#Abdus Salam
newsindonesiacoid · 5 months
Respon Cepat Cak Salam Saat Balihonya Menimpa Warga
JEMBER, (News Indonesia) – Cuitan akun bernama Beny di grup facebook soal jatuhnya baliho bergambar calon legislatif yang menimpa mobilnya mendapat respon cepat dari sang pemilik alat peraga kampanye tersebut. Tak tanggung-tanggung, bukan tim sukses yang datang untuk bertanggung jawab melainkan Abdus Salam Ketua DPD PAN Jember sekaligus Caleg DPR RI yang balihonya ambruk menimpa mobil Beny. Beny…
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zeroground · 4 months
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aalimkhalid · 9 months
Surah Al Qari'ah
By: Sheikh Khalid Abdus Salam Shurfi
For More, Check out Sheikh Khalid's Circles:
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infantisimo · 7 months
winners of 2023 abdus salam award for science fiction writing in pakistan
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kvetchlandia · 5 months
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Uncredited Photographer Theoretical Physicists Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow Celebrating Their Being Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (also with Theoretical Physicist Abdus Salam), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1977
"A theorist today is hardly considered respectable if he or she has not introduced at least one new particle for which there is no experimental evidence." Steven Weinberg
“We believe that the world is knowable: that there are simple rules governing the behavior of matter and the evolution of the universe. We affirm that there are eternal, objective, extra-historical, socially-neutral, external and universal truths. The assemblage of these truths is what we call Science, and the proof of our assertion lies in the pudding of its success.” Sheldon Glashow
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Tag nine people to get to know them better with some fun facts!
Thanks for the tag @drifting-pieces-blog-blog and @scarabgrant !! Hope you're having a good day!
Fav Colour : Shades of violet all the way to light lavendar. Teal.
Currently Reading : Just dozens of research papers and fanfiction at the moment. Last book I read was probably Darwin Comes to Town by Menno Schilthuizen
Last Song : Kana Yaari by Coke Studio Pakistan
Last Movie : A documentary called Salam on Netflix, on the life of Nobel laureate Abdus Salam
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Savoury or spicy depending on mood. Not a fan of sweet usually, unless to balance spicy out
Currently working on: My Master's thesis! It's due in less than two weeks. I'm also planning on some other work and art projects. Physical and mental health kinda in the back burner right now. Trying to plan so that I have something in my daily life other than the work. Looking forward to easier days and some more fun work!
No pressure tagging : @brekkers-desigirl @pakhiya @thatsthewrongwallcraig @stormkobra-5 @gratefulstranger @devilish-mirage @mandalorian-theway @asgardiandeadpoetsociety @wysteria-clad
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imaanoverdesires · 6 months
❝If Allāh ﷻ favors a Muslim with knowledge and actions, then it is upon him to rush to convey this good to the people upon the path of Da'wah, advice, and guidance.❞
[Book : The Foundation of the Salafi Da'wah by Shaykh 'Abdus-Salam ibn Burjis, page 29 — Translated by Rasheed Barbee]
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Review on the origin of Type Ia supernovae Dr. Shing Chi Leung, SUNY Poly assistant professor of physics, has published a review article as the leading author on the origin of Type Ia supernovae. The article is co-authored with Dr. Ken'ichi Nomoto, Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo, in the proceedings of The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. The MG meeting is a tri-annual event, founded in 1975 by Remo Ruffini and Abdus Salam with the aim of reviewing developments in gravitation and general relativity with major emphasis on mathematical foundations and physical predictions. It promotes discussion on recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. Previous meetings were held in Trieste, Shanghai, Kyoto and other major cities. Dr. Leung was invited to present a review talk on recent advances of Type Ia supernovae. Type Ia supernovae are known to be the explosion of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. These objects are the end point of stars with a mass between 3–8 times of the sun. Type Ia supernovae are triggered by unstable burning of matter on the white dwarf, which later leads to thermonuclear runaway and explosion. However, the detailed picture in how and when the explosion takes place is highly unclear. Theoretically, it has been a long term debate whether the white dwarf is exploding at the Chandrasekhar mass, i.e., the mass above which the white dwarf becomes dynamically unstable. So far, there is no consensus on which channel (Chandrasekhar mass or sub-Chandrasekhar mass) is the dominant one in the supernova population. Knowing these supernovae is important because Type Ia supernovae contribute to 20–30% of all supernovae, and they are used to probe the cosmic expansion. In the article, the team used the chemical element manganese as the key to probe the major explosion channel. The production of this element requires a high density (a few billion times the density of water) and high temperature (above 5 billion Kelvin) during a supernova explosion. And Chandrasekhar mass Type Ia supernova is the only type that creates these conditions during explosion. The team modeled some supernova remnants in the galaxy recently observed (e.g., 3C 397). They found that the high manganese abundances in these objects favors the Chandrasekhar mass model. The team also observed similar hints from stars in the galaxy. By arranging stars from the oldest to the youngest as collected from recent stellar surveys (e.g., APOGEE), in order to explain the trend of manganese across generations of stars, they found that a significant fraction of Type Ia supernovae need to be Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs. Both results advocate the Chandrasekhar mass model as the dominant explosion channel. Future observations of the chemical abundances on astrophysical objects by missions such as the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM, to be launched in 2023) will measure the chemical abundances of more astrophysical systems (e.g., supernova remnants, stars, galaxies). These high resolution data will break the degeneracy of the current picture. IMAGE....Cassiopeia A is a supernova remnant in the constellation Cassiopeia. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
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manhajsalafiyyah · 1 year
One should always look at those who are below one; this makes one more grateful to Allah for His Bounties. Looking at those above causes gloominess and sadness in one; it also makes one belittle oneself and makes one to be ungrateful (to Allah).
Book: My Sincere Advice To Women
By The Noble Shaykhah Umm 'Abdillah al-Waadi'iyyah
Translated by Abdus-Samee' Abdus-Salam Ishaq Abdur-Raheem
P. 295
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hallowworld98 · 11 months
To anyone who complains about Midichlorians because they added science to something mystical may I introduce you to one Dr. Matthieu Richard.
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An acclaimed scientist mentored by Nobel winner Francois Jacob for his contributions to medicine, he is a humanitarian and Buddhist monk who co-authored “The Quantum and the Lotus” with leading astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan which explores the parallels between Buddhism and physics.
Then we have the Mind & Life Institute of which Dr. Richard is a board member, an non-profit devoted to collaborative research between scientists and Buddhist scholars. It was founded by the 14th Dalai Lama, a entrepreneur, and a neuroscientist. And Dr Andrew Harman, a Buddhist immunologist who finds the Buddhist ideal of detachment as particularly useful.
Or would you prefer molecular geneticist Francis Collins, a now devout Christian who oversaw the Human Genome Project that identified, mapped, and sequenced all genes within the human genome. He finds the polarisation between religion and science heartbreaking. On a related note, the father of modern genetics Gregor Mendel was a Augustinian monk while Catholic priest and theoretical physicist George Lemaitre was the first to theorise the expansion of the universe and to propose what became known as the Big Bang theory.
What about Albert Einstein who in a Princeton Theological Seminary on May 19, 1939 said this:
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We also have Abdus Salam, a Muslim theoretical physicist who saw his religion as fundamental to his scientific work and quoted the Quran during his acceptance speech for the Nobel prize in physics. Islamic contributions to science can’t be overstated when it was medieval Islamic scientists who laid the foundations for the modern scientific method through their emphasis on experimentation, empiricism and quantification.
Just thought I’d get that out there
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jasopira · 11 months
🔬🌈 Exploring the Marvels of Fundamental Forces! 🔭💥
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🔬🌈 Exploring the Marvels of Fundamental Forces! 🔭💥
🔥🌌 Hello, everyone! Today, we embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of fundamental forces that shape our universe. Let's dive deep into the fascinating forces that govern the cosmos: the Strong Force, the Weak Force, the Electromagnetic Force, and the Gravitational Force. 🌌🚀
🌟1️⃣ The Strong Force:
The Strong Force, also known as the Strong Nuclear Force, is one of the fundamental forces of nature. It binds atomic nuclei together, overcoming the electric repulsion between positively charged protons. 🧲🔒💪
💡 History:
In the early 20th century, physicists recognized that atoms were made up of smaller particles: protons and neutrons. However, they faced a conundrum since protons, all being positively charged, should repel each other and cause atomic nuclei to disintegrate. To explain this, in 1935, Hideki Yukawa proposed the theory of the Strong Force, which stated that particles called mesons acted as carriers of the force, mediating interactions between protons and neutrons. 🤝🔬
💥 Power:
The Strong Force is incredibly powerful, about 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force. It acts over a very short range, only within the size of an atomic nucleus. This force is responsible for the stability of atomic nuclei, allowing stars to shine and elements to form. Without the Strong Force, our universe as we know it would not exist! 🌟🌍💫
💥🌈 #StrongForce #NuclearPower #NuclearPhysics
🌟2️⃣ The Weak Force:
The Weak Force, or Weak Nuclear Force, is another fundamental force of nature. It is responsible for certain forms of radioactive decay and plays a vital role in shaping the universe. ⚛️🌡️💔
💡 History:
In the mid-20th century, scientists discovered that certain subatomic particles decayed over time, emitting radiation. This led to the formulation of the theory of the Weak Force. In 1968, physicists Abdus Salam, Sheldon Glashow, and Steven Weinberg proposed the Electroweak Theory, unifying the Weak Force with the Electromagnetic Force. This breakthrough earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979. 🏆🌌🔭
💥 Power:
The Weak Force is the force responsible for processes such as beta decay, where a neutron transforms into a proton or vice versa, releasing an electron or a positron. It is weaker than both the Strong Force and the Electromagnetic Force, acting only over very short distances. The Weak Force played a significant role in the early moments of the universe, allowing particles to change and interact in unique ways. 🌠⏳⚡
💥🔬 #WeakForce #RadioactiveDecay #ParticlePhysics
🌟3️⃣ The Electromagnetic Force:
The Electromagnetic Force, one of the most familiar forces, governs the interactions between charged particles and the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It plays a crucial role in everyday life. ⚡🧲🌍
💡 History:
The history of the Electromagnetic Force dates back to ancient times when humans observed the attractive properties of certain minerals like magnetite. In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell's groundbreaking work unified electricity and magnetism into a single theory, known as Maxwell's Equations. This laid the foundation for understanding the electromagnetic force. 💡🔦🧪
💥 Power:
The Electromagnetic Force is responsible for all electric and magnetic interactions, from the light we see to the electricity that powers our devices. It acts over infinite distances, making it the only fundamental force that does not diminish with distance. From the creation of lightning to the functioning of our nervous systems, the Electromagnetic Force is an integral part of our existence. 🌈💡🔌
💥⚡ #ElectromagneticForce #MaxwellsEquations #ElectricityAndMagnetism
🌟4️⃣ The Gravitational Force:
The Gravitational Force, perhaps the most familiar force of all, binds celestial bodies together and governs the motions of planets, stars, and galaxies. It shapes the vast cosmos we gaze upon. 🌠🌌🌏
💡 History:
The concept of gravity has been explored throughout human history, from the ancient Greek philosophers to the groundbreaking work of Sir Isaac Newton. However, it was Albert Einstein who revolutionized our understanding of gravity with his theory of General Relativity in 1915. This theory described gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. 🍎🌍⭐
💥 Power:
The Gravitational Force is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass. It acts over long distances, from the tiniest particles to the largest cosmic structures. It is this force that keeps us anchored to the Earth and holds galaxies together. Understanding gravity has been vital for space exploration and predicting the behavior of celestial bodies. 🚀🌌🌟
💥🌠 #GravitationalForce #GeneralRelativity #SpacetimeCurvature
🌟 The Unified Hyperpower:
At the earliest moments of the universe, it is believed that all four fundamental forces—the Strong Force, the Weak Force, the Electromagnetic Force, and the Gravitational Force—were unified into a single force. This state is often referred to as a unified hyperpower or a grand unified theory (GUT). It suggests that these forces were indistinguishable and operated as a single unified force with immense energy. 💥🔆
🔍 Exploring the Connection:
Black holes, enigmatic cosmic entities born from the gravitational collapse of massive stars, hold a mysterious link to the unified hyperpower. At the heart of a black hole lies a singularity, a point of infinite density and gravitational pull. According to some theoretical models, the singularity could be described as a region where the unified hyperpower is concentrated. 🌌⚫
🌠 The Singularity's Secrets:
While our understanding of black holes is still developing, it is theorized that the singularity within a black hole possesses immense energy and an extraordinary concentration of mass. It is within this singularity that the fundamental forces might converge into the hypothetical unified hyperpower, operating under extreme conditions beyond our current comprehension. This connection between the unified hyperpower and the singularity holds great intrigue for physicists and cosmologists. 🌟🔭
🔦 Unveiling the Mysteries:
Exploring the nature of black holes and the potential presence of the unified hyperpower within their singularities is a subject of active scientific research. The quest to unify all fundamental forces into a single theory, often referred to as the Theory of Everything, aims to unlock the secrets of the early universe and the forces that govern it. By studying black holes and their enigmatic centers, scientists hope to gain insights into the unified hyperpower and further our understanding of the cosmos. 🚀🌌
💥⚫ #UnifiedHyperpower #BlackHoleMysteries #TheoryOfEverything
🌟 Join the conversation and embrace the wonder of fundamental forces that shape our universe! 🌌🔬✨
#ScienceWonders #ForcesOfNature #CosmicMysteries
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newsindonesiacoid · 1 year
Antarkan Bacaleg Daftar ke KPU, Rombongan Kader dan Simpatisan PAN Jember Birukan Jalan Raya
JEMBER, (News Indonesia) – Dipimpin Ketua DPD Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) Jember H. Abdus Salam ratusan kader dan simpatisan PAN Jember berjalan kaki mengantarkan 50 orang Bacaleg partai matahari terbit tersebut mendaftar ke kantor KPU Jember, Jumat (12/5/2023). Berangkat dari kediaman Abdus Salam di Jalan Kaca Piring Gebang, rombongan kader dan simpatisan memakai kaos dan atribut partai…
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ynx1 · 1 year
Etiquette of a Woman Going Out
1. [Putting on] the Hijāb.
2. She should not apply perfume.
3. Decreasing the walking pace so that none hears the shuffling of her shoes. Allah the Most High said:
﴿ ...وَلَا يَضْرِبْنَ بِأَرْجُلِهِنَّ لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفِينَ مِن زِينَتِهِنَّ ۚ... ﴾ النور: ٣١
“...And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. ...” [Qur’an 24: 31].
Indeed we have been tested in our time with high-heeled shoes. So you will see a woman who wears them that her shoes make sound. In fact she may flirt in her walking. The Prophet (ﷺ) has indeed spoken the truth when he said:
المرأة عورة؛ فإذا خرجت استشرفها الشيطان.
“The woman awrah; and when she goes out, the devil makes her look beautiful [to the men who look at her].”
It was recorded by at-Tirmidhi from Ibn Mas’ūd (رضي الله عنه).
4. If she is walking with her sister, and there are men around; she should not discuss with her companion. This does not mean that the voice of a woman is something to be concealed, but men listening to the voice of a woman may be led to fitnah.
5. She should ask permission from her husband if she is married or from her guardian if she is not.
6. If the distance is the distance of a journey, she should not go out except in the company of a mahram based on the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ) in the Hadīth reported by al-Bukhāri from Ibn ‘Abbās:
لا تسافر امرأة إلا مع ذي محرم
“It is not permissible for a woman to travel except in the company of a mahram.”
This is the proof and the meaning is general regarding journey in plane and the like. So take note of that and Allah will aid you if you desire the truth.
7. She should not crowd with men even during Tawāf (circumambulation) and Sa’ī; if you are able to walk without crowd, you should do so.
8. She should be modest.
9. She should lower her gaze.
10. She should not remove her clothing outside of her house if she intends tabarruj with it. The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
أيما امرأة وضعت ثيابها في غير بيت زوجها، هتكت ما بينها وبين الله.
“Any woman who removes her clothes outside her husband’s house, she has by that broken the veil that is between her and her Lord.”
The Hadīth is Sahīh and reported by Ā’ishah [رضي الله عنها] as recorded in Musnad Ahmad.
Book: My Sincere Advice to Women - نصيحتي للنساء
Author: Umm ‘Abdillāh al-Wādi’yyah
Published by: Dar Makkah International
Translated by: Abdus-Samee’ Abdus-Salam Ishaq Abdur Raheem Page: 172,173
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61) Remember these names 🇮🇩; Mahendra Astu Sanggha Pawitra, Anny Farichah Fathony, Abdul Halim Hasmar(Haji Abdus Samad Umar), Wikan Haryo Rahmantyo, Wagiman Noto Wiyono, Idad Akbar, Mohammad Bekti Hendrie Anto, Ari Wahyudi, Aris Munandar, Abiyoga Gibran, Wildan Salsabila, Nu'aim Hammad Ausi, Yudha Maulana Ahmad, Abikusno Subagyo Subandi Wartoraharjo, Akbar Perdana Putra, Muhammad Salsabil Lasarik, Ghifari Abdus Salam-Moh Abdul Rizak, Rio Maretzky-Hanum Fitriana, Nahal Fathir, Adientya Nur Prihantara, Tsuga Wissangeni, Abdullah Zaky, Kevin Octavian Dendra-Bagaskara Widi Nugroho-Afriza Animawan Arifin-M Afkar Armani, Amin Pratomo Septo Pambudi, Oktavianto Nugroho, Yudhistira Candra Kurniawan, Didie Kusuma Suwardi, Hario Wibowo, Chrysaeta Filian Doni, Sonia Ammar, Fadhilah Ghassani-Aditya Toni Saputra, Dzikra Ramiza Akram, Muhammad Ikmal, Firman Hidayat, Muhammad Hafidz Jo Faesal, Anggi Laksmita Dewi-Mayasari Setyaningrum Suroto-Saviera Yonita, Olivia Rizki Egawati, Pingky Gita Ayuningtyas, Prasasya Kirana, Putri Cahyaningtyas, Ramadhea Laila Afifa Annur Willya Saputri, Khariz Fahrurrozi, Moch Yan Pandu Akbar, Afra Hatim, Wibisono Sulistyo, Aditya Bayu Pratama, Dian Amalia Kahfi, Jatmiko Herjati, Putri Cahyaning Prabandoro Pamungkas, Ratih Sanjaya Wahyuningrum, Diny Aulia Pradiza, Afifah Khoiru Nisa, Damar Adi Prabowo, Nurkholis Majid, Muhammad Noor Ridho Aji, Sidiq Nur Cahyo, Adnan Hendrawan, Imam Nur Kholis, Fadhil Rizky Harenda, Aditya Yudhakusuma, Amalia Dian Utami, Amalia Ichsani, Muhammad Hanif, Sri Widowati Anjarsari, Ganesha Ilham Adhityatama, Cahyarum Ludiana, Lukman Ardhiono, Verly Fazlurrahman, Muhammad Sholikhin, Diky Septa Nugroho, Gilar Ichtiari Mukti, Dina Aulia Nurfiana-Erwina Safitri, Khadafi Ikhsan Muttaqien, Farah Azzahra, Anas Mufid Nurrochman, Syatira Fikriani Azizah, Rizka Islami Ratnasari, Luthfi Hannan, Ricahyo Priyo Utomo, Syaifullah Rangga Haryo Nugroho, Ilham Taufik Akbar, Arvian Raka Pradana, Rizka Aulia Hakmi, Tri Suci Hidayati, Raihan Irsyadi, Alifah Elfmi Fajrina, Salma Karimah, Fakhri Dhia, Yahya Shafiyuddin Hilmi, Nesyamia Yala Widhasuna, Amelia Nugrahaningrum, Arviyan Dendi Mahendra, Putra Anggita, Gana Adikara Yusron, Iskandar Mustofa, Zinda Rahma Ilfana, Avina Alawya, Nooringtyas Damayanti, Satria Taru Winursita, Rizky Fadilla Fitriyanti, Fendy Andra Fahreza, Karina Umma, Mufti Khuzaimah Al Azizah, Meita Candra Sekar Sari, Dedy Kurniawan, Harimurti Yogatama HP, Vidiah Vebrinasari, Teja Aryana Maulana, Ibnu Hudaya Panggrahita, Aulia Azka Januartrika, Gessa Firman Febrian, Ahid Prihanta, Rahman Adianto, Frida Nurrochman, Muhammad Hashfy Habieb Rahardjo, Nur Rahmantyo Aryadi, Muliawan Canggih Arofahna, Putera Yazil Ikram, Zahratul Iftikar Jadna Masyhida, Billy Ibnu Hilman Taqwa, Kalam Majid Biruni, Bernardia Vitri Arumsari, Nurhuda Sarjono Mukti, Riana Desi Putri Ratmawati, Vanelly Rahutami Santosa, Gregorius Bagus Prasetyo, Muhammad Nashrul Malik, Hemas Malia Pangestika, Herditama Galih Firmansyah, Novianda Aditya Istiqomah, Mayang Kirana Candra, Retyan Suci Arthasani, Nizar Caraka Trihanasia-Raka Affa Arasya Maharika, Reza Rully Kusuma, Khusnuli Amalia Nurrafingah, Putri Anjaweni, Sandira Ultra Utami, Muhammad Aliya Imaduddin→Aliya Imadudeen→Imadudeen Muhammad-Ali→Imadudeen August-Husayn→İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn, Harimas Shofi Mahatma, Andria Eko Nugroho, Denni Fariz Subekti, Villa Noorlita Marianna, Mutiara Nur Isnaini, Shinta Dewi, Firdausi Farhana, Bella Lailatus Saadah, Zwista Dimas Haryanto, MH Amin Mardhatillah, Ridho Dwi Dharmawan, Afiani Muslikhah, Hanifah Nurkhasanah, Imma Priyansari, Marini, Ezzat Chamudi, Krisnanto Wibowo, Angela Gusti Aprilia, Aryaningtyas Widya Pamungkas, Qanita Qamarani, Lisa Almira, Hilarisa Adriyani, Panduaji Panditatwa, Laurensia Nita Kustanto, Rifka Annisa Pranata, Shafa Intishar, Nabila Hajar Aflaha, Faiq Muhammad Sani, Haidar Muhammad Tilmitsani, Ahmad Alvin Muttaqin, Muhammad Dalton Fisabilillah, Isnan Hidayat, Luthfi Alfikri Kustiyo-Adnan Rifa'i.
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graphicprince · 2 years
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razia-thinks · 2 months
Why Abdus Salam Isn't Celebrated As Pakistan's Hero Ft. Pervez Hoodbhoy ...
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