#Age Gap couples
kimludcom · 1 month
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dcbnam-aep · 5 months
ok im just here to say that young percy is so perfect like kudos to whoever organised casting for finding two little blonde boys with identical sad puppy dog eyes who look like they’re ready to (quite literally) bear the weight of the world on their shoulders.
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biantianyang · 9 months
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This beefleaf tweet has been stuck in my head for like a year
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cerealbishh · 24 days
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"He has the same kind of love for her that you and I once had."
🎥: @bikinibottomdayz
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lady-of-the-spirit · 9 months
Go read A Bride's Story it's a fun little period romance slice of life manga that focuses on the strength of female friendships and later chapters definitely WON'T give you anticipatory grief over the eventual Russian conquest over Central Asia and Russification of the cultures and ways of life you've been reading about this whole time
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bl-bam-beyond · 21 days
SAVE THE DATE 5/23/2024
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Like or not BL Fans. Addicted Heroin: The Series is coming soon. It is a Thai Remake of the Controversial Chinese BL Starring Timmy Xu and Johnny Huang as Bai Luo Yin & his stepbrother Gu Hai.
NATTAPAT NIMJIRAWAT [NICKNAME: MAC] will be playing Pop aka Bai Luo Yin
VASIN TRAIPRAKHONG [NICKNAME: JUR] will be playing Tiger aka Yang Meng
A Teaser is being released on the date above.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @absolutebl @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kingofthereblog-boysloveed
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It's Sunday ... ya know what that means
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ok .. so sentences cuz it's already sunday - Let's do this!
so my sentences this week are actually one of the ficlets I wrote over the weekend cuz the only other thing I've written recently is not ready for public viewing
so i wrote 8 ficlets this weekend and they're all on ao3 if ya want to peruse - to pick which to post I used an 8-sided die to determine which we'd post here - I rolled a 1 so it's a good thing I wasn't actually playing a game lolz
ficlet and tags behind the post (cuz ooops it might be a bit long for a ficlet)
Henry sinks into the chair on the dock. His friend June invited him along to her family’s lake house in Texas for a long weekend, and as Pez wasn’t in town and had nothing holding him and Will, his toddler son, at home, he decided to tag along. Now, sitting here watching her younger brother, Alex, swim across the lake, hoist himself up on the dock, and slowly walk over to plop in the chair next to him, he wonders why he thought his dog wouldn’t be enough company for them over the long weekend. He’s so lost in thought he misses what Alex is saying to him. He attempts to recover but is so entranced by the drops of water trailing across Alex’s chest he’s surprised he doesn’t offer to lick them off.
Instead, he gets out, “Um … I’m sorry, what was that? I was a bit lost in thought.” It’s not a lie; he was lost in thought. He’s just not sure he should admit those thoughts were all the things he wanted to do to his friend's brother. Alex is ten years younger than him and just graduated from college; he doesn’t need pervy older men lusting after him. Henry is certain he has plenty of people his age lusting after him. Honestly, he thinks there’s probably a new circle in hell being created for him as they speak after some of the thoughts he’s had this weekend. It doesn’t help that Alex is legitimately perfect; he seems to love David, who loves him back in a way he hasn’t loved anyone since Pez. And Will—Will is utterly smitten with Alex, much like his father, only, of course, with less pervy thoughts.
“I was just wondering if Will was still napping. I promised him I’d take him into the lake today.” The blush that rises in Alex’s cheeks as his eyes seem to roam Henry’s body makes Henry wonder if at least some of his feelings aren’t returned. Of course, that is most likely just his overactive imagination at work. “That is if you’re still all right with that.” The way Alex nibbles at his lip gives Henry thoughts he really shouldn’t be having when talking about his son.
“Of course, Will would be distraught with me if I denied him that. I trust you to care for him in the water, Alex.” He attempts to smile in a non-predatory way, but all of the very horny thoughts running through his head make him wonder if he was successful.
“Besides, you’ll be right there with us, right?”
The thought of standing in the water with Alex, as Will no doubt clamors all over him, is doing things to Henry. He knows he has a bit of a competency kink, and Alex has shown just how competent he can be with Henry’s son all weekend. It makes Henry wonder how competent he could be with Will’s father, and he really needs to stop thinking that way.
“Of course –“ Luckily, before he can embarrass himself further, June walks over and plonks Will into his lap.
“Someone woke up from his nap and wanted his dad.” She says as she walks past and plops herself onto the edge of the dock.
Henry’s never been so happy to have his son wake. He has something to focus on other than the devastating man across from him. Well, at least until Will sees Alex and practically throws himself from Henry’s lap to get to him, his loud “Alex” echoing through the silence. Apparently, his thoughts are not the only thing focused on Alex.
so ya made it through the ficlet - it's time for some tags
(no-pressure) tag you're it! to @adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites
@dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92
@junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@msmarvleouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick
@sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes
@taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england
@tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox
@indestructibleheart @everwitch-magicks @cricketnationrise @orchidscript @cha-melodius
@captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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pwinkprincess · 1 month
toji's littl babi ౨ৎ
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sheltered rich girl. unfortunately, all she knows is isolation and expectation. shes never been her own person, ever. shes always been her parents shadow. her life is lived in routine and precision. she’s her family’s golden girl. all her of socials are managed, even her friend group is strategically picked. it’s only natural she clings onto the dependency her parents failed to give her. 
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inezthefish · 2 months
My hot outsiders take.
I DONT SHIP JOHNNYBOY (pony and johnny)
not proofread
before you crucify me, wait. hear my logic. Ponyboy has been 14 for a month. Johnny is 16, almost 17. Johnny still thought Pony was 13, or maybe it slipped his mind (the church scene where he calls pony a ‘13 year old kid’). That’s quite the age gap, mentally and physically. Johnny is nearing the end of puberty and Pony is just starting puberty. Hormonal differences would be crazy. A freshman and a junior in my school dated, and let’s just say it ended in almost a damn court case.
Also, it says in the book, and I’m reading and writing this from my of the book.
“I don’t like going [to the DX] on weekends, because usually there’s a bunch of girls down there flirting with Soda. I don’t care much for girls yet. Soda says I’ll grow out of it. He did.”
By this, I’m assuming Ponyboy hasn’t really had the hormonal changes that make you have crushes. I’m no brain surgeon but there’s some sort of chemical reaction. By this logic, he has no romantic interests WHATSOEVER. not for girls, not for boys, not for ANYONE. I think that kinda makes the relationship pretty unimaginable.
Also, the people that use the excuse of “well they were cuddling in the church!” really falls flat as well. My best friend and I cuddle when she comes over, but that does not automatically mean we are romantically interested in each other (she doesn’t even swing that way.)
“The way Pony described Johnny in the book was so gay!” The only time he really goes into depth explaining him was this time:
“Johnny Cade was last and least. If you can picture a little dark puppy who’s been kicked too many times, and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’d have Johnny. He was the youngest next to me, smaller than the rest with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but was so long it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead.”
Now, I’m bi, and i have a great gaydar. that is more straight than a raw spaghetti noodle.
Now, i don’t care if y’all don’t agree but those are my reasons i don’t shop JohnnyBoy.
thanks for coming to my TED talk
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jorrated · 4 months
I'm so tired of sonamy being ship teased in stuff
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lgbtq-archives · 4 months
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Dear Buck and Chris, thanks for sharing your story with the community.
Full Story:
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impossible3girl · 1 year
On the Remadora age gap:
Considering the fact that Remus and Tonks were wizards with a life expectancy of around 137 if not more their age gap is probably one of the least weird things in the Harry Potter series. Sometimes you just can't judge fiction by real life standards.
In this house we stan Remadora and they are happily raising Teddy.
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orange-catsidy · 8 months
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oh they mean fight
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the-leech-lord · 3 months
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👒Luffy X Buggy Stimboard🤡
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nessa007 · 6 months
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i’m 💀
(context: catherine hardwike said she’d cast jenna ortega and jacob elordi as bella and edward if she was making twilight today)
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splashtailstar · 11 days
HELP. People are now calling WhistleFrost problematic because Frostpaw is 13 moons old and Whistlepaw is 17 moons old, an age of four whole months between two young medicine cats (who are both still apprentices despite being old enough to receive their full names).
They wouldn't even have known it was "problematic" (in quotation marks) if I hadn't calculated Whistlepaw's age, added it onto the wiki, and made a Tumblr post about it.
(I wonder what they would think of NightSun who were 14 moons and 22 moons when they met, and 15 moons and 23 moons when they became mates.)
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