#Amputation Care Program.
winterspiderpurrs · 5 months
Runaway Bucky who escaped Hydra living in a random forest and staying in an abandoned cabin or something taking care of another runaway Hydra assassin, Peter who grew up in Hydra. Bucky just grabbed him and ran when he fled. Peter doesn’t much or understand the outside world very well and is more quiet than Bucky, but clingy. Just them doing things in the woods and Bucky taking care of Peter
It's been a few months since the asset was able to remove himself and other asset from the facility. Two stolen planes, one helicopter, and hand full of cars. After breaking into a closed mall, they were able to get enough supplies, they hiked for several weeks before coming to a cabin.
The cabin has been abandoned years ago, the stove and sink reminiscent of the early 1900s. It wasn't on any map that he could find, no roads lead to the cabin. He ordered the other asset to secure the place.
Asset known as Spider was younger then him, he was enhanced like himself but his skills set more unique. No limbs amputation, but he did had metal plates secured along his ribs. Each plate had an input slot, where mechanical spider arms could be inserted or where they would hook up the Spider to the chair.
They were trained/ programmed to assess, kill, and survive if they were ordered. Which is why the first seveal days at the cabin they created a protective perimeter around the cabin. Early warning systems of cans and bells to alert them if someone was getting close. Fixed the hole in the roof and fixed the siding in a few places. They cut down a vast amount of trees so they could have firewood. They set traps for food.
But over time, Bucky was amazed at his companion. While he could assess most things, he was confused by others. He was constantly in awe of the nature around them.
" I don't know if I've seen nature like this"
" Asset doesn't sleep on the floor? I get a blanket?"
Bucky knew his companion came to Hydra later and had a young age. He still bore the scars of the early experiments he had to endure. He was a curious creature to Bucky. One time, Bucky brought him back a small trinket. A small lego. And when he saw the bright smile and look of wonder on the Spiders face.
Bucky swore he would do everything he could to protect him. And when the opportunity happened to escape? He did not hesitate in killing the group of men stopping him from gathering his spider up. It was easy to do, as the spider was programmed to take orders and follow the winter soldier at all costs.
" Soldier. What is Christmas?"
Bucky paused mid swing, he was chopping wood with an axe. He frowned and thought
" It is a holiday that gets celebrated in December"
"Oh.... what is a Holiday?"
" It's a day taken to celebrate different occasions"
" Like a birthday?"
" Similar yes."
They worked in silence for a while, the spider placing a log down, Bucky chops it, spider gathers a bundle to stack.
" Soldier"
" What is a Barnes?"
Bucky drops the axe and turns to stare at the spider. Who looks back at him before his spider points to something on the cabin. Right above the stack of cut-up firewood was a small sign.
Bucky stares and stares at the sign. He hears whispers in the back of his mind. Glimpses of images, a younger version of himself, two adults, lots of siblings running around, and a small skinny blonde tagging along. Shaking his head.
" It is... me... my name"
The spider blinks and looks at the sign and then back.
" From before? Before.... the facility?"
Bucky nods.
His spider tilts his head, a look of concentration on his face, before he nods, too.
" I think.... Peter is what I was before... before the facility"
When they first escape, Bucky had to explain to his spider, Peter, now that he was not created in the facility. No, they were both born outside of the facility.
And Hydra... they don't speak the word anymore. There are too many memories triggered by the word. So now they just say the facility. The facility changed them, made them into weapons, and took away their free will.
Took away their names. Took them away and replaced them with The Winter Soldier and much later The Spider.
It started snowing, Bucky walked up to Peter and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"Let's get inside... Peter. We need to start a fire."
" And have the chocolate hot?"
Bucky chuckles.
" Yes. We can have the hot chocolate drink"
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After Losing our son, Help us rebuild our lives outside Gaza
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Message from the creator:
About Me:
My name is Mohammed M Radwan, a Palestinian from Gaza Strip and a resident of the United Kingdom. I am currently studying Medical Physiology at the University of Leicester and soon to my medical degree at Nottingham University which is one of the top-ranked UK medical schools. I am running this fundraiser on behalf of my Uncle, Aunt and their family and I reassure everyone that every single penny donated will be sent to them in full.
My journey away from Gaza at such a tender age has been filled with heartache and longing, as I left behind the embrace of my big family and the warmth of cherished memories. Each special occasion served as a bittersweet reminder of the laughter and joy I once shared with them. My aunt, with her radiant spirit and contagious laughter, has been a source of comfort and light in my life. Now, as I grapple with the atrocities my family faces, the pain cuts deeper than words can convey. The loss of my aunt's little son, coupled with the devastation of losing everything she owned, weighs heavy on my heart. Yet, amidst the sea of grief, she and her husband bravely shoulders the responsibility of caring for their remaining children, their future hanging in the balance. Their need for support is urgent, as they navigate through the darkness of genocide, clinging to the hope of a better tomorrow. Your plea for assistance is not just a call for help, but a cry for compassion and solidarity in the face of unimaginable adversity.
The Beneficiaries and my Relation to Them:
I am making this fund raising call on behalf of my uncle (Mohammed Kraizem), aunt (Nawal Kraizem-Alabsi) and their 8 children (5 sons and 3 daughters) trapped in the middle of the horrible situation in the Gaza Strip. Those children (Ahmed M. Kraizem/19 years, Nouman/18 years, Osama/17, Sara/15, Maria/12, Tala/10 , Ibrahim /11 and finally the wonderful kid, Hussein/10) whom I spent with them some of the best times of my life.
My Uncle, Mohammed Kraizem, was the raw model I followed when I chose to enroll in a medical profession, is a university professor specialized in rehabilitation and physiotherapy. He used to talk to us about the importance of his profession and the evidence-based medical treatment and other medical frameworks and methodologies.
He is one of the talented and long experienced professionals in this career in the Gaza Strip. He had a long career working with the El-Wafa Medical Rehab and specialized surgery hospital in Gaza, Palestine. He is a professor at the Islamic University of Gaza and The Applied College of Science. He was involved in many cooperation programs with universities inside Palestine and outside Palestine.
My Uncle spent all of his career life helping others in need specially those affected by the recurrent wars and incursions that left hundreds of young people and children paralyzed/brain-damaged or their limps amputated. His kindness and deep knowledge brought relief and happiness and quick recovery to many people in Gaza and changed their lives to the better.
Now, due to the carnage going on in the Gaza Strip, my Uncle and Aunt along with all members of their family are in dire need to your kind assistance and help.
Here is a very short story about a glimpse of what they have been through since October 8th when Israel launched its devastating attacks on the Gaza Strip:
During the early days of the war, their home was bombarded and brought into rubbles with everything that was inside including furniture, cloths, children toys, memories and life-long photos. They were forced to flee Jabalia to seek refuge in my other Aunt’s house in Deir Al Balah (Middle of Gaza).
The Grieve Loss of Our Son (Hussein):
This was not the end of this phase of the suffering but it was just the beginning of a more harsh physical and mental situations that they went through in their own words and ended up with losing their youngest and lovely child Hussein:
“It was a very bad experience we lived at the time of bombing. It was evening, just 30 minutes before sunset. Since it was becoming dark and there was no electricity, all of our family members were sitting on the ground floor of the refuge shelter. A huge Tsunami of ashes, rubbles, darkness and stones covered us. It looks that the whole building falls over our heads. We were overwhelmed and could not understand or realize what was going on. I didn't hear any explosions and for more than 5 Minutes, we were in full darkness and can't see anything. Those were extremely terrible times every one calling the names of the kids. After some time that we can’t remember how long, and after the dust has settled, we start to see each other and check if everyone is alive and safe.
At this terrible moment, I found my son (Hussein) on the ground covered with large debris, stones and rubbles. I was barely able to see his face. I caught him in my arms and rushed to seek any type of medical assistance or help from anywhere. For a second, I forget that I am a health professional and after trying to stop the bleeding from his head and other parts of his body, I ran to look for an ambulance to get him to the hospital. I realized that his injuries are life-threatening since he was bleeding heavily with fractures on his skull. He stayed in the hospital for a couple of days but his succumbed to his injuries and died.
It was very horrible and unbelievable moments and even now after a couple of months, I am still can’t believe or realize that I lost my beloved, smiley and full of energy and happiness child forever.” ️May His Soul Rest In Peace️
Forcible Displacement to Rafah and back to Deir Al Balah:
The story did not end at this stage, they have to evacuate and seek shelter for the rest of the nigh in a neighboring UNRWA school where more than 5000 people were taking refuge. The next day, The Israel Army dropped leaflets asking all residents to move further south to the city of Rafah. We have to go there and build a tent from Nylon and some scrape papers and woods. We stayed in this tent along with 40 other extended-family members for more than two months and due to continuous threating of invading Rafah, we returned back to Deir Al Balah. We are living between the rubbles of the bombarded house and depend totally on UNRWA assistance since there is no work, no education, no health system, no sanitation or any other means of life.
Dreams and Future Plans:
As part of the university activities, I participated in many joint programs with other universities and hospitals around the globe. Some of those institutions were:
Dublin City University – Ireland
Angel Kanchev University of Ruse – Bulgaria
University Rehabilitation Institute - Republic of Slovenia
Rehabilitation Training at SUNNASS Hospital in Oslo, Norway
I also worked within the I-Care program funded by the EU Erasmus Plus Project. The I-CARE project aims to bridge the gap between rehabilitation technology and science education at the Palestinian universities and the rehabilitation procedures and practices at the Palestinian rehabilitation service providers. Therefore, the aim at end of the project is that, raise and improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of academic staff member, rehabilitation professional, students of respective departments to meet the recommended standards by EU partners and experts in the fields of rehabilitation technology and sciences.
Before the war, I was planning to pursue my studies towards getting my PhD degree at the University Rehabilitation Institute in Slovenia or ⁠Angel Kanchev University of Ruse – Bulgaria. I prepared my PhD proposal which was mainly dedicated to rehabilitation advanced research specially for those living in crises and war zones. My dream was to attain this degree and benefit the people of Gaza. The scale of injuries and the massive need for rehabilitation programs proves that such advanced research will be most beneficial to the poor people of Gaza. I was able to secure a place in Norway but can’t leave my family behind specially during those terrible times and the destruction of our home, the loss of our son and the loss of my career as a result of the bombardment of the university buildings, laboratories and research centers.
As far as other members of the family plans, nothing is expected to be materialized since all educational institutions including universities and schools are erased completely and rebuilding them may take 5-10 years. Health care institutions were systematically demolished and burned into ashes as well as all forms of infrastructure and basic human needs. So, the future of my family including the kids is so dark and is not expected to be changed tangibly in the near future.
Why we need the fund?
As a result of the total blockade imposed on Gaza, it is very difficult for anyone to leave Gaza without paying some fees on the Egyptian border. Due to the current situation, it would be impossible for me to go out of Gaza to study and leave the rest of my family in despair without any form of shelter or sustenance. I am left with one choice which is to get us all out of Gaza and try to build a new life for the coming couple of years and then return to Gaza after finishing my degree and payback to the people and land that I admire and always belongs to.
We are turning to you to help us to build our shattered life again and overcome the harsh living situation in Gaza. Such kind contributions will enable me and my family to bring our live parts together again and start a new phase of our lives. Since Gaza is becoming an uninhabitable land with no sign of ending to this genocidal war, we decided to build our life somewhere else. It is really difficult for me to take the decision of leaving my homeland but with your generous donations, we can overcome the current unimaginable situation and the destruction of every aspect of our livelihood and resurrect our dreams again and bring the light back into our hearts and minds.
Expected Expenses:
The planned fund raising target is 70,000 USD (Seventy Thousand US Dollars) and will be tentatively used to cover the following expenses:
Exit fees through the Rafah Border Crossing into Egypt ($5000 USD per adult and about $3000 for each child). The family needs at least (4 adults x 5000 = 20,000 for the adults and (2000 X 5 children= 10,000 USD) a total of 30,000 USD to just cross the border to Egypt.
We may need to stay in a rented apartment in Egypt for 3 months to get the visa, university acceptance and other travel documents. The cost is expected to be ($1500 initial expenses and $1500 X 3 months) = 6,000 USD.
We need to cover flight tickets from Egypt to our final destination (9 X 500 USD + 500 Visa fees and miscellaneous expenses) =5,000 USD
If I can’t get a fee waiver from the university, then I may need $14,000 for the first year fees.
Initial 6 months expenses for the whole family in the country of residence (2,000 USD Setup and $2500 x 6 months) = 15,000 USD
I return back to you to help me and my family to re-build our life again and try to secure a better and prosperous future and enable us to be more active and beneficial specially to our community and the humanity in general.
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copperbadge · 6 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
themerrymutants is a trans man currently facing eviction; he's raising $500 to cover rent and hopefully other expenses as well. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to USPS Operation Santa, which is live again this year! This annual program pairs "letters to santa" with volunteers who fulfill the wishes in the letter. You can adopt an individual or a family and now you can form teams to adopt together. You can read more and learn how to sign up here!
thelastpyler is raising funds for food for themself and their sister, and meds for their sister; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
frewfee is raising funds for a partial tail amputation for her cat Biscuit; it's "just the tip" but still will cost more than she can pay on her own and as she says, Biscuit is too injured to get a job. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here, give via Paypal to [email protected], or DM her for her Venmo handle.
Recurring Needs:
gwydion's very elderly car broke down in late October; the repair, to a cooling hose, has cheap parts but expensive labor, and ate most of zir budget for the month. Ze can't do without a car, being disabled, but can't afford to replace it either; ze still needs to raise $200 to help cover bills and the repair. You can give via PayPal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food; Squirrel has had a lot of interviews and believes he will have an offer but won't start work until December. You can give via paypal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for a friend, whose dog Rosie needs medical care, dental work, and special food; you can read more and give here at gofundme.
mid-nighttiger linked to a fundraiser for a friend, Katherine, a cosplayer (501st and Rebel Legion, among others) who was in a serious car accident and has had a gofundme set up for her medical expenses; you can read more and reblog Mid-Nighttiger's post here or support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds to cover utilities after having to use bill money to cover rent and late fees; Rilee also needs to be able to pay for medication, and they are looking at having to save up if they need to move, as their landlady is considering selling. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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aspaceformbf · 2 months
YB / Beauty and the Beast - Analysis Essay
(Im going to put tumblr and lore posts here later and there so this is considered incomplete!)
I've been thinking about the parallels between YB and the Beast from the beauty and the beast. Specifically how the layers between the Beast and YB relate to each other.
The Beast (outer surface layer / reputation)
The Prince / The Human (inner layer / his purpose / personality)
The Selfish Man (catalyst / also personality)
The Witch (Fuboo / Greta)
1. The Beast
The Beast is like the surface layer and represents how casual enjoyers, people on the outside see him. When you come across him on.. say, Youtube or Tiktok you're usually seeing a crazy, unhinged or violent depiction of him.
One reason why his fame exploded was when popular YouTube streamers started posting themselves playing his game. They would usually describe him as some creepy incel, stalker, murderer or kidnapper in the thumbnails, their description and generally the way they react to him.
So there's always going to be a huge subset of people who are going to..
> Define him for his worst qualities (murder, kidnapping, stalking)
> Make up stuff that he doesn't do (rape, cheat on you)
> Exaggerate existing traits into something worse (making him a serial murderer or depicting him as some horrific abuser that beats up his partner for talking to him wrong)
The Beast's reputation with the villagers and how they turned him into some terrifying boogeyman parallels with how he's treated and depicted by a large part of the audience and how many people choose to depict him in fanart.
Personally I do feel that this treatment does actually get to him and makes him a lot worse in canon as well.
Like how the amputation was initially just a commission and fuboo even mentioned that it's wasn't canon on Twitter. 
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But the image spread like wildfire in the fandom and because it was so prevalent with the audience, the amputation eventually became something canon.
This beast's reputation also reflects a lot in the fandom because many fantasy aus depict him as this primal monstrous animal thing that is dangerous to YN or is to be tamed by YN. 
Which.. if I look at his actual characteristics, it should be the opposite case. He should be the corrupt human, he's no beast. He's intelligent and capable and will dote on you the way a specialized zookeeper will dote on an endangered animal.
He is the seemingly harmless guy who will shelter a brutish killing machine (werewolf/zombie) and quietly assassinate anyone who gets in his way.
He is the android hardwired to fully serve you but his programming doesn't factor in the complexities of human moralities and he takes it too far and becomes a danger to the people around you.. for your sake, it believes.
There's even a beauty and beast meme that I feel relates to some of the fandom. In the meme when the beast turns back into a normal guy, Belle gets the ick and is like
"no I liked you specifically because you're a beast"
It kinda reminds me of the side of the fandom that got attracted to him BECAUSE of the whole "crazy leg chopping kidnapper murderer theme".
2. The Prince
The prince is his inner quality because.. he's literally a guy who's designed to love you.
His life purpose is to take care of you. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to be your life partner. He just wants to shower you with affection, gifts, kisses, he wants to give you a happy life.
(Insert wholesome and caring tumblr compilation)
He has a job, he takes good care of rat, he is the kind of nerd that likes to collect bottle caps, he plays the piano, he writes poetry, his teeth is literally pristine because he takes such good care of it.
This is not the qualities of some brainless beast, this is literally prince-like. Human.
I remember there was a lore drop or q&a or something that mentioned that if YN was someone who was stable, loyal and supportive.. he literally wouldn't hurt a fly. 
They mention he CAN be a very good boyfriend it's just he has some instabilities and can go too far if anyone crosses you or if things go bad. He is also mentioned to be a very good dad, he will be equally loving even if the kids technically aren't his. 
Unfortunately this wouldn't reflect in the games plot because of the Witch.
In the game, for the most part he doesn't WANT to kill people, he doesn't WANT to hit you or cut your leg off. But he does it because he is too desperate to keep you (Selfish Man) and because of the Witch's influence (Greta, Fuboo wanting to keep the game as a horror game) forcing him to be worse than his usual.
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He was definitely far more Princelike in the past, especially if you compare the Tumblr to the game after Day 3.
He definitely had his creepy and suspicious moments, but there was a lot more depiction of him being polite, loving, generous, romantic, doting and supportive. 
Patient YB Posting
But as time passes by, his character took a turn for the worse, the cruel, the Beast, especially that turning point in Day 3.
There's still a large subset of the fandom that love him for his more loving qualities though personally I don't really know where to slot this into the essay.
I mean I literally thought, hm, the Beast, The Prince, and the SELFISH PRINCE HAS A PATTERN THAT RELATES TO HIM. I HAVE TO WRITE THIS DOWN!
doesn't mean it describes ALL of the fandom but like.. a pretty big chunk. big enough to identify. in my personal opinion.
3. The Selfish Man
The selfish man are negative or imperfect qualities he always had even before he turned into a beast.
For example, he is someone who looks down or doesn't care about other people.
In fact, he finds other people irritating. In the Tumblr, he only cares about you and would only get along with say, your family because he wants to be closer to you.
Of course this doesn't make him a BEAST because he can still technically get along and be civil with others and he likes and is nice to animals. But he would not do well in say.. a customer service job because having to deal with people OFTEN would be unbearable to him.
And he has no interest in forming any bonds with anyone other than you or unless it's to foster a relationship with you and even then he definitely won't accept a polyamory.
This quality of his does NOT help him when he later turns into a beast.
In the case of Beauty and the Beast, instead of trying to communicate with people and clearing his air and working on his reputation, the beast just locks himself up in the castle and whatever rumors people spread about him based on his appearance just gets worse. 
YB CAN read people, but he does not have the social skills to properly manipulate them. He can get along with people casually but other than that, his social skills just.. kinda suck.
I think another example of the selfish prince is the way he treats his sister in the Tumblr. He would call her names like whore and slut and would literally wish her dead and would definitely kill her given the chance. Even before he met YN, he and his sister would never get along anyway.
4. The Witch
The Witch is represented by Fuboo and Greta. They use his "selfish man" aspect to transform him into the beast. If the witch wasn't there, he wouldn't be as MONSTROUS as he currently is. They purposely bring out and amplify his worst qualities.
YB Regarding Fuboo
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whump-me · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Masterpost
My Whumptober project: a collection of standalone stories that all take place in my Mind Games universe (full description below), a modern-day sci-fi/fantasy thriller setting with the feel of shows like The 4400, Flashforward, and Travelers.
The specific whump elements will depend on the prompt, but expect a lot of spy whump, lab whump, moral ambiguity, interrogations (because they’re my favorite), death whump (because it’s also my favorite), and so much emotional whump.
These stories fully stand alone, with no overarching plotline or even recurring characters. You can jump in wherever you like, and read only the tropes you enjoy without worrying about missing anything.
Ask to be added or removed from my Whumptober 2023 tag list!
Mind Games
People with extraordinary powers are hiding among us.
They have good reason to hide.
Their abilities make them valuable to every government, corporation, and criminal enterprise on earth.
If only those abilities were enough to keep them safe…
There has always been a gene that allows a small subset of people to develop superhuman powers, from mind-reading to telekinesis to… more unusual gifts. For most of human history, that gene has remained dormant in almost everyone who carried it. But starting in the 1970s, increased air and water pollution created a chemical cocktail that could activate the dormant gene in any carriers exposed to it.
Fifty years later, governments around the world use “psi-enhanced persons” for clandestine operations, trained from childhood when possible. Scientists have synthesized a compound that activates the dormant gene—with the unwilling help of their human test subjects. Secret breeding programs are creating the next generation of operatives, designed for never-before-seen psychic strength and raised with absolute loyalty for their creators. (Results are… mixed.)
As for the ones who refuse to be used… well, a threat that can’t be controlled must be eliminated.
Small resistance groups exist around the world. Ordinary people with extraordinary gifts, doing what they can to save themselves and others like them from the people who want to kill or use them for what they can do. Their victories are few and hard-won. But every life saved makes the pain and sacrifice worthwhile.
The rest of the world has no clue about the conflict happening under their noses. Governments stay silent because they don’t want to give up their advantage. The Enhanced, as they call themselves, stay silent because revealing their existence would mean even more people lining up to control or destroy them.
Maybe someday that will change. For now, the Enhanced will take advantage of the protection the shadows offer… and so will their many enemies.
I’m currently releasing a series of full-length novels in this setting! As of March 2023, I'm posting early-access chapters on my Patreon three times a week. Check my pinned post to see what's currently available here on Tumblr.
The Stories
Day 1: Swooning (aftermath of rescue, death whump) Day 2: "They don't care about you." (interrogation) Day 3: Solitary Confinement (solitary confinement, rescue, good intro to story universe) Day 4: "You in there?" (torture, death whump) Day 5: Debris (death whump, no whumper, tragic love) Day 6: Recording (team whump, self-sacrifice) Day 7: Radio Silence (twins, lab whump) Day 8: Outnumbered (minor whump, lab whump, rescue) Day 9: Mistaken Identity (lab whump, medical whump, death whump, good intro to story universe) Day 10: Stranded (team whump, isolation) Day 11: Animal Trap (lab whump, escape, self-amputation) Day 12: Insomnia (sleep deprivation, car accident) Day 13: Infection (touch-starved, assassination, emotional whump) Day 14: Water Inhalation (near-drowning, reluctant whumper, minor whump) Day 15: Suppressed Suffering (interrogation, torture, defiance) Day 16: Flatline (lab whump, reluctant/sympathetic whumper, minor whump, minor death) Day 17: "Leave me alone." (romance, emotional whump, good intro to story world) Day 18: Tortured for Information (torture, death whump, emotional whump) Day 19: Psychological (minor whump, brainwashing) Day 20: Found Family (queerplatonic relationship, emotional whump, bittersweet ending) Day 21: Vows (twins, lab whump, mercy killing) Day 22: Glass Shards (self-sacrifice) Day 23: Stalking (death whump, calm/accepting whumpee) Day 24: Goodbye Note (emotional whump) Day 25: Buried Alive (isolation, panic attack) Day 26: Working to Exhaustion (overwork, whumper turned whumpee, emotional whump) Day 27: Scars (flirtation, emotional whump) Day 28: "You'll have to go through me." (minor whump, protective older brother) Day 29: "What happened to me?" (time loss, caretaking) Day 30: "Not much longer." (rescue, death whump, aftermath of torture) Day 31: Setbacks (recovery, aftermath of torture, emotional whump)
Here from a reblog? Here's the most recent version.
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cy-cyborg · 7 months
So I’m working on a story set in a rabbit society where it starts with the main character getting his left foot amputated, meaning (he no longer has his lucky rabbit’s foot and) he’s now incredibly unlucky (manifests in clumsiness, weakened immune system, forgetting things that would be useful in a given moment, more abstract can never win the lottery type of stuff, etc)
There’s kind of 2 parts, the first of which he’s in denial of his disabilities and runs himself horribly ragged because it’s his 1st year of college on top of not having learned how living with both the amputation and unluckiness works yet
I’m in early stages, but the more I think about it, the more it starts to feel like a “becoming disabled is the worst :(“ kinda plot which is very much not what I’m going for
The 2nd part where he starts trying to get accommodations beyond just his forearm crutches may help that out, but I was curious what you would have to weigh in?
Hmmm, I think the idea is pretty neat but yeah, you'd have to be very careful in that first part. I'd defiantly recommend getting a disability sensitivity consultant to discuss specific with, since I can really give you too much specific advice here. The two big things I'd recommend though is:
make sure to emphasis that the unluckiness is not connected to the disability itself. With disability representation, it's a frustrating reality that you do need to spell a lot of things out for non-disabled readers, because the general perception of it is so negative, so it would be a good idea to have at least one or two characters outright say that the unluckiness is its own thing.
If the story allows for it, include a mentor character with a similar disability who is much further along in the recovery process. It doesn't have to be a literal "mentor" mind you, just someone to show both the MC and your audience what could lie ahead for them. In my real life, my "mentors" were the people I played wheelchair basketball with, specifically my coaches and team leadership. Many of them were just friends but they taught me a lot about how to navigate the world as a disabled adult (something I was really struggling with at the time). many rehabilitation clinics also have actual mentor programs, where older/more experienced disabled people would help show newer folks the ropes for things like how to get your vehicle modified so you can drive, how to navigate the medical/insurance/healthcare system as a disabled person etc. My previous roommate was a spinal-injury mentor, and I've been involved in camps both as an attendee and a mentor for amputee youth that did similar stuff.
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genuinehc · 1 year
Day 4: Pain
Challenge: @mediwhumpmay 2023 Fandom: Deus Ex Prompt: Day 4: Pain Tags/Warnings: hurt/comfort, medical whump, amputation, cybernetics, ableism
Adam tells people he doesn’t remember waking up. In many ways, that’s true.
He doesn’t remember the very first waking… or perhaps he does, but it is buried among the dozens of others, where he woke confused and afraid, unable to remember where he was or what had happened. Blissfully, the memories run together, creating a single ur-memory, from which he can trace the specific triggers of his trauma. 
Those memories, dreamlike in their haziness, start shortly after the first cybernetics were installed - the ones that genuinely saved his life. The lungs, breathing according to their own programming, not yet entirely under his control; a heart augmented and protected; a gut that was as synthetic as it was not. It was all connected to a spine and implants in his brain to keep autonomic functions working. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t hear, he could barely move, and what little moving he did - manipulated by unseen people, rolled and lifted and poked and prodded - was accompanied by tremendous pain. For some value of the word, though, he seemed to be alive.
If this was living, he wasn’t convinced he wanted to keep doing it.
Someone eventually took pity on him and gave him some of his senses back: a cochlear implant that finally allowed him to hear the movements of nursing staff, who sometimes told him they would touch him before they did, but just as often didn’t bother. One gave a running commentary of everything he was about to do, asking diffidently if his touches and movements were all right, as if Adam could do a damn thing about them. But knowing was better than not, and someone telling him they wanted to check the various tubes and bags that carried nutrients into his body and escorted them out again made his tiny, painful world that much more bearable. 
Cybernetic eyes took longer to adjust to, with electrical signals his brain still struggled to interpret. A woman came every day to work with him. His augmentations, she told him, were very advanced, bleeding edge, really, and she was delighted to be working with them- him, she quickly corrected herself. With him.
If he’d had a hand, he would have tested his spatial cognition and motor control with a hurled cup. As it was, he obediently named every item illustrated in the children’s books she brought and every item in the room he could remotely identify. He would learn to use these eyes in record time if it meant he stopped having to see her with them. 
Eventually, whatever visual acuity he was supposed to have achieved was reached and she stopped coming. Small relief, but relief nonetheless. 
The worst part of functioning eyes was that he could now see what remained of his body. He knew from the nurse who talked him through his care that there were tubes and bags, but he hadn’t been prepared for the sheer depth and breadth of them, how many types there could be. Drains carried blood and lymph from amputations; a bag for his feces, a tube for his urine, another for food. His chest carried more drains, ports for the augment that would eventually help him carry arms too heavy for a frail human body alone. What little skin he had that wasn’t bandaged or an open wound was wired to a computer, either through his skin, a port, a data jack, or good old fashioned electrodes. His tiny, painful world expanded to include a constant stream of data, communicated through electrical impulses he had yet to understand and incessant beeping he could understand well enough. 
A sergeant in Detroit had once told him that pain was how you knew you were alive. 
Adam thought he might go find that man and strangle him if he ever got the hands to do so. 
Limbs would come later, they told him. He asked and everyone told him the same thing: when you’re better. When you’re ready. Don’t worry, Sarif is taking care of it. Sarif is taking care of you. Aren’t you lucky that David Sarif is taking such incredible care of you? He wouldn’t do this for just anyone. 
The surgeries were extensive and felt neverending. Just as soon as he had half healed from one, he was being wheeled to another, and another, and another. In the early days, after he was conscious, but deaf and blind and sedated so heavily that he could barely speak; no one was making an effort to communicate with him about what was happening to him. After, a care team so extensive it made his head spin made a point of carefully explaining the procedures in agonizing detail until he prayed they’d stop telling him. 
It all would have been easier if he had just been machinery. Instead, they took meticulous care to ensure that his nerves worked, his augmented spine carried signals to his augmented brain, which told him that his body was on fire; that his arms and legs, left behind in the bombing, were somehow simultaneously numb and tingling. 
New incisions were nothing compared to the experience of having his skin lifted and separated from muscle, fascia fileted, and dermal armor inserted under. New nerves had to be grown, tested, modified, tested again. When he screamed, a technician calmly nodded and jotted down notes.
No torture had yet been invented that was more exquisitely terrible than this hell of existing in a body that could barely be called that. He stopped trying to look forward to a future where he could walk out. He would never be free of this. If he could even find a way to end his own suffering, they would cheerfully resuscitate him and proceed without a break in their stride. 
The scientists and doctors and nurses and technicians all seemed uniform in their assessment: he was fortunate to be alive. He was fortunate that David Sarif cared so much. He was fortunate to be used as a guinea pig in experiments for which he was the only possible candidate, because where else would they find someone who had so miraculously and opportunely been dismembered? Under their own roof! How convenient. 
After all, isn’t he lucky?
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ohgodthepain · 7 months
I had my finger amputated so I can tell you how much amputation hurts. Not an arm specifically, but I imagine it’s fairly similar, just worse.
I am going to briefly describe the injury itself, but I won’t say anything gory, just a basic description of what happened. I’m also very sorry if this is inappropriate, please don’t feel bad ignoring this is it’s too gross or uncalled for.
I was injured at the second joint of my left index finger. The cut went from the top rightmost side of my finger, down to the middle of the bottom of my finger. It went down to bone at the top, which damaged my muscle, and it partially severed the nerve.
It was amputated because the nerve was damaged and my insurance wouldn’t cover the surgery to try to repair it, I didn’t want the increased risk of injury that comes with having a digit you can’t feel or move reliably, and I could afford the amputation out of pocket with the hospitals financial aid program.
It’s not the amputation that hurts the most, it’s the initial injury. It feels like nothing at first, or maybe it stings while you clean it, but mostly it just tingles weirdly. You’re aware that it hurts and your body reacts to you touching it, but you don’t really feel it.
It aches mostly at first, before it’s amputated, when you’re putting off going to urgent care (don’t put off going to urgent care. That was a bad choice.) it was maybe a 4-6 on the pain scale (moderate pain, distracting, you can’t ignore it, but you aren’t going to pass out or anything) but sometimes you’ll have shooting nerve pains from where the nerves were damaged (a very brief 7-9, severe pain, can’t do anything until it passes, you might want to pass out) and it stings a little when you dress the wound.
I’ll skip the hospital/pre-surgical pains and discomforts and get right to the recovery.
It didn’t hurt the first few days cause I was heavily medicated and asleep for most of it. Then it just ached. Sometimes it feels really cold, sometimes it feels really hot, mostly it just feels weird and tingly. The whole area feels like a bruise for a while, and a lot of it is pretty bruised. The nerve pain is the worst, but the aching drives you insane. It’s always there, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but it’s always there and it’s absolutely maddening.
For the first few months I was terrified to move the remainder of my finger since it kept causing the shooting nerve pain.
It’s been like 7 years now and it doesn’t usually hurt anymore sometimes there’s a twinge in the nerve/muscle, and it itches when I forget to dumb a gallon of moisturiser on the scar. It aches dully in the cold too, and sometimes I think it aches when I think about it, but I’m pretty sure that’s psychosomatic.
Anyways, other anon, I hope this helps! Be careful around sharp objects, always wear protective gear, and remember that the American healthcare system is a scam and to always contact your hospital about their financial aid plans. Don’t just look on their website for it, call them and ask. Even if you can afford your treatment, you may still be eligible for financial aid. Rob the fuckers blind.
What a beautiful story. Thank you.
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orowyrm · 2 years
honestly, and i can truly say this with my chest now that i don’t work for the bastards anymore, but more people need to know that buying a hamster or a gecko from petco is synonymous with buying a puppy from a mill breeder. unless they’ve made a major u-turn in the months since i quit after years of refusing to change suppliers (spoiler: they haven’t) their animals are always gonna be sourced from breeders who don’t outcross their animals, breed them too young, send them out as young as legally possible, don’t do health checks or even monitor animals for disease before they’re shipped to the fucking store (we’ve had incredibly young mice show up with cataracts, visible and impairing birth defects, active neurological issues like spiraling or self injury, stuff you should be able to pick out IMMEDIATELY and cull. guinea pigs and hamsters were constantly arriving with ringworm and wet tail. reptiles would come right out the box with mites, stuck shed that led to amputated toes or feet due to lost circulation (in one case a panther chameleon lost an entire leg!!). we had fish that arrived with massive tumors on their face that obscured their mouths and made it impossible to eat, fish lice, ich, fungal infections, kinked spines, malfunctioning or thoroughly nonfunctional swim bladders, missing eyes, pretty much anything that could happen to an animal due to bad breeding showed up at my old location at least once. we kept insisting they stop sending us spider ball pythons because their neurological issues were so bad we had to have every single one euthed because it couldn’t eat or navigate without injuring itself. the result? they stopped individually labeling morphs and sent us ‘assorted fancy’ ball pythons instead. they didn’t remove the spider gene from their breeding stock. we started seeing BPs without visible spider morph traits that were corkscrewing and stargazing. our manager got fed up with taking our animals to the vet constantly and removed a bunch of shit from our planogram, but that didn’t stop them from sending animals we didn’t ask for.
the animals supplied to petco (i can’t speak for other chains, but i’d imagine this is par for the course elsewhere) are badly bred, overpriced, and not cared for properly in the stores BY DESIGN - i got written up multiple times for ‘breaking policy’ because i would give animals extra hides, proper substrates, extra enrichment, just to keep them from cowering in the fucking corner at all times. i was told by our district manager that “you’re treating these animals like they’re pets, and they’re not. they’re merchandise.” i tried to complain about this statement, but nobody gave a shit.
don’t buy animals from chain stores unless you know how to look for sick/injured/badly bred animals and are prepared to deal with the potential vet bills and even having to put the poor thing down. even if you are, like. i guess i can’t stop you? but i’m not sure why you’d do that.
and for the love of all that’s fucking holy, STOP PITY BUYING ANIMALS. stop buying sad, sick looking animals to ‘rescue’ them. i know it’s hard to see them suffer, but putting money in the company’s pocket will only encourage them to continue. these companies are well aware that pity buys are a big market, especially when it comes to small animals like bettas or other fish. if you feel strongly about how an animal is being treated, by all means make a stink about it, complain to corporate, bring it to the employees’ attention (although there won’t be much, if anything, they’ll be capable of doing about it, sadly), hell, post about it online or whatever, but don’t fucking buy the animal to make yourself feel better about “saving” it. if you wanna rescue an animal so badly, visit a shelter or look into rehoming or rehab programs. consider fostering. just…. stop giving these companies your money. they’re overcharging you for the absolute bottom of the barrel, and they’re outright refusing to change because people are still buying what they’re selling no matter what.
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lanceeselhombre · 1 year
Wheelchair user ! Tighnari Au
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⚠️ Spoilers for the Sumeru archon quests. TW for canon major character injury, spinal cord injury ⚠️
It’s so unlikely that Tighnari would have walked away from and fully recovered from a lightning strike as depicted in the archon quest. So for the purposes of this Au, vision holder plot armor has been removed.
• Immediately following the strike, he’s blinded, deafened, and loses consciousness. It isn’t until he comes to that he realizes he was thrown several meters away by a shockwave.
• Everything hurts, but particularly his head, his right ear, and his back. He stays on the ground regaining his bearings until Dehya helps him to his feet. It’s then that he realizes he can’t feel his legs.
• Dehya mentioned that she has seen lightning strike victims, and so has Tighnari. They both know that his immediate symptoms are temporary, and that he just needs to rest for a few hours. This is why he insists he is fine, even as his legs get so weak that he needs to sit as they talk.
• Except even after those hours of rest and most of the symptoms are gone, his head, ear, and back still hurt, and he still wobbles like a newborn deer when he stands. It only takes him a moment of trying to walk it off to realize that his tail is limp.
• That is when he realizes that something is very, very wrong and that he needs to see the bimarstan. Tighnari makes the decision to leave Hypasia where she is, knowing his back might be broken, and that trying to lift her might hurt both of them. He takes Karkata with him too, in case he can’t continue. He’ll send someone to check on her as soon as he gets to the city.
• He makes it to the bimarstan in the middle of the night, collapsed over Karkata and exhausted. Someone is sent for Hypasia and he is rushed to a bed for treatment.
• The next few hours are hazy and he falls asleep at some point. When he wakes up again, several days have passed. His burns and head are wrapped in bandages. A hand flies to his tail to make sure that it is, in fact, still there.
• A doctor tells him that he has a concussion, a blown earn drum, and nerve damage. They couldn’t determine the extent of it with him asleep and with the concussion, so they have to wait until that heals to know the true extent of the damage.
• It’s nearly a month before his concussion is gone. In that time, Cyno, Collei, and traveler have come to visit him. He hasn’t been able to stand at all, otherwise he would have returned home to heal.
• The neurological eval determines that he has no reflexes or sensation at and below his pelvis. Without imaging, they can’t tell what exactly caused the complete spinal cord injury between the lightning strike and his arrival at the bimarstan. Tighnari doesn’t remember what happened either. Either way, the damage is already done.
• Understandably, he is devastated by the news. He already knew that was the case, but it never sunk in until it was confirmed by a doctor. At the same time, he insists that he won’t let it limit him from his research or working with the forest rangers. He can’t.
• The next day, an evaluator comes to fit him for a wheelchair. Tighnari stubbornly advocates for it to be made for an active life in the rain forest, despite the evaluator insisting that he wouldn’t be able to return to his job. In the end, he gets the modifications he asked for, and it will be ready for him to use in a week.
• One of the biggest fights he has with the medical staff is to keep his tail. They all want to amputate it, since it’s ‘useless’ now and a huge risk for injury, but he fights hard. He will not let them take it.
• While he waits for the wheelchair, the doctors teach him how to care for himself long-term: how to get dressed, how to clean himself, how to self-cath and do a bowel program. And, at his request, they also come up with methods for him to do the above without injuring his tail.
• As soon as the wheelchair is ready, he starts learning how to transfer, push himself, do wheelies, all the important tasks for self independence. He isn’t allowed to go home until he can prove he can get around on his own, so he practices and practices all day long.
• He gets discharged several days later and finally, finally gets to go home. Cyno is there to escort him, which is great even though he wants to push himself the whole way. It takes time to build up strength for that, and he was confined to a bed for the greater part of two months.
• While he was gone, Gandharva ville was made as wheelchair accessible as possible. All the ramps and roads have been leveled and cleared of obstacles. Initially, they’re too tiring for him to push up, but with practice he can eventually get up them just fine.
• Some things need to be lowered in his home, but once that is done, his life returns to normal. Collei did a great job of keeping things in order while he was gone, and despite the other rangers’ initial worry, he is still a strong, capable leader and completely independent.
• If he can help it, though, he never wants to go to Sumeru city again. That place is completely inaccessible.
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newty · 6 months
thinking abt (the great) war and disability and dion again.
was reading US surgeon-general/american red cross magazine called "carry on," which was published about and for the war disabled and esp ppl with new amputations. its view is p typical: a man doesnt need to be pitied or given money or he'll become wretched and depressed and a social parasite, so we're going to assure u that u can do all kinds of work, make ur own money, and do everything a normal man can do w some work arounds.
meanwhile hostels like st dunstan's for newly blind ppl chartered rehab programs thru donations by making stock appeals abt sacrifice, bravery, and the terror + misery of losing smth you thought was indelible to ur life once. and these two examples typify a lot of the attitudes that sassoon sums up in 'does it matter?' which, btw, im still pissed that the sass biopic didnt use at the end so that it could quote wilfred owen's 'disabled' instead??? in the end, both of their poetry still has a root in the fear of disability occuring to themselves that i think is more evident than in some fiction writers
jeno heltai's aviator w one arm had everything wrong w his head via hallucinations, alcoholism, distorted sense of time and value, that it was fairly easy to forget that karmel depicted a figure that was frightening to others bc of his amputation + not solely his mental condition. ernst weiss almost does the same thing in his short story abt the man who loses himself in rage and blame after he gets invalidated home bc his genitals got lobbed off in the war. the chara describes how he feels and looks feminized for a bit, and then it kind of gets lost in him ranting abt cows and rocks and killing his wife.
and like, if we take a step back from the stories, theyve created a character made more frightening by their physical disabilities, visible and not, which kind of makes them more and less of people at the same time. they escape the matyr figure and become psychological studies. i want to read more.
i think of how the US economy expected men to return capable of the same work they were doing before (or more), and how, like in larry barretto's writing, they didnt account for how many would be mentally and physically unable to do it. modeled after germany, disabled men were then shuffled through work programs modeled to give them independence through undervalued labor like on farms, which must have exacerbated all kinds of economic class things re: those who had to take care of themselves vs those who had family who could do it for them
anyway. i think back to this again bc i find that when i think of dion, i project this interest on him. ofc i have my right arm amputee dion, but i find myself thinking how any challenge to his relationship w his body, what parts he he has autonomy over, and so on make my brain brrrr. he has nothing of the societal vulnerability of the normal soldier, tho, but his temperament and the jist of the curse, bahamut, and his wider duty attract me to the idea
what if the boom after origin had damaged his hearing, or if he starts to betray symptoms of a concussion? how does he write when the curse stiffness his wrist, does the flying and jumping do anything to his lungs or balance, and do any of his medicines nauseate him? if his foot was twisted or his hip was weak, would he allow himself to walk less or until he couldnt? what narrative would he buy into abt his worth, purpose, and responsibility? i wanna see all kinds of dions
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zombiecicada · 1 year
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Next we have Kiran! Kirby’s parent!
Kiran was born on a planet that was unfortunate enough to fall at NME's hands, resulting in the loss of their home and Kiran's parents when Kiran was only about five years old. The attack was brutal, poor little Kiran was the victim of a demonbeast attack to the back and wings that later lead to their little webbed wings having to be amputated due to infection, they spent many weeks in the hospital but finally managed to pull through despite their losses.
With no family to turn to and being only a child at the time they were taken in by the GSA's refugee program which housed them in a foster home until they reached the age of eighteen and taught them the mechanical skills they know today. Upon reaching an age where they were no longer seen as a child, they opted to join the very army that saved them by becoming a pilot that transported rations and supplies between GSA established bases. They serve the GSA until their late twenties, at which point the GSA is disbanded by Sir Arthur and Kiran is left looking for a place to hide. They travel from planet to planet searching for freelancing work, but eventually come across an ad that advertises joining the Amanzi crew, a crew that ran a large water carrier ship that transported water from water planets to water poor worlds.
Seeking a more stable long-term job and a steady place to live, they join as a mechanic.
Kiran and Cecily met each other when the Amanzi was stopped at a water world to refill its water, as per usual whenever the ship touched down on a planet the crew was encouraged to go spend some time, get some fresh air and relax in the local town. Kiran was roped into a booming social event by their crew mates, and that is where they met another puffball by the name of Cecily. The two began to talk and hit it off well, and proceeded to spend the next few days at each other's sides getting to know each other, bonding over their many similar likes and interests, and many stories. Before they part ways they sleep together, and months later unknowingly to Cecily Kiran unexpectedly has Kirby.
Kirby was raised on the Amanzi solely by Kiran, and had an uneventful childhood up until his third birthday. More to come later, as there is an event that leads to Kiran reuniting with Cecily.
As for what kind of parent Kiran is to Kirby, they are a very nurturing parent. As far as puffballs go Kiran was very young when they had Kirby, and between being young and being mentally disabled (Kiran has autism and ADHD) they definitely had their hands full taking care of a baby and working their job aboard the Amanzi. Still Kirby is their entire world, they adore Kirby with every ounce of their being and always assured that he got the best care they were capable of providing. Compared to Cecily Kiran is a little more strict with rules as they like to follow a routine. Later when they live on Wolfbell Kiran is the stay at home parent who looks after Kirby while Cecily works to provide for the family.
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cronepunk · 5 months
Diabetes--What You Need to Know About This Hidden Danger
Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose (sugar) for our bodies to burn to create energy. The pancreas, an organ that lies near the stomach, produces a hormone called insulin to help click here to learn more glucose get into the cells of our bodies. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes large amounts of sugar to build up in your blood.
The actual cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity appear to play major roles. Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. According to the Center for Disease Control, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. As of 2002, 18.2 million people in the U.S.--6.3 percent of the population--had diabetes, with 1.3 million new cases being diagnosed each year. The National Institutes of Health also estimate that an additional 5.2 million people have diabetes without actually being aware of it.
There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which was previously called insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile-onset diabetes, accounts for about 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, which was called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes, accounts for the remaining 90%. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that only pregnant women get. If not treated, it can cause problems for both the baby and the mother. Gestational diabetes develops in 2% to 5% of all pregnancies, but usually disappears when the pregnancy is over.
Diabetes is a serious disease and phrases such as "a touch of diabetes" or "your blood sugar is a little high" tend to dismiss the fact that diabetes is a major killer of Americans. In addition to the lives that are lost, diabetes has a tremendous economic impact in the United States. The National Diabetes Education Program estimates the cost of diabetes in 2002 was $132 billion. Of this amount, $92 billion was due to direct medical costs and $40 billion due to indirect costs such as lost workdays, restricted activity, and disability due to diabetes. The average medical expenditure for a person with diabetes was $13,243, or 5.2 times greater than the cost for a person without diabetes. In addition, 11 percent of national health care expenditures went to diabetes care.
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moonstruck-lotus · 7 months
My silkwing characters (so far)
Hivewing characters down here
Glasswing - Glasswing was hatched in Vinegaroon hive and grew up with Zale before getting thrown in the flamesilk factory. She quickly escaped by nearly deleting the whole hive on fire. Much later on she was the one who shot Hawk with flamesilk.
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Zale - Zale is Glasswing’s partner. He managed to escape from the hives at the same time as Glasswing, and found her out in the wilderness where they both had an egg before being discovered by hivewings. They were all taken back to the hives.
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Atlas - Atlas is the son of Zale and Glasswing, taken care of by Hawk and Leafcutter. After Hawk’s flamesilk injury, Atlas became a guide for him during his recovery.
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Ateau - Ateau was hatched in Jewe hive and was one of the first silkwings that Whitetail bought. She becomes friends with Atlas.
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Sphynx - Sphynx is one of the biggest successes that came out of Mydas’ breeding program, due to her extremely iridescent scales. When she was young she knocked one of Luctosa’s flamesilk chandeliers on top of Cloak, ruining his wings. Due to this, she was turned over to Luctosa to own instead of Mydas. Sphynx jumped into the ocean between Wasp hive and Jewel hive to escape.
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Cloak - Cloak is Sphynx’s father, and one of the other deemed successes from Mydas’ and Neo’s program. Due to this, he was chosen to father many dragonets. He showed a lot of affection to the ones he was able to contact, though there’s still many he hasn’t even met. After losing his wings he was no longer used for display. His amputated wings were repaired and taxidermied.
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Mormon - Mormon is Sphynx’s mother, not much is known about her, as she’s known for staying completely silent around Luctosa (which is always) She’s extremely loyal to him as well, being the only other silkwing servant he has.
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Kite - Kite is Cloaks daughter and Sphynx’s half sister, who grew up with Sphynx. She was used as the decorative silkwing when Cloak was no longer able, and she enjoys the attention and praise she gets from being displayed.
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kmhnsecretexchange · 1 year
Title: Mystery of Love
Author: m0shim0chi (Twitter)
For: @blubired
Pairings/Characters: komahina 😎
Rating/Warnings: General Audiences, N/A
Author’s notes: thank you for this compelling prompt!! I hope you like it ❤️💖💕
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45822832
When Komaeda Nagito awoke from the Neo World Program, there were a few surprises that confounded him beyond rational understanding. 
The first was the entire “being alive” thing, but he was brought up to speed on that quickly by Hinata’s careful explanations.
His amputated limb, while rather grotesque to look at, was the result of an event that he could still remember in unfortunate detail - so no surprises there. It was the robotic hand that was currently in progress thanks to Hinata and Souda’s combined genius that rattled him. 
And then, perhaps most perplexing of all, was Hinata’s peculiar insistence on acting as his nursemaid during his achingly slow rehabilitation process. There was some rationality to the situation at first - judging by what he could glean from Hinata’s summarization of what his classmates had been doing while waiting for Komaeda to wake up ( inconveniencing others, always ), Tsumiki struggled to embrace her former title of Ultimate Nurse. A scalpel in her hand held a different connotation now.
Even putting aside their past lives as Ultimate Despair, Komaeda knew he hadn’t made a particularly good impression on the others during their “second chance” in the Neo World Program, so - no hard feelings there. Even aside from that, his luck made him a liability to any living thing around him. If others kept their distance from him, it was truly better that way. 
Everybody but one person seemed to have this common sense.
Just as the sun lazily situated itself in the morning sky, right on cue, Hinata pushed open the unlocked door to Komaeda’s cabin with his hip, carrying a tray balanced with assorted fruits, buttered toast, and a pair of mugs that steamed invitingly. It caught him off guard every time Hinata stopped by with breakfast for the two of them, but Komaeda refused to be seen so disheveled and unkempt like the first time Hinata walked in, so he’s also fallen into a rhythm of expecting his arrival and creating a morning routine. Now, he was already dressed and pulled himself into a half-decent state by the time Hinata came around. Today, Hinata brought for himself a slice of grapefruit and black coffee, a breakfast he seemed particularly fond of nowadays. The bittersweetness of it all brought a little smile to Komaeda’s face as he shuffled next to him on the couch. It was always a surprise when Hinata didn’t instinctively move away when Komaeda sat next to him, but instead greeted him with an expectant look.
“I know this is what you like,” Hinata said halfway through a bite, gesturing to the plate of toast with his spoon, “So you have no excuse not to eat it.” He was helpless to follow his command and nibble on it, just for Hinata’s satisfaction. “You remembered my favorite.” The fact simmered in his chest like the warm mug of tea that sat in front of him, comforting and warm. Hinata seemed suddenly interested in his breakfast, running his utensil around the rind and avoiding Komaeda’s gaze . “Yeah, well. We’re low on rice anyways, so might as well - just. Just eat it.” Komaeda lifted the toast up to his mouth and took a small bite. It was puzzling that Hinata would remember his preferences, let alone bring him a meal whatsoever - but this type of puzzle intrigued him in a way that was different compared to decoding mysteries in the program. While he used to feel like cracking a case in the pursuit of becoming a stepping stone towards a greater hope, investigations and quicksilver words and the speared end of a pendulum, ready to drop at any moment - the burn of this mystery was quieter. Hinata was the only other player in this game, the thrill of the chase was more intimate, the only thing that gave him reason to wake up in the apocalypse and leave the dreams of his programmed sleep behind. 
He took another bite of toast, watching Hinata nod in minute approval. 
Suddenly pragmatic and attentive, something settled over Hinata as his eyes scanned over Komaeda’s body, his personal project. The thought made Komaeda shiver, not entirely displeased with the thought. “You should probably get out more,” Hinata assessed. “You look-”, 
“Like an atrophied worm wriggling in the filth of its sins?”
“…I was actually going to say ‘pale’,” Hinata said, grouching. “I think more sunlight and fresh air will do you some good.” Without elaborating, he brought his emptied plate to the sink and turned on the tap. “Hinata-kun?” “Just do me a favor and, like, take a walk or something? Nidai wants me to start this physical therapy regimen with you, but I think it’s a bit… Intense .” A feeling of giddiness rose up his chest as Hinata spoke. Hinata, truly looking out for him! “But as your- I guess your doctor , or something, I do think you need to move around more.” He scrubbed at the dishes harshly, his arms flexing with each movement. He was more muscular now than how he was in the program, filled out in his frame. Komaeda shouldn’t think it, but - Hinata-kun was even nicer to look at now. “It’s really nothing you should concern yourself with, Hinata-kun, I’m sure you have more pressing responsibilities than managing my wellbeing-” The rusted faucet whined as Hinata stopped the water to turn to look at him, his brow furrowed. This, Komaeda was well-versed in handling. He could handle annoyance or disdain. This was what was supposed to be normal, how Hinata should really feel towards him-
“Can I be honest with you?” Hinata said, leveling with him. Komaeda nodded, eagerly anticipating the ridicule he deserved. “I am trying my best to keep all of us together, or at least alive. If you could at least even try to do what I say and take care of yourself, that would be one less thing for me to worry about. Can you do that? For me?”
Words failed to escape Komaeda’s lips, caught dangling on his sharp inhale of breath from surprise. Hinata was prickly and demanding, but undeniably attentive and caring . Over and over, Hinata refused to walk out, or realize Komaeda was a lost cause who wasn’t worth a precious moment of his time, and Komaeda almost told Hinata as much. But the intensity and pleading as Hinata asked for him to take care of himself, for him, settled weighty on his chest. He knew, inexplicably, that Hinata won’t go anywhere even if he told him to. So Komaeda didn’t know how to react other than to nod, and the newness of being looked after was ill-fitting on his skin, but it earned an approving smile from Hinata which was a present better than anything he could hope for.
“Thank you,” Hinata spoke softly, “I’ll see you again later, okay? Maybe a rematch in chess after dinner again.” Hinata took a step forward but paused. Tension hung suspended in the air like the thick island humidity, and a sun-kissed shade of pink bloomed on Hinata’s face before he quickly turned and yanked the door open, yet shut it gently behind him.
Greedily, he wished Hinata stepped even closer.
And for a brief moment, one that he would immediately repress into the corner of his heart, he wished he was born without his luck so could have stepped closer, too.
The walk around the island did little to sort out the cacophony of questions and worries that nipped at his heels, but having a task to complete felt good. Komaeda even found himself walking towards the hotel - the kitchen has water, and Hinata would be pleased if he stayed hydrated, wouldn’t he? As he stumbles his way up to the second floor, stifling wheezing breaths and sweat clinging his shirt to his skin (maybe Hinata had a point of maintaining his stamina), he found Mioda and Hanamura preparing dinner for the evening with scattered vegetables across the table in front of them. Gundam and Sonia had diligently worked to rebuild the dilapidated Jabberwock ranch - they didn’t have the same livestock that existed in the program, but the garden they nurtured with their combined hopes was truly a marvel. 
“Nagito-chan!” Ibuki waved to him excitedly with a fresh carrot in hand, leaves whipping back and forth. “Have you tried some of Hajime-chan’s yummy bread? 
Just when Komaeda thought he caught his breath, it slipped away again. “Ah-” He coughed, trying to feign a casual demeanor. He has been told it’s rarely convincing. “Did Hinata-kun make it?” Hanamura grunted, eyes downcast on his work. It was a toss-up whether it was because he was focused on his meal prep or because he still couldn’t stand to look at Komaeda. “Hinata wouldn’t get out of my kitchen until it was done.” He peeled the potato with violence. “I see.” Komaeda felt wrong-footed, unsure of how to respond. “Would either of you like any help with-”
“No, thank you,” Hanamura quickly interjected. The sharp edge of the peel glinted under the midday sun shining through the hotel windows. Mioda hummed in agreement, amicably cheering “Ibuki’s got it covered!” Komaeda noted that she appeared to be carving a hyper-realistic human face into a sprout. Best to leave this to the professionals, then. He refilled his canteen and retreated back to his cabin until dinnertime, the image of Hinata making bread from scratch in the dawn-lit kitchen filling his mind.
The evening passed with typical chatter and occasional bickering as the class enjoyed the vegetable soup, and for once the suspicious glances were targeted toward Saionji rather than himself (her ability to spike unsuspecting broths was not easily forgotten or forgiven). The spoon felt a bit clumsy in his hand, uncoordinated and embarrassing, but Hinata tactfully informed him that the prosthetic he and Souda were working on would be ready to go in a matter of days. And then he placed his hand on Komaeda’s knee, a private, reassuring gesture that seemingly shocked the both of them, given how suddenly the touch disappeared as it was received.
They didn’t talk much after that, not until they settled into their usual spots in the downstairs lobby for their game of evening chess. Picking up and moving the pieces would be good to build coordination in his other hand, Hinata said. The justification was questionable, but the routine was nice. Really, overwhelmingly nice. Now, it was how they ended their days since Komaeda woke up from the program- being together. “Did you go for a walk today?” Hinata asked innocuously, pretending to focus on their piece’s positions around the board. 
“Yes, I even drank some water.” He’s halfway to teasing, and Hinata must’ve been able to tell, because he knocked one of Komaeda’s pieces from the board in retaliation with more gusto than necessary. But he could tell that Hinata isn’t actually annoyed, not really - there’s an expression Hinata makes when he’s trying to seem put-out but the tiniest of an escapee grin tugged at his lips and dappled his cheeks, which nobody else on the island seemed to notice, this little quirk of Hinata’s. And upon further reflection, Komaeda can’t recall if Hinata has ever made that smile for anyone else to begin with.
A precious thing, for him. Komaeda knew he shouldn’t push the fragile dynamic they have brewing between them. It was confusing but comforting, and Hinata’s easy companionship and compassion were more than he could ever ask for, but he couldn’t help the words that started to spill from his mouth. The desire to shatter the tenuous air like how the World Destroyer shattered the world of his dreams made his fingers twitch.
“ I was wondering about something,” he started speaking, unsure of the destination that his words were even headed for, but paused when contemplative red and green eyes flicked to meet his own. Hinata’s gaze softened into something kind and curious, and just like that, his convictions began to falter.
“Shoot.” Hinata said, prompting.
Komaeda twisted a lock of hair between his fingers, creating nervous tangles in his wake. “I don’t want to say it. quite offensive to your character. And I don’t want to offend you, but sometimes I think I’m saying something completely reasonable and people get angry or upset with me,” he rambled, an uncomfortable giggle trying to wiggle from his throat. “I don’t want you to be angry or upset. The very thought makes me ill. Actually, maybe we should just retire for the night?” Komaeda said, starting to stand from the lobby couch.
Hinata gripped his wrist before he could flee, not-unkindly pulling him back down. “Alright, alright, slow down. You aren’t going to offend me no matter what you say.” Hinata said, rubbing a thumb into Komaeda’s arm where the muscles remained tense around his grip. “Seriously, it’s fine.”
“Do I even need to say anything?” Komaeda breathed out, feeling like a trapped animal. “Sometimes when you look at me, I feel like you’re dissecting every thought I’m having. You already know what I’m thinking, what move I’ll make.” He couldn’t meet Hinata’s eyes, his gaze retreating into the comforting black-and-white pattern of the chessboard. No shades of gray to be found there, no headache-inducing and heart-fluttering ambiguity. “You probably could have had a checkmate and ended this game numerous times already, but you’re letting me move pieces around the board, watching me.”
There was a beat of silence before Hinata sighed in apparent defeat. “You noticed that, huh.” He ran his hand through the short spikes of his hair, smiling sheepishly in a boyishly charming kind of way that made it difficult to stay frustrated with him. “Okay, yeah. You got me.”
“So why?” Komaeda demanded, leaning back in his chair. “Why are we still playing?”
“I like spending time with you,” Hinata admitted, like it was easy. And while Komaeda had never been particularly great at reading people’s emotions, Hinata’s face suddenly looked like he was running through an artillery of a few different feelings before settling on something shy, almost fond. And then looked at Komaeda like the answer was the simplest thing in the world. “I just like you.”
“That can’t possibly be true,” Komaeda balked, and Hinata mirrored his disbelief.
“You think I’m lying to you?” And Komaeda knew the answer was no , as chasing the evidence underlying Hinata’s vigilant caretaking and understanding the rationale behind the passage of so many wonderful leisurely moments together was what Komaeda was after in the first place- but courting this truth suddenly overwhelmed him. 
When Hinata got up and left after this, Komaeda felt at rights with the world.
When Hinata returned with a cup of tea for him, it sent his heart into disarray again.  “You cracked the case yet?” Hinata said, quietly pushing the porcelain saucer so that the cup’s handle faced him. 
Mechanically, he picked up the cup and took a sip, the perfect flavors hitting his tongue both shocking and expected. Hinata always paid careful attention to brewing his tea just the way he liked. “I don’t know,” he said, lips burning on the drink. “I think you do. You look… Worried.” “What a brilliant observation.”
“Hey.” Hinata moved his hand like he was considering placing it on Komaeda’s knee again, before rerouting and placing it on the table between them. “I don’t want to push you. It’s hard to… To be brave. And face the truth.”
What an understatement. Komaeda nodded in solemn agreement. Hinata upturned his palm towards him, capable and merciful and strong. “But we can do it together, yeah?”
And if Komaeda placed his hand in Hinata’s own, despite his better judgment and fears- well, he would always be a sucker for seeing Hinata smile.
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laora-ryn · 1 year
Just a general reminder that I work in a polytrauma rehab center, where you go after the trauma center once you're medically stable (ie you're not bleeding out, nothing is ruptured, you don't need ICU level of care anymore, just "standard" hospital care)
Friendly reminder to not ride a fucking motorcycle because when you crash, if you're not wearing a helmet you will probably die. If you ARE wearing a helmet, you'll probably survive to end up in our PRC with JUST a severe traumatic brain injury along with whatever burns/amputations/shattered bones/other trauma injuries you sustained.
You're looking at months of intensive physical/occupational/speech therapy after the month+ of initial trauma treatment to get you back up to your new baseline, which is definitely not what your old baseline is. If you're lucky, you get to relearn how to stand and walk. Either way you'll be fitted for a wheelchair because long distances aren't going to be doable for you anymore. You'll have to relearn how to do activities of daily living, like dressing yourself, feeding yourself, showering, using the toilet, brushing your teeth, navigating down a straight hallway to get to a room you've been to every day for the last month. You might need to relearn how to talk and how to swallow solid food. Your short term memory might just be GONE, along with your ability to make judgments or rational decisions like "I can't put weight on my legs, so I shouldn't stand up."
At our hospital you'd see each type of therapist 5-6 days a week for an hour at a time. Very occasionally you'll walk out of the unit after 3 months or so. Sometimes you're transferred out of here once you hit a plateau in recovery, and have to live in a skilled nursing facility since your family doesn't have the means to give you round the clock care. Sometimes you're somewhere in between these two.
If you're VERY lucky you'll be able to "graduate" to our next level of care, which is where you relearn to do instrumental ADLs including cooking, shopping, meal prep, budgeting, stuff like that. Maybe 20-30% of the patients we see here are candidates for that program. Everyone else depends on their spouse/children/parents/siblings/caregivers for these things, because they can't do them anymore.
So anyway. I'm just feeling very strongly about this right now because I just got off our weekly interdisciplinary team call. The floor covers anyone with brain damage, including any kind of TBI (motorcycle crashes, car crashes, gunshot wounds, etc) and non-traumatic BI (stroke, aneurysm, OD).
Over half of our current patients are in from motorcycle crashes.
One of them is discharging today and is going home with his brother with a rollator and a wheelchair. One of them is in a minimally conscious state and chances that that will change are diminishing. The other 10 are somewhere in between in varying stages of rehab.
And this is an extremely long winded post to say: PLEASE don't ride a fucking motorcycle. I have an answer to people who say "oh maybe you'll be one of my providers one day!", which is: I hope I'm not, because if I'm seeing you then you're in a really bad way one way or another, and I'd love to never see you at work. You do that by not doing risky shit PLEASE take care of yourself
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