#ALSO!!!!! Cousin A (maybe 10 years older than my mom??) and her partner got married recently and!!!!!!!!
bittershins · 2 years
See i am never going to 'come out' - i will casually sprinkle in the fact that i am queer in conversation, as though that had already been agreed upon, elaborate no further and leave them to their own devices.
Let THEM try to figure out if they're just forgetting me mentioning before. (Thank you mom for just rolling with me all the time)
Also?? Older folks in my family are queer and it just makes such a difference having people talk about it? Like my cousin has been GNC since age 5-6, and some are catching up faster than others but it's not something that gets swept under the rug ya know?
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
7, 10, and 17 for the Hogwarts Mystery asks?
Thank you for asking!! =)
7. Are their parents married, divorced... dead?
Keira and Jacob’s parents were never married... well, to each other (It’s a scandal!) - Their dad was already married with a family but fell for their mom who unknowingly became a mistress. After becoming pregnant with Jacob she discovered he was married with a family and his affair came to light but he claimed to be trapped in a loveless marriage for blood purity reasons and, as Jacob would say, manipulated her to continue with their relationship. But it’s possible he truly did love her but was too afraid or reluctant to give up his wealthy, pure blood elite lifestyle.
Both of their parents have passed away. Their mom in November of 1978 and their dad in 1979.
Unless we go with my original plan for my HP OC in which case Sirius is her dad and therefore alive just in prison but that wouldn’t work with this timeline
10. Do they have a job back home?
I’ve honestly never even considered this! Don’t remember hearing much about the HP characters having summer jobs but it’s plausible! Love this question! (This got longer than anticipated, sorry! Never thought about it before and once I started this happened!)
When she would go back to Canada during the summer I like to think she helped her “adopted” dad with his job in the Quidditch industry. He helped coach and train Jacob to be a Keeper and while he could be a great trainer/coach, at least for Keepers since Jacob was set to go pro, he offers his helps to teams around Canada, and possibly all over North America, as a recruiter. And Keira would pretty much just join him on some assignments when younger and learned a lot about Quidditch and the industry. As she grows older and even beings to play herself she is able to offer more insightful opinions on players they go to see for possible recruitment for teams and can use her charm and cunning ways to help seal the deal if necessary ;) 
While in England or Ireland on breaks, or during her time there during the summer since she splits her time with both, the older she gets the more time she spends in England (except the summer between Fifth and Sixth year where she was primarily in Canada) she doesn’t really need to work since both her parents actually left her and Jacob quite a bit to be taken care of (with interests since they clearly haven’t touched it or even knew about it until they began to attend Hogwarts) but she can get bored. But going to the same job every day and doing the same thing every day would also drive her insane - she likes, needs, versatility. So she may wander around Diagon Alley and offer to help out different shops, primarily probably the Quidditch shop, but nothing permanent because the same basic routine would drive her mad. So she may restock books, help display and sell Quidditch supplies, or run errands for shop owners. 
When Barnaby moves in with her (personal headcanon, well aren’t these all? =p, officially summer before Sixth Year but he spent a lot of time at her place the previous summer and holiday breaks) they will run some errands for his grandmother in Knockturn Alley and she may give them a little payment for it.
And as always, she loves helping out Madam Rosmerta (although that’s not really back home), actually really enjoys hanging out in a pub, maybe too much =p Catch her at the Hogs Head Inn
17.Who is their best friend and who is their worst friend (From the friend list)
From the Friend’s List: 
Best Friend: Bill Weasley ...Or Talbott Winger (HE MAY DENY IT BUT IT’S TRUE!!! =p)
Don’t get me wrong, I love Barnaby and they are also very close but Bill really is her ultimate best friend and the only reason she would become a Curse-Breaker - if she could work with him as partners. And Tonks is her cousin =p I guess Charlie is also her best friend? Nah, it’s Bill. 
Worst Friend: Tulip Karasu
Not from the Friend’s List:
Best Friends: Wilhemina Fujita, Belladonna Walker, Arnian Raes
@wilhelminafujita @cptaincarswell @arnyan
Worst Friend: Um...I’m going to say Jack Fawley - more elusive than Talbott! Where are you? We could be great friends! @unforgivablecurse-breaker 
(Honestly my MC would probably be friends with a lot of other MC’s but I don’t know that many people that well! I’m here for more MC friendships though =p)
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ofhowls · 6 years
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WANTED CONNECTIONS ! below you’ll find a list of wanted connections, please fill them before i commit sewer-side. if you wanna talk, you wanna discuss – send me a message on discord ( jayden#7437 ) ! okay, that’s all.
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alvarez, odette – quick summary: twenty-nine, cancer, has a daughter ( ava: played by lane ), engaged ( nicolas: played by pj ), is a florist because life’s a joke, kind of hot-headed, has a messy past we don’t talk about, would beat someone up 10/10, don’t test her, drives an ugly pick-up truck ( bella’s from twilight, don’t ask ) and owns a fluffy kitten named mango. 
plot one – mother: long story short, her mom was around 16 when she had her ( would now be in her mid 40′s ), was a prostitute who didn’t care and was all around a trash human being. odette moved into foster homes before she turned 6 and she was in and out of them throughout her entire childhood. when odette had ava, however, she moved back in. and their relationship turned messier real fast. she moved back out at eighteen and has been staying away from her mom ever since. her mom only ever contacts her for money, she’s that bitch. fc could be salma hayek, but any mexican fc in that age range is a1.
plot two – sister from another mister: odette lived on the street in her teens, often running away from foster homes because they were GROSS. i want someone from her past in sheffield. i really, really want their relationship to have been like them kiddos in the movie thirteen ( 2003 ), you know? like hella ride or die but also toxic af. fc doesn’t matter but white people are gross so a person of colour, mayhaps? they’d be either her age or older, and obviously a womf because she hates men.
* NEW ! plot three – butler: look, she’s marrying rich and i’ve already established that she’s best buds with the butler. he’s old, he’s nice, they’re just having a good time together. all that i know about him is … just that, cool! he’s worked with the talbots for ages so, you get like +3484 plots with this one. do it, i beg of you. jeremy irons is a snack and so is jeff goldblum. think about it. 
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apolskis, julian – quick summary: twenty, leo, has had cancer come and go since he was 10, is a bit of an asshole, its a defence mechanism though, lost his leg a year ago, has a sister ( kitty: played by lane ), currently dating ( micah: played by patty ), is in a band, plays drums, has a deadbeat dad that his mom sends fake happy bday cards from. 
plot one – father: basically, back in the good old days ( about 11 years ago ), julian and his family lived in seattle. living their best life. and then, he got diagnosed with cancer. in came the bills and his father split. he’s been out of their lives ever since, not really giving a hot diddly darn about his son – or the rest of the family, not that i care about them. he’d be in his mid 40′s or older by now. any white male fc would work but hugh dancy is dear to me. 
* NEW ! plot two – hospital buddy: give me a friend for this motherfricker, okay? someone who might be sick, too. someone who’s been at the hospital with him, someone who knows that struggle of DYING. you feel me? this person can literally be 80 years old, i don’t care! as long as they’ve spent some time in care with my boy, maybe even roomed with him, it’s all good.
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atkins, scarlett – quick summary: nineteen, gemini, mother’s a dead socialite, father is an alive asshole, used to smang her step-brother ( milo: played by pj ) before he ditched her, was kind of the queen bee before she ghosted on all her “friends” for a fancy college, got kicked out of said college for an adderall addiction, is now at rock bottom and forced to hang with the losers, super manipulative and selfish, kind of got a rough exterior. 
plot one – old friend: i really want someone who used to be friends with her either before she became miss popular or before they graduated. either way, she would’ve ditched them for bigger and better. i want beef, i want dramas – i want this bitch to suffer. before she hung with the it crowd she was a freaking mathlete, so don’t you forget it. honestly, cady heron is SHAKING. i say as i stole it from lindsay weir, whatever. she was also a cheerleader in her later years, if that helps. i’m very cliche. they’d be like nineteen, and preferably a womf but i’m not picky. 
* NEW ! plot two – father: all you gotta know about ray atkins, is that he’s garbage. he’s a rich bitch, the richest damn dude in town, and he cares approximately NOT AT ALL about his daughter. he’s constantly going back and forth between pushing her to achieve things and not acknowledging her presence. it’s a hard knock life. rape tw // there was also an instance where scout experienced assault at a party and he blamed her for drinking, so … not the nicest. on top of that, he doesn’t allow scout to speak french in the house ( her mother was french, uwu ), and that’s MEAN. anyways, any white/puerto rican man in his 40′s and up will work. 
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baek, wolfgang – quick summary: thirty-five, capricorn, loves horror films and has made quite a few, dad is a famous director ( bigger in korea than the states ), has triplets because his dick is that powerful, went from mr. friend zone to mr. i’m sorry i gave you three babies at once, sort-of-dating ( ziba: played by patty ) really talkative and amazing, works at blockbuster because that’ll support a family, am i right, lads?
plot one – work pal: he’s at work a lot, ok? and he needs friends. it’s a win/win. i need someone for him to do stupid work stuff with, make working a fun experience! i want a squad like in chuck, you know? if you don’t know what i’m talking about then superstore, if you still don’t know what i’m talking about then why are you still here? age don’t matter but i would prefer if they were close in age. gender, who cares. bye.
plot two – partner in crime: basically, he makes a lot of indie flicks. he actually only moved to sheffield to work on a screenplay but… it’s been a while. i need someone who makes movies with him, though. a co-director or someone he keeps casting as the lead because bros, ok? once again, preferably close in age, gender doesn’t matter.
* NEW ! plot three – cousin: i mean, hewwo? most of his extended family is back in korea, but – but – i could imagine his aunt or uncle would’ve moved to the us shortly after his parents did. so, a cousin would be neat! someone his age, someone he can talk to about childhood stuff, someone who understands his unspoken rivalry with his father, someone to babysit his kids. they would’ve lived in florida after moving to the us, thirty and up and preferably a dude. i like dudes. but a woman would work as well. not to mention, half or fully korean!
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bellefleur, kipling – quick summary: forty-eight, capricorn, born and raised in louisiana, has two kids he don’t know about ( lucia: played by britt, jude: played by patty ), a cop at the police station, lives alone with no pets because god hates him, got a partner ( elliot: played by lane ) but not in the gay way, unfortunately heterosexual, kinda grumpy, kinda just annoyingly white. 
* NEW ! plot one – hook-up: kip is a sexual being, believe it or not! and sometimes, a mans need a nut bust. he’s a great lover, i swear. but he’s not a great mans when it comes to the romantics. he does have two kids he don’t know of, after all. just give me someone he visits late at night, ignores in public and have fake deep convos with whilst sharing a cigarette in bed. really painting a picture here, aren’t i? unlike other fathers in this town, he has no interest in sleeping with someone his child’s age, so –– thirties and up!
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cheung, beatrice – quick summary: twenty-five, aries, middle school teacher, a big fucking lesbian, dating ( kaylee: played by patty )super sociable and outgoing, literally loves partying and hanging out with the youths, self-proclaimed big sister to just about every teen out there, works part-time as a waitress at the diner, used to be engaged but we don’t talk about that, foster kid with no connection to blood-related family. 
plot one – coworker: someone at the diner! just someone to have her back, to gossip with, to hang out with after shifts, to just be gal pals with, you know? she needs more gal pals. i love throwing movie references in there, but – think whiplash with ellen page. that kind of aesthetic, that kinda shit. from mid to late twenties, a woman because i don’t care for men. 
plot two – pseudo-sibling: i want her to really play the big sister role with someone! have a little baby she can pass all her heaux wisdom down on. just a wee bean that she considers a little sibling of sorts. she could even house them for a bit since she’s back to living alone! they’d have to be in their teens and gender, once again, does not matter!
* NEW ! plot three – foster sibling: she already has like fifteen, so give her another. tris is probably the youngest among the bunch and owen ( played by fanny ) is somewhere in the middle. it’s just a nice jewish household that fostered a lot kids, cool? any fc, any ethnicity, any gender! just older than twenty-five, is all i’m asking. neat, thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
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cowell, stefan – quick summary: twenty-nine, scorpio, construction worker, married ( lumen: played by pj ), got a little sister who he always fights with ( arella: played by kt, whenever she returns to us ), hates dogs, kind of a prick, a huge prick actually, sort of running from the law but like on the low-key, always 100% done with just about everyone’s shit. 
plot one – work buddy: like i said, he works construction. and i want him to have one friend. like a singular friend. someone to grab a beer with, someone who he doesn’t wanna strangle. it’ll be a miracle but it’s a miracle i deserve damnit. they’d have to be in their late twenties or older, a dude and any fc. 
plot two – neighbour: it sounds like a basic plot, but i promise you – it’s worth it! i want him to have a god damn family feud plot going on, okay? i want them to fight, i want neighbours ( 2013 ) as a plot on tumblr dot com. i want him to hate them and i want them to hate him. fc don’t matter! gender don’t matter! preferably around his age or older, though. 
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halonen, oliver – quick summary: thirty, aquarius, part-time mechanic, part-time bartender ( think coyote ugly because that’s hot ), used to be engaged ( marty: played by tasha ), got a fake daughter ( pauline: played by pj ), has some slight drug issues she’s working out atm, also her dad’s back from the dead ( uriah: played by lane ), she’s super nice and cute and you should all love her sarcastic ass. 
plot one – work friend: i feel like i just want everyone to have coworkers, but listen… i genuinely just do. either someone that works as a mechanic alongside her or another bartender who sometimes uses their bod for tips, it’s all good. i want her to have one friend her own god damn age, you know? they’d have to be a gal because men are smelly. age would be around her own and that’s it!
plot two – dealer: listen… drugs come from somewhere. and even if she’s not currently using, i’d love for her to have that dynamic. maybe she owes them money, we can make it hella messy or we can make them chill pals, idc! i just need her dealer her and i need them to push some drugs. plus it’s a buy one get one for free type of deal ( see my plots for ed further down ). i want them to be a little older than herself but other than that it’s free for interpretation. 
* NEW ! plot three – drug bud: this bitch is from texas and this bitch did a lot of drugs in texas. she spent her early twenties high as fuck, overdosed at 24 and then got clean. legend? yes. she’s got a lot of good influences, aside from one particular asshole, and i just want her to be more pulled into old habits! let her have some friends from her old life of criminality and drugs come to sheffield and shake things up. any fc and gender, though they’d have to be in their 30′s!
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hodgins, nathaniel – quick summary: twenty-one, gemini, works as chef at the pub, skipped college to help his mama with the bills, got a cutie-patootie golden retriever, dad is in prison after a drunk driving accident that killed a 10 year old, moved to sheffield a few years ago for a fresh start, a big ass home of sexual, has a crush on a comp het ( vince: played by pj ), loves his mother more than anything, only child, conceals trauma with humour and bad puns. 
* NEW ! plot one – ex-something: now, i’m not saying they dated. i’m saying they hooked up and it never lead anywhere. it can be angsty, it can be fine, it can be a garbage fire. we can work out the details whenever, i’m cool like that. any fc and any gender, though preferably in their early twenties!
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holstad, damian – quick summary: eighteen, aries, the biggest fuccboi you’ve ever laid your eyes upon, fucked your girlfriend ( and he meant it ), brother to the biggest loser in town ( lou: played by tasha ), parties every weekend, best friends with the second biggest fuccboi in town ( artemus: played by nico ), kinda soft but he won't ever let you know that, has a crush on his brother’s bff ( pauline: played by pj ).
plot one – ex-girlfriend: it’s simply unrealistic that he hasn’t dated at least one of the fifty bazillion girls he’s smanged. now, it’s probable they didn’t last more than a few months but its still a plot I NEED. she’d be either a junior or senior in high school right now. so, either graduating now or next year. face claim don’t matter. it’s possible he cheated, he’s an asshole like that.
* NEW ! plot two – more fuccpeople: at this point, i’m collecting them. there are a bunch of fuccbois in damian’s life right now, and i need there to be more. there needs to be a whole fracking pack of them. just running around town, smanging ladies and taking names. could’ve played football with him, could’ve graduated with him, could’ve just lived next door – i dunno! around eighteen… a boy, or a girl! fuccgirls are VALID too. 
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kinney, sawyer – quick summary: twenty, sagittarius, volunteers at animal shelter, studying to become a vet, loves animals more than she’ll ever love a man, has a rescued bunny named waffles, her parents died in a car-crash we don’t talk about it, has a younger brother ( grayson: played by patty ), soccer is her life, also wanna fuck the soccer coach ( elliot: played by lane ), her first ‘kiss’ was a dare at age 5 with her cousin ( holden: played by pj ) for an ice cream, did i mention she loves animals, takes virginities for charity, happened once but i demand its a thing now, boinking mr edgelord ( quentin: played by pj ).
plot one – team mates: soccer is cool! soccer is for champions! she’s currently the team captain of the local all-girls soccer team, i know – such a title. and i want her to have more of a team. so gather up your gals in their late teens to early twenties and kick some balls around!
plot two – ex-boyfriend: before she swiped virginities and had sex with boys who love serial killers, she probably had a steady boyfriend. kind of a puppy-love-they’ll-probably-get-married-straight-out-of-high-school relationship, you know? they probably broke up because they were way too young and it was more of an availability thing rather than genuine attachment. does that make sense? it’s a small town! their parents probably loved their child’s respective partner than they loved each other. 20-22, any boy of any fc i’m not picky.
* NEW ! plot three – enemy: it’s a hard plot to ask for, but i request you hear me out. she never fights with anyone. she’s SO NICE. a walking mary sue, i swear. and she’s just friends with everyone. it’s boring! give me someone that gets under her skin! someone for her to absolutely fucking hate! for no reason or for a reason, idk! around twenty-one, any gender.
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larsen, margaret – quick summary: forty-two, libra, has one terrible son ( teddy: played by lane ), though she loves him more than anything, left the country because she was a hoe, mortician, got knocked up by her professor that one time, kind of boinking her son’s bandmate ( holden: played by pj ), doing her best all the time but keeps on making mistakes, the biggest mama-bear you’ll ever stumble upon. 
plot one – ex-hook-up: listen, she left the states to study in the uk – mostly to get away from her parents – but also because she had a bit of a reputation. like, a really bad one. so if you have a character, or want to play a character, that grew up in sheffield and are in their forties… wink wonk. that’s it. that’s the plot. 
* NEW ! plot two – hater, hater: peggy was a skank in her youth, okay? she was a downright slut and she probably rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. she most likely still does! so, i want some judgmental hoes up in this bitch. i want them to bicker and i want it to be very small-town-desperate-housewives-esque. any lady. preferably around her age range, would’ve lived in sheffield all her life.
* NEW ! plot three – best friend: peggy only ever speaks to kids, it’s weird. give her. bud, and like i said above… desperate housewives is a fucking neat ass show. they can drink wine and they can gossip and they can judge her for the people she’s sleeping with. or, well, person. any woman in her 40′s, please and thank.
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mullin, casper – quick summary: fifteen, aries, fucking love aliens, the government is lying to y’all, has got a whole ass squad of friends, kinda gay for one of them ( eli: played by pj ), kinda intimidated by another ( ava: played by lane ), if it wasn't obvious he’s a gay, has a pupper that means the world to him, always investigates creepy shit because he is that white person.
plot one – disgraced nuclear physicist: you heard me. basically just the plot of back to the future. someone a bit ( a lot ) older than casper himself that kinda takes him under their wing. they’re as nutty as him when it comes to conspiracy theories, and maybe they feed his ideas and stuff when it comes to the shit going on in town. please and thank you. 
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pearce, minoo – quick summary: twenty-one, aquarius, the biggest of edgelords, expert in stick n poke tattoos, hates her family, loves their big ass dog, a military brat, skated pretty much everywhere because she’s a walking cliche, not anymore though cause her bff broke it ( vince: played by pj ), invented grunge, would kill herself for the lead singer of zero boys, wants her mom to die ( rachel: played by lane ), wants the cop who's trying to get in her pants to die even more ( sera: played by tasha ), almost dropped out of high school fifty times but i forgot to make it canon. 
* NEW ! plot one – enemy: i love enemies. anyways, mj is a fucking bitch. she’s so edgy, she’s not like other girls, and she definitely would end up in a fight with just about anybody. there’s no way in HECK there aren’t people in town who hate her guts. they could’ve gone to college with her, they could’ve gone to high school with her, i dunno! i just want her to FIGHT. preferably a girl, preferably in her age range. 
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oswalt, kevin – quick summary: nineteen, virgo, had the most tumultuous of childhoods involving both kidnapping and murder, she doesn’t talk about it, has sort-of-a-boyfriend ( jamie: played by pj ), and a definitely best friend ( pippa: played by lane ), currently living with her father ( dalton: played by britt ) without the knowledge that she’s his daughter, her life is messy, she likes books and writing, thinks sheffield is kinda fascinating, the biggest of nerds, kinda awkward but we forgive her. 
plot one – brother: we already have her father, mother ( marion: played by nesh ), and two sisters ( lila: played by luna, and hazel: played by fanny ), and now all that’s missing is the second youngest kid! he’d be like 21 years old, white with blue eyes because that’s a trait near and dear to us, and … a dude-bro. we have this hc that he’s in a band and kinda just does his own thing. free-spirit. also, to summarise the family history REAL QUICK – you can ask for more deets – kev got kidnapped, family fell apart, marion and dalton got divorced, the kids chose sides, markus ( the brother ) chose to stay neutral, they moved away while dalton stayed, and now they’re all back. 
plot two – study pal: not quite as in-depth as the one above, but! she needs a study pal. she’s currently attending the local college and she has zero friends who actually go to school. give me someone for her to work on stupid projects with, someone she’s forced to get to know and get out of her comfort zone with. they’d be 19-20 and fc/gender has no importance. 
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sutton, eduardo – quick summary: fifty-two, taurus, literal fucking drug-lord, gang leader, owns the silhouette bar outside of town, loves his daughter a lot ( carmen: played by britt ), never smoked a weed in his life, jk, lost his wife a bazillion years ago, now banging the woman who failed save her ( lorelai: played by patty ), has three dogs which he kinda loves more than his daughter, killed a lot of mens in his life, just all around a good dude. 
plot one – brother: ed comes from an cuban-catholic family from new orleans and his father was kind of an asshole but his mom was alright. however, he was always closest to his little brother. so please, for the love of god, play him. you’ll get to play an uncle if you do, it’s pretty hot. any cuban fc in their late forties would work, but raul esparza is a hot fucking take. 
plot two – gang members: he’s a gang leader, ok? he needs more to lead. they hang out at the silhouette bar, push drugs through town and are all around just a good group of people. give me all of them to be honest. think the southside serpents from riverdale. or whatever they’re called in sons of anarchy. fc and gender and stuff don’t matter, however – ed would never allow someone under twenty-five. he’s a family man. 
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talbot, mikhail – quick summary: thirty, pisces, the softest boy you’ll ever meet, a nurse at the local hospital, got a kid on the way, dating a ginger bitch ( liza: played by pj ), best friends with his cousin ( nic: also played by pj ), best friends with his ex ( emma: played by lane and not pj ) coaches the kids football team during his spare time, also works a couple of shifts at his father’s ( robert: played by luna ) hardware store, really just genuinely fucking nice, kinda depressed but you’d never know. 
plot one – high school friends: he’s lived in sheffield his whole life. he was on the football team, he was popular – he was a fun dude to hang with. it’s unrealistic none of his high school friends stuck around. so! give me a couple of those. they can be anybody as long as they’re around thirty years old.
plot two – kids to coach: self-explanatory, really. but if you want to play a kid on the football team, speak now or forever hold your peace. teens, boys probably because sports ball is sexist, just someone for him to coach and teach the way of sports ball life. 
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weathers, elizabeth – quick summary: forty-two, sagittarius, freaking neurotic, forgets her own son ( eli: played by pj ), remembers her other every now and again ( jesse: played by nico ), wishes she could forget her husband ( andy: played by lane ), her bestest and smallest son was taken from her almost two years ago, yes this plot came before she was winona ryder don’t judge me, stay at home mom yet has no reason to stay at home.
* NEW ! plot one – emotional support: the woman lost her son, she needs like a mom support group on facebook. she needs someone who understands her loss. maybe someone who’s lost their own kid, obviously not to a giant bunny, but it’d still be kind of relatable. someone she can discuss her divorce plans with, you know? a woman in her forties, i’ll accept nothing else. 
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ihamtmus · 6 years
I have an essay to write which means it’s the perfect time to answer some questions instead of doing that, right? I was tagged by my dear @hufflepuff-jedi. <3
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I tag @howlingdawn, @ultrawhalnar​ and @mailorderfictionalcharacter (not 20, I realise that)
1. Drink: tea (with milk) 2. Phone call: my sister 3. Text message: my mom 4. Song you listened to: wait for it from hamilton OH GOSH IT IS SO GOOD I WANT TO CRY 5. Time you cried: hah it was while watching videos about the original hamilton cast, i just love them so much. but i didn’t actually cry.. there were just tears in my eyes. so let’s say the last time i cried was two days ago after a stressful day at school when i called my mom to tell her about it. 6. Dated someone twice?: [insert that meme with the guy pointing at his head] you can’t date someone twice if you haven’t dated anyone once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: bro read the previous answer carefully 8. Been cheated on: it is all connected you see, the answer is above 9. Lost someone special: my history teacher... oh and also my friend who hasn’t died but we’re not friends anymore. 10. Been depressed: like, for real? i had a really bad time like half of a year ago 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i don’t do this kind of stuff my guy
Fave colours;
12. bless you for giving space for three colours. that’d be dusty blue 13. brownish purple 14. green
In the last year have you
15. Made new friends: yes :’) 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: umm sure 18. Found out someone was talking about you: i’d be disappointed if nobody mentioned me ever 19. Met someone who changed you: i think so, yes 20. Found out who your friends are: i made a new friend and she is my friend now and i found it out so you have your answer  21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: dude, what even
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: there’s only one girl i haven’t met 23. Do you have any pets: not anymore 24. Do you want to change your name: i’m too sentimental for that 25. What did you do for your last birthday: i went to the park with my friend and he bought me lemonade and flowers (!!!) and in the evening i went with my sister for a drink to a lovely place and we wore pretty dresses and it was wonderful 26. What time did you wake up today: so my alarm clock started ringing at 9:05 but it doesn’t mean i got out of bed before 9:35 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably listening to hamilton 28. What is something you cant wait for: i want my cousin to finish listening to hamilton and meet with her and freak out with her about how good it is and watch some animatics and sing and maybe see it on stage again oh gosh 30. What are you listening to right now: nothing but wait for it is actually still playing in my head 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i’ve talked to somebody named the Polish version of Tom, which is Tomasz 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: when my sister wants to call her boyfriend and asks me to go to the kitchen (she cannot call him in the kitchen becase she doesn’t want out other flatmate to hear her talking to him xd) 33. Most visited website: tumblr 34. Hair colour: dark blonde 35. Long or short hair: long 36. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 37. What do you like about yourself: my smiling attitude 38. Want any piercings?: thank you, no 39. Blood type: was it ab?? or a?? 40. Nicknames: let’s not get into details, it’s gabi 41. Relationship status: still single 42. Zodiac: not sure, perhaps cancer?? maybe 43. Pronouns: she/her 44. Fave tv shows: star trek ds9 is the greatest show ever, along with star trek tos. i also liked merlin, zorro and sherlock 45. Tattoos: not even one, my dude 46. Right or left handed: *george washington’s voice* RIGHT HAND MAN 47. Ever had surgery: no 48. Piercings: wasn’t there a similar question earlier? the answer is still no 49. Sport: not really into sport. when it comes to physical activities i do like walking in the mountains, but it’s not a sport, is it. i used to LOVE playing basketball but it was so long ago. 50. Vacation: i just want to go to london and see hamilton again please 51. Trainers: whom *checks in a dictionary* oh no i don’t wear them
More general;
52. Eating: just give me food and i’ll be happy 53. Drinking: coffeeeeeeeee 54. I’m about to watch: hamilton’s america!! let me watch all the LEGAL FOOTAGE 55. Waiting for: it (ensemble *quietly*: wait for it, wait for it). no but honestly i’m kind of waiting for my essay to write itself 56. Want: my essay to write itself. and also i want to see hamilton on stage again, we’ve been here, next 57. Get married: oh sure! 58. Career: translator (or maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee children’s book illustrator................... maybe one day.... maybe)
Which is better;
59. Hugs or kisses: i haven’t kissed anyone i can’t answer that 60. Lips or eye: eyes 61. Shorter or taller: who are we talking about now. and shorter than who. a potential partner? i’d prefer it if he was taller than me 62. Older or younger: a little older 63. Nice arms or stomach: @questions why are you like this. i guess arms?? but i don’t think i share a popular opinion about what nice arms mean (don’t like arms that are too muscular) 64. Hookup or relationship: what’s the first one *checks in a dictionary* are you serious? relationship 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: we’re still talking about the potential partner? hesistant i think
Have you ever;
66. Kissed a stranger: bro 67. Drank hard liquor: um no 68. Lost glasses: lost and didn’t find? no 69. Turned someone down: oh yes 70. Sex on first date: BRO WILL YOU STOP, NO 71. Broken someones heart: ..maybe a little, but not my fault 72. Had your heart broken: not really 73. Been arrested: umm no  74. Cried when someone died: yes 75. Fallen for a friend: yes
Do you believe in;
76. Yourself: most of the time yes 77. Miracles: yes, God literally saved my life using them 78. Love at first sight: not really 79. Santa claus: no (there is a Saint Nicholas tho and i do think he exists, but he has little in common with santa claus) 80. Kiss on a first date: i mean, if you ask me if i “believe in” kiss on a first date then sure, i don’t doubt some people do that, but i’d rather not. 81. Angels: oh sure
82. Best friend’s name: idk!! my cousin’s name is Emilka, my sister’s name is Asia and my friend from uni’s name is Sandra and i love them all!!! 83. Eye colour: blue but sometimes green and sometimes even grey (what a mystery) 84. Fave movie: that has to be the lord of the rings 85. Fave actor: ummmmmmmm like a movie actor?? i think tom hiddleston. but at the moment i am filled with love for leslie odom jr. who is a musical actor. and also lin manuel miranda, i love him.
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guidingthulite · 7 years
A very, very long tag
tagged by: @deira-luv
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag people (i’m not tagging though)
1. Drink: Pineapple Juice
2. Phone call: My dad I think?
3. Text: My dear dear Amaury. Or @srta-double. Can’t remember
4. Song you listened to: LOVE! LOVE! LOVE TOGETHER BABY
5. Time you cried: I can’t remember? I think it was last Friay but you’d need a bit of info to understand why.
6. Dated someone twice: Bro. Not even once, much less twice.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, not that either.
8. Been cheated on: No relationships, no cheating UwU
9. Lost someone special: You mean to death or that we just... Lost the bond or something?
10. Been depressed: ;v;
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Not really, no.
12-14: Blue, Red, Orange
15. Made new friends: Yes!!! And I love them!!! With my soul!!!
16. Fallen out of love: *looks out the window and that flute cover of My Heart Will Go On plays in the distance*
17. Laughed until you cried: I think?
18. Found out someone was talking about you: People do, and I know that, but I haven’t caught anyone talking about me yet.
19. Met somebody who changed you: (AH, SHUSH, YOU ARE) Definitely.
20. Found out who your friends are: Specially in this year, yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: My Facebook is dead my dude. Doubt it was even alive.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: As I said before...
23. Do you have any pets: My brother is half cat! That counts, right?
24. Do you to change your name: Yes ;v;
25: What did you do for your last birthday: I think I kind of died because I got too much love and I couldn’t handle it. Also I chatted with my cousin. Have I ever talked about my cousin? She’s one of the most purest and sweetest people on Earth and we do not deserve her.
26. What time did you wake up: 7 am, and it was horrible ;v;
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Either reading fanfic or sleeping. Maybe studying? I don’t know
28. Name something you cant wait for: MARRYING MY WIFE I don’t think there’s something in specific? I guess you’ll know when I am excited XD
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: *peeks from the door* Hi, mom
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I want to meet my online friends, come on, I wanna give all of you a big hug ;_;
31: What are you listening to right now: IT’S STILL LOVE TOGETHER OOOOPS
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Not as far as I remember...
33. some thing that is getting on your nerves: Me and my drama that I, might I add, INNECESSARILY put onto myself.
34:most visited website: Tumblr and YouTube, I guess
35. mole/s: I have lots of those... And I have a big one... IN MY FFFAAACEEE
36: mark/s: That weird stretch thing all over my torso. My mom’s been freaking about it but meh.
37: Childhood dream: I wanted to be a singer, or an actress, or a teacher, or a reporter, or...
38: Hair color: Do you know why I paint my hair blonde when I draw myself? Because IRL my hair color is a MESS
39: long or short hair: Short is best!
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: Bro, if I told you... 
41: What do you like about yourself?: I am very spontaneous. I like weirding out people I don’t like.
42. Piercings: No? Seems like a very uncomfortable thing to be honest ;v; If you want one then go for it though!
43. Blood type: A-
44. Nickname: Lulu, Lou, Blueberry, Alma, Lula... I think I’m forgetting some.
45. Relationship status: Singler than a... Uh, what rhymes with Single... Pringle?
46. Zodiac: Gemini
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48: Favorite tv shows: Emotion-Connection-Wise it’s definitely Adventure Time, but my current obsession is VLD (Jeremy Shada is an angel though)
50. (did we skip 49?) Right or left hand: you’re Right keit
51. Surgery: No?
52. Hair dyed in a different color: Mmmmaybe
53: Sport: Rollerblading, the only thing I’m decent at. And swimming.
55. Vacation: I don’t care the place, I just want to be with my friends ;-;
56: Pair of trainers: On... My Feet?
57. Eating: Homework Nothing at the moment
58. Drinking: Nothing 
59. I’m about to: Keep doing Homework
61: Waiting for: sleep. my bed. what a bless
62: Want: The sappiest thing you can imagine. Like, imagine sappy, then turn it sappier, then more and more and that’s not even the beginning. I’m cheesy.
63. Get married: I would really, really love to.
64. Career: Translation is where I’m headed, apparently. Which now that I think of it is kinda useless. I want to move to USA. Why do I need that.
65. Hugs or kisses: I want to be showered in both you can’t make me choose
67. Shorter or taller: I don’t mind, really
68. Older or younger: Older maybe?
70. nice arms or nice stomach: arms arms arms arms
71: sensitive or loud: Sensitive? I don’t like loud soooo
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship!!!
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Wha?
74: Kissed a stranger: No kisses means no strangers, duh
75. Lost glasses/ contact lens: I don’t wear glasses, sooo
76. Turned someone down: Yes, and it haunts me to this day (it’s part of my lore my friends)
78. Sex on the first date: No? Unless you already were into that kind of relationship and you’re just trying out dating. But I think it kind of defeats the purpose.
79. Had your heart broken: Buddy my love life is a MESS, you could write a novel about it.
80. Broken someone’s heart: Oh gog I hope not.
81. Been arrested: I don’t think so? I mean, no, not really, no
82. Cried when someone died: I can’t. Like, I am unable to cry when someone dies. I don’t know why.
83. fallen for a friend: uUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH... Yes. Maybe. Definitely. More than once. Yeah. Affirmative. Positive. Yes again.
84. yourself: Sometimes ;v;
86. Love at first sight: Kinda, but not really. It’s... Complicated.
87. Santa Claus: I played detectives when I was 8 and found out that he didn’t exist and it was super dumb but I am proud of it
90. current best friend name: Alma is not my name! I wish ;-; Alma is a super cool name I COULD have had, but no, my parents decided to name me Lourdes after my mom. And I don’t like it so maybe that’s why I like nicknames so much ;v;
Anyways I can’t choose a best friend aaa ;-; But Internet Best <> Friend <> Award goes to Deira and IRL BFF Award goes to...
I don’t really have an IRL best friend, @sweetdemon933 doesn’t count, she’s my partner in crime ;-;
91. Eye color: Brown as the bitterest coffee you can find. Like, really brown
92. favorite movie: You could never guess. Really. No one expects it. Ever.
Well that was all! Gotta keep doing Homework then ;v; See ya :D Have a pleasant day and all
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salzspektrum · 7 years
✨ 92 Statements ✨
I was tagged by @nightsky7ibra, thanks Lara my gurl <3
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: peach ice tea, my main hoe (yes I do have shitty teeth btw)
2. Phone call: my mom called me last night and I missed it lol
3. Text message: “a good boi, a loveable boi” (referring to Lara’s cat in a group chat with her)
4. Song you listened to: “Greedy” by Ariana Grande (shouldn’t this change by the end of the post-writing process tho?? since it’s about the last song??)
5. Time you cried: idk?? Surprisingly I didn’t cry at all this week so I probably cried last week or something, I cry a lot ask my roommate
6. Dated someone twice: dating? who is she? idk her
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I only kissed @immortalpsychocat so far and I don’t regret it *wink*
8. Been cheated on: didn’t happen bc I don’t date
9. Lost someone special: well if this is referring to death then thankfully I didn’t have to experience the death of someone I love, but if this just generally means ‘loss’ then I did lose my best friend like 3/4 years ago idk anymore tbh, but soon after that I befriended @immortalpsychocat so everything’s fine now
10. Been depressed: it’s called depression sharon and the answer is ‘today’
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: march 4th (my cousin’s birthday party, it was the 3rd time I was drunk and the 2nd time I threw up bc of that lol, I didn’t get drunk since then)
12.-14. blue, green, purple (all shades of these colors)
15. Made new friends: Yes! Some people from university, some on tumblr and my most recently made friend is Lara actually
16. Fallen out of love: for that I’d have to actually have been in love with anyone in the first place so the answer is no
17. Laughed until you cried: today when I watched Dan and Phil’s latest sims video lol
18. Found out someone was talking about you: well there was only one person who blogged about me some months ago but they probably stopped doing that lol
19. Met someone who changed you: hmmm I don’t think so tbh
20. Found out who your friends are: yep, they are good eggs
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: well the only person that I kissed is on my facebook friend list so yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have many facebook friends so most of my facebook friends I know from real life (also I kinda hate facebook and use it like once a month for 5 minutes lmao)
23. Do you have any pets: sadly no but catch me getting a dog and a lizard as soon as I’m financially stable
24. Do you want to change your name: I used to want to do that bc people are too dumb to pronounce it properly after I told them how to pronounce it but now I’m fine with it
25. What did you do for your last birthday: literally nothing
26. What time did you wake up: okay look;;;
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching my brother sending nsfw fanart to my best friend bc they were having a Troll War, once again, it ended with them teaming up against me bc I snaked on her so they both snaked on me
28. Name something you can’t wait for: “The Winds of Winter is the forthcoming sixth novel in the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.Martin believes the last two volumes of the series will be big books of 1,500+ manuscript pages each.[1] They will take readers farther north than any of the previous books, and the Others will appear in The Winds of Winter.[2]Martin has refrained from making hard estimates for The Winds of Winter's final release date.[3] In 2014, estimates based on extrapolation of Martin's writing pace predicted the release date sometime between 2015 and 2018.[4][5] In January 2016, Martin confirmed that he had not met a deadline of October 2015 and an end-of-year deadline that he had established with his publisher.[6] In January 2017, Martin announced that he believed that The Winds of Winter will be released "this year", referring to 2017. However, he also noted that he believed the same thing would occur the previous year.” (source)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago
31. What are you listening to right now: “Scream” by Troy Bolton, Highschool Musical 3 Soundtrack ( don’t fucking judge)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t think so
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: L     O      L
34. Most visited website: youtube,then tumblr
35.-37. “Lost Questions??? (I’m just talking this over exactly as I found it, I also noticed some numbers missing, for example number 30, but idk man lol)” a fitting direct quote from Lara
38. Hair colour: black with some disgusting red streaks bc the hair stylist didn’t cover my entire hair when she dyed it from frikkin red to black
39. Long or short hair: my hair is currently at boob-length
40. Do you have a crush on someone: lol nope
41. What do you like about yourself: I like my eyes, kinda my eyebrow shape, my figure (except that I don’t like that my arms look like noodles), I like my silly humor, my loyalty to my friends and my enthusiasm for the little things
42. Piercings: [file not found]
43. Blood type: I think O- (yeah I’m kinda fucked with this one)
44. Nickname: Jos, Josi, Josuf, etc.
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: game of thrones, sadly
49. Tattoos: none, sadly (yet)
50. Right or left handed: left-handed
51. Surgery: once bc I had a cyst and they had to surgically get that shit out of my mouth (it was somewehre in my jaw idk)
52. Piercing: bruh why are you repeating yourself?
53. Sport: lol exercise?? a healthy lifestyle?? what is that??? but if I had to do something regularly it would probably be swimming, tennis or volleyball bc I actually enjoy these activities
55. Vacation: last vacation would be croatia (dubrovnik, specifically), 2 years ago. next vacation will be crete (panormo, specifically) in august and I’M EXCITED BC I WILL BE TAKING MY FIRST FLIGHT SOMEWHERE JESUS FUCK (where did 54 go)
57. Eating: my mom’s a cook so you can imagine it’s good stuff
58. Drinking: usually non-alcoholic drinks since I don’t really fuck with alcohol if I don’t wanna get drunk (since I don’t really like the taste) soo it’s ice tea or water
59. I’m about to: watch highschool musical 3 after I finish this post lol
61. Waiting for: happiness (wow this got depressing real fast) where’s 60
62. Want: [see answer for question 61] oh and money
63. Get married: maybe idk, depends on if I will really want that in my future and also depends on my partner. if it ends up being a woman and austria doesn’t have same-sex marriage until then, well...but atm idek if I want ANY of that stuff tbh, I’m currently figuring out my sexuality and I’m c o n f u s e d
64. Career: something in the field of sociology, whatever the fuck that’s gonna be. My dream would be working for an NGO, maybe write some books maybe I will become a famous sociologist and people will learn about me lmaooo
65. Hugs or kisses: my only kisses so far were drunken pecks so hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 100%
67. Shorter or taller: I don’t have a preference (same goes for my aesthetic attraction to men and women ajajajajajaj)
68. Older or younger: how about people my age, I don’t really wanna be surrounded by kids and old people all the time tbh (I don’t wanna be surrounded by people in the first place but you know what I mean)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: it’s just fucken body parts my dude did you purposefully leave out 69 so that I can’t make a kinky joke
72. Hook up or relationship: atm? neither. in general probably relationship. but idk if i actually want any of that ever idkkkkk
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: the most hesitant to ever hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: if I choose to drink, I drink the hard stuff bc I wanna get drunk
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: hmm no I don’t think so
77. Turned someone down: does not-going-to-one-of-his-plays-even-tho-he-invited-me-bc-i’m-not-really-interested-in-him count?
78. Sex on the first date: idk if I want sex or dates or both i d k  f a m
79. Broken someone’s heart: lol idk how much the actor dude likes me so maybe
80. Had your heart broken: romantically? no. by someone who used to be my best friend? yes
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: as I said, I didn’t have to experience something like that in my personal life but I did cry when carrie fisher died :(
83. Fallen for a friend: nope
84. Yourself: Hah most of the times no, sometimes I do
85. Miracles: I truly don’t know, maybe
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: WHAT SANTA ISN’T REAL??????????
88. Kiss on the first date: hey man you do you, I don’t care
89. Angels: maybe idk
90. Current best friend’s name: Victoria/Vicky, also known as Fake Hoe
91. Eye colour: green-grey-something
92. Favourite movie: Wonder Woman (2017) dir. Patty Jenkins
why exactly 92 questions tho??
Tagging: @immortalpsychocat @metaforkel @carriestreep @stupida-in-arte @starklinqs @bisexuallaurellance @patethenovice @ripley-stark @frogspears @fiftyshadesofnygma @britanniafork @littletinygothamite @winter-came @alius-alia @okayprincess @red-candy-rocks @clexasbellarke @accidentalkate @gaymickrory @hetpiglet
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tautittology · 7 years
I was tagged by the ever amazing and incredible @younglusts (thank u ❤️) to answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: Water
2. Phone call: real estate agent to find a place with friends for next year
3. Text message: mum
4. Song you listened to: Greyhound Girl - The Who
5. Time you cried: idk this morning? i’m a very very soft bitch
6. Dated someone twice: no but i had sex multiple times with someone AFTER we broke up
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: oh dear yes
8. Been cheated on: i think so yes but i don’t really wanna know
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: never got diagnosed no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: oh boy yes gotta know your limits somehow
12. Dark red
13. purple
14. blue
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yeah thankfully
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah i laugh a lot and got hilarious friends
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes but not especially in a bad way? i mean that also happened but well
19. Met someone who changed you: fuck yes and he even introduced me to prime british comedy that changes a girl
20. Found out who your friends are: think i already did but yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yep
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: every single one 
23. Do you have any pets: three brothers
24. Do you want to change your name: eh it’s fine at least it’s rare 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: had two friends over and drank way too much and also had a R2D2 cake
26. What time did you wake up: 8:04am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: celebrating a friend’s birthday
28. Name something you can’t wait for: live on my own again
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 7 hours ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i want to be healthy again
31. What are you listening right now: System Of A Down
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people around me taking “The Tone” when asking how are you
34. Most visited Website: this blue hell
35. Mole/s: lots
36. Mark/s: one on my lower back and few other paler
37. Childhood dream: pirate
38. Haircolour: light brown with a pink streak
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i think so yes i like her but idk yes maybe 
41. What do you like about yourself: got pretty ankles and a long neck
42. Piercings: only earrings
43. Bloodtype: you’d think i’ll know it by now but i do not 
44. Nickname: lamara
45. Relationship status: single sad and bitter
46. Zodiac: pisces
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favourite TV Show: preacher
49. Tattoos: no
50. Right or left hand: right hand
51. Surgery: appendicitis and heart surgery on valentine’s day bitches had fun
52. Hair dyed in different color: a strand of pink but it has been purple and blue too
53. Sport: lol no
55. Vacation: compromised
56. Pair of trainers: none i only got docs and boots
57. Eating: dark chocolate
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: have dinner with my cousin and my aunt
61. Waiting for: the school year to start
62. Want: to be carefree and healthy
63. Get married: eh why not depends of my partner’s wish
64. Career: world leader
65. Hugs or kisses: both!
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller 
68. Older or younger: not more than 2 years younger and then up to 10 years older 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: i’d rather have a relationship rn but both are good
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: yep
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes my god and i’m fucking blind it was terrible
77. Turned someone down: uh i guess
78. Sex in the first date: does one night stands count
79. Broken someone’s heart: i highly doubt it
80. Had your heart broken: fuck yes
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yes i cry all the time lads so at someone’s death...
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah took me a while but finally got him in the end
84. Yourself: lmao
85. Miracles: maybe
86. Love at first sight: bullshit
87. Santa Claus: He Is Real
88. Kiss on the first date: yep
89. Angels: where
90. Current best friends name: i have many cause i have so much love in my heart there’s P-E Marie Magali Flora Clémentine and Andy 
91. Eyecolour: dark brown
92. Favourite movie: loads but rn Quadrophenia 
tagging: @sapphyreblogs @georgestarrlover @anthony-stonem @blwr @beachboyspetsounds @fueledbyfear @kill-rock-and-roll @three-different-ones @accordingtolore @aces4brianjones @sarma @lovemusictac @joe-biden-official @thewordsmithofhell @the-inquisitor-rio and @sneakycreaturefeature
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
Lot’s of long answers in this one sorry not sorry.
1. Do you like zombie movies? Nah, I’m not into the whole zombie thing. <--Same. I do like Zombieland though.
2. What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Used condoms. 
3. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do? I use a lot of paper towels.
4. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give? I’m not sure. 
5. What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen? I HATE the whole “fighting is healthy” mentality. Yes, bickering is fine, but if you’re fighting all the time, that is not a healthy relationship AT ALL. If your partner is screaming and yelling you on a regular basis, that is borderline emotional abuse. 
6. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? I haven’t. And definitely not, I hate hospitals. 
7. What was your worst Halloween costume? All of my costumes have been pretty awesome. I was Lucy from Lucy, Daughter of the Devil one year and no one got it, but I still had fun with it.
8. Who has/had the worst reputation in your graduating class? Eh. 
9. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature? I’ll let you know when that happens. 
10. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? Yeah. It’s kinda hard to talk about, but about 7 years ago my mother accidentally took her meds twice in the morning and she was completely out of it while opening presents. I got her a really nice chalkboard that she had wanted and she opened it and literally looked at it, said nothing, and put it down to open the next present, pretty much repeating what she did with mine. And when she did say stuff she was very incoherent. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch. 
11. Do you have any character bandaids in your house right now, or just plain ones? There are some Batman ones that were mine at my dad’s still. 
12. Have you ever had to give a pet away? Yes. My ex gave me a kitten like 2 weeks before we broke up. The cat was also born to a wild cat that his friends fed but didn’t house, so the cat was, well, wild. He would scratch and bite me in my sleep and probably had worms. And I was too depressed after being dumped to deal with the kitten and I felt SO horrible but I had to give him to a shelter. I really hope that kitty has a good home now. 
13. What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? Oh man, I don’t know. Probably like loaded cheese fries or something. Or a fried Oreo. 
14. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? Yeah, I pretended a lotttttt. One of the biggest things I did was make cars in my dining room by setting up our chairs. I’d pretend to go on road trips with my dolls. 
15. How do you feel about runny egg yolks? I’m not a huge fan but I don’t mind them. I’d rather them be firm.
16. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong? Yeah, my 7th grade math teacher was a JOKE. 
17. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose? Maybe Facebook? 
18. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? I’ve definitely been in some online ones that I didn’t tell them about. 
19. How much do you know about first aid? Not very much oops. 
20. Which of your relatives do you know the least about? Hmm. Good question. The magic of Facebook has changed this dynamic recently. I used to not know anything about some of my second cousins but I have a lot of them on FB now, so I know at least a little about them. Maybe some of the family I have in TN?
21. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you? Yeah. It was nice I guess? I supposed I do my own forms of meditating now, like relaxing in the tub or enjoying being outside. 
22. Have you ever given advice to someone who was much older than you? Yeah.
23. Have you ever used a view-master? Yeah!
24. Do you ever listen to talk radio or podcasts? If you do, what are some of your favorite shows? Sometimes I’ll listen to NPR, and my favorite segments on that station are Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and This American Life. 
25. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck? Oh it’s been a while. I’m hoping I can catch one this summer with my niece because she’d love that. We’ve gotten ice cream from one of those bicycle cooler things before and she thought it was so neat. 
26. Are any of your favorite bands broken up or on hiatus right now? I don’t pay attention to that, haha. I do know Die Antwoord is going to break up at the end of the year or already did or something. Like I said, I have no idea about those things. 
27. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? I did. She seemed to enjoy it. 
28. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go? Hmm. I can’t think of anything. Maybe my architecture final? That I did pass. 
29. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Squirrels, birds, bunnies, raccoons, and unfortunately skunks. 
30. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire? Yeah, we’ve cooked potatoes and corn in a fire before. And also hot dogs. Oh and beans one time too. 
31. Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose? Hmm. Mark’s night stand is currently a storage box. 
32. What do you hope the afterlife is like? I don’t know if I believe in that or not. 
33. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child? One of the kids at the daycare my sister owns used to communicate displeasure well into his toddler years by SCREAMING and refusing to move. Like would stiffen up and just scream. He was a terror and my sister could not get him adjusted no matter what she tried, and the parents didn’t want to listen either. 
34. Have you ever planned an act of revenge? Maybe little things as a kid. Like one time I was hanging out with my sister when I was about 9 or 10 and she was 18 ish, and then all of a sudden her boyfriend came over and they deserted me. They ordered Chinese food for just them and while they were upstairs, I poured an insane amount of garlic powder in it. But the joke ended up being on me because my sister then offered the leftovers to me. Haha. 
35. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? I mean, we enjoy doing things together, definitely. My dad and I go to Cubs games and watch movies and go out to eat together a lot. He also likes going on trips and so do I. But he’s definitely a lot more interested in music than I am. And golfing. When my mom was alive we enjoyed shopping together, and she liked trips and movies as well. She also collected antiques, which isn’t something I’m super interested in, but I do appreciate them. 
36. Do you think it’s more exciting or scary to get older? Both. 
37. How was the reception of the last wedding you attended? My sister’s wedding was basically one big reception in my dad’s backyard. It was SUPER laid back; there was a small ceremony and then afterwords we had a taco bar and my sister grilled the steak herself in her wedding dress. I loved that part haha. We also had my dad’s friend’s band play and my dad also got up and played a few songs on his guitar as well. Everyone just danced and laughed and had a really great time. It was really fun, despite who she was marrying, haha. 
38. Do you have any physical photo albums? There are a TON at my dad’s house. 
39. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop? Eh. 
40. Who was the worst friend you ever had? Aside from lil pre-teen jackasses in middle school, my ex friend Jessica. She was SO into herself she never asked me how I was doing and she thought she was a really good signer and definitely wasn’t. She also pulled some bullshit when my ex and his best friend tried to break Mark and I up early in our relationship. Long story short, when I told her what happened she was like “I’m not going to take sides” (my ex’s best friend was her bf’s brother). UM that situation was definitely something you should take sides in, especially when it happened to your supposed best friend. I stopped talking to her that day. 
41. What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made? Staying at home longer than I wanted to. I did it so my dad wouldn’t be lonely. I was on track to moving out when my mother passed away and then I felt like I needed to/wanted to stay with him and it ended up being a few more years before I moved out on my own (with Mark).
42. Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active roll in an election? Eh. 
43. What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given? Oh man I cannot think right now. I’m sure there have been a few things I’ve given my niece. The only thing I can think of right now is my Barbie collection, even though they are still at my dads and she only plays with them there. They will eventually become hers fully though. OH! The coolest hand-me-down I ever got was my sister’s old room in our parent’s home when she moved out. It was painted blue top to bottom and had a KILLER walk in closet. 
44. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? My dad’s mother is my only living grandparent and they bicker A LOT. I think he might harbor some of the same resentment I do against her for treating my mother so horrible when she was alive. And that he’s on his way to retirement but now has to take care of her. And now on his own since I moved out, which I feel super guilty about but that’s a story for another day. This survey is over and I need to sleep. 
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