#A Deal with the Devil
lavendrgremlin · 2 months
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Couldn't decide between drawing or writing, so i made a fanart of my current Mentor!AU Raphael fic. A Devil's Guidance
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entities-of-posts · 2 months
Why are all of your links in pinned post broken I'm frothing at the mouth let me in let me see the secrets let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in
I have no idea, they work for me, but they don’t work for some people… you can try manually searching for the tags which title the arcs, and either scroll to the end and then read back up or tack on the chrono function yourself. It’s build into the links, which might be what doesn’t work for you. Recurring characters also have their own tags.
I’ll tag this post with all the arc tags, so you can click on them, as the search function is terrible.
Of course, a lot of the lore is actually on discord now!
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stiwfssr · 1 year
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patchwork-crow-writes · 3 months
59 - Bereft
I'm standing here in the shadows, screaming as loudly as I can... why can't you hear me? Why won't you respond...?!
Don't leave me here all alone! Don't go where I cannot follow! I'm nothing without you, my light, don't you see?! Don't leave me here, lying discarded upon the stone floor... please... just pick me up one last time, let me know the warmth of your hands before you cast me away into this cold, cruel darkness...!
Am I... not good enough for you? Did I do something wrong, and displease you somehow...? Did the time we share together... the comfort we brought each other... did it mean nothing to you...?! That can't... can't be true, and yet... oh!
I thought it would be different... I thought I was special... that you would keep me by your side forever and ever, but... but now, without a single word, you've closed the door between us, sundered darkness from light... it's as if you've died, and all my heart's joys have turned to bitter stone.
Yet worse, for you still live! No closure this, but a brutal haunting that I'll never be able to exorcise from myself! If only I could reach across the void you've created, if only my feeble form wouldn't burn away upon the light's first contact... perhaps then I could...!
...for even one last moment with you, my light, I would give everything I have - my hopes and dreams, my memories... and even my freedom. Hear my plea, then, oh wretched darkness! Bring my light back to me and I shall serve you with a smile! Weave me a form by which I might carry out your will, a form with which I might take hold of my precious other half...!
Let me be yours... let them be mine, and I shall want for nothing ever again.
The Dark Menagerie No. 59
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justatinycollector · 7 months
“went down to the crossroad, fell down on my knees”
haladriel || 1.0k || mature
for @hellghoulweek, day five: “a deal with the devil”
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ladymisteria · 10 months
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Diego and Felipe’s Father & Son/Brothers Moments
Diego: This is nothing more than a chemical compound held together by charcoal and sulfur. All quite harmless really, unless it's mixed together.
*Diego tosses the clay ball to Felipe, who catches it alarmed and immediately hands it back to him.*
Diego, chuckling: It's all right. Gunpowder is not really that dangerous until it meets with friction or heat.
Season 1, Episode 15 - A Deal with the Devil.
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A deal with the Devil? 👀
Hi Angie!! Thanks for dropping in!! I hope your day is going well!!
You did it. You opened Pandora’s box.
Okay. So. A Deal With the Devil started out as one thing and is going to end up being VASTLY different. At the beginning of the year I set writing goals for myself and one of them was to write something unlike anything I’ve written before. Because I like to make things difficult for myself, I’ve decided to try my hand at writing a choose your own adventure story. Fair warning, I haven’t started planning all the choices yet, and this likely won’t be getting much of my attention just yet, so it’s still a ways away, but I’m excited just thinking about it and I hope it will come together like I want it to. Here’s a very brief rundown:
I’m adding a new character to my repertoire - the Thief
You’ll have the option to go a romantic route, a platonic route, or a villainous route
The Thief is NOT the Devil, nor is Reader
This story takes place in Hell
And now for a tiny snippet:
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wooyoungqueen · 2 years
Title: A deal with the Devil
294 words
1289 characters
tagging: @stardragongalaxy @holy-moly-i-write-fanfiction @glitterhongjoong @ajracha-recs @pvrkacciosan
warnings: non (for the moment)
I was sitting down, waiting for the judge to decied if I was guilty or innocent? but I am innocent, I wouldn't done anything to hurt San and also i didn't kill anyone. while with that I turned around to see Yeosang, Luna then saw Julia in the other side of the court room with Soojin but didn't see Samejima where I mouthed I love you, which she mouthed back to me. my head turned when I saw Samejima fixing his suit jacket and stood there to block my view from seeing Julia but she tilt her head, until she lean back. after a long recess the judge came back and praying that I was innocent, and I would never harm anyone. "my the defent please raise. due to the proof I have in my hands, I sentence wooyoung to 17 years of prison for placing a bomb into San car and also "kill" a innocent person, court is ajerd." "what!? wait I didn't place that bomb or kill, i am being fram." I ran over to Julia and grab her hands crying. "I love you Julia, you know that I wouldn't do that." "I know wooyoung, I will try everything to help you out, you have my words." "Guards, take wooyoung away from my girlfriend." The guard pulled me away and I shouted to Yeosang and. "yeosang take care of yourself and Luna please." "come on criminal!" When the police office shove me into the cop car all i could think of that I am not a criminal. when they close the door I turned around too see Julia catch her breath standing there but Samejima grab her right wrist and waved good-bye smirking with his left hand. after they took my pictures, i got dressed into their uniform then saw the promise ring and I hid it from them. when they put me in my cell with other inmate and said to myself "I will clean my name, and get my revange on Soojin and Samejima then we could be together Julia... my love and princess."
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{book cover done by me, also if you want to be tag on this story you could send me a ask and i'll be happy to add you to the tag list. All rights reserved, the plot, story title, three orginal charaters.} happy reading guys.
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What in the 'birthday girl'-
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lavendrgremlin · 1 month
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Mentor!Raphael w Glasses.
You can find the print here: Redbubble.
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aristocraticvision · 2 years
Chapter 34: A Difficult Step
After Terentia had stormed out, Cicero sighed heavily.
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Quintus shook his brother’s hand, said his goodbyes and slipped out, feeling quite as defeated as my master, while I stood quietly, studying Cicero’s ashen face. He looked unwell, and I was growing more worried by the moment. Yet, suddenly, he turned to me.
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“Tiro,” he said. “Go to the home of Gnaeus Pompey and request a meeting.”
“Tonight?” I asked, confused.
“Of course tonight!” Cicero replied. “Tell him it is imperative I see him right away.”
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Pompey’s townhouse, although much grander than Cicero’s, was not far away, as it lay near the summit of the Esquiline Hill. I walked there quickly, and, after identifying my master, was granted entry. Finally, waiting alone in the atrium, I was met by a smiling Palicanus.
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“Tiro!” he cried. “Good to see you, my friend. What does Cicero wish of Pompey Magnus?”
I relayed my message in serious tones, and Palicanus immediately sensed the gravity of my request.
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“Tell Cicero that Pompey will see him when he arrives,” he replied with a nod. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Thanking Palicanus, I rushed home to find Cicero already dressed in a fresh toga and looking much more energetic.
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Arriving at Pompey’s front gate, Cicero instructed me to remain outside as Palicanus ushered my master inside. I found this disconcerting, since my master had always included me in his councils – no matter how sensitive the subject.
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I waited several hours on a hard stone bench, as the sky grew darker and the stars finally emerged into a cloudless sky.
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Finally, Cicero emerged from the house, and walked past me wordlessly. I quickly rose to follow, and only after we had passed the length of the house did he stop.
“Are you alright, master?” I asked.
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He shook his head.
“It is done,” he said. “Let’s go home.”
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iheartgracie · 1 year
Vandy Hall Soft Quotes
“Even after everything you’ve been through, you’re still amazing, you know that?”
“The thing about Vandy is that she’s just so fucking cute. Always was, honestly. Really sweet-looking. Pretty.”
“ She squeezes my shoulder. “I’m proud of you.” 
“She was even prettier than before. Funny. Determined. Sexy.”
“My face heats, but once his smile finally breaks to the surface, I can’t help but bury a laugh into my hands. He tugs a hand away from my face, dimples shining at me. “You’re so fucking cute, sometimes it kills me.”
“I watch the spark of excitement return to her eyes when she starts turning down the old, faded parking aisles. She’s gorgeous like this, the fading evening sun casting a warm glow over her cheeks.”
“For the first time in a while I feel settled, secure, whole. I’ve got Reyn, the Devils, the Playthings. I’m focused and have a solid position on the newspaper. I’m clean, healthy, madly in love. Life is actually good, for once.”
“Vandy is special.”
“I worked past the physical dependence and I didn’t understand that there was more to it. But just because I’m still figuring stuff out doesn’t mean I’m not ready,” she insists, eyes blazing. “I had a weak moment, Reyn, but I’m not a weak person.”
“I don’t think you’re weak. I think you’re strong. Beautiful. Smart. Funny.”
“I can’t see the moon overhead, but I can feel the pull of it, loud in its magnetism. You are alive, it’s screaming. You are free.”
“If I lower my eyelids just so, it’s almost like a perfect dream. A dream of me and Reyn, being on the dark, still lake, fireflies flickering around us. I feel the same way now that I’d felt in those dreams. Calm. Happy. Not alone. ”
“But you shouldn’t do that, V.” He pins me under his stare. “You shouldn’t just settle for anything.”
“The thing about Vandy is that she’s just so fucking cute. Always was, honestly. Really sweet-looking. Pretty.”
“I realize that Vandy may be broken, but she’s here, and I’m more thankful than ever for that simple fact.”
“My face heats, but once his smile finally breaks to the surface, I can’t help but bury a laugh into my hands. He tugs a hand away from my face, dimples shining at me. “You’re so fucking cute, sometimes it kills me.”
“She presses a hand to her mouth, like she’s embarrassed about being so loud, but then ducks in close and says something that makes Aubrey giggle back. It’s weird how easily something loosens within me at the sight of her smile, bright and happy.”
“If I’m calling you anything,” I press a kiss to the tip of her nose, “it’s beautiful.”
She rolls her eyes, and I love it. I love that she doesn’t put up with bullshit. ”
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paprikaries · 2 months
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"There are two type of Dice.." _ animation WIP Showman: "...What ..are you doing?" 🤨 Gangster: "What do you mean?" 🙃 Fanart/fananimation gif: King Dice/Mr. King Dice (Cuphead franchise, Cuphead the game, the Cuphead show by mdhr studio/netflix). It's still a wip but I wanted to post it anyway! XD
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bibeebuneee · 1 year
my mom keeps watching those religious conspiracy videos and now shes crying over the number 666
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springbon-t-art · 8 months
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The Blues Brothers + Cuphead Doodles!
This movie is so absurd…
I love it so much! ☕️🚔🔥
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alibonbonn · 7 months
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Guy who went to Baldur’s Gate law school and passed the Baldur’s Gate bar exam some time long ago
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