#Anti j.k rowling
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Edit:holy fuck it gets worse
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
I'm so sad CallMeKevin played the Nazi Terf game because I genuinely liked him and enjoyed his content
Also he disabled comments on the video so I don't think it's a "he didn't know what he was getting into" situation
This is the polar opposite of this meme
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Edit: he blocked comments because they were horrifically transphobic, and apologised on Reddit for playing the game. Crisis over!!
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the sacred 28 is peak jkr tbh. We learn nothing about progress or how things changed for halfbloods, muggleborns, squibs, etc, but years after the series ends we get more pureblood focus, like why did this even need to exist beyond her racism huh?
Sorry anon, I don't know if you were expecting solidarity or agreement from me, but I...don't really have any to offer.
...Really? We're going to presume she's a blood purist in her real life politics because she added a bit of in-universe world-building to her cash cow like, ten years ago? (I mean...she might be, but this isn't proof.) It is not surprising that the Pureblood Directory exists. Nor is it proof of anything. I actually think it's kind of neat. I like that we don't know who wrote it. That it has inconsistencies and flaws. I am not remotely surprised that such a piece was published in this world. And I'm not going to assume anything about the author based on this update because...honestly, that's nuts.
Trying to guess a writer's real life politics based on the nuances they include in the sub-creationist fantasy world they craft is...a losing game.
I don't know why the fandom feels the need to keep doing this. Not saying this is you, anon (though you kind of give that impression) but some of the HP fans (or "former fans" if you like) are fixated on dissecting the book and trying to find traces of the person Rowling is now in a narrative she wrote twenty years ago. You guys really don't need to keep inventing new reasons to hate her when there's perfectly good transphobia already out in the open. Transphobia that she keeps doubling down on.
Gotta be honest...I don't think this is helping. Criticize her for her actual bigotry and the damage she's causing, sure. But people will choose to focus on the books "supporting slavery" through the House Elves or featuring a "trans stereotype" with Rita Skeeter...all of it feels like people are reaching. No, the series isn't homophobic just because Dumbledore's sexuality could have been handled better. It isn't racist just because Cho Chang has two last names. (This is just a side note but she's not explicitly Chinese...or even explicitly Asian. They never confirm her race in the text. I mean, it's pretty clear that she is, I'm just saying.)
We don't need to waste time on this stuff. Rowling is actually hurting people with bigotry that she actually believes in. Let's focus on that instead of trying to piece together a dossier about how she was "always" awful. I honestly don't think that's the case, but it doesn't matter anyway. When I see posts like these, it frankly just comes across as people who have been burned by Rowling trying to "ruin" Harry Potter for the allies who still feel a connection to the series...if so, that's not going to work, and there are productive things you can do. Follow Daniel Radcliffe's example, he is slaying as a human being.
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nando161mando · 6 days
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When you're so obsessed with trans people that even Musk thinks you're being too much.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
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Oh GOD the fiendish David Zaslav is rebooting Harry Potter with a new "extremely faithful" adaption of the seven books. J.K. TERFling is heavily involved, she's executive producing, and they've made a TEN-YEAR COMMITMENT already.
Five Rapid-Fire Thoughts I Had in Reaction to This News:
Fuck Zaslav. (Btw, did I mention that — after deleting half of HBO Max's original content — Zaslav has now announced a price hike to the newly christened "MAX" service? As if giving a shitload of money to the planet's most notable TERF wasn't enough fuckery. FUCK that fucking shitheel.)
See below.
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3. All y'all who were like "Boycott Hogwart's Legacy or You're Automatically a Terrible Person" or whatever because Rowling was going to make like a 1% royalty off of that game had GODDAMN BETTER boycott HBO MAX (....uh, sorry, it's just "MAX" now, I keep forgetting bc that name sucks — "HBO MAX" wasn't all that good a name to begin with IMO, but now it's worse) from here on out. YES, I know it's harder to boycott an entire streaming service that may contain OTHER content you want, but c'mon now, just bootleg anything you want off MAX in the future. (I'll help! I will send you a link or whatever if you need assistance. Message me. It's cool.) Because this is going to make her SO MUCH MORE MONEY due to involving her FAR MORE DIRECTLY. FUCK. WHY. Why did they fucking do this.
4. There are so many things in the books that are either A) poorly explained workarounds for continuity/logic issues or B) extremely problematic that the movies were actually BETTER for ignoring them. Can't wait to see the scene where every single known Time-Turner gets accidentally broken shortly after Prisoner of Azkaban in order to ensure the characters can never use time travel to fix their problems again! SUPER excited for the plotline where Hermione has to learn that she's silly and wrong for trying to free slaves because the slaves are fucking happier being enslaved! OH BOY!
5. God, a ten-year production commitment UP FRONT. I hope they lose so much money on this stupid-ass project that they wind up dragging their feet to produce future seasons for so long that the contract runs out before they've gotten farther than like, the third novel, and then it just dies on the vine. Would be HILARIOUS.
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lgbtqtext · 23 days
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
Transphobic billionaire Elon Musk told transphobic possible-billionaire J.K. Rowling to try writing something “interesting and positive” this weekend after she shared a 709-word essay explaining her transphobic views on Musk’s social media platform, X. Musk has also repeatedly used X to promote transphobic views to his 182.3 million followers. Musk recently saw Rowling’s April 6 post in which she shared her trans-exclusive definition of a woman and said, yet again, that trans women are a violent threat to cis women and that gender-affirming care harms children — neither of which is true. Musk replied in a now-deleted post, “While I heartily agree with your points regarding sex/gender, may I suggest also posting interesting and positive content on other matters?”
In a May 5 post referencing Musk’s reaction, Rowling wrote, “Hahaha, just realised that I missed being advised to share more positive content yesterday.” She then linked to an article about her writing career. Musk commented on her post, writing, “I need to be reminded of this myself from time to time.” Around the same time, Musk highlighted a post asking if robots in the future will be able to fart, shared a video from transphobic Daily Wire broadcaster Matt Walsh, and pushed the baseless claim that election fraud in the U.S. is rampant — it’s not. Later that same day, Musk commented on a post about Rowling, writing, “Rowling rocks.”
Anti-trans extremist Elon Musk tells fellow anti-trans bigot J.K. Rowling to tone down her vigilantly anti-trans vitriol.
See Also:
PinkNews: Elon Musk just asked JK Rowling to lighten up about trans folks – yes, really
The Advocate: Transphobe Elon Musk calls out J.K. Rowling for posting transphobic content
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Top 5 worst parts of the hp series?
This is pretty hard tbh. Not because it’s sooo good, but because I have many bones to pick with HP.
Aight, let’s get to work:
1. The treatment of House-elves.
I don’t even need to elaborate. It’s just horrible. They’re literally enslaved and abused, and not one character—not even any of the good guys—in the entire series aside from Hermione has a problem with it.
2. Rowling’s “feminist” bias, sexism, and treatment of feminine girls.
Hermione attacking Ron and making him bleed because he kissed a girl being seen as okay and having no consequences. Ron getting pissed about Hermione and Krum (for like, one night) is portrayed as horrible and apparently he’s “such a jerk!!1!”
Lavender and Parvati—who are very feminine—being consistently mocked and belittled by Hermione, Fleur being mocked and excluded by Molly, Ginny, and Hermione because she was… pretty??? Literally what reason was there for them to talk shit about her behind her back. [Plus, when Harry (kinda?) defended Fleur and pointed out that she was chosen as a Triwizard champion, Hermione automatically assumes he’s merely lusting after her.]
Rowling’s constant sexism and transphobia when it comes to Snape’s character. This post perfectly sums it up.
Rowling making the main three female characters (Hermione, Ginny, and Luna) “unique” and “not like other girls.” Omg look! Hermione likes to read and isn’t girly!! She’s soo relatable right?? Omg look! Ginny is soooo badass and fiesty!! She plays Quidditch and has older brothers and she bullies Fleur merely because she’s girly. Do you guys like her yet?? Omg look! Luna is soo quirky and believes in weird mystical stuff (as if they didn’t go to a school for wizards), and is bullied and excluded for it. She’s sooo unique, right??
Every female villain (Bellatrix, Rita, Umbridge) in the series being childless. (I can make an entire separate post about this but I’ll just cut it short.)
The girls’ dorm being portrayed as needing a defense against rape but not the boys’ dorm.
[There are wayyyy more examples but I’m afraid I’ll write a million-word essay filled with hatred and a lot of screaming if I continue.😅]
To make things clear: I put the blame solely on Rowling, I don’t blame any of the girls (except maybe Ginny and Hermione), it’s Rowling’s stupid bias I’m pissed off at.
3. Date-rape drugs (love potions) being sold and used without any consequences.
Merope raped Tom Riddle Sr. by using a love potion on him and he was the one painted as the bad guy for “abandoning poor Merope.” She was a rapist and was painted sympathetically to (and even by) the readers.
Gred and Feorge (not a typo) sold love potions and faced no consequences.
4. Abuse never being taken seriously.
The abuse Harry, Snape, and Sirius faced from their families is never actually acknowledged and taken seriously. People’s treatment of House-elves—literal abuse—is never addressed.
5. How the Hogwarts Professors treat their students.
Filch and Umrbridge flat-out torture students, other professors ridicule, bully, and even sometimes endanger the lives of students (*looks at McGonagall and Hagrid*), and face no consequences for it. Like I get that it’s an old-fashioned Wizard school in the 90s but COME ON.
I have many more problems with the series (the stereotypes and the gender roles, the corruption, Dumbledore, no Wizarding therapy, the grooming and separation, the biases and prejudice, etc etc), but these are the ones I’m mentioning and the ones that bring out the most anger in me, especially the first three.
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
If you post Harry Potter content in September 2022 then I automatically do not trust you.
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mithridas · 1 year
Video essay about the bridges between hateful feminists and right-wing women, the trend of elevating 'civil debate' over rejection and protest, the effects of deradicalisation from hate movements,... 
Overall a well-argued look at JK Rowling's transphobia and current transphobia / homophobia conservative rhetoric.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
One thing that I’ve noticed is that, even before JK.Rowling outed herself as a tone-deaf TERF caricature of who she’d been before, is that people attacked the Harry Potter series for things that other YA series don’t get the same attacks for.
Like, JKR sucks, but let’s let our attacks on her and her books exist in the realm of fair reason, hm?
The one that really stands out for me is the complaint that the Harry Potter series is bad because Harry didn’t.... fix all of the problems with the Wizarding World? 
This one has always baffled me. Like, leaving aside the fact that there was hardly room for fixing everything in a seven book series (what, did we want ten, twenty, thirty more books covering the rest of Harry’s life? I’m sorry, I don’t want to read Harry Potter and the Landlord’s Inspection followed by Harry Potter and the Series of Boring and Straight Forward Criminal Cases With No Plot Twists), How is it Harry’s responsibility to always, 100 percent of the time, be on the fore of solving all the world’s problems. Give him a freaking break, he spent seven years fighting for his life, let him have something nice!
Like, yes, the Wizarding World is packed full of problems. Many of them ones that J.K. Rowling deliberately included, and many that she doesn’t really see as problems (which is it’s own set of issues with her writing), but since when is it the responsibility of a book series to resolve literally every bad thing that exists in the world?
Yes, I’m all for a story about Aragorn’s tax policy, but I wouldn’t want that to be part of the Lord of the Rings proper, because that’s not what LOTR was. And I wouldn’t expect (or enjoy) a story where Aragorn literally fixes every single wrong in Gondor and then the rest of Middle Earth because that’s not how things work. Shit doesn’t get fixed like that, doesn’t get rendered perfect. (It’s telling that the loudest voices on this line of attack tend to be the kind of lazy socialist who thinks that everything can be solved by just screaming ‘eat the rich’ and ‘medicare for all’) Problems are solved, and the solutions raise new problems. They expend scarce resources. They require limited decision bandwidth. A solution for one group makes things worse for another. Or actually implementing the solution in a way that doesn’t accidentally kill innocent people becomes a challenge all it’s own.
And all this assumes that all the relevant figures in a society can be convinced to back a solution. Or you could use violence, but that doesn’t tend to work out all that well for anyone, by every single historical example we have. But sure, this time when we feed people to the Guillotine, it’ll work.
So yes, it’s not that it wouldn’t be interesting to read a series about a world like the Wizarding World being reformed, or even having a violent revolution (though if that violence led to a perfect utopia, I’d question the sanity of the writer). But that’s not what the Harry Potter series was, and I doubt JKRowling, with her abundance of character and writing flaws, would have been able to write it to the satisfaction of the people who bitch about it. And Harry Potter would hardly have been the right protagonist for that story anyway. But that’s not what the series was. It was a Juvenile fiction/YA series about an orphaned boy finding a place in the world, graduating school and defeating a Dark Lord. It’s not a particularly innovative model of a story, but it’s one that works well, and that is well established. It was very clear from the start what sort of story it was, and it was never gonna be ‘Harry Potter Fixes the World’.
I mean, it’s fine to want to read a story where someone discovers they belong to some secret, hidden world and then they set out to correct all the injustices of that world. And depending on how heavy-handed it was, and how unrealistic all that fixing was, I’d probably even enjoy it. But that isn’t what Harry Potter was. And getting angry at J.K. Rowling for not doing that in her seven book YA coming of age story is a bit like walking into a McDonalds and then screaming at them for not carrying vegan nonfat soy gluten free kale smoothies! It’s like going into a pizza place and wondering where the Chicken Tikka Masala is. You’re in the wrong place for what you’re looking for, and that’s not the proprietor’s fault.
And again - and this is what gets me - I have never seen any other YA author taken to task for this. I have seen tons of them attacked for bad representation, or lack of representation, or daring to have sex happen in the story, or for ‘sending bad messages about relationships to impressionable kids’, et cetera. 
But I’ve never seen - and maybe I’m just not looking in the right places - any sort of widespread idea that the author’s story was a failure because *looks at smudged writing on hand* “... they failed to have the protagonists resolve all the problems of the society...” That can’t be right?
Oh, but it is somehow what people expect here. I have not once, in my many years of reading fantasy fiction, Sci-fi, and YA stories encountered any novel or series that ended with everything being solved. Or even most things. It’s never been an expectation I’ve seen anyone throw at any other story. The fact of the matter is, even the most complex of stories is only going to resolve a small number of problems just from a logistics of writing approach. I can’t even begin to imagine how complex a story focusing on just a tenth of the major systemic problems of our society and their ‘fixing’ would be.
JKRowling is, now, trash. She’s an out of touch, elitist, tone-deaf, perpetual victim TERF who has more in common with the alt-right than anyone to the left of Richard Freaking Nixon. Her refusal to take even reasonable and mild criticism, and her constant and persistent doubling down on her nonsense while continuing to screech about how dare ‘cancel culture’ attack her shows how thin her skin is, how badly she takes even the slightest disagreement, the barest hint of a ‘no’. There are many problems with the HP series, and many in the Wizarding World, including the ones that she didn’t seem to see as problems. A lot of unexamined Very British Baggage, for instance. And had JK Rowling been able to do any self-reflection once she started getting criticism, maybe she could have addressed those problems, at least a little. But a lot of the attacks the books got, and still get, were and are unreasonable. Expecting things that no one had any legitimate reason to expect or by judging it by standards no one ever judges books by. If you graded books by ‘solve all the problems in the world’ every book gets an F. But I’ve never seen any series get hit with that same, persistent line of attack.
It’s unreasonable, and stupid, and more than anything else, it’s baffling. Why did anyone ever expect this of Harry Potter in the first place?
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hecho-a-mano · 2 years
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But TERFs can always “tell”, right? LMAO. Hilarious.
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
It's interesting watching people going through the mental gymnastics Olympics when trying to justify buying and/or pirating the Nazi game
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nando161mando · 9 months
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hopeymchope · 8 months
Harry Potter-like series reveals a sexfluid character among its protagonists
Do YOU: A) Support trans/LGBTQ rights, BUT ALSO B) Want to be 100% free of any guilt while you enjoy/embrace a story that contains all of the following:
Up-and-coming young wizards/witches attend a magical academy together
Said academy is a castle in England
The students attend the academy for seven years
Classes include magical combat, potions, magical creatures, herbology, and broom-flying
While the students attend those classes, they simultaneously have adventures in and around the school's grounds, encountering dangerous beasts and dark wizards?
If that sounds like something YOU want, I legit recommend you try out Reign of the Seven Spellblades — a light-novel series which became a manga which has now become an anime!
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I first came into this series via the current anime. And as the headline up above states, said anime recently revealed one of heroes in the focal circle of friends has literal sexfluidity. (Like, they're not merely genderfluid. They actually switch their physical sex. ["If only it were that easy," amirite?])
Episode 7 (i.e., the one right after that big twist/reveal I wrote about previously) begins with one of our protagonists, Pete Reston, waking up from a strange dream to reveal that the character-formerly-known-as-"he" is hiding breasts under their shirt. Upon my first viewing, I naturally thought we were learning that Pete was secretly transmasc this whole time, which would've been a cool enough touch. But I've already spoiled that that's NOT where this story goes, so...
Ultimately, Oliver (Pete's roommate and the series' co-lead) notices that Pete's... shaped differently, and Pete is forced to admit that they don't even know what's happening to them. Lucky for Pete, then, that Oliver has read up a LOT on the magical world. He's always there to drop a knowledge bomb. Like this one.
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Not only does Pete then get the full support of his friends (who finally learn all about this in episode 9 and are happy for him/have no problem with it), his class president also steps in to share with him a secret meeting place for people just like himself.
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So yeah; it's been a pretty cool little touch. Plus it feels like they're gently flipping the bird at the creator of Rot7S' obvious inspiration.
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To the anon who sent me the big HPHL spoilers...
Complete in meme form and everything.
I don't know what you think you're even accomplishing, as I've stated multiple times that I'm not playing, and I've also repeatedly expressed in the past that I don't care about spoilers in general.
Still, I'm getting tired of this. If I have to see one more Hogwarts Legacy "Meme" post with spoilers, I will eat this scarf. You know the posts I'm talking about. They're nothing if not proud of what they've done. (And if anyone tries to be "clever" and reblog this post with said spoilers, keep in mind that I can and will block you. I'd rather not need to, but I will.)
A dear friend of mine, someone who explicitly wanted to stay out of the drama and just play a game they were excited for, ran into these posts despite having gone out of their way to block all of the game's tags. I know some of you are probably snickering and saying "good." But no, it's not good. Because you're punishing the wrong people. This person isn't a transphobe or an antisemite. As far as I can tell, they barely know anything about the controversies beyond "Rowling is bad." They're a totally innocent fan who doesn't know any of the politics and doesn't want to, all they wanted was to play a Harry Potter game.
Do you guys not realize that you're alienating people who might otherwise become allies? Some of whom may now choose to side with the enemy out of spite? (Y'know, that thing that's motivating the spoilers...) I was talking to my aforementioned friend, and I ended up explaining a bit of the trans lingo when they encountered Sirona Ryan, helped them understand. They were the one who asked me, and they got it immediately. It was that simple. Now, maybe you don't *want* the people who bought HPHL as allies but to that I say...you've gotta get over that. Because we need every friend we can get, and there's a difference between the hateful and the ignorant. The ignorant can be redeemed. Is giving the middle finger to those who didn't boycott the game so important to you? Aren't there more productive ways you could be providing alliance?
The spoiler posts in particular are bothering me. Because it's so childish, and it's not remotely helpful. You're just being a bully. While you may argue that it doesn't matter because the Jewish and Trans communities have suffered far worse (and they have) to me, that's not really the point. You're still driving the undecided folk into the arms of the enemy. Again, I know some of you are inclined to think "Who cares, we don't need them anyway." But the problem with that is that yes, yes we do.
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