#Allegro ma non troppo
feralchaton · 5 months
Allegro ma non troppo; Symphony No. 4 in B-Flat Major: Emanuel Ax | Leonidas Kavakos | Yo-Yo Ma
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comeinizia · 2 years
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114. Le leggi fondamentali della stupidità umana
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
Tutti noi ricordiamo casi in cui si ebbe sfortunatamente a che fare con un individuo che si procurò un guadagno causando a noi una perdita: eravamo incocciati in un bandito. Possiamo ricordare anche casi in cui un individuo realizzò un'azione il cui risultato fu una perdita per lui ed un guadagno per noi: avevamo avuto a che fare con uno sprovveduto*. Possiamo ricordare anche casi in cui un individuo realizzò un'azione dalla quale entrambe le parti trassero vantaggio: si trattava di una persona intelligente. Tali casi accadono di continuo. Ma riflettendoci bene bisogna ammettere che questi non rappresentano la totalità degli eventi che caratterizzano la nostra vita di tutti i giorni. La nostra vita è anche punteggiata da vicende in cui noi si incorre in perdite di denaro, tempo, energia, appetito, tranquillità e buonumore a causa delle improbabili azioni di qualche assurda creatura che capita nei momenti più impensabili e sconvenienti a provocarci danni, frustrazioni e difficoltà, senza aver assolutamente nulla da guadagnare da quello che compie. Nessuno sa, capisce o può spiegare perché quella assurda creatura fa quello che fa. Infatti non c'è spiegazione – o meglio – c'è una sola spiegazione: la persona in questione è stupida. *Si noti la precisazione «un individuo realizzò un'azione». Il fatto che fu lui a iniziare l'azione è decisivo per stabilire che è uno sprovveduto. Se fossi stato io ad intraprendere l'azione che determinò il mio guadagno e la sua perdita, la conclusione sarebbe diversa: in questo caso io sarei stato un bandito (NdA).
Carlo M. Cipolla, Le leggi fondamentali della stupidità umana.
Original version in english HERE
NOTA: L’autore stese questo breve saggio ("che gli eruditi settecenteschi avrebbero chiamato «una spiritosa invenzione»”) in lingua inglese mentre era professore di economia alla UC Berkeley e lo pubblicò nel 1976 in edizione ristretta riservata ai soli amici. Come un suo altro scritto informale (Il ruolo delle spezie (e del pepe in particolare) nello sviluppo economico del Medioevo, distribuito in una ristretta cerchia nel 1973) anche questo pamphlet conobbe una rapida diffusione per mezzo di copie xerografiche e manoscritte. Il fenomeno assunse però proporzioni tali che, pur avendo rifiutato a lungo una traduzione in lingua italiana ritenendo che lo spirito del testo potesse essere colto solo in lingua inglese, Cipolla acconsentì nel 1988 ad una revisione e pubblicazione dei due saggi satirici in lingua italiana da parte della casa editrice Il Mulino. Da questa versione, intitolata Allegro ma non troppo, sono poi state tratte le ulteriori edizioni in altre lingue, compresa quella inglese.
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dipnotski · 1 year
Carlo M. Cipolla – İnsan Aptallığının Temel Yasaları (2023)
Ticari bir meta olarak “biber” üzerinden bir Avrupa tarihi yazmak –kulağa her ne kadar çılgınca ya da imkânsız görünse de– mümkün müdür? Peki ya Roma İmparatorluğu’nun çöküş nedenleri arasında kurşun zehirlenmesine dair izler bulmak, insan aptallığının temel yasalarını matematiksel formüllerle ortaya koymak? ‘İnsan Aptallığının Temel Yasaları’, bal ve av hayvanlarına karşı zaafı olan…
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ceravisiae · 1 year
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merlucide · 2 months
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Notes: OFC WIFEY. Also… this scenario, seems, a bit self insert don’t you think…. 👀 ALSO LMAO I MADE READER UNHINGED?? SO- SORRY LMAO?
characters: Rin, Sae, Kaiser, Otoya, Reo
wc: about 300ish each
warnings: nb reader, cursing, randomness + cringe lmao😭
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Well tbh, y’all probably had to have been friends for a loooong time for him to ever considering dating you 😭😭
So Rin had a good understanding of your personality, as you had known each other pretty much since the beginning of time.
He never understood how your personality went from 0 to 1000 whenever you two are alone. 
He prob thinks ur on drugs tbh
He’ll be your voice for you if you can’t seem to communicate with strangers, though he might not be the friendliest no shit.
he thinks it’s dumb that you’re shy tbh
He’s small minded about these things okay 😭
He never ever will get used to your bursts of crazy energy.
he swears he’ll turn around and you’ll have a horse mask on with a tutu around your waist
lmao you give him terrible whiplash.
He too, also thinks you’re on drugs.
You and Sae would like be at the airport on the way to Japan, his manager would be going over the details and precautions for going to Japan (yk fans and press or whatever etc etc).
His manager looked over to you and asked if you were alright, since you literally hadn’t spoken a word since he introduced himself a two hours ago. 
You nodded and followed Sae and his manager onto the private jet(cus he’s rich-rich😌🤭)
Once y’all were settled, his manager closed you and Sae’s cabin door. 
Sae looked over to see if you were alright, since traveling and yadda yadda can be overwhelming.
You were fucking giggling like an underwater hyena (that’s a thing I bc I fucking said so bitch).
You grabbed his hands and pulled back and forth giggling about how stoked you were rn.
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lmao he was disturbed at first 💀
like “wtf happens to my shy, sweet, s/o??”
He’ll like be getting a glass of water at night and in the corner of his eye, you hold a flashlight at your face with a blanket wrapped around you. Staring into his soul, inches behind singing.
“hello darkness my old frienddd~”
He just blinked at you for a while. 
“Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you.”
He thinks it’s funny af though
Like how nervous you get around his teammates and then when y’all are home you start cartwheeling.
You sure keep his life ✨spontaneous✨
he thinks it’s so cute how shy you are
He loves that bc ur shy around strangers you cling/stay close to him. He feels so sigma male bc he’s ’protecting’ you🐺🐺🔊🔊🗣️🗣️😏😏
Someone humble him please.
“Babe watch this😏” and ninja pose really fast LIKE A LITTLE KID DABBING
And you’ll be like:
“Nah watch this😌” *does the worm*
Y’all T-pose at pidgend together 💕 #couplegoals
“My dearest Y/N! Oh they’re such an angel! They’re so pretty and kind and perfect! And amazing- is that them in a dinosaur inflatable doing the WAP in 6 inch heels?”
lmao kinda how it goes
He never really gets used to the switch up.
It makes him so happy that you feel comfortable to be yourself around him, even if that means painting yourself pink and putting googly-eyes on while blasting the Peppa Pig intro💗
He loves hearing people talk about you too.
“Oh y/n is really shy, but they’re nice I guess?” Like hah okay..
Pretty sure they weren’t crab walking in a tuxedo with a kazoo in their mouth playing Sinfonia N°9 Coral in D Minor, Op. 125: 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso by Beethoven 🙄🙄
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made April 21st 2024
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gasparodasalo · 28 days
Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764) - Trio Sonata for 2 Violins and Continuo in d-minor, Op. 4 No. 1, II. Allegro ma non troppo. Performed by Musica Alta Ripa on period instruments.
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symphonybracket · 9 months
YouTube Links: Price 1, Shostakovich 5
Submitter's Comments:
Price 1 (2 submittals)
Such a fun symphony with so much feature time for the winds. Also it was the first symphony written by a woman of colour to be performed by a major US orchestra. It’s just all around a good bop, especially the first movement.
Shostakovich 5 (2 submittals)
Ngl, I have a short attention span. But this symphony has encapsulated the clear feeling of terror and adrenaline. From the horns to the drum-like march, the music puts you on an exhilarating ride start to finish. I also rly love the story behind this piece, the struggling Shostakovich trying to survive in an oppressive regime, you can really feel it in the music.
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iamarealkat · 3 months
(only the finest china)
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mads mikkelsen by kenneth willardt.
1. Luigi Bormioli Beer Glasses
Not a hundred percent sure about this, fellow Fannibals, but the fancy v-shaped beer glasses Alana Bloom drinks from might be by Luigi Bormioli.
2. Mikasa Crown Jewel 5 Piece Place China Plate Setting combined with Knightsridge flatware
Hannibal uses platinum lined china when hosting his extravagant dinner parties throughout the first two seasons of the series. The lot includes a dinner place, salad plate, saucer, cup, salad fork, dinner fork, knife, soup spoon, and dessert soon. The plates and cup are Mikasa bone china (type of ceramic) and feature a platinum leaf design around the pieces' edges.
The flatware is Knightsridge brand and are believed to be sterling silver.
A simple yes to those beautiful bone china plates.
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3. Gien French China by Tiffany combined with Dutch silverware, nineteenth century, by Christofle and damask cotton table linen, also by Christofle
In season three, episode five "Contorno" it is mentioned, that Hannibal uses the Gien French China by Tiffany in combination with Dutch silverware and damask cotton table linen by Christofle. Thanks Alana I guess.
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4. Appetizer Plates
Hannibal's appetizer plates appear in episode six, season two "Futamono". In this episode, Hannibal hosts a party at his home and provides his guests with elaborate appetizers on black trays. This lot consists of three plates, each made of a black stone material, and outfitted with felt material on the bottom.
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ghastlicmania · 3 months
i tried getting some astarion screenshots..
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Ignatz Waghalter (1881-1949) - String Quartet in D Major, Op. 3
I. Allegro moderato 0:00 II. Allegretto 7:23 III. Adagio ma non troppo e mesto 13:51 IV. Allegretto con Variazioni 21:17 Variation 1: (leggiero) 21:39 Variation 2 21:54 Variation 3: Vivace 22:12 Variation 4: Allegro 22:36 Variation 5: Moderato 23:00 Variation 6: Moderato 23:32 Variation 7: Allegro 24:15 Variation 8: Andante 24:34 Finale: Con fuoco - Tempo I - Adagio - Presto 25:10
Polish String Quartet Berlin
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study-with-aura · 4 months
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Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Geometry was a problem today. I do not know what was going on as sometimes my answers would be correct and then somehow on the next question, my answers were wrong. Ratios have never been my favorite to begin with, but I know that I will have to review this lesson and maybe check different resources to see if they help me understand the formula for solving better because I am doing something wrong. I only wish I knew what it was.
Maybe I should start using pencil for my geometry practice, but then it would not stand out as well. I like color coding. It helps. Or perhaps use scratch paper and then once I have it figured out, I can copy it back into my notebook so I don't have to waste my wite-out. I was so frustrated that I nearly ruined the tape on the wite-out! I fixed it, but frustration was so real today!
I wish Julien were here. He could explain it easily to me. He's very good at math. It's days like this that I miss the ease of simply going over to his study space and asking for help.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed distance and midpoint formulas + learned to partition line segments + practice
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 16-18 vocabulary + read chapter 25 of Emma by Jane Austen + read the news + copied examples of poetic devices in use
Spanish 2 - Read answers from yesterday out loud to my dad and submitted the assignment for grading (30/30) + practice quiz body and face terms
Bible I - Read Joshua 13-14
World History - Read timeline for the final four days before the start of WWI
Biology with Lab - Read about human impact + read about human impact on wildlife + watched a lecture video on human impact
Foundations - Read more about punctuality + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + learned about Texas sharp shooter and middle ground fallacies + reviewed all fallacies learned
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Biology Unit 9: Lesson 7 (parts 5-8) + Completed High School Geometry Unit 6: Lesson 2 (parts 1-3) (assigned)
CLEP - None today
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 137-174 of My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Extracurricular robotics course
Personal Bible Study (Romans 8)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful to have made it through geometry today!
Quote of the Day:
I don't have a feeling of inferiority. Never had. I'm as good as anybody, but no better."
-Katherine Johnson
🎧Symphony No. 1 in E Minor - I. Allegro ma non troppo - Florence Price
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bluesilver · 8 months
Barbie & the Magic of Pegasus —Aesthetic
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Movie Description
Unable to understand why her parents are overly protective, Annika is about to discover a well-hidden secret. After an unfortunate incident with the powerful warlock, the princess must embark on a frozen adventure to the magnificent Cloud Kingdom in the skies. With her new friend: the wonderful flying-horse, Annika hopes to break the wizard's spell and save her family.
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steinwayandhissons · 7 months
classical pieces with the car energy (shamelessly stealing this wonderful idea from @depressedraisin)
and yes these will the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking pieces of music so brace yourselves
gustav mahler - symphony no.3: finale (berlin philharmoniker, orchestra) -> (this literally makes me cry every time i listen to it without fail)
gabriel fauré - piano trio in d minor op.120: mvmt 1 (beaux arts trio, piano, violin, cello)
edvard grieg - piano sonata in e minor op.7: mvmt 2 (mikhail pletnev, piano)
maurice ravel - sonata for violin and cello: mvmt 3 (nigel kennedy, lynn harrell, violin, cello)
amy woodeford-finden - 4 indian love lyrics no.4: till i wake (ben johnson, voice, piano)
arnold schoenberg - verklärte nacht op.4 (ensemble intercontemporain, string sextet)
frank bridge - cello sonata: mvmt 1 (actually just the whole thing) (steven isserlis, connie shih, cello, piano)
ralph vaughan williams - on wenlock edge: clun (anthony rolfe johnson - tenor, graham johnson - piano, duke quartet - string quartet) -> (literally part of the lyrics - ‘tis sure small matter for wonder if sorrow is with one still. and if as a lad grows older the troubles he bears are more, he carries his griefs on a shoulder that handselled them long before. )
ignacy jan paderewski - miscellanea op.16 no.4: nocturne in b flat major (stephen hough, piano)
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capn-o-my-soul · 24 days
i've been burning classical music to cds recently so i took the opportunity to do do some cd-shape calligraphy! this is my first one - it's not quite done yet; i was thinking of adding some ornaments and such here and there but it's close to complete!
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[Image ID: a white piece of paper with the outline of a CD drawn on it - inside the CD, above the center hold, Fraktur lettering reads "Gustav Mahler / 7th SYMPHONY". Level with the center hole is cursive lettering that reads "Michael Gielen [hole] SWR Sinfonieorchester". Below the hole is print lettering that reads: "1. Langsam - Allegro risoluto, ma non troppo (22:01) 2. Nachtmusik I - Allegro moderato (16:46) 3. Scherzo - Schattenhaft (9:46) 4. Nachtmusik II - Andante amoroso (13:02) 5. Rondo - Finale (18:10) " /end ID]
eventually I am going to cut it out and laminate it and keep it with the cd so i remember what's on it
also i noticed that the first four letters of "symphony" are kind of like "simp"
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[Image ID: three lines of text in Fraktur lettering drawn on the outline of a CD that read, from top to bottom "Gustav / Mahler / SYMP" /end ID]
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be-appy-71 · 6 months
Auguri a chi in questo Natale vorrebbe il calore di un abbraccio.
Auguri a chi non smette di inseguire i propri sogni. Auguri a chi trova la forza di alzare gli occhi al cielo per riempirli di stelle.
Auguri a chi in questo Natale vorrebbe avere accanto a sé chi è volato in cielo troppo presto.
Auguri a chi è costretto a restare lontano da chi ama.
Auguri a chi ogni giorno fa i conti con i propri errori e fa a pugni con la vita, a chi piange ogni notte ma trova sempre la forza di sorridere. Auguri a chi ha la mente in disordine e il cuore in subbuglio, a chi ha il sole negli occhi e le mani piene di sogni.
Lasciate che il freddo vi arrossi il naso e vi punga il viso ma non lasciate mai che vi raffreddi il cuore. Il Natale è l'incanto delle cose semplici, è il ricordo di profumi e sapori che hanno colorato la nostra infanzia, è l'amore di tutte le persone che non sono più con noi ma che portiamo sempre nel cuore, è lo scintillio delle luci che ci fa tornare bambini. Natale sono i primi fiocchi di neve, il trillo allegro dei campanelli, un soffio di zucchero a velo sul naso, le canzoni che riempiono il silenzio, i bastoncini di zucchero che colorano la lingua. E date retta al cuore perché, per quanto sia tortuosa e difficile la strada, ad amare non si sbaglia mai.
Buon Natale ♠️🔥
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