#Ahriman D&D
galahadwilder · 2 years
In certain bits of D&D lore, Asmodeus created a fake persona and overthrew himself in order to mess with people. Also in certain bits of D&D lore, Asmodeus himself is a fake persona, created by something much bigger and more deadly and more dangerous.
Asmodeus has a daughter, Glasya. Meaning either Asmodeus is real… or Glasya is fake too.
Asmodeus isn’t the only Devil who has faked his own overthrow. Mephistopheles did it too.
What if it’s bigger? What if it’s bigger than anyone realizes? Even the gods? What if Hell itself is a fiction?
What if there are no devils? What if the internecine conflict between the “Archdevils” is a carefully-designed ruse to throw off observers?
What if damned souls don’t become devils—they are simply consumed, and a fake “devil” is created to appear as though they weren’t? What if Fallen Angels are consumed as well, with fake “devils” representing them?
What if every single being in Hell is an illusion cast by Ahriman?
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catulhu333 · 2 years
Other curiosities about Pazuzu
Part 3 of my series of posts, this one though unrelated to Castlevania. (part one here, two here)
Pazuzu, while named the "Agony of Mankind", "Suffering of Mankind", and "Disease of Mankind", and had spells/prayers warding against him, or appeasing him, Pazuzu also had a somewhat positive aspect to him, as when invoked in spells, protected against other Lilu demons under his command. Including his hated rival the demon goddess Lamashtu:
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Depiction of Pazuzu fighting Lamashtu on a Protection plaque against her, Neo-Assyrian period, Louvre museum.
Lamashtu though was longer associated with Lilu and Lilitu demons, Lilitu being even one of her names (suggesting the singular Lilith of latter Abrahamic texts is partially derived from her).
Pazuzu had also some other curious traits, like possessing a scorpion tail...and having a serpent for a penis:
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Pazuzu also seems to have influenced the Aramaic incantation bowls magic and demonology (which in turn influenced the latter Christian and possibly Muslim demonology and magic). There the role of Pazuzu (who was invoked to protect against Lilu and Lilitu demons), is given to Asmodeus/Ashmedai, who also is presented as the king of Liliths, and also invoked to protect against them. From Pazuzu, Asmodeus seems to have also inherited avian feet, which has already on the incantation bowls, and are also present in latter depictions:
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Depiction of Asmodeus/Ashmedai from an Aramaic Incantation Bowl.
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Asmodeus as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition.
It also should be said all points out Pazuzu himself is an Assyrian continuation/adaptation of the older Sumerian/Akkadian demon god - Anzu.
Anzu (though his name should be probably read in Akkadian as "Zu", with "An" being a misreading of the cuneiform An/Dingir signifying divinity. Sumerian pronunciation of his name being Imdugud) is an entity from very early Mesopotamian mythology, presented first as lion headed bird, then as a lion-dragon (a kinda griffin like creature):
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depiction of Anzu from around 2500 BC.
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Ninurta fighting Anzu (depicted as a lion-dragon)
These traits are visible in Pazuzu, who also has a avian and leonine traits, if being more humanoid, but also seeming more demonic. Anzu's role in myth is interesting, as he is presented as an almost "Luciferian" figure - he was a servant of the higher gods, until he rebelled against the King of Gods Enlil, stole the Tablets of Destiny allowing for control over the universe. Gods feared confronting Anzu, until one god - Ninurta, Ningirsu or Marduk depending on version - finally challenged Anzu and defeated him, retrieving the tablets (with the version with Marduk, it's an alternate story to his fight with Tiamat, how and why he was crowned the king of gods).
Aside from similarities to the story of Satan (if more the post Biblical version, though one that has foundations in at least New Testament (specifically the Book of Revelation), as well Apocryphal Jewish texts like the Book of Enoch or Life of Adam and Eve), it also might have influenced the stories of the Greek Demon Monster Typhon, and the Egyptian god Set.
Like Typhon, Anzu is born to Earth (Ki) and the Abyss (Abzu) (Gaea and Tartatus for Typhon). Anzu was born, and resided at mountain Sarsar, some thinking it is the source of the Greek Tartarus. Both Typhon have also power over storm, wind and fire (though Anzu also had power over water, disease and pestilence). Via Sarsar (and the Sutean people living there), and the Anzu is also connected to Set, or at least his gradual demonization (including the fact Greeks themselves equated Set with Typhon) (both connections to Typhon and Set being kinda elaborated in this academic paper).
Depiction of Anzu and Pazuzu seemed to have also influenced the depictions of Angra Mainyu/Ahriman in Zoroastrianism, as well as possibly Pazuzu also influencing the depictions of Ahriman in Mithraism (and possibly latter Zoroastrianism).
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Ahura Mazda or a Persian King fighting Angra Mainyu/Ahriman or a monster symbolizing him. Note similarities to the scene of Ninurta fighting Anzu, and strong similarity to Anzu, while also having horns and scorpion tail associated with Pazuzu.
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Mysterious lion-headed figure of Mithraism. Some think it is Arimanus (Ahriman) also mentioned in Mithraic inscriptions. Note also presence of 4 wings, and being encircled by a serpent, calling back to Pazuzu's serpentine phallus.
Returning to Dungeons and Dragons, Pazuzu's lore was greatly expanded in 3rd and 4th editions.
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artwork of Pazuzu from 3rd edition, Fiendish Codex I - Hordes of the Abyss
In 3rd edition it was stated one of Pazuzu's names is Imdugug, though Anzu is a name of a demon species serving Pazuzu. Another of Pazuzu's names, was established to be also Typhon. But more importantly, Pazuzu was established as a member of the Lovecraftian Obyriths - demons older than gods and mortals, older than the current demon species, and who created the Tanar'ri (the main group of current demons, and first one after Obyriths). (Note that Pazuzu being a "proto-demon" was an idea by Gary Gygax himself, though up until 3rd edition only present in his Gord the Rogue novel series that latter parts weren't considered canonical to D&D lore.)
4th edition further expanded on that, depicting Obyriths as coming from an older multiverse, they destroyed and devoured. Pazuzu is described as the great manipulator who manipulated and corrupted the god Tharizdun into becoming what he is (a Lovecraftian monster endangering the whole existence), and by this caused also the corruption of the Elemental Chaos, formation of the Abyss and war between Gods and Primordials, and caused the existence of other fiends. Pazuzu also persuaded and corrupted the angel Asmodeus to fully fall, created the devils and the Nine Hells. Basically, he was more or less established as the Bigger Bad of D&D, at least during 4E, especially on Nerath. (Fun fact, Exandria is largely derived from Nerath if with elements of Oerth and other settings)
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Pazuzu and other Obyrith Lords - Ugudenk, Dagon, Obox-ob, and Pale Night
Indeed, Pazuzu plays a somewhat Nyarlathotep-like rol among Obyriths, being more similar to creatures from the current multiverse in many ways, and adopting a less horrific appearance, as well as being a great manipulator.
So due to this, I think it was even more fitting Pazuzu was originally chosen to be connected to Dracula, even source of his powers and vampirism, though as mentioned, latter his role became very ambiguous.
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noble-mold · 5 months
"A trap for two" (Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Fanart)
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What could be better than starting a new blog with bare ass drukhari after 2 years of creative burnout? I swear I tried to put pants or underwear on Marazhai, but it looked ridiculous. Well… maybe the real reason is that part of me didn't want to hide his delicious pale butt cheeks… hehe…
I had extremely low expectations for the drukhari romance because I've read everything I could find about their lore before playing the game. Also I've played a lot of other games set in 40k Universe in the past and read even more books and novels since then (of which I consider only the Ahriman series worthy of any sort of attention). I thought that the paths of MC (Main Character) and Marazhai would certainly diverge forever at the end of the story. If he does not kill her in the epilogue, this already will be a "good" ending to their "relationship". The game actually surprised me with a relatively good ending (good for MC and Marazhai, not so good for everyone else around them), which also felt natural and not like some sweaty fanfiction.
So, the story of my Rogue Trader is quite banal. She was the embodiment of goodness, unusual for the 40k Universe: she kissed babies on the forehead, she fed the hungry, helped the poor and, whenever possible, tried to solve problems in a peacefull manner. She resisted the temptations of ALL the Chaotic Gods, but as soon as Marazhai opened his mouth, I realized that my heroine was doomed. His VA took this character to another level. If Marazhai wasn't romanceable and they had nothing better to do in privacy of her quarters, I would imagine that my Rogue Trader makes him read books out loud to her :D Under the corrupting influence of this drukhari, my heroine turned into a typical noble who does charity and plays a saint to keep a facade, at the same time trying to keep her bloody entertainment a secret.
If you came across this post by accident and do not understand, in the name of the Emperor, what kind of heresy is in front of your eyes, than you can direct this question to "Owlcat Studios". This is not a fanfiction. In the game "Rogue Trader" there is an actual romance with drukhari with the elements of BDSM… And I am grateful for all of the unlikely causes and conditions that this romance actually became a reality and that Marazhai is male.
Nudity and a wall of text. All the things that social media algorithms "love" so much these days, oh…
Software used: DAZ Studio, Blender (Cycles)
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transmechanicus · 3 months
Hi! Love your blog! Warhammer is something I've been interested in for a long time. I loved playing the Dawn of War trilogy when I was younger. But the lore and world and sheer amount of games involving W40K is a bit overwhelming. I was wondering if you had some insight on where to "start", especially in terms of learning world lore. Sure I could watch 175 hours of YouTube videos but.....I'd rather not.
Hi, happy to lend a hand!
40k has two main ways of learning lore, the rule books/codices, and novels published by Black Library. The latest edition of core rules (10th edition) released last july and about 50% of that massive tome is background on the setting and various factions competing on the galactic scale. Smaller more faction specific codices have been released this edition for Tyranids, Necrons, Space Marines, Dark Angels, Mechanicus and the Necrons.
Old editions and codices can be bought on ebay or other resellers for pretty cheap if you’re just interested in lore, though i’d personally recommend sticking to 7th edition at the earliest as several now-prominent factions had not been developed before then (Mechanicus, Custodes, Chaos Knights, Leagues of Votann for example all got their first codices in 8th or 9th edition).
Novels set in the 40k universe are available from Black Library publishing directly, or through bookstores or possibly your local library. These are broken into ~3 categories relevant to 40k. 1) The ~50 book Horus Heresy series takes place 10K years prior to the current game setting and explains the speedrun rise and fall of the human Imperium. 2) Dawn of Fire, an 8 book series focused on developing the current 40k setting and the Indomitus Crusade 3) Standalone 40k books which focus on certain events or characters of interest from nearly every faction. Idk what characters or races have caught your interest, but Option 3 has the most diversity, and generally does not require having read one book to understand another. There are small exceptions such as novels about Ahriman, Belisarius Cawl, or the Plague Wars, having multiple books though, so do a quick google search before you purchase. Audiobooks are also available for a significant portion of Black Library’s offerings.
For general wikipedia style link-diving i highly recommend Lexicanum.
Let me know if you have any further questions, happy to help! :D
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Test your knowledge of the lore and characters with this short quiz🗿I want to see if this 'format' can works on Tumblr too, so don't forget to let me know if you'd like to have more 👀
The correct answers will be at the end!
1. Who said
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A. Magnus the Red
B. Ahriman
C. Luther
D. Lorgar Aurelian
2. Who said:
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A. Malcador
B. The Emperor
C. Valdor
D. Erda
3. Who is "her"
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A. Erda
B. Lotara Sarrin
C. Saint Celestine
D. Cyrene
4. Who is talking
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A. Lorgar, about the Emperor's Children
B. Lorgar, about the Death Guard
C. Malcador, about the Emperor's Children
D. Malcador, about the Death Guard
5. Who is talking
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A. Abaddon
B. Alpharius
C. Horus
D. Erebus
6. Who is Valdor talking to
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[Smoll detail/tip for shock value: this takes place before Horus is found]
A. Fulgrim
B. The Emperor
C. Alpharius
D. Leman
7. Who is talking
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A. Magnus the Red
B. The Emperor
C. Horus
D. Corvus
8. Who said this
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A. Alpharius
B. Lucius the Eternal
C. Fabius Bile
D. Konrad Curze
1D - 2C - 3B - 4A - 5D - 6C - 7A - 8D
📚How many did you guess right?
📚Would you like to have more quiz like this?
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the-babygirl-polls · 5 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Two
Hello everyone! Here is the lineup for the second week of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone for their submissions!
Grim Reaper (A Date with Death)
Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
jerma985 (Twitch)
Knock (Nosferatu (1922))
Buggy (One Piece)
Eustass Kid (One Piece)
Amos (Rewritten)
Dr. Boris Habit (Smile For Me)
Uchiha Madara (Naruto)
Klaus (Rewritten)
Morgan "Mac" Macallister (Rewritten)
Dr. Nightshade (Rewritten)
Rosamel (Rewritten)
Hunch Curio (Mentopolis)
Augustus Sinclair (Bioshock 2)
Daniel Fucks (Mentopolis)
The Fix (Mentopolis)
Laurance Zvhal (Minecraft Diaries)
Alex Cabot (Law and Order: SVU)
Doppo Orochi (Baki the Grappler)
Dr. Josef Heiter (The Human Centipede)
Seam (Deltarune)
Norman Osborn (Spiderman (2002))
Ruby Knowby (Ash Vs. Evil Dead)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Kaoru Hakaze (Ensemble Stars)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lucifer (Obey Me)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda)
Flora (Winx Club)
Hayato Inui (Etsusa Bridge)
Darcy (Winx Club)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Jurgen (Warhammer 40k)
Damian Tenma (Ace Attorney)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Obi-wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Simon Blackquill (Ace Attorney)
Louie (Pikmin)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Peter Stamatin (Pathologic)
Copycat (Venture Bros)
Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts)
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Subspace (PHIGHTING)
Karl Weissman/Charles Whiteman (Bodies)
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
Tianlang Jun (Scum Villain's Self Saving System)
Bolearis (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent)
Ashley Joanna Williams (Evil Dead)
Mason (Roblox)
Firebug (Town of Salem)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Hikaru Gero (MarriageToxin)
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars)
Tiw (My School President)
Richard Karinsky (Caroline in the City)
Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier (The Terror)
Daan (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Joe Hills (Hermitcraft)
Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Seon Ahyeon (Debut or Die)
Tena Sorimura/Phantom Solitaire (Deadmount Deathplay)
Yotasuka Takahashi (Blue Period)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Park Moondae (Debut or Die)
Ulysses S. Grant (American History)
Cardinal Copia (The Band Ghost)
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3)
Captain John Hart (Torchwood)
Narciso Anasui (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Seteth (Fire Emblem)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Soren (Fire Emblem)
Roland (Library of Ruina)
Tohru Adachi (Persona 4)
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona 4)
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
Zack & Sephiroth Floofcanon #…! I have no idea I lost track when the Trojan war began.
(This is still Weenie Hut Jrs I didn’t forget!)
Due to his english skills capping at the 7th grade, as he skedaddled off to join SOLDIER, Zack’s mission reports weren’t allllwaayys in squeaky-clean condition. Yessir, he could absolutely recap the events of the missions—almost telling stories of how he obliterated that horde of Ahriman or how he caught that Wutai spy masquerading as a crossing guard. But when it comes to the nitty-gritty stuff… yeahhh those things were littered with typos, grammatical errors, and very colloquial yee-haw language (like me! *clears throat* sorry). Not exactly what Lazard was hoping for, in terms of his elite SOLDIERs.
Luckily, Zack’s got someone who had his back.
Sephiroth was pretty appalled upon first reading Zack’s reports, in the early stages of their friendship. “Gonna?” He was seriously using “gonna”?? Angeal should have taught him better…! But it wasn’t long until he came to realize that only Firsts were required to write up reports, and Zack was only promoted once Angeal was gone. Couple that with his severed education and it really wasn’t the pupper’s fault. And how would it look if one of the men under his command was sending lousy reports…? He needed to help in some way. And so he did!
Over time, as their bond budded and blossomed, the two developed a system: Zack would go on missions, writing up his reports in vivid detail in his little tent. And then, instead of sending them to Lazard, bleeding with all sorts of red underlines, he sent them off to Sephiroth; there the man would grammarly-scan the pages and manually fix any errors himself. Hallelujah!! Some might say it’s mundane, or tedious, or just adding to the already mountainous pile of work he already had… but in actuality. It’s one of Sephiroth’s favorite things to do: he loved reading Zack’s colorful descriptions, seeing the world through his kaleidoscope of a lens; he loved being able to experience that childlike, wondrous perspective and have it be shared with him. To experience it himself. A million missions he went on over the years, and sometimes the most exciting ones are right from his desk <33
(Ofc, it’s more than jusssst the free editing service.)
As their buddiness became even stronger, more additions were sprinkled into the system. Most notably, now that the reports were being sent to Sephiroth first, Zack began tagging on little messages at the end for Seph and only Seph to see. Tiny little notes and reminders like the thingies someone might write on their kid’s napkin for lunch. They’re one of the only things that brings a smile to his face when the pupper is gone.
Hey pal! :D I miss you so much! Don’t forget to eat again!
Hey Seph! I know I’m not there right now, but I’m thinking of you!
I really wish you were here, Seph :))) Missions are never the same without ya. And guess what???? I completely took down Ifrit this time! You didn’t need to save my butt! :DD (though I slipped on a rock and fell on it afterwards).
And when the pupper eventually came home, after a day or week or two, Sephiroth was there waiting for him. Nothing could beat hugging seeing his best friend in person, spewing his wonderful colloquial slang and all <333
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rightintheguts · 1 year
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The Abyssal, Morana, before and after imprisonment.
[click the image for better resolution]
I used this opportunity to also tweak Morana’s original look (the before) a bit—in regards to her veil and ‘crown’. The original had my attempt at a liquid gold, floating ‘crown’, but decided a shadow one would suit her better. Because, you know…😅😅😅
So, before she used to freely show off skin—but after imprisonment she wanted to cover-up because of her horrible scars from the chains, but left her chest open to display both the scar on her chest (as a metaphor for her wounded heart) and the missing sunstone she used to wear religiously.
Her hair grew ridiculously long, and she hardly takes care of it now (often just leaving it down to drag across the ground), but don’t worry—I’m sure a certain red-head will attempt to fix that 😉
She still loves Sol, but is too angry and bitter to fully acknowledge it; and now she makes a point to try and avoid sunlight as much as possible, often traveling in the shadows or at night with the moon and starts covered by clouds.
She has 3 kids with Sol, who’re in the process of being created:
Deirdre: God of Funeral Rites and Melancholic Thoughts
Lorelei: Goddess of Decay and Sentimental Feelings
Ahriman: God of Fallen Warriors and Disaster
I wanted them to have some blended forms of both Life and Death in their Titles/powers.
D: has more emphasis on death and the feelings that usually come after the passing of a loved one.
L: associated with fungi and the process in decay, helping new life to come afterwards—along with the feeling of thoughts/objects/people that bring good (or bittersweet) thoughts/memories from the past (to either sooth or not).
A: the twins hate him—because he follows them from battlefield to battlefield, reminding them of his mother. Associated with those who died in battle, and the disaster that often follows War and bloody battles; he represents the Grim reminder of the cost of war, of what was sacrificed to achieve victory.
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candycryptids · 18 days
Okay, what is the most huggable creature for all YOUR characters? :D
Oh this is gonna b kinda silly so hold on to your seat or s/t 🫣 (Ty for the questionnnn I needed the distraction and something to keep me awake a little longer heheheh!)
Chuu: Carbuncle; became a summoner almost exclusively to be able to summon her own. They don’t need to eat or sleep since it’s sustained off your own aether so it’s like, the perfect pet for someone who’s idealized form is the flawed beauty of the Machine. Her other most huggable creature is This Thing, one of the Stubby Models whose name I can NOT finds
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Tuesday: is a simple guy. He thinks Peatie is the most huggable creature secondary only to June, his faithful and graciously patient Chocobo. They’re both pink, which is a hilarious coincidence.
Tangy: I mentioned in a previous post she’d enjoy having a Dodo/Pudgy Puk/Ahriman plush and that still holds, but I think she’d find Tonberries the most huggable. They’re not necessarily creatures, though,
Mochiie: hands down, finds Chocobos the most huggable creature in all the land. Their big round eyes. Their razor sharp talons. Their bone snapping beaks. The soft downy feathers!!! Can be also be swayed with horses, and Steppe-Dzo.
Colette: Behemoth. It is… Big Uppy Goggy. Reminds her of the [Magnamalo] which is also not very Actually huggable Tbf, but I think Colette could find a way to make it happen anyways.
Ishi’li: wants to hug a Coeurl and Not Die. Wants to hug one so bad. Wdym they’re full out danger electricity cats. :( they are so KITTY… is also extremely charmed by the Odder Otter, lol.
Levraut: finds [Canonball] the most huggable, an act of absolutely no bias whatsoever, definitely. (He also thinks Namazu look huggable, in that like… Cute Aggression way, where he kinda wants to hug one tight enough it makes a squeaking noise)
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cynical-tuba · 5 months
Tonight in our VTM Dark Ages game my character Leo (a ghoul) helped track down a rich noble lord serial killer.
I really tried to keep the word count on this tight but really...
This noble was in the process of taking another wife after his previous wife "suddenly died of illness." And wouldn't let him get away with murdering another woman. A ghost dog was leading Leo around for clues.
Leo was accompanied by his childhood friend Marco (who is also a ghoul but of the Ravnos Verity) his pseudo dad Friend (Coterie member number 2) Emir the Malkavian priest, and a Ahrimane named Hunnydd
The noble thought Leo was a hot lady and tried to take him upstairs to seduce him. Leo went along with it while Hunnydd in Lynx form, and Emir Obfuscated stalked up the stairs. Marco was forced to wait outside.
Their escape plan was to pretend that a wild lynx came into the room, mauled the noble, Leo would run out of the room screaming and get the Bride to be, to safety. But first they stole some items in a very D&D like strain of choices.
So yeah the noble starts making out with Leo, who sees the Lynx about to pounce so he holds him in place.thr ghost dog grabs him by the leg in it's jaws to hold him still. Emir hits him on the head with a candle stick, and the ghost dog holds him in place. Hunnydd in her Lynx form leaps onto him tearing at his throat. The man is torn to pieces. Leo covered in blood like the ending of Carrie.
It led to the best scene of Leo running down the stairs screaming covered blood while a Lynx meowed after him and the Obfuscated Malkavian slowly followed behind with their loot. Leo and Marco grabbed the Bride to be and ran for the streets where they were able to disappear. They took the bride home to safety
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aramisdream · 1 month
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Fantasy couple art.
To avoid misunderstandings: the female character is not a child, she is an adult of a small race, like the Halflings in D&D.
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thegameworld117 · 10 months
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been working on this character for some time now but I just couldn't seem to achieve the look I had in mind... After a few months, I decided to revisit the guy and something just clicked and I'm really happy with the result! Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Ahriman! He will be the main antagonist of my story Sepand and Sorkhi! hope you like my take :D
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vezimira · 2 years
Ma'am the way you draw these characters is so ideal, I love how cute Ahriman and the sons are! They make me so jealous, but in a way that I love and I hope you know that appreciate you with all my heart!!
cheers, i'm glad you're enjoying the cute wizards :D
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fuukonomiko · 2 years
If you’re still accepting slutty art pics meme thing, Ahriman in B2 would be sweet <3
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LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT THE LEAST....(I have a separate request for Jorgen Von Strangle but I don’t think it’s for the sexy prompt since it’s got no outfit specifications so he will be done separately) The trainwreck disaster wizard himself, Ahzek Ahriman. Also my favorite non-Primarch character if you didn’t know that, well now you do.
He doesn’t appear too thrilled, but I don’t think anyone in these prompts are. Except Fulgrim. 
More Sinful Images....
Lost Primarch Az’khal Tru’gall
Perturabo (OMG Please check him out I am so proud of this)
Lorgar and Nemeroth
Fulgrim Again
Lucius the Eternal
Inquisitor Godiva Iboni
Ferrus Manus
Corvus Corax
High Prince Raphael Carrion
Vince the Prince
Delphine from Power Rangers
Alarielle the Everqueen
Sgt. Tobias Lorik
Primarch Roboute Guilliman
Varney of London (from Castlevania!)
Primarch Vulkan
Szarekh and Imotekh
Canoness Elizabeth
Catachan Vin Stav
Konrad Curze
Rogal Dorn
Valkia the Bloody
Anastasia Mr’ez
Magnus the Red
Kairos Fateweaver
OC Jacques
OC Briar Celeste Saint Clair
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skinnychocobo · 1 year
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I completed this a month after halloween! But this is just something to prove to myself that I can get my flow of work back
i modelled the structures in sketch up and then built everything around the shelves. (BAD IDEA.) THEN I added the foreground things in (like carra.) She’s celebrating the spooky season with some voidsent friends and Clarke (ahriman, life long haunt, etc)
Note to self: make fucking thumbnails before you build something around a subject you never intended to be the focal point.
andddd thats the final thing in my queue :D
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
what's this about Asmodeus being a giant space snake?
Oh boy have you ever activated my special interest.
So, as much as I've given myself an honorary degree in Baatezu Studies, I absolutely won't pretend to be an expert on what WotC is doing or what they prefer to be canon because I imagine with something so big as D&D with as many writers and iterations it has, there have to have been numerous retcons and concurrent canons and etc etc. But I really love Big Snake Asmodeus and I don't think it conflicts with anything else just because of how he is. Which is all preface for the upcoming rant about My Favoritest Boy. I apologize in advance.
On the forgotten realms wiki page, at least, Asmodeus has three origin stories. Generally speaking, I believe his "true" origin is kept purposefully obscured and WotC might just keep coming up with new ones to further confuse it (I would, if I was them) because it adds to the vibe, or they just keep changing their mind about what sounds the most cool. Understandable, though I don't know what's cooler than Giant Snake. There's a 2nd edition book I got recently called Faces of Evil: The Fiends where Asmodeus isn't even known to the planewalkers writing the book. Could be that wotc hadn't decided on him yet, or that they had but in fiction Asmodeus was keeping himself secret (I prefer the latter).
I'm not going to address the origin story where he deposes some god that was introduced in 4th edition, it interests me the least and I've more or less dismissed it.
The most popular origin story (in fiction) is The Pact Primeval, which is the one where Asmodeus is an angel/celestial who is So Good at killing demons and he slowly descends into evil, but he's also So Good at law that the gods can't find fault with him because he keeps out arguing them. Eventually he gets tossed into Baator and becomes the Lord of the Ninth along with his contemporaries. However, this is also stated to be the origin story devils pass around the most and is implied to be a fabrication or myth. Source for this puts it at 3.5 edition.
Going back to 2nd edition, in a book called Guide to Hell, the big snake is addressed. In this origin story the universe started as a chaotic soup and out of it rose twin serpents, one winged one not, named Jazirian and Ahriman. They bit each others tails and went in a circle, forming the outer planes and bringing some order to the chaos, but they then disagreed about which plane should be in the center. Jazirian wanted the Lawful Good plane of Celestia and Ahriman wanted the Lawful Evil plane of Baator to be in the center. They fought and eventually Jazirian tore herself away and escaped. Ahriman, not having wings, fell into Baator and either fell through all the layers until Nessus, or shattered it into nine layers as he fell (which I prefer, more dramatic) (or eight layers, if Stygia isn't an original layer). Regardless, he landed in Nessus and smashed out a massive chasm now called Serpent's Coil that he lays at the bottom of, bleeding and injured. Weakened as they both were, neither snake could stop the other gods from springing up and taking over.
From Ahriman's blood soaking into the rocks, the first baatezu popped up and quickly took over Baator (possibly chasing out its native inhabitants with brooms). Eventually, Ahriman made himself some avatars in the guise of a humanoid, renamed himself Asmodeus, and took over as king of the hells. Basically almost no one is allowed in Nessus and anyone who sees/speaks of his true form is dead within 24 hours.
Since he is a giant snake deity older than the gods and older than belief, his power doesn't wax and wane depending on faith. He actually prefers non-belief (in anyone, he needs atheist souls to heal himself). He also cannot distribute warlock powers. His inability to do that implies he's a lesser deity (or less), which he uses as a smokescreen and continues to let the gods believe he is simply an archdevil that has ascended a couple times and not a greater deity (or more), which he is identified as in Descent Into Avernus, I think (I don't believe 5e or anything recent has added any new origins into the mix).
Asmodeus' ultimate plan is to heal his wounds and regain his strength and bust out and destroy literally everything and revert it back to Chaos Soup so he can remake it in his image. Jazirian hasn't bothered him because she hopes there is enough law in him to stop him doing this (girl, there isn't). She, meanwhile, is also pretending to be a regular deity of couatls.
I like Giant Space Snake for any number of reasons: the eldritch horror element of big unknowable thing older than time, the fact that it makes basically everything he does into a lie which is fitting for the lord of lies, the fact that his avatars are always covered because they reflect his wounds from the fall and he's always in excrutiating amounts of pain, the idea that he's a god trying to cultivate non-belief because consuming the souls of true atheists is what heals his wounds, just... snake......
It also really doesn't contradict any of the others. The Pact Primeval seems obviously to be a story concocted by Asmodeus to make himself appear as a martyr. The He Who Was backstory I didn't address is also fine because he could have taken up any number of roles. He's a liar, a pretender, it's What He's Best At. So why shouldn't he be a fallen celestial or an exarch overthrowing a god and taking its place? And underneath it all, in the deepest pits of Nessus where no one can look, there is a colossal serpent biding his time and perfectly assured in the destruction of everything around him.
It's just great.
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