#8th year break
illusinia · 18 days
Except from a piece I'm working on that's taking a very long time to write. I enjoyed this scene though and thought I'd share.
Draco and Pansy's first car ride, courtesy of Hermione, Harry, and a Christmas Tree.
Note: Pre-Dramione, but no Dramione in the content.
Trees and Car Rides
Watching Malfoy and Pansy baulk at the car was almost funny. Their eyes were wide as they stared at it and both jumped when the engine turned over and it started rather loudly. Malfoy looked like he would rather face the telly. Pansy, however, pulled herself together and, with some help from Harry with the door, practically forced the blond into the seat behind Hermione. She shut the door before Malfoy could object, then dove into the seat behind Harry with a wildly shouted “go, go, go!”
Hermione was reminded of why she liked Pansy in that moment. Even Harry looked amused. So Hermione locked the doors and put the car into drive, turning to pull out of the driveway and onto the main street.
She had been concerned the speed of the car might unsettle them, but neither Slytherin seemed bothered by it. Malfoy was glued to everything passing outside the window while Pansy was fascinated by the inside of the car. She stuck her head through the centre partition, eyes scrolling over all the buttons.
“What's that?” asked Pansy as she pointed at the radio. Which was when Hermione realised she wasn't wearing a seatbelt and Malfoy probably wasn't either.
“A radio,” replied Hermione as she pulled to a stop at a traffic light. “Seat belts. They're the thing hanging near the doors. Pull them on and put the metal bit that slides around into the box with the button on it that is sticking out of the seat.”
It took a minute and Harry turning around to direct them to get their seatbelts clipped in place. Hermione was elbowed in the head as part of the exercise to Harry's consternation. At least the light was a long one. As it was, Harry barely got turned around before the light changed and Hermione had to move again.
Seatbelts fastened, Pansy turned her interest back on the radio. “What does the radio do?”
“Play music, live talk shows, the news, whatever really depending on what station you're tuned to,” explained Hermione as she flipped the radio on. It let out a brief burst of static before B*Witched’s To You I Belong filled the car. A glance in the rearview mirror showed Malfoy and Pansy looking at the radio in absolute awe.
They were suitably distracted for a few minutes until the song ended and the station DJ came back on the air chattering away about the recent headlines from the news. Mostly local news. A few political points. Nothing terribly interesting.
“Are they reading a newspaper aloud?” asked Malfoy and a glance back showed his brow was furrowed. “Why would muggles do that?”
“Some muggles appreciate talk radio on their way to wherever they’re going,” explained Harry as he changed the station. Chumbawomba’s Tubthumping thumped through the speakers. Hermione and Harry exchanged a look and began singing along when the refrain began.
“I get knocked down, but I get up again, but you’re never gonna keep me down,” they sang along, grinning and shifting in their seats with the rhythm. Harry began to drum out the rhythm on the dashboard, pausing when the music dropped to the trumpet solo, then picked it up again. They started laughing as they did though, particularly when they both glanced back and noted the balmy looks Malfoy and Pansy were giving them.
“Do all muggles do,” Pansy waved her hand in a disbelieving manner, “that while they drive?”
“When they’re driving with friends they do,” replied Hermione with a grin as a new song came on.
The first refrains of Savage Garden’s Truly Madly Deeply began to reverberate and Harry chuckled. “Ginny loves this song.”
Hermione hummed and began to sing along, her voice dropping a bit to match the pitch of the song. Harry joined in on the refrain with her. Behind her, she felt Malfoy lean forward against the back of her chair, his low voice humming along with the tune. When the refrain started again, he joined in with her and Harry, his low voice reverberating pleasantly with theirs. Pansy joined in as well a few seconds after him as she joined in the sing-along. They stuck to just the refrain while Hermione sung along with the whole thing. As they neared the entrance to the motorway, Hermione clicked on her signal. The last refrains of the song echoed out as she began to merge through the lanes of traffic to get to the motorway entrance. Another DJ came on rambling about something or another, followed by the sound of commercials starting up. Harry turned down the radio rather than changing the station.
As they hit the entry, she accelerated to reach speed. The engine rumbled. The car vibrated a bit with the increased speed.
Pansy yelped. “What’s happening?!”
“I’m just accelerating,” assured Hermione as she clicked and merged into traffic with a slight turn of the wheel. “The good tree lot is in the next market.”
Malfoy was still leaning against the back of her chair and she could feel his eyes watch her every move. She glanced in the rearview mirror for half a second to confirm and yes, he was watching her hands intently. “Is something wrong, Malfoy?”
“I’m just trying to figure out why you hate flying so much, but you have no issues riding this car at high speeds,” explained Malfoy as his hand appeared, gesturing to the dials on the dash. “How fast are we going anyway?”
“Almost 60 miles per hour,” replied Hermione as she turned on her turn signal and changed lanes again so she was in the lane next to the exit lane. “And the term you are looking for is driving a car, which is what I’m doing, or riding in a car, which is what you, Harry, and Pansy are doing.”
Malfoy waved his hand casually, his chin resting on the back of her seat. “You are still moving very fast.”
“Yes, in a contained space on the ground with safety equipment installed- such as your seatbelts,” countered Hermione, her eyes flicking to him for a half second before returning to the road. “That is far less disturbing than flying through the air with nothing below you should you fall off or crash.”
“You flew on a thestral,” reminded Harry with a grin. “And you couldn’t even see it.”
“Do not remind me,” groaned Hermione with a sigh. “That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I couldn’t see the bloody thing. My eyes were closed the whole time.”
Pansy was suddenly leaning forward, her head nearly knocking into Malfoy’s. “You rode on a thestral?! Why? When?”
“Fifth year, and to get to the Ministry of Magic the first time we broke in,” replied Hermione with a sigh as she flipped on the turn signal and merged to exit the motorway.
“The first- right, the Department of Mysteries,” murmured Malfoy with a nod before he flopped back into his seat again.
“What was the second time?” asked Pansy, her eyes locked on Hermione curiously.
“When we stole a locket from Umbridge,” replied Harry without details. They- she, Harry, and Ron- had decided the Horcrux hunt should remain mostly silent. Members of the order knew, of course, but no one else and they intended to keep it that way. Apparently Pansy and Malfoy both picked up on that because they didn’t ask further questions about the locket. It was actually a relief- Hermione was finding herself enjoying the day and a fight about the fact she and Harry would not reveal some information would ruin that.
For a moment, the only noise in the car was the rambling of commercials from the radio. Then, the first refrains of a song, Sarah McLachlan’s Building a Mystery came on and Harry turned back up the radio. Hermione didn’t know this song well- she’d only heard it once before, so she didn’t sing along and neither did Harry. The radio was the only noise in the car for a moment before Harry spoke up, breaking it. “Are they playing some popular hits series?”
“Probably,” replied Hermione with a shrug as they exited the motorway. “It’s about the right time of year.”
“I’m just relieved it isn’t all Christmas music,” stated Harry firmly as they slowed to a stop at a light. “I hate when they do that.”
“What are popular hits?” asked Pansy from the back seat as she suddenly leaned forward again.
“And why would any of these… stations just have Christmas music?” asked Malfoy as he, too, leaned forward again.
The conversation shifted back to music until Pansy suddenly yelped and leaned forward. “Did she just mention vampires?!”
“Do muggles know about vampires?” asked Malfoy, sounding equally concerned. “What about the vow of secrecy?”
“Muggles think vampires are make-believe,” assured Harry as he glanced back at the other two.
Hermione nodded. “The concept is often used to convey the concept of mysterious romanticism. You can blame Bram Stoker for that.”
“Bram Stoker?” questioned Malfoy with clear concern.
“He wrote Dracula,” explained Harry with a shrug. “It’s a muggle book about vampires.”
The tree lot appeared on their left and Hermione made a turn across lanes of traffic safely. It still caused Pansy to yelp though- likely because there was a car much further down the road. Too far to pose a risk to them.
Still, as Hermione pulled the car into park, she heard the click of a seatbelt and Pansy’s head suddenly appeared beside her. “Was that safe?”
“Yes,” assured Hermione as she undid her own seatbelt. “It was. The other car was very far away from us and the speed limit on this road is quite low. I also judged the speed the car was approaching versus the amount of time it would take to make the turn and calculated that it was safe.”
Malfoy, to her surprise nodded. “It’s just like making a call on when to turn on a broom, Pans. No different.”
Pansy didn’t look completely convinced, but she wasn’t running out of the car either. “Could I learn to drive?”
Hermione raised her eyebrows at the other girl. “I don’t see why not. But we aren’t doing that, too. The timeline is too tight.”
“Later,” agreed Pansy as she began fiddling with her door, trying to figure out how to get out. Hermione unlocked the doors and Harry reached back to pull the lever that popped the door open. Malfoy observed and managed to get out on his own. Hermione climbed out once he had his door open and looked at the long line of trees in front of them.
“Is this where Muggles get their trees?” asked Pansy with a touch of awe. “There are so many of them. And they’re all different sizes.”
“And we can choose any one as long as it will fit in the house,” stated Hermione with a smile. Then, eying some of the trees, added: “And on top of the car. It needs to fit on the car.”
“On the car?” repeated Malfoy as he turned to assess the hood of the car. “Why?”
“Because that’s how we’re getting it to Hermione’s house,” explained Harry as he started towards the trees. Hermione stepped in behind him with Malfoy and Pansy quickly catching up to stand on either side of her.
“Can’t we just get a house elf to bring it back?” asked Pansy in confusion as they wandered into the trees. A few works waved at them and Pansy, apparently deciding a few of them were cute, waved back and offered them a wink.
Malfoy made a disgusted noise. “Really, Pans?”
“I’m allowed to shop around,” stated Pansy simply as she eyed one of the stronger young men bagging a tree. “And some of these men are very well built.”
Hermione stifled a laugh. Malfoy rolled his eyes and returned to the question of tree transportation. “But we should be able to get someone to deliver it, correct?”
“Not here,” dismissed Hermione as she paused to examine a tree. It was about 2.5 metres and looked relatively fluffy. Lots of branches, not a lot of holes or bald spots. “If we’d gone to a cut-your-own place, perhaps, but half the experience is wrestling the tree on top of the car.”
“Wrestling it on top of the car?” repeated Malfoy as he glanced back at where the car sat in the parking lot. “How?!”
“Ropes in the trunk tied to the rack on the top of the car,” explained Hermione as she moved on to another tree. The next one was even bushier but seemed sappy. Sure enough, her fingers came away sticky when she touched a branch. Still, that could be taken care of with a quick spell. Carefully walking around the tree, she checked for large bald spots- none- and branch spacing- sufficient for ornaments to be hung without the tree appearing bare. “What do you think of this one?”
“Us?” asked Malfoy in surprise, even as he drifted to stand beside her.
Hermione glanced at him and Pansy, who was still long distance flirting with some of the workers. “Yes, you’re here, therefore you are a part of this.”
Malfoy paused to examine the tree, tilting his head to the side as he examined it with a critical eye. “It looks sticky.”
“It is,” confirmed Hermione, holding up her sticky fingers as proof. “Still, the branches are well spaced and there are no significant bald spots. And the stickiness could be taken care of with a spell.”
“Is there a spell to remove tree sap?” asked Malfoy curiously, glancing at her with a raised eyebrow.
Hermione nodded slowly. “I found it in some obscure book about using magic to decorate for Christmas. It seemed useful.”
“I think obscure spells should be your specialty,” remarked Pansy as she finally joined them to examine the tree. “Mm, it’s a bit short.”
“The ceiling is just under 3 metres,” explained Hermione as she tried to wipe her fingers off on her pants. A tingling on her fingers surprised her- the stickiness was gone. From the corner of her eye, she caught Malfoy slipping his wand back into his coat. Sneaky man. She shot him a grateful look. He just shrugged in response and moved towards another tree.
She followed him while Pansy wandered off towards where Harry was examining his own pick. Malfoy’s pick appeared to be a bit too tall, but she didn’t say that. THere was something about watching Malfoy pick out a Christmas tree with the same careful eye he might examine a quidditch pitch that was adorable.
“What about this one?” questioned Malfoy, his head tilting to the side.
A smile tugged at Hermione’s lips. “It’s a bit tall, I’m afraid. Still…” She reached out and carefully turned the tree on its stand. “Good branch spacing without being too much. Nice colour, too.” Releasing the tree, she gently took Malfoy’s elbow and tugged him towards more trees. “Let’s keep looking. There are a lot here, after all. The perfect one might just be around the corner.”
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fuck-kirk · 6 months
Still feeling so mentally unwell over the fact that the engine in my car is blown. My life is seriously spiraling bc of it.
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poppurini · 3 months
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officially a crowley hater this roach looking thing can DIE
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scribefindegil · 1 year
My beloved tattered copies of my Artemis Fowl books that I got from library sales are the love of my life. I’m 90% sure I’m so snarky in my writing because of these books. Artemis and his relationships with everyone are so well done. The eye swap thing still gets me. What a duo. What a series. God do the last three really….. do things. I am still mad about Artemis losing his magic immediately yes. And for them making a character so powerful they have to keep making excuses why he’s not around. And… well. You know. But goddamn if I didn’t consume them like 800 times as a kid and goddamn if I’m not so sorely tempted to reread them now that you’ve reminded me (and maybe finally actually read fowl twins)
Listen, the last few books sure made . . . . Choices. AND YET. Even when they were bad (and sometimes they were very bad!), they never did it in a way that made me want to stop reading, which is honestly very impressive! The characters remain recognizable and entertaining and their relationships are compelling even as the situations they're in become increasing Like That, and the characters are what I'm here for.
They're not books that I would necessarily recommend to people who didn't grow up with them but man. I love them so much. Artemis' character development is so good. Every single thing about Holly Short is so good. The whole weird messy found family of it all is so good. The way the later books veer from heist narratives into fairy-tale structure is . . . like, objectively bad, but man does it manage to hit me where it hurts thematically.
Don't even get me started on the eye swap; I'm obsessed with the ongoing progression of how these characters look at each other, because with the magic of control so closely tied to eye contact at the beginning there's always something in the way--mirrors and shields and helmet visors--and it's a huge display of trust to actually meet eyes without any sort of intervention, and the swap ties into this and takes it to the next level and! UGH! (Was literally ANY of this intentional? Knowing Colfer, probably not! Doesn't stop me from losing my mind about it though!)
(I have not read Fowl Twins. I have not even read their cover blurbs despite staring at the audiobook versions every day when I worked at the bookstore. Has anyone read Fowl Twins? And can you tell me if Holly's in them? If not I do not care.)
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 11 months
Working on the next chapter of Dementors’ Child 👀
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umilily · 6 months
the poll on hated subjects in school made me remember the single most unhinged class i ever had, which was my last politics lesson in 10th grade. everyone (first and foremost our teacher) was screaming and insulting each other. people were crying and some just deadass left out of protest in the middle of it. it was absolutely surreal.
#lily talks#it's been a while but iirc the whole thing happened bc of a discussion about israel#which in light of recent events feels incredibly ironic#i do not say this lightly but the woman teaching the class had ISSUES#certainly on a personal level#but also it was actually harrowing to witness this person using her postion (teaching politics and ethics) for no other reason than to forc#her own political believes onto as many kids as possible#and if anyone dared to disagree (which of course little me did first thing when she took over the class in 8th grade) she not only gave us#bad grades for the entire 3 years we had her class (of coruse with no good reasoning even just to pretend)#but also dubbed all of them nazis or sexist or any other wildly problematic thing you could imagine#even if and in most cases especially when it had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand#naturally everyone present quickly developed a rather sarcastic and grim sense of humor when dealing with this person#like 'what crime will i be accused of this week? find out after the break'#my personal highlight still was the time i was supposed to describe a very low-res black and white picture with a woman and#a lot of boxes full of fresh produce#which i phrased as such but then made the mistake of adding that i (due to the quality) could not make out where this was taken#which was my teachers cue to spend the next 5 minutes reprimanding me bc apparently 'THIS WOMAN HAS HER OWN STORE!' (good for her)#and by not mentioning that i was being misogynistic#so there. now you know it. i am a horrible person who uses the medium of overhead transparencies to spread misogyny.#anyway-#the truly entertaining thing was the guy who had to do the same with the next picture which was some dude selling kebab#for some reason the teacher liked him even though he constantly made fun of her#i don't know if she just didn't get it?#so he came up with the fanciest most over the top proper officialese for saying 'kebab guy'#naturally she sang the highest praises#moral of the story: when in doubt call the kebab vendor of your trust 'Fachkraft für Rollfleisch-Management'
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ljaesch · 9 months
J-Novel Club Announces Nine Light Novel and Eight Manga Licenses
J-Novel Club has announced the following licenses: Title: The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects novels Author: Fuurou (story), Kinta (art) Release Date: Parts 1 and 2 of Volume One available now Summary: Dias finally returns home after decades of war. He’s hailed as a hero and promptly rewarded with his own domain… which turns out to be little more than empty plains. Population: zero. Dias,…
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haemosexuality · 6 months
during middle school i made myself the designated class therapist. i worried a lot about everyone and desperately wanted to help. i talked so many kids down from suicide that rlly sticks with you
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
well i did all i could at this time. get ready this saturday to celebrate one of five possible ninth anniversaries of me starting city of bones! it’ll be like sophie sheridan celebrating father’s day, you know who’s to say which of the five days it was. in theory i could go out to my garage and maybe dig up an old planner or notebook from seventh grade, but i simply do not want to do that. it’s cold out there and i am tired and sad, and frankly, i probably didn’t save even one notebook from that year because as soon as i was old enough to choose what school stuff of mine my parents saved i was very into the mindset of just throwing all that shit away. didn’t save anything again until i was like 16. years have been lost due to a child’s disbelief in the importance of artifacts rip
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you are john. it has been, what, like eight or ten months since you sent out the notices about the new round of lyctor trials? you have a weird dream one night and decide, on a whim, to check in on how the trials are going. 
you phone home (its not home, home is gone). no one picks up. thats weird, and kind of concerning, so you go to check. canaan house is empty, even of the constructs you left to act as bodies for the partitioned bit of your soul-conglomerate you left there. there seem to be a lot of weird zombies on various continents. whoops, looks like some of the partitions of your soul-network need to be tuned up. well, you can do that after you figure out where the contestants went. 
an extensive round of investigation later, you land on the ninth. yep, that sure does seem to be the missing contestants. and the canaan house priests. and cytherea is here, for some reason. probably plotting against you. and... oh, annabel, good morning. 
while you are getting stabbed by your cavalier, you cant help but notice that it looks like some of the contestants did, in fact, achieve lyctorhood. but uh, definitely not the way they were supposed to. 
#to wit: the sixth and seventh have formed a soul network. only the sixth have living bodies#for some reason the dead body of the seventh cav is being possessed by that BoE bitch your hands were conspiring with almost 20 years ago?#there are 3 members of the third house here? and the actual cav is not involved in thenew 3rd house lyctorhood bond at all aside from#teaching swordsmanship to the? new 3rd cav? who is the necros sister apparently#the fitth havent made a lyctor bond yet but they Do appear to be having something going on with [checks notes] the guy who is supposed to#be the actual ninth cav but apparently isnt. wait so who went as the ninth c— uh. uhhhhhh#okay so you have a kid and the ninth has apparently joined your soul network at some point without you noticing wait wait what is this#wake-me-up-inside is on your soul network too??? youve been hacked.#as for whats going on with the rest: bc if various revelations the 8th have cancelled god who clearly doesnt understand how to#do soul magic in a Right and Proper manner. both the two who were at the trials and once they get the message back the entire house will be#up in arms about it and while the sixth have already been ready to break off from the empire if need be the eighth may try to like. take it#over? it wont go well. either way we are looking at a bigtime schism here#the fourth are trying to get good at enough at soul stuff to do one of the cooler lyctorhoods they have now learned about. the fifth are#trying to stop them from doing this and the most convincing argument theyve had thus far is that they should get past puberty first in case#the type of lyctorhood they end up doing is one of the 'freezes you at that state' one instead of the 'well the ninth aged so#clearly its possible somehow' version. the second were in the timeout corner for a while but there have been. a lot of revelations#and when you are finding stuff out firsthand and being told it directly by gods saint and his cavalier its a little harder to ignore than#if you are traumatized and on the verge of death and being told stuff by insurgents from outside the empire#also gideon has been popping back to earth a lot to 1) get sunlight 2) fight zombies for fun 3) forage for now-feral crop plants to bring#back to the ninth bc damned if shes going back to snow leeks now. also this is how shes dealing with her breakup from cytherea. and getting#space from her mom who sucks and from the drama of finding out her dad is the emperor who also sucks and that she and harrow have a#soul connection sort of that may or may not make them immortal and just. its a lot of questions. a lot of unpleasantness. a lot of pressure#hangin around on the ninth which doesnt feel big enough to get away from the drama. so shes#using her fucking teleportation powers to try her hand at shitty cottagecore life on a zombie-infested tomb of a planet instead of. yknow.#her other hometown tomb planet which is now also a little zombie-infested in a different way
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One of my mutuals put this post on my dash the other day that was asking if you’d ever owned/bought a piece of clothing specifically because it reminded you of a fictional character, and I didn’t reblog it because I couldn’t think of anything, but now I’ve remembered
Bet none of you would have guessed that I used to own a tshirt exactly like Ryou/Yami Bakura’s when I was like 12 that I thought was the coolest fucking thing
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Little cringe baby me was obsessed with this guy
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westopoliscity · 2 years
Actually one last thought. I love you teachers that accept missing work without late credit. You are my lifeblood. Especially math teachers
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likecastle · 2 years
I have not been able to stop thinking about the fact that the album Master of Puppets was released on March 3, 1986, and season four starts on March 21, 1986. There were no singles released for the album until after the record was released, as far as I can tell, so nobody would’ve heard “Master of Puppets” before the album came out. Which means that Eddie Munson had exactly 18 days to purchase and listen to this album, become completely obsessed with that song, and teach himself how to play it. I feel completely normal about this. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.
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channelrat · 2 years
anyway i went to pinterest because i wanted to refresh on vibes for my silly little gang and ive done no writing yet
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Elementary school teacher Monomi. Ough.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Save me skincare routine. Save me stupidly expensive skincare routine in tiny bottles
#so ya girl turned 28 three days ago and immediately had a midlife crisis#it didn’t even take very long. i opened my eyes at 6:55am on the 8th and immediately started freaking out#okay i want to clarify something. it’s not that i feel a need to perform a certain level of femininity. it’s not even that i care about#my appearance that much. it’s just that for the first time in my life i look older than i feel#and i feel really weird about it actually! that’s never happened for me before. all throughout my childhood i was told how mature and smart#i was; and i always felt like i knew it all. then something flipped when i got into my mid twenties#all of a sudden people started treating me like i knew stuff and was a functioning member of society. meanwhile i’m standing here#with like radio static in my head. i’ve been an adult for 10 years now and i still feel like i’m floundering#but i look at myself in the mirror and i see: dark circles. wrinkles. dry skin. greying hair. horribly chapped lips. matronly body#i mean some of this is just genetic; i’ve had dark circles since i was 15 and my dad went grey at 30#and none of this is actually Bad. (except for the chapped lips). and it’s not that i don’t want to age. i’ve never considered botox#or plastic surgery and i never will. i genuinely want to look my age. i just… i’m having a hard time because during my early to mid twenties#my skin always looked fantastic despite me doing NOTHING with it. i was literally washing it with cold water and then applying moisturiser#that was once a day at MOST. most of the time i didn’t even do this. and mind you my ‘moisturiser’ was a body lotion#i also used to exfoliate with st ives of all things like… can you believe#i’d always get asked for my skincare routine and i’d just be like ‘i just moisturise when it occurs to me 😌’#but now the reckoning has come and i’m 28 and look like i got hit by a bus. haaaaaa#it’s just like. it’s not that i want to look 10 years younger. that would be bizarre. i don’t even really want to get rid of my wrinkles#or all my blemishes. i just want to take better care of my skin so that it doesn’t get inflamed and dry and break out all the time#and water + actual fucking LOTION isn’t cutting it because ya girl is ✨28✨#so i’m going to try cleansing balm; hyaluronic acid; facial moisturiser & spf. i think that seems reasonable#(yes i never wear sunscreen either. feel free to shoot me with a firing squad)#i just hope it works and none of the products make me break out. and also i stick to it#i tried to pick out some gentle products. so let’s just hope for the best i guess. i mean there’s always room to switch things around#personal
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