redlatinasinfronteras · 2 months
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Toni Negri (1933-2023): “Debemos rebelarnos, debemos resistir”
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carabanchelnet · 1 year
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📌Yolanda Díaz: las elecciones van de evitar los recortes y “la vuelta del dolor de la gente”. “España es más que un debate entre dos hombres” 📌Qué te libra y qué no te libra de estar en una mesa electoral 📌Más de cien sindicalistas se reúnen en la Conferencia Sindical de Anticapitalistas 📌Con el primer juicio a una inquilina de Alcorcón, Blackstone se prepara para desahuciar a 40 familias https://carabanchel.net
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ansiedadoscura · 1 year
Mira hay personas que están obsesionadas con el dinero , el dinero es la nueva religión, ni siquiera cuestionan este sistema.
El dinero es importante pero no lo es todo en la vida. No deberías de dañar a los demás , dañarte a ti mismo y basar tu vida en tener dinero.
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radicalgraff · 6 months
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"In case of climate change, break capitalism"
Sticker seen in Sydney
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moishe-pipick · 4 days
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girlblogging9 · 6 days
Eduque seus filhos corretamente:
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aerowolf · 3 months
Random Hobie Headcanon B4 Bed
He is all for theft from corporations and chains, especially large ones which are unsustainable and mistreat their employees, but refuses to do so from local small businesses. He supports the people who are trying to do their best and make a difference because this capitalist economy is inescapable and it's correct to support the people who have actual soul and love and care in what they do for others.
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shroobles · 1 month
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The american revolution was a petit bourgeois revolution.
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nando161mando · 9 months
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whereserpentswalk · 11 days
You've been on a generational ship your entire life. There's about a million people on the ship, the population doesn't grow or shrink at all. Your entire life is and will be defined by a limited amount of room, a small space, barely large enough for everyone there to fit, that has become your entire world.
The humans that exist on generational ships are very alien to the humans that exist on planets. Your job is to maintain the ship and carry the culture of humanity but you don't need a human lifestyle to do it. Because reproduction needs to be done through artificial wombs all humans are neutered, with sterile sexless bodies. Everyone's job is determined by ship authority, and very dark things happen to those not able to perform some sort of duty. People spend the first fifteen years of their lives in virtual reality, learning about humanity in a simulation until they're ready to live as adults. Everything is so alien from the earth that you read about in books.
It wouldn't be so hard if society wasn't meant to resemble earth, meant to resemble the most conservative and traditional of earth. The American flags hanging up on the walls, despite everyone alive on board having never known America. The way the pods you live in have astroterf lawns, and fake blue skies painted above them, and the facades of American suburban homes. The way resources a distributed from things meant to look like family run stores, despite the monolithic power behind the economy. Even as monolithic as station authority is it still must dress as democracy, and must preach capitalism in a world with no markets, and patriotism in a world with no nations.
Despite your sexless body you're not free of performing gender. You wear dresses over your breastless neutered body, are expected to act feminine, to carry gender rolls into the planet you're going to. Your husband is expected to do the same for maleness. You love him but your situation feels like a performance with no audience. Despite having neither the instinctual desire nor the physical apparatus to you try to be physically intimate with him, it's what everyone does with their spouse, it would be weird not to.
Space isn't as empty as earth thought it would be. There are things that lurk in the void between stars. Nobody fully knows what they are, where they come from, even if they all come from the same place. Sometimes they put the ship in danger, sometimes the authorities make deals with them. But nobody is allowed to know. You're just all told to be afraid of them but not understand why you have to be afraid. The nightmares between stars aren't delt with with knowledge but with ignorance, they do seem creepy from the little you've seen of them but everyone kind of knows their power is being used for something by the station. Patriotism is always helped by having monsters beyond your borders.
Your entire you've dreamed of blue skies and stars and fields and forests and oceans and all those pretty things you've never seen, that you never will see. People always dream of being so high ranking they'll have access to suspended animation and life extension technology, but so few ever reach that rank. You've read all the classics they allow, read Dante, and Milton, and Homer, tried to let poetry bring you to earth but that planet is alien to you now. Sometimes you wonder what it would be like if you weren't raised in a world that copied earth, if you were accepted as a member of a race that lives on a ship, that exists so liminally. Would there still be such a longing. Mabye you shouldn't have been expected to meet a standard from another world. Mabye you weren't born to long for anything. Does it scare you to think you wouldn't want earth if they didn't tell you to?
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In a world that doesn't revolve around maximizing profit, it's simply common sense not to feed poison to our children.
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memphisfoodnotbombs · 9 months
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"You are not a capitalist, you are a worker with Stockholm Syndrome"
Spotted in Chelmsford, Essex
Via @radicalgraffiti
#StockholmSyndrome #Capitalism #AntiCapitalism #AbolishCapitalism #AbolishWageSlavery #WorkersRights #LaborMovement #Neoliberalism #Communism #Socialism #Anorchism #Anarchy #Anarchist #Anarchists
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radicalgraff · 8 months
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“Capitalism wants happy slaves”
Spotted in Mexico City
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ladycatashtrophe · 18 days
Idk about y'all but I spend a lot of time lamenting over the fact that humanity is objectively not built for capitalism in any way shape or form and that we should all be free to tinker with little projects or run around in a field or study whatever we want or bring back the artist class because it is genuinely appalling that there are people having to beg and pray for strangers to donate their last buck so they can escape a genocidal apartheid regime like idk I feel like that should be free??? Existence without oppression should be free??? People should be free.
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plagiarmola · 20 days
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(Esp) Siempre activxs para dar pelea.
(Eng) Always active to fight.
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