casualgayplant · 10 months
Hey can yall watch my dog I gotta go.
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(Fanmade ruined glamrock mangle!! My feral baby. <3)
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gif by @corvidcrossbow
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Vamp!Daryl has rotted not only my brain but the community. I am not sorry at all for the plague I'm spreading and I hope that it only gets worse.
So I've been doing some research on it, and I really like the idea of mixing the Blade universe w TWD, I did some more research on the different types of vampires (its kind of a lot so if you want you can go read abt them here!) To basically summarize, there's people, daywalkers (half vamp-people), walkers, full vampires, and then Revenants (half-walker half vampire, basically just another way to die)
This also makes it easier for whenever Scud becomes my next vampy victim
also I am working on reqs yes I am, I have one scud fic that is dirty and nasty and should be getting posted soon. also I may not be on tumblr as much as I used to be because GUYS I am now employed yes that's right I got off my computer, went outside, interacted with people, and got a job #gangshit
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It had been over a week since Daryl had eaten, and over two since he had left to go out on the community's monthly supply run.
As he stumbled through the opening gates, he felt like he had been through a war. His body was wracked with exhaustion, weakness, and hunger. The air was thick with the strong scent of blood, and he couldn't keep himself from groaning painfully when he was bombarded by Carol and Rick asking where he had been, what had taken so long, and if he was alright.
“No! M’not alright dammit” He barked at them in frustration after being asked for the third time if he was alright, his voice laced with irritation and discomfort. Carol couldn't help but notice his pale and clammy appearance.
Her forehead creased into a frown as she tightly pursed her lips, giving Daryl a scolding look that made him uneasy. With a tone of concern, she asked, "I'm worried. When was the last you fed?"
The man's face twisted in discomfort as Rick and Carol stood in his space. He scoffed and muttered, "Not recently, m'fuckin' starvin'" The longer he stayed, the more his head spun and his vision blurred, causing the corners of his eyes to fade into a deep red color. His stomach churned uncomfortably, and he could feel his teeth starting to ache.
Rick observed Daryl's malnourished skin, staring at how he was almost transparent. His eyes were screwed shut as the sun harshly burned his sensitive orbs, and he was gripping the strap of his crossbow so hard that his fingers were starting to turn red.
"You should go see Y/n," Rick said, eyes fixed on his friend. "She should be back home and she's been asking about you. I think she misses you." Daryl's body tensed at the sound of your name, and a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. He tried to hide his reaction, but Rick's sharp eyes didn't miss a thing.
Daryl's head drooped weakly as he could only manage a feeble nod. Rick and Carol had stepped off to the side for him, offering their silent support. Carol placed her hand gently on his shoulder, her grey hair falling across her face as she did so. Rick, with his stern expression, gave Daryl a look that he knew meant there was no room for argument.
His senses were already heightened to an extreme level, almost at an overload as the sun was abnormally bright, blazing down on him with a blinding intensity, making it difficult for him to even keep his eyes open. He could feel the heat searing his skin, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead and trickle down his face. He noticed the way that his vest rubbed uncomfortably against him, the fabric clinging to his skin and making him feel sticky and irritable. His already aching teeth began to grind down against each other, and he could feel his razor-sharp fangs digging into the tender skin of his bottom lip, further fueling his pure discomfort.
Each step he took in the direction of your house was tiring and heavy, his dirty, muddy boots slapping against the ground as he dragged himself through the streets, promptly ignoring any strangle or judgy looks that were thrown his way. He didn't have the time, let alone the strength to even bother paying them any mind. His stomach churned as his overwhelmed nose couldn't help but pick up the sickeningly sweet smell of blood.
It forced him to quicken his pace, trying to get just as far away from the public eye as he possible could. He didn't want to be looked at, didn't want to be stared at. He just wanted to get inside as soon as fucking possible and just tear off all his goddamn clothes. A ping of hope struck through him when he could see your familiar house only a short distance down the road, having to hold himself back from flat-out sprinting the rest of the way there.
Though it was only about a thirty-second walk, it had been the longest in his whole entire life, and walking up the small steps of your porch was like something out of a nightmare. He could disgustingly feel the material change in flooring when he stepped off the pavement and onto the creaky wood, the sound grating against his now way too-sensitive ears. Dear god, would someone fucking help him already?
Of course, as if on cue, the red front door to your house swung open, but instead of being met with a friendly face, he was met with the barrel of your gun.
"Daryl?" You questioned as you lowered the weapon slightly, a smile stretching across your lips once you had confirmed who was standing and dicking around on your porch. "Daryl!" You fully dropped your defensive position, stuffing the weapon in the band of your pants as you prepared to throw yourself at the man, halting when you finally took in his ruined appearance.
His breathing was labored, and it was hard to keep himself upright on his own two legs, forcing him to lean against the wall by the door. "Hey doll"
You scoffed at him in disbelief, "Don't you dare even "hey doll" me, mister! What the hell happened to you? Get in here right now" Grabbing the front of his vest and pulling his heavy body inside, Daryl groaning as each movement caused pain to his body, slumping against the door when you slammed it shut.
He couldn't be happier when he felt you prying the buttons of his stupidly itchy vest off, him shrugging it off as well as his crossbow, clattering down on the floor and probably chipping the metal further.
"Jesus Daryl, you look fucking terrible. Did you feed on anything at all out there?" You purse your lips as you analyze and checked his unnaturally pale chest, letting out a surprised hiss at the burn lingering on your fingers tips from where you had brushed them against the skin of his shoulder
Daryl groaned as you directed him to sit on the couch, the short steps from the front door already leaving him utterly winded, almost dripping in sweat as he wheezed each breath of air.
“‘Wasn’t much… ‘wasn’t much out there” He spoke breathlessly, head spinning and his stomach loudly churning when you stood in front of him.
When you extended a hand out to cup his face, he tightly gripped your wrist with a shaky hand. “Don’. Please don’” He didn’t want to feed from you, not like this, not in a state where he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t absolutely drain you.
“Daryl” You whispered softly, frowning slightly as you started taking your shirt off, and he wanted to scream at your stubbornness.
You straddled his lap and gently brushed the hair sticking to his forehead off, his blue eyes starting to tint red as the smell of your blood was strong, right in his face. “I don’ wanna”
“I know you don’t sweetheart, but you’ll die. What am I gonna do if you die?” You cupped his face, forcing his gaze onto yours. He whimpered slightly at your touch, his whole body sensitive and reactive.
Daryl shivered when you combed fingers through his hair, hands curling around your hips when you directed his head to your neck. “I trust you, more than I even trust myself” You whispered soothingly into his ear, and he almost wanted to cry.
He could smell the blood coursing through you like it was a burning candle, and his mouth was uncontrollably watering. His fangs were sharp and heavy, aching with the need to sink into your skin, which is exactly what he did, groaning against you at the first drops of blood, not wasting against another second before he was greedily taking mouthfuls.
It was so good, so warm and fresh, sweet and bitter. Daryl had drank lots of blood before, and yours was easily his favorite. He craved it during his time out there, not just because there was a serious lack in wild animals, but because it was addictive.
He squeezed your hips, soft and pillowy in his buzzing palms as he could feel himself starting to get hard in his pants, the more blood he swallowed the more drunk he got.
It made you feel good to watch his natural tan color fade back, his scarred back no longer a ghastly pale. You ran your fingers through his hair, occasionally curling your fingers and gripping the dark locks to grind down against his now-straining cock.
Daryl made soft, small sounds as he fed, each roll of your hips making each gulp of your blood taste so much better. His senses were at an all-time high, overwhelmed and at an absolute edge. He couldn’t help the way his hands pressed you down on his cock, hips desperately jerking against you as he could feel himself getting closer and closer, his head spinning in a blood lust haze.
He was so close, so very fucking close. His sharp claws had made themselves known, and you jolted when they painfully curled into your flesh, hips sputtering and slightly faltering in their movements. Daryl had no problem picking up the slack, almost fucking you right through his pants from how hard he was rutting up into you.
It was just all so much, his whole body on fire with pure arousal as he sighed around a final mouthful of crimson, trembling from his core as his orgasm washed over him, pressing your clothed cunt against him as hard as he could, making his already fuzzy mind draw a complete blank, a loud groan tearing from his throat that caused his fangs to slip out from where he had punctured the skin and drop his head against your shoulder, whimpering softly as he held you down.
You scratched his scalp comfortingly, feeling a little woozy from the amount of blood he had taken. He hummed against you as he started to come down from not only the high of his orgasm but bubbly buzz from his feast.
“Feel better?” You asked in a quiet, sleepy voice when Daryl’s tongue cleaned the drops of blood that had leaked from the small wounds, coating the area in his saliva so that it could heal.
He nodded as peppered you in appreciative and apologetic kisses, pulling you flush against his bare chest by wrapping his arms around your back, claws retracted and replaced with blunt nails. “M’sorry fer hurtin’, ya”
“Instead, you should be sorry for not feeding yourself, mister” You said as you shook your head, pinching his side as you got a bit upset again. “You know it scares me shitless when you do that”
“I know, I know. M’sorry for tha’ too” Daryl grumbled, feeling fatigued as well now that his tummy was full and satiated. His body was still weak and needed rest, now yours did as well considering he had taken a lot more than usual. “I’ll make it up to ya’” He said as he pushed himself up off the couch, grunting as it was a lot harder with tired muscles and one hand keeping his woman wrapped around him, adding a second once he was finally standing.
You giggled at that, arms hooked around his neck. “And just how will you do that?”
“Got a real good idea” Daryl smirked, hoisting you up as he ascended up the stairs to your shared bedroom, hungry for something else that was much better than blood.
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I started writing this a few days ago I think this is the quickest I've written something
Vamp!Daryl is an absolute need. I'm loving every single post I see of him and I love watching the disease spread faster than fucking covid I jump for joy when I see someone I don't even know talking abt him is this what fame feels like is this what its like to be famous am I fucking famous
yes you do want more of this so go read more
Bloodthirsty @dixons-sunshine
Bite me @mydearestdaryl
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muzzleroars · 1 year
(1/2) How do you feel about Masters Cyrus? I feel like their portrayal of him is very complex and humanizing. It seems like his has resolve cracked after two defeats. The darkrai episode was tough for me to play through, because it felt like Cyrus had finally reached his limit in it and wanted to be dead (feeling nothing in a blank void forever). But “a day with darkrai” was so illuminating! And his latest appearance- he and his commanders
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AUUUGH I LOVE MASTERS CYRUS.....like the development they're giving him is so unexpected but so welcome imo and i think it's deserved for his character. cyrus is sort of unique wrt masters in that way - he's not redeemed in his source game, but they're not at all playing him as a pure villain the way they do with characters like giovanni or ghetsis. which. makes sense. cyrus may not change by the end of dppt, but it feels as though he only doesn't because his own suffering is too woven into his core and he genuinely can't see any other way out. he's as destructive to the self as he is to everything around him and while he's 100% gone too far, i don't think he's a lost cause as a person and masters is recognizing that!!
the darkrai episode in particular was SO interesting and illuminating in contextualizing his character - it really shows, in a definite sense, that at least in this canon, cyrus is absolutely depressed and is likely grieving. i still cannot BELIEVE the line about how people only cherish their bonds so much because they haven't felt the pain of them ending yet. that's. THAT'S LIKE. HEY. WHAT'S GOING ON MAN. idk maybe i give him too much slack because i find him highly relatable as a character, but that arc made it obvious that cyrus genuinely thinks of himself as alone and incapable of being understood by anyone else - he connects with darkrai because they feel very similar at their centers. a day with darkrai is SO sweet tbh and i think it really does show that they intend to eventually redeem cyrus because. he's just. hanging out. and he's ok with you hanging out too. like to me that's kind of a massive step for him, to tell you that it's ok if you'd like to visit darkrai, that he doesn't mind. and that's because the protagonist is willing to understand darkrai, is willing to experience its nightmares in order to be closer to it. they're willing to be open to something cyrus likes and he doesn't hesitate to respond in kind. he's not acting as an antagonist here, he's not giving his speeches, he's actually happy, i think, that someone is willing to listen to him without the grandiosity about it.
and finally i SO agree his cameo has to mean more is coming for him - it's so out of nowhere and unexpected, like his inclusion is entirely unnecessary so i HAVE to believe he'll be back soon. and i genuinely hope we see him connecting with his commanders bc i love them so much as a found family TAT also please PLEASE rotom sync pair!!! because i like to use him reconnecting with a rotom as defining his growth and healing - all signs point to him losing his rotom and that shaping his current grief, so being able to open his heart again to one would be a turning point for him imo PLUS. PLUS. since elesa is already a sync pair with a base forme rotom, his will be unique in some way if they picked it for him!!! it would probably be one of its formes, most likely heat since that's what he uses in the battle tower in bdsp, but it COULD be something else. my favorite ideas are either shiny (!!!!!) or a rotom that can change formes sort of like steven and deoxys. BUT WHATEVER THE CASE i would be so happy to see him pair with rotom and what that story could mean for his character.
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tk-writer · 5 years
Turnabout Tickles - [Wrightworth/NaruMitsu]
Obligatory WrightWorth/Narumitsu fic... enjoy!!
CW: mention of murder and violence in 2nd paragraph
Miles Edgeworth let out a weary sigh as he stared out the window of his office. He felt the warmth of the midday sun upon his face, enjoying the sights of the newly blossomed flowers in the garden as he waited for his apprentice to show. The weather was lovely; a pleasant spring day had finally graced the city after a long, cold winter. But unfortunately, he had no time to spare romping around outdoors. Not with the upcoming trial his protégé had taken on.
At first glance, it appeared to be an open and shut case. The body of a young man was discovered, stabbed to death with a kitchen knife that had his girlfriend’s fingerprints all over it. She was found at the scene, blade still in hand, and was arrested on the spot.  But she asserted her innocence, despite there being no other possible suspects. And some of the evidence, besides the murder weapon, were inconclusive at best. One of which was uncertain enough to throw his entire argument out the window.
And of course, that man was going to defend her in court tomorrow. Which meant the trial could be turned around at any time, despite all odds against it.
He checked his watch. 12:34. The apprentice was very late. Edgeworth let out another exasperated sigh. It was so hard finding reliable interns nowadays. The least he could have done was call ahead of time and give him some sort of excuse.
The prosecutor closed his eyes for just a moment when he suddenly felt a shocking sensation: something stiff grabbed him from behind and pinched his ribs, causing him to yell out in surprise and flail his arms wildly. Was this the work of his irresponsible apprentice? He spun around, ready to fight whoever it was that had attacked him so, and found himself face to face with that man. Grinning like a fool in his cheap blue knockoff designer suit.
He furrowed his brows and frowned.
“Wright!! What the hell are you doing?”
Phoenix’s laughter boomed, bringing an unwelcome noisiness unfamiliar in Edgeworth’s office.
“Ha haha! You’re tense as ever, Edgeworth!”
The prosecutor slammed a fist on his desk.
“Are you out of your mind? Sneaking up on a man like that when he least expects it! I should have you arrested for trespassing!”
“Easy, easy! My bad, just thought I’d lighten the mood a bit… you seem stressed.”
Phoenix looked genuinely remorseful, and a bit sheepish, so Edgeworth softened up and relaxed. He rubbed his temples, grabbing the cup of tea he had on his desk and moving to sit on the crimson couch.
“What business do you have with me? It’s not very often I’m graced with your presence.”
Phoenix sat next to him, a little too close for his taste, and pulled out a thick marigold envelope from his briefcase.
“Actually, I wanted to get your opinion on this case…”
Edgeworth raised a suspicious eyebrow.
“You mean, for the trial tomorrow? You do realize I will be acting as the lead prosecutor, correct?”
Phoenix nodded. His knee pressed against Edgeworth’s, making the prosecutor flinch away upon contact.
“There’s one piece of evidence that doesn’t make any sense no matter how much I think about it. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.”
Edgeworth placed his mug on the table and rested his elbows on his thighs. Of course he knew what Phoenix was referring to. But he couldn’t afford reveal that he was also in the dark about it. Not when they were about to face each other in court tomorrow.
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Wright,” he stated blankly.
“Oh, come on! You’re telling me that Miles Edgeworth, the genius prosecutor, hasn’t realized the contradictory evidence glaring in his face?”
Phoenix poked his childhood friend playfully in the side. Edgeworth responded by gasping loudly and jolting back as if shocked by electricity.
“Wright!! Stop that!”
“Hehehehe… why does it bother you so much?”
“Because!! It’s extremely unpleasant…”
“But, why? What’s the reason? It’s just a little poke. Yet you have such a big reaction every time.”
“That’s none of your concern.”
Edgeworth hoped, no, prayed that Phoenix would just drop the subject. It was embarrassing enough harboring this little secret, but even worse knowing his rival was so close to discovering the truth. And with the way he was rubbing his chin and gazing up at the ceiling as if putting together pieces of a puzzle in his mind, he knew he wasn’t about to let it go anytime soon.
“It seems that there are three possible explanations for this behavior.”
Edgeworth slowly began to scoot away, careful not to alert Phoenix to his movements.
“… Is that so…”
“Yup,” the lawyer lifted his index finger. “Possibility number 1: You have an injury of some sort.”
He looked curiously at Edgeworth, as if searching for signs of vulnerability.
“Have you been hurt recently? If so, I know basic first aid!”
“No! No… I’m fine. I have no recent injuries.”
Phoenix returned to his previous position. Tapping the bottom of his chin pensively. After a couple more seconds, he raised two fingers.
“Alright then. Possibility number 2: I simply took you by surprise.”
Finally. An answer that would end this. Edgeworth basically jumped on it.
“That seems to be the most logical conclusion. Let’s leave it at that.”
“Ah, but you haven’t heard the third option yet.”
He leaned in towards the nervous prosecutor, in such close proximity that Edgeworth could almost feel his breath on him. He felt a lone bead of sweat drip down his forehead.
“Possibility number 3: you’re very, very ticklish.”
Edgeworth’s arms immediately came to his sides protectively. His eyes shot daggers at Phoenix with the sharpest gaze he could muster. The panic in his voice glaringly obvious.
“N-nonsense! That’s… baseless conjecture!! You have no proof!”
“Is that so?” Phoenix smiled deviously. “In that case, there’s an easy way to prove Possibility 2 and 3 wrong… right now!”
“Don’t you dare…”
Oh, but he did. With almost no warning Phoenix grabbed his lower sides, the only part of him unprotected by Edgeworth’s arms, and began to gently squeeze the soft skin. At first, Edgeworth simply made bizarre noises akin to monkeys in the wild or gooses honking in the park. He’d bite his lip, clench his teeth, and strain against his own voice so as not to give in to Phoenix’s attack. But the longer the tickling went on, the harder it was for him to hold out.
“ACK! Nggh! NNNAAA! Fffff, AUUUGH! Stop!! Wright, WRIGHT!”
“Wow! You’re the first person I’ve ever met who doesn’t laugh when they’re tickled!”
“Ngggggh SHUT UP!”
Edgeworth tried seizing his hands, but Phoenix was too quick. He jumped from spot to spot, wiggling stiff fingers in his underarms or in the spaces between his ribs, taking him by surprise every time. The worst was when he poked into his waist and sides at random; then it was impossible to predict where he’d hit next. Edgeworth tried to cover himself, but it was no use. That man was just too damn fast. He felt his resolve weakening. His laughter was getting harder to suppress and the noises escaping his mouth were more recognizable as giggles.
“Nnnnaha! Mmmm, mHMHMHMHM! Noho! Noooo!”
“That’s it! Just let it out!”
Then, suddenly, Edgeworth cackled uproariously. Phoenix froze for a second, looking down at his hands, and realized he had just grazed his fingertips across Edgeworth’s stomach. He smirked as Edgeworth looked on in fear.
“Wait, Wright! That’s enough! You’ve proved your point!”
“Mm, I don’t think… I think I gotta hear you laugh for real before I’m convinced!”
And with that, he dug gently into his belly, just barely scribbling his nails through his white dress shirt. Edgeworth took off like a rocket, howling louder than ever in an off-key discordance. Pheonix knew he’d hit the jackpot. He’d have to save this information for later.
  - Edgeworth’s worst tickle spot added to Court Record. –
Finally satisfied, Phoenix ceased his administrations and backed off. He gave him some space as he recovered, his face flushed in a shade that matched the reddish-colored velvet of the couch. After several seconds passed, he spoke.
“You will speak of this to no one.”
The defense lawyer gave him a victorious grin as he placed a hand on the marigold envelope.
“Sure. As long as you tell me what you think about this evidence.”
Curses! He knew this would end badly for him. But at this point, he had no choice. He balled both hands into fists as he spat out a scathing jab. It didn’t seem to phase Phoenix.
“Grrr! You… you criminal!”
“Hehe… hey, it was kinda fun! Don’t you feel a little better now?”
Edgeworth, still seething, would have kicked him out then and there, but once he noticed how much his shoulders had relaxed and how his tension had melted away, he held himself back. It had been a while since he’d laughed so freely. And he supposed it was better that Phoenix knew about his “secret”, rather than anyone else. At least he’d keep his word. He looked at his old friend, his eyes lit up with amusement and joy, and couldn’t help but sense the corners of his lips turning upwards into a smile. This time, a voluntary one.
Yeah, actually… he felt pretty damn good.
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riallasheng · 5 years
s3 episode titles and summeries, translated
Don’t click past the readmore unless you want to see the leaks please
I’m serious, scroll at your own risk.
Oh, and snark/salt warning.
Last spoiler warning
RTS Deux (official site/distributor that posted the images with the synops): https://www.rts.ch/kids/concours/10185705-miraculous-les-aventures-de-ladybug-et-chat-noir-saison-3.html
301(because might as well) Cameleon - Ladybug and Chat Noir defy/offend Lila. Becoming Chameleon, she takes the appearance of anyone and intends to use this power to destroy ladybug. (wow.  Gee.  It was so in character and compelling.  Such wow. This is my serious face.  I am not being sarcastic at all.  Wow.  Such awe. ….blech)
302 Animaestro ladybug and Chat Noir defy/offend a director. Becoming Animaestro, he wants to show the world what an animated film director is capable of (…not expecting great things here. Probably a lot of ‘ooo look at all these tributes to shows I consider great from france’ and not much else.)
303 Boulangerix ladybug defys/offends her own grandfather. Became Bakerix, he wants to destroy everything he considers too modern and not of the Paris of his time. (…soooo her french grandfather… apparently her grandparents are divorced.   …I’m not sure I trust Astruc to do a ‘old methods compared to new’ given his behaviors and tweets in the past.  This is going to likely be as bad as Kung Food =_=)
304 Rebrousse-temps(Reverse-time) ladybug and chat noir defy/offend a friend of master fu. Becoming Reverse-time, she wants to make up for lost time by stealing the time of others! (…soooooo timebreaker but with the ‘twist’ of it being an old lady who is friends with Master Fu.  Maybe we’ll finally get more backstory on Fu and what his mistake was outside of the cringe and laugh inducing napkin ‘ghosts’)
305 Poupeflekta (doll-flection) ladybug and chat noir defy/offend juleka, who becomes reflekta again. But this time, the super-villain is not alone ... (name is a pun off dolls and reflekta.  Gee.  I wonder who the other villain is.  Wow. Gollee-gee.  Oh my.   …So Manon and Juleka are both re-akumatized.  Given how many OTHER ‘reakumatizeds’ there are this season, this smacks of ‘running out of ideas.   …why couldn’t we have replaced one or two of the repeats with Gagotor or the basketball star episodes we were SUPPOSED to get in s2?)
306 Papa Garou (seriously, garou means ‘human’, just like were- does.  This just means papa human) Translating just to see how the official synop spins it ladybug confronts her father, who is akumatised into papa garou. This monstrous guard-dog-man wants to lock marinette for the protection of the outside world!
307 Silence ladybug and chat noir defy/offend luka, who is akumatized into silence. Ready to give voice? (…so I’m expecting muting powers.  The way ‘ready to give voice’ is often used in France though is during revolutions ‘give voice to the small folk’ type stuff.   …and I really don’t trust Astruc to handle anything ‘revolution/riot/protest’ related well at all, sorry.)
308 Oni-chan (NO!  No no NO.  Kids are going to SEARCH FOR THE EPISODE TITLE AUUUGH) Ladybug and Chat Noir defy/offend Kagami, who becomes oni-chan. Jealous of lila, she wants to prevent her from approaching Adrien ... forever! (…sooo epic research fail to the point of ‘Astruc do you know even common Japanese?  Seriously how did the onii-chan/beloved brother to oni-chan/beloved demon pun turn into a female character?  And that’s even ignoring where oni-chan is in use.  I don’t want kids exposed to NSFW/adult content!!!  …also is it too much to ask to want to see Kagami (and luka) AWAY from the filter of love interest?  I get the show is romance focused but STILL)
309 Miraculeur Ladybug and her team defy Sabrina, who has become the Miraculeur! (…sooo at least one other person gets to use their miraculous pez candy this episode.  And apparently Sabrina gets a new/different akumatization.  I’m actually expecting this to be Mayura granting Sabrina her Avatar-warrior.  The heavy handed ‘oh no it is the new form of akumatization and is so powerful we must bring in the full team to battle it’ fits with what has sadly become the normal heavy handed writing here)
310 Oblivio A Villain rode in Paris and ladybug and char noir have lost their memory! Will they be able to defeat Oblivio so that this is only a bad memory? (could be interesting.  Heroes forgetting who they are generally those episodes that either are really awesome or crash and burn with very little in-between.)
311 Desperada Ladybug and her team face Desperada, an Akumatized guitarist. A Rock'n'roll day is in sight for our heroes! (wait…  it’s a pun off Desperado… which while done by a rock group was written by the Eagles to be a western/country song.  Not rock’n’roll.  ...Unless it’s a pun off the Desperado metal group(s)?  Seriously, Atruc, I get that you like rock but other genres are OKAY.   …also another ‘ladybug and team’ which makes me expect another Mayura avatar ep)
312 Maitre Noël (Master Christmas/Christmas Master) Nino’s little brother is akumatized into Christmas Master.  Ladybug and Chat Noir won’t have to give him a present if they want to stop him! (I… you… what…  that doesn’t…  Time is a THING.  The only two options here are that this is replacing Pire Noël… which doesn’t work because THAT HAD TO TAKE PLACE DURING SEASON 1 because it would have taken place BEFORE Disloceour… ***OR***  we are now officially in the new school year… and four months into said school year.  _WUT_)
313 Startrain ladybug and chat noir face Max’s mom, who becomes Startrain. Our heroes will need help to stop her! (so another team episode or possibly bring in a new hero or the like.)
314 Chasseuse de Kwamis (Kwami hunter/Hunter of kwamis) Ladybug and Chat Noir confront mme mendeleiev, who becomes chasseuse de kwamis  (so science teach finally gets akumatized.  Given the name my bet is she somehow sees one of the kwamis and now wants to hunt/capture them for study.  That’s MUCH more boring than I’d initially hoped when I saw the title)
315 Festin when the past master of master fu returns to haunt him, he withdraws Marinette and Adrien’s Miraculous to protect them ... (huh so we might finally get some backstory on Fu and the like.  …I’m not expecting much at this point, and flat out expecting it to contradict preiously established/hinted lore but maybe it’ll give us a springboard to something interesting.  …not expecting much out of the ‘the heroes must save the day without their miraculous plot line)
316 Gamer 2.0  (My god that is uninspired) ladybug and Chat Noir face Max, who has become Gamer 2.0.  Let the game start again! (…man even the summery sounds dull/like a rehash of Gamer.  I would have preferred Gagotor -t he comedian guest star – to this)
317 Climatika 2.0 ladybug and chat noir face Aurore Boreale again, who becomes Climatika 2. To stop it, the super heroes will have to be cold blooded! (…so we’re going from one ‘try to recapture past glory/popularity’ straight to another, huh?  ...wait cold bloo-  ...well.  Snake Miraculous is getting used.)
318 Ikari Gozen (Morning Rage) Kagami's mother is akumatized in ikari gozen and wants to punish kagami, who has disobeyed her. Will Ladybug save her best enemy? (…okay seriously Kagami has upgraded to ‘frienemy’ now?  Also I swear to God and all the little angels if Astruc tries to do a Tomoe Gozen ‘tribute’ here I am going to SCREAM.  He already screwed up EVERYTHING in the painting that supposedly was Tomoe in Origins 1, he’s screwed up every other instance of attempted ‘tribute’ and I don’t want to see another.  …also Kagami apparently is reduced to love interest again.  AUGH)
319 Timetagger ladybug and chat noir defy timetagger, a super villain come from the future to grab their Miraculous. The future of Paris is in their hands! (…I… you…  I don’t…  *buries face in hands and sighs*  Okay normally I’d be excited because in CONCEPT that sounds pretty cool.  …but I don’t trust Astruc for execution of concept anymore)
320 Trouble fete (Trouble party/Party Trouble) Ladybug and her team face Wayhem, now Trouble-Fete. Will our heroes succeed in making him smile? (…No.  No no no, I don’t want to see Astruc writing Wayhem as a bad guy!  I really came to love the adorkable doof in Gorzilla, esp with his moment of promising to grow and better himself and apologizing for stalking Adrien!!!  NOOOOOOOOOO  don’t ruin Wayhem I’m BEGGING YOU :( )
321 La marionnettiste 2 ladybug and chat noir face Marionnettiste 2 at the grevin museum! Our heroes should not remain stone-still if they want to stop her! (*sigh*  I'm expecting manon to be bringing statues to life, given the marble pun plus grevin is both famous for it's many statues AND it's where the two wax statues of LB and CN are irl)
322 Chat Blanc ladybug confronts the last person she thought she could get akumatize ... Chat Noir! (…You know, Astruc… if you’re going to lift plot lines from fanfics you probably  A: should not have bragged during hiatus and early season 2 about how often you read fanfics and how ‘off the mark’ they were B: should not be using super common fanon names like ladynoir, chat blanc, jade turtle and so on …Also lots of me screaming in rage here.  I figure there are three options.   From best to worst Chat/Adrien himself was not akumatized, it’s a situation like Copycat again Chat is akumatized but by some plot breaking twist manages to keep his ID secret (or he doesn’t.  We are at the end of the season here) Adrien is akumatized (not transformed) and become Chat Blanc and it’s 50/50 on him keeping his ID secret Félix (who wil be showing up next episode) is actually Chat Blanc) ... Please don’t let the ‘Civil War’ plotline actually be a thing, good Lord and little ducks.
323 Félix (there is a lot of screaming in rage occurring over here) Ladybug and Chat Noir battle alya, rose and juleka, akumatized in Punisher Trio, and Felix, Adrien's cousin. (No.  Just.  No.  Astruc has made no effort to hide that he flat out hates Félix and those who dare to like him instead of hating him.  If Félix shows up, it’s going to be a hate fest to one degree or another.  And I just… want Astruc to leave the PV fans alone.  We legit don’t DO anything except chill in our corner/servers and talk about what might have been and things that we like in what little content/concepts have been shown.  Heck most of us are equally fans of the cgi show.  Just… No.   I know I seem calm but I am actually very VERY enraged right now.)
324 Ladybug  Marinette gets taken out of collège/expelled from college, but another bigger problem awaits her: she has to face a sentimonstre that looks like… ladybug! (…meh.  I’m sorry, but meh.  Mari gets into school trouble again (maybe her parents look at the daily danger and decide to move to Nice or something) and there’s an imposter Ladybug.  We don’t even get the fake-out in summery of ‘maybe Mari will be akumatized’!!  Just tell us in the summery that it’s someone else, good lord =_=) ...Also apparently the avatars the Mayura creates are called Sentimonstres.  They literally just wedged sentient and monster together and called it a day.  I don’t... I can’t... It is so STUPID
325 Mangeamour: La battle des Miraculous partie 1 (love management?  Really?  …oh god is it a pun off couple counseling?) ladybug and chat noir confront the bourgeois couple, who become mangeamour, a cerebrus with two heads that devours all the love in Paris. (…wut)
326 Miracle Queen: La battle des Miraculous partie 2 Papillion akumatises chloe into Miracle Queen to implement a fatal plan. Will Ladybug and Chat Noir escape? (yes.  They will.  Like seriously there is no doubt they will and won’t even have to struggle much/risk failing really.   This isn’t like Zak Storm where there were times the writing and acting was so good I FORGOT that the heroes would win by the end of the day/wouldn’t be killed.  The fact that the heroes sometimes LOSE in ZS and have to scrap a victory at the end with much struggle added to that.  This?  This is just going to be the same episode it always is, following the same formula with no real risk or danger and I am just so… SAD… about that.  Right now all my hopes are pinned on s4 and s5 and Zag coming back to meddle like all hell again)
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inkspot-fox · 6 years
1, 6, and 10?
1. Least favorite class story?
Consular, hands-down. I really wanted to like it, too! I loved the first Chapter. The whole Plague storyline was really cool. And since I’d played Jedi Knight previously, I liked that the Emperor’s Children cropped up and we learned more about them (oh Master Sio, you poor fuck). But… auuugh. The story didn’t flow well at all. Chapter 2 was so incredibly dull for me. Chapter 3 felt… dislocated from everything else. It bothers me that Nadia is a romance option when we don’t even get her until after Belsavis (wtf). And none of the companions other than Qyzen and Felix really click with me, and they fumbled Felix’s backstory hard. 
But I could deal with all of that. Really, it’s the poor voice actors who got like the worst direction in the world. I feel so bad for Athena Karkanis and Nolan North because they were very obviously directed to be as monotone and emotionless as possible, and… they pulled it off. Especially Athena. But unfortunately that destroyed all possibility of any immersion or emotional connection I had to the character I made and the story going on. So… yeah :/
6. Least favorite romance?
I haven’t done as many of them as Aki has, but of the ones I’ve done… nnngghh I want to say Raina Temple, but I’m not sure that’s fair because her romance was okay if completely unremarkable; really I just hate everything about Raina herself. She exhibits so many qualities that evoke the purest disdain from me. There was also a sketchy line I remember after the first time she bangs the IA about the IA being “exotic” b/c she’s never done an alien before and that was :/ But again, I just don’t like Raina.
In which case, it might have to go to Lana. Because I love Lana. I love her with all of her flaws. And her romance starts out great on Imperial side! There’s gay-ass hand-holding and at the end of Manaan she just hugs you. There is no kiss, she hugs and it was great!!
And then in kotfe they just… drop the ball. There’s a few really good flirt options, but then once you confirm the romance in chapter 9, there’s NOTHING. No flirt options after that, no dialogue that indicates you’re even fond of one another. There’s, you know, the 1 scene at the end of the expansion just before the climactic battle and that was… cute but…
It’s very… pristine. And it reminds me too closely of the “women must be pure and chaste blah blah” BS. The like, one upside is that it’s totally possible, if picking your flirt options, to see Lana’s romance as a purely asexual romantic thing, which is very nice in that light, but almost certainly unintended.
10. Worst multiplayer experience?
Ohhhh man. I’ve had a couple of p. bad ones, and initially my thought went to this group finder Op I did of Dread Palace, but other than the group leader being weirdly and abruptly very abusive towards another player, the whole Op went smoothly, no wipes, done and I left.
No, the worst multiplayer experience I’ve ever had happened on my old server. I don’t remember what op we were trying to do… it was the Hard mode of one we’d done before, and the boss was a droid we had to like, keep underneath some furnace blasts, and one of the ranged dps was in charge of turning the furnaces on and whatnot.
Everyone else was just… in a very very bad mood. The tank specifically was in a bad bad mood, and the off-tank had died again. And the main tank needed a reprieve because the stacks of Awful from the boss were nearing critical (hence the need for an off-tank to swap back and forth), so the tank asks me if I can hold the boss for a few seconds.
I am playing a sentinel. A sentinel, if you recall, can only dps. All three specs are dps specs. I do not know a single damn thing about tanking. I know that tanks have taunts, but I also know that high-damage abilities generate threat spikes, and I was one of the higher-dpsing players in the group, so the tank reserved a taunt for when I drew aggro and had force chamo on cooldown.
So I said “okay, I’ll try!” and move to stand next to the tank figuring that like… the tank would drop aggro and the boss would aggro onto me and I’d pop my handful of cooldowns and a medpac if I needed one and the tank would grab the boss back and we’d be good.
But nothing happens. The tank doesn’t drop aggro. The boss stays on him. The tank is clearly waiting for… something?
So I’m like “I don’t have a taunt, I’m not sure what you want me to do”.
The tank gets all kinds of grouchy and upset because somehow I lead him astray? A seasoned player who’d been doing this for years longer than I had?
So I ask (this is all in voice chat btw, extra fun): “Do you have an agg-drop?”
And their response, I shit you not, is: “I’m a tank” in the nastiest possible tone.
Which, you know, is basically how it ends because the tank dies and we wipe and decide not to try again.
But here’s the kicker.
The tank was a shadow tank.
SHADOW TANKS HAVE FORCE CLOAK. Things that I have learned since starting to play an assassin tank: force cloak is an integral part of your damage mitigation and general mechanics. It triggers force shroud with the right utility. It resets your “1 medpac per battle” timer. It’s great for stealth-rezzing. It works as an interrupt against abilities the boss is trying to cast while focused on you.
Why does it work as an interrupt? Because it drops you into undetectable stealth.
That is the most agg-drop of any agg-drop.
Not, realistically, that it would have mattered much because I was still a pure-dps class with no taunts whatsoever, but at the very least the tank could have recovered and then drawn the boss back to the designated furnace it it wandered off.
It’s been… years and I’m still salty about this.
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whatzaoverwatch · 7 years
Hi there! I've found there's just never enough content about Lucio! He's my favourite support (and frankly my favourite character of the entire OW team). Would you be able to write a prompt about Lucio sharing a dance with his s/o with a marriage proposal after? The more fluff the better! Also this blog is fantastic. I've been reading your stuff for the past 3 hours now and I can't stop.
I know what you mean bruh he’s the one I got most hourson (Lucio main confirmed? Still don’t got lava achievement suffering) auuughthank you for your kindness anon it makes me happy
Lucio dance andproposal with s/o
You didn’t know what it was with the DJ, but he alwaysseemed to put a smile on your face no matter what happened. He was always byyour side whenever you struggled and eased your pain with not only music, buthis love towards you. You couldn’t find anyone else that had made you happier.He even opened you to more opportunities that you would’ve previously passedoff to be alone.
Somehow you were talked into going to a little gettogether with the Overwatch team. After the recall, he had been busy helpingout and he wanted to make it up to you as well as the team by throwing a partyto brighten everyones mood. Smiling at the scenery you watched as some agentsdanced happily to Lucios tunes or just kept to the side and socialized. Youweren’t fairly familiar with the entire group, but you recognized a few likeTracer and even D.Va. The music had put you in such a trance that it took you amoment to realize the music had gone slower. You turn to suddenly see Luciopick up a mic with his loving grin on his face.
“I want to thank everyone here for coming together tomake a difference,” Some of the group cheered happily as he raised his fingernot finished with his speech, “Now I was to dedicate this next piece to my ownhero, give it up for [Name].”
You suddenly blushed from head to toe at his declarationlooking sheepishly at the group that turned towards you with a cheer. Being thecenter of attention threw you off as you waved sheepishly at them. Turningtowards the turntable, you noticed that Lucio gave the spot over to D.Va as hemade his way over to you.
“Lucio…” you muttered suddenly finding his hands gentlytake yours and pulling you to the middle of the room. He couldn’t keep his eyesoff of you as he held you closer to him.
“Dance with me [Name].” The blush became more evident asyou found yourself on the dancefloor with him. You were still trying to warm upwith dancing, knowing how fun it was when it was the two of you. But seeing theagents look over with low whistles you became slightly nervous.
“I…I don’t…” He immediately indicated your nervousness ashe placed your hands onto his chest wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Just keep looking at me, it won’t even seem like theyare there.” You felt his heartbeat quicken as if he was relaxing himself. Notquestioning it you looked into his loving gaze as you swayed to the music withhim.
He always ensured you were comfortable, he was your safehaven no matter the situation. You were so focused on him that his words wereactually honest, you felt like it was only the two of you in the room at themoment. Lucio leaned his forehead into yours with a small chuckle.
“You look amazing tonight [Name]…” his words made youfeel butterflies in your stomach finding a smile returning to your face.
“Thank you, and you look quite handsome yourself.” He wasusually in his usual tank top and gear at music events, but he managed to pulltogether a green dress shirt and some sleek black dress pants. Then again,everyone else was just as formal. You hadn’t realized it until now wondering ifthis party was worth the getup.
“You know I would do anything to make you happy right?”You tilted your head for a moment before pulling yourself closer to his chestgiggling.
“Of course, you are always there for me…even wheneverything is falling apart you are always there to put a smile on my face. Ihaven’t been happier.” You hadn’t realized that music died down for a second asLucio squeezed your sides for a second.
“Well…I want to be able to do more than that,” He pulledaway and took a hold of your hands keeping them together as he spoke, “[Name],you are my inspiration, and I want nothing more than the best for you. So…”
He moved back for a moment getting down on one knee as itsuddenly kicked in what he was doing. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out ablack velvet box as he brought it infront of him keeping his eyes on you.Opening it, inside laid a white gold ring with a music note surrounding aglimmering white diamond. You gasped louder than expected and covered yourmouth in complete shock.
“[Name], will you marry me?”
You trembled in your stance as he looked at you withhope. As if you didn’t love him anymore than you already have you felt anotherwave of newfound love for the DJ. Nodding frantically, tears ran down yourcheeks biting your lower lip to withhold your excitement.
“Y-Yes…I will!”
The group around your two cheered in excitement as theman nearly back flipped in excitement. Standing up in one swift movement hetook your left hand and slid the beautifully shaped ring onto your finger. Itfit perfectly, just like your love. Entwining your fingers into his, he pulledyou close into a loving kiss as you returned it joyfully. The grin neverleaving his face as he pulled into a tight embrace kissing your cheek.
“I love you [Name].” you continued to giggle wiping thetears away as you embraced him back.
“I love you too Lucio.” The two of you danced the rest ofthe night away, ready to start your new lives with one another. You had neverfelt more open and free than you did dancing by his side.
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Writing request. Klance. Mutual pining. Supportive mechanical telepathic cat-parents.
man i feel like I could easily write 15 000 words about this haha. Trying to make this idea small is hard, but let’s give it a go. 
“So what do we do? We’re a paladin down now.” Pidge states. It’s a topic they’ve been dancing around. Shiro is gone, and yes of course they will find him again, but until then they can’t just… not form Voltron. 
“Keith takes black. Yeah ok, so that’s resolved.” Pidge continues.
“Are we honestly…” Lance starts to interrupt.
“But there’s STILL five lions.” Pidge shoots Lance a look. She knows he wants to argue the leader Keith point, but that’s another discussion. 
“We need another paladin.” She concludes. The group all stare at each other, not sure of what to suggest. The air is stale. 
“I….” Allura starts. Coran grabs her arm protectively. She turns to him with an understanding smile, pats his hand, and steps out of his grip.
“I will fill in.” Her commanding voice rings in the Lion’s hangar. Hunk nervously wrings his hands. Keith looks skeptical. 
“Princess, we need you to…”
“Who else do we have?!” Allura implores. “No one knows the lions like I do. I’m already a part of this team, so it’ll be easier for me to bond than some outsider!”  
The others all share a look. It had to be Allura. Of course it did. But it was a shame that it had to come to this. 
“Who will you pilot?” Hunk moves the discussion forward. Allura smiles and taps her chin thoughtfully. Her eyes move around to look at all the lions. She sighs at a fond memory. 
“My father was the red paladin, and if Keith is piloting black then…” Allura steps towards the red lion. She smiles and places her hand on its barrier. It vibrates under her touch, but does not break.
“It just seems logical.” There’s fondness in her blue eyes. She leans forward and places both palms on the barrier.
“Of course there is the issue of the red lion being the most temperamental so…” Allura laughs. The barrier doesn’t budge under her. Still keeping her out. Keith shakes his head. 
“She doesn’t like it when you call her that.” He sings.
Allura winces. She pats the barrier gently. 
“Ah, sorry girl. I didn’t mean it.” She coos. “I understand how important your paladin is. I know how much you need to trust them. I don’t want to push, but please… please I need you to…” Allura pauses. Her mouth goes taut. She stares at the giant beast in front of her trying to sense it. She leans against the barrier with a frustrated sigh. 
“How did you do this, Keith? I can tell this isn’t working at all.”
“I blasted myself out of an airlock if you must know.”
“Guys, guys,” Lance holds up his hands. “You’re going about this all wrong. For blue and I…. it was like love at first sight!” Lance saunters over to where Allura stands. 
“Your lion is your lady, and she has to know that you are going to love and respect her. You can’t grovel, you gotta woo her.” Lance stands next to Allura. 
“Mind if I show you?” He grins. Allura rolls her eyes.
“Oh yes please. Demonstrate for all of us.” 
Lance rises to the bait. He clears his throat.��
“Hello Red, you look radiant as always. Would it be ok if I spent the evening with you?” He raises his hand to knock on the barrier. 
He immediately falls through. With a vibration and a crackle, he stumbles into the red lions perimeter. He catches himself before he eats cement. He turns to beam at everyone. They look on with disbelief. Particularly Keith.
“See!” Lance exclaims happily. His voice sounds distant and crackly inside the barrier. “Just like that!” He turns to shoot finger guns at the red lion. “Thanks red, you’re beautiful. i love you. Ok Allura, if you just want to…”
Lance bumps against the barrier.
He stares at it in confusion. He tries to step forward and bumps against it once more.
‘What…?” He whispers. 
“Oh no…” Allura stares. Pidge’s eyes widen. Keith starts to look manic. 
Allura, Hunk and Pidge all touch the barrier. None of them can get in.
And Lance can’t get out.
Lance starts to push harder against the barrier. 
“Guys, I can’t…. how do I…?”
“Lance, Lance…” Allura shakes her head. She holds his gaze through the barrier. 
“She’s chosen you.”
Lance’s chest goes cold. He turns over his shoulder to look at the monstrous lion. The red glow around him is bright and hurts his eyes. Nothing like the soothing aura of Blue.
“What?! No! No! Nononono! Blue’s my lion! I’m not giving her up!” Lance beats on the barrier. it flickers underneath his fists. 
“Let me out! Keith! Come talk to your lion! Get me out of here! Tell her I can’t do this! I WON’T do this!”
“Lance, it’s ok. I’m coming I’ll…” Keith smacks into the barrier. So confident that it would peel away for him, that he hadn’t even tried to slow down. He rubs his knee that collided and hisses. He raises his hand to the barrier and pushes. It firmly pushes back. 
“Lance…” He breathily whispers. Lance places his palm opposite Keith’s, so they look like they are touching, but the barrier crackles firmly between them.
“I can’t get in.” His breath shakes with emotion. “She wants you. She’s chosen you.”
Lance blinks away tears. 
“B…but Blue. Blue’s mine. No one can….”
Soft footfalls echo across the hangar. Allura has taken off and runs towards where Blue stands. At a full sprint, she charges forwards and Blue’s barrier easily dissolves around her.
“Alright!” Alurra gives a victorious cheer. Blue lurches forward, opening its mouth ready for Allura to board. 
Lance’s heart breaks. He falls forward. Keith worries his lip and presses himself as close to Lance as he can. Hunk and Pidge wisely walk away. 
“Lance. Lance, I’m so sorry.” Keith whispers. His voice rattles in the comms of Lance’s helmet. 
“But out of everyone here…Red has chosen you. She needs you. Can’t you feel her?”
“But she’s yours, Keith. She’s yours and you’re hers.” Lance’s voice trembles. He looks up into Keith’s face. 
“I know. And she’ll always be mine so….” Keith swallows. “I’ll need you to take really good care of her. She’s trusting you, Lance. I’m trusting you.” Keith looks up with glassy eyes. Blue may have let Allura in, but here Red was actively locking her own paladin out. A surge of sympathy courses through Lance.
“Keith, I’ll…”
Metallic whirring causes lance to turn. Red has bowed down and opened her mouth wide, inviting Lance in.
“You have to go.” Keith states and turns to leave. Lance goes to grab him, but his hand smacks painfully against the barrier.
“Keith wait!” He calls. Keith pauses. His eyebrows knit together and he waits. Lance steps back from the barrier with a frustrated sigh. 
“If I…If I could hug you I would.” He announces. Keith’s eyes widen. 
Inside the red lion the controls look the same. The cock pit is the same layout. The controls are in the same place. The chair adjusts its heights with the same toggles…. but it still feels foreign. There’s that harsh red glare, the space is smaller, and it smells…. well… Lance tries not to focus too much on that.
Lance tentatively takes hold of the controls.
“I’m sorry girl. I don’t wanna insult you or anything. This is just… hard.” he sighs. “And you don’t know this, but I’ve kind of always been Keith’s replacement so… this feels painfully familiar.” Lance sinks into his chair. “Sorry, I’m not bad mouthing your paladin I promise. My feelings for Keith are…”
Lance grips harder onto the controls. He stares up at the ceiling. 
5… 4… 3… 2…
He lets out a frustrated roar.
“AUUUGH Fuck it! You know what, red? Fuck it! Let’s fly! Let’s just go fly! You’re fast right? Show me how fast you can go!” Lights turn on and something excitedly hums. 
“You’ve lost your paladin! I’ve lost my lion! Let’s just fucking fly and bond over how pissed off we are! Sound good?!” Lance grabs the controls and throws them forward. 
With a brutal leap, Red launches up and out of the hangar. With blinding speed she soars into the atmosphere. G forces pound on Lance’s chest and pull tears from his eyes. 
“HOLY FUCK!” He yells. He white knuckles the controls and begins to level Red out. He pushes her into a dive and then sling shots around a meteor. Terrified screams turn into excited whoops. 
“Shit, Red, they weren’t lying about you.” Lance laughs manically. He barrel rolls and soars upside through some sparkling space dust. Another roller coaster dive, and Lance elegantly pirouettes Red through open space.
“Alright! Can Keith do that?” Lance throws his head back and hollers. When he opens his eyes he sees that they are approaching a meteor fast. He abruptly pulls Red up. Her back claws knock against it. 
“Don’t laugh, don’t fucking laugh at me.” But Red does anyway. Lance sighs. His helmet crackles.
“Lance? Lance?” Keith’s worried voice comes on the comms.
“I’m here.”
“Where did you go? You just left?”
“Aw did you miss me?” Lance laughs. Red seems to like that joke.
“No, I just didn’t…”
“Ah, Red says you’re lying.” Lance smirks. Red seems to like that even more. Lance chuckles to himself. So this lion had some snark, huh?
“It’s ok, Keith. I’m just flying around you guys. I just wanted to get a feel for her.”
“How is it?”
“Good. Fast.” Lance laughs. “I’m worried I’m gonna put her through a comet.”
“Please don’t.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Lance pauses. He hears Keith breathe on the other end. 
“Lance…” Lance reacts to the way keith says his name. He grips slightly tighter to the controls. Then his eyes narrow. 
“Are you making fun of me?” He whispers to the lion around him.
“What? Lance, I’m not…”
“No, no, not you. I think Red is…”
“Oh yeah…” Keith darkly laughs. It sends shivers down Lance’s spine. “She’s uh… she can get talking.”
“I’m seeing that.” Lance pouts.
“Anyway, sorry lance, but could you just come land again? We just kind of rushed into this and we need to sort some things out. Sorry. I know you probably want to be alone.”
“No, no, Keith it’s fine. I understand. I’m just circling now. I’ll be back there in a minute.”
Lance hears Keith’s comms click off. He rolls his shoulders and grips onto Red’s controls, sending her hurtling back towards the castle. 
“Red… how much do you know?” lance asks. But Red is silent. 
Keith watches Red gently touch down back in the hangar. It’s weird to watch her like this. It almost feels like an out of body experience for Keith.
Red’s barrier goes up quickly, keeping everyone else at bay. Keith feels a twinge of betrayal, but tries to push it down. It’s for the good of Voltron.
“How was landing?” He asks Lance through their helmets.
“Like a feather.” Comes Lance’s cheery reply. It’s good that he sounds more himself. 
Keith slowly approaches Red. He waits at the edge of the barrier for Lance to exit. But Red doesn’t move forward for Lance to disembark. Keith moves to lean against the barrier, but feels no resistance. He’s able to move through.
“Oh my god, now you let me in??” He grumbles and approaches the Red lion. She opens her mouth to let him enter. Keith walks into the familiar space and smiles at the strange face that looks up at him from his usual chair. Lance has taken off his helmet and beams. 
“Hey! She let you in!” He laughs. The cockpit closes behind Keith as he moves into the space.
“Seems so. I guess she figures she made her point.” He glares at the ceiling, hoping she can feel it. He moves to the dashboard and plats it. 
“How was it?”
“Yeah great!” Lance sniffles. “I mean… she didn’t eject me into space, so that’s good.”
“Nah, she’d never.” Keith tenderly brushes his hand over the dashboard. He shakes his head and smiles to himself. 
“She likes you.” He says quietly. “She really likes you.”
Lance moves forward. He nervously grabs a hold of Keith’s free hand.
“Sit with me?” He asks. Keith stares. His mouth begins to move before he knows what’s going to fall out of it.
“Oh… okay.” He nervously clambers onto the large chair in front of Lance, so he’s practically sitting in Lance’s lap. There’s warmth on his back and around his legs. He takes off his helmet and throws it to the floor, feeling like he’ll overheat. 
“Can you show me through the controls?” Lance asks. Keith wordlessly nods. 
“Uh… ok so….” He points with his right hand. “This is where you put your bayard, oh shit yeah guess I have to give you that, for when you want to activate Voltron’s sword.” His voice shakes a little bit. 
“Oh cool, okay.” Lance politely listens.
“And this…” Keith gestures to a different place. “This is where you can use her fire power.”
“That’s the same as Blue.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah. Funny that.”
“Mmmm.” Keith hums. His voice lowers. “Sometimes if you grab this lever here, and if she’s really energetic that day, she’ll do a complete flip.” Keith laughs.
“Uh huh. But only if she’s feeling up for it. I think it’s really hard on her.”
“Ok uh… tell me more…. about her I mean.” Lance leans forward. His hands hover nervously around Keith’s hips. 
“I’d love to.” And Keith leans back into Lance’s chest. Lance stops breathing as he wraps his arms around Keith’s middle. He gasps for air when Keith appears to melt into him. He rests his head against Lance’s shoulder. 
“See that dial there? When it’s in the red zone that means you better have plenty of breaking room. Otherwise you’ll be picking dashboard out of your teeth.” Keith recounts. Lance laughs and wraps his arms tighter around him.
“Perfect. What else?”
“She really does like it if you praise her.”
“Of course. And she thinks it’s cute how you call her beautiful.”
“Like in a patronising way?”
“No, no. She just like your boldness. Be bold. She’ll respect you more.”
“Well in that case…” Lance actively pulls Keith flush against his chest. He leans forward so he can prop his chin on Keith’s shoulder, and speaks softly against his ear. 
“Guess I’ll have to be more courageous then.” 
Keith chuckles. He takes one of Lance’s hands in his and entwines their fingers. 
“Guess so.”
Was this your plan? Is this what you wanted?
Are you happy, child?
… yes.
That is all I wanted. 
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chaiteakusuri · 7 years
Glasses Smashes
This started as a way to get through some writers block, but it ended up being a whole, long thing.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
              Alfred yawned, groaning as sunlight poured into the bedroom from the window onto his sleeping face, rousing him from his peaceful slumber where he lay snuggled against his boyfriend, Ivan. Alfred didn’t even want to open his eyes, let alone tear himself from their sleepy embrace to get ready for the day.               With a quiet sigh, Alfred willed himself to let his eyes flutter open, if only to shoot an irritated look to the offending sunlight pouring through the window. But, when the American opened his eyes and looked towards the window, Alfred was surprised by what he saw. Alfred saw.
Alfred peered across the room, his eyes flowing from their closet to their dresser to the drapes along the top of the window. However, what shocked the American most was when he settled his gaze on his poster for one of his favorite computer games; he could see it, he could read it.              After a moment, Alfred feared for the safety of his glasses and his hand quickly rose to his face to grope for his glasses, wanting to assess the damage. Alfred was surprised, however, to find that he wasn't wearing his glasses.  A glance to his right revealed that his glasses were resting on the adjacent bedside table and the blonde’s amazement skyrocketed.  Alfred bolted upright, drawing a tired grunt from the Russian beside him and proceeded to tear the blankets off himself, getting out of bed and examining the poster again.              Alfred stood at the bedside and scooped up his glasses as proof to himself that they 100% were not aiding his sight. The blonde looked at the poster with the same level of excitement and joy as he did when he purchased the posters years upon years ago in a convention hall.              “Masters of Mysteries…” he whispered softly to himself, reading the text on the poster aloud “Masters of Mysteries.” he whispered once more before darting his gaze to the smaller, harder to read text. “Mysteries just like M.O.M. used to make.” He said softly and then louder “Mysteries just like M.O.M. used to make!”              The excitement on the American’s face didn’t falter for even a moment when a groan sounded from the lump on the bed. “Yes, your mom is a nice woman.” Ivan grumbled incoherently while turning his back on the other and trying to bury himself into the bed. Unfortunately for the Russian, Alfred took the presence of any type of reply as an excuse to drag Ivan into being part of his excitement as well.              “Ivan, Babe, Ivan!” he said quickly, rounding the bed to Ivan’s side where he prodded, poked, and shook his lover to attention              “Alfred nooo.” Ivan whined quietly, swatting weakly at his lover’s hand as it poked at his head. But, the blonde continued. Ivan let out an angry huff and opened his eyes to give an annoyed look to his ecstatic boyfriend.              “Ivan I can read the poster!” Alfred chirped cheerfully, too cheerfully for such an early hour in the morning.              Ivan looked up at the American for a long moment, the thought of punching his boyfriend running through his mind before letting out a distasteful grunt, “I cannot believe you.” He grumbled while tucking his head underneath his pillow to try and find the dark silence he had mere minutes ago.              “I can’t believe it either!” Alfred exclaimed, “I can read the poster!”              “Groundbreaking.” Ivan grunted from under the pillow, and Alfred continued,              “I can read the tinier text too!”              “Wonderful.” Came another grunt in response.              “Yeah, c’mon Ivan!” Alfred goaded as he grew tired of the lack of true responses to his amazing recovery.              “I’m cured! Mysteries just like M.O.M. used to make!”              “Cured by the game? You are still going on about that old computer game?” Ivan grumbled with a heavy Russian accent that was characteristic of Alfred’s sleepy Russian.              “Hey!” Alfred huffed, “That old computer game is important to our relationship!”              By this point Ivan knew that Alfred was, without a doubt, fully awake and assuming the ‘upset Alfred’ stance. Knowing better than to ignore his boyfriend any longer, Ivan dragged his head out from underneath the pillow to start forming an apology. However, by the time Ivan opened his mouth, Alfred already seemed to have completely forgotten and busied himself with the book Ivan had on his bedside stand.              “See?” Alfred said to obtain his boyfriend’s full attention. Alfred waved the book and his glasses around as if to further solidify their presence and then began, “How to cook authentic Russian food for picky Americans.” He read clearly aloud and then added, “Still rude, by the way.”              Ivan looked up at the other, amazed for a brief moment before adopting a skeptical look, “You know book’s title already.” Ivan said, a warning in his voice; if Alfred shook him awake simply to play a prank on him, he would make Alfred regret it.              “Nuh-uh, nuh-uh!” Alfred immediately shot back and cracked open the book in order to supply more evidence, all while Ivan watched him with intense, albeit sleeply, scrutiny.              “If you’ve ever found yourself dining with an American, you’ve also most likely been quick to find that they are extremely picky eaters.” Alfred read aloud from the book and let out a scoff as he finished the first sentence.              “You are picky.” Ivan said simply              Alfred huffed, but shook it off and opened to a random page of the book to provide even more proof. “Making Pirozhki can be easily altered to suit most American’s tastes while still remaining much like it is in traditional Russian cuisine. Simply--” Alfred cut himself short to toss his hands up in complete joy “THANK YOU JESUS I’m cured!” Alfred cried happily with a whoop of delight.              Ivan, brought almost to full alertness by Alfred’s shouting, looked up at the blonde in a groggy state of shock. Ivan knew that Alfred had never read the preface of the book let alone the recipes in it. So how was this even close to possible? Alfred’s vision was so bad that it wouldn’t be far from abnormal for Alfred to mistake a coat rack for a conversation partner when without his glasses.              “Aw yeah- twenty twenty vision, baby!” Ivan heard Alfred shout happily from the hallway as the American had left to find more things to read with his perfect vision, leaving Ivan to continue trying to comprehend the sudden and impossible recovery of his boyfriend’s eyesight. Ivan sat up, willing the sleepy gears of his mind to turn as he puzzled the sudden recovery further.               Alfred’s vision was just as bad yesterday morning as it was the day Ivan met him. Over the many years that their relationship has spanned thus far, Alfred’s vision hasn’t made a single ounce of improvement. But Alfred would almost always have his glasses with him so it would normally not be a problem. Ivan pursed his lips in thought. What had they done last evening?              The Russian recalled that last night the two of them had gone to the late showing of a spectacular 3D movie. They had left late and had returned even later, too tired to bother with their normal evening routine and skipped straight to going to bed. The more Ivan thought about it the more he knew that Alfred’s vision had been as poor as it had always been yesterday evening. Ivan remembered that he had, as a matter of fact, poked fun at Alfred before leaving while the blonde was doing the rare task of putting in his contacts before going to the movies.          At that moment all thought froze as Ivan remembered and worry conquered the Russians features “Alfred!” Ivan called out into the hallway, getting up from the bed quickly. “Alfred!” Ivan shouted louder down the hallway as he clamored out into the hallway to make his way to where he thought his boyfriend was.          “Alfred you’re wearing your contacts!” Ivan bellowed as he stormed into the living room, praying that Alfred hadn’t already done what he thought he’d done. “You fell asleep in your contacts!”          Alfred blinked, looking up to his lover, the vestiges of his ecstatic demeanor falling from his face as realization struck the poor man. Alfred stood there a long, silent moment; he let the book he was looking over drop from his hand and slowly brought his eyes to his other hand and the contents within it.          “Alfred…” Ivan began slowly, bringing his gaze down to the glasses that Alfred now clutched tightly in his fist. They were broken. From all the excitement and awe that Alfred displayed earlier as his miraculous recovery, it wasn’t too hard to piece together that Alfred had shattered his glasses deliberately. The rush of suddenly not needing them must have egged the blonde on to destroy the reminder of his past poor eyesight; alas, now all that remained was two crushed pieces of spectacles and a grief-stricken looking American.          “Ivaaaannnn!” Alfred cried at length as he let himself fall backwards and crumble down into the armchair behind him. “Auuugh fuuuck shit fuck dammit!”          Ivan heaved a sigh, frowning sympathetically at his crestfallen lover before turning and picking up the phone. “I’ll call the optometrist.” Ivan sighed while looking through the en masse sticky notes for the correct number. Alfred whimpered from his spot in the armchair where he had curled up pathetically and Ivan added, “…And I’ll order in some Chinese, hm?”          Alfred sighed heavily, nodding slightly as Ivan crossed the room with the phone to pet at his hair. “It’s fine…” Alfred said after a long moment          “Oh is it?” Ivan asked, looking down at Alfred while holding the phone to his ear to which Alfred nodded.          “Yeah.” He said, reaching up to hold and caress Ivan’s hand affectionately, “Cuz I don’t need glasses to see how much I love you.” He crooned quietly, giving the Russian a small smile.          Ivan blinked, flushing and smiling in spite of himself as he felt his heart melt. “You better not have done all of this just to squeeze in one of your cheesy one liners.” Ivan chided even though he was returning Alfred’s smile with one of his own.          “Yooou love ‘em.” Alfred hummed softly while watching the other walk back across the room, anticipating the doctor to answer soon.          “Sure, Alfred.” Ivan said and then added before the doctor came on the phone, “You’re a silly American.”          “I love you toooo.” Alfred sang softly, slumping into the chair, letting the bits of glasses fall from his hand to the floor as he awaited the arrival of Chinese food and the return of his Russian.
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longestnight64448 · 6 years
Love Notes *George Weasley X Reader*
"I will pass, I will pass.." I mumbled to myself as I walked down the hallway!
"Of course you will!" I heard a voice say, I turned around to see Ron Weasley, walking a little ways behind me, and farther back, Harry and Hermione were jogging to catch up.
I gave them all a half-smile, "Seriously though, I HAVE to pass!"
"You will Sierra!" Hermione said, smiling at me, "We've been studying together the whole week, you will pass!" She encouraged.
"Alright, alri--" I satarted to say before I was rudely interupted.
"And how is everyone here today?" Said none other than George Weasley, his twin trailing right behind him.
I rolled my eyes, and turned around to walk forward again. I didn't understand him at all. All he did was annoy me. He does everything he can to bother me. His whole family likes me, and treat me great, but for some reason he doesn't. It makes no sense.
I then felt an arm wrap around me.
"I asked how you are today?" George said, leaning over me with his arm still wrapped around me.
I rolled my eyes again, and pulled away.
"I WAS doing just peachy until someone showed up!" I said, glaring at George.
He looked at me blankly, then said "Jeez, you don't have to be so mean Sierra. Fred's not that bad.."
"Auuugh!" I groaned. I looked at the trio who I was talking to before, and they were all looking away from me, smiling. I raised an eyebrow, shrugged my shoulders and headed into History of Magic. The most boring class in the world.
"Alright class, you have all class to finish." Said our ghost of a teacher. Literally, he's a ghost!
I took a deep breath, grabbed my quill and started to write.
"Okay, question 1, question 1, what year did th-- OW!" I mumbled as something hit me in the back of the head.
I looked over at the teacher seeing that he was occupied with something else, I quickly turned to see what happened. I saw a crumpled piece of paper on the ground. Knowing it wasn't there before, I picked it up, and secretly read it.
I like you.
"What the.." I thought.
"Is there something wrong, Ms.?" Mr. Binns asked me.
Shocking me, I sprang up in my chair, "Oh, no, no, everything is fine!" I said, turning red.
Apparently satisfied, he walked, uhh, floated away.
breathing a sigh of relief, I went back to my test, "Alright, In what year did-- auuugh!" I groaned quietly.
Turning around again, I saw another crumbled piece of paper, upon opening it, I read:
You're amazing.
Turning red, I looked around the class to see if anyone was looking at me, or turning red at least. Seeing no one, I turned around to go back to my test, only to find that it wasn't there anymore.
"What the.." I said aloud. I looked up to see the teacher staring down at me.
"I'm assuming you couldn't see anyones' answers yet, seeing as you haven't answered a single one yet." He said to me.
"What?! No, no I wasn't cheating! I swear!" I said, panicing.
"Really now? I suppose you were just looking around the room for fun?" He said accusingly.
"No, I mean, well, no, but I have a good reason for it!" I said, my face flushing.
"Sorry Ms. No reason will save you now. Please follow me." Mr. Binns said. I sighed and grabbed my materials off my desk.
As I walked down the aisle between desks, my friends gave me apologetic looks. I gave them a sad smile and shrugged my shoulders. Before I left the room, another paper hit me in the head.
Everything will be okay. Just keep smiling the beautiful smile.
My face turned an even brighter shade of red. I turned around again but only saw my friends still smiling at me sadly.
Thankfully, Mr. Binns knows I'm a good student. He placed me in the detention room to write my test. Upon finishing he let me go out to enjoy the rest of the day. I walked up to one of the towers of the school. I loved the fresh air, and the privacy of the tower.
"Alright." I said aloud, " 'I like you', 'You're amazing', and 'beautiful smile'! Who wrote these?! I said, shaking my head in frustration.
"Someone who thinks those things about you." I voice said from the darkness.
I jumped, I turned around but couldn'tsee them.
"Who's there?!" I asked, a little bit scared.
"Don't worry! I wont hurt you." The boy said, sounded embarassed.
"I'll hurt you if you don't show me who you are!" I said angrily.
The man in the dark stood there for a while, silent. I crossed my arm and tapped my foot in impatience. Finally, he spoke.
"Promise you wont get mad at me? Or yell at me?" He asked, timid.
I raised an eyebrow at him, but shrugged my shoulders, "I Promise." I said sincerely.
Again, he waited a little bit, then he shyly stepped out of the darkness. my eyes widened at who it was.
"George Weasley?!" I asked, shocked.
".. Suprise!" he said, not very into it though.
"What are.. are.. I mean, you mean, you.. I.. AUGH!" I growled in anger.
"Sierra! You promised you wouldn't get mad!" He reminded me, frightened. He knows how I can be to people I don't like.
"Yeah, but I never knew it was you!" I answered back.
"Why do you hate me so much?!" He finally asked, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.
"Why do you pick on my so much?!" I retorted.
He stopped and stared at me, "You mean you don't know?" He asked.
".. Know what?!" I asked.
All of sudden he started to laugh, a lot.
I glared at him, "What's so funny?!"
"You!" He said through laughs.
I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to go back to the common room.
"Wait!" I said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into him.
My face turned red, "What are you doing? Let go of me!" I fought.
"Do you know who wrote those notes to you?" He asked suddenly.
I looked up at him shocked. "No.. but, how do you know about them?" I asked.
He chuckled at me, and instead of answering my question, he just kissed me.
Instead of pushing him away like I probably would have done, I kissed him back.
It is true, boys do pick on you when the like you.
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