#Anti Jiara
loveharlow · 1 month
my unpopular obx opinions that no one asked for (unfiltered and in detail)...
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Sarah cheating on John B was not unexpected. She ran into the arms of Topper Thornton whenever the opportunity presented itself which bring me to my next point...
Sarah does not like being a pogue. I believed she liked the initial freedom and adventure but when shit gets tough, she runs back to what reminds her of her old life (*cough cough* Topper). She has the luxury of being on the fence of Kook and Pogue sometimes.
Pope is technically the real main character of the show. On paper, yes, the show is about John B finishing the treasure hunt that his father started. BUT, after season 2, it was clear that the entire treasure itself revolved around Pope, a direct descendant of the man the treasure belonged to and I don't think we got enough of that.
Pope is a stronger character than he is presented to be. I think the show highlighted his self-defense capability in seasons 2 and 3 but it's widely ignored that this man has gone up against Rafe on multiple occassions and lowkey beat his ass. (Rafe beat his ass too but still).
Kiara will forever be wrong for how she did Pope. She treated him like SHIT. Like, if I was Pope, I genuinely could not be friends with her after like. P4L my ass. And then there are people who call him butthurt but if the roles were reversed...Hardcore Kie fans can defend her all they'd like but after a certain point, there was no excuse for her to be leading him on the way she did. She knew she didn't like him in that way and that's very clear from the start of season 2, but she proceeds to sleep with him and then tell him off.
Ward is a better father than Big John. Y'know, I pondered on this for a bit. And I am standing by it. Big John would break both of John B's legs and throw him onto a set of train tracks if it got him closer to finding the gold and excuse it by saying some shit like "But you didn't die, did ya, Bird?". Like that man was ALIVE for almost an entire year and made no attempt to contact his son. Ward is a criminal by all means but most of the time, at least what we saw as viewers, he was doing it for Rafe.
Cleo deserves more screen time and a better backstory. I know she's a new character and all but like WHAT'S HER LAST NAME?? Like does she not have one? Is she not real??
(edit) Kiara is very insensitive to the feelings of her friends and overall generally self-centered. She literally acts like her parents are the worst in the world. I get it, they don't like her friends and they are indeed hypocritical towards the pogues considering her father was one. But in season 2, she gets in the car and says "this shit would be so much easier without parents" next to JJ, aka the one with an abusive father. Not to mention, she's seen how John B fell apart after his father disappeared and how hard it's been for Sarah to go against her father.
Anyway, I did this out of boredom. I had to take a break from actual writing for a moment.
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lovelyjj · 2 months
why are you so against jiara what did they ever do to you
I’m sorry!! I just think JJ and Kiara have like zero chemistry and are better off as friends. Why can’t JJ have friends that are girls? Kiara lead on Pope and then got with his best friend??!
I think Kiara expects JJ to change who he is and he’s not the kinda of guy she wants him to be.
1. I don’t think Kiara deserves JJ
2. JJ tells Kiara “it’s not gonna work” and Kiara still tries to make it work
3. I think JJ would benefit from someone who isn’t so annoying
4. Kiara has gotten with every male pogue so far what makes you think she’s not gonna move right along away from JJ
5. JJ is reckless and Kiara wants to be calm cool and collected
6. Kiara’s parents already hate JJ
7. JJ thinks Kiara’s a kook
8. They are the least compatible people ever to exist
9. Kiara doesn’t care about her friends feelings and only cares about herself
10. JJ deserves someone who will love him unconditionally and accept him for who he is as well as be there for him through it all
I truly believe they are the worst thing the writers could of done.
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givingairtomymouth · 5 months
If JJ treated a couple of girls the same way Kiara treated John B and Pope, y'all would not be out there shipping them and justifying his s***ty behavior.
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i’m sorry but
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singt0me · 1 year
listen if kiara has to kiss every single guy in her friend group before she realises she’s a lesbian then i support her.
at the same time if jj has to kiss kiara before he realises he’s in love with her sort of ex then i support him too
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pctterscars · 1 year
spot the difference challenge (level: IMPOSSIBLE)
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
they get me <3
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pogued · 1 year
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Pogue (affectionate) vs Kook (derogatory)
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heybank · 19 days
why do u hate kiara? i love jiara. ur just delusional
i don't hate kiara. i just think the writers ruined her characterization. they made her impulsive to the point of her being unlikable. (i.e yelling murderer at ward which almost got them caught and RUINED the chance of freeing john b)
i think they had a real opportunity to show genuine friendship between men and women but instead they made her jump from guy to guy. she's also very entitled and out of touch with the real reality of how true pogues actually live because she's never had to truly experience poverty.
as for j*ara i think it was rushed and done as a fan service. what she did to pope was awful and i don't think jj would ever even entertain someone pope had/has feelings for. they have no chemistry. she never takes other people's feelings into consideration. she only cares about what's she wants and feels no matter how it could hurt people around her.
the whole thing was forced and pathetic. they "bonded" on the island because they both didn't wanted to leave poguelandia but kiara's reasonings was fully selfish whereas jj literally had nothing to return to.
jj has time and time again said his true feelings about kiara not being a pogue- she's a kook. and we know how he feels about them.
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moonsaurora · 1 year
i think that what this season showed about jiara is that it has to be super forced and their personalities have to completely change in order to work
like, them looking at each other a bunch. it didn’t feel natural and it seemed super obvious that it was being used to try to bring attention to their relationship. where with jjpope, there’s multiple moments where they look at each other and it’s just natural, like the one in the car when pope looks away when jj does. or jj making a joke and then looking at pope.
i saw someone say that kiara was very vocal about her love for jj or something. but that’s the thing, pope didn’t have to be vocal. we could see with how he looked at him and touched him and what he did for him how much he loved him. same with jj. they never had to say they loved each other because we could see it.
with jj and pope, nothing about their relationship has to change. nothing about their personalities has to change in order for a romantic relationship between them to work. if they just started dating and calling each other boyfriend’s, nothing about how they treat each other and act around each other would have to change. the way i see jiaras talk about like headcanons or imagines or whatever they’re called, they completely change their relationship dynamic. they barely interacted in season one and whenever they did interact in season two (and one) most of their interactions were them bickering or arguing. any jiara post i see they’re all lovey dovey. that’s how yall want jj to interact with you, you’re projecting onto kiara
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reggieslocket · 1 year
missing season one when the only couple in the friend group were john b and sarah, like why did they have to ruin the characters' dynamics by pairing together every single character?? as if in order to have a "happy ending" you have to be with someone or else you'll be miserable
and don't even get me started on jiara, those two have the biggest siblings energy and they just end up together because of the annoying fans who harassed madison and rudy and pushed the jiara agenda ughh they had zero chemistry and it felt so forced that it physically hurt me to watch their interactions, every scene was just so so bland and boring and yet people love them? kiara lierally said "i love you dude" and jj was like "thanks, great" lmaoo what are we talking about?
the fact that even rafe and barry have more chemistry than them and with way less scenes together says a lot tbh
also i really hate the fact that the writers had kie be with every boy!! she's her own person and they did her dirty with all this stupid relationship business, just leave them friends for god's sake it's not that hard
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loveharlow · 1 month
the writers literally just passed kie around the whole group and her and JJ literally have nothing in common...
like...her biggest problem is her parents giving her a good life and jj is out here barley surviving 😭😭😭
jiara is the worst possible thing
!!! I said this in a previous post about jiara somewhere on my blog but LITERALLY. I genuinely stand firmly on the belief that without John B, Kiara and JJ wouldn't even be acquaintances.
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lovelyjj · 4 months
thinking about how horrible jiara is gonna be in season 4 🤮
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girlthatlikestotalk · 10 months
sometimes i’ll see a scene from season one and im hit with this deep sinking fear that jjpope was actually a planned storyline but they saw the reaction from jiaras and decided to scrap that plan for fear of backlash from them and homophobes
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the build up of jiara was literally so bad and i don’t want to even imagine what they are like in an actual relationship
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sancastarcs · 1 year
jiara is so funny to me because if they were so sure that JIARA WAS ENDGAME from season 1, why did they have to cut jjpope's friendship and ruin their characters to make it work??? how that makes any sense
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