#Angie Ortega
ianthedebonair · 1 year
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Just your average day at the Los Diablos Ranger's HQ pantry
A little bonus:
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ang3lik · 1 year
hi ml! can you please do blue banister nsfw with k, r, and d for tara carpenter x fem reader
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𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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pairing: tara carpenter × implied!fem!reader. nsfw content under the cut.
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𝐃 = 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
tara has always wanted to buy/use a strap during sex. whether she gets to use it on you or you on her, the idea just intrigues her and really gets her going. she would also like to try mutual masturbation or watching porn together and seeing who caves first.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤 (one or more of their kinks)
she kind of likes when you’re bossy with her, the more dominant side of you showing. when you tell her to do something, and that little bit of praise that comes after, or maybe she doesn’t do it just like you asked and decides to act bratty before you take her into your own hands.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
she’s pretty much down to anything you suggest and will almost always try it once before deciding she doesn’t like it. she’s not really risky in the way of getting caught or doing things in public, she prefers to keep it intimate and private for you both.
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woo fhr sexyman doodle dump
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kittlesandbugs · 1 month
FHR: Just a chat (AO3 link here) Pairing: Sidestep/Ricardo Ortega (hints of Chargentstep), Sidestep & Hollow Ground Warnings: None, they're just chatting lol Word Count: 1720 Summary: Ortega takes Sidestep to the park to get some fresh air after being cooped up with broken legs in his apartment for a couple weeks. When he steps away for a few minutes to take care of something, someone else swings by for a talk.
It's a peaceful day at Memorial Park. The sun is shining through the carefully maintained trees, dappling the green grass. The air is cool and calm, balmy even with your multiple layers. The birds are chirping around you and every so often, a squirrel darts by. The air is full of children's laughter as they play on the jungle gym. People are calm and content around you, enjoying the nice weather. 
You haven’t been this tense since the last time you were hauled into a lab and strapped down. 
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," you hiss at Ortega, sitting on the bench next to your wheelchair. 
He's lounging, at ease, though still alert. You see it the way his eyes roam around through the back of his sunglasses, watching everyone and everything around you. "Relax, Riley. Nothing is going to happen here," he chuckles. His hand starts towards your knee to give what you assume is supposed to be a reassuring pat before stopping and redirecting to your arm. You don't like it when anyone touches your casts. "You need some fresh air and sunlight once in a while. You were going crazy in the apartment."
"You could have at least waited for Argent to come over," you growl quietly. "Four eyes are better than two."
"We got four eyes. Hell, four hundred probably, if we count your telepathy." 
"Fine, four working legs." You roll your eyes at the pedantry. 
"We're in broad daylight in the good side of town, no one knows we're here. Relax." 
There's a little note of a plea in there that makes you sigh and nod. He is right, but you aren't going to tell him that. The chances of anyone coming after you in broad daylight on this side of town are almost nonexistent. And if they knew where you were, they would have gone for the significantly easier hit on Ortega's apartment by now. 
So you try. Take in some sun from the sky. Some sun from the carefree kids running past in a game of tag. As good for your brain as dogs, and they're here too. You sink into the padded chair and close your eyes, trying to focus on them rather than the itch of your healing bones that reminds you just how helpless you actually are. 
"Hey, wait here a moment," Ortega says after a few minutes of peace and quiet. You open your eyes to find him perched at the edge of the bench, eyes honed in on something. Your gaze follows but you can't make out who or what he sees at this distance. Are his sunglasses enhancing his vision? Probably, knowing him. You try to follow his line of sight with your telepathy, but what you find that might be getting his attention is strange. Foggy. Nebulous. It's difficult to latch on to any thoughts. Not blocking you like numbers, no, that's closer to the static of Ortega's brain. But someone that is definitely strange. Who is it? 
"Ric, what do you see?" you whisper harshly, the anxiety you felt earlier returning in full force like a hammer strike to your skull as he starts to rise, gesturing with his hand for you to stay put. Like you have a choice
"Just an old friend," he says, the cant of his lips saying the opposite. "I'll be right back. You're safe here."
And then he's off at a swift jog before you can protest, leaving you fumbling for the locked brakes you can't easily reach on the wheelchair handles. 
"Wait! You stupid fucking jackass—" 
"He is, isn't he?" A laugh behind you, and it takes all you have not to scream as a familiar lanky figure folds into Ortega's vacated seat. She's dressed in a finely woven linen jumpsuit, warm sepia with matching leather loafers, her gold piercings sparkling in the dappled sunlight. Her too similar face looks at you with a too similar crooked smile. 
Hollow Ground. 
How the fuck could she sneak up on you like this? You didn't sense her at all. You still can't. Not even so much as a thought void, just nothing. You've never seen anything like it. How is she concealing herself? What the fuck does she want with you? Your chair is still half-locked, trapping you here. Should you scream? Should you—
" Relax," she says, and it's almost a command as she meets your gaze with your own gray eyes. Still, you try to rein in your heart attempting to race its way out of your ribs. "I just want to talk."
"About what?" Your voice betrays the tension tight in your spine, much as you wish otherwise. If one more person tells you to relax, you think you might actually snap. You need to regain control of yourself. You are Reckoning, for fuck's sake. You're not some helpless child. 
"You," she says simply and then pauses. Frowns. Like she's no longer quite sure of what to say. Like she had a plan, but now she doesn't know if it should be executed. 
You try to touch her thoughts again, and again you're met with less than nothing. Are you hallucinating? No. The man walking down the path sees you both. He isn't worried by what he sees, two sisters having a conversation that seems tense. You aren't going to dig into the implications of that one. So she's here. She wants something, wants it enough to approach you about it. You realize the benefit to her closely kept secret identity means she can approach you freely as long as Ortega is not around. The weird presence you felt before, you realize that was Jake, you felt the same nebulousness of his thoughts when you went to meet Hollow Ground at Parkside. Irresistible bait to lure Ortega away. But you have no idea what it is she wants. So you wait. Ortega is right. No one is going to try and do anything in public in broad daylight. She won't, not like this. 
"What about me…?" you prompt when the quiet of her gets to be too much, impatient to find out what this is about with her mind giving you no clues. 
"How… are you?" she asks, surprisingly tentative. 
That reserved inquiry catches you off-guard, but you recover swiftly, her odd nervousness making you feel more confident despite your obvious weakness. "Oh, you know. Peachy. Just out for a stroll," you drawl, gesturing at your propped up casts. 
She snorts and the corner of her lips twitches. Somehow, your snark steadies her. "I should have expected that."
"Why do you care?" you ask sharply. She's being weird, and you don't like it. What is this about? Why would she risk meeting you like this?
"You're a mystery, Riley Owens. I'd hate it if you died before I could solve it." She smirks as you feel your blood run cold. Something about the way she says your name makes you feel jittery. But even more importantly, how could she possibly know who you are? You never gave your name before, to anyone at Parkside, you were there as your villainous alias. Argent scrubbed all records of your surgery at the hospital, though you have no doubt Hollow Ground knew who had been involved in the wreck. How does she know your name? Do the Rangers have a leak? 
As your brain stumbles over what this could mean, she holds out a small white card with something scrawled on it. An address. You recognize the area. Rich and residential. Very rich and residential. Is this… She can't possibly be just handing you this… 
"Got it memorized?" At your nod, she pockets it with a smile that's a little sharp for your liking. 
"What is your g—" 
"Fuck." Her hand shoots up, silencing you as her head tilts slightly like she's listening to something. You can just make out the outline of a small clear low profile receiver in her over-pierced ear. "We lost your pet Ranger, and he's on his way back. I have to go." She rises from the bench with the grace of a crane, giving you a conspiratorial wink.
"Wait, what— Fuck!" You swear, fumbling for the other lock on your chair before she can get away. 
As she strides away, she calls back, "You should stop by sometime, when you're back on your feet. We have a lot to catch up on."  
For someone so tall, she disappears far too easily into crowds. By the time you can roll after her, she's gone, as traceless as she appeared. What the fuck did she mean, catch up on? You're left sitting there, stewing in your own bile, until Ortega finally returns. 
He's sweaty, looking a little tired and roughed up. You think you can see the outline of a bruise blooming under the edge of his bearded cheek. He's definitely been in a fight. You don't know if you should be pleased or pissed that he learned to leave civilians behind for these kinds of escapades after his stunt with Jolene went awry. "Hey," he says with a little wave as he catches his breath. "Everything okay?"
 "Just dandy," you snarl, playing into being pissed that he left you. If he knew who just stopped by to pay you a friendly chat, he'd shit his own generator. "Sitting like a duck while you go haring off to go fight some rando."
Luckily, you think he's getting the right message, because he holds his hands up, placating, as he talks to you in the same tone he uses with his unruly horse at the ranch. "Hey, c'mon. I was just gone a few minutes. Nothing happened, right?" 
"Yeah," you lie with a sigh, dragging a hand down your face. "Nothing happened."
He grabs onto the handlebars of your chair, and if he notices you've unlocked it, he doesn't comment on it as he starts walking you through the park. "Angie texted me about meeting us at the ice cream stand. You want to get some ice cream before we go home?" 
"Yeah." Sugar will help steady your nerves. Get your mind off what just happened. “Let’s get some ice cream and go home.”
You have a lot of thinking to do later.
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slaughter-books · 3 months
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Day 3: JOMPBPC: Intersectional Feminism
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rashfordxbruno · 1 year
Stefan Ortega, Man City's back-up goalkeeper, has better distribution than David de Gea, Manchester United's first choice goalkeeper.
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mortumslab · 2 months
Remembering to be Human: Chapters 15 and 16
I totally forgot to release new chapters this weekend, so you'll all be getting three this week: two today and one on Wednesday.
New warnings for this series: more sex and violence. Nothing gratuitous, just... more?
Anyway, enjoy!
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sidestep-recs · 2 months
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aro-ortega · 7 months
thinking about sidestep and their secret identity (their name) and how it took a While for ortega to get it out of them... and thinking about ortegas call to angie in rebirth, and how they use their secret identity to clarify who they're talking about, who they've encountered, who is still alive after all...... their secret was supposed to he safe with ortega, but since their death they have clearly been sharing it freely, at least with friends/coworkers/fellow rangers............... thinking about ortega sharing stories about sidestep with the new recruits, and especially w daniel..... he is learning New, Hidden sidestep lore...... and he would have Known how close charge and sidestep were when they were active...... thinking about how daniel is willing to kidnap people to rooftops to get the information he wants, and what he would be willing to do to/for/with ortega to get more exclusive sidestep info.....
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moncuries · 3 months
How does Cyrus feel about the rangers and Dr. Mortum?
i want to preface all of my answers with the fact that i went in completely blind on every book :P so sometimes i chose things that i didn't quite understand the consequences of.
for instance, Cyrus developed a romance in B1 with Mortum as his puppet, the sleek and beautiful Eden. In a way, this was escapism, a what-if that he could inhabit briefly. but by b2 the guilt had spiraled into something that made their business together painful for him -- and he'd seriously gotten in too deep with Ortega. So he cut the flirtation off and I (monty) was surprised at how gently that was handled :0 and they became very close friends.
then (spoilers abound btw), mortum showed cyrus Ace, and he happened to be inhabiting Eden at the time. this was a super painful conversation (wow the writing) esp because Cyrus came out to Mortum as trans while trying to explain why he'd let things get out of hand. there is a lot of pain in between them, even if they were able to continue to be friends. Cyrus entrusted Eden to mortum, too. As for the Rangers, Cyrus had a very careful relationship with Herald. A warm mentorship that made him feel just a little like he deserved something, like if this kid could see so much in him, maybe there was an ounce of it actually to be found. Angie, I think Cyrus relates to more than he lets on. Her slight wickedness, self above others, that sharpness. Or maybe its something he aspires to be, but isn't quite ready to leave everyone behind. They're friendly, mutual respect. Chen and Cyrus did not get along at all in B1. By B2, they understand each other and both hold a lot of regret. I think they both wish they could make things good and right, but aren't kind enough to themselves to pursue it :"]
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ianthedebonair · 10 months
What happened with Ortega's mustache, what did Damien think abt it
Oh, he hated it. Mainly because it was such a departure from the young and invincible image of Ortega he held in his mind for the better part of the decade: older, gruffier, more tired. The former was the image he hinged his bitterness for his hero past on (as per The Farm's manipulation). He also hated it in part of how he's able to pull it off, though he just owed it to Ortega's pretty privilege (which also annoys Damien... for different reasons).
He learned to accept it--as ridiculous as it looked--throughout the course of Rebirth, but while visiting him at the hospital after the gala attack, he made an offhand joke on how Ortega's mustache seemed lonely. He never expected him to take it seriously so now Ortega has a full beard (which greatly annoys Damien... for different reasons)
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ang3lik · 1 year
hi! could you please do r, a, and k for blue banisters and tara carpenter ml?
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(tara carpenter x all!reader)
𝐀 = 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?)
to be honest, tara’s never not with you so she pretty much does everything with you, eating, sleeping, you even share the same classes! but i definitely think she loves dates the most, she savours time together when it’s just the two of you.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?)
tara is a very tender kisser! she’s had a few kisses in her lifetime so she knew how to kiss before she met you. she picks up how you like to be kissed during different moods and situations and if she uses tongue sometimes, it’s never too much.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?)
she’s a hopeless romantic! she can’t help but love love. she’s such a sweet girl, and she just fawns over everything you do. she’s always complimenting you and finding new ways for you to smile and making you feel loved.
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steelh4ze · 5 months
woe wip be upon ye. im literally nvr gonna complete this but a certain someone told me to so here it is
ricardo pov, set *riiiight* during retri's post crash. mention of slight argentsteptega w a masc leaning nb step
He’s pushing forty. It’s not old by any regular standards– old for heroes, considering the amount of questions he’s gotten about retiring again, retiring for good– but not young either. Maybe he should take what he can get and do just that (Luis was only a few years older than him when he retired), but Ortega is not built for the quiet life. Never was. And it's not just that— there’s too much of a mystery here; the kingpin of Los Diablos, as elusive as ever. Bloodhound, and their connection to said kingpin. There’s something deeper than an infamous villain, pushing against the status quo, kicking up too much trouble and killing too many important people for them being left alone to make sense. And there’s too much of the debt he’s built up with his mods that he wouldn’t be able to retire in peace— might as well do something while he's still a ranger.
Being as long as he has been in the hero business, there’s not a lot that can surprise Ortega anymore. Maybe if he were twenty years younger, he’d react with all the revelations he’s faced in his recent years with less of a quiet acceptance and more of the shell-shock a normal person would have– but he’s not exactly anyone’s definition of normal. Not by a long shot. At least not anymore.
But, there’s always exceptions to the norm that make him think otherwise.
Like the night last week, cooking in his apartment with Easton hovering behind him. The food, washing dishes and sitting on the couch, leaning into each other— a comfortable arrangement of too-long limbs and eating cake, all while watching a shitty flick that was oddly reminiscent of how it used to be. Shared kisses. Not like the ones before, they could never be like the ones before. Too many things had happened since then. But they were close enough, an echo that made it easy to fall into nearly a decade old pattern of affection. He’d had half a mind to just relax and retire into the background with him— impossible as that may be— and maybe invite Angie too. He didn't, though; Ortega knew her enough to know she’d refuse.
He’d missed his chance back then, watching him shove the gun into his mouth and slam into the ground. This was his last one.
And like now, sitting in his bedroom, blinds closed. There’s not a lot that can make Ortega truly nervous either nowadays– but being here, tension hanging in the air, there’s something on Easton’s face that makes the hairs on his neck rise.
You’re wrong. A simple, two-word admission. Would he have built his case against Hollow Ground as much as he did if he was told that seven years prior? Hood meant— still means— much to him, but Ortega would have been blind to not admit that it had morphed into something more than being just for Hood alone. It was for a co-worker, then a friend, then a partner. The black sheep of the biggest crime family in Los Diablos.
It’s an uncomfortable thought, and then there’s that familiar urge there, an itch to lighten the mood. You know, this isn’t really how I pictured watching you undress. Should I help you? —but Ortega likes to think he’s grown since then; now’s not the time for shitty jokes.
There’s the rustle of outer layers being slipped off— it used to make him laugh, in a fond way, seeing how bundled up Easton always was. An aspect of him that hadn’t changed even through the years. He’d never thought much of it other than it being a strange quirk of his, something that he would explain if he ever got comfortable enough to share. Never took his clothes off. It’s clear now that it was more than just a strange quirk; there’s the jacket, something easily removed and tossed onto his bed. There's Ortega's suspicions, left in the dust.
It's… slow. He can do slow. He can be patient; he’s waited years for this. (There’s a whisper in the back of his mind— for what, exactly? What did you wait for? He says you’re wrong. So what else could it be?)
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kittlesandbugs · 1 year
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POV: you're Chen and you walked into the break room to find a suspected villain making out with two of your teammates.
This absolutely fabulous meme was drawn by @griever-receiver!!! 🥰💜💜💜 Thank you so much for drawing these idiots, they're beyond wonderful!!!
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stardustandrockets · 11 months
Here are some recs to read in lieu of the Boy Wizard series.
I asked my followers for recommendations on what to read instead of That Series™ and y'all definitely delivered. I included my own recs with little descriptions and most of the others are either on my tbr or completely new to me. I made sure to list whether it was a middle grade or young adult read.
I only put two of my favorite Diana Wynne Jones books on here, but anything she's written has magic in some form or fashion.
Books listed:
My personal favorites:
Slide 2: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Diana Wynne Jones (middle grade); A 7 book middle grade series that follows the world of the Chrestomanci—a nine-lived enchanter who oversees the use of magic. The 7 books follow different characters that all intersect with one another. Did I mention there are parallel worlds?
Slide 3: Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (middle grade); Seen the movie? The book is just like that but far more chaotic. It's still whimsical, but there's more depth and development. It's nostalgic even if you haven't read it before. It's also book 1 of a trilogy.
Slide 4: The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. LeGuin (young adult); A series of 6 books that follows the wizard Ged. Very reminiscent of Lord of the Rings to me, but in a more approachable way. (Idk, I haven't read LotR. I've just seen the movies.)
Slide 5: The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques (middle grade); A 22 book series featuring talking animals as protagonists, this series set mainly around Redwall Abbey has something for everyone. The books don't have to be read in order, but publication order is suggested.
Slide 6: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan (middle grade); A retelling of Greek myths. Neurodivergent rep, badass kids, humorous, and so full of heart! This series (and the others) aren't just for kids. I got into them late in the game (maybe early high school?) and revisited them as an adult and they're so good! Perfect for anyone wanting to dive into mythology.
Slide 7: TBR/Follower Recs (MG): Witchlings by Claribel Ortega, Nevermoore by Jessica Townsend, The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
Slide 8: TBR/Follower Recs (MG): The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton, Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, Septimus Heap by Angie Sage
Slide 9: TBR/Follower Recs (YA): Alanna the First Adventure by Tamora Pierce, Little Black Bird by Anna Kirchner, Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane (falls between MG & YA)
Slide 10: TBR/Follower Recs (YA): Summoner Series by Taran Matharu, Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (trilogy), The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper
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glitchy-npc · 7 months
wip wednesday
thanks for tagging me @meonlyred ❤❤
Lets seee, I do have a lot of things started but nothing really coherent enough to share snippets of but I can share the ideas!
Working on a fic where Tegan and Argent discuss working on the Regenerator and Argent is less than happy with the timeline so she blackmails Tegan into taking her out to lunch. (His ill gotten gains should go to a good cause after all) And Tegan has more fun that he'd like to admit.
Another where Tegan pushes a little too hard (and is mean) in training and Daniel finally gets angry. And what happens when Dany gets angy? The inverse of his powers as Tegan gets slammed backwards into the concrete. Of course he feels terrible and they should proooobably get some ice and hope Tegan doesn't have a concussion.
And an angsty talk about scars with Ortega. If Tegans staying with Ortega while his legs heal they sure do have a lot of baggage to unpack and Farm trauma to work out. While still trying to not be outted as a villain.
I have the ✨premise✨ of what I'm writing for the discord gift exchange but I only managed like....two sentences today.
tagging (if you want to share that is) @lordzenos @idlenight @silvery-bluish @autistic-sidestep @aysder aaaand anyone else who'd like to.
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