#95% of my social interaction is online
narwa · 1 year
god whenever im out of substances to dose myself up with the reality of how lonely i am just fucking Hits me
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ladymariayuri · 2 years
might be having a bit of a #girl rebrand moment sooner or later
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luvtonique · 8 months
Hot Take Time
Okay, I'm gonna make a hot take. I want y'all to understand that this is coming from a 34 year old man who draws furry porn for a living and has regularly interacted with well over a thousand customers in his life, as well as partaken in various online discussions, social media platform conversations, and I've been pseudo-canceled a few times, so there you go, now we know each other, run on sentence.
I need to get something off my chest and a lot of you (I'd very safely say over 95% of social media and people in the political system and even regular media) need to get this through your heads.
Here we go, ready? Say this out loud.
"Nobody is responsible for making you feel comfortable, except yourself."
That is something that people just don't seem to understand anymore. We're in this day-and-age of people doing everything in their power to convince other people to change how they act, change what they believe, change the words they can or can't use because they are "not comfortable" and they believe it will make the world a "better place" if other people adhere to a set of guidelines that these people have deemed are necessary for the comfort of the people setting the guidelines (at the expense, of course, of the comfort of the others who are being forced to walk on eggshells).
I don't know how so few of you have a basic moral of "Life isn't fair."
It isn't. Perfection is unattainable, and yet so many of you don't fucking shut the fuck up about how everyone "needs to act" or how other people need to "be better."
Shut the goddamn fuck up, holy shit.
Nobody needs to act different so that you can be comfortable, just fucking grow a spine, holy shit. I don't care WHAT they're doing. I don't care if they're transphobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, LGBT activists, Trump supporters, Biden supporters, I literally do not give the slightest iota of a fuck. Do they make me uncomfortable? Of course they do. That's why I don't interact with them. For my own comfort I just don't. I do what makes me comfy, I eat pizza, I drink hot cocoa, I take a fucking nap, I take some painkillers for my joint pain, I do a weed gummy, I listen to music, I watch a movie, I sit outside and watch rain fall, I FUCKING RELAX.
I have rheumatoid arthritis and am in excruciating pain 24/7/365 and there is nothing I will ever be able to do about that. Do I complain about it? Sure I do. Do I appreciate it when people carry heavy things for me so I don't have to? Sure I do.
But do I stand there next to a heavy box waiting for someone else to pick it up and then go "EXCUSE ME. I HAVE ARTHRITIS. YOU SHOULD PICK THE BOX UP FOR ME. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU TO PICK THE BOX UP" because I'm of some fucking delusion that everyone on earth has to cater to my disability?
You know why? Because I, unlike a fucking huge percentage of you all, understand that it is not everyone else's responsibility to cater to me and improve my level of comfort.
Especially if they're not getting paid to do that. If I were paying them, sure, that'd be fine. That's what maids are for, right? But they're not getting paid, and that's where it becomes a very bad thing.
But apparently y'all don't seem to understand that making people do special services or cater their behavior to you without any payment other than "not getting punished, canceled, attacked physically or screamed at" is literally textbook definition slavery. It is quite literally "Do this thing because I demanded it, and if you don't do it or if you do it in an unsatisfactory way, I will whip you."
Let's look at a hypothetical I made up myself.
Say there's a kid in school who, if they hear their name said out loud, attacks and bites the people who said that. There's been 15 incidents in a row, including two teachers being bit by this kid.
What's the solution?
Solution 1) Pull the kid out of school, contact their parents, suggest maybe therapy or putting them in special classes with a guardian of some sort, keep an eye on them, maybe they need to be medicated.
Solution 2) Tell the entire population of the school to stop saying the kid's name out loud and punish any kids who get bit because they broke the rule of catering to this psycho fucking bully.
How in the fuck do so many of you think Solution 2 is the correct solution? How the fuck do you think forcing 8 billion people to adhere to your specific demands via mass manipulation and forced control without any compensation other than "I won't bite you" is the correct course of action?
I have met people that literally their opening sentence is telling me how to talk to them and what things not to talk about around them, and when I asked "Why can't I talk about <completely mundane thing>" they literally had a fucking mental breakdown and got me banned from the Discord server I was in that they contacted me from.
And so many of you, SO MANY OF YOU will act like that's completely reasonable for them to have done and will say I AM THE BAD GUY for "DELIBERATELY ATTACKING THEM WHEN THEY ASKED ME NOT TO."
Holy fucking shit.
If you are so fucking bad off, so unhinged, that you have complete full fledged mental breakdowns over hearing a fucking word or because you scrolled past a text post you disagreed with or because someone voted for a politician you don't like, I'm sorry to say this but you desperately need to get your fucking head checked because that is NOT. FUCKING. NORMAL. BEHAVIOR.
"But Jay, being 'normal' is a social construct that-" SHUT UP.
Care for your own self, improve your own comfort and be happy with "Good enough" like the rest of the fucking world has been learning to do for fucking years, you actual fucking sociopathic manipulative shitfucks.
Thank you for reading.
~Jay (who has been labeled a transphobe for breaking up with a trans girlfriend after 9 years of her lying to him, manipulating him, forcing him to become trans out of emotional abuse, forcing him to attack his own mother, forcing him to pay for her HRT for multiple years and forcing him to be in a poly relationship while not letting him meet the other girlfriends she was fucking regularly while never meeting him IRL a single time. Yeah guess I shoulda stayed with her, I'm the bad guy for not continuing to let her abuse me because her abusing me was "making her more comfortable in the relationship." Listen. I hate to break this to you. But if you act like this, or defend these people, you are a fucking psychopath and I no longer give a shit what you think about me. You are a bad person.)
PS: I usually get people asking, when I make posts like this, "Jay, did something happen?" because y'all assume every time I wanna make a post like this, I just got out of a fight with someone and needed to vent. The truth this time is that this has been boiling up for the last 12 years I've been here on Tumblr, seeing more and more and more of this fucking manipulative sociopath behavior becoming more and more commonplace and accepted and more and more people are scared to speak out against it because if just one of you fucking psychos can damage our reputation and get us fired from our workspace, imagine what thousands of you could do. Well, I'm done catering to y'all. If you are my friend, I will gladly act a certain way around you to make you comfy because I always strive to make my friends, family members, ect. as comfortable as possible.
But if I haven't met you and I'm expected to cater to your comfort zone's rules before even saying hi to you? I'm just noping the fuck out of there because you are a sick, twisted pervert with a fucking power fetish who is blind to how much of a manipulative shitwad you are.
PPS: I know, the assumption here is "Jay's gonna start saying the gamer word to poke the beehive now! He's looking for a fight!"
No, I literally am not. Why would I? I'm trying to live and be comfortable why the shit would I go out of my way to rile the psychos up? I'm gonna just hang out with my friends and family and fans who love me and continue being a respectful person towards people who are respectful in return, rather than go out of my way to find horrible scumbag people and attack them deliberately because I wanna start a fight or some shit. Why would I wanna be in a fight? Why would I wanna deliberately troll or rile people up? That makes me feel bad. I was yelled at and beat by my father for 25 years why would I go try to get myself yelled at more? So take off the tinfoil hat, stop assuming I'm announcing I'm gonna be more openly disrespectful on purpose. I'm a respectful person, I don't attack people, I don't troll people, I don't do anything to deliberately harm anyone.
So I ask you very politely.
If anything you read here today has tarnished your opinion of me?
Please just block me and move on, holy shit. Do the right thing, make yourself more comfortable, stop interacting. Don't waste your time trying to "get through to me" just leave, it's not worth either of our time. Do that with everyone you strongly disagree with. If someone offends you so much you're shitting blood just block them. Why the fuck y'all gotta keep putting your heads in sharks' mouths and then complaining they keep bitin' you.
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keeperoftinyarmy · 1 year
I’m glad there’s still some Jikookers who think similar to me, I was starting to think I was the only one in Jikookland who didn’t see the worst in Tae haha. But seriously, I am getting a bit concerned/surprised by the growing number of Jikookers who think Tae and his 2 minute lives are public enemy #1. I don’t remember all this animosity towards Tae a year ago when we were preaching for tkkrs to stop viewing everything Jimin did or said about JK as fanservice, clout chasing, being unnecessarily clingy. I could have sworn that most Jikookers were saying “the difference between us and tkkrs is that we don’t hate Tae or blame him when our ship doesn’t act accordingly.” Now I see the complete opposite everyday on my Tumblr timeline, every day one more blogger declares that they aren’t a fan of Tae and his antics because they believe he’s intentionally feeding his shippers/hurting Jimin by acting the way we always knew him to act. Suddenly I’m seeing essays analyzing how JK doesn’t smile and looks uncomfortable with Tae but is only happy with Jimin….wasn’t this what tkkrs said about JK when they accused Jimin of initiating 95% of the Jikook moments? It all seems like a weird dream to me how quickly the switch flipped within the Jikooker fandom. I used to be proud of how the majority of Jikookers carried themselves compared to other shippers by being more logical in their thinking and defending members from unfair hate/hypocrisy/conspiracy thinking. I think this anger towards Tae is also compounded with the fact that Tae didn’t publicly congratulate Jimin on FACE. Didn’t we all witness Hobi say that Tae was one of his biggest cheerleaders behind the scenes when he was performing at Lolla last year? We saw nothing on the timeline but Hobi said Tae was all up in his messages supporting him. Similar to what Jin said about not showing support online ≠ not supporting in private. I also wholeheartedly agree with you that members probably don’t dwell too much on the negative comments they receive. I know many Jikookers say that Tae knows about the hate Jimin gets and yet still continues to act a against his best interests, but I just don’t think he (and the members) post on social media according to the hate each member gets. Anyways, I say all this to say that I’m glad that I still see Jikookers who haven’t adopted this negative mindset towards Tae. You nice, keep going!
I love this Tae positive comment.
I never have any doubts that Tae is loving his bandmates until the end. He doesn’t have to post on social media for me to know it.
The hate is a minority. As Tae said in the Festa dinner 97%(?) support them truly. With that in mind they interact on social and share what they want and live with the trash and hate. When things get loud…like army attacking media on SM then sometimes the group says stuff but I think mainly they rise above the fray.
I sort of think that jikook have done some things in reaction to trending comments or loud hate…but it could all be coincidence.
I am soooo rambling sorry. I hope things calm down in ship land soon. It’s not a good look for any of us and the guys don’t deserve it. Their lives are changing dramatically…so much uncertainty in their careers and a bs hateful fanwar is raging.
It’s going to be a long 2024 without them. We should be supporting each other as fans not tearing each other (and the members) apart over nothing.
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mixelation · 11 months
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give me a fandom and i'll make an OC
IDK what i expected to happen LOL. okay here's two OC concepts I've thought about for YGO
the first concept was the product of a conversation between me and a friend a looooong time ago. our concept was this: yugi's dad's company sent him abroad for work several times, and he had an affair with someone in the US that ended up with Yugi having a half sister. this is also why we never hear from yugi's dad-- his mom divorced him and then did her best to never interact with him again lol. so yugi is aware he has a half-sister in the US but he's never, like, talked to her.
this OC wasn't into duel monsters, but we wanted her to be into SOME sort of gaming and I think we picked puzzle games? but if i were to tweak her design i think i'd make her a twitch streamer who does a lot of weird challenges on popular games. i don't think we named her, but she's a lazy person who only wants to work enough to support her hobbies. oh also my friend and i got into an argument over what Yugi's hair would look like grown out and i drew this with my track pad:
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if we had a plot in mind i don't remember what it was. if i made up one now: at some point yugi becomes famous and suddenly OC keeps getting asked questions about if she knows about this king of games guy because they have the same hair. isn't that funny?? and OC sees him on TV and is like: oh god i think that's my brother. she doesn't reach out because her mom is like "LOL they hate us" and also her japanese is awful. but meanwhile, yuugi keeps getting @ed on social media that there's a mildly popular twitch streamer with his hair. isn't that funny?? so eventually yugi reaches out and then... idk. stupid semi-magical shenanigans.
second concept: ryou has an online friend.
i think i've pitched ryou having an online presence before. i think this makes sense for him: every fiend he has gets their soul stolen by the evil ghost haunting him, but what can bakura do to online friends? be rude to them? so ryou posts a lot on online monster world forums and maybe plays some games via an online platform. i think bakura IS rude to people sometimes but ryou is like "sorry that was my evil alter ego :(" and in early 2000s online culture that's just a normal thing for a teenager to do/say.
OC is therefore someone he's know even longer than Yugi, just via various online platforms. She's talked to Bakura and been confused. She's "there, there"-ed Ryou between extremely bizarre sounding incidents and hospital stays. Post-canon, after they both graduate high school, the two of them make Big Plans to meet in person. OC wants to write her own TTPGs, so Ryou invites her to stay with him in Domino for a few weeks because it is THEE gaming capital. Also it would be fun to try and make some models for her ideas!! Maybe they can even playtest some!!
OBVIOUSLY something has to go wrong, and that is my favroite YGO trope: the day OC is supposed to turn up, Malik shows up on Ryou's doorstep and is like GUESS WHO MYSTERIOUSLY JUST HAS HIS OWN BODY NOW. it's bakura!!!
(OC, meeting him: you're real?)
the Shenanigans that follow would be one part having to figure out what to do with an evil ghost made real, one part trying to enjoy your last summer before university, and then one part OC insisting on meeting shady people from the internet who turn out to be hardened criminals about 95% of the time.
my concept for OC's personality is that she's very creative and emotionally supportive of her friends, but she's also one of those people who's very into how From The City she is and sometimes that causes her to make wild decisions. in my original concept, i wanted her to be the most stereotypical new yorker, but she could be from any major city
Malik, seeing the address of where she's meeting Some Guy to buy a limited edition Monster World player's manual: girl you are going to get mugged
(obviously she goes, and ryou makes bakura and malik go with them because YOU JUST SAID SHE WAS GOING TO GET MUGGED, but also OC is very confident because she got pepper spray through TSA. nothing can go wrong.)
the plot would be typical yugioh game-based shenanigans but everyone is like 80% more likely to throw hands.
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I’ll tell you. I think Ted Lasso succumbed to what, in my opinion, has caused a lot of problems for a lot of shows: fanservice. Social media has allowed for creators and fans to interact in a way that’s unprecedented in the history of entertainment. First of all I think the sense of entitlement from fans towards their favourite properties has never been bigger. And it’s sickening. But creators have now started doing the worst thing they can do which is compromise their vision by doing stuff because they know people would love it. Because they have instantaneous feedback from millions of people who don’t shy away from contacting them directly. It’s new territory and it does not bode well at all. They sometimes do the unforgivable and take a U turn because fans guessed what was gonna happen so they diverge from the obvious path in fear of predictability. They confuse logical outcome based on what was delivered with boring and unoriginal.
I don’t know what happened to TedBecca. I don’t know if it was ever planned. It probably wasn’t. But you can’t convince me that the discourse online has not influenced it, and other things. The nurse being Roy’s sister for instance, which was a big theory at the time. I am 95% certain they added that. And I dislike it immensely. Because it should never be about rewarding the audience. That’s when things start to get messy. Season 1 is considered a masterpiece precisely because they did things EXACTLY the way they wanted it, because nobody knew about it and could therefore give their *shudder* opinion.
The finale episode felt vapid and hollow to me because a lot of it was done for the sake of fan service as opposed to something truly rooted in character. And I’ll be blunt, callbacks to past scenes is not clever writing. Once or twice is sweet. But the finale episode was FILLED with it. It’s dull, it’s self indulgent and it adds nothing. They wasted so much air time with those.
The only scenes worth watching were Ted interacting one on one with characters, Nate, Rebecca and Beard being the highlights for me. But they were all tarnished because Ted was no longer the Ted we knew and loved but a poster man for their silly Mary Poppins schtick. Disconnected. Empty. Sad.
I’m sad, guys. It’s not at all what I thought this journey was going to be. And I don’t think the creators did either.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Just a question, how many of you actually know the background of fanfic authors? Because in my 15 years of fandom experience online, I've legit only seen like a handful of authors who's race/ethnicity I knew, and 95% of the reason was because it was relevant to the fic they wrote. Ie: Chinese author using their A/N to explain certain terms they used. Or a fic set in Sweden and Finland, and the author mentioning it's because they were from Finland, the characters were from the UK&Germany.
Well... I do know a bunch of people from in-person cons, and while you can't tell everything just by looking at someone, you can tell some things.
If you read all of the replies on my posts very consistently, a lot of regular commenters have said things about their identities. They don't necessarily list them in their headers, but this stuff does come up if you have a lot of social interaction.
I rarely know the identity of some rando whose fic I read on an archive and whom I don't interact with otherwise.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A couple replies related to the anti question from yesterday, but then yay, a couple of replies about Idia! <3
mysaldate asked:
Related to the anti question: The localization is also to blame for so many younger people and antis swarming the twst circles. The JP game is marketted as joseimuke and the target group are specifically adult women. The localization, after dumbing everything down and making characters speak like the cringiest side of Tiktok, decided 3+ is a good enough age rating and then changed it to 13+ or wherever it is right now after getting mocked relentlessly for thinking 3+ was a good idea. 13+ is still far too young and it sadly leads to a lot of younger and more immature people being in the fandom.
Oh my god, fucking 3+… And 13+ isn’t much better. The entire rating system is kind of weird when you think about it: simply because there isn’t any nudity or sexual themes or gore, it doesn’t mean that the game is perfectly fit for 13 year olds. But this is its own whole can of worms that I’m not touching with a 5 feet pole…
But yeah, unfortunately immaturity really is a big issue :(
Anonymous asked:
I remember seeing a callout post that mentioned grooming and I was like, “oh no!” Until I read that the person in question never groomed  anyone, rather, the poster was claiming that a drawing of theirs had grooming. Wow, thanks for wasting my time calling this out, Jerk. Yeah, I’m still salty about this.
THIS IS SUCH A BIG ISSUE AAAH because they always use those words to grab your attention, but then out of 10 callout posts about groomers you’ll have 5 posts about someone drawing a problematic ship, 3 posts about someone just talking to someone once, 1 post that is just a straight-up lie and maybe 1 post about an actual predator that people should either block or report. Not only it clogs the report system with irrelevant stuff and distracts from real and very serious cases, it completely desensitises people to the point when their first thought when they see a callout post is “I’m not even going to waste my time reading this, I’m 95% sure this is bs”.
I am very tired of it, so I understand, Anon.
Alright, now let’s have a complete tonal shift and about our favourite hikki boy.
Anonymous asked:
What does Idia find attractive in a person? Like, what qualities, whether appearance or personality-wise would draw him to them? What would be the ultimate dealbreaker or what would be something that would lead to a big “NOPE” from him?
Good question, Anon~
Thank god Idia gives us food to think about these things with his crush on his online buddy lol I’m going to base my thoughts on their interactions.
First and foremost, for someone who isn’t very social, Idia really loves it when he can share his interests with someone. I say it every time, but quality time is one of the most important things for Idia, so if a person listened to a song he’d sent or if he is fun to play with, it’s going to win a lot of points for Idia. And Idia probably senses fakeness in this type of stuff, so he needs someone who is going to be genuinely invested in a game; just like Lilia, Azul or Ortho are.
He also loves determined, strong-willed people who take things into their own hands. Idia is kind of passive and hates being someone who initiates things, so his perfect partner would have to do the heavy lifting when it comes to this side of their relationship. He would have to “feel Idia’s vibes” and know when to push and when to leave him alone. Idia is (probably unintentionally) drawn to people who push him a liiiitlle bit out of his comfort zone, but he gets super defensive when someone oversteps his boundaries. He even complimented Crimson Muscle for always keeping a perfect distance and yet being very involved and friendly with him. In short, his perfect partner would have to make things easy for him emotionally lol
I don’t know about appearance, but I feel like Idia is kind of drawn to tall and mature men that are on the bigger side, he is kind of into this whole fantasy of Crimson Muscle being older than him, which is super ironic considering that at least 3 of his potential lovers are significantly smaller than him (Ortho, Lilia, Azul), and two of them are also younger than him. Not sure of Idia has a thing for this type, it’s probably just a funny coincidence, but it could be a bone in Idia’s body that gets pleasantly tickled because of the fact that he’s being topped by someone as tiny and adorable as they are. Well, not sure if he considers Azul tiny or adorable, but he certainly thinks that he has a pretty face.
Body-wise, the Tweels are probably the closest to what Idia would envision if he was cringe enough to fantasize about having sex with someone which he absolutely doesn’t do because that would be too pathetic and typical for a shut-in otaku loser like him ha ha ha ha ha. Seriously though, he probably doesn’t think about these things, also because he’s never thought that he would be a bottom in a sexual scenario, but if we forced Idia to pick the most attractive body out of all of these people, there is a chance that he would have picked the Tweels.
As for the big NOPEs…. The majority of people are big NOPEs for Idia lol
Ironically, the Tweels are a HUUUGE NOPE because they’re scary. Idia actively avoids them because he knows they are up to no good, and he would never consider any type of relationship with them.
He always complains about extraverts, but they would balance him out surprisingly well. But still, in theory this is a big no-no, in particular because they always have a lot of friends and the thought itself makes Idia feels a bit jealous and lonely. Plus, he considers them obnoxious lol Even though Ortho is an extravert.
He also doesn’t like nosy people who criticise him and don’t understand his hobbies and life philosophies. Azul nags on him, but he is surprisingly good at giving him his space, maybe because he knows that this is just how Idia operates and there is nothing he can do about it.
Idia also hates sporty people, active people, reckless people, people with a stick up their butts… He has a lot of opinions about every single NRC student and why they would be horrible to date lol
Anonymous asked:
Does Idia have to have a connection with someone to sleep with them? Is he open to one-night-stands, granted he wouldn’t be the one to instigate them I’m guessing. Does he like foreplay? What’s a sure way to get him in the mood? Sorry for all the questions! 😓
No worries, Anon, I like talking about Idia a lot as you might’ve noticed lol
It’s probably ironic considering just how many people we ship him with, but I feel like Idia doesn’t even consider having sex as something that might at some point happen to him. His mindset is “I’m a lonely otaku shut-in and I don’t want to be around people, but it’s okay if I stay a virgin because sex is overrated”. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to have sex, he just doesn’t think that it’s an option and he is okay with it… One-night-stand just sounds isn’t as stressful as building a relationship with someone, but it’s still stressful af and very cringy, so he wouldn’t do it “unless he’s 50 and desperate”. But who knows, maybe his circumstances change…
To answer your first question, yes, on paper, he has to be very close to a person to even think about these things. But that’s on paper, in actuality (and this is the scenario for our art and posts a lot of times) sex could just happen to him suddenly because the tension got too strong and; and then Idia would suddenly feel himself overflowing with his suppressed urges. “I have to have a super strong connection with someone to sleep with them” and “I will probably never have sex” are irrelevant when Idia is being touched and feels every single sensation and feeling at once. Out of all of the guys we ship him with, I feel like the only one he would think about having sex with prior to that happening is Lilia (his online self of course), but even then this thought is just cringy delusional cope in Idia’s own opinion.
With foreplay, it’s kinda tricky. I think Idia is someone who would prefer to get it over with, to have sex already, to hurry his lover up, because foreplay feels too overwhelming and embarrassing. But his body craves much more attention that Idia is ready to let anyone give to it, so he would probably enjoy being petted, kissed, even edged, and his own embarrassment always dances on a fine line between ruining Idia’s mood because of the anxiety of it all and making him much hornier because embarrassment is arousing.
As for getting him in the mood, he is way too sensitive and his body is way too responsive, so a lot of times just grabbing and touching him works wonderfully… except when he is very busy gaming, because nothing can stand between him and his game. He’ll push anyone away if he’s busy with his online tournament… well okay, anyone other than Ortho or Lilia lol
Idia also responds to hentai tropes because he is always shocked when he experiences them irl, and ironically Ortho, Lilia, Azul, the Tweels – all of them would trigger that reaction intentionally or not. Especially Azul with his tentacles…
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lywnx · 9 months
hello!!!! I'm thinking of starting commissions and was wondering if you have any advice? I don't want to do anything super serious yet, my skill isn't good enough yet, but I figure for 7 bucks someone somewhere may want something I'm willing to draw.. idk you do comms and your art is very pretty so I figure you'd be a good person to ask
AWW thank you!! this is gonna be a bit long sooooo!! more under the cut!!
the first thing is to not undercharge your work. some artists start by selling their work for 1usd, 2usd and think this might make others more interested bc its cheap right? but thts not how it works. the price you put is how much your comm is WORTH. when i first came back to instagram (with NO following) my prices were $10 for a bust, $15 for a halfbody and $25 for a fullbody. keep in mind i worked faster back then but my quality wasnt the same that it is today. so generally u should aim for similar prices, this way youre not losing too much and not underselling yourself. even if it doesnt take long to draw, people are still paying for ur knowledge and time. doesnt matter if u take 20 mins or 3 hours. n its likely to get peoples attention too, since a $15 piece might be better in quality than a $1 piece right? once youve got a stable income, you can start by upping your prices. i always like to tell people to keep a difference between prices since each piece is very different. a fullbody by me costs $95 today, for the fact the composition takes a bit to create, its a more complex piece, etc. so dont go with 15 - 20 - 25. try to go with 10 increments at the very LEAST. 'oh but i am not getting as much comms anymore!!' ur working less for more money. now ur taking ONE $40 commission instead of 3 $15 commissions. another thing is, giving how all social medias are not fit for artists right now, things will be a bit harder. when i first started i had access to twitter and instagram algorithm wasnt so bad. nowadays, differnt story. but do NOT let this stop you. take advantage from all sites available to you, promote your art everywhere. a good tip is to be present online. interact with your public, others, share their works, create a community. this is what matters the most. this is what will get you far. i also reccomend discord serves tons (u can join mine! its on my carrd), as u can reach even more people. try to keep ur social media as active possible. but also REMEMBER TO TAKE BREAKS. ur mental health is also important and burnout is something serious. no matter how hard this can be, u got this. remember, that artist that gets $300 in a comm also had to start somewhere. u can do this.
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lionfloss · 1 year
you're probably on some TERF discord's hate list or something. That's what they do, they make lists of ppl to harass online and share it amongst their sad lil group chats of bitter, paranoid losers (who will do anything to keep their place on the social hierarchy). So it's usually not just individual ppl being miserable for fun, they're connected, and often encouraging each other. They think it's their solemn duty or whatever. Lol
anyway, good for you for not taking it personally! Love your blog, you definitely don't deserve the hate <3
i wouldn't doubt that! but honestly sometimes the rude ass comments have nothing to do with like trans people or feminism they are just being straight up assholes! I typically just instablock ppl who interact with me/my posts like that, but sometimes i will look at their blog to see what the deal is and i s2g its 95% of the time a terf! like i used to think it was coincidental but now i think there is something to it haha
but thank you! most people do not deserve stranger assholes spewing bullshit at them!
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rotisseries · 2 years
i have no idea what scriptgate is and im too scared to ask anyone else pls pls explain bestie
oh god. this is how I know you don't look at all my posts (which is fair) but basically. there's this website 8flix that has LOTS of tv and movie scripts, including some stranger things ones. so byler fandom LOVES analyzing the scripts, bc they include like stage directions, and characters inner thoughts and stuff sometimes, and we've gotten some nice wins out of that, ("will isn't looking at the cute girl, he's looking at mike" you will always be famous)
so midway through july the dear billy script was being given out to donors, and it had some interesting stuff in it, so everyone went nuts and wanted the rest of them, so it's then announced we'll be getting the papa script on august 1st, again, only to donors. cool.
And then, it gets pushed back, to august 5th, last friday, (I can't believe it's already been a week) so this guy (nick) is making cryptic tweets about 4 chimes eastern time or whatever, and we all pick up that the script will be getting emailed out at about 4 pm est, and he's also been interacting with bylers a lot specifically and hyping it up bc we make up like 95% of the donors, and it's already been decided that those who are paying will immediately screenshot the important bits and post them, so comes 4 o'clock, and we're all refreshing the byler tag like crazy, but it's not out immediately. and at first we're like, yeah ok, this guy has to send the emails, AND then people have to post screenshots, so we'll wait a bit.
but then it's been an hour.
and then two hours.
and then three.
next thing we know, comes the announcement that he's having technical difficulties, and it will be released on saturday instead. same time. so saturday comes.
and we wait.
and we wait.
here comes the announcement that YET AGAIN technical difficulties, he's going to work through the night, it will be emailed out sometime on sunday, but to hold us over, he posts a screenshot of a snippet of the van scene, which is what we all REALLY wanted to see. (the man knows his audience)
it includes the line "his [will's] own words cut deeply to the core. I hate who I am" as you can expect. sends the fandom into an ABSOLUTE frenzy. then, at like 6 in the morning, the full script drops, we spend all of sunday analyzing it to hell and back. we're finally happy. moments of peace.
then comes monday.
the twitter account for the stranger things writer's room says, and I quote, "PSA: any "leaked" season 4 scripts or script pages are FAKE. Do not pay anyone for scripts as this is a SCAM" (they also say that they'll start posting official script snippets of whatever we want to see)
so now we're all really confused? they didn't explicitly mention 8flix, but what else could they be referring to? #bylerscript has been trending on twitter for days now. but why didn't they mention it sooner? why didn't they say anything about pursuing legal action? why did people get copyright strikes for posting the 8flix scripts online? and 8flix looked legit? it's been running for years, it has thousands of scripts, and it's considered a valid resource for multiple ivy league film courses.
people are sending nick death threats, the mi|evens are laughing at us saying they knew it was a scam the whole time, all social media is a hellfire.
nick claims and continues to claim that if the scripts are fake, he didn't know it and also must've gotten fucked over by his source, I believe him, but his and 8flix's reputation is ruined now.
come wednesday. stranger writers twitter account runs a Twitter poll asking what we want to see. among the options is the van scene, we all vote for it, even though we think it's likely that they'll edit it before showing it to us, if there's even any evidence in there, and that option wins, we are now waiting for them to post it.
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retrowhatever · 2 years
The tumblr queue function is probably my favourite feature on any social media site: a love letter.
So I've got ADHD. And for me, one of the things that means is I go through periods when I am Very Online followed by periods where I am Very Not.
A problem I've had with social media in the past is that I feel like I'm not "keeping up". And I don't mean keeping up with new content being posted (because that too, but it's a separate problem) but rather that I am not posting content regularly enough to be worth following/interacting with. Especially when I return from my hermit phase, I'm so overwhelmed by having not posted anything in forever that it's really hard to start again.
I want to be clear here: I'm not trying to be an influencer or build a brand or anything like that, but both due to the nature of how many social media algorithms work and because I need constant positive affirmation like the little dopamine hit of having people like or upvote or retweet or reblog my silly little thoughts, it matters to me that I'm a consistent contributor to The Conversation(tm).
On the flip side, I don't want annoyingly spam people's feeds when I get newly obsessed with something and/or am using the internet to hide from real world responsibilities. So I'll just... not post things that I want to, because I'm worried about being Too Much. (Is this a silly thing to worry about on the internet? Yes, but I've also got anxiety and nearly had a full on panic attack this week when trying to decide which soap I should use while staying over at a friend's place, so worrying about silly things is kind of my MO.)
Enter: The Queue. I just shove everything I want to post in there (including this post!) and let tumblr automatically spit it out at a rate that is more reasonable, whether I'm going through a high-activity or low-activity time. It's magical. It's consistent. It's made engaging with content on tumblr so much less stressful for me than on any other social media site.
I try to keep my queue at around a week long, and adjust the number of posts per day to maintain that. So if I'm making lots of posts or reblogging lots of things, I might have it set to 7 posts per day. But if I go through a period like last week when I caught covid and didn't have the energy to do anything, even scroll tumblr, that might dwindle down to one post per day.
Regardless, when I come back, I have reblogs and replies and likes waiting for me! It makes me excited to start posting again! And it doesn't feel so overwhelming because even in my absence, my blog has been chugging away.
Another thing I like about it is that I'm usually reblogging things a few days later than all my mutuals. That means if someone missed a meme or cool piece of art the first time around, they might catch it on my reblog, which gives the post/creator more reach and longevity. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to the community.
Sometimes I do reblog or post stuff right away, usually links to a new fic I wrote and new art from friends that I really like. But like 95%+ of things on my tumblr have come through my queue, and I almost certainly wouldn't be as active on the site without it.
In conclusion: I am not British but damn do I love a good queue.
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Cate Blanchett’s Fortune Revealed Amid Backlash Over “I’m Middle Class” Comment
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Elena Ternovaja, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Cate Blanchett, renowned for earning over $7 million per movie, sparked controversy at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival by referring to herself as "middle class." The Oscar-winning actress made the comment during a press conference for her new film "Rumors," while discussing her experiences with refugee filmmakers. She stated, “I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class, and I think one can be accused of having a bit of a white savior complex.” Blanchett, who ranked eighth on Forbes’ list of highest-paid actresses in 2018, added, “But to be perfectly honest, my interaction with refugees in the field and also in resettled environments has changed my perspective on the world, and I’m utterly grateful for that.” This remark quickly drew criticism online, with many labeling the “Oceans 8” star as "out of touch." One social media user commented, “Cate Blanchett thinks she’s ‘middle class’ compared to who? Jeff Bezos? Rich people are so out of touch.” Another quipped, “Cate Blanchett is ‘middle class’… and I am a giraffe.” In light of the uproar, let's delve into Cate Blanchett’s substantial net worth. Cate Blanchett’s Net Worth Explored According to Celebrity Net Worth, the two-time Academy Award winner boasts a net worth of approximately $95 million. In 2018 alone, Blanchett earned $13 million from her roles in "The House with a Clock in Its Walls" and "Thor: Ragnarok," as reported by Forbes. Blanchett’s illustrious career began on the stage in Sydney in 1992 with David Mamet’s play "Oleanna." She made her feature film debut in 1997, playing a supporting role in "Paradise Road." Over the years, she has starred in numerous blockbuster films, including all three “The Lord of the Rings” movies. Her role in "The Aviator" earned her the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in 2005, and she was named one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2007. Blanchett, who moved back to Australia in 2006, invested $7 million in a mansion on Sydney’s north shore and an additional $5 million to acquire a neighboring property. She sold the combined estate in 2017 for $13 million. Considering her significant financial assets and property investments, it is clear that Blanchett’s self-description as "middle class" does not align with the typical understanding of the term. Read the full article
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shoutinaustralia · 2 months
Free Guest Posting Sites Where Can Submit Guest Posts
In 2024, there will be a distinctive method to make your imprint online. It's called "guest posting," and it's the equivalent of putting your opinions on someone else's lavish website. It's a wise decision because it helps the website and you. You get to demonstrate your expertise, attract additional visitors to your website, and network with new people. The website owner acquires interesting information and improves their website. However, not all websites are created equal. You want to write for those that are both significant and well-liked. We’re going to teach you about some of these significant websites in this guide, where you can express yourself in 2024. Let us now dive into the list of websites with high authority that accept guest posts.
Understanding the Concept of Guest Blogging
Writing and publishing articles on blogs or websites related to other companies or sectors is a strategy used by individuals or companies in content marketing. We call this kind of writing "guest blogging." This collaborative approach benefits all parties involved. Guest bloggers provide the hosting firm a chance to share their knowledge with a new audience, but they also benefit from the inclusion of great, original content that might increase the site's popularity. Guest blogging promotes networking, promotes opinion leadership for a specific industry or topic, and enhances search engine optimisation (SEO) by generating backlinks. By posting engaging material across a variety of websites, guest blogging is a powerful tool for expanding your online presence and interacting with new audiences.
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Sponsored List of Guest Blogging
The Best Guest Posting Websites (Per Niche) for Backlinks
For Lifestyle & Entertainment Niche
Huffpost | https://www.huffpost.com/ | 94
Makezine | https://makezine.com/ | 86
Life Hacker | https://lifehacker.com/ | 91
PRCouture | https://www.prcouture.com/ | 48
Love My Dress | https://www.lovemydress.net/ | 58 
Milwaukee Magazine | https://www.milwaukeemag.com/ | 64
Blogherald | https://www.blogherald.com/ | 66
ContactMusic.com | https://www.contactmusic.com/ 78
Live Write Thrive | http://www.livewritethrive.com/ | 41
Middle Earth Consulting | https://middleearth.nu/ | 32
For Business, Finance & General Marketing Guest
Forbes | https://www.forbes.com/ | 95
Bigger Pockets | https://www.biggerpockets.com/ | 80
Modest Money | https://www.modestmoney.com/ | 56
Money Crashers | https://www.moneycrashers.com/ | 74
GoDaddy | https://www.godaddy.com/ | 93 
SoGoSurvey | https://www.sogolytics.com/ | 53
Convert.com | https://www.convert.com/ | 52 
HubSpot | https://blog.hubspot.com/ | 93
MarketingTech | https://www.marketingtechnews.net/ | 58
Cloudways | https://www.cloudways.com/ | 76
For SEO, Digital Marketing, & Social Media
TechWyse | https://www.techwyse.com/ | 50
SEOBlog.com | https://www.seoblog.com/ | 40 
RankWatch | https://www.rankwatch.com/ | 45
Search Engine Land | https://searchengineland.com/ | 91
Martech | https://martech.org/ | 56
MarketingProfs | https://www.marketingprofs.com/ 82 
MediaPost | https://www.mediapost.com/ | 83
Copyblogger | https://copyblogger.com/ | 83
Social Media Today | https://www.socialmediatoday.com/ | 83
Contently | https://contently.com/ | 84
For Technology, Web Design & Web Development
iTechCode | https://www.itechcode.com/ | 34
All Tech Buzz | https://www.alltechbuzz.net/ | 62 
Technology Networks | https://www.technologynetworks.com/ | 65
Jungleworks | https://jungleworks.com/ | 47
Smashing Magazine | https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ | 90
Fitbit | https://www.fatbit.com/ | 56
Webflow | https://webflow.com/ | 81
WebAlive | https://www.webalive.com.au/ | 38 
Creative Nerds | https://creativenerds.co.uk/ | 62 
Quertime | https://www.quertime.com/ | 53
For Health & Travel
Idea Fit | https://www.ideafit.com/ | 72
Natural News | https://www.naturalnews.com/ | 82
Healthline | https://www.healthline.com/ | 87
Lifehacker | https://lifehacker.com/ | 91
Go Abroad | https://www.goabroad.com/ | 64
Sheswanderful | https://sheswanderful.com/ | 48
HostelWorld | https://hwhelp.hostelworldgroup.com/ | 50
Global Grasshopper | https://globalgrasshopper.com/ | 57
Lifeyet | https://www.lifeyet.com/ | 55
Benefits of Guest Blogging
Through guest blogging, you may use the viewership of the blog or website that is hosting you to reach a wider audience. It gives you the chance to impart your wisdom and viewpoints to a fresh audience in the hopes of attracting new clients or customers.
By publishing worthwhile material on trustworthy sites, you may establish your brand and credibility in your industry and establish yourself or your company as an expert.
By guest blogging, you may obtain backlinks from reliable websites, increasing the search engine exposure of your website, growing your online profile, and drawing in natural search traffic.
Guest blogging offers networking possibilities that can result in successful partnerships and collaborations with industry experts and influencers, hence cultivating commercial relationships.
Using guest blogging to showcase your knowledge from several perspectives and reach a variety of audiences might help you diversify your content marketing approach.
Positive reviews on your guest articles might increase visits to your blog or website as well as the number of leads or consumers it receives.
A larger audience might become aware of your company's name or products thanks to guest blogging, which may improve brand recognition.
Guest posts provide a wealth of engagement options that let you communicate with readers, get their input, and improve your concepts and writing.
Writing for a variety of platforms requires you to modify your approach and style, which will help you advance as a writer and communicator on a personal and professional level.
A call-to-action (CTA) that drives readers to your website or landing pages may turn guest blogging into a powerful tool for generating leads.
Long after they are first published, well-written guest articles may still generate traffic and offer advantages, making them a durable marketing strategy.
By guest blogging, you may cultivate connections with editors and readers of hosting sites that may lead to future chances for visibility and cooperation.
How to Find Guest Post Sites
Use a search engine such as Google to begin your search. Incorporate phrases like "write for us," "submit a guest post," or "guest blogging opportunities" together with relevant keywords related to your company or area of expertise.  This approach can help you discover websites actively seeking guest writers within your industry.
Here are additional search strings you can experiment with to unearth guest post opportunities:
Keyword + "guest blog"
Keyword + "guest blogger"
Keyword + "guest column"
Keyword + "guest poster wanted"
Keyword + inurl: contributors
Keyword + "become a contributor"
Keyword + "guest article"
Keyword + "submit your article"
Keyword + "guest post opportunities"
Keyword + "accepting guest posts"
Keyword + "contributing writer"
Keyword + "guest post guidelines"
Keyword + "suggest a post"
Allintitle: Keyword + guest post
Allintitle: Keyword + submit a blog post
Keyword + "contributor guidelines"
Keyword + "write for us"
Keyword + "write for me"
Keyword + "become an author"
Keyword + "looking for guest posts"
Keyword + "submit guest post"
Keyword + "guest posts wanted"
Keyword + "submit content"
Keyword + "contribute to our site"
Keyword + "contribute to this site"
Keyword + "submit blog post"
Keyword + inurl: category/guest
Keyword + "become a guest blogger"
Allintitle: Keyword + write for us
Keyword + "submit blog post"
Final Words 
Content producers and marketers have a great opportunity in 2024 to identify quality guest blogging sites. With this chance, we may increase our search engine ranks, reach a wider audience, and demonstrate our subject-matter knowledge. Following the guidance outlined in this blog can greatly improve our guest posting endeavours. It emphasizes the importance of selecting appropriate websites and crafting high-quality content. Remember, the primary goal isn't just to acquire links; it's also about cultivating relationships with readers and fellow bloggers to bolster our online presence. Therefore, for continued success in the online sphere, it's crucial to stay curious and engaged in guest posting activities.
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jjdoggies · 3 months
What did tori do
Hi Anon!
So basically, because I don't want to get into tons of detail about it (at least rn, bc its been a while since I've had to talk about her) but to be brief about it. 'Tori' was the name of someone I used to be friends with online (namely on Tumblr Discord, and Ao3) for about 18 months or so, from about August 2020 to March 2022. 'Tori' was the name they used FYI, I know that they've changed it on their online profiles since then and it isn't her actual name.
Anyway, so around like October of 2021, one of my other friends started having some bad, personal problems with 'Tori' which allowed 'Tori' to lie and manipulate everyone in the Discord servers with her about what was going on with my friend and about some made up conflict that my friend (Actually my bestie 😘 I should add) supposedly created towards her. And anytime I, or someone else, tried to ask 'Tori' about what was going on or why my bestie wasn't on the server and 'Tori' would give all kinds of excuses and lies about what was going on between them but specifically with 'Tori' herself or her family.
So, between October 2021 and March 2022, there was more and more erratic and unexplained behavior from 'Tori' towards everyone and about nearly any topic, not just things relating to my bestie and their problems. And again, any time someone tried to ask what was going on with 'Tori' specifically tried to check in with her as a friend more than anything because for a while this hadn't been normal behavior for her. It all worsened drastically over the 5 ish months and eventually, after talking with some of my other friends that had been on the server with me, 'Tori', and my bestie about what was going on and we'd talked to some people had only been in a larger server with us (and many others) about their issues with 'Tori' and what she'd done/said to them in private, over Discord or Tumblr DMs specifically.
After I'd talked it over with my actual friends for about a month, so most of February and March of 2022, I left the smaller server she owned that our kind of friend group had used, I blocked her on all socials that I knew of (but I know she has more because she's told me and others that she makes tons of social media accounts), and added tags and a note in my profile to my Ao3 account (since this was right before/around when Ao3 introduced the account blocking system) telling her to not interact with my account there since I only have and only use one Ao3 account (unlike her). She obviously noticed the things that I had done since I no longer wanted to associate with, let alone talk to, her and went to the mods in the larger server we were both in for a fandom-specific ship and told them about it which created a 'larger, public issue' that they (the mods) felt like they had the right to deal with. Which honestly was just 'Tori' trying to manipulate other people into doing what she wanted them to because she's far too much of a coward to actually handle any conflict herself.
There's honestly a lot more to this but I don't have time at this moment to go into all of the batshit things she did to mostly my friends, because like 95% of it wasn't towards me.
TL: DR - 'Tori' was a person I was friends with online, but after 18 months of knowing her, it turned out she was a narcissistic, lying, crazy manipulator who can't take 'no' for an answer and refuses to learn boundaries.
(Got into a lot more detail than I'd intended but oh well lol.)
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anashemaps24 · 6 months
The Complex Discussion Around Social Media Article Think Piece
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I recently read an online article by Peter Charalambous published to ABC titled “Amid what's being called a youth mental health crisis, is social media facing its own 'tobacco moment'?”, a news story that looks at how social media may be affecting youth’s mental health for the worse, and I decided I wanted to not only go into detail about the story, but to also share my thoughts on the article. 
The article first dives into studies suggesting that excessive use of social media for youths may be detrimental to them and that for some children, such excessive use may be a contributing factor to what has been deemed a public health crisis. However, such research into social media’s mental health is still incomplete, while some experts also note the positives that social media brings, while asking for social media to be more open ended to the whole situation. 
Secondly, companies such as YouTube and TikTok showed ways in which they have tried to address such issues, such as YouTube implementing safeguards for young users, removing potentially harmful content and TikTok adding bedtime reminders and age restrictions. 
Next, an advisory goes into depth about how there is enough evidence to suggest that social media can affect children and adolescents, detailing not only the 60% increase in suicide rate between ages 10-24 between 2011-2021, but also a conducted survey that shows the deteriorating mental state of teen girls. This is all culminated by the fact that 95% of teens between the ages of 13-17 use social media and getting its own comparison to smoking, in its excessive use that only worsens one’s state. 
The advisory continues his notes on excessive use by saying how social media can expose youth to harmful content and replacing the time children would be interacting in person socializing, especially during one of the most important periods for brain development. 
However, both experts and the advisor do note that social media also brings its benefits, such as social acceptance among others. The experts also continue by reaffirming how there is not enough evidence to suggest that social media has had a widespread psychological effect on youth.  
Finally, the article wraps up by awaiting more evidence to back up such claims on the effects of social media, the future it holds in our society and the fight against its impact. It challenges parents to be more responsible, for the government to use its ability to regulate, and social media companies deflect responsibility. It concludes with optimism that action will take place.  
In my opinion, I thought this was an insightful article that tries its best to show the potential harm that social media has on the youth, while also doing its best to shed light on the positives that social media brings.  
While I am still of the opinion that social media is a positive tool in our society, I believe that it is something that should be regulated, especially for the youth, as excessive use can be something that can potentially be harmful for younger demographics, especially in terms of brain development and psychological effects. It is also important for such awareness about the potential effects that social media have may be widespread, so that the negatives be mitigated as much as possible. 
In conclusion, it is a well thought out and researched article piece that anyone should be interested in and given the current state of society and where social media may be taking us, would be extremely valuable knowledge to know.  
Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/amid-called-youth-mental-health-crisis-social-media/story?id=102675299
#Blog #SocialMedia #SpreadAwareness
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