#Aerial maneuvers
defensenow · 1 month
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5ummit · 2 years
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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”Sneak Pass”
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hasbeenandroid · 2 years
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YOU. YOU PEOPLE GET IT. and on the earlier reblog YOURE RIGHT but i tend to think of it as the other way around!!!!!!! i think v2 skews more toward a field model realistically. like more refined more densely built more equipped for actual hazardous environments etc etc.. theres a fic (but tonight they are alive by dcb_z) which briefly touches on the idea of v1 being a scrapped prototype for v2, the successful manifestation of a robot that is both like.. efficient and sturdy. whereas v1 never quite left the lab due to being the more unfinished and unstable of the two. idk transgender robots infinity
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kurokoros · 9 months
i wanna talk about my big bnha reimagining so bad asdfghjkl
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asaxophony · 5 months
Oh mhw insect glaive meta my beloathed
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antimnemonic · 2 years
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talking about them like they’re gundams lmao
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Phee: You must be Crosshair. Tech told me all about you. Also, because of Tech, I’m your friend.
Also Phee: *Does insane aerial stealth tricks* *Does risky maneuvers to help the Batch* *Isn’t afraid to do shady stuff to help the Batch*
Crosshair: Tech, if you can hear me, I wish you never pulled Plan 99. Phee would be a lovely sister-in-law.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 4 months
Blue Skies and Green Eyes (Jake Seresin x Reader)
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A/N: so I decided to just write an air show meet cute for Jake, Bradley and Bob because, even with a poll, how could I ever choose? So, here's the first of three, I guess? 😅
pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
content/warnings: pure fluff, air show inaccuracies because the last time I went to one I was 9, and it was in a cornfield, reader has a named niece and nephew, no physical description of reader given other than an allusion to them being tall.
word count: 2.1k
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On the sun-soaked beach, your niece and nephew climbed over one another eagerly on the blanket you had carefully arranged, vying for the best spot to witness the spectacle unfolding overhead. The air show, a cherished tradition passed down from your father to you and your brother, had become an annual pilgrimage for your family. Determined to keep the legacy alive, you eagerly took charge of the tradition when your brother couldn't make it to your nephew's first air show.
For the past seven years, this had been your unique tradition with them. As the jets roared to life in the sky, the kids engaged in a lively dispute, each competing for an unobstructed view of the aerial acrobatics. Your brow furrowed as their bickering escalated, prompting an eye roll from you. Seizing the opportunity to diffuse the tension, you chuckled and settled between them, effectively creating a barrier that halted their squabble.
“Hey!” They both protested, shaking their heads in dismay.
“If it's the only way to prevent a full-blown war between you two, then I'm planting myself right here,” you declared with a playful smirk.
Mia, your spirited niece, responded with a pout and crossed arms, while Aiden, her older brother, countered by sticking his tongue out at her, a mischievous grin adorning his face as he comfortably claimed his spot beside you.
“Aiden,” you warned, catching his silent final shot at his sister out of the corner of your eye.
A warm smile adorned your face as you, along with the children, gazed skyward, captivated by the mesmerizing display of aircraft maneuvering through a series of intricate twists, turns, and loops. Aiden erupted in cheers and enthusiastic whistles, his excitement bubbling over as a FA-18 Super Hornet executed a flawless barrel roll high above. Engrossed in the spectacle, he fervently waved at the aircraft above him, a hopeful gesture that the pilot might catch a glimpse and reciprocate in some way. Beside him, Mia eagerly pointed upward, her eyes widening in sheer wonder as the plane effortlessly navigated a knife-edge flight, leaving her with an awestruck expression that mirrored the spectacle unfolding before her.
As the airshow continued, the sky became a canvas for more daring aerobatics. Another set of aircraft roared onto the scene, executing synchronized maneuvers that left trails of smoke swirling against the azure backdrop. Aiden and Mia's attention darted from one spectacle to another, their faces alive with awe and exhilaration. You couldn't help but share in their enthusiasm, reveling in the joy of witnessing these aerial feats with the same awestruck gaze you had as a child yourself, completely fascinated by the skill executed in every move. 
Suddenly, a squadron of jets soared in tight formation, their wings almost touching as they painted the sky with precision. The deafening roar of engines filled the air as the pilots skillfully executed a breathtaking sequence of loops and rolls, creating a symphony of motion that left the onlookers breathless. 
Aiden, his eyes glued to the spectacle, whispered in amazement, "I want to be a pilot one day, just like them!" 
Mia, equally captivated, nodded in agreement, her imagination ignited by the incredible display unfolding above. 
“Do you think we could meet them?!” Aiden asked excitedly as he turned his attention to you.
“I don’t know, honey, they’re probably really busy,” you explained with a nod of your head, knowing that the chances were unlikely to be in your favour.
“Can we try?! Please?” 
You looked at Aiden’s pleading face, and then to his sister, who had decided to match his facial expressions, their innocent faces making nearly impossible for you to say no to. 
“Fine, we can try. But I’m not making any promises, guys. You know, they’re really busy, and they’re actual military pilots, they’ve got lots of stuff to do.”
The children both cheered the moment you agreed to their request, and you could tell that the last portion of your reply was falling on deaf ears. You huffed a mock dramatic sigh as you squeezed both of them into a tight hug, laughing softly. 
After the airshow had concluded, all Mia and Aiden could talk about was how you were taking them to try and meet some of the pilots. You felt an anxious knot in the pit of your stomach, nervous that you’d be unable to fulfill their wish. Holding both of the children’s hands, you approached the airfield fence where the pilots could be seen chatting after the show, their planes merely feet away from where you stood. A group of pilots who appeared to be in their early to late 30s stood together, laughing cordially as they spoke. One of the pilots, a tall blonde with an air of pure, unbridled confidence to his stance took notice of you as you stood with Mia and Aiden. He waved his hand to say hello, and Aiden practically squealed in excitement, jumping up and down on the spot.
The blonde pilot raised his hand to his colleagues, appearing to excuse himself for a moment. Suddenly, you noticed Aiden’s attention turn to the side. You and Mia followed his gaze, noticing that the blonde pilot was now on your side of the fence that separated the three of you from the military aircraft in the field. 
“Hi, did y’all enjoy the airshow?” The aviator asked, flashing a charming smile at you as he lifted his sunglasses to rest on top of his perfectly coiffed hair.
Aiden nodded his head in a stunned silence, starstruck by the man standing before him. The allure of the charismatic Navy pilot was undeniable. His tall, athletic frame exuded confidence, and his sun-kissed skin bore witness to countless hours spent in the cockpit under the Californian sun. Those stunning pale green eyes seemed to hold the vastness of the sky, hinting at the adventures he'd encountered soaring through the clouds. Jake's charming smile had a magnetic quality, drawing you in with its warmth and openness. The subtle southern drawl in his voice added an extra layer of appeal, creating a melody that resonated with the thrill of the airshow and the laid-back atmosphere of the beach.
“We did,” you said after a moment’s hesitation, trying to not appear like a lovestruck teenager as your eyes briefly met with his.
The pilot knelt down to Aiden and Mia’s level, smiling at them both with the same charming grin he gave you a moment ago.
“Do you kids like planes?” 
“I do!” Aiden and Mia both responded in unison. 
“That’s awesome to hear! My name is Jake, I fly planes for the US Navy, see that one there?” He beamed proudly as he gestured towards one of the grey aircraft parked in the distance, “That’s my plane. All of our planes have our names on them so we know who’s is who’s, and our callsigns, so we can just use one word to talk to each other on the radio.”
“What’s your callsign?” Aiden asked, tilting his head as he looked at Jake.
“Hangman. Like the game, where you have to guess letters to find out what the secret word is, do you know that one?”
Aiden nodded his head and grinned. You couldn’t help but admire how patient and friendly Jake was towards Aiden and Mia, taking care to answer their eager questions with thorough answers and explanations, leaving nothing unanswered.  As he spoke passionately about his experiences as a Top Gun graduate stationed at Miramar, you couldn't help but be captivated by the combination of his professionalism, adventurous spirit, and undeniable charm.
“Do you have a rank?” Aiden quizzed, tilting his head.
“Of course! Lieutenant Jake Seresin, US Navy,” Jake grinned, “And what’s your name, little guy?”
“I’m Aiden, and this is my sister, Mia,” Aiden explained, before introducing you as somewhat of an afterthought due to his excitement.
Jake looked up at you, a genuine smile forming on his lips. His green eyes stayed on you, and you could feel a sense of curiosity in his gaze. He turned his attention back to your niece and nephew, his hand resting on his knee as he looked at them both.
“Nice to meet y’all! Maybe, if your aunt says it’s ok, you guys could come back here one weekend, and I could give y’all a tour of the planes, let you meet some other pilots? Sound fun?”
Jake's offer had your niece and nephew practically buzzing with excitement. Their pleading eyes and enthusiastic pleas tugged at your heartstrings, mirroring the eagerness that now danced in your own eyes. You exchanged a glance with Jake, whose genuine smile hinted at an underlying warmth. 
"Well, Lieutenant Seresin," you responded with a playful grin, "it seems like you've just won yourself two eager co-pilots for that future tour of yours."
The prospect of spending more time with Jake and experiencing the world of naval aviation up close had ignited a spark of anticipation within you. As he continued to chat with Aiden and Mia, effortlessly captivating them with tales of high-flying adventures, you couldn't help but appreciate the sincerity in his demeanor. The beach, once a stage for the breathtaking airshow, now held the promise of more extraordinary moments to come. 
With a subtle twinkle in his pale green eyes, he stood up and straightened his posture to his full height, easily taller than you by more than a few inches. He turned his attention back to you, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. 
"You know," he began, his pale green eyes locking onto yours, "meeting someone as captivating as you wasn't part of the airshow program today. Consider me pleasantly surprised."
A warm flush crept across your cheeks as you chuckled at his smooth remark. Jake continued, his voice carrying the lilt of his unmistakable southern drawl, "I was thinking, maybe when I'm not up in the skies, we could grab a coffee or a drink. Talk about something other than planes and maneuvers, you know?"
The subtle invitation hung in the air, and you found yourself nodding, unable to suppress a growing smile. 
"I'd like that," you replied, your eyes meeting his with a shared sense of anticipation.
“How about you share your number with me? That way, we can figure out when to meet up again. And it saves you from having to try and track me down on a Naval base."
Feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, you retrieved your phone, fingers tapping out the digits as you exchanged contact information. Jake reciprocated, a grin playing on his lips as he entered your number into his phone. The exchange felt like a subtle promise, a digital tether that connected two individuals eager to navigate beyond the boundaries of the beach encounter.
With phones back in pockets, there was a shared acknowledgment that this exchange wasn't just about convenience but a mutual interest in seeing where this connection could lead. As the warm sunlight cascaded down over you, your niece and nephew’s muffled giggles and whispers in the air, and the promise of future messages and potential meetings lingering, it left you both with a sense of excitement for what lay ahead.
"Well, it looks like it's time for me and these two little aviators to head out," you remarked with a playful glint in your eyes. 
The prospect of saying goodbye brought a hint of reluctance to the moment. With a gentle nudge, you encouraged Mia and Aiden to express their gratitude. 
"Come on, you two," you said with a smile, "let's thank Lieutenant Seresin for the amazing day." The kids, still brimming with excitement, turned to Jake, expressions eager.
With genuine appreciation in their voices, Mia and Aiden chorused their thanks.
 "Thank you, Lieutenant Seresin!"
Jake chuckled warmly, crouching down to their eye level. "Y’all can just call me Jake, you know. No need for all the formality, I’m only Lieutenant Seresin if my CO is around." He winked at them, his easygoing nature resonating with their youthful enthusiasm.
As the kids bid their farewells, Jake turned to you, his gaze holding a hint of something more. "Until next time, I suppose," he said, his tone carrying a mix of sincerity and anticipation.
You smiled, reciprocating the sentiment. "Absolutely. Until next time, Jake." 
With a final exchange of glances and well wishes, you, Mia, and Aiden left the beach, the echoes of the airshow and the promising connection with Jake lingering in the warm California breeze. Armed with plans to coordinate with the kids' parents for a tour with Jake, and plans to schedule a date with him, you hoped this encounter marked the beginning of a connection that extended beyond the sandy shores of Coronado Beach.
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azsazz · 5 months
Little Sneak
Daddy!Azriel x Mommy!Reader [Zuzu Centric]
Summary: Anon Req: What about a part 2 to Sticking Together where all the children are older and Zuzu is upset about not being able to go to the camps like her brothers and cousins. Maybe she ends up sneaking off and gets hurt or something. Some lovely angst would be appreciated. Only if you want to of course, pls and thank you.
Warnings: Angst, suggestions of a child going to be harmed (child is not actually harmed)
Word Count: 2,357
“Why must all my children defy me?” Azriel questions, pacing the length of the room. You’re almost dizzy with it, how long his strides are and how short the path he’s making is. He’s nearly turning in circles now, wings flared with agitation, growing larger and larger the more he works himself up. When he nearly knocks a lamp burning low with a single faelight over, you slip from the bed.
You halt your mate with a soft hand to his shoulder. His wings tuck in tight, not because you’re going to touch them, because his body automatically moves to give you room. You take it, curling yourself against his chest, hands snaking around his waist and thumbing soothing patterns across the dip of his back.
You can feel his muscles contract as he shifts his wings to cocoon the both of you. Darkness shrouds you, but the light casts red through the membranous skin.
It’s a safe place for the both of you, tucked away from the rest of the world without actually removing yourselves from situations where you’re needed. You and Azriel had found yourselves in this position many times—when you first found out you were pregnant with Wren and Azriel was worried you’d have trouble delivering a babe with wings, when Baz nearly burned his hand on an unattended fire. When you had found out that Knox wasn’t going to be able to speak, and when your eldest sons wanted to be allowed to train in the Illyrian camps.
It’s funny that you find yourself here for the exact same reason. Your daughter, Zuzu, Mother bless her, yearns to join her brothers. Both Wren and Baz have completed a year, along with Nyx and Gideon. The four have formed a group just as their fathers had, not taking anyone’s shit no matter how much larger in size they may be. With the High Lord on their side, the young boys got away with much more than they should, though Rhysand does his best not to stick his nose into matters that should be left to camp leaders.
They’ve found their places as young warriors, and though they often get into trouble, you and Azriel are able to spend more time in Velaris, working on a schedule with both Cassian and Rhys, so that one of them is always staying in the family cabins when the boys are in training.
The beat of Azriel’s steady heart is strong, comforting, even though you know he feels as helpless as you do. Each and every one of your children are as stubborn as their father, even the more stoic of the six, like Jax and the twins. Malos could hold a grudge for ages, even against her own siblings. And poor Azriel refuses to admit that it’s a trait he’s bestowed upon the shadowsinger clan. 
You squeeze your mate tighter, breathing in his comforting scent. Night-chilled mist from the long fly he’d had to take when Zuzu had told him the news. He hadn’t wanted to hear any part of it; his firstborn daughter wanted to train with males in the camps that will do nothing to look after her well-being. They won’t care if she’s beaten into the snow until she’s unable to move, if she can train as hard as the males, if she can do aerial maneuvers better than them. All they’ll see is a little girl who should be put in her place by the only means they know how.
The females won’t take kindly to her either. They’ll likely be jealous of the girl who’s wings are in perfect shape, who has the ability to fly and train and doesn’t have to spend back-breaking hours washing or cooking. No one but her brothers and cousins will be nice to her.
But she’s determined and headstrong. She’d confided in you first, and while you’d tried to talk her into joining Valkyrie training, she insisted that if there were young girls here willing to fight and join such a cause, why wouldn’t they extend the opportunity to those in the mountains? Your heart aches for your little girl, who wants to see the best in people, give them the chances they’ve long since needed. If she can encourage a single girl in the camps to join them as warriors, she will be proud.
“She means well,” you sigh against Azriel’s chest, hugging him tighter. 
“Does she have to mean this well?” he asks, exasperation lining the frown on his face. He rubs your back in a soothing motion, and you know it’s helping him as much as it helps you. His chin rests on top of your head and a moment of silence stretches on as his shadows crawl from the walls, whispering in his ears, reporting back to him on how all of his children are under one roof, sleeping peacefully in their beds. “In a few years, Asteria will want to follow, and I think Rhys will actually kill me.”
“I won’t let him,” you grumble stubbornly, but it doesn’t carve a smile on Azriel’s face like it normally would. “And neither will Zuz.”
All your mate can do is sigh and hold you closer. “I hate that they’re growing up.”
“Me too,” you answer sadly, rocking in place with Az. He caresses the nape of your neck, tilting your face to meet his sad, hazel gaze. “Why didn’t anyone prepare us for the part where our children start growing up?”
Azriel shakes his head, dipping down to kiss you softly, tenderly. You are always his rock in the storms of his life. Always will be.
“I don’t know,” he pecks you on the mouth again, and there’s a glint in his eyes that has your body growing warm. “I do know that we can have another. Then we’ll have a little babe. It will make me feel like I’m not so old, that our youngest aren’t five-years-old.” He says it with a grimace. 
The time is flying by, watching your children grow. Wren is a teenager now. A teenager, Mother help you all. And Baz is only growing rowdier with age. Zuzu wants to join her brothers and cousins in the camps, and Jax is still the stoic little boy you’ve ever seen, focused on working through his powers daily. He still struggles sometimes, needs to cuddle up with his father or you for a moment's peace, and he hasn’t shown any interest in being a warrior like his elder siblings, though if Azriel allows Zuzu to join, you’re sure he won’t be far along after. The twins are as inseparable as ever, stirring up mischief with their pesky little shadows. It’s nice to have them all still so close, but you know it won’t be that way soon.
“Can you imagine another one?” You ask, amused at the thought. More chaos, and you’re not entirely sure how your six children would react. You already have so many, what would they think? 
“Yes,” Azriel answers, tone heated. He presses his hips more firmly against your own and you can feel the hardness of his cock in his pants. It makes your thighs go molten, especially when he’s looking at you like that. Like he’s going to both devour and worship you all night long. “Let’s put this conversation on hold.” 
You can’t disagree with that. 
His shadows wake him up. 
Azriel has gotten used to their presence, but his body is accustomed to them, awakening at the slightest sort of unease from them. Like right now.
He bolts from the bed, awakening you in the process. He almost feels bad at the hammering of your heart he can feel echoing in his chest, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s been alerted that one of his children is currently missing from his home, and she hasn’t been located in the darkness of the camp yet.
“What’s going on?” You’re alert now. There’s something seriously wrong, by the look on Azriel’s face. The way that it’s set in stone yet his brows are furrowed with worry. Not the kind of worry where something is amiss in Velaris, but it looks like he had when Knox had been taken from you, the horror riddling his hazel gaze makes your stomach plummet.
“Zuzu isn’t in her bed,” Azriel answers, and he’s already dressed and heading out into the cold. You don’t expect him to wait for you, the both of you have a way of attacking these things as a team now, and you’re safer here with the rest of the children, anyway, and he curses himself once again for allowing his children to train at the Illyrian camps.
He doesn’t know how she’s managed to evade his shadows this time. His children are sneaky, quickly learning and testing how to keep from his radar, but Azriel is 500 years old and prides himself on his alertness.
Up until now.
He doesn’t even know where to begin. His mind is a mess with ‘what if’s’ and he can’t allow himself to begin pulling at that thread or he might very well decimate this entire camp. 
He very well might, anyway.
Azriel’s already reaching out to Rhysand, waking him from his deep slumber and alerting the Inner Circle. He knows the High Lord will be here within minutes on a plume of black that no one wants to see. Zuzu has been Rhysand’s favorite from the moment she decided to toddle behind him into the longest meeting he’s ever had the displeasure of attending. But Zuzu had made it bearable, sitting in his lap and cuddling up in his arms like he wasn’t discussing convicts in the Prison nor how his armies might be able to help Springs.
A soft yelp is carried on a wisp of darkness from his shadows, his head whipping to where they’re alerting him. It’s Zuzu, and she’s whimpering a little as sharp nails dig into her coat, despite the thick jacket she’s pulled haphazardly around her shoulders. Her boots are untied, and the powdery snow is downtrodden with her footprints.
Azriel moves as quick as the night. He’s known for being undetectable, a whisper of a chilled breeze chasing through the trees. Tonight, though, he doesn’t mask the crunch of his boots in the snow, doesn’t smother the bright blue beaming from the seven stones adorning his armor. His knives are unsheathed at his side, steel singing for the promise of blood.
There’s a soft sound, like his daughter's cry has been muffled, and it fuels his anger, letting his body fill with black ink. It spills off of Azriel in waves, a death god come to seek his vengeance.
The clearing is a circlet of trees and fresh snow. The moon drips down into the open field, where Zuzu scratches at her captor. The female trying to pin his little girl to the ground hisses as her skin breaks beneath Zuzu’s nails. Azriel’s heart swells with pride as his daughter fights back, but this moment alone has made him realize that she does need proper training, and if she wants to join the ranks with her brothers and show all of these Illyrian swill what she’s made of, she will get that.
Azriel doesn’t recognize the female as he rips her away from his daughter by a fistful of hair. The female yelps in surprise, then screams in fear as she topples backwards, the avenging shadowsinger towering over her.
As if she thought she could get away with attempting to harm one of his children.
He feels the night air shifting behind him as he makes sure that his daughter is okay. Rhysand and Cassian appear before the female can gain her footing and take off, Cassian planting a foot in the middle of her back to keep her pinned to the frozen ground while Azriel consoles his daughter. Zuzu’s sniveling, fat tears rolling down her red cheeks as they escape. She doesn’t want to cry, she doesn’t want to show her father that she’s scared, but they fall without her permission anyway.
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
Azriel’s heart cracks a little, molten lava of anger filling the cracks. This female won’t last the fucking night. And if she does, it’s because he’s going to make her death last as long as possible for even thinking of touching his daughter. For making her cry.
He hushes her, a soft noise that makes her clutch onto his shoulders tighter. Azriel’s not wearing a coat, but he’s used to the temperatures, and the adrenaline rushing through his veins helps quell the bitter chill. He sends a reassuring feeling down the bond to you and your relief flushes his body tenfold, his shoulders dropping slightly.
“Are you okay, my love?” Azriel asks her, wiping the tears from Zuzu’s eyes. He swings her up into his arms, pressing gentle kisses to her forehead as he pins the female to her spot in the snow with furious golden eyes. “Are you hurt?”
Zuzu shakes her head and his knees nearly give out with relief. He sways them back and forth, whispering reassurances into Zuzu’s ears until she’s calmed down, before passing her off to Rhys who holds her just as tightly. 
“Uncle Rhys is going to take you back to mommy, okay, Zuz? I’ll be back in a little bit.”
She agrees, blinking up at him with her big eyes. Azriel watches her try to look over her uncle's shoulder to see the female spitting vitriol at Cassian. Rhys doesn’t allow her gaze to see what’s going on over there, instead drawing her attention to him, shifting her so she can’t see, and disappearing into the night to bring Zuzu home. 
Cassian crouches down to the female, grinding her face into the snow to stop the comments spewing from her lips. He whispers something so low that makes her entire body freeze, then thrash as if she actually has a chance of escaping.
Azriel steps up to her, a murderous look in his eyes, and he lets his blades do the talking.
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defensenow · 2 months
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soft-mafia · 3 months
Ribbons [LA!Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, fem y/n, nsfw, grinding, dry humping, sexual tension, fingering, age gap, slight daddy kink, bdsm aspects
a/n: I had this idea of the reader being one of those aerial ribbon contortionists or whatever you call it, and Buggy being so enamored(horny) when he sees her perform that he asks her for a “private show”. Don’t get me wrong manga/anime Buggy is sexy, but LA!Buggy just had SOO much sex appeal he’s so dominant omg. #ovulating
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“Does everybody know what they’re doing?!” Buggy shouted, 10 minutes till showtime, he ran by everyone and made sure they knew their shit so they didn’t make a fool out of him. He whipped his head around from left to right, “Where- where’s Y/n?!” He shouted.
Out from behind one of the curtains, Y/n scurried out in her outfit(that Buggy had personally picked out himself) it was a strappy bikini that barely covered anything. The outfit was more for his own entertainment rather than Y/n’s convenience, it wouldn’t affect her act too much anyway though.
“I’m here, Captain!” Y/n said, looking up at Buggy. She hopped out and had her ribbons wrapped all around her body, clearly tangled in her own equipment.
“What the hell happened to you?” Buggy grumbled, holding her by the hip and attempting to unravel her.
Y/n blushed when she watched Buggy’s hands maneuver her body and the ribbons, “I was practicing when you called.” He nodded in response, then spun her around a bit to check her out before patting her on the shoulder and shooing her off to her mark. The rest of the crew knew of Buggy’s infatuation with Y/n, and how he definitely had a soft spot for her(It’s why she’s always caught leaving his room in the dead of night).
It was showtime, Buggy watched anxiously, hoping nobody messed anything up. So far so good, but that’s when he saw Y/n drop from the ceiling hanging by ribbons wrapped around her legs. Buggy swallowed as he watched her intently, his jaw clenched as she spun around those ribbons, the way they hugged her waist as she effortlessly spun around them like a snake. Y/n moved her body in ways that looked like it was meant for Buggy’s eyes only. He couldn’t deny that he sometimes felt jealousy when he saw any of the men on his crew talk to her, Buggy had already determined in his own mind that she was his, a treasure of his that nobody should be touching or even being around.
In his most jealous self loathing fits he wishes he could just lock Y/n in a birdcage and keep her for himself. He would pour and hold his face in his hands whenever she would go back to her room after a night.
He didn’t feel confident enough to ask her to stay with him, just for one night. He would only nod when she would give him a kiss on the cheek before putting her clothes back on. The rest of the night he would spend sulking, and the next day he would immediately fish her out of the crowd of his crew and wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly since he didn’t get to during the night.
After Buggy wrapped up the show, he gave them praise and thanked them for not screwing up. It was on rare occasions that everybody got their queues right and didn’t make mistakes. After that, he ran for Y/n, eagerly bounding towards her and once he did he scooped her up in his arms.
He lifted her up by the waist and kissed her on the lips, “You were amazing!” He purred, kissing all over her face, leaving red sloppy prints all over her. She didn’t care though, she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Was I pretty?” She asked jokingly.
Buggy grinned and set her back down, leaning down slightly and lifting her chin up, “Gorgeous.” He answered, he then looked around for a moment, watching as his crew of freaks walked out of the tent to have dinner at their camp out. Looking back down at Y/n, he put his jacket over her.
“Help me get the audience out of here, I want a private show.”
Y/n helped Buggy cram all of the poor civilians in one of their empty trailers they would use for storage. “I feel bad.” Y/n said as they walked back to the tent, he had his arm around her waist.
“Don’t start nagging me about them again.” Buggy rolled his eyes, “How else am I supposed to get people to come and watch?”
“Anybody will come to a circus on their own free will, Buggy. You don’t have to force anybody.” Y/n looked up at him, with that little pout that would always bring him to his knees. He looked away and shook his head, “They won’t. Not for me.” They didn't say anything more about that, Y/n looked down at the ground as the slightly damp grass stained her ballerina slippers.
Once making it back to the tent, Buggy pulled his throne out and had it sit in front of one of the stands, he leaned back and watched Y/n get into place. Even the way she climbed up was sexy, and when she would tie the ribbons around her ankles— it's not like Buggy had a foot fetish or anything, but her body was perfect and every movement seemed so enchanting. Y/n was so beautiful, Buggy almost felt bad for her. Sometimes it felt like he was taking advantage of her even though she would swear up and down she was madly in love with him and wanted him more than anything. What if she was lying just to spare his feelings? Or lying because she was afraid that he would threaten her if she didn’t comply??
Those thoughts often made Buggy sick and he would push them to the very back of his mind so it wouldn’t bother him. But after every jerk session he would have to the thought of Y/n, they always found their way to resurface as he sat there alone in his bed or at his desk with a wet rag in his hand.
“Doin’ great baby.” Buggy called out with a soft chuckle as Y/n finally made her way back up to the top. She giggled in response, glancing at him for a moment before looking away. At this point she could move freely with those ribbons around her legs, she reached her hands back and began to untie her bikini top.
Buggy’s eyes widened, anticipation ate at him and he felt a fire shoot down to his crotch. Then her top dropped to the ground. It wasn’t something he hadn’t seen before by all means— but she was naked out in the open, tied up in ribbons. It was only then that he noticed that she had taken her bottoms off as well, how had he not noticed that?!
That added more fuel to the fire as he had a visible cock outline in his trousers now. He palmed at it subtly as he watched Y/n spin herself around and do other sensual movements, more seductive than what she had done in her act. She looked gorgeous, especially in the circus lighting, it casted shadows upon her that accentuated her silhouette. Y/n dropped upside down, hanging by one foot from the ribbons, Buggy bit his lip when he watched her breasts bounce from the sudden drop.
She was wrapped up in those ribbons completely, there was something so erotic about the red fabric twisting and gripping around her naked body. Buggy wondered what it would be like to have her tied up and at his mercy, her arms and legs restrained, one wrapped around her neck and him pulling at the ribbon like a leash as he fucked her hard. Buggy grit his teeth and tilted his head back, letting out a quiet grunt at the thought.
Buggy was so close, rubbing himself more intently— then the lights suddenly shut off. He immediately stood up and shouted in anger, “WHO THE FUCK TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS?!” He screeched. Y/n was taken aback, nearly falling before catching herself on the ribbons, looking around as her eyes adjusted to the dark.
“We’re just closing up for the night, Captain…” One of the backstage managers said nervously, standing in the opening of the tent. Y/n immediately covered herself up, Buggy’s cheeks were flushed a bright red, both from anger and embarrassment. “I’M IN HERE WITH Y/N!!!” He shouted, “YOU COULD CLEARLY SEE ME!!!”
“S-Sorry Captain!! We can turn the lights back on?”
“No!! No!! Forget it!!” Buggy huffed and detached his hand so he could float his coat up to Y/n so she could cover herself, “Come on, Y/n.”
Y/n slowly lowered herself, and once she was on the ground she picked up her discarded bikini and scurried towards Buggy. He put an arm around her and rushed out of the tent, grumbling and scowling under his breath as they rushed back to the ship. “Do you think they saw anything?” Y/n looked up at Buggy and laid his coat on a nearby chair once they got back to his cabin on the ship. “Probably not, you were really high up.” Buggy shrugged, pushing the coat on the floor so he could sit on the chair, his legs spread out.
He had taken his shirt off, once they got settled in, chest covered in thick hair with a happy trail that let up to his belly button. Buggy patted his lap, “C’mon, daddy’s still sexed up.” He said lowly, leaning back in his seat as he watched Y/n make her way over to him. She was still naked. Buggy began to hope that those crew members did see her like that, so they could know that she’s completely off limits and belongs to him and him only.
Slowly, she crawled on his lap, each thigh slowly making their way to straddle his lap. He immediately began rubbing up and down one of her thighs, groaning at the feeling of her skin beneath his fingertips, “Good girl.” He said in a gravelly tone. Y/n smiled softly as she rested her hands on his chest, slowly making their way up to rest on his shoulders, subtly ruffling up his chest hair in the process. Buggy leaned up to press a kiss onto her lips, his stubble always scraped her but she never complained.
The taste of booze was thick on his tongue, making Y/n whimper and make a face but it quickly passed as the kiss lengthened. Buggy leaned back and let out a nervous chuckle, “Sorry, I probably taste like shit.”
Y/n laughed and held his face, giving his lips another kiss, “It’s ok. Explains why you’re so horny.”
Buggy laughed too, his hands resting on Y/n’s hips, he gave them a firm squeeze, “Hey, even without the alcohol, you’re like a walking viagra for me.” He joked. As he gripped her hips, he slowly brought her down lower on his lap, letting her bare pussy rub against his bulge, his cock pulsed in his boxers and he let out a low groan. Y/n whimpered at the feeling of fabric rubbing against her wet clit, she leaned her head into the crook of his neck. Buggy placed one hand on the back of her head while guiding her hips with the other, he gently caressed her while humping himself into her.
He rolled his head back, letting out deep pleasured grunts, he then kissed the side of Y/n’s head. Even after he’s fucked her so many times, he still has a lingering anxiety; he didn’t want to be too rough and scare her off. She was quite young and that itself made Buggy feel a butt ton of guilt, so he peppers her with kisses and gives her gentle caresses and whispers praise into her ear while getting his rocks off with her. Buggy really cared for her even if he was shit at showing it, the last thing he would want to do was make Y/n scared.
He stroked the back of her head as he humped faster, his hand rubbing up and down her waist, softly squeezing her skin as they both let out soft breaths and moans. “You’re doing so good for me… just let me do all the work, baby.” He whispered in her ear, “Doing so good, your little cunt getting wet, all for me.” Buggy was getting so close, his pants and groans becoming more rough as his pelvis trembled.
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s came in his boxers, this time he’s made more of a mess than usual, but he really couldn’t help himself. He let out a groan as he relaxed into his seat, holding the back of Y/n’s neck as he breathed heavily. Y/n pulled away, it caught Buggy off guard for a moment but he let out a soft grunt when she adjusted herself on his lap. He held her shoulders as her back pressed against his chest, she spread her legs and let her thighs sit on each of the arm rests and yanked Buggy’s hand down between her legs.
“Needy are we?” Buggy chuckled, but he gave her what she wanted and dove his fingers into her pussy, amazed by how wet she was. He dragged his fingers up and down her slit, then circled them around her clit, he wrapped an arm around her torso to keep her in place as she trembled. Y/n held onto Buggy’s forearm, moaning and whimpering his name as he continued to play with her pussy. He continued to kiss her temple and the top of her head, praising her while giving her what she needed.
It wasn’t long before she had her own release, and they both sat there in each other’s arms, Y/n’s face nuzzled back into his neck as she laid sideways on his lap. Buggy held her close, lightly bouncing her in his lap.
“Are you ok?” He whispered to her after they finally caught their breath and came down from their high. Y/n laughed and looked up at him, tracing his jawline with her finger as she looked into his striking blue eyes, “You always ask me that.”
Buggy scoffed and looked away, “I have to.” He chuckled, “I still can’t help but think I’m forcing you to do this.”
Y/n sat up and softly smacked Buggy in his chest, “Buggy! I told you that you’re not!” She frowned, “I’m the one who came onto you first.”
“I know! I know… but,” Buggy sighed, “You never stay.” He whispered, he sounded so desperate and he honestly regretted opening his big mouth once the words left it. But Y/n gently turned his head back to face her, “I… I didn’t think you’d want me to stay.”
Buggy looked at her, “What? Why wouldn’t I?” He furrowed his brows. Y/n shrugged, “I dunno… I’m always sticky afterwards, I didn’t think you’d wanna sleep next to that.” Buggy couldn’t help but laugh at that, then kiss her on the lips.
“Hey, you’re always complaining about me being sweaty but you’re still all over me.” He grinned, holding her face and gently pressing his thumbs into her cheeks. His expression then slowly dropped as he glanced away again, “And um… Why do you always hide your face?” He asked, “In my neck, my chest, in the pillows, the blankets…” he swallowed, looking away. She never looked at him during sex, she was always hiding her face in something and Buggy couldn’t help but feel like it was because of him-
“I have an ugly o-face.” She answered quietly, looking down as she dragged her finger through his chest hair. Buggy furrowed his brows in confusion, then looked at her, “What the fuck does that mean?”
Y/n looked back up at him, “O-face… like, orgasm face.”
Buggy felt heat rise to his cheeks from embarrassment, “Oh… that makes sense— WAIT! NO, your face isn’t ugly!” He gently grabbed her by the chin, squeezing her cheeks between his fingers, “Now that you told me that, I’m not gonna let you hide anymore.” He chuckled.
Y/n groaned and wiggled her face out of his grip, “Don’t make me embarrass myself in front of you!” She pushed him in his chest once again. “You’re not gonna embarrass yourself, babe. You’re gonna make yourself look more hot and irresistible.” Buggy grinned.
“Screw you. I’m gonna take a bath.” Y/n stuck her tongue out at him before standing up, “You need one too, you stink.”
“I’ll take one tomorrow.” Buggy rolled his eyes as he detached his hand and reached for a stray bottle. Y/n quickly snatched his hand, then ripped the bottle out of it, “No. You’re gonna take one now.”
“HEY!!” Buggy growled and stood up, reaching out to grab his hand, but Y/n yanked it away and was already trotting off to the bathroom with it.
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IN THE BLUE CORNER, brace yourselves for the embodiment of intelligence and adaptability, the AMERICAN CROW!
with feathers as dark as the night sky and eyes that gleam with unyielding focus, this avian strategist is a force to be reckoned with. known for its sharp wit and unparalleled problem-solving skills, the american crow is the epitome of cunning and versatility.
with its keen intellect, the american crow outsmarts its adversaries at every turn. it employs tactical maneuvers, utilizing the environment and its surroundings to gain the upper hand.
get ready as we witness the unrivaled brilliance and fierce determination of the american cow. tonight, this feathered genius will outsmart, outmaneuver, and outshine its opponents, leaving a trail of victory in its wake!
IN THE RED CORNER, we have a competitor that will send chills down your spine and leave you in awe. prepare yourselves for the embodiment of darkness and mystique, the COMMON RAVEN!
with each haunting caw, the common raven commands the attention of the ring, captivating us all with its dark allure. it prowls the ring with calculated movements, showcasing its aerial prowess and striking with the precision of a predator. this avian embodiment of mystery is relentless in its pursuit of victory. with its sharp intelligence and strategic acumen, the common raven outsmarts its opponents at every turn. but will it be able to outmaneuver its ominous cousin?
prepare yourselves for a battle unlike anything you've witnessed before. two birds, two cousins, both with those beautiful glossy black feathers and a voice like no other. when these two competitors take flight, which one will win in the battle of wits? get ready to be enthralled by the dark charisma and unyielding power of the common raven as it dominates the ring!
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mychlapci · 1 month
IDEA! So, seekers have huge dicks! They stretch and move kinda like a tentacle, able to reach their partners’ tank, open it up and lock in. And that not just because they’re big, but for aerial mating.
Seeker are able to mate mid flight, in their alt mode. It’s very hard, requires complicated maneuvers and incredibly dexterity. It’s also requires long ass spikes, capables of reaching the depth of their partners gestation tanks…
And off course, Ratchet has tried this feature at least once. Pharma would praise himself in being able to fuck Ratchet in every position, on the other side, Ratchet is all up for a big dick, he would do less with the constant cervix abuse and after sex brag…
mhmmm Giant jet dicks… they basically have a corkscrew dick situation, then, right? For mating mid-flight they have to get really deep and lodge in, preferably past the cervix, so that there was no chance of their spike slipping out and ruining the moment.
Pharma is very proud bragging about how he was Ratchet’s biggest lover. His spike was immeasurable, and Ratchet definitely spent a day or two limping after he was thoroughly fucked up the cervix several times the night before…
I can definitely see Starscream abusing his power in this way. Maybe Megatron lets him seduce him because he finds it humourous, only to be met with a spike that could rival his own in girth, and… he does not wanna talk about the sheer length of it. Flighter frames come in many sizes, and even a sleeker jet like Starscream is rocking a spike that can poke intently against Megatron’s cervix…
Oh I just love the idea of flight frames mating mid-flight. that's so hot.
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charmwasjess · 8 months
If there’s a legit good reason why Qui-Gon chose to specialize in form IV, Ataru, the Hawkbat lightsaber form, aside from the simple, likely fact that he did it to troll his old Master Dooku (who outright calls the acrobatics of the form “ridiculous,”) I’d like to hear it. By which I mean I’ll write you a post about it.
Ataru is fast, aggressive, and inclined to treat the battlefield as a 3D space where the air is just as comfortable a place to be as on your own two feet. A direct response to Soresu, the “defense is my attack” form, Ataru flips that into “attack is my defense.” (We won’t talk about Makashi’s contribution to the conversation: “no defense whatsoever, but think fast, I just threw a dinner fork at you so hard it stuck in your metal arm!”) 
Of course, the most recognizable and classic application of Ataru is Yoda’s; we see him whizzing around people’s heads like a little green hummingbird in his AotC and RotS duels. Qui-Gon’s version looks nothing like that. If we weren’t told, I think it would be hard to guess that those characters are using the same form. In Duel of the Fates, Qui-Gon has to move down or over those infamous walkways repeatedly. He just jumps them: no flips, no aerial maneuvers, no bouncing off the walls. And this isn’t simply a practical choice for his age and build: Jocasta Nu is running up walls and leaping out of skyscrapers at easily aged 40 years older than Qui-Gon, and for all Dooku’s bitching over Ataru acrobatics, he does more flips to simply avoid walking down a few stairs than Qui-Gon, Master of the flip form, does in his entire time on screen. 
And yet, on some level, all of that makes perfect sense for Qui-Gon. Who better to completely subvert a form? This is a character who is contrary as fuck, full of wonderful contradiction, who blends lightsaber theory centered on attack and aggression with literal meditation. While the most notable scene, actually kneeling in the pose and everything, is in TPM, he does battle meditation repeatedly on a mental level in the Master and Apprentice and Padawan novels. (And it rightfully freaks out Obi-Wan.) Qui-Gon takes Ataru’s “your whole body is a weapon” and doesn’t apply that to somersaults, but rather, to moves like punching Darth Maul off a balcony as we see him do in Duel of the Fates. He fights in a way that throws himself bodily up against obstacles. You can see the same physicality of his relationship with his weapon in the scene where he is simply burning through the blast doors in TPM. We’ve seen Jedi cut through things on screen other times, but that scene is remarkable and memorable for Qui-Gon’s level of intensity. He is the battering ram. 
And we could loop back into lineage, couldn’t we? Qui-Gon stands in a line of Jedi with unconventional relationships to their lightsaber forms; their choices are formed in context of and in conversation with each other. Those backward, momentum-gaining swings from Duel of the Fates look very familiar, but who trained Qui-Gon? (And who notoriously had a problem with Ataru and might've pushed his student on some workarounds or encouraged him to cut out bits he didn't like, such as aerials?) And speaking of, is it a stretch to think that Dooku’s own casual backflips are less a considered choice and more an old habit, being himself trained by a Master who has only a theoretical relationship with gravity? 
All this to enjoy just another example of how personal the lightsaber forms can be to specific Jedi, and what wonderful fun it is to unpack the ways they use them differently because of their unique personalities and lineage.
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fanboyswhore9 · 4 months
All of Me~ Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
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Moodboard by: @mshistorylover
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia x Fem!Reader (as a part of @ohtobeleah Galentine’s Day Celebration), based on the song, All of Me by John Legend.
The Top Gun Academy buzzed with excitement as Valentine’s Day approached, but for Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia & Y/N, the day held a special significance. Their love had blossomed amidst the roar of jet engines and the thrill of aerial maneuvers, forging a bond that was as strong as steel and as deep as the ocean.
As the sun dipped below the horizon on Valentine’s Day, casting a warm glow over the Academy, Mickey found himself standing with Y/N on a secluded overlook, their hands entwined as they gazed out at the breathtaking vista spread out before them. The air was filled with the soft strains of romantic music, a testament to the love that surrounded them.
With a gentle smile, Mickey reached into his pocket and pulled out a bouquet of roses, each bloom a vibrant symbol of his love for her. “Feliz Día de San Valentín, mi amor (Happy Valentine’s Day, my love),” he whispered, his voice filled with warmth as he offered her the flowers. “Estos son para ti, porque mereces nada más que lo mejor.” (These are for you, because you deserve nothing but the best)
Her eyes sparkled with delight as she accepted the roses, her heart overflowing with love for the man standing before her. “Gracias, Mickey,” she murmured, her voice tinged with emotion, before kissing his cheek. “Son absolutamente hermosas, al igual que tú.” (Thank you, Mickey. They're absolutely beautiful, just like you.)
Their fingers brushed against each other as Mickey and Y/N stood side by side, the warmth of their closeness enveloping them like a cocoon. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the magic of their love, time seemed to stand still as they basked in each other’s presence.
As the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Mickey took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving her radiant face. “Hay algo que necesito decirte, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice filled with tenderness. “Algo que ha estado pesando en mi corazón por demasiado tiempo.” (There's something I need to tell you, Y/N. Something that has been weighing on my heart for too long)
She turned to face Mickey, her eyes searching his for any hint of what he was about to say. “¿Qué pasa, Mickey?” she asked, her voice a gentle caress against his soul. “Puedes decirme cualquier cosa.” (What's going on, Mickey? You can tell me anything)
With a trembling hand, Mickey reached out and cupped Y/N’s cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against her soft skin. “Te amo, Y/N,” he confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Eres mi principio y mi fin. Incluso cuando pierdo, estoy ganando.” (I love you, [Y/N]. You're my beginning and my end. Even when I lose, I'm winning)
Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to Mickey’s heartfelt declaration, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood before her. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the Academy and the warmth of Mickey’s love, she knew that she felt the same way.
“Oh, Miguel,” Y/N breathed, her voice filled with emotion. “Yo también te amo, con todo mi ser. Me das todo de ti, y yo te doy todo de mí.” (I love you too, with all my being. You give me all of you, and I give you all of me)
With those three simple words, Mickey and Y/N sealed their love for each other, their hearts beating as one in perfect harmony. As they leaned in to share a tender kiss beneath the starlit sky, they knew that this Valentine’s Day would be one they would cherish forever.
Their love story continued to unfold, each day bringing them closer together and strengthening the bond that bound them heart to heart. Together, they faced the challenges of life with courage and grace, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything that came their way.
And as they danced beneath the moonlight, lost in the magic of their love, they knew that they had found their forever in each other’s arms.
As the night wore on, Mickey and Y/N remained on the overlook, their laughter mingling with the soft rustle of the evening breeze. They shared stories of their past, dreams for their future, and whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ears, their love growing stronger with each passing moment.
Eventually, they made their way back to their shared apartment, their hearts still aglow with the warmth of their love. They held hands as they walked through the corridors, stealing kisses in the shadows and reveling in the joy of being together.
As they reached, Mickey pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her in a warm embrace. “Te amo, Y/N,” he whispered, his voice filled with love. “Now and forever, all of me loves all of you.”
She smiled up at Mickey, her heart overflowing with happiness. “And I love you, Mickey,” she replied, her voice soft but filled with conviction. “With all of me, now and always.”
And as they shared one final kiss beneath the moonlit sky, they knew that their love would stand the test of time, growing stronger with each passing day.
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