#African security.
defensenow · 29 days
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aerknight · 1 year
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pov your parents drop you off at a daycare that employs mythical creatures and thats how you discover your fear of snakes-
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oop now you done did it sun
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lionofchaeronea · 3 months
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Game of Conquian near Reserve, Louisiana, Russell Lee on behalf of the Farm Security Administration, September 1938
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Ron DeSantis continues to observe Black History Month in his unique way.
Ron’s “book club” is actually a physical club.
Those scissors are symbolic of DeSantis wanting to cut Social Security.
Ron DeSantis once expressed support for privatizing Social Security and Medicare giving his rivals an opening
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advestager · 5 months
(its da avdol anon once again) And the two of them share a fire/water dichtomy, Avdol’s canonical fave food is sushi, so maybe in exchange, Jotaro can get hooked on koshary! I think sharing culture is a big part of their relationship, a little spark or drop in their eyes as they gaze in between sips of mint tea or matcha.
ANON. anon, anon hey, do you ever think about how the role jotaro played at the beginning of part 4 is basically the same avdol played for him in part 3? do you ever think about mirrors? about the cyclical nature of love? do you ever wonder if he realised, one of those nights alone yet again in an impersonal hotel room, nothing to fill all the empty space but himself and the soul sharing his body and the hours stretching until dawn?
do you wonder if he tried to live up to what he'd had, all those years ago – to how good he'd had it, however short a time it did last?
(not that i do, obviously. not that it fuckin' haunts me.)
also jzkrkjt listen, listen, i have a whole LIST of small things that would be cute in any relationship but which would probably OBLITERATE a 17 year old whose entire previous experience with romance is Girls Shrieking/Jostling Him For Attention and chief among them is the fact that apparently a common nickname for avdol's name is momo so like. please join me in imagining jotaro kujo, human disaster (because that boy is NOT fucking suave, i don't know what fandom is thinking that man literally OUTSOURCES his ONE LINERS) finding out about this, quietly wondering to himself what it might be like to try to call muhammed avdol, actual Hottest Man In The Universe, by a nickname just like avdol calls him jojo, and promptly jamming his hat down all the way to his fucking chin because now his face is on fire just thinking about it and oh god where's all the enemy stand users when you need to DIE
(star platinum would normally object to his user trying to harm himself, except the mental image of avdol not only allowing the nickname but smiling at them about it has made him crash catastrophically, and tech support is not available all the way out in Where-The-Fuck-Even-Are-We since mobile data has yet to be invented)
anyway ten bucks says avdol kinda likes being shorter than jotaro, and when he mentions it as an aside one time, jotaro tries so hard to hide how APPALLINGLY obviously he's been flustered by this information that he goes around looking menacing and stone-faced for a solid three days
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drumlincountry · 6 months
You ever having a conversation where you can FEEL the other person politely refraining from saying "I don't care about Africa"
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slasha482 · 11 months
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This are the first two designs for the "Sun and Moon Mermaid Gallery Series": African Glass Catfish Sun and Moon! I also wrote some data about them:
Their ribbons and bells are made of white lotuses.
They have a black stripe in their front and back of their tails.
Sun's rays and Moon's cap's "fur" have the spiky appearance of these fish's dorsal fins.
They're highly social and need at least each other's company to not get stressed. They hang out with the glamrocks, but as long as they have each other they can survive.
They love children and live with the fear that if they have children, they'll get the urge to eat their babies (as it's typical of these fish).
They don't usually get the opportunity to eat frozen fish, but when they get them, nothing will stop them from eating them.
Their nest is made of driftwood and smooth rocks.
His favorite food is brine shrimp.
He is unusual among his species because he thrives in the sunlight.
His favorite food is daphnia, but he needs to collect lots of them to be satisfied.
He is unusual among his species because he is especially active at night.
I'm not totally satisfied with how I drew Sun's head, but I'll leave it like this. Hope you like them!
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furby-organist · 4 months
// Big fan of the Radio Demon Race Theory that goes on in this fandom but one thing I don't see talked about is how having a biracial/multiracial background -> looking racially ambiguous depending on the context and the STUPID ASS QUESTIONS & COMMENTS you get about it!! LMAO
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bramblequeer · 8 months
I’m that weird kind of trans where I’m like really really obviously trans if you meet me in the men’s bathroom but to 90% of the people I meet including people who know my (male) name I am read as a woman with short hair and I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"In one of Africa’s last great wildernesses, a remarkable thing has happened—the scimitar-horned oryx, once declared extinct in the wild, is now classified only as endangered.
It’s the first time the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s largest conservation organization, has ever moved a species on its Red List from ‘Extinct in the Wild’ to ‘Endangered.’
The recovery was down to the conservation work of zoos around the world, but also from game breeders in the Texas hill country, who kept the oryx alive while the governments of Abu Dhabi and Chad worked together on a reintroduction program.
Chad... ranks second-lowest on the UN Development Index. Nevertheless, it is within this North African country that can be found the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve, a piece of protected desert and savannah the size of Scotland—around 30,000 square miles, or 10 times the size of Yellowstone.
At a workshop in Chad’s capital of N’Djamena, in 2012, Environment Abu Dhabi, the government of Chad, the Sahara Conservation Fund, and the Zoological Society of London, all secured the support of local landowners and nomadic herders for the reintroduction of the scimitar-horned oryx to the reserve.
Environment Abu Dhabi started the project, assembling captive animals from zoos and private collections the world over to ensure genetic diversity. In March 2016, the first 21 animals from this “world herd” were released over time into a fenced-off part of the reserve where they could acclimatize. Ranging over 30 miles, one female gave birth—the first oryx born into its once-native habitat in over three decades.
In late January 2017, 14 more animals were flown to the reserve in Chad from Abu Dhabi.
In 2022, the rewilded species was officially assessed by the IUCN’s Red List, and determined them to be just ‘Endangered,’ and not ‘Critically Endangered,’ with a population of between 140 and 160 individuals that was increasing, not decreasing.
It’s a tremendous achievement of international scientific and governmental collaboration and a sign that zoological efforts to breed endangered and even extinct animals in captivity can truly work if suitable habitat remains for them to return to."
-via Good News Network, December 13, 2023
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defensenow · 19 days
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agricjournalist · 3 months
AfDB To Partner BUK In Achieving Food Security Using Technology
The President of the Africa Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, has pledged a commitment to partner with the Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA), Bayero University Kano (BUK) in many areas to achieve food security using cutting-edge technology. Adesina made this known Saturday evening when he visited the centre after being conferred with a Doctorate in Business Administration. After…
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ewspconsultancy · 5 months
Case Study: Large Scale Agricultural Design, Permaculture in Angola
This case study is a broad-level concept plan for a large agricultural project of 25,000 ha in Angola. Of course, this gives only a broad overview of my concept for this site. This large farm operating according to permaculture principles can serve as a test site for agricultural progress and food security in countries where the potential of fertile farmland is not fully realised and there is…
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squaredawayblog · 7 months
Workers go to family and friends first to learn about the federal benefits. But after consulting them, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites tend to go in different directions. 
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oaresearchpaper · 8 months
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chloeworships · 8 months
I have a message for several nations and/or racialized groups. It’s important. I will try to get it out today if not tomorrow.
Thank you for your patience.
This is BIG…. As in BIGLY
I also want to remind some FOLKS that God did say the Ukraine 🇺🇦 would be requiring more assistance to win this unjust war. I’m disappointed to see others playing poli-tricks when MILLIONS of lives are at stake. Shameful. LORD fix it please 🙏🏾
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Ps. I have A LOT of Spiritual Tea to share and it’s going to expose some ppl around some of you. Sorry NOT Sorry. My heart goes out to those of you who’s lives have been impacted by these demonic forces/ppl.
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