-Square in her chart. 
Note: I said might because it’s aspecting Scorpio - Aries- Capricorn and not Libra-Aries-Capricorn. The Scorpio placement is at 0′, and it is aspecting both the Aries and Capricorn. Since it’s aspected, it might be unconventional but I’d consider it a T-Square, because the result would still put Capricorn Neptune in the Apex position. 
With Capricorn Neptune | Scorpio Chiron (at 0′) | Aries Mercury. 
Aries Mercury and Scorpio Chiron are in opposition to each other (aspected) making Capricorn Neptune becomes the Apex of the T-Square.
The Apex of this T-Square is the point of ‘focus’ or where the pressure lies.
The individual with T-Squares in their chart may find themselves stressing the Apex in order to progress/fulfill their goals. Often times, T-Squares are action-oriented and possesses an incredible ‘drive’ to achieve. The stress factor is mostly mental/emotional strain. Manifestation of what and how they’re achieving their goals comes from what is in the Apex.
In this case, it’s Capricorn Neptune. With Capricorn Neptune we look at the Capricorn for what it is she wants to achieve (material success, long-term stability, expendable resource in the future) and the cardinal nature of the T-Square (Aries/Capricorn and what could’ve been Libra) points to a stress regarding identity.
Stress about identity in this regard is how the individual want achieve it through practical means. With Capricorn, it’s often through earning recognition, acknowledged accomplishments and material expressions of the self (like photos, fashion - tangible things)
This is the main source of stress for the individual, since Capricorn Neptune makes the individual yearn these successes but also fear them at the same time. It’s a dream/hope they want to accomplish, but sometimes they fear that it could come as  ‘too much, too fast, won’t last’ at the same time.
When it comes to the T-Square, it often points to an individual trait that is a bit unrestrained. There’s an ‘action-oriented’ nature to the person. It pushes them into impulsively taking the chance on achieving what’s in their Apex. In this case, there was no way to stop Lisa from what she perceives as ‘material success/long-term recognition’ — her career and moving to Korea for an opportunity at this. Is possibly a result of her Apex/Capricorn Neptune.
Now that we’ve established that Lisa is driven strongly by her Capricorn Neptune. Let’s look at the other square/opposition placements.  
With regards to Aries Mercury - square- Capricorn Neptune. There’s a possibility that she may have trouble with either over-processing her goals  (stressing it out) or finding ways to escape thinking about it. 
When aspecting Aries Mercury, this can also mean incredible concentrating power. When she shuts off her mind and just do something, it aligns the Capricorn and Aries together into a similar language (action-orientation) and thus– Capricorn brings actualization to Neptune’s idealization through Aries Mercury’s help.  
This is something she might have to learn, but in terms of ‘routine’ – this ‘routine’ might be her ‘escape’ from what it is she’s stressed about. Dancing, in particular, or focusing on the ‘now/work/achieving dreams’ help dissolve her stress in other areas of her life. 
With Scorpio Chiron - Square - Capricorn Neptune, it might give us a glimpse of what she fears/stresses about. Scorpio Chiron are self-empowered individuals. Often times, the main cause of pain might come from feeling powerlessness in themselves (and overcompensating for that) or fearing their own power/strength and trying to suppress it completely. 
Considering Lisa also has a Scorpio Moon, it might possibly be the latter. Scorpio Chiron can also point to pains regarding sudden loses/significant transformation in their life that impacted them emotionally/spiritually. As well as inheritance issues or fights for power/dominance. 
With Chiron, it’s always important to note how their pain can heal. Healing means they become stronger each time they break, and often more insightful and experienced as well. 
With Scorpio Chiron- squaring- Capricorn Neptune; Neptune that rules the intuition, dreams and creativity/spirituality may be blocked. The person can swing either way; they are extremely spiritual or they completely block themselves from spiritualism in order to gain ‘conventional’ success.
This means the individual can avoid ‘realities’ they associated to their stress. A spiritual person can avoid ‘reality’ by resorting to spiritual means, while a ‘realist’ might avoid spiritualism by appearing to be a very pragmatic, logical and rational kind of person. Interactions/merging of the two can happen, but often time it reaffirms the individual’s discomfort with the ‘reality’ they’re avoiding and leaves them feeling ‘hurt’ or ‘don’t belong’ more. 
Too much of something leads to a ‘break down’ eventually. Chiron-square-Neptune points to over-indulgence in order to ‘relax’ the tension. For the person themselves, not suppressing their Neptune/Chiron can be hard to do. But learning how to relax Chiron first can point to better understanding, and then possibly eventually supporting their Neptune later.  
As for Scorpio Chiron - opposition - Aries Mercury, this talks about communication and considering the two Mars-dominant signs– the ability to communicate/teach through demonstration or action. 
Chiron in opposition to Mercury points to someone who can want to communicate something, but the point they got across is something they didn’t mean to say. Or thinking they aren’t communicating properly, but the other person got it instantly. It’s a misalignment of desiring to teach/heal (Chiron) and their under/over-estimation of their communication abilities. 
In Conclusion:
What I’m trying to imply here, is that Lisa may be focusing more on her ‘escape’ (Neptune) by single-mindedly blocking herself off from ‘distractions’ (Chiron/Neptune) in order to achieve her dreams (alignment to Neptune). 
She does this by exerting herself in other areas (Aries/Capricorn Neptune) that may point to being somewhat ‘productive’ to her goals (Mercury/Neptune) So she doesn’t have to face an aspect of her ‘reality’ (Neptune) and her personal ‘demons’ that haunts her mind/emotions (the T-Square). 
Sometimes, xenophobia/prejudice can be something much simpler to solve in your everyday life if there are other stress factors you may find personally challenging to your immediate well-being.  
 **Xenophobia does happen and is still a very big problem. But from what we can tell, facing xenophobia or prejudice from Korea is something she has knowledge of and is still willing to take the chance anyways. What she’s escaping from is –to her – a far bigger problem to her mental/emotional health than xenophobia/prejudice right now. 
Lisa has an incredible tenacity to her and a ‘water-off-my-shoulder’ disposition (Scorpio/Aries). This may apply to her happy-go-lucky attitude and where it came from, considering how the T-Square is unstable when it could’ve been the Grand Cross.    
A way to help the T-Square is to see that ‘missing house/sign’ in the opposition to Capricorn. Which would point to Cancer.
Cancer represents a lot of things, but it also talks about emotionality, the home, mother/childhood, femininity and therefore– the lack thereof in the individual. 
I’m implying a lot of things here and it’s getting into the dangerous territory. So I’m going to stop here.
With regards to routine, again it has to do with her natural perseverance and determination to see her goals achieved/fulfilled. The main motivation to stay focused/concentrated comes from that Capricorn Neptune, and it’s well-supported by her Aries placements. 
Ending Note
This probably isn’t what you were expecting when you sent in the ask, and this isn’t what I was expecting when I started answering this ask either. 
I really wanted to go into  talking about prejudice and culture and all that good stuff but we kind of need their birth-time to look at how ‘others’ are impacting them (rather than how they ‘react’ to the others - which is largely a part of the placements themselves *with regards to specifics being in their aspects/houses that can shift/change)
I hope this is a satisfactory answer for you either way💕 It was a fun question to answer I’m sorry for the loaded answer 💕💕Thanks again for sending the ask in!! 💕💕 Lmk what u think if u want?? 💕💕
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