#Air show flyover
defensenow · 24 days
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castiwls · 26 days
so high school - p.d
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Paring; poe x reader
Prompt;'you know how to ball, i know Aristotle
Requested; anon
Notes;this song screams poe dameron omg
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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The sound of music pulsed through the small bar. The small room was packed tight full of any and everyone who had their weekend free from the war, all happily conversing over the music.
A hand landed on your thigh causing you to look over at the man beside you. Poe grinned pushing another drink your way before taking a sip of his own. “Relax.” He nodded at the drink. “It’s your day off, enjoy!” 
Looking down to the drink you inspected it for a moment before taking a small sip. The alcohol burned slightly as you took another drink. It had been so long since you’d even as much smelled alcohol that you felt the effect almost immediately. 
The burn lingered in your throat for a moment before subsiding, allowing you to take another drink. Poe’s arm came to rest around your shoulder as he tucked you into his side. He continued his conversation with another pilot sparing you a quick glance.
Soon enough your drink was empty and you were beginning to feel considerably more relaxed as you rested against his side. “Come on. I wanna show you something.” Poe’s arm slipped from your shoulder as he grabbed your hand.
You waved a quick goodbye to the people at the table before he began guiding you towards the door. You stumbled slightly feeling the room tilt as you drew closer to the door. The night air was cool as you stepped outside into the small clearing.
“Where are we going?” You looked up slowly tracing his face with your eyes. You couldn’t help but think that Poe was maybe one of the most attractive people you had met. It was no surprise he’d quickly begun the poster boy for the Resistance with his dark hair and charming smile.
“You’ll see.” He teased squeezing your hand slightly. Before joining the Resistance you’d done a small stint in the New Republic’s senate. Leia had almost immediately taken a liking to you and had taken you under her wing, something which had ended with you following her to the resistance a few years later.
You’d quickly begun working with her in command and had found that you not only enjoyed the thrill of war but also the more diplomatic side. She’d quickly pushed you into any and all negotiations between the Resistance and other planets and that had been how you’d first crossed paths with Poe Dameron.
It hadn’t taken long for him to steal your heart and for you to steal his. 
“Okay, close your eyes.” He paused turning to face you. You tilted your head rasing an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because it’s a surprise.” 
“I don’t like surprises, you know that.” You crossed your arms over your chest as he rolled his eyes waving a hand at you. “Yeah well you're gonna like this one, I promise.” You stared at him for a moment before letting out a breath and closing your eyes.
Poe grinned before reaching for your hand. “Keep ahold of my hand alright.”
Before you could respond he began walking again, slower this time as you followed him blindly. As you waked you raked your mind for anything this surprise could be.
“Okay. Open your eyes.” His voice was behind you now. Slowly you opened your eyes. Taking in your surroundings a small gasp left your lips. “How did you find this place?” You turned your head to face him, your eyes wide in wonder.
He smiled down at you, his eyes full of adoration as he wrapped an arm around your waist pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“I was doing a flyover a few days ago and noticed it.” He rested his head on top of yours. The area around you was like nothing you’d seen before. A small stream ran through the area as small firefly bugs quietly buzzed, creating small specs of light. The grass seemed greener somehow and was covered in all types of flowers. 
“It’s beautiful,” You said quietly watching the small bugs as they flew around. 
Poe’s grin only grew wider as you continued to take in the area. Moments like this made all the stress of war seem slightly more worth it. He’d finally found the girl of his dreams and he’d been on cloud nine ever since. 
Seeing you so relaxed as you stood in his arms left him feeling content for the first time in a while. Turning in his arms you pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Thank you.” 
He smiled before leaning down and connecting your lips again.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Red, White, and Rooster
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption. Frenemies to lovers, relationship of convenience. Political situations. Allegations of affairs, military and political inaccuracies. Smut. 18+ Minors DNI. Banner Credit: @thedroneranger
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Chapter 11: Mrs. Americana & The Heartthrob Prez
"Bradley—are you sure this is safe?" You ask him as he fiddles with your safety equipment.
"Totally safe. I mean, this was my job for fifteen years before I retired." He tells you as he gives you one last look over.
You can't believe you agreed to this. You and Bradley and Jake and Jaycee were in San Diego celebrating the Fourth of July at the Naval base that he used to call home. His entire former squadron, along with him and Jake, were going to do a flyover demonstration and an air show for the holiday. He had been practicing for two weeks with them, and at the last minute, he had conned you into flying with him. Jake had tried to get Jaycee to fly with him, but she quickly told him that he was out of his mind.
Bradley secured a helmet he had specially made for you to your head. It bore the call sign he'd given you, "Mrs. Americana" on it with a red white and blue theme. The flight suit you had on also had the name stitched on a patch on the front of it.
When you'd asked him about it, he said every pilot and WSO had one. He told you that he picked yours because of your "undying love for Taylor Swift and the fact that you were the First Lady." You laughed at him, but thought it was sweet.
You stood across from him as he secured his helmet. You'd couldn't deny how handsome he looked in his flight suit. You felt honored to get to see him in his element. The two of you walked hand in hand towards the F-18 two-seater that you would be flying in today. The press was going crazy over the two of you.
You stopped to pose for a few pictures and answer a couple of questions before Bradley helped you into the jet and made sure you were secure. After that, he climbed in the cockpit and wet over his preflight checks. Soon, it was almost time for take off.
You could hear the chatter of the other pilots. You looked over to your right and saw Jake in his plane. He looked over and saluted at the two of you.
"Hey, Hangman. You look good." Bradley said as he waved to Jake. "I am good, Rooster. I'm very good." Jake shot back. You laughed at the interaction. It was strange hearing them use each other's call signs.
"Hey, Ja—Hangman" you began. Jake's eyes shifted to you. "How do I look?" You asked him with a laugh. "You look too good to be true, Mrs. Americana." Jake replied. You couldn't see his whole face because of the oxygen mask he was wearing, but you knew he was smirking under it.
Moments later, Bradley was heading down the taxiway to the runway. You were nervous but excited for this flight.
"This is Rooster to range control, Dagger Two confirming green range." Rooster spoke. "Rooster, range is green, have a safe flight Mr. President and Mrs. First Lady." The range officer spoke.
Your heart dropped as the two of you took off. You'd flown plenty of times, but nothing like this. You truly felt like you were one with the clouds. It was a magical day in the sky, and you loved sharing it with Bradley.
"This is amazing!" You stated as he inverted his jet. You had the biggest grin plastered across your face the entire time. When it came time to land and leave the plane, you were a little disappointed, but Bradley promised he'd find another way to take you back up again.
July faded into August, and August slipped away into a moment in time. Soon, September and come and gone, and the two of you had made it to October.
You couldn't believe that you and Bradley were getting ready to celebrate your first wedding anniversary. And the two of you were truly going to celebrate it. It wasn't going to be some gala thrown to look good for the cameras. It was going to be a true way to honor the love you had for each other.
It also didn't hurt that the media was head over heels for your two. The summer service tour the two of you had went on stayed on the front pages. People were comparing you to the Kennedys and the Prince and Princess of Wales, stating that America hasn't seen a more handsome or service driven first couple in decades. It made you smile every time you read something positive about the two of you. What started out as a means to survive had truly become something beautiful.
On the morning of October nineteenth, you'd hoped to spend a somewhat lazy and restful Sunday morning in bed with your husband, but Bradley seemed to have other ideas.
It was early. You knew that for sure, and your body was still more asleep than awake. You sighed and settled into your pillows, blindly reaching for Bradley, but unable to find him. You ignored it and tried to drift off, but something was keeping you from fully going back to sleep.
You felt warm all over, a heat building within you. You also felt an ache between your thighs and in your lower belly. You shifted, trying to relieve some of the tension, but something held you firmly in place.
You sighed, deciding to let the feeling take over your body rather than fight it. As you began to wake up more, you felt it, the scruff of Bradley's mustache against you, the drag of his tongue through your wetness, the grip of his hands on your thighs.
"Bra—" you gasped as he sucked on your clit. "G'morning," he whispered, pausing for just a moment to greet you before resuming his work.
He lapped at your core slowly but with a purpose. One of your hands tangled in his hair while the other gripped the sheet. You could feel yourself closing in on an orgasm when there was a sudden knock at the door.
"Bradley! Stop!" You gasped, trying to push him away. His head whipped towards the door, then back at you. "No." He said calmly before doubling down on his efforts. You let out a whine. You were helpless when it came to him.
The knock came again, this time with a voice. "Mr. President, I've got the breakfast you requested." One of the kitchen staff called in. Bradley groaned against your center before pulling off of you.
"Just leave it, I'll get it in a minute." He yelled. You snorted a laugh before he licked you again. "I'd like to finish my dessert before I get to breakfast." He said as he lips wrapped around your clit.
His tongue moved skillfully through your folds, bringing you to a mind-blowing orgasm before eight in the morning. When he was satisfied with his work, he retrieved the breakfast, and the two of you enjoyed it together, before another turn in the sheets. If you had it your way, you would have kept Bradley in bed all day, naked and against you. However, he claimed he had something important to take care of and he would be back in a few hours.
That left you to your own devices. You spent the afternoon catching up on emails and reading your new book, then you took to social media where an article caught your eye.
"Love, Marriage, but no Baby Carriage: When Will We See a Presidental Baby?" The title made your eyes go wide. You clicked on it and read about how people were wondering why a First Baby wasn't on the way yet. It talked about how you and Bradley seemed to be so in love but had nothing to show for it yet. It further speculated that maybe the two of you weren't the perfect couple like everyone thought.
After a quick Google search, you found several other articles all about the same thing. You closed your computer after the seventh one and sighed. You really did love Bradley, and everything was going well between the two of you. It wasn't time for a reelection campaign yet, and his ratings were through the roof. There wasn't necessarily a perfect time to start trying for a baby, but right now seemed pretty good. You decided that after dinner, you'd talk with him about it.
That evening, Bradley had managed to surprise you with a flower arrangement he'd personally went and gotten you as well as a new bracelet and some of your favorite pastries. All in all, it was a wonderful anniversary.
That night, as the two of you lay in bed, you dropped the bomb on him.
"Bradley, what if we had a baby?" You asked him. He stiffened. You could tell your words caught him off guard. "What do you mean, Sweetheart?" He asked you. "I mean, what if we started trying. Like, what if I stopped taking my birth control." You told him.
"What brought this on?" Bradley asked you. "Well—I was reading some news articles—" you began. "Honey, what do you always tell me about reading them." He interjects. "I know, I know, but they really got me thinking. We are in a good place right now. This would be the perfect time to start trying." You tell him.
Bradley sits up and looks at you. He studies your face. "You're serious right now? You want to have a baby with me?" He asks you. "I do, Bradley. Our marriage has been anything but traditional. I want this to be the one thing we choose." You tell him earnestly.
An ear splitting grin breaks out across his face.
"Okay." He tells you. "Okay?" You ask eagerly.
"Yeah, fuck—let's have a baby, Sweetheart." Bradley confirms before crashing his lips to yours.
Everybody stay calm, it's happening!
Also, thank you for all the love and support on this series!
Taglist: @daggerspare-standingby @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @seresinsbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @soulmates8 @xoxabs88xox @avengersfan25 @blackwidownat2814 @loveforaugust @mak-32 @cottagecori @amysteryspot @heyimmadisonn @princess76179 @bradshawseresinbabe @sunlightmurdock @lewmagoo @cassiemitchell @die-cunt @mj-l4 @shipinabluebottle @malindacath @violyn20 @imawkwardlysoc @books-for-summer @blackroseboulevard @recordblues @desert-fern @luckyladycreator2 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @sebsxphia @roosters-girl @diorrfairy @je-suis-prest-rachel @mizzzpink @a-linabean @amklibrary @gretagerwigsmuse @jstarr86 @actuallyazriel @krismdavis @bradshawsbaby @wkndwlff
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trickphotography2 · 8 months
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It was just supposed to be a football game. But then Hangman took Syla up on her invitation to watch the Blue Angels perform at the Miramar air show. A month after meeting and facing the last home show of her career, the history making Naval Aviator invited Hangman to visit her in Pensacola. She didn't actually expect him to accept. Payback definitely wasn't happy.
A continuation of First and Goal. This got away from me at 5.1K words. No physical description of the reader, callsign is Syla (pronounced like Cilla) and she's a Florida State fan.
Cross-posted on Ao3.
The humidity hit Jake in the face as he exited the Pensacola airport. His eyes darted up and then to the line of cars. “I’m under the Delta sign.”
“Okay, I’m pulling out of the cellphone lot,” Syla said. He heard her humming and felt his lip twitch. Over the month they’d been talking, he’d heard it many, many times, usually when she was focused on something. Once, when they’d done a video call while she was in Oregon, he’d asked her if she hummed while flying and was promptly flipped off. “I...think I see you.” The call disconnected as a blue convertible Mini Cooper stopped in front of him. Payback scowled, elbowing him out of the way as Syla got out and circled the car. 
“Reuben!” she squealed. Jake rolled his eyes, grabbing the other man’s bag as he hugged Syla, lifting her off her feet. Payback hadn’t been thrilled to find out he wasn’t the only one who had requested leave to head down to Florida for the Blue Angels homecoming show. Hell, Syla had been surprised when Jake had quickly accepted her half-joking invitation.
Jake had gone to the show in Miramar. It was his first time seeing them since their flyover at his Academy graduation, which he’d only half paid attention to back then. The Blue Angels were good PR for the Navy but had never caught his attention - pilots stuck repeating the same maneuvers every time? Sounded almost as bad as being assigned to desk duty. He'd take dog fighting every time if given the choice between it and the flying equivalent of synchronized swimming. But, after going through flight school and some experience with formation flying, he had a new respect for the Angels. 
The way Syla filled out her tight blue flight suit definitely didn’t hurt matters. Jake had managed to get close enough to watch the team march in a line to their jets and climb in, trading out their caps for helmets before taxiing and taking off in formation. For an hour, he watched them execute loops, inversions, pitches, and breaks. After the show, he’d joined the queue for her autograph and grinned at her surprised look. As she signed the team picture, he asked her about not wearing a g-suit that helped keep blood from pooling in the lower extremities and forced it toward the brain. From his estimation, they were pulling at least 7Gs at points.
“Can’t,” Syla had shrugged. “We have our right arm on our thigh for stability and to help with the 40-pound spring tensioned on the stick. Air bladders would inflate at the worst time and ruin the maneuver. ‘Sides, since we fly it constantly, we know when to tense to avoid G-LOC.” Sliding her aviators down her nose, the Blue Angel smirked and slid the picture across the table to him. “Good to see you again, Hangman.” 
Her phone number was under her loopy signature. 
“Hey,” Jake said when she turned her attention to him, eyebrow raised over her sunglasses. Crossing her arms over her chest, forcing her breasts higher into the tank top she wore, Syla cocked her hip. 
“I have so many questions. First - what the hell is with the pornstache?” Grinning, Jake ran a hand over his mustache. 
“Don’t like it?”
“You look like the other guy in your squad… um…” she snapped her fingers, glancing at Payback.
“Rooster! That’s right. He can pull off a mustache.”
“I make a mustache look good,” he chuckled, dropping the bags into the open trunk. Shaking her head, she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
“Jury’s out. Also, people are gonna think you’re a Gator or Canes fan in that orange.”
“Hook ‘em, baby.” Over her head, Jake caught Payback’s eye roll.
“Alright,” Syla said, stepping out of his loose embrace and slamming the trunk closed. “Get in so we can go grab dinner. I’m starving.” 
“Please tell me we’re getting some seafood,” Payback moaned, beelining for the front seat. Jake rolled his eyes, following Syla around the car and pulling open the door for her before ducking into the back seat. His knees pressed into her seat, and he shifted to try and get more comfortable. 
The two aviators chatted while Syla pulled out of the airport and drove through Pensacola. It had been years since Jake had been back. Like many Naval aviators, his career had begun at a local flight school while stationed at NAS Whiting Field, just across the bridge and a couple of miles down I-10 in Milton. While he’d enjoyed his time at Annapolis during the Academy, it had been fun to cut loose and spend weekends on the white sand beaches, flirting with tourists and drinking at dive bars. But after he’d moved on to Intermediate Flight Training, he’d never looked back. North Florida had little appeal for him. If he had to be stationed in the state, he would go for the Keys.
“You good back there, Hangman?” Syla asked, pulling him from his musing. She’d twisted in her seat, strands of hair that had escaped her regulation bun framing her face.
“All good, just looking at how much it’s changed.” She smiled, turning back around when the light turned green.
After grabbing dinner by the beach at a local spot called The Oar House, the trio made their way to Syla’s place. It was a cute little white house with a red - “garnet,” she’d corrected - door. As another condition of his coming, Payback claimed the one guest bedroom while Jake was relegated to the couch. 
It helped to know that Payback only had the bed for one night and would join him in sleeping in the living room when Syla’s parents arrived the next day. 
So, while Payback went to bed early to call his kid, Jake and Syla hung out. At first, there had been some initial awkwardness, trying to navigate a friendship conducted mainly over the phone. It didn’t take long until Jake found himself itching to tuck her hair, free from the tight bun and damp from her shower, behind her ear. 
“Okay, I have to know,” she said, setting her glass on the coffee table before facing him. Propping her elbow against the back of the couch, she buried a hand in her hair and smirked. “What’s with the mustache? You weren’t deployed, so it’s not a deployment ‘stache. Or is this like a normal thing for you?”
“Definitely not a normal thing for me,” he chuckled, setting his beer on the coffee table and turning to mirror her. At her cocked eyebrow, he shrugged. “Payback.” 
“Are we talking Reuben or revenge for something?”
“A bit of both. He’s real protective of you and wasn’t happy to hear that we’ve been talking. Or that I was coming here.”
“Oh god, are you telling me you look like that because of me?” She let her head fall back at his shrug while taking a deep breath. The move pulled her sleep shirt tight against her chest, and he could see her pebbled nipples through the material. “I’m gonna kill him.” 
“It’s fine.” And it was. It was worth it if this was the penalty for violating the bro code - as the rest of the Daggers had ruled when they found out about his contact with Syla. 
“Your pretty face shouldn’t be sacrificed for his petty male ego.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” Jake teased. Syla lowered her head and gave him an unimpressed look. With a huff, she ran her thumb over his mustache. 
“When you don’t have a fuzzy caterpillar on your face.” Amusement sparkled in his green eyes when Syla raised hers from his mouth to meet his. Her fingers rasped on his stubble as they glided across his jaw. Jake watched, biting back a groan when she played with the hair on the nape of his neck. Gentle pressure guided him closer as her tongue darted to wet her lips. A smirk curved his mouth as his gaze narrowed to hers. 
A throat cleared, and Syla jumped, her hand falling to her lap. Payback stood beside the television, arms crossed over his chest. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked. 
“Absolutely,” Syla replied, even as pink dusted her cheeks. Payback’s eyes darted to Jake, who shrugged. “Oh no - this is not… If you have a problem with me talking to Jake, you’ll talk to me about it, Reuben.” 
“Okay. I don’t like it. You don’t know Hangman.” 
“Cool. Good to know. That’s part of why we’re talking - to get to know one another.” He groaned her name, running a hand down his face. 
“He’s got a reputation in Miramar.” Jake flushed with embarrassment. Sure, he enjoyed a one-night stand, but he hadn’t had one in a while. Definitely not since he’d started talking to the pilot beside him.
“So you’re telling me he knows what he’s doing and can probably find the clit. That’s great to know.” Both men sputtered, and Syla laughed. “In case you haven’t noticed, Payback, I’m not the 22-year-old girl you met. And as much as I appreciate you looking out for me, I’m a pretty good judge of character. So if I want to talk to Jake, kiss him, and maybe have sex, that’s our decision.” Patting Jake’s shoulder, she stood and gave Payback a sweet smile. “And with that, gentlemen, I’m going to go to bed since I have work in the morning. You know, where I’m a history-making Naval aviator whose judgment is tested and proven every day that I’m in the air flying inches away from other aviators, where one small deviation could mean death for either of us. Night boys.”
The two men watched Syla walk to the hallway, pausing to pat Payback’s chest and closing her bedroom door. 
Jake fell a little bit in love.
“Morning,” Jake said, his voice rough with sleep. Syla smiled and waved, continuing towards the kitchen where the coffee pot gurgled. Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he joined her, taking the mug she slid across the counter and leaning against the stove, scratching his bare chest. 
“How’d you sleep?” she asked.
“Not the worst place I’ve bunked.”
“It’s a step above the carrier.” He smiled over the rim of his mug. He’d never dated a woman in the military and never would have even thought about pursuing another aviator. Sure, he enjoyed flirting with Phoenix to get a rise out of her, but their careers overlapped too much for him to ever think about pursuing anything. Plus, Rooster would kill him if he ever worked up the nerve to admit his feelings about his “best friend.”
But there was something comforting about talking with Syla. Over the last month, he’d enjoyed not having to explain things in his daily life. No explanation was needed when he rescheduled calls because he was doing late maneuvers. Honestly, she was the one doing the rescheduling more often than not. She was also the one who fell asleep when they were on the phone. He’d never admit it, but Jake usually stayed on the line for a few more minutes, listening to her soft breathing and half-heartedly hoping she’d wake before hanging up. 
“What’s your day look like?” he asked. Syla frowned and stepped past him to look at the calendar hanging on the refrigerator. 
“We’re briefing the show this morning and then going to a middle school. Not sure if we’re doing the interview there or if the camera crew is just getting footage. Then final dress rehearsal over the Gulf.” There was something sad in her eyes when she turned to meet his gaze. 
“I just…” To his surprise, tears gathered in her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling and swallowed. “Sorry, just kinda hitting me that this is it.” Setting his mug down, he opened his arms. Syla rested her head on his shoulder, palms flat on his chest. Jake's hand ran up the back of her flight suit, tugging her closer as he brushed his lips against her temple. When she lifted her head, he kissed her cheek. But when he tried to do it again, she turned to meet him.
Their first kiss was a sweet one. Syla’s hands drifted up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck and tug him down as she surged onto her toes. He steadied her with hands on her hips, gripping the blue fabric tightly as she licked into his mouth. A groan escaped him as she smiled. The mustache prickled against her skin. 
“It’s too early for this.” 
“Morning, Reuben,” Syla sighed, dropping back onto her heels and resting her forehead against Jake’s chin. Slowly, she pulled away and looked at her friend. “Sleep well?”
“Other than a nightmare, yeah.” Chuckling, she stepped out of Jake’s arms and grabbed her travel coffee mug. 
“Duke is gonna pick me up so you can have my car for the day. I’ll be home around 5:30 or 6:00. My parent should be here around that time, too, so we’ll go out for dinner. I have to have an early night for the show tomorrow, but we can take two cars so you can have fun downtown.” The flight leader was happy to help her with a ride, seeing as he lived down the street. 
“An early night sounds good to me,” Jake nodded. 
“Great. Duke’s pulling up, so I’m headed out.” With a quick peck to both men’s cheeks, she left.
“You’re an ass,” Payback grumbled while opening the cabinets for a mug. Ignoring him, Jake returned to the couch and grabbed his cell phone, quickly pulling up their text thread.
Can confirm I know where the clit is
A few minutes later came her reply.
Seeing is believing
Syla woke early and pulled on her running gear. It was hard to sneak out of the house with the two aviators crashing in the living room, but she managed it. After slipping her earbuds in, she started her pre-show tradition of a five-mile run while mentally practicing the flight maneuvers. Hands clenched in front of her, she imagined Duke’s voice and positioned the stick and throttle. Deployed the smoke that allowed the crowd to follow them as they climbed. She would have the privilege of a sneak attack on the beach, buzzing the crowd who watched her wingmen fly ahead. 
Even after three seasons, every show made her nervous. And performing in front of the hometown crowd, while amazing, brought its own level of pressure. North Florida was the home to a huge military population. These people saw them the most - they practiced over the Naval Aviation Museum twice weekly and signed autographs. Hell, there was a sign as you got into town that said ‘Home of the Blue Angels.’ Pensacola had the Blue Angels, Corry Station, and Whiting Field, where many aviation careers started. The Air Force had three bases just an hour up the road - Hurlburt Field, Duke Field, and Eglin. Eglin had its own place in military aviation history, as it was where the pilots of the Doolittle Raid - the US’s retaliation on Japan following Pearl Harbor, where modified bombers had launched from the USS Hornet with no fighters as backup - had trained. The Air Force had their own fighter and test wings stationed there, and the Army was training special forces.
Further out were the two bases in Panama City - the Naval Support Activity Panama City and Tyndall Air Force Base, which housed their own fighter wing. That wasn’t even considering all of the veterans in the area. Syla had briefly dated someone who worked for the Veteran’s Administration, who had told her that the Gulf Coast was one of the fastest-growing areas for vets. 
So yeah, hometown shows made her nervous. And her dumb ass had invited a certain Lieutenant, who made her even more nervous. Who she outranked. As a Lieutenant Commander, she was responsible for ensuring they didn’t break any fraternization rules. And even though Jake wouldn’t be under her command - the Daggers were stationed at Miramar under TOPGUN but were not instructors - they might still get some looks.
Which was presuming that Jake even wanted something other than a fling. Panting, Syla stopped running and bent, wiping away the sweat on her brow. Even this early, the humidity was killer. “Fucking focus,” she ordered herself. 
There was nothing like an airshow. From the moment Syla stepped onto the tarmac, the energy was electric. For her last home show, they’d picked the theme of Celebrating Women in Aviation, focusing on the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS) that began in WWII when the US needed pilots. Women could join the military to ferry, test, and deliver planes for repair. 
From the civilian aerobatic pilots to the Air Force’s Viper and F-35 demo teams and the explosive Tora Tora Tora reenactment, there was something for everyone. She joined her parents, Reuben, and Jake after the Angels’ morning briefing. While her parents and Reuben stayed in the tent, she and Jake did a quick walk around, pausing so she could sign autographs and take pictures. She was glad her sunglasses were on when a little girl traced over her embroidered wings and said she wanted to be a pilot, too. Jake’s fingers brushed hers as they walked, and she fought a smile. 
And then it was show time. Syla forced herself to focus on the moment. Doing anything else would endanger the team and her aircraft. So, she focused on saluting her flight crew and doing her checks. She wasn’t part of the diamond take-off formation but would be doing a high G vertical climb into an inversion. And then she thought about Duke’s final order - “Have fun.” 
So she did. She allowed herself to smile as she fought against gravity, admired the beautiful ocean she flew over, and laughed at the startled crowd as she executed the sneak pass. 
And yes, she did hum while doing it. 
Sunday was harder. Syla woke up early for her run and was surprised to find Jake awake in the kitchen, shirtless and wearing running shorts and sneakers. He joined her, her extra reflective belt wrapped around his bicep. It was still dark, their way lit by streetlights and the occasional passing car. Jake glanced over as she ran through the show, hands at her stomach moving the imaginary stick and throttle. 
Everything for her last show needed to be perfect. 
“You’ve got this,” he said when they turned back into her cul de sac. Feeling like a teenager sneaking around, she tugged him around the side of the house and pressed him against the siding. His hands wrapped around her hips, holding her tightly as her hands slid up his sweat-slicked skin to wrap around the back of his neck. It was still dark out, the sun not due to rise for another hour. If her neighbors looked out the glass door in their living room or someone drove past, they would easily be spotted. But that didn’t stop her from pressing against him, feeling his heat through her sports bra and running shorts. 
Jake pressed teasing kisses to her forehead, nose, and cheek before Syla gripped his hair and kissed him hard. His hand slid to her ass, squeezing and tugging her closer. She could feel his cock through his jogging shorts and dug her nails into his skin to keep from touching him. Nothing in the world would make her jeopardize her career with a public indecency charge. 
When his attention shifted to her neck, licking the salt from her skin, Syla forced herself to push against his shoulders and step back. His grip tightened, not letting her go too far. “Everything okay?” he asked. In the semi-darkness, she could barely make out his confused expression. 
“I need to know,” she said, biting her kiss-swollen lower lip. “I know we’ve only known each other for a month, but am I pissing off one of my best friends for a fling?”
“A fling?” 
“I outrank you, Jake. If there’s blowback, it’s gonna come back on me. Not only because of rank but because I’m a woman. I will always have Blue Angels in my bio, so I will always be held to the highest standard. So I have to know - is this just having fun? Or is this something we want to pursue? Because I’m fine either - ”
Jake’s lips silenced her, his tongue insistently licking into her mouth as he turned them to pin her against the siding with his hips. With his hands braced by her head, he pulled away, smirking when she chased his kiss. One knuckle traced from her temple and swept across her jaw before tilting her head up as he tutted her name. “You think I’d risk pissing off my entire squad for a fling? If I wanted that, I would have just waited for you to get to Miramar instead of coming out here, annoying Payback, and meeting your parents. This is my first vacation in years, and I wanted to spend time alone with you. If you want this to be a fling - ”
“I don’t.” 
“Good. Cause I don’t either.” They stood there, smiling at one another for a long moment until they heard a dog bark. Shoving him away, Syla turned and waved at her neighbor as he stepped out of the house across the street, dressed for his own morning run. Taking Jake’s hand, she tugged him back towards the front door, enjoying how he pressed himself against her back as she unlocked it. “Just wait until we’re alone, and I’ll show you just how well I can find your clit,” he growled in her ear as she gripped the doorknob.
“Just out of curiosity,” she said, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Did you tell Reuben that you were staying for a week? Or does he think you’re flying out tonight, too?”
“Now, where would the fun be in telling him?” Jake asked. Syla laughed, turning in his embrace to pat his cheek. 
“It’s your funeral, Hangman.” His grin was blinding as he leaned down to kiss her.
“What a hell of a reason to go.”
Emotion nearly choked her as Syla drove down Blue Angel Parkway toward the base. She’d left her parents to drive the other aviators in, wanting some time alone that morning. The squad had invited her guests to watch the last briefing of the season so they wouldn’t be too far behind. Reuben or Jake would be able to get her parents on base. While the air show gates didn’t open until 8:00AM, a few cars were already waiting at the Visitor Control building’s parking lot. After flashing her ID to the gate guard, she made her way to the hanger to quickly inspect her plane. Their flight mechanics were among the best in the world, and Syla trusted them with her life, but you could never be too careful. Once assured that everything was fine, she made her way to the briefing room, pausing to talk to some of the other early birds and to grab a shitty cup of coffee from the break room. Rather than take her seat, she took the opportunity to read the plaques that decorated the walls, running her finger over her name engraved on the list of pilots. 
“Big day, Syla. You ready for it?” Duke asked, coming into the briefing room and standing beside her. She glanced up at him and rolled her lips together, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. 
“As I’ll ever be,” she replied hoarsely. 
“One more flight, and then you’re back in the greens,” he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her close. 
“I look so much better in blue,” she smirked, glancing down at her flight suit. After three years, going back to a green suit that didn’t have her name and plane number embroidered on her chest, that had a different squadron patch, would be strange. This wasn’t the first time she’d left a squad, but it definitely was the hardest. Their team, from the flight and ground crew to the Marine pilots that flew Fat Albert, the C-130J that carried the crew show to show, spent so much time together. From January to November, they saw each other every day - on Thursdays, they flew out to the show location and returned to Pensacola on Mondays; Tuesdays and Wednesdays were practice days. For three years, Syla had celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, and graduations with these folks. She’d babysat for their kids and hung out at their houses. They had gotten her drunk to celebrate her promotion before dragging her to the beach and tossing her into the Gulf in her whites - she made sure that they also got drenched - and teased her relentlessly whenever she dated someone. 
The other squad members slowly filed in, and Syla was subjected to brotherly teasing. When her guests arrived, she introduced Jake and Reuben by their callsigns. The looks her squad sent her when Hangman shook their hands were priceless - they’d seen his name pop up on her phone more than a few times. The corner of Jake’s eye twitched at every shake, making her wonder if they were squeezing his hand harder than necessary. Payback looked happy at the cooler welcome the other pilot got. 
“Alright,” the flight leader said once everyone had taken their seat around the table, him at the head. Crew and her guests sat along the wall. “We’ll leave the sentimental stuff for the boat party later, but as you all know, this is Syla’s last flight with us. And while we’re excited to welcome Lieutenant Commander Reyes in a few months, she will have big shoes to fill. So we’ll be perfect today, not only for Syla but for our hometown crowd. I want the debrief to be short this afternoon so we can go celebrate another successful season and get some downtime. Now, conditions today allow for the high show…” Syla opened her folder and retrieved the aerial map of Pensacola as he read out the wind and view data. The tip of her pen traced the maneuvers they would go through, as he called them.
She could feel eyes on her as they pushed away from the table and did a chair flight, Duke’s comforting cadence helping her block out everything else. Her own eyes remained closed as they talked through the flight, visualizing and practicing the throttles and stick positions, where they would have pull on the stick, tensing to fight the Gs, her calls on the radio, turning to check the alignment of their synchronized ascent into the loop, deploying smoke - every second of the 45-minute show.  
And when she opened her eyes, they caught on a pair of green ones that stared at her from across the room. The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched as he gave a curt nod. Beside him, her parents beamed. Payback sat back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and grinned. 
Syla couldn’t help the tears that fell as she taxied back into position. Even over her engine, she could hear the crowd cheering as they announced her name and thanked her for her years of flying with the Blues. As the canopy rose, she swiped at her face and took a deep breath. 
It was over. 
After three years, she was now returning to the fleet. She would be assigned a new Super Hornet, grey instead of bright blue, with her name and callsign painted below the canopy. The next few months would be spent reviewing tactical and weapons updates, and she’d have a few weeks to refresh her air combat skills before taking on her first TOPGUN class. She was pretty sure that she'd spend some time with the meatball, the machine that helped baby aviators learn the dimensions of the ship's flight line; she felt rusty even with over 600 carrier landings under her belt. 
Thankfully, she was sure there was an active-duty pilot who would be more than happy to help her study.
“You good?” Syla looked up at her crew chief and nodded at the woman. Quickly, she handed over the helmet, realizing it would be one of the last times she wore it. Soon, she would be back in her garnet one with gold arrows - her nod to her alma mater. After smoothing down her hair, she put her cover back on and prepared to exit the cockpit. 
Three years. Over 900 days on the road. Hundreds of hours in the air. 
It was over.
A Week Later
Fanboy glanced at his phone, frowning at the text from Hangman. The Miami game was on a commercial break, so he quickly opened it and saw it was a video. 
He recognized the place immediately - Florida State’s football stadium. Doak Campbell. Fucking Hangman was at the Miami-FSU game. Hangman panned the camera around the stadium, and Fanboy realized he was standing on the field. In the endzone. The announcer’s voice was a bit muffled but became clearer as Hangman refocused the camera on Syla. 
“Callsign Syla made history as the first female aviator on the Blue Angels, carrying on the proud FSU tradition of excellence. Let’s give a loud welcome home to Syla!”
The crowd roared, chants of “USA” echoing as Syla held up her hands and waved before doing the tomahawk chop. In the background, he saw that she was being broadcast on the jumbotron. As it cut away, she held her hands up again. She brought her thumbs together to form the University of Miami ‘U’ symbol before dropping all but her middle fingers. The student section started a chant of ‘Fuck U’ as she laughed. 
“Fuck Miami!” Syla grinned. 
“Fuck Miami!” Hangman echoed, swinging the camera around to show himself flipping off the camera, that god-awful mustache still on his face. For once, he wasn’t wearing Texas gear but had swapped it out for a Seminoles cap and t-shirt. 
Oh, Fanboy thought. He was definitely gonna have to deal with way more bro code violations once he got back. Especially after he forgot to turn off the recording before kissing Syla. 
Fanboy debated forwarding it to the group chat but decided against it. Having a bit of blackmail was never a bad thing.
The group chat started popping off in the 4th quarter. 
What the fuck is this? Payback fired off, sharing a picture of Hangman with his arm around Syla and their back to the field. Her hand rested on his stomach. 
Damn, Rooster replied. Phoenix added a gif of Stephen Colbert eating popcorn.
Looks like fun, Bob added. 
Fuck the Noles, Fanboy typed out.
Is no one bothered by this??? Payback demanded. The chat went silent until Hangman’s name popped up.
Syla here. Two things - 1) Fuck Miami, and 2) I’m begging you to let the man shave the fucking mustache. Facial hair is not my thing.
Note: I didn't expect to write a follow up to First and Goal, but I also didn't expect the engagement with it. Thank you to everyone who read it. A major thank you to @mayhemmanaged for helping talk me through this fic and reading a rough draft of it. And @dreamlandcreations for saying she wanted a part 2.
The North Florida panhandle has a huge military population. I recently moved away from the Gulf Coast, after my dad was stationed at Eglin AFB. That is where I first got to see a jet engine up close and see how beautiful the afterburner could be. It's where I went to my first stateside air show. I completed an internship at the VA in Pensacola, and was able to see the Blue Angels fly every week. Like Jake, I didn't really appreciate the panhandle until I left. There's nothing like shifting from pine trees to an ocean view as you cross the I-10 bridge, going from Whiting Field to Pensacola.
Like Syla, I'm a diehard Seminole, graduating from there a total of 4 times. I actually stole her flight leader's callsign, Duke, from a guy I went to high school and college with, who flies for the Air Force.
So long story short, this fic was inspired by aviation and Lieutenant Commander Amanda 'Stalin' Lee, the first female Blue Angel. Thanks for reading ❤️
Tagging those who reblogged and commented on First and Goal:
kmc1989; gigisimsonmars; starset21; the-slytherin-library-12; ssa-sadboi; fanficfandomlove; shanimallina87; myfaveficrecs; roosterforme; thefandomimagines; dreamlandcreations; topherwrites; roosteraloha; tgmreader; love-in-light; starlightmoon2020; clockworkballerina; bibissparkles; top-hhun; just-in-case-iloveyou; scarlettwidow19; themusingofagothicsoul; milani-marie; rooseresintg; lets-turn-and-burn; bellaireland1981; shanimallina87; sydthekid1518; gspenc; mimi-8793; novagreen04; fulla02reads; alldaysdreamers; atarmychick007; onceupona-happilyeverafter-love; rosiahills22
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/18/2024 Crew Recap
TLDR; Summary: #HoistTheAds and Astroglide OFMD both happening tomorrow 1/19/24; UK Fans We Need Your Help!; New Hashtags/Petition Link; David Jenkins/RhysDarby/TaikaWaititi Troll us with Hidden Stuff; More Articles; Petition Status, News That Gives Us Hope for S3, and Rhys Darby in Shorts.
Note: Please feel free to let me know if I missed something important, if I'm incorrect, if the formatting pisses you off, or whatever, I take constructive feedback <3 thx lovelies.
Need to catch up on recaps? ofmd daily recaps
==Things You Don't Want To Miss Tomorrow 1/19/2024 and 1/20/2024==
EDIT: HOIST THE ADS: This might be starting at 12 EST - https://www.tumblr.com/renewasacrew/739916790295052288/join-us-in-just-over-10-minutes-at-midnight-est?source=share
#HoistTheAds is finally coming to NYC and LA tomorrow. There will be Flyovers, Billboards, etc. As of right now it looks like its just happening every few minutes on the billboard for the next day.
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Twitter Info
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==Astroglide Watch-A-Long at 1/19/2024 1 PM PST ==
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To clarify exactly how it works, basically what they're doing is asking you to stream on the service of your choice starting at Season 1 Episode 1, and Astroglide (and Squishables might be joining) will be tweeting reactions as they go.
=UK Fans! We need your help! @lamentus1 was kind enough to give us updates on the efforts going on over the UK!=
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UK specific OFMD fans in groups on Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook are trying to come together to push for the BBC to air OFMD Season 2 in the UK since they haven’t done so yet!
So many UK fans can’t actually watch the second season *legally* based off a tumblr poll that @lamentus1 did recently, and a third of fans who voted can’t even watch OFMD because it’s not on in their country!
The current plans are:
Email two key people at the BBC:
Sue Deeks (Brought OFMD to the UK) --- [email protected] Charlotte Moore (Chief Content Officer ) --- [email protected] Email Prompt: if you need an example:
Send Tweets regarding wanting Season 2 to Air on BBC on twitter (same hashtags from @renewasacrew I believe but it that's incorrect please let me know!):
BBC2 IPlayer
The ongoing twitter thread for this is here
====New Articles ====
BBC fans fight to save cancelled show, with petition reaching 58,000 signatures
'Our Flag Means Death': Fans Rally to Save Cancelled Show'
Our Flag Means Death: Fans campaign to save queer pirate comedy
---Articles in Dutch---
Fans pikken cancellen van Our Flag Means Death niet en tekenen massaal petitie --------------------------------------------------------------------------
=Cast and Crew Seen in the Wild=
**START OF DISCLAIMER: This whole thread on Djenkins and Taika's mother in law is fan theory at this point, read into it as you will, but think of it like tabloid news**
The most exciting and I think ... brain candy worthy today was Rhys and David posting a BTS picture of Rhys in the colonial hat/outfit. It sparked some interesting ideas on the status of season 3.
I have to say, hats off to the folks over on twitter @fowlfiend for making this connection
Earlier today, Chaos Dad, David Jenkins posted the following picture of Rhys that Rhys shared on his Instagram with a song attached to it called "I'm a Man" by Jobriath.
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Now, all well and good right? Rallying cry to all the crew! BUT Twitter folks think there's a deeper meaning and I'm inclined to agree.
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How fucking cool is that? Thank you to @lamentus1 for pointing out also that Chaos Dad's post had the "three finger" I love you which is yet another 3 today.
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Add to that, Taika's Instagram's been pretty quiet lately, and he happened to post a picture today of his mother-in-law @veraora on IG for her birthday, which just happens to have... 3 pigeons in it. Once again, thanks @lamentus1 for bringing this to our attention. ---also please wish VeraOra Happy birthday!
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Now, could all of this be just coincidence? Sure, but where's the fun in that? Seems like we're going on a treasure hunt.
**END OF DISCLAIMER: This whole thread on Djenkins and Taika's mother in law is fan theory at this point, read into it as you will, but think of it like tabloid news**
===Other Chaos Dad Posts on Twitter===
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=Hashtag Updates / How you can help=
@renewasacrew Has done some cool stuff and made saveofmd.com direct to the petition site. This should help with being able to share more easily. Full thread here on tumblr
Today's Goals and Hashtags Per @renewasacrew
#ArentYouGLAAD #SaveOFMD #TheNumbersWereThere
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=Petition Status Updates=
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Petition hit 60K all!!!! GREAT JOB! Just in time for Time Square tomorrow!!
I didn't see a drastic change on a lot of the fundraisers so I'm not adding those today--- I think we've had a big day as it was with the stuff around David posting without posting about season 3.
So I thought I'd end with some more info from our lovely @TheCozyPirate on twitter, the lovely person who exposed the information about how s3 was already in preproduction. They seem to have more insight in a lot of this.
=So if your question is, is it making a difference? Why doesn't dad just come out and say it? Here's some insight:=
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And this next one helps me to feel like we're still heading in the right direction. "If there were nothing viable, he would be able to say that. He would never, never let this go on if hopeless". I think is pretty uplifting.
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Lastly, I think you all should be damn proud of yourselves with these calls, as a former Customer Support Person, I appreciate you all so damn much for keeping it kind and polite! Stede would be proud!
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Finally-- one last thing, since today's theme on tumblr is trolls getting all up in our faces, just remember you do not have to engage with them if you don't want to. If you want to have kind discussions, and you feel up for it, go for it, but don't feel obligated to defend the community.
We all know we care, we all know we're doing a great fucking job at taking care of each other, helping awesome causes, and still having fun while doing it. You don't have to prove to anyone that you are allowed to enjoy your pirate show that means something to you and spend a few bucks to support it.
Don't let people who are struggling with their own trouble take your light. Enjoy things, have fun. You deserve it.
On a lighter note to end on: I have a serious question for all of you.
Who gave this man the right to wear these fucking shorts? Good god.
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monsterbachelors · 4 months
Welcome to Dawncrest!
(as the stories appear, there will be links added so check this post regularly or follow me!)
The air is filled with the smell of car exhaust and petrichor. You cough as the strong fragrances nip at your lungs. If the pollution doesn't kill you, rampant nicotine abuse by the citizens surely will.
Like a strange mockery of clouds, Zeppelins float across the dark sky. Some of them have commercials on their sides, while others remain voiceless - probably another way for the bourgeois to admire the exotic mundane lives below.
The metal flyover shakes dangerously as a high-velocity train shoots through the city. For a moment, the clanging drowns out the chatter around you. A few passers-by seem offended by the unwelcome interruption in their conversation and so they give the train a murderous scowl. When the machine disappears beyond the corner, the chitchat continues without a care.
Dirty water in a puddle splashes as a family of well-fed rats runs across the street. Their brown fur glistens like that of a show champion horse. A child points at the rodents but their parent only rolls their eyes. Some dogs bark and run after the would-be snack. The rats, however, are quicker than pinschers - squeezing through a sewer gate, they disappear into the maze of tunnels below the city.
In the middle of a traffic jam, a goblin leaves his car and behind to yell quite creative invectives at another driver. He almost drops his cigar angrily gesticulating. The reason for his outburst seems to be a kobold, who's too high on illegal snuff to comprehend the present moment. The furious goblin begins to yell even louder until he shoves the other driver. The kobold sways on his weak legs only to fall to the ground and immediately fall into drug-induced slumber. It will be hours before he wakes up. You want to watch the scene unfold when somebody bumps into you. The elegant dwarf quickly apologizes and continues walking while staring at something high in the sky. Curious, you follow his gaze:
Lomelia, arguably the most famous celebrity of the decade, is advertising a grape-flavoured soda. Her sinful beauty stares at the citizens from a large billboard hanging on the front of Amber Food&Drink headquarters tower. The longer you stare at the purple-haired diva, the more you're certain her teary, silver eyes are blinking... Sirens are banned from being in commercials, unfair advantage and all that noise. Lomelia is only half-siren - at least that's what her legal team claims. So if you think that her eyes on a billboard are moving, you're most definitely mistaken and there is not an ounce of siren magic involved.
Dawncrest is a city of dreams - both reveries and nightmares.
You shake yourself awake from those thoughts. Pondering the honey trap that is Dawncrest has left your mind blank. There was something you were supposed to do...
Where in Gods' name were you going?
-> Dawncrest University of Technology and Science, Department of Chemistry
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Despite his rather imposing appearance, there is nothing scary about Professor Minghao. Unless you're confidently incorrect about science, that is. Being one of the nagas, he's faced his fair share of prejudice, which led him to confine himself to musty textbooks, chemical reagents and student papers to grade. And that, in turn, led the naga to become the youngest professor in the history of Dawncrest. He's very knowledgeable in many subjects... Sadly, Minghao tends to believe that no one will see him as a person first and a serpent second. He may be cold-blooded, yes, but his heart is definitely not cold. Fun science facts included!
-> Sabertooth Brewing
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Elegant clothes, blind in one eye and a silver tongue - Yanu is a rakshasa that definitely stays in memory. The low lights of the bar often cascade off his sharp fangs but rarely because of a growl. Mixing complicated drinks, he always finds a moment to listen to the patrons' stories, share one of his own or do an agile trick with a bottle of alcohol. Yes, he is rather skilled with his hands... Sabertooth Brewing is situated in a not-so-good part of Dawncrest but once the local 'warlords' saw Yanu's Medal of Honour hanging on the wall, they began looking out for the rakshasa free of charge. Fancy a drink?
[The three don'ts of Sabertooth Brewing]
-> Sanguis Aurum, house of fashion
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Sanguis Aurum is the key to the hearts of the elites - if they don't wear their clothes, they surely wish to. And there's nothing strange about that as Lysander, the owner of the company, prides himself in creating looks of the highest quality. Like most of his kind, he enjoys decadence and beauty. But even more than that, the vampire loves shameless self-love, the confidence of not being afraid to be seen as you are. "People will always bite you, darling," he said in one interview, "So you might as well bite back." Considering his rather prominent fangs, Lysander might just be the expert on biting. Wanna know what's the next big fashion trend?
-> Safren village, Eastern Monkgate Forest
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A few miles past the borders of Dawncrest, lies a village called Safren. Its population consists of lumberjacks, farmers and hunters, who supply the city. Safren borders the Eastern Monkgate Forest - a place so strange, that even the most seasoned hunters refused to delve into it. If their prey ventures beyond the first moss-covered ruins, they begrudgingly let it go. The game belongs to Arkoth now: a wolf-headed god of hunting. Not much is known about the deity except for the fact that he stalks every soul that steps into his kingdom. Once a year, when the hunting season is about to begin, the villagers of Safren leave a human offering for Arkoth, so that the canine god keeps his servants, wolves and wargs, away from the settlement. Are you brave enough to let yourself be found by the wolf-god?
-> Bullhead Motors
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The bullheaded mechanic is a strange one - there really is something grim about Nagrim. Whether it's his scruffy looks, sombre mood or a glistening look in his eyes, the mechanic always appears melancholic. Followed by the smell of motor oil and sweat, he finds joy in physical work. Usually, clients of the workshop might hear a bit of wise advice from Nagrim while he's fixing their vehicle. He's also happy to share some food for thought when asked, even spontaneously. When he's not returning old cars to their former glory, the taurus can be found in a run-down gym practising his boxing skills. Whether it's an engine, a weak punch or a broken heart, rumour has it that Nagrim can fix anything.
-> House of Magisters
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"Infernal Magister" and "Prince of Hell" are titles to be proud of but Ezrach could do without them. It's not that he doesn't like the power, he's just fed up with the close-mindedness of other diplomats. He'd love to go back to what devils do best - roping desperate creatures into pacts that never end well for them. But he's the smallest of Lucifer's sons and so he's destined to complete whatever jobs his five brothers refuse to do. Although he's of a rather average physique and carries the humiliation of a chipped horn, Ezrach is far from being a failure or an outcast. In fact, thanks to his brilliant mind, he's leading a life of influence and comforts his siblings can not reach. Need someone to moderate your caucus?
-> Dawncrest Police Department
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Dawncrest is not a nice city but Kenndar is not a nice man. Growing up in the gutters, he's learned the ins and outs of the demimonde. Life on the streets has left him with a lot of scars - both physical and mental. Difficult past and the typical drow grumpiness make the detective appear like a tortured character out of a noir movie. Kenndar expects no-nonsense, discipline and obedience, which didn't garner him much sympathy in the force. On the other hand, despite the avid reluctance of his co-workers, everyone respects him a great deal. Kenndar might be a grumpy boss but he sure is outstanding at his job, finding the culprit no matter the cost. Any insidious deeds you would like to confess?
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katalytickate · 8 months
Day 10 was windy and rainy so I switched my Blue Lagoon session to tomorrow and instead went to three indoor locations today. The first of them was Perlan, a nature museum with 3 main exhibits. The first is an amazing planetarium video about the Aurora, second is a video and exhibits about the Volcanos and lava, and the third is an underground, human made ice cave below the complex.
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Well worth visiting. There are other exhibits about the environment of Iceland and the impact of climate change. All very well done. I also found my ice throne.
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The second place I went was the Lava Show. They use basalt, collected from pass volcanic eruptions to educate on how lava works. They re-molten (yes that is a word, because I said so) the basalt and then demonstrate how it behaves. It was fascinating and amazing.
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I strongly recommend this show! The final place I ended up was the Flyover Iceland. It had a 3 part show, which ended in a video of a flyover of iceland in a rig that moved around with the video and blew air and sprayed water on you for effect. It was okay, but if you get motion sickness, I would not recommend it.
Well only 2 days left, boo!
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navrajsector37d · 6 months
Navraj Sector 37D Gurgaon
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Navraj infratech Pvt. Ltd. is an exceptional builder which came into existence in year 2020. Mr. Raj who has worked in the industry since past 15 years and having extensive experience in the land aggregation and liaising and Mr. Naveen who's an experienced market observer and need gap analyst are the directors of Navraj Developer.
Both of them use their expertise with authorities Navraj Developer understand the current market scenario and after analysing the market state and its future growth, they are providing exceptional life spaces for the satisfaction of their customer base which makes their life easy and delightful. Giving their customers a luxurious and privileged feeling is the biggest aim they are having at present. And that too at with such sharp price competitiveness.
Looking at the history of Navraj Developer- earlier launched a luxurious low-rise residential project Navraj The Antalyas in Sector 37d with the connectivity of Dwarka Expressway whose construction is preceding the timeline shows that they are too much dedicated towards their goal of being 'A' grade real estate developer in all over NCR market.
Looking at the fast pace market of they are getting into commercial segment as well to fulfil the need gap. The market has already been price competitive when it comes to offering large living space with 'A' grade amenities and Navraj is doing so very consistently
About Project
After successfully executing their first residential project Navraj The Antalyas in sector 37D now Navraj infra is heading towards launching its new ultra-luxurious residential project in Navraj Sector 37D Gurgaon on Bang on Dwarka Expressway. The location is really premium at which they are providing such large living space with exceptional price comparison.
The total land patch they have is of 25 acres where they are going to launch the residential project in different phases. The first phase acquires land parcel of 9.9 acres in which 5 towers will get constructed with structure of 37 floors. Looking at the sizes of apartments a 3bhk plus utility will be of 2400 square feet and a 4bhk plus utility will be of 3300 square feet in which the ceiling height will be of 12.5 feet.
Further the clubhouse they are going to build will be of 1 lac square and 5 different clubs for different purposes such as Social Club, Wellness Club, Sports Club, Kid's Club, Sky Club with 5-tiered swimming pools including all weather pool. Having a reliable construction partner is going to be huge advantage for Navraj while serving their customer base with superior construction quality and modern architecture with open landscaping.
Providing A grade amenities such as VRV Air conditioning, House Automation, multi-layer security system, Modular kitchen, Fresh air provision in all Apartments and Clubhouse where the residents will enjoy the beauty of nature with 80% green area in the whole project.
About location
These High-Rise residential apartments are located near the major highway, Bang on Dwarka Expressway & Pataudi Road.
Connected to Mahamaya Flyover
15 Mins from Delhi through Dwarka Expressway
10 mins drive to Hero Honda Chowk
5 minutes’ drive from National Highway
2 mins away from the Upcoming world global city
Upcoming cyber city 2 is just 7 mins away from this project
Major industrial employment centre of Manesar is in close proximity.
Well established network of Schools, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Retail Markets and Five Star Hotels.
Indira Gandhi International Airport is located just 22 km away from this Navraj Sector 37D Gurgaon.
In close proximity with southern peripheral road
The Project is in close proximity to Cyber City & Udyog Vihar. These are major industrial hubs.
Navraj 37D Gurgaon Project has all those factors that make a property premium.
These kinds of facilities make the ROI over the property of these Navraj Sector 37D High Rise Apartments Gurgaon the best of all.
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brytnoter · 1 year
I finally FINALLY had a dream about Starscreammmmmmmm
Was at some kind of military based academy and for a break we got to watch a flyover air show thing in a field.
Then everyone realised they were transformers and not piloted by humans.
Some bigotry started up in the crowd because apparently this was happening in the earthspark universe and we still did not have good earth-cybertron relations.
And even worse, someone or something far off on the horizon decided to shoot a missile at one of the guys flying, who fell and crashed out of sight in the next field.
Two friends and I, annoyed by the bigotry, decided to leave and go look for the crashed guy to see if they were okay.
We cut through a wire fence and climbed some buildings parkour style until we were found by our teacher.Serious punishments for breaking protocol and going off on our own.
We got put into the "buddy system" which was a thing where if you're doing badly in one area they put you with someone who is doing well in that area, so they can coash you, and team work stuff, blah blah.
The two friends had a record already but I was apparently a perfect student, and when I was asked why a perfect student would go and break rules out of nowhere, I said something about "transformers are people and the dude could have been hurt, I went to see if I could help for his sake but also as an F-You to everyone in the crowd who hates robots."
Then they ushered me to a hangar and told me my buddy in the buddy system would be A BOT and that they finally got ahold of someone who could maybe influence the one bad apple they couldn't control.
And in comes freaking STARSCREAM.
Dream logic told me that the only thing I knew about him was his name, and a bit of a reputation.
For some reason there were loads of other people at the hangar, just listening in and giggling to themselves about what was happening. Which pissed him off even more.
I was trying to just start a conversation, asking him stuff but he was answering with one-word answers and even if he wanted to change, circumstances and everyone's treatment of robots meant that he couldn't even open up.
At one point he silently handed me a stapled wad of paper that had been crumpled up in anger and straightened out again ... and it was several pages of everything he's done that's wrong, longer than any report i'd ever seen.
He was expecting me to read it so he wouldn't have to say the things out loud in front of the giggling people and humiliate himself even further. But I only saw a text wall and I just put it down and I said "I'm not reading 20 pages of someone else's opinion. What do YOU want to talk about?"
And he got so freaking happy at that omggggg friends for life!!!! the one remaining human ally!!! redemption arc possible because one person gave a damn!!!!
Just wanted to share.
I woke up at like 5 and tried so hard to keep thinking about it so I'd go back to sleep and see him againnnnnn but I didn't.
Welp, a gift is a gift. Dream Lord Morpheous, If you're out there, thanks a fuckton.
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Except for You
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Previous Chapter
Summary: Phoenix tries to not rely on others, until Bob shows her that she doesn’t have to carry her burdens alone. (Chapter 2/5)
Setting: takes place during the events of TG:M
Warnings: mentions of death, grief, language, strained family relationships, very mild Hannix at the end
Author's Note: part 2 of my Phoenix x Bob series! Please read part 1 first (linked at the top of the post). I included a little Hannix moment at the end because I couldn't help myself :)
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Phoenix woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to get back into the sky. She rolled over in the hospital bed and noticed a vase of fresh sunflowers on the table beside her. She picked up the note beside it and instantly recognized Halo’s perfect handwriting.
Sorry we missed visiting hours! See you soon!
It was signed by all of the remaining pilots that weren’t in the hospital, including Rooster. Phoenix's spirits were lifted with the thought of seeing her best friend today, even if he hadn’t shown up to see her yesterday. She quickly got dressed and made her way over to Bob’s room. He was already dressed, checking his phone with one hand, sunflowers clutched in the other. He looked up at the sound of her entrance.
“Good morning, Phoenix. Did you sleep alright?”
Phoenix nodded. Surprisingly, she had slept well after clearing the air with Bob. “I’m just ready to get back up there. That’s what will really put this all behind me.”
Bob opened his mouth but hesitated before any words could come out. Phoenix furrowed her brow with suspicion.
“Phoenix, we’re not flying today. No one is.”
“What? But the doctors cleared both of us. Bob, what’s going on?”
Bob’s face was sorrowful. “Admiral Kazansky died last night. His memorial service is today.”
For the second time in twenty four hours, Phoenix was truly at a loss for words.
Rooster. Oh god.
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It was a sea of dark uniforms under a clear blue sky. Phoenix made her way to find Rooster immediately. When she found him, she gently tapped him on the shoulder with a soft “Hey.”
Rooster spun around. He looked incredibly handsome in his service dress blues. Phoenix thought back to when she first met Rooster and had developed a crush on him. That was short lived when she realized that he flew with a chip on his shoulder and had shown no interest in shaking it off. Phoenix could be his best friend and his wingwoman, but she couldn’t be the girl that fixed him. He had to figure that out on his own.
“Phoenix,” he said quietly in a hoarse voice. Rooster said nothing for a moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t come visit you in the hospital. I should have-“
“Don’t be. That’s not what matters right now,” she said, interrupting him in a soft voice. “I’m so sorry about Iceman, Roo. I know he was family to you.”
Rooster opened his mouth to say more, but conversations began to dissipate as the service was about to begin.
“Will you…?” He began and trailed off.
Phoenix nodded, “I’ll be close by.”
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Phoenix stood by Rooster’s side throughout the service. It was the largest turnout she had ever seen for a fallen servicemen. A lump formed in her throat when Maverick hammered his wings into the mahogany wood. After the missing man formation flyover, the attendees slowly dispersed while some stayed to mingle.
“Wanna get out of here?” Phoenix asked Rooster.
“You bet.”
The duo began walking towards the parking lot when a deep voice said, “Hey, kiddo.”
Phoenix and Rooster turned around to face a very tall admiral.
“Admiral Kerner,” Phoenix said.
“Slider.” Rooster looked like a teenager who had just been caught trying to sneak out past curfew.
“Lieutenant,” the admiral said, nodding and acknowledging Phoenix before turning his attention back towards Rooster. “Let’s go get something to eat, Bradley.”
“No thanks, I’m not hungry.”
The two men stared at each other. Phoenix could imagine the conversation they were mentally having.
I’m not asking.
I’m not a kid anymore. You can’t tell me what to do.
Don’t make me play the “my pilot and best friend just died card.”
Fuck you.
Fuck you, too. Now let’s go eat, I’m starving.
Rooster sighed, “Fine. Let’s go. I’ll catch up with you later, Phoenix, okay?”
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Phoenix waited for Rooster in one of the lounges of the hotel they’d been set up in. When Rooster walked in a few hours later, his shoulders sagged and he looked exhausted.
“Hey. How was it?” Phoenix asked, patting the spot beside her on the couch.
Rooster flopped down next to her and shrugged. “Slider wants me to talk things out with Mav before the mission. Same old same old. Look can we just…not talk about Mav? This day has already been…a lot.”
Rooster leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees before massaging his temples.
Phoenix didn’t know what to say, words of comfort weren’t really her strong suit. Her best friend needed her, and she didn’t have the right words. What would Bob do? Phoenix thought of the other night when she and Bob sat in a shared silence. He hadn’t said much, but his presence alone was enough for Phoenix to know that he was there for her.
What Phoenix did next was something pretty uncharacteristic of her. She wrapped her arm around Rooster and pulled him close so that he was now practically leaning into her lap instead of his own. She felt his body tense for just a moment, before letting himself relax against her. Silent tears streamed down his face.
“It’s okay, Roo,” she whispered while rubbing his back. She remembered Bob's words from the night before.
“I’ll be here as long as you need me.”
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They stayed in that position for a good 40 minutes until Rooster felt himself nodding off and excused himself to go rest. Once Phoenix was alone she began to pace back and forth in the room. From the emergency ejection yesterday, the dream that followed, the simultaneous relief and pressure she felt from knowing how much trust Bob had in her, the funeral this morning, the upcoming mission, it was all just too much to think about. Phoenix wasn’t a big thinker, she was a doer. She just wanted to drown it all out.
A gentle knock on the door interrupted her pacing. Bob poked his head in the door. “Everything okay, Phoenix?”
Everything is fine, she wanted to say. But she wouldn’t lie to her WSO. “Just got a lot of my mind.”
“Can I come in? I have a chess set if you want to play.”
“Sure, Bob.” Phoenix didn’t actually play chess, but she knew how the pieces moved. That would probably be enough knowledge.
As they set up the board Phoenix expected Bob to pry more answers out of her, that’s what most people would do. But Bob was silent, which somehow made her want to open up to him willingly.
Phoenix looked up and saw that Bob's brow was furrowed in deep concentration. She had a feeling it didn't have anything to do with the chess game.
"Something on your mind?" she asked. Bob moved his pawn forward. Phoenix followed suit.
"I'm wondering if my mom could tell I was withholding information from her over the phone."
"Are you talking about the plane crash?"
Bob nodded. "Some things should be left out of the monthly family call, you know? Did you tell your folks?"
She shook her head. The truth was that Phoenix barely talked to her family. And when she did, she kept her responses as short and simple as possible. The less heard about her job, the better. She moved her knight two forward, and one to the side. She had no idea what she was doing, but that's how the knight moves.
"Rooster lost a third parental figure today. And I can't even pick up the phone to talk to my two very alive and well parents."
Bob captured another one of her pawns. "Are you not close to them?"
"They never wanted me to join the Navy."
Bob nodded, "I see."
"They've supported me through every step of my life. But I could see it in their eyes. The fear and the worrying every time I mentioned flying or the deployments. So I stopped telling them. It's better this way."
Bob fiddled with a chess piece before making his move. "You know, I used to be the same way. Thought that if I shut them out, I was saving them from the pain of worrying about me. But then my grandfather had a bad fall. And when I showed up at his bedside he said to me, 'Is this what has to happen for you to show me that you still care?'"
Bob paused to ponder his next move. That was when he remembered it was Phoenix's turn. The game had gone forgotten in her mind. She was staring at him with intense eyes.
Bob cleared his throat. "Look, I won't ever try to get up into your personal life or tell you what to do when we're not in the skies. But I will say this. Life is too short to not let people know that you care about them."
"I know. You're right," Phoenix said in a voice barely above a whisper. She averted his gaze and stared at her lap. "I'm not good at letting people in. Well...except for you."
"Was I worth it?" Bob said jokingly with a teasing smile.
Phoenix smiled for the first time that day. "Yeah, you sure are. It's going to be us up there on the mission, you know? I'm sure of it."
"And when we get back, I can teach you how to play chess properly."
Phoenix laughed. "When did you figure it out?"
"Almost immediately. You've played several illegal moves."
"Bob! Why didn't you tell me?"
Bob smiled and shrugged. "Guess I wanted to keep talking to you."
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Phoenix held her breath as the phone rang. She replayed Bob's words in her head: You can do this.
Someone picked up on the other side. A beat of silence followed by a shaky deep breath. Phoenix felt the tears well up in her eyes.
Phoenix choked back a sob. "Hi, Mom."
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They talked for an hour. Her mom gave her updates on her nieces and nephews and brought up some ideas for new Christmas traditions. Her dad told her about a pie recipe he was trying to perfect and about a new show he'd just discovered. She didn't tell them about the bird strike or the upcoming mission. Instead, she told them about Maverick and her new WSO, Bob. She promised she would call more often. This time she meant it.
Phoenix wiped a mixture of sad and happy tears from her eyes as she made her way down the hallway of the hotel. She stopped in front of a door and knocked.
"Phoenix? You know if you wanted to sleep with me-"
"Shut up, Bagman." Phoenix walked through the door and shoved past Hangman. She plopped down on the bed and made herself comfortable.
Hangman gave her an inquisitive look. "Have you been crying?"
"I just got off the phone with my parents."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, they're fine."
"Then why'd you call them?"
Phoenix gave him a how'd you know? look. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to her. "We're more alike than you think, you know."
"It was Bob's idea actually."
"Wow, you must really like him."
She shot him a glare, "Don't start."
He held his hands up in defense. "No, I mean it. Takes a certain kind of person to get through that shell of yours."
At any other moment in time she would have had something smart to say back to him. But she was tired and emotional, so she stuck her tongue out at him instead.
He chuckled and leaned back on the pillows. "That still doesn't answer the question of why you're here in my bed."
"You owe me, remember?" she mumbled sleepily.
"Yeah, I remember. But you have to tell me what's going on. That's part of the deal we made."
Phoenix scrunched her eyebrows at him. "We didn't make a contract."
Hangman poked her in her side. "I'm not letting you sleep until you tell me."
"Fine," Phoenix huffed. "Bob said that life is too short to not let people know that you care about them. If I don't make it back from the mission-"
"You will."
"If by some chance I don't. I don't want to die with you thinking that I hate you."
Phoenix had never seen such a thoughtful look on Hangman's face before.
"Thanks," he said softly. "I don't hate you either. Any of you."
"I know, Bagman. Let's get some sleep."
Hangman turned off the lights and pulled the covers up over both of them.
"So this is what happens when you let people in, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess so," Phoenix mumbled.
"Sounds pretty gross."
Phoenix laughed. "Goodnight, Hangman."
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boeingboingboing · 2 years
Got any headcanons about fighter jets?
Oh sure, I've got a few!
• Jets have excellent eyesight and hearing capabilities but their sense of smell, say isn't the best.
• Fighter jets are mostly portrayed as 'hotshots' by most cars and land vehicles when in reality, they really are a bunch of sweet and nice dudes. (Like look how well the whole J.W squadron welcomed Dusty on aboard)
• Fighter jets aren't always that hyper-type cars think they are. Jets love to spend their breaks resting, hanging out with their friends over at their houses or somewhere calming, taking stress off their minds about work.. you get the point.
• They don't need much sleep to be up and running perfectly. All they need is to take in a little fuel and they'll be up and doing their duties.
• Modern day fighter jets/fighters just love meeting up with older aircrafts and asking them to tell war stories. They absolutely love hearing them.
• I love to think that fighter jets love breaking the sound barrier and going supersonic at anytime just for fun. They're just tryna have fun with their capabilities.
• the air force fighters love making jokes about a navy fighter's landing whenever they get a chance to see one land at their base. (Imagine an air force jet saying "haha yet another Ryanair landing" to a navy jet)
• Fighter jets just happen to be very social. I feel like most of them are so used to being around a number of people, beat it being in the air force or navy, you do not get as much privacy as smaller vehicles or those not in the armed forces.
• Oh wait I have this headcanon that fighter jets have sharp teeth.
• Fighter jets love getting a chance to perform in air shows or are called just for a flyover. If they get a chance, they would go over the moon! I love to think that every airbase allows its fighters to do some cool trick or fly over the base with their teammates on their birthdays and such.
Ahh i think this is it?? Or atleast how much my brain can remember.
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defensenow · 3 days
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wherewhereare · 1 year
The helicopter didn’t land at Sherman Monday after dropping Gwen at the ranch, it just flew over the airport on the way back it’s Fort Worth hanger. I can see your confusion with that app you were using, but the one I use shows very clearly that it never got to ground level. It was just a fly over Sherman airport. Pilots love to do that type of flyover over places and things, just checking things out, it’s their air fun. Who knows, maybe Sherman got a new runway paved that the helicopter pilot was checking out from the air.
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looking at the preparations for the paris air show on social media and tbh i was kind of disappointed about my airshow experience because of how much emphasis were put on blatant american nationalism but then again i should’ve expected it. however i was hoping for like. boeing 777X flyovers. not RAAAAAHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸AMERICAAAAAAA🫡🫡🫡🫡the heart of america is the family and family values🦅🦅RAAAAHHHHHHFUCKTHEMETRICSYSTEM
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inkandguns · 1 year
About to get an F-15 flyover near the farm. Air show is back in town today. Roommate is an aviation dude so he’s down there volunteering.
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Two Rallies, Two Brazils, and a Still Uncertain Election 
After attending rallies for both Lula and Bolsonaro, AQ’s editor-in-chief reports on a polarized and slightly murky race.
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The rallies were separated by 24 hours, 30 miles—and an apparent enthusiasm gap between the two crowds. Last week in Brazil, I attended campaign events for both President Jair Bolsonaro and the leader in polls, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and also met a variety of figures in politics, business and the military. The takeaway: This election remains unpredictable in many ways, and may already be closer than some polls suggest.
The Bolsonaro event, held on September 7 on Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach, was the more closely watched of the two rallies, given concerns the president would use the 200th anniversary celebrations of Brazil’s independence to stage a new attack on its democratic institutions. In the end, there was no coup, but there was plenty of spectacle: The Air Force’s “Smoke Squadron” conducted dramatic low-altitude flyovers, trailing the blue, yellow and green colors of the Brazilian flag, paratroopers parachuted onto the sand, and the historic Copacabana Fort fired a cannon shot every hour, thrilling the crowd. Military officials insisted in public and in private that none of this was meant as a partisan show of support for Bolsonaro. But the public clearly believed otherwise—and that may be significant in weeks ahead. “It’s so cool!” gushed Milton Garcia, a 38-year old who brought his kids to the rally, dressed in matching “God, Country, Family” campaign T-shirts. “The Armed Forces are on the side of good.”
I have written elsewhere that I believe Bolsonaro will do everything in his power to avoid giving the presidency to Lula, including forcing an institutional crisis should he lose the vote in October. What most struck me at the rally, as I spent five hours talking to Bolsonaro supporters, was their nearly unanimous belief that “the coup already began,” and it’s the other side that is acting undemocratically. In their view, Bolsonaro is the victim of a conspiracy by Brazil’s “leftist” institutions, particularly the Supreme Court. “We’re not on the side of Venezuela, or on the side of Nicaragua,” Bolsonaro told the crowd. “It’s the other side … that doesn’t respect the Constitution.” The obvious potential next step in this narrative: If the left has already sabotaged democracy, then whatever Bolsonaro does following the election will be justified, including refusing to recognize the result. 
Continue reading.
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