#Animals are filmed in funny situations - they are so cute and adventurous - funny videos Animals are filmed in funny situations - they are s
tuoimoingay · 1 year
Animals are filmed in funny situations - they are so cute and adventurou...
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franki-lew-yo · 4 years
Four LGBTQ Monster/Horror shorts (and three games) for Pride Month!
Happy Pride month everyone!
These are trying times. I think we need something to cheer us up this pride month (I know I’m late :| gulpplb).
And what better way to celebrate than with horror and monsters?
Here’s to all the LGBTQ+ animation, monster, and horror fans out there looking for some representation in the mediums we love.
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Ratings (Trigger or Content Warnings marks TW and CW):
Family = Kids can watch it.
Horror = Classic horror/thriller with some good scares and creepy imagery.
Goth = Less horror and more on the macabre or suspense side of things.
Surreal = Weird stuff that crosses into the other genres.
Comedy = Funny stuff w. maybe some cuteness too.
Drama = Horror and monsters used to make you sad or tell a gripping story.
MATURE = Not for kids. Maybe for teenagers but NOT FOR KIDS. These are films with cursing or high-octane nightmare fuel+graphic imagery such as violence or disturbing subject matter. Read the video disc before knowing if you want to watch.
Dirty Paws by Karina Farek (Family|Comedy)
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About a couple, one of whom is a werewolf and has to be carefully looked after by his boyfriend each full moon else he gets into all sorts of trouble (like eating his neighbor’s pets). It’s clearly a rough situation, but somehow, they really do make this relationship work.
It’s a very cuuuute slice-of-life piece and it’s nice to see a more functioning wereperson, let alone one in a relationship, in one of these shorts.
Her Lips are Mine by Soft Blanket Productions - (Horror, MATURE)
CW: Stalking, gore and violence.
This is a suspense/horror short so it’s not exactly empowering as much as it is taking the “othering” out of same-sex couples. This could’ve been a short about a woman stalked by an insane man who wants his girlfriend’s lips back, but they made it another woman instead. Dysfunctional mad-love knows no gender and the topic is rife for horror in the right areas, you just need to know how to do it and not paint demographics with broad strokes. To me, this one did that, but I suppose any lesbians reading/watching this will have to be the true judge of that. 
Butter Lover by Kinga (Comedy|Surreal)
Swears kiddos oopsie doodle!
What? It has a monster in it!
It’s also very clearly about a guy who has trouble admitting he’s into men. It’s just where this would usually be the beginning of heart-felt Wes Anderson-style dramedy, here the potential love interest and main character bond over what I think is an Elderitch abomination...
Succubus by AngelaFlatt (Horror/Drama)
This is a bit more of a horror/drama like a bad-end lesbian version of Dirty Paws. A girl thinks she’s found the woman of her dreams. That is, until her friend catches a glimpse of her fiance cheating on her with several men...or so it seems. One wonders if they would be happy and work through their monster/human relationship woes, or if maybe this woman is better not knowing the truth about her lost love.
Either way I feel bad for poor succubus lady ;_;
The Parsnip series (Parsnip, The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith, and Three Lesbians in a Barrow) by DigitalPoppy - (Horror|Comedy|Drama)
Swears again. As Parsnip would say, we don’t use put down’s here!
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This is a bit off the cuff since these are games, not shorts, but having watched the Lets Plays of them, I found them rather enjoyable. And they are slightly horror-related and you know what? I’MTHEBIRTHDAYRATTHATMAKESALLOFTHAROOOOLES!!!! So it goes on the list.
After Her Lips are Mine and Succubus I think we’re due for a happier lesbian story. In the Parsnip series by DigitalPoppy, (SPOILERS) we do get a bit of that at the very end of Three Lesbians in a Barrow. In the first two however, point-and-click adventure Parnsip and light-novel The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith, we get wrapped into a plot full of cults, satanic rituals, possession, spirits, and madness. First we follow the offputting Parsnip on his quest to make a delicious pie. Then we follow Trixie, a transwoman with a low self esteem who finds herself in an increasingly dangerous situation courtesy of her friend, Nikita. 
ToTGM is my favorite; as Parsnip went by very quickly while TLiaB was a nice wrap up, but desperately needed a scene transition or two. Trixie’s just a button and where other cynical-drowsy-quirky characters come off as try-hard, I just really liked her. Besides, as a cisgendered person, I personally feel it made the trans issues Trixie deals with very accessible to someone not going through that - and thus made her feel more real! Most of ToTGM is about Trixie’s want for confidence which she ends up needing to have in order to properly talk down Nikita in the end and fight the force that’s haunting them both.
There’s this really homely warm feeling to these games with an underlying theme of danger or forewarning. I just dig that. This is also my kind of anthro animal story; grimdark with a purposefully misleading style that makes me think 90s educational games.
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10 things I’ve watched in the quarantine (so far)
1. Dazed and Confused 1993 ‧ Comedy/Indie film ‧ 1h 43m
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So, I kicked off the apocalypse lockdown with Dazed and Confused - and yes, even though the movie made me realise I was going to have to survive literal months without my usual amount of marijuana consumption, it also filed me with that warped sense of nostalgia and longing for a bygone era that Dazed and Confused always leaves me with - especially a deep yearning for seventies music because the soundtrack of this movie may be one of its best aspects. It is equal parts kinda stupid, ridiculously fun, and wholly introspective, and at the end of the day I love this movie for helping me see what my boomer parents - and their whole generation - were like as teenagers more than anything else.
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 ‧ Sci-fi/Adventure ‧ 2h 44m
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2001: A Space Odyssey has since its release become an absolute classic, and I for one adore it to absolute death. This was one of the first ‘adult’ movies I watched, I was 11 years old at the time - and although I didn’t understand it then, and frankly got a little bored, revisiting it now (after having rewatched it many many many times, and as a slightly older, well, kid) I’ve come to absolutely love it. I personally was looking for some slightly longer movies for the lockdown - considering I have more than enough time, and if you are too then this one may be just what you’re looking for - even if you’ve seen it already. There’s always more to discover in a movie like this one.
3. Okja 2017 ‧ Adventure/Drama ‧ 2 hours
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Of all the movies on this list this may be the one I recommend the least. Not because it’s a bad movie, because it honestly and truly isn’t ( Bong Joon Ho still definitely came through for this one), however, this movie is, in my opinion, far too heartbreaking for this exact moment in time. If it was any other period in history I would be overwhelmingly promoting this movie, because I honestly and truly loved it - but it made me want to give up meat in a period of time where I simply do not have the resources for that to be an option. So if you’re down with your day just getting a little bit sadder, albeit in a not entirely bad way, I’d say watch Okja - if not, then I’d say, just for now, maybe stay away.
4. Spirited Away 2001 ‧ Animation/Fantasy ‧ 2h 5m
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Okay, I love this movie, my parents love this movie, your parents love this movie, your sister loves this movie, your best friend loves this movie, you’re-cousin’s-nephew’s-dog’s-best-friend’s-owner loves this movie - and, if you don’t love this movie, well, each to their own but you’re kind of a monster. Spirited Away is one of those universally agreed upon masterpieces, everything about this movie just makes you feel good, from the colours, to the world, to the characters, to the animation. Spirited Away wraps you up in a blanket of all things warm and comforting in this world - if you’re looking to just feel better, which given current situations you probably are, this is the one for you.
5. Before Sunrise 1995 ‧ Romance/Drama ‧ 1h 45m
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I’ve always loved this trilogy, yes, it may be one of the most teenage girl things to ever exist, the ultimate teenage girl fantasy, but what’s wrong with that? Before Sunrise, at every watch and rewatch, makes me want to meet a stranger on a train and just wander somewhere in europe for a single night. I’m fairly sure this will never happen, but this is the perfect time for daydreaming and so I will. Honestly, this movie truly is good, the amount of angles explored in Jesse and Celine’s still forming relationship over a single night is fascinating and it’s a very pretty film. If you’re just looking for something light and easy to watch - that gets you just the right amount of emotional, this is the one for you.
6. The Royal Tenenbaums 2001 ‧ Drama/Comedy-drama ‧ 1h 50m
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Oh so you thought I’d go one recommendations video without mentioning Wes? Ha. Okay look, The Royal Tenenbaums is probably my fifth favorite Wes movie, but considering I love basically every Wes Anderson movie that isn’t not saying much. The Tenenbaum siblings stand as some of my favorite Wes Anderson characters and I love Angelica Houston no matter who she plays. The Royal Tenenbaums is just a good Wes Anderson film, and you get exactly what you’d want and expect from it - whip pans, impeccable wardrobes, symmetrical shots, a Wilson Brother, a sugary colour pallette, the futura font, and rich white people, well, being rich white people
7. American Vandal 2017 ‧ Satire ‧ 2 seasons
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Ok I’ll say it, this is the perfect quarantine show. It’s completely stupid in the smartest way possible, absurdly funny, and overall one of the best shows netflix has ever produced. If you’re looking for a laugh, and I know I was when I clicked on this, then this is the one for you. American Vandal is satire at its peak - and I can officially say that both seasons hold up at a third rewatch, because yes, I’ve watched this entire show three times over. If you like true-crime series, or The Office and Parks and Rec (and yes I see the disparity in genre) then you will absolutely adore American vandal - and the fact that this show didn’t get a third season is a whole tragedy. Shame on you Netflix, shame on you.
8. Marriage Story 2019 ‧ Comedy-drama/Drama ‧ 2h 17m
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Again, considering current times Marriage Story may have not been the best choice, but hey, I love this movie, and as sad as it makes me, it also makes me incredibly happy in a bittersweet sort of way. The good thing about marriage story is that it’s one of those films you truly get lost in, when I watched it just a few days ago, I truly and honestly, for just those few moments, forgot about everything going on right now, and - i say this at a risk of sounding selfish, I know - it felt good. Marriage Story is by far one of my favorite movies of last year, the writing is gorgeous, the editing is genius, and although the movie isn’t intrinsically happy in nature, it may just be what you need right now.
9. Every John Mulaney Special New in Town ‧ The Comeback Kid ‧ Kid Gorgeous ‧ etc.
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So I, in true Gen-Z fashion, have watched every John Mulaney Comedy Special  many many times. I love these specials, they truly mean quite a bit to me. I like playing these in the back while I do other things like cleaning my room or cooking. I think I watched him so much  that his voice has become almost comforting - I may have formed a bit of an attachment. Chances are you’ve probably seen at least one John Mulaney Special, if you’ve only seen one watch the rest! And if you’ve seen the all then rewatch like I did! For me, this is the perfect time to just watch some good standup, so even if it isn’t John, just watch a comedian who makes you happy - trust me, it’ll help.
10. Tangled 2010 ‧ Animation/Musical ‧ 1h 40m
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Ok so honestly my friends put this on together on Netflix Party to watch that first song and get some self-quarantine ideas - but then we just watched the whole movie so, yeah. I do love Tangled though, it was one of my favourite Disney movies as a kid, granted I’ve always been more of a Pixar girl (speaking of which this is the best time to binge on Pixar movies!!!!). Honestly, this is just a solid disney movie, it’s cute, it’s adorably animated, I properly adore Pascal and Maximus because no matter how old I get I will always adore a fun animal sidekick. Honestly, now is just a good time to watch a good disney movie, I had fun with this movie okay, no lie it was great.
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b4dluckbin · 5 years
I am evil but- 1 to 50, answer them all!! hahaha (if you only want to do this for one oc- then michaleas)
Hello, I hate you. I'm also not going to cut this because I have no idea how so have fun everyone.
This is for Michaleas Lament.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
His full name is Michaleas Ermiah Lament. First part is because Michael,,, sounds tOO WHITE. Ermiah I came up with my myself but looking into it, it is kinda close to Ermias or Jeremiah. Hmmmm. Lament? He's a sad boi.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
One personal title he was given while in the military was "The Lamenting Giant". It was more to poke fun at their commander more than anything because of how tall he was and usually he has a distant, kind of sad look on his face like he was constantly thinking.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Yes he did- until he was 9. It was pretty modest but comfortable until then. Fond memories he had would be are listening to his mother hum as he helped her clean around their little house, and looking over his fathers woodwork that he sold in town. For the last bit..... *SCOFFS* His entire life after 9 years old. That's all chock full of bad memories but if I have to limit it of his childhood,,, everything from 9 to 20 years old.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
He knew both his father and mother! He had a very good relationship with them both. They were very nurturing but stern when they needed to be (like when he wanted to go outside or into town with his father). A good memory he has of them is just them sitting together for dinner and his father telling him stories about the places he had been when he was younger.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
He has no siblings.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
He never went to school. He was taught what his father and mother had learned.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
He didn't have any childhood friends as he was cooped up in his house until he was 9. Then he was enslaved for about 10 or so years.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
No he didn't have any pets. He is neutral about animals.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
He's never really interacted with animals before.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
.... CONNA YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXCLUDED SOME OF THESE- Oh god... He thinks children are cute from a distance but are very annoying. He has a son named Adiren. Because of the situation (no I'm not saying it to validate him in just trying to be like vague with how I'm saying this. He is a terrible father in main canon) he was a neglectful father. But in AUs I've had for him he is decent. He's just a tad bit over protective. As a god father? Uhhhh depends on if this is AU or Canon dad Michaleas. If it was an AU and all is Gucci then he'd be decent enough at being a caregiver. If it was main story well- he wouldn't really be worried about them.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Michaleas is actually not allergic to anything. Except love. Also no, this big boi is a meat eater.
12. What is their favourite food?
Steak and potatoes.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Id have to say maybe fish? He doesn't really like the smell.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Stew,,, his mother made that a lot.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He is actually fairly decent at cooking! He does enjoy it because it's something to take his mind off of whatever he's currently thinking about. He's been told it's really good but he doesn't,,,, care for compliments.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
If there is a flower he has never seen before you best believe he will press it into his journal.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Lmao in a modern AU? He'd probably have a little blog or something dedicated to flower pictures. He won't take a picture of himself because he hates how he looks.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
If my boy was literate, I'd say he'd be into adventure stories. He loves acoustic jams because he plays the guitar. Tv or films??? Maybe family movies and comedys. Video games?????? Medieval-esque stuff. He'd be too into Dark Souls and rhythm games.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Tragedy (They just make him sad). For music it's anything too loud.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
I don't think he'd be a fan of musicals very much. Music in general? He likes. If his favorite song were to come on he'd probably just sit and hum along with a smile.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
*insert laugh meme* Yeah. Yeah he fucking does and his blood curse revolves around it. Oh boy he's prone to yelling.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He likes to use the word "privileged" a lot against people that are acting out.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
He has a good memory but he can remember faces better than the names that correspond to them.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
It isn't much sleeping as it is lying awake and staring at the wall. When he does sleep ooooh yeah he snores. Not like,,, super loud but noticeable. He likes a more soft bed because hard beds make his back hurt.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
,,, he has a dark sense of humor unless it's just something you really can't have a straight face at. Someone almost choke on bread? He will have a fit. He isn't really one for telling jokes himself.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
When Micha is happy he usually just has a smile plastered on his face for a while. He is capable of singing but doesn't like doing it, so he opts to humming. He doesn't know how to dance.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Remembering his past trauma. No he doesn't cry regularly and if he feels he will he will hide off somewhere and call himself a dumb ass. When he's sad he's desolate. He makes himself scarce and when he is around you get that brooding feeling.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Going back to the slave ring. Nothing really scares him. Maybe little jump scares but eh. When he's actually fucking terrified? He will close up on himself and leave. Fast.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Like Kai it really just depends on what the fear is. Spiders? You can handle that yourself. Groups of unknown people in an unknown place? Yeah no, come here and walk with him now so he can watch out.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Post military Michaleas hardly worked out any more, but when he was still there? Totally.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Oh gOD THIS IS PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH HIM BEING A PARENT. He falls into a deep depression because of some shit and picks up drinking more so than he did before in the military. He really just wants to forget so badly. When he's hungover he's a complete asshole. When he's drunk it's just sad boi hours.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
He gets his clothes at any normal clothing store. Nothing fancy at all just basic shirt and pants. Sleeping is just pants no shirt. His hair? Messy short brown hair parted in the middle with Short cut bangs.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Hi, the image of granny panty Micha is scared into my brain thanks- boxers my fam.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body
Me, explaining Micha to anyone: Bara. But,,,, smaller,,,, he's like 6ft6-6ft7. Does he like his body? Eh. He doesn't like the scars that litter it.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? Spending time with a certain fucking vampire. Unguilty pleasure? He likes,,,, sweets.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He's good at playing the guitar and fighting. If he was allowed I'm sure he'd pick up gardening. Who knows if he can sing? :3c
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
*quietly sobs* he's shit at reading.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
How some people can go about their lives so easily without a care in the world.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Talk to him,,, face to face. Dont be a coward.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
I mean,,,, does trauma count as a natural way to stay awake and alert? Because I feel like it is personally.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
*leans into mic* He's gay. He is more both when it comes to someone. He needs someone who isn't just using him for,,, sex because hi- sex drive? There, but honestly kind of hates it. He wants someone to talk to and help him through his bad moments. Someone who won't talk shit to him about being weak because he does that to himself enough.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
*leans into mic further* To be able to have a decent relationship with said vampire from earlier.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
He isn't religious at all. He's Atheist actually. He thinks they're just sheep following a Shepherd. Non religious people, in his eyes, are smart to see through that shit.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Michaleas likes the time around the end of winter because that's when the flowers start to bulb up. He thinks its beautiful. He fucking hates the heat. You can't escape it.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
They look to him as something like a pillar. He doesn't waver and they believe if they try hard enough they won't either. Which is,,,, completely different than how he sees himself. He hates hIMSELF AND THINKS HE'S WEAK LMAO.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
I mean,,, no. He's very fucking blunt with his observations of people. Yes and no with reflecting him accurately. He is very observant but he isn't like,,, that when you warm up to him. He plays around more and talks shit. Michaleas introduces himself as such. Michaleas.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
He hates fancy events. He will wear what he has to but he isn't going to have his tie tied or creases ironed. He doesn't give a shit. He wants to leave.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Regular parties where he can just drink and have fun? Totally. No one prissy there just a bunch of rough dumbasses. He doesn't plan parties he just turns up if he hears about it and is like "where is the booze".
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
He doesn't have anything like that. He has his sword for protection so I mean that counts as a need everywhere and anywhere. Edit: I lied. He has a journal with pressed flowers he normally has on him always.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Water, food, things to start a fire, tools and his sword.
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
Are The Names In Anime Originally Japanese Or English?  It All Depends On What You Grew Up With
I am making this post to explain what I have observed from the English-speaking community.
We know many people really like anime, right?  We grew up with shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic X, Digimon Adventures, the Transformers Unicron Trilogy, and for much older fans, Voltron, Robotech, Star Blazers, and Battle Of The Planets.  The only thing is, these shows, originally in the Japanese language, were dubbed in English because many marketers didn’t think people in America, Canada, or any other English-speaking country would enjoy a foreign show, even if it had English subtitles.  The only problem is, many anime shows targeted to younger fans (mainly children) were heavily censored and the dialogue was changed to make it more family-friendly.  The upside is, if companies like World Events Productions and 4Kids Entertainment did not dub the shows, we wouldn’t be able to access the original shows with English subtitles, and we can fully understand how Japanese media differ from American, Canadian, or English media.
Anyway, I remember when I was younger watching bits and pieces of Robotech (a mesh of the Super Dimension Fortress Macross trilogy) with my father, who had it on VHS.  Then I remember watching a few episodes and movies of Pokemon a little later after I witnessed Robotech.  I also remember going to a now-defunct video store where Sonic X was playing (before I even knew the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise).  They all shared one thing in common; they were all in the English language.  And as I have seen the shows, I noticed at times the mouths do not match the dialogue; and I never understood why the animation was different from media like Disney, Don Bluth, or the Loony Tunes.
I did not know what anime really is until I was in middle school and high school.  I didn’t even understand the ‘fetish’ of such design.  That is, until I witnessed a few girls watching the original Sailor Moon anime in English subtitles.  As I viewed a few scenes, I noticed the characters’ mouths matched the language being spoken; and the tone was more serious and less silly like most Western cartoon shows.  Not to mention, most characters look more realistic, such as having five fingers instead of four.
And then I got curious with original Japanese anime shows (back in the olden days, anime was called Japanimation, and later was respectfully called anime), and I came across a mecha show called Beast King Golion (the original show for Voltron: Defender Of The Universe).  I watched a few episodes with English subtitles, and I noticed how dark it was compared to American children’s shows (they show blood, death, real-life situations that adults can understand, and they swear too, usually saying words like “hell,” “damn,” “crap,” “bastard,” “bitch,” and the occasional “s**t”).  Then I saw Voltron, and I noticed how much the dub changed the whole plot of the anime; violence was toned down, hardly any blood on screen, no swear words, somewhat poor voice acting with a few exceptions, and even the characters�� names were different.  The only good qualities I see in Voltron was, of course, the name of the titular mech, and the kickass soundtrack of the 1980′s.
Later, as I look up different anime clips with English subtitles, I wondered if the characters speak English in the original version; and sure enough, there were clips that showed just that (it was awesome, funny, and bizarre; or even both or all three at the same time).  What took me by surprise is that there was a Sonic X clip where Sonic occasionally throws in English in the original language.  I didn’t even KNOW there was a Sonic The Hedgehog anime, and that threw me off in a good way.  I started watching a few episodes with English subtitles, and then compared them to the English dubbed episodes; the original is the winner!  And that was how I became a Sonic The Hedgehog fan, along with the Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) and the Sonic ‘06 games.
And then, interestingly, I discovered Pocket Monsters (the original Pokemon series) when I was browsing for more anime.  I noticed how the main character, Ash Ketchum, had a different name, Satoshi, but they were the same character; they just happened to have different names in different languages.  I was used to the name Ash, but I gradually started to like the name Satoshi even more, because it is the original show in its original language.
I have been a fan of Transformers ever since I watched the live action films by Michael Bay.  It isn’t until The Transformers (1984-1987) and The Transformers: The Movie (1986) in which I started to like the Generation One (G1) Transformers because they originated in the 1980′s (which I really like, even though I wasn’t existent yet back in the day).  I have many characters I like; my favorite Autobot is Ironhide, who was a black truck in the 2007 live action film, and a red van in the G1 version.  Both of these incarnations share similar traits; Ironhide is just an awesome robot, he is trigger-happy (especially in the live action film), has a deep and gruff voice, is funny at times, is stubborn on a few things, and simply makes me smile; and in the live-action film’s case, my father owns a truck, and one of my favorite colors is black (just like KITT from the 1982 show, Knight Rider).  I was disheartened by his death by the traitorous Sentinel Prime in Dark Of The Moon (2011), and at the hands of Megatron in the 1986 movie.  And my favorite Decepticon is Starscream; who doesn’t love a backstabbing fighter jet anyways?
Now, I am sure you are probably asking, “what does this have to do with anime?”  Well, I had the realization many months ago that Transformers Armada, Energon, and Cybertron (which all make up the Unicron Trilogy) were all anime series; so I looked each of them up in AnimeNewsNetwork, starting with Armada.  (I wanted to check out the shows because I heard from many fans how this incarnation of Starscream subverts the traitorous role, and how he was the most likeable Decepticon in the whole series)  The site shows the Japanese cast first, since it is the original language, and I was happy to see that Ironhide was there, as well.  But, when I looked at the English cast, I couldn’t see the name anywhere.  Interestingly, the Japanese credits called Optimus Prime Convoy, so maybe in Armada, this particular Autobot was not called Ironhide.  And sure enough, when I started watching the show in English subtitles (the original is called Micron Legend), I was mostly right.  What took me by surprise is that this Ironhide was not an old Autobot like many traditional Ironhides from the G1 and the Bayformers films, but a young Decepticon missile tank.  Starscream is not the only Transformer to subvert the original roles of past incarnations.  Apparently, this is the only Transformers continuation where Ironhide is a Decepticon.  However, he shared many traits with his G1 counterpart as well; he is tough like how he should be, is funny (and surprisingly cute, not very many Ironhides is that lovable like this one), is stubborn some of the times, has a deep gruff voice, is trigger-happy (especially if you piss him off or cross Megatron in front of him), and instantly became a likable Transformer because of those traits; and he had probably the saddest death in the whole Unicron trilogy when I started watching Energon (originally called Superlink).  I was disappointed when Megatron (now called Galvatron) put his abandoned spark into a new, and unattractive, body, and called him Irontread (didn’t stop me from watching the whole anime series because as I watched it futher, it shared many similarities with The Transformers: The Movie, particularly Unicron’s design, and the green helicopter we know as Springer (Japan calls him Sprung; not sure why...); the only thing missing in Superlink is “The Touch”).  Next to Starscream, Ironhide is my favorite Transformer in the whole Unicron Trilogy.  And what was his English dubbed name in Armada?  Demolishor.
Ever since I watched these shows, I started to like them so much, maybe even more so than G1; probably because the Transformers had many human traits (for instance, they grunt and groan in pain more times than G1; oh and some of them actually cry, mainly younger Transformers like Ironhide in Micron Legend and Wing Dagger in Superlink), and was the first time I see them with teeth and different colored optics, instead of the traditional blue and red for the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively.
I notice many Trans-fans know many characters in the Unicron Trilogy by their English names because that was what they grew up with, or were used to seeing.  And whenever someone points out the original names, they would interject, saying something like “its X, not Y!”  (For example, “it’s Jetfire, not Skyfire!”)  However, there are people like me who will point out what the original names are without trying to denigrate mainstream fans.  Then again, I, too, get a little frustrated whenever a fan doesn’t call a character by their original name.  But, if all else fails, I just let them call a character whatever they want to call them, because I cannot change their minds if they are absolutely certain of what the character’s name is, even if it is not their original name.
Then again, even the Japanese dub of the original Transformers shows and movies changed the names of certain characters because they believed it was cooler, easier to pronounce, or they didn’t like the name for some reason.  For example, Optimus Prime was called Convoy, Sideswipe was called Lambor, Bumblebee was called Bumble, Devastator was called Devastor, Shockwave was called Lazerwave, Lazerbeak was called Condor, and Springer was called Sprung.  (And Autobots and Decepticons were called Cybertrons and Destrons, respectively, and the planet Cybertron was called Seibertron.)  In Micron Legend and Superlink, such names were the characters’ original names in the show.
Here are some characters in Micron Legend with their original and dubbed names (the rest not listed kept their names):
- Convoy = Optimus Prime
- Ratchet = Red Alert
- Hot Rod = Hot Shot
- Devastator = Scavenger
- Grap (possibly Grapple?) = Smokescreen/Hoist
- Ironhide = Demolishor
- Sandstorm = Cyclonus
- Silverbolt = Blurr (who is nothing like G1 Blurr at all)
- Doubleface = Sideways
- Wheelie = High Wire
- Bank = Grindor
- Arcee = Sureshock
- Bumble(bee) = Perceptor
- Shockwave = Tidal Wave
- Rampage = Wheeljack
- Stepper = Sideswipe
- Scourge = Nemesis Prime (Scourge’s name was not mentioned in Micron Legend, but that is what was confirmed in AnimeNewsNetwork and other anime sites)
- Megatron (Super Mode) = Galvatron
- Grid = Swindle
- Search = Blackout
- Barrel = Leader-1
- Prime = Sparkplug
- Alexa = Alexis
- Jim = Fred
- Amphitrite = not even given a name!
Here are the characters in Superlink, along with a few characters from Micron Legend (Armada):
- Grand Convoy = Optimus Prime
- Skyfire = Jetfire (I don’t know what happened to Jetfire and Hot Rod from Micron Legend; maybe they were reformatted without further explanation, replaced with newer characters, or the creators fixed Jetfire’s name to Skyfire and Hot Rod was so damaged that he had to be reformatted and was called Hot Shot, or according to some sites, matured into Hot Shot)
- Inferno V = Roadblock
- Roadbuster = Ironhide (who looked and acted nothing like the Ironhide I am so familiar with; is very unlikeable, compared to Roadbuster, who IS more likeable; and it is quite amusing to see two Ironhides fighting each other in Episode 10, with the one speaking English and the one speaking Japanese; there must be a crack fic about this somewhere...)
- Rodimus Convoy = Rodimus Prime (he was called Rodimus Convoy in the Japanese dub of G1)
- Red Alert = Prowl
- Airglide = Skyblast
- Blastarm = Strongarm
- Ariel = Arcee
- Springer = Bulkhead
- Overdrive = Cliffjumper
- Wheeljack = Downshift
- Galvatron (before recoloration) = Megatron (in Superlink, he explicitly said, “call me Galvatron-sama,” and he looked like his G1 counterpart as well)
- Nightscream = Starscream (since Starscream was killed by Unicron in Micron Legend after he used up all his energy from his spark, which is presumed destroyed.  Yeah, sadly, Starscream never came back in Superlink; although Nightscream looks a lot like G1 Starscream even more than Armada Starscream)
- Mega-Zarak = Scorponok (G1 Scorponok’s Japanese dub name was Mega-Zarak; not sure why the creators called him that, though...)
- Sandstorm/Snowstorm = Cyclonus/Snow Cat
- Ironhide/Irontread = Demolishor/still Demolishor (what, no cooler name like Devastator, Basher, Groundcrusher or Destructor for his new body?)
- Shockwave/Shockfleet = Tidal Wave/Mirage
- Lazerwave = the real Shockwave (in Energon, he is called Shockblast, which I think is silly, so I will call him Lazerwave for Superlink’s sake)
- Buildron = Constructicon Maximus (note that Buildron is the Japanese dub name for Constructicon in G1)
- Bruticus = Bruticus Maximus
- Superion = Superion Maximus
- Superion’s brother = Dauntless Maximus (I will call him Dauntless)
- Alexa = Alexis
I have not seen Galaxy Force as often as Micron Legend and Superlink, but I will list a few characters that I can remember with the sub and dub names respectively:
- Galaxy Convoy = Optimus Prime
- Dreadrock = Jetfire
- Guardshell = Landmine
- Demolishor = Mudflap
- Sonic Bomber = Wing Saber
- First Aid = Red Alert
- Nitro Convoy (male) = Override (female)
- Exillion = Hot Shot
- Chromia = Thunderblast (yes, Chromia, usually an Autobot’s name, is a Decepticon in Galaxy Force)
- Noisemaze = Sideways
- Metroplex = Megalo Convoy (I don’t really know his name; that is what I got from some sources when I was trying to find out what this Transformer’s name was)
Anyways, since I saw the original versions, it can be really difficult for me to refer them to the English dubbed names so many fans can understand what I am saying.  I am sure others feel the same way as well.
Well, that is all I will be saying so far.  I will post more blogs, pictures, and memes when I have the time.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Epithet Erased (Web Series) - Watched through this little web series about people who have weird super powers, and had a fun time! I was especially fond of Zora, a badass cowgirl assassin who has the ability to slow down or speed up the aging process of whatever she’s touching. She had a really cool design and was a cocky asshole, which I for one think are traits more female characters should have. There’s a sequel in the form of an audio novel coming up, which I’m looking forward too. It’s a pretty short show that’s free on youtube, so if you’re a fan of wholesome cartoon villains and witty banter, check it out.
- Lord of the Rings (Movies) - Watching all the extended films again with my buds. I’m not a big drinker myself, but they are playing a drinking game where they drink at all the memes, and boy are there a lot of them. I haven’t watched them in quite awhile, so I’m finding the juxtaposition between most of the fellowship- who are going on great adventures and bonding as friends - and Frodo - who is having just the worst time you can possibly have - very funny.
- Lot’s of Monster Anime (Multi-Anime) - I’m doing a thing where I’m watching a whole bunch of monster related anime episode by episode, with the goal of ranking them by the end. So most of my TV time is devoted to this. As a placeholder, Shadows House was one of the standouts, with cute designs and a genuinely intriguing and unique premise. 
- Yu Yu Hakusho (Anime) - YYH I love you but omg your tournament arc is so long. We finally reached the final battle and yet we somehow have like 5 episodes of just that battle left. Boy.
- Spy X Family (Anime) - This is cute! Obviously, there’s not many episodes out yet, but I already really like the family dynamic, this could be turn out to be quite a fun love/family story. Also, I’ve always loved the “2 spy’s getting married without knowing the other is also a spy” idea, it’s nice to see it outside of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
- Pathologic (Video Games) - As one can probably tell from my blog, Pathologic has been my big hyperfixation this month. I really like the central characters (Daniil is such a likable little twat, Artemy’s personality is Tired, Clara is hilarious) and I love how each of their respective endings manages to reflect their personal circumstances and philosophies so well. I’d have to say I agree with Playheead North’s analysis videos in that I don’t think that Artemy’s is the “best” ending despite it being the fan favorite (Though tbf, it is the best for shipping purposes-Haruspex route Daniil is thirsty as hell). To be clear it’s not really that I think Daniil or Clara’s are better, so much that they are all designed in such a way keep any of them from being a black/white, morally right/wrong situation. I can see why so many analysis-lovers adore this game, it would have been so easy to streamline the opposing sides into a progress vs preservation situation, but instead they bring up the complexities of classism/limits of conservativism that would happen if you actually tried to bring these ideas into reality. So yeah. Neat!
- Schitt’s Creek (TV) - Yup.
- Arcane (TV) - Finished up my rewatch with my family, was hyped for my Dad to hear the “Is there anything as undoing as a daughter?” Line as I knew he would dig it. I was also able to appreciate Mel more this time around knowing more about her in hindsight (not that I disliked her the first time, was just apprehensive). Really hope you’re alive in S2 Queen. 
- Golden Kamuy (Manga) - One more chapter till It’s over. Seems like it’ll be bittersweet, though I’m shocked and thrilled that my boy Tsukishima looks like he’s gonna live. Noda thank you so much it’s what he deserves.
Listening to: Twilight Princess OST, Oh Ana by Mother Mother, Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park, Fairytale by Alexander Rybak, Two Evils by Bastille, All You Wanna Do (SIX), Rasputin by Boney M, Kaibutsu (Beastars OP), A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel, Rather Be by Clean Bandit, Famous Last Words by MCR
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artexian · 7 years
OC Meme 2, Electric Boogaloo: Tavah
You thought I was done, but ooooooh no, I’ll take any excuse to talk about my bois.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the campaign that I’m using him in, I’m not able to talk about certain details of this boi’s backstory just yet.   1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Why was “Tavah” Chosen? I thought it sounded appropriate. Its an earthy, simple kind of name that suits a Minotaur.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Apart from the previously “Earned” title of slave, no.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Tavah has no memories of his childhood, and at time of Writing, I’m not able to talk about his past in super detail.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
See Disclaimer above.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
See Disclaimer above.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Tavah has never received an education. All skills and knowledge he has currently is from his own journey through the world. If I had to put him at a level, I’d say he is about as knowledgeable as a thirteen year old, With the literacy of a 6 year old.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
No and No.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
No pets as a child, but I feel as an adult he would probably love the idea of having one, His current situation wouldn’t really allow for it though. He certainly likes the idea of dragons, he’s always wanted to see one.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Despite his large size, he is quite gentle in most situations, interacting with animals included. For whatever reason, they seem to approach him and seek out pets and the like.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Jesus Christ, Imagining Tavah as a parent is just a disaster to me. He can barely take care of himself, I highly doubt he would make a good parent. As for WANTING kids, he’s never really given it much thought. Doesn’t help that its not really possible given he is a man in a relationship with another man.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
He eats anything really. He tends to lean towards meat, as its rather good at sating his massive appetite.
12. What is their favorite food?
Steak, Ironically.
13. What is their least favorite food?
Probably fish. It smells weird.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
He’s never sat down for a proper “Meal”. He eats quickly and has never shared a meal with someone else that wasn’t for any reason other than not starving.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He can cook about as well as he can do ballet. He tried once, it burned. He’s learning though!
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
While he hasn’t started, he wants to build up a collection of weapons and armor gathered from all around the world. They fascinate him. If he had his way, he would also love a zoo filled with draconics.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Considering photos don’t exist in his setting, No. He isn’t much of an appreciator of art.
18. What’s their favorite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Tales of epic heroes and over the top 80′s/90′s action films.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Horror and probably anything with country.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
He’s enjoyed what little music he has heard in taverns and such. He’s thought about playing a guitar of some kind, but his fingers are rather large for it.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Absolutely. While he is usually a patient and kind boy, when it comes to combat he is much less so. He understands that he needs to kill in self defence, and it doesn’t bother him when he does so. He’s also got a rather bestial instinct, as he tends to go “Berserk” if he is hurt enough or someone does some serious damage to his partner.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He doesn’t really insult people. He doesn’t see the point in being a dick. Why insult when you can be nice instead?
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Not in the slightest. The only name he has remembered so far is his partners and a lizard girl he met.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
He sleeps whenever he feels tired, and he prefers to BE the mattress for someone else. He’s rather comfy to lie on.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
He finds many simple things funny, but he himself isn’t really humorous, although he does make people smile with his cute antics.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
He has a smile that is almost 95% of the time on his face. It doesn’t take much to please him. Tavah isn’t even aware its possible to hide emotions, He has no reason to and so he doesn’t.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like when they are sad?
He is upset by the idea of being a drag and bringing people down. I would say he cries regularly, but not always sad tears. Like above, he doesn’t hide his emotions or who he is.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Not being able to help in some way. Or, for a more literal phobia, he is terrified by the idea of being restricted in his movement.. Chains, Rope, Any sort of binding,etc. When he IS scared, he is quiet and tries not to get in the way.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Extremely over protective. He’s like that naturally, so finding out someones weakness would be him doing his best to prevent it being used against them.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
His line of work (Adventuring, Hero for hire, Merc,etc) is all the exercise he needs. He walks everywhere and carries things for his partner usually.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
He has never had a drink, but I assume that if he did get drunk, he would become incredibly childish.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Tavah absolutely hates clothing, but still wears some due to being told he isn't’ allowed to walk around naked all the time. As for what he does wear, he has some plate and leather straps keeping his torso protected (But mostly bare), alongside a sash/tabard to cover his privates. He wears no makeup and likes to keep his hair in a semi-kept Mohawk. He also grows facial hair quite quickly, but likes to keep it trimmed to a goatee along his jawline. He actually has no idea how to shave or cut his hair, he has his partner do that for him.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
A loincloth, which is the only piece of clothing he doesn’t mind wearing.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
He is incredibly buff, and he knows it. He doesn’t really show it off, but he has no issues with people staring. He’s quite the tall boi, standing at around 7′8ft tall.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? Spicy food that he has no tolerance to. Unguilty pleasure? Picking people up, and either hugging them or carrying them around.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He’s good at strength based tasks, and has some skill in healing, alongside the obvious advantages in fighting. Apart from that, not much. He hasn’t found a hobby yet and if he sang I doubt it would be enjoyable.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
He doesn’t really enjoy reading, since he is terrible at it. He knows some letters, but still requires help for anything harder then a storefront sign. He’s never heard poetry, but I feel he would enjoy it.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Marital skill and good morals. He wishes he could speak better, since he still has difficulty with long sentences.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Can’t write and internet doesn’t exist in his setting.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
He can stay awake longer then most, but has a tendency to sleep in if staying up for long periods of time. He finds coffee bitter, but enjoys sweet drinks and food.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Oh boy. The fun question.
Extremely bi. He cares little for looks, but has a bias towards other muscly people like himself, regardless of gender. Mentally, he tends to like people who are as soft as him, preferring to talk and be open with those that have a good sense of morals. He dislikes rough and tough guys/gals and will tend to avoid them.
Despite being Bi, he does lean more towards men and the “Assets” that accompany said gender.
As for what he needs in a relationship, someone soothing and nice that he can easily be himself with. He tends to ask questions alot and is incredibly simple minded, so someone willing to teach him about the world is what he is happy to have found.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Currently, he travels with his friend/Partner/Lover/Boyfriend Reinhard, and would easily give his own life to save him. He has no higher goals apart from that, but does wish to see a dragon one day and do whatever he can to help those in need.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
While he is aware of the concept, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to him. He doesn’t judge people if they are religious however. If it makes them happy or gives them guidance, he accepts that and is happy for them.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
He likes the end of winter/start of spring the most. Seeing the flowers and trees bloom is like magic to him. He tends to dislike sand, as it gets into his fur and annoys him greatly. He isn’t sure why, but he harbors a great resentment towards the desert.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Most people see him as a big, scary minotaur, but one conversation proves otherwise. He’s incredibly gentle and kind, and sees himself similarly. One day, he hopes to be seen as a hero.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
First impressions are usually bad, as he is a large, semi-naked buff Minotaur with a large axe usually resting on his shoulder. Like above, this scary image is disproved quickly. He doesn’t usually introduce himself, Reinhard almost always doing that for him.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
He’s never been to one, but I imagine it would be a disaster. I’m sure he would act as friendly as possible, But I doubt others would treat him the same.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
I imagine he would try and be way too friendly and would need to be chaparoned.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
His axe, easily. Its magical and can be summoned to his hand at will, so its always on his person. He doesn’t remember where he got it, but its the one thing thats remained constant in his life.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Camping Supplies, Reinhard, His axe, Food. He is a simple boi.
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dw817-dailymotion · 5 years
dw817′s Dailymotion
Who am I ? I'm dw817 and I write imaginative books and stories and upload rare videos besides. For a summary and listing of all my current works, read on. To see what videos I have available for you, skip below:
FUTURE BARRIER My primary work. What happens when a teenage boy and girl come across a piece of technology from one-million years in the future ? A grand adventure: Future Technology, Unrequired Love, and Absolute Vengeance. A clear one for both teen and adult literature. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! Future Barrier 1st Book, 74-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 2nd Book, 71-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 3rd Book, 99-chapters (complete !) Future Barrier 4th Book, underway, new chapter every Monday Future Barrier Character Synopsis, 8-chapters (complete !)
THE NANCY PRINCIPLE My secondary work. This is an interesting bit of writing. The first book is non-fiction so it recounts what actually happens when I was hired to work for the government in a room full only of WOMEN. Each teenage girl trying to outstink the others in their perfumes and outdo the others in their business outfits. And then I show up, a teenage boy really, and how they treated me there and WHO they hired to keep me in my place. A clear one for both teen and adult non-fiction literature. Later book is fictional as I grew rather fond of my female boss. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! The Nancy Principle 1st Book, 33-chapters (complete !) The Nancy Principle 2nd Book, 35-chapters (complete !)
STAR WARS - THE FORCE WITHIN Cleary a fan-fiction story of quite a few chapters. I address the issue of what happens between Episode IV (A New Hope) and Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back). I mean we're still on Yavin in the first Star Wars movie, then suddenly we are on the ice planet of Hoth with no interim video to explain - what happened ? This then is my interpretation of how our intrepid adventurers of Luke, Leia, and Han are forced to leave Yavin to Hoth - with quite a bit of deviltry from Darth Vader himself even though the Death Star has been destroyed. A clear one for teen literature. Read all chapters ONLINE now ! Star Wars - The Force Within, 28-chapters (complete !)
SOME ADDITIONAL MULTI-CHAPTERED WORKS Sometimes you just can't get enough of a good thing and have to write it out and share it with others in additional chapters and pages. Here are some other books I have written that do indeed contain multiple chapters for their subject matter. Read all chapters from all books ONLINE now ! Wit And Wisdom, Campfire Tales, Points To Ponder, Double Trouble, Saturday Matinee, The Concession Stand, The Theologian's Cafe, Zachary Smith - Ruler Of The Universe, The Dream Machine, Dream Diary, Gosh-A-Lotta Stamps, End Days, BLOG, Writer's Cafe Wizardry. More later !
WANT MORE ? Try out these other short-stories, writings, and articles I've written - all available to read ONLINE now ! I N D E X, PROSE AND COMMS OF RPGS, 50-Look And Look Again, Effective Forums [1] [2], You Think Your Luck Is Bad, Ninety Percent Off, When The Sky Caught Fire, Lost In Translation, Sea Monkey (Age restricted), My First Uploaded Google Play Application, Look On The Bright Side, Solar Eclipse (08-21-17), 45000 Hits, A Morse Of A Different Color, Reaching A Human Being At 2-1-1, What Do You Dream, Fresh Peaches For Donald Trump, A Halloween To Remember (Age restricted), Selling My First Videogame, Halloween 2017, Swim Ring Exercises, Why I Program, How To Fish (A Short Story About Helping Others), Building SRTs From DVDs, Personality Test, I Am INJT, Happy 4th Of July (2015), Happy New Year 2015, Merry Christmas 2014, Happy Birthday Advice, Leonard Nimoy Dies At 83, Dating Advice, Alien Rescue, My Happiest Memory, Kids Gallery Halloween, Teen Gallery Halloween, The Misunderstood Dragon, Hear Is To Your Health, The Blue Rose, The Paradox Of Turning Clocks, Tribute To Alice In Wonderland (Age restricted), The Price Of War, Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk, What Is A RPG, Anime - A Kaleidoscope Crash Course (Age restricted), Assholes R Us (Age restricted), Legends, The Fairy Lipstick, Outworld, The Power Of Doubt, Drowning In Ads, Access Denied, Online Blocking, Decisions Decisions, My Guardian, The Riddle Of Religion, I Hate Snow, The Prophet Of Profit, Service With A Smile, Why I ♥ Writer's Cafe, Little Escape Artist, Me From A To Z, Where Were You God. More later !
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You are Earth visitor #
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This super-rare and very family-friendly TV series features Juliet Mills as the Nanny who takes care of three children. And one has to wonder if all of the amazing things she is capable of. Is it truly magic as most people believe ? Or is it just love ?
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Prudence has a nightmare with a monster named Wiblet, and Nanny helps her overcome her fears.
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Butch is negatively influenced by a "hip" kid when the Professor misses another one of his activities.
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A new girlfriend of the Professor thinks that Butch and Prudence are not grounded in reality and should be involved in her children's therapy group. Butch tests whether there is a tooth "elf" by not telling his father when he loses a tooth.
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Hal gets a telescope for his birthday but Butch is the one who discovers a new comet.
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Nanny suggests a family picnic on a lovely Spring day. The family members all have other ideas until their plans are mysteriously thwarted.
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The Professor gives Nanny driving lessons as the pair prepare for a second household car.
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Nanny and the children's rescue of some ducklings leads to trouble for Nanny.
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Waldo finds a dinosaur bone and buries it in the yard. Nanny and the children's hunt for a rose bush eating gopher uncovers Waldo's treasure and results in a dig for more !
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Nanny and the children stage a protest to stop the city from cutting down a favorite tree for a road expansion project.
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Professor Everett receives a fabulous job offer from Astrodynamics, but it means moving to Astroville. The children don't want to leave their home, but put a brave face on for their father's sake.
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The Professor is contacted out of the blue by an old college girlfriend and isn't sure he's ready to see her again.
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Hal feels too much pressure to complete various projects and school work, with a big science competition being foremost, it's making him irritable and miserable. Nanny offers a good luck piece, that acts like a magic amulet that restores his confidence so much he no longer worries at all.
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[ Willy McBean And His Magic Machine ]
Little Willy McBean joins up with a Mexican monkey named Pablo to travel back in time and stop the evil Prof. von Rotten from changing history.
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[ Nosferatu ]
Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent's wife. Enjoy this remastered edition of one of the oldest and creepiest silent horror films of all time. Nosferatu.
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These aren't your seemingly average cute little girls. No, they each have a unique way of handling every day life's little problems by TRANSFORMING into new and amazing vehicles ! Please enjoy all 4-episodes of this rare and hard-to-find mini-series.
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Mickey Mouse meets Mickey Mouse in this charming and animated classic tale of mistaken identity. It's your riches to rags story.
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This spunky little gal from Nevada has vivid daydreams that teach her so very much about the world around her. In this episode, she imagines herself to be a dancing princess.
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Everyone's favorite little daydreaming girl runs into an interesting situation where - something stinks. And we don't mean figuratively.
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A marvelously done stop-motion animation featuring truly likeable characters with all their quirks and kinks. A lonely deaf taxidermist falls in love with a withdrawn and blind woman.
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Done in the style of Scooby-Doo, this Hanna Barbera series features an animated Charlie Chan the amazing detective and his family of all ages which consist to assist.
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Today's Chan episode is a mystery about baseball and a famous player for the game who has been kidnapped.
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If you're looking for Hentai and Panchira, look no further. This very silly series has plenty of kinky panty-shots, ludicrous fan-service, and action and adventure besides. This pilot episode is entitled, "Beautiful Agent."
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Agent Aika continues this kinky fan-service series with the episode, "Naked Mission."
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Very funny and very British Angry Kid gets into all kinds of adventures in this live-action mini-movie which features some very clever stop-motion animation and over-the-top incidents between him and his devilishly intelligent little sister.
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It's the classic cartoon of cat versus mouse except in this case it is the anteater versus the ant with some hilarious situations between the two.
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Who will win ? The Tortoise or the Hare ? Find out in this amusing upgrade to the classic original tale.
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Join now with four elite Galaxy Rangers with unique abilities defend law & order among the space colonies and protect humanity from the evil Crown Empire.
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These are the amazing Herculoids. This animated series features Zok, a flying space dragon. Igoo, a rock ape. Tundro, a ten-legged four-horned rhinoceros. Gloop and Gleep, two protoplasmic creatures able to change shape. And finally the Herculoids family themselves, Zandor, the leader, Tara, his wife, and Dorno, their son.
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Josie and her cartoon friends go on adventures that is out of this world. In this opening episode we find them landing on the planetoid Zelc and encounter a creature named Bleep. At the same time, Josie is kidnapped by an alien named Karnak, a deposed ruler who is intent on reconquering the populace of Zelc.
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The Pussycats land on the planet Arcobia, where they try to help expose the corrupt Prime Minister Rulo as the true thief of a device that is very important to the planet.
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A classic stop-motion animation film about your Forest Ranger's and Fire Fighter's favorite friend. It's Smokey Bear !
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Three choice episodes linked together make-up this rare and interesting animated police series that takes place in futuristic Detroit where crime is dealt with by mechanical justice. It's ROBOCOP !
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[ Daydreamer The Movie ]
An anthology of a combination of live-action and stop-motion animation fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen: "The Little Mermaid," "The Emperor's New Clothes," "Thumbelina," and "The Garden of Paradise."
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This tells the classic tale of the hard working ants and the not so hard working grasshopper. The question is, who is ready to survive when old man Winter comes around ?
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One of the first videos I've posted on Daily Motion so many years ago. I'm keeping it though because I hate to get rid of anything.
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galacticbugman · 5 years
My Coastal Trip Part 2.
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The next day we only spent the morning at Padre Island National Seashore my goodness it was amazing. One of the first creatures we met was this Gray Sea-star. You might think that old “stubby” (here what we named him for he was missing part of the top arm) was dead. I had a shovel with me in the back pocket of my pants and I scooped him up being careful not to touch him just in case I had something that might make him sick if he was alive; and sure enough by the time I got him on to my shovel he began to squirm around. I was able to take him back where he belonged and put him back in the water. My guess was that there was a feeding group the night before and he got stranded. That was my first oceanic animal rescue. I have saved baby turtles at Lake Arlington in Arlington Texas a couple of time but to be honest I don’t make that many animal rescues. I do a couple but not as many as you can think. Some time it is best to leave nature be. However I knew that more beach goers would possibly find this guy and I didn’t want him hurt anymore than he had been. It was just a judgement call I had to make on my own. I could have left him out there but I didn’t and put him back where he needed to be to feed another day. 
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As we walked along the beach I spotted out in the distance; some Sanderlings that were out on the beach feeding in groups of around six or seven individuals. there were a bunch out there and they were all in tight bunches. I watched them as they were feeding this one deiced to feed all on his own and was moving as fast as his little legs could carry him to the next best feeding area. These guys are just a touch bigger than the Least Sandpipers that we get all the time at Lake Arlington during the winter months. That is still pretty darn tiny. These guys are totally dwarfed by humans. If you are right on them they look even smaller compared to you. They are just so cute as they scurry about the sand looking for tasty morsels in the sand. They mainly feed on Periwinkles, bugs, and some other forms of mollusk. 
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  Some Royal Terns were out on the beach resting but one decided it would be best to take to the sky. Some of the in-flight shots were hard to get back when I had that Nikon Coolpix L830. I still have it and it still works but with the Canon EOS Rebel T6 it is much easier to get some of the better in-flight shots now that I have a camera with a viewfinder or what I like to call the Eye-piece. I can now lead a bird and get some of the shots that I have never been able to with just the screen. The screen was hard to use; I often lost the bird and it would hardly get into focus but with a much faster camera it gets those hard to get in-flight shots perfectly. I have only had it a couple of months now so I am still getting used to it. I had my other camera since 2015 and it took me a while to master that one. So there is a lot of stuff that I am still learning to do with this camera. Just after these shots were taken early in January at River Legacy I went and took their free camera course on how to use DSLR cameras. I really like the idea that River Legacy has that kind of class for people that have advanced cameras or who are thinking about getting an advanced camera. Some of the best things are free and that class was amazing. 
I know I am going on another off track topic but still it helps to talk about other things too. So on the beach there were a few things out and about but not much. Soon the time was up on us to head back so we went to the car and went off to a souvenir shop. We love to go to shops down there and help out local businesses. 
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I bought this cool fridge magnet that is in the shape of a Great White Shark Tooth. I am just gaga over sharks. Ever since I saw the movie Jaws for the first time back in High School I have been totally into sharks and want to learn all I can about them. I have become quite the fan of the annual Discovery Channel Shark Week that happens every summer. I just bought a new Shark bedding set that is cool. My aunt bought me a shark bank not too long ago to spruce up my new room, I also have shark figures and toys on top of my dresser. So you can say I am a shark junkie. I also have a shark tooth necklace took. I also have a few shark shirts as well. I have the one Jaws shirt and then I have two gray button downs with hammerheads on them. My grandmother used to say to me that I dress like an old man. I do wear a lot of button downs with print on them I just like the beach style. The button down open, a tee shirt under that, the shark tooth necklace, bucket hat, and sneakers and on occasional flip flops. Normally on my adventures I wear jeans and hiking boots but sometimes it is okay just to think of waves and the island style. Still I think sharks are amazing creatures. I have always liked sticking up for the misunderstood creatures because they get such a bad reputation for being labeled as evil mindless monsters. I think that shark deserve respect and don’t deserve to be feared. People need to understand that when you go into the water you are on their territory. Human ego say this land is my land and I can go into it and everything goes my way; but in the real scheme of things humans need to learn that the water or that forest is their land and I am in their world and need to be aware that there are things that might be potentially dangerous so I need to be alert and be aware of my surroundings. Wish that is the way it is but some people just don’t understand.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway on the way back home we decided to stop off at innerspace Caverns to see if they had another tour but their last tour had just ended. My brother is not totally into what I am into. He is into more complex things like extinct ice age animals which I do admire a lot; he is also into video games. So there is still much work to be done with him. he doesn’t really like fossil collecting, birding, or photography like I do. No he is only into certain things. He also spends a lot of his time watching espionage films and he does like Star Wars but he is not totally into what I am in which is fine so we try our hardest to find things on trips that would appeal to him. So we decided to go back down the next day to George Town Texas and go on a tour through the cave. We also made plans to go to a place I have always wanted to go called Waco Mammoth National Monument. So we went on home but the next day we were ready for more adventure.  
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A shot of me about to embark on the cave tour. My goodness was this cave cool! there was a lot of neat things to see. I have not been in a cave in a long time. The last time I went to a cave was at the Cave Without a Name in Boerne Texas and that was a really long time ago. I have only been too a limited amount of caves but I am really looking forward to going to more when we have the time and the means of getting to them. The things you can see in a cave are just phenomenal. I may not be much of a geology nerd but I do find fossils, minerals, and rocks to be very cool. My family have always been Rock-hounds. We collect all kinds of rocks and things to make edging for flowerbeds, rock gardens and who knows what else. I am still trying to get a display case for all of my fossils in my collection. Right now most of my rocks and fossils are in collectors Whitman’s Chocolate Tins with some drawer liner. Hey I go for the cheap end of the deal when it comes to things. I make do with what I have and make it work. Sometimes I wish I had a tool cabinet to put them in but I have a long way to go before I can get one of those. I have to make priorities. So yeah more of my rock nerd is coming out with that last bit. I am always wanting new equipment and stuff for my nerd hobbies. Being a naturalist can be very inexpensive but when your in a little deeper you start dreaming of some bigger major league toys. 
In this cave there are many interesting an beautiful rock formations to observe and to gawk at. Here are a few of my personal favorites that I was able to get good shots of. The light was very dim and it was hard to get everything in the gloomy lighting situation in that cave which was okay I still got what I wanted for the most part. 
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 Here is one that our tour guide called the Cave Shark at a place called the imagination station. It was pretty neat how the rocks all looked like a sea theme. This Cave Shark looked as if it was coming straight out of the wall. It looks just like a shark which made me very happy as you can tell from the earlier part about the magnet. This was my personal favorite from this part of the tour. 
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What is a cave shark without a Cave Squid? This Stalactite looks just like a Squid wouldn’t you agree? I think it does and so did our tour guide. Some of these caving guides get really creative when engaging with people about the caves while having fun along the way. Some of the people I know are not into nature one bit but my goodness they don’t know what they are missing. They totally miss out on all the cool things they could be seeing that they don’t often get to see. Traveling under ground is fun you find all kinds of funny things under there in the caves. One thing about it there is a funky smell that goes with it and the humidity too! You think caves are cool try this cave on for size you will be one sweaty hiker by the time they are done with you. I am not complaining but there is a strange aroma that comes from all the minerals and water and bat guano that really is one funky smell but we’re naturalists and we don’t mind it one bit. 
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This little scene which is just off of one of the paths to the right that is really cool. It reminds me of two things the desert southwest from the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote cartoons or a scene straight out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom like where they are first entering the Thuggee temple just after escaping the spike room which was connected to my personal favorite Indy phobia scene which was of course the bug tunnel. That scene was crazy; I find it funny how nature always bring back flashbacks of Star Trek, Star Wars, Men In Black, Jurassic Park, Pokemon, Battlestar Galactica and many other different show and movies. I am sorry I can’t go a day without making some crazy reference to something. I guess when you are a nerd it is what you do. I don’t just think of science fiction and nature for nothing. Their is a reason why I call myself Galactic Bugman on some things and then Galactic_Naturalist on others for nothing. Those my are my prominent two obsessions nature and science fiction and cartoons. So there a big reason why I make that my screen name for many things. It is just who I am and that is my story and I am sticking to it. 
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Checkout this beautiful room right here! Ah the glorious Lake of the Moon. Okay that sounds a lot like a Pokemon Sun and Moon reference to me. The place where you get Lunala. I know again with the crazy references. Anyway this room really had me at first sight. It is amazing and so beautiful. The water is so clear and the formations are just so wonderful to see. If you go you have to take the easy tour in order to see this thing of beauty. This was the highlight of that tour. The shark totally got blown out of the water with this one (Hint: that was a Jaws Reference) the shark was pretty Jawsome! (Okay everyone hates puns I get it) but this was even more astounding. This was a really nice room of the cave. I am so glad I got to see this natural wonder and get it all on camera. Just look at some of those reflections that is how clear the water was! My golly it was amazing. 
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Another shot of just the water at the Lake of the Moon before we all turned around and headed back to the mouth of the cave. It this trek was pretty fantastic. I will have to make another trip out there and do one of the more advanced hikes which would require more squeezing into tight spaces and other things but heck I have always wanted to do some spelunking just too see what I could find and gain some more new memories and put some more experience points under my belt. 
We eventually made it back to the gift shop and I bought two things at this stop and boy where they neat. 
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I got this neat patch for my vest that I was wearing that day in fact. 
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And my new favorite fossil to my collection which is the partial tooth fragment of a Megalodon.  These things can go for so much more other places but this fragment only cost me twenty bucks which was not a bad price for one of these suckers. It is a pretty good sized piece of a tooth. It is also in really good condition even if it is just half of a fossilized tooth. I am not complaining I saw this and I was like yep that would make a good conversation piece to have in my collection. So again with the shark stuff. I am just bonkers about such things but heck that is what makes me, me. You can either take it or leave it. 
So the next thing on our Whirlwind tour around Texas we went to the Waco Mammoth National Monument. This was a great place to go for my brother. Both the cave and the Waco Mammoth site were good places for my brother for he really liked them a lot. As for me I was totally in science la la land. It had felt like I had stepped into the TARDIS and went back in time to a time when everything was different than today’s world. 
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When you go inside the building that protects the site you don’t quite know what you are going to expect when you walk in. This was the first thing I saw just before I saw the massive bone pile that was in this building. This mural shows what may have transpired on this site thousands of years ago. The story this site tells is of a flood that came through the land trapping a nursery heard of Columbian Mammoths, and a few other creatures like a Prehistoric Camel (Yes we did get a species of extinct camel in Texas at one point. It sounds a little far fetched but heck there was even Giant Ground Sloths at one point) and a few Saber Cat. Notice how some paleontologist say Saber Cat that is because calling them Saber Toothed Tiger is wrong because they are not anywhere nearly related to the Tigers of today. Not trying to be critical I am just saying you will hear this a lot from people like them. 
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Okay so the bones shown here are from the only male found on the site. His official name is Mammoth Q or as a term of endearment they call this big fellow Quincy. This guy has quite the story to tell. Look how big and massive his tusks are. They are amazing to look at but you notice that his skull has been totally smashed and crushed in the bottom picture. This is really dramatic and this must have been one heck of a bad way to go down. They say that he must have gotten stuck in the raising waters and fell and in the panic of all the other animals trying to get to safety that his head got trampled on and crushed. You can kind of make out somewhat of a footprint shape. Notice that I circled something rather interesting in the rib cage of this animal. There is a knot in his bone. They said that he might of got that while fighting and may have been a cause of illness for it not healing right and that weakened him but we don’t really know for sure. That is all paleontology is the science of prehistoric forensics and speculation! Still a very neat set of fossils if I do say so myself. This guy was quite massive. 
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   Here is a mural to give a rough estimate of what Quincy could have looked like. It is not to full scale the mural should be a few inches taller but the lights got in the artist’s way. Notice that he hair on his body looks much like the hair of an American Bison. It could have very much been the same for of the moderate temps of that time period to keep him warm at night but to not be too hot in the summer time. Remember these are not Woolly Mammoths so they didn’t need a lot of hair on their bodies since we did have a lot of moderate temps. And just look at that size. I am so glad this is just a painting and not the real McCoy or I could run the risk of getting flattened like a pancake standing this close to this guy. I knew elephants are big but my gosh they make me look tiny. Still a pretty good size comparison if you ask me. I like that the artist had some sense of humor and gave him a Three Stooges Moe hairdo or just a Chili bowl hair cut. It think that is kind of funny even though he probably didn’t look a think like one of the Three Stooges but heck I think that artists need to have a little fun while doing their job. I love added flair to artist representation. 
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 Here is another Mammoth that they have on site. This one is called Mammoth W or Wanda. She is one of the oldest females that was part of this heard. One of her tusks was removed to keep it from getting damaged further. Some of these bones are very fragile and had to be treated with kid-gloves. Still another fascinating animal to look at as the guide showed her to us. When I am dealing with a fossil site if it is one I am allowed to dig on or like this it doesn't really matter which; I always try to imagine myself at the exact same time period as these creatures were. My representations may not be as accurate as how they sound in my mind but I always try to picture how life must have been for the creatures by visualizing the animals of today and then thinking back further to these guys and try to visualize them doing what they did to survive like how they may have hunted or how they did other things. As  Captain Jean Luc Picard said on Star Trek First Contact “Sometimes touch came make something more real.” I believe that a lot. Now I was not able to touch these fossils but I went out to Mineral wells Fossil park a few years back and was able to touch the fossils and feel of them and that gave me more a visual aid and a better understanding. Sometimes it is hard but study the landscape and the topography and listen even you can hear faint echos of the past like a distant cry from earth’s past. You can almost feel what they must have been going through. When I first walked into this place I was blown away. It was almost like the reaction Ellie Sattler, and Alan Grant gave when they saw their first live Brachiasaurus. It was almost like that except they were just the skeletons of what was once living. It took me back to a place that I could only dream of touching. I is very moving to be in a place like this and to feel how life was then. Sometimes if you let your imagination work with you when experiencing places like this you will get a better understand of how life was back when things were a little bit different. 
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   This was the only known Camel on site that they found. Poor Flood which is what they named her was all broken up and scattered. Her bones were not intact and were just in a pile. Her skull had to be moved back with the rest of her. It may seem kind of funny (not ha ha funny) but just kind of odd that they would do that. This site is still being excavated for more fossils and they have a lot more to do once they get a paleontologist on board. So who knows what they will uncover next. This concludes my winter vacation posts. I hope you enjoyed my photos I took and I hope you had fun reading about my experiences and I hope that you will start you own nature adventure and explore the world of nature like I am currently doing. It is amazing to see new things and travel to wonderful places. I think that nature is very important and I will continue to write more about my life’s experiences on this blog site to help inspire and give you a little window of my life and how crazy cool it can be. I may not be an expert but I don’t have a problem writing myself field notes and sharing them with you. I hope you will continue reading my blogs and following my material. I am opening this Blog up to not just insects but to birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fossils, and everything that is nature. Until then take care of yourself and I will see you on the trail. 
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nepenthendline · 7 years
Kpop tag game
Tagged by @edenalieth :)
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop ? Used to be 1D trash, Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Ella Eyre, Hailee Steinfeld, Pentatonix, Selena Gomez, Troye Sivan, Fall Out Boy and Nicki Minaj
10 favorite non-kpop songs ? *currently*
(this is gonna be a lot from the same artists lol)
Little Mix: Salute, Power, Touch and Freak, Ariana Grande: Into You and Forever Boy, Justin Bieber: Love Yourself, Hailee Steinfeld: Rock Bottom and tbh I can’t think of another 2 lol
10 favorite movies ?
I don’t watch movies often so I’m not sure...
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons
Haikyuu, The Librarians, Yuri On Ice, Kuroko no Basuke, Toddlers and Tiaras fight me, 90 Day Fiancé, Noragami, Death Note, Ouran Highschool Host Club and No. 6
10 favorite manga/comics
The only mangas I’ve read all/the majority of are Haikyuu, Ouran and Death note
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above ?
taking photos, fashion, makeup, interior decor stuff, writing, looking at fanart/fiction, hanging with friends, funny videos, walking and food
Another Tag Game
Nickname: Coco is the main one and butterfly by one friend
Starsign: Leo
Height: 165cm
Time right now: 11:09pm
Last thing googled: Southeastern exucse dice (uk train memes ;))
Favorite music artists: top faves are: BTS, Little Mix and Ariana Grande
Song stuck in your head: I always have blood, sweat and tears stuck in my head ok (apart from yesterday it was breaking free from hsm...)
Last movie watched: I actually don’t remember oh no
Last TV show watched: The Librarians
What are you wearing right now: oversided black top, black leggings and black trainers so colourful
When did you create your blog: I think like 4 years ago just before summer
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly BTS or anime with some shitposts and Little Mix
Do you have any other blogs: I had a fashion one that I never used
Do you get asks regularly: as if
Why did you choose your URL: nevermind was taken (I love that song) and I love yoongi so min-nevermind
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: I did it a couple years ago and got Slytherin so I re-took it and got Ravenclaw lmao
Pokemon team: Psychic (on pokemon go im team valor)
Favourite colour: Grey, blue, white and black
Average hours of sleep: ah.....like 2-4 hours
Lucky number: Don’t have one
Favorite character(s): Aomine Daiki, Tsukishima Kei, Ezekiel Jones, Ootori Kyoya
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 duvet
Dream job: Something in fashion so styling, media journalism stuff like that
Following: People I’m following? Mainly kpop blogs
BTS Would You Rather
Would you rather:
Build a snowman with V OR have a snowball fight with jhope
Get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with jhope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v 
meet jhope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with jhope OR film a sketch with V
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook (both pls...)
go to paris with jin OR go to London with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple tshirt at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore the city with jhope (how about city with suga ;))
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR v sing you to sleep (serenades seem kinda awkward ngl)
have a dance party with jhope OR sing karaoke with suga 
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with  jungkook, suga, v and jhope OR Christmas rap monster, jimin and jhope
~NSFW Time~ *SOS* i really hope no one I know sees this ok
Would you rather:
dom jhope OR sub jin
wear lingerie for rap monster OR put lingerie on jimin
tie up jungkook OR get tied up by v (y’all...)
pull suga’s hair OR get your hair pulled by rap monster
have shower sex with jimin OR have sex pool with v
perform oral on jungkook OR have jhope go down on you (i feel like im gonna be picking both for everything ok)
have a romantic sex with jin OR rough sex with jimin
have angry sex with v OR make up sex with suga
suck hickeys onto jungkook’s neck OR get hickeys from v
put a blindfold on jimin OR get blindfolded by rap monster
have phone sex with rap monster OR Skype sex with jhope
ride jimin’s thigh OR ride jungkook’s thigh
have jin call you “kitten” OR rap monster call you “babygirl”
wear a collar for jin OR put a collar on jimin
beg for suga OR make jungkook beg for you
have sex backstage with jhope OR in the kitchen with jin
get teased under the table at a dinner by rap monster OR tease jimin
play never have i ever with rap monster, suga and jungkook (although I don’t drink so...)OR strip poker with jhope, jimin, v and jin
do body shots with rap monster, suga and jin OR get lap dances from jhope, jimin, jungkook and v
Pick A Member | BTS
Rules: Pick ONE of the members listed for each question and explain why! Be honest ad don’t just pick your favourite for every answer. Do not choose a memeber who is not listed and try to answer every question.
1. Amusement park date ? Jin/Taehyung/Jimin
• He’s the loudest and most crazy so I think it would be more fun with him. If I’m around energetic people I get energetic too
2. Spend a lazy afternoon with ? Jin/Jungkook/Yoongi
• Would be pretty chill, some banter, music and sleeping prob
3.Play 1v1 sports with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• I wouldn’t want to take it seriously lmao J-hope gonna have my back when I fuck up
4.Make out session with ? Yoongi/Jungkook/Jimin
• my boi suga
5.Cheek kisses ? Jin/Hoseok/Jimin
• He’s so cute who wouldn’t?
6.Do a YouTube boyfriend does your make up tag with ? Hoseok/Taehyung/Namjoon
• Like he’d probably try really hard yet also probably poke my eye out but it would be funny lol
7.Introduce to your parents ? Jimin/Jungkook/Taehyung
• Although my mum loves Jungkook the most, Jimin is so cute and I wanna see how he would act in that situation lol I bet he’s so polite
8.Go to a haunted house with ? Yoongi/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I don’t get scared easily so I want someone to laugh at lmao it would be entertaining ok
9.Drunk nights with ? Hoseok/Jimin/Jin
• Just gonna say none bc I don’t drink
10.Who would you want to see do aegyo for a whole day as a punishment ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I would die it would be hilarious
11.Who would help you pick out outfits ? Taehyung/Namjoon/Yoongi
• I really like Yoongi’s style so he would do great. I’d pick Namjoon but like I might end up in some weird shit 
12.School dance date ? Jin/Namjoon/Hoseok
• He would take it the least seriously/least awkward out of the other two lmao I’d rather have a laugh than take it seriously lol
13.Sing a duet with ? Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook
• I think our voices would suit best and his voice is some good shit
14.Would make you breakfast in bed ? Yoongi/Jin/Jungkook
• Ok but like imagine Jin bringing you breakfast...a great thought
15.Go on a late night adventure with ? Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon
• I was gonna say Tae but we’d probably end up in a ditch somewhere and I see Jungkook liking walking around at 2am instead of some crazy stuff 
16. First time ? Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
• again, my boi I can’t say anyone else lol
17. Whose clothes you’d steal and wear ? Jin/Taehyung/Hoseok
•  He wears a lot of oversized clothes and I love that 10/10
18.Late deep night conversations with ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I think we have quite similar personalities/thoughts so I would wanna know whats going on inside his head
19. Who’d you have a play water fight with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• It would just be so fun and careless lol I love his energy
20.Who would you say you’re most compatible with ? (Choose any of the 7 members but remember, favoristism and compatibility are two different things).
• Everyone I know who knows about bts say I’m very similar to Yoongi and I think we tend to get along with people who are like us in some way bc we understand eachother
Bias Tag
Rules: pick 10 biases and answer the questions. No specific order.
(trying to think of those outside of bts lol)
1. Between 3&6, whose most recent concept do you like more?
• BTS - BS&T
2. Between 2&10, who would you rather be stranded on an island with ?
• Jeongyeon -  as much as I love Jimin more I feel like he’d probably have a breakdown or something
3.Between 4&8, who would you trust to take care of you when you were drunk ?
• Suho.... why do I think he’d act like a dad...I don’t know...
4.Between 1&2, who would you go in jail for ?
• Jimin
5.Between 5&9, who is a better visual to you ?
• Both...
6.Between 7&8, who would you rather save from a sinking ship ?
•  I can’t... Jungkook...? 
7.Between 6&10, who would you rather have a movie marathon with ?
• Jeongyeon Idk why lmao
8.Between 1&10, who do you think makes a better impression ?
• Jeongyeon, I know a lot of people don’t think Yoongi gives off the better.
9.Between 3&7, who would you prefer to kiss in the rain ?
• Jungkook
10.Between 5&6, who would you rather have a summer fling with ?
• Jinnnn
11.Between 5&7, who would you rather do drugs with ?
• Neither lmao
12.Between 3&8, who would you rather take home to your parents ?
• Jeonghan 
13.Between 9&10, whose wardrobe do you want more ?
• Taehying! I love his style
14.Between 4&10, who would you be more surprised to see cry ?
• Suho
15.Between 1&4, who would you rather have kiss you on the forehead ?
• Yoongi!!!
16.Between 2&3, who would you rather have hug from behind ?
• Jimin
17.Between 5&2, whose group do you stan more ?
18.Between 4&9, who is higher up on your bias list ?
• Taehyung
19.Between 1&7, who would you open your door up to during the purge ?
• I’d trust both a lot however I feel like Jungkook is less likely to like...go insane or something lmao
20. Between 6&9, who would you rather go to a haunted house with ?
• Tae - I was gonna say Jin but Tae would probably just scream then laugh at everything lol
I tag : @jeonify, @aykook, @seokgenie and @yoongiied (feel free to do it or not)
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'Alex Strangelove' Director on the Wish Fulfillment of His LGBT High School Sex Comedy (Exclusive)
Alex Strangelove is a story of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy meets boy, boy might be falling for boy, too, and, oh yeah, boy might actually be gay, but it is all very confusing. In the Netflix comedy, Alex (Daniel Doheny) is a high school senior obsessed with cephalopods, among other wildlife, and with losing his virginity to his girlfriend, Claire (Madeline Weinstein). Until he meets a cute boy, Elliott (Antonio Marziale), at a theater party and everything gets complicated. Director Craig Johnson (The Skeleton Twins) was inspired by his own coming out story, right down to the love of wild animals -- though these days a far more domestic critter is occupying his time.
"We just got a dog this weekend, so we're, like, little nervous daddies, running around, making sure that we don't screw it up," Johnson says of the Corgi mix, Winston, he and husband Adam Roberts adopted. "He's not entirely housebroken, so we are going to roll up our sleeves and get to it. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, as they say." With Alex Strangelove now streaming on Netflix, ET phoned Johnson to discuss turning his most "embarrassing" life experiences into a teen sex comedy and comparisons to Love, Simon.
ET: This is being called your most personal film yet. What from your life inspired this story?
Craig Johnson: I look at this film as the sexual confusion of my teens and my 20s crammed into one kid's senior year of high school. [Laughs] I had a long, circuitous journey of coming out incrementally over the years, in my 20s, and there was all kind of struggle that led to, you know, encounters, dating women when I was, in the back of my head, questioning whether or not this was even what I wanted, which led to, in retrospect, some funny and embarrassing moments. At the time, they were just purely confusing and embarrassing.
But when I eventually came out as gay, I thought about my journey and thought, Wow. You know what? In this day and age where it's a possibility for kids to come out of the closet in high school -- that really wasn't the case when I was in high school in the '90s, but now that it is a possibility, I love the drama of that. Because you can do it now! So, in 2018, what does that mean? And I think it's actually, perhaps, even more confusing, because everything's on the table. Now, you can make multiple choices. Are you bi? Are you gay? Are you poly? Are you genderqueer? And it seemed like a real dramatic premise for a high school sex comedy.
Was anything that happens in the movie lifted directly from your life? Or was it capturing the spirit of that time in your life?
Oh, boy. OK! Well, here's the embarrassment. While the encounters are not necessarily directly autobiographical, there's a moment where Alex is trying to consummate with a drunk sorority girl and at one point, she goes, "Sweetie, are you getting shy?" That may or may not have been said to me in a moment of consummation with a female. We'll put it like that.
Yeah, that is something you would hold on to. Hopefully now that it's on film, you can release it.
That's what I'm hoping! Talking about this film is cheaper than therapy.
I was also told that you call Alex your "surrogate." How close is he to who you were then?
Oh, incredibly similar. I was kind of a nature freak, obsessed with weird animals. I was always a people pleaser as a high school kid -- I always wanted everybody to like me. I got good grades. I was probably overcompensating, which I think is very common for queer, closeted teenagers. I was trying to overcompensate because I knew I had this thing that could render me unlikable, and so that is all part of Daniel Doheny's performance. Weirdly, when we cast Daniel, he's from Vancouver, BC, and I grew up in Bellingham, Washington, which is, like, 45 miles south. When I met him, he just reminded me of me when I was a teenager.
Winston aside, are you still into exotic animals?
Very much so, yeah, and as soon as you declare a favorite animal-- Like for me, everyone knows that I love octopuses, so our shelves are littered with little octopus sculptures and little octopus gifts that people have gotten us. I still am a total weird animal freak, and maybe even have an action-adventure, sci-fi movie about weird animals in my system down the road.
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Photo by Walter Thomson/Netflix
To a degree, whenever we gay men write about coming out, as we are wont to do, there is an element of wish fulfillment to it. How we wish our experience could have been. Was that the case for you?
One hundred percent. I never had an Elliott character in my life when I was a teenager. Eventually, later on in college, I did run into quote-unquote Elliott and that is the wish fulfillment. I think about how I would have maybe come to some conclusions a lot sooner had I met an Elliott, someone who was brave enough to live out and openly, who could sort of nudge me a little bit without pushing me or outing me. But Elliotts were harder to come by in the '90s, so I think wish fulfillment is a very apt term for the Elliott-Alex relationship.
You talk about high school in the '90s, but I was in high school in the later aughts, and even then, there still weren't many openly gay kids. It's still so cool, but so surprising, when I see these gay teenagers just out and living their life. It's beautiful but it's also, like, "How is this possible?!"
Oh, I know! And yet I still think that even now that it's an option to come out, the struggle becomes an internal one. For Alex, it really is a struggle of, What am I into? He's got this wonderful girlfriend, who is his best friend, who he loves more than life itself. He truly does love Claire and is so emotionally invested in her. On paper, they are the perfect couple, but for this one thing that is really part of the heartbreaking journey for him. And I think that's the case for many closeted teenagers who have really close relationships with girls -- which is almost every closeted teenager, I think -- and that was really important to me, that that relationship between a kid struggling with his sexuality and his girlfriend, that's a relationship that I really hadn't seen depicted in film before in the way that I remember it and lived it.
I feel like it's only been in the last five or six years that this younger generation has just really embraced more of an open view towards sexuality. I conceived of the idea 10 years ago, and I would update the script to reflect that. Alex, his struggle is not that he's going to come out and then he's going to get beat up or get disowned by his parents. We're sort of beyond that story -- I mean, not in all regions, certainly -- but for this story, I wanted to talk about a kid where his struggle is not what's going to happen to him if he comes out. It was more internal. We would bring the script around to traditional studios, all of whom really loved the story, but they all wanted, like, a teacher character or a parent character to be more prominent so we could cast Meryl Streep and get the movie funded. But Netflix believed in it being a story about the kids and Netflix said, "Hey, we love this. Cast whoever you want."
Why was it important for you to tie the ending of the movie into YouTube coming out videos and the "It Gets Better" movement?
You know, we talked a lot about that. It was always in the script, and I just liked the idea of giving the movie, situating it with a little bit of social context of where we are today. I knew that a lot of young people would be watching the movie and I think for what the movie is, I like the idea of giving that real-world context to a story, to show that Alex's story is one of many thousands of stories of kids in this country today dealing with this and telling their stories. I thought that it could be meaningful to young people, but to anybody who's maybe questioning their sexuality at any age.
You describe this as a teen sex comedy, but a lot of the comedy of sexuality revolves around straight sex. Do you think it is possible to get a teen sex comedy where the sexual comedy is with gay sex made?
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You'd have to think about what sort of then is the storyline and the conflict. For me, it's always about, What is the drama of the story? And the comedy always comes from the drama. In this case, when you have a kid struggling with his sexuality and really wanting to make things work with his girlfriend, the comedy then naturally fell into trying to make straight sex work. But, oh yeah, [in] the next wave of this, I'm sure. I'd love to see a high school comedy where you're dealing with gay kids and there are all kinds of gay sex hijinks. Maybe I'll write a sequel.
There have been a lot of comparisons between Alex Strangelove and Love, Simon. With Love, Simon, there was this response from people asking, "Do we even need this movie anymore?" That maybe it wasn't queer enough for 2018, with criticism over centering the film on a more masculine, white male. Is that anything you grappled with in making this?
You know, I didn't. Partially because, for better or for worse, I am a white male. [Laughs] And I was telling an autobiographical story, so that's just where this movie landed for me. First of all, let me say that I think that criticism is legitimate. We should always be striving for diversity in these movies. That said, I would argue that a lot of the audience for Love, Simon wasn't necessarily, you know, queer kids. I'd like to think that queer kids would enjoy it, but let's invite 13-year-old girls to the party and our straight allies to the party, who can maybe for the first time encounter a coming out story that maybe helps them think about their closeted friend in the seventh grade. I think the audience for Love, Simon was diverse and the 13-year-old girls weren't necessarily thinking about that masculine kid in the lead role in the way that I am as an out adult, you know? Which I wasn't, personally, because I enjoyed Nick Robinson's performance in that.
With Alex Strangelove, I'd like to think that we might even be inviting straight guys to the party, because there are all the tropes of the raunchy sex comedy -- sex scenes gone wrong and drug trip outs and party hijinks and all this stuff. I'd like to think there's a straight kid out there who sees the movie and goes, "Yeah, I really liked it. Yeah, there was some gay stuff in it, but I really liked it!"
Summer Film Preview: 27 of the Most Anticipated Movies of the Season!
Director Andrew Haigh on the State of Gay Cinema (Exclusive)
Producer Greg Berlanti Says Seeing 'Love, Simon' Is a 'Form of Activism' (Exclusive)
0 notes
'Alex Strangelove' Director on the Wish Fulfillment of His LGBT High School Sex Comedy (Exclusive)
Alex Strangelove is a story of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy meets boy, boy might be falling for boy, too, and, oh yeah, boy might actually be gay, but it is all very confusing. In the Netflix comedy, Alex (Daniel Doheny) is a high school senior obsessed with cephalopods, among other wildlife, and with losing his virginity to his girlfriend, Claire (Madeline Weinstein). Until he meets a cute boy, Elliott (Antonio Marziale), at a theater party and everything gets complicated. Director Craig Johnson (The Skeleton Twins) was inspired by his own coming out story, right down to the love of wild animals -- though these days a far more domestic critter is occupying his time.
"We just got a dog this weekend, so we're, like, little nervous daddies, running around, making sure that we don't screw it up," Johnson says of the Corgi mix, Winston, he and husband Adam Roberts adopted. "He's not entirely housebroken, so we are going to roll up our sleeves and get to it. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, as they say." With Alex Strangelove now streaming on Netflix, ET phoned Johnson to discuss turning his most "embarrassing" life experiences into a teen sex comedy and comparisons to Love, Simon.
ET: This is being called your most personal film yet. What from your life inspired this story?
Craig Johnson: I look at this film as the sexual confusion of my teens and my 20s crammed into one kid's senior year of high school. [Laughs] I had a long, circuitous journey of coming out incrementally over the years, in my 20s, and there was all kind of struggle that led to, you know, encounters, dating women when I was, in the back of my head, questioning whether or not this was even what I wanted, which led to, in retrospect, some funny and embarrassing moments. At the time, they were just purely confusing and embarrassing.
But when I eventually came out as gay, I thought about my journey and thought, Wow. You know what? In this day and age where it's a possibility for kids to come out of the closet in high school -- that really wasn't the case when I was in high school in the '90s, but now that it is a possibility, I love the drama of that. Because you can do it now! So, in 2018, what does that mean? And I think it's actually, perhaps, even more confusing, because everything's on the table. Now, you can make multiple choices. Are you bi? Are you gay? Are you poly? Are you genderqueer? And it seemed like a real dramatic premise for a high school sex comedy.
Was anything that happens in the movie lifted directly from your life? Or was it capturing the spirit of that time in your life?
Oh, boy. OK! Well, here's the embarrassment. While the encounters are not necessarily directly autobiographical, there's a moment where Alex is trying to consummate with a drunk sorority girl and at one point, she goes, "Sweetie, are you getting shy?" That may or may not have been said to me in a moment of consummation with a female. We'll put it like that.
Yeah, that is something you would hold on to. Hopefully now that it's on film, you can release it.
That's what I'm hoping! Talking about this film is cheaper than therapy.
I was also told that you call Alex your "surrogate." How close is he to who you were then?
Oh, incredibly similar. I was kind of a nature freak, obsessed with weird animals. I was always a people pleaser as a high school kid -- I always wanted everybody to like me. I got good grades. I was probably overcompensating, which I think is very common for queer, closeted teenagers. I was trying to overcompensate because I knew I had this thing that could render me unlikable, and so that is all part of Daniel Doheny's performance. Weirdly, when we cast Daniel, he's from Vancouver, BC, and I grew up in Bellingham, Washington, which is, like, 45 miles south. When I met him, he just reminded me of me when I was a teenager.
Winston aside, are you still into exotic animals?
Very much so, yeah, and as soon as you declare a favorite animal-- Like for me, everyone knows that I love octopuses, so our shelves are littered with little octopus sculptures and little octopus gifts that people have gotten us. I still am a total weird animal freak, and maybe even have an action-adventure, sci-fi movie about weird animals in my system down the road.
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Photo by Walter Thomson/Netflix
To a degree, whenever we gay men write about coming out, as we are wont to do, there is an element of wish fulfillment to it. How we wish our experience could have been. Was that the case for you?
One hundred percent. I never had an Elliott character in my life when I was a teenager. Eventually, later on in college, I did run into quote-unquote Elliott and that is the wish fulfillment. I think about how I would have maybe come to some conclusions a lot sooner had I met an Elliott, someone who was brave enough to live out and openly, who could sort of nudge me a little bit without pushing me or outing me. But Elliotts were harder to come by in the '90s, so I think wish fulfillment is a very apt term for the Elliott-Alex relationship.
You talk about high school in the '90s, but I was in high school in the later aughts, and even then, there still weren't many openly gay kids. It's still so cool, but so surprising, when I see these gay teenagers just out and living their life. It's beautiful but it's also, like, "How is this possible?!"
Oh, I know! And yet I still think that even now that it's an option to come out, the struggle becomes an internal one. For Alex, it really is a struggle of, What am I into? He's got this wonderful girlfriend, who is his best friend, who he loves more than life itself. He truly does love Claire and is so emotionally invested in her. On paper, they are the perfect couple, but for this one thing that is really part of the heartbreaking journey for him. And I think that's the case for many closeted teenagers who have really close relationships with girls -- which is almost every closeted teenager, I think -- and that was really important to me, that that relationship between a kid struggling with his sexuality and his girlfriend, that's a relationship that I really hadn't seen depicted in film before in the way that I remember it and lived it.
I feel like it's only been in the last five or six years that this younger generation has just really embraced more of an open view towards sexuality. I conceived of the idea 10 years ago, and I would update the script to reflect that. Alex, his struggle is not that he's going to come out and then he's going to get beat up or get disowned by his parents. We're sort of beyond that story -- I mean, not in all regions, certainly -- but for this story, I wanted to talk about a kid where his struggle is not what's going to happen to him if he comes out. It was more internal. We would bring the script around to traditional studios, all of whom really loved the story, but they all wanted, like, a teacher character or a parent character to be more prominent so we could cast Meryl Streep and get the movie funded. But Netflix believed in it being a story about the kids and Netflix said, "Hey, we love this. Cast whoever you want."
Why was it important for you to tie the ending of the movie into YouTube coming out videos and the "It Gets Better" movement?
You know, we talked a lot about that. It was always in the script, and I just liked the idea of giving the movie, situating it with a little bit of social context of where we are today. I knew that a lot of young people would be watching the movie and I think for what the movie is, I like the idea of giving that real-world context to a story, to show that Alex's story is one of many thousands of stories of kids in this country today dealing with this and telling their stories. I thought that it could be meaningful to young people, but to anybody who's maybe questioning their sexuality at any age.
You describe this as a teen sex comedy, but a lot of the comedy of sexuality revolves around straight sex. Do you think it is possible to get a teen sex comedy where the sexual comedy is with gay sex made?
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You'd have to think about what sort of then is the storyline and the conflict. For me, it's always about, What is the drama of the story? And the comedy always comes from the drama. In this case, when you have a kid struggling with his sexuality and really wanting to make things work with his girlfriend, the comedy then naturally fell into trying to make straight sex work. But, oh yeah, [in] the next wave of this, I'm sure. I'd love to see a high school comedy where you're dealing with gay kids and there are all kinds of gay sex hijinks. Maybe I'll write a sequel.
There have been a lot of comparisons between Alex Strangelove and Love, Simon. With Love, Simon, there was this response from people asking, "Do we even need this movie anymore?" That maybe it wasn't queer enough for 2018, with criticism over centering the film on a more masculine, white male. Is that anything you grappled with in making this?
You know, I didn't. Partially because, for better or for worse, I am a white male. [Laughs] And I was telling an autobiographical story, so that's just where this movie landed for me. First of all, let me say that I think that criticism is legitimate. We should always be striving for diversity in these movies. That said, I would argue that a lot of the audience for Love, Simon wasn't necessarily, you know, queer kids. I'd like to think that queer kids would enjoy it, but let's invite 13-year-old girls to the party and our straight allies to the party, who can maybe for the first time encounter a coming out story that maybe helps them think about their closeted friend in the seventh grade. I think the audience for Love, Simon was diverse and the 13-year-old girls weren't necessarily thinking about that masculine kid in the lead role in the way that I am as an out adult, you know? Which I wasn't, personally, because I enjoyed Nick Robinson's performance in that.
With Alex Strangelove, I'd like to think that we might even be inviting straight guys to the party, because there are all the tropes of the raunchy sex comedy -- sex scenes gone wrong and drug trip outs and party hijinks and all this stuff. I'd like to think there's a straight kid out there who sees the movie and goes, "Yeah, I really liked it. Yeah, there was some gay stuff in it, but I really liked it!"
Summer Film Preview: 27 of the Most Anticipated Movies of the Season!
Director Andrew Haigh on the State of Gay Cinema (Exclusive)
Producer Greg Berlanti Says Seeing 'Love, Simon' Is a 'Form of Activism' (Exclusive)
0 notes